- -- 7 '• - 7 - 7 --- -- ,- .... — I -• ,— i: 4- 1-7 ' - ...1 - 7` -- - - ", •: -,-71 - -- , "'. ' . f-'"l:o)'itti * l / 4 1-itto**xxilittlitige, - -:-1 i'of are:: trseti i ;itive . fot . every :five huidred.. i . .• • • - '• I'' • • - t -• 'sit - I, jeet to ilia ' •tp qovitl . ki.,;,-,V,e'ntiv I rilYtuoVecf,'an. aineadtnett i l- ' o'l ; ; 01 -0 . ,, , ', •is; qiksla. I ,cll. 1, ~ .-. • I , .. ~ . the hilli:Yathicli utitiellritirto-the , iloor.i, Let of 0 -cili t ,,l L ''' .I jiii i rcl.. ,- .griide :. - en . trattce ; or tile -* Id. dd'hiiiiig it *to it ,*to such, nu -:c lient „ g's f•tae. lgov l ',limpet it,,!. ,t rtfull. , eqn al Ity . - wtttr i .-_the y le . •',•• wIV. .thee 'retrito= might; I:1 - '1i l e r ce.isary . I 6 the _gentleman :ifre fu" 4 -?:t4littatilt.l.Jitis. •is tl4-. •,. . . Alissi'lli'tt-f s Oli', * B .. O_` ,`f . - ‘r.: 'vies I aVt i lbeeit I governed for several '..) ears.; Tlio •Altitii•M• i• in- response to :Mt, in - 4,iiiiii,' - ti nil • 1.,.,nt„.t .f:o . r . 'al c ilierittit . , to it . ...'.; ' ~ . . . • , ...... isaid , Ahaiariten ntetitiu_tlre.tecon.:l4egrett-w - is .TIIE 1nt17.71::x-r 1 4:). 'cir it.:llN' l n,w4 st;AvF.l t y 4utis. - - -I - ''l ilo , i - --'''\ ' • ' ' debateable. ' ' " ','" - ' _i' •• ~- .. , .. •_ p . IklYil? ! enton - That isr all' I:Wrint (latiglti ,4, ,At i 1 now; what - is,tll4„ - ,chs e ' for : all ;Allis Me lg hpr s agraitl t t . _et owded'arontid hint. i . 0 6.1 oha ace of . he-cos ttry;'.this breaking,,Up / 144 :Smith cf_Virginixrose to a question )f ' of an .nn t .coUt tromioe .1• "Arraying. one inlif ' nf I , orders and aft r this wtts.,disposed•of, **: - - the'Llnion against the Otheri: and tiestrOving . . Mr,_ Benton mild, Sir . ting :- - - . q.' . t-bc . : - ,tittuper.rtld busine4i of ettn , i4ess 1 • . - W hat .i . Atrfpltibolo y. is a cause for the. rejecti, n liS tho'C:OttselfOr all this ttirnioil and '.. mis•-, i i r .of,bills, not et ly by (.:.ingress.. Ink - hy, •the Le hief•i - ~i y . . J ulie told it.ils tO . leciv the, ipi6s 1 - President w e 1 earti•xl, to 'hi tn. for - hi's : nppito- tion kr shiVery lout of C4tigre4s; ' Great, (3 dd -va1,, 4: fileneral Jacks - on rejected ' one, . for i that ; - It W•alq., -. ( t u l tt of Ctingress lf COMPletelv," entire cantteand it was less - amphibilogiertl ithan .. Iv, luld'iOreler out of-elongre'6s, unieSs L.Cen 7 thii; it was II e - last night : of the . hist/illy - 01 - - - grsStdra , ,,fged it in. by hreiliug ttotr tltt se his•lait admiikStration, and a :quarter before ; red la s-,11 whi cli Sett I ed! 'i t. -,l'lle .qiostion was., inidilitritt Congress had Sent him a . bill . tO.' re- ,4 e tti e l,j acid d o - ~,,.w i i h . , \ I Th ‘ ,,, e , t .uns ii( i t , . 1 • 112 ' peal lie specie circular, and to - inn - ugurate tbe e iticiol f qiy,ire, ' o territory irr the Union nii, paper money: oi . ..: thousand local banks as the 1 ivhicli it iiouldi he l•ajz_ze,l without:a .hre4cll.;'of currency of the\ Federal . Governutent, 4 'IY:I6 - 1. (;011ipr 9 01i.5 , .. - 1 - (The . ordinance of 87 .1 .it_li! , l nn'jkjfct.not to he avowed, nor to . he done in it in iillle -enutining Part Or the northwest any i - . direet•or 2alpable in:Muer. 1 ) :#6411 i.§o 7. territ§ry.peyond - Wisconsi it ,i; the -c'ompritilse ciretindoetitio i, atubidexterit l anti atn- igui7 line or 3Eh deg.' 30, min.+ settled it, in all tif.rpt- - tY**9o necessary to covet up , t lie ,( 1 .() . -si0 A n.lia . i I , v ittirtl I lila west -of Alis.sofiri to 4 lie rjrititAt - it ills: untelligible. The 1 Pre•,.....ident. ,renil ill Vote, Ind hp fa the Ilockv -. .gletinttiiits ;,.. the tir... i and could make nothing of, if ;he sent to .liio ' • - e , a . 1. fo re ' ir o n, - maae hv tile people, and • Attorney Gettei•nt, who was equidly, ptip.led•_. 'Sautiti n I - Hai th - en returned it with la. nressage to bv' Ciingr6-.-.• N'etflet - I. it 1 'in MI thd_ ilmt i gi l in)i ) ;tltt' acts foit ' l 4 govN lith ei ti t' or Semite, refusing, to sign the bill her amphibot•-: J.Ttalt. itt - A, tv ' - fe.,xice set th - ..d it in ill jSe two •ogi.- ;We should - reject . thikhill f r the• Same tertif I - -; . ;''lli6 ceitipaet with Texas,.ilclerrni •cau . se, it for nothing elSe. I Itard,l - - the fate of . a i„• 1 11 0 Minberof slave states to, be forme& party fealty. dltltiS to keep np. wi h the c•t.r-! - eat , pflth t state; settleclit there; nad CitlifOr changing tnefisnre. - Often h ave .thes.e-rihills nut setttlell it fin; herself. Now ; Whfir4 - was ,C44ngod • and! under e‘..er,!,L phase . They, 'hart! .thew :Iti 'inch s' ()nave Of territory .within the Ind '.' 'be -lived •44 of orthodc 'id -, I - lqi.> , ' -•-• . • .-- ' .- '. • - ~ , - 4 0 VW: tee( 11E1'03_111:ore eh, ,continue to b( Ax ri te r iiodoxy ;ant itiges to 'lndere:o yet, aril to r t , A test under ,fill'inutation4:— L , , R S9VERIG;ZTY EXPOSED. ' .. hat is the Object of .this i niove ,o ' dtsturUsi-Ont.ress- And; the SQUA 4n now, tneo_which ._ . . - .. . country? Wlluit does it ipropo,o . -to acconi T pluiliii I.' To settle a prine plc, as theauswev— tile-.principle: of non-in erve.ntion,.- and; the . right,of the ' - ple of _the territory to decide i the question f slavery fo thents'eTVes. • I Sir, there is no such. principle.. , - The territories Are the children of the states. They are.!, Mi l aloll, 'ander : age e; ,and it 'i I e..b si ess of: , L e -statesthrouiilhiir delepations .in Conress, to take care of them nntithey. are .ripetr. fOr state governnient; Alien ito - give them that goverrMient, 4nd adMit them to. au eqn.lity with their fathers. - That' is law,. and ',. has been* admitted since tl4e first ordinanes, in -. 17.4.. i . . 1 ._ . _ -Thestates in Congressl are the, guarslians,.. ottlie 'territories, and are, bound . .to exercise •that.gnardianShip; and cannot abdicat .it witbont a breach of trust anti a dereliction of dot .1 Why, [sir, -territory itself is tliepicier tfof,the s,:tattl, and they do withit wh.at they ‘ plesiSe-',--7permit it to be --,settled or not, as they please; cut itup by lines, as.they please ;sell or give: it *trw.y as they. please :;. chase. •white people, frOnir it, as they 'pljease... - I.'his has been alWaysthe . eaLse. There' is a proclam4icin now extant Odle old Co giess of the - 4_,con federation, deSeribing th .first settlers in . - . i i the Northwest territory as a isorderly 'person s, - 7 and .oniering them- to be driven ()Irby thernil itary.;.: 1 j -. - 1. remerobi many stielL military expulSion in : the _early ttlement O l t . ..the western country t.e often eXecu with seve:ty ; burning hotises, cutting up Cotri, destrOynigfe.rices, • and dri-, ring.of peopl. at the po.rit of.-the bay9pt, .and under the; edge of.the, sabre.. As late; as, 1834-'35, and after the xtenSion ot,,the-I.,ln dian ' title' to the Platte. untryin MissOuri, sirnilar orders were give to the then colonel dratroonscom,i .b mandino• . n that .frontier,- 'the %., • now senator in Congres„, Hemy Podge,. to _expel-the. peoPle from that purchase ; - briers which be ex iuted iagelitleness 'and ,}nervy, going alone; xplaining his business ; and Int • quiring them to go aw 4, - which they . did, like good an orderly pepple ;..aiad when G he waSgone v ca e back like sensible and indus trious . people and'secured their pre-emptiOns.: , No only sett} d, but Oranized territory, .bas •heen so trey by - the federal government, and worse ; t . people diiven off, and their homes given Away. Th . - happened in Aikhn sas in 18:28, - . ben ' twel e thous.and . squlare miles Of her a ganized , rritory was given to the Cheroke and the of driven *lll7/.3r. . t l . Why sir, this Try line of 36 deg. .6'o . Min., i with all. - Awry on one. i.1i.....0f it, end two degrees o - the other.- side, - were given away it - the ing Of SAIL. ' , This has hOn seventy years I practice of the govsrnment— , ,to treat the territories as property, and the people as uninvited guerts i to he - entertained, or 'turned out. as. the ow r of the house choo- . sex. Fine soereigns th -. l chased off by the. military', and their hours given to-Indian:or• ,e Spaniards. , he- whole deAthissovereign ;.o -1,.._ ...,..4e, , scouted ,ong,ress 'when, f ed in the ISenate, *contradicted ution antlf-the whole notion of nt, in all t:ime; and contradict-, itself,_wluch.to secure it. The the hill :ale a burlesque uPon It gives tb the people, instead tun them,ian &gamic act. One , are denind, every attribute l of Denied freedom of elections; m of Tot mg; denied ehoieel of s ; deiaiedl the right-of fixing the lor voter , Islibiected foreign ty is a novelty Tit first appea by the consti the governor ed by the bil provisions of sovereignty. of receiving in which_ the sovereignty. denied.freed9 their own•lal malification I supervision government, electing; nue to reject slall tends to the ono side of t•ot end contri ichich tri{i L only alloj .=tl-. The übject of . hat—the other half Of the poWebeing '-he(d to be Pe nied by the 4onstitutici , which is etenled over them, and Which according to the read ing of the sUPporters o this bill,) forbid); any i ll lawrto lie wide which will preventanv-.titi zen from ,going there with his slaves.. - Tins' is squatter Soyreignty, non,intervention i andlilo power to legislate in tilrriteries upon . slavery. And ; this is elalled a ,p 'nciple—the, Trine:4)lc oftion-inter} ntion-1 Wag the people alone, to. settle. he uestion ' f slavery for thems'.'el iii yes. flow s ttle it! IThat can s onlY be , dOne-t. i in : an organi act ; an -they have no Kichabt, rio'r can: hay one till , hey make a censtitn- tion fora St te'government... All the rest: : is ' legislation, •hich settles witliiiix, awl :Pro u- ees contend , nikat ev4y election., Sir . this principle of non-interVeution is but the ,;ppn- eiple' of eotitntion—i bone . given, to, the p)o -ple to qUarrel and fig,..it over at every eleeq . nn and at every meeting of.-the .legislature, until_. they beeome a state - goverument. -.then, .nd. then : only, caithey: settle the - question., .' For seventy yearS±since ,the yeir. 17 4, . when , the. organizing, i niind of Jefferson dr iv the first territorial , ordinanr had a iin. • i. ke,e—m• , form method of. rier ding for the goverman of territOrie4 all fou ded - ttpn -the 'clank, the Con f ftittt ion.whielt Lutiliorizes . Cong.i to dispose o 'and mtke rale'cind regulat, •,_._ - 7 - respecting the territ4 the 'United §thtes. has consisted of thre the right of Ponf,Presi grade : a Go i tvernor 4' the United§tates t states,, to be in Fore Congress. Second lattire, when l ,the inh. fire thonsand men a one, composed of a. c by the Unitdd State: , seittatives, .oeeted bj subjecteo o reig. iAlable by the federal ey have lib hand in Yed to admit, anti not r sovereignty' only ';e:y slavery, anti only I , to admitting side ; ,be ./ ...............gtuat us IT-and other property of hi :i mode ofgovermn tit grades; all founded in -togorern.therri: 'Fits judges, t d 'appointed tiy adopt laws from °Pier until disapproved hy _i'rade.: a.territorial ltis -0 i ,Litants shall_amoutd. tfr. hove the' age of twe ativ. 'ountil partly'appo - intld , and a !louse of .Itepre- T the people at the 'ate 1 • is - - • ['• • Unlicti S ates - iin wliialt file linestio% c i - ' "rvisd4 l".. ,',where.: N6t 1:/11 meal :', 'll , ~ , , tion;%tlis =,;!itted\ .cv.o-c\. wi)erei not • m( 2 l 1:i*; i i; t . .iv fact. Trio vciork - was . doi !herdl:a,' :no Ava), - -to . ttel int the:iiiwsti by of (51 , tg...tlici, 1,-ork T. iNo 'Way er: C It - 167 - ) i- , "Ivi filleAlbn . 111, fek.the purl, ,Keep to break iluw4' compromhs.4 t. . . • I 1.• to bit it out, ' kept it 'ROW' from tl tension lation. htion. ritoritt4 will Le slavcn: m . at 14 redJ IC N - 11•41F.:E I I FIT S lIE ELMS, ST. ,t, I (.I;•ati . tage dolt' e slave state, is bill ?' - CertainlY . they . ekvi-_,,et 41 1 ' •+tv , 1 '‘- ' • - f (1. slave , . , c i . poi%•er . ,rl, . 1 1 hat inay prove! a fallactilth: [{-'he grtie:ltiou pf fsiftvei•S• i 4 111 i khrc4ii.'optiib territorial i a t ti est ion of. the akajc,tity for or t l• ;-• ml. .what,i'llitne.!.3 I Would. t lle! it 1 1. cc: in sack a C ).tik , s:.l ?. ..1\;(1'1 :the slaNitefnizr: iits t - Artil be. ot , n 4.0.. &nal) .11.eZ t. )lav at n - feci4:f. _ompilled to. >lay at a nut: :, ti ..ne qual 'gain , not only . .in loint.of numb:k r tnt ) also in' Po ut•ofstakes. . i'llitslaV'eltolderta 'es Ibis Property; auddlas run it, oil, or lose it, if outl voted at the' l polls.. . I st:te nothin:a•l i llviiii:ll SlaVehold ri - are to gain ttialer this - 17i --110- thing bnt an . unequal :Ili 'vexatious - ontest, , •in whieih,. hey.are, to be. losers. JAIL , . U•eente 'such - It . Foulest, and did inv i .- p4it to 1.( , e ii I out of the state Of'Misiouri wfiten her eons itution I , , wait forred.l I was tiot itimmber - of tie cop ,. i ~ ventitin i Ilutl . wits a chief promoter of th elatt7e which f:u.bid the .legislaturd to ,enia i'Fipate slavc's , Vitlyont the.eonse it :Of their. t l .vneri.. I . l . prot .)te4r - that clause f r the sake - o , peace ! —for* sake of keepitk tl.e slavery qnestion 1 . •:, ~,. 'out ot Pe elections 'and.ileoislation4 'qt. the • • , 1. • r•-. :isake ofThreventing perpetual strife. amonz the: PeoPle,J .N I Visit.'l did for, Missouri, lw )hlti,do for th.elteritories ; and-if it Was an open clues :don woull - Vote one Way or the other itit .set tle it ; t•x: it is ;not 'Mt ;open . question ' i and eannotil.!e opened tivithont,a!breciell of 1 l'aith; andi the df , struction.of the peaCe - of tlpi .iceitn= ti+.l _. l . .1 i. , ! ,; - ' : ! 1 1 : • , 1: R. _- t . _ _.. I. : . 1 1 .. . .1.1; t_ - ;•.F.un TO TILL NORTH. 1 1 ' : . S4r, 111 lqueStiOn has biien•deeided, 1 The T freeist.it• are against this bill ; and it lis .an * f ill reor their past g . ,eriekons , conduct to endeavoito force it upon them.• 'They have been not my just, but magthanimous!JO the slave qat•s. , What w:is tile jeondition 'of the ii , sIaVF• stat .5 thirty 3'mm ago - in relation, to the use pf. hl soil IViti t tintheir 'knits ? . Pearred 1. of al g..e1l rt part of its use :' an Indian, ppula-; tion; e vefing ritore! of :less. of almost i every ' slave si.ato, and: preventing the - epansten ' of its Use : an Indian population covering i rifor or-Iss ofjahnost every slave .'state, and pro:ea tings the expansion of its 'population. Yhat .is /tiul,w l , - All relieved. The Indians areal! gone ; !the it fluids • all bong] • ,i ,t, under the dontin ion,efrthipiwhite.ukan ;•and the area oil slave popukticin, and of slave cultivation ,g:reatly inereaFed 7 --fo the extent of h third or a fourth Of its toil in some of the . stAtee. Ifol- :was this,4l3,tid ? , Certainly by .the lielp of free state Totes ' ler it could not' have be 44 I done, Withont them; by the, help of their - , - i. - .Q:te:s in proeu ing the.approPriaticitts, and •I•atlfring t the.tr •aties ‘Vitelt the removal of the iikhians .id 1 'Missouri requireid. r .got her' tine Isouthwest, quartt ;.elieved'bi the.. Illifirl. The:: same . . - Totes liJ,:e us thePlati'econntry,:: seven fine colin*.,sl added to the state! and that' , by : al i teringi !the ComproniVse line t include it.: and ae.tuali.ylcOnverting that ifin iegior..frOln free soil toi . i i slave, sosoil.;. Northern tl i otes - enaliled it to be '( otie';.northern T,Otes d;tered aboie an hand . ( r dirniles. of the - cOmpilitnise line . fir, our bene I t o upon our r.equest;:al I 1 will n4ver be un , natieul to the North for 'it, nor reqUite: it s . 'by. - allircacli of the 'line to-.theiq ,preitidicje.--.- And /lOW', did we obtain• the , northerni - i-otes Tailirere'meeeis.aryt f?r all these inertures ~ !; i d l , i ,1: 4 , i. --LI a)pro i mations ; - tr treatise for all theie LadiaV rerov*,. and;, for that •alteratioh of the c6 4 71.0:) , /ise.line vhich,kftr us tlid heal' : tifut ilatte c tintry ? - .licr.y. did the M i jispuri delegiatiim of that . dad•-'-;--the most ahliable and talented Jr.. Lulu :it'd . tri V . . 1 ,0 f,I in thii sea - . -I_ , •• - -I 11. ! • - x ate, tindi Gem Ashley in the frottsdJ-12.',W did we r obtani:t at great boon • 'for • our st i rtfe? Did Weiget hese vote by helching abilition i,:tul agattst, the North ?. -No, no,; we, gOt tient .by ,appealing to the. ju•itice 'i i nd ;the friternal' feeling, i',,f our norpiernbrethereri,and toi E ki.hieh we l ,nevor...appealcid- once, iul : vain,' - N i i'!9,l in' tile 'last .'liardlri al 'to get, thB Chb!roktesl'ouit of geOrgia; gave, us fourteen affirtn'atiVe votes, to 'balance, Seven negatives from tlie !South,' and . saved the treaty:by one .vcite:? A nd.l.lvho wal q part tlips; transactions, acc,l - totoed to soli{ it t 140 t hein: i.-otes and Oxprcss ilia bk - s - for them' , Wriq, not tiOW. return therm-evil fare good h !stteipii.ting• to . deprii them of theitl Share of al coinFronaise - which' 3i;e: : imposed I upoh th4i. ;II . ' , . ! , . i• 1 i -ii , ' • . I i 1 .iODODt Wiiil:l" S IT TO 'I.X.Si3 AT T A EW SILL ; • :. it ; . . iir r I ; 1 It is'illlV : ioUr mouths since this moijiment for the abro-ration.Ofthe l'lfiouri „Gornpi-o - wise :Ai:2A co:um in this:Ccingre4: It b r ,e ,, ..ah With- • out a tne,ni ' oral without a petition, i ,,, ; , 'lltotit , a r l equestllfrotna hinnan.being. I.t has l,' bored. lotig. and iltard in these hallS, and ; to tlnShbur theire is zof it petition for it 'froin tb4 :class 'us fur ' " ! of-Mates i.*or.'m-itose;k m me'fithe . thtivetnellt pro tl, 'l64.es to Mare been ade '..-÷tiot a Ivor 'itt ifs. farm- fropi the smallest public meeting I. pri vate:as'srkablag'e of any 'slav'e state. .'f & .is n ' , 4ici.ofi i'tlie. South to this Liofi: • tit, respiinse of; the South t'o this boon, ten dered tot -bp 1 northern _weathers, ullicier a northern! ?resident.. 'lt is the response!of si lenee--nttore emphatic than words—an 4 WOr flif of cAliecial note in this debate. _ Itjargues well for `the haraniny of the, Union, and. goes to 'show; l (rhatiin fact,has been' often ,•sect4 tl4t the triciublos of the Country ec4n4; froth uneasy; 6liticians 7 ' r -its safetyfrot4 the tranquil 1 1 4 1 u s -e-% I 1 1 • - :- .1` - ,!The'corrimittee then roser and after pu in effOetual f fort to,proceed t 6 the business on Srienkers lble, ' ' If ' • ITilkiltri -. at three o'clock, a4ljourr4ed. ' - - r : 1 i [, A FLI TED READ. . Dint MOOSE—Ertnhlislosd fo '',Yearsafljt by Dr. IV:iff,lipt.N 7 ,rx•rner Of. Third & - Union eds. bettrecatiprupe end Pine. 1'110th:102in. l'a. ere apprhfed that - Dr. KiNtir.LlN confines hlsprac flat defiler branch of mettlettio, which on- Pg" , hiffetufli yideil nitration .' Ile can thrus theutifor t nu agninrt ille.t r bosi, of iner envy t hOurends are an flUal/ inercuidnilirld tint - , of life . Rl:rent affectlensareptoniptty extinguished.- , l'ilretildrtrarli Etcpeli Men Itt the ttcatmeht of elatitlaf treares. Vitherto neglected end I mperfect ly &M ots?, erfalihr lONE ETA N.(Aurito aor A ICOR tFN Sant; P.aset fietaxiost,) to prase that: nine tenths of the. causes of tierro - us:dellility, local. and constitutional wenk- EINSS; mental. and physical suffering, are traeeehle to efir hatips,fcrtnins mutt -keret yet deadly and fttai springraftletilectie misery an:title:nature mortality. i Title - tbikrt Notx4 - e—There is an evilh4lt somethdesinAulgo l itt hy treys, let 3olitilde, often gunflin Alp wlthitLieuelo Menhooll,andwhielt, if riot. reformed due (-illy begets s eriou's,obstacles to matrimonial happinetsr,tragiviili Ilse to sorfeti tit •pentrtieteil,itisidion and devna!aiing affet•t Fear. of t Wire who give way,to Oda pernteions practice are aWere• of the couseqUencer,, unf It thi•y• nerrott(systtim (Vat tered. feel stren;re and unncrottntehleft4din,r4,.an.hvegue feats in themhyl: . Tile Unfortunate thus affected beer:nip; unalkie Inbrufwitli ocettomrd •vieer,,i-or to apply his mind to et.udy:ihtssitupigtal'Sy and welik-. he Is flull;lrrernikety, and cuAfigei iii his: sport. it It ler F imergy than usual. If he easviripetir himrelfheitorie the Freetice has done itt: worst....tud enter Matrimony. hisimetriare I:(unfruitfuland his-eure tells hies that thh.i sea used by hi, early These ejrercOsidfi'atipy7s tr.7t;rlt atrotrn the finer:lion_ of Jraosi shailarly3&itPinted . • - Ittuffiritttre ra:lutres the' fulfilment or several condi titlll P, in order thnt It may' be r ;ally the cause of mat oat. happiness. .•:Coufd the veil - whit.li covers the origin of du mestie wretobe , hal;rs be raised , and Its truesontee in every instance disclose if—iirMiow.menvi could it be traced phys- I cal•disqunlitleetimir pnd their et t:frlfult Apply there - whileAt is yet-time. la onier to itrtve y‘mr nu •Ft, intiff *nate:44i organiratintt rebraccd, revivified and rtrengtheuerl. • ig !IS OAccra ItiMself under Dr. tre•ttmr.nt tunvrellgiowly - confide in Melton_or as a ftv•ntlernen, aid rely natin the assurance, that the secretr,ori Dr. pat fent,: will lif'verdre discloser!. •.• Youni.t.urin-rldt no false modesty deter )ea from utak ' lug your car ekte earn tp e`who,(rom education and teepee tability. earl nertainlYhefri end yen. - Too many' thluq t,loy wilt conerfal the Ferrets In their own hearts * • end icure thezarelCes. Alasd - how often ,is this afa tit actual k and how 'Many it • promistn g young than ,ittio Might bate -seen an Ornament to society:lice faded from the earth'. Strictnresl'of tlie Urethra are rapidly removed by the apPlicationnfit new therap entire' agent, n+ed only by Dr. K., Weitkneks c.m-titutionel 41,41ity 'promptly cured, and lull 4 . iguje rtottete.l4 . Cotattlr . ,3" istyitlids Can have illy stating their care explicitly. tdgetiter i ,nl 111 thLir symptoms, p'er ter enciosfut'a epnropria [ nteri - rdingly.: Forwarthil lo'niv part of I he IT nl ted States, and peeked Fri•ure friar ;TlA:ktmly7.-or CIJitIPSITY. • I .ottld Le e t .: v i . u t., 1).4",y -e,t, apd )1t but ' bfrr .s , t 17,' . . . •. .. READ ! !-4-Youth {yid. Manhood. ' . . 1 17,,,„ 0z i ; Life. Q.- a, PfTllla; Zi IT Deal:l, Kinkr:in on S. .; . ~-, I'riseri•atiosJ-00)25Cenii T. ,• , . . It is ii work eminently it tuir,;:d, as a mean of roform ing the rieeit of the age in whin twe live. :Also, . ... . i NATI7IIE'A ;GLIDE. Iriai t : iarsfir lktj Prolon9olioi;!or I..;ie.juBr to m t.'.o Pres s . A Int tiv9th a;retaittattee 02.5 eentF, or. the valhe In peat stam2siadatessiqto—lir. , ,lClNlik:LlN;l'llila.lelphia, l's. will Feettre a!eotiy of el:het of the al, ve I) 001, s by rettrtn 'of mail; kt,r I'4 (topics will he atm t free of poit.t. , ze for.sl: Ilooltiellerp,,,Canva•:sorr, Travellit.,:t A .y.ofit:, tc.c. , mtpplictl Wholegaie at the .pnbitsher's iirieefi, • which admit nf a Large prc,r.t.r ; ':I , • 1 r'''...ill Lqtrei: ntnil be 21-11 kg il. 131* I • - s ? vret the ex pop It ' 6iiee c4,o 14et . ion, ttiu'n tr , . Auitp.lia, California, Or. any place int! 1. 1 .4 WohC,llcr..nn• - )! pres,:n., ._,!! , rrater • i- ! ; inlltc'er:zeni.: than' ! . ! , ! lit 'I.: r,F.'4.,'! 4• s 71'o DnA pp' s Boolr 4.lii - D szioE sieolll - 3. • i Troy.* is now tilled ,iVith a nOw, and exteat- I • T.; ! 'sivS , assornnent . ofl artiCles lliu.theirline, I embratiag'a.g'cneial• variety .of nevi. and clegant 1 stvlesaf, Ladies and Genbldmen's ',wear, among which' are Ladies French, , lSilk Lasiing and Pre-' halt Gaiters, 10d'and Eniiiineled Polkas, li,id.Pat- ent leather and_ bimized }je n ny Linds, Buskins and Ties; • gonilrmett'S Ft - C r aw and I ridtile-Iphi*. I oak-tanned calfskin and kip ls Boots,Vongress anJ i button Gaiter-4 Manterry rind Washington Th , ets, I toilet :Slips, •Nlnrclcco; calf. and - Cowhide Bre, I gnus; &c.: Bays kip, calf 'rind cowhide Boots and I Brog•ans; rill kinditif Misses and Children's wear. Also, a general asf.tyrtment 0.. f Findings, which con sist. itt -part of lattts, pegs,t-sparable's. Hungarian nails, tacks, titre:n . l, wa x,I !Bristles, I shoe binding, awls, Irasps, Eil:arlOonis, shoo knives, &.c. Also,-' oak and heinioqk ItiLimed.cal i f upper and soleleath ! , er, MOrocetio skinS', and linings. I • Wark niade o•aide.r l and repairing neatlydin.' ; ' I • .t'KEI.I.,,F.R. &STODD A RD . - ; Mmtrose,J ne ',1.1953.:• • sirs( CC,ItiA7O.O. Co! ;t:•FY • STOVE A TIN WARP; DEPOT: 4k. L. \V EDS•I'ER g r CO. would rospertfu!ly ./.. - .1.•1 inform the :people . Of this aunty and the people, in giinerlai, !nal they'ttavo opeut.dan cstab-- lishment•el l the above kind'in,3lentrese, at the old stand cf .s"tiyre and Welist i cr,. cue doer north of tae Delle7rrat Other. Where they iutend to keep nn hand a lar4e assertnaent at - Stovei Tin, Copper, Brassiand Sheet Iran Waste, all of which they will sell aa_ab r eap as they can lie bought in tlifs Cr any other enmity. ' Among our storesmay he found the. 'following hesldes Other: t to numerous to mention: N.-.}. f 4• .s-ic, dir4tight, fib' wood. Mriderit l'roy ' - ,- ”) .or coal., .. .: . - .IvystOnc Slate ‘.' 44 - . Cl.• .''' • .. : Vulrai i ! " •. !" , .44 B 5 4 •4 ak atc,; - ! '"! " .44 - ;- ' : Forest! Quccu, Heinle-it Oren, . •- ~ 21147utt l k,' I • I" ' . • ~Also. T.:001 - , ( arse and shOP Stoves, Cnlver's Pat ent / ent Hot-aii F mares for heating Public Buildings, stores, ifotels.lele. Steve ITrimininEt, Pipe, Zinc, sheetlLeted, Lead pipe, Widrand Cistern Pumps; Ghaiii Pitirips,lChains and c;caring. •. ... 3 All kindSof Custon Work done on short no Lice and most feasOnable terms. Our•motto s smails profitS, ready Pay,, land' riabrlbc. returnS. *.itjAll kinds of Prnduce.l at ken in e tvel; a 1 Wards. If yen (Nit tient* it, mill i :anti cat , . i A. .L.; WEB,STEIL.& 18.331' 1 : - Ma, Ailist',4 Groctin 6 - , . ti F.ricna,..rk,irro.t,g, an:l .or.erybotly, another mile 11 stori(), hz)sl , e4l rellehed On the j4urnev of- lifeH anoiller;de7ele I;:i.s been Marked on the s,;:tle of • time-HinOthe link has been severed from- the f i. chain or the l uttit--anotlier page .has bee n wrilt ten in the grieat ,yeliimejof the past—and again We .witnels tl e bright opening of 4 • NeW :ear: Andat is early, &tilt wci meet yeti, .. Atl 1 nd wi h a." happy ; new year" greet you. And now,' as you review the year just departed, 'andlflwell 'upon ,its joys . and. sorrows—its • pri,i•- • legel enjoyed, mid its 'duties neglected; per chane'e; seme'br you have neglected to-call on the ArtiSt and sueure one of those 44 Faitlfu/ • Slt4)l/4-1 ; I 1 . '. , , . - , Wl;elili , lit and-art,%tit!) rmrri •'• 1 spelt, r .. ,=, ~, .. ~ La . By working together. can catch Efi well ! 1 ' But }cn may-Ivet!redeem!the past. As you lay LI yourlplntrs fo the adyaneing year, lektitis occupy I t an. early grid 1 rominent place on the programme of Our ft:ollre intentions . . • 1 Woui,.lyou: leave -a britino - impre,vzon behind ye . u"?' come o the Dagiferrean Gallery! Would you ° " l se'p , - ; yOurselYes as others see plu r , Come . to the' Dagnerrean Gallery; ' Would von make an aPpr'oprWe present id. a cheriThed - frieild ? Come to the Picture Roos s! i And ' beside all this,iwoUld yOn encourage art, alild Make gladlthe - heart (ig the Artist ? 1. •, . i I Then Tetlit appear bly promit , infihere, That during.the year Fifty Foilr, ' jon,lWilli, one and 41, be care to call ' • ,At " Oild_Fellows Hall," Sedond Floor.. • . , f t , ' I AV; V DEANS. 1 I 1 - . . i -- • 1 Mentrose, ,fan 42, 1851.. - ' : _ ' . —_--, oac tki r 'df chclrpril than Illhitelerid,i2ildfreefro'm, - . !., i c . i tll.poisonotis qualities. • - . • - MITE NEV .1 iItSEV. - Z.INCI COIIPAN'T having greatly _IL. onll4..terl thidr works.and int' rrere,l the quality of their priittets; are pit pared to c,:xe , ute 1,1%14.v...f0r, their SAI t ,, ,ti. or Pallas; *; D:y osid , groundin oil, in as:seat...l pnekages of from '25 ep '...5!..0 p•Otanls, ; also: dry in barrel?, of - 291 pounds' erteh. . : .-, 1- - • -1 ../. Their white zi uc,. which is' sold dr Cr ground In oil, 1 ,. , warriintel pure and! nnaurpasstal for body and uniform whitener . -., • .1 A. method of pi.epration has Tocently been discoccre4, which enables the Coniforey to warrant their pi:intsto keep fresh latict ict;Ct. In• the I: eas for any 'reasonable time. In this rcnppct their ;Mints wits be superior to any other in the merger. _. j , , Their lirnwn Zinc paint, %Odell is sold at a lbw price,and can ottlrbe male from the Zineo Rif from New 3 eney. is nbw welt known fort protective qualities . when applied to Ir.M ogother Met Ilia surfaces. . .Thelr stone cblori Paint r.be.fiesses all the prnperties of the Brouni,:and l of au neretalde cot r for painting eot.- ttiges s , O r tpnts, Out•huiliiing-s, Bridges, .k.c. . .1/ cafe gupe..l nn liberal terms by their Anentp, . ,' I ? A ! PRENCII 4 - ItICLIAItBS: TVho'liiiale 'Paint Dealers and Importei-A-, N. W. Cuiiter of 16th. AT- .11arket I ,S'ls., 1 1 1tilqelflphia. ' • - 1-, -- 15.in5: • , ....__.:. ore.lANew Goods .. • Hi 111.1111:IT t now receiving another general o.toek of Taal:end , fluter Good', by. %thief( .hie ntarirtment still be faillY repleuMed in every department and un O.BU • ally iuri'tiog gird Ocimplete. r . nrtlc u I 0 r I :,, in new styie of Ladies Ds Giciln, Itiell Plaid and Faeey DeLninen end CathinerriTarnmetten, French Ideripo, Della:re." Mobair LW t te, IFltubroidered Nobel?, Silks, Botin et r .Iti , -11 Bonnet Ribbons itlarpt and new 'nteertruent of Winter Shnwlr, Ludic% ur Cu.fe Nietorlues and lltiflF: Lattifs Rubber Boots, 8 ittpers fund over blirwr, Clocks of elegant and new i etyles, undo Tier iitwortmen t . ~ .f Shop, Patlerti lid Cooking Stores, with a. great viirety of. other Peney "find Stnple Gooditvb.kh will be ifold on the most favorable -terin't, Offering ititeciallluditctments to curb or time buyers. ' New Milford; Nor:24, IS-53., .. ." . . _ ~ .. i, . • Lq,;l4.lNti Po l oilgrel:enp,to 'make room for a ]nw ; stipi)ly, : at TURRELL'S. • SttEt. , es: tit iavirgrsl Siovei V: 2, ''G6 r liU Serw:44. / ye)iysf UM' teinin(ls' , ug - tldit the fr 4 apprOachof s tlfek4en Frosts mf 00 NVintr, (me-of-044e tnittir-: pils!6blemid highly -appritWA Stow's) fr9m 'the, most Manufactories • in tfie Uniott;' Mesas s. Shear& Packartl,iNcome indisriensalile ,eVery fatnilY. N\r, wonl respectfully - announce .to the citizens 01; SugtOltarina and adjiiining counties that qavo . 'jm s .l. received and arc re- . 'ociVitt the laraest4ind best mCsortinent, of StbveS .'over latrodUced in o Flastekn Pennsylvania, ‘N hick Sold at ltioN•dry loiest each future. "ro ,thoioWlio t a' re in iraiat, of Stoves they Will find it tie their intOreit to call nntl- exaMilio..Mrt•variely ;before paniliasintr OlseWlmre. • 'ToyOrnfiriso in lirt: as follOws:--4. Ihrited ' Orientia Pa rlor, • P,a'ilcrilQiiren r. o. i . dii rirt. 1'74 - • do - Nif.iotorr E. b. - do itorni:p4. Star, (70;: s .r, •d o • Air-V +i;l t, '454..-• • 't • • ThO..aboyo ..tmt•es are too well lumwn to. re, any minute ,''descririfon,. being -the most 'popular and approififdStoo in market All Who, 'inaV 'favor Os wiNt call Will be sim:ir thron , li ,' our' assortment roll pleasure.' " lvecollect the numbor"-41A•ro:s•',.k far lathed "One Price Store!! Ilarfor4 1554'.4-35, • :• , 114113/4 . . ,• ; . • 1, • (FM:it/EMS ""L7K ISESPi. TUC oiber,•4ll:tring!frtittid this Nyc'll known lioase,:and - rOitted !and re-furnishlrld in goad style, is to..iy prepared to i: . receive and', entertain guests. -phis !tense is clidightfully ,sitmtted" on theibauks pr,the Rosqu.ebliflia river,. on the line of the Nevi : York Erie,.. and_ the Whiware, Lao;awanita and Western'ltaitrimds;.oVerlooliing a Most beautiful st.ction of country; and- is the .panurnia of sceneek unetitialled anywhere. . As 4-SecumF.a.4-t tor. the business man !seek int; (inlet and freedota from the • noise and din of city i life, an it for hidies and gentlemen in Tursnit ot%plioalirt.l amid the rural scenery of th e 'county;, this lootimi eantiat• be agntllled. I:fere therwc:ary lravelli±t 'secure from the confusion ',incident to the eoatirmal and departure of ni, , 4lit'.tiMe : Is a -great 'aninoyahee to liaise stopping at how,: e s verl; near the Depot. Idt'c are new, rl4ant and lvoll Th I rnish- . led his Taolo with all-thd deliCncies ‘Vhich both ,conntry and city tnr.rkel4 iitrord ; and no rains I will bpi spared tont:lke hii hoitse leant home Ito all his ! , • I - ,,k..:T - 7(11 . 12S s trill. t!e conveyed to anti frern I 11.• carS, at any hnur ay or night, in a gocA,Omnilitis • ti . eo 01 I.‘ 14Sre. ' : . 114V . r.r;v 3 -FTAth,F, is attached to * the c • •. • t GreA Iknd, ,t2";:fr, li'ryntit; tirE)l:,z•',Great i I -1, • :.01. i , !• I Irtn: 111 S. J ;0. , , , ,- ! a nd ~.„...1 - pr,ibik i nS buildin, , T, sit'untell but ,1 1 . I f1 'f,,.. , 0E f t; ,..1 friooklie . ittep;,t at-Grcitt MO, is:l inoW upentd. and fittliislirpl in, a suitt.6lo.r=tylo for p .and; house, wi ! -be kept open at. all: 1 hottrs-,:(ticet' h day findi, nig IL) for the rereptien of ttrai;ellers ;: and esps-cii . ltly ; for the aceorhtnetlatiOn !of pa3:ien . qi,srs trlV,ellin;.7 n the N. Y. & Erie & - 11.. & W. 11,' , ii-ir-4s, ta•i . -i- at tleit , netion•of these! itwe - rtiails; and ih', most iconvenient point to step . lin 'and tali.i . i - refr. , sht4ntgliinti be •oll)vith the ti rst Amin, as W ; e11 ris . i the tm*t. convenient hinve to:nct. icomm.'4laß! the pfiblik.-,.itis NEW CLEAN and! l WII0I;EtallEt wft h [looms er - r,n,oit•to it , Totii- . 1 I I • , . ;41 ; • ; • i with'. - ",: • - • . 1 nigdate AU, betaf i r fitted i up nett'. Inrintatre I tocorrespiml, aril . tahlr-Ai. r.l ways set-, 'wi th WA nm us.? ::rid lnxitries • furni•hed .at a.. moments ! warninl Ji . .. 6 t-Zr nger , P4sses. de sirma rest . irtiV isleep, can, by caltingilier . o; iiioid 04, ineonvemetici , el.talting an ( - )lnnitilis to CIO an inn, as -Well.a?i. the delay. and. nncer!aittty Oi'rettiralng _to the depot Al the srrivalor,Oepar'itire of thb' trains ; as a'porter will; be itt•tvait:4.,q,. to tionduet then; with their bo!' , 7a,(zel to th.i',Bryant I lifilse, '.` jnst•aeh - liS thel way," anti` enlidnO. them 141: •ap . ,:iin withritit-fee or reward.! tiMn , 'smicial rdro .. tc, li-.1.:0 them if desired :10 any hour Of the might. ; - .• -1 The,lochtion its the. Bryant House,' with the; nat,tiraYsernery About it!' combine to'-make it• a'. !very de,iritble SUM MEIt. RESORT it busint:s,•i men a city • who nd Others-O. - the may !wish le -I"cast off taro" fdr it fet s i days to. recruit- 'in the' I ';- i • leottritry. i. - ..,i, i % _ ' \ It AI Liz d ind T4iinirvgliotis ilf - et . , • is :tit:Mica to thjii,buildipg for the -e'iq* . eril'orlec- i of pleasuie P,l..qi.ts,whh may always find' quo& necommetiatioqht.re, without regard to nAirl'llii•rs:: with wadi stalik. for their teams,.and rclialile hejp to wait uP{tillthem• . i .! FLI - I"'Fpr fusilier par4ieillars Inquire at the Bryanillinise (iTilke proPriot6r. 1 ADDISON lIISSANT. A ! • Feb. 1 R.;3-'#(f; t - • • 1: , Pethasylvania, : • Vrfour aitentioU is urgetitty to a careful: .1_ and imud4ll ,- Orusal of t‘o:nething, that has juz4 . hear. iutv4t!ucatiarito ycui•rich cud -tilLe, honored . . . .3; ll , . idrn L4cc:ric . Chams-. A new awl udvel mod 4; eflapplying powerfut- - rentedial 4/.:eut4;)lcinntht l ictti.diis to beuoru this e garmeitts,-next to the skin proJiming k Vonaitt. uniaterruted edrrent of iiiectro 31:17.1104 , m, effect! ing immediate r1C . 1114 from ithe•most acute pain, and shin perinanent care of all Nervous Di,s.ea t cs. It se dolt ha_; failed to--furnish almost instant relief, mid a: final, peridanent cure. hr beinglused aecord-t hag to dirc l ctictisl to' the' fort-twine diseaties.."—ltheul . n i stism, 4tout, i?.lSeizttica.,l Paralysis, Painful end f3weiled diaints, l N'eurulgia-of the face. ..Diseases of the Spint"'Llertfttess and jtitniness, Uterine Pains, Palpitatidn of the Ileart, rdriodioal Headache, St. Vitus Dance, Cenral Debility; Phius of the•Chest.; - 11.Ysterics-, DyMepsia, alldiscascs that• are-caused by, a deficient arMiant of Nervous Fluid-are greatly . relieved,ll not it,...rmanently,cured by simply wear ins-the chains Ow hourife'ach day.- lI ,Be it Mitlersa.Oil that it is not claimed that it cu l res.all diseasis; but only those for which it is rec! oMmendell.; ttial moreover we boldly claim and de ! fy:that Inc( niedmidal agent of any kind has perform; ed,soMANY carts during the last year; of those dikearOsjak - naMed as - ! . • . • l'ult ., :ioezclz!:;'4Efectric ;; ; • At.l topthve titi,p'initserctott, we defy airy person id produce many authenticated Certificates ot . • scientific i"il,leiFjitins and Intelligent patient s es may bci (ound:ht a- pages, to bell Mil (gru! tifi) theSgentt-iti this I.otvir. EloOttic Chains vitre ilistlintroduited in: France in 13.'.50, -and after_ being Stll)l2C4l`d ;it the most thorough add rigid trial: 'by the firft medical meti lit Paris, they; were found ,tcrpossessstraqi.illend untrveilonspowelr for reliev t . ing ivltereye} appliOd, and lty their iafluencO wet e introduced rhto thehospitrtl-of that city. and -abso secuied . lettera patent by the French igovero IMeut. They arel now introduced into iihnost every Ilaspital i s nntiland.-Germany, Austria, Beh.-fiumi and patedied idittrose countries , where they havo become the matt' i • . Pnliplar (.41.rahre Agen; in ihe'''ll;rorld. , They Werellltst :introdeed into the U. States ai . bent one fear siVtie; rind '.went through the same . trFalasiniEttronej and wtire at once introduced in= : to every l lospititrl iu N. York, where they are now in, daily Use, a - trite:l4; even more-wonderful cure than had Tever hetore bo.en awarded them. - They are hit:illy , rer o Otteuded iby Prof. Valentine Mott; Van Burtiy, Postl:and others; who have published their vies of thAlr power and value iu several of the medical jou - Itints brain( city, and are also in the d illy practice iffirecerntifendin7, their use to pals tients. A their opinion; may also be • &Mud in etrery oJitnplileVend sent to tho address of person iolitie Stets( ,by applying (post paid? to ABL Ij TUB gELL, ftent, Montrose , Pa. Tat Chains c4n be Er lit by mail, with full; descriptions • flit use. IPrice,ciPrhainti; .93 and 66::. Physicians artpolite)yiinvited to call and exam; use their; constrrtetian, told prottouneci upon their Merits. iONst tiftftenko Ins - suns, no 'person need • fear•that they iti)Jl not accomplish juk what it ia claimed they oafs Chitin teill last for years and lose none of its electric po4ter by bite, and can; he applied to cd.heradillt. or child; I • • AstltTuancat i e ', Agent; Montrose,• Pa. , :Jos. Sicncemii*Generat Agent, 46d, BroadwaY ; I New 1: York. - i • Gyl. • . NEW T 421 OUR assortlOnt now comprises &most cvery article wioted, std ,we fear sown that are , act Valle d .1" .1 I w CI will se ll,; at cost :Ind some alleles :4 less Olin cost on` that same ;Aeroflt! , U. BURROWS & Co. OiLsO» Oct.4i3 • Bolles. • A "Laro lot of thetn' choice. ivhole Robes at /V a tars sinall'advanee nn the ei)st. • Gibsoi), Nev.- • 11. BURROWS.& Co. CARPENTER. MEM ELMAIIR AGIt.I: - .STATE,; irhOf 'gondola+ and/ Pilth, orlAtlarry' and. • - lateral 'lt fI. • - MOST - STARTLING .CONSIDERATIONS ! • Reflettions - the Tholicrlitful Stiange that counticis humps% beings exist and • drag through life. as de the heats of, the •lield,an •;; the Insects of,the 'earth;'evincing no snore ttioaght , ' ; or reflection than though the noble faittltiesof mind •: were not vouchsafed to them. • • ; j itlans such are hUslialids and fathcrls,3ipen whom • i. are dependent the 'health, the well•being,; and the ' ; happiness of it confiding and affectionate wife, with perhaps a family of - children. • • • ; .110 W OFTEN IT itsrrsrrs ritar THE . WIPE raigolran :FROil TEAR I TO TRIA • - , • la that pitilthle'condifhin as not even i. , or ono tiny, to feel the happy and ekhilerating inlinence incident to MC enjoyment of • Shp may net be mi \ invalid confined to her bed, or even to het room; as her_ pride ,iiiin.l;ition anti' ,• energy ;induce and• ,nerre her to 'take personal, charg,e of her household; even When her health will not ailmit'of it.; but Fhe is necertbehlss perceptibly • iinkieg from day to tiny; and always ailing. Thus, day after. day, and month aftiir month trri. spire," Iler health daily ,sinlis, till finally' even the Lope of recoVery no longer remains. :Ind thus • . . , THE BLOOM ING E3,R I OE; :1 nut it few years ago in the flush Of. health and youth, and buortney,of ispirits, rapidly, and appa. rently inexplicably, becomes a. feeble, sickly, cla• bililaied wde, with triune vtliaciatthl, nerves nti: strung, spirits depressed; rcimitteratneed)earing the imptess of suffernig,., and an, utter physical and mental ikrostrntion. - l'_.4'oructinies this deplorable change ;May. anti does arise from organic •or 'cionstitutionta causes. Hat ;• oftener, — by far oftener,l to gross and inexcusable Ignorance of the siMplest and „ plainest rules of '• health as. connected with the marriage statd, the .' violation of which entail ' s disease , 'sufferingi and , . ~ . mis ery, not only to the Wife, brit often hereditary. Complaints upon the Children ," UNTO TIIE THIRD.; ANb .1 , 01:ET11 ION," • 1 . Tratisrolt t Tog CONSI.7.3IPTION,,SeItOFULA; lIVPOCISONDRIA,! INSANITY, GOUT, - KING'S EVII4 mu! other illsenses, • i i • DREADFUL: IN HER LTAN OE - tmm iho Parents.i - And most this continue'? Shall Iwo be lf • in - all that concerns the Cattle of our Geld?, our 4 0T628, put sheep, our cowS, cur oxen, the natuto and 'character of the soil- we possess, the texture and 'quality of our goods and merchnodise but in all that -,e,_oucerns ours , ....lves as human beingi, with human (Unctions, and passions, 'subject to great derange inept, involving our future peace and happiness— In nil that concerto the - health \ andivrelfare of the wife of euratTections, and the mother of oar cliii. it all that concerns the mental and physical well being of thoset children, we 'should. be dm tnersed.in the darkest and most • • BENIGHTED IGNORANCE °. . • AS CULPAIME .AS ISFACESAELF. How long shall this ignorance pro Vail. produe• • live of its bitter fruits t flow 1,, , ,ng shall the, Wife _ and mother.bo ignorant of the nature; character and Onuses of the Various ; womb and scxnal complaints, embittering her daya by sufferingisuffering• often drolonged, to years, otentunting in a:complication of" iseases utterly anti horklessly indurable 1 Shall we for ever close our; eyes to the results of physio-' logical science by which we may', arriro- at an itinderstanding . of- ourselves as men and women, subject to serious life-long enduring-diseases, and, perpetuating them toi our; children. LIST 'EVERY wai f AND HUSBAND'PONDMI! Nu husband or teVc need bc. ignorant of whitt cowerns them most to knew to secure their health hioUness. That knowledge is contained in a Pile work entitled TIIE . MAREIED 'WOMAN'S_ PRIVATE • M.E ICiIL COMPANION,. • • BY DR. A. 11. Ni.kUnlCEAti, raopr_sort. OF, !DI - ST:ASV:S. OF WOMEN. , . . One Illoadreith Edition; pp, 250 Price-50 Cml, tON,FINE rarnr., nrrni-Juxmac7, - $1 00.] First publisithl in 1047 ; and-it is not •. SURPRISING OR -WONDERFUL, ••• "Considerin* that E.VERI" FEMALE, srhetlwr. MAIIIIIE.D NO'r,ean hero • acquire a •fulllknorrlidge of the tut-. t' t tre, tharaete . r and causes of' her . • complaint:4 l with the various symptoms,•and that nearly, •; TIA.LF A MILLION COPIES ; should-have been' sold. his iinpracticable to'con vey fully the various subjects treated of; as they are of a -nature strictly intended 'for the married, far thorn opsttcrui,hakng montage.— _ UPWARDS OF ONE IItiNDDED TIIOII- S_''iD COPIES i Hare been S. ST BY MAIL within 'the last few mouths. • • I CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. \ RE Z‘" Or DE F 113 L' DED * 1 Fn) no book un'eil Di A M Mauricenu, 129 Liberty Street, \ Y., is on the title page, and the I. entry in the Clerlee ()face on the hack of the title I rage ; and I,uc . only of respect:l lo end honorable 1 di aleri, et <end by wail, and address to Dr. A. M Maurieeku as there are spurious =and surreptitious 1 tntringmehts of copyrigur. air upon receipt of One Dollar , " TEE MAR. 1 RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COM pAtriorm is sent twat'erf fret.) to any part of the TA it e l l States, ttcrs iui th s t o 1 1 3 ,e an p a o d: t s . a d , 44' Irl ' l 'lh ad.l P r 4 e 4 ss v4 e n d cc t L o Etr. A. M MAIIRICEAU, Bo;s 1224, Near-York Cite., Publishing taco No. 129 Liberty Street, tie w.York. ', Fig:: SAhr. D :—T. B. Peterson, Philad,: 3lrs. Cynthia Wi, i .rn-, Itin , ,ial..; Blanch & Crup, 11nrri,hury•, .1. S, _North, I. lumia : N. DeWitt, 3111 ford ; J N 1',.. taaprer,ll.t• ho'in ; rit n4IL.r & 1 Ilrt,, I,vic.--tt r, II W Bunt's. 111 tingil m ; S I 'Alel/cr.11( 1 l't i I. til•a • .1 . 1 1 11111t11, Nt W B 0,3111; II . 1 • 1 `I t 1' ' di" , P. I' Cr ti' sr." os T % 111 .* 1 \Vt`nt, & ;,;ark, C,..rb.m I ,I( : E arc(' & Wright. I \\*;:iii,ra , port , S. T ut 1,, W, I. ;,11:10; G. \V. 1 I:arlk, Wa,ne-11,1 , 0. Putter & 'Mt 31in 11.11 c. 1 t; ntc: G Mcrill. \Varrcr: Rtib2yt Crokv, 31er. 1 ecr; S. laorder, II m %cr.; It P. C 1,1 n'v,,l,S(km c rbct : Thu. co ,p{ i fii ,it, I'M! td. ' J. b. Gunni son. Erie: S. B. 1.1.1;11r. Green-bur , : B. lid!, I iti-t, ri; n S. Du r ban. rr..-ihtin po Dr S D Scott, Bcdfortl: E. 11111 ,ml.•lndi ma ;. .1 J lfell3llv, 3lil - ford. J. W. Elam.... Bro , Anscilk; G II .ll,,Get t3 s, Antler: J. S. \ tet,,)n, Chambersburg ;'F D Soy, ( J., Nnni t .1%•li : E 11 .9 ner. Suin , ‘(.3. tins n : II •31i1c1,e11. Pr kblirj 7 G W G.ttys, Butler; Jos Su-nrt7, Bloorn , ,LurifP S Dechert & Co. Cam ,, . ~ , beasburg. '2 m ( i FITS ! rrrs!! FITS 1! I TFiE VEGE TAME '.I.XTIr. ACT, EPILEPTii: nit the cure of EU,: Sprin ts ,Cramps, and 01 .. .. • - --t -11 , n.:otis and cons: itational, Diseases: Pta , - -. o . 's ' , day :ii , I abotinz under this pfrtit'Sfillg: lnalady , 1761113:24 MerI:OEII%I;LE EVII . S.PrrIC P11.1 . ..4 to be thconlyrealedy ere: ..114'29cvm1 for. caring 1:;pileosY; or Follirez Fit 4: 1 . . 111,,e PINS ~,F(2., . .; 11 . ' , 'perific. netiop ou,t he ner.T4lll3 Sys- . terivi anl.filt tou2h they aro prepared:l CFpecially .for ;he vu4msoofeutillg Fits. they willbe fount of esp,ecial benefit: for Ifill porsot s urllicte4:witi weal: n 0 re.. or whose ncr roOS f•yst,ut has boon pros;ated . or ribattoredfrom Puy cauicwhaterer. ,In ehroule not plaln.ts l oir ilisen_ses of loug strujdrng, supilinclitekol :by nerrousnes, they ar.:Oxceed llVlS:l;coffloinf; : . t • , . . . rxiee,.S . :riwr box. or two. boNes for,ri. Person's out of thepity, f.ticloriiila a romittnnec, will 'lure the Pills sent .tholo through the tfifill. tree of pwth;:e.• - For sale yb SETh S: lIANCE, No- 103 Baltimore kteret. llfitimore; Nle, to'whinn : orders from :tll 'parts ot - tht, Union, twist be athirossed Test );.i . 'l.- ; . rnEsii - UST :re6cived another importation of these splendid• Full Jeweled Detached Lever find Horizontal Wiiiefivi with seconjis andihardien, aMelled Dials, double bottomed !;ri, Open' easeS,all of Which[are Warranted and received direct from -Switzerland.. The i fen: subjoined prices will nt ()nee point out to the public vl-Infie and, how - ari criiirthonti . per centage can be saved. - D.onhle 10toin 0 Jeweled Leer Watches as abciie in elegant. cases •frem.slo. Safde . movements in ; Hunting. cases friumsl2.. Hori zontal D9uble bottomed 4 halal JeWeled open face and: . seconds .from the same niove trieht in elegant htuitincases with Sunk - seetinds frau . All of which Bays hard enainmelled pold Diamond pointed fens .µiris• pencil and Silver extension• holders, magazine for , leads froM $l,OO. pole' Diamotid pointed pen ttrides frOni Sze. O. equally cheap. A .goO,dl.assortment of •exeellent second hand Makers, in first rate going eon. dition,iwill he sold decidedly IoW for cash. 'Best Fr rclt Luneft:Wat.di Cristals, 19.6. . Watch re pairing ' 7 1 . .1 ; ; Witch Chains and Keys gyatis tdi Wlrouys of bilsiness froh 7 A. 31. to 7 P M:, ' J. A. 'SING'I'..ETON, Watch maker and lin,porttr „, .. , . . . . CakrieiN :iand Oil lf,l4lis. 1. . , t AVING etilartied and refitted ; Our extensive • Crockery and!lrone Parnishiliff Sta . I re; ex- A ocissly for the hosleeSq,-we have ,added anew feature in its 'departments. ! , -.. The second ,Ifloor is devoted ;to Carpets, Oil ClOths and. Lobking Glasses, in 'Which wereffer a good assortment at prices which 'cannot fail to please, and to which' we invite.your' particHlar at , tetition.l • - , . . .1.11 . : DE PUE... : i —l3inaliantteri, 0ct1853; :IQ, i . , --- New yotk. Fire Isourplice .Co. ()IN V ., 9 Wa/ifStrit4.‘... 1 CA1 1 174111.; ern Cneli - nal Approved 130'cl:trill es) , • I ',lnshres'agaiio,l 1.4?)5.1 pr',Damageki , nits..:..ev,oacs..-itki .Q..Stgbliing,ll.3.Broad Stratt; Irekerl 1.1. Buker;, I 'spruce atree4; Girard " BanPker, In Broadway; Thopla a Andrew+ , , 130 Cedar al rect,rEamoil SoutlilSlay , /,! 4:7 IVe.t, strevt.;:-Albert 1.. Caaklln,B.l.ll. 1 . ./ tee6wich street ;:,lathes:4. erei4j, rin Etrniviwn)s,; Charter I.entJliingsbrid; N. Y. Laulbtrt H. Hall, tillitaego, lii.; I Smith Hot.ble; ;Wm: IV. Lelattil, Ness .York; iPcier it, ltessli, 133 Bank. tirect 1 Btocate'o. 3. Bell, tor. ',Wert' lutil IA Iglik a treeta ;Jahn .12.' Dren,lJl. - Wattr atreetl; ld.' - V4n Warti 11 attroadway ;• Horatio N.'j Gallup, cor. 'il,*(4t. and Barrow ftreet $; Petcr, H.Yr.ster. eer. Owls s;nort ofnd•West It cuhis Roas;, - Zr3 '4B Itlghtlt 'A - venue, fltOilien' i Crotaa Fit, Canplim N. .1 4 , . .Ik‘hiuAlleigh t i Philadelphia.; illßritt .' Britt:in, 49 Walitt , a..W street; Samuel s.lnclalr;Tribune 1114 id" in S.unnclll,:. 3 .lnm, elcrrlawl;01,10 -- :- , )-. I I . . , I• , ... • . 11 OVAL. OIIAMBEBVIN,.'Bres. C itAni.R9 T.•4.4,Aiturs. liPley.. i . , . i - ; nen.lnla.s 1.,. , ilkows Arent., 1 t . :ilentro4e,Septra, 1854. , .... . ~ 1, : • . . . . NEW YUR,K ADVERTISEMENT, From ilic Age rf S. :1f.i.P13 ENCOLT., 4 CO; " 1'42 4 1yosit it 6., :Y. )oil, 4'lo Slate' 4,lllostott. The G ltiano And,Mqsic Is-EORAtIE WATERS, - ' 3 . 33 Olt Nuw vAltrc. best owl twig Imprott4 i'lation and Itfolttlionst.••;•• y:411 is: q:UT AVorld;!/ Premint 'gnus, ‘.lflt tit how. t .liorean , and w thlron"frame.and sir eular seal .:a. I Thp merit of thet'eliastrutnents - itt ;too woll t•nown to itci i further.comm•mdatlon. Gilber4'l Boudoir Pianos, an els•gnot lust runtent forstnall Noma! linnet & CatTIST.OU . S i'lart(A, of the old established firm 4.111114 & Co. :•ot n agent for-all the above l'lnnos,Can Wier them loiter than any other houstf. 11 °race Waters'. taannfadturel ripretiely 'for hfm. having : great Power of tone andetatdicity of loud'. 1133 Ditladivo i y Ii the largest Opot forAuti oat .rumentsdu this. rgitintry, idTordittg ,oripcirt Imity.for:+clertiopm riot to IPE.. :hat, else, Where. Second-hand I.l.anBt argrent. trout $175: Every iastrtunent fully .wartantett or the money refunded. • • . • T.:LODI:ONS. ' j ' • • , J. - • & l'ato' Ili Organ .11q1orleon, with Two Da zlits'of keys—a swittd and powt...rtril instru ment, rrive front 57.1 t 05200. .: tr. & If. 'll'i Smith's eelehrat ed 11001 Itotts.Nl r tin 's unrivalled Guitarc,Urbsn's 'tarps; l'lntillan; Brass 'instruments. &et— Dealers supplied;wlth Planot and Melodeons:at * factory. prices. IT: jper,ctoat disi;ount.to , Clergyinen. , 4 : . • • .k • Product. 'of the great Malt era of both. l'ho At net lean an - 1 lituropean-continent s,att reevlv ir g constant 'addittons by an extensive publication of the -and p•ipttVar pieeel of theAa`v. Deodcre To Music, and Teachers! of '?emitiarits wialtint Itipurehase anymnsie pui.t4i...a : or. inak,e arrangententp for eolith ned snitplies of Mr. %Vat eesd tjetv will tin dit to their intorest to firward their. orders. Muaie.setit toany part of ilia Union or Cauatlac, postage free. I.lo.ltltlE WATEIIS. ; • : , THE ! undersigne have - established a •,ahop iuj the basentout of Mr. §ayrett Store, in , Mou.: troseo...ltere tliey Veil. - 1 at nll times keep na Nand Poeatc, and liomr.irtc -- M.trtsr.u, and tnannfacture the sante T. hap's!, Tomb-stones., - ablei• taps, eze•!! ! :•t. „ . ar:r pa.tionagei.or the; public is re'snectfidly •snlicited. !! . ! ! CONG DON & BEVIER • M. - mire-se:Aug ,f25!.18531--tf. ! • r To the - , ,Citizens of SusquOhanna' • County. ./AricKu.k)l rettpectinqy call the V. V :attention let ell persons! in SusquilannaCounty and Vicinity to their large and ;well selected Stork of Pry ()nods and Carpets whieh consist; of all the fashionable and siiesonable GoAii now 51:1 voFuti,'Gnods'suiteilb4th for the grave and the gay. and In fact all of the dabirent styles of goods whieli, Call, he called for OT tbonght of. , 'Pi- are de -termitic/ not to at ndereict, and. I f you will be ku kind as to favoius with a call ,we will make our iyhr4goc - Our stock of DWI'S G 00'1+1 ist F in part of, ,St ripe, Cliihntreable, add - Lining; - Fig. and Plain Wool Delainect, Fig. and Plain Coittin ido.; m e rinos, Thilietv,,Alpacetir. Parenfalta,3l, de. Page. pYal LI,IF,y5,(10)11r0.1 rack Flannels, Calicoes. 4c. &c. - : • Sill. IV 1;2 4 -.of, 1,1101 we have an • imillesti. variety. CashmereShawll4 :froth .87 to $.7), Ray State, ;Long and Square 10,, Fig:itind Plain Thibet. &e. -• - plaid and \ Stripe daeonet Musiiiis, Birds Eye end Itussla Diaper, Irish Llnen,Tahle Linen,- Linen, Cotton, 'Worsted, and • EtattosST 4 l3lo" o : l 43,. 'Swiss an 1 Intila honk .31 uslins, Victoria nntt Ilisloops - Lawnsii Linen Vnen Cambric Ildk.'.e.; prenelt Worked Collars ;land Under WA's, 3lnslin Drapery . Linen and . Cotton SPtingi and Shirting, Bleach and. "frown, Jacquard Diaper, &e. ( Sic. • . (;..11-‘: DepartpAcitt=-Consis IP of Blacif and Fan ey Broadcloths, Cassitniti,es, Illark end Faney,lSatinettrt, Sheep's Grey. Kentitelly dean. Cashmeretts,Setini Wor sted and viii Vistingsi,lllack and Col:ltches. Satin Stocks. Neck Ties, &c flied, Dine, YelloWand stripe, Gents Cid:thin eiq Wrappers, Drawers, &c. tee. , Our stoitl: -of file Vest and '.4ittry coMplete etal•racing Lit•licis, Misers and fleets loves, Lisle thrttad .Caelm - tere. Caisitriere, Fleece. Lined, hamois Mick &e. &c. • Ladies 31Isses'• and i.lO ants Cotton, ose. and S ;nose, While, irown, Block tine Made ColorS. Alimeta, :Woolen, Cashmere,;:tlerino and Silk do., and &tory other styls:of eessonable Also, an en,ll4s. variety of uther styles of Goids. sitch as Ditmasks hot h c'cittori. and VOA, Silks and Cott 0,11 Vel vet:. Crain terpabeil. Moreeris, Cam]: riCA Jeans,' Com forters, Rose atii Roma Blankets, -kcank ' ini, Tickiugti, Slat hiers stripe, Oil Cu rtatriS, Carpet Ttags,ike. Ctarpulizsak—Tfmstels, Three Ply.. Ingrabaiii. • both Wool and Cot ton. Ctitton do.,Cotton nod Wool istufr Car- C1G2ha.12.44,1a Carp.otinir, „ • Our stock of Dry - Ahoils is rtotr completq, and if.you wiuldliko to see a zood assortment of floods! arl, Nets Coons you will .+UII at Wiekham'Bennett's, nearly, pppo -site the p 0 q,,,m6., Binghamton, 'Stir .5,1553—n44 • • • . . • Doctor Yourself : r':•••: THE POCKET 2EESCITLAPITTS: _gory 01 - Ihis !Tun Phy.s-ician., _ FIFTIETII Edition cintaining • (17._ —IL One hundred Eng.ravings 4 'lshnwing DisCaies and Malformations of! the Hu mlli system i , n every shape tnitl :form. To ' whieh is added a Treaties t•lti the Diseases of li!nnutles, being of the higlidst Inver tance to ruariii,.o pcoplo; or those :cotemplatingmar- Ily • . : • , • Wililittit Young, '111: D. 1 * Let no fathi.r be ashamed to present -a 'copy of the. -Aes.culatill;s to his child.: It may SaVd! him from an early. grand. LeC•no young man .or \va-. man enter intn the secret obligations of mbiriSd life without readibg the :Porket 'Aescul'ar4ual'L'et no one suffering: trent : alltacknied - Cough ,'Priin in the Side, restless nights, - nervous feclings,rind•Ae whole train of Dy•rpiptie sensations, and given up by their physician, be another moment without con sulting the AE: 7 OULAF,IES. Haethelmartted, or those.ahouito be inarried any .impediment, read this truly useful : book, as it,,has been the tni.anS of saving thdustinds of unfortunate creaturdsfrom the very•jawe of t { leath• f • • E Any person sending': itcepty fi ne cents ,en-' closed inra letter, will receive one copy of. this }}Work by mail; or Ste copiers will be sent for Ono - Dollar. Address (post "paid.) • • !DA. WNI•YOENG, - I . • NO. 152. Fpruce •• March Bth H. C. BENNETT & co. • lbzporters crud Jobber* Al Ftirciim I,Dq . them . e Drif Goods: j. 4h . nEY STar.,F.T,•ICEW YORK, j - • . . • VTQULDlinvite[the attention of merchants in 2 SuSqUehanna and adjoining Counties to their stork Which be ; found large and desira ble;at.all_scaons of the year; consisting part of• Cloths, Cassimers and •Vestings ' .I`cans'and Tweeds, witn'all the .best'afid well knoWit styles of fast colored prints. '1 ' Also, Dres..Goo s !ls, NI/Than and Linen IGoods, Also, Broehe long and.square shnivrs':Pish. mere and Silk. Shawls ) together with %)siery and niney Good 4: 1 1- 1 • : ' l . —Prompt attention paid to orders. I; • : - ; - - 4yl-1 !change., . • ' i, New Stoves.:,; .I.T:lma:.nntnoirrtjo B olini(4 r ;n7lor vi. 4 5% and shop : ,S tt t n o a ti, r •s o 7',.., t r tg lVigi er.Coaii and id matati§etien *ith Lis previeds stock trill make &select a' a eomplote. assortment of the 'mac po"pd far and improc .d Linda of .., i ' ~ . 1 ~ II . Air . Tight,- Elei'ated Hthjen Prohiain- and '. • , `Plate Moves.' • •'• . Also,' stove pipmsteel, lien, Zinc; Stove Tubes 4. a . %Lich be will sell at the lowest prices for - cant or appio* ed credit.. 1 ' Xe's 3 111forcl,ePt • 20 th, / 6.5 I i f Groceries---Who Aesalo .8c Itetail: , . T.ll great vlriOty,: ,Oonsiolerable quantity, imperi -1 or ?polity; and 'cheap for cash, Or to exchange for, most kitals of Merchantable . prod4e, on good terms." His Stock of Suiten+, Teas, TObacco, being sti•tiumerods, he deems; it only_uoc— essary to say. that almost anything in the Gro-. 6ry tine'usrt by familiescan be found mioarnqui rY and eowiegnently enumeration ie considered superfluous: lln porticula'rbe would ;IA au exam-. intition'of Sugar, 2L Tabs - cod, And 4s Tea. A deslnction }worth saving made to lltese who hp) in largequantifies.' • t I. N. BULLARD.. Montrose; Pa.: , ,• . . Iro -7 Rent. - -1,- :' - • 1 • 1.. , sToRy anct half dwelling bease with, . „ garden and barn nttached—altM two setts' soma ((gismo!' famiKes, dr students' titian sehool,.hll in 1111untroie and it desirable 10, : i , • ~_ . ! ,; • BENTLEY-4 FITCH. ontroii,! April • 10, 18.54.-15w3 1 , . _. [ • ' - \ I „ - ics. THE . I)''OISITPOSP IY 44 looPitrii .puntrango tn..' I 611147A5U • rt , EDIVOItit . A.NO PIMP . . TERITIS-$l,O, cacti jindvance; tt 2:00, it 'not paid*ithin montini; and CON:lt:the e Ar i of th e -year. No paper discintifined, inti I iirre ua gest are paid, -Cxcept , at option .- .of • the Pcl4 livhers. All communications connectild.uith office, to, insure attention; nust dirC , .etcd (pi n { paid) to CHASE.. & 1491:arose ! ;SusqUehann a County, Pa. Ititteil 'or ••- I • One sqbare (VI lines ni - less) 3 insertions,'Sim Each sttbsequent insertien, . i. . 6,2 4 One Nunre three month,s,` . . 4 14:4 , )ne square six months,' . . , 4,00 IBusiiiei4=Cards, four lines priess,- - ..3, 00 Vearly :dvertis.truents, not nier,4 mqupres, - 7,00 One column" one year, . • • • 30,Q0 Yen t ad liertisers will . be restriete4'to th e buinc,:a in which ihey'itre• en,gageti. 1' I• • • .. JOB. WORK.' 11-1 - r.'rpo publishers hav,ing ridded tO their .101, Printing Materials 'A i large Kid i.superior assort ment of .T.Ob Type, are now prepared o 'extents Job Werk . in a manner ensurpa.sned this see. tiOn of country; and'on the most reasdnhb!'e terms. Elk:mks of eveyy dastriptiori kept 'constantly on hand or printed to order. - , J - . . R • • , OHN GOVES, • p'underSearle ti 'Hotel, Main Street,.lllnntrnse; Pa. BRYANT Great Ilend Depot s ,, Pa. Aorhsiirr ANT, Pr9prie.tor, L. B. SPBOUT.i. I Nairnftictitrer of Srnoues coat4isr.D , Cra. ralci Spniins,Montiose, .1 ° • Win. W. . 4"abinet,And Chair lianufactdreis, (foot Strea, Montrose i 1 1 . a, - ' , ; ' 1 , ~.• G. ez: 11. FIULLEI • Deali.rs it! Books, Bendy-Made' Clothing•, - Batq - 1 - and 'aps Boots` an .; Shoes, &c.. Store. oppo. site Setae's Rotel, ontrose, Pa . • "Dr. C.. C. AVir4Rp,l, - Phy4cian,ind Surgeon, ihrford, Pn. Of ev 2 doors belOirEhton'S Store.' • • ' : . Dr. H.! - ' Surgeon Dentist, Montrose, PA.., ;will be ; I, Seurle's Hotel, Mondays and:Tuersd4s ore:l6 week. • • 15y1 • IneIIIILLAN & PARIF ! Dealers in-Dry Gofds, Grocenes,l Hardware, • , Cro4keiy, Boots and Shoes, et.; Springville,. , * '• 180 . r . LITTLE ac CIIIASE *l.tornies at Law--;-Oftiee feriperlir- ocen. I ;pied by Little & Streeter, Moilfrea.,t timsque. habna-County, Pe. • . - 1 B. LITTLE.] _ [EzE.t i , B. CaASE. ..CONGDON di; BEVDEl i tit; - Dealers in Marble Monuments,Ta Tonb:, ! ;Stones, Corner. of Court, amt. Exchang e ! Streets, opposite . Broome County Mink, Biog.! liainton, I • • ! C. D. LATIIIAOP - iDealers ita Stoi - es and Arannfastnrers of Coriper, Tin, and Sdeet.frron ••Wittei. Stibp west side Main Street, oppsite Dirnoc-rat Of. fiee;Montrose, Pa. • D..:LATTIROP.I E." 13. MOONEY, . . , Itepairer of Clocks, Jewelry', IluSical Mani. . E . ments, - ami Cuns, &e., &e. Eleetio 'plating ef Spdons, Watche.4, Jewelry, &e.; thine' to 'order. l He fins an appointment for Seal . ei Of'Weigh and, Measures. Shop on .3bin Street, fiat door below the Brick Corner, Montrose, 134, AREL TURRIPLL, MO Txosß, PA. beater in Drugs„Medicines, Chernices,Painti, Oili,,Dye-stuffs, Groceries, Dry Go4ds, Hard waie, Stone-ware, Glass-ware,Camph'ene,Bin ITT Fluid, Lamp Oils, Canfiles,Yarnithes,Wis' dow Glass, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Perin: meiy, 'Jewelry, Spoons, Spectacles, Musical Instruments, • Trusses, Medical Initrumente, Liquot!, Mirrors; Stationery, gruihes, Shoes, Yankee. Notions, &c.- - Physivians Prescrip- • tions carefully compounded; j • FRANKLIN FR&Stit, Attorney an 4 Counsellor at Law,, • .. • - Mosrf..nsE, WILL attend faithfully to all btykinefs man ted to him in the county of iruswhanna. Conveyancing and writing of kinds till i cone neatly, and charge moderate- i ! Ile wil[also attend to the ftrosecrion of clairhs if siAdiers ; their widows and ,heirs, \ against the Uni ted States 'government ; 'for Bounty Land, Pe sions, • 'May be (Vaud at all .honts at, the OE4 formerly occupied by J : T. Richards, Esq.,itOrth of the Court nonse. " , 49y1 - JOHN. COLSTEN, _ DEALER IN Stoves, Tin, C:Tper inttd Sheet Iron Ware, todersville, near Great Bend Depot.-6tf I - _ M. C. TYLER,,- . •.1 1 . F .littorosted with; L.:L. I6ioRTER: Al 9 DEALER !If lErdWaielond Ca - i lery, Carriage Tripmings;,Sprinp; Rc. • No. 21.5 Pearl Street' :114 Y.! • there his Mercantile friends,' thi4 and offer °unties, are kindly invited,,and earnestly 89114. to!eali.and purchase. . in6tf.l . - • HENRY 5..-KNAPP . I OF MOSTROS, ra. - With Rowe, Woodruff, , l& Carter, NV ll l‘ c f ) F lo rN A A L .T E ,,N G To ßo i rgs litr • a n: h d i iw C tt o 3 .l n l3 s ll t S r S e l e 7 b;etween Cortland and Dey 'Streets, Ne'w York, March 8, 18.54-10tf. - ' ' • 1• I • • i - ' - Medical Card. r: RS. E - : Patrick - , Jr: & G. 2. )1E) Di ~ - . niock hat . ; this day. formed a co-part n ership, Or a rnke theient and sheeessful - prosecution oUthe digt. -ent branches of their- professiOn.l' HIJ -- I Alt. business entrusted to theni, will,'' lie atten ded to with promptness and fidelity. 1 : 1 Their office will be the one lately - oeenpledki Dr. Dimock.- '., • : - ..1 . • : . E. PATRICK, Jr'. , ' • -.-,. . ,Q. Z. DISIOCK:. Montrose, March 22, 1854. - H , 1 . , -•-• . , , . • Dr.. Merit H C. Vail pRIJWST and Cniluts7,i•and•Mealil I Pituq§, Itedieinesi Cbetnieals, Dye Stn Paints, Oils; - Patty, Wiudow Glass, Camphire • Fluid, Perfttinery, Yankee Noion,dz-e., 1 ,- LoderUyille, Pa.-10tf. • - • • r , ripHE Subscribers nre running a Deily linc rr AL. Stages between Carbons:l:lloll'nd 1-10plAtcir , Station on ".th© Lackawanna ard. Western 14 0 :- road. Distatvee-20 miles. Leave Carbondalcin the morning and - connect with the ears" 0.4' North; ..Returning, leave on the arrival of a'''. tnail train from the Great Bend. l'he t neing , mek,direet and -cheapest route *oni qreat to Carbondale. Passengers. by This line alO 5 , get late Carbonditte earlierin the evening ! I ;' n any other route._ ; Fare reeeilited in CarbOndaleiat the Stae Cf the Subscribers, Main street, a few blocks lailoiv Brenson'a Hotel.' I GROW & BROTHER .. ,• • I August, 18-12.—tf. • .1 ' L , R AGS, waatad at INUI S. , A. Woormirr L TURRELV I 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers