-oirtodoo■••------------T-7—. 4 irta c l shall be sutfere'd to renutin, .or car or i oc , a i naive used after prOsts.cution'for the Irst ‘ or An - subsqUent • ottetice,• pitovidetrthe li.rie ; aid . ortheast Railroad company may, if hey 1 , deem it expt,.dient so 'to dO; put down, 'and ga ys i said city a track of the' width,or . gauge et'lCou feet eight inches' and a half, with 'ears , i i i 'd• I . °motives .to .exmttly correspond, Any tling herein. contained - to the,contmry not withs a iding. I et- . SE •. 2. In case any railroad track shah"[ be it I own on oracrossiany of the streets of Pi k . . • • - . Iles City, in violation of the 2 provisions ofithis, l e rdin Mee, the AO 'Constahle-• is herebyl au tlioriy.4.l and reqiiired -th cause the mime -to it 'fdrthWith removed from such- . street or street•; and he is hereby. authorized and,-re- Aire 'to employ a, sufficient: force 'for, that q) I p a rt. se.-. _ . ..._ - •. - ISE . 3. Each and every r esident of this .eitV i• hereby;iin requestl)Y the 1. 4 .11* ' ll- • 'stiible, reqiiired underfor_ the penalty of I s . every neglectlor refuSal to aid him in thedis•- lietein before '•enjo ned 'char e of the duties , .upon him.: and all persons - are 'hereby irO hibit • under the. penalty. of 009 Eton Te lt, S i St i l ig or o bstructing the High Constabl ai l ' s , person called to his aid, in the disefi l 1 • e t tli duties above enjoined: •I Svc.{ 4. Nothing. herein contained shallon fel.; o'. 'be construed. as,'Conferritigi, any right vj co istruct or maintain ,ju said city, lipon,or, i l lro4 any of the streets &red; giy.rail , oad trick - flir the construction and inAiiitainkince .0 1 , Id tch a,legalanthon'ty,does ni.irexist i l nde 7 ?end , at of this ordinance.. - , 1 I 10r lained and enacted into an urdin , .this 19th day of July, 1853. • , .. -l lndefiance of .this ordinance, and relying 4in -the ,aet i' the Le„-ridature,the Compan ' ',f l oc eded with ,the Coirstructionef the roa into he city. 'Noiv came the conflict between 'tile- c ommon Council . and 'the' compau y!---r- Standing:Upon their right of control .over .the streets of their iiity, this 'body' passed th fol lowi 'g ordinance, which brought the matter tai a core direct issue between theni . and the Nor least mid Erie doMpany z,I , I W I t e r eas i • The Franklin Canal Coinpany and he Erie and Northeast RailrOad Comp nr, lave respectivel y caused to be,placed -Up dn, ( o'er and across divers of the public streets of tie city of Erie; certain railS for railroad i rac l,:s, and certain bilidgel, embankinents, ,:cll t es,limiters 'and :other erections and con •tions ail of whieli are without authority w, and obstruct tliirliee,mie of saidstreets, ctivelv, as highways ;therefore . • ' 1 , Be' it ordaimal mid enacted by th ••• Se .and Common Councils of the city of Erie it is hereby ordained and enacted, by th 6ritv of the same, that the ,Mayor o' sat 'be, and -he is hereby, authorized an( en red to issue hit; order to the High Co le of the same; directing' hith•to remo stichstreets, or any'of, them; all-.4rAi 'eh track or tracks, bridge' bridgr - meaty -me ditches, timber i erections am c 'lions, whatsoever, or any part thereof nsoever made of caused ; and the I' table....,on,the receipt of . such orb .b required forthivith to carry the etlect,- and to employ . a sufficient 1 hat purpose. • • . • , • - -Any peron -who shall ~ in any manor et 'or. resist the high • Constable in i Such Order intO,eflect, or shall repla in, replacing any such -track; bridg )tinent, ditch, timber, ofuther erect Fstruction, upon or over any of said , r the same shall have been • remo r l esaid, shall forfeit and pay to the. city a penalty of 'ninety dollars for, -Aimee. • - .... That all privileges, or grants Of , ege,(itany exist,) to any. railroad con toprace or maintain any track, bridg, , t apc 4; over, • or`across Any street, in chi are ?hereby annulled- and revoked, at Placing or maintaining of' , any ' such i, :iJASititiell. - j•I I Ordained and enacted Y " this 28th day .• h b : r ilig lB h sl C . on - st;thle, Joseph Deem4,' act i' on the authority .With which he was in lied by the Common Council, proceeded to_ Move the track.. He was attended by one &red and fifty special pobcenien, 1 whose arty it was simply to preserve' the petee; . di c. were .not required to pull tip the kails.—.. - th it . was done 1:7 the s cit . i . .ze . tts', 'acting uader . di authority whiehtheY had received from th Common Council: I . If, as the result will prove, thef . avere.'act . in., illegally, they had, tit least some nutliori trifor what they did. ' They claim tha't.they Lire thes-attic right, throu p oir• their corporate . • authorities, over the 'use and oceupauc,y of .66 streets that, the citizens of-NewY.Ork - pos- - . 1 seiq. The'People of that.city, they say,WoUld n fi ver permit a railroad tobe' constructed in B eadway, even-if their Common Council and I.egi_ Mature combined had granted 'the right . to a company. . The attempt to-do so in op p -ition . to their will w'on1(1;• they- believe, be at tended witli more serious disturbances than hre taken pface in this city. ', 1 : - • . 3il , The Legal-6rciringsrings ihe .ccise.. T ,.T i t te l :f ( o )f llo th w iis ittr i , ty w , h p ic r li .se w i l handed . me by a The .city takes the „legal position {hat the a of thelegislatureof PentisylVania, of 1796 111der which the .toWn '(now city) of Erie was 1.4 i d out, and which) remains 'in .fall force, Made an absolute .dedication of the! 'streets, lanes and, aleys thereof _for the purpre.s of streets and having Made such dedication,any lippropriati on or grant of the use of the , lstree!f 4azies. mind alley's to an individual or ii corpo ration fin. a purpose; inconsitent With the oh - 11 , ~.. , Jects and uses.ibr which tney :were o :gitially granted andlchartered. would be void, as two ants of the same right both N for's)dlar p Iri)os,er, would be inconsistent, and toill.i not tit in the. riature;of thitlp-s. .. ,A distinction' isl Made by the city between a dediatiou -by, the commonwealth antra' mere reservation ; a ids they.acne of the 'opinion that the words "shall be' and forever- remain comnion.high- • ImyS" amount to -a dedication. "A 1 dedical., Mon is irreVocahle; : and the owner! has no i wer Or control over the property as' incoi -. ..teiat with the terms of the dedicatlion.7 In . . , .4.-.! grants Of lands made by 'the Common vealth she usually retains the right to enter Lport and takt tixper centum for Alio uses; i ut iti thijlrant to the city no mseivatiOn is i , nale. They -relY ai sortie eitenV Upon the ,itt , e of Pitcher- vs.' the New Ik York and. Erie ittilia t ad Company, • 5 TS•indford's I Superior (i.ourt,; R. 587, and, upon many PeansylVania _. eases with wh' 6tiou that a I aken ; hence tioirof the sty of a railroad the' objects 'Ol 'lie railroa bait their mil streets on th, in, the eas e , Railroad Col hecituse that cast. ) zillowed the cOutinany, If) lay.down their haul intlit; 'streets o Ketisin , 4.. ton and the N Libtrtio‘ orthern t ey 'ciaim Tha t it . covers a" 'Protw-tts their ittempt,' to do it in Erie.. This is-an•wer e d b l y the city' , .- that. Kensington and the - Noribeitr . Lib re . of Philadelphia Ivere. Bald out on 1W v t e t i n es. eny, anAlthe right 'Of . the citizenii . t( a i tieskrth.e ?.Sreets exist only in Privateg rant and Ppr ftriation—that. the comidouwealtli, 'wh a eu - ith u e traSsferred.the .soil' undoubtedly reierved• ' as she usually does, the right to appropriate six Per cent for roadoke:- . Renee,. lly .4orright of 1: ctru 'N. 'fit I • I Icon , hold into .t or r. ) . str aro! / the' Biel 1 i e Ire .-.- of -eminent &main, and the .reservations in the'grn ~she enters.and takes' possession of the •B'.recs ;_that . tlie . LegiSlature gave the rail road cOmpany the right tq use and occupy. those sit - ( . ! . , - s, in the saint: manner and by . the 'at th ' smite arity that th ey mould dO . t. °sett 1. py and use a farm,. or4ther;privatelpro . perty, over which their right of . entry and occupa-. 1 Lion for Public uses , existed:!;t - • •• i. : . The'ebmpany, again, clitim• that the city' , and.citixens allowed them 'iii lay down their trackoMtl that „they . arelid'iv. bound by it-'.--.. that it is a brea - ch of gOodlititlfin then now - . • , : _. to interfere and.compelthein to take . up their track.' To this iigitin - , thel::'c,ity answers titg it was' a mere sutierafice on , •their part, and that it .was understood hit& agreed at the , . . At a ipeeial theetintr of Huron Lodge No. /18; time the toitfl7 , --4 - asslaid • mulch that itShould• 1.0, of U. F eiiiiveite:i at Jackson,' Jart. 10, 1854 loon, , .. , , tpiten' to t tie , narbor ;_but,without their • . " ~ in 'itonsetpienee,of the death or P. G. f t AugustM :Ig-remit:tat and tintierst.lnditig, they sat* " the • . • 'ickeriii 't. who; de art 41 this• 4, p t up on the filth inst public are .never boiniti hv tite shame 'of of- i .. , i .-, - 1 - . tin. foll Owing , r resolutions were • uhanluieusl itzttions; nor by prestimptions of law or estop ., pels,"iiind quote e•Yer, and anon the old mon- adopted -' -\ ' nit; mitxim, a .21 7 allarn ;tlftitpits ocettnit-re- 'Wnetitas, It has pleased. the giiprtho liule .of all worlds in his. Holy and Wise - Vievidene, Iti,".' which being interketed,lmeans that may ,or " King," AA* Erie may. ,ito what suits him • to r,..rnyi.l . froth ear.iiiidst Our worthy 'astGraiic anti esteemed brother; AtigositiS.Picktirthg,who and at any . tints ; he \ Pleasear;'' -' ' • • iiii.ofy and christizt,p..portnielit ithitirrill hid • The' .stoibur,y road ' and it a; - .connection with valu:ditt6ticiith'er of-Tsui Wli le l a cotistai the di j ficulo. 1,, .i - 11,..tv of •kitidtk !Vining, - slitiwing that he eta; ,11 ~ " . bound to his telittw then by the trippie chain iii In the year 1836 *charter w:is granted for Friethisiiiii, Lore and Truth, latiVe mirrored Ina the construction of a ro:td; from Erie to Will:. . , tO the I)l'a:tremor this LudJu laid cialialuied hie iiiirfsport i,t - distance of twOlinntired :mil forty alleim,ry in our' ite.tri,i. ° . . Mlles' uniler the Mune of the' , Erie and &tabu- ' tte,4, i I i i i ', F e..., ....i.l la,. trr ' otbers of litiriltll.4u4 „ 1 ,. , 1, meet_ 1..1 ry itaiiroau.. "it was . to.cot woo the cat- , No. 483, deeply lantenting the death iir our broth ftWisSft road , and through A 'ivitit .1 erser Citir, 1 cr., tender our treartte4t ti t tun kitty. to !the finial by'a reap whiiiii it Was prOlipiAtti to run thro' arid fr . iends ot the dt;eitase.i, trustivtg i that wh. FaSten. ln the event, of it;ii 'completion there is •tueir loss ;1 . 10 : our;.., Is to, him infinite tot would be three great road's; all continua:lug too lt r i.s t v, i7r , i r n i , t , ott this C d h ; rist s .\ t . .. tuner;, ... , . t.wr , :i t„ i . ii .7 r t t. 4 , 1 w . t n:"1 1 - 1, t he t tt at or iteir NpA%"‘ i' ark, and ..,i-ll Coniinuitietiziitg ',,t - :oir'late' t I ! : .. . , .1 it . hat• ir, with ;the oreat west. Tiler would all, - • '•. - i . m. i . of..tear toe imam badge tit mounting fortiorty d:tv.. course, be In active Contiletition, and that !It,s•ov r d, t'lvtt a copy of th, se ri.iil t itho l s: h which -presented the greater t fiteilities and ad- -I.ress7nte.l 1 , li I il i ...9 t...e . - ita...y o f our iir part!..it hr.' i vanages for the ts:liisPO4,,ttrion of -travellers -Also, zt t at liemtity be torwardiA :th • titelt of (Itl andfreight, would naturank receive the trmit- et,lltt,f livers :with .i rctitittllfor pithliMiti.in. it. J. A. 11RONSL/N, N. G. e.-st share..of 'llatronage. ,'Protti. ale following- ! . ! - - —-L D'BEtoativ ‘4.'y , tablmit . vvill!be Se.titi,that!the Erie . ant San- ,L. ': -'!'`" • ' . ' ~ .. MosraosE, Jam 24; 1854. buil- :imid .was t.lte sliortelt; and -would in. . ; . . . , consequence be Preferrellby travellerS ilestin : . To theiOilicers and Brothers of fittron Lod . -,,,) for Erie of any plade . I bL•yond that city to N 0.483, I.' 0..0f 0. F. - - ; • , ,, !- - 4 - either of titeptiter roads t 1 .. .- - 113'.the. the-Erie sunt,„ry broad, ' ' •with your request; atol herewith furnish t . : .. frOin N. 1. ,:'-1 Miles 457 cups.; my addre. to the .Brothers 4 :13y the Eric and N. Y. Lll . ' .." 517 Sisters . ef our Order, on the oce:' iSion of tl lfy the Albanv , 4ind Buff 4. ”, • 55G .Foenil Obsequiesiif Bro. Angtistus Pick . •\ I • 1 iti . g.; which address you. are at liberty to it • Frrm *ConOarison of 00. e, dis . titnees You tis‘..yottisliall think proper. :end'. it' it slit will ; Ii eel that 'hy the. Shiibury mid` Erie is prove. Of any (benefit to your: Lodge, or to 11 brought -sixty Utiles neaterltO New Yolk than Order ?, it will .be - A source of satisfaction by the Erie rpalt.4 and ninety-nine.miles near-. ~..,.. Bra. iu F. U. & T. 'ertlian by , tho Albany . aii.l Butftto. it is Your •:. -e"yident from this that theiinbriry would re- ' ' • - F. A. W • . N, cove all the trivel and :freight - which.now ' goeslover it m.Ent., ant •Alhativ•and'Butfalo wadi:, to Cleveland and other Vikstern eitie4. i'TheiConstrueo ni of this-read would therefore a t -Phite,higlily' letrimenutlii to, the . Commerce. ankbusiness ctA3titlitlo, Of is a New .York I eity.i while it. would be nit imMense 'atty.-an- tam to Ent, which is a - Pennsylvittit city..- i Nov this t ie . Evian:. iloi hot deny, •and they, arel willing, so far astlie*irival roads"are conl celled,. to a low them c? . test upon their own 1 'merits. BM this is in p . Osible..they say, un der present'circtimstanee; for the attempt, it' i sueces.sful•; . to ruti-their . fOur feet' . ten inch I tra,l - thrintgh the city;of Erie would have.nn inj•tiioits etfect, 'Upon their road. - , This May apkar strangle at. tka ' 4.4 5 .f......, hut to licat • w come to consider it. We ..will find that it is ,trite; nevertheless. .. • , The time pined on• the Simburyroadwetild be lost in• the transfer of passengers and -1 freight - at Erie if the Northeast road, which cOnnects with- the Erie and 13:111".ilo - roads, wer allowedk to run . t.lirinu , h Erie to Cld,ve littul on a cluitinuous track. Ilut if, on the contrary, , the Norheast read Were . ctimpelled by the municipal , autlicirities of this city, 'thrOugh. their allege...l'l.4;lA of 'control Over the streets,. .to . enter -on ;the six foot track. (thereby catisitr-it break;) the Sunbury road woulkhave tlieadyantage.. ;Thus the Matter stands as far as . this roadis coneenied,and you • reeiYe_ how it slitiuld become involved as On of.the.iSsue-s: I.' .. • i it.. . . Whati the, 17 - arbor CreitV people haste to a+ ~. .. 1' with; it: \' . . 1 . - - -. i ! • The, Northchst road viols thrOngh Harbor . , freek„ -a, towitship al4nit • eight. Miles 'frorn . Erie; and iiu the same County. •To ,this the peophi of that pla;• - e,` saY they have. no objecl tions, if it.did not th.:citipy abut thirty roils t :of !.:f...ir public thoroughfare,• a id cross it fret quently, to the ... (:: -, .at danger of life and prik ,erty. • They say they litYe prOtest4...ll against i ' :.i. irtreqiiently,. and conk , fid that tne,eoturn., i sioners of roads had no:tight to eaulie it. to be removed as they - did. :Por doing this it.,- titer n a allege, i lawilil and peticeabletrilinner,the % were attacked by one or the ruins: ofticiabi., who shot one oftheir tiitizens. ' e 'rest the readers of the IferaU.Aq -already cquainted With. • • i , i Thl whole caset hi, a A.Votsh 11.. 1 . .` The .whole inat , _er, With -the var and . trie=tious !that...render it so c to lilt wit provion:ly ii49ziailite:l facf. , . and 'histtiry of the lase.tn iy b up-briefly - its i',;llow::The Eria -break' at their. city. betause it -W, 1 lieni.:l share in the ;.profits Alcrivej trawl/on: :ion and, trataer of freil want the road to run dawn to th. knowing. that it wlialtl -greatly imp mimintirce, by the e)npliiyinctit of • - 1 sels'imithe .trnsethiation of . freigh vAriiin4 pArt.s . 4oti Diki• Erie. It tl permitted to run thi•Ougli their tit; - a break, they will' derive no benegi bat-iiearly in the' lirly,n.tion of which they Wont] . derive fro:* its r the harbor would 14! t;b0,10, , ,, to ti iliatv.. I ere, then, IyOtt; see the i ilie twit ..:.111 - cs; so fa lts'ttlicse citii .certied,i c ine in ii i+A c4llllict, a people.'of Erie'do not defiy. • . . Then,.gai ' then", tvit ts iit , a roat of' their own, the 'int . ry,.Or ‘ , /iiich they 'btaincd a i_ l_ i!haver .. Yet- -: *eat:Al:l(4k - but w fich• they have ney r been itb,e4o:: complete nor will they, the) believe; c.zinph , te it fort 'tny years to come, fur the.reaions i have air lily stated if the four feet ten inch track is• twitted to run .through their city:••;Now, if tl e Sunbury was: - conq doted, zilarge, part of the travel and freglit us ilial now Oest - over: he two New York roads would part ~,ever it. his is . one of ! the reasons 'wftv the !resent q estions in iereits Me: - whole . !'Stafe : of _l'ennsyl -ania, and it tsalfio ttioqier reasptii.Vvity the tate-of N. I Y.lcotisal'ing her.intere4ts, shoal endeavor. to ,[det;i: its conStruetipii. It is fi ght •in i which tth , New' Yorkers t:litiye the kict of the 14rislittu eOf Petnisylvadia,altering the gauge Of pat Skite, on their side, and in which - the Errans are• aided, by theiii local - • uthoritic.s, sitinding lon their. Mituthipal rig ts, and in oppcisitiOn. to the act of, their ore Legisla ture, , .1%7 P.' herald: ' I -:.7- 2- 0.---------=-: ~ • i , : , .The Mtex.i:tit#,Treat . . . . . It is. ratted that -c. : , L. Wird ; f Bradford • •on y, Pia. has I reached WashingtOU from . !i k... ie.°, with theJeng talked of treaty. The tieutl • ry agreed:m4: enlninences three iniles twit]) 1 . . A. I Ptizo,'r thenee,.southncegt one league south of La • . e Glizinanep the `thirtY-first. de - gr4.elof latitat: and the io,fteltundrOd and der euthl,detrrec-- of,. ngitude west frem Green- - wick trience uciltliw ' l'io a point two leagues . ,aboo the montlfof . th riYer' Colorado.' The. neiv ! territory. ernbracc.s L I.ly all of Pistne.*.`. via: aad . thiFty-nape millions acres. .- • ' . The. eleventh Arden, of the t ty of (had. tilOpe Hidalgo is'OlitiOe god.' Me - is to . reo i . er ob arry- ,ce or on or treats 'elf as ise of every i dtv. !id the lerein • ceive I,Wenty..lmillion*of dollars in fifteen mcinths—three millions on the ratification' of 'the treaty, and the balance in tri-mi?uthly in 7;staltnent, - with interett, out of whielt five - mil 'lions are.to be; set apart to • pay Atnericar, claims; inclutfing - the Garay people receive any portion -as an indemnity,theyPill.rel. -to the Mexican govOnment all- title to the lands onthe Isthmus. • • ". This i all the mention. made of the Grano coinpany in the treaty. - If the United Statei wish, thy can pay the whole amount tnen. i Boned tit once., and have the interest. •Att Board of Conimissioners is to be appointed at,Washington to adjust all . t • PROyIIERS 1 AND , SISTEitS :- , :•We! are - again convened to' perform the last and sad duties we owe wdeparteil brother. ;And though it i may seem that a multiplicity .of, :such see ies Wonldlhave a - tendency to sear or clog he channels ~ of !sytnpathy, vet such is not. he i.t:se; ,nor dot we•come here for sympathyl.a lone. ;Are We not - here with prayerful hearts towards that All-wise .roVidence Whose 1 - 4 - teriowi working with us . poor mortals has 1 ~ hroigiii us tOgether on .this oceasion. 'And Winialookiug riVon our •Brother ',now in file eirlma•e oft that "icy nionSter de:till a • Brother.who but a 'few days at , o•!we 'suppos-, • t , ... e , ~ „. ed its destined to remain with tts much 10n e,,. ..i...,.. ' - 1 - • - arA .., .-1 ~ ,alu4-11%...i.• W.L. -1.41 . .11,1.14 EU; V....f t il; us,znd to whom we never in vainapplied i 'or adrice,\May ,we not.console our: lees with Ole. 1 blessed thought, and cherished , e hoPi .` t h at though We are no more to have his presence. in. our, Lodge here below' ; he has gone to; and is now happy in that Mansion abuse, . whose maker and bulkier is' Christ. Md vet Iwe Mourn. This family who have IA a husband and al father, Mid we brothers and: sisters Metro . have lost a', Brother; aye a /Father, though .we al), mourn; let us believe that. it is tru-ly saiAl,'‘,, life •i, - , butrappiness, and that for the . i 'believer in Christ. to die is gain - PerhaPs the takium of our Brother froiwOur midst is i but a;warning to nits f that we like him, May 1 be prepared !to receive the sumniOns in pe)ice. I. "The'connection ofour.Brother Pickering , with our OrYler.has.be n'of such duration; as 1 - t.iy e nAle us to learn. and appreciate his ever I l bountiful*od qualities, ^ And it is,n great, sati:faetion 16 know that\ he'has mink eve r 1 • ! 1 • .1 . 1 etforOo ear 7 owt and sustain . the principles of our Order the grand object of \Vhich is to • 1 - - 1 fraternize. oir world. and Ito -unite 5n one 1 Brotherhood!. " all.people, tohgves and kin-1 dred. l '.;' We hare seen in- hith \ \hatexhibition of Friendship, Love. and' Truth; that we so ! • 1 :11111‘.! ii: 8111111 tie., and desire should!,:govern, all lour actio - as.'.. . 1 . I .1 . i. , TO'our Sister, the wife of our\ .departed • Brother we 'would say, let not the link thatiS just •liroketi! ,caSt you down.• Iletne*Perl we all niusi'die;nird ',remember too that there . are thosi left Who - will *watch. over you in sick •!. I ness,!and tmlist you in health, who will Iwil liwiPk- t, awl freely- counsel with you in all tri als . : and• troubels of this life. • Tel coil Brother and Sister's of our Order i; I would sae; you can here behold an emblein of the Ciliii ' s:ill sieli VI it iv,! are irr-\. to .undergo=; let it,sink deep into your minds, for you knoW not•how soon .it may come- to. .von,",letit teaeli_us all the great - necessity o i faithfully performing the - duties . We. owel ' eur 1 Mak4r; otir;Vindresi, our, brothers,sisters and to ourselyesltherefore let your wor.kingislbe ous IsqueA trytioatesi with, the suminA MEM 'from flip lat. They fir harbor, for CharityJ l ;itionghlov, and your hoi Heairen. And though yon may be of kat surel, and Often hear . petson speak ill of hlanti'tiwan not, rather pity the► nailtroeriag:ihe dying. pray'er of our S n when he- stOo - t alone, no friend to ..eo rove their .heir.vess•; , L 3 to the lie road is iv wiili4ut 1. from ; the proat ani i e Buffalo !iterests of . • him,':lll 31•OUnl.Avus but pur.4e,Mtiou,- yet he not say t! it F . ather fort ive them,thev k tiot..ivliat they do." Mm,•:Faith, ItOpe, Charity, el - MI - tied Av-I.th Fl-iendship, Love, Truth, thovelt;vine - and !ever to be elieri pritte.iple.; be ,:ini rem in with Vol al w:1 g Are cnn -1 this the Information Waiitod OI John 31rE1.• t‘a t.4tive of Ireland. 1,. ,41'' liii:unila , n,'comit3. of com,t...wh,; ciine'l. l e4.uniry ..Ip - 0nt. : 12 A'en is; :it, ..when •In4 t••, , w'is in NoreOlk. Virginia. I Also, Charles M.' in .t.ibr..thri• id*J.lhti; wh .1 e,hllllo ill this col . abottl. IV yrilts :Igo' when . btst bothed of wa - Nt.w.il 7 4 - ,lrk. I Any infornintion rtlspecting 11 will lb.t .111knkfti'lly . rr;t•eived by their I.ris Fr , o4.isM.--Pt. , ...rt00t. Piezt:4o afi..li-ms to MI -11.• N unity; Dinowl: 4 Ctirtiers, Su4iptchatini 1 1 :t..'1 .- • • ; .• , i .. Boa on papers plensi copy. •1 ! - • •: • In Se : sgurk.o e 29th ult,,by the Re, Batt let.„'3lr4-1 5 1: 1.31 , ;,nkt.L atrd Miss LO - ria E. Bitizi.t., bot of Jessup. I • 410rAcccunpanyin' the above notice u. befititifut loaf.a•bride's ke.' -• The hl Om ; haVe our best wishes. • • i• . r . In Aubtirt, on the 17th ins by Eld. Stu SACOD DEUTZMAN and CLIiIENA W. HAVENS,.Ikoth of Auburn. • In Greiit Bend, Dec. 18th, 1833; by ReckhOw, Bk";,1. OGDEN. of Che r ; County; 1.,. to .Misf , PE RMELIA Till Windsor, Broome county, LY. . . .1 i lii Crieut.mnd, by the same, on the Is / Mr. GARRY. K:• LANE and Miss MARTUA Smut, both of, great *ad. itt - Ltinesboro. on thel4th jolt., • by Rumford Eki., Aft, Gro. Yisszikuoti an MAirsa..DAttooz, all of Thomson, Ps. 17 . . , n Sanderson4Bussex county, N. J, on the,l )3th thO residence ail ,his grand pa-'' rents, RANbAL .)::Ir.r.trE ° , son !of Orpha and; Thomask4aing,r,hgect I penis. TAKE NOTICE. waraßEAstport is in feirculation, that Mr. John r . Dunmore piid nos 800, the penal suit' requiro y the eostqtßte Depu`trarnt, fur atterUpiing torus: a_canceltql L t u rr .sc am o. •It is-due tot hitn. t tat I shodld say.. that, Vini, 4 not the tcss'e. t i Th; . 11i:virtmtitit did' not pro, nounee it c Thereforti I have returned to Mr. 13,1unincire his letter, D. R. L 4w3 . i Oiie ; Cent Reward. eh . 13 ANini4 frOtn the nuineritier on the night, .11 of;the itithllit.it S onnelltobertson; nn in-I dotted 4pprentiOi .to the Shoen 'king businotn.i Whoever will return Maid appientinee sliall ,re-1 come the übove fewnrd. 1 -..: ..: . Wind L. VAUGHN. 1 . Dimocic..Tn.l.k. 1854- 4 w3. 1 . I !, ~.. . , , • ,• 11.• C. BENNETT &CO: -, ', 1 ,1 (f b,: ~, Imporiers aid 'obbers- Foreign and 0- ' .. • '''-': titiltic Dry Goods.. :! •• I .. . • 41 DEE STREET, REIT YORE, • : ~ . . WCRILD : invite the atuptin" nf mere' htintSin VV . lins(poillanna and adjoi ling Counties' to' theii stielt Olielt still he faun large and_dettira: ble at rill seaSo'oS of the year, emtsisting in pita ..f (1 , 4h,', Ctissirateres and Vesting'', . Jeans nod TO.eedit;with :111 the best and lyell,known stiles .f . fastieol , ired Prints: -• . ' , Alan. Dress cods, White and Linen GoOds; &v. 4 - • •':- , !T Also::. Broiff, ',?'brig and sqohre shawls' Cash: . ~., mere .aiiitt §lllt r Siiawiw, together:with Hosiery and Riney ao.a s . 1 . 1: . • ~ i .. • ProlUpt -atteniiori paid to ordurs. ' } 4yl-1 ellange.: :. ;STOVES & TIX. WARE itehautka Cn. LA'l'llft.OP & C.'. ‘l, , iiil(l beg learn •to • 'rettirtithi'aiks to their for tht4r.li . b. era inttrtitiaize for the last vtiorand hope they e•tntinne their favors, o hilt We ho . peto tner. it by St riet - attentio n hush, ytt, ;at low pares. We tetee the totist approviSl plattives of StovEs ever qinngtst hitu this in:.rketaittong o Melt :04 4 lw t: - tititi :--!: • STAR OF TILE WES ri (Elevated Oceij.): (;111.T.1r ATOR, " • • -, PAR .1 O • i • • AVORiD,- G 408 E, . A l'l4A 0, .1 • I TIMEE STA TES, ll Air Tight, and nth . • erg toil itioneratus t.. mention'. • - . • WI4 tiand n large assortmen of Tht n ! jhelry ay; 'expressly for litOtie trade.ll7iseent and %V ell PIIMA 01 ail lead ripe..tif nit Niied, reels for 'chain putnps,:&.,l - done with neatness - and desp,:t r ttlit. All kinds, Of produtto . t..ken, or approved eri.dit oivett Give tie a call if you please. Shop! tut Alain istreet, diieetly oppositet,the nett. C, DA,ATIIROP,L • ' .• A. WOODRUFF, ;,. • Cal.b paid ftk•Fitrs by . L. &AV.,' - e DISSOLUTION. . 1 1. TIE Ci..paitner4hip :heretofore 4 . ,xistin. , 7,i be. kweeb th! undersigned. In , Editing and iod}r., :11 , ouruxe Democat. uniter the ffi-rm and style 1)1 & E. 1. RASE, is this; 4:114v dissolved by Mutual moment, The notes; ; And seeotints itre fiir the present" n the hands of S. L. . Jr ! cute iottriuh9eribers. arraNtements have been mailt%, Kn tb-it payments may be made eithi.r.st 'the tatw Office . of S. B. CIIA p. st . f;real Rend; to AitAskien t ise. &I. of LI frford ; or to Aicent DA's ono !bf 1 the present .propriet. , rs ofl the !' Dein wrAt." SIMEON B..CEIASE, • r: .- E. 4.CIiASE. Nti)r,tro'r, Dee.•31:1853. • 1) • • • - IiEW GOODS At the Upsonville'Eichange. T"E Tibor herby iinfortns his frier* • i,..(toonprisinitOire Public Lrenerally) now . :repleinishing`iii+ stork of "Goods. and is • kit ferittg, Mal a ri..t inderetnents for them to pot ichlse of him, keepin•• %ill as doini.! theft- traning.nt home, •arnonz itis:Lstoek. mayibeflifol•ngeneral asiortment (if Dry.fimilits4 Groterirm; •Cioelierv, liardivare. _Paints, !!Oils, . . Dyeis Bouts u nit Slopes, ,tS and Laps, wall and paper; t3lothing,TrunkS, Yankee nOtions all of wliiil‘he will be hap,py to exrhange for :any f.rtiter's prepuce at the higliest Prit'VA, good credit. . • .• Also h4°.w:ints ati who have :ieentinOt. of, Over six inuntire stindine to rail surd settle them' , on.Or belay° the; tir4 of Feb. 1853; and all why intend to pity in Wr:,in are reqdestrd brim_ it akin gas soori as ilm‘ohient. J 41... MERRIM I tN. WANTED,-to hire a :Mod Blacksmith, one witi; undtirstaiids all branclu+s-nf • the tr 4; and ran :eotnei; . wrlli recronnetle& for sobriety and in dtt4try ein obtain f•.ii wage 4 •bv ealling.on the subseribei st,nn at Upsonvii e , Pa: 4 . Jos VI IL- MERRIMAN. • 1nn.:2,4854. • • • . - . • I: Montrose Dop rill 1E aitenfjon of the put vii4ll . toittio asNortfoof vAlved at. 1. (.1: LEES 'NE*. STORE, Jeara4,, Ghives, titti4a4. ‘‘ltidiiw V.l), ki;alNidqari4,lFaney alood4 &r. "&e., S dal fair rash air bane j•k\,.. , '±niala. ka.urstiwei4. • Ai,intri ri els)..p.d. ‘n. 2d. . . ' Ai i P //Mi. iii . p Judo es of ii i (',cart el . -.(inartei• •\ , . ~ Seloys if tia.the Pcuct,in nefor thecounty If • Sas uerdia: ' • . - i rpHE\ioili.n ..f I. N. Bullardof. tict B•trrigh L tit* klinittiimi in 1.4 sill It , .IiITY, n•s t wei ru, ILI,. rep. re4fits."l„lo he is priividt•d with tinita!iie i•iitive. iiii•iire t:i k\•ilit n 9,r,bt•ry in' lite Doriittizbinfiire• slid; :in A that it i.. hi.. intetitit i rn in • p11,.1 Itut the 3 .! I . _ • fieX! Court 11 . Qll"lrker . .. .. - ,essirns to tn. 11110.3) in .a i ii fiir shirt entinty tin the tiitit•ill Iliindtiv4l Jan. nary rer* iiii,tin.e to keep n iiiicery, .acid fry to•• 1/ 1. i•triitig beer, Oii. or llitter matt ligniors, aceorditie. to ihtt atit. trilliitAetnbly...4 140 April A.. D . ; 1851. i. ". - 11.'N. BULLARD. , M.mtr-:w•.'J n. 4..1R44-I . . • Ad>ninistrato a Notice., i ! I\talleE)s hereby give loqu•NlTesta .l.lll,k*.sti m341)1:14% - upuit Estlate Orin Will- tain i latu of Briiigeivot.'l T•io l fteiliiii, have stern grinned to the - Sub•ieribrr.• All Persons in tb-lated tO said estate are !hereby i!equested to inOke iuiritrifiate payinent,l 1 Ind those.. having estate to .pr •sent thew Oulyint , teated j I r • :E ELIN E' E.: WI LLIANt.-8, -OridgeVcOtet, lin. 18, 1853 —awd. ; ti PUbIiCI:V63 / ; VITII Lbe vatioiked Oulierliendu . at the V V ti , ti,eiiictlett. or the,sul+ iber. in Bridoewa !O. Sett:lfde* the '2Bth inst:, ;at 10 © .'cluck A. M.,* die 'ft itll/Wing. property,, vizi; One first rate pair or thni.n. 4 Cows: BedK aid 1 I:oohing Stove; Olough, and other farming, ritensil, hputwhold furniture dGci , TERSSAAI . wins under t 5, mash down ; over eixifiteriths credit, *ith!i t• - tranna'apProYed .14r.?HN N. DNANS., Jan. 11, 1744-21 A V. 13LAtlEtt Forks, SpoouS, j ' usvreo,d, by • Di IL Latigin ARsseiling off theft' stt , uon over In iiider torsi Spring iuriihase. Call an. :T Jin. IP. I, - • 1 PLAID De Limes 'mil) , i 1 / i; ' A. R. l e • BAY'State Sit - mix chi* r SOAE I more of that 6d Si • 1 Mcnitt*, Jan.l36, 1864.- f `I ThwAitzlit's",Greeting -4 A Friendi: alnists.'alyd Everybody, an othet mile stone has been re)teheit on the journey of another degree has 'teen, marked on the scale of [joie—another his been severed from the chain ur the fah:ie.-41110er page has been, writ ten in the i'great ltfoluine'of tile past—quid again we witness the bight opining of a New Year: And at its Oarlyoawii`.vit3 meet you,. • And with a "happy new year".greet you. And now, its ynOeriew the. year just departed, and -dwell:upon its joys . and sorrows- r its pricit loges enjoyed, and its duties Jieglected ; per. chance, some' of you have negleeted to call on the Artist .axid adeure one of thOse - "Faithful Shadows" .: Whtch light arid art, with magical'spell, By working togetl4r, can catch b 0 'Wen t. 'But you may yet(retkem the past.. As you Jay yTir plana,for din adYnneing year, lettAis occupy en early and prominent place on - the. - programme of your future intentions. Would you . ledve s lasting idipreisim behind you Come to (he Daguerrean Gallery!' - Would Otti -$‘ sec yourst*cs others see you?" Cittue to the Dagueriettp Gallery.- Wind I you - mike nn appropriate.present to a -cherished friends? '(erne to the Picture Itttems! And beside ail, this, would you ineotirage art, and make glad the' 'heart of the Artist! ' • Then .let, it appear by prondsing here, • • ' That during the year Fifty Four, -You will, one and all, be sire to call • At "OddiFelkiswe Hall" Second Floor. , • - W. IL DEANS. Montrose, La - . 2, 854. THROP; • .I.lt&P. to the lfuri. tasVudgrs of the Court of quarter Weasions Of the Peace in a:bill:GT the .County • Susquehanna; -. . THE petitiokinf Frederick Pickering:of the- Bormiah tc SuStAuehanna, in said county,- respectfully reptesettts„ -that he is provided -with imitable e;mveni'imees to keep a 'Grocery in. the .Dorongh aforesaid; and that it is his intention to apply\ to the ne.tt. Coart of Q.i trier Sessions to tw h i dden in and for imid county on the fourth Monday.of , for a license to keep a ,41rocery,end to sell: t4rone beet,, ale. -or other malt necordirat to the 'act of Assembly. of 14th April, A.' D:1851. EREDIC FICItERING. Susquehanna, .1an r 4,1854-1 w 4 XrDTICE liprehy Oven thatupp/iention Ira!' IA been made to the Court of CommOn Plena su.quelumna cotintr tf. grant a charter of In eorporation to the ‘,‘Alpha Epkilon Society: of ilurford Oniversity i " Nienniiter to the Art of As sembly of tho..sth day , f Clet. * A. D. 1840. . • F. A. WARD, Prottey. t roose, Jun. 2 L 1853. H. 4. D. SAYRE are just receiving a varie s . ty of New Goods. amour which 'miry hr found• Ladies Kid Glovrisiinly 2x. 6d per pair. Ready minle.Clothing. colored carpet Yarn. De Gaines!, Dr, Berge., 2 , ashinere, French, English. and Saxony Merisioes. &c..' all of which we will sell ha clioap if not citeaper than the cheapest for Ready Pay. . Mrinimite, Nov.P, 1P53. • Execiour's Notice. LETTE RS testa' Mentary been gr.-tinted to the ,subseriber on the estate l ir Contelimi E. Low, deti'd. !ale of Althorn township. All per, sons 'indebted to said estate will make immediate pl)i o nient, and persiriis leiving demands will pre sent them to Thu aridershmed. duly „attested for settlement. - •ANDREW S. LOW, Ex'r • Anhui,n. Jan: 2,'1,85 . 4-1w6.• , • - A 'Fresh Lot - (AF Gaasimereo. Gingham'', and other Fancy Dry Goods, jut arrived nt gL'orr, Jonsarott.& Co's, nevistml large ahmartment - il iron; arm; &e.. which: will be *sold cheap an th.o for Lash or paw dow'n. • - Scorn, JOITN'STON-81. co. Jani 2, 1851. . . • Admintstratrix 9 Notlte. \ • . iv.NICE is hereby given that Letters Teihk 1. tnentary,:•upon the estate of DennisDresh. al, d'ee'd, late of 'Silver Lake - township,. hive beenl . erunted. to the stibseriber: All peron , ' in debted to said estate are hereby requested th inake immediate • .payment, "and tho-e hiving upon lesid estate - to present them duly attested for settlesoimt. MARY DRESHAIL Admex. Silver Like. Deel 12, 18.53'—.0w6. To t, he lion. the; judges of *the ,Cofkrt of Quarter Sessions of the Peace in ándfiii. the Cuz my of Sasilueherrina : . ,_.• E petition .of lotneS l ßell of the Borongh of T ! Susquehanna ,iri Kahl, county, respectfully represen ts, that he ho proviiled•with suitable con veniences too keep a Grocery in the Borough : afoor'esaid ; that it :is his intention to apply to the nke Cotort Of Quarter Sessions to he hol den in and for said county-on the fourth Monday of Januarv. '1854,,f0r a license to keeps Grocery, and to twit strong heer, ale, or.other malt liquoroo, accortlin , * to the act Of Asetubly •of 14th , ril A. D. 1851. - •JAMES BEL Susquehansai Jan. 4; 1854-Iw4. NOTICE iii lieilyi)y given that Letters Testa: LI memory, upon ; the estate tif Calvin Wilcox, deed, late of . Auburn township; wee been.grant r .. 4 . 1, to the subscriber. All perluini indebted to said estate :Ire hereby requeSted to make imme diate payinent, and those. having claims said estate - to preitent them duly attested fti• settlement. A. S. LOW, Adm'r. &i burn. 12, 1853 -;4OtV6. t Ahead.', ie re,peciftilly in - `of Goods just re- . Shirting.. It'uttifurters, liardwargi, 11",o1 xylfirh 4'lll be Pleasti call and . • Going..GOlant, Almolk Gone! TU laianci... of my Goods will he sold with out,regard to:prrifitatnithaving been'hought when .Gouda 'were, front . lo to 16 percent. lower in New York thanl they now areil offer unusual indueiments to all who . ,wi.h to' buy Goods c4eap. rind 'see for 'yourselves and' yroi /rill find you. can buy . almost, 'at your Own pri ers.. LITTLE. New Milford; Dee. 13. 18 . 53 • . XT. . OTICE 14 hereby (men that: Letter* Testa ' mentary upon the,estate'of Lazel!e Brenta dee!d, !meld' .1 teks - on town-thip lert. been ted;to the stilt:glitter. persons indebted tol 'said estate are her;!-by reqiiested-to snake Intme.' tjiate plytnent the 14ub 4 eiilwr e . diarford,and avow havina'etaints 'upon: ti.lid i. estate to pielent theta duly-attested for Settletiit nt: •• Adtter. H trford, Jan. it.l 18,51.-1 w 6 , I • . • • tipsyy. stock A. J. k:VAP.LS. & CO: I .l‘ of GoOils:cheaper ake. root» for their co fur yourselves. !slat, at , . THROE! & Co.'s r thin ever D. R. L. Co.'s gar sett it • D. R. 1.4. & Co.'s CWter Notice. Fre' Arraial of• New Goods. Adminlitratoes Notice. Adminiettatoei Notidts: • 1. Notice; OTICE Lo herenv Lovett that Letteip Testa N -II tnentary tOin estitto orAtmustos tering , .decd, late o Itek4on township, have been granted to the sub Bribers .' ; per Sons indebt. ed to said•estatO aro herehy'reguested to make immediate paytierit, and.those having claims up. on said-estate tti, - present them duly attested rot settlement. •I , • Sstiiyht. W. eICKERING.' • • • • •:. Bcssozi. • .TailuarY 18. 1853-3w6L/ . • • lidtn're. , - • Executors' Sale. • . T i HE executorstotter for sale valuable farm, Lite t h e e 4 : ,i e of a Harper, dtc'd, in Bridoowntor Abolit 3 miles of 11(lntrose, on Saltirday the 28tli day of January inA., at 1 o'cloCki P. M., containing 150 :tyros of bail, with 101! Ores undo; improvement, and well watered. Said (aim ‘luis good buildings thereon, and is wJI adapted to dairy purpOses; and altogether is a. very. desirable 19ention• fur uay.ane.wishini to .purvtiase.a good taiin. Terms made known on day of aale..", • 4 CHAS 4 S. G I LBEaT, ,JOl#S FOSTER, Bridgewater,lan. 1554. 7 w3 : Elem.; SOFT SOAP, gallon or %) , Irroll at • TURREINS. THE place to tiny tutorials for LIGHTS is at • i iTURRELLII.' ',SETTLE up - f•ith . A. TUIPtELL: January, 185,4. i; t • • • :WANTED • , C - 3000 Btialii.la of Ityp. ani.20,000 erthita, fur iwhicli the biehmt price wilt be paid in . Catah by .summenwilo, flan. 2,1814. - • New Lino of Mail Stages _ _ 'P MRO ,-_* KIRKWOOD TO MOIITROSE. STAGE win 1•414 Alrlrerood, peering timbal COe.. benefit's. Liberty. 4c every tporainx litter thcant * at the dlatiTrains of Cail, both tats sal WeAsiseb- In Montrose at 1 P. 41-. RETURNING , • • . . ',days Montrose daily, (Sanders excepted) it 2 P 21., reaching 'Kirkwood In tame to take .the. Mall 'trains of Cars.both Fan and West, trine -the nearest wed. Inal feasible route to ireach the New York and Erie Ralteoad. • This line' intersects* eel-weekly 1100 for-Diniock vine, Tankhannock, Wyoming. ond 'Wilkesban. which 'leave, Montrose ;at 7. A M- every Monday, Wednesday Pri lay. Mon, aline •ri berayvviii.-Arn. Oned Teems and comfortable Carriages are prcrridril, and Hie Proprietors willopare no ;Marto ieronanndate the rub ! lie • • W K. lIATCIT, Deeember 24,13= MORGAN I WRST. • NEW GOOD S . Jil. SUTPHIN invites atttntion to the isnissainify, • tarp and complete assortment of , New Golds for Fall Sales,' \he !snow ?reeving. In addition to his usual supply oI •Staple Dry . Honds. tiroemies. lierdware, Stoves ke. he . else offers to the Ladies a rich Stuck of , • Fall and Winter Dress': Goas,----- .. . , Satin 4 'Velvet Di tmets. Sheets. nil ts re. Gloves and Hosiery, Veils ; Table spreads & Clothe, Satchels, Ladies and !threes line Hoots and shoes &e.. ke \ To thetleatiei• elm hi often a large stook ot best quality I I , Ready , Made Clothini, \ Clothr,Cassirneres. Tweeds and ;wins, Vatic gs; Hats wad c a ,,.. Roots & shoes, et c. ' • .1 His stock Srmbreees a Inere extensive anuverfed assort. lent than l lieretefore, and be is pr•ipared to holdout I - Superior Inducements' , to CAiffpurelscr i sers. , , , I 1 - lie respeetitilly otolleite eis early call fr,om hie frcetete and all others (desiring good goods Hist I toe worth the price naked for • em, ••••' I swim.ii.ville Fept. 12th 1653 tvi 1 m. 4 2000 I lreraaso ai rtL \ al l e l l:r i e r ereff s eredin a t i Ffe ;;;:fl;:tls be sl twelve,' at \ • I. II STITPHINS. I • .•. • More hew Goode ~ . • •-,. H. RURRfT is now rectdving another general ittoek ofi I I • Pall and Winter Goods, by which'is assortment; wtil be fullyreplenished in every drpartm ht and 1211UPU ally Inviting and complete" padienlarlS a new at4 l . or it Ladles firm. docile, Rich Plaid. and Fancy Detainee and Cashmere. paiamettas. French' Merino, i 1 Beer. Mohair; Lustre, Embroidered 'Robes. Silks, Ronnets.ltieh- Bonnet; Ribbons. a huge aryl new essortmeof of ; Winter:Shawls; Ladles 'Fur Cu.,tt Victorines and iftiffs.riL4diee Rubber Boats. Slippers and over Shoes. Clocks of elegant and ty w styles, and a new't~riment •of Shop, Parlor and Cookffig Stoves. with a great tar ety of other Fahey, and Staple floods which,irill be sold on• the most favorable tamp,. offering especial indnement a to'cash or tim e buyetv.• New Milforl. Nov. 24. 1,1353. ' • I . . .'1 ew.'Stoves, , ',, .''' - j HllintitlTT is now receiving a neW land 611, assort , meat of Conking Parlor and shOp lin:cit. for 'Wood or Coal. anti In conneeti.m with his pre lons stock wi make a seleit.and complete assortment tribe \ nsost pop lerand improved kinds of ' Ti , . Air Tight ; Elevated Oven, 'Premium and Plate Stoves. I t 4 ~; , • le . . 4 tun, stove Pipes,Weel, Iron. Zinc: sove Ta b s Ike.. which he will sell at the lowest prices for 'rash or ippro - ed credit. ' 'I , New Slilford. Sept. 2911.. 1853. = ' ' , • ‘, fl REMOVAL: U' &REYNOLDS hays ; removed theii Tailnrior establishment to titS room ever r,. IL Hawley's Store. near the' 4. Franklin lintel." whets they are Prepared •to nitric! promptly to all calls in 'their profession. pledgintr. en ire 84 sfaction to every reasonable man Latest iNew‘ork and Paris fitshinns just received . f- • Nitintrose.-APpt. 15.1 P-53 ItIAIIBLE SHOP. T"E arufartsigned have established a shop ;i , th e, batn;tnent of Mr. Sayre's'Store, in Mon tr..ite. where 111.4* will la all times; keep ori hah Polatax and Dour,:rric Mmtut.r. _aud m intifsetulr the . . same. into Monuments. Tonilk-atooss, 'Table tope, &c.. &c. ; :17' The patronage of th puldie r is reapsetro solicited. ' GONGOONIA BEYIER Mutternite, Aug. 25, 1853—tr. New .Goods,' , J. Wfllll is now receiving liis Fail sticki.o. • Goods. .Plegtile cell and examine; as they will be sold cheap for 'llontrese. Flept 14, 1853 . • dorse l powers & steam' Engin e• i • )1' f: t ad two Harm Powers tor titrashing, or. V oilier putpotti.s, and a sixteen horse Power Steam Eitzins for sale low. Aar. 17. . Stria, flesmtv. & PICIIKINIR CASH PAID IF9 . • i A _Lt. kinds of GRAIN by ; : 4: • . . . .D.R. Li ROP & Cii ~ I , Grocerios—Mholesalo:'& Rete TN great variety, considerable .quantity. .11 or quality. and cheap for 'cash; Or to exclia'sce: fur most kinds of merchantable prixince, on - cxid: terms. HIS stock of Sugars, Tettsi,, To bacco. 'pi. ere, &c.,ibeing so numerous, he de'erns it only ece. efowry td ray. that almost anything in th.c. (fro-, cery IMO; used by families, can be foinid. uponlnqui-- ry andl'consequently enumeration! in Considired supertiulus: In particular he would ask an ex in:- •illation of his Gd. Sugar. Ttibacco. - - and 4s= ea.' A deducOisu worth saving o mada- to those litho tidy : in large naltities. I .NL,BULLARb. Montr re, ra. Joseph I Merihnou.. 1 • P i Et: ITUELrinforms his friends that fi e is R receiving a f ile of choice Goods (rum: the treat •••Einporium, which togethierwithl);his old stock makes his assortmeutquite complete. ; and Will enable him to *access/414 coatii-qe with hiS neighbors. Among his stock may. bt, found a lood supply of Dry Goods;-Gisic tiries,. crockery. ti rd -. ware, and Wooden ware. Nails. Drugs and _Dye*, Paints isnd 0 Is. Boots and 11iries,.(11;sulierihr lot) /fats cud Cap*. L tales Wiiner Fiminets, retch; ells. Carpet Bags, Trunks. Ready Made ClothiniN selectedfxpretsly for service, end * thousand other useful avtictes not necessary here tb mention. All of which he will sell at the Intern living piofill (or Cash. frailties, or approved credit! q 1' Upsonville, rept. 24 ; 1853. 1 . , ' • , • MONEY : MONEY 1 , , lAION EY e au., be saved: by . purchasi gof Lamp , nan 4 co. at Bhighanvon. Wht , Itie' the largest assortment between New York; and Cis e i 111 l e ti, of Woo?. Medicine 4, Points. Oils, . y etuffA. V!iruishes. Glues. Brushes, Ctritinicills, Pa ern. NlWicinee, Perfumery. Fancy . Goodt;. c.- .Also. Witelqw• Ght,st of all bites from 7by 9 o by!36. Putty. Pditit Biusties,' Graining i Btu lie Glees WAre,and otber things too numerous to mel tion in,/hie notice. ,1 • , 1 •. ' All of which we pledge ourselves to till an as grad term* as theyi can be - hauglit in the city of New lark or else Where. , We are prepared' to , supplY( dealers as well as consumers at the lowest market 1 stet. . . • lilllPll AN th Co. .. Tompkins. Back. . Bingheinion. Oct.ll. 11W1-11m3.* L ' • ; Fare Valuable Fairn for Sale. tIE subi4criber offer's- 110 8.41 e his 'vat Able farm in Gibson township,. StimpiebsOna eounty, ra., containing 1157 1 aercs, situated tn in,. Eastent part of said town, half of a milo fm m the 'rsinklutnnowl; Creek, and 12 1 2 Mile% fro St quelianna nrpeit, on the IC, Y. fit, E. Railr. fid. On ii i nid farm is a framed [anise, 3 lls n, horse shed, corn house. a yimng orchard o to. 190,tices, and is well watered. • ' ' lie Offers to sell for 10 pirr • cent.. less t h n :real value: . • -1 .. . TE.l6ls.—Turn thirds of lhe purchase a .., Cash down, and balance; si.cOred by taartgit re. WI I LLAA.ISI TAY • '‘ . 1 Gamut, Nov- 23 - , 16.5- -r.-47y1 ' : 11 . . i - • • 1 IGOLD Spectacles—A ;dogeassortment , Gold Spectacles of all ages. , 1 • Silver Napkin-Ring.TX Frnit Knives, Cu s Chains. Thimbles. Butter knives. die. - . To the Ladies—Amite and Corseliadi.Diess 1 Buttons. Rol Tlair Pins, a very nice . a tele PLATEDAV ARE- --orte very hand oC tors. Cake aiskets, Candle Sticks, Snuff rs 1 Trays. &e. 1• • i'' - LOCKET';:--A good- nssortaient of Den and Stn le. both Golft end Plated. ' SILV FT, PLATED KSIVES:—A tap nor -twit. made- to twitch :invert Forks. '• SilEl4 COMBS—Just received, a n lo Shell Mirk - Combs. also IVory. do. GOLD C HAINS in every variety-.el . G Keys and . Seals .' All of .1 the a bove , art ales for solqi o»: by ALFRED. J: .E ' E .. 1 jtEMOVA4,. . 1 tpve , !, P$CQY 4 ! tt !,- .1Pv.1; 1 0 4 - rirliDi sub",eriber wiatiem to ~11. the sit..ritionlf-,.. 1 hii fri s ends•and the Publ i k to his Very lirgs 4 c assurttneut of -- *'. 2 ; '-1 ' • •-• * ' . -? ' ';STOVE% . akhla new Store Haunt in Loieralril L-S.-Lenhoieris*Stori., and. dear 'ths Depot. -Ho has in addition ,t his,' variety of Cooking end Parlor Stint.* Patterns, some of whieb t are+ . Et Nickolas, f PagiCh anti*, ,i' - 11. " . *lan r 4 roy. 1 Mohawk . i,' Which together: with ids farmer si i ric perhaps the tdost extensive ald varied' of well selected Stoves in the , Couritv And not At, be forgotten,. is theCll toti,Stois of greater- -eight and better [materials than! those hawked about thiCountry by unficen •d pvillars. Prices for largestsize i with large turniturelof the best material , ;,.., • ' I , _ With such .tiiininings as Pedlars furnish, , 93 - - • Snail" size tell tricateed,:j 20 '; - These Stoves are tint ma l e -with-.old , fray .i..:__ 'represented by` Pedlars, and bona that hav been soh] by.me have failed. -- i - •' , • . - * ar All artielsg . in his line kept , on h d' and made . to-,order as dsual,.acid ilrders'receiVe .at his old stand in GEput ' , Bend.' . 1 4 ... I ', —-•-.. - - It/TI - CO it ILodersville & Crest-Derail Nov., 18b3: , fa . ~ . • , winter sto ck i Goods. I • - : • : . LAST.IN DIOIKETJ [ : •- ... . D 'b ' 4&53 -1 1 ..- seem Or,. . 1 -- ° frig subscribers -have the piton of announcing to n -their enatumen. and the pu lie merally. that they ... - are now ticeiving a large addition to their stock of Oricule, bought it the lowest primer. ;facet the deallne In me eta, - ind which they are prepared lw melt et a very arta t,t . Aro , :. V a Nc• c. We do -not ennabler it rteetteary . to name very . article in oar line—euffiCe ii, to !.. y we caul rowel all - ' . who will give tie a rail. that' In QUAIffiTY._ 'QUAL! Yor i i'llitlE, oar etoek will hear OtalktrisOn With, WV ofh itile7 abilllnnent in the county, : -•' : r•-, . I , . . • '.._ I BEITEXi: at READ. ' .. , • I WANTED—MI kind* of —4i*in, Dery 'az flannel,. 3, V Woolen !woke, Taller, 'Lang Drird .Cpy ca, or CASH, .' - . ' Inerehnoge for Goods. , . : 1 . i, • - \ ... . Deretube. , 6; 1853 Il . ;. ' t, leNti.E ;It itgADe • . . -. • . , . . BUFFALO ROUE A cfrozpil 10t lust emaiveld.Ana otTered low f, BC9Ttib JOUNST Dec. 3d,103. ; , • • '7.41111E MOIR TR have a pleatj, ot Flour au4 Salt on • ..est prises. - r. .cetiber ; - r. 00011$ k 6110168 O - 'r ber. qudlltles and Ales. edko'pk, :040 . so' cer •loesoind ituakini, call sad 1. quality and price', . t December 3d. - 1 , . • ' '..• . DAY GOODS. TIE imbscriber respectfully invite th i GOODS. TII,E (host , wri4drig to pirrchatei, Cheap rt. gyv FALL nod lIINTRIt F.T.lCK,:whiehl "ety and cheapness. he may, It ray is n lny in the Empire state.smon•• which mal 4 --SWO lieNpaill)l •SIUIA - - i oteiery qualltyand style,:price 'angina. fru 100 pieees Parametta and - kap.' .. from lo- I French gerinties of 'every 'graOL and col clira P . • 10,000 yards of De Leiner ti Persian Cloths ruins go :•to4s. Prints and tlittphanis hi ell3telanuaritity.. 15 000 ) aids bleached, aLtP3tribleat tied r hectitigsand .Shirtings, crow 6c to la ilit. H I • . :.* . 4.... ~ . - • . I 000 3 arils White. Red 'end Ylitrits Flattiels„, from Da .64 to 6s. Woolen 00.14 aof Orli kind for ritetiars.l bC4 is d• .1000 yard . Silk. Itroeio.,• Mitt, and Oa 6 ,Illaett from the lowest grade to the most ettpepot Outfits. Dress Tem- L \•• inings of *Nary deter iDtiou: 1 ',., -. '.. • ' • ~. .•' : . l EDLAII,S' GOODS. . ' :. sA large stock from Anitiori; very , rhea . Trunks and Tearelllog Rags( en exteuaiVe4 I.......tozubecr.t44.utii on WOO- - • • -'•....: r . ), ~• ~• --: • ~ N 4 \eg •rt will be _ snare len lhe".p.trt of the rtitiacriber to roerkt,a'roottirtaue of the po,tiotfege which tb. ptiblie has. hltheitom - .st generously 2,-.4.iirded hint. 410 thr which be returuWelacere and hearty ttiatilts. . _ . . ..,. • ' i WN. *ll-cioN, CorWer of Court .k. Water ef.P., Tompkins Block. • yearly opiOsite the Aulefiesw lied, ISiogheas 0ti,21. V. • -, N ow. 11:Z. . .- ~ . 1,1 i • ', \Far s cm..ba e. •- .: . - • 1 % rritlE stibteritien will-act' as la . ems rot ibliying andael-1 J. itLr , It.ial• Ko'itate,—.-}"artiv, ;nivel; &TOIL°. a -tali v. in • Sualneenviina county. Pa ,ni ' Brueme Celat.l3,'N. Y ~' ' 1 and 416° V irgi" Land 0 , ari tit/ .. . Aills h.. vonidv to Oft, 1.. .', their property for Fill Cart 'tit goo miuutie dr,ertrii,i, of i &heir fining or Lots - 4 4 s follsws: Ao to es; hoar untfi. - improved, and -bias waterisl ; build:lnge; rchardi crafted'. - or common. fruit,; other fruit trove; ILO far from Gr.:eir ' . I Bend, and the nearert pointrof the ii. 1,14 r. Iv. 1t...8. and , 1 . 1 N. Y. .v B. B. It.. price end terms of pliyment -:' . .. ..„ ticr Ali who wish i n error: est L RHO uitate . nil t re c. ive prompt &titbit, n by ea Ong on or aiddrtsslLg OtLrr of ut at Great. Bend. S. uvonehatina ci utity: Its. •--.. ." -.. la' Conveyance from Greilt Semi to the prendriar MI of charge. Office - on Main street li wtheaweliingbov labelinectipi, tt b 7 N. t. cart euter; „. . , ' - • . r :Great Bend, Oet.4th, 1A53- I 1 . ,: . GEO. FULLER ri.As iFist steered his Fall and 'Winter .1..1. Box! • . . ! - Ready-Made Oloi.i lgmbrniiitg . Ovet Coats of ' ;11 vitiety r i li'• Sack, and. Dress Cords—Vestp4l'iii t , F. irts and Warrers—Vipe Witte r.hirtel 1 , —.l'hrer All.Stnckfnv-01.11.55, ( C.+ '• A Food assortment Offashiiinible • ' t p r ely11.•WOLTIO21. , 31Issea. ilf , ‘l l- , era Chili 'AIHOES. *din:Rubber itootil, =hoes and' A saw supply ,nt WALL PAPER, Curti . Ste. '; Books and StatinitOrS• '• . • A l so, • Trtinka, Gdns. Traselling Bags. 1 Statar, Tea, (niter. ate -and a variety of 1 11i:sr:lotto Ore° ly pay anti One price,—Ci ft' itoreooposite SPAlrrilutel. Montrnxe, .Ort.'4. 1853.,P . H SALT Tly the bu'itthel, or .barrel. or by _the lee D tore (if Attl mitywriber 1 °nal ttose, Oct:. 4, 7 0 /53 . . j• - 0 Sots• and lUppor Crasher —A of the bast kind; coostantly on band, ' - : ; ABEL T.IMIREIC • - l's - no*, 'receiving his Whiter . . G , . .T . NEW OOD S,. • ~• 1 C ° lll, - T ill ' rh G wilt be neatlyi e theeeu wa I please. Tbe,pubile are inal ed,to call in' •Ntootrose, d oer 5.1854 ' Drags; Medicines Bt. Chemicals: -A . first rite aseortraent. Phyticians BUN neat! iteat-' "expe.littowtly . put' up int , redurel and.rris• erfpion!..c irefully coultlouelel.- The to• t qtiality . cie.thle I.pdrtmeut will be fbiandst th—, uu and Var.etz Albre of ' I - AB L TURItieLl.. •P A l'iWt.Sy. MI;S: ¢ .DYE A Follassaetnient, and of pestfi nal IV es' . , G raw et ..a.m..11 5 ice:weal iar aorta:tut,: atarket attarls, at' - Div -I•ii' , • . • , n'' ' D Crelosl4.7: , t anii/D biat • choice e- most stapl•rirrlclt4 of Dry Gentle, Whiel t., . prleci that will make ft foethe , interest . cell at the nom of -.-. ',! '- - • , • .lard...War^. and fluttPrV. embr eing agoodaa S, sortmenl orf thd.oe celekkiated Mitre". 'Pocket Knives=' u . stout-,ware,AC ik•e.,ja ~• ; • , _ I TIMIELL'B.. - - Druggists , Glare- r are.—A• tante arsortinklit at ' . ,10, Launt iers.—A. cho!ce tnriaty 'of I.lq .ra for osedielsal PurPosekr ac ' , . A -_,_ , TAIIIIIICLL'a. - . 1 rl u.l rat ingitrumlifis•--vio , Bow*. EtrillP Rosin, Bridger,Vegr, and 4al "'terra,— Imo Aceordrottai Flute 4, FM a Claron. us.. i9injos, Twain Forko. infatua tion Books, Piano Igu.ic, Ike. at , TITHRIKLL's. - - - I. Wet rv.—t new i upidy of faohlotteiblikJ.iielri. Ls; dies and Ortitlotiien; pliin pc, tall at for fsq . i7vtore of : t ! • Pfacturnery.-7. Vitra fiamery, at t.- I ._ Enneir Treomeo gems.; e.—L : A. I ar:re oq.l first rate wanninelo Ai. :The bebeeVare infmy No. lea., law the le Aof -. . TURIt. • • 1- Patent el .911c1 ISlt*},--A Jung variety. and eitsbra• clog nearly an a the lunit iteduable kind,. et . 1• TURRELV.: • : • , - : • rork, FlourAzad • alt. A - FE Vi' harp•ls of ooui, At 'A ichiganbrando. Also 111pos Pork trari biiir;by ih. , horrol or load. A. 11,11.DwIN. ..,aNtrtr,rnio; Feb. j 11:. 11P3. -- , 1 . 66 Some things ttat).; doni as Well - . ,11 otherc,fi - . , . subseritter basing .purch red ti e . Chitir 1 M 10111'460r yor lip. Green - ood, in Hanford, is prepared to alininfaetnre • • •. . ALL KINDS OF C at-reaneed pribes. ni materi Ir. slid In &tit uA', on MYto r'or woritinimPhir•- liPrp constantir n u on hand, or mauls aetnre - -• • ble BoSton . Rnebrs; ( rrored all (:f Fancy an' Windsnr. Chairs, . Ft* Sear:, Soi r ees; 40. act.z. tr Al: work-warranted to gips, istillsetior for five rear!, • o„, 41 Nirrehantablo *ro•loori. will, he token, iti es. chance for woskibttt curnlT are .- • ••* !, JAMES JOHNSON: ' iterford, Diec2, 1111531=y• • lion fa teat Bend er •:la Wavy no* ire ' edallsori s will'bi rimeat by !i& 00. l od at the low. I 6.0 & Co. tmi.nt of Bub= icsomilt *tni 5,,3.& Co. ottratioti of '..Cash, to' his 1 for rittent top n•arpatted by ' !amid to -50 p. to $l4. Co s;;..ifer yards urf.nisotitiaddy 9,018• B.' Chill, ER ISErgER, S. B. 1.111.P.E. tea a irtib slid , 'tot*, ent.n ..rndirr Fancy i‘o7Cal, • cri \ *, 110)iel rna 's tinder, \ - • 'Ativrel,Co4l,4l4. L •nev rtiOrs.. ' ; or prapet.. ftir Emile sttbit O. rriLtrb.: \ EY IL READ. ttil in 'hip air . cannot :taf I to• gnat:Linn In*ln. TUFFS. -. 7TURREIL•B nd bnt 4 ,l„ r ha , 71111111KLUIL, Feleet+ap,.of thi witt soil it f purelouierif to. ' t - of ettnfo• 14r- TaRIISLL's ral:ssoic.rtme!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers