. ' . i ' i , ' ' • 1 . I . , . . , • I. l',. • . • . ' '• . , 1 i • •• 1 [ r 7 . . " ... 1. . r• P. ' ' ' • i . , • i•• s • ••''' : 1 , ..z . -. '' . 7 .- ' - ' 4 • 44- al ' ' • 1. . - ' 1 .. - ' . 1 : ' 1 ,-'• i. 1-' , , , r ~ ~.• , . _. - , i 1, , , • ''ir , „ filfrerfiTyy „ - , ~ , , 4 „.„, .., . . ~.. ~_ , , ... • . ~. ... ... 4 I,` . I ', ' . \ ~4 . '• , . • ,` ' , , :;',.""), l A , f , ir „ 7, . I --it ' V- ~I ' 1 :.. T A ~ t ` 'ti/ : , i , ~. •'. . , :A . V 01 4 I o_ -; i' • ' it, i i vp fze . - 1..‘. - /i ffi , ..!!, - k 1 ;,.. .. _ !. i -,-. ' ! ..;.; V' • , r...X• ..• ' , 7 r . ; I ,i . l'` 1 ., .-, P 4 . ?r, e f -,,, # i ~ “ ,\L, : .. , - I r p 0 . , , ...f., , . , . . ~....... ~..... i l. .. 0 „ . ' - r• 1 . , - \''k a , t , z , „ 4 „, - ''' i ' "A r : - • ora il sig e ~ ''''j• ' ; 2 .'• •r , . ' - " r CZ•t- g''' , , • •.. 4 , !, .10 1 ?, ' ' 4,, ..... , , ~•,, :, ' 4 ' 9, 4 1 , •, ''' . ; ..),?- '4 ., I . 1- i i , l afflg4 . 0, I 'i ,?,:, ' . /. (5 . i 1 , 1 :t 4 .4. , 4 :' . 1 : 4 .; , - 1 1 _. ' 1 -- . 7 ,--_ '-_-___-='`...7., - - - - - ,=..-_---- ' ___.,....-- )J ‘ • ~- , 1 . .' ' • iiroprictors. *titti ',Vottrg. TILE BLIND HOY. • . • wag , blessed suitimei cloy; T hy tirrwr r.rt the uir was mild, Tire little very primed firrth Ihvit lny, Arid v ery thing in naturir stmled. ' In rile:want thourzht I:wandered nn the rii.ep,yirtherfrir-trimple shade, Till. sudrirriO r l rank. upon - TwO-rhildi•t;ft who hadiiitliter strayed - Just at an agreti hin.chirre's fo-ot A loop li4.ti zitoi stir) reclined ;•., Ills hand in hers she gently put,--. And then I saw the bow 'was blind. Th)yhildren iint•W not I w:e, • A tree e..nrepled ine fr•••in their Do all they said I ,well And I could see:all they uni;:thi, do. . " Devr 3rary," said the Ottnr 1 - ",litui 'boy, That _little. Imr.l• slurs yery long : St, 4,, pi, sip hint in his Anti' is I . * pril.ty • am his sang r "Yes„.EdW , rd, yes'," replied the tn,,id, NIP It he hfid'im y4ititier tree." The pill.r(bily si.vheit - and 'gently : " SiArr I wish- that. I ci,uld.see “Th,. 11.twers, yott tely are very fair, At d I hi nt pit:tit !caves ray rtri.7ll.e trevs, singing..thyfii . ; - rittw . byattliftil 114 one whir • "Vit! the fragrant IT. , wers earoatt e ll,. And ICa II 4 ., e1 t he green lears shade, 1- • And I val k I Iva r Fr nt ih , n (Par hints two has mode. ttb 'me is kind, • 114 . has and ; But tvil ttn..;,retitt+4.• any him u . • Aitmtig. Mt. Olittirot 4 up i • lienvett r* " Ite:trl•St Et1W;101, 11114 i •. all seP, • • Bur ,%%liv Nsk me a' i hine r . • • I 111014;4 rat like I”,sk GA:" bis I il.cl ()111:41t4ii.ar tuts nW Wtt•ek »W•! 1111. mod pr:.}t•d Tll;,tA;.pil ut , uld.sl)are ht•r r.i;:htlez:o4 lie felt the warm ti.ar. Pll ' lll'4 . AIA : Oh twver w.•;;i) .11*; ooitlg to a bright. hriebt ' 11 . h..re.31ari:;;.ys. 1. Gliti "'And vtdill coin:tin re, di:nr ion; dg . nr, when thi•rt.; Teti Fk:ird: Mother, that • Von know I nt•rer suw you here!" k.• n , . inure , tint' Awt. r tly Ilu• Ijrl3l wzoi n, Wll,ll Go i 14) , k 61) vial poor Wind cltild; And ..voni..t 61. 7 :i his. cyri..—iti teal. 4.6.-.. Nistorial MARSIIII. iIACDONALD. • - BY . J. T. 11pADLEr: . I When the BourlCOns reascentletl.the throne, „ , 11'o:doll:dd. was 'made a Peer of Fiance, iiiia,. l ...,.e.;. after t;roke hisoalli of allegiance ' •L'At i! !ke Murat, and Set-, .and tioult, .and others cif laltoleon's generals, he considered his solemn la .11 Aactltti, and abong,h; witen,.selit to repel le invader, his soldier;deserted lint at' lie r'suittv -of : - Viet 7 Eiliperezze,” lie did .not, ke Net-, follow their exattiple, . but making is escape hastened to 'Paris•to defend LiMis.,- . tier the 'final overthrow of Napoleon at Wit thytt he was piointued . fatmt one post of hun t. to another, till he was;J9ade governor of le 21, , 1 Militarv• Division - , J .and majorgeiterar f- the Royal • Guards " lie visited St:otland tea t after,.and,- hunting up his poor relatives;- -stowed presents upon theM.- and filla4, ,on . ie overthrow and .aliTication . 'of Charles X. ,t've. -ds Allegiance to Ltittisl . - 1 .1;?'„;p e .- - 11'e have given this briefOutr..he of Itlshis ory at rite comineneeinent, in order to 'peak note, fully of the three great acts of Ins / life. i':ltrt connuanditor the army .in the Gfisons, a , edm rn itild was comanded by:Napoleon to'l l'i...s the Splugen with his forces, in otili-r to 1 Itrut the left wing of his arinv in Italy. ! This I as in the cainparga.of bialy ;tiler 13onapaile's I ;turn frOm Egypt- 'Though nri brayer or titter matt than Nlnctlonald ever tired; lit!i It. that the exceu.ion of the Ftr4 . Consul's rmisraftd tvas well nigh impossible, anti sent ! ; tmeral Dumas to represent to him ..the•utter , ' tvetessness of such au undertaking. Botifeti , . .. . . ~ tarettearo lain through, and-then, Willi his isualrtxklessue4.of difficulties,. rephed, !-• I t i n ardit; do change in Inv dispositiouS. • He r6•a tiairklv, and tell- Macdonald that an ar-.! can always plisA, in every season, where I to men can place their feet:7 Like an obc.- Item. officer,. e minediateb; fiat:4;o(ll'l4ll'U' On- ,tor the herculean - task before him. Tile preset': pa.. , , 'over this. - .._mountaitp is a ery different thing from theone. which Mue r -, Juald stub hi,,itifteen tirvusiiiid men traversed. hl-le is abate a itarriatre way actoss, cut in xtt.teti zig...ags along the breast of the inomi lin. lint the road 'he was.compelled to" go tras! a tut-lel/idles:path, - going through •the ag.: .of tile .C 4 idind. To nittletstand sortie' .uc ditiic_uitiek that. beset him and his ninny, inagine. an awful_ 'defile le:aditg \Alp to the , lig.ut of cis thouboadjive heargrud ;144 above' it: level of •the sea. while:the raging 4.'t'''an _ !• . • Tine s,ottn.and.. the mighty .lietfis. to . t B ' 6 '4 - fa,:tkf6 tie] osa, it .add .ttniford.'llorron't o the s e etr, .I,Frst, etinneS-• tile .deep dark ;les' le c alled 'tile kI.L . ; 3141 a it' ode bv'the Rhine, - • • t' i-; . : ; er o a mere, r , iv ulei„ mud overhung by 'nouns.' anis often thr4lse thotn4lnd feet high... AlOno: Ite.preciple es that stoop over..this mad tors eat, the path • is _cut :in 'the solid rock, irv tuggiug the.nionlitain wall like a. mere thread. .. ~ mu now 'shouting in a single. - aril Oter - Allie . !urge tlytt,sinks- three - hundred faits belowih: . .tail 4 ..ly siki4t snow-peaks pierce the Ilea veo_ 1 . 1 ev , :ty directitin, while• hum% the 'slender bridges .riettt. spring froth_ precipice,.: to pre e' 1.,1-,r Ilikcturitulent it.tre: m, the rOar of the - I'vxo "u'ett , 'eau s:(;:lh,eiv' -be in • After leavingleaVin this' defile the r . , : ;„-,,,i pat:;4-st- tlirougl i wall • the t.) - f k.' tilii. Sill'i ins'. the actin ti ;ng up the pitie.. o . tre d cliffs of 'La La', strilt.'es'oli t.. 1": hare face of tliethountait i , going Sothetinitt4; at an,ttiglt.r.t.-ir.fOrtyLfiVe .rlcgrt•es, 'and finally eaeln'r..4. time ll:l4;:olstfilithit, stin k flip,,.l,l• (. . i ' 1, 7 1,01 :alit/ ritewaters 'brit-I'om iliik. was ti ne I.og4_tti-pass .M u-dottald way connatt!ltti e d to lend hii arnty.of fifteen ihousand men over in Ind winter.. ! .. . ', It was'on - the 20th of November. he co - in rammed his 'preparatioils.:A consdant sueces-I ''''"l'of,snow storms. had tilled tit, tiii..eatirel path, :6` that a single 11:)an'fill'illdt would riot l leave thOught .of. Making the athtmOrt. But! Whvn Macdonald lad made un his mind to dol i •t• . , ~.. a. thing, that. Was the end otl all impos:sibilitills. The cannon mere I;(4smounted, and phteediin ,sleds, to which oxen were nttitched--Lthe niii mtinitiou divided a bont omthe backs of utopias, . ~. while'every soldier • -had to 'parry, beSides his 'usu4- •; - arms, tire packets of Ortridges and li"e dayWHprovisi. Theguidei: went in itdvaQe, and stuck down long Wadi poles to indiclite Ilte cpunie of the path benath f while behind therM carpe the w( l ?rkmen, 'ieating away the , ;. stroW, l :and, behind' their' still, the. mounted draggoois, with the mosrpoweiful Iforset4f the l- ino 4 t ) belt id wn the • war... The . fi rst I / y, ( . .: i o companv had advanced in dais ma n ner neatly •lutif way to the suManitointi were approaching the hospice, when a lOw nib:Ming was heard among the hills, like the v6iee of the-sea be-'• fore a sainn. :• : The guides understood too gill 1 its tile:ming, and gazed on each other in alarin. The ominous soand grew :balder every momein, till strildnly the tierce Alpine . blast swepOri M cilia' -of snow over the breast- of thernolin tain,i mid howled I like an unchained denion throtligh the gorge bellow. In an :instant, litll was i•onfitsion, and blindue, and uneertaini v. The lbw - Yens,' were blotted out, 'awl ;l i e very ;• frightened column 'stood and listened to the , raving 'tempest; that 'threatened. to lift ihej rockrroof e d pines: that 'shrieked aboVe thigni . from' t wir - _placeS,*and bring down the vi v Alps! themselves. !,i But suddenly :mother SP mum. donning sound . wtts.l heardatni).l the storm. ". An ' avnlanehe !,:•tut avalatchi)l". shrieked-the . gaidCs, and tl4 next momenf!an av,t'ul white ' fdrin came . !raping down the nnannaiti, and, striking tact Column that Was --trugglini; along'! t e path, 'pined straight dm:ugh-it into the gulf belOw, carrying thir ty dragltints and their hor s es - along with it-' in its wild plunge. The black 'form-of a steed and' itslrider were teen, for 'one,, mom e nt sus- pendecr in ruidheavens„ and the next. disap pored among the; ice;:ind drags belOw. - The h ea d of the Colittnir iniinekliatCly pushed air, and reached iliehi,spiee in tsalety-.? While the • , , rear, sepiirateo 'Toni it -by the avalanche, mid struc=k dtimb by this i ismiden apparition cross ing their path with -suet) lightning-like velac ,i:c, and hearing' to .stich aniaWful death their le-aye comrades,refuSed toliirOceed, and turn .ed, back to.t he' village of Silu!'ren. For three days the storm raged atitiO the mountains, filling the heaveMS Stith sooty, andlturling tiv. : , alanches into the path, till . ,n became so filled up that:the guideS declared[ it Mould take v; teen days to (ipenlit again Aio n‘ . 't."4'..L... all 'pas,iabte. BUt : fifteen ',days ; Macdonald could not spare., Illndepeudimit of the tirgetn-y of his eoinnetinis, It here etas no ,way to provi shm his artily in the 'se sa,vtige solitude, and he ;7MBl.froeee;ll He ordered four of the. strongest oxen chi t could lie found to beled iia 'athance]l•Y th best guiles. Forty..i/eci- `ants followten behind, clearing away and bent hug, dowu..the snow, 'and tiro compaides....of , sapprs otnie after, in ~..f ri A . . e. is till . gt cater. 6 . 311- . Si , ;;l:tlcY . isi: the track, while . on - their hells marelied'the renittant of tat: company of .the dra .! :rcramiS., tlit'orLwhieli had 14...rn borne aivav .by - the ayttlanche, three dayS Wore. The , post of . dait! - rer was given them at their own request. trien,tiesented atrann'esight amid those Alidn e . soli - tildes. Those oxen, with,! their !writs jut peL-ring abdre the -now, toil ed slowly on, pusleng their, unwic- . •.y bodies tinOugh the drifts; While the so:di c m;rip ;o their am-pits, straggled behind.. • Not a drime nor IM:_de-note the the Solitude, or awake the echoes of tho4isnoic-eovered peaks:. The footfall gave 'bncli;no sound in the soft snow;'; and 'the words of ;ICOnuand . seemed smother- ' i .ed in the very atMoSphere.l Silently,; noise:- , lessly, the miglny but disordered .coluinn'' stretched itself 'OptVard„ with naught to.hrtiak ' the . deep stillness of. the; wintry noon, saye ilie , fierce pantings of :the hoist ii and l'aninials,l . llFl; with reeking sitleif, they . strained up the 41S-: . cent. -Thisddvanq't l :;:liext being clear, frOst v ‘ 1 .:::',!)4, the septirate)eOlumnsi j.,:e:ce t i in safetv . .• Willi in 4 ex e eotion of those !'ytito sunk: in: their 1 fOOtSIIIIi4, 6Veltoll* I,y the Cold and the friast. The successful passage ofithecolunins these two davS, induced; MaCdinaild to march the; - the whole- tenininiiig army nverthe next day, and, so, ordering the'whOle tirmy to ,adVatfce, cOmmeneed, on tlfi 3th of I)ecember, - thei),c.4.- ilous atseeni. 'Bull fresh sOw -had fallen the night presi).,us, titling tip the entire track, so ila - ar it had all - 10.ie made-:'over, again. The g a uides, expecting•wind and avalanches after this fresh fall of Aim; refwled to-go till . • ~ 4 w e re, C. spelled tn, by .31:14"dontild.' - Breast- ...1. , :ep,, ioe many - wftirtl up tire wild and dliso- late path, makitiOn i.lioitrs but six .miles,'. 'orne mile on 44r. - Theysad not adyinwed,' far-however, NVII4: they 4'4kl)e. upon. a• huge;', lilt ek of ice aid trnewly fa!lint availanche,that,' en, irelv filled up the Way._ iThe guides halted before these nett "41 . ), , taeles, and refused. to pro-• H ceed,' - and the Ikiid of the: 'coltium wheeled' about and 'begttniiits tuarchi down' the moim-, taiti. .:`,ltnAomildlinnine lialell hastened forH, - ward, andPlaein i ihim. 4 24 - itt the head of his, 160 4 walked on pilot, with it bums` pole in hiti, nand, to; sound tin -treacheious, nittss . he Was 1 - leading upon,. Atle h e revived - the drooping ~ papal of the Sithhers with words of enconr : a•renmeuti a Rildi4s,"said he " your destinies ,:1„ I . • - t• j: .'..1 - ' . and ; 15:111 you ; oto A1f.1,1• ; atA‘ata•e:. eongtier, first the . I mom) alt}. and *till! snow, then the: - a ,: Fl a in s nd th e "tiindes.” . As,laimed to see. their , re1.11 . a:r.:111.1111 . Llibis life al every step whine' 't':. • had 4,... ::-..t ,, •• ,: 4 inec muse,,r t . .-6 ; . tney 'elm ned clt4er ttill-V to illeirioilA ;'l7 - iiii..,..before they could 4: feet the.naSstore, I Il k , - 'vOiee iof the Hurricane t, f was twain heard di its. fiqcli,' and the text .e, Mom e nt 'tt e,lnudli . af -driving snow obliterated, 'everythin;' , facer !iieW; Vie pink was Oed s, r • •• up, ant' all tracet ! !!1' it Swep ut:erly away,--. Amid the sereat 4 4:Ofthe•grides. the confuSed'. vounnands ,of the;{ :officers,. and the howli te , i' of 1• rs ;• the :4.4 tt in, c:niaellieMpidthundercrash of °av , . nhinches: - ' '' ' ' I====l ;Th'eti eon or the Ariast .i#6lll 7 ett;, rtillery, the' hib I e. 's . riigg ht 4, lie.; it timm.lo4,l yitli the ~f;:iine' reekle:si'ik;wir, Ni:liiie oi-er all the 4iftf., - (l.sn'oui 1.,,•: ,like - one ,- us,ii,iviii.iinge3 l ,:)eet. No one Nil() 62u1 seen :thi i‘ipine )ranigto hi l ginelhtS fkia . iftli , :.n.q . Y "ml:4 wil!cill 4 -:tgi.s Ilin .40 . t . 444: . . ill. it. n i Ali. - Ilici ' )ighttsnuir, bor;fie. 1,1/Art ,) i :i : .. 14 , ~,in 'ig . lvitil ilid ..,w i T K ‘ ilif.tit . 4;4l likTan . , ..• . i, ~, ~• ~.L! A , ., - • •, : . , 1. (I t;':.:111 •Oi in.•i "oeer AI :11;n/rA. Snell, a worn' u iv piled :ffii.nni the'uithetirifti, w,:ma sve . m7 • , - - t 3 (I) fe,m; ii44 . ,:;ie:ftv2oli.lyi as ':- hY_ the .tettF• l . i o •;1 - itrii.&lau'- , Ivaill: At) . wait n ys!ery. rind. di&,s, g ' l6 l lkiil,i!:ipd. tel•rt, The storm tilid st um; itsotlnUi)et fol.. tWi' ., ebn - rge, - but •Itii . 11 , :,.4.1 . ,,t .detiziki,il4 tepliiA .. ~I. i tt. heroes . of( s 9 ii 2 / ny battle-iielits . 8 k)Od •in gt t tirror .I.!erpre t. m ntn niui Nigh tier foe. 1, Ciou'di 11, togetb e l' u:s . dying . hl prOfimity added to theuriafety; I r- ... - . -- ...-_---. . -------------_-_:: :._:-- , . •i i i .•t r, A-T . 1. - 1 T i ffv:ol-t. TT''; • • -• • i . • . .. . 'A 77"177 , , . ss. Ty 3,ly,Tl,filL„.,i'llti.TrriTrm, Tr' POT ITTPq 1! 111"t7TV ••1 2 7f 11 , V 7 ,lt , TtraT4''.* A C 7 -. ' tpUr TT, Tr. 7 , . . T. r .P.' , . •. v • , ••• 1, - • i N.' ). ..... - '..-, .1, ~ n. ~-1,.._! , .... -- kJ ~.• k.) L., 1 1.., .1......1L.- it l i ...t. LI ", i, •—)1 ' -11. , ., L'.:JaJ J. ~.. tia.i , ...., J, t,i, ~.1 ' J..,# ,LI fi,.C.:4, •• ~...., - 1,4.1i5t Lib J,...4..../ 4 . 1 4 t• o,;_/..Lks '. , ~, -; • . • : . • , • • I ' , - • I •I 1 . • . .. , nen 1.. d rtgain Ihe awful struggle, I,r The foie they had to .eon nit one, Of 111 A and blood. Tt l aYank . ..tt-thrust, 1 and the blaze of strnng Alpine,. storm was alike, ' ' the Sot ied coin tnn and '*itstptellitnita the disUrdryd 'coldmn crouched and shivered to the blastoliat seemed to pierce ; their very bones Witli its ehillingfold. i ; But the piercing cold, andl,d'tifting snow,: and raging. storni., and coneeaW pitfalls, 'Were not enough to' complete ;ibis scene of terror. AValanelies fell in ralidi successien. froM the. top :of - the,l Spltwenl scaling the breast of the mountain t , with a single leap, they 'came with a crash on: the shire' ing column, •beating it away to the destriietion 'that waited beneath. The"c4treme density: of the atmosphere, filled as it was with' Snow,iniparted infinite terror to these inyste-, rious tiiesengers of death, as t heyeatne: down i l the mountain declivity.. A low, .tuinbling 1- Sound W - wild be heard amid the pauses' of the:" 4tortn, , an 3; aS' the next shriek of the blast Swept hi 4 ,rushing, i ,rushing as-of a counterblast smote , , the ear, andbefore the thought had - time tol 'cluthz,ii, a rolji MT, leaping, brokt.n mass Of snow', burst`through the thick atmosphere, and the; next moment rushed With tthe sound 4 thun-1 der, far, dr:below, bearing aw avii whole com-4 pally of sold ii.. ts to its deep, dit rk rest i ng-pla ce.; On the i.Worin: , of the 6th of Deeemlier, thed , . , ~. greater part of, the army had pai:sed theinionn-1 tainS; and 'the A',lol. - had pushed on a far asil Lake come. ; From the 26th of November,:i to ilie:'6thl.of Deeemb'er, or nearly two weeks, 11 had Mimilotrild been engaged in this IsitilousF. .• ~ , . pass. I .'Nehtly two hundred Men had I.erished::t in the undertaking, and as Many Mor t Mules; i Mid liVii,Se,i. We . do not believe there *as an ~ other geneial, except Nev, that •c told - have! sueeeeiled 1 in the lave iii: such oblittLles .asp! Macdonald was etinpelled to siruggle against-,4 And we neyer in imagination ;see] that lone .straggfibOine, winding itself like t hugi.! an aeonda over the lofty snow-peak 4 the Splu-:,1 gen, with the indomitable Macdonald feeling',, :his way in' front covered-with snows, while ev % : . ier and antM huge avalanches sot 4 - himi 'Mid the blinding stortn covers hil Jaen :mill t die,. path from his sight. and hear lii sterii.i i . ',calm; :clear voice directing the way, ‘ l vithouid ;feelings ofisuprome wonder. Tliere'is nothing!' like itlin Modern history, unless it be Suwar'-' ~ ~,,, : , ('t' a•. i r ow iz ,, passiige of the 61:1 - rUS in the most 0 1 ' a l . ! IsuperiOr •enciny. Bonaparte's passage over;'; 'The St, Bernard, so world , renowned, was, ther : e i chilirs phi . V compared to it. That pass was,: 'made in pleasant weather, with .nothinglitif ' the ruggedness of the ascent to obstruct the ! .Iprogreisk. .1 Suwarrow t on the contrary, led hiss: Anightv artily over the Schachenthal,•: breast-,' -.4.—' r ;.......-:.1......,...40.. th - .................,.... ..... ~,-+; I , ,;AL..,;- 'of him int i .tWino• down his ranks withont reds;:! , Saoy c to 4 , • , Lance. Miicd:inaltthau o enem .ontenu . : With hut iiatutt:i.--but:it was nature alive an(Y:i Hwild. ; TLC patli by Which: he led his army; ' over the .!• - • , ,mcti, was. nearly :it bad 'in sum- t • tuer ati did Si. Bernard 'at the' time N i voleon crowd it.l : But:in midwinter to Makot a itatli,: ~. . 1 in! and 'Mad in army of fifteen the its .m en , ,throug•li li it-tie:lnes and avalanches, were the' foot ot the Chamois scarce dared To tread, 'was an undertaking from which even Bona-. Vatic bins 'elf would have shrunk. ' ~lisc~lZaiicoirz. . .; 61,14 a Catuatry Girl.: :1.. - I .••'I 1 "YOt are; mistaken.. I would sooner did . than .Wed a 'tnere country lietiiity." '• • .;: - • "Bia l Fred, suppose her intelligent, morel;, fail .of nature's poeiry—tender-hearted,grace fill, uttsPolled by adoption—a guiltless, situi. ple,,lnying c:reature:--"- .. ~ "' Aye l": said Fred laughing, "a choice clus•-` ter of '‘ : irtlie i and graces. dOuntry ',beauties', • are aln*S sWect and simple. 40. arc's cows. S - 4 lll.tell you if she was as lovele ac' , .., , , still if unskilled in must!; a nt i lj Han angel, 'wilt, tue n e st sen-e. • i i t n ia t i l ili te rc. l 7 v,: i r . l , no out 'above chum: and ittliiti ng -'-- nc'-edircs,'l; wouldn'l lilJ•rv. i lier for a fortune." 1 •''' " II:41 hit,"l laughed • Helen Irving ,' • kit if: was ali-ny pianissimo laugh, away dOwn ina corner of er' l musical ilttle heart. . Ilidden! hr the trunk Id a lare -tree, she sat, reading within • ; •• large a few feet .only of the *egotist.' • AnOther moment the young man came . : . ; within ..iodit..l , -Fted's s face Ava criMson, and!, li. • he Is hisper . ' l edan vzsible trekidation, "do yon: thinV she henol r . , -. x o:' . rejiiined the :other half andiblY— "she- show .1 tii res'er , ment s'i' Iris not even' • ~; i - • ; .:, 4\• .• • looked Uplfrem her book, you are 'safe, she, could not lii%.', heard you—but wlu au an . . gltl shy; pis r j i _ ..: Yei. tiClea was an angel as far as outward" beauty inighti mei it the enconitini. She sat half.reelining ion a rustic seat, striving tc smooth out the dimples jailer checks, as she laid - her II - k laside, and began to twine a half 6E644: wreth of wild r ott ,,, • Leaning on one white arm, the, gnarled oak trunkta back ground, flower , . .st i r e wn at.: mind- her, iiPt•no• 'from her bright locks; and it ' i•e . , ,scattered over i fliir white dress. she sat- quite' at her ;ease, ifpparen:ly unaware yitat — twO i•liand.;canel y o ning ~frCll:tylliell . woe so very . . 1 . •-, •, twat:. , i , 1• •;, 7 ... . ; ' • • Apprea liirig.v.ith-a low bow, up','n which his mit•run had - •.s:et the seal of faulilds.s.• elei i gaited, 1,• - rekleriek larte.took the liberty of ask4-'' mg if the tviitinir lady Avould be kind enough ~ I;tolinforM :flint t' - 'vlie . O., a Mr..fiving li l ed. . With: ail iomicent suite the beauty looked .' up. "Mr.4rviing, l the only Mr. Irving in the , village i t s my I father," Site said, iiing in it chatthingl t y graccfut manner.. "The large . house," she continued, 'on high grchal, hair Itiddenbyltreds • and; thick sbrubberY—that's where We 1iv4.4.. I belive it •was• an—Tau acad emy once-=that'; sort of a ,seleet school, istet it:" with he ,;tuust -natural simplicitY, Ratting. to Fiedl 1 • . , ; 1 . He f4plied-itvith :another gi attend - bow.. , •• "Tell vOur, father, said he," "'that I shall do,trivsefiltheithe.honor . to . call on hilt tO. - morrow:. Illei will retnember me—Fre&riek • I Lane, at Dour l service," •• '. • . ,• " Yes,' sir s Ell tell him word for Word,",N plied I.lv*t, tucking her sleeves arotin•l her pretty arni, anti. talking rather a foilnal cola.- tev. ' Th , ii atching' up her • book and gatli • • i crior - , oie :ether:A flowers, hurried: towards home. ',. ; • ; ;father; mother, aunt and siA,” ate inuiry girl, bounding, tinto the the were :a ,upper, "tig , Inc as vciu and I live, that Mi. LaAe y“ti aft tgik so inneli, : aboti itt cell hereo-niprrow---the proper specf tuen of - a rity,beati,(asoi e,ourst! he will be) all seiviruptiqi7icalieur!iit; finith.t , siu ki:ls,atal .BPOLlSlq 'tned a onelof ;Wu . I. 14c Call 140-,Sil4' Promiseale, all of you, that you'll net lisp a word ruti,iie, reading or writing, in nij preser.sce—bectmsc, I have a plan. Fatti er will i 10,4; .t know, only give hint a newspa . per .\ Atari Minnie rwver talks, I thean in eott- N ow,l tap& 1 uoin %via, Conia; Vrlnut, Oiarsktits'4.toritotg, *'truth`, 2, 1854. . . . pany,:ntid Mother will be very glad to : - ,Tie me churn : butter and mend ' r eliings. Sis, 1 you rattle !.)1,4 l'Ongue, is the. ~.urly. -- tilitig. I rear,. r but if v:iir keep quiet .air iiisk me no questions, I will:irts-e That work boN'you have coveted . . c, - so lono.# .'' - -.. ' 1 - ' ' . long' ' i - . -..: - quite ~ 1 ~ " Eilai:yqu are not it . respectful," ivaid her, fit, her, gravely...' - °' •'.• I. . 1 I : 1 • •' i " Esriti3inte, .at. fa ; •,7, andxir arms; Ivere 41(4 about bis:uedk, ;. ,lalways- .tneaU . well, but I lam thnughtte'ssl There, ',:ti.l 'i4 right tow,'l she added; I,qsing him loyihgly on t b tonf?le:_ :' . '','.. 1;1 '-' • 'I . "Cf' . Mt:A.‘ sta. wkat say tot' r' . .. - i • Why, on that comfit J 01, I ' ll boas stt, a mouse?; b‘ it what's. i-ou 'reziAon r . • i All ;Vial's my owu," gittlg lielea dan . •uut oil the Axmii. •" . -- ‘ \I .-.,, Teti; ktlit adruirarrlv ;,h and Fred loOkeia \ ....._ n:Consciout4 snail : 'of admiratiOn. I 13 fl vt at . an . 'open i window through \\, 'qislics thrust .iheir brushin 0. 1 1 ,u6 r , .1, 1 ' ade and 'sragrance.. 71:1n4 ca .‘N, ~.t out (i - eryinontentinEwil4 • anuoic. llelen . was at. .-/znig. nearly ftnislief.:l 'ow EA rdi.. :: - 1 i;'.'nk..,. : you Tdnd . df pettertitart anytlitn l. can -churn ivei 1 - 1 ' 1 'inch l „ • Fred's ,lat- COrtiers of his ieye!.., It i d corner, in - l osearcji lilt not a paed i r not , v,)l.his seai•!thr i I Ith a self-saeril , - ! i nte to aslc." ' ' I deal," ' she with whiell!rbse, nary oyilrbOad snatclie* ot!, work blues and flew like "1 - 4. ki,it. admirably ." quite. I like it else=t•liitt is—l nie:tin sell: j AMI dO you read in; ces Lail 'tratic:lled to the over iable, shelf, sonie'be4k or paper. a lear;:yielliiw sere, reel lielea said, wi glabee.;- "" liat .books?. permit "I r6Ad the Bible a - g ." Ist. that !" "11 . 14 of "routse not not Win :t h at Ihilv -volt try, elitteace, rontaaci . aufFi she ad46l. - Nr . ith a tnaitta! been • "; tor iitlter books—L l m .mv jilt) v —ti Nt; iher itig• On: heti lingers) pmt inson tall , , , t nree enOnents.of giant A•ty.ir• vtisa.4,.sa,l. l Ilieharil: 111'9 3;bird—ther , Freirsuilled. , " I don't..li,no‘ ne (4't114.-ie who Inive.. ilte added `as disappoi bread,4 'j Tlte4oung man left .11,, I Lai his it5t.14 . 41 tio fed a tnagn v;ai)lv attributed .tt, „, te ouiAone:', , more in pity ijaot always t4o.te i t ttie altractiou'Wl Ile' len's beauty; the truth j. 4, her sweet artpt.ssness of chara en,t,t•agitig outliners, and..s•eat3 e r - 41i s p o .:i quite Won upon the' eiti .:tristocratii• . - Lane. i;Thre was a.fresl'nesS and refinci about . '&,et . thing she E::iit 'land did. She plexedtas Fell as delighteil Willi. - Dien' : • i , en' a 'she wasY wooderuir how st „,- luind,Onely expression• would lie reeeireil good .it c l i e ;:y, some beautifat sentiment w slidde4iy t4oti like a ipeaks, frou "her lip.s, • , • more re . ' matkati.i e for originality t n brill er: !:' ! - • I . t - ".If aI sliquld fall.inthe[,.nare,7 thought he. I et - 4d educate her. ilt would betWortl: tryi4" 1 , I .4 , . : . a : . : It- i'aii ' , doss t , . -xiliat, ith his ---' —”' r Li 4 t l ,- 14.,:s to c l otuo t .., Ali his passion .i•o;,:j.,t A:l4 he felL'at I.l4.4eit's'f.ef, (Bguraocly spetikiiig)_ a:tid - conk-s i t& love . 1..' ns "I dare, pot,'lleten, only .be mine ;" lwas his imlariable atiswer . to I, , r.exe.lahuition , of uu,woli.thin4s ; hoW she should appear-in tash ionable society, &a.. ,• ,-1 Thei : wete • married—ltak returned :from' their Wedding tour,.and at ; the ekpiratioa of the honey Moon,.F.red was ,mote in love than. ever. ii . A.l grand entertainment,i given! by the.,relativt+ of the lirid..igroom, Helen' hi e ol:- ed mu t; beautiful. Her 'husb4nd did not i it sisi.t hat', she:should not c epart froik her ,Sint -04:4, and'i indt- , ed, With tit jewels or lace, ..wit li - only that' fresli whit:e i robe, simple em:h of bl ti d e - ' t- . i . e• • .' ' she __ii„ kii, orn:aiiieix ~ 0,11 Ir . 13:10SS tOSA,'S, was the ino's.t. loyely Creature inthc room! • ' Aslie enterd the Meat. salooli, blaing with light,!, her liettit failo her.. "Sha t il I Love -14ip a, dearly,7 ` i she laskel . herself, • ',if I tind ttiat. liel is aiibantedi of tue ; .1 cannot bear the -th:Ougli(*; bit slionld te overcome all cok ventiobal 'national .TiOtion,S then I have a has:- band irdrthy to be liOnoriid—then .he shall 'be . promof his wife." I :,.. 1 . "Sijuple,P whispered al iiiagnificent girl, re= plendmit With . diaiMmds . 'as she .ctirkidilier 14) and Pa4ed by. The 'observation escaped neither Heltsn nor her litt'sbval. She [Oohed at Jilin. He smiled a Itoteris :5111i il', 41111 ( . tily drew ki - cl4set to his sale.. 'Many inl that brilliaittlgatbering pittial.."ipoor • Fri... 11," { i Won dered $o w - he. had mart,iyill himself .on 1 the shrirai of ignorant, rusticity.i . . 'l ~ , - .. But he, (.ilr joy ! he seined only. to love her tie note its she clunk to . his arm timidly. :His- noble face, expressedr the; pride he truly felt ; lie ociked as if i hei:.W,Zpifld have ~w ep t . ; , back 'ilk: sc..4.prners - with bite trn. tion of liiS ha nd .liad they y6itufrd one Wlave t o . high Oa r the shore,of till pi ide. :IJ.e spark to excuse' cr..' ery'l.4.)k, eery word,. ni,t; in;strict conformity to etiipteitdi--and lleleufr, . heart beat :higti; tears Camel, to lier.eves, when she.. tints ;felt how noble 4 heart site had WOn. . - ! :-. - • Tlie Young bride stook 'pear her littsband talkitig in a low tone, :when' a nAw comer, ap peared.,! She was a beantiftil, slightly formed ereatnn, wi'th haughty felattires4_ and ill eon ceived..seorit lurked in her great brilliant...et:es, ‘vlieti?iver site - gbitiec.4l toWardit Helen. ~O. u s e she litidlheld sway over lieelhe4t Of freltantl ,li ea riiigi wiio.lie had mkt-led, She : fancied her hour"Of triumph liad - .'conie. .1 .-. , :r . ' - ` 4 :1)41 Mott tippo•e.sl.i , J . -knws anything?" . said .4, Jew :voice wan her. ! ': • ', _. Oye.s sp:trkied 'her fair broly flUsh ed Site tur I ber htishilta. *tilgotte—sik . mking" it little, lied a I.laritin her. •:.L • the: cf.; w4s 0, ittoe 1 . 11 Ili tcil " lita" 'auiswerciai " • ; • • • • A intlo, ll was thd ea alt • • "Tlun (Io favor wi," !slid exelaitue4, look= ingfiskawie at her . icoiapanious.; . "cotup 1 . I ,niysW lead you to tb,e-instrunient, 1, 2 " *hose masterly touch I" histantly cln ci o I r • 0 vet, NVII:tt ily inc'? llistory,! the host thri' Teenli;evt jag he 14.si "childish ail grit; tinh I had let Me . See, P,v e'ith( - .• primer, (t, 1• chits, reader, thiry stnrie: l Inoffrai&l. 45 1 , isu't that - { 1 : . - gOt Olin itob- rtv,o iyof C 1 fl .001 y • quite as mi l ' ieentosclioc,l , :ted at his rejoin} butter,) • _ 6 , Ire, tier and yl i u uet:i turned fi} ~ }t':ir Line r she asked, 6 in her voie4. heiebeek Hord s was the halt' spoken ;word arTestcd—the-coid car and Ithughty head were -ittrnd in listen ing -surprize.. Sueli melody i 'Such correct' intonation ;;Such. bieadth, depth, - and vigor of tottelt—"Who is 411 t , lie plays like an an gel." - • I And again. - hark.: iA -i-Oke. Tolls: A. flood of melcxlv, dear, powerful, passing sweet-- a.stoniShinet4 Paints inanY a fair 0 - teek.a dee per scarlet `i There is a' silenee—unbroken as the.silvery (tines float up. • , i • '• • AYelleare I 'not for eohl:neglkt,- 1 -.. • - - Thiing,h.tears unbidden stdrt; 1 • • - • - - And licitrn is bt a bitter word I - -. -. , -k'•- Sav!e.when i breaks the hOart • , . f .11:one be tree— - ' ilf one b l etrue-- : I •• - - .T 4 World 'ming, careless be, . • - . : Since; I may otlly . keep thy 'hive, Anil tell my Igrielto thee. ?-- • - . "Cloriout-voice,r , aid Fred - tO his friend,. Wile with the rest lad paused to! listeit, irho can it be i'i • I •y dire i .• ' '/' hi.., • - The words were st,likenlSted •on s liPs: She' had turned' frGin the piitn.o, and the unknOwn wfl .aiiS wife. ' • - • i . :'' .. ' . ".I conlitubite yat, Fred," said the young, man at his side, bur he Spoke to marble.— The color had left ids cheek, as: he. walked slowly Cw:frds herd • ; If he wal speechl! Was not- tikl. tl cheeks—;triuniph mad never did li,fore—tli 4 crow!d gathered qlraeeful, ac,knowle44 and humor; uss with ainazement, so ch bloniii Mantled lii r e.here.rH spiirkle as they cv flashed like diaitioncis. h o compliment her. In :Talent 4le Llcw:led . wit (qIOW- ‘vl2ll she . ylks," who Would have thought; it ----Fred'slittle Wife-L-be has found it /mai:lire:l Was whispered .around . the Mean Willie Frederick Lane, one enchautel\ while his poor :little rustic. wife quote i d books wild, authors With perfect abandon—admired 1n Mende} that. A;sedati-h - lOking student lost himself ins hit itt puotati()l—lieleif tittished, and` received, ai look of eloquent- thanks. Box xrrs; repartee, langpage rich.in fancy and. inta!otry..ftill from I er 'beautiful lips, as ifshe had just rclieived altouch- from ;scgne.- fairy . • wand. Mill Frea walkcdj by / her side-like one in a. dream—Fees-ea his Ilands over his bewilder.: ed sight, 00 be surOfhis SCII:42S, 1 . 11(mi he s;IiNV her bending - a profiting vision ; of l ov li nes : over the her l'falL arm. leaning on its golden Stnpg - 7 - ---hcaird,agam.-that nett voice. now planti i ve \vitt spine tender fueniory; rise and - tall MI sweet soilrowful eaden".le. • "Tell m," said h, when once' alone with her. ,ivliat ,. does dui mearr?, who - are viin•?— I feel•like,'one wak4vg;from:a dream.", - ,•/"6Nts it et:TNmy out'. l" said Heleri,grave-; then. falling into'her huia.tand's arms, she 'exclaiinoN "Forgii.e me; lAm that Verv . lit- Ale rustic that you would die rather than wed. Are von sOrry yfot inarriet'l me?"' . • gloriOs ,wife'. but: Elly, you -could not deceive nte, - Vid,l not understand that you ricver ‘• }teen !at an aeatf cr took ';I• ;music how to shig—!rid see me to night - -t 4 with labol and dili4 to be. the }vile of on , husband to be." ktny," She broke in; "aev ,oti-nO-er ,waS •taught ie. And yetlaM all.you oWn ,teacher len(k.N I trust I am worthy . e. sd exalted as I find my - • you and I like to be • there t.tory ;vhe laughimx.:be .'etty race ':111 'dimples, as ie bani Shed piano, hooka, ie., all in . air.empty room 'Licked' the door leari,c, , n lid crust—l—while the little It any v l ery deep laden. comineing a welt bred he could marry a char- Iher .fingers Were 'snore fa-' .tid knitting'ue.edles, than . - . •'' Reader,lworildn't now, and, bear her tween-smiles, her pr.' she tells him how sli harp. portfolio, imusic by themselves, Mil I them to stiOnsion at ,- ?onntry g!ri, whim:l scheme, sqeeeederl city .gentlOurin; thai ming rustle, evir ifs ruiliar with thurn al the 11.iano . ;or the IM, , . • )F4rly Cou ,tsisill*p.loo. - ` If yon'can't getithcm that you' want, you . must tiiW i them thni, y Ou cm get, and that is how I enrpe to Marq Pats w.',, .Love* will .go where 7tisisent.. anyhow an.. . w'e; ean'f help it, and the harder a ehlip love.. a vl:lhe poorer t eliance.hel stands totget he : the thing is just there, thelmore he tures It :r,-- the, more shy and treMbliti:pf he is, and 41:an's : half tell his f e elin , s; to; her if he tries-while the careless and unfrelin". chap.thats gOt s no more love in him thanlaimss, ea - have la dozen ,gitls after him at ode' ' . J ha'i thought the heart was like:a mini turtle e . _ g you I(leut the shell on ofie.sidc 7 .—, a dent of the other side in - the , same manner will lirines it smooth again. So with. tbe heart : one girl makes a cleat= it retifaini bruised unOsoMe othergirl pres.i'- es it, pushing' out,thi:: old bruiss and leari . n4 i . - a new on, Welt, Weil, aecid , will latte,htlfe - Ara than log,i4—and thtt the as an2i So I agro.ea courtsl4l: sweetiseatit was .a 1,1 worked fdr l her fathl woods - th4n,and eye es except ' down iu.Cj or two. lAnd ray th worth nor one acre,. wash% - worth three dollars.. Pslin eltangedd Glad to 1110,11- grav then—lf down to' Atagtin it 4 for .bo?isinstead of 3. ed' ninet± pounds in er load o i i . er a bag the see; weigh' 4 twenty-file years 01, tents will .Irappen, folks lid is more 'fond of.. fun rF might as Well legkat . • ) • dl 'you aboutniy_ first fatseY, -IMt 40# first oper luitt'some. ' - gal. I r. Ohio was all in the .',•vbotly..lited iri log' houi veland there l'vas a store tree !Mildred :iteresrtliat is fired awl..fifty dollars. an 1 1 Wheir bought it only ,'w !ipthaw times'is kit corn-bread awl (rain , iad to (19. thirtyin:ies, I always used to izo ihnself, for lonly ` i weightturd*ltth a light - if corn. .hos..e. bae4". Let hty now. Well I was • just about. love • • . _ • with clutighi she felt jectle abqi• than I aril .now' not quite as she Was anyhow: eight ~. and:was working fo . dollars a month; ;had to dte.ss. in 'tow •lineii at that.. You net-- , . . . 1 • . !er .seen lie of them Jogging froelz , t,inaoe. (iu. of 111 - 6; to,w; did N' e 11 NV4-,. , ll;illillioriglit'this . '; new road ir lien . I taarried --Patiii:;y','• thirty-five 'years :11.7.6,.1'never, gore any hnt',row--4-and if it wilit'ttinii4yt to-clay I I shour4l'litiiii4l it. on, .t;.): I dis iris , . .'stray . ag:triee.' and new- ,faugled i) ilumnieries 4 - milillitigglitnliob ioi.idieS,a'roniia. yiiiir higlheug." '•''l ; ' - -- . - .. •--••• ''..•• 1 I was iti,lo . vii-ihi4ty , flVd-iyear:3ii!...;.•-ititdriev L.' , or alliedifiti. 'say .. n.:.vii : ord.. - liibout it: ; :ilex name. was•Jetlqslia._-; I .leng‘.4",.to ; .telt 'liev, • liow.tny, heart ,sw*elleil and ilitirnt.fer.her.a,s.it thniiip- . ed. aginSt its . .ehiF t, lint .r ;6 obl d'iit":e:E!ti if, ,iny conreiTe 'up to the liiiit.-Lbilt thobeitfiveiild c. 1 , Mme day—or sonic:. night. ' I'd been alone / with her many a t4''ne iind had resolve,Ven, • poppinglit right ollt- 7 1iut.the stillness' , was awful on them . 'easlous as the roar,of . Iliaga , ra and rill heart weiild feel all over'like your -1 . . . • , r,-butl always tliono3:. me .for I MIS jiot tapir .- : • 1 . little finaer does; . whet yoa. 1 .. • hit your elbow gin sout es etbin't(S:eillental . a taitioil tinolio' fol.: lows. .i - • • i ! ' 'Cuss my luck, said I, to Myself one . 'unday nialrt as.l curd hum from Mill . after, 'a - three days .Terusba llad a heatt—x-a eap front town dr,.4sed'gmart . as daneing.inister. My heart jun iPed into my ;gullet •tte minute I slew him. Ilfelt, down m my mouth for I. knOwed I WaS a .goner...• Ile bad - : - On broad cloth. Talk •of your new faigielti"Aoss ip and greshun housc'•t,.now, but folks tat them (lays . didn't have bat one room doWn ;and . a . ladder to go up stairs; puncheolfloorOwas good 'enough below, and oak shal4.s split nut Ly, hand ; kiVeted•the chamber floor. • It •Was Fo.m boss's honse, And,' stepts up ehamber.— I Want yon .t.wo:woode,abooksft ed to hang! a gun on tight'over The' hearth on the cluntlaiT beam . ; I 'want you tf“emem- . bet. my tow shirt :mai want volt to imagine, my feelin's that night after Lwent to bed, for Jeru'ha and . the 'dandy chap had • the Trull room below ter themselves,'-with .tt rousing big tiro to,F,park bly.'• I couldint .stand tll4 temp-- ; tation'to want i • too, hear what they bad- to'say to themlves.i :Whisper, Evltisper, YOU may lau:dt'at it, - 7tis the naked truth that l'iam going tl tell. I . have . laughed- . myself tat tlte. same since, - . • • When I helird. Something g 6 like a kiss,by thunder, I could stand my great heart.thtunps no longer. Curioe=ity and . jealousy got the upper end of Me.; I wanted to see for ;;o I slid out bed; sitting that 'like. a tailor on the floor 7 &termined to hitch up-jasta I sot, inch a time to the . opening ~ over the. hearth where i l the .beam and gun hooks was: A Oat cuuld'nt. been nL stiller after a 'mouse ; but my heart thumped 11 . oudcr o:ery . 1401 juNt .as it will Iwhen a man (-roes to do' What ain't . ri!Tht. juSt . '4,4 bad gained the right pint t, to took over at 'on up . tiited"fik' pe,kv 'floor—down went tow 'shirt to :gun hooli'—and tibere I. hung -.blindfold like a squirrel half Iskinna„ right over my sWeet heart-ready IfOr'.rohsting I cOuld'ut see 'tn . at all arter flint, , and: 'Ovas moree , thani ten minutes befo . re the old . Lois awoke to tear the round i the fire. •Chat, spare rib 'eh Let me: down loci. e datictlit said be, got a • g,Ot pretty well baked, anyhow, and paint beeiLquit6 so raw since !in love rilAtteis- - I..c,rd, I never looked Jeri sha in'the face from .L....t.-A. r ,-,2. ....-:«1- in . -ti.:tt nrighborboo4),:for I could swear she I IL The accident got mm grit ulp to i Utiii. I went off a . few miles and in ,e' first . chance I ot, just out of Si :,Patspy is worth I all, on 'em, of er all—and.martying is a _lot tery busines.s: ..Then doritt liang. yourself (as I ciitl:ihecaus you cant get a particular one, but recolleet - your Iheart is like rubber,;it will stietch..a. good wai - s-ancrnot ,hrsak.—Clec -I,ind itiTatct ,• .1 -;; .- . ~, .• . : , . ... .. .Agisiz..bia the Rakes •161 Men. • -• !!. • ! - • • • - We give the following from the'. Boston Trarell,:,r;s• report of Agassiz'slectures.•,now in the course of ideliYery at ••Eawell, Mass.: "We nextcome . to ! tb4 gographical dis tribution of the 'races `of 'Ulan ; and here we Inuit leave out. of Considetation till . citiestion as to the unity of the - races. Protlissor..-kg . . !!!. . . ~!.. . ! . - !asslz is consinous.tliat tus views. on-some points, arenot generally rde,eiretl,l l and he fill , ty !respects th'!3.inotivi. , S whichmake the views of others almbst sacred' to y them. 1 -He ! hopes that his viewt will be - recciyol- in the same spirit as he represents thein;:yiz :J in the ef 2 fort to arrive; at truth.' I- . --. l '• • !! -• • We will iiriq study theltmils Of the range of, each race On th : e,ditleren't .continents; and must conseTiently criminate every! element de 'pe iidi itg upon • migration, ag - the present Amer.!' icau races. We•are to confider tie primatiYe, loCation of the races, that i'. ,!the!, distributi6n. of man_as!reCognized by the , . earliest`tradi-. -tions. • The 'question is,- _,where the races. were, 'originally placed, rathitf - than what are the modern changes in their ditribution. ... - ' The first race,to'be'considered . rs one peen-, liar te*the •A,reti , ...,' ret::ions,q:a race different much fro:ii arty inhabiting the temperate zone and still more from those ' , i)f the tropies. This rice' comprises the E t squitnlaux of' this ' continent-, the Laplanders!ot'vEurope, and the ....yailiovdes of ;tsiti. They ark all characterized hr 'li twoad face,-short i n n itsi'.vertical diameter a low -forehead. and great length Of body when compared with ! the'shortuess ,of ! l egs. , 'For more minute descriptions the works of Pick-_ ering, mid Priclmrd • inusC : be eonsulted.— The distribution of these races (correspond 1 very nearly te the zoologie:d . :region4 'of- the 1 north.- - : . . ~;,.., ~ _ The rac,:s - Of the, temperatt zone;• -are three. 1 .The Mongolians in. Asia,',the;whinii in Europe I and the aboriginies it Atneriea;- and it iS re markable, also; that these : . ri • ees oceans : * • the !• !I - saute territories as : the faunas pr.e.viously „de scribed. - In 4 , 41.11a5; been 4seribed the,ter--- reArial Japanese Lunn, the itisnlar.',lnpanese fauna.; and tlie . ftilina of the,Oaspian re ions; intermediate to that of 'EurOpe and Asia.--' ! Itilnibiting:preciSely the saine.- countrieg,• are the -japane:ie, Chinese atid„Tarks... The Indians of ...N - Orth Atnerica t . - . are a dis.-,- tinet, race, , (oit this point Professor' Agassiz disagrees witirljr;Pickeritig„) . differing from the races of the Old Werli4 as !. the iuterier animals of "2.'orth -kmerica.diffor in ' species from •those of the Old Werhil I.t.is only with ilia few!years' that the aniunds of -- Ntirtli A m.:elle:A have beenconsidered! not to, be idea- . tieril -with those of Europe.;' The - aboriginal . Indian race is' identical, froni . the ,Arctic fe,- . "ions .to Terra Deb, Fuego, tli,i.oalv differateii being one f the. tribes,. - not 'r„.of. ra.,es. These tribes ii - e divided into an infinite: auniber of small ilies, n fa - et perfecta tin 'aecordnkel ll 1% jtil . t 1 tt distribution of the inferior aninutb, I Upon this contiitentj: -. - .'.r ... . :. .. /' 7/ \‘..:i 'havit'ett that . it' gret k tnotinta - iii'cli,ain; -extending . frOm -- the,'Canadas ..-to . .piitagOriia; connects Nortli! - Anierica and : South . ArneriCa; anti - ')roduces - a . 6irtai u unifot•daity in.4l.leitt : faun s_; . anti they f arestiWitivido 'into. those of th ; ; ;Paritpris.,' the Antile4.'i the.. - Arias; -.the I n s f e,utl ern States, the iinidakfit atcS; dui. th 64 ., - 1 of.o On, ':and. Ciliforniai 1, 1 , In'the - Som - a min.: - 1 tier t elaborigines„Zare.:4itht!divid6,l- itit!) - .., - a! , ! !egg • inn bet , . of4ual I : tribeis . „which- ---. ,--nxe: eir:. .egku,,crifi . ed N ) - ');' . ..4narroW,li,..tnits.- . ,:T . .hey,.,fo.rptf• ! .uo : g - eatMAOnsas - 2 . dO.Ahe i : Chipese,,,Tarta - rS;! :Ind . '. apitiN'e" .l / 2 'it'the'eaSt.' - "!'• -!"-.. . . -r ---. '. • !AI it ? ! Catiect. : l : ltiri : 't.rut.e - '.!'-ii- - A3Piilolv--%,,,1i'5 - tiihi:Leeil . , and, ditided:inti , tiumay• - ntitil4,,,,. ~....I'hoiuliabi. . : sing the eastern part of -, s Afriaa,,the! northern, 1/part 'of Atiib44-Iklesapotuutir: ',Asia Miner,Sre,., ' all, cOnStitntedifferent nations •withraifferent I .latignages. The Teutonic 1 triillebt including' the German, Puteh, English,.Paniiti; , 4l:c.,-the Sclavenian , branch, iucludi*.lhe Russians,, Poles. k.c.,.caoh 'hare a nationality and lan .. i : • , 1 e .. • - ' - 1 ' - . . . •.' -.-:----.. - . :_- . _ ' llotttitie ll,[ Itamber ga - aga peculiar to thepseltes. But they' all have.a. feature. in - eoann, on, pohle - . es pri_sioir of-the:fade; alioils that of - all - other' race, a niirrorT'of - the litinerniost nioyernents - of the soul; fait' . it is also,-Nyhich , is Clipabid•it the: higlipst,' nithlit'itulture„anar - r. tho highest degrec . of Attica 14s . one characteristic race,: the. 'tieJ l3lit, the interioifthe.great desertiNu-. - hia and . AbysAnia, hats'a.s:•,r4dets. different.frOth.:. the negro. The . .ll - ottintot lives :it. the south;` and the western shetf-s hai7e, their .peculiar trilK.s. It was possi*, even; during his re cent ,Yfait to soUtW.TU .state, to. recOgniztr. ainotig the negroo . s helciag,iug to theSe sever-l'A.frieatt. • • , In the East -Indies threedistinetspeciest: Telittg.an. - and• - :IN - e - krio114. ' (like tlsct' ne~~rh; only d wart - 140! 'The Australian is it 1 7 tribe peculiar to that 'countrY.. - The features are thos.e of a nelgro - ,.rut - flia - 4 hair:is straight ati4ng, The inl•l3l3itailts of lita‘ragaseuirarcia. ••.• • , • . it... , duliar tribe; but- our infbrmOon eon, cerniag• theta is scianty. They - are not - negroes," but resemble more. the!itiliabitants of the'.. Sandwich ' • - .• . those fact s- Ldfor'e - Ire' eau 4.l.4.eit'' that there is a EINV of (distribution of the lin--; as well as - ,4f the: inferioi.rac -and' that these ,laws are inL:ilecordance - with each- , the nc•xt•kf '-,.ture f the s ame 'ulueet - • will be treit,::..l,mon‘ • . Lifd •in •Iviesv Mexico. A correspondent th 6 Now: York Tijries• piotura Of Life a.nd• Manners ii. Nev.' e~ co Territory.:' . . , - • T. w i fi now ri , re _i yoa a- faint in - ;glit into 'the' Moral and religious eharaCter Of the - Mexietinl , ' portion of .the• populapon. !Inspiration - reaches , us that; here 'tyaS a :ttutnber of the.tribes of. Israel who - were-lp - Eti f un'i if if riteanS - that -. they were lost to MI euse! of the-deeneies of humanity; then lam iol . loPiniOn t-hat thiapeo • pie:is one of t1i05..(1 . t4-bes';!l'andAltat the-i Lord.„ ° has lost track of then!, or :that this-. Territory. is not Within his. jitridietiOn 1 , At all . events Ile. 'does not at present,..and-i belieYe lle .. will never recognize them.. ;a:4" his creatures,' judging; : from. the total 'depravity and besotted; igr. ranee Of all of tltern. r, It ia:l.,,nt one year since - the...tirst school w.as 4 , 4ablislied here,and - r iltat.. has.bnt a ,siC•kly groWth. There. are.YerYlfe* of, he ink.ll N'llo C:an 4rend Or lliYrite r and to iee . a .tt•mitan that eau 4,either.ts a - . l euliosity.--,.... - .• They live in hom.es 'one story high; tirade - a :mid, With mud floats-,' - and f a.cliair or bed,: -* stead in doors, is , o l nne as much a nOtelty . as: •- , a - plow, waon, • or sevthe is out of door S.-.. They .hare no knowledge lof !the use, of. tools, and notwithitandin•gl their exceli'ent and. nfi......- . la=-ups, 'bounded pasture there-is not a ppund of,butteror 'cheese Made in the Territory,and it is that r l i,..it, : iiii ; enough 'for - My ..: , - ..,t1ee7,: . tot theireason - th. rtrie - y - afki - tella - ?..y to '., . milk their cows. They Use no leaven in 'ma king brea,t, - and. tit-..stefore Non. can judge 0f..- .its palatablenes- , .. - ; they make no.pastiv ; .they never salt. their taatf.but cut it into illin,sli- . yes and dry it ,by the sun, • and when dry it . .tesembles chips. hi - A . 4.in taste and appearance: They , keep Yeryv large flocks' of._ sheep, 'r but. - they make no use of the wool: excei)t for-beds and pilloWs... t- j -- -- - -.- . . . •It.wotild : pethaPi..aiuuse.. yell. to stand-in My office :•;loor and Iperic . Plit . uPon tiff-t:P.inzA and • Observe the .dress and - ,ntanners of the - women as they pass. l . Their dress is compoS- - . _ 1 fed of a skirt of common muslih, with neither H -ceves nor w;;ist, and extending 10 just' above the anklet, - In the Place of a bonnet'' they, swear a-" re.bosa"—a tiling similar to a lady'S T. long shawl,'- and when- they wish to be partk.; zn . ;wk rly modest, thev4te,ia;ed io cover the na.;,l 'iced:less of - their tiOSOrnS,-, Which is not. often' I hoWever. , Their . -perSonal' habits .arp,coars:e . .r . .: • . '.,and.thore detcstabl-2 t.han. , the bitil( s ls- of the : , orest and the NVOlbbli .iT,S a - misss .. are.with- put . ekcepion - of . :condition, whether 'married . . r unmarried, 'the . riiest!kind of.. prostitutes:. . Mother '.' without 'Shame, sell the - ..thiorslef. . r - 1 their dati.liters • and haSbands with eager= peas 'accept of . the Price of . their Wire's ''de.4• :baueherics from the hands of all-who ehoose.: 4 " to pay the tribute. - - It .is inipossible to con-.• , iNive.of 11 Mate of sPleietv tuore: degraded' or - - Lelf-abar.:l6ncqi ; - and, ;:alilmnidt-I rof'ret to`: : A-rite it, ..therc 'are •• inanf ----4- imerican 1-sifyers '' .., , _ , ....., and, merchants . who keep , their inistrevsee .• Ppenly 'and . without. Shame, diSgraei ng nova, r: lv themselves_ :rid the eoltnnrcial - and , pro- iesSional character. bat debasing the Yankees*,' d the evels sof 'the- natives -to a . colidtion l - 4-.itially aslbafre its theniselves. • .-.-.. .7: -_-,..„, - I:_iis" r - .l' -i , n- If - the counttyis of. the black-, Tile tl 4 4., (_, . 'e -t kind; and it haS, ; •bcen the policy,,of the. '?riesthood. to I keep , the -people . in A , - ..01-the condition. -most sillprerne. ignora":f4'e. and abandon-, ..etl.Snperstitio 1.: rThey `have'heetr.f,aught to. : sanction the . / 'l.lt.i.st, practices of :immorality., from their childhood to the close of life, and.` : intiderate theniosti'.fieinons and. umnitiaated . , ,i,, l , ...rimei, indee.4, tltCy h , ?lieVe. that it :Znly r .' -wires:inte-reel ion of" : the priest witlt;Ae - A. . :::- !nighty, to procure la! pardon:of. the iillianw. that is hlackerlthanltelf , t ;-andl.liel,. ,7 by, the" ~/, i . ..,- "....rea l ty.hCt-,Yeen - :.the' l tinitedi..States ;at id • Mesa. 'co,;:thcSe - sam6. ~ ' , ; -ttlle,l are made 'free and en=l' • . if, , ,htened eitiZeni- ofi - tlici - niOicati Unice! But. he. 11101 : 0: I .IViii..ii . .)11 )14 - subject ; the. r A' 'more clifticultlllitheet#t..d . foi me pa givli - , ai: orrectidea ot_ . trioAt tof tile native deg.i Tadatioe, and •I will, se. thig partef - ,the - sub4-. 1 jeer, by-fino64ig4h. ..; - -mark of-. °ha Ilandelph i i. • of Virgin'n I ,tliat• t =mark *pie here..nre a :" fiattntr. , - ' ' fers . and .rebosa'd - Prostitute:o , si i l ew of , the. xitaSir..s, icif- Which': lonal exceptions." l '' _::.;--'-.i ; , al t:ilkative young man isnk oecoino a gteat , mau..-_ • Dat ger - ,sliould ct - e.l.beteared wben distant,l and 14-4 red . . I I * 110 stuitr ind social ea e or ; joyrpeut, !;re to-be 'epAtuted as part/of one's.) . • - re• eti;,4ie , • tiir.i:Etljirii,o4 las. beep., so 'grZat -p. ecln- • maul i less le.ad:: to spire fur hall. - 2 1 geti-kim,s.umeiiines ar.q . *44!of I.. l4iletiiio :their :itcews-rs 3tletuaiitys'4 _ - `4l6t 6 t fkiikAti*" troiiblei t tifliflt ‘l 'vy,oftelf litp* riaf iiio3l* by the 0116,'‘. theseverest punishmentof auy mittiv is the constionsues of - huvini - Aeue it ; *Pct; one, but the guilty kUows the vitheitug r4ins of repeutnnee. • -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers