I th..h - tiONt,OF 711 E o:,:ili t ED ST#TruSi . .1 ...,' 1'; . . - The 1141 e 'Whlte populatiop of tifeeonntry, ; by the . tsus 0f4850, waknineteeti. millions six hun red and!twenty one thousand .seven hand*. and nin'ety-ninO , nave.po'' pulation, three tii llamas, tiO! hundred and - ninety-eight ie t-housan ilttee, ~.Itlndred !!, and!' tweinty 'Our ; free coleted, • folk hundred` and' twenty-eig4t . thsaus;and sfix hundred and thirty seven. •To .tal 'ecilored, ;three itrillions : six, hundred find tWenti-sit. alto - usanC. nine hundred, tind ! thay oti,.' 1 : : i s' makes- ! I!'•. - ; ': . ! makes- thd white Popniatic,n about five I f .a (.1 dite-fciurth to' i one of the lack population., The ivliote .co tired,-,p4u ation inercaied,l front :1840 to] 1850, at the ri tio of 26.22 . perk pent.', - w !deli' - tiOuld doublythe, colored popui tition- in :thitt,y. years. lA.coreling to .. the!! freeof - 8:10,- there were then • fifty-thiecl! free eolorld persons in the State. of 'Penlisyl-•1 Ma.. 1 It i 4 be,;ievW, howev* p tliiit the number!' .hae Suomi-hat de t ereased since 1850 - The fr4ndly regardsi•te colonization and ', Liberm or e ii - uch stronger in the rural dis-:1 tricts of:the t..a.t : t - i than in the cities. Some,' go fitornlt'-lie.citit., - but the larger and betteri number. froni the. country; laud - the' dispcisi-4 tion itowlci guiltiiifoitiao:l abort Liberia,' and, go there, ishecerning ,deq, strong and! gene' al,"timongloindredt - end. thotisands.- 4 the.' oler4d -people of this State • i r- : , 11 DIfirtIBUTION : Or iiPITOPIttATINS. . i Pennsylyanta stands.distinguishedi among the Statefi of .thefLinion, fori her 'active beney.!,, i olenee• tni endowing' Chari tat*, and lienevolentli "institutions.. Slie his established institutionsl for tie education lliif the deaf and dumb, •foci the blindy for the reformatien of f ie yotitlM criminal ;and the : abandoned female s ! She haS• reared land 'fosteredtin institution for the rev; lief pf: thi,lunforOnate insane; and ;ilast.,. tho, Inot least.;" 01 is no,w evitici is a deep, merest i to aid hi, a. p : cutitary point of view, the friendS of the idiot, o Cultivate his 'feeble i tellect i and; rise hit t above the . tcondition f the brute. . : !: • '-; • I ncl During the past. year, more than One hu - 'reditltottsand dollars 'were drawn' from. the 'State Treastiry, for purposes of a charit:ible nature. - ...Very few of thesel'iustittitions have . . :: , conferred any benefit on the colored p pular 1 tion., By the charter of ;the Penns,),- ilittia Lunatic.llospital, no !person of dolor can, titi der any. circumStanees, be itdmitted into ant 1 of its wards or &ills; so that the 4-.)lored.re,4-) ple:, as 4 class,lhave r heretofore received 0,4 i few - of:the - bountie.i.of the C-ominenWealtit4_ and we think 411nore judicious dikrimination I •. ! t among the appropriations to chAitable and: i 1 benevolent - obj,FCl,.Would afford to .all desita- ble Objet theltneans of Some.. .pecuniary; ai- I I ' : , ..istinice'b • the State,. without swelling : the I : general are ate. Two years ado the State a social, civil andmoTal i apo.opri ed-t WO thous: rid .dollarsto : tile uce voluntary emancipation I Pennsyliania Colonizatio !Society', which the. re. their freedom and happi-1 society ,grate oily acknO ileddes.l4s having prosperous coutatT• of.theirl been !of' very essential se ; - ice' in, the good ; being most effectually re- li, s • -ork of Aft can coloni t i ion. Besides, the It influence of the Iteptiblie i -Ine'atis it furnished the..'s • iety, directly,' the humane, benevolent lid. 1 ipproving ha dof the at oritieS of the coni- I ofslaves at the Sputh,l in i monwealth hi ;had the e ect of establishing i sir and free their.peo- - confidence atilleneonrago the great worn: Of 1 nr emigration; and citizen-' ix- ithlra Wind ltl e : blac d I i popula ion 6°l 1 epublic. 1. onongst us, and plant ti fin upon! • soil? and 1 • - ' !! - . hiinateO adapted to: their nstitiaiOns. , i I The PetiusylYania Cohinizatioia!Society op casionally has 'received very large bequests. 'We will,-i' this ! connection, state an '-o,nl}- itinstance. 'lElliet res.Son;!Piiq., who was' for iia number of yelirs president of .the-petitisYl=\ vania Socilety, and. xVll° -lately - deceased,c, I wfil • • 1 - . !,! ' I to the society ten thousand dollars, : f°r tbe !,purpose . ..of:Episopal missions and .scheeils lit Port Cresson, in •Libcrin, in 'Africa ; also one I-thousand dollars to therPennsylyania Celotii- •„! i • . t. Izidiot) Society.:' - ' l.! i - , : ,- -; 1 .! - t• : Tie work isi .rrieticable to transpOrt to Ar -1 rie t ar three milli us of meni!wotnen andichil i dren;.! But it :iiinot be done without moi -1 ey. I,To''transi ort . the ! fifty-three thousand ; now 54 this Sti e;:could• be aceoniplioied ,n 1 'less than tWeni ' years, without the assistance ' ,f h:very . large ; lattionnt frOtn l the ;State Treas- I try. It is ascertained that! there are over i . - ouir millions of f.uropeani;,:and the immedi ate descendants of Europeans, in tlie;Uhited States; !and they are: tides coaling to our shores at an average of althousand a day. If 'the emigratiori should continne! to . advatiq for the next ten years, as it has done the last fi've years, ,there .will .arriye in -our counfry,' Vow Etirope,five millions , of people in ten fats. And! :Millis ;without governMent aid . : t any - appreciable ,extn. Tile, whole mciVe : en ! • r l . t is, founded' upon prvate enterprise,'and i t 4 accomplish private interests. •!„ And it has ,, been •Offiefally:acertained, that ;the Irish em ; idranls; besides sustaining themkives in this 1 home; .country during .three years,, seat to their -indred in their native land, fiftein Mil ,-lions f &Marti. ;:Are we to be, told then, that 1 -these 'fates, in eennection With State, aptiro-, . . priati ns and pri,Vatehenevolence, cannot=, in thnotirse of 4 generatidn or 6v°, transport I:, • the °hi !red• • ,i! 'population,. 4 leas than three and. I a Italic Millions, to the 'W stern Coast of Afri i ca r'!! tspecially,!as it is la measure of,:public !justice; public- .benevolence; public , hOnor !'and national prosperity. i - 1 ' . : -!. .- . I• In cOnclusionthe. committee has 'Only to , say, thni the- t Afrieati•Coliinization is thooff -1 spring': :ofClirystiaulphilatabropy. It is allied I to nos heme of*ealth Or power., A. corral , .- riccessit • ',tve, birth tOlthe enterpti.se.' The I a ; Ssa g P l i sufferin tui !degraded dominion Of . the 'Col •w_ithila 1 orelpi. p e intbe City df *London, ! in. 11,87, 11 ,-,°.ift•u s, '. moved- h boasts of \ Wilberforce and I•others, ind ev-,1 , 0f kindred spirit, to dei-ise means- for their. flier-ii relief a improvement, and imPrOVeent,fand the colony of Si -tf fives errit Leone was-the 'result! . :: '"; ! tceu I ' The'satne beneficent ipirit, socking to 'joc; L ' ! liorate the. cdudition of the race itt this court-, try; but with' a Scope initneasurably broader; was, led bY the light oft British, example to the adoption of Simi lar measures!, and .through the agency, of the ; Ame4cati Colonization So ciety,Tformed in 1816, Liberia, - the genii of an empire, sprang into 'life.. • The piouee '47idfoundersof the enterprise, believing ilia the separiaion of - the rades !is essential to t 7 e ; highest improvement of Both, sought to see re a retreat., where the African might, enjoyleverY right] and fra chise of an American citizen, and in the free xerci'sc of every, nativeendowment, stand er cti' . .iii. the Conscious dignity : of manhOod—in.. the land . of, his att;:stort, freed from his social:lnferior ity. andt • litical disfranchisement, With every incentive tomanly -tffok, . and. virtuous aspira tion.' : - 4 . ••! - 1 ; I • •. • •• A retreat: has been found near the : equator, .-the native hoine of the race, comprising n ter ritory; of twenty thousand square miles :id mating - of indefinite extension into the interi.. or,•as tl e eXigencpeS of i4q" . pe9ple .may.,re quire, -• Froi the limn:blest! beginnings fortn= ed, of, in terra S the most feeble and helpless, nursed by Pri •ate.:!..char4y, iposed to aggres sion from every ruthles marauder, and..pro.. tetAß,d 0n1y. , ,,by Almighty. leve,!sLiberin, has escaped theperils Of her infancy. She has even t.l.ie spirit to call lierself a State, a COin .4ion*Olthe!an independent republic; pi 94 the proudest monarchies of Europe have enrolled her among the nations. i &boob; and churcll - adbm heretoins and villages • the atroci ti‘s of the slave trade liave!.ceased 'within her bOrders• tliOnsattds•of the'etnancipatedF,eiult ,',-iii the I:le.ssings 'of freedom, and. astonished 'Africabehelds a new Order of things infiugu ted UPotrlier shores. •il !! : - ': • • Liberia of the return of the exiled to the home their anceistorS,.to shait th 4 tiles-. sings her free institutions and ennobling flftv miles . on an•average. • The Marv colony. at Cape Palnias, is not at this nit, a part of thnLiberian.Repnblic,but vill be, :when thncontindoui coast under i , ntrol . of-10e Ainerican . colored= emi shall} extend' about five.•hundred, and y miles. fTlicie are twelve . ..millions of g rcs in the Liberian territory, much of 1 • .“ ... j.i b q very fertile and most :is .susceptinie, or I,rotitable cultw,ation.- It has-been 'ascertain that - e d that the produce of „a cultivated acre .is m ere than . .enotigh to support a man, ,- iipopulatrn.of the African Common veal li i. 4 alien two hundred thousand . souls. 4 - be..it t...lirda-morrument of the wisdom '4f it Pioneer fends in .America, populated . iii 4 veren Iby blacks-from its chief mag ir,tra ell",down,.t. the humblest officer, with c hurches, schoOks,:good laws, the press - '`and all d i g ble:4sings of - -civilization. There 8r f el v.events in this stirring age;. more . fall- of aliseibing interest than the foundation of this intlePedent.ntrtion of colored freemen nutting their own raed'of one hundred and sixty mil- . lion of peopiel.. . . The face of the country of . Liberia, .her 'soil nat4al fertility,'rivers, natural scertery, - 'cli mate, civil and social ' institutions, manufal- tares and coninercial advantages, arc such, . i that your committee have no • hesitation n ilvturuending the young Republic. to the fa; vorlthle consid ration.pf the people of Penw. 1 - - o-lvania. • Tri) . o ECM OF COLO?.:iZiTIC!.N. . _ , . • 1 - L .To prntiCally.demonstrate the cap4ai tv 9f tarcolo . d mail forself-governtnent,and - . f,ir independent, civil nationality. This, has ' beeil realized by the establishment and pros . rity . Of the Republic of Liberinin Western frka - I: :id. To full. break up'and destroy the J.Af ricn slave tide.. This, to' a'. great extent, bal d been don and is - still being done, by plaiting and_ xtending social, civil and Chris tian colonies ' f free colored people front . this. country, on the Western coast of Afripti. • : l td. To intrpdwe civilization and` Christi , -amty into AfOca, and- thereby promote the re i e mtion Of that Vast 'continent andlong,nr4 - d e i ? ply degraded race,`by the instrumentality ofih i er own ex led children; there ,from thy, c 9, ntry.. Th s missionary work ; of African ~. colonization . 'been most efficient and . sue- 4401.- 4th. To s o re a.hame for t 1 free colored ilopk of the niter Staie . S, whei,v the !'l may e t s . pr l ofess and eijo - :ndiSiurbed peace and. free don, in - sense. - This has be en ad ! • comphsh , trhaps there is no place on earth to ( :e the colored 7 man, -, in s high and legree, possesses and enjc,3l - t• li Jetty ai prosperity, as.in the Repnb lic of LP. sth. Ti •arguinent ~., slaves boa land inom soon the c I• Ilt-SS in. II oivn. Al ahzed by of Liberi Christi al d!Tobinf Ile, in ship in that ITS FlitITS.- 1 Ist. Betty n six •and eight hucdre.d _Miles Of sea coast of Western" Africa h ve been E.e,7 eland to the' Ttilnibli . e. froni the native . tribeS, 'load this terri ry extending interior from fif ty to on© huu red miles, ' ~, ' li 1 4 I N. liars}'- f the. native popuh tton hatfe 1- I ken the oath of fealty to _the G l overniiic !.t. .rhile many ens of thiugicals have. bOu +ci 1 , themselves, b - treaty, wholly tolabandon the Aare trade mid himan.sacrifice4 and thin are l rought in contact with and'unar the tiatiu- 1 tic'e. of a civilized government, and people. 3d. The sl ve'trade has be . en ' permantintly Atirpated fr m at ;'east three thousand Miles $ of the Nireste African coast ;. from ahont ight hand miles by purcha.se and sbeial redemption„ . and from over two thousand miles by treaty sttpulatt'anis • and all of this,--direet ly, or, itliirp.Ctly ,-by the eNistence and iintlu . cute of the liepublic of Liberia:. 1 t • . J . THE NUMBER F EMIGRANTS FROM TUE- UNITED STATES TO' LIBERII. 1 -• 1 _ k • . olonization societies ' have sent,V expense and by. the, renuest oft!, we gone up to the . closelof 1853,H 4 nine intadrth.l and sixttl-eighti i 'I . :, it Ist. The at their . os-n i those who, hi eight thou, Colonist. "I , 2d. The United Stater - Govertiment have sett one tholusand and' forty-four wlifw ;were rc-capturcdlaves, making, in all; ten, thous and and tw ice -colonists established in iLiber ia, both by- he Colonization societhks a d the i 'Governmen of the United States. ' 3d. Of t ese sent by the Colonizati i rt so cieties, sere, hundred and eighty threl were sent during the past year ; 18'53. ' ' ' I The disposition. among the colored of this coutty. egpecially in the free to go to Li eria, is dails, and almost i sally inere ing. . - . 1 The,ex of sending a colonist to f se ia, is daily and almost universally inc The ex nse of sending a colonist 'beria ' and i,upporting him there for sic r after `hhis arrival, together with a ti of five acres of good land, (fee., is , f 'o eightyollars each one, both young. , . i gives The Co onization Societytheii - furnisher, rovisions-and medical aid 4 comfortabl e hottse., .for the first six and long,_ when nect.. cary, to cacti ',ry emi,, ut going to.the Republic o ia,, , beside • the gift of a homestead I acres of 14,nd to a single , person; ai nem' to al colonist who has a family. LIIIE PEN This 152:1 an sent from and Sixty fire were oo:s - rw.-AN-f.k coLiaxtz.tnos .- sli, ciety was organized. in: t• C .fear The co was chartered c c lart tb e i r r e tfi . in 1830. ijri lt t h i a ii s s ' 1 -State - th gest, moo . intelligent, ente prising , and I k eSt organize of coloredpeople ver senlhy the this StateSta y te ea -t r o i . Liberia, asol o w n o e t I :n e d l r 6i ed r.... yen einigrants,':lct Whom thirty ut during the palit year,,l 3. Coloniza on Society. o tha Republi .1. They [ . ctie have sel ted their homestfad , E4m.e; thirty I miles from Monrovia, tip' the St. Pinta i l icer,. in - a Ixtatiful and healthful; .region Dc coun try, well timbered, rich . in I mineral - wealth, sslss:and po ing a soil. Of grtold:fluty ! . [ The Pennsylvania Societ aided thil c9m - pany of emigrants, by its On n voluntary funds, in secu'ririg.to theta a Btca .engine_, ! lan , mill, and . othe Machinery;, to -render :thin- -pros perous ad a blessing. to • the to try , and people i o general; where they 'have, gone . to find ho 1 of freedom and- qualify. I : . . Besides thoSe emigrant -sent .tol plieria front thiS State by. thePennitylvtinla R ai -4r..iety; it has alsosent 'four bUndrel and ntTipty' r twO emit gran from -other: statesi most' of; whom. i s *ere sla.,.es, whose freedorn. I was . . h ereby o' se-- cured to them in trie ee:puta:. -4 ) I. 4 4.criit.-, • Of . i thiS number, thirty-eigl4 were • t,e4 out by tik society during' the\ pastl year; .114* Qui being Oaves and -- Nvi3Ose freidom d •pi.inde on . their Bing to ' Lilieria, has been seort so to .. them - hi this' society 'er-tabsshing tti : ni it' that Republic. The Peampqania .0460 tion Society has, therefore, semi to tiberf.s 'i all ,''six hundred .'and 'fifty .nilie etnigrants4-one hunclil and ,sixty-seven ifroni thitSiLte—r, . thirty- re . of *whom flie:pl sot year, : ri d four hundred and ninety two, from othir l i Fitates mostly laves, of whOut th i rty-eightWere'i;eut .• .. 4 . She past ;ear. - 'i . , ;-' 1 . people Srtes, fiver-, 'ing. to Li mOntlis ,estead Ell sixty 41 and . It • . . r destiny, t o be rivalled only, we trust, by the Etup.ire'oft;:the•West. 1 - • .. To a eguntry.sO inviting, is - it not. a.. Wise; And harnatiO policy to direct the attention of! the Coloiiid'race iti this State i .Jt has . beeni - decided that here they can - never rise to ii..so. cial or politicalegnidity. • Call tlitsprefuthee,: or patriotism, or philosophy, the fact is IC.er- - . 1 tam. What hope. then- remains that - thiinri-1' cortunatelpeople can ever • be Am4ricaniied,l and constitute 'an integral part of the' State II The•ciinviction this is impossible, that- theyj are politilea4 disfranchised, that-tilt), are to remain aldegraded caste, has. - sunk .into' the! depths ofitheir hearts, quenching every nelli iispiration,'repressing every manly efrort,landl Crushing Ow spirits to the earth. ; •11 ~ Your committee, in view . of the ritetS . bet fUre them, and in consideration of the icivi; and social disabilities - to which the' colored; i people: ocl'ennsylvania are subjected, reeorn-i I mold munppropriation of two thousand 14oli lam to theTeniisylvania Colonization_ Siicie4 ty, to liedrawn. and expended , as .proVided fer\ in thf.'‘, bill herewith reported by. the CoM4 t Mittee. . , l' • i ..All whithli, with the accompanying bill., is' respecthilly submitted " C L. IluNsucusit, B: R. MILLER ' , Gt':o. W. Ilittimi, J. J. • KILGOIiE, I . : ,s SOXATRA:: P. ABRAHAM. , . . 1 s •i . . The Ward . Trial—ludignatlon at Louisville. .LorisvlLLli,. I.—The verdict of the May jury, in thei,ease of Matthew Ward, tried, fot the murder Inf Professor Butler, has gi yen great offence fothe people here. A meeting,traS held on":,Saturday, l night, at which resolution's were paSsed requesting Mr. •Chitteuden, who Was one:: of the counsel of Ward,.to 'resign 14 seat in the Si Senate, and requesting M. Wolfe, another of the counsel, to resign:his seat as State Senator. The WardS were also requested' to leave the Sate: A large, mob .proceeded to - the residence, of R. 'J. Ward .where they:burnt in'effigy Matthew and .hi 6 brotherkßobert, at , the *out door, se .clos that the wood work caught. The fire! .was extingliished, however, I)efore much damage was done., AVEVAPLIBRASII4. MEETING. . The cntccrats of Susquehanna (1-on tity op posed t,&a .repeal of that part of tI4 Missouri CornTrOmis.e which prohibited Slavery in the Territciry of the Louisiana putchase, north of Oeg. 30 min., are requested to meet at the Court pouse in ; the borough of Montrose .on Saturday the 20th inst., at . one M., toitake into consideration the proPriety of Itoling Democratic State Carmen tiok and electing delegates to' repreSent this • county therein. . Tliti measure)tow Tending in Congress to open all and every part of the National• Do mani :to the senile labor of the black - race, therer giving to the slave aristocracy :a nib n nool of the soil or the country is to 1!le t pressed to a final passage ,by all the energies of the' slave interest, backed and stipported the corrupting appliances 'residential preiuises and patronage. This great iniquity —this irremediable curse upon . ottr. countfy is to_be consummated under the namcilof 1..);.- .rnoeracy; and it therefore becomes thC esPe- . cial ;duty 'of 'Democrat's .to take 'effecae ineasnies to r sone their , principles fiern. , prOaCh, and t win party. name from dishonOr. The crisis has arrived when the!safety and .prospority of our institutions demand . pronipt and independent action on the part of • the reaL.,'vating Democracy of the country. Let there be a Democratic State evuirrttibly respiting tiltit portion of the Demoeraticpari ty libo are opposed to the contemplated high handed.eneroachthent oldie Sltiiery power, in the threatened repeal of : that part of, tyre Compromi which securedtO.lftee I while labor, aTortion of dur 'vast :pitblic!do main • • • A. , Religions Notice.! •• i • '47l'llp. Gm.; ety l iin :Montrose, are requested ;to meets ,a their Chureh•On Saturday nat 'at :2 o'clobk P. 4, fOr thetransaction of important business Ittedical Notice. The :Eclectic liotanii. ,Medical ;Society *ill, inc+t at•Montrose the 24th day of Nay: I.AI geieral attendance of the members i solicit- ihere is business lof impoAanee_ to Le' discussed. T. E. Loomis Seci • • • PtAltAllgPe , • At nirmersville, on Monday,JJanuary 2d; by,liev. E. E. Guild, Mr. DEwrr i c. WELL•si,ot F.Ornersville, to :Miss-, M.AuTti* of Greenfield. iln Iknten, - Thursday . January] stll, by. 1.4 same, Mi. JCDSON. GREEN, ofAbmgtoti,t6 Miss I"..,OutsE Wm.t.:s.of the former pla . e.e: t; . • • • ih.GibSon,- on Sunday May ;7th by Ithe „„. same, mr, Ennis CLINTON', of Gilson, to Miss OLIYE ; SEELY of Harford. . !In Milford, "on' Sunday,. 3fay 17th, by ,!the s:iine, Mr. GE:o. - T..Plunty of Jaclison 3 to CANDACE ,RICE of Gibson. . • I .. .v'i„ In Bridgewater, on the 4th inSt. by go. L. Post,'Mr. Cuts WARNER of Spring ville Pa., Mid Miss REBECCA Einar), 011 , t4 Ulmer place. i. i • " , . '&44,,, i' •1 • j . . . In this Borough, on Monday the lith !uI4, Mit. EDWARD FULLER,' aged 85 YearS. . BREAST-P,lNS.—Diactond,MOsaie and tither Breast-pins in every variety+of style' and pattern, This day received by 1 i i • ' ALFRED J. EVANS. Binghamton, April 18;14, - I " : I No. 2, Odd Fellows Halt -. ; ; i • IfFINGER RINGS.:—Same cif the ..1f fineSt ever brought into thii market, alio Ruby, Pearl, Regard, Locket, Seal, Chaste, plaid and Stone Rings of all qualities, by, I , 4: J. E VANS.! ANS! EAR RINGS.—Some rely i ßich? Einkrald, Jet, Garnet, Enamalcd, and. Other patterns, all prices, by. ' A. J. EVANS.!* _, 1 - A NEW ASSORTMENT, of Gold Sleeve 11 Butions,'Studs, Armlets; Snaps; &c. by • Az J. EVANS fi OLD CHAINS, Vest, Chatelaine, Fob end ..icir Guard Chains, all weights and , patterns; 1:1 . A. J, EVASSi NtAPKIN RINGS.--LSome of the richelit at. 1.1.1 terns everoffered in this tn . :trick., ic4eived' this day by - 1 1 . A'. 3. EVANS, , IS ILVER SOUP LADLES,Tio and r fruiti - rtfves , A. J. EVANas k.. j , . s. ) I ~ I V, HELL COMBS, a new lot just reeiv.ed by !k ' A. J. EVANS . " _ "VANS of all qualities from 4s to 08, plain fig. .11.? ured and mourning styles by -- : ' . , ; - • A. J. E VANS. 1 1 lIAIR Bru s hes ? some , of the best quality ,ev. er brought to this market, i .. , I . , - A. J. EVANS. T WINS Extraet, warranted genuine by i ' A. .1, EVANS. _Li , L - I . oi. WATCHES.-rThe subscriber has Ur - jus . received another supply ot,Gold Watch. es,, which together with bis former stock makes bis asset Uncut complete. , 1 • • '- • • I A:J. EVANS. 1 1 P LATED WA E.—A largo 'andlbeautiful as. i eortment Or Silver plated Cake Baskets, Castors, and Can lesticks, some entirely - new patterns, by - - A. J. EVANS. - Bingli.uuton, 3 arch 30, 1864. -' 1' ' ' Dissolution'. co . ‘partnersbip bereofore existing be- JL tWeetstlie onto:scribers': under the -title of Tiffany . & utith was tern:dented on: the tOth April lost. "-The Note; and Accounts of said firm ar e now in thts hands , Of E. Tiffany, for I f settle- Those inde ) lated will . Rlease hike notice and sat accordingly. EDWIN Tirimil. JAMES Brooklyn+ May,1U, . 1854 To the Public., 9 - 111Wrindersigned having purchased of Mfr. ,Tiffanytis entire interest in the Mercan tile I:nisiness, hereby make their bowl() the good cithens of Brboklyn and vicinity, and invite them to =Wand inspect and purchase one of thAtest and most Complete stock of Goods ever befee offered in Oh) market. Believing that peoWe Who buy Good on lode credits have:, to pay a largo per centage for iCREDIT At.osp,' we Wile,. adopted the Ready Pay System of trade, as the ayEtein most,conductve to the public as . Welrai our own interests. MI kinds of Farmer's Produce re ceived, in exchange for Goods, at - the highest mark i 4 ratesi Those who desire to :purchase at a lovr, figure will assuredly, find it for their 'inter cat us a J. F. Smrqt, 10. G. lIEJOSTEAD. Brooklyn,May 9,18.5 i. ' ' . . • , : FISIV . -, 1 . Ait c r E b .f , lt. - I .l o. L po b l y ln tr i : o l,-- ie l-i h an oti cit.2 Barrel, ,:. ,_ BF:4'111Y 11 ; 11.EAD. 310ntrose 'limy 11, 1854; • ; ; • 100 Dollars Lost. *T wasnot stolen, neither was it'. dropped io 1 th roadi yet irrevocably lost to 4y gentle man*ho perchases slop-shop elothiug, instead of sOlecting Ids cloth of an bonest'dealer and get tinas clothes Made up . by an boneati instead of Idsing that amount,. any geiltlman can save 6,100 lit twoiyears time by earefidly clotbsoud employing such a Tailor asl John Groveit to cut and make tbeM up, and say nothliOg of the coittort of having deaeut fits. - THE SPRING FASHIONS . are posted Up at my shop;,and very peat styles they hre. Call and see. ' - iII.VST VE,NIOCRATS4 IP. • • .•/ ar Cutting' done as usual - Tor - ready pay, and warranted to fit. _ . "Remeinber mi shop is in the: basement 1 ' • eornei of S6rle's I &el, about, forty feet in a Nofthwest oourse from the Liberty-001e. • r' , i, ' JOHN 'GROVES. MOntrosd; 'May 5, 18.54.:—.19.1m. '?, 1 ._ . . Medical Card. !. IriOCT'S. THAYER & t CR/OaIiALL, *lag . 1 as . soclated themselv4s in the. 'practic!e of Medicine. aid Surgery would respeCtfully.itivito all 49: . give them a call that may mmd theiri pro festilOnal service. . They : may be ftiund. at the ofliec i formally occupied: by Doct¢ri Thaypr.— Tt4 . l will keep on hand pure conceUtratedi and H etrieePathic ILA T10.1.-ka, It. P. GRAND. LL. .scontrosti, May 8, 1854.; • • ; , New Spring Gnodi. BURRITI , is now r eceivi4 his usual, 1.1.• supplies of Spring Goods, Winch will be found unusually large and attractiv e , including a superior nOorttnent of Ladies DrOss Goods,. in Berages, I3erage Delanes, Laivits, Poplins, ChWlies, Ginghams &e. Mantillas, Silk Shawls, Silk. Straw and French Lane Bonnets, Bonnet Ribbons, Flowers, Parasc4s', • &c, together with a large variety of other Faney and St;iplo GOads, incli2ding Clothsi ,Cassimeres, -13,onts and phoes, Wall Paper, , CUrpetim.r. ' Gro ceries, Crockery, Hard NVare, and Nails, Drittr,s, Oils, and Paints, , Cooki4 !and Parlor Stntes. Ohio Grind Stones, Ploughsl&c. &c., all of which will he sold on. terms to tiult, burs for cash or approved. credit; \ New 51iPbrd May Bth; 1854 . . :Atliy prim int in fillinitifil 1 , i fistAisLislliutin,l ~ iI: , i ., '. The One Price Store. - I _ 090DS .7%."1' LOW. Villr F.s'l AND FOR 141.11YrrAl '' l rr LIE under,igned having associated themsch es; together in the Atereantile briiiness, are übw, pr'epared t;a . offer to the public, re.vbry desir.iblel stick' of Gbods, consisting in main df ' ~.DryGoods, and Ready ramie Clothing, •'' klats, Caps and Straw Gtel'ids, Books. and Stationery; . , '.. Boots and Shoes, . ;', .. - • - 1 Groceries; i? , T Yankee Notions, &e. 44., • , .• i.tror volitull h'sve been purchased with great care, and we are satisfied, cannot' fail to suit those,whO may! favor us with a cAll. :: !_rtii Diy Gclods departirient will be found very complete, Consisting of all the tending style .4 or - i r' , , 1 .., ',LADIES DRESS GOODS. . . . Silk, rich ?brocade, plaid'and striped, black,' dresS and dfantila Silk's, very rich, high lustre, and a( cheap rates. 1• . - ';'Striped;Delanes plaid Barnge drio: satin str ip y Challis, printed', Leats,•• Poplins,' Deßage, plai d il and printpd irtone(s, - . in great ynfieq.e3, wilicli wt are bOtind to sell at a low , fieriire ~ . • ''Rsingha6s‘—:( hadsome assortment, 7 -Prints l „ l all the leading? s tyles, Meri mack:, 'Cie:beams; Aliens, Spragu4s;:ike., very petty :,styles. 1 1 . -' , ;Dress trunmin - gs , =,- .- of . the d .sirahle styles and shades—Black silk Lace, D ess buttons, black valet Ribbons,lsilk 'anid , wor'sted Braids; in great variety.s : . I , ', : 1 . 1. Whitegoodz-,—SwitO,Jaconet;;Nansook, cam briek, Bishops Lawn, and Riok 'luslins, Plaid Cambrick :11uslMs, dotted . Swiss '.,Ntusl i ns, c orded skirts, Irtah Linea, Cambrick Handkerchiefs, &ii. iSit.,Frerich Needle Work,, SwiSi and Jacondt. Fr f ilgings, 2 .and Lisertings,. otton, linen, arid,thrend lace . do. flounCing, Ladle fashiobable,Cheiniset- s' ! ,., te,,„Sleeies, Collars, Ben 6,:. ets c.,the Itirgesi* 7 sOrtment in Tqwn, and a very low prices. i‘k, '. Thireg‘4 . (or veils, in gr en, blub and browt, Brack late :ails flitc: : - ~ ~, -' l l./ii4 Olores.- 1 — Ladieliand Gentii a large,asset inent, of the best quality. ~ • i .11iits,dong'rind short, Black, 310 air and silk!. Silk. Gloves,, Black, white arAdc tors. Lisle thread, .Od cot, do. • i i Irosicey-Ai fine' fbr Ladies, Gents, a' ri d children. ;•:• Ribborts,—a fine assortment fii Bonnets, aISO Satin andlutestring, id every widtlitii and ove cOll, Or - Domeitie Goods.—Sheetings, liteaca _.al. bleached in usl ins, Ticking, Crash; Diapers, Table Covers, Mid Napkins, and in fact, nll the' desirable ityles in this department. • :t' , 1 't Shauis.—Printed Delano, Freneh - printed wool, printed tashmere, Broehe l Black ; Talk; &c., a • fine stork of;thetn.• .., i i j • :1 - - , *v, Ladie!i Sloes, of eve l y description, at low pri nips. Bays, Misses, and childrens shoes, in great v,srietv.: Gents. Boots, coarse anti fine. , I :'i' .SA:C'S CAPS AND STRAW GOODS. i ‘i.•:'"We have 'aVery tine Stock • of •Hats and Caps, Canada Straws,' Paltnloaf, Curacoa, Minicab°, -Bound Canton,. Leghorn, Calisimere Ate.; for r fiuminer!wear, which aro very detdrable, and lid pig chesp. , ,it , 1 i!. goOd assortment of frulics Bonnets,Misks 4 4inchiidrens Flats, Hats, &c. ~- . , i li * READY NIADE CLOTHING., i 1 : In this branch of otir busine we cannot fail ~ ',to suit.,: Our stock of Clothing is very extentiive. !and well 'made up, in late and ' -desirable styles, We would esPecially.iinvito- our 'friends desiring ilit..y thin in this line, to. give .4s a call.' Gen. 1-- tlenienti, furnishing Goods, of every descrifitiOn. , A lattgb stock of ,Wall Paperindfierdering„. 0 . • Books ;Stationery and Yankee Notions, in greet !..variety..) I , 1 - ' o r drociries.—,•Teas, Green and illack, very choice i . land frelili t at low pri`ces: . • -'; , 1 ' ''• ' Coffeer.-;-Suporior St. Dominfp). and Rio. - . :, beautiful article of ,Brown and !, White Saga .., CHEAP; Molassei; Spices , Soap, Candled, Lamp Oil, Fluid; &e; Ste. A very superior artl tile of caVendish Tobacco, at 28 tits. per lb: ! ' I: - We Are in the store for merlyeccupied . bylLti ,throp &I,Salisbury, and morn_ roi•entlY, by Oeo. ,Fuller, l Opposite Searle's Hotel." ; We weuld be very IMPpy indeed, i to , see our friends, at! the i yip Pity* STORE, and hope to Me o rit our alvire of • the public patronage, by good attention. and [low . i prices. i'l - ' t 1 , G. & W. .1 - 1 ;FULLER, , .-• , Montrose, April 19,. 1854. : r .1 , , , Mineral Fire-Preof Paint- A4RIETY of colors, laud the beat ; quality '• in 'market, for ; sole byl , 1 I i 1 1 1 ABEL, TURRELL. , , , . 310ritrose, April 27, 1851. ' '' ' . - 41 !'; , _GOODS - R. LATOROP It CO. A RE now receiving !heir stock of Goods for SpriOg nnd Summer trade, which' they of fer, at lover. prices than 'ever offered in this mai ket, beforLe,; Thankful tor the liberal patronage they haie received, thei will` endeavor by strict attention to husinessynad •by many new induce ments,- to merit even a larger share of the'' patro nage of thase who wishitobuy GOODS CHEAP. Cull and examine for Yourselves, and sea if our goods and . prices will nbt hear us out in all we have said. LADIES' DRESS GOODS _ - of every style. Thirtyi eces Figuted Plaid and changeable Dress Silks/ some as lOw as 75 cents. Black Silks, all widths }end qualitie N and good nr tide for $l. Lawns,] Berazea l DeLaaes and GinghamS, good and chbap. Fine Whitei Goods of 'every I;in b d ; Embroideries 'arid. Lace Goods ; Bin net Silks - and Fringes. CLOTH t s ofievery grade: Black; bro.wn, and blue' Broad cloths, all ;of which being bought at bargains, 'We Will sell very ch eap. • , i CASSPIEt ES, • o6very Style, e qually] low. Call and examine obr stock: of these goods, as we can and will sell them at the very lowe4t prices: - - LINEN DUCK, I. anew article for Somme': wear. Surnmer Cloths, Titkines,i Striped Shirting,s, Blue - and- Brown 'Drill, Keritueky Jeans, and Tweeds, a . - complete assortment. - • ' ! HATS CAPS.J AND-BONNETS, a largo assortment, and of styles to suit Boors and Shoes; Upper nod sole Leathcg., CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE. , • . The most complete tndextensive assortment ever brotlght into Ilfoutrose. Full setts of white Ghanite and Blue Wziro for a very little money. Mirrors of all sizes and of double plate glass; HARDWARE, IRON, AND NAILS. Call aid examine our Inices before you buy. Willow, I - Wooden and; Tin Ware . kept. constant ly, on baiid. ' • GROCERIES of al; kirids. Sugar, pfolasies, 'NO, &c., at less than' - Binhamion . prices.. Ashton - barrel and Table Salt. FlAur lly the barrel, sack - or pound. Codfish aid Maelterel;Pork, -Farming. Tools of evety kind, Ploughs and Cultit'ators. • • L . . 'I: -. l ' i . GUANO: ~ .• ' Tho greatest fertilizer in the world, in - quanti, tiesl o snit. • ' 'i -" • ' M' ... ... • . • BUTTER FiliKS ANIiTUBS. - • '.. Ptodttee of all kitids. taken in clichang,e - for Goods, it ( cash ices. " Cheap Spiing and Summer Goods: TE are now prepared to furnish - those - who ; V *ant Spring 'find Summer . Goods, at pri ces pot faille, Compete- with the very . lowest and suit the el-osest buyer.. — • Our assortment of I tress Goods is- complete beautiful- styles of all the latest !fashions. Barege,Satege Dulaio, Lawns,Challis, &e. .• i S. H. ,& D. SAYRE. - - ' BONNETS. WE, hive received ngood assortment at ex ,YI tremely low prices. . • 1 • ' ' I 8: IL & D. SAYRE.! CLOTUS, Broad Cloths, Citssimere Tweeds, Jeai s, dnd a first rate assortment of Sum per sttat. WALL PAPER.. LARGE Int wbich enables • iv; to sell. low Li lisides giving an - oppnrtun4y to make liCt tcr selections. . - Ashton Salt, Butt 4 Filitins, Tin ..Ware &.c. . - . SAY.RE. • I GROCERIES. . • • bouzlit very him. 'Aird wilt not ~1 and eandot bd undersold. .• .! • ! . S. IL Si D. SAYII.E."' ". Ready M ade Clothing. A VERY desiral4lo stock at very low prices 11 - I -S. H. &D. SAYRE. • Executors' Notice. BITERS Testkmentary have "been granted to the strbseribers on. I the estate of Junes Newman, late of Great Bend township, decd.— All prirsons indebtdd to said • estate will make immediate payment; and .pa i sons having demandi will present them tn the unklersigned. duly - attes. ted for settlement. S. W. TB.UESDP.LL, ' < ' rrllo'S ' HAYS. : : 1 1 • 'Executors. • Greitt Bend APrit 26, 183 i. l -17y4 . 6* _ • _ . NEW GOODS.. . ' 1 AI.AARGE asso i rtment of new and ieasons. ble Goods ati the store of ' I U. .ItURROWS & CO. DrOss Goods. • ' _ AGOOD aSsorpnent at low prices, alo 'a Jarge lot of tl 000 d Prints at 6 1-4 cts. per . yard.; - - : 1 - ; i• U. BURROWS & CO. 1' 1 , , • BNNE:TS and- Bonnet Ribbans,a choice as- Sortment at tow prices. .• : ! U. BURROWS & . CO. , , • ' . I i Sugars' - - ' . [ CCI OOD New 9eleans, at's4,B7 1 . 2 per 100 lbs:, T 'Prime do. •at $6,25 per 100 , lbs.' •Prime Portorico, aft 6,87 1-2 per 100 lbs. . ; :: Alio; Clarafied Coffee, Powdered, and Loaf; s Sug,ais, at very lo'w prices. ' • ' • - 1 U. BURROWS & co. Gibson; April 2, 1854.: , -,„ - , , , I \ NjW GOODS, , •‘1 l' i It i rC Mlt . LAN & PARK return their grateful ill: acknowlOginents to the public for past ft.: vors,i and invite attention to the very large Stock : of Spring and Sutnnier Goods they are now !re-' ceiviSg, and offer Torii:de at very low prices. In, addition to' their seal assortment. of staple Dry. Goods, Groceries Hardware Crockery, ,Paint and Oils &e., they are prepared to • exhibit a la o me, assortment of 1 .. ,; . LADIES DRESS GOODS . I .1 of everyslescriptiort, Figured, Plaid 'and .Plaiii; SilkS. Bonnets,St4wis, Ribbons. Glove% Hosiery Ladies and Misses shoes of all . kinds—also a large stock of ! f . . READY' MADE CLOTHING, . . Cloths, Cassitheres, TWeeds, Jeans, SUmmer Cloths, VestingS,Hats. and Caps, Boots and Shoes &e. - • • I They respectfUlly solicit; an early call froth those %he wish to purchase. Goon Goons st Lotti• Places. 1 • DicMILLAN & PARK. • Springville, Mity 2, 1854. '' ' • H • AdmiOistrator'e Sale. xITOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of to IN an order t' sale, issued from the Orphan!'s Cotirt Of Susquehanna CoOnty the following die cribed property late the estate of Nathan Arnold, dee,, will be sold upon" the premises 'in Great Bond township op Monday the..fifth_ day of June next at one o'elol:1; P. M. Bounded on the North by lands of.Elizis Thyton, ott, the Eastiby the ...Suiq'a River; onl the south by lands of George Caddy, and on the %vial, by lands of the estate John Scotian det•eased, containing:Ally' -Acres, or_ thereabouts, be th re e same mops , or less, with ' the apurtenances.- About forty acre improved and 'en which . there is al dwelling. house; barn, Orchard, &e;1 . TERMS of payinent made known on the day f sale. Cuatti.na Cuaatniunt. .HARVEY HALL, Adair' Great Bend, '514 9th, 1854.-19w4. N‘w Milfqd Day and Baaiding i :School. • • 7 QUJIJIER te rn begins the first Wednesday In 1,.7 May. -Tuttfon, from $1,50 to. $5 per guar , ter, of 10 weeks. Music% drawing -d e. extta.-- Board with washing, from $1,50 to 1,00 per week.' REV. 11. OSBpRN New Mllierd,llo6llB, 1854-17w3*, S. H. & D. SAYRE: . Adminiitrittors' Notice. , NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Tests mentary Upon the _caste of Theron Besets, deal, late ofDlinock loweship been gran. Wilt° the subscribers. All rions inclebted.to• said estate are hereby requestedta Make Immo: diate :payment, and , those haring claims upon mid estate to present them duly'attested for apt ' thunent. .• AzastuiA.Reer " Admr a.' ;Cnaret.ns :Pimock, April 4, 18,4.-1441 , I STOVZS•& TIN WARE, :For Ssupielstuasiss C 1 D. LATIIROP & Co. would beg leaire, to • return thanks to their friends for their lib- - exal fore the last- year and hope they , will continuo their favors,- w hich we hops to xner. , it by, strict attention to busineasiind low prices. h:ive the most approvedd-patterns of Sroyts ever brought into this market, antohg which may be found . • k't,•lß OF THE {VEST (Elerated bre».) CULTIVATOR. "_ PA It AG 0 IV - , I NEW WORLD GLOBE, i • . 1 tranEß STATES, all Air Tight, and ''oth ers too nutnerous;to mention. , 1 • .We also:have (in hand large , assortment of 'TM Ware of a heary quality, expressly for home trade. Cider' , and Well,Pums ofiall descriptions, lead Pipe of all sixes, reels for chain pumps, &r &e. Job work dime with neatness anddespatch. AO kinds of produce taken, or approved credit giten. Give us a call if you please. Shop on Main street, directly opposite the Dem. • • C. D. LATHRfr, S. A. WOODRUFF, i Cash paid for Furs by L. & W 4 MEW 1100=3. 1 ' i‘Bentle y . Itqad • A" 'w reCeiving, a largol- and desirable stock of • I , SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which they are willing and anxious - to display . to their customers, and the-public Onerally. They hive been= bought for CASH, and will be sold as cheap as the cheapest, for the " leeady,"-- Country *duce, or appeoved credit. Our time being tally occupied in' opening and selling gOods, we shall be under the necessity 'of t=ferringiour cue tdmers, to the advertisements oflour neighbors, fcir a portion of the articles which Nye keep on hitnd, and with which we intend to keep constant.' ly i supplied. Give us a call and you will .noti regret it.. . [ Montrose, April 25, 1854.. AGOOD supply of Sole Leather, also Upper do. Sad Cali Skins, together with BOcits and Shoes, juit received, And for sale by BENTLEY & READ. el LOVER and Timothy ' seeds, ntan Butter V./ Firkins on r hancl, and for sale chenp. BEETLEY & READ. ' ' I SPRING GOODS. 4 , .4 Goods arc o . VERY largo s tock of Spriag. , and &mart - Bst b e - receiyed at .tag J. li.;SUTPHIN'S. a Sumae'rsvillo, April 25,1854;.' gr:lOO,D New'Orleans Sugar at 5 1 . 2 eta ; ; tier VX lb. and ;other Goods'egnally low at - - i J. a!'SUTPIIIM.9. ii iHE ! cheapest Molasses, Texts and other. Grp.: ceries to be found in.this Or any other town of this courity. • J. H. SHTPHIN'S. LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOOD , JUST TIEING RECEIVED AT TAE STORE OTe. ii7olll3lk. ltloll. I[ l lU ERE. ibought "cheap fer cash," and pr Y V READY PAY, wilt be sold at a very small profit. , - i 'We itturn thanks to a getter r ous-tuftic tortfie :many fiirers hcstowed, and we hope by "go; d _haulier" to 'merit a continuance of the same.... Our stock of Goods comprises 'nearly everY 'thing nStially Called for in a coiantry store and by constant additions we intend to keep Itcomplete. We invite the attention of st i rangers as well as :friends to: an examination of Our goods; feeling' assured that they will become satisfied' that at ' our store at last, things can be bought VERY CHEAP FOR READY PAY. Further particulars given frotii week to sie6k. In the mean time call and see. No trouble Ito show floods. • , : YON'S &SON. 11iiiit+nse., lila) , 3i 1851. - . I New Spring cAolods: • MITE uhSt. i :riber, is now receiving lila tiatial 1 sup ly of Spring and Summer goods, and offers them; for sale as cheap as the CEIEAPET. • ', ! _ 1 - , . . H. LAVY,BiL ' Montrose, March,•ls, 1135-1.! 1 1 NEW ARRANGEBEENT At the Ready. Pay Stet°. rrtHE undersigned would respectfully annouuce to the public that they have entered int° a co.partnership in the mercantile bsttineas at he "Head; of Navigation,',' and; that the business will hereafter be condubted under the name! of Hawley 4k. Mott. Where may at all tunes'be fonta'a goodassAriment of Good* at prices that cannot. Edit to suit. New Gbods being receiied.' a R. HAWLEY 0. %V. MOTT. Montrose, April 1, 1854. I - ;' Mi. Hawley thanks for the very patronarre the pait yeaf,,an4 requests a continuance ofthe same ;under the new penqation. ' • - • I : • r - _ • • THE subacriber continues to Carry ontho Tailoring bnsiness in all its branches; at the.stand lately netupied by Lines & Reynolds over Hawley's do Alott's store, where he will at. tend.to all calls in his profession, in it prompt and Satisfactory manner. • P. REYNOLDS. Itlontfose, April 15, 1351.-4 f. , . Carp'ets,:.Caip6ts, Carpeti..l . T"° landerskned has now on hand ready for hlsiCus tomers, a ;very eatensire atisoreMent of • • !. 1. Carpets, .rtsDrugOts fit , .Dugs, t ~ Oil I a hs R tinys, Vindoin Shades Stair Rods, ikr.. , , Which he ran offer tol the Ladles of Montrose and vicinity, at prices lower than e:Ter. ' 1 .: - - • : i • Inkralti Carpet, . - ' from 2s. to Ss. pe :yard. • .. Stair Citriyet, •- •• ~ 4, Is. to tlt.,, •,, Velvet Tapestry " - !" • 12s. upwards. 1 ,'• Brussels, ! .•:. 4 ' I • 1 " -Ss. " . 1 f Aubustan ! • " 1 - • ' " `7a.." And,other sloods atropeklonately • low prier/LIDO not k p fall toeall before purchasing elsewhere, as "stoult• Satas AND ItitALL, i•Nropilre, ° iii mrmotto.i ., Remember the number 1 S i 9. add • cut this out •nd pit It In your pocket-book. . ~,,, • 3 M. OILLESPIR, • • ..f 111 lloarery, llfewiThrki. A. .I.IDAVIS, Arioarir.v ixo uoosis!..t.da Lkw--Susque haOna Depot, P.t. o.lleo over S. B. West's Store. , , 1 6y 1. . 1 ' , 1 I . ABEL I,PARELL. , . Is lozi? reCeiring his Summer supply of . r • WEIVJGOODS, . . 1 .s• 1 tn op .51. , T IV, G oittrly everything wanted in thisar- W.:l het, which will sold ;at prices that earns° NI to 'plrase. The putille aro hired to call and exams ethens. idoutrose,lilay 1, ; 1854. ; . • • • Dingsi, Medicines & Chelni' alb. First rate assortment. PhYsteisine Dills Wean and . 111. expeditlently put- tip at reduced prices, Wind Pres erip ions carefully compounied• The best quality (dart'. cies this di:partment will be found at the Drug and Variety K Stereo( - , - I ABB!. TO , Dbl.. PAIN,TS, OILS.** DYE STUF FS. A ' Full assortment aneof hest qualltißee et 11 • I ° 'i :nit E1.L 9 11 . ~ . Gliocerlew.igenr4l iewitmanl, and Melted 'the zdarket afordr, a , TIIHRILVt. . Dry Goodse;-41. small. but choice teleettin of the most staple articles of Dry Goods, which will be sold at prices that *lll reeks it Orthe interest of 'purchasers to callit the stereo! ' . --. A.TtJ RNLI. , 11la rd.!tv aro , and il l retie rv. embraelim eortmeut pt thore celebrated Waterbury Pock. , tupe.war, tau ho., at ' ' TUR Druggists'. Glasia-Wareei-A 000.3aut at. - - - s. - • . oasuror'e Sale, kinds in iliNsgsoelcutna h . in'' ' ere vimen t Agra `t the gehero - esseinbty of th scmis= i m nsoynnis; direetibgehe lands Tomei * , the tensile of nrseks pi- . uneested-lands,.lo4 e'vendu+ ini - th• second Mondsx:ot !f3 Conn...noise in 'dfontraisi. nd the COMO atiente'din slob tr*r{''' ,• 4 !, len theinune be ;skid befoie e' de:4 I. tonna/nes se tech* 0/ unsta t . mpTicz 11 'the acts' nsoinvealth of selllug nneease,' !tact" and put: laa'aold.at publ Joni neaiiiit tetrages doe; reiPeOveti. of.alsale 'faionaio.n• or Dainleni.! Atm. Bridgewriter: I n • . .60 le . : - 56 Wiittanteto own Sernael floe Charles J. Bid CZ iota, Dimon .Great 'Jo* laps - Cliff° Arta Diniotk rerrin VL ells Sane! Dal . r lbu R.- 11. Mc on 'W. 12,713 rrell Nathaniel C. Lewii Soloman Taylor Itarforg. Crawford 'Titus Harnry, John Comfortilst. James Comfort \ Jaines Stamford .11orace Griswold Judge Attitnfprit Henry SO iniron Dwight F. Mono Thos 7 Merriditti +Ulna Mott - wight F. Motss ,181. S. Itiiititt MI s: Hamilton J Sedate Griswold, • • - Snail Klemm Andrew TOnnt, J. F':Deptige Rob% isekscrn Andre* Tybout, _Oral No. 4041 J. + D. e. Set, N0:67 68 75'76 EldrO N0..2035 iehiel Ditytoit NO. 53 Wm. Darien • No. 26 Seitiel Catbltt Brisckney S. B. Gurney N 0.27 Joseph rattertion Hosea Benson -- Hosea *Tiffauy.Etd. • Jacob Taylor Elijah Btolllllll K. A. Johnson , Norman Mitchel .. • i Thomas Norris 1 Wm. rlantet • Rash Tnnell 6 The: do: 1 f. A. Oro* David Post Henry, Print e JacoltDdarniut, l • Wm,. Drinker • t James Comfort: , C. P. Tallman - • James Mumforti , Peter'Dunn • _ TreasureOi Offlie,ll SHERIF P'S SALES a s .l I 3 ir I. Virtue of anedryiwrits :tun ont, of -ttle • Court of Comm ; as of ”Suslqueltarma County, and to Me airebled, I will expose to pub lic sale at the-Court Hinlie in Montrose, on Sat urday the 27th day of May, at 1 .o'clock P. 111.--+ • All that tertain piece or parcel of I 'd 'situate lying and being in the township of Cli ord at ; Suss quehaima County; described as follow to -wit,: Beginning iethe centre of theAtighway leading from Clifford goers fe the Calendei firm so. called, and immedia . tely'lat Cite junetibp of the, roads. and adjeihitellanda l ot Edward Ovamithehts: along said road south 74 deg. west .2 ,ehains and 79 links to or near the centre of the bridge over : the ditch and joining lands , of the Calefider fermi 'thence 'ilong.,theline of said farm south 40 deg. west along the ditch 4 chains and 96 Hake to :.a corner, thence north 74 deg east 6 Chaituri and 20links tO a -post in the Centre of- the Clifford' and Carbondale turnpike , road, thence i aloug the centre of said roan 'north 32'deg. w 4 *ant' ind 64 links to the place of begutning, staining p : co acres of land, together with the a rtettanCes; tavern house, 1- store house, 2 barn "p Meek smith shop 'end some, small bid lug*, soul* fruit trees, and rill improved; '• '', T • - Taken in exec u tion at the suit of Acme' Ni, Chittendeniand Thes.l Arnold vs. Al Finn. .- 1 . ALSO; ' :f I . 1: : All that certain pieee or parcel of lank'sithatil lying and being in the township of Clifford, Sum, quehattna county, and bounded' and desieritted as follows, to wit: On the north by land of Mon S. Burnes,, on the east by JonathanAluthen, oh the Sotith by !wads in posseasien alWilliaml. Weaver, and on the west 'hy.:land of Hollo w s Lowrey, containing *bent t 5 acres, together with the appurtenances, 1 Plank house, 1 framed barn, and some fruit trees, and about 30 acres iniprovede Takeh in execution at the, imit of "f'. P. Plans ney vt.: - Jesse; Ricker. ' : .. , I . • ALSO, ' • • All that certain piece or pateel'of and, situate ,_': i lying and being in .the ...township of Rush; Sus , quehanna county, hoinided and described as '1111: lows, to wit : On the north' and east by 'laid of Wm. B. Kirkuff and John M. M. F. --J,-1--, on the south by landi of Elisha Kinney, and on the west by land now or , formerly of. John Hibbani, con: Mining altoutosix acres, and'all improved. . . .;_ Taken in • execution at the suit of 5.,/8. Mut- font & Sett, - assigned to John F. •Dunmere vs: - t Daiid Case.' - ; - I • - • ' 1 - ' I ALSO, -.. ' • -' , All that certain piece or parcel of lend; situate_ lying and being in I the Boroagh e Sutiqueban-' na Depot, Susquehanna county and State or Pennsylvania, hennaed and desert anfollows, to wit: Ou the north by street, A., (is laid down on map of Said village) on the east :bi lot _of Mires Cregon, nn the South by'land of the New York & E. R. E. CompanY, and on thrti l „, west by' land of Hugh McCollum, said lot being 60 - feet' - front hnd 160 'deep; on which are .2 - three:story framed itorttsOnte 33 feet:front-mid '4O deep, end the other 20 feet front and 4.5 . feet deep:also one bake house oierr, &c. - . I 1 -- - - Taken in execution at the snit f Joseph IL , Brown vs Robert It Meguno & the Smith, , - • : - ; . ALSO,. ~ _ . ,• ' All thitt certain 'twee or patiel d r land, situate lying and being in the Eorough of,Susqlehanna , ' Depot, county of Snsquelianne and State of Penn: sylvania, and knoWn as lot No. 17 as the game is laid down and designated ohs mapl, of part - of village of Susquehanna Depot blade try ,Witst Wentz and recorded in the _office for rewrd'' ' deeds; in the county of Susquehanna, in. deed' book No. 21, Page 696,containing about r -thittya. two perches,•morei or less, togethifr oith.the up-, • apurtenances ' 1 tavern house (coinreetatknowti as the "Kirkhouse") 1 email &killing honst't '-- I ice house &e.,4nd all improved. - .± • ',. ... - I . i Taken in execution ati the snit of Edwald As I Smith vs. George ILeach, . S - : - , ' All that lot of groan and -bulldiui thereon , , I erected, being in the village oft Suallueldumit ibounded on the north by the titer road, on the [ meat by, binda Of RObeitiNiehol e , on the , eta %- lends belonging to the - said Ben' . 'Palmer , itbe ing lot No. 25 on 'a plot,.of said village, a four.story building erected thereon. , 2 -, ''' Taken in execution it the- suit of Ilenjambi Palmer vs. Ilunes BlcWaide. • ' .. , 4 - G. B. ELDRED, Sheriff. 'Sheriff's Oflied, Montrose;} 1, • I , May 1 1854 - c " . . : .. -"Valuable Farm 'for Stiles --- . , r I rPI'S subscriber offers for sale his valuable Ji.. - Etre% in Gibson `-township, Susquehanna 'county, Pa., containing 157 acres, situated In the. Eastern part ofteid town, half of i mile Tunkhanneek !Creak, end 12 12 mites front Sus quehaens Depot,!on the N: Y. litJkllollonil f ' 'On said farm in a framed kettle, 11 Ilatea, t a horse shed; corn hotase a- mittit °Word of Over 100 trees, abd-la 'well watet4 .I • ...., - Ile otters to sell for loper cent., leis than t sa- • ! real value. - - 1 ' '' - Tsems.—Twor thirds - of the ibiki_hass . „ bogie" - c ash down, nnd balance leetli : e d ,l l4l . ° 7 ll ogts - • I '-' [ VILLIAk TA A i < Giltsou l Nov. ) 20.183-.-41 Y/:: ~ -., 1-.‘-.; - 1 I i. ~• 1, - ..\,. ' '• ' I i . -1 . I,'-, - ' :Mod sa -1 Knives, ELL'S. 1,313 - VIO 64 kin 'lO9 I 267 I s o i • 8.7 50 ! ;4 ` 176 . _H ' 9 4 . 2 - ior i t" i 3.82 59 '-' Itile - '• Bon. ... 3;54 , , 412 333 455 66 so 2ZI. SO 200 64 ' so{ 107: . 190 , 1 250 52 227. \\ 200 400 200 100 " I 100 784- 50 100 Miyord. t I :6 ' ' 2 l 400 : Vl' 200 -.1 149 130 IS " . 100 ;;son '. X 320: .- 1 - • 410 . :150 • r *. 100 124 • I 118 I I - - 19 I • 36 •- ..;ITHROP, Tte reh 21,1854. Al /IA 86,80 I 4=7A2 2.24 ,4,40 .3„IC 1,14 l s 6o I LSO *et 12,48 38 26,20 0,42_ ' I 9t65 6.27 . 1;6:. • 7,43 1 66 • `-t tisurer.l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers