Riotr blePerry •I Ohio* - The following ,despatelf applmrs in the Co lumbus Slate Journal:— -,- _ • I,anesvilla, Sept., 1853. Ad % ices from Sonaerset,Teriy county, give •is intelligence terrible riot in" thritiotace. The origin •we nnot •learn .precisely.'-- , The Irish laborers ,on-the Railroad have the fire. arms b e l on ging to'thp, county in .their posses. sin: Two persons _were killed 'and several badly wounded. • • ;,: , , • The Sheriff of Perry county- iitui Berit•hare for one hundred armed °Men,' anitone'of :our . m ilimry• - companies .- the City ; 'Guards ?natter Capt. Graham, have justStruted for. the scene of disturbance , . More troubleis.anticipated. . The life of the telegraph operstot in said town bus been threatened sho uld be tvanirnit any .requests for assistance.. - We learn the row cemnieneed - in WelCh's. Cirrus, last night but cannot give the partior lars: Tall of thi; 'l l ole Rockat . . .. The Falls of Niagara ate'gradually . , Moving up stream.- According to our telwraphie :.mO.. vices-of yesterday, the last of the: Table RAE -has tumhled-in. It was inevitable. a. It had` to . go. .Nothing can be • more simple thin', the , - wed; of excavation which, from time ititmemo rjal, has been going oniat.,Nid i gtifit . Falls. . - .AI most every year, and fregiiently several times "in a year, _some portion .'of, the shelf . .over -which-the river'_ planges tumbles . into the t}ow; creating some-visible ".ehango in the grand curve of the Horie Shoe, or is thili. .regular line of the .American Fall; . . ... ..,.. -. The proem as we have said, is exceedingly. ',i nc ole.- The edit level of the. zountry.of sli ti Lake Ontario i rime three :hundred-fallow . -Cr than that of lAlic . Erie:, 'The depression is abruptly marked by n.terraCetdrit‘iii., across' -,Niagara river, near Lake Ontario, - frOin - which like said terrace- apßears liken mountain ridge stretching across the ,conntry, the . summit of _this ridge forming * IMiel of. the eoiintrY !of Lake Erie. lit.the,erigina) outflow froni . Erie to 011tario. - then, .th,eriyer)was very naturally preciPitate• over thisAerMee,a4 down the side il of a mountain. - .But seen the:fall' becaine per liendicular; as the geolegicat . ntrueture of this, upper couritry*.will Show a i 'glance at .the sides.of the chasm behAv.the'present Falk. - - • FroneLake Erie . .te the deseent, nenr Ontario", Vv-first formation, nnder Ilie :amble . sell is a mass of primitive limestone -.from - eighty to one hundred feet - thick: Underneath: this a" friable slate ofshale.'suceteds, which is under lined by sand, &c - ... : The river it , •.sloir business to grind down this immense overap. - ping plate. Of Solid litnektorie ; but' the. work of excavation is easy by. Om simple Process of undermining it. Ti-e rip.litn)iit :first; falling ova the terrace, • Washing a way•the looie . tria, tenets at the base;- - and," froth the. 'iretnendous volume of water porarin a ',clown, Soon scooped out ii \ de'ep basin at the feet of the Fall.• Then the action ofWater and.*. combined rapidly .disintegMted and moved away the friable tea= ie:ials-forming the back of the 'Fall,- until- the evertopping laver of limestone Was leftrprejee ling- like - nshelf across the : stream; over which' 1 herrilghty 'mass of. waters- -was , thrown - into . the chasmlieldW. 'Big as the work ofdisinte gration went on Underneath; and as the...pnlVer; ized materials were w4lied away,' this iMpen, .ding Shelf:of limestone, - froni its superincuni: bent weight; : broke ,t,ff and fell - into the bnsint" and thus the Niao - ara.Fal - ls", have i- undoubtedlybeen . working their way rip streim for. several thimeapd . yeark—lieralri 1 lat: :: '-, :;. : : .: - Attempt to Arrest; a , Slave. On Saurday morning last our-'town wits thrown inlo quite „atiit.eitenlept by several deputy United 'Stites rusiSbals making , epptgance our, miiiStA: 'the • purpose.Bf capturing an alleged fug,ltiva slave by the WIT& -If tit nen Thomas.., ' • -4 The said Thomas haS,been a, 'resident of Wilks 'Barre for the last two. -years and was . formerly employed -at Ilillman s Hotel,' until withiii a short - time euvben ho..went i to the Phcenix-mi river street. On the 'morning of the 3d inskwhile engaged in .the - dining room, he was appreacheil frotn.behind runt altogethor. unaware by feeroe five persons2ylio 'attacked him and attempted to p4et -shackles upsen his, arms. . lie innfterliittely suspeeted their pur pose, and dashing them from him 'gave battle, when a d.esperate fight ensued, The negro . be lug repeatedly - I:nockrd to the _floor anti in turn knocked his.-assailants' dofvtf; until at length being freed from' theme her fled to the river,.followed by the officers.-- On attiring at the riVer he .plunged in. wit-litho •• intention of swimmitng to the. other side, h i nt found he could not swim, when . 'rettirned within a I few steps of his pursners - and remained in the I water—While fleeing - and nhule in the' river's -he a-as several times fired at by, the offiCers, but one of.which,' however, . took effect, the ball entered the back part ofili . ts and ',flaking a flesh wound. ACht Wing- reque:sted• 'to come oui of the water and: lint-render him selt,he declared. his determination to drown himselfrather than be taken as a. slave. Ttre officers thin gave up'further pursuit,; ,and ire= mediately'left town. A warrant wag. refined for their appreheitsion, but before. an officer' was found to serve, it they had left.. "Thomas wig taken up and preektiriared , • for by his hien& and although terribly woun ded and bruised, we hear he pis doing welrarid 10 11 recover.' • • ' 'The gentlemen Wbo engaged in'this exciting and rather novel sOrl„.are of the class, we pre same, who are end4avoring, - to .st4i the twits-- : tiort of the slavery question, and Jake- this , method of accomplishing their !:object. , ,; The ofd titan, whether blaek -or:, white, thus driven to the water inatteinptingto preeerve the blessing,g,uarant:ed us the inalienable right. men, and fired-at 'like a • wild beast, is' certainlyintended to convince comtnnuity the effisacy of the fugitive shice - :lavy, and tO • impreillhem with its beatifies. --Lei. Union. A — • 7 • Premature InteHrixicint. - .- - ..- • . The posaitile "octurrenee - pre m ature ; . tennent; and all rthe inconceivable .agortioalliat least attend *a return .10;.life and ,ConeloPitrieig. lathe: , narrow hotrao'Tappointed for all is.almost. toe. horrible to think That such wee hav e i;ecurred there) can't* no -doubt ; hat •the fallowing •well4atbenficated itietenee of apparent death). end:- narionw from nth a burial,:le one .of the most extraordinary we have ever - met with: is tniantiona by. the late . Ijer. -Alancrliab r in his. -`• .PhapaOpby: of yonng - ladv i in the ittite Of.-the-*.P.rfneiaa her bad . Oien.3ongfithr.ifined.- 'bOd by a.rioleni'neriumiiiiilment;:in4 matelit, to aireppearanceoit4l.*; , ; tier lifia:Were . Quite pale, her lime _assnicioai:itesrtbAike her icy :cold. :'..136e4te Carried from:, *the chamber _where - also -14,:1aid**va.atifftoiend; a.oay appointed t fpr het- 00.1 - ' *rdia g 1 1thi Practice aitaite .-, 'e: oo .Pta*, aea-, era's dirge 4 and- spiritutil atinge - :wefe -•.roa • before the houee...: ,itai.:•-the!,;,nt..7.: tendance were'abont to nail :down •tha: 'Porta. , d they remarked a sok - \tipen - th&. D m)", which 'every me ntl -of aCrenaedi and at deg l-4811 a ebnvolaive tnetionin -- :•the handar:'atid. feet' became perceptibie.raisitinateaa4r*nolo w hi eh ji c - „, ab /ion wire imiaretik'She open ;item eyes, and gaventterance a - lead .',!and`i:Jinitit. *O. It a few days, that -The account'::WhieV.iihe---;l.gatterOli4 tate - of film) ".d!ging:the:**itinatki-',:citthit;, l etiae ly-ieortromely cn r .0- I **2ly. she: *tiiiiiiitfeettiri . **Otut 4:it I • •. • • . . . everything twas heard , disthle l e thi of twirls side hiii "her stirou coffin. The fooliqg beyond ileseriOtiOn. but had not tbe pyre had lost Its control or ' She had, the •exerucia the‘bodY and Out of_i To stir hand eyes, :.on Janice v'l reached wh 'arid thi edffin-lidwaa' nailed d vvn. : The *timid engtli brong term to I .etivity;ande tu the , tar lamer*. stat i eih ed t Ooh the fo the hec W.hrel case. j iatherr Iltnitv.—We: iso 4 ion Sattlrdly last a dii lonrcieton; - ip •ifits - tioi n -and Nelson Wm er gat,e tlie .t latter,an ut 'tvliiiili, isti*ige tii:say n0t.",1,11y apriiised of tl era only say_,that it , given in , a moment of o no design or 1460 E! It: '.: It isa tvonde L rful itanm and . n% devil; rtunitte add. bervived ate bio of eon ens res eireeie4 the unlit ford Al Main , _ Maw Tem . e , - , *eittiorouid._Maes , , -.-- - - -rueigaiysipteniber, !.); At A: inieeNeffPil,Coppnit 1 eteats.tor bolditi4'a. Maine jia, , ' Convention end Mass 31eeting, trove this 6th • diy of ; Septet!! solyed, That the'Conveation . , ' , ing be held in - la / Otiose, cin v .. ittgy•Of Septeitiatit:at"4:6"Aiik i :: The 000itli t perionixbre • ship Onniyiitt . vei to call: ,tneel l Delegatese'lirtoci to the'Co v ei l - Ararat- T - : Giltushnop,: va. choconktt, l Jo = tirown, ir Au.kurn-=-,k . s Carter; - Job ffrooktyrt 7r Or ando.Eldritige -114.:-_ , • • ' .' -- ' - ' - . ..7-',. Itr'idiervigiei. :-...Forest 44.0*,. oIin.,PPITO;:i ' eliffor'd='4iii ~-Bslier. 2 -',., ',;.. - , !-:-Dundajf-,ja-;, . 11;1 4 :neliksi i . . . , nev:• -• i , il \-- '• . ••• 1. ` .. . • .-. Franklin-41 ftti:S.tni h; Jo.. - Gibse*—Ahtj ii.Welhi, - I.Trb -,/Zirferii-Ariz .scs t - . - qh,1,?0 ... Hialinony . =-$ l, tit A. Lyon. • • . 1 ' . Ifereielfra 'ichols, Jacob'. jesst4l 7 -4 - .t.Xl7.l l Bmith;. Isaac I Lathrijp.-- 7 Ei 'Brown,. Nit Atoittre i=+l.o. iWiiiierii A _. Atitld4catcn—Zainnei•Tagga I . ehar4:i l •;. : 1 - 11 ::: • .• • ~ 1 2..-. .: .1- -.: A. -•••Netti Milf.fri. thrt l Stit pill - .- - g. A;Priitt. .•.•itat4Abisli X ':, i G 03i; - Th';4:: . ~ si nes. ' ' Springiil4 ' lilier Lathrop Cyrns, I rti. _ ,-- -Thonvon 7 -, - 51 rti ..I.3l.Ornti A, isai : Cross. 1 - Great 'Bcrlct 7 t 14ae•Reekho ~4 • 1(..7;_ Fi,h, T-) 1 1 . ,Susinelignito ' lfeiiry_.liay, ' r. r ... liitids.l_ I I ; Rini racer.: Aison Tiffa ny.`; i 1 • -.- Friod4ilit 1 "amtief.l4rto .A. Wickhaiill '`S'ilier, Lake. , J . 91m, W. pra . kti ..y . ,.. Ei4W4l i Vir,:ltose; ... .- : ... : - • i • 1 .1 11.i 1- 7.Laorry . ..Fix,: i p/....w . ,:na 4,i Lutfivr Girlrwi 20 , • . - j` . • i :,.: I - - .IThe - lnppoint tent of 'pc , et,ito3 l : ts i - no t.. oe. i . - • •Sig , ,i. ed• to exelu any:but iSo as .Ito insure n refitt..n entation : r op - alt i r4r i tn of - the •e.mlty, .:ReSoli-eti,•Th tthe'lChnifirtin i 'inii Sicret.- ry of this . Coma ittee,-iiinp6iind tri.eaeb t of the eaMiiiia.tes *hie 'are.- or may • be' nOtninates 1 lueritionSitylatit Io - the 'Saint . ) - fi.sW. aid 'Tel qupst- an :anwe in writing and alho• . invite thenrto„ attends the:: Convention f i an4. cleelare their course to i t e people: . . • - •:1 . i - - l . - It iS elpeeteci that lion. 11 N - F.11.1)oi. w Milk present and otlt' _ eminent _Speak e(s... -• It' is to 1 he•koded ihat ei ry tom-ask:fp coniznitteb wi I 1 - do their dirty. at_' • early n_•.lialt- - ...i f"'"l tile . ''.: . R a n y •t_ t4C-11(1. fii; CT', einilse,.if Hy !,: ,!-. - :-- - • - . 1 • , . '.,.. -1 _lloll,lllTi i rE-E., I'. - - I,- 'i. - • ,-. B. S. Bentley, - George • Fuller;. R. B. Littl e. A.. .Chamberlin; I. L. l'Oit,.lVar. - ,1/1 Jesanp, ~ q. '-z: liimnete. • '• l• • -: --- . ! -11 f 1 -i ..-, - • - - 1 --- 1 . - .1.1. . • • ..ili.!§. BENTLEY; . .Chairmanii i, ,i •GI Z. 1 .-Drispete, - ISee'y‘ ..- ,i, 1'- --. ,! - 1 , • i 1-1' [ nadir' L. CA ~ _ _, ' , ', MONTR OSE .. FO - s - s• OFFICE.; f• .1 I . . :" -: MAILgTEAvr.. . '._: ..!1 Mails.leave,dailY, East and South; tit ' L dr.. W.IL R. at 10 . 1-2 A. 31. '' •- ~ i . :..Leave daily, 'Erik and W.est .r . ia nf i Kirli wood-IRA N.:Y. dr. E. It.ailHad 4 at 2 P. 31. Jailf for - 2iiendsville at:s 1-2 P. 31. '_.Por ToWanda, every' 3166 day; Wedi#esil . nod Friday, at 7:14. M. 1 ' - •i - ' i . : Tor Tank lannocle ever Monday, WOIn +lay and Friday st T A.,- . 31'.. ' i - L . . AteilLS AII.I:tIVE, :° i -; - Dsi from New Yorit,lit , tl-2 P. 311. ; - • iy t. • Daily frond Via:• Kirkwoodat 1 1-: r t P. M. _•-•t•' - ....... ' - •C '' :- - • ''j- _ ... 3 . ` Deity. Tientl t n ' tl to -Daily•frotn - Friiindsvitl From Towanda, Tile .Satordays,lat 9 P. 31; , - F QM , Tuakhannock;' nettl Saturdays , at. 1 P.: 3 I , ' s ' .D. R. ir -'Not , . , _ Ile , friends of- , the 3 *ugh of Montrosoliill Court Berme Sateillay , tt l ik. off awl 6 P. M.,) to e!el wilvenii .0 ii• to be 'held , for the rose, of rati tiotes or' legiedek , . - j ' /1.0.Wf . " . 1 1 • ' R 4 Fannert Union 14surance ill PHIS limurancei Chin . nr,,,locatiid ailipeall. A. 1 Bradford county,;_ P ,ii now in full ?Pere. ; 1 .tion', and de' gleaning Po tee. Th e plan pp' : which it : is e ganillita -San . . Ifni! to be highiy is - o t. cesital. ' V der - il* re . litiOng;*kil Mir i taken Upon" arm hoinieli . diellitiEe lie- . - • as not to be expoendfr - .. • - aooining *Wing!. ... 1 71!ii plan ' must i re tit • cPmPany hatibeei leMeii ,which , :fregnientli iii , . .? in . village*, an • r te the operations ir 1 the Company ea t e and. agents - nee sal' pahle aill paella, ri?erl, OD r IVIIO6O .Mltilr . metii ,sticeelig ill inetrita .le The Secretiiry J. E. Canfield Ee4,4:if A" helps. Pa. ' '' - 1 F ! . f' : ' •'' • :Anceiyfor . , arinchansil Con y. l e ase" , §eibil .ls p 1853. " 31w4 ' ' . -`=- Strayed . 0 . al- v • .1 Vllo2lllfie.prosises o ... a sultseribet . lon : it K. about the T.llith ofA ., gait, a taiga .. tho , se ditifrefie yeicet, . "„_',iiie:4l2lilll/31 4 * r al" b , ..torfung" in rd.' natal!' see*, ' " . 1 eels verretattiti he hip; pail pf ~the - betitigroli i na ' tool. Whei she .info 0 'co, Iditifia' Al T" r t non who Inn re •no 4 0 1 0, or.itt" !!_,L. i g!,!, ! ilea irtierashe ".. 7 - ,kil . ii*ii'l l'''''`l Ibriewa r itid. ~ I -:......, . 1 .;. , ..?; • : - -4 ., . .: - . -bilt i AliZit 11 9g1 8 . , '", I - .P 2 '18534411d. ' -- 4 , : ' , ~ .. '' ..I•MMII , isw Ali"m4mu i e el m e i l_gi i ii .p - b 7 ,, 0 1 1 g, ' -'; . -B it 1•i l - i 'i.',i 1i6 m l.a ,w -, ; . k.i y ' . r - /Thr j" ' * l Ve i 'l e l d a. g 1. f a_,_m Arl 241 .4 iid r . l & ~ , rl,-i, i. :O,i7li•A_lln.-ytZ. - ' ' 1 7 4 L'i lli si hei'irie To' Weir — s iCe it -, 6. r wan* k 7 .14101tmi aisirigi ire und ber.:, .-She hispe and htmentutibus tier• he'leltittrakt.o li 3, and 1 iyiag lip." fu'llie t4..eideed . her-pa iOny . ghe Stivve,to adrettU3 out to -do eo. Thd ' iiill' 5 the orpreal fumitidnic. I n tug keno or.b-ePg, in , at . one :: (1-4tr i sano ... ~ ~ 2 n_liffr 1 . Hei , f , torture ' ik - • A l: c_optotoce , A'. 4 . 4 ,10. r P4.'' ki Oat -- ; interred , . agryi4s sppi. . 4 4terO4 . UPP I P 11 r . ~1,- , rp. - (10 Ito . Wit: cori... 'nth ilii.twko -0(1,1-in . Which 11 11104.1b1 . 0 w....0ii rito‘r'(...lf.ll4.= ,ie.f44ts f the 1 .4. unrlliqi imi,.w,ith. 4f 4110 4 *H i la liitilei4bre ropittisii with. i • ,• f ,•—Bral-. foot,. , o n thidi the tight of t back th bled t nee 604441 t— 1i,1853.1.-! I o of Atilan'gr. I - • ,T(nkr held id Mpj~ !.84iiy - th - 24)41 idgcsciragitivki • , tion:‘ I• .. 4 1 . hanielt~ ni,Bateti;: B. ...13'earasliy.- [ Amos ,G.lial- y- 1--, n, Z.llBretra - I P4P 1 ..1T'...:1. os. P 11Phin- Morrimnii ne BuTt9*s. acl Carpeniet ! Cnn3p-I in I . Atank J. Brewitei. t Juhn S. Di I e *i 0 A.. 11- 1 .. Thursintivan ".? x}esdays, Thatlidtiy* ; ?, LATHROP; Pi AL irnt w, the;Boi old nii thik between ibe*un3 nirdelegates s to th e ?Otb of this ring present lent ones- - v t g ai coni's Hlppodrome - ,i PII) the Bearded Wonain'aiW ernortg the Ji; 'XL-Minnow abibiting at Vothant. ;The Beard ed woman is said tole neurly: air.greatw curios ity as the-beirdiess granny - Who dresses in !male 'attire. But beardOeside,i I. wish' the - public to bear in Mind that ' there is it necessity of going i bare,backed when cloths re so cheap, and'as- Pert Workmen reedit , . to- Manufactitre their. ' I bare just received the, y j' . . ' -,c• .. . .: . ' - - ' - AUTGAINSTYLES . ~ . '- • .. . „ 'For Gentlemen and' Boys. ' _' - . - '‘,... -". - q#UTION.:--The publioare hentbf caution - . t ed against harboring_ Ot.titist'eig the . idpg that :I' can be beaten in the- Att 41*_ . !tiliwieg: er in the reiasOnabliiiesi of My eittrge - .; forprompt pay: i . Er- Please' , take notice th `I have. removed friveihtp in the baseinent 'cor er of Searles ila tel . :, about 7S feet, from the . li eFty polei, _ - ' -__ •I -4 - Cutting donies nun's! or psy dovni. . -: - • JOIIN- ROVES. Taiior. • - Itlontrosi,, 1853. 37a33-: -.- . Executore b„ to sele the house late or ' tb,wnship of-Brociklyn, dee.'d fiint day • I dauber next, tL to 'wit : i . I 1 Bay tnate,' . l y.Oung - colt, *several* hives of lbees.3 one horse ivagons, I light cart, 1. :cutter. i pair cutter-Owes. 2,0 r. 3. ogle'' harneiiketi. 'l . franklin titore. 3 'or. 4 gots • ' f diffeiant - deem:rip: , tions,3 WatOses and l'atie .• itElett 74:yapkee noCkani. iructi as . threttit' b nous. icattbs 4.e ., 1 rabout 40 rrunks of all sizes, borrof Jewel., fn.., and a variety of otber:Ortiel a 'too ,numerous to InqutiOn. Sals'tti cmomenc at 16.0'elor.k.A. IL - I' Trateti. - •••.,All sonas-inder three dollars eash • down.'all above . s3,oo and r withanl6,oo three; timatbit credit. arid all abovp $6.01 air m 'tabs . 'Milkwith itii!ifeAt 414 approve-d security. i .. :'. . ''"•.:•' -" r t.,..i1t.• a. -, LI A!LEY. /.„, i .• - :.*.,,,„ --, ;" }l. 4. - w Elsl'olf; 5, - • 'Brookitat,'S4t.l3. 1,359 L-3 'to 3 ' - ll'' • ..4.i. . - 1 . .._ ~.'- . .....- - ...._1_. 1 ' - . _ . , .. . NEW -,G 00 DS: • . „ • , T It. SCITTIIIS ,Inv i tes atten!tion tO:Atieritasnal/y 0 • IlargeSmtl complete assortment of - ' . , . • for. 3.q/ex • , Ilaiisow receiving its addition-la -hi* usual aupply of Sta'pla • 147 floadt.:: tirocetler; iiierdwate, - Stoves ke. fie alse otlera to the Lai:lite_rich stink of Fall-and Ti inter :I)resi& ,00ds, Shin: k Vasa; lienattli,Shawla.-Ilihblnia, Glove. ittd 110911ery, Yiabi ; Table Fpnivis gotha.eateheia.Ladies alad • 111Iaa* flue Boots aid rhoe# ace - ,• To the tar times he offers* large.stock.U.beat quality , • :Ready I.gade. Clottling.„ Tweeds and Jeans ; Vesilnp, and Cars, Boots k Shoes,-413. • - - • liis stock - embraces a more extensive and varied as iortmeat than heretufere,: and 4* Is.propared to.bold - — Superior' Inditcements to CASlTprrehaurs. .• ire respeetrally park+. :Int eurty en!! fr o es Meat I i and sal Obvert i.ittitik. good gnoils that aro worth t he • '- piice a ked for theni. . - -' ' : .. • ,L . Sum erwrille.Sept.l2th.lss3. - 200 ti ~ Watt Pnper • all. ptclep atnipticre . ' __.e l . t tat Paper,' r niterctrin tilt/ county juut re Heir at • .... .. J. If. tr..rTPUINtk. - \ , I,'TE'' .L;I.` . N.OLDS, .bate.rethoved their 'ailOiing:katakifititnealio tite`rooin over G. R II a ie,ley:ti I Strire,near:thln '..., Fr,ink lin ; • 11 - ote I," where tlitl :- .ttre . pre.pir . to. 7 `attendf iromptly .to - all calla in their praceFnin . .04 11 0 .en ' t i re . ea - oe 7 faction I o,every reaannatile ' an.: -. l.attat New York and Paris f..tiiiioalt just -. eiiid. - - • • . iltontrot4 - , - Kipt:ls, 1853:. ..... .. " ' ' - _ .3T -E . W. :Cr; - 0 0 fi S I :. .:. _ . Just ai7irrd at the H • ' `or NAVIG A lila; . -: Monfrose, Sept. 15. - G.. a. II A WLEY. - ' i . SESQUitiI4NIN ('AUNT • STOVE &, TIN- WAItE.DT.POT-:.. Ix.t . L. WEliSTrai 4. c.i.i. wc;„td r ,„,„„if.,,,.• „ • :ly,inform th e people' of this c ' ant y an d the - people in general, that. they have pened an estehlishment of the-above kind in M tress), at • the old' stand of Sayre and: ilrebster. one door north of the Deasacrati,fficr, where . 0 y intend to keep on hand-4 - ler:re' assortment" f Steree. Tin,'Copper, Dross, and_sheit Iron Wit s, all of Which they will sell as ,th can be bought in - this or a';fy - . other CenntY: A i tneng our stores may be found the follokingbesi eiothers ttat numerous to mention :.- • ' • - -..- ... • 1 .. N. Y;4. Eri_e, aird4rlit, for ico . 1 - .11/ridinv Troy . . -. " • -" I - : Naystope'State . . ' 4 ` ' . "... . ' Vulcan . ' . -.' - ; ~ -- " ' • .Lry .;. .euresc Queen, deviled Oiiir. i Afahafik,: - : 14 . . .8.1c. 0 _Tarlac - , Ofriee and shop Stoies - patent • Hot-air Furnaces for hettill liuiltlingis; stores, //otitis. etc. - Store Mipp, Zil!c:, sheet Lead, Lead-Pipe, We l tern PumPs, Chain Pumps; Chains end l•grAll kinds of COstotri - Work 'dime Up' ticeind most reasonable terms. : One mall profits,:ready pay, and quick - reta i l 4 a eAll kintle.of Produce taken in Or Wares. If yon don't believe-it, Cap - A. L. WEBSTER Montrose serf. 15. )853. __l _ . I - - Nevi* Arra nge' menti, - Hinallastattemastoire at Lenderav i I Le t Pa. .1 i STO N ERS it T 11031148 ' 01:1 CD respectfully announce tal the initab "T Y itanie of Lodersville, Great Bind and vi. Inity, that they are` now receividg e a new sup t p y ico their already lame' stock of;Goods, in their new store recintly' erected :. 4 psvid ci ie assortment is extensive, embricirig every mt le tintally celled for, and will positively be i lt siticliclsegper for cash, than ever beforeafftiod in thisleection of countty, consisting ef 7 ... - GRY GOODS, GROCERIES, *tick" , Iron , Sled, "Nails, Boots zinci _Shoe's; kir, ish and Sail, ; • ; I added to ten thousand notions aot enumerated. The subscribers *ish it genera:ly understood that CA= is what they most , want, and for cask Will'selllNot al' an cheap) -but cheaper than y other establiehtnitatiVeet of Near York - Please remember' that :what we tell , you is no, fiction, bat "stubborn facts," which we can and will dernotisL-ate upon examination of our stock and, prices.-!.... ' ' - . All thaw who brie beew,izi the habit of going to fritigharitton tolnirehitie Goods will find it to their advantage to call upon _ diSTO ERS THOMAS . before going:firer, for we hat, what . y ou all liaute•--36tf; • • Masora storr: -Co i ijirsei, 9 trilk &r CAPITAL, ilia Cub atiA A $500,00 .. . but.a#gailist Loss f orDqi a l : . .... ,-. ', .: .ofitixTeiss. • . - ,/ . .... ........ ~. . A.. 4.. Stebbine,...ll3 -Broad Street'. ate," , C,llaltero epruee ell is' ell.; . Girard llaitelcer,ClB way;, Themes Andrew,' IX Cedar acted: i Samuel Solith Mayd,ll77 W.est oittert;:;altibert 1. - Conklin; 810 twentieh , street; JaisesAAlreally,l33lleostleey; - C Leet. MeV" bridge, 1(..X.; ll.stalrert. C.. Hall, fild go_, .111.4 r BIWA' llobblerWal.ll'.l4laud, New Yet* -Pollee It:' Eolith; 181 'ilankitreet; . Stowers B. Bell; ger . . West led. LAO. 'streets r Joke 1.. Dern. 78 Nailer ; 1). Vas Welt. i 11011reedirsi4,11eretio 111;• ilenleP-- ` Wert - old Ber-, vie streets; Petern. /rooter eer. Gesteteors. sod West; i seebeolgoeySg.; - 41111lestah Avail*, 111eplbee *new; 1011;-13agedee.F1‘. 14 Alt& Waptisit.HPblladelphle; c us Dexter .11:11rIlitati, 49. Wafer ;61lealiael Sielehir, 'habeas 111eilldiep;-FaimilielW ir,•olFrei Oblo. - .. , • - ' ...,:. XOYAIG 1/14.1.111,1 , ree, -:. CEURIESU CluiEltE. 545. 4 3 r: • '-, - —•• • ' . - I , .... .„ tar/trill ii.• Myr' .' likeir-11e0," 51 . 1311*.:: - SteVeii 1 ',Stoves( ! St,oves 66 !1110/ese asid Tellenitelif'!„tgitnindlrias that the • . the heft , > , ts of Old_Alrey Wiliam; when one these. un inzPantable and , bighly; approved Stoves frosithe moat .toctsuabre Manufactories In the Union, Messrs. Shear a - Packant.• hecome India pensable to everylanilly; We would. respectfully an nounce to the cation! of Stiagrielninna - and • stilj"ining I mantles thatwe havejust Sect:teed and are -receiving I the lamest and best antortnunti of Stoves wear istrattne t tllnto Eastern Permaylvialaorhich wilt be itald Oat the -1 very lOirest-cashfitire. To thovii who are . In want of Stine* they will nod It to their I oterfst to , ealt and eit• amine oltv varlelY before purchasing elsewhere. IThey compriss in part as ' - • nited Staiii - * Pa rlor, .I - • P'' f : Are CI ippei ; 8..0., - . , wig, A. I do ..' National Air-Tight E. 0: Irriing -r t , do 1 . , . . Atoming -- .:511ar •r,' • - ,i,.. Cottage,- ?-I do . ::.; FartizOs' . Aire ' Tiolit A. '. - ife r , 4.c. A i. , 4 • 'hie above Ftoves arc too well known ' o reinirel any minute description. being - the most 'populai,• and ,ftp proved Store in market. All minimal, favor-0e With a call wilt-be chliwri through our. arcertnimit; with; Tau tire. • 'it Recollect the number ' —VA cotes Air fame d"•• • .. -'• , - •••• ~ •.. , _ One Price Store.. • Hayford, rii.,iltept., 1114. ' ' '•I , I -I.• *.* Cone One; . 'e - All. zGreat! Indietnents'! - Our entire - ko f Pernieri'boode 4, il!' bo'sold - ex, treniely low in rder .to Maker" nii for nui le itp di cheer whlel3' surpass nything crier before, lulradaccd..; Then' 'Come *long. d nt Vo_altirmid, 'Uncle Amu Is rib enough to bity.u.e - elks " recollect", I , l• 1:.• : •, • • 2. • - SATONS' Opti Priet -fitinv. I, E 5000 - P i z: mlt :Wool.socks wanted In exelrange for ..Gloodj at amh prieee— 0111 .14u9d ours lievd• ha, tatired. „!'-'fakn 'heed Rolttere."- _ j ~, - _, •;. = 'v.' \ . . :- RXTONS' 0 PrieS atore. - ..Itierfor d,---'- 146, 8 53. •_ —ept..1,13 .L • • . - 1 . 1 .. , I . . 1 . ~ ---- - - , . • ' 3 - ale • • e .4tT.puttlie veuchiei iff 7:4 o a zWeston; d the the ProPertYr Marble Manufator3r. , .'i rrtiE undertiiined - beg.tO announce . to the cit . -L.: izensi or Susquehanna County", that- they ' fiitve eatablished - a Shop. in . Iceeler's bui,lding, on Main street, 'Montrose, where th4y :Err+ on hand a supply' or_Foreign and Anieriegin NArale, and manufacture the same - into Monninoutic Tonibs.- Hied ,Stone.,—Pier § and aentter-Tablp . - „ • OT The public will tied it to theii intermit. to give visa call - before goinCelsearhere With their %mien. SIIIPPEY & lat 8 LONG. Aug. 44. 1853=341W tOIING.LIDIES‘_,IIO,IIIMG-SCllOOt At Great Beind Pa . • Pr HE nest term of this, Institistion - will " corn- L. menee on Wedueids'y, A ug.i 31irt,- 113 . 53.. :A larks.tud'eamotodions building lurvitiz been fit; tit! np, - youui . ladiea from a : dietetics can procure bistril and morns in the family Of thri PrioCiPal; ourewsonable terms. ' \ • - • 'I • Tuition - 1 ' RAILS nry Department per guar. ! ter; ' - • -• " - - 82,00 Grammar, Arithmetic,History aLd Phys.! ••• • - - 3,00" Natural Sciencei,-Aeltal amid Moral Phy., • . losophy. and higher Mathematic?, 4,00 Froneh, German, Lads and, Greek „.• . , Drawing:ana: . Psintipg_ in water colors, • I ' ,(extra)- 2,00 Mpsic on riin f , Ste,;(usa of .b . WmAstonts- • extra) " • '.tex tra) 10,00 • . A Primary Department is-nikeOted with the school,- in. which'prnall boys are Ardeiy rid. I • • CoiriPetOtii Teachers arc *aro, gtd in all the departments. . to.,ettireif will be given on.ElOCutittill and scion- title Subjects etery.week. - ' I • - '• FANNIE D. D. OHASF.,- ' Great Bend: Ane.lo, . • lIIGIrLt- IIIFORTANT' . . _ 201111 4 .iti N...1111‘ , 11LUA1V11,1% TIIE Craft - will.pleaSe take iSticathat Brews ter & Simmons, are proprietors; and mann= acturers of H. G. Dewitt & IsMoreels'Patent ••_ Vollripirlallst Holder;\ by-the use, : .yyltieh the. war 4 Shoemaking 'is greatly faggiW.-4.. *, This mac ..- Calculated to pseserse...t/ of .Shoem era by enabting dienr ta do- thei,f. work while abr. . ing or silting: in tin 'rtpright position. The .ntility ..f thee!) machines may be tested. by calling at the4 ,v hap of C. M. Simmons .in Mon trose. The so rib'ers will visi ,ll , Siuqtviluinni, \4 , Bradford, Luzern „Wayne, Myonriug and Sul lisan counties for thsurpose of !selling Machines —chop: town' or eon ty Rights. MI. orders thankfully:received an d romptlYllled. ~ ' ' Machine sijibtright tos . 815,00 . , . Bacsivei 4. &mmHg. ment.mot;. Aug.... 1.185,3. -\ ..;:_.. ~ .. . FULL assortment - or 22 ca - yrplain Rings; received thiv day; 14r - " \ 'ALFRED J-E NS - iNty 2 Odd FeHew Binghamton; Aug. 23. • L . • or coal. “ . . . SOME very hundgFonlel - Plaie4ll Cake4latik this day teceied.-tty Co!Ter's "Public rimming, aad Gearing. on short r motto is eras:._ eLOCKS very large assortmentif Clocko, of . evogyliescription, on hand' anct-coi- sole loot, by . , ELVER Ware—a large addition to my stock S of,Silver Spoons, Forks, Napkin Eines, &c. w•arrauted• as good as coin. (Engraved gra tin.) Aug' 23: •. - - -• " 2 "- • ,A. I.7ivalts..- :change and see. • CO. C"11 -paid for Cheep Pelt', by • - *A D..R. Lwronorif...Co .._ „ - - Cash - ...f0r W001.‘ .. . • -- .. , 10,000 r i} i r e i s e ..:oi a r. , = le t tr p o L g y rit 9olia g ir New Ilififctd, May 25,155 V . I If. 111,1 in'. - ES . TEAT. AMF into the inch:Donee ot the:aubeeribei on Cior about the, 15th of A Clginit, laot ,, ,Ai-.ei . Ew Sheep, abd 3 Ewe lambs. ..TbO Owner '. if oei., tectto- prover'property ; par cheekieripni.'..talte . thenisway.. , -' . :W. 31. j TAN-GLIET; . • LeitOx., "Sept. 2, 18.53.: . 1 -, , 1 .- . T . i : '; CROSS - ES. - nelian J, -.L. entirely new c'Sept„l. ING-NE • -,.rior needles aired by - • SUSQUE : • ' , A ILO - i ' , ?do . trose, Pg, nriu '.next amid brie year of this flourishing 1 itutiofi wll commence on Vifeduesday , the 1, th day ,of Septamber neat,_ trader the i t tit otistflo - or its Prosolit corp. of hastafetord. Their reputation and sucpwre hitherto give*. tha assur anee to• these wliredesireas of Preparizig Wein ; eaves as teaehresilor - f or any 'class in Voile/p i that they can bera obtain the beat , instruction whickthe conntrylaffords. The Trusteed have secured a sufficient number of Moms to, /ICCOM. Mt i date !bile who may jilt' to board ihenwelves •_ low rent*, which can be obtaini4 rim amili• lion to the Secretary: or 'Treasurer "Ber orther Tin ' y iEss .:Pros. WM . lei. Gael. FvU.u.„ Spey, 1 -, M. B. Wifeen. Trassurss. 1 Montrose, Aug. 1, 1853.-32ru3 Bike i.:::i ,t aD.*:xit yet ik'a .ee) ''Carpenters' re ttionetot • Cfatpiter lsef eri.eilvein ‘ . •PlirleprOvesents aitße igairceboap is - fIitrEkSTERA low::1 • • : - 19Att • atikt.Bll.,NtikoPiawipo•erair ,, sf.7'; - ° ' - a - • S. - • .00, wimp 9 A a lir kyr 10, 4L.•••kate 4 i1!..q*5 , 00.; - - ,.:•:l r Ojeiiriii, 140 ' tine assortment. of Gold. t Ciossei. just reqriiitid • A. 4,:EYAlisPet h.\ Som e be/gaffer-Plittells% received this week by, • . • \ ' EVANS. .- - AR-RINGS' • Foifivhlsiiqf p l ans of qiiier' sad pa t tterusOnst opened ; - lA:3:bins. DLES. .Alergeleti tt Asispe, every number, this yre 'A. - -I.'Erieg. • 4 10 , - kivestt, thatiLitteiti ofAd the intl.. ate < # 4ohn 1 - bleAllet, drorci air fereeee +iodiated to ed to ,kitiltelpstritetit;-and P te_t 4 We4t- , Woo4tattlY « iths44:47iik : 53.-431 • MaTIC 3 is hereb lid Aninilularion ha scriber upon the , pi ceased, late' •-cd' 'r helps couutyj-: and said3aitato are - regi!es those hiiiineeliiium restedaoisettlenient DdiultiffiApt;,.l 4 1 , t,!- . ll. , hiiose;Pit : ' •-, i. , ‘..i. 9 - .6 ' • gent Sp toe'inile . of nanr:ly • tent Meilicines I ( a few.lOf II of qi.leine'sjneleb . rnfeit !so, , lir. IK.ieretr7s.,, flinui's ~ hirdis4Slierninns---i4t L :. 2 .'neneri----litesehiinee . ling , 0;4 - for all •kinisiof -ma.n1. , , 0 t., lienst4 , 3lresionn t latti4ll44 `and hat:neks lor, Linini4n, irinner'e Gr-, , lister.lo4.ll 1 fleSling. Oint y's still ';lallsea .Poin ,Ex in Kill :Agent;ftronries: Git.44ri • tf. :regnlote the his hoc i weather. , Traiik's first irate, Thing for .rhen illains;iio'r, tAYers. CIP',!FY PAM iif'A iJel (Merry, Hoof. . MI / 30V .V . ,yynti . of * Yellow' olifir r:1, alier!sliVege table Pry, &c : CiriiCl and.oth - er ettit'4lt ye ~ :i i itile;- Venitian stiparill :, rietnik. fiftk lif• nibralia , Eartir the ibeit - inn 1 inOs itirt . liol department too In linof,lthe pnopte *lit en the linit Of ,f)nigs .a d t ' • • -. 4 . .-1 1 TURRbLL'S 1- ABEL TITER TS duly autltorized all•tho popolar ikicn-are named. : 1 14 . Fantily --Hiibeusacint—She w0,41 1 3..:-.—Woodcoles justly:calebreted sprains or Mustang- i.iuimeut. f .slidtlie galls, 'Smith's mitt Ointment, NO& inept, Dalley's 'Fun tractor.::Antlretvi e P , `pule:tee of Jiimaic' stormtch,and bowels' • Maknetie Ointment. Mtitism, burns, and - i Pectoral, Waster's Has land's Genlt'on Bitte Dock Root, 'f loos ' Conti:annul for Dyer') •knuds.of Vertnifuze, Flnitl, six kinds of Ss firent kinds or Pills, -1 market, and ,Aker ar i -utitrietens to mention find nearly every 00 l%Wichre; at.: r . 'Salt fetti'l 3 ,orX 'tied Sell, by t - • 2 1 '' W•134.1410W1N .Pork A FE W.. barrPcs braiids: •Also -1 barrel or toad: Mantroie. Feb. 16 ' ' • - -, t i• 1 • ' !''AiLigh '.-- —.- ' . .:. i ' , . • . . ,liend,puiip t,C.I 1 (i;*(l..euo ~ c l 3. ,nia . ..o, ! %Allow Citoti,keo, .1 1 pet' , f.xcetteilit 4fuellittaor seletto' . ..:-. ; I ~..,1 . ;, . .f:, •; • ‘,lO/VS ( g• - ' ' ':- i . 'aka 31*841111. 4 . e. elOo, m., r‘?r,* 2l t . 1 . 1.4.LARD , 4; D 11:41 - frr: .1 ' E.'. .ielt -' l4, r . flinee.. , Zltufee . OA ' i. (, oif.Teluteintt#,a.c l i , .. &a 'Gag side by 1 lIN. ULL)I.IIt . Eirri.g/i c.{ rs ,. :rii43 eikieslrq,- , ..tiy; ; Slriv.t h 'ilk'o:... 13 at—xtikg.* Mc vAtt;sTY—Lirin. litga i.liniter,ll.o/ileei, Oiuute: me,..ipiiimitleOleee,sind,Peich; tr. ''. l . ; r ,ItllLl;AltD,',l.v.. • • • -- A Ligh DITRING.FIui.I: Calm 1.1 for . Sl per pity and Mutton Tallwi t ail •' PROVI I- • _ nod?. Cori , Val, Po :Corta.oa4 cut Buckarh - agi Drie I - Peselt2o, Applc rants. Figs. ltalglna, CI ltaltitis for luc a lb., fo - FGAIrORI , For fluorin;, tee errs :ONE :10Z. tatters° t Tuilla„ Clore, Ja Notmtga, Cinnamon, Lt tori 'sale at 9 . B 1: . ..•_]_ . , , - .. ; 1 .: • 1 ; li i • fi a r • aids Ii 1 .: r`i.tha IF 11: Trutle.' • . ' UF . F. big 'to is%itre the public iii,epitisgi - hri the Pall . Trade; iii/q) 1 4)ttt . Tritnriting,: • ••••• . tend Voper,trait...,:being'fiill eh *III old ' heit. rert, low for rash .produr# it fiat Fraties• - .... Wriqui-eit. $. c.orlisl'.. It .ri the comma li ine.iesti tol . pire s - i eftll.! al 'a satisfac4ott is peke andAWi7 7 II -.. ,'''• ,1 i I .' .' ottr ihhp rit4t intnetttellty , and i ; i . 1 '',." f ."' • 1 .t.athr,ll)ll4; b t lOw ..S var i: c .. a . sits ,lc lilt ° I im •5i.....?...• . 'i5:'i,..:w', Olt.t'VP:., - I jai s-: Bargain -.; • . . • 'oak: - utl • T ,ATitiT4:lP tc - TVGOD 1,4 ibis; they"re now I theix wksortzuent of -" 1 • Storrs (pf all k' And Tin, Jariair Braa . add aamplete, a ll of SO' dorm, ortzehanrt4l for - Thors - who what to P 'winter th welare detervairied tag kr, . 2 ' irrJoh-work doily in the besl manner: 44 1 , 9 Shop oo Main at Ilotel, and directly opp Aliontiose, Aug. 11,1. • 01131 t ,, • • :vq sV4tripeGi '• , of agprbie44littira, Ili; for #ate ..rwm•e. co:corm ; vOl2 fOrirod xis4,„either.trimmed .i - 1 : 1 0Z0.11.11.1411. T'. -7 ;1 .40r. .H . y geknntiE Flour nil cosiu A few Cliokiti.; stove. ratted to.gire eraAsfset inwl will D► wolA at a Da orw.tholit trimmings:' M"Ltoie, Aug. 10 i___ l . i is t _ elw., 11 JodB. - - turned Trc:im i l i t r he ! cu' ' Min : ;r - ci al , .b is. frePhintippl.r, of • Good's. mar' lito r. icjllltkel/ rr iftiaori-; 'e' are tirepaie4-le;serlP- our and-to Idoi thtint-itapitri.ial, good, of -01 ehitieis variety anet faii! ! ,to Ipleiiiit. 'all .be w .•I . . - 1 -! ; 5.1.1' de ri. sAyRE. . L(: - * i catA - - e: 17 Melts: , ' . I. may l'OntiO choice , iiyiee tie. 014141110 . E11 j I Fri nt„4:,C. n ihiliiiig pet yard, of stipeFi; - -I: ••; lI - t. ...1- • I .' . -i - - I.- : eilitdrn .,- i / Trice. Id ivooi ls3oiis, nantei-11or . and p : - n . tta de. , b'efore . .r . ! ;ll' . 1, ,'. A.i• } : - .." • - . ir . I . S.111: 4 1 D. ;SAYRE I .-:. - • • = ;'' .... ;• 'l,- ~1 ;- II -I , - -..., • ; • , .:; ;- 1 . . i . ; 1 /Ss. • eisville - -4. oakz , & . prag'Stcire., Tli ... .baeriber woldiinfOraftbe Inhabitants of La ' d lie : and 44 plliiiiibe cOur i tiy,:l that he -ha: greatly en .tmcd'and infit;inirell,bili S le, and• fated Di ail Iva I 1 - ad comp ate essottatedt,ief - Pli ate: Oil. . Dye-woods; 1) - atstucte, Madder l itnitas,,-,Saelt,: Putty ;•Yarnish and Br ; shoo. - Also -- .1 - - .- i - 1 .1 ,• * ! • • • . . Patent Moditiu . -- Chas=ils,llGisteOlearei - Parham y Tinher:Sottims,C f. • ary.. TOilartietes.: and all araelea AVOW ly kept ' aay!':.ratahthh ' ant of ttostl d, Akio an hand a taste.: ortatent.OL 'l, I . .i , ''. . .. - . I " . BoOKS cf .' TA.44OIVERi'',. Taper llanginair, .t:e.;, ,t'' -,11 4 412 1 S prepn t ied to el On'as reationable terms - an : to!Ie i the' cannery. -. . . . , . ... .. ~ I. Doer 4T ,VIES . 4?' FiTT.::V. - ', •- .f Also keeps in tante roo :a:lcedara . sosdniont of the ,Queteksr Mime re es. retail* isel ed . ,: WispafelL and .stioerinteaded by bhus lf. for ;16 olin , went uanottstion and the hornet of they blio.: 4. - :- : 1,1 I .I-:- --;•'- I - Bnibiara.Paintors,;P ysielen n tt..,elt..o ll l chera.. In-: -dead all classes and pro ateictisishie; :to, chose ire ., jaefted co cad and see or t li ettisetreek•l •'1 ''; --• •• L ,' - - ~_1 • 1 •• I- g 1 :17.1 .- 54 Tr - Xdrectly - ciee.,Tohn ,Idexinney'a store on :I ; - - -.-. • .I' . :• - the its..- it:, Loderorilie . Jaty i lk 1813:41'; ' i .i• ,-;-.. g.. Il• • : - • '• NeW Cop I_T:tVI,NG just r • Emporium wi~ whiellN ,with our for i inetit cOmtilete, % friende a nd.ontitome juatice by supplyin arid at tiricea that p 'ever. fainidions, Atm.' 17. ' • t , -De pagi, Our etock of ,De Daps, ,Dela De Lilas at only o or atyles.and textar . W001100k8:i OZ. 2.. 1.000 D . the .first of .Decem Aug. 17 4 :f Rte* rife Subreribor m erly occupied h more recently by Sr' flotrl. Where he moot of ittiaidVilni Boots, & Mioelp;:Bo.O1 pet 4 Aloitinretio • . .••• . CARPT 41 0 V. 4 *IA, 'reams:et - 6J line .'tore flr , itAitivii . 4 Salisbury, _nloot yie 4-.3c.s.,olirMsite . Searle Me .mi 1 Itifid I -Muni apart: , e. 01o1hibei Mila &:' cepa:. is; 4.Sptisotii ry t . AV nit 'pn.: GEO:FULLEA:', - . , 1f ! 131: l J ..i ''.,l :. , . Alrg ' ~. . - Itca r gri - :•.' ... A 11pUSEI )94;4. 7 DE;cp, PA.: t. i .renter ttlis 011 nowiilion4e -flirt:l94a In inyle;f4 um; eitertaftr : gut 4:- • This - bogie. o,the baoke-irftlie So's:limbed , ' a New 4V, mit andltie. sod.t.4e AS - warts ' Rol roads; .over-_ 1, eeetlaft of rm y, Sad-hi the miOalleljon„im 1 . ri for ilef,busi ree f man meting '-'inel op. .011.1-iirmand. juiltiefpfe ore ambithe ale- lolietlon cannot be Jet' leleecirc from ,ttio , 11- lirttid is.sid . 4l*PartVre alg t.! tline,ls .n very it at..louses ie.*: near . rel l el: farolsimitli 1 1 I b` th- country ao . • I - lifl, ..r toma ' a gorilla: '"`•:,,,' ; i i ik fn-endifro thkoarailk 40 - 4-: 0 , 464 e, , ' . 4 ,1--1;i; .•-. ,_. 1 , A t 1 4l *MTN*. ?..s, i 1.3(..1. A PESTER. !Or 1. 1- \ . • , :- •• -.! - (FORNELY a Mali A a MLIE inlisetiber,lniet Ll. and matted and et pee ad til reetivaiiidi iaz II elittlitfittlyidtnitedl na 'Aver t -en:the.line of I Delawart.,ll..aokawstana looking a nfat.beantift 'panorama IX fernery tut • \Ati a SuMg it limas.. gala : and' o. ° O hv Sur brava' i natal sell apialled. 1 .nonfttaion 1 of Ovine,* "matt ann 7 , stie,Depot • litakna ' i Tatman! eityntsak ' t his home . p, ; fr:ir .0 t: CO Any- bon! : ettange. Cr NT" Greyt B *ova's' Aud Coln Just r-OWerd arvi Jane 2Rd. ,„ •1e5'..... 3.,116 - ;3 , „ • , Etemitorvl. - . ,... - E - firii - astifren Po Litz ..7., 1 ' ~ , ':---- = - -.l ' ' to the "4 it i rN: , l--, t • -I's i , li t u ti O: l64 i' , „ ipir-,disir* , - , - , --1 ' m•ii y-ligk..,4*!NN! ti-iiiitiku li t tot iia, • iiitik • . 1 1 /1 1 ,h _ar---- , 44 ". Do lii ' `bath 4 1 - 1400 • • lou are As rr ITEituistil4kl Amon it - -;2- et' Sa k yr•4 Cki 11 4111 1 4 01 tkittLematti. N Impolliteattraftent t•O iLikablweistasd they Orator 1 ;1 • • ' '. • ;..?*.!x'..:;;;.:14 : 727 : .;Y::, t tr oc . z .': or y 7l-7 ~ n. --t , i ; : -, ~:: ---',''-'.;'- " ' - -Eousg , FurnisiHStore.-:‘11. rr U,Dartela noir" - pialiar et!' ta , talitta Wir'-trutirlo i Tal , i'+ ' waseratty!tiltoxamitrehla visji4atank .,, vortmeot or goads width (as ao : *solitaire:diiitlealliQl .l enabled to atron.varrlina. - .....:. , - -r ., , ,, ,,--1, --:.:`? .:..; ::- _ •- 1 ' dobriAl4illad_lil64, De`cotat44l#*l3li4._,ill' ii - 4 Tlisait*lititt 111ifkitts &a;.... - :; .....:..., '''' . '_'' '.: ?':"::''-, ~.-r Stont): ' OhjilTi''-', - ' l _, , .._:.'''''-:•-•-: -raft Warms tract Tek:Situf., Prbstalts::ialtaatosieu. In .9;44; or birtheftlail!°P l ."`s 149, :1741 . 4 . 441 .5 1 - 4 *4 1: . Cul stylea'of Tollit Ws e.. • . :' ,:! , •' -, 1at1.01 - :Glasses._ - , .... !-..-:. ... hit kiii,itaxinoutithatvia:. atal **NI; tit:iiiii giciss, ok ets. tg), $76 - , ii100;-?traiblif Stabs akard - Otaoolota.' :. 1, , 'Zi., ' Vlasii.. - Nfart.'-' :, ' '....';'''—: .-, Cat iroxis lire ateal--..ooblittri. inatatitaiii : , l'ittalAtit t : - i r 'Clainekitellowla oalOot t 'CO,t, '4 . ..*tt,a0...,0191, - .. Cr d itkct 41 2 : !Ike;: : ''''''' 7 ,: '- ;-.....,.. '2, , f - - , - -:-:' .." ; '';.:'.:---:-. ''... Ho asektitsitiriglrittawatei,-_;' . . Table land' Pao kat' C 0 .lery'i-ypooroe t lfei TOtyt;sailai; Sad. ieolll3, Enaiiieted trattles,,l,lnt itaSta v itetrigaratars;. Witt Or .„001Twi,Fsit 1-cretrai yrt.ttrai Itvi7A-' , .= -; , ..1..51- '. , Adm'r. Woo - deii: . iid,'Willeii ; *iire.-. Propellers, (labi, Wagons, :Itiboa biz - noms,'Crtidiet Cr tar Pans. Tabs, Moss. Pp underl, Ilishjasi • 8 01illaRti III& and ' t .: ' . • S t i , otetalis, &0:. : . :• ,. Win ow Shades.' .-• •,'- a • '.‘ CorTleea. Glass' and (lit' Pins and; Ifeada,l , Bands; Loop And Tame, 41,41. i i !Lin 2 nnis In Yntii.lP••,..-: . - -: • , -.- •••••,'• :-. ':- ~. ,Tapan.tted - -Ware. . --.,-;',,-,:.:': ; Tviutt sett consist:hat. of Poot Tubs,- Slop far and ry a ter fall„ Cash 11.ii.,:s &WI all 'artitlaz mauntiatneed - In i - - ..-liiiteiribs and ..Arget . :(itie , Ware.. -:--a; ' '- . . mai! and 1..1i urfis: zox•c6tulers. vaitai s ,.ehiiiii 4 : I Maws, Aetna', Pitehere..tlandlosticice‘ de, ~. . Llinp„isini'leinieriisr. ,- - . .-.-„.... .. 'id "eeirfrailety; style;prlce and tittalltr., , ~ . ~ , . =< • , - ' .- 'Tons and Pancv--Artigires.- - : : . ; ,--- '7;' Condstin... of Chlait„ Was Wood, Tin - •frillose, Lain, ParisT;3lachv: Ten& qotta,parien and Allbatir 'phalli d--1 so Panay Baskets'. ' • ' _- : .:', - /.,.... : .t.i,: - ., ' ` . - Plated. Ware:: , 1 .;-,,,,,, Table 4, 1 It and Tes.pooni; T ble Deiseit and Oyster furks DeAsirr kulyeA, Snap: awl ueeLtailles, Cottirii, :Snit frricand Trays, Tea And See Setts:, - :"..... - . • ...., • 1 . Writ Cagesi!Cabbiaal P oor Zits:. Brushes. of yaw/ deserlptlon.lnlimst:alin every sitfeli - -fis:Alin line of hOrnefornighlng. both is trauma oroaineaaal„may ~ba found at this_eateaslveßsthbilsho‘ent. , • •• :i' - - • , i • ,- • ,-- • , - f 'OLP:STOVE P LO:'.; -.-- Claims 'east of the tpserieen Ilotel:: ,,..' -.. •,.:-'.. . „•'- ' llinetartiton; June 8t4.4.33.".. ',.: . - -, ~ - ;'' .:'....217- • New-York eraPrietans of `C‘ntrt'Stietit, B• ty, tfakea uufeig ' his sineeti(thanks fort upon him -since his o has sutpalsed his high takes :pleasneti'in . -ann having made his aria he supplied,ivith-eve ables him vi. f seli:. • • case, piece or. yird,t are *Cold in New Tor once aatirifY every I, at. this ,establishinent thritt . .any'othsi. hense Nterehtsatikin . thi ionds,Cheeßand nt;d; ficsaing.hP'm,iiio. - • tit - ..ecrait ~D on't mine New; y, het goads new aid I eriand the tintnetae _ 30 elites, of the neiife 4 • nY.-briticade, check at re*. Tiii ? tospreiiii, - Emb mots, Nizetr! BeisierY, :Mitts, a 1 11 . Trim in '' Viult „ n Prints ; bleached and. St The Areii We buY for Citilh:. eel ipg for phowilig*:joiid le hpqn. Came _anda arid buy, pile, of' e eohda. lteizientber't York the,,Cheaitaiellridle EW , GOOD 3 ' ", "‘ •-'': )360,tt , fa Read Avii...krecei;l6 . d_ fiat thiO week . a LiontO Litt:Y-0 :eseut .'. • !_sfolunz inc . tudiok olt•of thoi which'etntkr ce alaiOst livery • !tick ever called:loi)tud which. having heap • • tight tolic:# . o4, enables( its to ;offer ors, tern* whics. Cannot be 118!isia ctorypl.l,%!l; paithasar. - . , -Thattlifollok"pait, PiartkOotto,wo solicit- it. contioaapCe_ o(:the-tattne from our old coatometo..ontl ignite,new - couellt9 call and, examine foc ithomsaliet. ;,•-• 5 1 013 0 03 Piituvi r 8;118 5 3;.. A . ::" - ; ' 121 , ROWN*-4' - . ' --..- Essence -Of :Tittiiiiea Cri4g r. :i 'This R.:sell - eels 7 a ipiettretifx(rit- . ii nit it ex - . crllence.: , • In or dinary diatibma,- lumpiest Chrobi .. ~.,- _ ._ era, in Phort,io all c . ,rti I'll..:,Proit'pr? of e. , _ d . 'i': gePtiie fineticMe,•it ta, of inestimable value. , - *:lfit , " rni tliaisreisiti:.crie orepidenileithiile'fa ilia ixiiiii mcr atantlitints of- ehil!lien , it isvieealiarlyeffiel4 "1 clone; no atnilY or - iatliiridnalor. trav e llers hould P ti' Withinti ii.,:. ~ :la it enables, ibO Oa t4ritOreaiat, I ilia inlinettee of insipieridiaoale , whicijark In a chonzing climate. ' - . .1. , •.L,:•: .. .-, , ~, . .- - -„1, - r 1 =' CAUTi trfr .. 44 .1- 1 1 0:E! -to get: thehge!titine., ~. nee i ! which is itreiaretl, only . - 4y F. •ktlt Ci Vtrg i at_ hii Drug `an'll:Cltetiiical Store - - 1T . . - Fi.: - Ctit'W.4', 7 iif. .. Fifth ats#Phosirpst Streets:Phi7sidOphirs,' - atid 3 ..for,sse:le by . all the feepectalblet-,Apsghttarieailk the United States, and at ItlontroieMy•_:_• c2Gs t) - , .., ', . . ' Alit '. IttiOL:',`' Cabinet Shop in Great Bend T 3p: subscriber is now baying all kitoti of Cibloal work done to oTcbw, and 3190 ltelepa oa hand . , • • B us - urry' , Table; Steindt, - All • • , .111ra n 11 , 1 w •AU 4,lkoweileAlro to, or p1:1111111 . log hipalt tire will .tu him: key*. r• : Repairing 'eat Varalibingalowoon sham , zones,•••l.;.. ; I • try, qoppris in this trest.telle; an the: siliStre s liwytin an , eregialt. hmineVithidide#lo2 Militi)legku*altitheaLtheiskied: - - L. • t• i• • •••. • • i 1 .4it : 1 ! 4 . 1 4 . ;4. 4 . 1 11.1011'..%7 = g; (•,. :': ' '. liftßlE.:s'H: H.P. Nti l rra 1 44 - #l l 4l#4.li4vCeitai4li . &i3,S O P; in .1. the jorinoisit of Or., Sayre 'Story ; jai ilia= iiiisii.%. ' • iheYw ill utilli t l flies Atiipoifhiltit - ."4 • . * NI imrbii - ifie FORILIIIN na olll7lltle, ARaltt,' II titre the seEne - Rio . Afoopeneots, Teintratones, =Li r e : tops, &e . .. - Skc. .• -.., 1, • ''' ll patrons 'or ihr f ulliti& iii; p .et failrpolicitiA: C b pnQN & BEVIER. - MOutrose Adri.24 1:• —LI. * Nd TS hereby g i ven that. ariSte , ligooluivCbeeta I.lTAide to the .Gout 04.• quelritititiX4ll4l : let . l,Church itt(freill,Bifidh ni a rt rifli•Zikitt*Company; aCeitiditte to the Aret of .keetempt*y titan sth day of Oitiober A. D. 'DWI:. • - :F. A. WARD, Pnutey,, : i ;.rioth'y'e Office, Ntantroae, ) • , ••••!.- Aug. 27,118.53. ' 114w2 :Administrator's Notioei No:Ree 01 .? ha. bean ,ti+Okit 4d e°lha {h. wa!4ifr.ber ,inin*tiktor, q~ tide dec dt liktfr of Thatflr ivire - rloiriiifscp;;''Altimrsons *eidebted' Co, mut•iiiitroirsesta to make 7rnip at. Ptir;- iniatfit‘nrrilloori Itaviire derriamiii - ajnowit etrigOrtlittrol9llM4 rh*:lllPirtr4 for tat ; diontatii i 'I • ' • • ? s 4 ZDTPIN LL, Adair . Seed • ~ litkigAWAffG .2h.1• ry Good tore i- Ney,v,Ar . Stori':l , l.o .- 01 fi n ? 'il d h : a ple t a 'n e li n ' re- t' i '4l3 :; l lr '. 1. 4 ' ." C ru k tiiiit • the 1 pritintoigel:..beiten•ed:: inf,r, air' bittredir thtip, : fgr , , it. I k titicip4ii:iiiiiltncili: 1 / , inqii,t,,; thit hie nrran4ii t i qrnperign' 4ii-* Onti/ji.14,, ;gaunt - fits in• Neoor - Yitirk 7 to i !s,artiehr - at:neet , i'_ivitirth {IOr sin.i'ank sidentiti;f:tly',4he 1 ~ thn.serneiprietin:thether 1 'at arhtitele.. - i : Vi l ki . ..*ar R ind diet Op,dit nati.hee . Old ,iO, 26 ; I**47i;',Fhi*per, n tObriircitneeik . e,. :::,:.,..:;f -•'YiejlitiY ! , 44'.e - - edveitieirtg• I. t.. : ;!.,'Thei -,OokO!.nre. ( i gie.i . eiy" . .. - •-hillieit„ . -itici* /4 Azimfterg - gieSlty . *; - t;e,M--:' , ,'ric 7 "g4aii;:ie•herefrieii - ',eh from t.heWtlistiti . O.4ain'- : !..eye." . t hrtril jitrit're'oett4d ,milptitah .liliek;'::faii; . !choole . :Silkii,' Pare.,: i"Jnormiets,inenisOnMltilf 1 . . i a eries; ninii-z-Veillt . ;ta* . : 5 . .. awl :•11 fintillasOlave0N ; :. iio ' aeirortrr:Ont.,:4';.;'preiii, ~ 1,, siiCesiSatehtileiDelljentro i , antikeeched . . l .,Shirtirig* . nritt : liPigi *P4'..Pi.i!liiii-,,: . --.-ic,.::.:,....-.-.. ore ii"t a te tor *ea, awl charga,itat4. The campaign e the. battle altiadk . cap e atuaber and :04 -Neiv• , nrt ii. a tacy',Ooorei,eiiet-':pf i .... ltinhanit**/• l3 ,Maiie Co $. A. .TtlATE`ViiiNt.'L _ 411411 . apaezed. mice; To ---:- iiiy e a.4l, 2 I' iti _' : ~,,(014,4,46,01.31;itniti, ...I.ksina -, LAMM af,„ , .i , :4laltu k e t ~ take - es t .nd ran!;111 rea c hil4 e / Chk w ... l) d weac.itting--...taX,T2rie*fi,illionit, Cambqth Ca' ....ue.h.a.7' --.—tficc36"::...,,u2l4;:iit."":4,ciiClingittif- fallible ratite 'CO ----- a ~..til-a-,,,,,, -.Ed .iyi estat*- '- _\ll4.itnitinterieeM. c 24 wyln!arrtje r ; Pff a,- 4dnelW Spittliv.lll•;Turikhatino 7 ~.. ____,.._ . ~.. ouv. , , *blob bpavrs lioutrote at . A ... n . ! L T 1E.4. , 7 4 7 4,,, J . „2 . ~,, Alt., a line *6 9 7arrisies ea; rii.P.fael.: daystql Frilny. 0 ... 4,41._ ii,,accuti.. /c.v.__ Otmed Twono awl conat rtime a _ .. ~ ~ , . ~. eukts vinizillAr• "A tm ... , ,d.n A l it' ttt ' Pru7tl - - ,L Vrti '-- . t.,, modaticth.`rublio ~. -. ...„„ a A n:tt.l:7s DitiazibeT 21 , MI .V , - ni `fl''''' - . .• . ~_ ....„ . , _ t :- A:ctraiiiisinitrie. lit o iiii :.. ~:.., , • o . lic k iher, eliKeyf4 t4il.ti *:ir p, i e iiii.' '4l-Cd hia bieitapfatid Atialniitia k Watigti . , eattta pf.fleaty eitam3, Ji..deeWli . flaeli=. , : : iioti*isttatiO:All teraoia - in4abiec. i_satl - tate f . , are: requested to taiirte4Tmatilata filayiniitti , T' anti. Awl, triv i a l 64 irilt.44Pri l o‘ iiii 1 , 41 - 011 . int.: .9 :.? retieixt Otetnitittity. atteftedy for-stttlitnes!:. - i' , . ']..:: / -_,,' .-. .;;ALAI E IiA:W;ARN - A.Q I I, 4*'#ll,l!.l* - 1.. ''..-. 4aaltsoiti. 'Tri ne 03; : . - 11 . 45334w S.:- ~ ! ,-...11 1, .. ... , ... F/TS Lrrral TITS 1- 4 t -- . - --; - - - - : . ... ,- i t : -: Tgl' VEOPTARLF- E.R.-4C , r '1 -- • - '''' ZiRitZMIP23.4I, -- 112,21 , 15 -, - Fo r t h e o[re - of .FileleilyaSnis4t 4 impi ' iiiid:•silt- ; 4 -*Wyatt's: - and 'COn#ituti! ._, Difdasev-:_ ~ iallisoNt wlio aro labor!• g under ibis distrendognat' .._ i . 1_ ad - ' 'll tint the vstiE tlthE APIEXPTICI,PILLS to Ile tbersidY remedy - ewer. disco,' , erOd for curing:-Aok , leuty, or Felling Fits. , - , , ....* ~ , i:., - 1, 1 -‘.. Tawas Pills possess a speclflo, ,ottattlort ,tho irieistrao - • sy4kozi; mid. idthormh thsy are prepaird eapeclally:fcr - r thnpurpoia or Outing Fits. they'lilt be lUtind of 'Mui:list hettfiticktpallitursons • ahem! with weal ,nervew.iror _ • h 'o tie:To:di ' , You= has been prOAtrated, or ..ftsitter:id ..- froltA ant cede.. whatever. in chronic criinplelutel'ordriP. , ',, wurr- , w, hult•Ptatldinlli ittptrbtOuctl.. 4 14- serrprisuuu,-- „ 4/11 v urns et ceedingly beneficial.- 1 . 4 . \-,- •-..,, - - 1 1 rice, $3 pekbos, or two boy* for Itk,4'reiaolii cut of la th 'City, encloadut a remittance, ill hot, the;-pur, .er,t ~,, th: stmesbe roalu,- fret', Of L)ostegot For indeJS.T . ~.' S • a a:itAtict, No- 103 Biltl ora attest: Biltlaittre , M4:*tcf,'Whota orders from all-pa'ts of tliCrniorr;latti; . -E by , l. ,ll "sed•PC'lt Ps.4 l •:i -='-`. `. -'• , - L'• ..•. - - new zpr - • • mg . ...- ry , - • ' oos rN: Wit..4oN returns - le Eiatefol.',ackaliarleeig , • • 7 7in - e'eitte.tatbk - publie for nist .fateroi end faeltea a attaii.iew to yery largo stack "Spring3-11rit•Elinenset - 'Onecti,'whlaO be lute tweet/lea an - effort fet-eitraeirtreaiej"-: ~Iy4ine bwitietafe'erileigint . • .his facilltiei forlinAiorie=Ftty ineroand; - to-tnexhlbit a rapt', exte „meat than heretototwi awl to ' a out saperfirl,lilacet ; - meats to rat)+ , Parckasers. 4 _ - Tb&sel)jeltled 801 l rte wiiL compare toiorably with thatpl any other- mirth intlw , - bkesi-boo4;LC. : - Alike' stock .of , black and *tear:ens graiiraand.patterna, tid. to Ili'. - per'fail,,. - • Bares Del Detipteii..eind'Atorsellir Dew ' • -Balges, 'endleirs.airiety:and rznts put , 40,000 Itiver,*aaeheittat.i:%.. Cochico, English arillzothorat3rot Prints , at 10e:cilia is. per yard. - , One 'case or atm or- clothe .and :cetera, yard ertd.i, at that ow.priea ot Ikr.. - 1;009 yards' otLinfoia. - terand Giasgew fling - hams, new pattentlfarranted fait , " • oelers...Also—Stottliltud 11:obi2i:Gi.Lio 2s Mounngcr Eophistnegi tparii; ilebill,tistrea, ea Canton - 'Clotho: all wooltieLairies; -Slll4 Tiattelii, mar atf:rdirei? ',.. -. 1 goods loam! irineournlng. ,I'. ; 'r : .-,-, '- ".2,:‘ , ,,i .'-:.- :; .:-,...,„-' ....." . • , White- - -Goiycle.- - ;',.. ~ .. :., .--..-,,.: _. ..... ..... ..-,...-,,- ~.....-,,,,,..,_, ... Plain; pleid.and etripudArc r ket motenn,tambrta do.i : - r , plain and dotted Betteni - Matt; ',rain-Moir' end Narlitani, , :- . Linen Clunbrie;ltird)t-ItfeLitten,.. Linem..Tate - cit i rk k .: Setatine, Scotch and Rruse a ,Tds' r otre,i, - ..tantm i§rbietlaii. '.. '. Ind Shirtittgii'Zce.,' tre4at much 'Orem tui,_ .annoilel4-,tte : -. glee entire saq/faction t'octietomeni: . 1 :^ '' :,':!, 1 " ''''' . '.:'' ' ''. ifiisierr 'ant!! Oto ek-t2-::, - 1 , ....-';: t - . ~ Wu .ixceilent -issortaiif oixatiliateiateaaP:;', like* them alerge.lot - of ,White Cotton littee,,liocr,telr'ittudi47, - - enpfed: a. pair; ~. • - : • ~;..,..'';-• ..• ", i'-'. •, •: - lot - or /..l., -. - - v q v ....A:iv- R e - rind, , , ghMels,kheaper than eveihetere idtet4 4 lt - - -';'; - :: -. -V. • • 4 ,<• • • • " . - 1 -- H4ifiilkerp#iefs.: s: . :,. 3 :-:"/:-, ' Mai aniEalliHiteilta Lineallunakeri . of 5.. -- iii - . .: , grade, tram ed. to efirenh: ,'.".!,'")..:' . • '-. ';.:,, - ,-7 , - ,...' • ' 3 1. .;'-::i. r- : _ Table and, Piqn*t#POrs-: •- , ~ ' All 1- CiEeolEmbeesed..Woritmi-and Linen, itiniray its: tire' aid 9oloied Cotton; from es. to $4 eitelL. ,•-. ',...,.„' ' :;'-,-(.,.`- _ 1 . :- Goods lifeyi altd . -BpYs; ' ' ---I .'-':, - .:" 1 • freadclorbiot`evUofaktiniiity . '; Vain liiii.*l i - bleik and Taney Ciddmeres, from es : to'-201gr: Rmititeklr,-: L I , Jeesur,. Tweed. And'Satinete.,trem,ls:.' t ed.:,-t0,A0. - 7.. Ttr..0 ' -.. toe of eTery:descrbtioTarttailti and iriF . e.;: . , : ,--- • - ••:'.E%- .. _ • 'ti - e . 0 . 44 larti4 Sheetiige and attirtiiika:lrair I i a.;4 , 01t.. , -. " kr:yard. 5.009 Yee& bleached do. froMed.•,.taAe::• , Pev.--. . yardo: :Tiiltirtge and Merinttalt3!.drderef*UlF-tpit.-11-4';, P, f ila.: ll . -.- -,- •' '. '' 2 : • `-- -.::, •:-_,-,-• 4 '. -'...: . " .."- '•-•frhgkee Notions eincil','-itlicti."g7LOaaiti:" - 4)6 7iiiiiiiiet 4 pumi,kiniiAiiwiiiiiit4,6 - Wcfosipea,-'..? ? .ii. - - . il t .honatein LlC. ,o 47q , J.edi - iilllMhilit greatly_ chdr ..,iticterer.t to Colt aria Alolk ,o thro :gh iterti*-.;:-7•,,-.:14:- ~<. - . - :...;',..Tfirifiki:-Flilisie.4:' -Aioii tariiiia #in iiiii) - .tratisi. - the leemt: Mounted*. in thit '4!oiinfrie; 4'14, ft,t ",:.- . issiti . aa'inieklyicroOutiaill adthit ottiii: 4. _olutie_titicifn.' - ' •-- -- ' )'' ',..'.. --Sti7a* it4 ,- . l ifillifterk-00q45:.i,-vi . '.- - - -1. The imbacriber is iteilrous.p(aliiiathig . ilk' it re T'ln r'f - - • ihe inb:icikartierilarlyte•tblichteicher- hie bushing: aa he paeeessee g r eattaelltt4Mfoftgettink.,beaegooesehimv. - 4 ' - 'ttederiguskein:int einiatentli4ll rand kettrini,thri ./idi-'4: ~---- ttrn) a largi ptriek Vfatitkvf ItONET, 8:!iiblott; -, he:s1111:1 - •- affet 2s riel'oent:.chealiei thi*.t.hoty-,olLbe bactatiittsitt I' in Neer York city Ritlier lindeee34 or- :retail 'wilt[ ~it gietsay to their idrantene! - te'exenlne'ltia:ll'.- etinek foie making' prircbesen elieithree ...i r, '" ,!. ' ; ' , J" --7 ''''' - '-''?-'-'' " •-`,.. ...:._ nab iderier. , Ribbons end_Dreee Trinuol,....W - A,404, assiirtates4 at low - prices. - • ' ..-...'...--.. ;:f'•• ..-_-. ,•_____•• ~ ' -_,1.•,-,- '-- -•''''.''E .- ~...,'-', • ' - r- , • ___ i ... .`',:!-:' ' -ir. 11 ZW.tia l -ONi?, . :Corner nt Cotirt, and Water eteent, in 4 Timmifine''.4- - -;- - „ i' N. - ' - ' , .t''' ' ''''' Block. m t'IY qvtiliat-ctlfe4Oeti9 4o inc , tel-i: - , :. , A t t.Ouiantart; May 10. 183ZAtayiw. ' ~ . -- , .„. ._ riow - xArtangement'fbr 1853, N-4 -- ii ' hioiirif. - ' - Evtg& tic's Rai EIGHT Lt in fro= kr Groot Bend every Slondity,Tatostey, Wednesday' - aintTlitireday. ',' - 1 • , • y . Prelsitt with be received by Coribt a Nalleittoph An thi diy, above mentioned at I ttielt litoie or the Depot In Louterrtille also cm Tucadvi until terelie - oreloCk aft Moßt tees Sivtion end et- ssiit Meentimilt tbeartieteroe ttr*freight train from Sceatitcui, on adeptly day. ' ' Producaetitrosted to our sate will be ttrltarded - 1 6 " Nett lietiriettlitheutinbat dripatch aid vett:trod patitln, correntmOiter iiit,the planes intaalotiptl. idveti: NI ft-* tort - lain b*Ppianattoeectite the toetpriceeter prethaeee and we will trinuact.protopttrall hations intfooted to , vuicarv• GRORDE I. CORWIN: • ,v - 4 % •11.41114.SPAUGIc Ce sa gli vEr ILL keep cartotaatly for ',lilt _ V V , Ori*Prieg, Flortr, Salt, ;rvilt .. .... lira Shove, Rtmir Janda Clothing, Leather ; .. which th.y. win Aell cheap C,4 Cap) Ofgalgiitypletelk„, , April,lß, 1353 —l.lllrcilil- , - r .-., Allustralui . : : e .n. ulliif. ,•,•;_+ -- 7.„ dr iinipisice. an A 61affe:ectiinigient' lie ##. ' - ~..!.., f-. : " v._ inducments.: titatrz"l-3,--4F.:-N ~ , ,.-A`.c..KERLER- 4. 19: 17 0V4410AziTifg , - BOOT - AND Sff01 4 1;:.ST4)110. IVH!cit is ! i P, 4 17 ° d t ° 4ki :**:, s4l ooi i ir Pj1 ) ;* 11#111111Cirtille gi 0 0 0 ,PcIPPleritiejrite, nitotailiPiKir geOrIPI vlirtetY oflimVaniVelirt i t . ! , . 'i • Oiriiirloulie," ititiV2ailitiotftieit'i r ivtiA4'3litt ligti*-iiie LadielTrineli, Siti!litliinteitiii•N 5'•',.. , " •Aiiilti":Glittirs;Ria-and-: - Eniniileilf Polk kV - A'AttOit•relabel' iti4 ',mimed- ..ifiaY:-./4444wil)°iCr''•': i t JerkrAwd Tieci '. /*Ukulele. ' grt deh:en*Thi‘i -3 4 1 1 0 11 (iit'akillowea: itair,k(lifodiV - P . 2 .A* - 4t ° ol6`` 11!MVAd buttoti r Gaittrit-AlqutillY' iki4W4:l*,• , ' ingiob - *csids, toilet 81 4 19 ;14 101 'otFWijiiti 44 ; CPwilde'B!ci - g*P O .l 4 rP. 410 Yill t iNi*IC . **.li hialtiotilinditrqina; 411 1 6 :0 6 00 1 140" • chitoi - igiv,iiit; -'. Aiscli.,a, gegfailli*iffiiiitlif .P:E-7:r I,F4 44 wltWeoialtat l :lit. - 74kft!ptiAiiicsiy,;,. li'...lflin f ir r iiin:t k iftiii : **ob v p ;i k tir; ...,,, finA it ihiie l intidiiiir, :),crif.: D litw* **Vtit l iii*V: c iiar We-. i fi t #' loigatis theitiiikfAtitaik• It hyritar-- , '' - ' 4.2. : E, 'L L ' -r i . Y , *e > N , ..?i,7.1 4 ? - 0 , 40...;4,1--•= - ,, :',.R.*Nyk. id ad. ciiiiikii iiiptirii**4l4.., ' 0 : -=- : , v 47 teltEgilticato9Doitiokl . :-..-- !:41hatraiii4 Iling/ilffsa - - - - - :z- • - - A - '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers