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'I 1: LL,:..f. , - ,t, .1* -, .- .. :i: w. :,;; A,! :,. ~t, e.„. ; ,,,,,;.,.. 5 - et • l'' 'C X2k*):l-i- )4, - !' - - ' 1--_,,..-..,,::..,,..,. ...f.; ..,;-.-, ;•.\.<:',,j-..li s X+. .. •f 149 :, r r C , • - .'. . ",:. ;' : " .: — .1 " . : tn '''. - -.1 5--- , . :'_ ; ~.. •.: ~..-',..../:.-1'..-i.f.. .i. , . _,5,.,,,,„,,,' 4!=• !., i. ..-- .''''',----. :•-- '. --7.- - •-••••; , . ,2• /. ,,,T , ..- - . f 4 '..,,• '. 1 . .. /1 - ,-,.•. •• • • :. , .. , . -1, -- ...- -.. . :Y..- - ;.-! - -'l'.',ll;; ": • -I , ' '' '" - .'' -- - ' -'' t . .. .. ~ •-, . 1... ..:-.:.. :.; :•-.. - 7 ' i ! .i i i , 3 • . - : ;: , • - i , , ~ , . t k_Xian; pre *tittt Voltrg, The ratiltre,Prc Dying BE O.W. PATTEN • •• ---- • • • • [m, lag, word's of the Emigrant's PhSd, as at • tereifon tVe bunks orthegan . Joaquin, ear Port w ite k eslifeinia, are thus oonve).ed ' the' ear of the world through . tho,medium of sot g,. The c i rcu i t stetlees which., gave rhie to the,verses are pecellatiylattehing. 'ot ingto the raini4lbenth it height had the ricers risen that they cpuld net rs be f9rded, - and the rtuds hat become itn We, A faluilyer,emiguirote arrived 'en the nks of the San Joaquin, in the last Stage of ex austhin,, istaratifin stared them hi the•fnee.. IT e 'moth. ,er bad been buried, on the plains, and - the ar. liiraler the family at the San Joaquin ; n infant • indits sister, six years of iige, comprisi g all of _the ,thildreN died also,' leaving the _di,. nsolste fithii, to prosicute his: journey ti, thez d mines alone.] ' ". • . • ' ' "' - Prn'hanger'd t'gixe meebre Wrap close my 7 shisering ! Cold blows the wind around my he And wildly beata . the. storm. Protect me from:.'the' angry -Ski; I shrink beutiath Its. wroth* • And dFead this torrent rushing by, Which intercepts our petit; Father: these California. skips, Yon said were bright and = bland Bat where,to4n,eht, my pillow lies, Is this the golden land,rl. 'Tis well my little, sister eleeps. - - Or else she too ould grieve: Bit only see bow stillsbeleeps, She - bus not &tired sinee-eve. ni kip her, and• perhaT she'll speak She'll kiss me. know :. Oh! only touch e,reheek, 'Tis col/. ai.very r imow.". Path - er! you do-not ?Shod I tear, • -Ytt, little Jane has . - Oh ! promise _ when you leave me her I'9 lily_ me - her side. o];/aAt i tyou pas; this torrent d t i rne :T art Z' Acd vonooneyonfor gold, .11his neJane mime. i tb7=c res arm t my head Q"on • Cold blows`the-iiind arernid my'hea :And vijidly beats the:storm. wAncs, Sp& Joaquin, Cal. - ... 11 ' \-. • r • '', - .- • ':. Al ISCt ailtilliS . Labor Lauf 'lldt!owtedire.4 I have not time to dwell' on the second re a- 'son,.by which I suggested that labor , Should be; persuaded to • seek knowledge, , though it would deserve a - fuller :handling,, YOu find that reason in the tendency of en4ure and learnin to refine the workday lifd and adorti it to disengage it .froia the•contacts or mat ter, and elevate it to th; sphere of ideas ord abstraction and spirituality: to withdraw, as Dr. I fohnson has:said, ".to , withdraw us from the powei of our senses; to make the : .past, tlie distant or the .future predominate over . the present , and . thtis to ,adVancelus in - the dignity of 'thinking beings." &rely we iseed not add a self-inflicted cum to' that , which punished the fail; To earn our bread by the sweat of our brow is onlained to us certainly; but not, Alerefore, to forget in whose imiage.We were made, nor to suffer all beams of the original brightness to go out. Who has doomed us, of any. of us, to a labor so exclniive anti - austere, that Only. half, the lower half dour's/Rum can survive it4,' The unrest of avarice, or ambition, or vanity may do it; but no 'necessity of our being, and no appointment of its anilicir. - Shall we, Of our own election,mbiise - ou . .i,elves. t ' Do' yOn feel that the - Mere tasks of 'daily labor ev e r em ploy ihe.whble Man I Have you not n eon scions,natme, . other .and beside that ;which - fills. the -earth; drives the_plane ; squares the stone ; creates the fabric. of art; anature, in tellectual, spiritual, moral.; capacibusnf sci ence ; capacious of much"beyond the : sph ere tit amuse,-with large discourse of reason- 7 -101:- . ing before and.after, - and taking hold`Of that within: the veil!" Whit. forbids A/a-this na- Ore shall have' its daily 'bread also , day by 414'1 What. forbids ,that it, have tiifie to nourish its sympathy with all kindref moan blood,,by studying the grand facts of, nicer .,.........; 3 •-to learn "to look bey ond ti e-cba otic flux and reflex of mere appearatice,l,Which kilts 'outside.,of the, world around it, into their acienlie relations and 'essential finality. To soar frour:effects to causes,_and through causes to the First; *to begin to recognize and to love, here and- now, in waning moon or of of evening, Or song'of solemn bird,lor fall of water, or'self--bore 'carol of infan4y," or transceadant lauascaps, Or gloribus'se4 - eacri - i ice—to begiu to recognize and: live in I these, that beauty here which shall be its \ - idwelling One and its vestnre in the life- to - - conse--;' , to , acctierom itself to discern in all vi cissitudes of things --,the changed and ailing, leg-the golden harvest, the. angry sigh of - Sorember's wind, the storm of kno,F . , the tem porary death of 'nature, the' opening charm ere of the south, and the 'bunging round - of Nail:ins—to disisern7 not merely -the sublime cirele of . ..eternal change, but the unOsiling ~law-.--flowing,- f rom the infinite mind ,and , the "varied Gi-.=-filling and moving, and iis all dung% yet **lid and - Tpot ! ' Whist for bids it to cultivate and confirm, - .1-- - 4:';': - "Ilii-gleriossa habit by which sense is Made BOW** di still to mortal PurPoses - :1 ' , Anxiliar . to vine. 7 • ''.- ' ' What forbids That it grow, . - - - litcsistoin to ire that feed ' 1 . ' 4' . ".iii;ir - Oulailtege - -gatlierta trod the Tree-of ire."' itin-na'fty tiaf hlreiyman, pven . in - - con &jaunt competence, can exentiplifyihni no-. tileircultune, and this rarer-knowledge.," - ;: But, ; i will ev e: that theexactioisuo_,', - febor _ not. binder it. Reeq - trataniiliar, tbouglf a I'4l- did and ietaiiiribleinitance or twill . - tuns reaped 'aiii . ' tniiWatid as well' as the ' idler "ii . is eotntiatiloal*.' - liaiide, and""meantime= was cone4%3lle an"iniiiiiirtal . gong. of 'Scotland ! - and ifugh Miller was just as painstaking as '4 ttonif - mi*M;indlie•good'il - Workitten,i as if "be hatriotlolusbanded hie SPareltelf hours - ilia nOuntfiafiiifieeetneiwllife.an'aßprtintirie `ilid .1 6 'Mle3inititiiit i im61!3 - 4 geologistet• 20 0 master - ilia - clear and charming" English istYle. tut how naiiii'Mei* " a -wino was the P °4 l 4 iimi the ge oligist; how far fuller the Cohael, (mei.' tiesTof - beleil bow much" larger 5- theAsi I v araft,'Of Asti - Omit - aims; hope - add love; Wirieli arithiSfiatiff the voice or:lsotilistz-Rsifeit ,ersifil i cZtaiiiirk'Adcliek4 ''" ' r iirinitdusisi kip4lsei the lire mead ship. MIIMMSMEMMIWAIM i rittors, .ACS Frou".lllte Deirolt. goett tip'lfkietio " Yottig N'O'vc' , mfier 1854: •'= sllrcinvio Sint 4. ft: !Leetton diy; big place posters,Muqie, tkitides,' spit , tieltetsi , .; rum-billies; , :baiinlrs, bonfires 44 r= saw lager 7 biersaw ..treat„toasty flti . 4p . prppriate,devices.' ; :noticed oipe in partiet4r; the ivit'istey'faetion . Oat Of arms' t, the .AMeiiehit two lit get.- bi er east:Tian porting p ,liettle -rain Atilt Irishman ;:gzqre--41at-on-his haarlattti stlstainetl . by a wheelbarrow 00 7 s.ableitt ;base, demijohn bet. Ween twO deelatitera-In:the distat4le, 4ioieenia'nietidatit; froth ip Coining 'events Fast their sha'fl oWs : before ;,t Let t.h e ;M. P.'s beware'. On . the nbverae,tieVet . for eitv..efficers4 and, uppOtd .a.M.Ameriein quarter. dollar - . motto, L'allag i” - "'Go in mid; win." , • - .'• '"' - it TuiriedlaS if it was raining on a • bet-. went - to iheipoili, wanted to, vote, wasti'epir tieUlar Who ifor ; if,lie only .„; the ~.bigg4st la wa.s ; deli after ali r liew.I;)':(10 - it had reail a tie PolitientpriiitSto:fintl out the ; best:lnan;khit to judging .4.orn : whatthe Mwspapersiity cOti- - 4erning the 'different onialidat ; es, -.the,- vs ridas faCtions in this city entertainetl ; pepuliar id 4 4binifthe.'regniSiteS qeCf..ary - ,q uaTify 'a . ta n to till public station: - *an vhl- : Oat is everriorninated ifor any ; Cade who is riokUlogizeil by.SomeiOf:tbe public journals as a. drunkard,liar sukimiler, Inetndiary, is-- . sassin or public robber;' - Assuming from -tbe wOnderftd . u4iiiinity dif the papers', oil t 1 is Subject, that . ithese amiable qualities • consti tute the fitoff.is'of the tiomineei for plaei:siof honor, trust or Profit; I have ~`endeatorea to analyze the i' i tracluations - of .eriMinal merit, atuldiSooVeriiekitetiv how big a rascal a roan must be.to 4010ify him for' - any given office. The result of i ' l aty iiikostigatious , ., are- as. TO loyis . - d;, - " - N - Ot one iit, eligibbi,„to . the office of ;Mayo' r of this city unless he hag forged 'a draft: and got the iii, on t' and; on' at least tWo seperateecensions, net fire to hislionk to get the insurance. Candidates for. Aldermen _qualify, _theraselves by - carrying-a ,revolver, getting bea4lid ru ilk, and stabbing -ia police man' or two before iliey . get . sober. A Can t-Won Conncilman ninstidrink with - die ShOrt Boys, *live yrizeit-to Oil , firemen's target ex- - 1 . z' • , cursions,' : carry:a slung hot , iri his pockiit,and have a peonal int*est.in a Peter Funk auc tion Shop. . 1 ..-t Police Justice must gamble's Bit , cheat n' cOniblemble, lie a good deid, and 'get drunk 'f clearthroligh" every Sati(r day n ,lit. 'lf he cap read easy words and lc , I Write his natne it is getlerally no ; serious ob , jtiction ; but ,the Knew-Nothings will not Nr [ znit even this, on the plea that the science Of letters is of foreign origin. . A man who (:.i.n 1 -pi c k- a pocket accidentatty-wurtnatera are" 1 constable. 's, Aspirants , to minor. offices a i re +Classified according .k ° • tiftert, bet no one who hasi • not, at least, cnismitted petit larceny; is ; all Owed a place on :'anY' regular ticket. As 1 to Officers-ef'more irripprtance - I should a;y, i firm what i CAll,l3O* judge, that no man can I ever ,be elected Governor of the state unless he is guilty of a succeaul burglary, compli cated with a midnight I murder., The rival. . candidates in thk.preseat crisis' bad called each othei'all the names and accused each Fother of all the ' criMe” imaginable, for . tlie 1-preced ri—weeks six - week ,ggs had been firo-, I t nou ticed as the plunderer of orphan; and Lie •ducer of innocent Maidens, and, the pilfetericif liar!_ earned copper 4 of the 'per.. Noggs, ac - cording - to hi ehaiitable opponents, was' a pickpocket, a sh" eer4t , o,:rier, a Peter Funk and an Irishman. The ibandidate 'set-up by tbe Know:sTothings, to elidm.,votes,, on the pfea of his being-an 'iminacillate American, • Avas I proVed . to he the Child Of a French father,aad • a Prussian Mother, ;and to' have been tern in ~ ! Calctitta ` —it was. a. ' ssert' eid that he commeticed i his education in the,northern part of Btliiopia, continued in, Dublin, and final!): graduated . at. I Botany ,Briv. Iloggs; -Who 'bad. once liefue. I held the office lie was nlsv striving 'for, it Was I a.sserted, had solemly pry misecl to pardon - all the murderers, liberate ali the' Fburglars, tee s I ward all the assassins 4nd present ail .tbe shoulder-hitters with aarofficial . certificate lef I good 'rnoral character, which should also t. toss- : Ltify t. , .; their valuable and highly e4trimelida ie exertions in 'the Public' behalf.. - Set t 0 . ,;.. ~.., l too :virtuous to be severety handled, was iner;c lv ,inentionecl :Ili'. having been formerly a swin dler and a Member of:6e Corninon COunell. Got to the polls ' rasa with a blue flag nrg.id me to go for BT.: ~ ; inanwith a red flag said vote for Scroggs ; man with a white flag wiifi black letters sung out, " po for Ileggs"=-Itt ti boy pulled, m• - c;eat tail awl whispereil, i‘ You: for Nony , -;"--tuan 'cliallenged lily vote. took eff my bat, lield up ivy hand, and sWore to all sorts of things toldhow old I am,whete l get My 'dinners land what My waslierwh- Juan'saame is; got mad and did a little ex- Ira swearing , on lily own4tecou,nt which was net "down 'au the till ;1. marched up in, , a &rind' Protiesion Erf one, and poked my vote e, , in the little heile.l i `The - great exciterneut was on ; the li qucir gustation. - h waft. Nogg's, 7 ata' I _no liquor shoir..4.orl ,Boggs, and 4 few liqui,ir slops, ;:SOroggs, rin, a plenty of, liquor shops ( or..ll.4gs'and every man his oWn Initibr slit % Voted . fer Ilogv; for' I feet perfectly justified in ~ i a k i itgi an occashnial, toddy, whea 'all W i iill street is ,perpetually-P!tiglit."..., lioise . bo )fib copier, nigger boy playing. .bigdrum, oandi 7 dates presented theruselvets to the sovereign people 'feilwipectiori ; kilt)* S'oth'ing nod fin a native jacicass,'W . ap of lifierty 'on, Ins ' hiad, and hisliantakmins .madeof% the American . flag with the'stripea elinnitg the trking.wfai. Independent candidate, w e. wants 1110 Itiab, Teti. arittAutch snit - . MOS . ',eatered bone On a moitai froil,'hareifaote44lith a siiillelaliSia one hand;- a '.4Vitildier bottle in the othet, !tt 'Dtttah ii l fpe irt hia!tatoutli and a =all bafrel :of&set Jslzoppeil ~ to - hi, [tack. Cold, ArOt4r , , _uhltit stood , ona , hydrant with .the writer ttirti ed on, and .bad hispocketti fall' of icicles -1 .4.- Vi t liisketililart . brOuglit' in dinnkkai a "dart by adtnirir:4 l friends, who bes Ought th crowd to da'atbe 'dick 'go it'''. blind..., ;pecibl I depati :Who wslite,(l ; 1 0 0. APPiat0- PDlick9law. wats, : very. aetii•ei*,arre,ted, an apple ',woman, knocked `t , townte.eripple, ltieked a littte,' bo, looked the Other wit' while 'his constituents, 'were picking; fioeketil, iiiiti`ook 5'0414) mite! 40r1:up a alley-and- spaukilither soundly fitr pilaulii3g,,t 4t tibow. It rself in thegroet, witli opt AloPs 9)7 i 4c ! e kk9e7 -133 .940 °w-pL4 /44 , w.gii*iii eid aitia' Go II:or .- youll iiivii bO , `ti. st i w. ). i;;:.;: fir..-.! 3-:: : ~- I:, '• i , i , c, ;”I 2_,,,A • c - li t iSh liMnitl4"'' . ..ith. J, it tang 1 cit potatixtt:oh; lac btai AuttUkup 44,:v0t84-48: mid Dmiids: was sick, (Irtibk,) but, s. Mr. 115ggs had paiii ,i . • , . A'ITEEKII7 30:11:R1 . VOTE . II POIJTICB, ITEWS, LITER EITI4E SCIENLE hta6.ll 9 lt '-I • - • • ( 4#6lltrost" ,%itsquttaitnit Vtait'a, T4ttt4itan 31;ir. ~11 1854: i .., , .: for; hi s vote, she had brought it .herself'in or • ' del that it Might not be' loSt;• '"Saheiw . 4, 7 witli dlificUlty, choked off by . the heroics appiraq .tolthe Civic star. • Whiske,y men.;beiraff. , l6 l fall behind, me tsenger ,sent to Ward'sdsland and c one to Bla kwell's ditto, for aid. i Fresh; ._ catight Irishman came up- 7 -been -liut.i. fifteeii minnies:off-thei.ship "--I'auper's Refuge," bit( Was:brinig,lit„iirill the • bulliea tO, vote i'cb whiskepulan-!challenged:hirn—he aW6re h 4 •Wita::twenty-seven years_ ohl, had altral!i t lived .in tbis'cotintry4--ten.years, in 3.faitie - 41eveti. in : Seuth Carolina- 77 cight, in IterSdafid, and the. last nitre 'c urs of his"life he had sPerit.iii thitilkity. 'Sid& he 'Was - a trill-bleodedfAinerl icatk; -thtt his 'eatlier wars . ii New Hanir4irci. fanner and hisf-ruother , -a Mohawk Squaw f that they.had sperated.three years before hd war born, horn, and iliad never seen eiie l othei, 1, ...hiSpeetoi,'Wlio was'a friend Of whiSlE y."nian receiVed his ballot, - {Paddv:: ha d . slipped: iti . . - two ot.lier s with his left band, while his - righf was In the book taking the oath.) .His kind fricindi took him by terns into eighte . cn'. -dir t , reicui, wards, ii .every; one of whicklie depo4: ' Ited.a„whiskey - } , ote,and swore ie.iii ; after:, the - polls were dlosed I- and :lie couldii p:Vot4 any-more,'they Sent him to-the station house. • for: being drunk! and disorderly. - . 1.:1:4 -with', II :their success in l i this' instance, the bloliyit",noWi brought up a newly imported I)utclituan,wlid could ;only grin (sidietically aiid - sad is YaW r l ii Itispoctor asks t-` are you - . a - 'Voteir is ' Yaw.i• ' Are, you twenty-One emirs .old ?, =l,' n ' t .., , 'D4 von lire iti the, z city P -'-'Yaws Hero One . o , Nogg's frie.rols', *ably interpos4..td,,etidently„! 1 with .the.desiro flitliculing the - ritigil l st pro ceedings, and.u.ke,d,:! "Have you • got ithirtyl one wives I"—a lothernianitsked if lie, l ,hatl hi {hat tell•of .seitir-, rout—and thetidid was ans, 1 i ions itti lie" inforiiied - if he . could stamrlon hi 4 head and' smoke a Pipe, and hal:MO.oi ' pot:0 to kettle on.his heels ; toall of Whiehlie phu t ,' cidly responded . ; " l'aw." Inapecta* hur l tied to the rosette, ;and put the test question i " DO you vote for Tiogg,s . ?" - and receiving tlie , . saineconiplacent " - Yaw,' he took ' liik vote - ,; and 'Shoved liiinkaside. ' AirscHrts of of cur k, tobi s came upl:to • deposit their hallois, but ,it is 4 remarkabl e fact, that if they 4iintecki -- , .to i vote for tioug,s,Seregcs or N'oftir4,i,l -Orin' - faCQanv one but Flagg;, they were f•ire• to', ..be eroW 7 cled, shOred :and li n st * / ed ,' - nit d '•lgt?ner-t'' Jill) , left the . seem) with- , bloody'. nossa - 1 andi, their ballots•stilt-i . n their hands.. • Fatilgrew:' (a-at and furiou4;whiskey wan. ahead, butt Wanted. tremendous' majority ; the pauPer for-F, ces• of, Ward's Island,'_visiting th'e cifyiortliaq - Occasion only,. clone •up and voted.-- ..'• lnios q e tim to close thii polls, but the inspect tt., r kept!' the ttoX open Awklity minutes. after ,t - a.rw.lowni 1 to receive the Votes Of ;.iNteen promisclus, tar-t, cabs,' who had been hubeaB corpus-ed . ficin AA* i'liitubs parlieuhirly for this occasion 'only, a nd;' who event man for Hogs. ' I i '- • 1 .7.-- 'rrilti 3- "CICOACIITiIIitCCMG` - . r : :',SC kern Clt tl - , nEresEl .built,; squibs; rOCkets,guns and Chinese rack- 1..,, ers ;' - ,thpaor searee, the Candidates .liaVi ig :cut 04' the supply as seen as the voting /a:44 over ;t,' CrOvid sat down in the barroom: unit . t+} . f*...-11 !Muses, and crowded about the: secret Ircems to getAlespatches ; about twelve o'clock they begati.tocomel, -it • was 'soon evident, that ../0r , 45., Was beaten ;,Boggs was distani*l,and .SCroggs was nowhere; it was .Hoggs . . every- Where ; llogge in the . street; Hc,‘,.rgs b in the •tavern ; Hogg at the bonfires; lioL4,44lforev et ; no one butfrog;, ; • triumphant • lloggs; .victorious Hoggi!-; high-old Hoggs, - the.pco . 1 pie's choice. • .; : -... • , . . : , ~.I'. l ii .N S morning ii e fts's tvNgraphii,:tforgan annOnneed the titter ruin, and speellf i anni hilation of. the ceutitty;lnader the detractive -rttle.ef Hoggs ; and it asserted that honor, lioneatyatuf truth had .left. the nation! Pa triotism, and dev'eneyluid - deZerted, .li/fed in hand; and that tie outrat:rtyl .GoddesS6i . Lib .erY shinl.taken off_ bier night-cap, pin i,ed 'tip her petticoats, put on a pair Of cowhide boots, .and bid an eternal.farewell to falletOlegeu erate'Columbia. : On the other hatiti*Htigra's ,papers rejoiced OVer the defeat of the Irdlied armies: . 13:tde N,oggs,. Boggs and S'ttroggS an - affectionate adieti,• and consigned thein' to oblivion.; and t6v : rejoiced . that!'thev ' had • chosen. a . ruler So capable . a s . the'. gleriOus Hoggs, the 'proud, far-seeing,.,genrotts,Oiberal and Ipdetiendenti Boggs, who guatantCed to "thepeople,thefr•O:iily gili aiiii ; nightly riots 'llettw, ~ the . Magnanimmis,4--Floggs i. l mho 'starTdis up •to the 'popular creed-,4titilimited whiakey—Tioggs, who remains-true' tO his alcoliOlitt instinetsiloggs. who hattl the peoplesriglits,--Hog,gs, who ha s so 'earned the title bestowed upon him.b, lager beer shops Whose liberty tie has sf. and the -whiskey dens whose morality h voUehed for--ileggs, • " defender of thii and leader of the faithful2' • _ . -- ~1 mita, one- idedly„ Q. K.,Pli CA.i4)En DotsticKs,:r. P.S. Hurrah for Hogg*. - r IL Q. K. P. D.; P. B Alulirnited Q. K. P. D., .i);B • T. 4 •.' IVaine4: •, , :1 , Galena was. nee surrbuttiled carious names; The thing:. did not answer.: itown meeting was' and a citiien t rnade the. follim'mg-spe tt h c - .•'i i. Gentlemen—lt. is obvious that 'FA ' 10pg...u . thef.'pannel remain unchanged, Galena can never! command abroad which its ;'p9sition and Sir, - thette' . sOmething f'n 4 ,rtatne, and - .there is Parnething in the name Of tiltices, by - *hick we are ittrrounded, and. whiehl,mtir he Sapfu - 4 . 4,1 by thOe-j i abroad to ladle* PosjtiOn an 1 9barnoter. In. t iiia • resecti "Galeria is mOst - nnfortanate. Sir, 'at ii ricisitiOa of Galena 1 IToWt is - Galeria tid ed, roil where 4tiitiatedl oded. on the ,West liy I)eath!s Head, in north thy _Yinegr.; fill. , llardecrebble Shai eiag,.on the4stby flb4ckleg an ti t 34 ',1i . 4444; and on tlit; sonth it iMI si tt2lte4 on - • - It ii•needle*tq•sav that the arguttled ttnans,-etible: i', _ ~, '.. .. --- -• ~ i Tho;pfocceditill'o".ofthe meetiv 7,er/ li:->hea;in the papOs and the - name of Lb. - er tin chatiz,eil IJ - r" !3oletrin - lezishitivo inert- ' • : i'..: 'i •' - • .--4-• 440 40 ifV" - :rt - ts gtatt.x. 'that an old pritriotin hi - - ger - City; erieil.out int it fit of tecoititikuntS , entrlio*utsai—"Titirralii. for ~, the: girl*.of: l 76 f" 'llionoer",l said Aartiecold. ,No -Ao— urrob for the Bide of Jery win g , "4 1 401 1 too 17? , . : ° i , , _gart4p.„ pifi44 . te being . sl iced 00:atifnear ! t ,14y,1 e 4111' not 'ik.eurViiernetina one's; e+)inpaty, in inslie-y -age 'nitithii 'natal - 0 life,=teplied,- 44 I wiiiil4•i I were . ontre Bush a 4 ocean wOtild be. pieige." I• • I TrAtulation* et :a BastitalL-111 ... ~ .. nY - i-lttoOsiinthot.' ''-'' 6 4 . . ... how earl s• impressions .aud.:renliniseeticeS! eitYcitiiliful days hanrr to us} -How casy,iclear and distinctly . weettiasee Our•firpt ' dickey ; first W,bts we wore or honks we read; !"'Rile iltottiaiids!of strblUnitry things, coming in ata h !,rtes' macdate, are almost obsolete in 'our meinO9es., . • ;, I •0, . . ..,t. •-. I ' . .remeniher---' 7 faith On hundred years i i k•otild!itot ; ditti• the reeolleiiti oit,'"'-' said Frank: .Fox-H 4 ',l 'My first dash.' in' sticiety. •!! I' n4s *old enoitgli to be better posted in the *ftys.'-ef she ii . .orldatut it was. ,my.iwialtnestt .t4i.he,retbet •tiaalictil I .wati big enough, to take .cfireiof toyelf, - I.lllt I was'too timisl i and n4ophistica tied; and hence; my difficulties. -,W,e liVed! in 4-sinall . neighborhood; abundantly supplied ..Witiii,liye people and any; 9nantity of: good 1 • Id' " r ng , girls. • W hilo I . !'as in . Jacket, and i ttoW4s, we girls and iroysigot alohg 1.4,4th-.1 4i ti`f.,4ficie as a Whistle; as our Yankeefrieralsl - . 4 - iy..t .-.,.., : --- • '.' I rr_ ; ~, H ',l‘ •- r .:-. 1 - Btitr,hy-and-by I left home to return it, don- ! .136•,fisted , butlet-heededindrid.ual in coat.and ' gantaloons, , - and with ..,abOut foitt, to eight •spriiititS of a sickly with a moustache orna -Ment'ed 111 V 'ripper lip.. . ', I ' -. fi . ...1 !..' 1 4 ' Thelittle ; rrirls:l left I,hirid •me had not - been l .4erlected by nature cit. art. Trettirited ... !, , .. , .f.efioitiThat time.-., , evets the . brief .yine., of hve Mini; worked wonders. ' SUsaa, Jane,' Irary,'l'olly, Beisee !and soi l forth had heilointi Miss Jones, Miss s4litliNiii.s - this and 1 .0 4 . '.'cl[utti,tharefore they :were - Co x ing• litclies,- :ini setting their..capa.for. tieans. li*•*...iti.. linUwii..thai. I had got houie. ;,.SoMe tielivi-ac, .- - .i.T. J• ,' A • I , li .. t' . I 9essious. to the population had beep. m ti in tile' wilik •of . aristocratically inclined .fii Lilies fro"nt ;tli e•ei ty - of ----,- and these fit ini lie had. .16meifOur or file highly -:finished 1 dau liters e; . .acli.'3c Well,"we saw!. Iheml and they sit -41 s; forfOttr or tire, days . we:kept shady,_ ogling, the ; '.girls--beg pardon, Young ladi4,,,pt 4 ills tilatit...eiLdoagintj them ail - if-they sere likely I, 'Co gefteio . close, and making 'ourself Mighty .:. ScareOf any of them made their appearance. atien• - . -t - ourdonticile. -..-- 1 ' • •.- { ",FMnk,",said.mv,sister T in-litiv, -(for knew. : -er-Wi& - blessed with. a sister; or , iperilllp I ~s hOilli f f'not have been so said you; see,), Well, ilybrOtlier's 'wife' stud to tne,';', ", Fritik, WhY dbiet . you buck up to I the girhi. , - Ii mi/11 , .li fielie'ye they . conic - over' to Re. yott,:',.ani.l ilieniiVer they appear, .away you shoot 4 if mad tugs Were after-yen., You are,finot - afraid i • . 11 ' of:tticlip are you ?": • .; ' ! L'lllitiv •won't bite t'ou't i. - ,k.. , ! !'f 1!, I .‘!lhki't suppose ,titiey . will, said i.. i ! t 'M; ! alt] don't be stuVtl..;' !When-,Miss Swath ,41,1 . lifi*s.Jones;anci - t ie two Miss 't,l2oeGritials!! 'ebniciteVer again let ine—ah !''Mre domes :Hiss Opiiims now - -Frank4-P 1 .. , •' t ' l' - "211.H-a---Letty, tatty, ,don't.'.' I i'l•nerrutisly ' ii ! riplere',:l her. -. ,H 1 . \ . .. .ii. . • ~ i,' ! "- 111 -introduce you : ;.len"t b st.t , I. stand , ~. c .- -,sl(' ~ sfill4", • '. ' - • : l, . '. ! i,_... 1 ! "Xtb:lianged ii -I---z , " hut it Was too lrhe.- 1 - 1 r !,, , . , ; , -*,oei . 11;t7111i las, Liz..iri•rgtatt-t-1 (ivltisPering,to me who stood'trenibling .bike'] a- leatcj stand. still, you.igoese.') Miss Jones, ' al lOW MC tii .int rod ace • yen ko iiiy brother, kr. P.oi;l:f:.:Nir. Fox, Miis ' ..rone. (to'.li4,‘holdciip y. Y our Iteadand speal:r, '• I- • :', - ' - '1" - f r ' ! :;., i ",Ali ! --a—a good morning, sir,-begpar dOn, hoW .(.1"yo do r ! This ',perfectly herenle -lan feat spite exhansted ine.- I. tie}, .carne ' so nc i .ar clieking in iny:litii.. ITIMOks to toy '!•sisteqlti r law, if she of Irte; . ittio„the' ice; She gOV,Mt' e onagain, fo - r her , itongite, - ..iran pit-a pat, Olatter•silatter,•as a ltiarrieo wornan's '..tOngile.'oaly will'run.. So getting I.4eath;.arid with !breath, - confidence,! I hiiist, oUt !Sill., of ;a : sudden"-H" How d0...Y0u:44 Miss ..torie;lrt as ; ni . r.sii.ter-in-law and- Missl.-. Jones !;had• been . ' talking 'right . straight Sleng_withentireference to titteYat all,, who sat silent as a ipautiaria, a sedden' spasm quite Startled them ;.(Miss' Jones'Sleshing like ' a carnation or! '.' a' scarlet . 414 4 1/iMi - r . 4 . 9 it fine silvery voice said': i 1 .-!! i ....;, 4 ‘..,..4,4e Well; Mr..FOx,Lthitnk . you' .' ,* , . '"lr i li.a 7 - 7 that.k. you," IsinvOluntarilyechOed. "Ifin I hal ha!'" roared thy sisteriin-last/:' - • ",Charlotte I .'" - said I, in a voice of absOltite firnin4 S. that it - cptite'cheeked her cat:ll4l4c ry, ejaculations. I had rose 'from tily seitf i to -makel,this determined • effort at elcietttion.'!,. I yaiseell My -baud to give it force, and fruit,lo; , ,- Iy : wai-ed it once or twice.imore te`,give the grittitt'flourih to me retaarlts, but I: aS=done !. id tl . another ' . --.-coti not get- o word ; 'and. so, with ii Hurried motion I 'snatched tit) my -1 . 4:4 and, I.l6lted out'of the room ,! ;-;' !, ' •. ~..y... ..- 'GriA 'knows - hoW my sistOria-ranl:stritrght-, eaed things with llissjOne4., but I felt worse" than 'it: hill:sheep. deg. I Pelt so ashamed Of my 'stupidity, that next clai..in ! revenge iii . ",'Oia . .. . . : mv,ibl,l called to.make ati apologY' for.My ' ru'ilerte" but : during my stay there,l-the'aler mingiSpace.of five consecutive minutes,ine - ceptikt : from. the pretty Bpi Of " Miss' jonei, an invitation to attend a whist party akthe resii den4e‘f the Maas Iktiratids, ;the next-eie-, .nill4: l'i I- felt i.bold as a sheep,! as I*ar'clted 'lover. liPme, aftersncli a display of aixil-cOtir ,:llge!ond self-possessiori, and upon My ,siSter ',it-laWitneoting me in the viiStilAtle l'and SAY.- .1n0.. , • "!#•!:i.chy, Frank; I 'thought' : Utittie port going into'Sifilre Jones' l" ' - 'i •.!.. ; .:: : 1 : - • =-. • "441,.0f course you. did Sr, - .said- I t told ' i t s , I '.01.0,:5*ip.,.. ~ : : ...- -- '-i • :. - :i., ; .; • ~. !. i “...Viitt : F e mighty tickled' Frank ;'. what is the in4ttet r " ' ''''. '' ' ' '," 1 - "Lf;klf.,'','Ellys, I, twitching ' l ,up my shirt co 4 l- Jar *nit viewing-my friziled' head: in -,,'the - pittr for gla ; --•-- . ' ..' , - ; : 'i I , . , i - 4,:.." 4- . "ra'l- - • t - • ' - 1 •--I," -. : • • tty, I am going to a party !"..,.',.. ..,-.: tj, • .i, ")."Ou : are!". Said.she. •:..:- ': .-' - , ~, I '-.. ~;" f . . 44 ,Priiy : where,Fralik, at Visa Jott4i'l" ~ ,..‘.1.C0... - At the Nlizi Dearatid . ',"s , ,”,said'l . :"-.; 1 ""10"Franlir ' I ''... H f ' !I - .',.,- 't • .. `,.t. g '' " ;Yeti, tititufr • -I'reSponded ! ' ' , with: Utter dils.; i:" •- • - _ - - !1- 1 • - 1 tanctiless, -, --- -' . -', 1 -.: .•.--.. - .4' '- ;' ',-, f',' .; i: - " 1144414 . - for .you,',.fi . ptik.,. - ,Oned,'.!. pied LLOtty,i and' who aroyoU golotiit.l),7l.:ixsiel" r. „"l,.\e, by myself, of course: ‘ l ' ' ,"t'Vliti'!`shOtth.ll t.., 2 , go . 3t: i i l i r ... . fr., .. .. 1 ; : ... : , i .-.:-.;: ..:_4 '.. r - VS'':4', Mitts Jones, you--booby;:hasut the I litiviictliYoU r. _.•-,;;„ i. .; . if ,:::., . e : ; ,- ~,. µN- ..4,.. • ,-, ... - i . • L . • - i' -* , no, ;I : lipitat Tg ly replied.. ,-. She, in , vited . fife to_attotal • the party, I said '.I would; /hut 'Oat!did' apt invite ine . ,t6igo With' tier:", j ''" - i'olll'..Yeti goose;' 1 laugittng,ly tie - tainted itio tii,,,-;'t!ihy Frank yotk.arelhe-treaOst :the-"greatest, '',iby: - his+"%. 7- ,-. • .: ' ' '' , t• ': • ... ~:• . i - ';:: -i,• ' L 1./104k..n0,ta9rt , ,, for . I 04.nrefi ; olit to re v : 1.1300i-46n' ihelitiw apParent fx I Wasgettfug Wijraiiititi6, ; :Profit. that.tii4 : 4ifhliii 11 - thi . or fix P. M. next day, I wars in tr.• twitter ore t *-' oitetiaent.; Ilte4 by inyiiiateroii;liiiirl axed, ' F I.O - 68 F4 1,31 1i. 4 0 1 4 . 1 t. 1 4 1 4 1 9'.3;4-.4 13 4f1qi. - pedi'uoiref''lnntoinat‘ti 'gig region .before 1 .. [CS for i trobly i y the ured, ( e a il sra r, the und- It is the and land I 1.11- riv act- I • 1 ! „. nor since, I'll engage.-.- -All reatlyi off goes' 4. 1 1 3 - 3 -ti:''': Jo nes'. , 4...Pu11ed the bell . . with_ a . nnist I ervotir§ t witch; I . Walked in . with- fear acid tnisgiVitigs.: - 'tti ithe pa'flOr"Sat: not only .'.t114 Junes, ' i but her two cCuairiS, :the tild' . s6-fp. Maiden-aunt, ~ and So fie four .or ffie- Of * the juniorimembersof, tin, .do,nes :family.... kOot . through, but it .1 was . fearfu l . *ark. . I. set; my liat•on. the Cefitr j e-table and it; fell, o ff ; I pidk.-. 7 . ed it ttp, and bildoing;i6 hit iny 'nose rigard4t a 'pile of gilt edged- hieriture, and doWillit . cam e,' pel kne 11, ibu t. tlie children , carne to . rrik' rescue ,and I finally, found myself armed ,i - vtli a lady on each side:--the.'"consinsd Imagine 'My r,,,lihis. ,. Ati#3'.l:goii . iii in ;advance.'en .route . onte down .the avenue to the portly reiider(Ce . of the ',DeGranda. NA , c entered the.vestibtill; ...Iliad not spoken' a wOrfton the way, the tWo petty':, cousins land MiSS . j. .doing a hear of corivelatia,n, - - - • Ili the hall Me - Old' negro . ser- . vat; t- made. it ',grab for jay:heti. but: I . held On and iii : triumph : I Carrod.,jt . into tho . ,,, paiii F or where; ii the ditist of iitroduntions, fiariegof him pa, waving; and uttering of sills ,anik . • eaShineres; Vowing, S(ltaPilig, tossand tenth . era; to all of !wilieli I lwas more or less tiaf' and bliiit4..ifqikri.iipod a planer stool in • qier corner I lays! My hat...... , .:- . .'.. 1 4 ; Tlie;: twO.cOuSins froze to •me ; introduced me ;'l.': towdi,, ode a,: -the' :Miss PeGratals 'came forward, I wits introduced,-and as She, i u.' the ;tip of titslioii,” made her grand theatki , s• cal bow to nic - iil grab ed her by. the hatUlln. - the most deinocratici i lanneriinaginable;,iind shook lit heartily . , -. .S lie '.not . , eiily . bl ii Shed ; "'lint. by lei eves l saw - that' she was inid.tisa' hor net. llZ:r;sl4ter and her had a Word, andlier . siterlrivoidecl I. me:-. , hintrs' grew no better fast. ...Fibril One bung el - got into another.;' ' In- Whist; . I was ignorant and awkward, lin i T a.bep.iwaliz with one lot the cousins, trod On' ler tees' until he sceitined,. and . l tried [to mend the nintthr. •',l steppe,d - upon - the iiolfni ces Of i Miss ljeoraiid's l ; dress, and . tore Off five yards at least,. .In i d ir; I backed - 'dotin, saw a.Seat liaeked..up n it—my 'head dizzl rushed,' end ,doWn .k sa sqututh upon Iniy . pwit hat! lii,. confusion ar ose,. ' snatched up; a Tan-eake. looking - atilt r, Whieli I: phientiedly held up to : the ,volg,itr i traze...There•wrisa rear of latighttir in!whielill. did ..not join:l assiire. you. 11 gave ri rush orwerd, hit the corer of_the 'table; tilted ove . the astral lamp-- 7 s.tidi a crash!-.I kept, on, ninde Fer the door, whieli . just.then . eld„Det.lrand" nits entering. aVini..tit courier of 'his ac t -n, - ,rro men, who horei,' a large tray well;fil led: with , wine. in: glasst%._ . I ' struck - . 1 the old : gentleman io forcibly that.-he • fell laCk up-nti,l'ompey; and down went-Poni peV, glasses and wine,; and on - my Mad career I proceeded. - Going lout the Wrong 'end loe the hill, 1.. fonnd - Myself in - a dark. dinitig room, but jerking Open. -the first door in ad vance,j went Out . into the hall,: thence into ante-roost, `gr oping in the dark -I strtia my forehead against ..4 half open kitchen dokir, saw bushels of stars and fell senseless. ' 1 ' • lion. or . When I :ghthonie . the Lord 'only knows; but f0ri0ne.u..641,44 , mk - is. fie:La ton title, 'for a hat; and a p:tir Of torrillically, black eyCs.. ..A...:............, - ... - 1:..,..1;14..t0'traVel I left that set : . tiement 'neVer to rettrtt. ; ' ••• ' 4..1 ,44 • • Frdni.the Aavertiserd Dioesticks eR t Spiirit ltappes. ENV . iarle,:Oct. 25, 1854, 7,001 .:FaOotc Street. 1 r ' the ... ..., ' . Being satiated with e:ordinary comin'On place .things of ' everyday,. life; niid haViitg .• heard a great deal about. the misterious cora a inunictions telegraphed to•this.our iltierain - sphere; byr.tvise - tial benignant spirits of bli s, through through the dianified thediuni• of old chairs, - - l— • r ..., • . ,waslistandsfant card! tables, we three (Ulm .had 'met adaii4) dete.'riiiirie. to put .otir.elves. in communication with the ne:tt'world;'totind Out; if ipossble„' otr:ehatieea,cit azfnYorable tie i • i , i ceptton w.heir bu4i tiesS or pleasure-calls.'us, in I that direction.: ',l;pßroadway tilL we, caioe Ito an illuininaied thriee-cornerea - ‘transpareii-.. I iy, (which Made 73u1l rhigge . , sniaek hiSlfoS 1 - and, say " Oysters,") . Which- informed us'thlit i t .w`i tbinn large i , as.sortineiat o f,i;pitit a of every ale - c.ription , were Cohatztutly ~in attendanee, [ready to anaWer ingineeS; or to run on t e r-. I rands in the Spirit wdrld; and bring the Omits I of a nyhody a defunctl.rehttions .. or-- friends •to' l'that classic: spot fot:tionversational piirrios, ,I for.thecruoderate charge of twent y-tive : cents. I Damphool, Who had : peen t.liete before, said I that. these " delicate Ariela," Were, the spirits rof departed lieWsbeysi , WhO are throWn 'out Of liheir leitin s iiit6 business; and. striv e to ' , vet :in 1b t i honest living hy dolticr these,eighteenilenny . - t , --. 1.!. „ , • . ,i. 1 Jobs. k.iterett the rolta with. kcolutiiggra-, .1 ity and overconsing we. - Two old. foozles,in .i white neckeloths,. nn nocollars, a returned I 'Californian: to an . India n - Wankel; two peitl k,.,l nosed pI4 lipids, 4 - 'good - looking ;; widow, with, aiittle hdy, our I.own • sacred trio,. and the medium. cOmposc. ,1 4 the whole of the M-. setnbleilmultitiude. _lle medium- aftiresaid, was a yitieg . 4r c r oinpleitioned . wothati, very ru -1 by iioae,'imiuth the exact: shape of the-souttil ._ hole tcht vieliti„ - who 'wore - green spectacieS, And petticoats 4.ei i uilivcal- purity.' :' - 11 The Turtiiture , consist4 of Several chairs; la inirror, no . carPet,..a small stand; a • large diti 7 ...lag table; rind in one . ic - erner of the room j'a bedstead, Wl' ishstatid;•and bookcase,' Witk Wri 'tin& ddsk oil top. After sortie - ':reinarka 'by I the t 'inedi medium, w i t! formed . ; the Magic. el role,: by ~-1 ' • , SittlUrr:ciPSf. to ether,land putting our bands on the table., .• all pip . :„te, took a big drink " 3 befine he laid' Ala 'ptnide - kniSs tati bYtheai4e i of -the 'Otherk - I.After 'tt . short letig,th . '-cif tittle I the table began to . shake its ricketty; legs i ' to flap ita'leaves after thamanner Of,wings - and I to titter .oinincilis sqviiksi from , t he; ..crazy. old ' joints: ! PrettYi soou ;"Ititeek":.under . Dait'l7 1 photil's!hand ''ie'tremh, leis• and . turfted ; piil, hut, on the y ' lti)le;-.stObA. , MS :gr' ound.iilie'ii Man: kNOC.a 4 •I.'NOCK; . direct(' underilull .I)of,tgOwellP4,i-.i . - lie, frightened; juniped froiii his- seat, audTprepared to run, ,hut sensibbLtO the last; ha took.. a „drink; felt, betier,--revei- entlY took 4.41' hi a: itat!, - liiid Said' . ",,i , H=ii - ,4".4 . • 'and ' -*Sinned Ma ' '' ilf - .: : 'Kiinerkintc', lath:twit!' -, ;generalmetlittni- 'said , ;spitits!'tierg..reatlY* I ausweri tpiestinns• 7 ;-tisked-. if itny_ : :spirit. W-otild ' talk td :rite-4-y4.., Coine'plotig, 1 reinarked- . ÷ . noisy' spirit :announced itti adyeat ; by a serie'S n ot kinieks winch W7ntilolui've'done - linii?lni dozenOntiy poittnietfibltedlinto - oner. ':Askett :who•it hvis--glf?st a I tny. iiele , .(pever . .,had an, tincleitiquired .iil he . was.happy—rtalci r ahly,,, ilYhnt ).t . te.yon ] at!ont t--prulcitai 00i . - nupatto.ns• arehhnting ,u.ild !lees, entchtpgca fhb, eliOping Pine . liindier;andinfakitighick!- .ory veiottockii, - .:llOw'aiyour .;wifn I -. •,Sobet inst at present.. 1 .. Do . ycti have good, l kip - or:PO there t I..'r - Yee,:( Very- einPhatically4 . `: What is yOttr•cOmpttiatiVe - sittiatintin ,iu - the.sen rind - sphere ; lepo r soott . tn'grat , proinote& . inici: the third,. where they tiiiirVOrk SiiiititirOli day, and haVe apple d4tnplingt every day for~. =MEE - I 1 NRM ~ • i .. . , [ dinnergoOd..bye-t-wife wants ./inel to:coma I I and .s . pauk tile, baby,,, t Qtle Of ,'-,the l ,oldloilp I I t. non- - .watt !ed. to .tal . k.,sirif :77 ." - was• gratified . by [-theienftiltrd'Ofliii'irititernielitandinOther,Who 'hairi• me ed out in a serle. - '131• fOrt. , .ible'i r tikjctlie 1 'gratifyi . g intelliget* :that: sholiki. eery •Well, • content.-d,lttl •spelltdr.-The: - ,nictStt of :her tinie 1 - I,rili.ittg, green, ten and.s4tip,(4,y a .nif4..et.-, 07 1 . '.' Diiiii i plioiit lidie . .4oli . CO:ninge and Sting out "'for his :father:te •••• conie . • and talk with hiny-H I(whett..Ore old - gentlentant•was - .•itlive;•:he; was I " 0ne0f.4,,m,r) . - 7 0 demand; the: father . earne r- . -litte . relstklie t ns - .ati errveon-;•-old man in tronl.t- - . l le' 4 --164 . 411 his Money' tkitiii , ;' on : it horse • . racei'and jirSepaikneil ' his - ''Coat - ai d asi ye . shirt tel Set himself upjfin.b4ingsw-ligaiu - i ''tig-in pop-eorn tuerchant—(Damphool .aunk doter . ) 1 exhansted,,and.,borronekthe.hratly hottle.). t DistiOtiOlate Aviditve ,gets . a...communication I froth . liCi litishand • that lia',.' : i , il . fhappier'• non-, I than. foimerlydtitik -Want: to•.• Conte back-'tn. her.,--64), thank ytitt. ,, -would-rathertiot. , l Old maid iinguircs if husbands are plentylo :her i great joy is..informed. that e.the„pros*t, is .' good.' Little bey asks if iv,heii -he gets into : the'other world be can_ hair!) . ' along tai'dear 4--Mother tells • him • to ' shut' trptitill; Ifidy_ . id, i D.) po* -pi d says that.he:T.always hasiworn: a short" jacket, .atat lte"expeors • when luilgets •.• .. • • ~• .. , ... .... ~ .. ... . , toAtertven . .beitilte . ;•it botttaiLan,,,eiel., ....' • ~ .'. s ' ttainpllON'afteritiOnto the •btit& - Itas re-:- . assitredlliii spiriKAtta.."ii!'easili.-?-effeitted-'4. brandyt,oneglaes nlakeS Win -nratir•rOttrent . all his friends r ---when. he_ltaa, two..httinperS,-in, 1 him liel, oiv ns, ,a, „greit : deal of ..realestate,. .and • ..ir,lasS Xo. g intiliei him r rich, :enough .tii...Vtiy the Custom lionSej anti . lte . Min. kentures . anotheti•itiquiry - Of his relatiee, who shuts him up,•by•telling'h . iin as •soon :its.lo,}.-gets - •:Sober :, enonglit6 tell :Slaiden..,Lane.;.froin, ,a,light • l `lrouse,fo go home ,and, , g 6. to bed.. ~,, • ' Vent, at l it lay-Self, ' tilnired all • sorts - 'of: :thinge;from all sorts or sptritS l ; - ‘YblaCk'SPirit's and white, -red spirits ' andtgrey - M-i‘llestilt ssr ; , I.followst, • By..rneans of - thurtips, - ..knockf.,.:ritis and • spiritual kicks; I lcarned, that...SampSon•- . and Ilereulei have gone. into,, partnership in "the Mil li iterY' buil nesS, ' r . lid i US ; Crestri' iS 'Ted,: 1 - dling•• apples'' and ; ' . .inolAaei - !e.ind;f`'''.l'itni. Paine - and-Jack Sheppard keep•..4chilliird - ta-1 I - ble.. Noah is running, a caintlhOat,....Xertes : and Othello - are-driving ofirsition .•ett4es.-77. .1 1 'George 'III, has Set, up a caravan Tana ; is w;-•ai.• I Ling ImPatientle - fo•V'lio , .•Stith 'and ' Bitotirn'te-,1 1' come and go h . :di - F . 6K' 'DOW,-Junior;lainik , " i'df,l 1.,a -Mettnadist.camp , lneCting.:! Napoleon: spends ' most of .bis• iimefplaying ,Penny, "ante,' with 1 [ the , three .c' (*races, John- . ; Bunyan:. is n10W , ,n,1 . p..1 1 •a et reus: . ''JOhn, Oaliiiii, Dr: Johnson; SYl4. , Sey,-i lillitareh,' lteth •llov - firti-Vlones;' , ' ddi.'Jaa-• 1 song and DamPlloors grandfather,l.'aretibent . establishing n trtiveling. theatre, ”, haying her 1 rowed. the capitttl; . (two . ...rerenl. a•-lnqnth.)-... I they Openvith - ."'l.lpw . to, ; pirj the itent.?.' 7 - 1 Dr: JOhnsonin s - fiiiic.t.liincei to' carrelude .1 with e'l'ate Widons'yietiins," thiprieleitail_ (part by . 31 - r:• Pickwick.. ;Jo', Smith has: bOtight - 1 :C...t,-41.c. - - L.1„,. / 4 L.-will i 8 goi ti . l .tO cohverL-Zipliet .into - a, Normon..r.tiputi,4.,r,:-...Shali..smreJ.l .ai..' " - progressed in his ire*/ Play,. As firr as the .4iitt let,' niter° 'helms .get ' thk'lreil)Seveili'Miltis 'and a half op in a halbert; Vhi 1 1114 - Lti§66 : l- solate' bent) islanging by-:leer liciirl , to a limb • i , over, a precipice i,iptozi, is:, llOw \ ,the , heroic tovqr . shall get, down` and ,r,esene„hislady love •; before her Iniii.break - S . -.or'lerfhead . .ptills off. Spirits 7 niiiii• began. to ectitie - ' without ineiti- ' ' lion. '. , , Soul. of- an •;-aldernititt .'called ~-f or 'Clain • ' soup and. bread andlnitter..l-Qbest-of ineyis-: . I.boy song, Ont. for, the..4;:, , ,tning."ok .. All : 1, that tvits left - Of j alleWery :firenian . tllin tet.l 'to 1 know if F,clrty•had'got - iir h'ittr:''fixed; 'aritl . a ,1 I ' half Iliszzte::./. Olidit ,, of ' 24 fii . itiiion .,- i'iofel-it,.l dish-of Soft -crahba and •c al led -,-- Out 'tit fter 7 Old • ',fashion, to,c ha rge it fostatiley, - ; ,,,llleillurn had "by this . , time loSt ;t1; .0;10'0 „fivre , r , helj-gl!!stitlY • • company:' • Skil riti Of . Waiteri,.intdierS; tailors,; - (D.iimPlitiel troMblZ , d) ; babieS" . SalSO'llieePers - , -1 A a treencsaelors.;' witlows , ci'retrizride 1 tr -- 'in feet' rail varieties . Of. obst ; reperonasptirincr , gait' . to I playAlre.,tleyii f nifit!ThingS generally ; the din . , !k iwi Lingftable . ..lumped. up;_turnea two son?e r s e ti s , ' and !a» lt:Tn . -jilt One lee-iii the ividcite'S. lap, one. in 'DaniphnOrk Mouth; and - The'Other tvilY on the toett .of , the saiidtimoilidlis : to(*ing in .4ieiduals opposite t r the -Washstand. --exhibited strong svmptonisi ,Of . a.rdesire,:,tet.tlttnea The Jenne Li, ltd . . polka, on Bull D . ogge!s , head ; . ,the I boOklease be tit thin; _with: eitinCirdirtary. viitor, I and matre - fitees'•fit the' : Comptike;:generally"; I our wilking-canes" and - timbrelliis- ..promerta ded round the room in:couplers -:: withouctlie slightest regard to 'corns," or .ether. pedal Veg . - etables • while :the l,dsteadin ihe corner Was extemporizing a' comic , song i. Wit li a vigorpuS aceompaniment•on - the SOitp - Aisl4. l- the - Wiisli- - boWtornd• Other •bediroOrn crockery'.:- - Itull Dogge here made a,rush .filtthe . dOo„ .. and .dastied , Wildly,. down ;Broad way,.pu rstied, .. as he aVerai:ti) tills. day,tty•• . .the spirit of an Irishman, With a 'plekaxe, - n • .hairtisawatid, 'A "ghostly:- wheelbarrow:'," Concluding' • I had . seen- enough i. -I took; Datnphooli:;and , B-. -.1)7.5. -bottle, (empty, or he"- would • - never ;have ; left': • 4 0 and wentlwni.c'..sttiSfied Altar i tliere . atie trnire-thin i ,,,ms in 'heaven - and - ,eartk than ,rtie dreamed of," except '-by'' . l,:ing 'rnii.riiitins, ) calledT 0), too 'lazy -to work;- - anti:too sco u r ardly. to:get • a nhonotible..4ing 'by . ..:01-eitling,,, - adopt : this method:A . ? sponge, The' bie4l(l, s.iii:4-' butter out Of those, whom (Iciti;;•in , bi,m,piii i -; views ‘oMotii - ,.4.4. seen At . -„t6 send' :o'ellitli;-* weak . t'etrittgli • tii• - 'belleve`• .- licei r" idiotic . . rave; ings...Diqg:•,,;• nst ~ -"..7. •••:, - --.:-..• :1...-7 . -:•-:- .. ' ~. ~. , ed :Mitt stills'•ouri;----- . -- - --' • ,1— • . . .1... • . .Q. c. P4ll. 11E4 ..POisrtefi4 .r.,.8.....-- • .A.Larste +.._ " • .Yormon t. paper says " Among ct oicou= vicuous men th,9, Vertuptit-Lelfislaturej f Mr. B. G. Ors of . Ito Ow . s : and' eutiiiatei 1,30 tiia tiartipettitemiaie` 23t60w5;' , 20 koirkmx, and • five yoke-of oxen. -11 1 - kii dairy: he iiatkvii . bu llpr;o u lY ,, T ll4 r!tv9P l 4ol 4 oll44ll4tettOM 9f,,e 1 0 1 1 cow, k . 1 01. 4 44 . 14. , i T t av P 4 ' ll gP elinres .set in mottos b. ttiro' hots poiii6rsl;:orid - the 'bfitierj4 I &Wetted pallet). ''' gig! stook bfl 'aura aue nigmt 1500-tons of ;:bay , antnuollga: ‘20,; 000 itr..bf Rork ppo bt 1 04; 61 -wheat,lftSP 400 to 5 - 00, boshels of •,9 . ortj, A,os)o l tppAgl Aß c and' - rediii2,ooo Uklifete l 4 vnie s hbur,of in h 1 colt'ld`rt►t' do better. Akfr.;ilhigivo.4lllinuitilf i le got. tom...AP4#0 prulagnifiefnOliF„oP6illoni4e p9s4e4i'oini . zirtrientiuraf fritithiifik; atanAinV 4ot -4 - Acties; l l6 l fris telit4.: lend weighiug, , ,b sone ef - Faiibank*PateAtt aant le4 ; 'POP ribkPFAlselAmi - Ontoit; Otranififm..; • 1' 31. gitvieoilflii, •oat' iostar 4uriag .years. • . . . . - , - --; q. , • , ~ . ...:;,.,. ~ , , . :.. ",:i - -. ., 1 - .. T... - I.itz?..',. if'k•- 4, ',/,f'' —\ l -!': -,.•- .- . ••,. 'r - -,, r , - ~.--, - .•...., , ! - -'..4. , iq:i!: iis -,-• ;...- , .:* d, , ..,.. .. - .•a ,, -., 4 .7 -, 'W' ~ • . - si'; , -.. ,-, ... - , , ...i: c - •_-' ~ • . - e.,,, •'; , 4 :•,--_,.,..; ,;• ,„ ,, 4ie1,,-..., ,, ::: s ' - `'" '''• '•': • c . !-,...'rt„,': , 4,, ,zl , ,' , .f -‘ l t., ::- , ..,,7 i.. --: „ =. ~,.: +• d ' ' ',, "“ 1 '.. ', ' * , r•*;i- - :....'. , , , i-;0- :: 1 :44.--..-.. ..v.,t.:„, , - ~ : -:.z..,-.t, r L • ,:~X~ ~ Ni~y i ~l ME! ,Atitfi s r a p — h ii4ex-'4O( 4441 — eiseitt We hate lyvttg be6re tts gie itatogza the f9llowing ,- 41 ter km Tonas,ketreno, m litt ta.up v troc ,fifty- mvta ellslga,lics 1411) round hai t , all'autrafilettecti andial the t's creaß4 cePr ii , b4401 theAhliactiutis mi.. 4 ther it the begmninglorin doh faiiddha %it* word.;.The lir- for:: taistert, whieh.'=:eaents twic'e, is written!. with 4 stuall,p, witliva'alselt -,c'‘er the =a l r., Til, 0 -1 70 4 PaYtaata is =Wiled witkaa , i4h=Plat'e of the Yt 4 4 witlabestex-' cePtions t hVre aPtle, , ,ln 4? be lifiXatiatiOn be t"eli ho ortho g raphy 4 that 4aX itatitite Pre'''ent• - = , , e., f; ,' 1 1 497k 40 ,11\ AVithout caliing particular litie/4,6*/401 Proathleat fact about t4isiaPeriltranightto _cape aetigeaft. ilasS, l 4 4 4 °T 4tOatllltasit n os ote- o r Mr. "Ye.f4rsotr t; : as,,a„yi,rglaik PlalltariA geatlema 4 a 1 1 4 '4' 41 1 a skve ols 7eri at l 4lo , instead 'of 'fining pito the shtlft.Valir4)4ll' l ' iS f v ll° ` v creiarres , he "'rites to alfOodie Mr: Derieux tu thire four very ttid . 44 ititalli irent negro taear4'. Its well kaolVtAatAir• Jerson wasl'.:„TPdsed Ut SlaveY, hate 51 0 not. know whew the p*tive.q l 4lPel) Ai. t fact maid ! hisinica band:R(l 6o r I .YA 44 4., can• lie had fie, in this autogr!lph;ps, he totlit hate bought the 41 q ll . l O - ,lipk " .,Pct L creod#RlPAPP ter the sale of the next. erpjustus.ea, Ats t hu could`hire them i : but uynn plifie4494 Topit fored the lat , Yet r • lOf th is wen are a@su , .._by 1 "au old Vit. ma irelYtlemati; l ,rpini*houtthe autograph I '' 4ttaniedt wi° wsll 4 ,w , 4 - ac r g ts 'vaulted ‘'it r• Jeiker:iT:: :,:.` ` , ..r.ta 4 The' ratc ' w th'ili t 4 e.eaV l Y aegte. stithrlitil: "Saving occasion, to ite,f4T We siiitoPkt year four veiyable Intelligent litgroquen, 3 hereby authorize . Mr.l l „`cter Deflect:its ; act (lir me" therein, :94 Olige my - self - tofay.. wiiiisl et hire lie may stiputate for me:. ilia:49'o# I would make it, essential,to, have ate trit payablo is all the month of . ,A.prii - after the Year eNitiireLVTet as it is, 4istivant!igemiukto be"obliged -to ' sell y'roduce tO rstise money eat Tier th an that; it influences 'the extent;et thf hire to ithiCh 116ve advi t sed Mr. Derienz t'y "engage me. 1 - shbuld not be Willing t#,,pay interest fro:tthe end ortli - eyear. t,4? 41? day of payment agreed ron; which 'Wilt sutlimitix sostici : executors in agreeing to thardelaY,,_ e . T li . jEti. : ,rmo.s . , ,•4. December '2o' 1794. ' * ' ~,, I_, 1 ~4 ....,-/ The'payer bears tfi t e marits,ot,,,tutylAgueeff `fOided small 'iind earried,i 36141644110 AL ptoket : hook, 'And iieitdOrgfl i "4 intvop,l4., Z;eif," and al44 ! coutains the,foiloTng table pf figures : ' r •- : '- I.' ,i q 1 ,..,t ,! = : 3 . • are..*ared '4.foar riegro.,livl!T fp! '64. 'year; as tliOy were bid off at aa4lafr e ,4? etitren6x;NOACji tlie,atitae,4.that, 'or; isre,v royAe .14 454:96 • iiaat: no'birer Elias clothing for 'the tijne tierag; 4ipt $v a'' ear Titats and trietiliaW.Saateci Oat - unuion since . . - • Cotartige to 4o- litiht..'“ 1 " what , mOrer noble ' 'nttlihate; than ' - to do right, th ee, - ; - fear -- .oft'finth,'irticl,itit.ii:o • the obli~atioits-i'hiefi if iinposts; - 0.11 tocite sy; - eyery milittikt* I thp - ndyance of the The- meie•ret:critiOt,'Fif the br'Tit"r' oC wise matt; and."rice - tbifilcs ( of, light . -e7e s ti? that light affords` texft Otte_ projeitiis 09:§.; low thi:sir ! as-.itv ces,lits tintinlidt4lo/oStiretiNe inci ted to 11013; aft ''self+talninatiblirtind .- 1,0 flaf-1 ter hitnielf- thittirrh4 disenita. detection. - "1 "' Alas j that nature' which is bouttetiiitiiii gross•liy twit arid perVertilitc'ftbk properties which thritsotigid hak , bbnSteeit; from its uprootd progresston to a -e•iiiiloyt with things of - Eart - hiTto - i'a ttaiptk . !ukitte,t. without But joy, unspeal4l6 .- jot when true toJts. rehitionship iv,itit eternity, tette `lo" - i r ts - truth and intearkt . T,i , t# ltlfitite jirottifit t. the soul clattnsttii 'EOM!, 'itin . ttiiitlavr ni self; and C,hustisilt • whett, -- Wriiiiir been done.; athekt conscious: t,h4 hdra beenihoicE;:it `appffei;Nigil 11 , 14 Shrinking,. the which' TeisSia . _ t „. • • as if e stu,y4‘. va iiemei siiitietifyies,f4v,ore4llri:r laitryttevetOpen#Tit; letinjto:csXied44l4kt an,d,Cckrvisiii c% 0f043:1k case"..ffirt.— NiThCp tii_re;M:Ylivra,-iili •fti**A' 'the tte4rt;l4§i)itt bea'allieS4%.'disOirbt4 ho IN*" olAltfed . i'pse Or: k nytiirc . :lp ar .,/ mot says:x . l;4'nd I:e4 olta'of thti ilieareVeoiteg4 lyitell,o 3o. 6A;. peefid - the . it• Lin) sub set, of imavpag, p.reduioL tli6jiihesti felt Itno'6kiiitect ,41 s iid-ig ' ;:: 1 : ! - :' . ; lW r '-', ‘I.IZ :3 : •.:4gl - 1:-. 54 - I''' ' ii t ,iiio i nwei ttlOW'rketut htd;l44.4fe,t,* 7 health of fillaMelAWOßAibitt'i" /il k"' 11Ce1i5t01110.44140964 opiAtij wito 4 'i a ... T'. 3 OFA)Tif°P.APAAMT.ert •:q hit441 1 0114,T41 , 11 ,a- - lift3it t 419P4114f:0P90.144-411441110,4: Ri,, 0 4. 7 ,44RP444t. -,a_RlltutitOly ,ATAWXIi . lio4tukilKum lot ef; L. 10 Hit4ft 'sat' t-- 1- ._,aktits;t4t-PWYW). „, 1 , 1 r#41., . 4 ,N , _Avgigtitl4.mtpk; rivq,41.141414 - :11 ; , Intlifpec. . - A049103`) "'A PuT:lrvA 1..", , wafT i t t f . : MVO *III/Y.ffY 11 .1tENtib!ti ' z.;: A 0 4.. 1 - 73 4 - 71, 410a4EOIAMAI l Ak.t .", — t.,:.1',01154 7 1 /4-pkAte l liPte ll %-,9 , 44. 41101-1 W; i 4 ii - Ai., ' . u.0ti14 4 -I"vrA_A- . " 9 1k 1 - MC :4 4r l c li qwf ,, ' , Clw i ty?fr - iPikir , ' '. e s ffik , w4 -- irogikke io ,- i l ieJ mrh t _ eat ye ) *Rv l ntA,t# , " i t el i l#l o, :atAliliB9!i. mind - iiit iii invitahr alurs 4 MA,nycf,t• ,M. that we 'ammo. It wtjll.9aY.2.#4# -Me isur, NY- 414 1.3 . 0 1 ; ih"47-",i/CITN it_ e* tats ii iiiiciitelk*fdetit)t is ker1,14,,a , I,t; each be warned ss his beiglit* is aittNt= -' - -_. .t_.-.i , Ar:•ko' 'fiife: , , , !4 . 091 ~:.• -~ . ~'z':. .: BMW irj . ;f'f!i:,; ~.,,s,,,ii&l-. :t.., ,- .:1,5r:.f. - ,,T;sl, .:,,,,ii:C..:..A.,iitr # 1' . .-. • 7 4 ,i1t.‘ , .„Li . ,,, i,2 . , FAT. ,:, f , t . . ' - anti/X-41 .411;144 - 4:-.-3. - .._ .. .. . ERNI "t li ',- -- 'g,l,:!!c ! 1 . 1 - 8: , ...!- ~5 ' .f.,...;.:. ' .. .._ , -'. 1....,,:ii..,-..7r;.,-..,:„.,-..,ii.) ; '''* ~.„ :1. - 1 -. 1- it \ 1 ,' ' -' 1. - LA „ ~" MEM MERE= MEI =MS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers