MnT! "Jammuls - Traveliing , ,,lienageorle. 1 6{ly 1 : i,'. : t '--%' 1 • , . .Sale V .Wild ..Aninuili—Gothiii, ylf Shoo -1 o,grat Ilse- , v_Tztrat ma at - EaW-Vew York:' .:!--' . ~, •. ' -, . • The coljeCtion of wild animals belonging .• .. i .., ? .-. - -_-=.7-.-.1-L-_,_,__,,--.,....,_:_m-_,..,.-t, i . a.afs Ciao - Tar CrinCni..krioiiiii;Soniii - Easlities'i.: to BaMum, S. B. Howes, Stratton and Aver y. .„..i„.. _ ........!.:.....-__, ___,.....—._ .—........•__.±,___LL.:_,..__..i . Smith, which had been on exhibition in-thee. lE. B. CHASE i .ikALIVI I:)Alk„'En irons. i- United States for sere& yeara:pitst, Was 501d...: 7 . 4 . , -----..........—__ - - ......_ . _:::_! --- ,;• -4,_,:..,:....-_,_.... at public- auction tlti's . forenoon, near -.New , Ziloutrase;Tlaurstiay, NoV i . 2:1,1a5.5. - • i York. ' , . i----- - . The sale terminated the partnership . of the above- named gentlemeix, .who had been asso ciated in' the show business for four_ .years: The-horses,: it will be reeolMeted,were,sold - at .Tattersall's a short time since. , • The - sitle - began at 11 o'clock, under thadr 'section 'of ;Mr. Haf,ntuoad, ' auctioneer of the New York-Tatteisalhi. l . There were about one •lundred_persons _in attendance, including Memi•S'.' 'Siindi,'TitiiiMiiiiiiiii - ,'SeilißMcl - wes, Attil . Strith, Robinsott'of Cincinntiti,'Quick, • Stratton, tViiihir4 - - and'Ntitliatis; : men well - known in, the exhibition - business. • The Mil zuits••Weie sold ‘ - aClow,'priees.- • • . m •The ale and feinale giraffes, Colossus and Cleoptitra,',were-hid in by lii. Barnuiti: They are now tit the American -.Nasentn, and.are rained at $7,500 eiteh.. . • ' ' - ...: ••• - The 'rhinoceros was '.next - Offered; but no , bidi were 'Made: - Me. Ina iv in • Neiv. York': I- The seven . - elePhratiti. were then.' offered in ; ''l '.•, ' ' - ' l. :- 4 - l ert .ll/64.n . '; •' • -one - lot. - They are Minted ' . .Pizarro. li c i f. i . al, 1 . I . Not long , sii4e the Episcopal Church of _, , . Ferinyr(ferhal 'el" Canada,' ':Jenny, '(female,) I Springville was' entered and robbed:of :the Mary, •-• (feinale,) and -"Torn - .Thumb." TlLO . rsilk and - linen rdbei Of the Pastor. The per smallest elePhant,-Totri-Thumb, weighs about] ••' • i' .s lid that ? '. .. son-w 10 • . would Steal the Peanies 2,000 'poiniils. He',wat'S exhibited as the''ba,. -, , , . by eliphitit' 'a fear tears agoi . but he is now from a dexid niggers eyes— .the bone from nearly as I'' as the others. The largest el-, tlie - nioutliof a blind kitten-- - *mild rig open pliant abOut 5,800 pounds. , ' - •-i his &randm s• othCr' g rtve fOr . the shroud, sell e. .. 1 . 1 , .. . Barnum and .HOwe.s - imported 'these ele-, 141464, o the :dissectors , and xitake•a' meat :, plants from Ceylou'in 1840, at a cost of $3,- .1 ,, x •, :i i; f in i, co - fli h . .000 eaeh: Their daily food while travelling , , he ad i. lle wad Sell ilia liair• • her to make . firih-lines, and use about, the country consists of • 200 pourida . di"? l:ll ; • -•-. bat .and. two bushels ' of oats, and each drinks . 1, hlr skull tor a .ClOffe e c- uP , • . ..' _ .... • • durin,gllie.iittne time :i4ialf.barrel 'of *water. ! I , I: • . . I . -..•on the.- elephants was ' $l - 000 1 ,1 t State Treasurer. - *, • for the.sevenitt one•-fot. The liids run up - to i : ;-We - bar` , ifetifi!ed ;the na me of •Glioliati, 11. .E,OOO, $2,100, *2,200 find ••ere _ knocked i Histir of . "' tiladel phia,' Mentioned 4 several ..dOvill to S. B. Howes for $2,300: • ' ' Whig- I - • 1 pap ,rs for. th Treasurer e office Of State Treasu -.The 'next lot comprised the - following ani mals in cages; ' ' . • , . . •Itiii none pf'our.-husiness, seeing. we. ca not.. • , t- ---• ' Two lions-andone lioness, - performing aid- I elect tyLlei nodrit, and we,dent like, -4 . 6 mid- Innis; Asiatic lion and lioness ; lioyai Bengal i dl e. in i afillirii that: &mi. eoncern . - us, bat we tiger; hliating leopard - and zebra ; black eutiot.,r.,4i9 froth bestowing 'a just tribute . bear;'spotted hyena ; alpiteei;• prairie.wolf; ...; Ot 1 C 0 . 11.1111 ' 6.1 • e i won. upon . LAsort Land fitness striped hyena; 'monkeys;- parrots,. ,srageas, • . 1 . ,1 1. -.•• • •I of iMr,.. Hartjor that. pos ition., .We have canvas; etc. : ' - The zebra was imported by Mr. Mike:inc., I ser - ved•-twO t . Jirtni vitli . hini in the Legislature,. ;bout- twelve" years ago, . from AfriO. There 1 an 4, -- k t io w i n i i we iL . A .than of , more `stern were three brought to this - country •in the I• '' •.. 1 ..- '• l' -'' l Ht t• a his , . . ,in egritl (. tk not, Ire in tie • s ae, an same veSsel, at the same time, but now il. . . . . . , . - i i l o p i ii• se relee • • ii tile Legislature has given him. the only one livin,g.. ' - . , Mr. J. B. Bowes imported the white.eam,ell a ripe experree Itl fiwancinl affairs. Always from CairO4.Egypt; With. serest - others, abmit I a member, of the Committee of 'Ways •and . seven •years ago. • An , arc dead except this .1 Means, no' atiProptiation Bill has_been made one.. They cost $1,500 each. .There is also' iv ; in sever 1 a Ve.arsi that has not W i en pruned' a,sniall camel among the hit: - lie was raised 1 ~ ,1' 1 . . . mitts in Seheneetady: " . . •, The bids on the above lot commenced :it Si torl, tloo . antl.',!;fi 'lam:nil' learning. Wh ' ile we t. 1,500, and run on to $2;500,, sold to .1 1 / 4 1r. :1 were in ill nislatnre;,he vas its text took B. Hawes.' - -. . " ;"' " - ' . oti till-fluat vial yiestions, - aild the Viii . ,;•s, 'if Two ornamental travelling Wagons Owned r a th e • to elee't, Will 'give - the .State a valnahle by Tom Thumb', Were -Sold , at $35 and s4o'l o n.,, mee I r, ,a3l 4 .1.. flaunt:last-pan who deserves it by , id . ;t. --:* several . . eta.. One had '.painted on it,. wi Ilk. fidelity tri-nd-e4ability, if they will - ete;t, i (5 ", , . , .. , portraits of the General on each'side, .' , . - ,I "General Torn Thumb's ponies and car- - I -Mi. Hart tO that Office. • "•. , - • being equally prompt : and. klecisie, :is with , Tinge. Presented by Queen Victoria."- • ~', j, .. , i --.- ---1...--4........ - -...-- the smaller tUbe.' • - -. •' . , • . - -..-, ... . .. . . ~ 'The other, painted in a similar - style, had . I- .. idlourt Proceedings. ' It 'matters 'net,'ai in his hut article ,--Mr.• painted in large letters : . . - ' I Court.convected Monday hist" - , lion. I). Wil- • . WeStOn reM4ks,.Whether one 1etz..... of the ,si u Gener,al - Tom Thumb's Baggage." 1 mot presiding,' ,and D.• Warner and •: After the - sale, Barnuin - purchased one of :- -.',. 1 • ' , 1 i be; within lri,qte other v.ithout •the p to.i t.. ether ~, • ~ , . , i Joun B=Jyle, Ass*ates, the eicpliants, which he said he intended 'to 1 •-- - • .1 1 i•es. _ , or. Mr l Little business. was • 4-1 • •I both be outside of it • pro- use for work on his farm, - . -_. . . .1 transacted' p . 14 44, 3 ,Y. and.'" .Turn eTzTan" 1 vidiiel onl', that the one issue .from the vessel i A gentleman.asited Barnum if the rhinoc-', neled) ' is . . •- , . . . ' at' or near its:lower surf:toe, and the other fall , , , . i eros would not be useful for farm work, and i Tut9dny mornitr"a- jury:was 'called is . the l i ~li 1.1 • Ikl ,• 1 thatpoint,the tube \ risino at ' 'Whether he- would draw I` ' Barnum replied 1 ~,,' se. .1 . 4 1 '1 • • g" ) u. : ; of the ICom'th A's 'Robert Dav and others, it s i,p,.. 1 : to Within. a short distance of the that he did. not know, -bUt.lie had found that ; *-- i -• • . , indicted for Riot' at Laneshero' at Aug. term.l e „-• m ,r, . ~ . . be did not, dthw at the Museum. . . • ~ 1 , . •-. • - : - .- Showmen complain of the hard tittles. 1 It !tppeared in ciiiienee` that tl/cs - .lVrts:lrrst 1 - These expgritnents I.have repeated in pies- The high prices of food for all kinds of ;ani- f to the floto - of . *r. Norton. on the occasion ! I erwe of several literary 'and se:del:till:ie. gentle:-.1 mals.connected• With exhibitions has nearly"i of 4 part daticin , i , V,lir.3 conducted themse ves '1 -.•- • l •i tnefi, who luyre-kindlyallowed me to u• - •e their ruined the proprietors, and punt laaye bro.: r 'i l .-„s;, 1 ' in the Ball Norton , -•- I,•'. i•r ', ' - 1 - ' . •.. - •tp et 1.11 4 ) oper „).; , .- room. , I. ken up. for the winter: ':. - , - - - .1 natnes in tes nuony 4.4 tme eyrie!) ete s.ucce... .-- I endeavored - to Privent theM . • Barnum, however, - does not intend 'tote- ,- ! • ' r f rom r'-' t " rnin g t°: j with which 1,.6% 4 were . •perfornied. . • ! ~. , . linquish tl;e'sliowtnan'S life nittqether. It. is 1 the,ro . om tfter '!irdfresbnients.'! and a ieufile.l c . -. 4 -, ..1 • ,„ .; ~ -. • • • , I: ' - ' - - t Larntputif satisfied that the process ue--,, said 'that he : lass agents in Europe, procuring' 1 ensued bet i veen. the defendants and Mr,: or 1 , sCrthed anci.:On Widch - anY. one may proceed ; anew collection of elephants and other wild 1.16 1 n ncsisted by .pine of . the landing party. !. '. ..I .' .'• beaits, whieh.are to bebrought to Ifiely • ' • end -• ' with eertattri and - satisfactory.: results, will not York ? The Jnry,retitried a verdict of Guilty, l •r; .. ' in' March next, - The elephants wilt be ac 7" 1.. -'. - • . 4 • : • , l °per:tie-with a siphon of large. dimettsionS; the Court, in cons ideratton of youth,..dre. sea- i. ... .. I ; companied by several natives of the East Indies.: i i while I affirm` on the strength of actual ,ex ... vm..... \ . I teuced them ',pay a. , fine of *lO each and I .: , 1 - - - ,• T .; 1 perunent that_ with ii,,small One it will. ,The •1 , - : I reason is - obrions. In the large tube we wain. ~. little or nothing. from .Cropill,ary attraction; while in the, iiiiiill 'tu be the lietioh . of this law 1 ' propels the Water onward 'iii the summit, (or that pillion; Of the tube which is neaily . her-, izontaliybeVund, the point to - which it. would be. i carried hy. the pressure of the water- in, the • • , Ve4el, tintW there k actually' ,it preponderance lit the outer leg of the siphon ; and when this , prepOnderance is sufficient to overcome any -Treacherous Morriss - se and Nur , • ••der. • ~ • : . .bout three 'Years ago, ' a farmer . :nanied William - Riclietts, left lila home near. Ci nein- 1 nati; to go to California.. Seven,months ago man„ named GaVlord,. came from the latter place to the neighborhood of Mri: Ricketts, and.let herithocr that her husband had died. of diarrhce. Ile' manifested .much sympathy ou l the occasion, often visited her ankAnally. proposed marriage: She holiated at first., but his importunity 'prevailed. About this . - , red to intercept a leiter,. froin time he :managed to . r' Ricketts ti.il4s,,wife:, telling... ler he . wOuld Ie Obliged to remain three ;years more - in Cornea. . At . lait,'.\fts".,l.lieketts beranie is. Gaylord, and brought her new husband - ;fine farm .valved' at .iseveral thensand..dollars.;;— gaylord &igned to sell and . advertised k . ...'Ric4zet . ,* saw the' advertismen't ht .-chance ilk 'a chieinfiati. Dollar . weekly, and set out for tiothe full of surprise and anger. .Arrived. Week or two ago, he made • enquiry a week andjearzed that.w:.have just" stated.. He thin got zi inife and a.pair of pistols" and prOceeded to tal .old,house, about-ten o'clock at night. All . was ipiiet. .:11e knocked at /the door seye,ral. tims,andatlast Mrs. Gay-. id ask lord got out of bed toopen - the door and asi . pay the l east. wbo had came - so unreasonably. 4 iihen She opened.the Aloar and threw the liglit on his face, vs. Benj. West, indicted for steal face, she shrieked. API fell ins:4l66le. 'Gay- 1 ing a horse in springville 'Township. Plead /01%4 jumped out of bcd to see , what -matter , not guilty'entered by direction of the Court, was, when Ricketts caught him by the throat 1 ' t, be . 1 iDefendant, t tug, apparent that the was in and, stabbed him in .the side with his knife. i sane.- That qapstion was tried, and' it 'up- Pitssing out hastily ; in a paroxysm of mac i a u Ricketts inflicted -a ,couple of Wounds on bit- ipeara that he 1 . 1 had been insane soirte two wife's neck, and so escaped into the darkness. 1 Years. •`, . He has not been arrested and no effort seems 1 ' The 1 en ance upon." Court is srtiall, but tt 1 ' to be, made for thapu It was - th Ought 'the bustness u-ll "drag its slow length along" Gaylord was mortally wounded. Several .., ot .t °,to the Close of he week. ; people are found to declare that. he only.g , . i 1. what he.richly,deserved. • , ------........p.40.- ------- • I " L i s 'IX Ili . ATIISGS it — t Mat. Moo -lin na z is Whig m oveme nt. . I DIE.' i7tititiB/4(1 by De Wilt ck Davenport, • - Aum2a,Ckt. 28th. 1853. 160 'a.ral . 1621 Nassau ..:51reet Net& York.] " DEA Sta—lipon consulting among; a 1 - 1 -A11 ,, W 1 halinie read ",Roughing in the ' I number of National Whigs from different i' parts . ; the State., it has been deemed ad%isa- i Bush ' i ainj tA ), thrir name is legion, will want ble; call a Convention to assemble atithis 1 tili.,e'Dmllinioo to it, 0 hieh shows the same I I la early inn January, tareinstate the Wilig ;brilliant powers a:description which marked z i , writs old piatform recently disearded ;her - other works.Ltboagit. fortunately for our l i al,. Auburn It is proposed to issue an address:: ' ' ..ii. ' heroine, the oa-ker shadesof the picture are 1 to the whim; throughout the. State , in which 04 pr i nc io es tr u t h ° 3- at i oaa l W hi g p arty 1 not r p*scntedi in so prominent a manner as) Will hs.PlawaY - declared, expressing, a decided bergr:e.ihrismaelt as being herself now mare 0 0position to the NOireeka bill' as A`vintati9n happily situated, sh& writes in a inUch lighter" of-the hliasouri3Omnpmaise; aad 'adhering to sad m i z ,p il h more cheerful vein. She pictures the Whig principlesotablithed - by the' Na- I wl, .lutracterii, and scenes that she dons.' Convention at fkil#ltiore iv 1862,p1edg.. i P /e 'P e -: progress tlalough the" Clearings" ing ourselves to (wise !ill the propeattions' 821 hi ller 1 1 *--^ of thf _all the a journey, undertaken with the hope fe;': the fusion of tbi - whig Part) with any 'O other fur thepurpose of forming a sectional 1 part based non thegitatiOnt.otthe day. i • Thetime 'for decisive action has and the cotintig,whalirwill,detemiipe wheth ii i'll'atiMial,Whig party gliall cease to-ear j 1 bini t: ' Should — your views coincide, with Mose i rein expnitssed,ho„pleav4 to foreard your with 4141.. names of ,focit,ooerl reliable men in your atighborhood .sie imul - 'IOY -seleot , 4DJILlnee-PicViraci , of this eity 4 fl Without delay, that they may be r ise 4 witb-1 the addrers. -,..,',1,- - ..7. - •I . , . • -By order- of thoCommittoei. '`,...„ .. ' ITAI•TIS-COIANGER. - ' t IMMO - iREMOVAL.t the West side of Public' 4enue;North of Searl's flotal;', EtbriAgo2:4 - • • ifore, Up - jrW• AVe learn by the Registir, list 41utt an Anti-Nebraska ineetinn , is to be held at - the Cel s ti:tilioitse next Ilenday_ei - eaing.— "Vi - e copy the call in another coluinn.; 1 , 1 SAMUEL LP, COLLINGS, 7 1:11C editor of Farine r liti'berm:spi)ointed Consul' to tho.F i nipire of 14orocci), and will s:ilfor Li erp* orll, thence to his destination, t itt kfuw tyn 1, ' . ' • costs. 'Com s t.l2 .rs. Preston Tiffany, indicted for oh , structing the highway 'yid] a wall in Dim. ock towivlip. Verdict of Guilty returned, and a motion for i ,u new trial is now pending. Omitlt vs -Chucks Baldwin, for keeping :a house' Gib.on. Def't plead guilt ty. apiedi!..ll, that lie 'lzeptliquor for qo in . counection Wi;tli a snialk grocery, Against the remonstrance of his neighbors and. fiends . „ and that- considerable drunkenness 'in the : neighborhood attended it, ':7,eutenced'io pay a.fine of $3O and costs„ - Com'th r 3 Peicr. Tillman of Great Bend for ait assault and battery upon the person of Al fred. Allen. 'Th's action grad' out of the riv alry between The liOtels IttLoder.ivillcin car rying passengers and Baggage, •' butli ' claim- displayed theietisti in un ing title:: Pates dispia : ,_ cotnfortable pro r timity to eaeh others • Doses, I nearly; full, l when a copious Shower, falling on 'aye, • quantity air,;linqt lhe.peae and dignity of the Coml.'', t the earth increases the of wa and- contrary toltlie.Aet of Assembly in such 1 tei; flon - ingi into it through the rill and the ; .. . Case made and provided. lirbrdict, defendent ' thus suddenly filled, the Water , . `hors 3hrough the apei Ale siphon ;t4ett it .... . of restoring her- failing' health, probably nu ! dermit‘ted - by the hardships- she underwent, and Which_ she . sc.), gr i nphiettlly ,describes in I " -04 7 -qh ( iii SugAt which l deavor, our reade• rs be gratified . to : learn she hes sitoceeded-;* , we _consider the life of . thi's *oo=4 inestimable valtie, not only - to hit 'also - to ,rthe public; wlk° b9 P e . t° ;4irl# 111 & 1, wi6 other works front tie - rfaSeiostinir,,Lieu. 1 - For sale it the-Stor-O of G. k W. H. Fuller, . ' . . [Foirinit - Dasseenxr.] 'Spring4. • 141*Itsittitrottst—As "facUare stubborn tbmgs„ sO."juatures lawsatle invineible, and a Single, sucia - ful.e.xperitnent in determini ng :ha l t these laWs.are; is worth a• score of the o—rit). unaided y• 'raettca d emonstration. • .1 ',propose in thia:.artiele to give you what I know on titelsubSeet otintermittingsprings,. and shall adr:itee theory which' I 'have neCelearly'dernonstmtolin presence of those whO are cerriptentto. judge of such- matters. Indeed, it would . affr 4 d me .pleasure to show, 31r.'..Weston, a n otter " ineredulons" - gen. , tlernati,.the of my apparattis ; I am -paishided;ll . o - *onld , : . eon'eur Wiih me in :the that nittnies' laWs in Brooklyn, New York; io aot . fnitteriallY differ from those of BroOdyn,.• INnr4lvania., And I think thu point,w.onhi;also.hedetertnine4, as to whom. helenged the distintAion eperitnenting 6‘.llisietfortsrte arrive at the truth n 4 : the quest keit. at ' . trieo.artiele of a former 'date, Sue,- . • gestmg an. elorirrtent that 'would . illtritrate tle klicory of Pitermittent springs , I h:td tim td present . a Single:Method only, nnaccot tried with' note of comment," bywhi i the desired result;would,bentiainLSl: is od spay., be-varied'several . Way hy an in geniOns operator, so as to satisfy the • most " iarettulou((O. l'Sk‘stOrY. net.. - xeet)ted,) of the entire'c orreetnes.s of the prineiphi'ad vamied • Racing had series of yeArti. operatiOnS • . pracitie ' ma I ion. •• . • I has•se•ellinry operated with a brasi tube lut• - •ing an •Ortfiee, One quarter of an inch. in. diatneter, ;chili will discharge the content s , 'of a',-eotitruoti water pail in fear minute; and filt!ktroo,?iecands.. - tried the experi. meat with a':4tipply tube , so gauged that: :it could be Made to fill the any time-1 pleased, from; fifteen minutes, - to two hours. I.lnvo•found that:with Astre34o3 refining into the Pail .tvlthih would fill it in two •Ittr2rs, (little inOre•than • a mere 'dropping) . ' the . s . i 7 piton operate - .as promptly as when flowing, a 4 this "rate of sixty, thirty, or fifteen •Minlites ;1 and wtarld - enipty the pail in - little. lesS than i fi ve;minnes" . • • I With a half ..ittelt tube the contents of a water pail we're discharged in one minute and thiriptwo seeonds. Ou admitting; a stream tha - i would fill . the pail in ahout! twenty Min utes, the siphon exhausted the contents in . , •Iminute i4l forty-six seeends,,the 'action . t .lnent occasion, daring 3 to explain to my elasA the . po , siphon, 'botkln Oteorf Um; ; haye.liiitudno failitro in, its perfor: eq touching the subject• tincle'r -conside;- reststance offered to its progress in the tate- i wen surfeceictf , the tube, the Nvater begins - to 1 , floss throu•;ll' the' siphon, 115 a consequent ,of ' • • *', the cause bf.foreplain4 t , • .. ut : this apparent difficult) . in the action of _the natural sipin,. will; be - overcome by natureF, own operations.' „ , • • I Supposeta reservoir in:ilic mountain to be ,I,hroitga , • - immediately begins to, act. For a day, a week; the i‘upply mny be greater than can be, dascharged by the siphonie outlet; - 14 ., this state of things changes; tho vOlutne of water jutrodueed by the- rills dininislie4„ and the supply is reduced l*low, the capacity of the siphon to dischargeitilien itlis'dvideht the reservoir after awhile would be exbausted;and the siphon cease to actnn ti again ''the . . • . A. iaiddiAt ratification of the -.atmosphere, jtist precious, to a storm, has been" known to pivdtice tjte same effects, by' remoVing; 4 , in - pArt.,-'the pressure from the surface of the - Wa-• ter, thus . eausino• it to rise and fill the siphon, when it Aict&eis 'promptly as in' the other case. BLit mi are by, no mean's reduced to the neech‘ity 'pf depending - on thesH latter 'causes ror the Ototirmovements , movements of our mountain spi ; 4nt*, n the largest scale inta gi nableovi pireportnms in-their several parts, sim ilar awsitnust lead to the:same results intim nattir , at, its in thearti.geigt process. • 1 . .i Mr. Weston in his "first. Article desired to ino'iv : in., terniiftent. . bini• - how; under a peealiar,e.onnection , reim iitattees,r oit will - do it, unaided by- Ahoy • r e ritinbsphprioprenoye, other than the oW*, t .; pressire ; and this is sufficient for one pur4. pose, and answers leis requisition. ; - At At!, same time we divnot , presume that all 0 • citilet i bombinittiOns of reserroit And sipliori "wou)doliord equally eubitantial evidence corrpctiesli,d the theory ;but ae dO not , hesitateita.aasuro the position that 141 ;uteri kuitiingispringt; vrbere periodk , flow attended sll nu ivon.livienihtt; 4figree- - rer,ularityl , • ~.t . _.7 . ... , ~•,, mast be prOdue:cd'4 a natnral -:phoil.• ILIg!-I ' lit. and . tadowN. .titic asi 01 • . •i: Itesirkfuliy . Ygt l Ct . . :• i ' 1 . t' - 1 , .. ... ~. . ~L . , A . a , LA4 KE . ; !•-, I, Inaclu tgat,the fpoi: c , . . ~ ,i 1 1141)Le111:' 1 wall 4 islight s • . The untlC2iigned, having Fit esteXthe ex-•i `' 1-•‘' - - , 1 '''' -1- !• 1 sent:4ll. egroporter• %Alt 1 peritnetiO -40U•Mr:iClarke, ice to ttid 1 iiii' l ' ui , brtad • ' ilanri 1.. , t.., . , .),... ~ . Owers.aboi!e desclibed, in pro Ofig.*:. au in- I , !..:3 . Vault!' baOit 111.111 U• the -- I , Omitting, qe•lng by means o ' the .;aipuon; •I Cillf*b and klQkillt; very 'dike pleasuM in stating that hi. Letrohs tiler '• Where, have -,:.t)tc been, vu4 i I. the nierdliatit, f` and whCrel crowned with the most comple suct.ess. i • I had the bramlN. put iti tl •E. 11. 6AsiFlF:ip,' D. 1), '• I • I , ' " Where'A the rhottle then :-1; F. lia4 tigik, D; D. ' , / . 1 mas'r, I ealfecl lie at a bank , , WILLIAM I.'ooix,•Esq. ' iliess i and . k.le. tianizs .aTe br: ~. . HMtiinti,eri Board-of ' . ue:ttion.' 1 now,;as you ktiowK,' and (1 . Brooklyn, tit. r., NoV:. 13t11 834. I • buttl i t'.,*and Ile all !' , I ....—. 7 . t . • .. ' .. j . 11" 1 " 11 " -^ I, - ; ; . 7 . .I . ' AtitontrO thil r rowd 631! ' • !' For LamocnAt. 1 . t"' -s' - lon WedneF•clay:, we ..obterve(i . , _ , TIII IESSILS.:EDITOkeit...:74 ave _I ttrt,ted in the ediiiro - Ily nix) 4ring3 . that has ' n carried part t. put' l z !ia Fr ; and mi . , ' vi ' ith i ' : th i e art . i ' l , ,f sllr. - Weston i., • - --- ~• %mann° - . -route the theory stock: --le . to try experk •;f conVinding my own , !ory was n . stiostantial leai:ed exiit?.riMents I ' at.:•,'Str; Coiustoek's as. r a "llr.*estOn says I ri theiprOkif..; I had e 'rejlethlit . el from the p nthi4 suloeet, bat *a! If 4ferj,.l think it hat raYeti, agaiest one)• hr 1 . r f C0n41U444 to give i ;tietti9ns,l ' Mr. Clad, ed 'kperitnient, and a.: [i. 7,1,Vt.410n oti«ltt to mbly . lie, *ould ,have adifsions Oat Mr. Chit) '0 : -11h1'.4 ardninent is tt ') be si,nlo - liat outsid lf t lust: r l eut,—f I • ut,givit hituz in 13 up übr WV. =ID satisfied OUr*C 11,0 pro cline 6 1 Mr.-13 Seemed t4tigik friena Wei to lid tblouly ansi.e at I learned; that the ci r a l use , thrti."‘ll --- r. 1 . 1 1 1 111 1 . -'s.of c . a,h4 11 ,,ii.r r ilkit. it he precut ~ , , i ve led I,W entv-Mue. .tore were . oar? ;_;, ; ! , • , •shi r> is not competent`e aL._ I t riseLt malty . - Intorrents t nal arrest attention. I steerage . passena•crs.4 (.t3 ILI MI( 0 flCOtet .. 011(10 it. 1:111E,i3- deem , by the beat. law itributes Was not nee '..'sarv: i And I , , ‘ ,.• 1 • 1 _ 1 - e,i- eII • - 1. I '1 - - 'y • 3 4 ::. 1 , ; . 'erg''7 (1 7 • L i t-• 1-1 . f' - ;%I QvlC:4l'u 01 tite-io,towlngovotc , t we t tong rt. , laths( v aFseng•et?., ..,._ pas t .74..rigt_o J . 01 i .0... L. i . . , yers aim:Ater. of certainty l -It eannotte ex at tin. phenomenon : a Tenik4 snore' 1 ~ 1• t 1 4 ., r ls w04,1‘; 0: re,a-on. The da , ,. • after, mr111,410,- i 4 , 25 . ,..i, ;There were froth thirty to forty-deat-ns 1 0 . 0 ,,,,..;„, ii .: . . . . . : - • • ...,, ....„.. thepeople of . the:territoir form rrle-,' upon reertain ei inustances of tors failure a v e ry ~deeent 1 lookir - er • Wt4iliitn, IbY cli4era pres•ous to going asltortf,' . • - ••• - 1 (if t hal il-their chnstittitionfor aiitate iierritifeut. .By' ly Anti dinhar . g.e, and lint, n small I conifortattly.dressed in hlzia, 4,:mirt... , - op to Ow 4 •s...tv44flrt 'ere lsere 1 9, 1 , 110111 0-illorr '•.'ailtn.i l ',and I that time Abe true' ya.ueo .. e. territory, Vn I. i f Gov - - • 1 i mlid it, passing' throt i l t.h the siithon i l'T'ck tut} 'let.i.k heti -re.div l'e i Three dit•d after latalino• and s - weral i ; • ingt i iired - if the , .. . . . . - be appreeta&rd.• It is, withOutsdoutrt,;the•best r-. 1, lOn bong assured that; such -was the (more, eartuot •sin•viVe. Tart of the c„reW; chine ! .rjeet till air and •'itssutne its ttlace.i' I was : t"lie.ii•" I•- poor ttlers!;of airfterritory'&er . ... 1 nuts - tor se faet ' she. to tt e red k,. the stntrw:ty below ,th•e,l ashor,.... .soon after landing., TiTifey: we l re . en 'l'opetted—'7 l t is 'well adapted to. then'of Wealth: IX this, for' I confess that 'ltr.. Wes- ,I. AA; ; f ,• , , , , , : 0:tn.,,,,,e•• (sabre, :old sitting ine-,StattS,olltst ; (Wll%;oliing` to take a . line from the:shit; but-- ~ I The absence of timber .rekluires :for the 'Ma . - ~. , , ,I !• , .•, 011 s reasoning bad startea . ,,u.l , uots ' l in uky . into teur,•=. A !lentil:lll3M 'A l'io : Wit-6 • pity•Sitg, i • , 11-40 lint parted and they Were unable Ito re- ' i liter of .6. farm More means • than v ,the aholi- - r 4 . • •tppri:etehed -her wiill ' turn-to the sutterers.. :.- mind in !regard to Comstock's!. theory. .At ! se.ei'ng her angtts 1, . .. .. ~ s., , . . , 1 I ..tioinsts posse,.ss. ,! The houses, must be framed; - !, ' ' -4 ” ~ 11l m— ,ion drat `41'000'• WO'S 61411 11,01` `t SOMetitire durine• the forenoon rthey Sue- - ; fiist, the :anis. Of Mi. , siphon were nearly of a i "9 . 3,- I 's U. (') / ,•-•• '•• • ' •,, -i: - '., :- • o - i•-•I or of briek. Cabins tettinot .I.te built,...Fen-• • . ! the•narratien of hot u t i,f,irtnnes. ;:the • had , i.e,d lit, throwing. a rope frotn the•mortar and i c i ty ,. ii i• ust h e -ot 14111;4'6i the salts hauled a length 1 the!alschatize being a little the long- i , "I, ~ ~ , i ' lathe liet..l, west bittled on lice , trd, a lini‘fro:n 'I 1'• ; ! .. • :r- . - fr - i • - - I:•..e i , to e itottse o f a . w i t .lowe, wl, o , on i,ylitv, ~, i , .. ~ l e4t. - To i obtain a rt•gular stipt4 as Imisbed, i lei ;1 t, ,ter 3 ii:IIPISoltio ii`.` , 3i•Vl 3s a rewarcl ttrr 1 the 'shim, being' tutached to.' the stern). The i't the r: -,• , ,- es, - ..; ~ ~ t.l 1 a iconim:.need a stream -1- as lege As the bi- !, her!f:•tithful t4ifYiees, , flits iiail her s:tved . !.ittomorpsot several ti befr' - e relt'elting:the crri..:it. ITo break. prltitictregitireS ar. teats; of . . ; • „ 1. ~ li, Piton. •U'onld di l scharge and fot ud it woult , i c ,,,,,,,,,,, g5 , wa s put into 'Mancliester'S bank.— ',..ship.l ' , lle captain :tritl•five o six. otherb than not-less , . . • , -less'iltan six yoke.of oxen.. , There is tim ! i siart the"siphon but would not - stop it'. nit it i The; intereSt added to Iter I:;,hoirwith the nee- !...e.,"ot itt•o it and start(•il, woett . ' .l ' . !'gri' ' cap'; bet landfor cultivationi-4Yery foot is4equit.- : : dle!' , ..ifileed tO keep her titioU the principal •I'::izt.4 ilire,e times, by which; three suer were •i btul discharged the ' orerphts, fax the stream i• '' ',' . ~ .. . ~' .- ; i - ,;cd to support, the!demitt4for fueb - and timber - , - ; t 1 ' . 1., ' i l ~ - ;'',' , ' A. Iriinay. -the poor •s.eft,lers..freta :.the free t'l•';nn the,stlitton_would dwindh.!land continue , viol' „ m ath. ,hi, pe „ li d, f r i,„d %-,,,, gone , T i '''' '''''P h';il9 '" (1 beatir/e •V"'" i-t '''' en4seo l" 'RI states,' ‘l,-1). had taken !thtlir fitailies4.!are re-- runningias fast as the supply. (here!, I teas ~eo47lpassiimatet pall..plan't4;tid :" I have ; elia , fit* to her sides. What is quite reniar:: : Writing. - For ITiell of means it is a verv,tbAl- ' -. • • . ! : , •I; ;,,i ur in,",• • 1 1,1 th e se tetirsi ‘ zi . n 4 ,fts, ‘i;rt5 . a.: 1 7 , ;(1 41 ,,,t11t- 9 "o',Tl'l grairts!;''''peetiliarlY'' Pl!'-' ' iiikr.; s l .e.. itiirowtt into '77'4 "'brown- stud 4" .jut. its I i just lo:,f, my ltottsele•,!per, who has_. of oirti- 1 klibT r e ili that a woman, 'Ylic? "•"!' 1 " 01 ; u ` - ' 3 -, i i sable - a(yrieniturat cotnittiywelb-adftited to ! . 7 7 t ' • 7 I i 7 Ithetmb - 0 • 'I hul'arrired-at 'A etinfirinatien of Ille', ; 'fSuu tv, ll take l'er l'Ul''''te Y°"'' "9- ' . . the~ - . . ; shall be lighter. than linLkin , f slop "-00 d, ,, anti !•sliC, -was. so adrancef: 111 prgnaney lnut he , 11.111 for the reisine . ..orstoek - ; Ta-g.iiio ‘iith Mr. Co4steeklt the Ore. I stopped it several ! •:, . - . 1 1 II 1, • . I'c.,' it litir of .! • • , your wa,Ze.: s)11 lie as 11i11t4 . 1 els you received ; g:tv,4 birth to - e l l ii,l. th e. ,sarne .eve ni tt. o.. " T;i.' .. cr:. - 11)iial•• - it'is far Jtsiet. , te . make a farm on tunes, at tltriedit over Again, ayd again, inis-! . .!1„ i nten „,,, f ro th 1 1,„,b a „k i lied y , ;ll '. % in 1 . ,,, 1,- ( ,1 i i•41 1 .•.: ; ~,, , ,lit_- i•tileo dieul. • • •.• . . I ' l• •• I pr:tiries than in the'' thi - iber.'' It\is'finell.'wa -1,._ 1: , ,f, • , :th3t. the!element was iliavinir, me an ,- eottroeu tiestotts. ,I make •the. oifer wititetit ! .AMfther woinati.eaute;as rorele inguq- • i 0.. 1 i tend,' and'-with a erreat abundance. of,fine , • . •!.. ' ' - - ' .., : 1 frterk. In!,the mean time, however, , hesltat•oll. ~ecatit-e. I ant sure., that i „ . . t ~, . ... ~. , complete. . , ~ , , ,„, ~, ,„. stout. •N ece „Aity hill : eo n*el i it to. ' 'e(tie who i pl.ttik': in .t's.l.te 'of - •lturlitY ['every' ! I • 1 ri . - .7' -.' .. . . I i ili '-nub ,1 „L i ,toll. t,„..a.. : e s „r., P i it.l c , ,), , ~. -U- '.,1 i • ". a' rim ' •••• • I ...". •''' "' ' 'lir -fI • ; •liiitifit , i' 11'0'111 0 ' b• et w•t'shed ,ir 1 .- .-- ,0 • . tilatin ' ntyStAf upon 66 1 - refutation ot',. "•'9 4 , -""norf!'l, ;, beeorao AHlbome. for the rich—for - these :Who'. . _., •! , ~ was left to *you, must be just ' s uch •:I, per , •on r, Allen I catne as!uy, nineteen bi.),dil.;,•two'i tston's arruinefit tie-ainst; the ktftrtine..: ;.•can cOunnand money and labor The:poor . ~. ; , a o 4 • 2:-. as t require." 1 ,, \Ve 'need nut saV how j o yful- : o f them , c hildren,liall'heen retno•ied.lto the • aaaa..i'vh,a .hits „ e i t h er, : 1 1 „ 1 re tiE s .'6„hii o wn , , with 'a strum sift:tiler:than tilt. 'Ftss• !I. il . 1 .. •..:-. . . , , ,I ' " , 4„ , n... o ter• 1‘,4:-,•,. 2 i t E "' idc ' lit "'' ( 7 47 ' I l ium"' 8 . - / - "i':' - l e " ''lhre - :‘ l ' . : L . sinrrio arm, is"a fool tog there. ‘, i• •- - 3 ts, My 4 . :c' pe' rfinent: thus it tboi.otighly i V!llany oftin cernes to light in a strange I W041. , y, Cortt'iter' Of Mottninuth eoput l y t , was‘ . •., , • • 1 1.--. it is nat: - to-impossible to- 'procure ;. !Oho ied.thib (110i' I , could • 1 4tccouut for it' manner, and the 'retreat fair.uro„., in tile fol- h.,1:4 1 3 g nit itl fi tit..L-1. , 0v(r them. ~C.!'fil,r, were," laborers in the . AVest ; the only'labor.that etre. .►, -I - - • : ' • ' lint , iestattees at toast, burve proved that' hei:ll2,• . nerilts, anti the corpses still ,alt Ihe ' ,h,„ " t i t l e d i s „l ase. Th, 14 w ~ •- , gl a .1.• l e e: hers way than' this: the : water after It ! tot `7. , pric,(,..,at . _n o , a , O•stti.)l's, as .li' at" iii.l.lCi_Main'titintsk•;_•iit; are (cu ly, I • • t ' buried in the ' Mtol6lll=i .'llilq.iiigl feeling and 'habits of the people;:all conduce (timed. A fult:itream throtigh the siphon; I e . i. •,- i .. 3! • .., ' ....;• , te ita. ittty roj.„';ues,.. :A- young...l;e' nutn,' who r litotito :it Lone- Branch. 1 hoard, also the 1 .., -., - landlcolder—to hate a i 1....." 1 a •aca.ta'i'l' L ' a, I'y t 14 .4" 1 " 14. ' "r e- :1- - !..arn . ' thi, c,,il 1 1 t r several 'vears ;Igo, in. t'tliiro•;•or fi4rtt'r butlie:11:1,1 h ( ! ! ., m wa „! je ui as l, t ,i, • i 1 • ~,.." , : - •`. • . (attraction mid friction, '';tvith its sub-•-consequence Of being in difficulties_ through ',-ferther to the north: • .! ! ' '.• . • .: b‘ , l . c . , , , u ap a eau 1.) ,. had . 1 " axe. ' I eke 'with - his • • ` ( I) • cr. • ' .'7 the I • igontst,' an ~.,1); -,,atinn, ,a t, ad, i 13 (• 1 •i.egitig tk , - 4 -1. tie a tine st'e'rn club,' that '` 113, 1 '. captain iiitornied ine-that•he stipposed and One plough a man witbottt, help 'can ! receded 'the outbreak. of 1.6-It4 received .in , -: ho '1. , 1s weir tlie Lon. N.Md thorti at - the • i Nitwit - if!, indueed.viCuutn and when once such :P. 7 . ;:, i ' . ' . • , . 1 . , , ,-, ,:. t „.. ‘,-„, ,-. • .. , , zr., ': 7 . . , .. tmu 1 1:s rabidbelt , -7,..Tees, and` Wa7._:e his ' kir . - ,liii l- )t. - - - k I . . , • . 1 -- . tornuitton• turou'en la new iv..arrive : Et tettow-•; rune - os She disaster, mut was earri-ina• ress ;.' ; • -- •, . • ''•i• ! - ~,,- s ol P , f trio . Such land cannot; he- found in name.. induce tent•ivas started — the water took the I co i. la i ri . . '''' i 1 • 1 f• I. 1 'lt• -. ' f . il t k oil 111. I• d fake.! -I' • - ' ' ' • • ' • • •man, of tin. 4 em tpt OS tk r l iIT. els ., 0 s: i 9 eel, .. • The situp .‘its..le.:tkitg• 1 d„„ t . i t ,,i s , ; 4l• fl e e d e d fo,' rlthe prairies ,; ; ;;no t an ' 4 . 11 9 a ''''"'" !in those portions where timber is most abun-.. advan ire nnd preelpitated tit ; air from -the . ) . i P -•i -1.! I ' 1 . ~ • .. ht:.4irtr of evil nets ltets.setio ' z il, o nt oa , o r t i,„:i s . z , t i , il ,, sinem Foam ,. , „T, -, ~E pagsat*.as,(l34 con v equenee. ,- -. reeentiv stespen,.......:tt: oatibing notises on. its i mtuty!,,'lntrin . ..tteen stillil: h . fteel • ! •• t,iit\ • . beft.itt.' —•- t ure:ean i;e•v;•asted:'l.3utto'the Man who has ' ' ' lOsiter. •vi..! • ely ove•As held:veil M .. ii it i i'' ruble • 1 t."•• ' yii.v •• •••el 5..1 ielt sWe ) thir d•• •ks . '"l - .• • - .. .. 'i • Aftir a satisfaviery invests( anon . here, Ii e • ~, t- 4 - I .‘ . ~ - - .L. .-li• 3 1 • .0 • . -. 1 I : : the abillq - to Ituteliase the timber' to huild' , , . ..; . • -' •ot : an:1111 turric tnyattentiott to 'the ap asent!equitio- 1 1 • - lost a eensi his distr-ss, lie let it 1 (silt tliat: he had I killing one - person; and..S`Or set . erl v injuring i derable deposit which lie had made ! an o ther that,'she died . - Willti,n a fin ltcinrs •• • . 14 honses, and . citu con - inland the - I:titer' id , . nutu tat • Seemed to be susta nod by, so me 1. , ,- , • 1 fence and break p,rairie, the prairie,!;. I!! - -• 1 . •The mate, .W Jordan, - says that he 'slop ' i '1 byadsf., ,- tnere. .. . - - !ca ett a .e.• an Tres. ..:farm s. 0 i S . 'i - co mplete cause hlter!the Siphint. had ce.'sed to' act up - -1 / . . - 1 . 1.,11;e many . otheir, at this 'first itstain, be I woni t l'have foundefed it shi.! . had I!ell . 4life.(l at .1-11 one le , a .-:• - t i„-i rea i., 1. iii,iii i i4:ai i i i ii4 7 . ii(44 . , i, , ._, 1, SeCIIIC EMI ound t ,1)..3 stip. Sfream surprise unustia enngrat a'sipho. establi-, iu no had a 11.0 ittillar> tie ant, ; xA) sipls'cinje `principle, any • 01m. .wris suss the sui)ply;,i . and the difference in thej arm.; t ietigtlicnedi the • •ditiClitiiging 1- it found tii aui pions ii•erei?c4rect,. : and that •I iriterrnittent principle. ('great iinnitierl, of eiiieritnents Very. ipterrstiug l and confirm' Tnade; and. a Alm." poir4.lbefweeii: si oral ftien4 Xirestoti failed to in iii± ini , estigatlons O'ceupied :that 11y vntyiug t h 4 supply I gren,lly. D. A. lersdile;, Nov 17, 1854. Wh Philoaophera disagree!, si 1 -Answer . -aays,—Exri. 11' ~"11 9ssus.:., 't•f'rr o it . .i; i: —T h ! lai . . ~ : numler of your paper contam .coipinuniea b • ons f ron , !v.`Thitos?ph - ers ofl3rooklyn, N:1:, Bniollyn and pi ilitock, .Penra,:rillative. ! to .luterinitting: ! Spritigs.'; That Such springs ex t,‘isitrue:;withOu ti a doubt., 'g !! hat !!IDr..Corn stoelts byPot.liesis ! ! ! !andi diagiain, elucidating theirlinituint and true dans+ irtie without - 1 ` !!! ~ a dptif?)t.fl That !:;:an artificial intermitting spring tut lie 'wrought, is triie- ! from-trial.--= Wh . l diet, lilrOV.; reason againitl! an estab. lisliellpiel,- T air`experiment4 truth. I hare , i . ! • . seenlbotp , a In:it - unit, and ar4ticialP,lnterinit il : 1. tingpri:4g,lacting - whilyifirecor l 9ance with • ntgaii Dr, k's tlieory!,eri. i fyiiigi' the same. 1.:o Thi, int:Orn i ftting!..prings in#y, liar,e different peritiids 4r . tiine in: filling andil\discilarging is true; ! .s weuld lie OWing t 0414 ,1 caya;city 1 of tete r ,erroir, ...its : leakag., tofither with theyphtiC lea4fig4fand.t e .ntioAier . !And cap,leity.f.f!Cmitting rills.. I .. !! II ! •\ . , - Ti) . ebe ie . - the, i'pplc,'nn . ill for• i4orrnattm, will' the I !•..iliilosophers".tell!,; eiv4 the '..N.lis! issippi Ritet flowti , ,tip hill s _ . .- Qt , , • . r'.. 1,1 . • ..,, • ' :r ! E4anill. Y. , '. - •t - L'inn,!! . ?*;. - 20th, 1854: 1 ‘i ~. 1 *cure. ,Ititore,of the De' papir of the 16th gisi the Ore in itiontre, on the 10th instl.,s.oo cOOrei; the , eiplosiOns `,)l 'goo ipou`kler t store. th4t is,a; inifitlike• I Itor of reider keift in the , Sl Puflftset snfoly carried' fire! reil;.?o th e store: plontrorle,;it , r. 20, 185 , 1 vallOy or 'the I t " lisprvin qte eolith of Karr Yer priooctiree 1, I " ' MEM 4 ... ond.with.eizi4ped lumds'und. So rro will - he feared his Rule all, t•avei,l to send llotneito the lold eenn6y,',fkir his.ivire to-join ilitn,, wain ;,rove. - .Li t IVC:, were tr3ii k)„(r ! to exidaiu to hint that thit4; \sere-Ie:A.J had as he antic- i pat -41,.':ittotta'!e, Ili b e ri t iai!, I.%iij eat IV.: &OM' the, country, in :•fact we learuollhe 'was . f!.ont Ken= tnel4, ad..ost,t4 Mtn, and a leti...the first Salu -1 tatioit inquired; " Awl Le ad! :Iliellael . but ver fool; as sol)l as a elutWi,.l . htilletwbat7s 'the'niatter 1".. 'l'h..i tuiscortnne wail explained . to lion, u ith our. asdiratiee . that the - whole, um& not lost, kYilett.tite. (Del ist....elai Ine'cl, "Olt, bottro, - .Lat ali ;that in a pi'ia!'atal smoke it, and t's : 1;4 little ‘vorse. yell be, • I'll tell you ilov ! ilthe Lank curved me, .;.31‘ ,.. 11 „ burn. it.--; Whlti I •ot tut: la f trYear'slsa!res, Pat (.11;ti= r en tpultl tut if 1 put it in ;;ii Ohio 1:,:i4, it 'val .inerease . Lv.six .cents oti. the . dollar every year, ..n • 1, kta 4 _(., ‘,TY', u'r l_z: . n'd . eteio.l up theirivei• cut tuttim, 'tit If und 1140 a 1 Lank. 11 cot a deeil, bore ; and put the money in, 'wrapped• up in :mould ne,wspaper; aticy,after tnakitig ;ill loOk straight again,' 1 went ha ik .- Line day- last !•..spin-; I . k;r , i sse il 1144 L 1,.a1a trait up" to, the bast: to see w non- er ativ of the six Cent pit:CO 11 . 4 . 41,)t. into the i , , ilewispaper-- : -ana vets liiink 1' saw`?--- 7 .• Faith the I:ati4hati'M failed; as ye saY -yours li:is:Alone, but iu the 'wintial the, eater had .. L;.l AI . - 11a%t ' - .d.'in, awl ben ititieh in- i inter:l:pitting an by several rtincb 'pleased in which be Coin- - I hunts !for tbe wheth . nue -or not.- satisnen- , ivas cor . , pasietts wit h - I ecfecl some- .; 16 of mV coin-. Mr: Wevtoo to have so. • ,vp • not .; rt the result of. rec v i ice*hieli of 1 1 .ave' t i ullowed 4live4.nt the did:, . efutable, but of,the goes tj.i nilmittet, my . . wAti..4lit so I , tt., lira it littit, lea. ~., • 1y tz o t I i ” my ttiiiitt•y - wt vi futtiotteutto, c&'t to t. - • --- ' • : Lo ' ' 1 eiineludeil.l tiou•rht all losi, and iiLre.t• the infllience - was - I .! , P : iiietlr:between 1 of clesPa'r, went to 'his' youii . 4 acquaiiit•ina . • i. !1 4 : -lc ••I . •iliT -I tl -•' 1- • 1.4 toi,,inone... iti,s Le-. of • the len ,, th. !-' '''' 111 P'' - ' . * -e( ! , pi,siteil was a lt•ganv ehtrusteil to him by tue. .prose .! Ibis: . 1 !13!, -t :ing' • .I . adler, for - hiS 7i ,sou in I Nute . iica . . Li- - ,o'lE tu to. dOgrov ; ' 1-1 1 ,- ,-- .. Ing upon t n.. s, . ed.lp , s as. :t ju - st retail: it! •tni conch:- i Dein he confl•Ssed :ill aniftrtitn•ferieellis ger-: • !!, • Inni atrived •• . . • titteitte of aeitositi3 to the rrht owner, who ..- a . . theti not :lot . ea doll hr. - 1- - - (One of the'ah( - )Yi . ;• cats ivas not the only, d kAind tl • - •4 k r . l' ,1 t•' n ni•s.anee in wan, .Strattgq nillhe eon.- 1-dincr of the. Nsl3r.l hank" le 1 tie fOPncl that. I On7tlie 4 nighti of L•:taehester's failure, . hni4ered ;.at. .his- . Charybdis" y'44. a fov honw.cloor; yer)l 6eent looking apprOtenu. in I. 'd it! • t wan ru, le pp, 411 t. • s.r,ai i•. - - ide kiinge, anu from n hei eyes; ask i; " i if i the bank wor bru. could i vary the i d 1 being atsiirel'that such .was th:. meta i, I' .. i cs i o ly truth, iii . a ji.:.'ciice full of arr,, 4 0i,'11:..4, - ,, - . , '. -i ' zi4ked - who %%a% kilt ei i 1 Wit - ire. ti)(1 'li*toni:3ll-. BALDWIN. _,. ntk , ed NA nu .. ~ ... . _ . ell Isy-gasldui could answer, she. rayed,* rash ' • - • 1 ei. than uttered, "Me Larry And the boys,tWO • I Ti• Oc he, shail de., I are deitd-; I know they, are.... :Oh! wirra„Niir iitlMEAT. ' .- 1 111 ; I always told ,them the' bank 'ud break, i and be the d4athoe 'eta. anilthey only laugh— ed at me. :o,ebinie; - what'll b'econte of a lone ‘7othati, without Ilusband or (dater." • It ap- . I• ! are4l that lterltttsband.,ao two sous were unployed at a sand bank, and hearing that a bitnk was " li'ruk77 as,sltereipressed it, she at once thought the;partipular bank where a ll the -wife and' mother hadi to love Were . its fork, bad. fallen tipon.and hut ied them, a not nufrequent,eittasOuphe. ' . ` •• - I'-: When made ti understand 'the 'difference ietween.a bank of depOsit and a•batik of sand, he..was. in ajburt's •- to-run back home to -be . vie' all- was right ; but so Itnuch was she en-. ,:tgltatien, that ni§s of water had titbe procured fOrier, t anti our-informant, a • • . genuine. .good..Samaritanq accompanied her home, whereislte fell on herH knees to thank. Oe holy Virfr,in ;wltett .she found- her family. ll comfortably seated. It. appeared their 4 boss" had litizen thetti hoMe to supper with tint and aniir intact:ll,4°l6d abse)ice had 'binned. the. affeetionate, iwoman,r w ho' had ust then.heard of the ba(ik breaking,. and usbed oil caipeettnti to find_ theM burled be -1 1 tenth .the fallen ~ ttrth, ; . r . .. ; , ; A:lady of;our ittequattittinee went throngh l a 1 , great doll of qnnecestri,' suffering -in- mau -1 mection with one',.:of the re4ent,:faituees, Iler l'frasband.and eldest sOnaililiiiq :I,l*llt. Oil a ' lit tie, trip Eh* ii 'Ol4 r . iver,r‘yliti'theitiw's reached 1 her of the 'fitilur_O .Of :the ,b4ttic - n I . • tich,'Tor years-, they had deposited 'their s; -, with' ~ . intention ., , .. ~ , , ~ - ... , lite of some oay i 'braying I lo pSe. ttnd :30111 . 0 141:1(/ iin ;tliii' country, I-liiw- she -griered. eat - 1164 . 01; surmieiGbtt.` her ;grief was' more for !lei' indaStriMlS 'Mid self-tietivit , 0- .Im O beed ',H • situ, than !-fair 1.t,r4•44, how t ,I Iv CPIPd she ilintiniumeate_the:stitt news - of eth • Oi lietqi- 4 1 ' ,1 44. ' ' „ triter-.propert . l , 1 - 1 . had h left tact: in , at - , illirosliati.-viri t Alji.. a little holiday .tri y.uu oiited' indulg'enee - a,,st tl ere fOre trittelt ihoulzht of ;1-and ..Ittii- a Sad fie c mae she ititd lit reserve r forlithettt I ..,,They ' . :rt tAirned j'estkirch4; ,but .114:,'cii.te,u rreto of the Week were 'liours: of ni l . Ir9Ohi ~ to ~f ir With the desir9. of ~0064 hgr.....kriw, 'Jug pui p 450,. they had ikc!failY;.(lni*u'itit',.44i: TAon- - ey. (rem theimpit, and ii: little f WO* 'Madison, t two or three :—lu your nniitocoultt or morning of the aea that/several ela• Filet: inniy trim mnall (run. 'ore id! restaging I out :11eforo the a. TURREI.t. eosilo or Grand I;s,, i rid to, be . , of ,11111 - ' tank I hail infrelittged a 1)(1kt:A paradise .6 r• a farm, do. " ' • 1,.' 1' if ' • .. read] s l toc -ei . . or Surprise -was, it pietist ng- I Walnut street, one indeed, but frotri ditteietit reams_ o, what ickne.v4 yesterday, they hid t4pected. • when carrying. ont...thcir . .ri bottle to retell littio Oot.;;.+Cincinnitti Coturabicia: . Went by . . before . .F 1. - :---. ----....-•—.....-___.i Inittle and the -., :.. 1 lOrrible tihipivretk. "::-.,, 0 4 . 1 . unit t ired..--- ( . Wreck Cf . ; 1 / 4 4 - '4Ww, .E•ra- : -.• T hreV tu'n g red I . e i ii,,,ml r shouted. , lit ii, lost--List : :of the Siirvien . is—A •Chila ithe' beandy ?" "1, - Lorry On the . zeieckz—il womun' i upset ',in a e bottle;" . -- , I tote ( three times.. . 1 .: • . I ' F " "-,l ) e . lac am, Ile4NeW York , on the Wilt itrt. - at iY. N 1 he're.l had bus- . M with Capt. llowne, agent of : the 11,-,ar4 o f ~ 2aking ebbryting Underwritilm on • board - the stemner - Uti l e:tor; ;is brink broke de .. with the w`recliing schooner E:4..elOor . inl tow, ! ~ - for . l : ' • --. • a". of fill(; ' •, t dis•rter at p , m4., . 1 t 0.1 • sti,. (.. recut ... s -tilled Third 1.-trei'Ft t '‘'f.: ati.ivd at. 7 I'. 11. when Capt. 13f.wne• ati Irisliman,who ga v e In 6 liis : watch and. pocket bOok, saying 11.1ook,;_ that, 11,.,_wakgoittg to try a_pf.tboardthe lqe_elci .„..-!!..t ,. g9.• ......---, --------- , 7--.-, ---.- , ..._ layery:clot*. (i)iis'. .....;re,. 1a...-. l w l' 3 t The nuMber vf 5l ices is d:iilv increasing,:-. -Of and'ifliei did not return I woto'lpiow to dolivitjil thein. , . • .. ..-. -1 : ' -- -1 : ! those wllO!go.frointhis.'stnte,'' a . lero , nuttiber Hei then in:tinted his - surf-bi , at,.but the sea. i will be ,jther.....„1„4,,.0..h0idem,..,5r 'Hari ehi hiren. mis 1 ) 14214:f0g = is, , ith - sncli foil:6 oil .the.' }cuter 1 And though they ma} furl' time leave their bar". t hitt the. men, tColltr . liy 19 11191 WISIlk:1S, P 1 ,iav o in Missouri; they wiy not the less influ- It':(''- 4 ng, {Mice their friends and - net.ghbors, .who may Ciietitin Th.iwue„. refusa to go . overi• already .dark,.it was decttle4 inl.lo, 4 ••ticable to I even in their feelings bel Inclined 'against Make, Ot4: further attempts that night S6r- . ' 1 slaver}', to;,opposSexeltisio.4. for thei r 5 00„, ... cr ni 4.4,,,0riers passed . near the vvreck, / : am,.! At .prcsent the. isirtiOn ef the territory open when:the . ). !did the 'people on _ill* heard 'the '1 fur scttlentent is mainly.Ja posse', of those .hrieli4 of the PitSs , ..!ngeri of, th 9 rNewl kr 4 , . 1 in , favor of siai-ery—theYt ;',ceoverlfic:'. larger above -. the 'deidiming roar. of ',thq mild'' . 111 ' 4' ' t portion . of i . the territory .enit,aible ,for ,•Sinall, .1, 1 . ea 1 r ,...,.1 The' :i i r had eh angca. wiPlii l fl P-'. I ‘ .. f arm s .and !men. of litnited •tneans. „: - Thepsyrts. it . ... 3 prairies remote,from . timber, and lionrs: froin; t iiiild:' is ..1 etnperatitrel tO piereiug 6.0, iNilll }1 high vt ital hickwinOttota i unfit. for settlement by pour Mem . .•Coulf. l Jhe tl .‘; be • det .I. ni eit iti - ilk eafti7 - iitiod, 1 li- . l)P i l I.\ , b • . . „.• , .., '4.., he , ~;,- , qt.s ton .t„ 1 n, ~.. , „, ..., '''.11.4 -- t' •TO . kno w 'that tile: untikiin- .. ~.t • ate : l4ooe 'On 1,0a,rd,. eoio,...wet, nitn:hoco . , ,, n . ERI ,1 tin. character Of the y fxtpultitiott r their attperi- , • 11 ti.) . i i ;-' I. w • '-- ertidunn't • . i , . , -, 'expose tlu.., p ttic.:, Ism( , . cre p , ~ or Intuit .24.m.t., flag . :fatniliarity . ..with'. - tioliti- , in eight of .the:rshore,.amt we •• unable t r 6ll- .1, cal carivasieg, their.:positibri id: the• territory,. der 'them' - :Incas . sistunce %ills distie&Sing_in i wo „ h i - (4,6 iliCk.4' . faVorabl , liii,'TalaVerY,4'l3,eci- .. T :.- this ei:Vejr2t: . . ', - -... .. . . i •.• 1 - i deb advantage. la:.,addttiOn.:„te.;rall,ihten, ;144 day break • the sea, had gone ',l •It here .° I there Ivo-two 'causes that. mqll - ,-9ttless thoskfa i that(lk'ki ...amen from the shore could I)egiti vorable..tO.sla - very should - ftiolighly'fear:(O'Ut- I j an Aiilir pai,senger;.., ail of whom:tini,t - rerpai u - - ti e i n : iCansas and. - thus -, v . OI tintarljr::,g4;9 . . up, lea arise We're brought to land by stPiri , T„ . „,,•" , ` I the territory, Itally,..e4rtaindy, cretermtne the- Ch • elship was ilizeovered to .be •t11:.. 1 1.....,eiw r 1 condition of • .- the territeryLas a - ilaireltolding -1 I.:1 1 1, Of !lath, comnutuded by C:tputin ih,om" 1 , state. I as. J. IteorV: She was of '027 tons burtnen, i As a thatter of l' iw ; . i cr y; , 6 i ihts - fi1...,, the -1 and this' IraS her 11rst. - Vovatr,e'. 'The, eakaiti, lte . t. '.• it needs no net of any legislation .... : 1 .rrt ory 1. 1111.• erg.W • awl 'all the *hands except - Jim 'stew- t t -t- blisk it.. • ',lt regnirds . 'nn net of : Coniee • 0 .es a 1 : • ! -- .. . • t, ard , T.le i.;e rp. - •re iu 1) er 'Jl '374 • I. itiyand 'l4:ls‘on(Yers :reinaiii.unaer th Abner Ailed. Otily v in 'l4•at.sepgerA s4 . ved. With the initte,4le4rei3 nhl to.oiitess to 711 r.. Al`,en t I.llrettglyti:le "ilresß, Lis grati'tude' his the i:szi)iie, ofti otht.-r BEM to Era liaa 200 t i pn;-ths lk .27 , 1 ObrY, 'cubic f(42l:j infcarol'in 13:ith: apt She i .starplin4 sottiOd ilown in the send so tl!t her itipp4 dee s aiie *early, Iri t h Alll,her'spin's .itanfling exc‘pt i‘r 7.(!1:1 101.1-h,..14,111t tua,,tl to flails;' dose reefel,..Were .4et just lie Nothin , - 4111),Inii 8 , 4 , 4,t e. :Nothing, !as _ ftzi! of tilc 411'4 ere!.: 71 . 10'0:T 7 fait all leis "papers, :tistrurnent, ,eveiT.= - ViA,OITNG A 511 0 .1217. Or. noimis VliOil it . t WRECK '• . 91 , • THE } 1 , • , ' - : • Pigilb*ii,S, N'eveittber 15, Is. 4,, i . ..-- '; . .- ' 4.0::O'clOcle 1 Ni.' I'- - * . • - ;The bOdieS of ;eight 'women,. two tnen . and twO:ehildren, were washed ashOre . ila`st ; night .... . . andthis moraing,,On 'the belie.hl'oppoF ! ite our ofli`Ce at the . lliildands-illev all' 11,P.' to be ',Ciermans.. 'lite bodiL4l 'werel:lll:eainined i• - - in Order . todiscOver; it postihle,:ir t Jere Were I reMaininz any -traces Of. their indivi . tutlity:.' ~-.. On - wernan.ati a child wer . e br. ught up • torrther, the wountu r about forty.;l,'etirS 'old, nil' 7 l4l 'child 1 .- it hairedl ''' f . 3' ‘ ' . _te a ict i ga (3 ,ix or s o , en . Fears of age . : 1.. rout' the little res;einbla nee of the woman to this.child ; she wasi'not,the't to ilf& , . its mother:, ' Another woman, .short and rather stout; with` brown hair, had the letteis K 1 S. :$ . .0. 5, W4ilied oii. tier under garment, . just. in the pep:. : Another woman, who appei t tred to be about thiftv - years' old, with -ratlter a :spnre fra . ine, hail the initials' worked ill' the 'same .lilhqe. with the other.' { r ., ,Another young 'woman, about nineteen.tif tWe~ity years of . age, With light red, liair and a. prepossessing 'ebunteennile, had the initials' s. q. werked in her chemise the satnejts the oth !Ili; her body had evidently beCti'Strip.- ped•hyl . some ruttlan,.for *lint , little 'clothing, wal left . upOn . her .appeaq : 1 1.6 be'ef • 'a,finVy. I litality.. than, tbat worn :by the Others. ~. .. TWo-NOung boys tiow, came Walking' nlOng I tlieHb • "I - young boys on the Ali nfilict ante' . eat; i r n . c , ~. p .1 6.. the 4is stn t r', nn‘l,n.bO - liint .‘ilt . l}:e.cri np-fipin . ' IlifgAira . 0), and 'trete looking for s ome of 'l te bodit!S found . nre',:hegttipinA . to AlO l ',F balite, the flesh Wig eaten ...Off the titee--.--.,. i 4 i11.,: proliably 7 . cough . renntiu3 ,to idnntifj• - liietn.N.;y , ~. El; . , pod. :. -.- Tttr. Svroin TnNl7,&,—Lettnt•ti. &ea!' Havana, d'atO 'the othinAt, smte i thrti a-large ber'ot atte's; onail'Ot) i n 'fill,l'jnst - landed; I,And ti:id been seized.lik'tbe spamsli atktilbr i. hies n. tb4.l+cle of 'iii ' '' • • ` 15116 " 41 " - 77 -- , C ( 'Pgr l rC" v'SQ(its at Washing,ton: ott (h§..fiiatlinfiday . of 11.)ettur, and - exvirtg, Ciatitational . I‘ll I'#G of 1 next ' I 4 . • Soittlipriaiiov of 14110eiry la Kansas. :Its - i#l4ptOli4 SloOry- r -Letter from a Gcorgiamao~la. biotlor. • ,P4ric•Ce.; MO. Sept. 9,. 1854. *other': . in answer tn your. iuqui,- ries relative. Kunsus,etirasku and this f4the' sake - of.' enavenienee, . I will yuor qUesti6as, and thus to • 'You are 'advised of the eflorts of. abOlition ists to•lndu6e such an emi4ration of those op posed to slavery. as shall exclude it - froth the territOry: -,These efforts, with the usual emi z gration froln the non-slave.liOldipv, states, wilt necessarily) : throw into thel territory a large popultion.opposed to slatery,. • Should they cren soccetqlin . .hecorrtitiOhe tnajorityr; 1 am vet 4bilviitef - .4 . that Kansas Will le a slave, statosla , -ervcloP.. ,-there; iu-fact: teat authority to lirbtiihitl it. ready for the 10%1i..-The '''ll - ,ruL soci - . .broke4 :will yield 4.:,12e45t : 'oop 14 stock Curti, nearly:suffitient pcm?,c. of -1 oul t i ration. I The - brehl4ng will Yield'it crop of tolbe:4,t!eti Though it. icquires Otbitili.too* it, prairie farm will pal i y krlitselt ever befor - e the stumps fiin.-befTemloye4Sicim . . titnbered .laml.. ~ „ ,1 . , :,• ~ ~ ._,.. _,. luny emigrants' are golurg - to tiinsasfrO4 li:entucky . and otlier siave.states;,l4l.949nrt. wi I I ~1 cave no stone .1111 tlt pica; :viva ,f0,,,t1i., ; :it leztst - tempbrars- emigration. of lialf,lier-,frOlin,, liltion . f to save ; it froirie : abolitionists ; and, 4 the people .of the other lziVer'states do justieq - to ilieinselvesi we will tieure it for the SoljtlL a%- a_ . a (w i t:" n ortlr, with, its tjiiin in tamest ri l ien hire b, ,i 2. t 'per . . an - - n - u . •; *omen at : f om r stq to • SI2Q. i .. Men- sell . at . .frOnittl,tloQ•:lti r st,pos. sv,9)tien:froin',ooo to . i,it2io.'; - OUT, neaintryt is,:as : ltehlthy as any, fertilelMul;Cari-,Wl,,Kan ,- sas-.l.iviji,probahly . ,be ev4 h ea ltli'foii ., •;'• : Oge,c,),i's : particulaily - eiljay .nlniOit ar k - e.iiinP . tfork fro disease.. ''. - . • ' . The ..Aiee-l'reSident seitt...ttriais the most ci' in the Vnion.:lNTe.-iiv' tipl,i'epeaf,.roft. ..1M Vie; he htiving'fat - en it \itis, yhole in tinetice . is, Shivery. in . .tin.sai.. . I ; :Yen, will . Perceive Four' Bitter questions their order.. as the lams' to each other:: ~.: .. ~. , :As to' . the price at= • 0116'. lauds in.Kansp will - rate, .saY ten'tl , :ars,' iiis of course - but h.Mere .opinion; Lan ds this.eottn try Ittii viri7 high, fr0m.8.1.5. : '0,5,50 per acrei hat Of c9urse,it must" be some rears befOre'tlie lands in:Kanas generally . can -coinniand these pri ces-s ~, . , . . „§o soon, is,itripteed,., 'we stipmei...thc lands , on' this side„ Lands t remote frotn- the .rive r w iii,,,.iii this Stitte,, ilitt;,for . .intieli less.. •.' l • • .- ~,.: .... ;-', '; • , -,- f .. . .Ny'Aetter is too ion , - .l,,t4" . t.littie \ ahned tc Le,f,oll:, and you . ma .'. rest . . rissAir:o ll .liaye; heen fair. and eandid.:' I have .nnti•visitteti! %Vora that I ilo not hanitly believe. ! I`,l.inve ~ 'not attempted .by_falSo..:coloring-..te Irclisteal illy ,frienil4;hUt. .hayo t,4tc.d.,,the,•.troli, J,lnit titer:nay 16)6w :that:. ~ - ansiiii ii, peitUrtartilt teti.fort- slavelahor.--7..q.aiiinteMleil fiiir u ilijk9 ;Ai:ate :atid nill tic s i'.ititli.sti . ..ietif finit ji Ethis lip .;,•teur , to- The for OetabiT; , shier; affil tht gold '175,01) rEir- it-ms at 11‘ (3 4Y.PrAc.' 1 ' • -!i'VN tliough Seymour , bae of an'election feveral The territorial 4.lcis mom' any Part;he et.) 7 (readily fiotn*lSij );es ties at bui,C.o4oty _ •oyated Southern . piaa liim the . credit or till). I !Missouri: Comproin altnps of c6urie* in favor of , 4 , '!hatri fl /MVO liss•cTenla .tifeignee k ters necessarily init • 4 tllatr.clark rieeled odic I,)y fow„, 610Yekl thP "Pec1 4 4.0 TrecioN. D0T 1 6 0 . 7 '1 telptia Vint 42006 0 of :;310 .014
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers