half a dozen poor boys who.are worthy of ing helped. In this way a man may and do good when he is dead, and many call him blessed. I had intended to say something itbo u the necessity that . exists, and is likely ' , to zist, for a Cemetery in Pittston. The burYing ground attached to the Presbyterian Chnrch is nearly full. But this letter is lougenOttglt.' A new Territortil Bill. on Foot, -e: Another Scheme to Extend S Invert. :' Near, the close of the last session of Con reset', bill was quietly reported by Ribert Johnson, one of the Senators from Arkal sas, and made the specialorder for the fifteenth of this mofith, which, is likely tO absoo - importance all other questions that come before that body. It was a bip ter organization 'of a tiew territory beteen 94th and 37th degrees of l a tiriole w and 94th anl 100th degrees, of longitud tract of about 43,000,000 of acres, lyin tween_ the Red river of Louisiana andl southern boundary Kansas—to be cal Neosho; and it is artfully provided that whole shall be protedtedy against any law chiding slave labor from its soil. We git the fe.stams of the bill from•the Wes Moms Visitor, an Ohio paper, which dese the credit of having first directed publil tention to this subject.. • Senator Johnson proposes to ,or,ganize teritory of Cherokee, including the coui held by the Cherokees ; of Muskogee, or Creek and Seminole district; and of Cha incluing' sessions] ..to the Phoetaws Chicasaws—three territories,. to be cont ed as at present, by the Indians theinse while the payment of 'salaries and other - expeitees is made a hurthen• upon the. 4 gry of the United States. Section 2 brov ide that "nothing in act contained shall be so construed as tc rogate; change, alter or impair the cons i l tiott or laws, or the cuitoms or usages' h the force of law, of either of said naj Indians,"&e. ' • ScctionS authorizes a governor for four Te ars,"who shall be elected by such free male citizens of said territories respectively : s by thelaws of said nations are or may be nali fied voters therein," and who shall rec lie a sa l ar y of 2,000;-withthe right to ap int a secretary at a salary of $1,500. Section 8 recognises the present leg4attve departments ofilithe Cherokees, Creeks and Choctaws:extends their power "to all ight: ful subjects of legislation consistent wi h the constitution of the United States and e pro visions of this act ;" and, ;n a subseque t sec tion, the compensation of members i fixed at three dollars for a session of twenty days, ~. and thr e e dollors for:each twenty ru'lt. of travel in going to and returning -fro n the sante, with an extra per diem of two oliars to presiding officers, and similar alto ances to clerks, interpreters, &c., all to be a charge updn the United States. , s Section 12 provides . that "no white inen,or . 11 other Indians, shall be allowed to l , ttle or trespass on any of said lands, east of -t e one hundredth parallel of west, longitude, ithout the consent of the legislature of the proper territory, and in pursuance of laws b• it en acted." By section 17 "so-much of tote-ix- 1 fitting laws of the state of Arkansas as defines and fin l files punishment of ofences tc ich, b?) such laws, amount to felony,n• hre f.; tended over eitch of said• three territories, besides the various laws of the United States, which are enumerated, and among. which are c i" thosetrade and int rcours m now in force regulatin t i with Indians,' and the . fugitive acts of 1793 and 18.50. , Besides the local tribunals, a Distrie of the United States is erected in elle! territories, with one Judg e for the district, and 'a Judge for Chelokee a Cogee, to .be appointed by the Presii , Senate of the United States for a tern years, and with salaries of $2,5005in the Cherokee and Muscogee district, and $2,000 in the Chahta district, each court to be offi cered and have the jurisdiction of oth i tr terri ~ t will! courts,'and decisions to he in Hite man lid subject to appeal to' the SupreineCourt t of the United State 4;" but.(as section`j23.pro-: vides,)in cases involving the questionlof title to slaves, such writs of error or appeals shall be allowed to and decided by the said Su-1 premeCourt withotit regard to .the talue of the matter, property, or title, in controversy;l and from-any decision of either of sai_courts: or the judge of either, upon any writ f habe- I 1 :, as corpus invoking a question of personal; freedom, a writ of error or appeal shall be' allowed to said Supreme Court," ' So much for the general features bill, including the legislative, executl judicial organization of the respective ries. Among the miscellaneous provisi ns is an . . • appropriation by Congress of 8,10,0 to each of said territories, lobe tnerein app ied, by the governors, fo the erection of - uitable buildings for the accommodation of e legis lature and ct said District Court-and its offi cers, and the officers of-the executivetidepaie ment—a stipulation, (sec. 35.) "Tha 'all the free citizens of the said several nation % to wit: the Cherokees, Creeks, Semtnols, Choctaws and Chickasaws, resident, or hereafteticoming into and settleing in said territories, being of Indian or Indian and white blood, shall, when this act takes effect as , to each nation respec tively, become and be citizens _of de United' States ; and the constitution of the ' , United States shall-have the 'same force and effect within the said territories ,as elseilhere, with in the 13 nitk.a'state6"— an d also a Optision that each territory 1 :"3 , he represented in Congress by a delegate. These territorial legislatures are "required (sec. 43,) to enact proper laws regula ting the institution of marriage, making it aontract for life, not dissoluble at the pleasure —c of the parties; prohibiting polygamy, and plicwiding that divorces salt Viily,be granted by ..judi; chd power, for causes previously defined by a general , But the gist of the whole matter—the ob-, ject in view through all the details !of this, elaborate scheme—is-revealed in the last.two sections of the bill, which we give; Without abridgement or paraphrase : "Sac. 48. Awl be it of enacted That whenever the people of the'said three iterrito ries shall, by acts of their respective egisla, tures, consent to _unite, together and)form one _people, and -be included in one territory, they shall be entitled to be erected into aferritory of the United States, to becalled . the ;territo ry of Neosho, in the -same -manner as other territories have been created ; and afte7anle, - when Congress shall be satiled as ,t,n; their capacity for self-government, and Whenever they open their country to emigyatiOn and settlement, they shall be entitled to be erec ted into a attat,...l* the same name, On the same:footing. qw,ts, as the 4riginal 'states. , Ste: 49., And be it furiker enated, That so soon - as the Prisident of the United I states shall receive such. official - iuformation, as is hereinbefore provided for, of the ,aisentiofsaiti nations in any one of said ' territories to the provisions of this act, he shall issue Lit 'proc lamation, making known 'such assent, and directing the' organization. of such terptory4 and shall pursue the same:course in reward to -'each of said territories,, the assent of t,Tii . 3 na tions in which shall -tie afterwards so made lavoyn to Min: Until are oriranized,; and sucl Of the provisions 'of this act, in regall to said i respectme territories, es ete.to await such assent. before being . in .force : and operative. •shall . beiri force, as to the proper - •terrifol7, froui the date of such proclamation. - • . The : territOry,:which it is proposed so qtttet tO.•kipproptiate.to the, interest of Alarery is. about!..tWo hundred' , mitesi long from north to sOutli; and abotit four liunditd from eas t _ to tLitger. than the statesweAtottitileovers ; en area of.Oliie- end New .14 4. 2 TY 1 The climate corres ! pond 4 With thai:of &St Tennessee, one of, the finest'clitnate;;i9 the world, and the -Sail is like diet' ,eSouthern Kansas, equally fertile and. b e tter supplied ;with wool and water. Tho country is at present outside of any ter ;o4canizatien,iand has been .allOtted by a SuCtiession of treaties to the Cherokee, Creek, ChoetaW; Chickasaw.- and; Seminole Indians, Who nuMberHabout sixty thoui ! and • souls: ; .1 These IndiansEare all slaveltolden. A , few vears:since; the Creels held. about four bun ' 'tired Slaves i and the entire tiegro population of the, fivitribei is estimated- at about' two thousand: -The ChoetawS: and Cherokees,' call all' tuen abolitienistS who ; teach their slaves to read .. . or write, p ad hae forbidden the miNsmnanes frOmL;perpetrating any such . tuisdemeenor 1, . • within thOr borders. This ordinance, as 'our readers n ili remember, was the :subjeet .'cif a very important dishission of the . Atnerieaan Board'atiDomestteMissions of the Presbyte rian Chnich. It Was then remarked by ;one of the:spealers, tluiethe - Choctasi prolslavery ordinance Was Probably. dictated by White . men ns phrt. and; parcel of ,a political design. 3o•nurse annthelksinve stateto existence on• `the upper; waters of the Red river. : It observ ed that the 1?.111i section of this bill provideti-thatoo white .lople shall settle : in. either of the territories ; the consent tegisltitt4re of the proper territery, and in ptirs.nane`e of laws by it enacted. • And by section 48, as soon as they number sidll cient per Sons to 4 *.e)141 a representative :J . , Con gressthey shall be adMitted as a state: I t lere i s a shrewd proVisiOn'against breaking Upon the reek upon Whi'ett Nebraska and Kansas split: ::1 : Senator .lolinson•dos not mean that eosbo•shall be:wrested frOm the slitveholders by en4terit etnigiaiits, and hence this provision Ithat . emmigiatitinii shall lie' subject to Abe t laws 'Of the locolislatury. all devoted to the interests 'of ihtve.rv. • . .bc live will 011 :the the !--a I be : I the lied the ex- 1 this ab ‘titu- .• . . 1 - The• bill'is mndeithe .special order for ; the 15fhLinstant, the second week after the ciivn , ing Of - Congress, - --'id . order that no time May be lOst. - :in establishing this new outpost of Si:We rt:li- •, . ' ;-: '• • .' . . • ',. j.' IV . have no tune to-day to discuss several I . other features of, this - bill Which invite remark,but We' hasten to submit the prominent ifea tures of a sehenie (whialt is well calculated to alarm : thOse wwho;think, with ui, that the Oros- , perity and honor of this country depends; up.- 'on the confinement of Slavery within its-Pres m i . 'it beundaries.. Y. Evening - Post. -- . 1 1 • i' H•--,.....a.-46.---=-- i . A Deserter feeltu the British Aria*: Betrayed by a tepinan-4i is throat ,cut—Sup paced to .hare;k7tteanpted suicide. - This morning ab o ut S o'cloCk; an English, man,li . supposed - to:be James 'retitle, was bro'f to th i e city. HosPital with - his throat horribly cbt, and in „a dving condition. As far as we cOuld%ascertain•it „appears that he had just ar-• rivedifrom Englatid in the ship North Atner iea on Saturdaylast, and during the pas-Sage he beeame acquainted with an. Irishwoman, *he Was also - a4uissenger. Just before the l ship got into port jte gave beta box, contain ing *5O and a quantity of clothing, all herbad, in the' world, which he desired her to take care ot for him until he arrived in N. Vork-as . • 4 he had no place:to keep it. On their , arrival. ' and. as thes wpre. abAilt ti leave the ship, She- requested -him to lei's • -. .retam the box until.be could obtain a board ing hotise' , at.d atithe same time giving him •her address,. whfire he might call and get it: Supposing all things right, be left the ship. 81 e soon succeeded in obtaining board- in' No. Oliver street,' . .kept by a Mrs. Rion. and on Stindayi went in search of hislair trustee.— Not being able to;find her, he again renewed '''-.i Ms search - vesterday, but with no .-better,sue , . crs,:aMke he waompelled to return without' 11 s money or.,clOthinfz, •. iTho landlady; finding he, had 'no money, and was not likelV to obtain it, , reirtestedlim ti leave the botOei He begged her'not to.do sop; but to let bitnisleepon the floor. She at last agreed to let hiin remain, and "put him ; n a , bed:with a matti . natned Martin Calahan. This ntorning,,as Mip.ißion -went to call hiM to breakfast, she. found - _him . weltering • in, his block), and his- tbz!oat Cut •frorn ear to e.it.— She immediatel'yiserit word to the FoUrth N'Faid •station hoise, . when several. Officers. came and removed him to . the City Hospital, :'and put him,urider the care of Dr._ Wright, who [ - says that he cannot -live twentyfour .. 1 hours. V - . V . . ,t Court iofLJie Chalta a Nfus- Fut und • of six of the , ye and 1 terri to- The only thing, that was found Uponihim was kpassage ticket with' -the above- »nine and'Ship:. Calahan says that be knows noth ing itheut the affair, that he was 'not *are his 'throat wasi cut until Mrs: Rion diieor ered hir3t. Thel: 'Officer, thinking this tither ksti;ange story, :thottghttest to hick hint up until the:affair is further investigated. ahan is now in prison. • It is said - thati.Tenue had deserted frorq the Briti's-hjarrny.and sought refuge in this doun try. e Liis throat was supposed to bare lie . cut With a dirk knife,.wliicb was found itt the hed.t.—N. Y. Post sth inst 1 1 - AuothOr Secret Society. i • Why Atchison is not in the Sew& lej There-is a rumor afloat to the effect that a &vet, organizatien exists in the state of illis sOt4 for the purpose of introducing slavery intolKOSas at all hazards. Men are pledged to re T t fir, to that,tertitorY . on the night prece ding the.i electinn, pment themselves at the polls nexi day, and east their votes . for slave ry a Ai its candidates. The society is repor ted t nunther . sveml thousand. inembees al read. Senator, Atchison has , 'the eredit,of organizing it,-and the Rev.. Thomas Johnson, late delegate in' Congress from Nehraslta, is empleying!it . to foist himself into the intue posi4onlrent Sansai.—Du - Page (Ill)Jour nal, Noy. i".#. ,i • - Old Bullion alive In Marble. Our fe4w-eitizen Mr. James W. McDon ald, ~ is abont putting the finishin* touches on a bui r txf Col, ItTnton, which will be rt4pro dueed in' 1 kter. 1 nze and marble'. ',This p 8-.. ~, )1 . 0 t• wor . 1 of art, displays much genius inf. the. grea success with which Mr. McDonald has I I obtained, in clay, a living:likeness of thig, tru ly great man. l' .Besides being.; in size„ propotioii, it attitUde, &e it in an unusal degree a life-like appearance—so ,frequently, fund wanting in the Works of our most celebrated scultitors.--:St. Louis Democrat. I. • I sr i 'The " big drum " of-the bard :4 es-- try Austrian regiment, is drawn by a -ditig in a. neat little cart. The drums rare' 'placed endwalbs in' the ilart, and the drummer Walks behind; and tapi. away.. I .. 'i i l„ -- --' , ---•,, n , ism A .tepoz .ipsEcosta . Ctraormix.--liidge Edward P. Virdlis,'of Saciautentokity, Cali fornia; it graduate of the UnWessity of iVir- Ogg, 4d.forttOly a resident 0r,..-Chartotts ville; was ordained a minister of the - Gieisiiel, on tbe ,4 8t h , :l iapt September at the request of the First Baptist Church hi &toren:v:oo. At Lodersville, ne Monday. the, Ith init.,' by Rev. .1. B. MeCtiaiy, Mr.'lsake J3InD and Misei',HELEN Dwtont, both of Conklin Brootne. - . county, N. Y. I JUST - LOOK IMRE" ! H : if • -:. . ! 1 -: 1 • Books and Stationoty. 1 1 M-- . A LARGE' and w' 11 selected stock of MisOol.:: .11,11aneutos'lloukst. *School &colts, and 611 C, Books for the liolli .tys, and Toy Books. _A' 1 larzei stock of Statiodory—Black and Red Inlis,9 Butratored Cummeiclal Nola Patter. Intidel boatii• for Crayon dralariags, &A.:, &e. FOr i.aler; low . 13, A. N. BULLARD: . . Mist Office, Montrose, Doe. 13th, 11353.' 1, : Is 2T s l:S fo & r ~T , . .:llol g t ; f:t s . 7 . : o lt. , :b t rztapiarleS fori :116ntrose, Dee. 13; 104. 13 (N . N'S Justice; and:a Business maws Ledal . tilde, for sale A, the Pu3t Otßci.• Dec. ‘ l3 til t ' 1851 ORENZP Dow's J1.:,41,11e Post Offire. 3lttntrotte, Dec.,l3, ..• - i , . LATHILO J P'S . STORR, . . 1 East side - oil Public, Avenue, , . Two - doorsfr f oin Posts', Corner, ; '1 '., INtilg RI; we st;all t he glad to see all Our Old - I 1; 1 customers an be happy,' to waitrt o - all: thosel who will give sd a call, feeling- confident'i that from our large s oek. and Octensive assort-. inenOlf goods we cap. suit •all these . who Wiil call and examine them. - - - ' • i ; - 1 J . IP. W. RI LEY.land C. D: . LATIIROP, :' ~ ..,..' with - A..1 ATHROP. •' . .!.- ~ I ; lln'titrose, Dee. 12, i 834. 4' SEBASTOPOLMOST TAltEl't ' • i Great /lush for liz isia —lron, Stoims; - Tin .: If re, the: - . . • , Wo l o ,t y i ß h tl e lF eh di .ti T,l...ult).llthE,,rDfoh.rav .the a p s u zlz , of carryingon the St ie, apn Tin-ware bukiness in ail iits various bra elms, •would *respectfuily . CAII the attention of Oe..trading 'while to their ~ ' ' • TST4A 8111811111 ENT ! . F .... - WhiehAitay.easily bd found—it being in ch.i . sei l proximity - to the new Court ilow.e—theSoutlol west'eorner thereof. Onr building is not.',as. , . 'corms odious as we intend' having 41 the sprine If our l patrons will biar With us until that tithe,t we - flatter ourselets.that our es'ablistiinent . Wild not be surpassed by :any in the county .' We ;71 ilaVil. the most approied patterr.s of STOVES 1; over; •brought into this market, among:. whi'clO i snay . e r,,ond ••1 '. • -.: • ' .. : l slttr}oj fAviVat (Elevated Oecn,) . ealliva4 • ;or (Elevated.Ovca,) Parayon, New : World; Globe, Atlas,'. and • .Tlite? States, Air.TifYlit and icnrious other patterns too'l numerous to mention.' ,'• I'INVAIZE of:Jli, kinds kept constantly on:'. l hand ;for household Jobbing done t0'0rd....:!1 in the best manner. Ail Tin:ware - earefully. Eprovdd before leaviTi• the shop; resPetfolly - f:Olieit the pntronnge t of allti who ,Wish to purehasoanything, in their line, curing tytem.th•it More van be saved-by examin.z !Mg tbeir! stock before purchasing elsewhdre.: f 1 S. 4. . ELDRED. lontro'se, Dee. 111,2; 1854. ° • I - • Woodrtiff . & Eldred. • - DZALERS lit STOVES and Mannfocturvra of Copl •.pei, Tin, and Shull-lion NVare. - Slidp nrarE .th 6 Ne - w C,.ttrt 1.164 e, Montrn>f!, p a , I, •', S. A.Mmtimurri i [G. B. ELDniti.f ABEL TITER.ELL . rcci:!;vt . ll Iron; New a full as.l sohment • NEW G 00D s• • - compHsing d first rite' v:.rit•ty of / • .45, rugs. .ifrdicint;, Clionicali, Paints, , r Ails, Dye-ittorrl, Glass-ware, • 4 Fantail Groceries, Materials for :tights 'Musical In- Jo Vern iTe Xotions:Jeteelry, 1 Pplarnery, ; . . on sort* .raney Goods, . which will be sold extremely low for cash, HaOtig_reeently snt,tained a lose by fire ofat , least five thousandq(..llai3. above Insurance and, good saved, I fin ..y'' rh:ive.stron g elaitn, for the. patronage of my friends and the public general:; ask no man, give to me i neither do 1, .ask or epeet additiOna: profits in eonsequericel,of, said I will sell good's as low, if not lover: than they can be:bonghreisewher6 in this Tuivti. or county. All I ask is that patronage from th 4 public which will enable the with' industry slow4' and gradOatly 'replace the loss suStainedi, - -k.aid-loss being the hard earnings of a life tof anxiokis toil. • • / . • Store at the loWet end of the burned diatrtet . on Main Street, a feW rods below the corners. , , : ABEL TURRF.LL Montrose, Dec.' 1 i,.185-1. • ' • Tftih --- 'I'SSI wa.`l 3l6 Pstfi 117c1011 71 .I.l4was - qns ay) Jo 40 Sos!tupad Aim( ‘tinlfd, pioimuia Aiddu uoDuopo . jp! °d INtuiai ,niqup4suai uodn trios a - q Jo Hu i•a:v f:rappa is.quto .10j 91% -udua'S.sau!tputut.up!luoddogs mrs ucictttni lof SJAu!ilasiic laylo till .n tiatpuri O.IAI. LUt* .13.u0d 'awes '••;l4itit ptiu diey ‘..n.noti cm:At purl -uoa Ox id - pirs• -11 -a ay; uo uhq ksorvotuoJi 41;u tipuoj-auo Our oltci• . 4.! .% pip uvu . l lai!tu , t• lnoqd kptojaull viAm aa#ld 1,14 am Jo . , 6J:up sativatains)allai r 'TINS 110.1 Waches, Jew'elt7, Silver Spoons: GOLD and Nit - tr Patent Lever, Anettnr ti`nd '!Lepine Watettes, jnqt received and fnr snld. 1 ! i A -;GOOD nssortinent 4if JEWELRY CronSt ! ritilg tor E it Rings. Ear'Drops ' Breast Pins, Ping' , e t. iting,.:, &e. S.C. just .reeeived nt ' • -.. •' ' , ~ • . ? ' ! BENTLEY & REJkIYS-; I . . 1 , ; Silv i ei Spoons. - • I • rrEA Table, De4ert, Sugar and Salt Spoons 1 I warranted rui.4 for sale by . 1 BENTLEY & READ; Booti-ind Shoes. 1 - A 14. i. unusuallykood assortment of the .11. make, all fresh and perfect, for sate by - .BENTLEY & READ. , . • • Drugs lift Medicines. 4 :FRESH stock of Genuine Drugs and Medl 111 icines, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye:: Stuffs &r. d(c. for ink 1w 14; 1853. BENTLEY 84 REAM SL-^•;•_QUE.ll.'ttiNA , -, - • . , . . . - 1. .. Audiior's Notice. 1 - TnE 44 ' dersigned having Ewen appointod bil :tire Ctrphan's Court otsaid County, En Mi, -, ditorto distribute the assets' in the hands of A•i: G. B:iiley and Emanuel Carpenter, Administrutora. of fliirime Carpantdr, deed, wilt attend to the du4 ties df his appointinem, at his office in Montrese in( Satufd:2y the sixth day of January next, 14 I; o'Cloitk P.. 111., at' which time and place all persona bat itfielaims against said estate :wilt present, theert or be forever, barred ' from coming in upon; said Fund. ~: I, i FRANKLIN FRASER, Auditor.- ; 3liintrose, Dec.l2 , 185.4.-snw4. I ~....1 f- - NOTICE. I f. Tl-10SE indebted to the subscriber for Ries, j ii Register. Recorder, or Clerk of the Or;., Court r are hereby notified that ,thiy con4r a favor by settling the same soon. I - J. T. LANGDON: Bitintrose, Dee. 7, 1854. s • • , ' FL, & Salt; SALT by the loan or single bbl. for sal&at ties flopbottorniStittion. Also Boor in quarter bbl. sacks at $51,15, pee sack; BELL & TLIqr4LE:I-: IfObottorn, Oct: 12, 103.1. - 'II . ; • - complete work for baH6,:aef IRE BE,NTLEY & READ. 71 --- A i'. • 'Y -\ -- tastrutO s gale r \ - 0 1 virtu e fun order of sale; birated riOnt ..IL., Orpha n ' . Court oft Susquehanna 0.4 will 10 sold ptiblic vendue, on the p. nii ' •the township of Franklin, on • .; - 7 . I , '';-§al4rday, January 6, 1855, al .1 a b ekicki i r . 11' . ,- 1 The (allowing described two -pteces orl pare; oftlainl, Tate the estate of .Clark RiSittiepidi.., situate in Franklin township atoresiid; aj p 4 bounded as :Ifollow4:' Beginning t a`t tt sonthWest tOner,hereof and of tot. lio.l Ih7 JasettiTorry'a tr ap of re-survey ofilieniyDri e?,:i Snake crock tract: thence by. let 1.1‘11). 1 land of Stephen 11. Crane, itorth,i one ,litindr .i utid tWenty-two parelies t o :the ituMlitta 1 cforp. ottlid,,last ntitntioned. land: thence; by ti 'et' ,. .son line ot let 163, land'nfSylvester.Sinith u- frit i 11i Sittith; ea. t, Si xty.:ti%e - I).ieh'es and tii..tent o(a perch t a post, the northwe , st!cdrrtier .IAI.II i . .S. 11 , hirick'S land: thence; by itt; I: ni) tontioneti !and south, mil? 'hundred and twen. two Peiches'to A poit : thence by the , ft li 44 lotrNo. 141,1 and of said Ilaridridk, u- 04ttix . -:- ., , uVe'perehes land six•tentlis . of n .pere .tr t,',, Once of beffitining; containing tiftyiacie. of lan tinitbiiing this west tialf of lot 131. 1 Alio: dint other piece, or p :reel of 'land sittiste • i ll iittirei,aid, an bounded anddeneribiid as tallow Id . aginiiirig a t a point in ilia niTddiel of therki li!i4Tin4 trod H. H. Bradley's to i3ir.'l . lr . i , en' i di t ence i bY lal d of John S. liandrick, no tli tAt arid ott"e htilf d r egnies east, thirty.toght pqrch tiia post and stones: thence by -land of t he sa Clitntlt It. Sin one before described , north eight se'l•eriand nnie- •h &if &genes 'went Nell: find 4.1 f pOrelies•i'to a stake and stones: th nite c il land of ~.iild r imi rie; , south two :Ind a I Mr de :west, thirtyl ine perches to a point in ' q mi (Ike br*Aid r ad: - thence ateng.the inidd e-uf i same north 88 degrees east, twel.tt 4 e ani h: percheit.to. the place .of :beginning, coiat4ini 1 !hive acres of land. .. i i 1 , , ":!TEttitS 'mare known on day of :4, Itt' ; t. • i t • • ', 11ENRY CRANE, d6'r. ' : Great Ber], Del.:. 12, 1 864-504 - 4.' . t ., , NOTIE suhi l zriber having purchaSedri ihtereitkX the old and well joie 301, Oiled sumener'e_ Mill ; would giv to hiaipld cuidomers, and-all concerned; ' ha , t thorough repairing, end i ,l l ,liing'fir.ctritte work; and under ihe,:e; (wheie reputatiO i n.' eo.4tmids sei•ond to none in the !coon, plenty !Or water with which we 'Fir , ' at . all limes;; t we trust that we'tnily rL share ef public patriauag.. • ! ' IRA SUM. :,Sodirner,, Dee. It!, 18.54.'"0 r ' " r • -, • i Das°lution. 1 THE ,. pattnehhip heretoPlre exithll.l' . sz-skrreii & Thayer halt been! this 1 miilvett by mutual c”....4u4. :All ine4...oti be Round in . the handi of R. Thayer, , jc. l 1 - ..t - tioli :ind,ettleinent. 1 J 1 ;'• .. 1 - , • A. O. Vi• A • _ R. TI!AVDI 0 3Iotiove I Dee. ^ 1854-50w3 1 , 1 - , • Turnpike Noticp.l T‘IIE Pr,.4iitient, Directors and Sto Of tholLenax.and Harmony ,urn Oinnpariy, hold their. annual el. .Ititichiy thtil lit day . of :January] nex Steenbaek in Gibson to ten o'f;;lock -A. 31. - • I . : }l.ly order of itio Boar& BENJ. COMFORT • ii'Dee.l 96,1844.-500 To the. the Jud . Lres r#," th e Cmirt;vy . t 7 Sexions of the Peace in and for; Sus urhar Couty : • THEpetition of ZiO3 q.Sprin g 454 . the ROro cif'Suscfa Depot in s . ;.!id county, re Octfir r?.. , presents, that he , is procuied With sniinble e • yersienee to :keep a Grocery, in ;the I ltrou aforelnici; and thnt it i$ his •intention tr the ile"t Coed of Quarte,r Sei:siori , , to 1.,d;,01 in aria Or said county on thethird M0nd4 . 14 (Ai next, .f se or a' licen .t) Jeep a Gioeper . T,snud Dili sti:Onx leer, or . othey, tnaltligno' nee dipEr'to ; tlie:Aut of r Assem We of 1-ith IA 41 A. 8P IMG . :11usivehanne pot; - Ret% 13, 1854 1 bite:4 1 i NOTICE. -1" QEALErilpr6prtsuls will AA! .reieiv ; C9rnmisinnuirn orSuii4l.l4 county at ' Iniissiopers' ; '4ffiee ja 3lontease. urtig tl .Tin'v liext, , at 2 o'clock P': 3f., fu'r iehui i. ttorf're'aero - 4.4 the - Wy al u,41 nz creel;, 11 ' ••• ' Championsmin Rukh townklip. i The : planlA, drawinig4, and ipeeifii.taiiu *Old Avprk nay .. bc seen and exahlibe' t•Colifrii 0f115`.... . ~ 1 -. i ' i • i .. ' . -A. WirtiLTAITS,t ) i ' 1 r kitpENTEit i t , !•... '. , ~ :. • : J.W.'B3IITII. ; • I) A --• -;L . 7 I i - Atteist.---y,v 3i. A. Cuos. ? MAs, CiOrki • 1...i.i' Dina:rose, Pee. 11, 18.1.— : 50w41. ' , 1 . P ablie Sale. TH' sut.eriber will off er fur stile, venting or auction, eti Tuesdity. t 11 at Diinock*Corners, frocaltwelVe t tilt epics, anti a small number of sheep. , ',Pertirs of, sale—Six imintlis ci,c-ilit proved seenrity. ' JOAN , 'Y (t Dintoek,;Doe- 13. 1854-50ivt ' i i '- 'Auditor's Notice.! mitt: undersigned, liaing been , aPpil tire Qrilians' C :art of 811400i:in' ty, an Auditor to clistribtite the aNse!ts in rit James... Watson. and David Wation, )tc., of James Watson, deeeasedovill the duties . of Ilia, said appointruenNat;l3 . ,Montrose,iin Friday, the' sth day 'of First, at 1 o'clock P. 31., at which time• all perso- s having claims against!, Ito said ddceilent, %sill pri..sent theind or barred'from coming in upon said fund. - ) upon 11. 11. 1 YR.. - • 31entrose, Dec. 12, 1854.--:50w4. ' Auditor's NoticO. 1 t , ryinz undersigned.!liaving beeri_appolated by .A.. the Orphans. C4urti l of Simineha na coun t ty, ant Auditor to distri me the tam it in Vie Imds'of S. ii... Sewt4in and L. A. !Woodruff, ex. 4eutoris 444., of Amy , l 3 ibenek, deeeriacil i ttvill at. fend 0 thia duties of ihis said appohitmCiit, nt•liiti office in Montrose, on Saturday, thi , sixthdav of .fanuar,-y -next, at i 0 . 4 f lOtti P. M., at , wb)ch time and place, all personi baying claims taiainst the ;estate of said deeedent,willpresent iheni,,or li e fur eVer barred from corAiiiy, in upon aa:cl 11nd. 11 li. . 'FRAZIER; ifditor. t i Bforitrose, Dec. 12. 185 1.-50w4. l' *' • PUBLIC SALE; 1 rilliEßE - will be ex osed to plPie sale 1. i'in Saturday the 39th day of l ember -, iast. kt the house of 'Major Asa #pie44 in the iowamilip tif liar/ord, thefollowing ..naced prop. ii-ty, viz : '4O ptirs of Pistols and 11011 stern, 44 ,strordis arid Belts, to alb highest! end best bid. 3 der for cash only. 114.1 Gen. A. Carp.titer, tine. tioncer. Sale to commence at 9 ir'eloc 'A: M. t 1 t ASA SPIOEII,IBr. hap. , • i 1 , 1 Ist Br: it Dir. I i Harford, Dec. 4th, 1854 t. Pwit! . . , . . i". 1 : • - WindoiT Sask :. i • • , .c - ji.& D. SAYRE laving been - i)peilited 'Os - ligeins for an est,epsive 5a411,1- tlind :and ID‘;or 11Iar14dfuctory are *pared to iftlinish Any :kit:lei in tbii line at leli rates that; Atiey:have ItiSnalli been sbld. , I , 1I ~ •••. 'D 14.. 1 i - . .: 'Dee; , - ( 1 1 . Q•HAVIG CREA3I I n - artieli wits' every 4.;). mat should try, fur •le bY.L.' •• I 1 1 \ o A. H. & t; 'Si/A - RE. , • ••,• , ! Dee; 4. ; : . 1. .I I - • .., 'Ready-Made Clothuifir . t A VERY, desirable-stir' kat veri logi pricer,. D ;8.11: & .ISSA'RE. . . -., . I Mentinse, Dec. 14, 1854: - 'I 1 Wagon littikirw,; Blaclitinahing andlearnaie Ironing 111 LIE subsTriber liavilg estallshed hiMself ' 2 ;l a few rods south of Dimock ifonfii Corners, ry e prepared to do nil kinds of wurlq in he above branellesprbusiness on, short notietil and the, Most. realonable terms. lie flatters hi self that with the help now In his employ, he w . l be, able to give entire satinfaction to all wlin ' ay favor him, with' their custom. ' : h ? is I . - • C.le. MILL S. , Dirieek, Nov. 23, 1E154.--48tf, 11 li . ' ,: tar N. B. Most kind*, of lumber anfi all On& of conotry produce taken in. pavnifu}. l' --1.. - '' .- r "--: - :: . • ' .1 'il '• ' tt Aili vat of t be :44 ingllot!troii 'will l e ave Kirkwood; parsing 011 , 6141109 r le.Llborty.dc, eryry morning after tbrarr II f rains of Otrs,both Ease owl We►t,reagh „at • i , EiTUFINING I ' . • -- ,t r os , snly,(aundays excepted) at 2 h Si. kiroodin time to take the Mail Trains ut , t i or ft e n a d cli' V tl e i ll e i :Nl'; l : 4 l " *. g mk it tilu nd n E ea r r ie " R t al a l n r d oa m d.T. t . tersktaiNtrl-weeklyilisa for DltnockSpring -li2, 'mock, Wkomlng. end Wilkesbarra, which se at; A ki dvery Monday. Wednesday axd ,a ine - 0 hrimatisville,Leraysvilleatt.good 'milortablet,iarriorres are provided. and the illtpare no p'ainittoaccornmodat.the hob. ' \ WK. lIATCII. !. \ MOKOAN atiVti3T.e ._-___:_. • _....;. - . orilienook ac. \ Iprnx Store. :ribartwoold inform tbakr t ihabltants of to. aq.l.nrroundiodeountly. hat he hasgreiiV• ad inanroved his Storeosnil \tilled up 1 6 1 4 a Miniete assortment, of :Paint, Ohs: Dia- WU. Nitidovi iMass,•Snab, h li' ' ty, Varnish Alia, . nes. ihemlcalii.:blivis.ware,herititaeryi Van onfeOilonery „Toilet attitles. and al) articles In ant establishment of the kind. '4 \ lso icon assortment of .. \ Ohs if B,'PATIONERIr. . \\!, LiaTt Mo reacliidfiKi 1 CarA,batla F. feasible rsrall Thistie Tine, runta eaverallouti relay: Alls Teampsn..l Proprietors. lie. ' - rzep.l2, LL ode TIIF. subs .la*bvllle IY-Pala!getl a largo - and fl(' wciods.,Pye-- - s sod llru.sbas Patenf-lelb kee Notions/ usually kept baudalurFe . - . in brie prepared tu 'pa term,' at any. ttme la the country. \ cIi2JAMES n tame room tt genera) attiorMuyet °kite eicutst .earerallveleetrit, prepared audiu r y hirrtelf,for Lie uwasemertmodatioaandthe public. • 6 , • ainters. Phytlelens,Sclieol Tea eberedud ge d dprofte.slonP Wielittg to parchase ais , invlped *for. t PaperlTan rearonab: Alio keep@ CIV.I.MaT perinumilled benefit of 03 PllcispaoA* to call awl s M. L Scott, . . • - :. :, faun, his farther patrons that lis.liai. in with .is other business a mull assort4nt d Shoes some of which he can warrant easottable ati can be bought at any opt thectouutry . 1 , . , ' L. SCOTT . y oveiJoh a.n 31.tu.....1 , 4,5t0rr ( . n .:, ' . - the K. Tl,Loder'svitlei ' WoOld connection of Boots a and sill as er place in e gF ent n . e A l unt tat is n 4 ' ,ya . ge I March 7th . .. r— evirjGoods. • .. ...H 4iival of New Goods which .., ‘rc.e rery[c/icap. • .We hay° a large . ' eine; nd Fano. , Dry ,Goods, which wo Will. 'mai% • • call and examine.. .•• ,•, '.. A ERE! of Sthple sell rEnv•! m Y 2) fro 4RSI • € • , EDT MADE ; . . now i prepared to el lt he .all aceortiink. st style. • IVe have alarge.stuelc wftielt Ii very 1;7;4. Cali and exairtine• before • Also, tv)arge stock of Cluths,Rusi eans,. Sattndtts, Tweeds, &c., in fact n this lino 'is complete., klTe invite on of CASH runcttaens to our titc)k. I of produee taken in exchange' or 4-3 pr i cey... . We are to the Lit we will :=-.(d / purchasin sirneres, our-took the attent . Ai[ Ici[l 'Goods at 'tor TEN Rt • ; , HAWLEY & MOT e. Nov. 22, 1851. : • 31‘,)ntro . . . - atdhes-and Jewelry... '1 i , I rrnE , subscriber has rctUrn - ' : i • ._l_, ed I:rem NeW. York ivith ; j4 t?ii, z 7:lll the largest variety of Witch o ,', 4 : 1 ? ( -es, ,J.etvelrv,Platcd Ware; and' ' . ;'.• •: other articles in his ~- line,'llat ." ,': has' ‘er.be+n 41"tredtol-the .=' -'' eitizens'Of Binghninton:and 'oislsting Of a yery he'avy stock-of . in,l, Diipl . ex' Skeleton aver, Engl ish •er, Enameled' and ~Anthor liVuteaes.. er, ;Anchor and Lepihe . do., in plain.' i gases. Gold Vest fob and .Guard , 1 , verkle. do:., Gold Seals, Keys, Slides, ivels, Pencils; Thimbles, Lockets, ,tar- . rer :Ring. Breastpins; Crosses, Specta. Silver Cake. Pie, . Fruit and Butter, tiveCiLes*Ferks : . Spoons, Caps, Card, .. Napkin Rings, Coral Boachi, Shell :ulNes and l..ivislt . irs, Plated Castor*, Cor'.d •Baskets, Candlesticks, Satitrers . Sdoons, KniVes : and Perks, Clocks of ription, a ! ,- ,ery rate. stock 'of Gold , and Tooth' brushs,. BulFiloo . 'Back. i,lefaail pocket Combs, tine •tooth and 'her s , do.; M p4rtia: ouais,l &c.5:e.4e. goods I:aving• been purchased at the t p , reused state 'of the. market, enables ign'ett to osier them to, his customers i ly lcia• price:; and to , which he would, Y invite the attentiOn :of.all neisons obtain any. articie - in sii.i line. i> . to 4 it) l• • I e ,t u I rttit 11 • I 11.1 IT viciriity. Gold Hun; Patent Le' Silver'Lo and Hunti idtainsiSi rings, I' iii Honks-,-S% die* Sic, 1, .Enive . s., Si Ctsei; "and and 'macs every pensi Hai flu' r.,l;;r prefac!nt• do the finder.} 3t uriusual repptful t l. wishing ! Eby :he he Com es 9th of dinrt, the . dr II: - J. ALFRED J. EVANS. , !5:..i..2, Odd Fellows11:111 t 1 -`. tr,n ; Nov. ,P. 6, 1854. - - -* ! • ,) Dissolution. ..• .—. ni'liervtoffge existing under ;he ante R ; Matoii , & - Co.; is this'day di solv: nal . consent.. The Books unthree tints lin iitiii or R.l R. Lathro p -. for collection netiLj Those indebtedto the into linn et!' to mil 4mi — settle •at their earliest nvenience. ! Bingha 4 . Fur the at the :1 of I) ed by UM are in th , c: and settit Are rpque : . Posibte c om rs E. 1 public 4. 19th, 4tt good ! D; R. LATHROP, J. P. W. RILEY. e:Nov. 24, 35.1.-48w3 MEM IE CHANGED. 1' re, Lackawanmi & W. AIIii,ANGEMENT after Thus43ay, Nov. 4 2 3 , 1854, the Passenger i Train . will lenvn Secanion 1 rent Rend ! at• 2.30, r. in. • -. 1 '4111) np t p!SG. Octal,: • ()A ant 31if at i 2 M. Dile at Ciinn Y.- .P,as'ienge - -Ytir.4 at 9 ip ted Ly Gaul). e hands eenvirs .xtenti to lattice in Vnntiary rid place, stat- or I forever ing with the'Diiy• 'Express Trains on. E:. R. both liast, ttnd s taking thisirain will 'arrive. is New 80 r. at. and in Dunkirk ut It— I I will leavt Greatilkildion the arriral alo Evpres..,"bound NW5t.,.(3.20 3t.) iris from .New York rii 3.1.,1—and 'Scranton at 15.50, 411 I .ight Accom,Modation train. w•itlf pass. attached. will"-depart friim Scranton st due nt Great Bond at (L r: u:, col:meet, Ifni' Mail fi'rida bound West, ":nwi 'the ress Trains Aiourid both. East and West, 'ng, Will depart from Great Bend at and arrive :it Scranton,' 11.00, gill br in waiting on the.arrival nf'Pas rins at Scranton, to convey I•alO; Pitistnn, Wilkes-Barre, PhiLidel- Retidinff R. R.' Easton, and , allibther to places. .; ; ; • Mauro I of the.Bu which doi The. Fr! kv,6r car 1..50; P. M ink with Night Er Itbturn G. 30 A. M. Stagel !winter -T toiCarbn phia: iia.t interruedi DOTTERETt, StiVt. o, Serantoni 8,185-1, 251 f Sil p't nfn _____ . _:_..4."__:____ Stoves ; Stoves ' 1 1 . übscribera hag leave to:inform the cit e of Allro , ikln and vicinity .that they received a lot of SIoVEs of the various ttern*and 4tyles, which They otter for . vus they catt be purchased. olsetyhere. ay. ; i• '. A lot Of SiOVE .liIVE iind.pboivir of nt ;sizes, at 'manufacturers prices; , n;- , -Old ' Imh, Copp4'4iind Bris's in ex- Stoilea or , tither' Goods. .' . . 1 - : - : • . S3fITH . do HEMPSTEAD: ;1854: r• • ' ':- '- - 1 - '. T. Ize havo . juit Modern p sai lo in thoJeo ALSO the differ VltArr change ft. NOt. 2 Wpited. nsbels of 0,,tt5,•2000 bushels ofienrii, efs'uf 000 s h 1.4 of Diftlil bushed ofßilekwheiit, 600 bushels. of • I ; ;tiny qtrAntity ofr l'artridger r " • a rivet prices, in exenant.Y. & V '2st v k ot Stu nd fortaie to .i by , snritti HEmPs.rt.O. 5000 1004. bns „pies; 100 lkstritt,,an high6st A ed A" the abovo, sorttnent ow receiving, in their new Building on west side. or Public Avenue, twui,duors rlu'u potol, _a large and devirnlile utri LI; ANI) WINTER GOODS. lock is almost entirely' NEW, hating . a trine, comparatively speaking, from 4 atrocity . ° fife, and comprises t it us. Of Pry Good*. Groceries,- CrOckery, Prtigs, Medicines, Paints, cli!e,Dy ts, Shoes, Clocks, Yankee notions fat, trust that our old customers; and the give tit a call at our new 'we nre d4ormined to suppli 'the* as favorable tenni as any ofunr;neigh... e, Nev. 30 i Mt. • • r• ' 411; T4cir saved .ba the late d, ariet Hardwar,' stuffs, Bo ' &e.! .W .1 public ge,' location, *wants On bora. ?".. 'Hest r `NEW .GOODS: • Bentley It Read. • . dmvsvriszmim ann. & ,scar4vs. Gfeneral A drArtising uuse, Applettnet Building, 346 - end 348 BroedleaY l . • nd Boa's , * Bannets i i Ewers acid Feathers, FOll • 'tn.. .:ticatO pressure in Oo ''-ifonet: Market 1. , the present season, had yielded to -us in.., creased fact! it ielii n the pu rehiSe of a's 'verb stock cif sTaatv 2104 DEAVEItBONNETS .c Frit3CR 70LOWER$ 4 141111039 and FEATIIELLS, unequalled in this city, anti which we are enalikd tol! offer at unpreee. dently low prices for CAW, ,' • : •: : ':. 1 To our stock of PARIS FEATIIEns and Boitsri RtnnoNs, we would especially call the attention of Cisu BrvEns, as,we are ntsured that a more desirable assortment was never_ before offered in this City. • - 110 M ER dzi KETCHUM, ;.Nos. ,6.1 and 66 John.st., cur.' ; William.st., N. Y. r • i 43m3 .: ' -•-- i - _ • - : .450 .Wedding Cards, With 'Plate, EAUTIFULLY ENGRAFED for $3. Fifty Pll‘ Visiting Cards and Platei $2.: 811 v% r 'Dour Plates, front $3 to $lO.. wv,idin g i rawoupes, . Note, Paper.: Business Cards: Notary, Society, qonitnercial :and Pri;:ate Seals' etigraved,• and. promptly forivarded to 'ladies, sending a remit. tlnce to • '. *A. DEM ATTEST, General. En graver, 182 Broadway, N. Y.--13m3. ;. . . - _ S.-1 C._ Fischer, Piani,-Forte Man ! .' ' ufactorg `. .- A ND W- ARE Rcko3l, N054:1•13:245,t147;and \ -1...1j :249 West TW-cnty.eight.. street:: between Iftli and 10th Avoimes,•New york. .Pianos with. tbe , 2Eolian, and; all the best.moderrt:improve. inentS, made: t , f the IsCst - materials,. muter our earn supervision. -,I a ; Wiitten .gtfaranten*given with 6 - cry Piano. J. 5. , ..'C.7-1-`. helng praidical men, and matitifacturin• r l ; very largely, can furnish the best PianOs, On lower terut•titan can be furniiih cid-any whe) , e, and it is deci r deitty the, best - place. to buy for ca I.'• Those desiring a good .Piano, X I and one that w'll,st•ind and ‘t , •:ar well, can't .do • Metter than to J. &.:CJ, : 'Fischer.* • 4313132. 't - -. • 4 Steves\e\nd Ra,.-nges .„ . - - • - I , , •WH OLESA S AND IETAIL. 'WWI SUBSCRIBERS hat:',e on hand the fin- IX j est' assortment orAtiri--titit Cook , and Par., I'm Slttnie,i that cam be - found il3 the City. Stoves Of all descriptions, styles andllesigns, for burn ing .Wood or Coal, which ;rt.Ovill warrant in ev ery Way. Persons In, want. of 4 a fine,. Stove, for ftitcauty and durnbility, will doff well to• Call at the METROPOLITAN stovg WAREHOUSE, [,boll4AlNti le.. IMIFF, proprietors. No. 235 'Wu ! - Ver-steect,•lsleei l York: - ' ' 43m3 . •. • .•qoupn, - Print Sailers Artifits'..Colormep, • 300.Broadway t :New 'work. - riIOLESA LE PRINT SELLERS, !! ers, printerA, and Manufacturing Artists; Colornicn, Londun, Beriin, and No.' 466 Broail way, Nev York. - Catalogues sent by ulna. The usual dislout:t . t - he tr,:de and Itititutions. rietg Frame ' s re Fra'hirnished. 4Scn3. Gold Watches !for-the Holidays 4 OGETHER with a rich 'assnrt:rent of DIA .II iSIONDS, and all; kinds of Fine Jewelry! Oold Watches', frinn $20.1.0 fs3oo: • t'ak • B $5 L th .st ro m. to $ 2 Pantile Plated - ,Tea-S - ck: from $l2 to $3O. ' Siiver -nd Silver-Plated Ware, and other e l ks n the line at equntly law prict!s. Favor as with a calPbeffire . parchstaing liseciThere. WII.I%IAR"IsH & BENTJN, 50w6 :313 Bniadway, New York.. .• IiYGEANA • - * Lsrouffht Hffinc to the Dnor of the 11 - ONI/FllFULDiocovery has rercally •Letu made by Cl Pr. Cartio,ot thio,tity, in the treatinent of I•.'ottourop • 1 0 n, Asthma and all diseases - ..0f the Lung- We refer so • Dr.` Curtis' Ifygenita. or Inhaling Ilygeau Tapoe.and llyrutt.' , . -With this new method Dr. C. has restored many i :call :tea ones to perfect health ; as an evidence of which ha hao innumerable ecrtificatei. t peaking of the treatment, 4 phyiirianrcumrics: It is evident thatinhaling—constant ly breathit;g• an - agreeable, healing: vapor, the Medicinal propetiev mu 4 mine in direct cnntaet -with the whole of the aria! cavity of the I ungs,and that' escapetlae many and varied change- produeod upon them when introduced into ihe aantrote. and pal•jecte.l to theipeoess of digeotlon. i ! The lly:;eana is V.tr sale at all the druggiats throughout the I ,• dear:try, . Arm OTK.Datehnzan ctf..fan.l4 The! Inhaler is n orn - on - sha bres:lt under the listen :with ' ont the least inconvenience-L.:the heat of the hoar betng Otifficleut to evaporate the fluid: j !lunar - cal: of tI.ILS.k::: I of flilllbSlihe -the folios/hut might nestied.: Chie Pea-tinge of llyretr - ss has cured 'me of - the '-"s t " Jc r. Ftsndin g -- ' I lat mired of the .• . , cur.i3. 4 ilygeana. . • .. . : 1 ' . 31orFarrt Easton, ! Brooklzin, -V. Y. tMrs. Paul of"No 5 Mammon,' Se 4 N. N., was curet" of a (CTeip mum of Itroachetia by theVya , eana. I My inter his berm cored of a DI . STRYSSING corc IT , of !micro' years Fsan•linr. and decLic,l to be incurable by her rhysleisas. Sheiras cured in ONE. JONTII by . the Ily, Itesua. . . .- . . I . 1 • ' - J; 7l. Guabett,P , 3f, Richmond. Me. ! Trii-e three Dollar!' a Parkage.—Sold by CURTIS & PEP, iCINS .t.,llOYDdt PAUL No.-14 aChambers 4. 3 t.. NI y. 4 Pwtaget , sent free b • exprete to, any part of the Unitea i r , :tate4 for'Tea IMllitra. . - A. n.—flu r tie trygtems is thi. ORIGINAL and ONLY GENUINE AltTiel.r.,all others are , bue immitations or tile Mid. IN.lrraoics counterfeits-. . .Shan them at you !woad POISON. . 37y1.-;-V.lirelter Er: S., Aders, '.l+le* and Cheap Goods: • viputiliT a lois- pressure .prices and will be 1.31; sold accohlingly by - U. BURROWS & CO. Gibscin, Oct. 11, 185-i • - I ;. '''. s' • 010thS, .: . ~. • ... riASAMERES and vestinp, 'a large • lissort kJ ment anti at prices lower than we hilVi eVer . "liet-O - enabled to.offer &In heretofore. 04. Drets Goods , . . GREAT variety of beautlful-stYles a 0 al :Li_ most as cheap as could be desired. • • • Oct 11. •• - ! • 1.1.13: & Co: - . , Black Silk- • -- . " i, A . G.OOD quan . 4lty fur dresses, at 81 etS. per . I' yard. . • : tr. B. & Cu. - oe, 11.1854. • - ' •:. -'• ''' :, - Shawls T ONG and &pare, Noel, Briaelm aid 4 very handsome styles;!atid at extremely low - • ": • L. B.& co. oct• B.roche Shawls. - . fr HEAPER than ever before .ltnnwn: Bcauti ful patterns, and fine quality. • of 8-4 Butch° Lupen's manufacture, at $7. Oct. 11• [ • B. lz Co.. ' Bay State' Shawls rTlllß largest size, finest - Vinlit , k, and new pat,- erns, st,3o each. U. & Cu. Oct. 11. - Carlipts- • _ A GOOD asSortment and handsome 'terns at very low 'prines. P. B. & Co.. ' 1.1. • • Buffalo Itobbs... LARGE- lot of h?ndioinet Robes, a part Ot _LI. thew who)e, Indian dresed, and very supo z itur colors and • . & Co. Gibson, Od. 11, 1:854. Don't be Frightened:;' "YAII3IEIIB steak" AhAtNI:EBeILT. 'frier:ds and4Castotn- F'Crwis ltihlatt°w7hrve°ll%VithstOod the deVourinfr t~lenlent that consumed- in hr store •withi'ineast . of qua Goods, an ti •We have; er.eeted-.-a cnnvenient . thanty, where we will 'be,' happy to se# •our aid eystonters, aszell as, new. We are ',.9 . 1.ng to. sett o o , tower than ever,.janitlyp, - thing. per bent. less than yotkean buy . r - elmiwltere!4l-Susq, a Cohnty. and see. • •• • . .t WitittlEN & THAVER... I Montrose, Nor. 29; '-' ropular,Patent Drodicine A ency. A 'BEL TU&RE.LL haS just reeeirchl a - new aupOly of alt the popular Put4nt Medicines of the day, Inelu.ling—Prt celubrateil medicines, Trask's Inapetie. Ointment, Tanner's Berman Ointment, Myer's Extract. Rock • Rose, Forest Wine,, and all sorts of Pills,. all.: direct from the PropritOra. • , Also, Camphene and Burning Fluid, cheep .es the cheeriest. '44..TURRELL Montrose; I)ee. 6,4854. • . - NOTICE. • rinHE sithiciiber way be fauna at ttra oft&I JIL. (Air the stotelately occupied by G. - dr. %V. 111. Fuller, where - he will be happy to- see all Ah t ; sB th a t art indebted toibt tato first. P. It,. Lcitiontr , ' D R. LATIIROF.' tress; Rec..: .6,;-,1844: BY ROYAL L ETTERS PATAT. The: - Syrt.if*iisiNf or;' -,o 7o l6 74;_Aiiti - Consui2:ptire - Cork Soles, nidinifi4tured b4rHaicourti . Bradley 4E, ..ccr.;-:' - 44" _ _ • Market St 4, jranchtster, : ktuciPat Warefiouse, 1O woott strert.: I.ospits-„ IWi xad. Aniesitaa Establlsbamita• $1 •A St gigot .13,11q2 Nassau etreel.Now York, U. S..' : ;l.- • 1 II RZElNlVolnagen tit a valuable' discover, hi peetett• log cheroot from. &stip or cold', andthereftivolitiltm*. rt wader frotn many Gnu &stale* rig/acid Am? dograr ' ' ir r tehaterer. , The Ilydrutaggett 111 ' in the ferns of s sole, at d worn Inside the boot or shoe. It/ midtrafte charge., ter Is a powerful antklteri to disease.. For gentlemen It will be found agreeable, Mina. and healthy. to weer in the coldest .or realest weather, sel the foot cannot become iret if thellydromegen le, illiallind ed. ladles may newt the lightest soled boot& Of fleseeigi ' the. most inclement weather •wi th impunity; to -'Carr I: *emptier' so prevalent among . Mt you th of ortr artist:4i. may be [beetled by. their polecat adoption . Th entker. ly sun.rxeds over- shoes; as tlaiqatter eatlite the feet perspire in a very unhealthy manner;- ,and, leireldells illill . not danerrous wear to pedestrians in icy. remitter, Ilse India rubbers. While the tatter rause the feel--tio *FISH* _ ea remely large,. the Ilydrmsragen, being si-, apart rib* shee of cork prepared, peculiarly placed inside, • 4 05.11145 t Increase the si se of the tioot .or minas the !toot so - appear' untidy. To Cldiaren they, *re estremily valitalke, suir . they may engage in ylerelse with ecitnfort - atdhulaltity of !Toe. Theft capture la so'slight as to scarce need thy Linn • kg.-411e*, those rho patronise- theta".will gad Ode ;wily doder's hat mad diminished Malt".: \ I , ' --- ,z - . i . As the liydromagedis coming more -known_ • ~ Its lisio_is inerearing to =almost increditre extent; 'Gast year nr - Lottlen, Btatenester,Blarninaltsto ' Liverpool , Olasitoir o Leeds, Dub li n, _Paris. Antweripaltutaisarg.aud Botha, oar roles readied 1.73-'.4so,,ptirs of Cork. Soles. a yew the' riumber will far r ortrieribit. 1 , _ - Ask the Faculty their °pinkie of their value is II pre • ventatiee , for Coughs, Colds, Bronebills, Arldunar we . eoussuap Con.' . Metre Sire, pr. pair, S Cents.' . • ~.. . Ladles' do. do. do. • [ -. toys' and Meets, do. ' , - . \ ' .4 lair . Not:res.—From the listen triers wa niekra I , ',. xi alioirtitiee to Jobbers and Wholesalers, so that any • , --.. sforitteeper may: inalevilbre - - lit iniAtieffitilirOtbalt Int they are en article th at may hr, - apt In any rtors o arnoret any class ofgeods. . - i - For terms, apply to-7 - . -., - - ' - 21":- '- ' ' nAttetotntT. ORADLeIT it tii,. ...... --- - ad tm,Strettalleer-Yest. - ' Cosper k ,Bart„,,tlt: D., llte erianent • Medical Practitioner; has left a vattrai4 Legacy to tla-trorld in his Great Prett.ent . alive of- C'imuniption and unfailing Furs for - Palnumary without' the uss. ,1 of Medicine. flr A. C- - .; Bitrt, lamented and advised the use of the _P • • 1 i l fe wa ed. Fur Chest- rotector, - T all' persons atilt-ages and eonditlensotati canal* aid part ,against those fearful diseases, Courtinaptkin. Asthma, Coughs, Colds, and •Othetaffectione of the Luteze. ihielt arise front the expelled State (kites chest, areordits; tofitslziO, and the continual *MVO - of The Protector" is - slit/ply a-A:heroically prepared cos Ilhed- with Silk. and padded, which,' ruipended from am • niek, carers the': chest,, In "so agreeable a rottener that. otice worn. it becomes a neeeisity Ind a comfort. • ' ":The Protertorr" although but recently introduced hito auietiea Is making rapid program through the United, Statel, the Cana.this, South America, and the West Ladles. It has for a iota, time - been a staple article In England and Ma tit" continent of Europe, while it.Bae groin:kin many, con.-tries to the Position of an article of drear. • To demetwirate these facts enquire vt anyAnaglieh teal dent in your violet ty,of Ids knowledge, of thlibenetleial frets of wearing the protector, Without reCourre to dotter lug of any kind. The cost of-wearing - these. stades 4W a mere trifle, and one will -last some- years. Nerone ens rahies the health of himself or his, fatally will be without them. 'The llospitals.in MIS country are. not alarm no; Ounottitling them. .but rapidly. In troduchaß nay chart, ' Bradt ey a Co.. ofLondo n, and Manchesterillogland, a-e.e -.originally entrusted with -the malufactore, of the protectors. by the lainentedDt. Cooper : cud continue to manufacture .-areprdia g to his original Instructions c and therefore teem:mem! those. who would near , the_"Pro• ieetors," to ree-to their being genuine. Remember that thisf is a - staple article, and no Patent lied:clue. • Gent't Size, .f 14.50 each. - . 1:00 • do. Doyle & .311seee do • • • - 75._ • • • ' 'IIARCOVItT,CRADLUY,A, 'Co. •'" • 3S Ann St. and 102. Varna StA .liew-Yorli. i • Prinepal Warehouse, 'lO2 Vraod St., Cheatidde.tondoa. 31am/factory, 44 31arkst St., Alazichester,England. Tr. 8..1- Co. atect.tahlithing Depots for the sal* •ot th• Protector - In all parti of America. PLYSiciant.- Surgeons. 11roggitic, Clt,thiert".: Cry Goad* Slerduints, Hatters abd • alto Gentlemen's lizenithitur StoregKeepers• azie ruin* te,l with the wholesale and retail alit:Sit:llion of them, and' to whonimott liberal tarsals ore offered for their - enterprise. anl a splendid opportunity openato that Ibr safe and p roll:War huglaegt. . . tufteouut, BRADLEY. & Co. • ZS Ann St... Nevntork, ELS: MITE idlictibey 'would respectfully - inform the public that he-is-still right. side up at his shop in the basement of Searle!s he is prepared, to accommodate those- who:want new clothing,rivith his . usual skill apd .4 . espatch„ • TALL . ADIONTg' . .7 . hrp posted up at hips shop, froin which', you may sill y et, or an other style you want. -7 :1e11: wink made up, his shop Is warranted io gVo: faction. ' -1 • . fir' Cuttibg done as usual fur pay down; and yr arrstrtra - - ' ' _ JOHN GROVES. •liontrpsp, Oct. 19„1854.-42-3mo. , .13..D#ansr--Daggetretltyplrt,-__ '• At Odd ..rellOos' 11411,.1 . • rut' AKE. I'ietnres of everything Oak. s ilt Sep. X nil/. • • Children will: of be inken-onleßs broil between the hours of 10 and 2 o7elotir s on a clear NEW .STOCK - . - • Of Cnses, Frames, lineketsi &e., just ppiebased Montrose, Nov.. 23, 1854.: Horse ro7arars , and Steam...gaging. jr\ NE ;Ind two. HorseFowersjor,tkceskittg, ‘...1 and otliCr purposes, and:a 41litiens Power 'Stenin Engine, for saio - low 'at the Eagle.. Foundry.' Also, Stoves., PloWs, - and all kinds of Castinn for Machinery and; other purposes: SATTrE, BANTLEV PE*gura„;:. 'Alontrose, Dec. 1;1854. l,, U. B. & Co. ' TOTICE.is hereby given that in pursuance, of .an.,order, of Court issued from the Orphan's Court of SusquehannaLcounty,,there wilLbe -ex-, po.o:i to public 6ale,Fy vendee upearthe - Prenti; sea in Jr.cksen toWnship, : on Satrirtlak . the., 30th'_ daf of 'l.l:lecember next, at - 1. o'cleek'P:M., ail •• • that certain pieet, 'or parcel . of land' late 'tho'ies/‘ -tato of Lafayette •Wilmarth; decensed; , boculded • as follows:. Beginnina.•nt a post. and stones: in; the north line of Sitgie Griswold's land, thence , north forty-two • and 'it' half degrees - west -135 perches to a post and "stones in the south line of. I.eter Paynon land, thence in in-,easterly dired;- - tion 79 perches to a peat end stonesin the fine 'if Thomas Butterfield's lend, thence along said lino south forty-two and one-half degrees' to the old' Harmony road, 'thence : along said road . to where it strikes said Sedate Griswold's land, and thence along tae line of said Griawrold's laud. to ,the plaee of beginning, contahlang 49 aereSSOd 55 pciehes, be the,sanie more or leats with :the appurtenances: • Terins of _sale easy; and Mad, knoW-EL upon the,daref ' • -- - • 'JOHN GUNNISON, Adat're Jackion,'Nor s ,2B, 1:954,4-4845 • • -• • : Notice to .Parents - .. - tuit-Teachers.- .. ATo ,mee ting of thvlDoardi of &boot Direr ziL tore of,Bridgewater.Abeq2Bift ifirsi resolved bY Abe Board, to renOminend tile.tioe of ": the following tut Rooks, in titesevundoeboolu. unaex their jurisdiction, in °nib! ibat uniformity may be generally attained. - ' Sander's Seltifig Rook, aeries'; of Readers, Stoddard's mental - Mtlitatie; Smith's Ge9graphy, anti Itroivn's Gra:minor. , - - GEOIFRIAU, Vlore and Mare Nowt Gandi.l , 1 Tr ,BUR.IIITT is now r eceivinginetat and I L. : sttpplies.of Goods fo r , , Mater trade, inclil4l9; 4 ne W and - olekttetastioktnetit Slat-Moe :I. "Marino and Cashmere Midi; Plaid Fant:y and Pln n i t De Lanes; .Paretimo4 - fireelnk- - - Square inict'L nifShawls,=Al 1l - of 'irrew and belt style*, and.wil Ate sold-at 25 friteertr: leaa than , ' 1 last ytari "prievi. :Also. :a.:mcw a;sttertmentiel Rialt.Rktiouns amtrtettuetit, , ,Wl4 Rl 4 ireivet. for Cloaks - ate-I gtintrilas, Ithai 'Silk and Velvet DresS Tritetuthri, .Dreafiery with general assortment of .ot6.', tve 4)406 eta fancy Good,ttl stknous'," wldehluii.: I ing heonlbonglit ender the 'pr&ent itregiori.'et i the cash market' will be bold at - sorrel pandkte t redeet,d prices. ,t New. Milford, Nov. 21, 1854. , Administrator's Nairiglii•j 7- A, .1. VPT / C E i 5 i leret T ' O r rt• thi4 ktieng WOW LI mental nlwalho estate Chi*: nor. Into 'et' the township - Itridigiiiter,:, hnv been grunted. to AIM 4fibeeribee; 'Alf pelt' sons indebt(4l tO 'ski 'eutste - are hereby nupos., tea to make immediate' payment, wet thesi -haw InQ claim* irpriri% said estate tr" present them-duly sttesto4 , ..,togisottlement, , . = W41.1.4:1W - A.ONMOR:i. i Noitraties - "No‘;. 30, tin-y-44;1 rann. - Attention Peoples! Administraior'i Sale.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers