. • Derail-oil . „ Alexander llansilion. The decease'of this venerable ntni.-diiitin g • uisbandy is announced as having ocetirr- ed at the .eity.Of ...Washington Mt l'hut4ty, . Nov. 0... Her retrains have been brought,tO thiS Citv, , Of which.for many years site; tvas an Itoner4-resident. - - '• Elizabeth 'Hamilton was the 'daughter of Philip Schuyler; the - Ainerican Iter4utionary General, and Was born in Albany in 1 758 . She accordingly - lacked but jour yeo of the completiOn . of a century of existence. • At the age of twenty-two She was Married, to Alex ander Hamilton, who at thi . .t. time was - one of. General - Washington's aids, wirli.the rank of Lientenant>colonel. She survived her band . a little over ,fifty years. After, the t' ! "ttul ..eictit which terminated hip life , she•re!tlatted for'Several. years in . New York, d e - toting her self to acts of bener,i . .dence; a'nd she ceininanded the grateful 1 ,11 9'40 0 P : 6 f th e . poOr,.was,iegarde`d with:esteem by all class of • society.. Of !aro years Mts. llat*lton ha d • res id e d: w i t h daughter in.Washingten, - w h ere, although abstaining-in .0 - grenttneas- Aire from zer eral society, she was the centre •of a devot‘Q circle .of : friends, and the of jeet. of tiniversal adutiration, as ,Well as ge.naine . 6dy . Of the 'old:khool, and a noble Specimen of a.. past century.' A . ..COrrespondent ofd the' Boston Traveller about a ,year ago publiihed the-following incident. : ..: 1 • , ".Seine there are who May..recollect I; :a visit to Boston we think more than veni.sagm • It so - hnppened-.that a bortict ral xhibition was about to take place at nullSHal4 and the distingniSlied.ladY to * vitentnil - plaeed in the deSk, by thc the . Piesident of the Institution. -- There - 'clergymen and other tlignitarii; but she the Only Nwomenndmi tied Oit.the!"plritf In the course of varions addresses m a d e f :the table beloir ' richly: loaded: witli thiw 'fruits, &a. ..Mhster arose and begged.leav, announce That the datighrer of Gen. Seli er and the widow Of General Hamilton -then present, and - :-With his own happy thrilling reminiscence, he dwelt, on the parted. • 1 . "Mrs, Hamilton - laid aside her black 1 net and . arose.. _All . was silent :a t tett ti those who sat near enough could „read -tender and touching emotions of her Court ance.. She turned to the President and dressed Ile immediately, in a grac and appropriate 'banner, - tittered the 's.e inent she expressed to hitn, and rept him to make known. When she' left lite d and aeseended tc• the aisle, here was so thin*truly congenial - to Our - republic, . beautiful, in the simpl icity of her manner : .the respect shownher in our,national ball. . o ne• moved, but : all silently . waited. walked through the aisle, attended by on two- friends; bawimr, almost impercepti froth one side to the other to the multitu .expressing.her feelings her cotintenan, .11er simple and unpretenditifr ,manner,.. • ibe.sileitt, 'Unpretending honvi ,,,, of the P seiMied to contain a clear and beauti -demonstration of republican truth-and sine{ - • . . • A .letter from a gentleman in New' Tor. Ids friend in Boston; written on the 22nd August, 185 I, thus speaks of Mrs. Ihmil while al.e.sident. ord,,,: o ty : She is npw.winityfour years of aye, i, in tine.bealth :end spirits. On my rett from Fort Ike, to-day, .l reeeived i letter fri her Containing 'a request, that I would ~c! and see her. -The letter was written , in I clear and steady a hand a if she Were , More_ than fifty. I received several lett] from her last winter, dated - ati Washintril written in the same way,' This lietter was il ted August 21), 185,1. Slic was to - ,be . fOtil she inforrned , Me, at Mr. Schuyler's in 'Lail street, in this city. I calicAl tilts niteinosl . s , ee, her, and think of my surprise in find 's that she hadtaken the cars fort Con:fedi( only an hour hefOre; 'She toldime in her. I, interview thatlier'hUsband wrote the bittli of his paperqu the , Federalist .I:in, hoard' of the Nbitiltiver'sloops, winte:On his i to Albany, a:journey (or 3.6 . 0 er: alvoyit which in those'days usually oce pied a Avt i antithat public business so tine up his v that he, was compelled to do 'much of ll studying• and writing . while ti*elling.' X F. Ywaitizi. - ' Horrible Child Mur4ers ii Phi Pamela Myeis, or .:Snyder, ni untnar Arpinan 22-years of a r ie;.wholia4 . been • inz.as a doine . stic in the - fainilv,of Mr,.Th . , as:Rice,.in the Rising Sun' Village, Phila. phia„ ivais arrested on Saturday faSt, haVing murdered ;five e Jreu inisnix,:sion, shortly after . When taken: before the Slayor,' . she . conf -herself the yntirckreSs cif herehi!dren. first child to yhiph . slie gave birth, was in her uncle's hottie.- 'Tliii , one she attem "to suffocate, but fa M. The child- soot terwards died with -the small- . lkol. The I:nid , child. was Strangled by its mother its hfrth,, Was-- thronn, by. „her_ into ..eOS-poial, - .Whenee . .it Was atter wa rdS - thief her uncle, 'Win. Snyder, placed in abox, buried , in -a yard attached to the house. .third -child' was born in- an' open field, r; the mother says,- was - still-born. The fo was boria alive, and was choked and disp . r f iu the same manner .as - the second. - 41fth is belie*d to Eave been strangled. la-kt child was Still-born,,in i a :field end left it there. TO Make, (be-tat-di .shoC„king, Mr. Surder, ate uncle of the. •erible wotnan i -is' ,charged.: with- being fatly of two of the children; and. also , being accessory to the Murder of two of t lie is a married .rnan. lie was arrested "Monday Mid committed : The 'Woman who now stands - .befor, commiinity t. - :inirged with the connuissi such detestable ;crimes, is 'rather good-loi No one would Suppose a person with su 'appearance capable of such deeds. . B character has lour* been 'considered-dip And the People of the neigiXorbood in' she risideil,- had , .front time to_ titn, reasons to believe that site had commit fantieide.: The police . are - now..enga iondeavoring to discover some portions . remains .of -the murdered babes, _ .. New Governor of Oregon. • • -I Georg e S. Curry, of Oregon, has be u at)- ...,,., t onitee l', o cern or o f t 4 atur rit o t ,T, vie Gen. Lane.. resigned. 'ltr. C. ii - al,out 34 years of i, 'age, is a xative Of Philadelphia, but:iv en a Nom* man w • OrliOd' in 'the 'jewelers sli p... of ;Clark. dr Curry, Boston, wad had for his shop- mate, Win.,li.'Kelley, the - preientf-aftn ire of the Philadelphia; 'Court of ,C6ittiOnvPl' ai4`..-- itoth,Goierttor Ourry an,i; - .Tudf a‘beil P Kenn"; .... ~ • I:von-rig men,worldpg at their filiaf):b`Eigvi i v) lle •Apprenticee LibrarY - CoMpAq, #'9 l alihouglitheir edueation was limv,ed tomtihai watirtfordethirithe Common fichools, .theyi were aiirays-arnlyitiiaus, and ready' to tame ad-; ,'ant uge Of eicry . dpportnility CO inereali4f theli; store ofinow,le-dr: ' the test . is that theme' ttvd(' iiiitee's, avitiMot fortune.. or tiobj friends to pnrh ihebi fofward 'o'r the'het.efit of; tt i fy D a ter tduetrititeatal l is free to the entirel l'onth d ottr country, have while . - -. t.: Taut) mini i4en a z prtitipttent- TiOsitiotranioeil 11 ,en - o teana. ,$ T,e .I boold f ' an iicenti%O.Ai,boys ev , riwk!re. ; , . , lfzettioseA. 7 -11e President has 'atiopted s au ip e t .ax,coi-npi e . ; Esq., of 13altituiire, to be GOver . nor Of,l) , ebradia; to fill, the vafetiney occasioned hi,thedeeexse,of the litte 'Croy, truor art; , . Grbans, - - • - • ITlio'-ttioit+Nottiing and .Whig papers'oll over the State are Ivery' abusive of 'Mr. Bak4, _the,'Superintendeni.of the Columbidgoilrait4l becattse,..irnhiediately after the e teetien," ho di'selirged.ev'ery man.from the read who hall voted against Go+. Bigler... These . men had joined the kitiOw-Nothing Ord er ,„ at Col tt and of course !voted Against tiov.•Bigler, mit because titen we,e oppok4.l* .to hint, but a nus . ) th6y oatit . they had ta!, ken' required their to so . . Mr. Baker, itot flow i t , g • tl4ir oaths might requirit th e ;,, to do, eousidered • them dangerous melt the publie.serviee, and diseliatged them. .Was he .Lot 'right ? Men 'rho .will take h . solemn oath to 00-itn!iit contrary to .their 4. 11 " d thus bind themselves: tb be the mere ,lti+ i es of set of politicial sharp - ers, are not to be trusted iie,any public eapai and Mr. Baker hut performed Ibis - duty, os faithful'phblie servant,. when he dis.- :liare•ed . The .Register 41: Cilizett.i. a Knou } -Nothing Paperfublished at Ltineaster,•eontahis a long artiel ngititist Mr." Baker . for ..discharging these 1 1 :11411 it, we tAke the followi ng ex.iraei . . ; . , • i • •• • And ''now, Wc•ttslip, why Were they dis char* i., 144,ken ! we will!' sanswer,b eanse thev:weiel Americans., anl dar ed to 'e* ,- . , of to creise Ine rapt' an ; American,' vote- :t the pleased,--to . exercise titer:Hit of indc . . ts pendent .suffr:gi—that.' inost precious boon bequeathed, us by our Revolutionary sit-11.4 Wh.oislied,:t lei'. 11dood" and offered uti their. r ) lines thai wetnight be , Freemen...i Ohe word more:` 'This is proSeription—'tis ' the vilest IX*i.: ' rt J , ..- • - : S•i:ellt1011: 1- ~ , . , . • . '.; The E,rianzi . n , r, the able Organ of the•old . Ijne . Whigs 9f f.aneaster connty, copies th above extract, and then . replies-to it in this , . tlismon; - • 1 i . . , :Not beim/i i n •the habit 'ot . blaming otherx for doing .What we'dO onrseNes, and knowing, father, that' 'Oovp. J.'oll6ek Will remove every matt who. voted, fur: iigler he Can lay- his, hands on, as custom requires he :Should do We have ndt made muelt of an outcry at. MrP Paker's discharging "%rorkinen who voted 'for P9llockP. '. .. : • . . r on ten , Un- I Fa- ' ere WAS 1 MI. ',ors to 3 1 ' vas nd de- , I.lnt the'Register'l talk about the "tight 4.4 independent !sutllagel .recalls to mind the faeythat the Know-Nothing lodges of citt• ire expelling, nil their members i'bo wer4s indePenilen(enOugh to %VC for the Wid4 candidate for COngaws at: the late election.: “,That,mot;t: preciciihoi'be(itteittlred to us by, our 11evolatiOnarY siies, who shed 016! blOod and Offered Op their lives thnt We might. 14, freemen,": is 'alike djoied to the hand's is the. Tarkesharg shelis. and the . _members of the Kioti.-Notliin. , lodges of Lancaster city - :_ Truly out sires / fought ;and died "ini•ain 4 l'i e- I , iid lid No .11114Harount and his Book.' Mr:Nl:num is apparently resolved thtithi ConfessioitS shall have as.great.a, run as I:1f cic Torn'i Cabin. It.is stated that he wrot4 ptiblishing-firms in London, Paris; Yienna„ . and other Cities_ of r-nrope, to maktf terns with them for - the fortltcoming. Auto, ibiof, , ,TaPh, which he. sent. to- tbiln in:mi l ., script ; and when his urrangetnents had,beett made, he!,io-rreed with Redtleld, who, on ti rit lug. to fokeign . houses 'to licoVinte, his cOpy:f right, wassurpri - 4.ed to find that Rimini:l lui.l been beftfreb and Wi tit . him by several . motit This maY be,trne.:—.but we suspect itis What the Fremfli call a i,.(zimrd—;l. Mere. nuke th;l iiece to c'rite the . !public talkland_ thns keep aliVe curisify about the Wok' that makes al) .this•Uoisel - . , 6 _ ful :Cr- Ito of ,on . , \lr. llarnitin has already played out a shows orcprarrel with Itedfield ,atid enacted a ntiiili atietion, which , ended in tke going back 0r ;man use pt Where; pt n n deit -- tt 41i,u1.11 go. ANT.!ll,',the_great sltOwirran is try; ing his Liarid„,:it literature, acid he -Work, as if it were the WoollyLlorsfi. No; donhi -he; will be sifecessfilr a very ...4 , reaL. ; but clot have the stiee,..-4s that 3ttten‘l4 edihii.operations iti thit wars ter Off, showl lnee q not hope • to I have; for book the sahl of the ",Cabiii"--aWork.whieli buoy rip beyond theiheightof its by :he social, 'political rind intertilitional antipathies,- jealOusies and controversies' o),' 'the `re•Aditig.:l)llblici 'Mrs. Stowe's the wai enrinently arritatint,r. ' one orthe !nos: important arguments pf. 4 great natiOrii ihe.other work kill oirly tate onr'idirL-Iti of our rnoSOieeourplislred det-4nasteriitnd -that agitation . < eatinot be very" deep or !, - ,i'04111.. • . • .. i'. ! Amt.. !Meeting. • • ° . The eitien . § of Susquehanna County- who are opposed to the late action of congreSs ifi repealing the'Slay.ery resTtriction of the f4tt of* 1829, callficl - :the Missouri Compromise, I and who are wfilinm to use their-influence in re - , ~ - I gtrietiitg.sltv*ry within the limits .of tlio,se States where,iiinOW by law exist., arc reque4 ; ted to - rne4A, :it the Court llou.e, in :111ontirfis4,• on - Mendai evening Nov. - 27th, (beingl thy: sperdid,, Steel; : ; 4f Court,) - to devise - tned4ureh most - proper - to be uhed in order td brintf about . . •.• , the abbve riltW,t. ... - , . Itobert •Gritilli, Byron Griffis, .E.. T.000k.,;. 1Vm.,11. Ilatnlin' a ,;(3 l orydon.Caswell,, - G'eoi r ' 11. 11am1in,..!.. B. 14.tti'Topi C Sherman, Is:laic:1B.: Canip' James r. Beirtholf, Aus:in Irowel li p _WI.' , V. Bedell, Asa COI I 3II, 4 :IIUS Sheet, . ' A N..• N: B. Deans•--Da gu er v . iit ypii ti .. -1 Birchard; ; 9litf.ll.'ireiy,-IV,in. Wheelocl47, 11. 1 C. bay, r .; Andrwi Bas , elf . J h -GT:li-, ;!' r * Tir ..t ! r -I - t- O i dd bellows' Hid t; ~ i B. Ransom,LFeChoverd!hitnesoA.n.whitroo, AKES7Pietarei — areteryMini thati-,i-illkte -1 Peter 1.):1Yey.,•.J. I).Farritiiri, J. IL Bariltltr..„ r£3 Children:will not be taken finless bro'til ,J.:s.'l.3l:tsdell,.WinJll, Lathrop, F. llatnlin i between the hours of itiand,2 o'elocli, on n ikadl ~• Daniel Hoff L P. ILI tnlin Benjamin P. cy.ii- day.! . j " - : • John - Blastle% t, C Wrig'bt, Garrad Stfiti..l, , - ';. . ,' ,N . EW STOCK . .: • -* -- --; - • Of (74ses, Frames, Lockets - , &c., just purch*cl,4 JOhn Blfrnunt, - F. P.' llollbiter, • Isatti:' Gi 'ti, U. Bird4all, fi. D. Bown, John Deuel E.' .1..' . - : 511)(trr ' se ' Nnvi; 23.' 18 . 54 . '' . .- " '.., .... ! I t . . Day. a.cl:stil r ith, jalne.:Nteall, Norman 11, 5... - ‘, • . D. C. I).astorn Lewill -Beebe,- U. W. Bliss, q 11. lloadle,..P. G. Ilaig — ht, Lyman Beebe, IA C:-Handrick.,l3.l O. k-1 . 7% 111 p', it. ' F. Llntiburti Li: enkin4..tiaid (I). ?-klinkler,- J. "L. It s 4, 'Nelson rail:lig, hi. 1).1 Witrtier, Wm: A. Cros• Man, G. B. F.id 44, $ A. Woodruff, Frankliri Fr: leif, A. I ..lierri nazi J.l...Langilon; - IL H. Frie S. A. lempstid, Theo. &Mill i . (.1 M.llsit ilkon6, ~. Cl • Warner,. F." H. Fordr. j limn, .- . ndrnw I •1. - Ming, •F. IL - llollistet4., John I °ling:- .1.. J.i Ilollister, 11. C. Conks lintl A. '. HolliVer . 1.: rhane •• Smith;. Wm.- 14 ,1 1, Vaughn I: P. 'Paler, :(;. , I ;:- .Bitheock, and John Baer. .-1 .'; , . •.' ~' 1 • ftt 7 r I the by and The rth , d The The' f,he the with item. on ul t ber • & ute, !•hich (rood in ed in $ SIKOL:LAR nisfmru.—flie Know Noth, "inmiof Massaehlusetts will Imre all the Simi ' Officers, all the Senate, and 341 -lit!embers of r- the: House . ; but .their „power in the latter b odiE i i . will be se checked bv the presence :of &Ten- ant litatizthiists—si Wiiigs and one Democrat. '.l . deal of . ii g oo eked is poked nt the latter--hi !is asked to exiilain how he 'imposes to qrga! tni'ze the, Ilemocratie Gauss - -who will he elicisea Ili Seeretary; cc.; &e., after he shrill hare been chosen to preii,de--wbat commit! , 'tee. will eondtiftt the Pre_sident ta the cliiiir-'-i -pow the mot:ntal : will belpecoadtil, ti:e. .' I,Nr,m,y- ire rather, envy tchal.,solifoly tge4d4ii maa-hin pesitmn.. ile: ill not be likely iP. have Lis platiti,Apoiled L indit.ereet coirlinii triots,nor his ineastireS . iseredited 'by abs u rti . sr...eeehes in'their f;t44,lft te"wili ndt - , be teo - util (~k led by,,44...1uis or ,i'ett,iti", th e , kty,"n o r:Ofif, ilged - ..t0 Yoii.hrirsoatthrqs-lie does f10ci1i,.... , ,,11 order to hold c it together ! ; ' - ..,...f ,-- ' 44- - ' '.l -i ----7--- ' , kir The Right . ] _en, nixaxt`erglitet si 4 i't B tholii:,citil at his residenee.in' I " • r ittr.:.tohn*Bradv; 0;6 haF, iz ;s'f Abe - Ra t 41' 0 'l4 r tffna, if* 4ify p1ii14,16t11.*,;..- . . i '. . ; "l'o'foaehers..• ;! ! 1 : 1 'The Book of Teacbers' Certificates:sent by; . the Peparttnent .did ( lnot reach me. I re'eeiv-1 edl a ;small book of ertificitte sifterivOil4, midi hti ; i;eitised them up . ; I Igtve sent on for more'i and trill forward them to teachers as sodn ; asi re6eititt . , :.. • i 1I; • 1 WILLARti RICIIMWS67, SU- L 1 , . . . Teacher's Examinations. . , I will hold examinations ns follo: . Monday; Nov. 20th, 10 A..M.,_ I,llt4rop.i 6 P. - Tueiclay,.Nov. 21, 10 A. ".4. Je4stip.3 "! " 0 P. M. Forest • • y • Midd WedneE.da, No r i„'. - 22,.10 31 . .. '" 0 P. - 31. Glioe4ntit.l .Thuriday,'Nor. 23, 10 A. 3.1:, -.'SOver Lake. Trida:f , "'Nor. 24, 10 A. M ,Brent. b , • • • • ( usqutiffana, .6 P. M. Oakland, and • ( Ilarinonv. Saturday, Sir. 25,...2 P.M., \ Liberty. Monday, Nov: 27,- - 6 P.M. • i'aesdayi N0v.28. 10 A. M. : Jadison., • " " 6 P. M. .!Thotf!son. eF4 ay, Nov. - 29; 10'A..31.. ,:, A gi t:1 ".i " " 0 P.. M. : Fridar,;bee.l 7 P. M. Clifford & Dulidatl Saturd . 3. Dec. - 2 1 •P.. M.. • Lttnox.l EMIIMEI Direetors will please, arrange the plaetis for holding. the exanunations„aud preseilt,. as ! I well Its 'others inteteSted. • : • • 1. Coun/y t. n • P. Ilar6.)rd, No. 7. List .ef Causes at - Issue and 'tar Tr*- : November Term, ltSri•L - Stillwell, Brown &i Co.. vs. Sprains, ed Irisu e. Cushins^ •vs. Chase, In Covenant 3lonre, r , Giles; el: al. In 1.10bt.... Nlortiat.t, • s. Nlnrriatt; Ejectment. Cornell Vs.' Leislei, do. -. • Stevens & Dunmere vs. Deans, Park &!Co.,ii In Debt'. • . Cartnalt, vr. Grainger 11. &J., Trespass. sEcosn wee.x. onrn et, al. vs. Toinpknis, " -o:omin vs. Boyle, Osbarst rs. • ()Ahern rs. T. Doad, Osbu i rn-vs. Barton • •, Beleber vs. '1 . 413.10r, Appeal. "IGodrieh, el. al. vs!, Slocum. Case. Nen 4 Jon rs. .11 Alum's, el. al. lii ease.; rs. Lord, Trespass. '4 Carrier use, L. aty, In Debt. _; rt.: al. vs. Beeman, Trespass, s l BardiTs. LeWis, In Ca.c. - '-- • ; lturk: vs. N. Y. &. E. R. R. Co., In Cast),` Jess : ip *al. rs. Aldrich, Ejectment. Perrino & Son rs.;Sctiville. In Debt.' I . ti •': Lathrop rs. Searle, rt. al., - Trespa4B. Ball v.. Clark, AlTent. • ;• RObertsys - . Robtrts, Ejeament. Bennett is. ilirehard, Tre ,, pass: • Biddle vs. Gaige; • :tleail vs. Cook. Itosiden vs. Graingcr. Trekpass. ...Taylor. vs. N. &E. It. It. Co:, Ejecttnent. I Dart rs. Scoville, et.' al. in Tresp,vs.:; • • • Commoiwealth rs. Baines, In Debt. R•lekivell rs. Cnniritaik , . 'do. !; Skinner vs, Smith,: In Case. • ;Nude r!. al., rs. Satphin, Ejectment. 1. 'School D. of 3ilrer Lake 'vs. Hartriett,ln.Casell T t 'lev r s. Fowler In Covenant. - 1 - 1 1 • Baki.r vs. Burinell,' In Case. WinniceOk- rl. l Taylor, Appeal:, • - is: Surer e rs;-T respass. . -Sprague vs. Pickering et al., Trespass. Stewart vs, In Case. Roddin vs. Grainger Replevin: 1 Curtis' is. Bryant, ,A4su mpsi 1. f• .Holdrige vs. )lontgomery,_Appeal:' r Stirs Vq. Cr , !&. .N tachment. .114. an - vs. Itvan, . do. Curtis vs. Thomas. et. al.. Acsumpsit Clitlorcl . vs: N.' Y. 11 It. It. Co., l'respass..' Nesvcomb vs. Clark. 'Tresp .ss. • 1 vsi - mntlirres. In Debt: • - NValker - VS - . Elliott Jr., Appeal. Smith ey . Mrl{vrreic-, Eirrtmcnt. ! Smith Caltirn, - - 4 Whbillson & §ifld vs. Bryant, In Debt. 11. Sears. vs. B-.ker '& Thai-ger, Itl Debt., vs: Coletnao, Ejectment. 'lltaknard vs. llaneock, , CObnrn v;.s. B..artisly, Replevin. vs. 'Rooney, Covenant. c .• Itlnek VS. Lewis, Appeal, t i :TO Ithe Peoplo.of coont,y. T 1 'YANG one of the great , st tifferers by i thel i ), - ieeent-destructive tire in. Nontrose, Inivinir;l last. , store. itnuse and nea r,ly nil':-of a. large stock" of goods.l . have not hoiweyer given lover t o d e spair, but Mire taken a i‘tore-mein int, the i()Wef part of the Town, firt , t nort I. ot.keel-31 er's'llotel, into iN • ltich I havel . Placed the small.% stoett l eaved fruity the fire, andi will in . the course Of a eery short time fill upth4.L store with tiro new stock of goods. Jr my kesent'new.ii location, I Will 4e- happy. to twee; •w':4 upon 1 thy old customers and the puldie . .generilly,*het Will 'l'4-or me with call: ItaYe I relolvtid .to k i l u_iierii r il'Arire up al s o sh;p." I rat. determincid .to keep:it .111Rtit; - STORE, and keep a 1. 1 .nnii riortritent of Drugs, 111edicines; OihsrDye.4, nfri',lGraceriefi,Plas ware,. J . ewelrs,Perfurjtery,il Yankee.Notions,land all sorts G(rodi.l l , &e. such :Is, I VOA before the fire, Which!! devOtied the earnings of a hour.4ife ' • -Ei H . ABEL TURREEL. . , • 'it .3fpnirose, Nov. 23, i r .85-1. - rt ti!Will every than indebted 0 t o e, please ! ' retnetn 'At ber me - in this my time of need‘,.by Bend ing iolme the "amount due.immedintely. ABEL. TURRELL • Nov. 23, 1853. ' ' Dissolution. r iIHE firm of C & , ~1). Litbrop k dayl dissolved bi mutual consent. The Nutemi ACcUunts of said firm are in the'hands, of C. D. Lathrop fui . • ; • TIM subscribers having ,coffered severely by; the Inte fire, earnestly invite all indebted to .3 to make immedihte . payment... , :". 1 "' . C. 1): LATHROP.: • S. A. WOODRUFF'. s.lolitrose,' ,Niiv. 20 1864.-47%.v3 o4the VoltrtiiiTa;:- `lri!eactinl andpi Sus-. 1 \i { i LIST 01P LETTERS win Ilactiq o ‘ fth Bo:rough Re - /Yuri:tin!! in the ! Post - Office at, Atimtivse,, ,/ slid countv,\r peetfully,, . ' NOv. 15th, 1854. priyided with in Mlle con.' , - Brawn Nriell,wl `'• 3liit Albert ' ', IG oeery, " , ii 111 it.oug.,ll iis lids intention ) spg,y to , griwti.l,l4jah B sa. ,ildwin, Io) . Nortlirop, - N4than', . - : C o theloUrth lioriday ~.r , & 4 ;01, 4,44 , 4i5tus 3 Ph 41gin ) 3lisi''Julia - 1 ,i se to keep a Gill eery, 'and • , Cro4ll'ss,kait t Edwar4l C. lteidi Henry . ' , I i ( r other,ln ;it iq mirs, ac t/0'1)/44y' 3lrs. C. littannow, Patrick '' ii 1 enibly i.4' 14 VATI. S. Edwards. 'Miss 31argaretSharp, Caddo ii . EDWIN ACO'N. - Ft? * 3 - di Edwaki , " 'Blliitit, Ilichif4 , • ; 4, ,Ju 4,--45u 4 4.. • Pithier, Almon P .. Sllisbury,l3: F. :',,' .., f —-- . 1 Guerney,,lV4Pph 'I3, ' Strange, Geo. 8 . , -• i .: .. , : Ad m • i n i s a oy'S Notoo. 116gin8 hiss 113 nu"h - Sw"ing - Pari'i '; 3 "IVT - CiTICE is hereb 'given that 1,4 tors it t ;sti) . - -llazzard, Miss, ElizahettiTyleC, L-• ILI ' i ' ~I .1 1 11';‘inentory upon h e estpte Of t, irk Iti:Siiiii. Ilerd e .Bricheti •Thotupsim, John - i i ohs, tietedvinte of th to Onship Of l nklituhaviy /fond, Fannev M. : Tyl e r Sylvenus "! il been ■ggrantthl to the . uleriber. ;Ad persons in.' Ilowlev, Neltson , Thomas, Samna( i .1 s *,,i I s oebteo to ;said estate, a re hereby ,i , equestecl to IloWaid, fiennj I h : I',Varner; Cy rtog ' .1' I tualt4'lttunbtliate payment And thoisettivitfo Maid's' Hitchcock, B. tVallpetk."Willistn - ir7on '„,ild ii x t..l.; to pres4nt theirs! to the kutivii , iiii i i / i i i i rri i ii ,,, E,c y d , o, j :isen o ., b .: . ,i,vv V ii ii ii i tet t: : ,. Do hl .,.. r r i. , : l iD ,....:: ; , . ,::::,, . Ti_,_Lt.e..,!::..::,,e_:__,.:itvdLt::lle_a:_odil.l.e,e,t,_ni......2sid_::Ei_:.y;4a3ztttts_,t4vlDe.74gctit:anidlkto.:7_i:,r.Ek...k:;,..A_l:dl,i,thlt::.:re;_;?,:_s;: Plitt term of this Instilittittn will I,.coro vi'llll:e.P" l'i , , •,..4....... ea ' 'namecata -• ill , ill4 ' l44l° lsi ' l37lTLL 'auv AliD te , i' , '" .:;: s . 111/10 utlon; - . .::. . /Le otember 6h i nude{ she susittilti; rrillE firm of Thayer 4'4'CP:indult Is 4.4111* idol ion ° 1 1W : - .1 1. ANEv`. 1 ;i • ,g' 4 .1 *. I IS' dissolved by mutual consent. i The Nittew The sitoMtion of this Ihstittstiti*'rendersit pitr:, en ds . ,A c i t * tir it t o f th e sa id -fit tn ' o re _f i t) ti t ° .h tt oo tienlnrly cumtesti.finus fin studen t*,4somtlitil recto offthitt:traodctlii who - "Is nailimirid: to 'etittli a' di 4o o, ee-jj Gond bnari ran b 4 lobtaihMf , Mr the? isariie. '--, - - It.:TifAVEIC 4. ''. .froinT.Bl,2* to '4 3 40 far Week; et sultsbro i: •.,r • ~ „; : , :It ; p, -C,RANPA L L. . , 1 -,',7 rownll for those.wiwhinr, to boardi - thon?wiltres, •, 3tubtruio;Oil:lo,‘ 1 1,1111-.4 , 14w1 %, - 1 -' l - "il: Dittigkk, NOTembor, I fr i—.4 . 6,4. 3 * • -. - -i- -- • • , ..>. i 'll . ti ' - - ` oO _.....__„.. "" - t',' ,. . - 1.- ' ' • NciAr : dc--. __ _ - -: )!RESII arrival Oil New Giipds vvlii4;h x1ie...j.,0ff,.4 very ch e ap. . !Ve barb alarge.* of Staple , nod Fancy D Groods,.. which we soli Y.E.FLI' cutxx.. _ Cali • nd..exaihine. • . i READY MAP are nOiiv prepare ' to•el 'Mier all 'acenr• to 00 lategtbtyle. We; hnren lerge stork it we will sefl.:fery low." ail iAlso, n e ?NUN.: I Clottol i . amities, Jeans, S. &e..:in our stock this line i,.leomplete: We i the attention [of CASH PL.? CilASEfi% to our sio Alt kinds of produce i taken', its txchan,4ol Good's at easllTriees. - - ; • • JAW &.Dlo4'l Miintroie: N0r..2:1, 1 - 4 5.4. A. & E. ArtY belrmind i n h a tel; 3 kloors west and ireounti that Aro.d eepla)4e if paid s oon. I i • • 7.l . tifitroie l Ic ot. • - .14 s I .4 . . Gleason's Pictorial far l ;, 865.••. _ , • M .'M. BALLou,,%vho I as ertited the '‘1 1 1001.1 . 11" froinitlio erriiiineneemen, having:bought- out the, late, propihiter, Mr. F. - Gt.EisoN, will , conduct i this;pupidnii . rind ‘Odelylcireitlattl paper nii his own recount: •The noW voluine will be radical. ty inijir6-ed: in every +pea, and will lie,pub: lisbed on finer paper •tlyin river before, *Molt Innlity : will . be continued :heneeforth without' ehariite;' - Mtiny new and populdr featureS will bo atOrwe•introdiiced,and the :literary de iart— inefit;will p l resent an .nriiiir oflalent and int rest licyrrlO anything it has P i i;efbre tittempted The illustrations li will be ner., and by better'artists than lutvri before been eig,aged Upon' the..p pr., and altngetbor the publ Cation Will Li). vast; itn provi:il and beautified. r . ..! 1 - . • . L: • . Arrangements hare bNit made for repre, big ditrikg Oil year yiei4m.'of the Most no', b.uild'biga and lorailltiestthrolighout the V 1 States; :18 well as giVito l %,likenesiles dt. the . tai n characters, ale mid female, of in and Oot genius:, - sucl as bare by ~ their IniluStry and irkill made 'for themselves a tlii and 4naine.. In . :A(34;4 h to these, various I ble reiroperin scenes ant. recurrences will he gitf..en Frain week to seek; a bri' illust r Oited journal. .irr,.._ . . ' • ERSIS:—.-.LivAR I ELT .IN Apv...oci. 1 sulliserib6r, one year 4 s4l)steribers, '' 10 M 1 ,fin}•: person sen lust tile, will receive th Add Pt% Corner of Tremont and 1611 1 11.t44• • •- - ; . r, - . TI ~.1 1 0 . t...:, F ,...1 ..; .,,, t e5. rc,...- _:. othe j ) , 9 :., • • kV . r - ,--•-- - f.:iti-, - 1 - rit'-ii'llty.; Clnsisting . u 1 Gold litiniing Dup'ex Patent teviir, E'ntinele Silver.Levei, Anchor 1 nodllll nti q_ , CaIQA. a ehainii, SilTer do: do., 11 4 Elookit, Swi.i.els, Pencil.! ringis;f;Fingir Rings. Bil eles, e &e. ~Sdrer Caid Koiies; Siker Ladks. 1 Cuse , 7 i, and : Napkin MI 01;1;6, • Kdives -and Cake iand,cord Bisliet 1 and Trays,:Spoon , ;, Kn --every', description, -a' v 1 pens, , Pair; , and Tooth. cres'W:og, side and pal j 'lndia Rub, r do:, pord !Ttio above', goods havin (.I:resent depressed slate the.. t)der&dgned to oil -tlt unn . sually to V prieez respettfu4 invite tho wishing to•obtain any. ~~ i - - NO ICE. 1 , , , 9 - 711 E sidiseribers b• 114; sever 4 sullen- I,T; . ...L.: ' ;Ja.te Fire, hare Irihrili xtith what li! snail of theirstork .o . the' new;builclinft oh thr , avenne, opfiosite W. ...4z. S. 114 MulforWs :.•; tore, wheke they •illl tic lia pil to see ':ill their friends and ieustunters, and h - fie in the eourse'ef.46tne ten ditys to be able to , reettliem with an !er.tirely 1; i Nero Stoc 'l' of Go'pds. 1 ..- I.- :1 . . . .• I 4 1 1 ' Wt i' trivit: that those , f ouricustotners I wlto hicitheen r,fong in our ~bt:wili •retnentbertthat 1 this - Os n•tithe of speeia, : N ee . : I : , ;it.: us. aril theY.Woulttlbe done by.l .i: 1 • 14+h,:1853 iiew lotot Slivit;vels , • 1. 1 - i• - .ties: ' -Double ons of was 433. iiroute Iceil' . , ''f . 1 - Call ' upt.n ;It. LAIIIIROP ez . .. Co,' ." t; :. ;! • 1.L_._:_._;....._..........___,. . 1 2 , • '...: - Ill'aiited ; . --i j 1 \ ; ' ICle t 000 .. . p l3 i t e ., , 11( 11 .14, - ; 1 .4 f- I3 G u ni ‘ i e n r . , . c Driedl i Ap- . Butter, ( 1" • i i- • 'ALSO, 1 1 , . 5013'dozek) good §,ocki„, for which -the .Highest priti-iwill ilit - 'id by" . !.. . 1. i Noy..r. I:1 'LIROP 44 CO. i i .........4.,„ ii;ress 'GI( ler Cloths i , A " g ,O O , al in be found. 's i at ls* thatra ...., .../, Ilitia&ht4 Goods Ifro.rhirtings, Tielchirrl and :s i Still) . E.' p4,,GlOves llosiery lints, c. 41%, BoOts, acid Shoes, Crockery,,Tin-ware, Gtoories, at pOres , thati 'eAnnot, not be be.'l, I and many ~other` things all c;1" which we - offer s low-as ean.be Iglught. Nov. 1, 854.. I a, R. L . : IS. CO. ~. , - -r - -1 -- - .New c- oods at 'pho 'Ready Fay. • Ste ! I i' G• *11 - ,rv,F.111.1,Ey. Isaremorr recelet4streirrall ; tort' •, of (mop, which they are prepared to sell. ae heret o. fore, op the most tvessonable; ermator •ers!ly pay.: 1 I The additleitis wade to nut former purchases:: glee as 4 now. a la!geirsi well assort stock of Goode, feint:ably I adopted to th wants or the a opt.: of Ibis ricluity l : i : • )ur..etork le comprised or ry Goode,:llooks and baton erY.lcr.idY Haile MAUI n 41•1 $ and Ceps, hoots a I Shoes,' a largrostiselc;Of Wall Paper ~I Itordering,Tanke .s , :odor's,. *full *torte of Groceries. Flour, Ealt. ole. . ; Iroise fri.ods will call itpo4 u... we *lll coarrede them 'hat 41 , ,e reartypay system; i the molt advant.geons to all concerned, • ' 0. Jel W.. U. Vl' LIEU . [ . Montrose, tl. , rit .20. Inig.' :- - i f I ~L 1 .1 Just received a 0P Amos and - car 1 ; , rood qu dity IS 3( cheap'. Btifure you boy • ' D Na.v- 1, 1854-44w4 To.Me HO:. the Jud ler;Sessions of 4he ittieltaniitt Votenty r I 7411lEtstiitioit. orEd . 1_ Alindinse in! re ptvoentmit brat he is '• i vettiOpe:tt - ; keep tt ;'ami thariti the next ci t tert of Qtt in at0.1 . 9r 'fthiti mint. Novetaltri!it t r a tires to $.41 strong beer' :al cordiOg :45 :tie Aet of ••• slftntinthl, Nnit.-ft i4Win ttier!t Sear] t'..!‘ rim) litt4 corticr. C.lll 011 be very, v , A. & 54.--:4l,tr • ing:l6Abbscribers .1 sevcntlicoth copy g ! • . I. sf. tIALLOIJ,; Proprietti 113rointitild Street 4; d Jeivdlry. Watches a . *E. MI bs4riher has return- • ( d iron tl Now kirk with • irgest viiriety of Wst;ll. welry, Plafed IVitit ,i and' jariieles,- 4 in his line, Olt . Cr been offered; to Ott. •ns of tit nglitt rn ton Itrfd Irt'very ! heitvy siot;I:, of ‘koletotil.tver, .English il and - Anchor Watf,:;-tes, nd I.,eitine do., in- !plain 14 N'est.ilob and.,(n'arti j i ll+l Sedls, Keys, S ides, ,Thirobtes, Lock .ts, Ear -I;ast pins.iCross es, St)ekt- 1 - 4 Pie r irruit and •Bjuiter 'rks.'Sitoons, Cups, card Os, Coral -Beads,' Sltell :i:ksors,f Plated t•;a4ttsrs, 1 . Candii , sticks, Sntitrers es and Turks, Clocks: of I. • ry htrgtti stork of t.it,hi •rushes,i.Buffaloiy• Bac k , Combiz, fine loolli and 1116nais; &e. &O. t0.t..-! been purehaseif at the !of. the !tnnrket, ienabks n them to his - ensto i rners }lnd to- whielfhe.k%ictuld ttitentiori of atl pe suns rtiele 1,PR1.4) J. EVANS. c.dJ ........_. .. _ Itsxm ~ Flaw YORK-ADVlrall ...,... ". i Pawl VAscuitur, 64 Iticiatt.t's ,Grenerai . 46 o fili4„ TI;(1 Irydroinc* n', " ll - c i rj, --117 creFijr - oFfii ia Wo-, ,, Blase, Appleton's . Bitildiagi,344 - I. -' ' C'arisomptiPlC - pr4s7Pies4) flifei e u.Po 2 ft. and 348 Broadway I p i ; , Ir a ' r eoi t ,..l: tr adjer , i i.E.I-0 0 4, 1 .. 4 Straw- ansTßei;er:ionneig : ,. Rib° . 11 . _,- rd.:fpd: jr war ar eh ke oi e .'j: s ,'t 6'2f w a o n d c - he st B r kr ieZ j CkiTil;'4::'- - atdlsuare=w, al AluiF bons, Flowers and-Feather*, , ' , I ' and ' s4 P • n tt ling: 'fr rk ' l ,i ti l e r k v g , - taidlo2 Nassati—treet • •W 0 t • • Fria; extreme pre:lSUsa-ia. the Money 31arket 1 the present' season, has yielded to us in.' creased facilities in the pm•chase of a superb stock orsTII VW and BKAVEII.BONNET:S, FirEaCtilLOWEßS i r RIBBONS and Vc.sruzus, unequalled In this city, 1 . and which we are eaabled to offer .at impreee, dently low prices roi. cAsit. , To OW stock of 1 4 .,LR1S FEATUEE.B atekBONET RIBEKINS, we would' especially call the attention' of CAsti 111:yr.r.s, as We are ag - sured timt, a mare desirable assortment was, never before offered in this city. 110:11ER •!e. KE'FCHUM; - Nos. 04 and Cti John-A., cor.-IVillintn.st., N. Y. 43:113 ' 56 Wedding Carde, -With,Plate, ' Lodersirille Hook & Drug Stare' i EAU (FULLY ENGRAVED for's3. Fi ft y I. r 1 .1 - 1 Visitieir ( r attly and Pl•tte $2 Silvia Door trite ‘ubsecioet would, Inform the inhabitants otTOl- I - ' e• ' 'i w ' - • A. dersrille a , id.urrouudiae: country . that he Itaserie- 1 Plates, from $3 to sio." Wedding, Envelopes, 1 3"nlisigiqi 21 9 ilaProted hie Stote•an 4 lin e d ul e with *1 Note Paper, fleshless Cards; Netary, Soeietv„ largo sod sotatilete assortment. of Paiute, Oils, Rye- r. . • woods.nye-etdife. Whitlow Gla.a, Stab , Putty, Varnish "-Milliner-in -sod I P • t ' Soak • d •trid ,ra - sa e • enzrave , .. and Etrn.hes. 1 APm, ' ' I ' promptly forwarded' to parti'es sending a remit- Patelli , (1311Clilee. III•rFl - e31A1 alsos-anreyerfutnery, Xats-, tnn „ e 1, , ' .t . A DEIIARFST General En. ke, Nottneo 1 1.tifeetioi.rry.Tollet articles. *nil all Articles 9 - ' • ~ ' '' usuttli . , ) kept, 1 any' estahlishirient of the kind. Also only graver, 182 DroadWay, N. 1 i....-43m3 . ~ bands isct s sts - orttneht of 1 T Alf d wi* 'i- ' BOOR S if• S7'.l7'lONE RY. F •'t ~/ . vs, . IPIBOLI r, Piftno-Forte Man. 1 factory 1 Paper ilian4ip;S: Sce. & e ,1 1 / 1 1C11 hel4 prepared to sell ;oa i neeceectih - elteict 4 Ca caTc(ete . ht the country • 1 1 ,/, ti NU WAR,E R6031,..Ne5. 243.24.5,247, and 06 CT. JA ,lIEN GRIFFIN. I I ' t i 249 West "liiventy.eiglit litreet, between. Also keepsillii some room a gerievil assortment critic i 9th an d lOtli Avenues, New ` York. Pianos• with. CW.SCE.T MEG IClN , 6 4 .rlr.(llllYsCleCted , prepared indort. ..€ .' t rertio„a4.l h,. liimself,fur hie ewe arcommottattonsudrhe the . el la it an ' I ill ll thebest ' modern improve. beetle of the public. . - F ' meats, made of the best inaterialis, under 'our lieletors.Pa mess , Physielans•Sehool Teilehltre•in deed I own supervision ; a written guarantee iiVellWith all eitssesitod irofe.sions wishing to purchase ere itultitil 1 .• r.• R. C.:F. Fr. b• ,„ .•.. i 1 - tocatturose for teeraFelvto 1 every Llano. J, .C . . eilt,,, prattn..l men, _ .. 1 - Na Lino oiliailStaga7:-,i ling ieh fore fact !rite IC • -f- _ II -STACIE will tear° 'Kirkll3od. parting thre . uelioo? I bOtterillti. Litierty,4 U., every mottling after theurr ritlOft he ;dall i er:Obit of Cirv,iiothEass inidlrevt,reath lindlontruvi tit I T.M. : ' • I . . , - - ' :' R I E TUR N I N,G,... . . ,•. LeNve4onttoseileilydritiiidays tixeeptedi it'd PTlil. reaching Kirkivemditi. crin,!' ko take the Mail Irafilif of eurv.lidtlitiait and Weitt. hsing the nearevt 'mud vicrit feasible ruitteto reach the New York and Erie Rvilroilil..• This title , R i eriirets I tri-weeklylina.for DimeekSPTlng' 1, vine. fitoithaitnock. Wyoming. and Wilkevbarri. wlceh tear IL•P %/Oat roie at 7:A 31 eveiy . Nfouday. It'edtiestlay rid 1 nil:ly. AioalA iiie•o Priandsville.Lerayvville.ski. Good I Teamaau4 deakiariabieilarriageti are yr0T141,31, :mil ',the 1 . Pitiprietorrivilispart, no piriur toaecornmeilatithe Pub- I lic.4 K. \ llATeli.,.. - i-- I . W • :lei) 12 . ,. ; 113i. • . •AIORGAN &Welivrt. '• I _ I M. L. Scott, - i - - , Would' inrorin his formet patrons that he has . in. . , connection with his Oilier husiness a 101 l assartinent' ; of Brims it nal Shoes some of which ho can wartl" l ::i and sell lifil reptfoTthlflis can bo houglit al any Oth• 1 or placein tie country. • f. ; 'il °Ht. able ited neat lists Own tune otn• also Haut 31nrch ith, t, hnpy' urprofesisii) who prOer donee whet • 119 ( 1 1 00 t the atis. I: -r - 12 "file ".110 service. LP Teeth, cam of experike, wiw.h. to be plan of char of my patrol the high pric 'althoiigh; I h from .1 5-to friends 11, nerd woikl dohcanil for half. frit we have! to cram dread ui work. • p e l tanco: fol Montr t osi Lies having rent 'lay; of Nor propyrt , . One pair -ul3. years old bteers, well broli4 ;1i pair of .2.'ycar olds; I ,od,L2 senrs old, I steer, ealves; 1 o:he.hwse lumber wagon.] o lior4e Initibe - rsleigh. I two horsepleom.rel outer articles too nutnerot to , tnentio'n.l t• . - • - • • -I- All surit's tinder SZi, east) down; uverl $5.;: six rittiths credit, with interest :And niip4i•edi secltrity;: I . kLYDE CltOcKlEli,... • r i , Bridge 14 - 4tc,:r , No' .i $, 4-45w3. " I : • . m . ~ , , , -. .. ; Viatible Fa la ,for 5a1e,i...i.1 . '.l I.9rIHE isu(ist.triber - i - A1:-.rs for sale his•,villtillile.i i 1j . farin in Gibson: - township, Stisquehannx) -.......: , ..4. 7 .,i,‘"4..-InTtnirfirig:ls7 acres, situateti,in ;the! Ea4tern pa* of said toWn,half of mile tioniithe' i: l'unkliattpoi:k (*reekV:ind 12 . 1.2 miles front Ous-'; qiillannit bepot, on the N.Y. & E. Itailro:O. •,''c .1 On Said farm is a - framed hou4, 3 Barnii.,'a horse 5h1.(1,, !corn hotise, - n• young orchard of liver;. 1.100 tre4.4. and i well.;wate:r6l: ..- - 1 1 . He otrerslto sell t'or 10 per :geol.-less . than 'the; I real ral tie. I - • i • TEK3tS.--Vrw.o. - titis of the _purchase . momope}l , I cash doWn,b' - MI bakt co sPenred bymortangn.,;.• . ' • ,: . •' ' ' WILE I liit AY . ' Olt ' i • G;tmoil 1'i,"(;v.,'23, ' , 18.5.- —470 • , ~..,_ .....„ --- . ii• • .! 04r. Stock of. Stoves . ... , Ts lib w : ,einipletZid- - Httni . wes would take . this pp. ll 1 1- p;vrtiiiiit. to say that We can show the. mostli 1 neautifit) :told' splendid patterns • of Parlor ;tind',4 1 Cookingi st:ove to ;be found in\ the eennt'y..,-..4 I Among them can be;seen the Revolving Fr i ent4 I and Gothic Parlor, for. wood or coal, entirely new i f 1 patterns,' :and..deeideilly pretty stoves. .. Wines 11 1 , frnm•five to ten dollitrs. 1 .or ou t C•i,okiar stoves, we think it needle!4S.td ii 1 - sae much, ,niy-to fetnark that we are':lselng II 1 • 1 1 them at ilur former Priees, and judging-from the r•ipidity'rillur sales; We believe the publielarel entirely Satisfied- %vitlf the Pries :aid qualit ct.of '4 1, i our wares. _ .1 - W A Y havel.a " fewrieft" of the ".Ctintutt i Air I Tight Pevitte4l OveO"stove," aeknow 0y ledgf42 1i I all to be ; tIO3 best edoking stove now ire usfr-- I RiNsia and k:laglish'iiipe at old priees,and friiin.4 -tninsand Tin - Wririi.'of all desciptions, -- 4 - : the , . sti rates.verytow i , • - : 1 , • ~ 1 - J. DICkERNANI J . ' ~.,' New iillt q d , (Att.;2,-1, '54..1 - •, , . . . ----7--- ---,.--- ~ :--t, • A.Cliance -0' rti...e.lii3' litone 1. . 1•;-:- . -riNkitkfii,k4*.P...V,9 4 lPlME., E mrLormsi : irl.. rfILIE SubSe ribor ii disirou .of having an:i4ent J. . , in 0:4 i.. 4 eounty ;iind tow cif the Union:. I A . . ; ..!apitarlitfrim 5 to TO mil_ . will be required, and anythin like a eftivient,' Onergetie maw, can r t 'make from t weo to hr dollar 4 per day ;-.4n4e'ed some of . thei4,gonts ibvir employed- are roaliiing twiee thit siim. Evrry inforthation will be_kiv. en by siddreisinz, (pnitsgo ,paid.) . ' ' • f' - :' I. : I -- - W5l. A:KINISLER, 13ox 601, Phildelphia, Pa., Post Offiee.-409. • .. -• NW W 'GOODS AGAIN.' , /n HE piensuro in annoutieing" to the eitizens'f Brooklyn and tqwris ad,. joining,-that they ao 'noviopening, a- • very kip - and earefuilk selectedstock -of•: , - FALL it WINTER GOODS, which have ibeen,purehased (principally). v a ry low, and Nvill be sold for, a small niivanee. ,il-. We iniitti- the attention ortlie ladies , to- 'Our stock or, a I - 1- - ' - i: • , 11DRESS , GOODS, •, . • wllich • for v.ariety of Style; quality and . chcapnr,ss, can s he stirpassed by•po establishment in Susqiie finnna eojinty. - 1‘ . . „ ‘Ve, Jinve ilso somp.very . nice Winter .phst' l vlei —among,,tltem.ser . eritl Bpwlie—whicli . We On l'"cheaper thun.ihe chcapesl." - ,' or.s,lks, is ulso ,unusually. taiga ;in& ;nd n' regards prices, We, know *o n Jcics:r • • .• imen are lihewisein‘ited Is; exam -of Cloths; which Is Unusually lario —including-, ouffehlths,',Citishilictt•s, Satinet's, . ir\r(t Tweeds, ',Jontis f veri.t.oat, Cloths, &v., \which- twit sellin,,(7'wry !low 'Ned: - ' , • ' ' : : „ .' 1 . :L:: TO - be 'brit..f, we 14-c ''a very fulliassoititientl4f Gooda,''la•ro e• and l'ijiiicy, and are iletermitieCto sell thtflib,a,s. low ns they van be purchased thti siao'of - Nety 'York. f : - `,, 1, - I 'Thank:Oil ' for tli e i li b era 1 patronage -. bi 4e 4ck extended i to ; its,' we Tvitle"conldenee invite our• frieras'aMf the publieli•iinerally;in`want orthi , entii . , b -If. tec.a)l,aoil6,4iarnine till?' s tock - befoio •- ' •-• ' ! '. ' 01.1 - 111. &,-lit! Brooklyn, Pet, g.s, 1 854. ' • " - • '', 'Bl lEr Syrup and:3lEot A FirSt rfie nrtiel, loikerthan /A Jtonttohe, nt ,•c - •Br., R; L, do CO:siirk .-------. 1 -.„-------0- 7 -.---=---- -. f , ‘ , f i - Ball to Itobez,, ~ •,=', )1 , . IV" Skins aud , N . 0. I, D a . t, 7'. • ..i ....,.0 , . - 4 - .' f f ir k : ta.-6,. I.", ." ti-t• . Nev i t I 8 1311! " sl?! , 1 :;1-.0", i f 1 CO.' ritoin .- • • and tunnitfacturing.'Very'litrgely, can *furnish the best Pianos, on ,10Wertertus.;thattliati be 'furn6h-, ed any where. and it is deeirlifdly the; beit,' placer, to buy for cally.- Those desiring n: good Plane, and one. that will stand and wear •,wol I; can't.: do better than to call ett.l &. C. Fiseher.-. • 43m3. • - • '• ' -•' ; - Stoves' and R anges._ . . .4-fiol;EgAq AND;, IiETAIL. ' ! :!i f 11111 E SUBSCRIBERS (Mve.ort hand the ; AO.. 'lib you once again'iny friends i 1 I . I , - est:assortment•of AiMight 'Cook - and Par r -, iryit•r• .my footsteps roam • 1 i j:r for Stoves that ear :be found in the City. ' Stoves . •. lb.& me.at in reSidence on inottia- lof till deseripthmtf Styles,,and 'designs, - for Urn- Wo doors south from Seth 'Nlitet . ie l l i '; i ing Wo . ix . 1 or , Co . ai,.which we will warrant in ev.. 1 \ at any time to wait on you,•snem I try we). . Pt.rsons-m ttant tif a fine _Stove, •for. belly, the latter especially. . l'lltise 4 beatify and durability, will do 0411 to call.at the. in haVe their work done at their resi- i METROPOLITAN srovE..WAREHOUSE, ierliving'in town or out, will please t, IIOPKINS kpurr, proprietors, No. :335 ArVa ice aceoidingly, and lam at 3 4 1 Mr, t r•str c , •NeW, York• 1 . • .._•43 3' 'Notts ad.:a distatice desiring •Plitt; C 0... ' - JO aecomiuodated at - my housC, free GOIIPIL j;\ .• - , ,' • ;while tiirt work is being done. " AS-I i AI[THOLESALE PRINT.' CO.:. . 1 - SELLERS, publish, !iti:Tl sli:ill`', still adhere to myl Old ti !1, . ers, printery, and_ Manittacturtng Artists;. rging according ;o the eiri.umsunces'!j Colermen, Paris, London, Berlin,•and N 0.1366 .us. Ther - e . is much - complaint; 0 r li Broadway, New ,York. • Catalogues Sent by Mail. ces of DentiStry and of my prices Inn,l The - nsnal discount to the, trade and Institutions. have been,ity life habitat dedueing, r Picture.Frartfesfurr?iShed. - . 1.- .. - ' 3t43. - • I I .. .., —4, :25 per rent. from the first. - New,.i - ill make you this offer,--if yon who.',; i will come right altovr and have'; it;! r 1 keep me busy, I will work for !iou . l ie. and do -it • well ton. The rerl, 1 eharge so high is i because,,, ei hest of . the pain or-the pay, ynu hold bark; ip . to lose' mitch time for want; of; rte on then and you Will find there i& bargains at Motitactie.- , . . 1 'C. I). VIRGIL, Sur,gecn INnti4t. o, April It. 1.85-i: ' ' -' ! ' ' • .1_ • ' ' ' L. SCOTT. I. overJolin MeKinney'oStorenn . the it. It.,Lotlersellrei.i. Dire.a. •• w - Public Vondue. 0 expose 4 Co public .ale on the ptetn ' of Vie subsculber, . I ,(the subseoor. d_ his farm:) ; on ,11Ond:'iy the g.:7 t h inst., at 40 o'clock ,ti. at, the fellvw= V , . , tz : . ' i , r , - .. •,„. - .: • -.- HYGEANA... . 1 -: ... . M-ni.ght Home:67oe Diior ifMe 211i4i(0. :...," ~ A.womJERFUL DiKoveiy lea s tetchily been made by, Dr. Curtis, of this, el.y. in the treatment of Cotrinmp- Con, A f•thma and all diseases ofithc 1. , u0g. • We refer so " Dr. Curtis' Ilygratiii, or Inhaling ll,Kcats vapor and Syrup." , I 'With this new method;Di24.l.' has restored Pauly atili :tea ones to perfect health ;. as an ;Thiene. of which be has, innumerable certificates. fyeahing of the treaftFient, a phyriririu remark*: lt is evident thatinhaliag--contant - ly breathing' an agreeable...healing - vapor, eho.reed clnal prcpertica must come in direct *intact with , , the wh le of 1 the aria' carity.of the Inngs, aml thus - escape the many and el i d e d changes-produced upon them when inti educed into the stomach, and subjected. to the process of digestion..--= The liffreana Is for sale at all the dreiv,ists throughout the country.' , .-. • , II • • - ' i - I . .. - NEW York Duithmars of Jan. 11.4 . „ The Inhaler is yeti on the breast. under the linen with out the least inceneenlence—thiChcat 'of' thp. body being, sufficient tes reaperrite; the fluid', . Ilnealre.lds of CASIS of CURES like the following ..might be named. One Package of Ilyoam has cured me Of the. ASTII.M.AI of six year' standing , ; .. Jas. P-4Zsaiberr!/, . 1. ... V. ethitrannon, Ea:.'' I am etticd of the AS:111)1A ofli)years 'Standing hy•Dr. Curtis' Ilygeana. Moriarel L'aAlon, Brooklyn; ?u, Y: Mrs. Pa,uis of Ne.. 5 Ilaminondlit, K. - 1 - ., was. cured - of a - revere case oft:rpm:beds by the Ilyetaim... - I My sister his been cured oiI:DISTRESSING COVCIIIFIat several years standing. and decided to be incurable by her physiciansi She Was cured in ONC MONTiI by the ily geaua' • • ,n • qweDertz - - Richntd, Me... Frier tlkrre . lkollars a Packap.:—Sold by CURTIS & PER- IttlND;tt PAUL No. 1-11 Chambers st.,_ N. i'aclinget+lmat rivet) • eskers to any part of the United -States foC.Ten ' - '- I n —Ourtis• Ilyge . otia is i4e oprois'AL and ONLY, J... • ..•;11 - . ntl nee bane' Jr. Irrirnitnt inns ine. . . _ .. vile and IN.Mll.l_Olla, ... , tat . er. - eits. Shun them .as you would POISON. - ::7l`i•—Ttxeher .11c S., Aders. .. 1o the lion. theJudges . ofi the Courtt'l Quarter Sessimis of the - Peace itt alt,tl fur Susquehanna THE County petition or Tames read orthe Borough ofTriendsville in said county, respectfully repreaents;that by is proviile,tl with sUitablo.con venience to keep. a, Grocery,:.in :thit Borough ' aforesaid ;. and 'that it is liia intention ,to apply to the next ,Court .OT Qunrter Sessions' to lie holden in and foi . gard e'oiiOty on 't lye 'third*oridOy of No;. strong fi Iber,'for ,"licensee to keep a GriGrocery,aitto• sell strong Geer; or otkrr.maU dinzr to • tlie .ketrof zUsecull'ly of 141 h Aiiril A." D. 1851. Triendiville,Oet. - 3k1E154-:;•:4443 • Fall Go'ods. -1 lAM now receivinz a full supplv 'or goods for the fall trilde which will be sold at the lo‘iest possible..prices; Call and See. ! •• - jJ. IL SUTPHIN. Sumtnersville, Sept. 150854: . j • New' and Choati, Goods. 11 - 3 OUGHT at low •pre'sstire ,prices ited ivill. be 111 sold accordlnglylf t t ' 2 . puitito*s & co. Gibsoivo g t. , 1;1854. 1 ' "J • I • .1 Clotnt ; f - lASAMERT.g . :rare es l & , nssort ki meet and nt,pricoWer plain we have ever baett enabled to otTer 'theni l heretoftire. •;' Oct. 11. - ' ' I" •Ur & Diess , GOods.; t _GREAT variety of bennpful styles and al. It: most as cheap as could he desired. '1 U. B. siCO ' - Black= Silk.. GOOD quantity. for !dresses , at 81 ct4t..per 1 AL-pia ; • IL 8.. Co. - _ I Oct, 11. 1854. , ". . _ • Sha*lB. T ONG afid Square, Wool, Bratho J very, handsoiny st2tlFALand st extroinely low . prices., . .; U. B..(; Co-.,. Oct. 11. .13retchp Shawls: fiIIEAPER tbl4l ester ),effire 'known, Beallti- , ful patterns; and fine'ifitality of 8.4 . 11rochd ShanU'Lnpen's ntanufature, - at ' c ' Oct. ' • - V. 11. cE Co. Bay State !Shawls. rinHp largest size, Anc4;gur.lity' L anti note Pat, ! 'erns,. 87,56 eaeh.' ' . 11. &'Co.' Oct. 11.' • .401314"pe. T . , A., 000 P assortment NO handsome p‘terns at very lbw . pqees. I,„ 1? 064.11, - Buffalo Irobes. Iy • - LARGE;Nt of h;indsoine Robes, TS Paft Mont Whole, Indian 46Ased, antfreigaupe. riur cular.s and 1 ' & Co. Gibson; Oct. 11, 1851. - - :1— • , - Flour it,l3alt, ; - • 1: k. .;; - --, 'CI ALT bar the - lona - or sitidle lilyLloes/ild at the la Hoplionota Station. -, ; " " : its Also flour io ggartei - bbl.,lsieliii at- '52,75 libt. - , 1 Sark. ;.' ~ i - -,t ''.-'. BiltiL - 46 , T1N,'- , Ilelillot citnioit.;l2, , ll/14.fi- • ' l''' ' : - - AJ: , -1. i Evetthing wcirkictika; ChainLi 1, , . . . .._ . Q W ri '. ,;(311Nsollffsr-Pot the PRON:ePiii4M St ..,e new stet* of • Fe 11 1 (0006 , 2 4 4 11 Mr9SY z Prtlit upgri the iTcplv:o aaythitig,tlipy*lst:inthe toe i A: , f, il, te Gtoceries; : drdwore'CioiiviTht.'l44;lriia, Ifootaittid Uhuets;dee !StA.:`-'=x . rve will tniiely suit ' ' - all; that . ' imikaod tree oirristoooo4lprinivilleg 1 0 '.. • i - .- -•'- •-,f , li- , . i SCOrraOtlNSTOlslids: Co - '.- ~, Sp ri agviltes,Vapti , 474 , 1844. ' , 1:4 ..:';...,--: . -, 1 .. ! - • itlir -- - - 77--. --...,, - El,l- tioovist . .:. 44-; . -, : b 7 ' ".'• '=, :, 1.-„,,.. - .tii ~....... AVE are nott..reftla n..4c.-uatuat- variety of ly,t - ....r.,441, 41,,- wil l TEitir,G9oos,flo "whiph * 6 iiiv - i i i o4 o tto. l lo9l4A4 4 ,WPgt. PtiMPl,itandithe., O u/4"04400411 ,' - ' 4 'i , • r IF: v AI .REAttx r i: - Menttose; Sept '27; 3 SA . ~ ~ ~,,,;,. . .4 • 1 • \ ' 1 1 -. • a g liltdrultstett oii Talttabli'distiaeiry 4 !Or . proteeire - • . tat thy feakt .• ' damp or rola, slid theiefore it pant', :::,' ' VritkOvirlrYlk ll o is 7 1 bltic;,tllariaetivilhOilt.searitOdOltt'Arf: , fog io.*itettsr,-,The, romageat itin.tbeform.ots. Me, :..... . tun wont iniido ilia- __ h oet or'shoe: It. kolienhatebareo;." - = ter is a pow edit aostlithliolo disoosoe q`..' .- " ..,:, , ,' , V` .' 1 ' --• V•ir Tertele9ien it will , be found agreeable,, warm. and . - healthy •t i wear ill the coldest or realest weather,. ait - - ibefoo; c tit ntt lit:molls* itet If the Irrlioangente insert e.l. 1.1 , 11.e0 mty wear the ilabileat soled. boota or shore is the moot inetemeiet ergetbey,esith havputiltyleolilia.epo. ,. *aviation so preeareOt aroons.theyontb or ontgattittry. ''niay bath *rotted b yillefr, otteesTalloptlen - .. 'Flury Attire. lystmersetle ocer.J.Vies;tite the e Locke - valise_,--thot 'Abair to persp're lit a very Unhealthy:Ammer ;f , satlitskiilivai,are. . 'not ct mg.:eons eretoe,te pesleotrietrod hi ley ototheo, Ike ...- Jodie tohbori. Illit4e tht;, totter came. thereof -to oppose - , „extremely large, the Ilyttimmsipen, Sting a *est Apia ottee of cork prepare.., rectal: l y plteedlltebiat' 41. e. lot ' Alto of t o beat .16ereose the ...at oarieeztkii,firat ,ta OPeor ~ MVO. prepare,, To Chiltirt n they dry'. oxtrAuely_ .valus. ' . a they rely .en.ta,7,e , in ti etkiteerltbiceßfost,ttail,bli s al el% -farts. Their rapente. ito alight at to' et:trees. ISM . ton: heti , leel that*, ho - p m atronize the will Sad litkis 1 yearly dotior'i intt nv ch (linsinialel :hereby, ... t I .„ , Al the Ilytirocoate to coming =Ord '10•01111SeitE Na/ Increasing to an almolat Incre,libiegatena.,i.Lattr. year la ~ ''London, Mancheeteri,. Birailtifhaati,LAterpoolightillpwe 'Leo's, DulAin, Parti;Fiiitsterp.lfatubunt,ltintlffetlittinialt links ruched 1.132,4b01 pi - thew-tit _Mork. acavii. '., Thletykar - 'the number wittier spit:Omit hot. _ i ' • ' ' Axle-the focultrthelr ppiniar 'of thel value as• o perk.- , "gat ative for. Cour„lie, Col3 . 4,„Brou4tiltis, Aatikka a •Alall ' Consumption. ' I. '. I .- . - . Mcn't Var. pe.. - .`pale;.3s, : daiiiit:, - i t hdies' cr. -..' , .f0:., 5t,' , 410; - .- , - , :.1 . ..‘ , :.t. . Ilbys' oull-Missen-... ZS; -deb ~...-; ......j -1. , ' •. . Norm st.--YroM the Retail Frites tremolos is very law. al allowance. to JoliC r ere and tilltolesalire. so -that any --;* stOrekeeper May stake of nee, prvile tit, thitir-fale,. while :they are an article ttlot 'inlay *hvitspt . !azy sttikre, *lost, any class org,ootto. I ; .. ~ - ~ .'' [•;., -, .....-:: .. For terms, apply til % '..:-. ....... '7 - 4: • r; 1... :r e 4-e:if, : .C 3. • . -'.. • . 1 4MitceUlli k i AIRAI)STA.Cv, 4:, - -,7 " .::,.._ .. [. II :!.> 33 An ' S t ieet s N e ' r P ri " TIEE CIEESI O ,;:inr.,:I ,- . • - Sir dlstley Cooper,q3arl.,: Jr; 4 the eminp'si • I) rlfe4 ica 1 Praaitionei t - luit . l ' II - d :Viittiatla - .. 1 : ... _. 4...,.. % . , ~..-• ..r._ ..., Legacy to w...in , nr4f, in his ("mat' Privets!- . afire of ConnTinptio ra and l unfailing r eft re . . 1 . D—les'- . ' A ' ' ' ' 'h .'r ;or Pulinon , it'.7l ?sea ...tett out 1 fc. vat .....,,, , ,c...r, ~. of Medicine. 1, ' • : . . -,.. - '- . Sir A. 0:,-ltatt, invented antladitstgl . the Ise. er;„ lb, -: Medicated Fltil• Cheat Protector, _ • .. , To all persons-oral! a g es and conditions, as a eetialn tend set:: sltt..ll arainst thole' fearfut:dleaSetea, CernitnerSten.. ; LI ronebi tis, Aid:too, Clonsha,, , Colds, acni,..tethei alreitiona .nf the I,nlizs. which ;grist. from the pestered 'state ~-tt per chest. - aleardiag totul.thien; Awl' the ller Ceaktin Otaitptst oar. climate . • 1 • - • ' :, i -l" - , ' , r • ,•• ••i •, . " The Proeeetor'nda simply a chemically prepared fur lined with silk and padded, which, emended - from the • neck, cosecs the clO•se. # hi- tor. 'aareeittli e, a pane* -,alrat ,- once worn. it bevon** itairee.iity tiOd.li,conifoit..— ,- */ ._ " The Protector,"%lsithoti,th ' Vat' - reeentlY ' introdate•C; • into AtIP•TiC3 is maki g raptd:piinfteatiltitougli tile Via. la et States. Ihe Ca 'la las,. matte Aintrics;andahe-Wattelabet • It los.-foe.o long tin beer* a Staple article in England and - - On .th..srettltient'tir.lZttrAie, while if has ;trona in many conistieirePittelofEWortatinitfaliltifieliii_ ,''F. 4 '.*:l - 1 . 13 To densentteatetheseifaets enquite of any Nngiltda; - - dent in yone t eiciniti it ofliala knowledge albs Ile 0. • fees of wear3tsefthit' roteetor, wtthent:reenalarlolinelate- - log of Itlaid‘:' i rto- colt '.of - Wearing, thetteattirlell jr. , -mere tride. and one will, last 'some •years. . _NI o !mei eil nee t hebealth - of hintielf or bis fitaily WIE be- with dlr ..- ? ha them.: The itospitala in I his country are •110 C, alone etc ommett4ing them, bitt.'. rapidly lotretrhuina .atillingridull Court - , !legates nli & Cel..off.ooticariallinetteitia;En -- rid;. were orreinally - entrsted witictlaie - ma Infector* of One Protectors, - 17 :the /. merited Pr. Ctiopee.'end.tontinoe to . maonractare : exordia Oct his - oiiginal. titan:talons. and. - -therefore recommend .those who would wear the " Pro tector.," to scale tif s eir brine genuine. .„ .....I , .„.. , , 1 ..- , • •.• . Remember that. th it:. a staple artiebsi•ind - a o lettlei i Medicine.' - .- • • ._-: .I', .., -:','f:id ETA IL PRICES. bent's Size, ',mites' I Bop' & Slime - . . $1,50 each: ,I,r - do . ts' do. 7" lATtOntItT,ERADLEY, & Co. EB Ann St. and 102 figs; 102 Wood St., Cbratuide.LnudoliZ ; tt St.„ Manchester; England. , iablisbing DOpoti lot the :rile of tpa q ta Acrica. Phrateiatto - , Sdirtont, DOi flood. M4ridiants, , Itattotl anal» dmen'a farnielilng AtoreAteepern,: n ruri,, , ,, lorho!esate and retuti dittientio4. - 3 not libesl termintn nillitied for thile 4. -e• - tndidopportanit;.up6na to,t4tettttnt i , • 35 Ann St:, Naw-liork ,U.a... . Pane ' 4llll IN/IrPho, t Maivitatt yry, 44 gar 11. 8.4. Co.akre car t ' Protertnz nil pert Druerip fa, Clothier iq en , rtiited with 'the ihein,and to whom n enterprt%e, and a Sph fee and protttenehl terriNotice., • • • 6 is hereby given.to all persons y the foilowing.Esiates to Wit , : s W. Ilill, docea.sell: . ' knonrgon, deed; Johi th Guardian - - of = Christiiktili - PUBLICuBe j . concerneti it, l: itatc of Jaw Adrier. Estate 'of Isaac Adm'r. . • Elizatietb- Gil Game. • Est . ate-of John Adm'r. , at Geq:' cry.: Adininistrat Stroud. •Jr , deed, 'L. Lathrop,dee'd :Chities Av.. 1- •• • r . . . . . . I That the - lute titants' have settled !heir' 1 , counts in . the Reg, iter's office in and for the oui . f.;t:' I ty of Susquehanna. and that the manic) - wit I , •l*i presented to the Judgos Of.thelirphan's Court itif- - 'said. County, on Wednesdayithe 29d.dayor Nfittfi:. vete ber next for _ onfirmation.suad - allowenee,..„..,:t ~r . .. -• , ,i Xstate of Calvi Sinntnirs,' idee'd;,Riehanf L._ /:, ,"Sutphin, Adminiaiintor. .1' : .: - '-• '.; 1 That the neeoini Int has ;settled Ad* ilicoiiiiiiir-- Fin the Registees offie.e 'hi and roillie'iie Th ireiti ;) Susquehatatia, on that the : bum will' ke s ;piieleatit: ed to. the Judges f the Orinnue - CourtAoPaiiiiiiik ' county, on Tlinn,%day the 30th-daji of&NoTent Ll,' i 'text for.eonfirmation and allowance:,..:: - .....-, 7 1- q t itil . •-,, , , ..- i' { IJ. T.' LANODON, egiiteri - 4 -, , Itegi•dei's Okiee;3lentiestc _ : ,-, ~Ii; Oct 16, 185i:-Lti!,w-i- . -- 'l-'.l - ' '"' -''' ; • 4 , , ~• _- .• • , • .., .•nt. ••••::••:1:::t.:- ~.). Tsubscill the piiblic his ishopitt•the'boi now tlothincr wlt itithi Poo ' let! - -, 1 6 r orticild it;upeettully liiterat" . • iat ho 'is still right side lip .., menaent Of Searle's!notel . Aers , ' o mmit:de thane wtio.witt*: z hia usual- skill. and desmtek t, ALLFASHION ? * ', .1..j--=.4"-?' ITHE are , potted-up-At select, Elf any •ot iurtdp•pp in his al , .'• • Eir:Cultrng warranted in fit, !19'91 from !If*. atylo Yon :wan: Aw=iyerk -6 . op is' warrimt4 ctilii , iiidatini jot OyidawaitAidli • • 401iN ' • •At,ontro;6, - EAWLEY-it MO . • - , . rirtivE . jai' tie'dei.ia their ab'eand Stoeit or 1 : in •I I" Spring-at -SnmerGoods this Isbasiorklam Ther nre ion' p r pared to show's!! . :svdia . ntayirsw - vo - r• them. with ' a gl, ...:.'vz- , -:„ -, - ~: - , :ef;« - 1 Mal Germs Of all the different Aim* eneititai illit,Pittid and C tang:thin Silks 'Ap,4l l -111antillas,: . , I Ct . iito, .and', Silk. Shawls, Lawit,!Dnrago, :RA' s _ B i ;gb, De tails, Challis', white Goo4b.roWit oriiii bleached iTiebtings . and shirlings,-In rail- Over] l thing in thiiiine. Stimst#4 Srurrg r 'it 346 . 7' fare!: stock which wb oTer:yery low, all' kraiiiienreot:' ton goods in.th . 4l branch, and , brown itiVyblloir! . ' Linen,, -Ctorni.riMe; invite- attention to :kin"; stock - of Blutigit'llitoWn,i Green,.. and Malhann 'Broadcloths,- also Bil and , , Feuer: Cassitnerakt Tweeds,;Kentack Jeans, &c. 1 .844'1,. ~ .•1 . - "Ladiei tall and examine our stock , ; Shawls: , We :have sonic lib:1111111\A iinttelVi4 ravortible'pricei:- L-- '-''-_, - :' ' - - -...s'y''' Bonnets and B;finet, Ribbon, a *Doti iiisolt tuent s , Hostel+ an Gloves* ni:alf , kidds, altiiv4Pa' asols, a very large4assortment vehicti tre 4 iiii, aim - . chr4p,,Uinbrellas l , Travelling Rags, Sethi:telt; drar: -' • , • ...., •••• ' - ' Ladies Shoegh - . l:- ' P ,- - - - , " - Cklilt.iiiid- , slAirtoceik Gaiters, Pat, 1* ilttili Buskins:ASO COLlGOtehi r lr gond tdanit',4ollll. kindti Which we ofTerAt. attrusual,low antatv-i7:ci 1 'crok(itY'olld Pon Ward ,. Fluid tamps and Fluid, woottPailsind , tuba, breoutt4b4ocroillay. GroceriCs, 4 . 601 4141 e sl , 4i'-whico IWO will- 1 4 1 r; at a, very spial 1 _Otani* n'itko -41110rith:.134.4 Slick;and a *arletit et; Gseihrtfie" liPMerouloo4- mentiori, .- W 6 invite:WO viitientioit"Of:all'Whii' with io l borgoeSnhontit,oivill-ind enanipoPotie stt'ilt." ' ' - '' • ' t : ~4453. - ...vp 01:0 .ithdtt .:---.,,,ritni • !" *A.4 Perl 1,114,\W1 4l ‘ h VAIWIF bee n - ; 1 •00114.* TOT.4.4.,lbettA ta . .1 apa_o4 *l4-11 - 0b ..«: ibettc“tor a inteil ie.(pkve.edivtl - lountutiftlrillm,l4 tatawitit,l6-44, y,/\ the terVKAP '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers