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'4. -- ..'•- - - - -, - ; - .i '.' -,-....-.'.- .•: ' - : " : ;:. ' 1'. ' '- - ' ' • ,''' t.,1,7•,:-: . •• - AY ..i .....,..,!...' , 41.7 .r., , :-;.. its' . .., , .. _ ' l , - ~ " -,.: , • r . ; ,1 . ' . ... _ _ ~. ' .- -'• • A , .' - r' 7--' , ....,- - i ", .7 . - , :.'-2 I '',- ' -:- .....', ',.-::. .. . ... . ,- _ .- ; : -7 ifill'f , , • - f:' .-1 .' - '.--% / 2 -. - I. .. 1 . ' , '- . '' - ' '- - -- - • . - - ... . . . . . - - .; -, • , , . . 7 `., • - ! I • - - ~, ' .. •-r - • ~ . : • . - • -.•.• • 1.. - ---- • - ... ! : - 1.• --- • •: • - --- -:-•--- - --- , • ~..- •_ . 7 ---'-,.:•.:- -- --'--1.•• . :' ' •- -- -..: --- ,- :-.-''• -.--. - -:.•,, , , - .....,-:-.;-,•,:„.:•,-.....,i„;',.. - : - ,• , ...il ---# , - --4,Li....:7 .-4.:). - •44'3,..t - , , , , .- - 4 , •i--:,, , -,...-......., - 'i.. , ''••- - ..-ii . ... . .. .. .. , . . . ... . ..,. _. . , .4 . .: I , . • .., •' ' • . . . • • ': 1... . . . ' ''. .' '' ' ' • •'" ' • '.- '' :''•- -• .. ' ' • •-' '... `r --,' '' ' - - •'. .... ~..,, ~ . - '7' . - ~' '.;•, -=. - ;' ,: .f . ,7 - .. ,-- ,.4-. ,-- - ,' .1.1.7 . ... 1., 7A ' i . ,*';' , k';'• , ..... ....' ...' Iv .' .':.',. .I-1 . . _ . . 1 : - . • :. • • • ' - - ' . . • .', C , 9 ••. :..., •1 „,.... ; . ., _ ...*.l Ibtar4c Vubtiser, Stitch VoctrA. 1 . For the I)emorrltt. ~ Tribiatc to theiryoutiog Illontnent Musings incited on 'r on the b; i tile ground of ,-:: the Indian Arskacre of WyOming;val. Ii east, watriort Feat, In thy gett4e' t so - blest , .• ' 'With deeds Of fame, and blood .Though ihy'bonen lie cold, • . Yet thy f ame's enrocrd tan the serolii of tho, war-king - god. .! In the told, cold grOuod, They have lain thee down To rest in glory's bpd: • Fond mothers weep, As the angels keep iStriet irigilS round thy bed. Brightia ret twine. O'er the.hallatvY A'm re A wreath, to the wart for brave; Antbm ensVair, Prinz ' there 10 Alrew thy grace Are Oat Fresh flow The low winds moan, In a mo All niglit. end the' r otpne, t...thre; sea.tiid king, : Does th , relinium +ing. Aa morn breaks o'er kho Then tiarrior roct: In RA, 1/ IVIt With der* f,f fame. and I.lnnd ! Though I 1 iv Iptne4 lie c ola, Thy fat6's enrr.ird On the scroll .of the war-liiivr ,„„ • W' F. rt.bloT, 'D Great Bend, Pa Aiscellantints. Fro Tait': ISnan7inn. WIRY N C erDICD herl.bd.caid Cr . ( 1 . 11,- have la pr ttv fratueti in .. • about 4 willt all !thege leep I verify. twlii-ve the It rot. I it those po:ulv snoll4. eathg ; is telliiig i v, if we 'cont.': untitriitatt.,l ', = See, Su hot found Alice golden vand..no treasures of the gray old sea left ; gallantly tangei l and.deliente ,Us about it no him.' - • I Deep in ! the' transparent ,wick's fair Pt . ee shone Olt -2 the mouth.. every :dane - the soft (arils, K'ilS tbrre, t t rei ler Cecil's broad iforelteta and eve= .• M ty looked (Or her almost, started- The to; heavily about, it: tuade Ilan it really was ; the brow the lips coinpreAsed. , Sh e atv had never berm. hers, ,Itut ew before- that :the freshness ad so faded. Peillap: it ,ktts' contrast so, near ;* but ,:;at all FI E her sith, And 'this tittle the 181.1 cell, fur it. wits a si!!rh over .'ett onee--over her vattisitetl I its wasted fancies' and 'dead • 9 seemed to feel no such di r ts. a t- Irnifeh t rrazed nod. smiled eomplaeent \. 7 ss • Mary looked. pool A:ice hart every dimple rci ink light upon 'over her shoul4 bait michievoul own faee, and veil which hun: appear - paler th was contracted knew that heat she -scarcely It, other yobth h. the &wing events, it magi regOt *as, n c;,1 : -what had bc4 youth, with n!1 hopes. Alice . Wactio'n ; but ly,;as well she shall I tell you what I .or ?' iCecil,' . she did come out He nodded. of VOL' Well, it was to beg's favor 'Of mei' . Yes, sir ; of yOu. Men folk are not so plentiful here but that they can 'nuke_ them- 7 selveß very us e ful if.thev will -. I want to go to the Rave-ball next week—will you take me?' : ' . . . . . .. . .. • • . ... ' Why, -wat' a . At-range elinwrip fon would have, child ! You Would only . laugh at me when you got me there' -` 0 lotever :ear ;.1 hall manage on ienn tifully, if you only consent. ' And you . will go too, Wont you !' :she added .turning to Mary. t Ilis:% Sutherland's recent. tilv, and vial a look of :tangy l- axon forg. said, Cecil ha , ance. suiel- what a hare ; fete can't h deep pouruing—t not But you have uvt promised • Ah. to go out in :sti thing of thai let, cou,in:l , . Mary •heail him give the prorni.e. Coldly enough: asshe slimed toward' the Itce - Ne ; yet - wheti sh i 'met, ;hem at tea. il's ?rnile. , .. bad returner!, :and even the '4-out-a not; heti") catebing vlmelbiug of Aliee's fteshnes% of spirit akshi4 datteed about the won't. in kixpee tation of ter first ball. . - . i . . ,;1 • . CITAPylia -XV. , The day riot - without. few resuified her - duties ~regidarly the schoolroom. `'- The: morning was not to pass over Witbout . .amioNatiee. Grennyille pettishly complained of headache, both' chil- Area showing the effects of their. • Imliflay in their restiv:ieuess 'under. restraint and. Mary, whe felt that th3.few - preeions hoots of inter course, with were slipping fast a!wity, showed a ",irno;lideralilelleg; ree of irritation in her manner,- - whiclfiinly-iticreir4til the evil. "Scarcely:Were-the le , sens over ~vben Mice burst into 'the mobs, p .tou(l white.•;iira. ; eery hanging over her arm. 0, •Mi.,s , , *dead, y'clU inust-corrie here and ,iice• loveli-pr I hive: had:- make the mostAivitie dress for-the- ball!! and. Nile played a r ichly emhroidered skirt of, thedeli-• cate,touv•lin of 4iii&que of feathery leaVei and flowers., Beatiriful, in.deed,' ;aid' Marv"' 'with_ 'a • se:wooly audible sigh. . - , Yex: continued' 'the: delighted, Alice; it Must hare cirit. a little-fortim4, and 'be the. admiration of evilryhalv. What a woOld' eh'? 'By 'tile Oocil , thait`weltlid-Ymi Over bear of his engagicd,.. - or .ia• lore. i 1 14.1 left roorn . ., inarn,Ma ;aye her that .h r li 4 sinter ; sent him.over ibis Jre~i pox ag• foir, - 14#1)e ladfi she'bokil. be would -marry; -She: i. a kle -1 / 4 .oieil extim= glary . 1 . 3 4 of tw!fe'her , w l 4i . t. soini.. and When • eari - vitout—in - rapturimig . ternic i 'hire a the 4.7 unitnoin: - she 'fi:)rthwithAniii rt 16irricittial 6lstle f9f bile - at".e.printo, 'se t 4. : over the_ w'eddring attire. - 1.1,ra t her,. pre- . nitoure.", u.az , n't it NUE,' it was . slionlifeltii)e4tly deAire hi* hoer keenly be felt her • IWelk I can liardiy.lielieve it, s)iit warn- . uix'eatvY his voice W;o• quire hr:Oken. when he.. .. t .,d;e of the past.' aria that his hopes tletilcifteevei torw'he realized. Whit could it ht** been 1 1 think rih must have refused Vuu khowlhe haduot WpennE iu those , day*. l • . tiary . stooped over ;the •snowE elou'd .of inib i itlerf and - - euied : - :to trieini out its inarvellot,s, iutrieacie4 but she° er. • . , ' I must ..bel off and",settil for the dre,:s. 'Maker,' - said- Alive,. gathering it up,' aunt thinking, slie,tlid . so; ; ;fizat a stupid, itiani inat (Id good, that 'WaS. left: alone, to settle to her n'srial einployinetin44 ti l er w e r e to • be set in the writing bOoksfor.tliat afternoon began to iiiein(H. pen for thirt looser : hut lear....i.atliered la her eres a anil her She :tour it, •aside awl _Sat clown to think. Who could •it have been of Avtioin ceeir-.Apagtit -here so full, ,tkii t t. he Must send u whisper ,Ifdlis love iii,rosr he sea? 11'as it some fair ereatute who haireaptirated .his fartet un the ilire.hliold of lif e 'and by the itionenea tatier' beauty stia lt ilatea hian to exi:rtton. wlttit lib , pro Were clouded and Ids 'hopes' dashed ;=to. the ground Or w;t it rather, aS . her t. told tier,' no_ 4')Olitr then herself:TVlib:Tr 'he had watt:lied an,; ch e er. • b ' .1,7 k m , 0 I e and' seen in silene .7 i ' C('7l . - aniither ? She retneinhered t . t yki t . ll l cat ll - the gime . rosily of that unite" ;. she . rev:died how warmly- he hail defended Ale ;k Laitretire, when oci.a,iOnally she. Intel eotn lolydined bi.fore liitn'ef ;Owe trilling 'neglect tea Arthur or.to betself, otntl how. half Playfully.. In, hadl . from - ttnieir.o fime on the lasd' fre , l, beanty, until lier .cheeks, had glowed. pleasure. 14 - atiy-rinotiter‘ proof of Lis : generOSir'y, autl,, as it i•eetiTed of his affection.; 'sn her meinory nn.l then' itattie bitter' had it ceased foi ever ? —had c it ;alien. oil' Iron ! her Its unworthy of so pre:. clears 'a gift 1 There .no answer—it , might' litt that he a%•:l•'4rel)elleti,and di• - •gteo6l l't) foe" hot:- - gar ['tom ies.virs. id,.'.41 01wuinati by [ter ftv , :trol.l,' fiettien..! 7 .sin shaking off dust bond her morbid fanCies bad earliel he's,— firs-t istip - les-ion, - . .1 hat liet.wyls ignorant of her j.Still, the fear would Male ifse'S heard. But free:lorn • tie% er;•for'• a tint:sent occulted to she ;fine vt ore on"; tits., two days at last were Site wa., inlctal, soinewli3l pllZZlt•ti l tiVt•r: tin litters. wn s notnentiou of deferring- I kitte insd stau i vit - little suspri,e at her • C e 1....11',. ;lck n oatr e ,i . , ehmigl•d and tl,t'eniletii..!•llo.ition, and :that j The cliihi's fever lind „1)1t,•,1, Awl tiic.,; , ll' more than smite he had i'....s.uallv men:hated i the flitltrisi unissewtei still at her post. Alice's „Meek ; Lau retic;e s In4ilie 'in their couvers3- % ani tv •,> far (Iveroattie her fe-;r-, that -he . 11011. , . . - ...tiled into - the s.icko-.)oni in nil 111 i glories of c .,• • ; . • • tit , , .tie - ftp.-.t,got at, stipposifig her -still to Ik her hall allirc, to eit4lictige Mali's' sub:dia -1 his betrothed. the kttot - it! condition of Ivoup t r tittn. It wit. a re ttx s i : rlis, Th e w d e li, e Litnetice's atlltits,-following upon h e r broth - - j fabric, , 0 fatre tuts. ethereal -looking, *Was tit II " 1-• tl w ill s t , •-: - (•..t . . er :.4. l. LA . 1, ( ... i . ..tl, 4 „est itr -...1.t la .1 thstutal. suited to-the ,;-earcel* matiir t -d figure.; 3114 I exp l al) 4 ; j„ li o f het pc ,.j i i,i i , ; `and - the small roand it, polisted 'a. ivory.werc :ere f;;Set of hi. it , ity that mullein her Ina.- not 'shamed • 1 1Y lts.e.xreding' whitenes• •Afart' \ ens. : e suffi.-ientry: pro al titat he w4s in igne- could not but think gist Ow aro , ping Ai wit: , rat•a•e ot• the tau li. - .6.-;- , and 9 . 0:"..1-11(i, 1114-INee4lit it }4 7,1.1:0.1 7,11111,0.1 , S : a: : ,,,, a , roil ,,,..d.f r d r , .h er krt ii ti o r thought dispiayeti ; hut it -wiq bard to fit:4 a ny fAult lly a i•iy :ri=m the garden, an.l, l ea: ..iity - ri s i ng . • in so (+tr. a'•picttlie. !A".choking Jose io her „ peneik . tk „, ‘itr , 1 „,,,, , Little kh „ tok k k ` e ay.. *throat as she rememl;cred the hist'ary of s . ltat rought lobe ,• bat she corrageousiv itearett, 19 be the. eniiirit,for•Cleeil held him by - ili ' l:ttl w s:it.eitt e d it ; and steadied her voice to taltaile the shoti!der, t4n , l, as-he angrilv . shook hint, M ary i:Ould r „4 4 „-i i : t he worki.. ,_. wh at, ~,ir .t i lke tcry detal, even to the faultless gloves .and the tin-, sails , lipper.— are volt sue 1 7i coward 41,:i to strike your si:4-• , - . .. o .- A , Alice . I._•ft the toorn,Mari•heard another ,ter s •• tsb rats oat ',ill , defence of ler pet, but inis, orlotte on the steps; sobbing out step ad'iiteaellit'g'-r°"*S'ae- would have tied had that G .iutkkie f ind ' strt o t her • liieei and s i te there. been •a :tsiond door . ; but she soon per - shout *, go ati4,ter nanina. , She could not. tt6.ived that the rigifistionOf •her.• visitor x• 11: di-Coot the inii, , e i her disarm], nOr who too great to: ;ter nut er his "observing hers. kind Ire , the ,i,,, or; . h m , die Inke , ed the • , Pet hapt if she had *flown that for an hour past he had: been upon. his knees craving el:it:L i -an. , sing ter fitee,witii2h waNyealiv bruiscd, left her •iiiid - went °rt. Granville strength to sultdueshiynklelf, so far as to gite a.ra„. anal „. 3 „lter by a*Woict Ur shat" no single pang at, that had tisr..an liim.elf on he sobbing witt: excl.i..sivervs.. - sion. - li c for s i sh e 4 last part ing-pet ;taps tishe o c-ouid ha% e knew') , ! ,, ;s i s l •p sic t.. r. : r li gu ir c , et ,6, lg i k to rives , trial, • it, her love would have overleapt the ie , erve Ile threw Isis,iitti. : arins nbott her utatk, and, ;of her womanhood, !and she would have With some dill's:pity she learned -that Char- I thr o wn herself at his feet before it was tots ,lotte hail irritated-him lay calling Mary mines t late. But, a strong inkinct heirs - her back. ' Ali ! Miss- Nl:try . he said. in a forced and finally Iy-trampling. d o wn a .missula r o s e tree. whose" one bud had been' dedicated to l uheerf9lness..• i .need lne;ter talk. again of Mary from the time it appeared,:ind wateted courage ; I have thought • over this parting day . after daY• with - the , - gteap e „t „ tire . The like the veriest eow itr4l7'—his tithe • broke hire ,t , :uli'versistoi at lir,t; that he had only Blown;Blown; 'l4 nwft4 iLe :"ide4, at—last—will volt re './""rie'llY : ' !-did. riot Isis. sister l riodst ;•astil even when 11:7,• V'. mean to ass; you. o f•entie, rea.oning had . convint!*;ti ' hitt' 4 iii, i tin•lnher. ine, Niltry,--Lm ill you think of me s aa lr, I s iA indignation at Cecil's plitishmesit stalletiines ? • Even the deati would fain h 7,. utiforgotiem astir I shall he ain.ing the .lead fat ling : t ione . en bins knew no isomok. • . . • ~. ,• i , , /a - 2 'f or you. My ‘,.., 1 ! mai have I brought h e r ._ Mari' . retn'embeted with self-reproach* that rear", I' . N . E:;rt . h-lt 1 iln take her lcsial -finl it was 'probably 'her 'own irritaililitv dutfisg, . '. - '.• , • 'l I - ' a .'" e : ; eo%er itwait kisses,; ,then it wq• , 'ann•''ditsin schisol-houra thaumorning Which ' had gives' slim , ~.. ~.,. , e „,` -, rattier 111:111 . 011iir.el.i: . She -looked' trs ri-e to • all this awl t- teelitog, by exciting • d k , „ . . I ' ... CluirlOt•e's Idislike ; so, after dealing vest' an A - "1 35 . g '"," .. .L' 'i s i tig y .e tvord I tit" s hi t: Ilan' not, .titieteri a ritritriti-Wil II! the °trend...v.., and e til,h•t.ing•- - • •-• ' t Not a ttroin;sc of -einembsance—snot-s• w rs.c.,oneiliatirat, sl - e sought ' .Ceail to explain , t , ''. , • - ~,• ' : , 1 •-•,', l . hk ' i.h T i ' .. ( ; . , in g ilititur i o. or iii the 1 . lose with, Yilial was her own 4hare orti n . bl a m e . , ~ i . ‘ I ne,,,,i not ti von, ,mi......, Ni3r.v ., , , lic. . ... :li,l heart was lire:ski ; ttz. vete beta;! the.cto-ringe %. lies . ds ' , di my of, the court, ••;lIVI ft:II Gren• kindly, when lie histi heard her." • that self vire s shit:ming Ilttle figure neole stp to ho: essturnand il, aloolo elvi necessary before we . . .1 8, - lit a !li s p ere.i in lie! ear, • Don't cly dear: can-eonstinitid oilter,s.'- i . I r Sii...rou , ..ii •11(4 , elf• to:- replace hit . 'F:ItO 4 IIi/strltalW haaty.ls-lahe interrupted - ' • ' - '. l -I - I , t n- th I T' i . 1 ' • witli a few tetaleravoi....B ; hilla then, ..3S -' l le ' an:? irave,tiacipinatand.' - : w4ielts.:l him .fitll asleep, she remetisttered • Nis y,' lie raid,_ t after one ylctori Over ' self, a second is Corn - p-slitivelY easy. •I have t ' rr :::'' r ; u i l : 4 l *-: ' ' ''` v ' t in. m he i ., r; i , hi t s ; t rii tri ' i ' l l a ' i P i rn i t :„ .B ',... „ ' iv ii e ' l l ' i .; seen ytAt aellieve one, andit ;eat! me a lesson 1 55 i . e . r„ a rS7 'i vs-s; . h e is a l i it ?le - Tine - 1 - 1;w, to check the; I can n,Aver I . t)rge,,t in: that turpit beautiful 7 ‘4:111711111 7 `f ,, t If her ‘.. gill', and turn her thoughts hook of iiiitu,re•-- - .womatikind; • , . • .- •4, / oven then.. t( 7,}:e waltts and weaknesi of o tn" - ' 4l4ll • m ni " e r ! cki ": l l l ,'! l . l t e ' i l i !•-: le ' s r ti . " :, `;Y ie es ii : . L: eir ti l , : rv ' t e h ' e olii ers. .Site lind.• slept .4 . the boys side since —when I s i s illh e ss,,but., to-night, was to return to. times-11:e sasi,";Yet happy ui." times— i . her sis,s;ti.v.ium ; and to-right., to meet NItN. ice were 10Lcel,-her last, • You are not made in Ilardwick, ' , or, indeed; any one, until she was that, strons;er,liiirder meuld, -4- which You. more calm ; she latstily, arranged the sick spoke the other night; yet', when I u':i !it:lit:lA!. room anctst °le down ;todied. The pop tilight -- you 'through all that stifferinu•—' how . lei ' 1 !•-• reste.l full niam ter window, you:can ri..ver.know—l ,Saav • onlv the . must ' • % - and s '' awed her p er r ec t furgetfuluesa .of self, and mastery over • ft ,!:: n ":e k ,:, e 1 11, Y . :: 1 1 ;': be , a ru i c t e i i t n ' st i ‘. n . c A t i v r e .a ly rt; : n a g •t r : t f e r it:, '!-. I • • ' .. crossed - the" room ; a.i.l so it avast - A swill 4kt-tidl of ' lidolts, atease of Eastern" work mais-ltip, curiously thisigned tot old A nutn tter''... Volumes in anlapparentli small space. shpsit'salthat . the donpi• lthd well Understood' lasi - lift:4)gs. Yet "slits:inrnet with a sla tise ,,. of heart from the . delittately arved chony,and -,ht eltassfe;binding o' some of her especial flivswites.: until adetttir caught her eve. To • ... e lp and. open it vra4,' thew ark ol isti instant; , litt..lter bo a t . terw swelled. ni l ) so; fast. that Flit: 111-1/) Ifitti4 before She Covet read a line. - - It' p yes! in he I s ar a feta . q..ir(l.;•entreating• her by the isteitiOr, of etn . I tbs.,- faith ' l o vas! t o up . 7 li' • • f _ l , r. i ., , , I , , I , t.ill'tt) 'aMTT :u n to'* )r,stnr.r; T eTei: tit stegne•ks OS;;,Eirroist:itlie'tllnitildrever'rieett •*'• a frietai::- . . %chi l li ) ili s k i osvisr wa l csi hisaksnote for 'titan-- died postrnis,:ivWell-kOtit Oita book.; he left. tier in. Aritur's tiattie ; sterl..conelttled by raising that, if there - , }vas ani , " passibility 4 be! (lesi'ritirg - iris pre nee in Etibtrid at. *semi, Vititre time they. hull not parted forever.* • Mary -ivies :apittlseil try - his' we -.l31;' 'end, theitglt 'ite'rifinit,hijait'lriia'nehiag,Ait• laid (lath,vitli i siv - ieffiiriii thaf, , pitittiA''akihoi iiire; Ma prntek . ing lisvre vroilltt t AlOw her KILL. 8110 thought, iiiit "sletir irentizi 1 mirely i . . ' It is nnasv• - cietory :where we said Wish la , touchiug expre.ision in the depths her goft eye.. - • one of ybpr in.ol4r,ts, ana vour lovinz tutturgi; eiery stet' p toward the right is eat};' he answerej; with ernotion ; yon can litt le guess rtt. what _cost, the vietury orei- se' gattwed by"; such as 1. • • Mari, IVO . np voice to itnswer ; but its. she pondered 'ttlmie over his wont', it" struck her . for the tit-4 tittle that he be 'in 4r.tnn. ranee of the . rnpitire Of her eteragi•utent."--'-- 6) 1 1111 havki : ll)int . fr. Mit• ishoni lie , had - de.pi.e.l. or • even, eesiee,l to lover a:kL4 -iti'WOUld'he h am :- tiilkti of'` wattit: end ,Vinri: ituitinUig "its blebs one' so hinely its I—with,' but a single anelnoi in the wide World for all me wenlllt °neve 1 : `- . Atigi 'lig- la 4 clntne and:kttow that- truty tti lint grive.,iit.4ditte 'and hearloctricken.--or shell II tell ItitnD4'•lol 'him for hig °Wu; )f he irtll r blushed deeitlT, strd . forgeitik,iltere wasfno' - ete oar, buriell . hfr faee . in ter hayul.; but front - a -* Omn' et' Tit Witedter. 4 - frecb,. whit:* miribt 9 - A,,.VRa.LY:4,OI3RNAt-I:,J•..tV'Qt,E ,To:;.VOI:3ITICSS:I,T7'4,::7I7*T:URF,,:. , 'he ettlig.l.. , ,ein.it died could . . not.• ' It .1 would he ii - or,e -than. all,' Ate'thought, •- if ,he - thO't me bold a nd" forwar;i. . No ;•'.,1 . rutin leave it until the right !no:tient comes, and if it-be Cti , d's will that we tart; as it•seetts we shall, I. Must bear it its he - would have, me, could lie know all., . i .. • Mary's Imo foi?Mtii. nanliVick's little .ion was sOon,put to a tdst, and a :severe ,one:l:43r suircring.froinlhendaehe for some days, he was, seized with lever ; and. though it' quickly ,prodleed 4.l4lirium, he never lust his • - I von , cionstiess of lteripresatieth.- ,lle would not accept even his, tuOt)ter's , in ,its., - stead, nor Would he. bear Cetiii entranee into.the room wl how- evineitig:So - hnuelireivitetnent as to f oi lid a repoilion or the att e mpt. With his, hurtling, hand in M4 -y'. he lay day after day and when she nimist4ned. his Op.:, or renewed •the•cooling application to fik head, he never 'failed to acknowledde it; if it was only by Ihe gratefttl i duok in hi, Dyes—those ey e s so lik e _t.',eil's. Titus, in dieing few ,days,- - so inez ‘n•essibly nteeiotts to one at least, MAry and Cecil were (Ifectualty separated, and the time tor parting, drew ne;ir ;• for lie was to join his Adtip,. Whiatt lay off. Faileigh. iintne.liiitelY idle' the bail ; and ilkt• was only two days OE The time pas-eil shre.ly-1:ow 'slowlv to Mary no -one gue—e,l. • She lis' httie of Al ive, exc.l4 14: nil( di,:ane9tl for the utmost she oid was to (la - liltbe door . nog,' and then. ant with ter.handk4relnet. 'oVer • her pretty -111,-rvili, to ask ttervotisly if the fever les•enei. I'i windOw of:Grenville',s room, houu% er' 1..611:!nam1e.(1 the garden ; and there she often wUtcluid her walking with Cecil, or rechtiitig liv his side ;,and soiofily rounded was..oe,v oat me o. the figure. i itlint it Would butte been a" stub of griteu and freshness, bad nut a c • et •t a i n con-ciousnes.4, and striving lot etreot ; inarrtd an. The•strin urn Mary'N miii.it , jn.,st then'was very gfrat, and soonft'ont-syven d, that sight.wa. moue Ith::n 'Oaf could bor.— The gni wnq o .fair+wat if -in his loatiii tie's Cet-il should tort] t her I Ilow e,:uld li p she bear to, knowtll4.4,e had taken to his bosom that Imilow, trifling heart: on whi:di his•ewild no more ie4n than *could an oak upon a stripling ash.!: And straightway pear Alice's tamps; her eg,nt.istn, her coldness, and her van;:y,were inagilified..uniil Mary .:darted `aitrest, Gntittp,Venn'a, nrsban 4 ' Ctriting, Nardi - 13, 1&511. never anne that !light :. but slter;, forg , t that she was yet yoting, a n -1.1t4 the last ft 4 dayilonl been inhxpemSibly . ica4'.ltviug , b o th to lode and mina. She preAseril . the fetter to h e r 11 ; e. and retracvlin Inemvili-, , 4 nll her in- . le:bourse through joy and sOrrow with the writer; but the'moon :welt) shone- - upon her sleeping face, and .though it i was pale . and' blisterett.with 'team it sei•medto - rest - ,there fondly,ns on somethit.g h01j , .. la het dreams she saw Cecil again, and herself, norAliee; white-robed and smiling by, lily side. - The moon-beams rolled away, and' f( cloud dark -1 etted the easement': but she - slept on. Then the earringe-Wheels woke the eehoes of the night, and flu. ot-feW 'short !twits the mime' mid' was to shelter lte'rand him she loved. - Sill i.h e Slept"; and •the sounds died; away, and t.iletwe reigned again, sate • .tit at the . wind a nd . . the sea an , wered each 'loi her - with': a mournft'. and • Iropitetie wail ng. . Rut the sleeper slept on. 1 . 41, ! why does she start so!,wildly, and what glow that upon her fae upon the ! hel rtnd upon I! . ! e' tali, ttp4')U her liplified lialnk.l Yes l and e..en upon! the broad W. 3-• le i s it cast .Nit!hue of stth r • i rise islet, but tiereeaudflickOtOgostltottgli it wero the blorray shadow- ofi sortie huge ! • ton.r ^ oe up the red waters. • • \Vith a cry of horror,' sprang to her feet, and threw open the witidow. nit - se , o f :Tnolie .rolled past; it:n.l as they cleared away, there, upon die cliff, upon - the . \ring: of the frighted every Where wet:, that onentrthly glare. A:4; the truth dashed on her, aud - she Wrung her hands 7 111 der pail. the selrmit the fire-hell trounde-1 from the alel she heard dis iinedy the shouts for help, aid the dr,tggittg dtwa of clievs: and furniture. from other parts of the Sl!e ti as rtlj.Sae , tlieu, fait' of :he re ell of it'd, in the I tower—mite. ‘‘;01-ilti ever dale •.O. rescue lite pp t gov't•rness. Bat-Grenville, the 'child I Srie. ru:hed Ito `the door; the, ar was sulfortat,rag, the - hot planks - .e.cetelierl. her feet ; it was ton. pl a in that thuecc pan:al wound, an 1 cot It them of from the hope of.snc.'ht. Stiff! would trt,- to save Lim. With it strengt It-the II ne v er ril ea n i rt of of posse-sing,-'-1- seized:the sleeping act; ',ore him doWn the seorolt-I iier scans, titatonseioUs of his 'Weight. CJite .4:tu07.1! front Id 4 Window laid told her The-Gratoga we: names, and, andfr4 amid the" gliatuing• Jirets of thy: tretrdding, tigurett.l • n teec s hi n i ng li%id with: le; ror. even! through that heat. The Icy had leant; wittd fiercely in- tho;:e r f e w•s ! l - m .i d • f or, : h e again pas:Tl.6e door wruyt itarrea m em! in so fatalk, a :tdder • glow ih r on r ibl th e i r• rolling pat rls, lit d .ftesh sitentius of smoke piittrerl in. be closedl:her own door,: and bore theterrifiod child to idle window her she could col cr:triton : uoulill not. lti/Cf! pr;IS. UZI 101.41 been! sad enou : rh ;! but was it to eta!' thiSistifie:ing• Iter.l ror, this sootching,agotty 1 With _ Grenville in !lei' 'trim, :,isle- reazed to and fr.; ;ii pite-I o n: Tice erriling upon his mot ber = she tipOnl God and Ceeil. She looked 13,rate there des pondinglv, front tire wirolov,!4nit the — dizzy! hei! , llL nioe her recoil. and Isliudder even then. was ho hope, ; and , ag,:tin, in her agonr.C-ecirsAianie brokelend er, tom her Was ? or watt . it -sl m. indcking demon that, amid tltt cra , hingoiinther and &Wing ibell ; atiswer e d with wiirds or hove The'.dOpr httr.:;t 015 , 41 Ye..scOrelted and Llackenedlas he was,* it was he<2l- 7 -they, would tivicr he parted buf p csa togvlber through t hat choking tirel She clung io his ft4ti, she covet e d ;hem with her kise-, and ite,l:lteard her . pati ,sionate wt)rds.of love. Itaek!..to the win.lowt through .the hot kind &likened air; he lore her and the and a.: his. strong. arini , eticitcled hetr, he whispered that ,evelt death might c,.;onte now, - since he. had lived to heat those wtirds.. But the. litin , Vjof death was nni, destined to come in that fier'y guise, A hemL let shone in iit the window • the child , wti; ht;ed tip, and grutE v . oice.-demanded c the vreunan, for God's sake !' But Cecil :would not give her up. Down the tottering ladder, in those protecting. firms. itejinot fragile treasure ; and hi: fret tonehed the w(;;14-..ine earth, when, when with a Tear ft:l'crar,.ll the roof . fe'll in. the flltne.• "were for II ..mothered, and n shpoking„ blaekened ruin thatireniniced of Far;-; leighGrange. Gpte.:s the rift.•• : Cot& The Ereniiii Ballei in inn; ilpe following in ;*- regard' to col , l ‘slllterp: for the . last 60 1, - aral: • 1 797: FroM the year 1790 until 1797. the therinotnetor had not. reariped zero, dtir- L! ing the ntth . January - On Philadelphia. In .linitiary 1797 the tnereni . y on two morn -1 ‘‘''..l . 3 - .5 de.Trees below zero at Alle - i)ertnn:' non. Bridge. On the 9th 'lt.erot doWn to 13 , gr..es below, and upon the two 'spptp:eppn..Ht ; Motatitima it Was!O beloW•iero. ; 1 7 1eigha attached, were drlsi.en.ttron the tee ott the I).elaware from Trenton to Philadelphia. 1799. This' year the Pelaware wa. t•losed 1;1' ke from thf 22.1 of :January until 'past the atitlitk. or March. .-. 1861 ' This'wititer, which ioq but tittle rf its-severity before the.2;,ollt March,. wir re m-A:4,le t o r` tht.2extent Of its snoWs; Whieb fell as tar south •ts Nev Odell', • 1 _: • 1805. - hi Pliiiadeljohii - the rpereurY did , .. i i but not sink lower than 5 oe , -rees aoore'zero, -,, at Albany, Syracuse and 13 , 111:ilo, the liner cuty •went down-IS-Ur as from .15 to - 20,4- greys below . zero; ii ... . 1.1 . ,- •: : Hilo- Though not st. severe winter in A; inerica, the . .told was duiiini this nfOtith'in7 l ten - sein EirOpe. At 14foile . OW the tnet!cutH. •Aii I) k 404kv:: fielow zero atni froz e . ! _ I 1815.. .On'one morning the ruerettry won. , 7 b e low zero; nu another' anit on twOkith. ers3. • This winter wns remarkable for:the hot:Aisle miialition of the roa(l4 . and 'pg. - . • - sUfrering among the 1),;',1 1 .-., ' "-1821.: 'This. was the enhiesi Jaiinartr . Siti+. ,11.80, i n: the 11. S. • -On nine niorningsvio - ,- • . • . . . sunrise, the metettry wastelow . zero in 131 ) 11r. .. . oulelphia. - , On . tWo inernincis . it wits 10 ti . F,. 'lcAv ler . At Brun iWi4, - * Me i . ' the mercury ' beiimite iff in the bulia, .J .: . • -.-- : . .1. [ .. t .'•.- IT 1828: The ;satisfy . pf thin year yea: re. markshly miltl,:the Di•laW' t a being thrtiuth 1 . tioet . eittiitisiylrtii‘ "kali 14t" i : - *AIM" II 610/1 • ' ' qicuant Moa t AM) UouuTT. .heing..i.ei.n-lbrough ,the. month. On [ d days the,inereury irnn up to•Tp in the , , ! ,vi,iit, . early shivhbery and trec.4.,- put . theirtuds: .. .: ; . - - . ..I . ' '' : 12. On three, tnotnings the ;mercury f i rom 4 to 6 belt), ze;re. • '35: On several mornings- the.mereury liicdeiplsia wis (mai ,2 to 4 deg. below lAt Albany, - on the Oth,Jan.it stood below. 6. Dtiri rig i Itnot storm on the 174 1 T s, Om pfJ)M.,- nearly 1 three .F6O ; of . lngw . At one time ti ere ':Avas,good sleighing the - Ohio river to_tiMl Bay of Fundy. . . nd ' 11. 60111 18 1 ; 43. A. remarkable !mild -and • plemant in Philadelphia, though intensely ator ind cold even in yieinitv, and ly toward the nortb.' At Montreal and. iec the inereurx sunk. 36 zern., Quei' • .1 95 . . • But very_ few ,lin4tauces occurred in fi tbe.tuertury below the frettiing 52. On the 2311i.:0rden..1852, the finer= zeio. ; .r.he.3nOt it IclOwn to zerozero - since; •in Jantiaty, until e .Dying Boy and, the Inolets. llittlo siifferer - lar in dreamy ud the beams ahoy e his. !tend and on v. side were_blevk-nel fat I. His.ehee.k . I`' - eitrlet . with 'Ver, 'add 11:e it era! ilea qe fat;hed in the'idim lof the.e , ;tning evet4riz • iiki3 a di:ln-rind gloomy bed otiinthervite. Sot ethin;s rti:e chuld tliat deatti wits 1)11sy • !..; It rpialit have 11een•aniiiNoi, !wither in liaudsiirouild tte despised • 1.,1 p , i poverly. lothor,' lie wiii.p4pki, I.nl a pftl,l. bent inn knelt beside hits, ` i 5 theiv.oneblown old r the twentieth titne' the sickly woman it tote tiny box . of.viole.t , ;, nad the blood e 4 to her face as she . beheld one drooping, but ktst berzintiing to unfold. , cairied it to the clitid. almost. an infant, a sweet smile lighted up his innocent btril - mitfed by !those spit its that rcpt :.uot thelr ISlie 6rst e , tate, But' if we retire from temptation RIPJ , 1 We -deny ourselves the schOolingi which God ' Pitt it' down, inothdr, where 1 can Tool;. . . app.:tinted foy`Ouj better teaching, and Solar features.. . , i until I die: . . 1 ~. • -, f l oi,:i atOidiag the temptation Ili evil, we in-' 1, - itli'it mild- sob the poor t . wido , ,v placed creme it ten-fold. For there is - no such good iton his pillowl..aw4 unittitei! 104 g'i"sY- fileral to Viitue as that ustiful Weariness which. 4 . etigedy as'tliev Watched the lower, . . . - 1 iravetli nt - ititne. fur a . selfi-h corYitltiou over lira pattsetl—iiie brow f . 2 ;rew whiter, the . z... . , '' l :..r:i site elaVeil %vete .m Vie' - clammy, the l the nicaus) ; of gratifying the: 'atiimul nature',_ lid lips that had s.O ;often c:illeii her incttli-1 yea, he 'who. in his dailycliarge, be 'it - what . k e it , purple, fa;litig'l into a , blui,h white - . I.thay,hathtalten no undue advanfage, nor i re nr l Lo t s, aw though the failing . v t ) i" I- oppressed ftnv,. if 'rich ;---who haat serVedi !,tigh=tl fa- titigranc.- . She pliii.led; Let ear I; truly., slid in no way defrauded In l er - nploe- , ie.to lii, little . face; j aud heard ilia' titter 411 „ t h. : . .. • , •• . . lers, either liy negligence or by:dishone4y; f 'litf . of.l live, •motliett—take: - good care of 1 poor ;-and who . hath-liied in hrisuan love violets.! . - I 2 • ..: . .. I and atil:ty'with all his fedlow-tneti, whetlio . r after the - rough pine. coTin was .earried i, conrected ' wit Isttv blood-or otherwl4,=-111a.th - v and covered with the nuitild; while :her I '' ' ''• ' - - - ; - . • nr p t)m td well for another' world albeit "hiS :II fingeis were nertrouSly stitehing on the I 1 -, • .. prayers may have been-short, arid lus tithe Icaiii . fur garment, that tnather could seel isiou of her early huried child, in :he purel atitiviv employed; eveti _to. his . dyiri ,, day, to robes cf heaven! bending over the box 1 - -, , T.t. is not for par speaking'. that ,- wit - Shall. . :. 1 ° t 'iviett. - be heard'-. 3and the , brief -hut, earnest aspim,. 1 .. 1 tron of ti:owatt toWard -God which a vise i and gOot,lman doth use to sanctify the . busi l' 116 SS of the day irithal, while pursuing the ay- . ucations of this world, !lath in it,more of the vitality of ,religion;-- than the 4w:idling . meditations of who maketh prapir the , . . tatject of,his lift;, ratlter t han- . the 'means . of loading that life aright.' We pray for aid to atid 4trti Clu J diq WO; In 21 V n - 511 , eking illturtlesHlß.. IS: brutality. ... Sur city-ori , Titursclay was - sheeked by . one of the tnip.t outrageou!s acts of murder,. ever t wi: i nessed ; in open tear y in a. civilized and pe: ce , i ltd comintinity. Yesterday , was the da of our city election; and at the 4th MANI polls, at half PB,4t eleven o' clock . in thmorning, Wm. Miller stabbed'. an , Irish manel named T ,orriiisj Powers, iiithe tight aid .•(if • tlie - alalonuci4. .; w hi c h cause d hi s death_ it, 'hint 25 4430.tuitintes. . Miller - r WWI the Kr ow Nothing citudidate for Marshall, and wille we do net ,pre , fend•to.held ail the in-. divlidual-inembers . of the party - responsibly for the..dieadful deed, yet. the glaring fact ill, tit was the indirect' - result of - the dark, secret; bigoted Know Nothing conspiracies st be; hell up to. the 'gaze of outraged it mity.. This Is - filleriisa notorious character. has been an cleciion bully for the last. y ears , a l wa y s at . tieling the ixdls with a 1 ; or some such. Weapon, and it has beenlt he 1,11.1 scoured thp• woods of Knox Clotinr. in the d'arkress of the night, ark initiated re Know. Nothings, and been mote'effici 'generally in, VarIOUS iglyin; of the secret in than ar.v•other:inan in the county. Ile r _ a, dele, , ate -frOin • this county to, the inceton K. N.. convention the other day, A . iii:iive in the priiietedirek and- we li e li e v t i, 1 -.• i s app,..intetl . a tneinber of the IliStrict 'mut , . , . i . tral.ooinanttee. ; lle . WAS ilwn nominated nctishall of the city by that model purity . ly, trod the vcOig . Inel not. mitre -tliiii' lv got undet wik before . he violently, and the niot.t unprovoksd manner', assaulted a iceful, unarmed. itlnoll'ending liislim.an,and 1., tam tinWarned.ilnto eternity . .-.Ashe "decd. IS done wit h . n• picket, knife, with blade. Bart 3 . 1.2 inches I,6tig, and under . the fol hint:- circtonstatictis : . ' )Miller 'was s:aniling at the polls when . , - wet; came !1 in ,:company with another i n whoAdlered, t.WVote; but who was chat-. I Lied by*Miller; mid darinehe pallet' on ;iffinati's vote, .I.Mil ler t urtt4l timed to "Pow, . 'and. said--=' Mere is another one "of them Inc, here to vete.o9l: you tried to vote. it' 0 first ::Ward . and was refrOwd., to 'which Avers replied. . that. it ivt4 a. &--- 7 -d lie . .--- Wet.. repeated the, eharge.; - rowers' then Bled him a ti--;11-4--d liar, and -Miller Ibti thrust the knife into. him._ Miller ;left In few -mintues, crossed the Weibull river the ice, hired a sleigh on the, other . side, ul the next.: tnarui ig, we ,harlerthind, - was lit in : Lawrenceville, Ills. Ile' was .. pursited Ithe-finviofleaviaz for about four . toile., it Milling it impossible to overtae' - him,the 'ri 3 -- mut ned , . . . 1 : ~. - ~... ~ , .. . . . here we hare the!eadsthe fruits,--ef.that 1 ritleatioe of Ortities that . we are. ,promiSed i..tlie . people. Thisilis - the candidate- brought it by - the. ternporaiice party ' ; this is the van . , ... . i4atelironglit outilby the : party that . takes 'ii;ll elks lief pal na in . 01: its, - teeittia.S to- eS: , , , It: that it tie : lievea[thiire. is a Gio ; `this _fie{ , . /6 vindidese Or t.lo‘..feirty, that; takes -minis= :is or tile Gespetinto . its . folds. and swear: . '' I iern to *ate fiir Mowlerere.wheartotuntated; Os is the.canillatti l 6 of the, party ttritt was to 4rify the - ballot=tiox,hy-mieuting the, virtuous iicitnee; 'and ,:by 14iiiieg'.ilot ille:To14: liiiti o'aapgui4;,Ous*:tliq: Ondiclate(if, th e , 4:ity, I that , swioul'Ahat' 6 './viitiiitpow , ~,liall ile.A:meric4l. • ''..Cl4. ASneri , po, I::befra vont there I' - BeliMd the ittlitHxtliola,tl4.tatta . ;. 1...., . — - ... ~..„. . ly. rut no Omit IMlSUlittleD to , ac t :alsosev . .1 su tis tV 1 :p4liti . cal.triiikery—hehold-the man they rend-', otit °yet- the:-land it:oh-dead arid • darknis of 'night:lb 'Swear yen to lave- - - your :equntryl Bei;l4 thellarty.who mita take care of-your rights,,and welch : -oven the„peace .:_of •-yOur homes.. :geltold them-baptise,tleir.chief ru lers,in.blo4A, and " rule Atneride bl - • the., isl sassin's knife.' . - • .--- We:do not itietepd . thot all- *the :thenalieni: •of the: party'' ganoion , sUch.`wickedniSa ; . .-.'fat. from it I bot.it.seems:,to u+ .that - inanr-, who have not heretofore seen the ruinous influence and results_:of t4e.telfolfigi" 'of.icowi , soth , ing order ' w.ilLitt...last . haye their 'evea . open. : A. to tliemurderer iiiin . Self, We lea ye:lda! to theoperation of the' la w - s of 114 ' . .country; I with: the hope that - he-may he ti3tile . to . aii.,.. I swer the deMands of justice and nay tbo.iten. .lalty he owes t aOutraged' societY: imt:noth ' leg .inure.: I:Let hint be taken if possilde;..-ac 1- -- . cording tolirw, raid . be'. tried according . to maw. ' lie has wilfully shed 'the blood -of his 1. fellow mani.withOut -cause, and : taken that ' 1 life which . be cannot give, - taut , let the , sett ! tence of lil l e law be his con;lemaatien.--Vin celtnee.(lne,.) Courep/t. ~ • '... : -, . . . , . 44 ./14111 . Ttetire front Erestn6ss and Prepare. fOr Another Worid.“ Who. is there who -bath not heard some honest,p - vins-taking men uttering sane such eaying as this, when old . a s ge.is coming: ;on t Yet, well meant as this may-be, :Md plausa; hie as iy May'l sound .to the unthinking, know no. 4r_reater, though - alas; no more. com - inon error than this notion,. that the cern snou ,engageMents of-.thin world are a hin drance of Or preperalion for tie next for I do surely believe,. andl think I have the war-` rapt of scripture ,and reason therefore, that we were sent into this ofoliationary state to , the-end 'that our sonls,rni.;;lft iearn -experience- ne4lol2g the ‘ . tliverse eirimm:tancit.3' of attire_ life," so rt,tor . know gofitl from evil, find . never to hnzzartt hti • fulling frOtii . glory Ashen cvnee -atutine,d, by any such mistake a wa3 corn perform our duties ; hut to use Many pray eta and : perform few. duties, is but a niCeltery : antra folly ; for man thus distinguiiheth to his own tenscienee eowaroiee and 'ludo. knee.: ‘DoulitleSs there is a time when in 7 creastna• infirmity elay make $ man shrink 6om this fatigue of 'business, and is not . at all to be . ..;:onsiderei RR the &malts of iniproi-: ing . the:heahh of the soul. therefore.; -of seeking .a discharge from all• duty, al: the taians'-of improving the soul, whose true life is' the . fulfilment of duty, -we gliottl I endeavor rather, as age . ap proachesorut out tor ourselveS.oceupatiOn sufficieutilir the diminieihett p ower: . of the • body, such as shall trite toomffor exercise of that concern for otherß; and eariessness .of self, which form the best grac'e, of 'youth,. and ivltieh may still hover, like' R .- bright halo round the head of age, waking grey hairs and givingearnest,'evetrin this fife of -what Will .be the society of ` - just'inen. made perfect; in die Expositing of Vat . gar Error*, by : Pumas. Broien .11ditiivits; pabliehed, by W. Pickering-. London. . VT' Nesv clothes, are great ' pronPiteA of piety. 1, new bonnet or a new drelS dam: a girl to go to ehnroh -at least fwie:3 on &it'd-ay when she did not go owe before-she. frot it.. • o . .• A:;. Irishman in tim , r of revival had joined the ohur. h . Some tintafterelird a . pioasly inclined person Was exhorting No, on the stib jpot ofxt4,eion, when Padtly lq , l4nantly RUS-, wared : •C. " &re an' did nit jine the' • Meth odi sts Fail An' ji nei for x ) 11 , 1 n jig; and liehaveinyself ao- well -they - let ntn otl. wilt three" 2 • . . Fou,ever grp to seal' I . guese M yiar for instange..l went to ices n rod-haaded gal, but I only OW ed otive.!' • , Whr Pot' t‘.Boctanco her. brother had an finpleasan habit of throwing boot jack; and "scnoe'thinr , irons' at tuirqe. • A down esvt, skiiipei`Avith a' boy was try ing. o to na go se, Am at I- ahiop. when the•-,Jtuts ter of a Li.ve!poor_paeliet, who had been dodging , oat of their, 'way, ,inceuted at their awkwardrtesiN erivto - Ot ; Whiit 4,100 p is, thAt 1! • "The :Sally, from Maines" responded the intTaPid 4 !Vh3 couliii;tncliiii 4 r the ' an ertoo to; but'rtitiow she* much for rititr.-m‘i=c, , To Ask cotorsloes i 42410 doggig% thaw, bo? t $ lll It A E=ROMEIIMEM - • - - - MMM tailifica;;Sitlijarlad EMMIMMIIM= ONE' _ . rl . oareSPIT.OIIEIL , a4Ott lek MU/ 4 - one- of t eiil'oli 'the thinsit '!"*4PulAs bar- miti:‘,l4l4F Ibmkel's. — e ol 444 l 4'l l / 6- ifterib) ol • i ° ll. Atzieut,rup to , ..voalipag,4 o1 Rj i,ttn,AiP o ;ban it IroultLiakidor spßasquebesata raft to 4 . ,;‘) over *liiagra 'igiest..speeeltao rah* aulater Fur the saki iif posterity Ivo sly e 40 - extract - " Firm* Ctrualcil=-ArOtt"inig :; , 011q:tiiOry op the AtiSnqe s ,coo • 4:ivIAL, iro9in iirssi, ia;:itiiinp finis u l lder , nty ‘efit ,y, ay , Illw'tliati:ai 't. giiu IQ3I Jeci' this 1164 1 'l4 • lipOitent .430A 4 r 4. 11 -'niit'it sniff Why am_ a hull team wit.,h Anhjatik4etael4e, the vrag4l) anki tar bucket- -I ; ain ) bodohs3 side of: Whir tlf:af ; t,lirter the earth W4' kin 61 14 * -111 410 16 lhow'l►imself-4 .readv. Boys ":/gfril . ,l* -the, American nagie— r elaws,:atars 4 ,oooaatid, A, and may . 1 bust my ; everlastl.ni button Bole';ef:T don t knock dayn, , diag-:mit,'and gollg;),evaryboas denies i:. WssitiNG iWitme•tva..--A - arriektpan fFt of the-Arne.iiein4l . 44' 4 ' - treiliciristitives ,the 4fol. lowing improve 4 WO:, Ot r ilralgiliailiOndows which although - not- 2 ,aliogether, trawl' to till, .- . may be valuable Itt!nrstifil•ever- 3 teaders :-;-- . i I - liare a - gtqat iverstotr .io -- seonying kniv e :;, and: never tonal liriek4ustif... - 1,-stall' - heap.it ; but iftheie - brighlicia - dtp., :: 0 4 on . rite; I prefer to tub. ther-Ohree- times - •ii• 'liair', rattier than onij fur it. ls•lesslibpii, 40 ' °they • last longer. - .., ‘-' ,_ '-\ -` =.".:.- - The nicest nitiole: for wi_stritr, iiipliowei la ~ ~ . _ tieer 7 %kin, as no partitheseetne - ofrto - )tdbere . to the glass; and:Make itiook - aizr•if = wished - lu ilb feathers, There - iR 'lln ite4 of anything IPi rker then u, hand basin 1.. 'for '') . vssliint''', arid dowse - The gr e at i‘jAlighink ieme _people maize in theeFeroise of their arts' is ,eatirely ,'uieleas aad is moreover, deleterious. : • - • ' I Wash: leatherand 'a - bowl ot, suds are alt t that' are, neeessary•;- Wipe tlie .irlaps first 1., wi . th the wet cloth or leather, and after it ha become dry; with a clean- dint!, its& it :sill it.;(l, clear,apd 'fat mote,. se_ 'titan if tin-- 5e(.1 in'S aozen pails.of 'Water; - --' '. • Trinrns TWO -Hurmarn Ynatta Hs ccs it:1066111e of an elderty geir . in 'New. Yolk. Ohl - gent - telegraphs to On kitchen, nnti _waiter as4ends in a balloon. Old Atuerri cA, 1 . 4 14 - tha; r - Up r~ to ltnve hurt suP Yob r ao'd cu d of:a - fell:63111W 1:6:3i0t, g'o tG (heSortit:lVs . for mo `olent,-r:n1I then Ittit'ikiiite Vera. Old Gat—Veiy, welt. NO‘ a:art - tbe mat:Mite -Ktr . 'setting' thii'ittble,:nni 'tel egraph to thy 40(11 WV ha:Mr. Johnson is coining, and then . .brush up ity balloon,for I have aneng*gegkent-hitofitilu, at twelve o'elock: John . flies off to. ex cute I t oh] gent etunn,runs er o for a moment to . get` a_fr6skor4tip... rgfitipip, It;tl:As,Yllllo:oglized'io ent'-iiti n 4 recently, upori_tlie`'~filNati re slid Li crosse Fo t vi, the , workmen tit me tpciri : the petrified reinnins of as Indinit and with the ge t :Olds reties of olden . - times,: .The hod: , tin 4 perleiir net having 'enffered: . d& ell. H i height at the-tresOnt ; tune . mania be 'considered f ziOttric; measuring' 7 feet fOtir inchiA.L, On. hitt . bretuit was plate .or . coppor . . on iihiCh.rere r etigptiednutnerousider:ogl ic~,'tlte. me'imng of which Can huedlr :Bat they ire a rees4i4for the, iktuty,t...- Could theselierogly'pniei be - redd"they' mi g ht unveil - some 'of the mystery *llia pangs like dark clnut 'dyer the h sturc :of the - i.etl 'men. ,A6:lloof.cionftle r4 l,l,, strength tend ctiti ! OYS Corigtrqe,ti9p ,was „ n't , itek.thn' atientio.2of• A Limisat''POED.-='Wiiiintn, stand yOu,,Williarn, do yoTu know?" -. - Wilriatn-, who - was considered ~,,fciol,screw. log" -116 60.4; and lookingthenghtful' alai somewhat bewildered,slowly answered, "itoi sea, I s'pose." " Thal . will do: - I,Tiw," lawyer nddrer,ting . - the court; _" the 'witness says h 0 s'poses Moses' madehini. fi an:intelligent answer, more itotliatr_',l'!uippot: capable Of giving. foifit simsint'-}fe: his some faint, idea Of are scriptare. "- ant 1 sat. mit, may, it i!re.lse OM . court, 't,hat'tltia, is" irk' sufficient to justify his 6eitig",iiiierrfita - it Ur. th, Judge," said • the lawyer a wieglioir ' • "Certainly "-re Piled A any qutstzon you thi;n, Itvii r oirt • •Abol. , * I ca .}'pose made you r, , A !: t Aaron, I s'Pose," irrip i;atiPg After tho . mirth_lild,.`*ol*Whnt:subsided,ao witnt now;!- we, 44 Temt, in the g,nod tn . * that Axton onetLizokik calf; but whefl.4y -thought- the tarntl ertuet The'. • _ f arrgltfd e d , :Si A Presbyterian , -pruorlit,-- ..,.. IFeitr 'Turk, has two .antart.:lficiskjnet Old enou g h to have etsquiring,:itri44ibut4ii*ll,' discern the mesortiti t tri- : :;, Iir101, - (aught io'pray; anit:thii lifai e ana.: mild of prayer was daily impressed apektiiinAo4 , 136th htoyit hati49llo6 U: 11i5tiit 11 -11,4414rie, 0 pop''Orn-jrt iliefieitraeli;lll4464l.444 - 14deit Wet* I:A/6114: - iiiviiitiariet 'station, 6 slTltil 1 ' iiiiiilt - iiii fig lIAT an C . fti ‘iiiiidulattli their,ituit t st4:, One day., `thiAthV'sralltisit na l near the 7ps,Otclirealll,lhlSV6iiif4lhe k y . 4t sinlerantyingignii : :. in *iik_ii;,,inird ninii4istinad to titiCtaiOniiiig,tifi***o,... ~ LildrirsAke OF''aiiiiii. o°w`irt# 34 .4 r#o4 l , make, iiiotittes,,:gkiw'faiiitkt il"*ii At: '''' .4 ''- _,• , , • Rgi-;„ like,. Walt/644i , *4f : wawa, virT "‘vatittanoe_irr b" 11w EOM =M=SiM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers