' Railroads in Pormaylvania. : ' Pennsylvania israst.wenving wethin ita own borders a net of rail*tis that will ere long secure nlarge poltiiiii..4:theArada'ind ttittYcl," between the Atlantic aid the Weat,lntil - "alap: . furnish direet communications %with yirginia, Maryland and.the Southern tieraof cennties in the State oflsiew-Xorie. - . - -, ";':-."",.-.., c" - ,i" '..- ".., capital atataPteriftise , ltte., tia'.,i'irAiltkii to-see cure these objects..: ft is linoWn4hat iftpital ' ists of this city are now engaged in importent railread undertakings through the tounties `of Venane,. Mercer Elk,,_ Foresf,....and tivtee., Itireitli or near - iii * O7oll regions artZferimnat ing - at points opthe D.,llawararieer, ihut will before long be,busy,with the 'various depart'. meats - of trade and manufactures'. The - tnin.; *rat reionicii-OT-PeranSyleapii o tive it,-4ko. inay trniv say, - unknown eten_ within; that state; : - Aithottgythe Goat. gidia.flaYei 'during this . &Caeca, Year, ionlribtifed 10,560 - ,000 - tons ofAtithvacita-Cold-whicla Itaerelsem-41.0vemi - al Tide - Witter; Yet the r C:cath - redi Orthe State ' are c.omparativelyin thert-tiattve couditien.-- - - unwOrk el. ! ..,.:- -...:- ', "; .• • ,-.,,,. ..,---- , - 7 - 1 - 1 _The preinnient undertaking rt ON in progvss `- ~ a-nd 'with tidtieli few sper.soris in .Pennsylvania `ire conersant, - . is THE Vesssoo Rittltoari. : -The - charter for the ietai'riai obtained t the -:last tseSaioteof the --Perinsviianie--tegislature , • and it:4 past' !age'. tyna, huriled.`,throegh so that. -lOW rnetuliers w;cro aware, of,ite importance. _ . The - Charter, we.. are inforMed; authorises: - _ - --the COinpany - to - locnte their road alinoat thro' the entire length of the State. ''.lf - the Whole line shoUld b built; it will lo'itifirlY iwohun dred utile'S.ln length, Connecting; ht- its i•est- Orn - ;tertninns with the Cleveland niedMahon ing Railroud,'_or' some other 'leading road in. Ohio i - thence it Will pass " Ezistwardly through • ' Metter Cennty' (i)orderiner" on . the State of ,'.:Ohio); Jefferson. Elk, Veriango - ,..tind" other , counties. ' It will pass_ through the town of - rrenitlie,..loented on• the - Allegheny RiVer,nnd 'in Venango County, a 'flourishing settlement", -.and owned mainly by'Stoekhelders 'or.the" Company: It is propoSed that the' Venango '..liaiiroad shall cross and With the. Sun - bury and- Etie Road, aboet twenty miles south Fetet•of the town of -itidgway i in Elk :County.. 'The etigineers"are now aetiv.ely . engeieved it) 10. eating the re:id where it Will cross thZeClnrion ' river, near Ridgway. . That portion of 'the • - country hi. represented as being heavily Ttifn bered. . Coal is ehundatittind is fiffinden the 'surf:ice of the earth,—so readily obtained that the-.engineering corps frequently - 'rook "their dinner ,by Meana of suppliee' obtained without the labor of digging for it.. Iron is also :dein .".'dadt, and readilyyfound in nearly all . the cen tral.couhtiesanted. -.. , . . - '-' .Thepresen, apital of the - Venengo 'Rail \ road Company ,T three hundred thousand dol. • bird, more than half of which is owned hi-.the , • President of the CoMpany and the' retnainder , - by a leading - Capitaliets in and dear Frank.' fik t T: nstruction of the whole roe d, as new . contemplated, - will, however, . require nhout i • `", three trillions of dollars. Tho road will, in the opieion of praetical en„.,eieeers, furnish the.' -. • shortest mate from Ne'v York te the Easterni portions of Ohio. ' --. ' - . - , - Another „important undertakine for New Tork - capitalists and for New Yerl interests, . is the Delait-are, Lackawmana and Western Railroad. This is .t practical" and early con-. - solidanon ef the'Li4gett's Gap .- Milroad Cion '_, pany, and the Delaware and . "Cobb i s-VaP Rail ,,, raid Company. 7 The cherteri - anthorize the construction, of a road from the town of Great. : .I3end, O Sesehanna County, - on * the dividing, dine-between :moo, States of New ,Y.-irkandt r- - Pennsylvatiik.•(and- where, it Wllrfeetinect with , the New,York and -Erie - ll Railroad,) t °ugly l ir 'Susquehanna, Wyoming,, tuzerpc an : ...310n ... roe counties, terminating at: poi on the ', • Delaware riier, - ,a short distance above Belvi-. dem, N.l. Here it will connect' with the N.- J. Rallicaul, through Hampton,Somerville,apd other towns, so as to form a direct "conimuni - - cation between Broome ;-county, N. " Y:, - and • "this city. We look upon tl is road as one of ( the most important now Meow:mot' conktruc- - 1 tion' - The. Delaware, Lukewarm), and Westero ,•-•.. . liaroad Company have se toed 'the right of . • ..way and their`contractors a e now busily at work on. the entire ,line. The company hare ... also: contracted for their iron, Chi very favora ble terns, and expect tot 'hive thb road - in operationn - by October, 1554. The road gill be laid with the six feet gua,ge, and, is al . ready,in 'Operation from Scranton to Great -Bend on the-New York and - Erie reed. By ; means of this short road, the Company ere now forwarding to Western and Northern - New York about 15,000 tons ot'coal monthly. The contractors are now. grading 'the road ;, " '. from Scrantorttowards Nett'. ,York for a di - rable • track .of the Most substantial ehaMeter. When . . " completed it" will 'afford a speedy and econom. i t icalerraveyance for coal to this market, and - make that importarit article much Chesper than -it noW is. ' , -- . • ' .- Another great undertaking, of more impor tepee however to Philadelphia,is the Suabiry. -Railroad. This road was opened on. the "24th: nit. for travel between Sunbury and Shame- 1 • ,kin, a dietance of twenty miles. .Sunbury isl ; - a thriving town' on the, Susquehanna giver.-_j This road connects at Sunbury with the Sus-/ \ ' "'. quehintia Railroad trawling Sonth,, 'with the 1.- ‘::""'"- g Danville Railroad runninnorth, and with the; • • '" . Sunbiry and Erie. Railroad, which has a 4 north- I ". • , west direction; and connects further' 4, its; - • eastern terminus with the Philadelphia and • . Rending - Railrelfl, end 'elso with. tlf - elS'ew " York and Calawissa'Railrand. .. i --- " • The.Philadelphitt and Sunbury,. Rai;rotel if; • - • - a fakerite enterprise with-Philadelphia tapi , talists. 'At the opening last week the eere-, '',monies'were attended by about-two hundred . ; - " invited guests from New :York, Philadeiphia,' .Poitevill e and other places ; and - uponthir ac-" 1 . elision, a numberof .Delegates were present}- - . from the vanons-CoMparnes herein named,l whose-extensive naliighly- inipOrtant under- . 1 takineraire desirrned to bring .together at an" ` - - early day, the trade, travel', And resources or, • Pennsylvania lying north of : the mein -Bee be . tween Philadelphia" and Pittsburgh. • . - We wish them all SCireefilL T.Leir interests. . . , aro eomrpon to. the whole State of Penusylva-A t -- nis, and Alley will -eath and: all. contribute 1 - . largely to the -wealth, proSpetitv, and:develop-1 ' -meat .of riCh •mineral and timher regions of. . that grJat.State.—N: Y,Cottrie` e. " -- . "From New. ;Orleans. The latest:accounts from New Orleane_tep: :resent .the number of .deaths. in that ~eity.ss deereasing.—The Pitwyttrie: giv4:4 the total number of deatha from the, yeli' lowlever, since the , commeneement of the .ep; idetnie, (fourieen weeks) as stye ; thousand fuv, -hundreds ud ,fortiraiine, , it : sacs: : : • The* deer - ease. 111,4 he returns of _the Hospital' for the week just ended : oF-r \ the Keviotts marked: :This is ;rutty owing to, the influx of patients;oftbe indigent .elase to the .:iieveral ± infirmaries established- by the Board .of Health and the Howard Aesoeiatio,l.4 Rat:moan •• Accmxity , --',l'hu - New Yolk and , . Philedel - Ohin milread train *4041 left .Ndvi York 1 en Friday eyening was thior.sta . off " .le track I Be i r ,B eros ly by,a piece of-Jill. be: l 4 7 Plaeid.l against thilaleepers in the position of ~.a. turn- o ut, - The lireotetotive was Titehed en:41001y , ea vod.A.L . TI all the MS were displaced; ,:- Ow! Of ,the rig e men*ns.kipo, and. thei: Aingitit%ei was: l ser3rOjr ,:. latru,lsed,: Fortunitely . - mite .4f, the2oa*D.PosjverC Ankirid,:aithough the cars I li tt y rui e i n . were - ;_atitueurfiat . hTehen:' Tliti reolied:Piitidetilia in ip pitriTtruili, z i t f our I' - efliekiaiitardal44.4‘l4-0- . ): 001 rer g ten' Itiosisad `Acilhui-has: , m., - 4)ffero ~"bir.. the irfrJa**l.-!.04:4;#41;;,-1:64Y ' ; 4ov:10411r-for o f ttssi. ' rs -11112~......TP5.:.,.. :c - '3E'i . . Or'the - ' la iehOpteem - • 'thirridnik * -,.`_f: .riMV, -- : . :KMOQII,I4TL. s r& 1 - 637 41P 1 .- - Nlree_ .7" Ihe Lpargemi CII PeAneriv_a# la _ _ - :B• cE AtiONTURWI 11 - crthocnitip No*natiom: - -, tot. =oat Dl' surtir.mt 6:0t11.T. f t .r.C....,K t in4.7 ,- ,."- . ' ' '.. • 1... ' ot 11 ~, County. - - .-- , i , . . Is • a Forsyth ThQM of -1); 4ititiliihi coinity. .1; • - .... • ,:>:.'/=.7,- ; :- „ \ a t titil3okgi * - ' Oilllifilin County. , . , . -..-- .' ; 1 SUOVOP4 GEIA4', -9 Ofetnirford County. - Att, . . For. i sENATo wn, , iLii.trit pikrr, • - w r omfocr co - • TOR RETRTSENTATIVT.S, EZRA CUASE,f _ Susq'a _Co. -ron% Isfitivr Arioniir; r O 4. *LIS FithiEß, ; .14-31ontrtuie, ..1.04 TR EASIT R, - " giii.kirtiktoris • . .fff Ifonttose. .-;. _To . r(comPirtzstrixra, : • -0 12 tERST CA , APENTER ; .' ' • Of lia • rff , rd. • • ' l. . . ' , FOR SUR. YOB. :,- •,' ' . . TIM °T tilE HY . Y, elsl -ooir ilf l d. '!`• -. • FOR A ' CA nGitatil Of.J'ackson. •' .)El.lECllll3lvi • IruEs.DAY, - 0 . 1p:*911Elli . 14 .f. Vli: 4 l 4 llere-Nfere: twa rim Mei cases it the Sessions' of, the'.llradfoid Ciunti Coiri 65'1. week. - • • . _ •., . . titt9 - ,Agncultural w-,Tair lages • JlW . The ` - -.' ` • ' 'lilac° zt-Pittsburg the 27th of thi.‘ mon' ~-tkit:. tl• -tinainN'our dayiies 4. Arc het . °otnknt Oii § - i* - quehanna dat to bq i.epresfmtnil • thire 1 '..'...! • Witrc.:NommaTiosi-L 7 Tlie ,Wings• of Bri:0- ford county have' nominated three' candidates for the: Lnislattire,- viz:: E. A. P4a(Mg. r. edi_tor of the 4rgul -- 7, trisbie, and Jai; V. 111aphits. Certaialpilautiai - ougtit 03rua strong. ,er-than two. , At. the late - eleetions Yermotit and . Ilaibe . there - W'.l3 no choice- of Governor,,by the peeple, the elections going into the tures... ' in Texas; Pierce ' was elecied Governor. - Thn, Dernoera . tic Contention' o New :York Stute issetnbled at "Syracuse yes terday: No returns :yet. ' - . • „Editors" Conven#on. We coincide with the editors of thellones-' 1 dale Herald a Scranton: Herald, in postpon- 1 ing the tibeve-Codiention until Tuesday, Ictet- 1 18tivand nt o in the.with for, fdend Lixnuae, of Scranton; to forward printed oho:data to the" members. of the :presip, rehttestiniTtheir attend anee on that day, and setting forth more fay the , objects: of - the 'Convention. , • The Annual Address: .. , , . Before the' . Susquehanna CountY Agricultural SOciety,_at, the approaching Fmr, wiil iie de lirtired -hy the lion. J. &antEti . jints, Of Sulli van county:'-,We 'know of no e *ho wiildi ' be , more likely to uiterest theypeoplii of: oar C otinti •in the amnia] add at the Fair, or more _capable of speaking of the merits . amide mokits of 'oar modes a g aiculiure,'as well - as_ offour Wants and, capabilitkli, thin _ Itidge 1 Jerks. Whilo het. 'familiar With ali the im ; pr,hed modes.ofagricul tura, and the 'Scientific I preparation of midi. for the reception if -grains, 1 lus location in one of thetwil s . counties of Northern" . I.'einsyliania mal4 him! faMiliar ,''frith pioneer life, and the:hest , _ - meth ana •d ' ' • kb "' 1 Ring a rough.an itanpllng soil' pa b y - : .tivatien. '- •.. - •:` - • ':. , •.1 ,-. .. - - _ E.ieentioni,of Reese E vans. . .This un fortunate:yount rrian, convicted at Willicsl)a,rre of tli'' murder otiLewialßee i se in °emboli last, was :,executed hi the jail-yard at Wilkeshirre, on Priday last 4 2 . o'cf,Ock; P.M. The self-possession and - hardihoqd O I Ow World • ~ would Bail itteouiitge) of this!Youthful *end- I, er, have beeU the !most reraartitble iroul l ihout, the terrible. nor: ofw the tri 1 1, contien and _sentence, no did i .brink when thOnal hear. came. '- lie walk up to\ thelcdfold with lit 4, .:.: ' 1 tle apparent,; • co n cern —said! g': nott4 :while 1 there i , and after slialziair. h ,n , ..4. wit 4 a 'few ii , rounci, he died without inuclOtrugglini. We learn that the • wrletehesl nyinghas mUcle4e full confession of lie murder, Which,:has c! been 'Printed in Ompblet form, 4al'iti or to at the'l4e of the i ft V m ta ilkesbarni Timesi. i --/a li eonfestat, besides . the utder T i';.fleir: Reese, f hii:Schnoiledgeshavingstood over the Person of'sn ErOnetl" narnePiodgt i Ssi i rP on 1 b a beach itr die d#o of thn /VII , w i: ''' si t' d g ° i hammer raised, Und:whlie refh.t;ctiniton a mod Thal spot to atiiiie, a noise startled im*id he fl e d ; . f ,,. .. -~ ', W I • - - - , Also, visiting fithe 'house of his ' Cher 4D- / irc. law ,with_intent ' f shootingaim; a 4 plan. r , , Ding an •:escalsr , i Millar role jailor: -, wity a stone `from the pre-place, but was fl4ttrited lin 1 ;9 0 ? - *iggtuf; Wide* 'ti large, number ot I thefts st;liffoterii. times. E. -- - .; : - • &woo , Comery.--ThiffDettt Pe Cee; weirtiou'of-Selllian Wl:lett ityet at'!•te, on . `Monday; thethe 29th day • • of 4tagast ;:placed in it.Pulm —. Oen Vielfcill o ' 4 flog*ttet' ' 1 " 4 '`Piiiii iitteiiitylt-ii.`iiiti2: Y, rAi 4. 4.,.1.1,4 1 . t.., , si, , , .- 1, P 4v—Thoukss4.. l .l44os' , • 121 f iiii,, 4tpdrp4 ' I'7 1I .''' ..1 loinkif ~.„...isAmer— lP lPokr r a i I‘r I F YI .I r:- .. ..+l, A..,...-; ,~ ~. .e - , m Th e _Ti c k e t. its most, 'difficult aid delicate duties-a '4Ve place tit-A -7.- heiidlit:orii . paper to-day for whom the Denacracy of Susquehanna e . the fulitlocal , -et All fettled upon by our h_ ..,a,selo.ngtfeik.6a re near! SYM Oh ARA I & 1 ' ntkOmve ion and r c titu-Senalorial and r ,rMlfler attedl, in - . 7, ; f erha , ' tlll fitaY: 9-1114 7 ' ' Man ht . ' the Comm ' mail- -To T selection epresentri v 0 fereesf '-:: ' •, - ,-, , ~. -i • ..- - ; w r , l . lepii :Esq.,'oe4y . yOruirig,, by refer- You iiP riaid ', h radial. ,- Ala theat' tlO, - . t fence fk.thifree :124/9 ' ?filii Senate •rial Con. owYn tiasn - nnet:ef yow,, twil Don, nee , / * in • ference,ll will seen-le the nominee of this, yonalljnatty feel mut, called * b the be ad i of District for Senator. " 1 kr. Pia.•rr is favorably the nation to co,ne of ilre Most inn rtant poi= Disturb to the Democracy of this county, as al lions in the govenunelt---tharepTesentativeief man and a Democrat who has stood ~faithfully--Your • owa - , Peolde — k 'yourselves - and `Y r pp to his defies in both relitions for ye ? ide 9 a. _ln sh o rt , Y9 4 Ml lo sty 41 94. 1 taP rin c i P es ten n atlitulameng the 6H/ileas to the Remo:arein the in‘endat-•?bneliating Your 'nig indic ticket - . 11e*will undoubtedlY go out of Confidenee'men f e r, the ,M on h a ve ; , h ° d i t i s 'e - 4ii - iit - y - t;atti - ii - ireiy l a iii i i ia jo r ity, and labored , sie their manikin angels, and v -1 That a good-deal of dimpp,intment will :ix"• ArY:enin!*ratiaa thetlan: t iaase men to , be 01 felt in this county that Alin 'noMinatieri - kie slid generotia' acti o n, cal hi' linen VAC in ie Senator did not -fall-404me of.. , our•own -men -tuam -44- Ann ec f,', setS-FerYwheret:to-- ' a, isunder; undoubtedly ttUo., Thatit did not ;snarl ng t o pr e sen t -.1-.. proud re'endne a c e of - yo ur it .11- wholly to-the action of the Democratic Cen- e4Pl!'a _ anti ;your party., ' r e, 141 / ne t t he 1 - vention of 'Bradford county: Sheelected Sen. 'disappointed. The election next - I moptli i atonal Conferees who were pledged to the in- w ail f salas i l every man;who'may doubt of yrrel terVBt9, of Wyomik, -besides iinpliedly Lod IlaitY - te, the cause f u r-.l Y hich Y_Mllmn- so 1 strutting them for Wyoming by voting, down icing intintefi; &edit will also' ttstpthesa,lefl a tolutiori of instruction for Suivehanna. e ll ,!I ml a d • and 'ill int ' n Wnuid gni Ithe ` r d one here Wits prepared for ineh a- state e fi last .Dernociat in the gulf of fictien and etiife, things, for all , expected, as a mPtter of course, that their work has been poorly - done in Sirs (ha , Bradford would go I :with Susquehanna In quehanne'conntY--thiii the Demberacyofflier her. Convention and in fhe Conferenee. But, iecliy hills are men 'otstiong nerve, firm Pur the pose, generous hearts geddernocratie blooll. dumepts of power :tad patronage .were too , :The proceedinge of the Represeiitative o:in ference appear lamp:other column. It urns not thought by the Conferees of Su.squeharina,. that Wyerning, should liave ,one; of the mem bel..slof thn,Distriet while she had the Senator, thus leaving 'Susquehanna and' Sullivan but one member while they were 'sir . times. the" . population of Wyeming. Acting on , that idea, they gave the member to Sullivan this_year, leaving it for our next county onvettJudi ion to decide whether Siisquehannk shall Ili clpi ' 1, 'members next year, or for the two sub eqUent years. Fairness and`right willqtecide one way or the other. ' - . `Mr. DEEGAN, the nominee of :Sullivan, is 'a good than, eralUently and deSerV:ing,ly popular wherever he, is known.: He is' Otte of these democrats who never deserts the standard principles,Ond umges of the party. Of 'our self, his collea , Trie on the ticketi we have only tit say, that our conduct and reconi in the Leg islature last inter are , before ; - the; people of the District, dwe expect and -are willing I I lobe, judg by h&u--to stand Or fall with them: W than h est and an 43arnest deter- 1 -ruination to o right in that .position in the 1 past, we invoke•the record of tir4 past ror our ' guide in the future. - _ r For County - Commissioner, Pen. ANIIERST Cn. aarewre of Hai-ford ells norinated•by the Convention _ Mr. Carpenter is ono of the alma active, and enterprising, land successful farmers of our country. his ietue-trind well •disdPlined business . h.ibiticiact; and judgment, will welt fit :bun tor the reskoneiMitiesutiti. *office, especial:lY: should : the Construction or county voikun g s be. • continued =during his term. 'To the county, that is now one of her most important offices, and the amen- to fill it should selected. with care:, ',' For Treasurer, D. It. LATRI9DP of Montrose is our_. nominee. He is a yoring man just starting in business as a merchant—is as well known to many of our reader*, _aa to us, and . ieverybody, knowing him, say, "Dud is a deter fellow." His character arid busines' habits'are of the first or der, and his democracy `descended *1 f r om sire4o son" Fripsit.rs Faasett; Esq.Tor ; Distriet Attorn ey, is it - good nomination. Mr. Fraser is one ottlin best office lawyers at -the Bar. The bu sineas that passes through his hands will be well prepared and skillfully inanaged. This too is nmuch more . importaut office to the tax-payers of the county- than' it has generally been considered to be,_ard . we have no doubt that Mr. Fraser will take care that the ":evil genius" of L litig,ants is not . gr atified •by large costs bills of for the county to pay. - Tneorrre BOYLE, Oi New -Milford, for Coun ty Surveyor, is a gentleman ;and a scholar in his profession. Anything about the duties of that office that he may be called °die do, will be done with a neatness and riccurael that few men attain in that business. 4 Mr. CAEGIIi4 of • Jackson,rfor Auditor, is a r 6 young Democrat of the stmitest sect. Pea-. limed of 'a - good mind , and a good education, he will / make a geed officer, and wo prophecy that s hould life and 'health be sared him, he will in, the course of. yearsm an orna ment to the party in this county, and - an hon or to.his friends and commuriit'y. , - - Fellow l)einocrats I The ticket of 'your own choosing, is before you hall' it' not tie elected by one of the larieet majorities 'ever poles, ka in the county ? Yiiiir ' p a rty is ialmos t i --. everywhere in the ascendant and duty to your-1 selves and your , country demands , that its as-- 1 cendancy ihould be niaintiiiiied. Scattered t 4 31 the• winds by the electien of our beleVed Chiifl Magistrate last fall, Mies: opposition. I are now 1 proetrate with defeat'and dismay having but one: hope to solace and comfort them. Feed ing upon'that, they lurkfol.:soe opportuni t y l when, sheltered - behind sem* inn', they Ray' strike an effective blow at the organizatien of 1 tfietDemeteratie party. They dare not come: out, like men, and essay to torn* us With principles , for - t°, those thii make no Fe_tetir sions. They wuld gem the -nscoixlancy in the State arid National, tievernMent, not for 11t4e purpo s e of guliribliktillnz its tfraiis uPon i dle disti r istire measures :they pne9 proclaimed las a party whenthey were Went to;rally around the' i r il eilY. Clan - Ind, 'for the mire!) , Re l. fisii 9 '94 oft dispensinti - itii patronage and . Powers - and to riot niWn thU spoils of the Treas. If it is ever inennibent Upon Democrats te - stand upon their arms,,it -is so in the moment land the h our . - of t i eun i - ' 4rtlit7 should' not gseDeM9e*ey -4 . )f 4 1 Saquilintlina - eo• he ;early aelas ee r i a Want their orgse t "gontand the tio that binds_tbatinthe , Democraey of the State and Naticial r, l 4.lnisn in ' 6 9, a•eentive ilr lindr .4 the*stin PlMl,et,sintieka i n tegrity al! his public aite—a -awn who has given et a& 1 donee -aid; aitlity ' to ' ibe Comtnenirealth Abroad and fat hoille. And' that' hive in the t 14 : 4 4 4 P4 41 , 4 ficei- a:jspulf:4 oil l ii4 aliiiiiiir r .47 hibita' 3 4lnseittaittle efkastri - as one iititai . relent' paFoott 'alook`nblaittor her able 'tat men. 1 *riiiiiie-t6v4i'hili. taigneii es.'fitigaiWwirinAbiii*44iiiiiCiiitti ~ .- . v t . ! • , . 7 • - Eli 1 43. \ ' Ilagizines• - .1 The Neu: .York Jourital.—Th6 illu.ttri4d . . .. last journal, '" summer atr.liew Yoris,la noirisstied in afnth. 2 ; 0 ly numbers ,of 64 pagea. The : illustration are very zoos], and the - letter 7 praSs of an one ep tiollabto character, , Pasiny p e ra 7 -theinpoif. able-Fanny-is it ,rexular contributor t 4 the Journal.: We hive before alluded ta.thil4 fact that this elegsntillustiated Maga z ine is runt , 'shed tosubscnhers at $lOO per annuntliriust ~ ,_ half, the *lug of Barpron's or ,GleaSou'a. Pia/. lished by P. a Orvisi- 1 75 - Nassaw'Street,NeW I York . . ' - .' .: . : ' ' 1. - 1 Peterson's sffogatine, for SePtetaber is ;inn perb , No. 'The first engraving,': /'!,the loran. scions sleeper," .is a little %Idlest& of 'anything we have. seen lately .in 'lllagaisisi4 illustmtions. 2dr. Peterson also gives steel fashion plales, and the - residing matter -sthroiighout is every, way worthy an enlightened =- . public. C.-1. Pe terson, Philadelphia. 11'12 . pet; annum '-', • , - 'S n t n'at,6 nterence.. -' The-Conferengefor:ffile'rt(irial Di4riet, met at Enceyville;*4fsi es,t.,-.9n,th,‘, ; .9th inst.; fnr' the puipel dadrita - C4ddi 7 date for 4eiAtor. 'l 4 l"ll4Tvlif4teki Confer e es were present --- '- ' . - 1 - i 1. - - 1 s i IBradf'eril---e th -B La t - 1 E Webb, A. S.-Smith. • . -' - ', - Susquehanna—G.. '.'''Werner , ,I. B. I.Jath rPll/211: TYliri C. _. 3T- 4 ;41 ' 1 ' . W Y ° Mlli ji "W. : - A V It. .... . 'ick, John Bri4bilt. .On:. Al ui:stoii„„.l) , ;- - t imiirikpßTE',wai appenatcd Chairman, and Jelin Brisbid and C. M. 'Gere, Secretaries. . -,. I. B. Lahr fated Wm.' Y. Ttirk4 l , Pf _Tipp nomin rSnsqnehannn.: W. Dimock nomin ated . of,WYouting , • ' C. Thoirias, 13: Laporte,. J. IL 'Webb; A. S. Smith, Sir: W. Dirnoek -and John' Brisbia l '2, voted flit.' Wm. M. Platt. DAY. Warner, I S. Lathiop H. Tylq and . C. N. Gere, 4, voted for Wm. .1, Tuttefi. • On motion of Mr. Brisbin, the nomination of frV~l. PI:TT, was unanimously confirm . ed.:; On motion of Mr. Brisbin, Rosolved—That this Conference, in foment; ing to- to-the Democracy of this. Senaterial Distilet Wnr. M. Platt as a candidate for Sen ator, do so with'.the fullest cinifidence in' his ability and integrity, and; most] earnestly' commend him to the,- cordial' mipport of "the electors of this Senatorial District. - • , . —Oninotion or'C. Thomas, gesolved—That the &natOrial Conference .hereafter, in this District be held rt LAceyyille On the first Friday after:the lasi C4upty Cdti- Tention . in this SenstorialiPistrict.' • Risolved.That the proceedings of !this Conference be sittned'hy the officers and Pub lish'ed in all.theDeinocratie papers 'tithe Di.• trict. : [Signed by the (Mriceia.) Representative Conference. The 'RepresettatiVe Conferees for the coun ties of Suiquehanna, Wyomink and Sullivan, met at . I.aceyville,..on *Onday the 12th inst.; in aeccordance wit h peeviotui alipaintnient. The folloWingnatned persous apppeared as Conferees. r . ' SusqUebanna—llon. D. - 9. IWarner, C. , J. Lathrop and 0. Bullard, Yn the nhsenee of one. Conferee from Sesqaehara, C. Lath rop was perniitted to have two votes.' • Wyotning—P. W.'lled4eld E..goWiy, and W. H. Barnes-. - 1.1 • Sullivan-Wm. Bartley, and A. J. ,Dietrick. On motion, lion. D. D: WARNER was called to thd Chair, and Wm. it. Barnes and A. J. Dietricir appointed Secretaries. i The Conference then l a . m ake roceeded to nominations for Representatives, when 'ltMr. Redfield offered the following Resolution: Resolved—That we l rely approve of the course of our late Representative, E. R. C*lo poll..Sif Susquebaruut t and we hereby nun mouldy re-nominate him for thb same office, and recommend him as entitled to the support of,..the'DomooraaY of this DiStviot• The Resolution- haVhrg passed, and Mr Cam unanimously re-nominated, the Confer ence proceeded to make other nominations. Mr. Dietrick nominated Ulm Dsin" of Sullivan. `' f. ' 1 Mr. Redfield nominated SAMUEL V. MET• 1 Ess, of Wyoming. ' 1 ' • 1 The nonstindiOno being eased, the.gonfav enie Pronaeded. lo halint. 1 .Messrs. Winfer, Lathrop, BillhaVikrtleY and Dietrick, 6, voted for L 1 1.0103 Dr.suarr.' Mesam'Bodfieldt MnwrY and tamest 3 9 vo te! for a - V. Unultet ' - i 1 On motion or E. Mowry jr, the nomination \ of EGAN sa n im ' u I'con= - .,0n DE '"; u an O sY " .Oa tantionlie4 Tint- , the iorneetil tigs-of till? .esvire gefsirled'hi , the °WI' ears 4 1uni pub in r allthe Derneeratic.ps- Pri 4 1 a ttv Re - . *lvnliistsietj ~.4 sl t en L ' iiii the iiirmersli - , lip , . 1 :-„. , , - ' . E Charlie I MisenolifeYiv if :7 1 foitiOilt ilian hail- 7 1 4 * W .0 1 charge o f inillev. and 1 heki to bill ti.414:40 tolintkti44fir,beforer the 'Crimh4 ll Confifif 41otsan'alBeasts. Op tote 1 4 Os otastobtrvAext., for Ws *1 he teOk in; !he ligiC. oo4 Vlo Tir e- 4/.1 4 • 7,,z ' i ,1- 0.. - 4 -,--' - :-.; -- 1 •,r 14. New York . Corr eirpbliden,, . 0 . N -,J4 is ?,,.. -,:- : NEW Your, t, 7th,' 18 -, rl ~J.. >. L- _, ,-,, i 9. 4,,t .: 11 , , . i - _.",. 14 1 - - 7 1m ' g • r••,' reLA " 1 • '.17- . ' ' 4 ,14', l i t I,ifitithstirtbAingthlt'llibt w: her, the 1 .5; ra",*Y-8, litre ejOi l f ) r Orii, ; c"*..-eile ' t'. -4 - iYin-IgaPili3OE bifmE.Y "4 Oig!li4enElf rk Y 16, nimir e d`4lhitt.#o ha44st- . ..U0 e '5,00 1 t ateractioUs, and, the season, Orhusin l as at i -* r - it; ' ' ed. -'' 1 - i '' . '1 1 ' - - erik arnv • - '-' 1) - in 1),4s 'The sidewalks. in front of r stor a 'oc.; icupied by innumerable beats .4, le,s, , , y , ''At;iibtiPleit:iiiil...whtelt anijetieitiho,ll.. ,v , ,trik k ,te make some- for Othits to '- . talte the ;I'liii.4 4 .Fth(ise' l 7griiiilfJ live. _ l * .en i nsie*l 4, ele&- ' The ; p ros p ects.of a large Mil trade ln.tbi` city, * . 'ere ntiier more favorable`thitn tit . the Presept, Semeit,l, (fur !ships c m out wth..-., faillre.ight rind ,9PUirat°l7,-TlP.l).!iarq crowded with merchaialife enloadittgifilom v 9 1,4 frl/M . c r u ilei oits, and,. alio receiving g0.:4! .14 ',. erpe'ot, Lon don , llav ' Canton; Sanirran. 'Cisce, ;MA many other risl" ,-: : • • ''" ill,'"'' -*** , -After JIM great Plymo Atiaunirersarytwh „ b i t came °if. recently,-;ever Ithilti of a - Similar tchaincter, "by reaimi'of ' tUeas, ,- wilillenr , . bo altogether - itteAbed 11t t here te, ats affair. -- ' ' lt' *..*• *" li -1 a; 0 ' -- iso. now : girth; on in tts 0 i _ y i ermattLa .. plait . on!ealling themselves[thiiiTurnert4 - . 3 sho Anally meet ,to .indulOe 16 OinitiatieS l * - er. ,ry-makiitg-'srd other latimseaonts 'Of :their Fatherland: , The Preri4lll Military comp i t 's arid' ptivatecitizens, celehrated yeaterdih-tite birth-day of LaFayetto, fat.,4 old mansion :in ,' Bloomingdale, which had been f*eopted by' Washington aiul:LaFtii etto at the - 4rnetittie, at,the close of the. ites - ota4lt.;- -The; co - incl. deneo' Was very - aptlytwisted, -bilme of the r i y guests..i. - ', 'l; 'l. -1 . - - ' ',.,- 1 . ...i , ,On rho pith inst. tyre titinprO And to ..fOir,. years leo Ilendrick,-Hudion ,in ifiiiAtlialeen floated the' f a r first - time - en I.le boso f ~ . tit , 4 0 the noble rirer ..Iwhich bears Ins name . and' . five years, thereafter, a - pernarerA2settlernqut.was mada-kir the Dutch on i the.sisland, pi ,Mnabat,-, tan under the auspices! oi its . Daten.;i;ast lit- dig company; : boing sik ye ari beforeihe-land 'log of the Pilgrima on ' llyinrcuth Reck'," This important event is scarcely noticed by , the New ,YOrkeis, although the histery , of this ieleny iT* mm important in many respects flute • any , otl or, and -*Mali will - fadiavor to show.-- 1 - Te. colour.-of New N q tile ilands, noW.;Nefr, i t York, had, the honor of i lieiPr i '.atifia , und'T. the patronage and . by:thelPefiple of a pure : : e • .public; a confederation..or - ,stal, gr.'d at. i at, -time the Itepublia'otlliillitnd, Waivia• thei.e. Will of het ; power,' her. A - rtie -,eoreied he i ocean and her eointratrcelexCee4ecf that of Ili 1 other. pewer' •Shelvgla hhoWise distinguished f 4, 'her Ind* try,' I berality. 1 telernoce,. for.lt i ~ - . Was' from th little Port ',of Deift,itrOM which =the May flo -Cr setsttill sad' theeneOtir-g,e, meutOf the Arta and ,Scien+tt. - ' . :From thi notle . - li'lrigiti spnitig Ne*, I rk,' .5.,1- _mules, lie:patr o na g t e . oC .; a royal - "Au r -grante"l - -to - • tow- - riiy.sit-fstyrnes sur i:rieir'lL, - J agrandizetn *nt; re 'wisp ' . .tipeepted.hyli`f * tt , ftigitives, 1 celpi., f eta yolielos'. peiSeeuti n but 'br a 'pr rate epti tneHal'compauy, for,l e purpose of •ate - ndiit =the:! trade 'andkcommerie of their-mit re count , uudiamoug Whom was their settle 'plat pla tedi !Why; iMetig'-',the' Iroquois, tat, great - aboriginal.. Republic or A . * ii ,\ e.i,ru''(i's - rio% . r: •iv.llts init by all iltezeet of the Indis tr. , tribes Mid whom ~ the Freuch .tried in vat to setsi e: 1... k ebifederatio4 Which iti its orgy 'ization; h s'heen, pronouricod,,equal teeny :An att or a 044r6: 1, ..., , ,r, .• , A race $ Orators tatesnien, Warriors; who bare left' heir - tsar oa , the page - of history, ..-4 , - • 111',`-• I. ITh; descekidents, of nweer to: Penn, feel title purch and such i rest digeov'ere , the pirek. Island,• b mediateV in. furs an good will York'mai ted under the nohe • eutions fi give the.. Walloon New •Yor first whit troubles tans, Rof that Roy' , - many of e etrua ......._ Just pri e, mle i gard to the honor- Ise of th t cottony from the Indians a also th pride ef New York In al es at he; Haue, Mr Ihydhead la the ofil nil aocumentea confirming se from e Indians, of lairahattam_ he firs settlers A trade was ma oilmen d wit the, native tribes, peltries of all - Inds; to the mutual i. f all, a haracteiistm, which New tains to hisiia) l l The colon) plan such lab ral uspites, seen attraLtAd of those wile w I re suffering perse r their pinions! mid taie colemsts a heart w deo& A company of soon a red and isettli.d opposite lay indl i nting the shore of among hem 'vim horn the the( colon) The rehgious ealqng out awing the Puri- Ens ;was ()bilged t) leave netted LRhnde island, an neled fatrher r until thev pit ie r ett l emeaps of the ambng them, mahout any lievi religious tenets The the ievo c atton of the Edicts taided S• flee the swords - of , Willed their eyes to the efuge,and formai a home among the utchmo on the:shore of Long hland The in t aMporiept event in the po tory of ur country, occurred in the ew Yor advert to the trial *nil of Lea ler end Mtlimurne, has sou in the labs n ee t ofthe royal Governor gone to England,the people _ by mum nt.che e itteoli Leisler, a inetehent ity, and a wan of republican seat ilc. map theothernatenal chair, until al of th ne =rdyal Governor, which ent had been deta)eda in eensequene° lama , t;onbiee thee existing in Eng his ex orlon f popular wdl, gavel ewe te few, but-powerful persons arv,hist end l encles, and a bitter fend p bet een i thein and the fraendh of On th arritoal o l af Slonghter theroyal a l a r, he se t a faintly to Leader to iielliv• e port a d oveiniment, 'which be ex his .`n i t in etre to do r but refused to i ith the d Put I as, et bei n g the Pro Per and would treri n his office only tO error in peraon l rThis refirsid te re power the do(puty, wain seize d u po n oernjeerilibilif " an ant: of trent9b" worth gly ma mid conlierneeitsbi a rY• he lYi of lbeteler t° th e O fhTw- t. Ti t lie gOVettedi i ltals Wit any a ' ' ' ' t 1 1 kelii:lhe °elk% the f the phl tIeW Teri. Aild by the ght w eaPiiitvioantof °tango throne f Engiot--, , ,okeviny men. he • l otil lemma witat4 l4 ; a l it - , ...., ..>. t ' f ~ ~ on :a . s'ii, and Child i' hortli , l er Willi is ce, .apd era j 9 s the ho i co . With as, alter Q.: l were i I Tito reached Mitch, a interfera Iltiguen of Nara same Ito the court 4":4:';' ) ;;': -, :"..- 1-. :; ,. 1 - t. . - IT setttiatijoji - OM..ii t'Llianeiit• - i•iiiii . election :: .. the ..- .. .... free tuni-Open of tree "'rf - of .:4. , t,.ja .their . -re ec .. ties:..,. :. I t q... , 1Y-:. „ - ..1- - ,.,' ~. $4 3 ,.. 1 1* 13- .... - e. .....,.. . , ANitelatiet:ole-the 6th hit; eiti . Grof troorlairet•lt: by the -''' 'istiee' .f:...tAhe "si t.C5. 1 .-.0 1 e• .. ,"141P11,:u . er:the_dhietio -.-...,... • • -, ...i.-••.--- , ./ . .-. -:---. - ,-- . ' -1..4,' ..".. itont*".4elatledoit 140 th, th .*latte' ilk; ;l ea inverse,.. -:known - as -a- prom •ti hOE-Yeing ' itifli*liite - Man, n'. ‘ grogit_banquic i.r..9r- usiei.., : Tted' - '41a0.'..h . y• hbf . r dw - Aioner of : hie arrlial;•and Atti.., ~.- : '- . .':•Ci, • ..m . g.',itii . , theweinesalie.' 11 • • ''-. ..,. '-: t . .-,- ..: 3 .,...0". , ,-. , - ..' eat pf . mod' ..:., z . .... . ... - . ..-7 ... ..- ~-1 0 e , . .-: 'ailitiPK his''ettmandl-ineatutble_.4X,ltamitil tonne loi . .)natc-tiet - regulaily,' or *hiii.` , he:di4il.ll 7 finerra .•.: was , ?.. - preset} ..iit..! 3 l t.,.,..„,. gi , '#„ :,when !ilatko: number iiiiiitti*giE*hinft-hiltee#ding.Ai4'44.' ,as el ' spectators, • • ~ ;,.. .28. , were p re rying to the prtnen of nnfoOiriate:Mal Wei. haitiMr"relled•..thehinise •to or . :ifie:ol.i'AT4i44l:' , iti,iii4e44;4iijoik ~ _ :,1110 *sg , ;:p*Ot.,i)!! l **frAtc44::.,th ..: violent.. ~.: _, - -,, , -:-.i . =-:.,i.:1i-,. Fields, --,- h - --,, 1, 11:6 7 ;16:11 f 1iiii sty , after illieh'iheietiati t etorta ; h - rent! o.A e. ,. ,,t,.p .. !.iiF,.1,.. 0..:1 , ..,,.-,,....:,..,.,,, , .. -- ~:...1- . ,:„.....,...,,,, • ..., ~. o a itiOiiihOjpiei4nt. - iTtithmiink. , ,liii - 11:':!iiiiiithile - IPV7 I -Lk*.O tiii..' making known. the Offireis . . . , . . firsttiilig.:,,iitin:'!.;; - Thrliii)erishisithli - 'martyr.iil:44.4tiiii',9o:eo . - 5f.p . .. - .l4TrpAl,y-.t.h9:st!tio ar t . . - -----, ,••,- -.- • -•------ - - ~- ---- i --,--, - -',,,;-•• ,•• 444iiiiiitild - ' - fOr - the.' - even in was - - , '..iiiiiiiiiia*Lribiiity iii - .'iiii - Mriiii - tv;014;-tio . 3_- -., ..-- -,.--, -P :.'-,-r- .....'!.Y e , r 0 .2 '- Petit : M. 44;110-•-tn ma r ks -iii . ..%;eFß v,. -- ' l6 9.!iiell eihiteeil'lkoje --1: 81 -.1'f ii t;M i" `,.- ..,...10 ii 4'V i604 . ,i 11 !14 1 4i"71k,„,..*t'00d - .-: • -•- his-- • ''. '' ' ' -'''' -' ' ' ' ''' ''''' k ' '' '' day was moa t ' y s p ent iBF gitiSJ . -them -,iirtailiii:. -, ,Ozi - ret*tirilif hteig1e50;4...,....:„.. i .-,-_.::. ; -.. .. —... .P. , ~..n -. r..at sod' ~ „ ~,.... .. ~. ~ ..., , , ~,,..,.... .... . .. ..., ... ~• ___ .....,_ • . • .•• . . _Orates ~__... ....,. . ... .., - , -. .. .. _ .-- 4#lo - 4tiniiiti.iiti' '" -. ytt . iinitoil.iioih:.-.lw4igit - i-*Wf ) . 7 1 , 1 .- 4 f ...4 (4 :5 -O P E- F44 - i i t. - -Sro : : -11 ad'be01•140 . 34 ., • , *-.00:-;141:41,40t-I*-ro.olikte'-,- ~.- -0,F 1 T 1, -..,. ." , # , #,!. - 4 -, , ~.,i-..99, _.'sf,. .9 1 1 A betook 0 '.. ..`'''•`. '-''. -. -: i iitr' ,- -...--- i - - ..c" . .. 7- '-'; -. . - ' - . --- ;, - t - ii i ii::, ittemief.iaii.litivic Ointiie. here i ; the y -* - • the •71Ftlin . .. h., 5 -S h ar e d. - -:. t -- !•PTP1P 1 1..... .....I*- - -. - -- ,---.-,-..,-; '..,-.,•-...--- ---,--- !,r-•- , - - -,-,-- ',-Xere 'lt 'ilireii - 'll . iiMi'''hin 7s iiiiiii . ''' iiilitaiifk- - mat '- 1 4-1....i=s ;14AI - en - oil who ; : .--, ihowOd .thei r . sought to ' r C ---- di h;, - -f ''''ie4lliie. - Or itiiiii Itt'Orn.oortistin.....te..sterea . .dra w ... ity..s strong le.. r i - erle. ~....1 , . ....,- . .; , - -•...x: t.---.;, :--.-. - .... , ...._-,.--- -.: ..-... ..... _ thnii ii..Miiillll. te'r..::lie'die‘ee ii - Oitikioi444- . I"4`Pd ,,- ,f,Gaid,..,„4..,..9 gs....i:•-,An. t k tie!ll . : - .113n i-.•.(1,. nadetu - -, a t. risiOni - .•-:•: , ..T.ilotid - i.....'-iitodneed - -.400d:-IrtiLs:': - .. , i'110:1 1 fo l i-V ‘ 4 11R ...!!..PPt....„ ...:,FO. appropriate ta t i, perii:,t•ai . .....Merii - i iiii .,, t,t. 'ao - 4, --- ,,i . 4.i.ie:t.i . .'1'i1i0) . r... -- ''' . i.1j010, : i .. 4 : .-,- : ,-t....i...,4,-*,-,. 1 ., :-- - - t,.,-.. : - ,j 1 t..iii.., i34 )..... - .13.t1. d., . : ;40 - I.pi*,).; - 4.,1e,. : : - . lit 14i4 ) `NC;ii: Libor ii-lioy#':...-''.4(4te,-;-t i i.4,: c ii:444,41-A-4%.40440.1. - f - ;:t: ,4- 0 410 ..T.nb*„0f. - :4o‘.:_tikir..* ,. , et- - .thii - hatet Stang!, `&t 1.41he-•ißtitiishz!,Aotile-1 . .., 'r;!" l l . ll? l .t_: l lt!!N!,,°gi 3 Y.4 l '..i';.TP 4ol ?9" l .- 'lit!efis m6ni'lilie...*ess elilietilo -- '‘ r(4;:,liiini - ii,-.'fiii - tio=t,, Zi;.l.i,!"oo:rfii.--i•'11-.;:ii'l4tei which", -o*-clo6..:.:::';;4ftedo l i47ii47',f4fiioi.ii.li tfr.:;kriicio , ihi.. , iop*** - ,iiirl 7 .t - t, - •::: '0,..• - •"!. 6 ;„ . ,, _. 41,!1*.,..,1WCn.13.tW...:.,C0.,, _titi ~, eitte.., : riokii. _. _ . _•.f4 .,, - . 'i:iirionli . 'oO'hO s iii - d' '',iitili-•ii-idgg.itiiti-o.V6itioi j...oojntlion'iOitlie•:,-*oliOtAtylOiatehiging;-*ite,.: tiate•lgoiing• l 'l, , :tiik l ieaiii .--. 11 whirs-0i 1 :1Obtio *-..1.-c"-8-t..-ni4.-.... ti.°,...i4-' .- mus_,-...1-?'•_;ete,,-;' , !S oi:t . 'Ttto.after.:: 1 ~------- -- - .... '.;'-'.-' -`'-''''' ' ''.' - ''T:'. ' •.:-. ' :.iit;i4 l -" .- .Mitlii , /§e‘iolii::wee - rettendeit,-ty. 4•• , - ,large aid ' .: 'bilie::PsiPeti' ,. .l . .._ia.l , .. j*.e.O - dPog!4'd.'-: , :.thP-- - :',,_, . ~. Y --.-....-. ::.:.• - •,• - : . .-- , .....1, - :... , --.- .!. - .r. . - -.-- .., .-, .. y,.. ..-..-.... ... f -, . .: heyeitiatinibtelkiliefore,:the.leiVttiO4aiti'"Of.'!!_eP.,....o..,.:6-, 9„0,0 . , F..t., - .... ll e)...g!yetiA , V* - .o‘ealag i I .." ,i•i l ha'd• iiii .. "iiiii'd't . 4d iiiiiii''liiiiiii'O' *4 14 1 1- •;--**fit4 1 40 1 4; ; A , dio.w. - dedi - haliseemhts -: 4 -,. .. l l,r _ hl . -,.:: °. rt..- ..?:•,..,- ..,,!.:,..,,-_,.. \:- ' - l' - .• f ". t''' '- '..- i i .• ',' -- ....- .- - • •'. ••••;'4ooliiiiiiti&f,deiniiO4-theidiaiefliittil.*!-..m4=!:PlA'th'4Fi3-PPP!'? 1Y)....i1--;44ejr:.4101.e.:-. .._i. , ; -- ,:,t - ..a'.'. - ,.... ...._ - t •, - ,,.. k .,:i i „,:ii.,...,--r. n . --- .... -- - - ' - '- . -- -, .tiido.entt....atti.ittiienesil.' - . , .j.•''.'•-• - •..4 . i•:' - ::: '.-• -.;:,-- '..., • , render '.0,. 7 .,;mg:-.loapuipai* virAiiii_Auo.,-.....vernqr_ ...- ;„---,--,,H,.... -,.,-,...- .....,.. ...-,..,,,,,...--,, ~.,,, ,. ..t,--..-3• .-:;-.:,; j* '' ''..'ici..' 4 ;:i 4 44, 4 4 -6 custody 4 i' 4 '' '. . - ' ' ' . 'J' 4 ),T. - ..-. i!,! --. P' . .'P . '!" .. 4 1*. "- -- : ''''''''Tl4•lliit.:'',.:ti-"'':'-4,..1!!!!"-...t-, 0.10., ,-- $ l-1 : 1 . ei 114. 1 :' - : - P l i 6 1 101 !; - , i'Oiti#4iiiOf' ,- th4:-iiii - ,' OC.iii-41iif - i - : ,I . O..':11 - to' -mlifii.i..Of - -_kng . !etql l ". 4 T!'.'--"r? . rf 4 .4;'s ,l4 F9 re 1 1ze efafr,in!. iiiiieeptei . . . - -Dtiria , ;.ihe'reelek,4lii , :' '.. 1. ?.!ii:#_ 1 4 -. : 11 45.4 ) . i 0: . - 1 . 1 -4. :: 'P' O• O !.f= 4.'04 'r ',we . fittit , . . 0 1. , .•_ ..:,.. -0.- - -,, : . --. • ..---..-.?..-- Governor s -.. - pieciii ( -'WOWthen?.hriii and the .'ici - n4Qo eftey : taid.:ientrPtg+jvere boraekm - 117 ,- „mt, otthe:,-, ..-. ',.,... k • : • :i.......4;;.,,,,,,...- ~....., -,-..- ..„ -. ~ ...... 1. • - . .11 iortii..-.;-Thia'itffair.liecairiidieniv...eribeterii tine . - .... 1 4: ',! . .,. ). •- • ,!,!!1. - . 11 it li . ; g 1 „ , .9 . 114# 1 . :1 1 / 1 1Tt.'in iiii4 - 'ilehiateenstinCtiort -,i iii - or' tea 4.-B-a,iiii-iit',:Li.)i:l.i_b=.6_.-611.4jr....„"tiiifi,join,,di.--',l7kiil.bi,_(licti(*'' , h:-,.: minee - ilieftpro* iteiliMed ..bi....0e. - Itei , lor: - . --. 'll Mr:. ;e 3 l ~• 1 , -,- -,- ---- ' .' " -!y -'-,''. 'k - - , b ''' - '' - .••••:.'i",• . -- r - i i - , - z-.4 . - - --" 4 - in& t e . coutottort• a journ rsttte , cht:' .- • ."' ! - - 1 , .arrived: ill! !NOT AO! .1 4 1 t 1e5k.,',0.0.'. ...,..1......,9•0,P0P, 1 . . .. -..:.r i. ~- . ... . ,.-. .. .., - Sec' ~.-.,..... I.. tit itii e tea . ....a , t i os ii,,, , t . .4 ii iii h a.„ oth 4, ~. . ~:. ..,:.--.•":," .-..-: .:-.. RRUSOLL; y,: - 1 ---. . . 11. ' : ,•-..- -. ;'-..:-, -ii .' ...t . ;,...: . 7 :". --- ! ,, ;:i::: i. 'Z'' li ‘ 'a.S.oblige4.tO - o.riy#l) - 64;.;:i5r..,.T1 : 1?...:. } ..721?:49.. -..: , :-.......,:,,•::,.:1tE50ttin13148.., , ,,;.;.....,....,_ ... fhereiiio44,44. l hoOili.j44..• : oOrti:t.i9lik : Tqft '' - .,triiiiiiii;:.; S ong -ial':llne' ,.. tif:.the'. •. ' '• - .. . - tie tilY . in the .- :iOPPOF P;IF : ( 0.: - - Ake:: CiSi./ ,. .. 4 T. - .means - of•eihibitinri human joy , - ever kilo* 14 . 1--ent-OthOr:liberti,hie!l..t'„chmh -i. .. : ..: ,. .. ," . ....... r . .,y ..:; :th,,o Held.. a . , „..s 9. e ael - eO, that the .4 4 . - .40.. - Ind:'; di' I PecoMP!!4?qtr!o enough - t°;t 4l Pi ti e . i''*lif barbarous, the tiiiled - ` the ::rtitel, - lii:6l fiii feirt;ioii.at h-ioo[l:,.T:tl4 , 'there, i,ei„,;,,i every -i,h.- , " 6:4d•iiietr fprp-,t,kine•-ikii::,NOF-,Xyrer,.4l-.:lTs9P3t'4. be joys - in'...theiiiiset ...flowine,: . .Mainn4S 'Of.. misk - prond•'itittfieeity7iheltiiry, - .:atl.:this iatitlingr,..:of li i id ..:l i i i ,,,' i i ~-b - i n , il d :-t1,1,.,..! lyres .,.. t iii : t rea i ; ;N AN ' 13 . 11(4.0e f '.8h00 1 41: 4- antt!ft n'S'..oo.ehti" 4 ' s l : t.. " -: • i :';'''' 'SO littleiet . 4d ,.. to...dispiii \ it - a:Ol6OM' and as these` ..Our diti- - .hhe been. the ' centreer,e„ great - jdeal • hnve. •allay - ki ehedoi.:tha - •heiiis of Men 411 . '0 *4.l,4e•i.*Pl'.jP-- c o n s equence of the -;..-- 9r 1 1 , on ii..oe . :.'urititi4Oites • :ot.'.the"Joisietot:the: : dia : . : li.opoooi e4f lind i yiromfufaAigh4 Convention. 'of thelbloody. , :battte l44 4l4o-triutillihi-ef. 4aitilt 4 hihEat4the-fieniettine•:' , .." - IniheTOOVo l exulting; - tinter victory —or in the c..aiiffre . .itiial- , • f . mince-Convention " the 0.2 iiitStiott - • . that- ---. • • ~.., . ~,.. ~... .. c , ... . j w g-I.i c kilte cr - tip'4o, 17. t,.,th - 1, , b ,d,l4*of:..th, e'd,3log -- -.. 4•ltm . .....•thi : •:11 itii . t.S:tedi.• # ,. e -.N.. .: l o _ ntfin'..e.....;. - ,4igh,te: B ..„eYrAld.,..,...._Otiiiii;.i.'etitl. :. whereas , .m` uste.:`Joe6ins. - to. he: the.i tOPrerftil;.th-o.iiltgst-0.00!:tilile::*4-sP.ful••41:iefI .Sring.. •f.hea;ilg, the..hir4l:.ofl 3 4redise, sea, , 4,haOdk. --,, Aq: -7 :- . .P.rcPPriOY2 . - : o l :' ,. :o l *i_ti n g.: frn . a 1, ,-- . 4lewii...te.. iirWi.4, -. .3irq0,:•.-the:.harsh.i.raonotony ~. Atiletatiel.6''''riet 4 .• - al - -irini;h: . ••' - ' - '4line:!l'7.tti:te(riette :- .- f of - -'siO - -16 . iiiiiiiiiito ihe'good iinit te sell, at ' . ~. ipiM.tooyOr, TyoFQ4Pf % '"PP : 'rfo. tby. 0 .,,..- . : : ,rdiiioeiOuie , ; - ,,,ied - ie.-siliedfi'songtal..iesig 6td oosiO secure ; terC!lt: : lt act , ' _t eepee ei:li6iieg . 4# iii-s6iibfit"ideritiOnithaAt ,; - v .. . . h .:. i t.- ii',oo _ .: k... . .. t i e. '.. - 'wh-- , 011- : , 4 - , .. 0 - , .- ,'ootlY, . .1. - :- 1 ..,'..:1n0100-- 4-- . ;... ' " i . iii ert,tiat..3 -. .-,. 0 . `. ~,4 :'..in. kiS..„;;,-0,,..ne, 2:frif the;Thigheii .it liee 'ihtAianeineiiihe bear Kprpir-!o 11005 _ ei4lq#:- ,, ot . ij , i-0 #4. Ilerart i terge - . 04 .. .eae , ,hier hiOaki-Tott , m iluportehe;wei.opeO4a :regard for 'Wk!Fh-t4,:: -::- anew, iii.litere ';hi high ':and. - Ithrittia 'trini - stn • • '' ' • called .."'•• - .Ai." , th -INi''• " - - -- --- - , L• l - ...-.. 1 , ''-' • - -r ..:,' --.-.-. i... e' ..,.-. -PP-. c9rivtlittt lll k--tt,!A :. --. '.--I_ . ••- '-''.-. --.- '' ' ' .-e! ' :' ' -° ' 9 ':: -fioniliiippt spirits on f- the'.tita4is '.otiitinnifit•' Rights oOnientien, - Auring:the'*l.l' letitii - ii:ot, '••• -.---.:- -- - ..;---- .• . ...-. • #•,,.. .- .. , ,---,1:,r.-- . - -• ~ ,• - d ay ! : • , • - .. N ...., ty, . forms an 'esSentta).:Vertlan: heaven's ha ; its sitting , wheth e r . lir "eviMiriii,liitl''..lreS - ,•-, and .-, 4 ~. 4:.,...„„,..,:,. „ . :1-:., host ._::..:. , . .....,,; .; ~.,i . ...-.;,....-... - ... ii , ~....- ~„ ..; ~ ;Ayspletour; qipq-AT4erecisi'..thoil:prciiningit !icipisi '.: nact:•oinifloion.-.::. It • - .' *as. a = continua l " , 1 `design ofib . - zf• - •;;" --. h as IV. - - .. -, .--- • •--•-•'. wrangle' -..iiihni.',the . -,nnce:l7l„ ...;.:'o:".•..'_hi:4•4;, - ... 141 ' ( l iv ' P(l94 : '" n 1.9 .li Y tm ' ..tortit;•attheree Of praise to tke: . '..- - Aiii ? iitiv,.. suld 'groans; ing.' excitement 9n . , part "i - 4.t!le• ii ol3 r - - . . 'it. - ...*prj;:%le,.';ilittirelieheim tienall..tar the_ same' O.c(''..linil ..4 :* 4 :9o l •Yl . °. l Y : 4Fo4'' . '" ) f' ll ''P l ..' Cet,iLlSelft:•iiiierne attentionAO _goviitiii;.- env) o f .g., iiiiga:- tiialii*ftiiie; - A.h4t;ri.ji 'outbreak ; •-: -:-. ,, : ia - ~:-ii : z . i f ''-' .'; - ':• - .i , . i iiirt"'" - •:i"..i . •• - s..1- - t i , .. ' ~..,..„ .....,.....„.., ... - .‘" . . •,-..- -.- - -- -,-- -....--- .1e3.4.._......§Pg 1 ....sOng" 4 . o. . - '!rk - - ! n u•' , •... e n'. • *Pa .oioicos:.!.Tx4e...*,, ho;Aoraloo!timiv.,..r.**. tc,i4;:,:-.: , -..,1, -.-.., ~.: - -, ,', ,, -: , :-. , q.:-- - ; . ':;,- , :z- , ' --'-_- ii i nOtsi ng.-'-44. - 1. erijoled', •1.*::: - tic,..i tii . ii ... i)!7i...-,i . , i# :-., : - . . R .-. 0 1., - od : -. : ,i, - ;; i ii - t i i i *0 „;; : „.,.., 11 -,Iti o 1,I;. ii._,, i ,,.'' - ': goiTi '-'4i - trititi.iirofrtotholiieo .- ; . -: - ::':: .-. :-..:,__,,_::;,. -C:i3l,iCdt . :iii-itkezi•:iiiiiii;:triiii;e:iiiii4 o f The .-6f6 - efai-enni)upceii6at= - iiii , - - :4. - ....iiiAiiii' ' .',' '- - - -- -jr . ..• • ... ' '7..- - ' - ;- ' ' ' ''' ' ll ---'' . -''' ..+•*. . ',,:' , '-'• -''-,'' ' - -,---.. •-'" ' the pepple• - of-thikstleclith'r - eierd.te Smelt 9f the coMph;tion', Of" ; the exhibition -,:q-'iit the -.,,- :,,--, ~-,- - - - -q ., .- - :i -,..., --?:. ..,-. 4-.--,..--.. , , , .-i •:-.• of_ .:- , --•---, -.-- - -1 : i 7'2' ',..' -:- • ,'',.. . . -,. ',':';' -•I:" . ,- 4 , tok - . SP?„l4!,.Fensminot ,, ,ony,tn.. , the.. minds Crystal j!stiane.,::• . -I.Noi_nee:wher.-hes,N•tslte4,_:49. "jito.ie-, --- MhO.llaile'coltii;ateid•thi' - , 'owners ; i4 Mi. - .. 441101,tii ji:P . 34Eippintel:4l!.'r•#.lioe: - *ie:e:t . • ' ... : s'el.;:t.e - eeree - :etelll, - hnt.....nlSe - . t.: .! . .ae.sien"sidi, • - - .i. • ' ll -• 6L `PP -, ' :Ys!.).,- days 44° ':..° - : - PT l t:i t. itQ4 , itkillto,A 4. iftii:+3 ll ii' * - 'era;3diah i'l 41 1 4 . :1• • :ie*41€:, 4 1 0 numerous splendors . ' ' - :''---- -`'------ '. '----'''' ' .-f. ' ; ' -- - -- '-'' -7'l l- . -- - \i; 4,44- . •.-A friend. of mine , • whO'had .eff for the,fiest time remitrked:titi-tie,‘th'ithe. 'hiai6-t...i.edei;.reti moSt•v;il - tiii; fi ftycenti than he hail for-a lout ,. time before t :There is shoht movement percepttble on. the siaootsli Surface of. our pollucal waters:. •Tior,..,Soft ednunitteh, ha's -held a.meetink - ', Tanithiny have the . enntrei;e:and the parr or Ilartifeepunittee has` beep ,obligid I - to bold theirs at'the.Stuvvesint Institute.f. Bradfo d 1 County-CO i Ain. . !' , The Democratic Convent , her. Bradford coo met at 'Towanda oethefith' hist*: A motion to in ruet the SenatoriaLGonfereeitio support the nominee of . Susquehanna was - lostly ayes: 30, nays :40: . - . '- - :,' -, ,-, : :f•..._ - Jona *B.asslueits and . Wm: S. lialcroi,Ythisi lafe Repreientaees from 04: eminty, tieretin-' animouely re-nominated: . The:RepOrter says that the utteto4 harmony:prOniled , iti the:Coti- - rentip% and the nominations 'Made atieh - as Wilt rec e ive a flit! Pa!tY rote, 7. l !jettis eqpkri to a -, lent triumptianfelectiot iremthellin: olutionsadopted, vie clip tho-followitigt' .... :-,' ' . : Resolved-That in honoring our State:with a - place: 'his in ,Cahinet-=and lu selecting.'frith, thin Cot - igressititial:Dititrieti,the`golleitor of the - .Treasury=Pretiideni , Pierer; has ,ibiilitti ,- ii'dii: i terniination, and ". evinced ='a feeling, - -Vilairli=nti= litlei him to our profentideat regard.T.-' - ' ...-' - 1 That the administration the affairs acthe Commonwealth, by' Gov: .Win;Rigleii'litieetit: our eeralial:aftioreral.' That wiliatoetkhiiii ii ittiholienf public leriatitiwfribkehilliaitiebt. tian* -- Ta to proinofO - theinterinitti Of • the:State; while tibia 'has'demonstrated I. thelikitideitillif these ateasiteikorpolley ivhich;hei hati . pre,i: - ed;iii relieving the'Ststeflonienihniftild*ut,: and'elletribbtblitti her i fiefiliiiiiii9itetltY; ' l llit hle'fiimeeise in interPPOdt.lhtiLeiS*, lititial *tiegiiiire;*.wleit the iiiltte - ot . die t tint.,%."?` :esare threatened by iegislatitm,Foofet4i)i:egl' pedal ainVeinetnieus torteilekttii nitt*Clf _ etir(nyi-* dime: orititl ec bithlo' Mb itintidei4Of _O4. tio- Ple tit thiSTnitiittinnirettitli:::'l' ' ''''. ? -,' ; '.ii.' ' 7- ' 4 : t - - Thtifliti'teler vith .-- iiiiasi 'aid lithirtiiiiiil6 tto• course or our3lenitir Of ,eegOkilit; : GaTinitt: - A: l :Gre*. lisiete'lt a ,utilfernly beeeeeileefii+OrdYoo ei l 00iirgtt k iieagi ., yive :his rights • ovthel , rpassea—bia-49pp9sigiiii'* the Settentei l ot apeentatioiili a' plunder; haiii:AVoll fOr bin( ati,enriabiettePutittliiii: `..Vtier,46'iditit fittthrovoon the .pi -4 viriiirdiiiii Afiliii , 'idiat - iiiia fiin* ''''':r. b i e Tha -14iinWiliiiilittOiiiff ItOti`iTotititttitiTa' ak:ii -- sist iiiiil *O6OW ta*t,':Ti*iiiiii ' ~,,, Oa_ WhiiiiiiiiiitoeiclialirelliiikiioPt. '- & eitieVitanibiiiiiidala;iiinValetielltgebe4 diet 'iittillti oickoilwilitlo . , 4o-I, :ivurfefiaitt citittrokitur isitiiiik . at*iirakv4oo: , Aw itriitiatethrtitiiiatiiin,iiitolvVe * „iit,l lol : - '4 . oititc;:wricaoiti - . 19.14- 1 . 1t1 3 jrikfti - : i?v ,, ,,, ~:2-krbioilleder.laihiSitsiitiat4tll4,:iinl, , ;,14:1Xitimetaitlit reiiiirßof64.i&litiZtittit '-'*-2Pirtit which: 4witiaAart idix-: 0,40; litre — i - triaiiiiii I.wtaiiif_Witfir I . l '.'eiestill: I._ --',.',=.: -,, f-tlq, . - .z-.4 - ',,i4ti. , ., :-- .% _.; - - ' . ' ~.. 1: , ' .1-, -.,-,•- -1 . 1 . *-4 . ,-; . •-. 4 iU, 2, •; ,t- , ;: - --.-- -- ;, i -,- .-:.• •-: '1 =;',,' , God and iiBture.,,have givon. thBni,\thot tkey tOlY,TaitleiPte in 'the; I)Yeapies wl4 :inititlevi froi - B . p-cc:tip:it kri l oWledge m '4:li 3 e PePi'ar id thathei 'nay not nhvnYn 1, 4 , _tenors 'entyibut :retrial Orticipators in future. conventions that the *hole C - oinirmnity imay .conveneaa4 al a g 7 ,ith.one i.otee ia conceit. jtcsolyed; Vhctjbe convention :and - people .of this place belieVe 04 414 exereiies"hus been conducted. in - an able ' pranber, :and tbit Th.:lr thardcB,4re:thereforedq to Mr. CAiovero fol4 l _k . ffielePt T"lier ine'llieh , he has Ci'' driete4thi - convention, together with the as. n !Ants 4yith regardito , le; cultivation of* vo iril ,.. ein'ngketi. ,'' •'' " . ;*l ''' r v, at f an, i, ' entitled'. le Idfb P.. t o _Or- fong .releernbrence a ersitirillful or:0. 48%-ind_pioducer of 'music -of every deirrip. - -- .--__Reeorvetti PlOCthe.courcrilion If4eettee ,1 0 ed-,lvidnable aid ifti.lin the - pl Ors• On striiged i not iO too j i t o , oß d't! in t N ee, iire tinder oblige tielatelollteiti'• ter , their - tiesietence; and thifihelharilii;,4 - iNi cone ration . . Are hereby j *lOrod s tO.the,,,trierithorB - 4 - the Bass :BO'• in uttendince, led by C.;-.W.....gnestonifor that efficient -Ad an rendering th' ;C:te'relftee ' ' nfo l .:. 'ahi;Risiah 4. - '. I , s , -- -: -: - - : :1 1 •.:,/,. ' - iteia(44l, that our than are due to iIA totit* inenlhere of the eennini4ee -of g c rnul g 6 ininti;for their services in?providipefoli ff 1 elmiit;rraid '§aiieilieciii) `, ‘f. those in Attak __, __,-::,1 ....,.„-'t ... ~... - .-.l • ' Y'' ,'. ll -tc9 113- l a OYst4Pcer...... 4.4 -,, -i .-: •• - 7 ' ' .- • _,ltoserved, That.- the iteep,ors of ptiblie_ hok es,:z eirieli: , fled privitti.,,iodiiidlO&'who. hiss 'ohcitioltikeiii-liberaiiti ttedAbliPit#litY ll . fil ' - iC l o4';iifellibitrt f0r.0 4 0 6 ;Y 1 4 1(41 14 • 'innees-nei‘_te;,hiTtilinA f o f°r,- -° A 1 4tyatir:ibe icouvellii o D'lPA-V; c ' '-' I.BBolvOdiithatilleteut*Jti °° ' nit "' t* lp. to: 1:4?Ote84.8, of trer,ehnlieh,!!!` 1;:°-114f°*r7.th'1):0-01:4'.-diisiligthOi e!-0104! oat ? also triztltoOtic ' V-)11 1 11*! -- nt SA I •Fennu4Eibe";theilllo it house durieg !II iiiiieetii*latiai4l#o4::::r. . - ?.f '''''')Ull - 101 -- "Tt i thakee4tifioisidOik a r t Y s.--. L- ~ . t . —•-• -: ,- ilt ie i on ventioaP IrlOer . wr*, th e Fanutell 1)8 + , ' , -; i . ' .- be wrirded woe kept . ,b7,thel SOotetaryi. for ~ ~ . ''''. eati" ' inty r liirliffir inibliFitice• / : 7 jz ::' Itiv:Vit. Gitilq4. , s ," , :ki, e , /. ..• 7 -- 'LEAL 1.5,Ew.54,;,,--g .. , -a?E'L° ll- ' . ..Zl:.oiisbi, - ;"0. - .Iie l t k ;: - .:• - z , . ..,i-i''. ,-. ., ,- ,-- nor Law Cobviiii4. l 4 4 o. 4 w astelr, - o #o# 1 ,1114 cAltitrOgaikthQ I:4o4o,Ti_hqvirkoool-0"r -'44P!*g.010w4gxest,m4014,04. ;aigw ,OtickAttVoltWr iste ' svOL ool . *braises 4 se ere" kW* jltev. AV44440-V#o,ool4oolol4ack4°l4o- , rytniio -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers