..,:,T1TE . 1),E49.0 : 4T .. : he Litrfee; Cieelatathieh in NOIFIACTU ‘sa yj,v - ilia- S. 11.14 CE: :0. CHASE; EDito* ""'adSEI 3rA ll T. Bll' siga it 9'>1.8463* S lA4. Co. Fair. and Cattle - Show. TO be het &Via - esiteeee, Oeit. -t Ito 1883. Pleeugbitig nateii 3 Oet:l2. • - . . • • -• -LIST OF PREMIUMS. ' - NEAT STOCK. Best.,Darhatn Buil, • &Cond. best, : Best Beeon i ßull, - Second: best, _ . 'nest Grade Bul Best Cow, ' ;.' - - 'Second. best, o° . Third beat; - , Fourth best, Vest two, yearsleld Heifer, Second bests . BeSt 4 Yearlings, Second - • Best; lot of Calves not less than five, Second 'best, B6st•plir of Waritifig Second best, • Third best,": Best . ,pais 0f,3 . years bid Steerii Second best, - Best pair of 2 xears old ',Steers, Second'best, SUES '. Best Fine WoOl Buck, ' Seiond best, \ Bstll South DOWT, - - Second best, '; -•., ' - Best Long %Yool Second best, • Best lot lino wool. Ewes, not lose than $, 3 Scion(' bOst, ; 2 Best lot South Down Ewes not less than three,. , - , 3 Seeond best, . _ 2 - 'Best lot long wool Evies, not lesithan 3; 3 Second best, : _ ~ 2. Best Boar, :;;; $3 Second best, 2 Thiid best, :1 Best Sow, , •• . Seiond best, ; 2 Third best, .. ;;- • 1 Best litter of PLO, - HORSES: . tem: Stallion Sr all work, • 'ss Second best,, • , " 3 -;" -. Third best, - • ' 2 . Best. Brood Mare with Colt by her side, 5 Second best, ' 3 Third best;- , 2 : , Best'pair of rnatched'Horses; (gleldings) - foaled in Susquehanna County, \ - 5 'Second best, 3 Third best, ; - FIOGS. POI7I:TRY. _ _ Bast lot not lessthan\ 6, " • Secolid best, ,\ • , VEGETABLES. Best mad largest variety,. Second best, - Best half acre of Potatoes, Second best, BUTTER. . ` . - • Best Firkin of Butter made during the Summer months, - $5 00 SecOnd best, , ' Third best, - Bei; during the Fall, Second best, -4' • Third best; e"' CHEESE. Best not less than 25 lbs.; 'Second, best., Thiroirest, GRAINS.: Best acre of Corn, $5 00 Second\ best„ t \ 3 Third best, 9. ' • . 2 Best acre of Winter Wheat, - - • 5 Second bk,st, -- Best acre Spring Wheat," ' 5 - ." Sec Ind best,; , ' • ~3 Best acre of Oats, - 2 Sec4n4 beit, / .. 14 2- Best sere; Buckwheat, . .8 Second best, ; , 2 Notice is hereby given to those who design cero, 'titht it to coinpete for the premium u. —__ • will he necess:iry for the 'crop to be examined _and the ground to be 'tneastired„beforothe crop i» C.ut up, one of 'the judges liereof to be pre*. eat. • ~ • .. S. A.- NEWTON. Broctklyit,`Sept. 6th, 1853. . • . •• • - Best Fall Apples,..one.half bushel, • $1- OD BeSt. half • bushel for Conking, , 1 Best 'Winter Apples, - ' . l, • Second best, _ 1 • - Blest Quiinees,,one.poc- k, • • . Second best, - - • 1 • *l3 . st.Pears,:l Peck, . '• • 1: Best Peaches - - • '. - • . 1 . • • . . .Second-best,.:.:.- • , . • DO3tSSIC•3IANUFACTURES. Q Best Flannel-net less than 10: yards, s. $3.00 . Secunii • -- • .1 •Bert Quilt of any description, - 3 _Third -best, ft > 1 • -Best piece of Carpeting. . • . 2 - - Second best, nest Woolen Socks not loci than ' 3 pair, 1 .Best Cotton Socks not less than-3 p air, : l • • Best Wheat Bread, - : • . . • • : 1 - - Second best, • . • • I Best Rye and tarn:Bread, a. 1 • • Second best,' 1 'lest side of Sole tanned in the eoutati, $3 00 ...a.— , -2- 1 plow : deeP,er Z . - Wti.T 1 cUlti i ral#l l esS last Second bat, -- • - 3 ' d manure more 1 -Fa ers, many Uf . them ' Rpm side of Upper do ' . - ' 2 1 131 , that.-! y have a - go o d Pr o . Second best, 1 D v .4... I dnetive fa ' just and rnea ' ' GRICUBTURAL 1MP.....11- 1 • , ,•-•• :JaPPear to kailerge.t A • $ 3 00 ,, ~ •- ' ' lre tb' tho they for nebulas. c°untY' 4 „ and, rimps , snore' Best New Susq . 2 , are : cultivating, eq s Pe • 1 . , SecOnd best, ' ' '- 3 ' productive than the one t on the surqmer • Best Cultivator, , . • .. 0. ; Tuna thislarmiqiien,' See°l3d b9sti - - - '.. - ii low—expose P it to the action 1 Of the! and use a deep Best Straw Cu tter, _. - ~_... 2, sub-soil, - the. by - do ble pont.' SecoScat% best; ' ' '' Yoke; - i iun jell • fres% Thud • —r e ,- 1 , o Best Lumber W a ge n s' \ • .- ' 3 ',- , _Blit the surface fitruif.tbere a any ecru 'Bes Lumb e r Cleves, 4 ' ' /. '.- ' p er, stunt .-dirt. *rbil? „o' the one itn ni 4 4 , .iltel Best .., i . 1 • - ' l i e ' „ n a y - j ur e use d in pro. Best Berge Shee; so A certificswand uildernea9l- m a y -tuaY IF ..i. ; .Let a finest ieriely i.f a ICl F eril''' , , 1 d ijc ‘i e j le ss b y . preperli manuring [ it » , - Book on their culture:` , . ~_, ..., ._, . 1 .....,,.. 4 , be: di vsei t yi *Tying B oat re s u lt of one Hive of-Bees,-_, ..7s . uu iportiMx - 015 P- 01 1g - ws .. .. t i 4 4 4 ibeicultiya .,- pLowiNG ktATc . Li. . T , 00 - l out manure on the lang tne. r rill, , . .._ r Tor the best Plowing, _ : "71 ' tad:: Be assured - that , he !Aber ~ Pa,' 'better 1 beat ' ' . -4- ''' ' ' - / if i , oiie has dikibta on 1.6 e Mll - 0416 , - ts _:let him l I 3d best 44. '• ' - '- .' \'' .1 im - • A sere:of thin ling without, atiut4tr . with 411/ beat -' “' 'rid: ' " . --...' 9• - 1 if il4.si to . be '-atili 'More ii \ ' o teamsinsYbe out - . Wh eat lIIIIOUff, se* , ' _ ,_ •_ Horse or x '-- -8 r:ut ' ..-, • " t i .-00" l e t t i lliti dediicr. ~ ,- itelmetis on Winter Vfi,11g4.„ 2 , k ir ,P ' • On" ti itarisn' nus 'P e e s ga - 1 '-, LL,II - :. .:and oats, to be wade sr tills' .fir'-' - • , tgo a t" f. the manure , for feu 391fP. of `"" ;arid., -- Buckwheat ' -Ikkimbit ' at the : tannery _.,meeting . . and it win be nW *eat ',l,)et acaligltooiaatai_ have f t tr e poesn grou i n itura d tn an e GiraiS nid , and.f.",64"1,e. ! , p),11:49,411 4-iii le_ __ ac,re t c i i i ,._th * l . :t i ltiviite ta -- I, DrOpelireertifie 4 * - C° " l-1114 ‘ i'b, _!_ ilbelke41 1 t ' Withol4s,llore'4:;;; ' - I, ''' ' 1 -I ` ..' '---7.- ' - ' - Inemluptlible measured and rePene" at 1 1 `'•4 1 1 4 - . ' i ' i . - -; iii e rim e t ? t ~,of. loth t e sed wheo. . ' ... toot , - w i th ; Bwitsrifest . : :...Rut . 4 -ft.. .-. .the..'; , - tine . ' ~..„thelsousTy meetteg' g-. w ilu-',J . „ - i vi ' 4 eep 'a-lit, Abe aameittut manuring . . itaLexpoitecktha r, the gr!aktest accuracy - 7 . 00 F, ir" n 3 I, r - -4- - a b iu jo i i .f hei egi 'of b „, ob j e .,.. ea,,,in, fr iittoviini AbOse%froPl4 - iiirOliseilk:hili: !rill l.'Terw . 2 ,.. • 1 • a 1.6 '' /1344uttisfierS'Ilbst*PustYPrOkt i k!, ealdiSuitg 2 ttioreilo4 thaw =0.4 - cati 4... . cil d - eliikaas*AintYtel*Ot" .""!" --.- .ii t 4 ,,,,...,_ „.:,..„ 1 , 4 .: ii;4 l ; .- .',.,.,1 --i. .1. j An , , . 3 ., coi r slow :or pymp to , .., ..- ..,- ..,..._ i ,._- ~ ,,„1„-.0, 46: :, -t do i e, tho -411 - 11 - 117 ' 41- " 70',4101kie -7 = .• .. ' . . , •s l o lBl, !'''' : I ''''llliff,- { --7"br''' -tta - - bitteilikiere - frOse - , J :,:: , ; j .' ' t I - , i A .t ji . n i g 44 r i 4lr i f 4 J-sou -0'6114171'W : 1. , -, , ~..u.. i ) ,--- - 1--,=7..,, e _ ~;__, . ..i.z.i..--- ' .i'. .' $: 4- 4 you 'dill ti Ott . . - ,-- -4 , ..14,- ,, --- sot oultvals imrt- ., - i- -, - ' fit itteet " 77: ' '''''''''''''' - .1 . / -4..' -'.,; I , ‘.„ • enewasvi • - --- - ~--.---,7----__.:_. Ultuisl . 8eeler: 1 :1111. eie - it lliettePtittrkte . ' Peti, by uendine:'iin .-strtHesi 'or 61 .ir,it *Ski ;it il thatittil add tilitterestioiftlieirair,.... i • . I? The- - ;fulla - w - 1 ii.Peiiii.. . iui, tire , . siiiiialited- - itagt • r N EA .oroctc • tor: tti awns: ' l . ' - . 1 ,•-WM: : C... 114•:- 1 4 4 ' i1f 0 14, - .Wali I na; liinsSiiiiiigvi 1ia..;, , .*-Atze i . *top, BridgeuVatei —Michael Kttne4•4l . ' :*, o t toptit-.."aintiel Et; TowrisenrL - tiOltly' n.. el. A. rater; Ha i -4 I ~ ford•--t. 6-, - ' - liinkk;;. ridgeWiter. -- ' - i .1. 31, . -.. •• • ' ' ~,..,•-•411,4,EY..-- . ., • -. .r: .. • ' ' '.... .c Joel TaritliiiiitdtetOttn•i=.o .in ly,Brook;; lYn- . 401:R Col: --Fratsk in. ' . i. -: .- l' i ~.''..... 'SWINE, ••;.' . ' 1 - - ,'•Hirailillitto:*; €.hoe.9nut-- Is t!,ah3l4ine;Dint, Oak,.JosePh Williimt,'-fiii4,44W4e.r. -.: . f -..,!:, - ' i. - - .• ORSES. - . : 1 ' . .-',--' .: -• '. '-'" ''. --:"' . • — VB .. . .T - .. . Joieph::".: - .-tlyd : Clioconut-r , 1 ta : mom, sPriegvilie....6„,4 ~,e,;ll;tirison,--;llridgewatoKl . .• .. POU,L;T•ft . .&: -. VEG•E . rA RIX.% - -... '." - 1 - -.Vlrtlliani.l.i. - Po . i P:.B.:Chandleri,WilliaM4 . Turrell. - ._ ; . -.- : ~ •- 1 ;-: -.. :' • _.--- -.• ~"- ; i.7 : - - -.- ' B - . 1 It di..CHESe...... - Wiiiko n .T.4 l , ley',BroplClri,-Heriey Grif fin; •Bridgea'ater. l Rt•uben .Welli ti lledgewh. ter—Mrs:; 'John. Harrington, .-BriiigeWater4- Mrs: Alfred' 'Sin ;batiigh,-..•Bridte - Water-3 1 rs S. A. Butte rfiel' .Brid,•e,oWattr: -- i :, GRAIN. • ,-I 1 . . ' &mu el iA. N, •en,. Samuel. Taggart;• Per .vin %Vella... . • 11 :•''.- -- -- . = f- 1 i ' .f ~ .FRUIT:... . , Wm. J. M u lfo rd ; :lugli.M'r Keeler. `.. . - 'l. . .-' - ••• ...- ' --. H i lt BEBS.. Samuel 'r*.../e_ivton,Arrhninn;4 Johnson. . •' - , /Ostr.sl l ,iol-. MAICIFACTiYitiS. '. E I . .!F Mrs...illotnati jioinsoir,..Mra. -11.eube lilitellS, 31ra. Chitties Tin f lit' i - ~- •--i .. . 1. -' i' r t ,. --" .' . '..-‘ - .1. , :•. ' .': A4'llElL'' . 1 :.• '---.. _-..11 ~ . , • •.• .Geonie Keeleril:Wtn - . B. Handrake; Stephen Breed,. Jr.: :- -1 r• - .:.4 :.. .-- - ' . - .:/4. -. •• :. ....Aptt.ctOriiit IMPLEISEtorrs.: 1 ..Willicin'lnnoi —Nelson Tilliny, :Brooklyn 7 -.. pe r -g, G a t es' Oinincit.:-- - , - .,- ...- .. • . -. . .:.1 1 •__ ..- '• . LOW EI S. -• . .- - 4 Alfred Sayre, . lissi . M. IVevlerti 11Iiss Ellen seArli, miss , .liij ' Kolei;Was" . sl.aitha WOO !ruse, ::' :.:, ,i: ~ \ ; ...... •' . -•: I , 'Coifs rrrEE nli PLOiellin.. :- '-- ‘ 1 . . . . DavidTe,.4...Elq., ,Gilbert . War- aq 1 . A. Chumbeilin DI ~ •- ..- • . - • - i ' . ... ' \ . 4.-.JuDGii-or l'i,:owac . .-- • • ..r:,i 1 L A. B. : oodrich . . - BroOltlyn-r ' inn I Bard BridgeWittor-41;obert.lient,..- Bridgeivoter - .l' - - -. TheiExOntiv . e•Coinenittoe,'after Mitch eon J i sidemtion,lcOncluded . to appoint seven iridiiicb oats to tho.departiment of Neat Stuck; as li.N. a brapeh •of ....Agri itiltnre, ip • Which SusqUeh' ' ai ra..County.rs . .fisi r 0 raising , pre.eminenee,.lan every endeave r-•ltas . heert - made to : ielectipe ) . sons_ well ~I•3i allO "Blanked. - reports: ,ie:ill he .. fnrnished - to .116 . :..iticliieii, -- ta 4 i.ther with, .t..h. I premium list,. t.ii facilitate theikirttiel4, . A Corn - halite° •of reeeplion,Wilf bele . * tenclaticet4 . 4111 in the'dispti 'lye of: the. Stock, l&e: 'llailge to,.he had a '.Goo._Fuller'a; and at:tpitilljb oil the ‘a'aow..greur ds, which. will admit members and their families: -. The Montiosti-: Band, Will give their .beet. erviceti .throughout the . ;day, and it' s' hoped hat the.whole-proceedhiga - -Will Ibe Creditable t 'the county. I: After .an - eiperl; 1 enee - pf some.y ars4rEt - 4? Society, found . that the funds neeessar :Ali . arr • • on tivir..operatiOei. could not - be o Win d horn Ai, cOntributkoda 1 ef irierehers, .si th pie was radopted•Of -oe ciosing. a piece , f•• • ,'gr: nod Mr. tti . : Fair aut,c4 ;do Show, - and . !te, S . ail sum of 12.:1 , 1 1 . cen ts ,chargd for . edinitta ee to those whi? ' ; 'tlf n .wiSb --7 to beconni we beri. - • Soh* diStiat 4ic!.. Lion-has:. - . has :- bede-eapre : ed.at this course ibyl a few , \ persons, , enit the', Eiecutii•.,e . Committee have thought - it 'heist -sto. bri tig...- - . he subjette he:- fore_ flip-public; and', shomi (00 perfetl.prptirly" ,of it. •If thelkre,,ter number of persons intt r.: ested in Agn . Feltnral , #ursuits would sdstam the Soeiety.bt beibming mettibers,thereWontd he no necessity fur the.ioursO .- adopted. This not beitig the'case; ti resort to . other smuts lie eoines, imperat..; 'arid whit • that - vie*s•tbe subjeet fairly" luld Objeet Ao -- a. triflin sum t i, for th,.Sepport;.' f' 4* instit r ution • th at, i 3 • ph fe:i4sC-4iy-Effeeting-a,- rerriarkable improv;tl int in. the lAgrietiltdre of the county! It i earn estly.:requesieii,h3Lif any of the judges - *re unable -to ..attend; . 'netice - will be . giFeli at:ien early day - - to 1 the:Et. Committee, stutf thiiitei wit:comp) giv itit,ir services,- iiii. expected ' , ,.t0 report hem: 11,7•0‘ ;at the office 10, the ground by rain o'cli kin the teerning4 . , 4 ,.. . i t . - lIE ItY-1:111INIttIt,' ', 1 1!) - .J ,;, :' , • 1\ MA TIN 1.. CATLIN; [ Ex. COM. i JOHN FL. DEANS ',- ) . ..- _ __.......5e• i;' Cultivatingtoo much. Laudi 95 oo `."" 63 00 2' `.,53 , 00 , 2 s:t‘ $2 06 1 $2 00 .1 $3.00 t. 2 1 s The dertnerS generally 'attetept - tivetilti'klate i • too mach lancti The I dis tdvantaors ariSinl - r. s a r.? 1 from thi.4,c4Mke, are very obvlotr. Ityt is' no l i ..xakrge tion to Say, hat the lands etdtiritted I, in this fluntrfare - ca i able under a high itste Of eultt IX irt, of producing *ice as Mitch a'S they noir mince. ~ • 1. .' 1 IA - hen ' 'ill the farmers sof tbe - Weet relly appreciate ::this - truth ? There ,is ho .i one • thing tha i t contributes•so onrch to retaid . our Agri; tltural progresses the fully "ofettitiva i-ting Vo ankh . larid;; ,=. - • - : ',. l' l . , - In the first Lee no farmer should ibi le:of tria crinr, 80 !or 100 aciiis Of land, - -lit one fr two men. Iris Vid cennomy _to l d so-, al i nothing C /ex:pected front it but s ; rrerty. 1 .. r polverty of both :land - and purse. .114 w ititich better would , bel to cultivate i halr the I f n tnber of - a c es, or, 1(44., and do it ivell.. It c nualst4 kJf .ati much , ter ow .an acre' that: rill yield bushels of corn as one that 'will "yield 1110 or I 0-busheis.---Th Aifferenee ,in hoeirig 1 l iiwilf he • e same. 1,14 nld require same amoubt, of . fencing in th oAe case, as the oth er, acid the ! tame tr. wil halve: tole' 410d:on 1 each.4 , -Wlty:not,, ttkeref re prow leasland and 7' ~1~ . ~ Hoilseg . Great Bond Do . • pot; Pa: I k. : ing nen'and owtelonabuilllng. oltnated hut it few fe;et from the Dept at Orval: .Rend. lo now openel endrureillhedirta,lilitebie style Ir.u. a Public Howe,. w • 6 I wilt be kept o',eriat hour*. Ooth day and nlght.v fOrthe re... notion ef trivellors i • 000etially for the owwwwo,iittien fax*Pperr 4 travelling% .on the • !I'. V. & Iprle Railroe.lo„ being at the jtinetinn of these two mato. and the moot eonvenient point to otep In awl take refreohMento and he off-With tin" tirot train., at. well *Ole moot ronvenient house to acennunodnte the nnh-,.. le. hecen•e it iv NEW. CLEAN' . and WITRI;RSAMIIf— , {atilt room wean/hie Atoommoute L .. 1,1,4, fitted Up trillt new fnrolture to rorroinnwi. awl taideo always stet; with W.tittf I.s anl lUxuriett furniidtek at a mo- Mento warning....'• . • , yr p o .oternroiro 41.41 ring root anitsl eift. c a n,hveatnag here. avoid thelneonvenience of taking en monthly' to Lind en aa wall 11101 6 .-.lrlnv mina Uncertainty _of :ie; turning to the '!leant at theiairliml or departure of She !train* :ag a porter will -heist weft-Int to conduct them With thetrtntegago to the `Umlaut llonee. "last Remo* ;the w tr." ant eoadnet them ha-k. again without fee or teeward•ta.4l,e tipOCTRI rare to wake them if desired at Ann honr of the nieht.; *. • • . .• - I' 'The location. of the fterant Mow. with the natural . !teener' . It' , Mitit combine to make it Very dtudrahle, Arno WRR Rlr4tfl It? flir.lotoineweinen And °thong in th 6 V • city who may what " rot off ewe" for eyfew day, to regrult. in theeountry.. •• • _ Ajorge and Commnding . s. Hall • -. • • ulfumi Allrr •• • • tattwel..4 thishuil•lint for the it.Threalepest qt Meas.. ure atlas:loolna:9 And tri Bernttinalt- Onus her , . wit tout rer, tr.t.to nnmhers. with warm sta. tars cwr their teawks, and relialite help -tn wait 'an Ahem; . Dar For fu•ther particulars Inquira .at the, Itriwur,, linule of the prniitletor. • • ,A.pinsco BRYANT. ' E L. TU • RR E LL sE ,, , , j astreeel ! feil a larkp klsformet . stock H 'VINOD% • . • Which 'nonreader' his astiortinent good. *MA nrttelet will bc - .014 as him or tower than they can be purchased else . ' herein Town. , ' Ile will receive in navtnetd. tf shi Ora 'of all kind..:lgpr 4 ; !taiga. Snelts.'llees•wax. 6.—• 1 lisi, atie o himself lion /pi buys hi's °M.'s ne tow a tag Poian,..and he Is confident tipti• be _will - not bean der POI lie will at all times esteem It is . tileasitre to ' eive , 'call from Ihls 'friends and elastomers. and the p blip 'gen rally, t' Whom he feels viirYgratef4l for past I. fors . 'in li erahpa rOntize. -Ins stork 14 connioseil as not 1 of nearly ever. thing ii.nsliv kept in a izencrtu IWO!, ens Storik,;--liie.l adin:c bratiche. lo trade are, .. . ~ • D • . ru- . rs . .- illedicir t ei .- - • qhen . ic a - ls. - Paints, ls,Dye StuT4, - brOtertel, POtiHIS, - Ike'. • ' . i • , • - . . In ad litlen'to th.de., h' - keeps a variety of '• b ' Dry GoOds; Hard-ware; Call rk.Ston, , - . - • - • - - •• • ware, •' Glas§-ware; .Liquors, _Musical . ltstrufitents. , ..letuelry. : Pe fuinerij • , : . Shoes,(l;n.biellas.:Ti r kips, liiiii, -- '- ' , Tors; Nall t.a l er,Stati 11,.•• : • . - . ery,..Lanips, Brusheb t „ -. .. IVi#d to- Glass, , .!. -. •••• • ••'• • '..-ILSQ,=;-just • ar r'red at' - , :.- • -- - , - .91 1 1,3 lit. 10t161. -9 % . - ; - 1 . A int endid assortrite tOf flohl Fioger Rings. Far Wortand and Rings. Breast Pi ... ir..4,4, Kele. rencile.renir..k.tr. -Algo,fl.ilverTliinibles - l'encitii, Spoon*. Spectacle., litc.i Silver. plmed; Hermh Silver. and Atbata Spot : init. - Silver Plated and fi'...S•,. Ito' ei-.15.ni , wi., and Speciaclecooriestvo S.peet4elex for '.ltear felted' persons; another . ' , Melia.' aisortment of those e lebrated‘VisterbterPorike: Knives Unrivalled' in lualiti of material and finish; :Shtiarai l t .Pistols. Fire ersirker .ilarrisides and other kin•Ls of l'er.'l Ninety; an article I r ithii snre.and - f.'s Gt. prevention of 'I conception; rlyse4, apporters..shoutaq , Brines . .ilreavt Tnin t iv. the cid in iii4e,:Piano: Mii , ic; Accordeops, Vie.' lies,. Violin fl w... - S o.l'W...divot's. Bridges". Roiln, Pecs. i Hair best Flece4; Rotes; Irifee. Tuning Voris, and the best *fig+ intent of Vankro • N'orions 'in Town. -In odtort Vlirltfl flg-in , every hody.' thitne and see: i •••' • • ' A.14 4 0,—1l cod' Clcith-. CIL.MMeI.II4. sntinettv: Attn:. tucky Jeans- Drillines: Teitlrcre. flannel. .Glniteira*. Lawn.. ClP•elti. Apiece...V.:01e0...4. CortotcYzern.llAtting, ' Vreddita; 4 Openarrx. Tt.t.tanl:and ill artl,te. for malc. trrearnienti; 11r4 ,, wn Idlierr. Shirt Idnen.shirtinzSheet. lug, ne n 4korehieer. qiinveA:ll6.e., iummer Hat., !Lee . AI, ii).-lied. tluetzeicl.Cceln.h '.kfola...c.:Sur.ar. Tea, i11(4.4, .Selerntts.... l'eop.r. Opier. Ginze'r, .Cinnemon. nve.. 'llaer..nsii•lnv. Tin , %Ter.Soap. soft and hard: snap Powder:Sal feisca. Veisir•Powilers. ke. • Putty..r.snc• phene. Roviiing Fluid. Limg (W. Tanner. Oil. Candle.: .lice....aftill awaortnientef :crocyries, and all aorta of Paints and Oil.', cOnstintly on lions, and. fur sale ehiep . . . Montrose, Jane 2,1854. . , : . '''.-- -. Ne*r Spring„ - Goods..":. .--. THE .. ~ P . .. , anti.sc iber once mole Seeders the' compliments of iss a..a•Mi to his friends ;and - resumeKs arid . de. 1 , sites . to vslltheir a tenti ITS .-+lt.b.e.rtry insportanSfuit tblit he. haw as in star., -an I 4- 0;n, at anti vv.-velem x; from - the ail. a: general, S•iiArterrnt Of Goode Fuitehte .for the airing trade. ciin.latinir'in pars of Dry flood.; lira rive. ,Crockery. Ilardarere. Vail.. 91M, I/ruts and Dyestuffs. Beet-and Shoes. 1101 anti also en' ic.lnpmetit et • roryprettl Lvti....4..kn.l'Mholeg naval.ilmintiti. !. the tate.t.nyle. It 1 . All of whir hte will sett inn termP flita , rrobte All naval. - The highi;it prieeA alma paid . fee merehmitable pr. . • . ~. . . Returninit .thi.nita to • .11. fri.TOR and • owdom -re .awl hepitrt foe 4., contihulatee of their favors. end assuring *II Of It d , t4lre're ..vv- than; to the extent orbit - ab.lity. he would sub4crihe hitnrelf their . -•.. •• _ : . • ' - i OtrAient servant i:J. L. MERRIMAN.' tipvelvllle. April 7.5. IS: 4. ' . • .' • ' 411t.•New•Inilif rd .Depo.t. • uult.furt.puld invitrthe attentlan of hi4friendil JUL • and all that visit 0.701 i C 'man to his Sew Stock,' Which i.i now beinQOpi ned.' winding a f.apetinr assort ment or t.stiei Dross Goods in rich Paints. Delanes. Prinied, bairns. eittra'.rioh Barren. hotlines. Lustered PoplinK‘lit:lin and Cinch= ltobes.e..4nre '15..40,1t1aek and Fallej :Wig ite . %twilit' Cortaro and gmbrolderii, Crap „- Brother and otbetlummer Slit Mantillaa. Parvola. Stiaty. Pteofth, Lace, and Silk Ithaitil•. Ran net Silk. Itihbona and Fino:e•s..' en tlein,,,i and Rays slumniar Dress atiOilis, is run sort went. or Hata. Cap -. Door a and :shorty Erna:is, Valie. es. Carpet Rigs. allsrool. cotton and and Cotton Cartieting dt PPien , ll , lpatteriur: 011 Cloths for lloorand i Tables. Painted - an !Printed window shades , will paper, Domestic eations 41311 ' Also,'Critekery. Hardware., Insti..itteel - sprinzi, store,.. Groceries, Fist. Paint., (Os, Grindstones, Win dow Maas ttod aath.'ice.. making in all a univyrsal as. soshisent.and belie e 'ptireltated entirely ikr:eask t will enable purchasers to.sectire benefits in'pricri:aryiesaind terta - s untfistuilly found la any other. establishment Nll hoar and Salt constantly on hind. • ' 'Nan tlilfnrd. Ar 11250 84 3. . • teW - 1. ig & Grocery Store. OCT. - 11 PATRICE; Jr.4 . ..eetild respeetfully inform his -numerous old and well tried friends: both in and out of the Profession, and the *bile in . genersi.that be bas lad embarked is the abore named business. awl has nottoshand awl l i ar Stilt ireeeirtutt s full 'and well cbacen ramettazimtlif every tulog in the line orDru g s, Medicines. Clitieerke,Dyee t Pain P. ice.. d c.:tail of which he willsell foileach or barter upon. the etethest 'and meta advantageous term* to the pureitscer. In refer. cues to his Drucs an Medleitreste'Would simply state that they were Oefireted fry usamittlr from the establish ment of P. Shieffelin Ushers tr. Crr.. one of the Most. telt. atii• in the city of New. Trick—add-far parity and exert. tense Iretrellerea were never excelled. if eirtalled . by any stock over brought . into StrequellsmnardonntY; of Groceries is fall end well bought' nevi eonarguently rim beloolt cheep. 'Heber! also s few ebeice Liquors for medleipal parterres which he can afford as her as a more inferior article has generally been bought for. " Please sail before' patella/4as elserthereYat the `old Stand of Pitta do stiantrr.in the lb 'Ming form erly. k-nownes the " recilecce Store.. stawkite.the" Democrat_' Milk. • 'iron rose. V' b. 1.,11552!. - . . • New Sprin iverr - Atliactletiis DAGITERREOTYP - E GALLERY, B Bilitl!lS,lnTitts . the atiention of his' fanner Y pattens, plibliggeneraliy, to h'. manner s upply orgoods, which. tik Isui recently pueenneed„ Slit/X..4 or CASES. .Albtrt, Albanl, and 001 Veiveteniesivery Atilt aseitheiralilepatnisoe—be sides a variety of plain aiid finny eases °coypu , *e sad de.".e.414.14. , . . FANCY FRA-Nrt• -- - • " Kossuth promo wjaveld dosed 'motto natant' or ABASE. , To wbkls pearl/ Oa*" at • GOLD LOCKETS. ' A biaritlfatagoitartiiit of .Lockets teal ko , raid eriese• - - . t st eat t prellit. - ;i1 pad arreni4l - ;l6y i Tiariap ins carisa. for Abe comfort sat daeoleueroFvidtvwf,T tru't that- IV er- Prtkg 011 44 0 8 * ! nth. lanimahatait • .hpla thedlitimslaVU 11‘ 1 4• 1101 itl i t a tan 4.lgatano; -1011411440.hataistligl aiar • -- cf• Writ "25 cent < y erreoP r ypinP "l4 .2t="iter '?4 ' ' Nobs whisii thus boas wars tamp - • . • . - _ . D iv aNT ito3tvot , &SD likSTlll3ll .. ILDITOiki; N.,Y. !its y qt jtu" ion :relocated la a beitutifutrand I T romantic Ova •at the basenf pent. and withi t the-corporation of the ,vilitge l ; possessed of a• abundant supply, of parestacrfl water, isdiriuta Pus , for exercise in the pure, act,* Carriage f c walk': up f tha. mountain, over-!, :looking :a - suet cry unsurpassed its 'beauty and' ' grandeur. and 'free front the noise andlturtnoil of , busy life." :excellent sailiui(and rowing privi.l leges "on the pleasant waters of this Cherningo.÷. These area Tew of the *Presentation thauCure." diets to the itivand. . • The. house is new and .Commodione—bathing Apparatus excelleitt--well,;ventilated, }with 231) feet piazza. - - - • 1 The. medical departMent is under the . entire i care of Pr. : Thayre and wife, who have ltad largiN experience in I lydropitt hic practice, and - are fts7 1 movably kcinwn as,stiaceisful practitioners. Courses of -Lectures, with full plates and illua trations.4lll be given throughout, the season to the - Students and, Patients. n post Anatomy. Phyisi 7 HYdrOpatity and flygieui:for which there ' will be no additionatcharge. . 1 • .Females - who.havo heen COnfined . Air years, are invited to correeponil give us a cat!. Oar-success. in the I diseases , peculiar to Temalea, has •gi .duce, and we say to allsuch, even ! , enfrered much from - many physic! one more trial. _, Terms (tom 134 to. $8 per- we i erns' ereokly,)itccOrrling lo room and , ton reqm red, Patients will provide for perno l 4 2 eir l 7 fortables, 2 41ankete; 3 linen or Cott n hoets'and 6 towels. 0-Y. T AY RE - . - Resndent iv &clan. -' 1191 r :D. w..IOI..N.RANNP F'!oetor, .; _ • • - - Books & Stationery, - . AT N 1101.RSAT.E. KIGOINS to RELLOGO,,puIir LA. Ushers, IdOnktsell and Stationemi34l John Street New York, and. menu 4eturera of eyery description of Klink Roola, haring" ularge.ltheir 'rnantrfisetturizig partMent. and added new soslee rcfora to' 'their estals ,, li.h-nent,.are now; prekkared to supple Rooksellergiand , Conntry Merchants with every.Virtety ofiltoOkto3laisit" Rooks and Stationeryl Ott the mess -favorable (et rtia.— Their stock of Blank Hooka, till of tieli ow manta/sift:- ture,conaists of all the' yarions /die and litYles of Ae-, moist Hooka. Memorandums. Pass Rooks, ,Writing, Phering, -Rxeroiae - r Time, Roll' and Drawing hooka, Alookkeeplng Blankly ire Diaries for 11364, a great earl et ; Books in every department; ofliteratirre, Schaelts; acad.:mile. Colleges. Sunday rlCh s oolic awl Private:Libraries, atandirli works in prose end p.' size, Annuals und.other,boolteld sine binding! for the k ok .4 : .' in " a v ll t e glr d v el' arts!t i r Au hl n Mro:I11:11ooks::k2.1. tai tottery. plain fej; cr./Eng lish. Kt4niti and American: • Suttee by thricaleitt Man: • . nntoturef. l ,weer piices. , • • t tli_of which they Will sell, at prime averaging proba bly lower th‘ any other establishment in 04 dty t t)rdstr4 by Mail, filled caiefolly and prompOy,_ and at aglow Arica; as if the purcharre prtittnt: !.. til Joho, can. of ould street, New York', i '27tri6. 111101UUMIE., Mi•_ courousigliilMP ov DR: oors DO2FATIC lEUJCINES liLOOIIROCii, TOR THE • • - . CURE GonsnmpGcni, Mittinui; lirott4diis t infinehsit, Coughs, Whooping 4.lougdf and Group. • - Dr..Tbrpaps::lpfan( Presoryfttiye theeti - Cnrw Platettenee. Colic, Gripes, ItiarheaDyserit errand Chillers of Infants, or any Of the oommonl ills of infant . • pr.'.,Tlrocip's Worm' Pinson Es:poi/4114610y Intruder" of. hunuu * rilyste out exceptkes of kinds or numbers; ' • • • .-.. Dr.. Throw p s Bilious Pills _ Cure indtgestion.-Billitiusdiscirder P,'COStiVrACPP. PI if fl, lleailacite, ileartbuni,."Verer. Inflammation;. Diarhea, Dysentery. and ,restores - a heals by action otali -91 ? g isuos 01 ; 11f.i.oay: . . - - - " , : 1 Dr..:Ttiroop's-Eire Water .:.. • ~. , ~ 7oriAiirp g sf ed: n n r e:i;t i i r ve no viA l3, 7 si e s %fo iv r o a r n ,: y . tufLsm:eui to.- ry affeetynknf,tb - e e ye. and , - • • . , _ .. , 1s unsurpassed for . dressing for Burgs and - Elealds, 111- eert,,lalt.litheum, or tiny abrasion of tbeskin. •! t - L: :7..ereet4• If sslst , On---lientley & Rend.' MontrOse, N - ,..firanerr& Co., Ttti II; II: M . ikoutbwell. It usb ; V.' P. llollist es, M•ddietown :-D. Alidden. Prfewisville; Scott & Raft, ripringrille; Dr. bantb , rt. Auburn ; .1..', S. Idttle.:Neweilliford; .Dr . Brooks 'Great Ilene-,Jo seph-L M rimari.'Upronrille;* Dr.-J. i ldarney., Little Meadow.; ; J per -Stanley: Chorprint ;•14 Tiffany; Brook iyn Centre; 11:A. Williams . .. Clifford; Dr.4.4l,oltuston.l. Dundaff ; Jo neon & Yery. Ilarford ; D. Iloueh,Jeisup. 3 . SAILA: DEL; General Ageut,, FOrest Lake: 1171 . .. Januaf7.l 1553. • ' . • . • • .. -.. • 1 OLITOR VOUIRSELF . ' 7. i . • . • ..'- • VOT 25 cetits , , ~..-: . .• _ . • - , . Isy .31 EANS or T 1313 POCkET'EACVLAPI7 I'S, or every one his own Physician! Tide - ----es-- 'lath edition; with npararde of a hundred ...' JP envarimrs.showing net sate; disease in every shiitie and term, and ,malt ilmatiolii! of the . :. -1 lii 's Iterieratire sy.atem, ; .4 : -. •,. * - wiir yr oi s ism 1 flung:101. D. • ; - - the time has now Arrived that 'persona sintering itOm, 4:iter4 J li t .earek need no more becrinan the..rictioss Of Vlockere.os by the .preerlp tions entitained. In - :hie book, any o n'e may roe , himself: without, 'hindrance iif - bdel. neo, or the linowredge ((the Mold intimate friend; and with olVti..e.ath the Usual expense. .14 add I addition to the general r .ntlne of oilvste disease. I t ifully-explions the cause of manhood's early fteeline. wt,th oh.erratinne on marriaitis.L.hcsides ;many other ileratutemente which 'it would not he. -roper to ennmersdir in !i the tintilio Prints:. - ft - r. Any nerson sendinr Tn . ir:iNt- ',FIVE CTS. Prieto ! ..eit in n letter. will reeeir.e.-one en y of this :batik. by mail. or five coniriiwi II Mel pent-for. nne:dollnr: . Address Pit VV. TAMING ,1 \o: 152 tiirr;s..cestreet;P 111 I.Atint.PnlA. .• pOin-PRlti.. • ''. • - , _ . •, , ,• , 137" D It Tflillifi - can he vinsnited on any of..tbe dips earcs.destsribed in hip different publinstiona:a ebb 4.171 re, In Spriee street. - etery day. between : 9 and S o'csock. Sundays eacepted -.)- -• , ABEL TunnztL Goods • • • _ Peop e's Tries& Pond's, of Ph , N, Destroy. 17 nd Dreislina• Extract.• • '' 'Extract from the thrnli eilled!.Witch hazel t an'd - fl purely from that, with the exception of a little Al cohol to pre.erre it It cure -all local pain and intlanimation.old sores, -fresh wt unUs and bruised, Piles. and ail- diseases of 'the boweia 01 a chr nic nature. tooth-tithe, eat:nche s and an excellent remedy for females, &c. It lii truly what it professes to be,' 4 ' till' ritortat'S PRI Providence hag scattered along : the rugged paths o tt life Maur' thirsgs that - contribitte greatly to - the coin!' and happiness :of every bode Owner._ their great value; ant writ may they be galled ' .Eriends of the Teo. ple." the name of Spencer has.manutaetnred- and ., ctfeted Pir gale a spuriona urticle hailed ate "CorSql tiitraet"—that Would ,lbt-extract from the irtael-ant—thet eitnine is'as iihttaiito-anrr ac water;whilthe spuriou'• article is Col ored, which enables the nubile None rennin* but lbws, marlied Pond's Palutpeatrarer. HATCH. Montrale.i and atarelikespera I and medicinidealent aenerallv,Agaitta. . . Susquehanna Count yAttention .A -N ew Era hill's Dry. Goode Basines. uirr , top:List & 10Miltt have received and are Ititw Y v remitting a large and. extensive stock of Dry Goods and Carpets, selected with the grewiest care Ir.ont: the ' Easterd market*, haring bean bought for emb exclurara ty„ will be sold it rates which ibly ali competition. and, ail pertons from Scowl uetianna.countj and vicinity. wilt find it a wining froni.ls to 20. per dent. to give us 4 mall ind .411aineW stock- of good, that_! will - 11/Iklt'an extunii ilatlet, ,:- . ..1 '!. . 1 •i' - . ' ' Our stack of Deeps Goods consists In part Of rich black Silks. Broesde, Ch'angeable, Sniped and Plain do.", ld De - Wrist ofall qual4les„ Banger do , se Itch and.Altwri esti Ontgitants. NOM!. Damps, hyena from 10e' to ls., ta French and A ream PrintsAkc.; at.e . ,*filo a great .inirl ety'bf i. - ' • -•-• - gh:42l/Yht. ! :i.: -.. . : :' - 7 . • , Bench', Squaril - aurtd !Mar, DM& Silk from et to $lO, Caihmere. Sim Plain' and Vinbrobtered, - -Detain* -dm, 1 Misses Cashmere, Mourning, tic. , ' ..-- .- ; ili .... Gn 'el co s_ . rtinrat„ ~ . - consists a large a ortinent of Urtiadeloth,s i black and fancy CasviMeres, Ss SM. Korituek, 'Jean,. silk 'satin land ntarsallea Yesth4s. and a goOd. variety itlf Sumer Gouda too nunteroSo to s mentien.- - j 1 -'1• . . ''' --- • - 'W hite ':Goo d ' .. 1 .!. . Ji -- . , . . . 1 , This derwtFient is repletS with , the ehoirest 'articles e°4ll46tiolan -part ot 'plain. plaid and - striped '.lacovet Mltsllft rtigand plabeitaiss:muslltiDrapery for mottling, 1[34441e.1 goods for ilownsi a, bleached and toraWn theatitut 1 trout 44 •• i* 2v. 44.. ,- Isishiesi Brown-Linea, Linen Sheet imr,eth. imr Dirds-eye, it stAttlusjita Diary, ,•-• .- ~.• , -; . Napkins ' nen bid Cot ',stable_ covers & I Ifscrisdlao Skirts, 1 nterionisAlliakws4Alifiliadi4itt .f5.;' , ..1 ..' . • ' • `'''' -::' ' ' -4 {, =•- • ":'Llarlaline:,, , , ki..,-, .!' . '`. - 2 -r. ~- reaplyrie S AM.:both Ms -- sand wool..Draggat do., 0DC1414 f Bongs - and 14 1 iinflitinwOlftif 4 0 ; 41 ' 1 '''k ': ' All the aboie Oiliest tiettelOs We :piolsoietto,:keep MM. IttalstlY ontrisid, ipaßalargeinpfkimf -7:lrt - -- :!.•-• r- , :l A - „ . • 1 . ' . -,'- '' _'Off Cartatos. --.. ' . - . - irmersircbst.is - goidd atiftiiiiWiliiin - iito .esolii i'fitina ,west of N. Y: ei.y. and :ii'grifittetirarleti 'Of - other goods -7 ..piabuto,,,,,ww,...,Futiotpenniti,..:tem, NO iftWoWill Ilitroi OestithlittiiillWOAlolltei - show YeltaalatiPeratkiehreerritscimirltbriZin CarlfilillaaWilltbagivited in goutharo'N;l l ,, / . ' -. ireigtofWieArtrab'fitstitOltie ii ir4.3l l l ll. o 7 ti' ' ''' ' .” illoOtaist ! osiMay 10' 1014 I ".' - ',;,: -• +•-. - ^ ..-: • ''-'. /.. ... . -i: • •-• . ' - . •"i; 1 IMMO lit i r . : ;" : ; : lii i i ns e p hi n e r.u n y l :t b i d° o l llr l e ,, i "1 : 1 ; s ir t.6.11 : 1 t ,": 1: c.lnti°llll,‘kvfiee.. . , alzalnitt. Imposition A nma hp _ _ . yer- opi . tf jailaiatce.byspipsia. 0 1 -_-, ,:Debility, Diseases.: A xi) so dia4teea . arising . f :La. stomach mob as eonsupati or tdoodlo the , bead, ae.fdl!y ..,,,,._ - e 'vim a. heart tii.en ~- disguSt.f6r. feed; f luess,Or • wilight t.,.. --. •• T ........, ailments. 4 pro 4 :-••••••.- - -c h t t i:V a tzi - ' -- i - i•• 4 7f 7 1 ,41:4:-.- . -:-.l:'''.;"'"7 - i t iii - i: --- tiTibitilit7 7 o - il l ' a ili - Q -- l'' .stomach' .. .eerie eructed:AO, klitg-411 ! •L it * tniii 4 tbe'-. ..;,,i 'l haty ry•"* ...„ sze ,,it - i " grio n ra, v. =.2 - at a ciartioa of miath.-.:=it_l%)l.. ; . ... - 4, ... . -. 5. .to 6 , ,:'- Bi Tioest,, :rat of the. stomach;visiltarning e r thvi,ttaitcherrie - or. ~, shoo wrdan, tient., ..„; ~,,, , . . .. .., ..„ i , .. ~ ;:,., ... ~.;., J.,...... _titramb.4toues, . i . i... tout.. ihd, Di. difficult br e athing, fluttering - t thejieSii Li desk . uSt , Yr ....?,-....,lll44nytheesteistiefheisefferivisi artinu ''•••;twittete .levars, , :. l .. t. ...,-, 1 ,- .' 7 , ; ., : ;i' i t , - .,,,.....,:! .. !: : :•,-.,r . :-; ~..r. , '..,!, , j'.,..., ..'..... , ..... (Asia.) r .. .. i suffocating sensiti.onit when, lis w lyitq, pristO re'. dlitipilie .. ',, b e k„,., 4., d ., 4 uloggribood, mt./kitty.. . roe rnast ._ ;Lino, ~, a,,...i, ~..,/, , . .) ~.. .... , . ,:. of viiion..dots or webs before t e:.siglit. , fe ernd ;dull •• ...wrekin ti ctsd.: !,,erilt: , lii , r . l . l B,l ,!e z re . ti , ii , .. , t --- . .--. ....,,,,,.,.,„,,,,, :,,,.. _.. . . ..,...:,. .. . 7 paluill the hea Li iti'lleleoer or. oi o .spiiiitio -, •7 - lnikl l4l i ..... f i ' ll , g, • • t..Attri i idik Iri.t*** - -:, - ' • •••''''.' , •: : . l 3:. t - :.,-4-;- . . , ;:. ~ ..,- . i., <- ~ : • lii.iti:Spitnit t r.:Y,L -:- 7- . ',- riffle shiwanil eyei, pain ii'ti e I slilei Ifiiick chest , . foil's 7 , t,e thrvilk.: 'fon- i'' erei.ke vee is4ste its be ed 9 05. 19 ' '' '' ''A''' '...":. _tiltiit OiSPiiOtt'a CoNiiint ate:filithilili .fliishmis of heal. netting ;lii stirtitturigininroir evil • a"g r 4t 46 PF1 41 f i: 0 : : Pl rit.s ' 4''':: , t a " 412,1"- - 71 - ii!T•iitli:t . :ll . t.. " th ... i . G.B_,..ll:t o2l4 ~„ :10*9;:e' ' 9. . ., 7 0 ..inif;• . *ST.‘ ,.. - •,tragen:4rtki ;10, - •31. en . tres! ? ?tt. -,,, _ , : .:-. 1 ~..., ....ii . A . I can he [effectually cured by . , • :, li •It -/'' 1 . • ii.: , i -' i wilt world Cl t-Ottfil arse trt.pplieff, 1 . 11 eatiii 1 it.. 411i z i- d. .- :.1 ...t0 r " ~- : ~..--.1. . t 0- rE;........... ~-... ... feji .,„ I f . • . 9 .- ' . ed ' r- : .- -.lworeledgerwe ebtai -hi after'stoil! , lied what Alitycand ~., _ : ...• ~,,,,...,„ iti . , w : t ni th .: ' et , , , IDi.,llloolianti: s. c lebr i at . . •1..._ . _ „ , i.: . t. ' . :,- .main It I tern . ' 1 1'; 1. , .- 1, - . _.,L1 .. ...I;4l, l ,M e l r i. a " . lahh " w - " 111514 ^ Pnkha "' b " I 'VO7 4 .4 1 : 41.: 't ''' '.- iiiiii ''' Yli'llif . iiv,itAstirketria.his - 1 'C' 1. •i" ksk) - . ingtt wu ot i c 7 ii ir co - Lv 4ul A!;ll)llPir * .A.lll '. ;1 .,.. i.. : 1 .. 401 3 :'.- . ;. : _' '',,:.-.-I''.tC• .., r ' t . i i t _ i . i .." - ,.. -1 .. itg.1 , 1 - 'O . - - i f il •• ,j ‘ - - .'. '' ' 4 '.... J. ..- ' '"- 2 --1."111- • Prepared by 1)i:,- . . • l eic 4i . a': -, 1 ..-- . -.. :: .., - ..N. -.-_ i. -,-,.• - ... ..i. . - ••:',. _.,„ ~... .. • • ~,,,1 , -. . .. :. • - ',. I I- el. man Medicine 5 . .4.07 1 ,.4' itlip .4r " c , 1 . ectl ; t 6. ..o r _beh.. l ,ld i t e bea . i f e r keii......,..dNr i e,4l,,c l V. st u r i: pi elb t if L ii h r oi tt ia 4 i4.-4'...-7, 8 ,::-:::1 - -! . L , 'L ., ?i , ueorry . .ruiteri ~--.-'--,,(..• ; ilLff.D 4 4N . ..iieigiidy ' :isiararciothiisg Hsi r. -' 0 - i . i . •";• 7 :`'. ! t r rr .-`1 7 1 ,91u - n. ' ek .' `‘...'" 'l' --,.-- : , .4.. - ' . ,• , ,i-- - ]:). r ',., pl i. Rao,* fi ShOlit, &It. -,' State '1*(0 . dOe ' llthlot '': 1 1 A' ladellihial ~.: 4. ' - . - •_. ,_._ l r i.. -li ".' ,1 '' ' '-. ' 4 '. . ~, ',-- ' - , I‘''. lB r2r4 r ' ls.- P - I l l s O t r-,.. ..- m i . ' ' L-; -.,:' 1 . ~.. • A liatel!ii dote' ,-.Nl44tioae, .1 _.-. -.-:: .• -.:.. r- '..-','.. •-.. • L . Their power ever the abcreed..-ease , .ii nit , it e _4,ift 1 :. _ .., egitalleitr by any other. preppretion hzthe - pni 8 ate' I ~l'ori r , : iot. t bte. ) ll- f O i ' : Coot - st 'il'io elitrle.i r lifie,,kwiui - • . '•-• -• • :-, •-- , -• -, ..r: - :••;• ••:--• • • . -- ' i as the euveS littest, in mally t 4c4Aesl afteel ski it,. yid ' - 61 , , ~. ....„. d r, f _1 1, .Y..". .. 1 ,.k 1 . , 7f.. - 4 2'. /4n- „ l 'P a ! i -t° ... 11e4 #,!ii,,1 -- "..:4•••:-•,„ - f - , : : : -. . - 2 :1'1 - . -- " 2----- 1: - "'-': s ghilitifilit:, , niaiii:.." 77-7- _ .. 1 dons had failed. - • . •t, .; ,• 9 • • 4 , • 'li .i - -.' .- ~,,:,-;; --_ .--• ...:-; ll,r , , p.r.0 11 ;0 1 . !IT ..[;.; . ~ :1. . ......, . -;-, Ctit AXING AND 1141111 Dl,Y.Eflly , filiA .00N .feathe i ..: These bitterskare wertliy w attrutionjef i lrllTti, i 15..... i ~- ...,, 4 . litii:l i4;:ii'a ' l' '' -' e . ' . -t. li;ii 'eil, .'eezietr• De geie.i. • 4 , k3 Is uudinii;.urziltiatlO:li:e! Postelllcei M ci a ren ,p l l ji c a g essioggreat !virtues la tire . rectat3 . .ln' i '4l! Ares •., i t ° t° ,ar ~ 41e' r edritie 4 hint dent stet,' ess:,` 01 the wife. . 1 , ..,...:- .._.---.,--:'" t7i , -- i. ,, ..'f , ' ,, ,..; , '''-:,:r..- ef the -Liver nwl leerier glandli t e4ening :ye; nrcr!t , with i eo ii ,i, u‘ • ti e , r opportoosty rjr.lT .d ' till ttbrordone , :- . ..::: : :;,•,,,i. i• - .i4• •••• -- : ;sgf.-1. - Irs:... eat-thing power . in_ Steaktiele , I - , iutheitter -: .s - -1 ipTtiveorpuiei, that' are w ith, 1 , i f , * ! re " ' ' 4 1. ..ki1011, YA.i LA* ' ninkhan l noek Pa: . 0111eibi l ant . • 4iir - 111-Alta `S - Brici(lteiel - ' • ,• - ,-.- . . - - • - - '--Read- Ilia be The Eiliteror the Boston M Dr. flatland' ofielebraltot 4 of laver Cotentaint, - Jauttslif Nervous debillity, is deleirs tuedisitt es or the day. The thotteands:end a freed at e seltreeeiyed an effectual an Complaint from the `use of winced that. In the cite of th fleetly milutritrength and v' eonsiderittiOn. ' They are Taft Tan he wed by persons with' With .afety undeziany eren from etperlenec, and to the iicett's Weekly. one of fish ed Sid, August '2sth-1 !. Di liffoffitel l „, aremon Dr. Jackson. ar - e - now 'Tee meet prominent membert o 1 1 article of much efficacy-In such isthe ease', we veleta A hilt Ho, anWthets , wee thine Isom! of debilitate! ceditit advantageous to their heal I ence the saluteryetreet the . , . Moro , The Philadelphia: Eatttri paper published hi It-heti:de land'a Gentian Bitters— - " seluinn that wer Patent Medleines.:to the.' Outtradars: And therefor lionfland's.oermanAtt , l ders cod that we are sat ep ilay.,tlint arc noised :shop nuantten after 'they - have I elder, but of a me delne ton nrored.nni which has m (acuity itself.' • . 2 Look +pent° the marks.n i irritten*signatttre of M. and his name blown In th arr. spurious,. • - • - For sale, whol ,, snle and eine Store: Np. 12 - Arch s Thiladelphli.and by rely out the cnuntry.. • Prices rolueet.—To ens enjoy the' ativantaies of t Swats 'Bottrtulf , Cant's: ' Also Air sate by ABEL Venn's; , - • -... - • Great DR'..,: n: D'" cittcr:tim.. riftria.... t'lli'.!.. GCS rs ve , t"ce,liiii (JK.aptritrile Jr?, Preyared from R& NET, i• the'r'foutth Stant' Ox, after itireetlona. 0f..11 non !hiebig;. the g • , °fecal Chemist, bYJ.-E, II) U 9 UTON, M. i phia..Pa : ' ! t: f- A .' • ' .Thir is trnlY-Natures lin italii.447 fora I Stpmaeh. No atter ma 'Oan:equak its en err; lienatainenn Ale bol. ,Bittee4 Arid , °as Dt ugs.°. it is sextr. 41y agTreittile - to t . may.be taken :I,y the t feeble taitienta eat a water eraelter„ wit fiat lieu tel ilia tr 'iir Drugao tinitiiiiona \ Petpqa is liar ati nnir Call nn the "agent . bd git. a D.-scrip I gratis. giving a lar,re7litti ant rif.icitaMifla - e Lietilea Animal rhanii. try; bri:Combei of Digestion; Dr.'irereir !-': . r. hood mad-D i f.- VT. Draper. at Nei Far. .i.Dtiverriti;' Pro f. il Phyrinlrari - Profi 4 3illlm ti, or Nali. tlult • , #I. pentees Physicklowy.; ‘t i lagetheitlritli re otl frnin all'parts or the-Mt 4 , 1-.-tafa. ,i .. - 1 - anr. ORS FATE T 111 I ..-..Erery .. ,brittle e "i iv FPS'S ben& the veritt. t i sioilituri , of J. $ / TON. M.. D., sole - Prop *Oar Pltliailelph . I rigbt and Trmle Mark .ar , 4,. I. -1 \I , 1 trr-aold by rill Diu: .ate..antiDailtra lit N Prire. ftl per bott le.'•, ,' I. * ''' ' ! •- . i n'4 , •• For sale by 1.„9 El TI.IRMALI,,,Drur, 4 ,pI i Pa.ornatertle and' re try LAgent. : , r, 1• 1 Tuip ,tio.t " fil l . ..411 tD__ ER ED LIT Eh 1• ' I tOE.4TInN•I' 4 Lei if I R. jr. kir 4 . I( at, .la4el 6t hi Jwit. 1). s r i. our 11 5 1 i and Dint- Its.-- i ,:-.o r, s . sitestlon stop' s ofProprie ,o.Years.,. A ruyinute . to "them I rip., •Iriltrell toe to Y t you Nom ase• IS - be h i ttil been i oubled for i lire land :id dige.t sill. 'On - the' I, the iinierice 4 tit attaeki wits , n on o t ian 44 in 4.1 v erely: that of hee‘noilheitor able to bear up he wii.:ln.ifaced tr, t • e your Pills,. o i agdtt art c r osth f 1. vit:i d ke r us it. ii .speedbe ,it t , eeh.intt berth retirel.l, : c.i r ita.lu s iiiiis t ,,r esitv.h.ti, irv, : . id nic could iann ktn e itlo a ßxu c ...Kplu s eitas u p:bvtt e enee - .4. lER Y:EURff rEP INUMATIC • • t', I I . Eytß. IN CAN - T . :atl'EN' A.ND. i 1 , copy ara Late , ' in. rtpf inithe r fiebor • , own Coistieri °Jae llt Narch, 1541 tii..' l l , gfor J. Ifiac 4 - t ] ‘larkareti APtionnirt, n., hineteeo;-years iliri •e. rest ting . at New To_had bet n• suffering! front it; violert.rheia- I matte ?eve for upwnr *or two , mouttat,l hich hail en-; tirely der. red her of a tie of her it h . during this In period she ret unter e care . of ite. Wm. t;-minentline4 I Seal men inl 3 4 . !obert T. im, nod kylabenv . ensewaticott--, Altered ho iess. Ifriendprevalled , n [her 40. try !infirmity's Pills, whi she contented In .04 Nll,l in an incredible bhort Rp ac •Of tintetbty 'free' d perfect'cure,i CURE Jr A PAlrt• D TIG.I4TBESS Iff I E GUEST, :AND STWIIAGH 0 A OfiSCift 84 rt.. RS OF AGE: From Messrs-Thew • 'Soii,'Proprietirrs , the ilia" Al.] eetikei. who' m e iseVoitheijoliew ssistement,--, .4 assist 24.1811., ~ i. [f . .l ':.l - l'"'I To PtaioPinT Roll '-ISir:-+ I d e al , tit bear Ittotl- I mon, to thegoud elf is of lloticiwars pi 5.., toll tome' i t , years I suffere.l sere fy Oath at" Pain ,will tightness in the stomach. which Me 1110 it44napanied by a !gent - , nesiot breath, that revealed me fintal 'walking about. I am 84 yearif of are. and hotwithstatoltMt my tuivanced state oflife, the.* Pi is helv4:4o relieved we, that I am; desirous that oth alactuld be . , made fiftplamted with their,virtues I- I ant no tendered. by 4 ' irnteanktiono.,l parativt4y active, lart caul take lex arcis Without„4.ncon.. venience or pain. - wit ch IletkuidUot - to efore. . , . , (Signed) lIEN Y CON; NOrthst., *nu. Norfolk: , wcisingrup EFT cr kw Jf01.1.04 . AT S PILPS 'IS s '' - • ''' E SE , or r owbrsT.. l ' , ' ' ~" -. PRIMP flirt,. fil:lg 'pm ilropsy; either 'about. the turn of life, or. at ..ther LI .I should itedri4tately limos re. I nv coarse to these Pillsr rta hundreds of persona are anitunl ly cured,by their , it e, of this direfUllf,entipialut. in; its different stages, when ali . l , otherluiewthall failed: , '..--.. - These erielirated•Pals arkveo,n.4erfitlfg ' lode 'in the feoPowis4 . ermsplosists. • \ . - ' i I, friesse Agile, Astboaa,ffillicial Complaints. iot4hre. - tut • the Skin, Dowel titottiphints, Mims Calla UOIII of the Bow. els.CceuunietiOle: re t DiattliOrS !ittrirlliebtr. Fe • i male irretubtalet, sr 'oriel tiltitte , illts. oout,ilead ache. fuliamstion- tadkis. Liver eo i iiabits, Lembo:- go, Plles, lthetuustl , Iteteation of ll oe,d.r .folfa, oi Sere Throats.Stots em.l44ravel, Secondary Symptoms, Tie Douloureux. T m o t Caere, Vettereal Affeottone vra mancar kindst VI news, *tower muse, Sal: 1 Sold at the Bilotti kb ',tit of Proles I. Itothorey; 234., Strand. (near Tem *II V,Lootion..)a I d Will totpttetwi bleOractieto and oil 'lll-tholleit throusbootAhe BritlAtitt ir 'lre. di fth *of the Unitid States:lu -Obit- I s eel/CY Ne•-.. 670 ", 14 4 4 Me. ,orteft. - , Whoteside by-t•te pithy:oat Drug he '.,tote Union; to ;11des;rt. A-,, 111,, ' 1 "-^... 1 k It. Sands, New 400 lind ,by Xe.". 0 ., it:: , Kolgilit;l:7 1 Sout•Ad St . Philial 'piths. ''1 1 ;; , - . ..- --"..1;',- . .. ,- -ii,•_, -CM There Is* skier Aug t d fn4l -- • disorder at CURE OF A Duo Copy ofit Leff: .fr. .Prilro4ltreet, Liter 'T4 PrtireASUr:iii)illA liens have .ton'l the hi .tart'. Medicines for sonl.l eon , efer for any emits/ t he prtieulara °Cher'i years with a diisoudereti lest oreasisin. howeeel ao,4l.liminit. and the' i sionbtes were entertain Under it: fOrtunately, and she informs tine I h reedina. dose. she - ts .tiske them.ap•l althos la now in - that:llo)mm sent yo'n * lnstny mor e edilargfithe attack. a rand:tin 'aro; ars. AN EN: RAORDIK i.t.' t-- 7t7 - 2 - ' '4 .. '' s - I. '•' ' '-'' '' 'l' .1 '' '''''. * .2,.....A......i ri t Thp,4_'-'7""'t4iiNT,,m,,Eignl.NEs4_llfillt,4"rf. ‘1,4;;;J,,, Mbrating Dil 1ii i n0.. 9 7h r i t,,,,,,,,b„„, Weir' tele* WM . 10 , 4 cdri t.. i r -p si o wt , ClientillAiso..cherryTeeLote - aw r g 'ia a b r ad . & - dii,4„,,, , „,0ti0, „Morelia Pi-juidir 4 , ha. . , ~; , _1 ~, o ul t r , ralifil - „iv irte.P.2.B° I ' tp " 47 VairL I M 111 .4 44 rti - nrillit Breen,_, i t, - .—rei h i n i od'l k - -.A • ".. * ' -:,",, -''. '- - e" "Oat ille - , - ,e' .11 1 1 0 0% 'O. -,--r.-m---- ...,.- ;-'''- .45 j :.4,* '. w. AttANIIPX 7 . 0 1( 11-6— "I t v r l rr, 7 : t - %,...=. • ~. -.6-tri iroaditAitink , iiio . , t .. . 4 4 0 'T - V. '--4 44("th • idee l i . ". 1. " 7 of the State. ~.N ftigtiatkZirA `_:. i i .., _ , ...; ~. e , , ,_, ---... , '-- , ,ii n ,. ~. . l b -,-„ 3 ~.:---„) A.' 1 iiiiiheirconiieu 'W - 't 1 1 ''.. -2.7 '14 - ' -._ ‘-- ' '''`"' ;- t - r.r,"_:i..,-1'',..; :-, - '''',l.: - •':i - --., ~#) IV* I .024 f: court oh Veldt' too to att Iloilo all May - .-, - , ,t - ' IMARRIA.GE - -‘ - r;..i: -.:;.:•.- 0 -IUPPINESS, - 1111YCOMPETENCE, - ": '- : :: :: :....' . :• ' -';''..fl' -' ,. :- :•' . :::: o _ r -:. 1.:- , r . : ...' ....' ilitHir.lW-Ilri .::.::'-'':" : .!--I.'. Ilen l, Ilea ' 1 - rfilli Wit W 70 1 .4 iiiplY repttlet,seirci inlie : weridiiii iidifik 14 i; :"..-;looib-11114,41:6111AVA: eunlPitriall`!.'°.'" .. . ..-P.V!!!) - .. .'" --Iliit. ,•0744„pri.kirri f theatielit4 r uit:lnitied Ile4fulli A thyiikln tn‘i n" 11 , .. r, igl4 to tr- . ~ ..e, r e 1. , s 1.1: : !i and adeett pa. lot tl al, safe, .ert njen .1 ' ' • • 1i• 1 ' l, L. • ti. ' onniV ) c • L 1 - p ee Aiti!li' et* 'pt - t4 II t.. ermnillrilttert; rich t DiSot,'PoO 11 !.., rn . ly one at 'thaw Pt. P. Bitter ii Miele b an ii 'i ill* tfati' I 'a b 1 I' 4 l' e e l ° . Itt. ie ietly ' *e a .s r bltt rt., the aqe ' or—a :et *or byte taitanthilaatr. a the nit t titih_ea e, t , Decline* , _We rasp ithiet alerted , i... 9 eberit ifteiiii i i pipq it -,:liZ 1 I i illtrir44.ln i ttnti ant riiiii_endeti; Y: i the linrittlent (exult' rape of. 100,111. WeTO t4.41:1 *mi. agtmor i bif q . , .. i - ' 7, u - i ' petetieCtilairt Iti;;Xiilinta'sne entiti;d:l;,l 7 l;t.usaession "ma"- - I *Welt' wouldAsecute the W ont , ' " e t-A n If. „ u r e . iiii d .; childritu. :r; , .. 4 . -. . j --',. Ilkellfl*Ifs:. !nig 141C4LICS OF ' ilArinur.ss 2 ] :ky ketwoutiog 'Latinist eased _ of the kuneJedge, wine •:., of Width hos csolied- 1 it Ikielniess ,ind Onterty ht Abotiaands. ''.. lo view of lath Coll.l4llllllnCeno. Ull Wife ot , mintherie *lmo.? sokle,sf. h ersel f , gt te. Avail herself of 'lug knowledge in,, respect to which 'would svase bet math ',.suffrihuGho 1 the menus of liappoutsv sod prosperity - Id bee husband, sad _ , confer upon her chilli! that idessing iitki v 6, wIl price—lteeldsy b o gi e ., w ith beglsity lads. - "lltist lutinulasi wif goniuused In ' a lift,* *sot sutstled - ..., , .. - . .:;. t e-, 4.- . ' ~. THE MA FIR 1E D WO lli A-N'S Private : Medical t_ imp ai 1 i oi; . BY . Dt„A.4. - DIIYILICEAIs , -. • - - ..' --•- ITAlika ,• , , .:7'‘ , f -‘. ' . i . . I .' 7 '' VUO,E111)11 1:111, DIit 4 SICIP °F . WOMigit l e \:.• 't)iu-Hrudreita'tdition. : leans, lip. Ml.":Pric e .' 30 de.' :ton 41sts: v OrkrilL BIrDSP10;.,31:.00.1 - L ." ' -. , :4 ' its.c kiiblVilit4 in ift7. aed it is not ' . fflljaikaLlilflia on. Nvopxordrurts.L, N L i o ut.: u Liver con. t eon. great 11,Imd mark a Mg it lute oft>: by 61' the lasii Fl 4. As ptitin Sj 1. Per= f Itaterp extier- Items-7 eiteeili . ifefi ItZ, new., I thin); voll # il•th r t n l..;: i ittlAtti,” 1 • f tuirett:tiou,let:eilt #y 'ziide4e. 1--•:;,, -,1 iii.ostzpii.. ,tbe .b is *4sti k tks j • spyik..:er • 1 ,l - 1- • ~: entunteTtd ithatl artil termed itintltlrOeattil• Patrettege•refl when we freeeminebd- 1 1 ,r 'V t . tile ';tdlue dintin n i4ty •tili- kingi theueetnt a the .s.r 31 Tie( itetick ilia thee tin the - guilty re et - of MIS . I lePtsitlOSheid. nun ititlyltii t the herirty' ape ,.. rat o f the ro i ill .. e ;r :1 1; in: , . ' .Th i' Xt:KSIIN itpoitthei . loot tie - wijhont ;at :t- • , -:::- - •i, - , I i retail, 4 t, Oct ' 1 cti n e-i4eur IbqU 14141 iliders geu J ,, , - Mit ell *ebutile#; ! .i?flicol ttieir gri° t rteteratiii rtatlthciti.tljuggi s• i '1 : • I rcot the. ' wrailvwr h they. r 1 thrp9- *Up to powors. lontrogn 831 Di g re. cU of the t- Physio , -Philatlel• nhAiiltby ~.• *live 'Roi .,. or ~..Isusp - ,0, taste and wllO . Ca Inn' , PS . De , ,ears i .. Ari:flair, t hi iiolrgy . `.l Dr jal.n. ;rtti.inve_s • Dr. Car tsof cure* e rennin e 1101,T• . n. a• :COPY .• 41,1(mtroor, 9yl.' 111 - 1 TO MUSA .71.6 el 40 as ND ,BAD Chem' I, Ces 14alleillig ' tba . r - it - V = l!..lf `if ' 1.'01 , 1 AltsE 4 Lli,iruiipriticit ng suiir.irciit pi 01 , ,; cats here -„ A ,esitaleethre, ii:lftell , !_k riots letlgr -:ist :ithe z :isistleinC . ' le character :: - aiiii: reverses or:-. her , romp isslisto, with the _. vat as itilitottli,.., , ,aud! .. that:4, hitaF. l l .- '-.: • -. ~...- .- '-'-... -.- j .•: - '':. - ' =?..':.. / - ',-‘ - 'lli.iiii i .,' '';11114.10DI ::co r nea .: '--_-. ,-.- sheild hare been sold . . '- . - , .*--- ':- • _ • - - --..^ -- I , It- is issenteticable o:eistver fatly - the-eariinie intdsoete • - i incited of, as' they, in fif. a salute sttictly: l ititeadiokfer thel c 4 asarped;•oy thou ceeteraptatiiir rounisars.lhol - ito .rettialis - : &strata ofeejoyisr health; allit that beauty, coi one appeoesi.l beateli.ashleh is secoisdoci s • to her own hand essi_sunkihst: . ',I :i.' it her hiehead, bat either has or es ill. alai» in %not wil:; , '', --event husband who , his. thetas* and .affectiou o 'his fink m -' bean. or that eftileoSio pecnitiery improvement., ' • VOW . It 0* 1111 N ittallele. A ND:COIPIES . • ..- :_.:'.•! ,; ~. - • :_'• Iliiikbee*SlCl, .21.411. within the last few a. .. , ...• ;CSI: r II.O.:NT 2 ' . TO: T.IIP, PUBLIC, :, BE -NolrilErnAluzirtro: -• - Bur- - n.- hook - e. tiniest "Dr .. ; A: ' M.- Miturirean.)29 ' ' Libeirr - Street, NJ-Y:' is on the title 'toot. ann.:the 1 entry In the • Clerlt), Dike; on the hist of- the title - 1 , page t. and „boy only of . respectable. and honorable 1 - : dealers. or'seitd . by. mail. and address ti. Di; A .:"M L.. ... Mahricenti. :is .there: are spuriouCuud , earieptitione .;', j 3 infringentenal - of,eopy-riglit: , ' , , ''' -, .- ~ - .:: , ~ . , LE,,I" IFTX.Egir .Witiriv.--.:AID.,;111 . 314111.11BID : •' -- . ~ . Pio eseitSe for Ikisersisee. lotion Iguo nee:. -.: 1 '-• ' Is Misery to lthose swir.hoht." neat and -'... • . -, deur; iiiid svhen to•stlipet our- Ignorattee , Is liettlthi our reach. , • .7: • .'. -, .-: , 1 .TO enable _every one to dechle :Upon, the . int . fis, '. .. Reamed , . rageresitly of pnaseeni jta copy, - and :teat , -no' e wife,' or niothet need_ remain unlufurmed ripotv'the , - oemy catesp, which,: sociner,'or tater, are . destinedl . o ..' mire fearful raearesorpon her health, unless gnarled -;.. „ag-iinst , ,.. and : that no eonsiderste-; end affectionate - !inshor!. hare- canso to .upbraid himself with neglect . ,of the, welfare of hill. wif,.,--;a . tatopitiet ~r ' titlrty, - .41x - ~ - ' filLO-A; ealtaining . .foril = Tittepl e trod "odor . of , Coil. ; .... louts, tottetber _with extracts on. the "book, will be..` 1 sox? ; f ere of eh.trga t o any pit tOf the-Hitited S',alt.,%, ~ by undressing. post-paid; as he •iii.' ' ~. -: ;-:-.-:-.?.., - When - itmourtedigivis 1 iigniatiiiiicws 5:4.; - : -- ..... •• ": Pilloti so be ighoiltoot.- .- .. - ' Or Op . receipt - . of One Dollar (for the Atte Edl. - '.• '.' thin...etre: bindlng.) "THE al A Ell.lED WOMAN'S- L'lll iraTE MEDICAL COMPANION'; is sent (onif • ~ ei 1 . Poo) Ail - an part of the Visited .Siatia - All let 2 .' ' tors innst-terupaid.snd, adtlnneed to pr.. A:- mi --,-• NIA tritIGEA . Box 1221. New .IrOrt City: 'f'ablish :„. uz , Onto?. NU:I29 Liberty Street,;ion. Y0T1r..... Fon Au tat ir - - -n i 313th & Cripg,;ili , l44l , EL,gll: 3: kwartg. , Ittiouvitour.e; U.' IV. De Witt,' - it Ilford' f . S . ; .Stoftirinild.• Ilei - rnia Iwo ;.-- IL.A.: -. - Lantz. .Reading;„ Mients 4du-1 Stark; 'Ll.telion late; Eldred St. Wright, Willtntusnut t; St , .Taik; Ws Ittesbarre ; 'Gee. WAN trle - ; Wayne.llinro ;' It. iiisky. .fiercer •; T. it. Peterspit: Philadelphia 4 -Pettn„ , ~ . < \ l' • , -Iv '.:w Tong .4;try. i35,..-.!'"rrin7.,er Sr.; Town::en4; ~kari. - once; iiii,qnait&. lib-, Dewitt dr..Daventiorti DnretesA Alit, _ . or. a !Inter 'forfeit..sso iffatl ,1 4 1 svF IFTr,. ••••.. any case disesase thnit.rnay come ander his nitre, no turr.,...4 - t.-..1,i,rc s t ar/ dip., or Either sex aie intited , to his - etsvato r.h.4,:38 North. Seventli st. Philp. wichnot fe,ar nfn4eriootion froin erpatients.-. StronAnis'aild others 'aihn. hsva been- uri fettittuttein-ihe.-aolac.tion of a Ph,ysinlau. invraral. to .call. r imarastrained indulgence of, . iliporro Y. - -Fllirowei - unres•trew.,. ...... ,_. the pmesiolis..h y r i xeests or geir at, u#e.. the write ?lie titimo.. f roue. Preto/Out . hopotenej . , ioit•oliittferi , "ieitilital 'inert ch4trgee.wrisittlitt,.• - fthg, orAtitit,.; tn.s o(llle:inert - . !t.ll,itaste for &ramie societ, . general riehility: or con.titutiOual - de: istoimel enc. ar}. ' , tire to rIIII.IW .- . iftteceskniy..pausglt. the' Do'eter *with e.-,Tfi.lieteei. he otters a Otirfeet enre: ' , - ". lig tit' ANI7I.tEVIECT -The sifilliq - etl trOuld. do - welltti - regret liefor.t trtkitioz : tbek hea,ttli.*topine.4": OW in trot:: nr eases their lite,e.in the lien.lA.!wf 01v:4e:ions i*nora tit of thii 741:1e.f ,, r .nribuu'es,.... .. It. fs.‘ c,ot,:ativi,ppr,s.ihip for. Am, totui totio•tertt:ttel ntil' - th»4llt the h tient( feolitiv are 011ert to.' ''greryieventinble't , hyitirien . lime( htit tio:iitilier hittneh.in which,- he IA more soer.essfut tlinhYkr: brothel , prertt, att4 to that be devotes ttOiAt ii.f:hlg tfinO. tirot... • irKt RS ftP. Pli.tillEdg 4 :''Oselusit•ely.,4o'otetl to :the' stu.ty and treatment of ilhterst Of. the te.....oitt orgyrt.te, oethet 'With s iztce4x . upon the boiti;tltitiitt.' ti , p4.!';;or..lez:i.t . ...#4 i ts, trithe Ir•Ata, me. ivilw.Uie7ettrlto:l4l(lllartistn4Ari - tnrtiq‘lritret.irri!lutaritixa„ 111...:14(VVarriAjp,r, r,.0,711:0,at4.; rui . 1 5-pit4 nr imp l et it , ,.. of rthe.tilOo4. - riVereby the:4+m: etitutiett has heentnit.eufet' , hled.- - etilitlitiet the , fliieffir to offer...pee.it reliyf to Itil'vr.h :1, may plArethetiatelires,ttuder" . . it • big e:ire''. " ' '' . 1: -..-. • ' -.:. -.. ~... „. i . -H .-. : ' ~ 7 . • .-. 7., ...., , ' '''iliellettie fortiarileil to iuypurt'ef . the ttelie, ;s,tittes,—_- liricei g' , ..al t iiit iloil:trs per pieglttte. -;341. ''-'.7.:''' - '- , - • , . .. .. Morse's ComPrinid Syrup: YEttow DOME iIOOT, fillitS lift. Pare'y l'ege/uSie,'C.snpoin 1. - aciontifleally I.- peopared fr en the b tst Roma and Herbs of thit.)l4-- t,,, r i a q e ..ticA, In i ay. g tine k an 'unrivalled 'reputation for follawing •tracts:. via a' Recilitliur atiii-Streiattlt - , ,ephsitlie Liver awl Digestive • legates. and eleansiturthe I stomach and tioWele. an& thui coat ;xo all -Billinu's.Bls cteses.-. Liver ,ihuoolideds, ilivepewia, Indigestion. Coer tivenees. Piles. Wadeable,. Pewee. and Ague,: Jaundice, Illensea, Low" of Appetite,Zta-ouid evu4ins• the food to nourish iditl support-Piny part. Pulifying.the Blood, and thus caring -Atli. Unnvira.. , ..i.lautatieons. - Eruptions. Scrofula, Salt Rheum. ltridpeles. Scald "Head, thinker. 1 pi ca pb.ino"the fere. Blotches; Ulcers, Tatrioryi Verilitri.,' al Dkileli",03110.1.8:&13. - , '-= ' •.- , ',`, -, ',.. p ~".., Regulating the Secreiarbi OigvinS, -1:..= ''sisal by, ..I 011ie t dim to nerSuntr their proper fintetions preenting and caring many pailifulAnd de. Ateinoo + elle: eavele,'S'irekstliening 441 quietiislthe litairous Sloes's: thumdtsyitg Screens 1-14 tenon i and burin?, ate 4W- ilk "otthe Nerves, as llystiiria,Ssuraltia, Gimps/o. -- It is iinriCOtett in the, #tir* , . 144 Fe 11 maie Ctint; z:-:'...'- .. ---, 4 :piatirib. - -,:, • - • -, t ' -.1 ',_1) . " - "-r - 1 I aW t eaktiees. ;suer-v.l 40billtv. : Irretulaeltir, ilbstruc... thins,Sweillit . t• ilf,rae bc;st, Litalis",,t 4 ointi, - 1 1 .04rittseift 1 Vy'wealitieis; alio, Liang hail Thriut einthilallitii... - as Colds;Bausits. - AsthinaXonsilseption, aut4alsti; Dropsy =,lllashkg infidels.. 4r the Compound errop: of'Yellp\t Docik Goot t , , prepared:hi 0. , mortv*.i -o{ ! ,4 :eitbtro ir.= __, selves., or in our flunilies...andlitanag, It to ne a Top 51 • miry and electual kveparathm, AO .14' mitt cheerful' El reementend It to patine aa kOirrfietunblitiii%4llcihe ;,, "..__, E. Beanie; Hafitlst.ibier_National.Basik,' iltosidetkce,i ,l 1t.144.. , %1f. Siemens- lt1;, cashietlime. Mick Italllt-40 11 !Iloilo; lire William Poillips, :Rai' 4 B . 'Richmond, .9-8 I Jolitiv eilliorPrdildenii Ben. Adit4Vnfrehl. * Wr W. O it; Cyrui visitor. , MEtt-p P. Jame: ntehttions4:o,B Dos..-.V .I:natoil , DA It Heal Colby, nodone hundred othz eie of tlrmost re'varlablettalißes.of rtor'itenti.-2,,,,,- " 'MIS certiflei - that 1 have for a pointer of, years - beini sattuillitiialltit. ilih cointweiithni - anit thole (Fr inanurie. _tartlet tlarookk , Compnund,tricoPlar 7 4 0tow..)Wkit a ft.t• I have also been acqualatei with itstmslue operand' in 41.4.ser;lapl caw say twat to allpit -eet_s,lt lii - eliallrahly , oalenhitedlisiebiedf that "claws of Ofeeliam for ,whiefe. it was .leiligned.` ltkls - estlesiollY latuabil*lll,..laiiiifrniaa and all it• attendant mural 0174.3. It excite* to liiothp,ae- , tiiiiii'V - Liair; removes - Toliiiiio anilltialiti t:3•of. dill Oman. andatiqualatili heal th 'abtiatillsidl. - lbe- - system. - i Ail a Deintrilictr". o PaillieT OT di Illerid 'Who's no - surto' rior.‘, , :..,.•_.F ),,. f' j_ -‘,.. --, - ~..- 010 ; 1101.51.144:111.)g . _ PrOli4llit:T-31m*'IS53. -,-- -..--: /.-,,-3..- -- :-q irft;t.'llilknallptPOlatlkaa. Co- Pro:, tsAkorttfy, F. Vl'anil millltyr Dell=t4s ita4birikil i k h "O ' P4 ll iitil'otherii . odutribil. ,--."," --'.-- l''''' l4 '' - ' - -1041 0 1kalit.Montr0 11 abf -, ...j r ' , ,-; -..- 4LllNdrlinitlitts 4' . " g ; ---- , ;. , •,7* , , , ,-_• ~ --,:,--,--- • •,i..- •- .1---- , - ,-- .: .....-- pirtarirr HOUSE 'crest . ADDISON Thic)RbWmM t D. • '•-• • i . TABLIL , .tOgIcie ....de $ rs;. ellopti-PViir! - :. 11 ,g zhase, T.'e - ';:.offieeorirefp_ c*n r ;-_ ,2llot !'"f ~f y B. cam.: _ • • IVER. 1.4.be10 rraßNiors C. Sminong, :ii . -..- _ , ...,- irl i) t sE E MAKER. A.ND It KPAi ER -, m ill it , ;C)0 Sidillerj 9 lapp i ll iiitrik,.. 1 - C;V:SaWardti; .:._ _ 1,. Alin) MIRO ZOIC; Raifir!fi Pi :: .9miee: J. Pride's . Atom. , !:" :' - 2 ~ ',': --, au v f • \ • /I- VITO - . Sl22i7.T.ii Tilro,:;,An'tt.t.„,filit'i:.iti3dlegillig sitieitt:-!:glie'tatireslspon. the teeth perfottimi the mciiit w erulig and- teruatlqr A .:-.PI atr....y oik. done - ,iriththt hat mate* 1 ! - 014 - th.e:z.a 0 4. 1 ,nw9T.4,s.t./ 1 -, ch444.19w, lEEE '''''' - 'b''' ' - 'IC 1 Weeks- • - At i t liji;iiiiiieaa . iiiiii - iena ' tai'itanaliacilarfr4ap a .I.7.llWit ' arisili!vg ai r ii , rod, sui4n3 of the !Mallet (. 41 WI streesoPintrose, If.a,; . - ,- . ,\ r. <<-.. ,.. -.,- C . • •,,,.• , , . r• ••• s. N ~ 1 1110;E9N; D E NT IS,T: , :,P . : :11 94! . != *1 1 0,0 and McMiUa ;' VALERS , in:Dry. sac;o4 s ; . 'cry; BOotx r and. ShcCer L. YITOII. wt r otten . ' 7111iMPtrIrrt, 24- nerBUIP d td all buitineits.entrustell to their tAre.' , iinder - the mist snit etyle pt • Matttritive, limit 1 , Or- ANOTIFIESS:asi tttnsti: bra- *gut elgfit 'tar Mai just.F.enrliell also 8 Cattes , : at.:Alatai r and M . haw Tinge Pi etusis,w n4l usual very • A; J•IETANE. I.:, '144. 53. Silver ;: are; - .. - , A likele stocir,of Snler Wee banyl" (*enihtett gvo t ins coin) enibreeing,eyeo : Aitiele in- 'he line. (ye gr , Ascin4 pntiA,) tty, ---' •; , lishment. X.ES & it:EYNOLD?l,TiOtilolithle Tallorr,'"tmeitsei orit epadvat- a I -thierio' plc.@ ei - ttiet:Oulill - itvthelastesitid ereslai of thoie*h6 *int Outhetr., . Latest Fapisinpo rerskisth . "received, vad'ola cities observed wirwretines - ' • • • .... rh' s FFICE v. Arose, Sustoehauna tloplayi Pa, U LITE] . • tEsua ,11. Csor' E• -• A .7TORN mitt Coot selfkr int t. Coln nifsvilarie r, of ' D ri for ,Wilebasia :Officer: dir?Otiy opposite s ; .101364167! t; relit • Br - ad:. -. Att). Mccoiuments,Titiiici l Toms4* - &c. ._Coriter or•O•turt Ttatt Eacjiimie; - strettlisppo 4ice,Broome . Conisq Basilk.V.hingbastit;N:lr. -117'..P.11. Whitney 'triveliipt agent. - - .i .... i i':-.16 •and-till-Privibigis I- tots fo rSall:' , - '?. r rt-14-sutiserfber O&M fiii eiiits.fitifollovitg : 1 valuable_ propertiett; to wit t'r one feral' is the teiwnatrip of Hari ord 'Contaittillt*orne six3c . aern; about ttiirfy"of '.Which - laAmpre*e4 t "lio*,bill, oechard. ate.. there On.. Said rtirin lies' Intent* and a. half from the: villein -or Hairow ' olio route of the Montrose 'aid- Illa'rford•Planit - Roil ,[tit; a beautiful and desirablelocation; wellni. -,.A6 tc , 0 ,tr;;,2rhi...r: f:acm•_- lying 'on the petalo Turitpi)te - , 'tom ; rriilettV , froin Lanevh4o, itmi4 : `' ':j!'• 1r.• , .. 0:Eri! Railrf , cer!iajuilig.abo* ,} 4 4l iks?irsoweiltjr Or More of Which is: imprpied,litk house, barn. Mehaiii, ',Orc: .This_' ilv,a , iyilill* - Rorie of honk front Its locatiou L being'welltun ~, anitWatered:. _ t . " , t , i. r : =.= :,. : '' .., '',, - AlWileveral'Eittildint hits itthi iillage . oil* linehe.** na. On tho'New YarVidr-Erie Rail,Roll. .Thiii, is One•pl.the - Smoit: theivingrlocatiOnS in le imii tory', l:ieini. she aent,ofthe' Rail Road Machin stii;p s :&*,..l It iontainW Mini about -130Viahtli tontl i And its bueinkovfaeilitiesareunrivaled. bi Contiectiou with theaboye into; ate four of Oip bed wrill:•aea tit the eimni,V, - .. heinelinitiesliately so Ilit, gusipseheauttsViier, with aufficsent power form purPo!'e..or,!irOurdinollZ-ike tie, most sumo* indtMernvots .!tfot.holiii.ut , o7 i4t.iibovi , toi ti w f6r capitalistio.•who wish r.o"!int!tkoiliti, ,bilisto *finartufttertiriutsialiniiti , flow ga. erlotidi rvb• l 4 'llte - Rail Road attforelz thehrnast eornm gni, ili .ready iritiepOrtion for ever thing itt, theabirelii , • The shove oroperty;.; in Whole . or, part, 144 sold' ni teitna - ihe 'most ' itivautigeons to paratt.' •t's, .-. I will "'eve ' .ki4itt?. bawl:qua; cotonwi liana veiß.be promptly ter ni Weretlfriaii a diiit te 'end all:ettiliates attendivito proniptij.. - -; t• l •7 t 2 = t -.:'-- : ' SEl.)ATE•GRiswom rif, su4;.thp,. , .-.--Jitiie,t.-784%..',' 13 . 1 ! - : 1_ - - —...--------.--:,---,-.--..---7" Ili -' Oeititt-:iiave .11 popy.. - _- tioukw.nly* - ctg. -. ..per_c o n , ..• .„ , :..7 4 . 1 le . :-kniiitY;tky - seif:, •-•.--'"-:-‘"' 1. - t.iiiim+En• :ifimiimormion ei - iind" Mind Ito , " Onialgoe4se Mining atioufljneldOtt i 00 0 ress, Trontgand nd Cure of #re4"init - o - ordnee ll i%iptgot.T.Proiout ,v)tic .3«..xmat )atnattrece b! Lion or by.sntan Exton - , :whir tasksOAT itilir 1 tlini:thnt -, cann ot, end theenr ofditinfl; rr malt *finnan twen r yearnsuccendolp:idinty l devollid tbitie . .,! l ,j9kdilealt6 afildelitltte°Tl, toie.- •: - ‘ ~ _. -v..: .: 1' : ~. ,- .. , ~i T oWillits is vidded:l-ipleiptsfoilt.h. cure of the 4inasti: it.. - Ond A' tiTits - on4he 'envies: ..nyinidoak itof Abe Voirern nt. Asueitor tninity=fiv.} . oennir - i'n.ipiesnito-dnlts I will ...In Irovirsidtd OS any i i iir o..UnttidStOd ikintinall,fiete of pr rte i• - ;'014, Boyi4loB PoPt„Milaei.iir tile Mdbor, • eientlrstrentif Mura. ~,::,.: .1. .:- . . ... .. ..... ii itid4-41-' : -'': - 'irlii: tignotgor - . - ,171f, , Isiiiiiti 1. - - - loots Y n 014 4641 VERY T Di. ...," - -- :::-.; :B --.B - A , s; .B - :chase . _,. -..,ERP:r. qui 4.1,‘D-riliziatite , ,:--i,,,:1....t.; , , , , , IFIRAIES4 -- z icliteitoliikr aid Er eentePer eitattai;esablai : t: two o, o liore if act paid aitlß itte rat at the 'tine: or g ibieripti . . 'N.) : paper illi befdlea tosijatiFt4l ttreatv.„Awigetosiaitiaraulttwozia7pm::tst.nbta,oppositl. r7144-411:7":141.;*t::14411.1:1_::•or.shielt; :41;t:7;leil;47,:y—•r•tt711:xx5 711: : 41 1 7 1:7 1,44'. .. A i ll : 81.11: : 'o#.4l4Uilte ki2tiiiel 401 1- 1 ., 4 0 40 1111 " 4 " 91 , , Naati`*iitOltaiketttitieigoti; .'-: "*".`,','+ .. I :ft:Z:1:: in...7:::::0„;': r iri!.! "" t 'i s_ - I ; liiii 2 7, ..._:" i i „ gt7Viii l ltl= lll 4o. (;l, l. , naatiolaniiiaae 7MI ' '.' ..-* -? '''' -- l' li k 41- 4 9fi 40rvi"44116 VPIMII9 bigol.4ef 04 1 114 s . _ :ReaititlihichAe,S 0 !.,,-5,37,„ ~::11.,„,a--...; -r: x,-,,.7og3wvititier '''''' - '4li 4 it sa - iiiio. ftlai I T ' : -.113,* aul e a "Ig ' airs 4 tie kotniiiiaianiatedi4vdl, 0 01 14 1 i: 4i ' , -- .4 ' lab mp 411141iitina$sitaad.ina , .., ;.,...A.".,.. 4 .0 retain illst)tattiltifitirtiOn4lll4ll6l4, • 115, .. ~,.. -- p!invida a ordtr. ' l ' - ~ , • . - - - ~.. ' - - ' • 4 - --.- ' - ' ' ~, ' • '' ' - "• , -: ' t'= _ ,- '-• *r. I o Ptrq - Eth, Pa.:7lobill be l af ihielej I — urttlays of- I . 1 1 - - ,(15y11 & ,Par ' 'i , ::A41...!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers