g i '-- --,iiv ,-.._:- ~ '- ~-'..,:.,... r . i tJ. , e ue . ly --a 41i sulrost - : , -- .tnuitn j'.`- , . il ~. ta,ittGF. ST CitICCILATIoS , SORTHEit . : I i'EN2II.4I. Z . g. , 13 . .:011A5E: dr ALVlNliAl'itioitottei.: 2c)it;lalle, Thursday, Dec.-1411104. *bag *gut lie none; ar cimatts aIAGSA.T. What mizht be drme;tr men un.re twist, Whit,g166 0 44 sojrering brother; •••-" • •• Wonld they unite • - In love and - A:xid cease their scorn for one another `ol9ression's heart might be imbued: Wltlx kindling drops or loving kinclne s; t And-knowledge pour, • From shore to fahtm:, Light'. on The eyes of 'mental blindness,. Al' alaverv. - watiare,_lies And wrong Ati vicel'aini crime might Ain to4ether ; An.i wine and corn, ~To each man .born, Be freo as warmth' in sunny weither. Whit Might he done?, this m 1.214 be dint'; And more. than this, my sofrdring brotner- 7 .111.,re than the tongue E'er slid or sonz,- If man wive iriio - nni loved each other. Clicuninancial Evidence. . In a small town' of Saxony three young men, ,Whotre we will call George, Ernest, and Lewur,lurii . whom- frOm their infanCv were strongly attached -to one . another i 'George and Ernest Were merehants - :\ Lewi studied law..And,,practieed• in his -aatie Illleer :One - surrimer's day Eineit end George- Set out"on horseback for a to*.n: about ,thirty ttities off Where'thest had business trails- act. Ernest,wa.s weak enough to be fond of discoursing with his friend op. religious sub jects, on - whieh thes. were of different opinions, and - had often harf warm disputes, though George : Was. irritable and passionate as he: - was obstinate in. maintaining his. "no tions. During ; the . journey Ernest. led the conversation to . this unlucky topic.., They tell. as usual into altercation, which was kept up until they reached the inn. Where they had agreed to dine. The dispute was con tinued over a bottle. of wine, but. with temper . on 'both sides, and the travellers pursued their .j Ernest renewed the subject of their • fu er conversation, and . hoth ,neing rather el ted with the wine they nad taken, the dis pute beeomeitnore and . more violent, as they proceeded .4 so-that by the time theybad en tered. a wood througli whieli . they rode, it,had degenerated- into dowitrigik personality and abuse.. . . . . GreOrze's passions knew no bonn uncon cious of what he did, he pulled out a pistol, and presented it at his companion.. The, pis tol went Off and Ernest fell from his horse; .j which frightened by the report and relieved I from his rider scampered, away . into the wood.- • . • , - George, pale- as Ale. 4, immediately al light ed to assist his•friend, who-Was . weltering in the.paroxysm Of . passion was over, and hail - given place to. bitterest repentance: Re stood trembling by, Ernest, whojust:thea breathed his last sigh. Overwhelined with despMr, and ~anguish he tqre•hislnti,r, and afterward4gali4efback to . the village, to surrender himself into die hands of justice as the murderer of hi friend.. that he mif_rlit put a speedy end -to a 'life which was now the most oppressiveburden i -to him. TheTOftieer to whom he Ji•livere& himself up sent hint under a. guard to the flwri where the friends - resided. The• body limest s , whose 'pooketS _were found rifled, tbither and interred Tile legal., proceedings against.Geore cons m,nee.i. lie repeated his conles:sion before he.judges, and implored a sfteedy death. , his examination was. ho - that, he was at liberty to'chose an ad vocate to defend him, as. the law requires. but ;le,;declined.to avail hims'elfof this . privilege, ,ind` with tears besauglit the Court to -hasten his execution. .- Being, however, urged again to appoint an advocate to conduct his defence, the name :is friend Lewis . . "At the same time," said he, " thero needs no - deft - meet' I .wish only for death ; hut I submit to the required 'form ality, • My friend may undertake the bootless task, and thus ,how-his attachment to. me for the last time." • With profound emotion. Lewis enterefl up- - on the most painful duty. that 'had everfallen to his lot in l,ts whole professional career. Though he d.snaired of being able to save his-untuippy friend, he determined of course to make-every possible offort .to this end. With this view he objected that Ernest's body had been committed. to the earth with , out any previous ',judicial _examination and dissection. The judges replied that this cer einonyireemedannessessary and superfluous, • as the murderer had voluntarily'confessed the deed ;"but if be (the advocate) insisted on the ! examination of the body, it should be taken up. ±Bv.the diSire.of.Lewis this Was accor - flinirly, done. The town surgeons . attended. and -dee - tared' that the ball had passed ' righ t ihrOngli - the heart, death must trtturally en suei Lewis wished to know if *the ball was still 'in the-body; the surgeon sOught, for and. fund. it ; . upon which the advocate . sent for the Pistol with_ which the deed had been per - -- Petmted, and tried to drop it into; the . barrel. It Seemed to large—he• accordingly tried' it - in all passible ways—still it would not go in. That;:thie ball could net he fired by •that pis- 1 tot was evident to e.yery observer ;. the judges 1 1 - ot;ted 'at one- another and shook their, heads. '1 Themwas,not a person - but had completely made up„hia mind respecting the guilt of the prisoner;;4nt thiseircumstanee quite confuund e 1 strelxvitp — , The ctmfession of the prisoner;- made-irlitio_nt the employment of the. slight est-feart4E 4 force,: was corroborated 'by :every cireuttutMee that. had. previously come ' to . - - lightthehall alone - seemed ;.to - proc.laim . hii. . inn-Ou t inn - Ounce. ' - . - ' L e wis began to conceive the strongeit bopes and' was nearly. otterpoivered with .the excess , of his jot; his judgment. He proposed that, the pree:eeditigs,.together. with the 1)411 - an d •• Dist I, should be sent to the supreme tribunal, 7 that, it Might fdeoide..• in.; this .extraordinary • '-- affair ! ' -This proposal 'was the ;more readily. acceptedei the. local court was puzzled how •to. 4t, 'atid'abselutely - nimble .to pronounce . ..L. an,ttjUdgtrieut whatever. . -•-; - .. ' . VVll.l l O4e. papers: ere in the. hands of the sup*ntAiribunal in the metropolis, a a high - way+inasi,"who had shot and robbed a ravel 7 . ler; 12 iin3,riatc! not fer . from the hi-rthplitee of • the efettils. - was !nought into.. town-. c o m f i t; ted itaufficient ;evidence; be acknowledged his . Crtnikliut that was:tiot all .;:hei confessed. . on f(tither . 4atuination,,that , titovonths' be fol.44,he,had muniered another ' :i tuart. -on . the, sari se road. . This circumstance'. had .excited suspitiop, and being still further questioned, . he related the _following partiCulars i.' 4 !4htiutt . that- tittiel-happetted - to' 'beio _a ; vill4a4rtilio,hOnse.. - . Two ineri . oilh . orseback . cani . iility4r*.e ; - . I . retnarks'sl'::that one.. of ilen,P,lin.,;t.a learrei:4l . n "filled . With - money . 1 - ,..qljadliound.his hOdy, Underneath his:Waist, .;oat. Ihegan,to .ConsiOcr whether • it. . was ot.Ossible'.to . possess -•myself Of ~this - rich .•, •)ot r yi; but then, how _was this to Pi .: ...: b4:4 etimi - niiioirl'itostiei ; thought I , - r- . v ... ~ ,t,zt :#l:9:ice - 01.-04 piste s. - !' If laltt*Cite . ,.o4. - ,o vp. th`er WPE . probably.run aitY in a fright, - fteffbefdriA6 can 'give thlrothirm and fetch Witnesiiesto the Spot, my fleet horse oill;haya . e.tlriesdmefarionotigh out of , their reach i ifleoe tri!.7 .4 6 the expectation , .the au r vivor shOuld stand by - . .bis - companion, . what hinders me from gir netira the - other , ball I Such waiinuY , detertnination; which I resolved Miami:flat - oy, - to exrecitt#. ...r . had overhe4rd them talkitig:of tlie way; they 'should - take, , rode Off before, and ll:taring tied. my horse! to a tree, concealed . .myselfint a thicket by' the roadside. No sooner had I taken. my station than the travelers approached. . They were quarrelling violently. I!lhad already taLren taim at the man with the .girdle, when the other took Ontt, a . pistol and discharged it at his companient. I. fired intithe same moment. '..4y man - fell! Just as the Owes ball whiz - zed past iny.ear;dtellten sprung froni - his 'lobe, Iwas engaged for a sliort4irite with ltiS dying felloW-travellee and at!.ilte' instant when .1 i was'going to - ;fire.at Wan, he mounted 'again, ' and galloped aWay. I had:pow time to , rifie . the pia.lkets Of the deceased, and having dime this. I lode Pff its fast asi ; co - Id." - . • •- - Ileide.seribed the time, the., place, and the two tiavelers:SO Minutely, that there remain ed nO. the slightest doubt of his hiving ziettial ly CoMmitted i the riaurder . of... Which Geort_re . accused himself The hitter :trembling with rage had fired at randoni, and was inoeent of e death of iti:i friend.' ...: "- • i - t . The local tribunal transmitted all these par- . riculars tOthe stipretne - edurt; the proceedings, .ia with accompaniments, were returned, and the 1 ball exactly 1 'flied the Pistols. wittelt were f I found upon thOnurdererl at the tiine of his „ apprehension'. -- i . • -; I - _ Let' the sympathizing reader now i endeavor I. to form some conception :,t ., the transport of 1.1. ewis on having saved his friend ! iLet, him !figure to..himself the joy of.Greorge, When the Tllainful eotiseMtisness of an atrocious crime lwaS thits'.renioved from his bosom ! 1 lle was ilunanituously declared innOt`,,but of the Murder; ihis pa..ssiOn cost him two;' month's initprison- Merit ; and itirras long before his-tears ceased, .to flow for his departed friend. Lewis beg , . 1 gfel the_ball, the instrument of George 4 s - de-- liverence, as e memorial cif:this ex(raordiriary levent:. .- -I • - : . -' -.- .Th e f o - rms ; o f l ega l . p,....-,eedings may.often troidit.H2Ote, or; useless, but let them i fn t be arranged on that account. Noyc. and then indeed, a criminal par through ' their means 'escape the i punishment due tol4:gmilt; hut .if, in the course of a Century, they save thelife of only one innoeetir person, the wis donr.of the - legislature ought to cOintnand our gratitude. #•s - . ~ .. . Iliippy tilc+lti ol i ,llamanity. . . 1 1 The following fadts - of a:iVoung chief of th e " ! Pawnee nation, an4son old - knife, `one oil the•lndians who vis)ted tin) city of. Washing- 3 , lon,a.few years agq, froni the foot ;pi' - the Rocky Mountains, fire highly creditable to; his cour:T,..hiS generosity and his lienevo , - 1 . knee. '1 his yOung i'varriolt,. when those evens; .occiirre, was !about twenty-five: year's cdd. At the age of twentsT-One Ina heroic deeds had..t rti:quired fur him 'anitong his;people, the rank t ', ? r - Bravest of the brave." - ; - : ; - ' •• . i -'! The savage practiee pf torturing and burn- 1 ing :to death theirOsoner'S,; existed in this nation. An linfurtinate Ilirnale, taken in war ! with-the Paducah •nation,:i Was destined to this horrible: death.-'The fatal hour had ar- 1 rived ; the "trembling victith,l'far, from hornet "and her ,frietals, wax ..fivitened -to the : stake ; t the whole tribe-was 4sSetni:keled on the stir- 1 rounding plain' to W.itness ;the awful scene. i Just when . the woodlwas ahout to be kindled :Pid the spectators there: oil:the - tiptoe . of ex pectation, this young warrior, Who Sat coni- , ; posed ly among the tibias,, haviiig before pre- pared two tleei;liorsT, with' tiec*ssary .provis iOr.x, sprang from his seat, ipslidd thiough the 'crowd, loosed the victim, seized, her Lt- 1 .':••-• ; _lti6m,-;... ,Tiu....1. it,..: ~:., --, ve: to . e.liorse . s, ,noun- ! • ter - the other himself, -and mattethe uttermost I sp e ed toWards . the nation and fiends -oft-. the aiptive..• :The, multitude,,durnbansl nerveless' 1 with atnazemem. at the daOlig-deed, made no 1 etiort to rescue their: victim;froo her deliverer.: ' Thew iieWed if,as- tbc act. rif•tlitit; deity, sub- '. initte& to: it- without a murtner i ti and quietly returned i to . their . village:: Thelast ~ was ' i accompanied through the wildeiness' towards t, l i ths .1 1 ,, i i i e, till she was 'out ,of ':: . danger. Ile I been gave her the horse-ott i . Wl4ti - sle . rode, 1 with the necessary provisiona fot the remain dcy of the jotirney, and . then; pafted: On ;his return-toithe _village. such Wits .the ' respect wed him that '-uti..entiniry was made into bigleoulluct; no censure; vras IpasSed ;on lit ;•and since the transaction n human Sac ; ritiite has been offered in this' or! 3 ! any of ihe 1 Pawnee. tritt4 . Of What tinfloe4ce:'is one I bold tact in ri gUod cause l 1 lOn the . pUblicasien of tlii'st: apeedoto - ltat 1 Washiag.totr, the young ladies '.of a •fern,:tle. i seMinary, in that . city - presented fhiS brave and ' humane Indian; with . a- hands - on* silver tried= ial, on which: was-engraved 'an appro' priate:in-' r scription ;" accompanied' bit it.an 'address.:, of which the" following is the '034 : "Brother' , '.; aceept . this token of our esteem`; and when yoit hate againl the power: to I,Save . a - poor 1 woman from death And,torture,Ethink of this j and of us, and:; u, • ; tl';iy to her. res9ne t : , , • .VlcistrrnE or FonVcxE-4-A.i'vriter, in the London EconOmist sums up a 4ry able 140- chi. On 'Sapoleanlll 4. as ICIIoWs .:: -"The sane, man ivltO landed *t BOulouge in -184:0, with a l eingle , stearner and a few .frieod.s, on.a deSperate :trod ; abortive expedi tion, revisits it in 1854, to s :review a vast ar my and receive the ; tioimage ofeOuntleßs spec tators. v Tli&aame train who sii years ago, lived in obseiirity in London, s `sc, arcely able to pay his-tailor's and , qiiite thiahle to pay his horse dealers bill—whom Mantrlooked upon as stupid, and whom ttotie''rksAled x upon as wise, of - W.bontfew - ..arguedliv.o 4 l and whom -few - -wd,tll,l tru4;intich,--wedinveijusiseen re -eeiveing the iyisits'alid viinplOtterit4\of the consort .olouriQueett, 'entertaining thres'roy ai guests at iiii#,lnble - one of thein the . sotrip- , . , , ~ law ,of th e Celrf i 'monateli Wh'ona hp had s` - un- - ! i • iStoyetit Sio‘rcl t t ill'olveli:!!'- . I, • • • , 1. ceded, and admiited'heyond all denial info; 44r:1111g Sere and Yellowl..ear.' reminds us the.soeial circle l .of. - .royal..lpe'rsonages. - Nairl. .L. thnt te fit of the keen rr....5! ! is this cliangeiii Ids singular.fortunes the on- 0 - .4" Old Grey N . Vint4r, when o e of these 'unsur: iv one, nor peiiMPs the greatest."We vin i priest and highly approve 4 Stoves frail' the itnagineltim tintiling iliith even a more grittl' '4;, 1 ,. ! ,. si war .ek, Pfiekard. Worm , . i , extensio N;finufaeturif% in- . the . Union, indisp-usable ~ s ati 43(ll .Prr a 4 tiT c°° 97 - 18 ?- 4 1 tire. boglorge of; to every family': We would re4pt.etfuliv announce .the'Engitsh pre.. regarain4,:himin 1852 and 1.1,, .th'e s citizein; of ',StisqueliLrina awl ad,piininit' note; sitting with the. Titne!yor'the lExaminer, coma. that, We bllve just reeeived and -ire re ef Deeetnber, j851,.0r of August, .1852, he- Ceivini the lareest 4nti best as.'sortitient of :itiwes fore liini. and Marveling at L ilt/ metamorpho.• ever ititroAneeil intO Eastern o.nnsYlcania, Which sis,the untnensitietl abuse Which waishowered ( Will be - sold. very lowest cavh figure. To. upon him at the former date, -land the deco. f those itiio are in want of 5t0i, , , , 4 they will find it . , [. .. • . • Ito their interest to ill and e - fnminenor.vari e ty. rousirespea aid; cordial praise. with whiett be i before!puehasing , else . where • ! They comprise in is sy4en'of-n W. The - '164.11' and ; the 'min-I raq 3 4 f„ii„,,,,••,,i,_ i i •• -, • 1 • , •itrigi!lrY arid andacion s rOf,fiftte lo now - the finOed Soit4, 'I . - I Oriental Parlor, p?lite and sagacious emperpr.4md- tete-a-tile Ea4ern Qtal.i!?t , F.,,. 0., . t •Venetian, thi wtthtPrince Albert -and Kin, 'Leopold." • • Fire Clippoki,ifl. 0.. • p,iney - .dn • .., i , ~c. I: ' I ' N•stionat Ali- Tie,At E. 0. t . tering •cM , -: ' • Afoinino : l4r, .i. • . t entletcp, '. itrj •- • fetrinrs' A it-r,&, _1 4-c.,, 44. '.-.• '; The-:a _rivr 55toveS are too well knoin to re= quire an . sninate tleaeriptioin,!, twin! 'the - indo populai . tut spiirovedStove. inFrna rkot. 1 - Al! who' may fay r Us - with tic All will-lie shown thinnoil ours : rtmeni - with plonsUrel. oßeeolleet the: number . Es.rltva'sfni. famed `One Price Store!.' \ 1inrc0r1..P.134114enti.1853...--- '5 - .. '.• • ItirEastao THE .--The editor the Green; (Wiscositt) Advocate is a Democrat his wife - a midi! rAD . nfiding his paper to her ma4sgement, b rettently started ah elvvtioneerin,,„.i tour. The /ady reversed the engirte,;changed, the politica of the paper and the editor hurried hooik.jutit in time to prevent 14e reinoY4tV the rani o of his favor- Ste candidate from the Colutimskt die AdVo.. HI eg l e.l iv' 1,11 ,_ -woo * , !Sir John Germain ifr:is' io-ign,ptant that lie-left'st legacy to Sir Atailiew peck e r a the jautbor of Sir Metbevei • '1 Aibtrtistintufs. IHEFOREST WINE!' c rbtaraceue„ grdteat Wine ' acid the FOrest fills fast ttaluing-th,ti toad will, and beetuulhg the favorite Wel; I iciiie-of the twine, and knot/n.l'. a snottrillectual reined) . ; in the ettreuf .•. i • Dyepepsia,itah thnl Costiveness, f.lrer Cnnip ten t tti.ea,Alttstinate IteadenheOlithow • • /plea illotehtlisaud unhealthy Cob r of the t 4 kin Jeug. ; Ace, Agoe ;iota; Fever. Sell ithen P. Erysipelas Cont.l ithtiots incitrwit to Venues, Lengnishiug igbt Str.a.4 . . Nervous Disorders. General ill ileelth itn.to.edmfate of the tion4titution. :lint a short 0:0 has elapsel • sine. these greit and Rood,', m e dicines hare:been MOO known to the imbibe. yet. thou, I , Funds hate er.erienc,4,l their gond effect:. Invalid. given: Vier by their as incurable. hove been restored : 1 6 PAllta4ll , i tiit'dplll , l health: hy their.ns- These Mean-, elites ate unlike any other. Their two-rola Propi•rtica art dire-41,y on thole ar:ans of the ernoteli.t.rer tt4 kbineye,! which stterett thefluile, and'tehitrate the imrufitira Omni &beldam!. IlUet,Wine end pilti never wetken,but give , . strength and antes 'tint) to both holy end mind. - !Thegreat atnimot of Bond three wit %Seine* hive done for, the sickati.tatllieled hero in•luced t utirds comtne, thetu to tboir Irlethls an-I the , aru4lir In4ieldnale of the; h iz bett %ntegritly have voluntarily testified to the world i i i; f.aor of their eltiritonli nary virtues. - • . :it o I.itiOsanlew... it eelebrated'ohrsician, 10..6 letter from Prilicetnn, New Jersey, dated Nor. 111, ISlir t i declares that Itl ail his eeporienee he had t ever seen any - j thing to compere:With the INvest Wine and oit the, I moo time rehttini totem! csiesof constitutionel Debibtr and; "term nlottitatteetions which It flitted in en ineredible thort time. koloitg the , .nen t oc,k of the tneAlc.,l reeniiy, of New York ;:osho hose witneeseit the great remelts• of file; F.:West:Wine. a4direentninen4ed it in tni•entts completer/1 -will he found. the ttawrs of the celebrated Pr M. T. Good., 4 mitre. Dr... I. Cheetteon, Dr. Chaim . .. Dr. Win. Drown, Intl Mersin. !h. J Il.itlnreenn and Others. . Johnson lintke. a blgbly veer etable, eat:lsmer vrAvirly , Waco; New Pore ; • 'lt • .—Doir Sir. I ceeetu the' Forert Wine a. the fi tr•g;nf Mc4Se•nett huts .Tone for mein fir& treela w hat thrre ; ptityciciiins failed to Jo In . ne man - yearn. ItOS4S• 1 begtimolh” net an of the Ilene Disease:obl Nor robs Affecti oicitielkiehhavo-been erowlnr too In. veer *tore until t preteured your Toren Wine and rille. lotili,ulh bail wasted refettli hundred dollars for medical latent]. ante flurioo Fitt last teeo tyke* T eras ohlize I to keep ME, h.a...h•Ariy oill.the time. anil ore up hurlnco.lo toroth recoener of myi ilt h . I hid Inrt titotrty all flops.* .41 reCncery. tny'romPlnint wan of ;that eincit under! whit* Unt tire sin kit !Intl 112 e litt e cuee. D b u rl:len." scol eat your, .rottert Wino ad►'etttee.t I concluded to rive it A t I riAl, AMC before flniebi r ii - the third bottle 1. reit like a different pee; F•oli. au retle'to restruchutiome..ncitnin eitirelv eured hy , Ankinr flee ;*Lattice. Por Melt...nett' of those 4fBicted with itimilere;;:notticitit you are it Itherry to unhitch thin . i i 'r o ar,. 4, -- f.: .l RU tic 11, War •Ity Piti:•e. NY. ~ .. General Dr 'iility.Emacipti , iitorasj rng (If body, e:c. ' _ , kie,,,y are am:11.0 jest, some tale of the nivore complaints i without heir, aloe to traoe it to any particular ottit.e, and': therefor,' delay the use of theppra ter rem ear uutil the dis. ease hecometr•ipistituti tnil.- The di.nrlers ore often chspictedirt; b :, sense of sinking. , n . enitir. exhaust!on . after at:ltemise. .: S* ue -aperients riurgist teas. ist:sitcle . an•tat times paleness or fl!ishin:r 1 the count , uulre re , pitottinn of the heart. or like symption. ' I The excellentiefiects wit:eh hive over satendr4 - the usel 11 : of the Forest Wlne and Pills: in every sPeries.of debility. is eimrlU,ire •-iitletice refit- hippy results In this rla.. of disorders 114ite ti i•e resorted e t o these medleines as tin' ./i4oil.fum. tindlliet n speedily cur' d For !L.:err...us diror-r: dens! and Debiliiirthe Wine :Intl Pills are taken according l to the'directionti on the label, .1 Tos the Ireett'n...—Trivt trauty and InveDnels ac company the bittheitt Perfe Oat:oche:lath. whieh tiztiln It , is rariabit follows - Ihr PUREST STATE tiE THE ills`ttin —'l . , I %Chat artificial loten•lares eqiial;that vieLt expression nil countenance wltieh *lnmate:. frottiiimilthl What paints can entripartewlip the erlm. , nett 1 1 :olorytt blend costing. its ' , het iltant ro.e itellt Un throo2h the transpalent teltUte oral the akin? IThap .harms are snore rantlrat lug Mot* those 1; ornsture, lit listt h'elie.t perfertion ? Let Dr flitlfes'r, I Whio inept) , tipi piker of all co.mytirks. Thr use Of this ! exrellent Wine tii. a short time creates pure. rich blood. whin ~ ,,,,ronlike...seh the .visas. penetrates the ininut- r est 4hrett that T 4 ice townr‘t. the surface of the Skin; eAtis.... l., lug till unhealthr pimples tint, h'otches to tii.annear. flu- pnrtinz a viri•li t ,, , color to the - Ain, and liritlintr ex- ', 1 resilou to the yeo, _,., t• -TIIS TS i.siTtili AL DE %IVY. :1 , . , In :corrohorittlisn of these farts, -Dr. Ills v has many I estitponitils. Th. following Ia fit m n.lady of themnstrre- ! *pe , ll l .le 4 r.andire in Pn-iety, %era to us by her brottier, , r. . -4 din:. in Itittg. rsißtreet. ' i - I Dfl -ft W. l l S t.,*• CT— Xt ., ' York. Jnty 7.14.0 ttiv vister. Iron) her youth, hat: h-en in very 4+l , -ate ' health, romnlaliting frequ-nt ly of .wenknees of . On t •ln.st, , attended with :ie:nigh. Alrniit the mg... of t Ighteen s.. vs. tninlti get inneli }snipe For sit mnir In% oterinto. t emn. :, tnenging with.yofir in...ll:in-1i she had not been able o vier • nut lir lb. hens . . Ifer conntenlore'w.. greatly ems'etati..l yellow and sielaf• : lier fare and nook as. yorerid - with ,i6arreeihte . usiulie, eyes very much stirstrn: stll her ,I st cough ineresirog l In fine...she lore evert-apr,so mime 'of norm hesomins an naituppy vitriin in eonitimption At , this time , ' orossii•eft for her some of von. F-ve•it Nibs and , pills:which wlie slontnenr.:ll toema,nret•rd'og In thelnirer tionsl She erojiial•t• inihroved its ph.: followed no the use Ott t4f;ITI . .11 , 4 . ft tt t tlmptntse of reeorory P. So an tinenni- , Mostly o'o4 nPlartite. her far. finally become ...no.Atti and hrr ell.rkg ro•Y 0 1 47 rough 'eft . her altogether. •Shot , now tir.onT in I'‘'.l' Inn- and pre•tent. 550 fi ~ s, Otstnple ..f htwilth I everoiiritnesseil '.)•iliv F.MAXWFI.T. , D'r.-0. it. rfitl ' iri.s li. , m- eim'Ail F ,, r , s , • ikiiis'i : , • 'illnarehetnee I In the ••ame n , indri. ~., t , 1,, , P"rest Wino. n vltieh it Is not iinnA•rint ...Wirt...l 4 Th. y arr. en l er.) with i ., trr..iinnli %rabid. an imnartnnt In,i'et.tinn„ Gar whieD Dr, D.l•6;:r Ihn. roseiri• 1 th• only nit eiit ever grant.-. foci Pills . . by she 'Lay:not:nen. . i f ,h, stnlt...l a 1,,,,,. r • Pr. '''lalssr's Vri—.t it - me an I CiTn•rosat..l consort PIN*, unitsln se.stopit4irtg the same Bret' . - pd Trir.rnetirt 'tiny ,e -the nir,..1„.111'. ltrnorotinn nil -I tlestoiTtlon of the atromieh and linitreht. 1 . The, life ,'.n - this of man Is . till 1ch.5.,1, nn - sinner . nre tt,n.n reesnt ••1' Itit.i s'shnsril 'ilia-t. sestet.. tusk h' , .n.l. ( of 1 , 1 , 0'1 .nett., an Irs,t'f. t ..s to 12..,1111 , r * .rink , I, .I. t i, „ n...nfttla',lrt. t 1 . 14 0 31114 'Fon?. 14^h 1 4 , 1 4 MR4o, 01f1,,t irk tio keg+. li:V t IP' li ....Or t?le V. - eFt Irine.,th , n apti5t...,...i.i... .s 1 ..,. “f bssiv. . a itlAhl Pi”.‘g.Fil..z;•=l. r l-0.- ni, •shiri, if om.i.a•i tti,4.. zu .. it i,,,ii.inea ~,, ,, 4 he.which rre4S: aiT atee.,...re e rr c o cci ., The rare.? 'Vin' ~ nnt tin In tante sa 11 . lta• *.ntt.es.,a , th Pe 1141"...srlstnel+lnis, In the ells,. nn. Pon,. nee h 't its, or six tb .t.lecri.r C;,.. riarars. l'ilUTl.eri , t."4 rOft•P I NU. 1:". ,nets ner ItoN,i gory ~,, In ~,I t •hk.nnnt:•,.. , l ktrents. ?It Wholocal..h.ll"etl l l. .10 , ... , 1 Irbil t.. 161 [Milne .trert. on. tt00.r , ...n ItliDesi Vow linrl,-, :' Asoiobtoe4 tgsnist in Montrose. A14:1 Ttirrell : Crest tient, I,nrien ..-scar . 1 i no Allot. ritisirt.rly. .. I - . • . . . • Stii - Os: tt - iv •, ,' ' NEW GOODS . , 11, - ' .:, -.-: . - .1, rpl rf:,ii;.rii . ,,,.r , 0..1, At - t 1 1.9"` Vptonvill6,. Exellange." 1 0 i ;,i4 0,,,,m„ ani): the , rrl HE inhibit:int% 01 Uristinville and vleiriity : stssortmif4 of • . Jl_ :i i rk.,iitNinifitilored wiih 40 exhibition cif an- '; : l - kile othe r choice iiiilectiim of Fall Hmi Winter G0.;(1... a t•hi,., n i.i c i. F oi .„, re,, v . in at the old stnnil nf tie suhserl,ilo - -r. (Diorit open ;IL. s, 1,46 i .i,,•, 4 15 t ii r i.. dailvt : Stiniapie,xinepted. fronjr; ii'elnek A. :11.:. ; Depot. ' , lie, l'imi! in iid.li untillp o'elnekj P. "M.,) wiierei may bw seen; sold . 1 v:.riet v i:l' reiikinir ii nd andb!M2ht. a 1. - r.Ood alsortmoint of Dry Goods d Patterip;t 4nitie 01 wbli-. 1 Grneerie.s; etoekeiy. Harilware, Oils, ' st -.vi•hiii,ii• :1 i ,, ,1 ‘Vnoden Ware: ipki„ Nil' Pints. Oils, Fluid, I motel-1, Truly. I I 'Mot., B..ntii" & , ',44. 0 4. 5; ., Ciollii! 0, 'Choral 11.edi..,„ . itiractilVisraor, ! ' - 0 . 11. .1 it, - I e . i•- • 1 E1.',..r Trunks. 17 iipel )3 ;V : 4... Yaiikee. Noti•ms ke. & .: • I '4 . ' NV i — .l- t'''' ''' • - 1 .- ' -'';' 1 ! tte: i - All`wbq rezn'sityl will psis for whit thex"l. "` ' 1 ?"I'' `' l '' -`‘''' .l ' 1 , ~.1 . ; • :0- .: ~ .: I buy Oithor d.14-n, 'Or within a remiomilde time .I.l".`""sArt/' I n. "S , T " AA!' n. i thereiifter. are nvited to ealli Those 1), , ,,1ming i l of o-ell i. j .l).etrtilStii: . to oi -it other c l ass m-iy it! Well flo where they l' * ,::„. 51 1-1,", 8 ,%"` T ':` , ";i - ean do better.: All kinds - of JF ' Produce ; 4 ' gi''' 4 " n ft"'''''' "! " i :inners ! , Bitt.r.-Lard..E.,._, ,Pork. V l.ltr), and Cash re- . 1 • k made tOlvider n 4 it-ljil, • , t eeive4 isi•exehinee' for Goiii-14: , ' , old stand In Great lipii' JOSEPH L. MERRIMAN. ,• 1; ':' v , ... rip,nonvate, Pet.',7„ 1854. - 1 1 - • • f:1 1 Loilet4vllle . & C;rent • 1 1 _—__.....„:_......._ . !. ' Au s ralia , California, Or any pace 011 . 1hc GlDfle,rivvoil present greate'r linditeetzents• than , KEEI4EIt: 4. SI'ODPA RD'S 1 . -• 1 - ;1100114ND SHOD STORE:. • 1 lATII full. ieistivi filled' wick .r now andlosten; I. : sive asrlartnient of ne,xicles in thelr line , i embracing a geiseral -variety Of new and 41erant styles of Ladiei , and GrUlle'eter. wear , , 6 tillting which ; lire Ladies French. S n it Laatine an 4 Vre• "pill. Gaiters . KW and h;nittne ed Polka...KidPat- l i , ent lather ati'd bronzed dedtiy- Linde. 1 -lintkias i and Ties; rentlemittes. Freacli and : Philadelphia i eak.tanned calfskin and kip - 6 tots. qnnirtles ind I hutted Bailers.' Montere) 6 ni:l %Va%hinotattlitslic , toilet _Slips. 'ttoroi Co. cal!. and enwhid.l Irro r cans. &c. 11 , 4;ot kip. calf and!cnichide -11•14tinif ! Brazens; all kiPdsof ,Vissea a'nd rhildretni wear. att Also. reeral;a4saittneat of o'i:tiding,. which CM) ! i silt" id part o (l,i‘fiii. pees, 'Bp rabies. /100zarian • nails.tacks.• tljtead. wax. Illri.!tles, she. binding, !tw ig, ~ : i e mai , s, ptiodstraies,'shno knives. Sec. , . lien, " o ak in,rlSernlock tanned calf gi n liogr and solileatho . er. Mitine.ri c sOns nd lininrS., , . • ' 1• . • Work Mad e to or er and ropolirinvieatly dime. ' - 1.:F.1.ER de..STODUAIRD. I Mantrose,Jahe 10£45:1,. .j• 1, , • - I • . • , 'l l .• - --- 1 'i ' - ' *PM 15 GOO l ' ',.,%V ? I LIB in' now , (wins •h;si Pall' l'.l a.fwi sr' ill D . a v uld in al in tife t io eP w n ea b t n p " r tr t h ce P fo l ; - trPinPtir . I - • realy plr , If lgostre, Elfipt. it, 1854. 1 Inv - Gobi 1 • -117431iLLAittir . & tur'n thoir 111 • :it'clitrovdedgirivots to the public for past; i , v4ms, - Atpilovite,ifil tot ion to if& Vory.. larptotot .colSiarptg„anii ,Soatoier. Goods thcy..are nov &MO, :dill (4,1 for le at rri7/.loro firiceg, ndtiit t pa tr+ osual assort fiteot .stipltt - Goo 4, CrOckery, - 1) 1 ,i0t 9 nod (11.1 1 4 t4iik are prepared t4 tallibit iet• asoilizietit " • • • i• • '-4 - ,ADIES DRESS GOODS of ere di-c t,j:ji , in • Fi2o!ett., o:fid ai)d Iflaip• • bo4ticis Pobooos.ol4;ves.ll!,..ie/1.1 ..s.,;A•n of all; hinA,—also , • • larovtilveK Au" - •-‘+! t : READY i.IIADE CLOTIIING • I sultpi! Alms and • Cii.ps, Boot* a 4 Soor'i , s4.e,t4e. ;, • . r p I 1 • t•speetfully soijvit (la dy i.:111 froal •,•,, • • ~ • it:o4 .o pureit!iso Gum) Goo Di. . • Nie PAR4‘,j Ntriy 2, 1854. • • Gre4'i tzeiiment in New Yoi . . , --: . !..- - Pianns-fr.ml ifeloilefillx fin. Cadz. i 1 i'.o• 11 ' 1 • Olt. t, ..% ATi. $4; the ur.-at .luAlf . xlid l'i Ino t'u'r II dpicl. 09t H oii loar.. New. cork. pr , :feritt:.to Plake rime pit {rift. With lII{ ronin . i.irrt. intlirrtiolopay It toll photelomi Or INBAsti•iii. to raft(' araitithiotne,tot to 'With bliti t cistint thn ,tre•etjr t r :lit 'ritro.A.)rt.tts Li 4 itattienie P4ttrtei.iti, ort•lt.gant'atid Int raw 0 Ptaays 110 Ilelok , ? 1 at zi. tnrclr . tiiiirnont„ f,itot' rirtory4rleri.: tnr eatt. it.it it. 'lll . irtrartitentlipriOrt:Phinnti front ?thri.t. or the Invest: i ' ll roopt L.W..bra„te•lllnitou Mintiractorie.; i1•0'41t0,.... o( Pr rtal of the Mist \ p‘r P. V:trk to 0.4. f... 111 , 101.1 g the , Iw:t tHII nivi m ti , ih ,i , ltn;rit Florian , Wat ts Plino• froth h it , nirrti rii 1 tiro. eilll Moinderirri. tit - the firtir lintitih. !Cr* V orki al P.ta(allinatks;:xfiorainz an onrut uitity: tor trier' IMO ii 5 to lit. i 1 ,1 2 , 1:t0 , et.r , .. , . Flint) I tptrti.no'nt ..6t tot pa Setinrl . l howl Pi Ira it 1 114. i t. II artnins—P lIIC El t on* Stintn in (I I Mtipin An.l ilu•irit, ittotrtHnOnt• of-all kind*. - Heo , p'9 , Teiiiipit,i *TA It .4.14 41Ir : oho T. 4.1t ,, 1t1i II hi the b(b.t t.,4111 Mottle ittits 14' mit I'. 0 o•t pail. 9 :II- r.. 1! nod inset c, , ,, .. 1..L.7,11.,4 4 t 4 u!io :to 1:•;.?.1.1,. or , fantnry'prlni.• or Nano: M. hhhioh• tufa n.t , i, , 7,110 , t0 . nnnti AtpivurtlP4 to Atli i 'Art ff..fike. P t: ,. 111154 n 61.0 ...r:111 jiiW A . 4 I .Farraors Union Insuiance•Cci,. Prod ford County , I'eno;'o. 200,000,. F.Ecuid..T BIiNDS AND MOL:TG•II;.[:.S ON RFA Esrxrz. • ' INSt3t - 1 - 18 nr.tioxt ltt., lty Fir:. llttu4c~.Rtarl atari't!tthitr ktu!klinlzs, Gtithis, Wart.s.;:tittl lily eliandiAt, 'in as 01% - ot - it:tit. terms :14 any pr•ttnialv adjaNted and jal • r, , eintEc - roas.l ,• , Iloroinnim Geir); r Ah te. - C. -N; C; IV - t•ilrit4 Jr.,J. At hen : firm: Ilr .111(4v I.takt•man, et•yvil44' i ;' Aft! , ELpili.nbAck. Wiikeribarre ; chael - • t t t 4 - • OFFICERS. • :• 4 i •prverS, . ...... fl .. hion . linriwo ‘Viiri,, t i m . Pp•i , ..:C 1 7 .•lVt•Ileml.i ' fix ~ ,,,,,f ;r•...t. • at, Vie,. 1?.t.114: :i;nd ''{',Arrels.: J. E. C:ttili,hi,. tiier'r. I I , i '?',..,'":,';'•"','''' '''' " i i Aitili4;K:Ci. A.ji . :% 4rd. Wyottising, 'Bradf ,l teiV'm, ih ..n t .' n:i .- 4 1, ,,:::: !‘ ,, 1 . c.ru11iV,1!,;.A.4..... ',BAij i ` - , f .- . ' - ' , - 7 1 4 4 ., . • --------- . ---- 1 --- -------------:------. 4 , : - 1 1 .. . lllVatith 1000./3ook - Arronts W a nted,! I I: xercinr.,i,..,,,i4,,,, rr()lginv#.is,hrgr t 1-4 I 1 1 I ahil %Ay', .t••!••t and, ttio.t. stzo•tqu •%;• i - ••miliiti•!ip• 113'10i* joilvlirtlit. I Thoylire*riti by Ili i .1 i heen i.groduct•d, mi , Most ' pOtlEir ittitti,,r.i4 tif .the - ri4i-,.., nvliiiiiia4; sl""'• • atilang:cttlivept, .r.:5...: Atilitir. of wh4str3 last ,gr l t:l# i' aircinfuh , -,'s lii wiak •,? I :[' ' 1 1 - 1. 1. 1 11 1. A ..tit•v: ;nu: oot•i•i 'i rt a :rd . i/h IA ip a Bar R6o;n, i 1 ; temettin I 4 1: 2 , , 15i. so I - tf. , • , , ~ ~i, 10.0000Mm$ Mite lied' Sold tvithiil'a tmtrithl 0..../ Ili ! . a3Tt1i , 411... 11,. \ t)l ru hfi e ,iq un . : ;.. 1, , I - - [. -- c l , ttuttlt. I-flip:J..l', cif . ~ : i 1 : t; : • Tilt lini4/4, nit. benttlif oily illiistrated, (I'M,. ,1. 1 '."4 ilult"'‘l'"l'' r. ( r" lIV lift ill, ‘i-itti finely t.e.10rt.,1 itl:kt•N) and iiii•ii ukt`tt'per:tl;llo.fit rift . . , S,i4Mt I but. j:tilerl.M prisitt9llttill 1,..1ttu1 . iTI, tti,e best 111T:tr. - ; ';'- ' ' : - A!' 411 ( 4 wiV nits/ a pl4:tsatitttn(l P•flialtle (ii i t!i. i '! "/ 8 ' 11 " 41. iwr.li," , " ... int, to Ifi t e;•11011f.; to pl, , vitlilrit. ifi,tli!cir , ejleuinti,in. Ftir p.trtje.uttt ~ - • ".•• • ;titires4lj)tis.t. pitTti) .- , , imitt,,in. t.“ 4 1 ,• .is.r. i t swelled J.:; i ts. ,N•i s I :'.• .. .11 ‘V.•BRAr)LEY. PitlhlisiMr, j 1. c„ •,, „,,, I ) „.•,-,', . N. 0423 ik;:.)rlliLFiour t th Street. l'ltilmielithiai .l i;:', 1 ;,`,:, - ,;,.. 5 , „f d , 11 .. n . 1 . 4liiii ::: .1 : 1 ' . - . 1 'H Vitus 111;mcr.l'ir,iii,'.. "Y . i 113 t-t••r:e..: : l'h•it . ..p. Ity :, .1.4.1(i..111 a o t o't: r•• 1;••%., it. if tint p•••ro •. 1,01t.4 y1411,!S I ,t 1 iv't b:11',11, by , ! 1 / 4 % tr. , oN at- 13,1Lowtx: 1:1,T. 1 51. - . ,:"- - g '.i: .D i.. iciw . Fa. 1 G00d91.. • .. I T littl!!t1r1 wrni' . d inv the at tentk+la air s friend /• a•illavi nitlih . r. ''t , o hilnew tr , l Fp ' qlia st , ..l;i; n lire-he, ti - ; , .. , A 4.1 , 1311.11inp•rt I. i. ori:: nnJ t:' , in•iri- Sl: ,, it' , flout ~?.. ; tii. 41.1:7 L-1.1.1.. 4 i)C..i.O . 1 , o‘l 4 . ilk il , ItioiVZ l'h!: 1 4 , ,:.. F. , 1c . .y ../) . 1-V141...; iI4 H i.." 0 " - ti l' i ,ir•• II tta4. Fl'.. - nri, .11. ~,,. ~,-.1 Sil:; . f.,11 ling; t:ln4ri.li, , l . Ikc• he it"At Iti't° , '"" .i"' 11:wint-ta of It , wliitt,tl, ,, iiw':llih in c i tit- , wi.j wit , , •-I.(G 3 '''"rt nmilt s'r't ''''' f at) l, •'' n nit ri, ncy it rs 6 .tr..k .(; roi-..rze i., Cro,kriy,3fttrdw.iri.. 001.5nr.^4. Iturf il•,lll.ilie,. 4' in lit! ine. ltwoti ;*titti;lnie.i . : hit. irl C.iiii... l'it,int , il %V in.ili 1 , iii,,,a,,...teti t el pi,p,til. •I lit. It ndr lint•. •,.. ••;11 ho ..,:t.l-. I il , "' ...".' l ;Trl.r/...t. , ..j term. n d ieddr.l keys., for — r t. ti , oilit , ti oe.:inptizs.t,tit.eiiidit. • 'i 1 • N. It A..iit,:it.iyiti.n h!ilirir r.,..1. . ! , i _ .N.r.._5tinu,...4..,-..L......, - _ , ...__. ... ,t z 5 IT. i ' N e w Goods.. - . . • !, u. t : I ,: k . ti.,f/41 ftl“nr!iii.owit lit nrrive tits week, .:.:1 . . , 1 1..4' i)rii;e4; c, - •ill • T).l-1.x•It».:1.. : . 4 1.1.11'1,E1' ! ..`.'Z' 110 T; I'.' M. , talitil'i,... S , 'ilt. 1 -.. 11.51. n : ' t , ' - `• 1 . '14 With i•ou lint t' again Itte friends • • IL 4i, .1 f . . ._ - , • i 1 ~,, , pwol. t ov,, , oths,elys roar/ , flr01.1,. ! *11 - .'41r. thu at My .re.ideram on Mcnitn. ~ • vilk, it wit, tioorS..sr,nth from Sittlillitettet,:si E-q.. liniiitjy‘:t :illy 964- to.wait on ,t'otu, ~oeiallti or proft+terialA,. thn Ratter e. ,, ls•eially. Tie.tel who preiker:iolMve tlu r work-,dOne at *their rse:li.l dettee.W!wther liyinit ii town , *hr ont:will ply,, , . f d ti i if e l ai ve In icji Ar4:loi WI V, :Ind I !Nth Pt ll vi . r 5 seFrice.i'i Persons a( a di4tanee de l hiring• Platt Teeth, ci:in`:bt.; at?e.onitniniated at awl. imileit•jr4. !, g,f 4. x•n•li • - 410 ' • t hinl rk i • fluorle.'ncr A j , . /4 , .4 , ti W I ... 11 wish to )i.. /viry ll' Stia , lll . • mill adhere, 'to my nl 1 i phu t of Ortrgtiog-artio, riling . ;it the Y•irrutritontiei, i ) of itiVpilini•tui, iTli`ere is nmeh enmplaint U 1 . 1 , iii.i. hitplriee, 4 I Dentistry and of rilv prives.toi: ti E althoohjjmile beet in the habit Of dedoetiti , m fro 1 5,: la: 24. er Cent. fr om I ht. fair-t. N. lik. 1 ) friends I wil l 'j: I peedw4it wiP 'roam fright *akin.: ,ami linvt; it done aniii,sn,kieejt in' bits'''. I will Work for va : ,th ' for.h-alforiee iadi, tit it well tom .rrho reasqn ! Wc-harejto 41trirge - -,i.0 higzh .is bet either ! - frou'OrPad : .fil'Or paint or the Pity, pip hold batik Wand fort;. :, us ft), 11 $ 14.4 ..' rrnWh. lime for want (I 1 work. Cotno ini thell*and you "will fi nd there is 1 1 ttehaneoOr !iarkaiti.stt l‘tntaYtte:•, - - . i t 1 - ..- . y: -; • (1.1l)..1•10.11,. Surgeon] Dentist. I • I . ..linntrits6. - Aptil 10.1185 j. . . , . ', i tot oUStov' 66' - . . ' Ited-.44id we w. 111 Id tike this np.., li l y . 01't we can :4ll4 the it11):4 tendh :- oitt.ens of 1 Rirlor arid to tj i furled in th. - .' e"rity.--- 11 be i 4 .en the ReenNitiv, Front i l r, fot wi,n , d or elm], ehtirely neie 4 reide . 4ly , pretty tito6;..s. - . Prieo i 14,11:tiL. .- , • ; stotes. wi; think i ' tt eedle4s 0) hh..reniark that we I:ire sellinit ?iv* p'rwes. :led Indg.iiiit fr,,ni the! ilo.si.iti.i believe •thd plibli.e. atiel . witk the prices anti- quality (itt i . i . I . f .... _ i ti! ,:w , iteftr .or the "Glintnn Air 11 ()veal stfive,". aeknoWted,red *li;ril .e.(''4l(ift2' stnro lITV i n ii .t e ....1„. 1 41 1 Opt. nt.(11.1 prieeii . ..inti Triiil• 'areof all deseiptinns, at ttik . :.c1 .. - I - 'r.l.,_ .I...DICKE:Of AISI Jr. 1 : 1.4 i 4.- . .54. • -i:. ' , .. - I; 7 • iDU - , i Irs ni)n7ie,iniii) ,1. wirttility tii l ifeantitlilorici, e:' , l 1 enfdiini l ;Stiovpr, 'Arnong 44c; a 0n and (3 ,, t!lic ) 40 , ,i Ipatterimi ,',. ni;i:l4 Yrntn tivi4;tn, te:ti i Or , iiirrimliil 14ay in n vb; A , them at , I ! iiii r. v.N 'd w 4,- , l* nnii iti l entirely . lslltihfied Intii warill.- i, 1 We.hilpti' 8 . 1 , Tight Lilvittiqii i 611 . to be,ftie F; 1 4 1 1 Itu4At firiAY: •rittli I ming* tint) Tin! V ••_ "rY lostift , i ratcE mpfm4i,' Everythl Q (70Vif, Jon n ntt 0414 wait ni).4i thelw line rpt Dry /lardsyn er,,l;k 1 Sharp. , i call and 4te . a a i t , 'lloiks to a Charm. SON BF. Co. aria nin' ret:(iivinty. lot F 4116 and(l , ol4. 46. ready to pplorln , inythino they ' ivish ih G4:444.: elotttimi.' : - Ornevric4, - , • rv.rbili. Salt. linni , liontq nne,l WO] WM KtirelV mitt lilt that nnriSliwkin . Fininirvillt. ',. -COtr., JOHNSTON*. 'Co - ; -:: r .. '" '454.' . . 1 . i 1 4•1 ri -1723- !S o • •• di thy ntt••ntii , n to Ifts vet• tarsi• V ES ~ E iii Ind er,o)le. next 11 Infi,lll , ;:.r 't li,i 'Gro:lt 13,.i1t I/111110 i.j...iforlii er Inri r rf, [!:1•14r Stem's, tilavy litiu 1 !, nr,,,,ch, ' i Fie. Fly. ! • Jerk, i 211,latbOti,l ; I 04. k., i r..orlll:r 'Stick '6)l. Ivo and v , rit•dassortruild i n lb.. Co-lini.r. 1 .11 fiarni-fwil prieris lino 1;110 im Imnd and urdurs r4ceived Wm JOIIN COL.STEN. 11853.-t • KnoW.Thyseif.!' - or reit: f -' • ' _l::Ery,r n2tjshould hcire a tapj • - • 4.1 PIES $ N 1,11.. A tiaw 4? V I iStli and ituoiared, Tr.r: 6 • •An liircautible .11001; 4 :1 7-41 4.11 1 ,so.4.khd, ?. m ri , j) . l3 rill i'}Or.' Karr IP•d till c oo n.l if. {lllo on, of II to we'd a odc it re H. - Ov , ty rol r.l of .Itrep; c c. 0.!. trn 4:43.1: by .p...oui:lctutui. gesunl - u•e vrii.h n 411 6, e, Inlerepuire.LyTrel:;- icr their pre% ete ailta tile , o r• e 14,1, the ear of tl,- , ctiqy t t ii. 3. vti t;‘• tliat Wott:.l (31"..t1a 'III lla othilto. of ooroolorit stlieldeut t tyl lute. et c.4:1 to tliki col eot ykra“.-, of a ote. . re•!;.t!. tl4 I. rul Cr 1 1 111 . Ithove It f . to E . ou.t null ettre• of to Fem*tt•S. frtg.it the fill defirt.tr.rt•t'salt4 let 'rci um di 1$ :14,k.ti tma tm tr,hti.c. the 1e . . - ..r.a0.1.21.1tu..• Toicttiopt, ar c r ,irrOqt - f Pt.nrl Coth-10, ‘Ii"..1)10A1. 4'N1.7..ar i t if . kr the of thrgito the..;loO, to; übirt. st troatll-11 , - 6.--f the rniteaSt.ttt,.. to it•t•••toott,o1 blot I to Ihn oriollp.tactle ;a• o t •urat,tf . ot . ettill In' • 16 nh' cir•and 'lntqrrity t.titcst;rorilltkrie,!. 1 1 , 1 :11ri Pr —Thr .it n: tier 11, 1. 4 11, nut, 01 t.. atr"rtl- ; , •i.u..ut WON. they tbly g.i .1' M . Peri 11 1 7 :I iters ity, :• ~• h MY te! , l,int . ` ,l 3 • th" the Uthrr It . Mt; nir 4,f liil!i.a>44.• thelieteital , APtlintf An% rome unaer my rm- Ivirc manifest' it , ii..a5 , 94.11e,.. the pal iont, b " b • flit,ll x nid: to tilt' 4 . rezitniellt artangeolirnt o I the runctsonF ! or v y: r d o .not lieVr , bet u (WTI .1i rt. Vll thirty year.. rind ilvkin it nn ninre •Fie'rictio . •t•nii, to:ref•onuPen , l tam rine in It nn el s I buy ti•ny. 4 irnelf•; - , 8. .—.l• r lianttittlot•tt .t•a r. •'. a ne Lte n: I br.i. or I lire. iti 141..44011 ficult4,, con ...ta..-.4 . ah..y0n:1 werti“ll,3; 617 iA4 aller4l by .4! 11 a x.prerior In the pr with tit.* %tuber grns l d tithtsjitAtioe 10.1% n - , .vYcilnl of early M.N. , ' conga.* • •• 'R. flahrt 1"), ittrents. e•aitf..lr in the r. *.. 0 .11 ol.]....'rlnna'ple not? cr., ran ohiprl I thin' f.rntell roan niter ripri re, r N or anti t.. 0 liqta t*•th'e mcnri.l. Iv 1 tt , wit 1114 P0:111. ntmt, e..nrinnl the tenet etet)rehetn.lre ~144 1 b.14 , 41 nn the lit , Of ll ` or Ail ter htiltal teltet , .it I,lt)regc of irn. rewier9 .. It 14 rroe re to alt nett no er . in tUa 11 eti• • Titl• hit he ePf e;enr. o`tSl•rari- ==Ml= tufwatl”ll t t tit Iljea rely nnltimi• ryire'of cent k•ertt - 0 mOst I I;r:ter ice.'..— ' Ifer it?d. 1 " ,'''..n tr. , .41.4 , t',. pal' , i in part;tl F., :. •;s f n v 3: 1 '; Ami n ; ninrri! , ,,ti,in rin.: !I' elm la '"-jPeiq , :e,. ,t; I.A Preoh , torlati,.cle lj t , *r . . 1 1 , : ff.1 , 11 tl.4h ira , 4. nn.la . f nnrt . ntitlL. hr , pn Wong. 11:41-.4 I ; !I ~•.:,•,:,.....0 , -, , . • i • A ti,•,,, ..,•, a 1,1 1....ir It . : , E r -; .nn ! • , s n.Jin 3, f` , t-in,.... nu i f: hr.! 1:0 , 10 , ,1'.. , T1 Ilt , l ~ .Anytt , ;, , f-th ., • r:tti 11 ; I: t F ,,, P III.: t ,. rp;rl4l ; 1 ,.. Ar : ~. q41,.......prep5i - ant? Ti . . in r I ,1 : t 114.• '7, , Pitt 0.1,! 1,•••=1.T. , ,, I-, ..inn ) t1..1,,t. , it t ii 'LI - • 1 r . th....,•...,; , ;nr0xi,',.1,1••• • •, 11 , 01 , UPelll fle, twin .(4. i . rnnr , ~:i r. . i A , ...0pt. In nn.l. he. , ti,•rb nw.l,;.it I I I nnar , PicriS ' !t , PT." •zei-1 it, ' 'i . • .11..• , 1O1':I. , ...1•• ~ 7; • !. '. - • si , f! I,:,te - •111 . .. .. t ; ;itoulyLn, %% , th,ltrt the %no,v1 ,1 11;:e table ur.)i), It ‘.4,11 .1 vise years of the yoth It untl , iy. t)tt-Jr nt:ete. 7nion vA).? ttriplt• • •jA 0..111.(! I faro t .10.1 A 1011. in null litnrrtif gT.AI.• • tip: il t! -.1;1•‘4. if o.it not' how .A..•kho.. lone , 11 11:•1 jutrnnn if 1 , Ji.;. , 1324 : .i•••• 11„ 1101.'1.i-10r iri.^A tor l'inll.l7 It rt • , 1,1111 . V. 1 , 0 la? 11 , 1- .i h kik Art 1,41,1; of /Aft ali.Petl! , ;. la , got,i iv( you arX po.l f'.l froo of 'll o !.Ftit, , '4 or rP<<. EN N "41 . ! ri•litt::t • .• V•j•t;•4•t, 6.1 At;ents iIIQ, ‘..711 . C.1 , ..:::;(11•V. R•• epr.•s: t,41.^(1:" ;1101 fy ch ;11 tf 11% . !s: ,tr.• diFt.:ll-t f j , ls.l,ll:lliied Pn if r.f fit a ;1 , 10 to pr. , v.- this Its prrollif, ~ 11141.11:j Wi 13... c I i.• • ~, r 1 , ‘ :1 , , , q tit) ..r. h.• .i-4.•ilt•it. il W. re;ll'S/ ii;! ,,, di:!'t b.•:;lii ,Viti•-cle-li ;0 . 11 \ vs. 11% tli , Yir .1 I:i.•ti !•:;l to :,) , IS. •r , i4 -,.;,11;:" . .; .1 . 1 Wr . i.kr!.l, l e'f ' • 1.(itt(701111t1 ' 14? f..i I.Vr, , f v Kt , II OE= IF() .It. Pll ~n••s~t. ~:1'~~ 1 1111.0;!i11.,1.1 .. r.t•lii T 1 awl f l,l!Ptil VII in Olqi 1)....P0R1P the. mr* i I•m lalar , 'l:ar a I 11.•:% 3 wi•4 ! ti , :t ,E Ilion! att.. le-at .1 iiy.v. It rill! as ill Polorope, tt , 1 to err:y.11051141.4 its 1 i ' tt daily otoo. ethyl!: i"ohm] hart erer hift-rt. • t tore 111.111 v . reeoa,olo'ei .; Vttto Boren, Post, ro to itheir Vi . ..tvot.roillorir fl ' 1 the modiral ifou ii . 7,151 `14:1;1.; 'l , •tr;i - Ce of 're 1 Helots : I I%iti rOc•N ri foll:Iii 111 o.Verr pi in i .1 every person ill „hr. to A nr.L.ll7 l lrtr.t I 01thins ean:li, s t -,11, (n t rise. IN ier !or c 1.. .„, ..Phyir!inl'lS Ill'P'iffil 4 itoe their eonooirotet' (i merits ("Nl' tV9nri +f ear t lia t IWe v vvi It i ko!- . clo 'met! ther earl a N. R. f Vote Choti . ll It. - !I rof itg ofeet rift. promo r Pithrr :Molt or child 1 Anxt„l'vng ELL. A - JO. N. frv.m.s-r.. ..c:i. , INett' Y ork • I . i 1 -7-- _...t.:........, - t SHE Pleit 1! Or, BeerY, o. L• 111 tit: Pt...VS To %V./Itch 11Dt•rii:-..r , F..iii;'oe! 'ltt!tice riage. Ely_ • IITV.(114 L.2t t;n:Callt , or ; L I O'P Arseuitipitis l irritn.att witty I...r.hrt riiter ti otlr s, itwithtlit.readitta;the i j t ithe ptifF.rin. , frt. ,lest less ititlif I. erEktti ol'I)Opf th• it phtciciteti, b thr Ei.or !Iwo Own, ft) lioss, this trulyiisrful bpol /pi tholistmeS of !very dratii _ as Hy th.rsot, s, jrtns.il iir cork by or'ti' • Dtlittr. A.ddrria: ll,' I . P umi .z . • (ir - up, rulqiip•iti i n • II 'Willi:l4s' . ;:ltvii, Porto , titirii t.l 11)06 , alitotho:r pit it and throwing water 7 irt• Bottrop. Ttlit 85-1. it thr• whole. t.erewt; nlitott - It ;tit :lst n male: lio:tlin n . rii , t-t• ;If fOrlti. lota. I tl ii rtd ti.a varry it 19 optwowlttnli . tithp er, Mill,"Tttntierk• rid Nittttit:aritlyltAt: t All twiterit tuna I t . liek:lt...ii-irtylll , ..lP krill for Stimitt , Ait9 1 1 . A 'l , ••)9 11354 -I' AYENT . 51E01 .typyri,i , ,i; Phifytt tain Killer, &e., &e Brooklyn, Ang.i'r V11`.1) 11) 1t A I:41. N. I) f Pthinsylvania, ii2 . eatfy invite'd to a careful L.:it of i nuu zh i ug that !Vas just .year rich acid tittle honored r(tb - a IC Ch , ft ,poWeintl )al:riwted its to lac scout Wider prodarktr ( !vu-tent I cll . D•clio Id u tt I .to, atilt Norvotit. n.sea: , 4s. Tt r.„1 ; ion:( re!ier, .f liti ao'rn rii Itrl!ti t 11l 1! ( r .` Painfu l 11r. hag aati • It .14 io 'Pains.: It!.. Ptrtvtotiid,t SE. i ‘ ain ,, of Ehe..7itt4t. , t. fli'..Tost•F (Lat. ca.ifed i.q[Netvi)t;.l. are e ,, eatt7y - .11.1t0 h nit cj 1-I'y ithoply svcar. ;.' riot r • '; , ini , d that ,to: rrl, rev:- !!9 1 •(.1'‘ ; A nd o.L.;ny , ift .I:tst cf ' ' li,. !!';: E. 1 .0,-;.-ir Ck 01.4 iv.. tit-ry , any to 1: ..ii; . l-H.H , telitt•if Crrt,tic,ktel, - litl tHi o lll , Telit I),' .... :1. . „1 dia .11::1) ,••••,‘. 10 lit• had ::.11 - 1- . ."!..1.,....".1%. Tit, EL.cf.riri ( , 1)411IS illlF•illie... , ” i.ll I 4 .. "* .fi. Ullti ~:fh. r . . , 4inf , ... itt5 , ,.,1ii2 - 11 anti r 'r vzidt riai. •r4,•i it) Forh , ., the wvre - fotind ti C;• l'eilt.tt , p 1,.'01 for r':•lipv. p I .. J. iiiid by i . . , ! inir'ii:flil:.llCe !,11.r. 11 , 1407.ii14 Of 111:i I 61v. aii.ci rit . llo h?,i:tho Prt•neh (. ? ..lvevl... : ' y 93: fl.ftfrori•ilito ::1111' , ; , 1 .-v...ry . Gi:•nut,tiv," Avistiin. lir! .riflrn. .e - ijoti tl tries, li. heir they •ha re I ; ' , i re i 4.2,c r i! i 0711;; IV . .rid. - , '?ilu , 7 , •ri:i'pzr , the 1.7: States tt - A, till %veiln throotlii the. 1...0tt1e 'id -••-re rri ; t once int rodnced in= N.Yortii Whrr.- 1111 , :' .ore ,tlol4' li tr, vr 11 - 10!P tem:(l.•rftil r•tros l io ..o ali..lrd, 11 . .iii , ' " ir.. ' rtp.'y i 10 1 " .hr i; k :i2;- V. IV !I/IDS. - NI 011. Id , hers; who huve'pobbthed l i ow , . r Roil -vigil.. in -sev.-ral of I io i It n't . - & , :r. tinii it re als4 in the !nflirli.ti4,inff their use in-pa nt rat their ilpillinfl:/I.BV :.Rohe t 0.... p ~,ispl l if ;o the urldrecP of SE:I e i , 1 : !: :tip') int! litnsi pnid} I,: \ , r,1it;;17 , 111%. , nxr.ra,.- Th.. v mail • ~.ill; tuff descriptions mitts: fs:23:'zinri 8G • . .2i..-h- ifiVitt!ft to rail and !...(. a tii- IP, Sin d Ornitoulice upon their ^o, I vr:tr,i mi. tin rieriznri.neeq et urenuiplish just what it is —,, • v Ins) ror years n!) lt4o n nne 'ly use. and can be applied to lint)troge, Pa. • - nem! /Ig4tit 563 flrmiAwav • r Youiself : EESCUL S: 1 If l' I I.: f'l i rdiiion. conlikinitur iiiiiiir4 (I l' . :tiiraviims: tihowtly, tad Mitlfervintimi, of th e It It ,»I in ..very shape.and foal ! , its adile . o a T - eaties on he beinz l 41 if .the liiglif.ft hitt 1 Jr iioe,.r. ill USe cOtelliiilatinglll r- -If.. 1). xhuulyd to presr copy, of his It may . save him Let nti ytitinly.:ninn or WO- I ions,of married life Podi,et 111•14.tilnpinP.: Lei no hack Hied couith: the tierr-oup the 11060 sen.n!tionA. and zh'en up • 01101heiib I eau '.;:k US 111:tio iites married, qty itop . dimput.react , 4s it. hitki heott the tilettuP - of oforlunide creitturel.frotn the finiiiify fire cerki it ret.eivp ! one copy of this copitis scut for Ouo Pont '1) 11'1t. YOU.N.a, .1:Y? Spru!nL , St. Phihidelphio. 10 . 0. ' f • Pumps ipr“venn4it of the ntfe.• C. Paint Dim',le Acting P tIl, 11 - Putnp. An intprovetneat ps or mnitirttrq. 'for liftitg. mm 11.414412 both n.pqmp And ti3tentectin-,Ft%brintry, b!kl Is oi• 01-4..consiNtinntiv it It enni he used in t•very drair:wntvr-Thitn any . situn 194.:1)tiri:,:of .hon•te...-it : is r WmAis staltiistitiwOs ni n l kinAq. ::itfilic:::sea to Ail.liAon Ditn- L. %vim Itorbittiglit,llw-Bule I . ;51f. - • ,INF,s. ...A sninfl, wrviljticii w•mnriolit, inetoditiz, Pr. nd Thrinsi's pr-pvt.tiona, B it l'il Pill . Da vi.4' and iThlyr's i S Tfl * - liENlill#74Ul,' 1 .. 2,1 . . I I , : .' 1 ,'_ , -AFFLioT ep..l-figAa;,, 13111LADELt'llth. nEDICAL IldkIHE-e , Entabllabtra - 40 .E. yl - nri nicoby Ur .1i IS ii ELAN , corner tif Thirit 4.•Atrtahan its. but irtipyi epr nee unit Pine, k'hiladelphiltMa,. ' • ' ~ 3 isV it 1 - , 4 • tiriAPPrfred thin Or. Kl)Vitittits:ol:lDthall fliructle. 0.1. paitienta.r brartrth urisiedielpir f which , en. grigaatlfia a ddiii led iitte,iiion IlecAntbitrirtbentirnrttimate p,ialurt tie" atrit.4e of, mnient, i th'ttpstiO Are sa "u* H Y inerctilli lll 4 , :duut , of Iffu lint ent arlectinini a: e if tiy ps sup tatibtoo hitt. - - " , , t- gr :yes , ii sit di.(1.2 r.l . ntf,'!':K try rieue r: In thet re/la-meat pr It cia• 4• , .. 4 4 ;1.4 4 F, hi thYrt ft 14 44 k lertpd R 4 , 424 ni t.er ever fy. n Ir. ti ,..,,r,0,d,f,,t,1 •n•ii.ded•te 02. 1 tilitf.frf . 5 4 cArTtio fa ttl , "Noll Ir. R I,, ANL* , ..p.hotto irArlit.tqto prol yi ethat hide tenths of.be r,,usra er nerion . 411•1•11i‘ Y. loyal - 4114 CifoUgitt,t)(Mai Wg. - tiko' p.0,1'1 , 4461 nne pliviinal 4 titfei:ng. kr* . f ,,i;,,,i bff, to' ~„4„.„ rein bilrits.rii ITO Pio h 44 U . i.see.-et, )et de icby aro fatal springe of •lerne ...ic, , iii•rery and pi einatti ..eiern i ait f . it , , r•t. e !so el .c, 1. 1.. le ;ti il-1114 . -- Thet ei. ~., 'i l ik ui bi, ninetirer..i in. lo'le I ni b" 110.)'.. t i 1 , 0 , t rtiv, omen groirinz n p 'wit 1, 1 hey, t.. tnatiluwil. In.l 01116.1 f ilnt t errinry 4.4 In d.• t Lot:. zytt .tnt . y!.,..te , . Attrintr. , pleitaete* XI Mat ritunob.l I-0 pomy:tv, hut 11,0.4 •Dt• ti)11 , iy,••n•riira, , ,, , a. ,- ; ea hp , ili,to, 11,1 41, co: ,:tio7. Aird,tion.. • vi•vr 'ort ii:,.c•tyito'i4itte may t o i lib. •te•rni4 ini nrw . tie,. ore owoye . H* Jim .ceneesltteeeep, tfrit the% it,tl i the , tervntl. ~ v .teetl OM t terett.. , e-1 strange nd sr nv•Ponor Ode fee-ile.••••: Aryl VAC, 4 4 4 4 fear* in i hernin4. , I 11,4•,, e.Ffrareit eV, iv, airaeled liee."‘nttet , :e. l 4e.lb ki MAI(' (nhnrlri what • neetuttne . ett .1.7.nr. nr 14) nprtlv . hie niirel. to sitmay : hi. *ter, i. tardy and malt. } fa 1..:4)11. .1 eiorilute, rind ..ngaz, ti, in hi. A/N..; t wit .t 1.1 4 41...tte4r.thy than o g.tt al . t If her,•n iri,..i pate hthisrdrl,o'ore the orar tie. let•A done its Wore., nil•rar• e'en/111mm , , Ails nt - h:rl ave. ht,o oft ttetftt rand hhtt•toca tette letn that ti!: ttt control by his PAO!, 'ollir.A. rrrier,r e - per , ;. Frraliqui re'rreh * , :pltfri az. r.. 7 .r. en i',..po7iciid:iore • 4t• no se . 1 4 . m...7.4r; 1,-illttrted • . '.•-, ' • - • • , 11 - t: •ri t,'• • r &re. fb, rterD tient of orofe , _rit ennd fions .in r.rtipy that It rnat.' he re if t y ;the revise n . ;: ntol nal frapnine:rc i emild+hittreit wh'ri'l ' ' enYere the otigin ya.lo• titesti-w..etehe:lmeet. he , e'o , el and ifi , 4.1.1..r.0ut ve in eyrby rp,,i, , ,n, ,v,,,f. , -erert —I4) t i nes many 441.4)1,1 it he tree.: oln ph3.- i , rint Divialik , ”ktinn. an I their ntfenrinnr djoappoiiii, flint lal il.tv; V 411 444 14,0111 ,4 it lit V 4. 1 ; 4 1' 0 11l 4. 1•• r t 4 -4 have y • litt qtrunT nntlref...led or7,an'zatiiin rebrneed. revivified anti itr..tuthtnwil., 1 , 't • '. ",.`t - 1 r. It --TI. Alin olor!•4 lit-ogor undt:r Dr. E 1 Nlir.f.t.N!F: treatinsm i natty ...elitrcrone . tY entahle In his bon •O.• ei tt .; nt tem tn. awl reia uro4 . thp 4 l. , 49 , ltrunre. that the li•erets or Dr tro , paiientr , will rtkret he tVcrlti.ett. . - 'I , , Tottna Ili th —lot no fa b• in rel elT'or : tlet hr . vntl,frorrt lent:- Ityr vn it r enAe t tn ~ iln 4 , 4 -444 , 4 , 01 , 4 - 1411114tlitICALif)li . and reiitec , 0.14111 y. 4 4 11 n eertain Iy lier 4- I` . ..Vild Von r' • • • , -• (I Ten 1.007 r.l"ti ..I.icy .4 11 rrrittetili the - ityyryt in their ' Ours romyt A s',lt tpl.e tire * * 41 4 .1 , 14 , 4 41 Vnt, •1 , ALTIR: how Ott:II is' , 4 ,1i 44 4 1, fo till tlytn.tinli.noa how tinny', . prnrnimntr pouTlg titan, 0 - 110 Init.t , illtha ic treenail ninar&ent to oncirify ha, f i ntivtt r.etn t hi. Qat th . . , • • , i 1•' Strietuvedywri , ie'irrethin arn iripLily reformed by the ;IMO ieathin of n rer. It:, an ....."'erki egeot. ii.red ~, , iy by Dr K. We 4 nrei. ant; r• i.i :1, nifenif did,juiy .. peo,n?tly , • cared, ;Ind I tilt t.t4t, - , r,stoi 01. r 1 , _ • •••..,,,1.• 4 ....- ...1- -, I i "ii . Can ibare ' 41 , ,r .toting their . eAr.t.expheitly.to,rerber ii.f h elf f Nrirsyniptems, per let ' trr enrde.iire a r,miti-a oce) Dr El's. nit',Uniue, appropria: , I.l,lll,,,ra'nglY - , ' . l ' pernirdrd tn . :ll, 4 4 . •nrlnftlie,Diirred Strifes, end packed i i 41.4411.4 4 , rr .nt DA.3i.lifi r: or C1:1.10.iillr x 1 'R E AD ,? - --Ito lth a. hI ; Manhood. - rjorav t Life nr u. li, t. multi, e Peal) , , liankdiu. on Sey: -: 'l' '. Pr , ,r. re. :ata-0,11,t,/ 25 Cenza. - ~ \lt It a work'emitlyatis re itti reel, :tt or mean. or rnforni ; ih , the riEts of the age in itiveli lyr:fiye., Also, e :,; A 'l.l ' it6'rt fl VIDE. - , , • . IVA nue.% far'l74e PiwoAgyekv,i6:l'l..fr..jzt..%l I . :writhe Reess . Y',{ I.t tt T wi, 11 ix re, ittau., .11'2. - terit.. -or the, Vitille in wot .tatrt ,A4‘ , 11,•0f , e4 to —nr lilkllCET,lN.Pllll3.lllTrabizti Ita. Will H.. , ttyr..,* copy of oither. sit, the ute , ve, book, s by rilorn ..f ovir ;or I:: •• )oir•pi will 4i• , If it t •fro, of poKtr.ge !Or 731•' -3ioO..el'er..thinvic , ..rA, Trfrelling ;gents. &c . s i t.prik ,i „1,0„ s „I, at/....1.-uh*.ighFr'r; prices ? which admit ~ .f a in r....:... Profi ... ' . 5,1- .1./ t.rii , (3 mu , / he MD Ir.plill, f • 1 . . • r t 1 . ' :1 AYER'S PILLS .• .. .. 1 f . ' i ' , _ A NE;W an h iin,gularly isuicess fal 1 - 1..- reme.l3. Or the cure of all BM .. • is. . Sous dhteasee—ttin.tit.-nese, Indi.Trs , ~ .."4: ' tion,.laundu=t,..l.*Tsy,ttlteuntatitqn, . . 4 0.0' Verer4. Gout, lluplors,t Xttreousurs..4, ...' - hritaliility,litliminnntions i neadaiTlie, 7:1.., -*i .-- i i --* a . Pala: , in th, Hreast, Side. -Hark, and ' - 410 ,.. .Luw Limbs. Female, Ornap hints. h.c.,; -2tr. r • - "'","":,;.....-, tUal, , ti. Very 'few:are tite,tliso:lFes in. .. -• . • • . w! , .cli a Pul#A tlitt Nl.alcizr, in not 11On, or I , 's,l4equirrd.'ntnlytnoh .jldekness• awl.xi:Reflux night he peq , nt , Fd, if a hara4.ss hut effect unl Cathartic , ir •re me re fre'rly used.. No 1.7% , ..41 e.,ii feel trill rrhil o U.. I. ;tire bahitlo• Lokly prevails ; bt:sl,les, it. swm : gem•ratet? .t.tiriGus and often fatal 1.115.t.:1,T, rti.i.iet,i. might hart been avoided I)3' tilt. imiely and in lirindi s tee or a' g+odliurza-. tOt,. Titi,. isofilt..-trtie of 1'0f.1..i. .e.rerish A . ):mitom.., and 1..1ni-,u,, ,luraiigenwnts- T1.!1 all ;rnd to hee..:ne .Or pro— d 4 4 ,1 hr..; ~,, n .....1 t PI :in.l.fOrravl itife d!... ' . - ...inuer. , ...m!,ie11 - load :111,. 1te1r.4... all over the triad .ad i''r.e4,l+ , ll , •friyaity ph el i.dit..; tho tiL,St In; port are tr. tLe put.ll-2 14 , ..31-Ib. an I OIL; Pllfta.. Leen irerfer-ied ,tith e...tr , uu‘Lnate7sl.lll totue,,t tha 1,-„,,,,...d . An 4•xtentlise I fiat of its ; rirttie:4 hr l'ltyciciang. Pr..f,...0r<. and Patieia, bll. sl,rocu 7. - suits .orpassinE. , a e tbinfildtberro known ~ , r any tuelitine. - Cure, barn 1,, ~.i i ,freitte.l bey6nd lwlief • w - ,•re they -not Rubtiantiated .h,, rets , n7 nnetifli ecn!ipa pa iti,',,rl MO diaVirtt: at , to foildd Ithesu 4 ,idi'ipn of a t r uth 'rnonz , he ulan ralinent zentlemen who hare tt...5 . r.fe1...1 in. ri.vOr of thili‘ l' ON; we Imy menrien ..... , - 11)r , 4..'e11ay4.. An3l ). tk a i Cl ie mi.4, ~f 11 Sto . ll. :j:a , l Slate ...% ;. ; ,.. 3 -,,, of li.i) ,, lGl:ti`. , t S liltr ,, S tlii:l* pr...i'es.lntral charte. tel Is: entl.nr;ed bs . t. hell , •II. 9,!'nrard r;s:,,,io f Fenlttor of the urf.7...: R o l ) . et,l; Wlnthr,;l, 'Ex..Sne,a'4 , ,r 'of the ij u usc.. of Itllpres en tatlres: i Ahlwd t•f,aw,.enee. Minfkler View to En.:4- '12i:14 i 3'41 , 1 il:Vrilanlt rltt. t7.1..11 T 6; Vll,hoii: r.e, s feni.. .A 1,,, I,j -.I -.I l.lhil,l,nn.: I'm et*, cal c m heirt. e v. , ..tiva' ~ 0 City, ei l dnr.e.l by Ilan.tr- qater .Flyeretary.„V, Sttate ',' Win. .11 1 ,. As•tor. ti,e,} - ielte.t :Ulm in krat_.rica; trE;dat;il 2,e . Co.: of the llcttooolititn Hotel, aO , l ottn , r. . -. ' 1 1 1 .1 .r. ,, 1i -, •lntmid - we cnni.itriie many handrwteertlflente.. Sdm all nArt,..', , rh, re the Pig , have: ticen,m,e3 hnt eridenee ed e nm,re e.mvin in.: than the .....cpil rio•nr, of eminent nnh iii a.,,,,l.fnund in their offer! e npiln triql. T:' , '.• l' , ll , it he resolt of Iron s ii,ve-tiention'an..l i.tnetl', at offercd I , +';-he naldie a. t.l, e lois! art4 - 3nos,t ;complete tslo.ll tht.. r.re.:iit , Z:111. of Ine.lieul ...clew* , ,ian; ith.ed . I arr. ore, l!orrire , rurtert no'' or tat: nrif.7s ;nem.elres. I ..ni of I hi , Tne li-in alivirt nrconly. , 4' \ref:A.:aide. r0 y04. 1i ......;+ftev-t,,t'',Yr 1 -1 , , chemical ntnee....tn it .tote of entity. Stut eniabiried to.' rzi"t her in^u-k . a 11101111...ra to jll . cilVethr.! . ;,.'t re.tth...TidA .rttern ..r rn nitm.itidn 'or tnedirinec hoe been f.‘41111 in the Cherry , Pe , ,torll'in,l NIA bill,. to nr - ,. lit - a', llloirteffiCiCflt 1.-‘ 1 :1e,1, - than ba , lll'tllyrt , ', 0101 011:lity• Ili''' . .any Pr.',V 5 S-.-., TT e r , 'IL 4 I -1 I- In•rlectiv nbilnies.. ' Arlint n 41.7. the 1,1 nin th', t of 1. munniit'nit..every 'Medicine Is burdenrd with) more:et:l 1.,. to' vt, immlhu-. and ;N141;1011. nwilities. by"tlU) , ...lnch indisidnalvhdite only that \ i,. - dealredf4 tit; cnrntive e ' ll'eet - i i.- nre, , ent.A); the inert and ohlox.ion..; 6' tllitiC.... nr.e:1e11.....i • tit , I , ri.e rinideved are Ivr . it, bnitityl. hr rnratire. virtues i ooti , :heic /7 4, 11i1VV.1. li , '7l,CC,°it, lit 5,1 f-es - lent..tlle etierti i chilled more i!e they have,nroved . m , re; i , llreir-.1 - rm , ilial.,! ,nit ;lie I.IIIY 41', 'liter.' more . powerful a nli.lot e to' disease.! tn4n.,..a..T rob tlon.fjcior trinwn to the world • i : . 77 1 . A it if. fro-, nen tilt ex.,.ed)', 1 ,1 }oat !ply ra, ,, liclrir 111011141 e I tat: en ne,ler tbe roon0.6•1 elan at teorllnz, Pbysleiart .1111(1 'at 1 - he'irool,l no , i - e,lnerly joke ,-4- x remedy . Wl ‘ th nut .1 knowit.'t 1f.f...mr...1t inn: T pare clinolle.l the areneal)e. s yo , inu're. by ich),4l Loth mr,Peetnral rtri.l PPIA- are triii.fe to ,the whole 1, 447 of Pra , i,iiiinneri. in the I'nite.l Sty!t e g-an.4 fl e i t i,h Anierican.Prnvlnee. 'if h1.0,-ter ther,...sh,,,ai 'l , + any one , whivha A not i;:cnired them; they bill berirnniptlyferanild- e 4 ,r m:61.'611;2 , oifilregg . ; 4f ,,, ,11.;..1:, , , , ,t . m...1.1.4:n,-. 111.01 are nfTered. ; how fed' w. - ,111,1 -be tat- ( ~ t1 fr. fti•ir enmpnAitfm,' %ins - known! - Their' . 1 tilt con.l.ts in PI eir inv.' ery.• I have nn mv , terh'..F, . .1 Th.c ..tlto , 'ciTlnn of air nr , ..naratlnn. it tald on*n to alt 1 to+.nn-I MI va, ,, , Ilia eronoi,•tent to 'lnd:r4tan the; subject I fte'el . r.nelmowledce tbeir . ropyirtion. of tiled. intrin.b.mer- ', it. TheCher , :t.PertOrrel waynrononne'd_hy . ,&elentif i e . men I - to We a w•m•krfnl medicine before il, effects carry- Baran 1 Ma iv crone fit- Iltiv.iehms Iv, e deelared the?amo thine of err Pitta. On.) gran more eonfitentts. and :.re' iiiiline: to tett vv: that.fh..;r antie;patinns were lunie than realized by i th,ilr effeet:( likr. teal. . ; .. They , Mer..tt, h%; tle. 4 : Ontrerful intiurtlee nn 111 , einternaT sivicra to narifv , 1 , ,• h1n0..1 II u.l....tirn ale, tti. into ltealty ac. , i ti ,n......n.,,0re 010 01,,Itootiooe. of: 111. A t• - ”na.-11. hnwel..liv..- I er..,.lnn.l.‘thcr nr.ran%: , nf tho,l, Or. . rest nrimt their irrec , ular. • ac: 'n tn hcal'h.. and by c. , reetlriz, nhere'r•.r they . exitt... t•n , 'P 'ter , w'zewlidlt. IA are the first nri,zin tif !li.ealke, .11ein.r.tizar Wranned they are mle?oitilin tnke. qui be, . nz i pure's vezid'alde, no harm eon :trim: , from . -.lwir .tlSq in' 'Lne! qns;nt,i • Y.' : . ; . . . . For tu'inut.dit , atii.”l.. see-w anher nn free llor;'! . . ''f i .. . r'i•ctiqrpft I,c'.l,kltrf, (;. AVEtt.. Practical tt.n.t Analytical . . ttlt:tttt 'l.: , 4eir: Maltz Price' V e y cents per;flos: Five BoN.: "4,1: for 'SI- • ; '4)1%0 . 117 .V. Tnrctll.llnntrosc; 1).-P,.A. It. it. Fatrin,: Ittteprit, Church 3: Pitinn..y.'RundnlT: L. Seritt; - Great:, it.Nl, By' all .Druzzists an , l ricaler.s '. , iu.vsl,aiel l ne every-, wli, , ice : ~"'• . $ vt 13-17m4.z: • - ' ' ' , . BENNE - Tr&j.Cti . Inipi!te'rs gra? Jobbers of Foreign -an ..! [ nocstic Dry o'oo4ll. ' 1 . DEV S:if:E :T. NEW YOPE IikTOUI.I) invitellte attention of nier4ants-ini AI ; S'usghohanna nnti ...mijoinin , ;.COunties to their Stock.*l - dell ma lot-large an.desira- 1 iile•at.a *s!.a . ,.s!ina _of the `car,. gonsystinrj itl ,part' enssinwres and. Vr s itin - gi4., Jeans and. 7% . yil e d s , with all the best and 'weg.knowti styles, ot l'a'st prints. ' DreS - Giiods, %Vhite and LinenlGoods . l . Scab Ste. • • • .Also, 13ine6 long. and square shavilki, Cash-. merle and Silk Shawis, together with flosley 'and 14'ailey G(roark.;• Prompt atirention paid to orders,!:, . I .„ • change.„.* , ricir York Fire' I . usuralice co. - -; Ojitce, 9 Wall Stree;. •. i ~ trAriTii., (In Cash , Aci Aprroseoliecartitos) 11 . nsh.rcs ains":l4,s,s or :itjit e, 5'41 . , 0 1; s.—A fl oati Street.; Pete! C. thittoli, 1 ',tint ee,street'Oliraril -lat2ekoirt• l l3, 111-0.10to3; Ce-Itirt street.; eqtaittie-1 71astl, 1:7:7 ert street : - Albert:4. Cobliliti.Blo tit reottiebAtrort ; 3ntnes a. 1.); otetty.:ll3 - Brbadxtip : Charles - Le:le, iiingzAbriti.l;ot.:q • Y.; - I t ansberi ill:it:ego, 1114 I Soath hobbit.; 11'nt. ,W. Leland : rem •11. nontlit IS 4 Donk Street ; Stance S Otsr. West - T.llnd 1./114K Atretls o ,•-.l.4tit .D . 1..eert.75. Vitei•stret t ; Yalt . Wartll.s , Itnentio et,T. w6Pt„ and 117ritia-sfeeet Pot lir 11: Poster. eor. Q nnFt ontt AitdMrat, .It.eubten Ross. -tr. 1-lio.bt if AN- enp . e ,'Sseplle•p - Otoin!t.ll, - ontoten., 7.; Britt - steeet;.;i:tettuot Fenetajtaiiiptiria.attll4- Ini;s;;Sarttuelll. Sliato,Ciorolotol tlhir. :• - ' ROTA UVII#A3I.I34IRLIS , Pres. CIOIRLeS.I,,t CLA.ItK Seey. . • C. 17ti .8110 : I • Itotitrote Sept. b, 1533. • • _ _ . .1. ' . i . ... 'iIIEAREILIFiStiOri - ~ 1 318' tuviormig . nra tinvit 'estahliird a Ann in h - The . httoontrnt-of . ”.r.' Attirre!iSAnti..tt lion; I l'"'lw! l ..-where t±;ok,t'. trill 4:t. rill Limns keep r .. , bawl , pc„,# ;" ,cxr. lk n A 4; i ),,.. .i ,m _ avr to : if .N tt.-;i L • E, 414 q Aiiß l IS 4lllll ' (Ito amp into - 3onnme•nts e .ronb!OP4, TOI3- ' l .• , Thc p at fon ay. of tho oublir i ;R r B 40. r i fn lry Polio: irit efO,looo - I.U..I3 kvIER AT'tkiroPek.ile.. s . l4s3.- tt. . T - IcItPS,--tiJ , i4tlivelvd fi l l;_4(-Kign`rtnient of Of-F111M: 'Oil; mid Qom.' p4„.4 Litotrij l int] nl4 ortiOex u pe.,:4utry-to burtiin• Went. 4r. TURRELIM. , Moiltr)mo, Oct. 12, V 54, I TitE, EtOSE D'Emoc Eviiiirvießsoict mottiffio gY - .4.114641, 44.1 44 . • ..EDigr - enik 4 so .Psioruurfoas. casti 42:0 . 6 •,/ not j~iiid'ti4i:hia k.iitpUlittisl!Aitid - s46,ni tire t ;d . ' o r t h e feni. No paiie'rditken'tinatifiiiititaire ara • •ge4-are paid, except at the option - of the h i t,. ii:4l)ers. At t conuntinttgations connected with th e rytrukc ti, ittlso tr*t i)e7a reel (t bit friiity tir CliAtt , & -- ElArri 514 ulibute,lititiquOta t . a -Cu unly, „, '' , ll.itesi of Adti?ctisitig.i : / Onr square:(l.l-lt ties, or 04m) IPlterA, ! ” B, 8 J q 0! - Erie h. t • tslr,i•Lui-tit. iimei,tlt•p: • • • 0;2'5 • Onc i•titiare iltret• trwritlis, . . . . ‘ 2,z u vAlip i•l‘x ;'. . . 4.00 Oasau•ris; Cards, foiir littem rit. less, 1:•-3t0 Vemtiy.„2tivt.4lFA•r3enis r pot nt.' ci)hintn• onto; , year, .-4:: •:` ;,., .• atintly- iii4yoll,et# will 1)0,4 ;IR 4114) joitines.s in whirl) I bel elig,tago ;,ana, ate t em as,wisltinz het conlinye adverlirking,itiltts they Ve special diritetiots a'tlitioiltitt; tvade4; of tlie.iqufle. / • - • . The pahlisherthn - vintnddedio:iheir Sob • Printing nimerials ,n Inige / 'unct :superior. 'ren t pf. Job Type, , are n. 4 preparedd tb exetAte' ..Job.Woxli in a..roanner :uhenspanand In thin .ste. tioji of country, n nil on t to 'Oust real ii unable terms Bla.ital‘s. or every ,d'eseriptlnn,li.vt.eimitiiti ) i - onliapd printedlO .. order4._ : : - .::iTsjits - .,:',:gi.rt.:_eL . l,(iri.,, • -501 IN 6110WE' • rav•itionaifrieTaitor—,Stmlinildit'Searte's Sinin'Stieet, Montinse; Par : • • BIRVANT ntibusg,; Great Bead. Depot,'- Pa. _Aninsoar -Bat. Proprittor.: 1.11.1 IFOWS, SP.ItetT it' CO" - llanufau6turers of SPROUfg OM AIN 00 CAR. RIAGL SettiNGs, Hiigbesvi le, tveopiitiftecc, .43prings snac be had of . :1 1 4. S. Vitilstmi,liiinttosi. 1 'Wm. SMITH* -Cabinet and . Chair Ma nutliadrerk , foot Main -;Street,' Montrose, Pa.- 't, .• ir , Dtv -, A8 11 1 0 ;, - - - • • .• Dr. . and ;jarraid; Pa: bEee pb ys-ician , o.tbiats I 2 'doors 1-1.011 " """ Dr. 11. S3IILIM, . - • Surgeon. Dentist, Montrose. Pa.,; will be It SeArle's Hotel,-Mondays anti Tuesda'y' s'of each v.-eek. - " , ,-- 130 ___—__ 31cAILLAN f!k. PAUL Dealers in Dry Grinds, Crockery, Boots and Shoei, sp,taigy)lie .18y1 .ILITTLE'ik IDIKA.SE; Atiornieu •at . Law—Office feWinerly. pied by Little Streeter, 31untrciiie,fiSusqvit 1 - otnita (Ampty, Pd.; RALPH B. 'LITTLE.] COXGDON & lIEVIER, • Dealers in larble,lSlnnumeni3:Tigte - tc,Titiz,_ Stont..4, &e: corner of Cnnr.t and 'Exebn.pge . Streets, 'oppoite ntopmetenrity hamten, N. Y. • - . . . ,AlorallOSE, P.a. - • . . Dealer iu Ch - onicols„Painti , Oils, Dye stuffi, Grciceries,:Dry. Poin lB ‘ nard : - Stone.v.arCinss-i•nri.,COrnpleni,Euri ing and Arfifes..Perfa tsery, Jinvelry.,-Stmans. Spretveleg; Instruments, .Tirdifses, 31edietii . Liquors, 31irrors,Statiottery. - . prushes. Shoes. Yoni,:eo Notions, Sze.. Phyaiciatts,!Preacrip , tiops carefully couq)uunded.., 7. FR ANM IN ; FB AS R, ,iii!iiiic and .;tiiiiiseilcii-'iiii*.i.**,l*, . _ . ILL attend faithfully to all: uupityeiE eAtrira rr, I:e.ki to i n the coauty. of Susquepantia• CoOeyaneing and writing of Oil hrodi wilt' done melt; ty, and eh arge•moderi • He will also attend tOth.pioseesition ore-Wm* of goldiers, their vriaws laud heirs, azainst this Uri text States iror4rtitneit t,• for Bounty. Land i.-Tt..s• ~ll.iybP.found ut , boom:at the- Once ik!rinerly occupied by 3 Richards, Esq..nortkcifthe Coin Ilv us.. I .4951 -.IOIIN COLSTEM:. DEALEIII IN . Btovi),;:., T in, C - pper au} Sheet Trir. Wate,LLnderswil le, neai Gruat Befui Tkepoi. 7 6y • • N. a rimEit • 1 . Interest e d ;, bri'ol2 TER AND ,DEALER JD tIADAWZre taid•Cot lery, Carriaze Trim I' • - • 1'(). Pith'', . Where his- "Ati.renntile rriends. in this - :ind °air Compt!es, :tie kindly incited; aid ed to call and -purchase. • S. KNAPP I , , of moNT•nos,,rA. • • • With Rowe, Woodroff,'&:Miitet, and ~trobattssioa betwoon ("gal:T(lsiid'neY o treeti,New York. '!Ain.rth ' ' (;41,111i - TARS. E. Patrick, Jr: - Z. , Dint ockizace this Any forms.:d tlo ! partperiltipjoi inirkwe efficient and successful pr_useTutiort of ibq differ. cnt braneh'e.'9f : ,; - Alf business etitrusted.t6 thetn, will I:lei:1114,11- (1(d tn, vith.. promptness anti - fidulity. •' • = . Their office be the on lately oeciTied , l4 Dr. Ditheek. •/- ••• - i '- • • :• t. P - APRIM'Jk; - )lantrose, lfareh,22, 1854.1 - 1 ct Do -1 RUGGIST and CifeitOT; iti g iIGS; Sledient;A(Chemlettli4 , Dye Stitt's, .Glass, - canaphinc •I'vrfiztnery i -Yankee Noioas,&e.,&c. - . • " • A'.l S. DAV IS, Aix-refits Er. A'Xii CoussiLLOß AT LAir--Susqle. Iranna'lW;pot; Office' Fi. B. Weied IStore. loyl 1 :. Nut:ice - to. Pasiiengert. --?' fSS,ENGERS tra'velling North on the Delit• vi-are, _Lackawanna , - ,45i -• Western Rail Road' t Great Bend. e.tn have' tiltente.sile - minutes for ginner at the " Barmet.lionss" before ibellew. tilorit,Exprt:ss goes ,tat 4; and on 11(4,15s :time hi. for e , the - D'unliitk" 'Express train ghes ,West on e,tg. Y.& Erli Railrooa antil tnrthev notice.. IN. B. The Cirieinenti llxpress 'train going East, `stops - at Great Beta6 4 LeavinTtitne 197.50 ~. M. - -:A, BR ANT, ' ',.. ,- . 1 .' - Proprietor trf " Brysitit Norio:" • :Great Bend Depot, SeptF26.l-854. _ ' - NOTIVE. • ' snimcribtqs I?FiPif,?Tore sufferers by the Fire, have l einorea :with whlt hitia.re-, 11111Tos of their stodk r the :now hoildinz on the ' • n yen tit% 'o r poN. Si S. H. u lford's st ore," ‘rhore •be:htippv'tn Nee all th l ii•triends' ne v e in 'the couple. of Rime ten days to be bit. to t ir e et them with itnectituly . .2trete Skid: of GoOds. . that- thonn. of;iatir onslntners w ho have treeti-inng in - oar debt_Avill• rememterthat thin in nAhjut - .of sperifil' need ?Dia.-us, andiln thtty , • - BENTLEY READ.- .N . 4)‘:::)4 . 1;', " ,i8.i . . - ' MAY hi P"ilid VIC-t;t l ' 4 'tni : nt 'at soittle * * U N 1 1 1 thitt - fire luB 'is N . . • - cePtiitile if iiid'soon. &E. 'BAUM . Montrose, Nov: 22, '1854.--471f liM=A;===l lEzitA 8., C:11[55
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers