crams. Thee filly 11011 tvero nlt seized and taken a pavans. where they vigtO•ttlinist linritediately ?lot. Their timbre ivtitv Ititteettifetitly stripped, nd carried on -itigi"thionkli . the streets, amid he veils of no it& icintl'i4raded mob; chief y composed of isf•groia: I'ha news of itim giviitsy of Spanish °wrath:co 'id trulaltfy . iVlll : teateet to Anse one .nivertal bursts( iudigaitriel l ettetal`tjt iret cir recenzu, the buidn. The exeitemept .11 thiECcity is so intctyse,thttt a Mass•Nteetitig hes ,a, uouli eed 11 arthalaitypspers,nod planeted ill() lab:pose of 4 .. rebuking, d over the e 4, 'fee in a proper titehneei -r eAlFgraes outrage on tiOn—th is noteardiee. .::The meet tin.; wit I be beia to the city Park; thiiieieftijig, at xis anae t+tousandewill doitbllees be,on t he gentled, hadt#tong the ttatuber your corres ipondet. .I . iiturs Truly, • ' • Maws G RANT. Ncu. Ot.i.uti>, La., Aug. iG, 1847. Messrs. Ediicre'ffihiDcmocrat.: .The soft moonlight, is *sting- beautifully upon this great city. Tlie stir of business has d i e d away, and:night has brought the. hour of rest to the thousand weary ones : Who have inn toiling thiough the heat of the day. 'As I have been. titiiti here alone, looking out up-, on the spireStmd puitalus that t . , : emed WOO in s ilver, and upon the sky gemmed, with its moll y. stars, Aid uPon - tlia' wholiVeena around me, I could not help thinking that "all save the sp i r it oftnan is divine." t There is nothing more beautiful than a summer evening in this southern clime: , iThe air, ,which . has - been to sultry and oppressive all day is :noW fresh, cool, and Oiglitful;and there is only one thing to dimtrh :IJ : fellow's comfori,•and that is the CJll foundea:.-unisquitoes continually singing their u nveleetne sungsin one's ears, 'or nib. Y o img at one's nose. Slap, slap, slap'.—but its of no use— t hey continue sing,ing-aud - nibbling The weallier has been xvarin enough lately to sati,Syt l m most cold-blooded,but yesterday; and today *e have been favored with fine t hou . " tt ieli were received : Very 'gratefully ,-n•••••oer Par ed gardens as well as ourselves. Nrttthst. ing the "raging of , he Dog Star" i i and the absence of a great .mimber from the chill:are is still considerable life in New-Or inns Buildings are going up in all diree. tions arid there is no little commercial basi reFsdoing; But the thetne, now on every one rtur,g ue isthe:Cuban Revolution. Meet r,lsareheld every evening in some parts of tneerf , •Oerli the mass express their sympa thy viththe struggling patriots; 'and I assure , A , here, is no -lack of eloquence - . on the ~t a is. And our city is crranUting its ,sym- P' • .41 , in it more substantial way than' mere . • :i ik %Merl. money • and , terms are collecting f;T:t , eir did. On Sundayseven hundred brace' hi tows with. Gen. Lopez at their head left for. (41 , .. in the Panspere, \a. sten-ter; whieh they .chased for the purpose, and with a feta Mg ot. , onibcard, and it' one can ,judgeffrogsap tt, peariactes, there wets "Ala" in them: On Yendeyi'llm hundred'more "efts'-and are no tioebt all /resent somewhere" near the scene ~ .f acti , in. Well what true-American does not, feel his heart leap up with joy •‘l,ilieh IM hears et tarn, loag down-trodden and oppressed tyr- : ar,Tri. Where ,is the man in Our wide anal Kapp} copal" who would 'not:cheer with. his-I ,cunt, o':.:p,ircilaation those brave hearts who 1 - said the t•-•aials of et down, and awed by 'a prosp-4 00: tinlte7,-Itatn, ~ ,z ,or l in gAsod. 6,, ,;, eedoni•to visit them. : 1 am a3.lein - & ct ii, re broadest sense. .( believe that - min K s , ht a higher destiny than to - bow to i , li e : , s cap." • I believe that freedom loses . ~,thi, by extension, and that like.the sue. it , t ,i, , • bed its.influenee Oyer: the whole earth: 1„ , ,, • that wberever man i, -suffering op , there should - A:Merle:l .pour out her y. ---- So - ' you -have my erCd; and I it. I cannot Conceive of a true Anier, i : rt that - does not desire that others R,: hare the priceless blessings %chief' he , 1 1 that the lovely island wi'd•succed in g off the yoke of Spanish oppression. i ; now no cause for last year's talk of " and "robbers," and ail thlif . for the 'themselves commenced the contest. A ho-will try to stop this ball?--cer tztay cot the children of those who claimed theme id of France in their hour of triali. and glnily accepted service froth distinguished mG.T then countries—strangers to their land biti'lotto their cause. 0' '. rn, fora tongue - to curse the slave tt . treason, like 11 deadly blight • ..ti...i r . _ . ,, es o'er the councils of the brave, , ki blasts them in their hour of Might." t.. - ,m1..t to remember, hew A:aluablo to '' ottirlgling ancestors was thetimely as-iist avail t-dered by the gallant Lafayette and 0*.i .:' ,..1d encourage our country to return thq- , .. to Cuba; now that we . arc assured thafrti.rising, was not any momentary ebuli .tiotkte, rash and wanton -net 'of a few in. contfionte individuals--but the settled pr., pogihrt,tigh and fixed resolve of dpeople to. na)Otheir liberty by n last resort—an op- - F.O .4(le the God of Battles! Their - corn. lnencat has been glorious one—may the • progmind consummation of the campaign be 'Still .Ire resplendent. Piniqmy sentiments will be too warm for you th a t, climate-=.but -.I trust not. -. One thing J - .4t confident of, and that is that if, it were:n96r the . subject of Blavery, that nil Northert)emocrts would be true to their he-ar4cliesubject, and would breathe their wishes t!:.'every. nation might be free, and that liingiind que,ero might. no more hold o :cer 1 ? - 4 , 4 1 'c iron rod of.tyranny. ' .:' : - I regrets much as any one that our . conn v itas - i?e \ cursed with negro slavery, and I am certain 'jot a majority here in their hearts %jab it wet done rmay'Avith. But they know it mast 1 44ite gradually, and that k excitement in leg rd i t only aggu,vates the gall, and mare thaditrt they.cant find in their nature t , , he lortltidner by the North ' - - - Louisiard i. es firm for the Union. Thereare . in ndted'n fe tteeessionisti,l l this,eity, but they . ~..,._ are o very : fling influenne over - the public : , into.- Vim Tat hoprt beats sitgongly for lairipl4stio ly AmCrican. Tiere Is ''h of interest that I would like . k wite,'bul cannot -to-night,. Our . city is Nunitablyb lthy fOr this season of theyear. 114, 3radfo ' ounty in - June, bat brie - ei... Irierted 01 .. efrects from the change Ort . ii. 1 I . 43 tniis-lhe ' usual warmth:Of .the:we..ther. Vore orion. -- 7;:s . ::_..Y.--P;4: .<., ! . .Sintimtnr.E,./itik. 13;1851. ,Vrlitors:-- r The following Preamble and Itesolutimis,-were adoptedliy, Springville Division. No. 464, 5...0f T., 'at regul:ineet, ing, oth, fogbthersilth - reSo!ilifon,' in'- strueting the &SAO forwird ibeni Eo the 3/on.. troio DeMoerat?' 'for pnblicatiiiii,s . )3rotlM:r Davis died :in.DeTialb Respe4fully yqurs, p. LATintor, rt. S. Wherea,s, it is with feelings of lite deepeit . . . sorrow, that we have heard of. the (lean- Of Daniel.,,W.,Davis; - au exemplary . meinber",of ourpi•Osicin. And wher'ea4, _Brother Daviti r beinp4o.4oistant country;where ho could not have the attention and-brotherlYs kindness,- Of the tnembers of our Division; to, assist him in . sickness, and perform the last duties we owe. to a departed brother, therefor 6; - Iteso . lial, That in - consequence of the es. teem in -which he was-held in our Division, and the re..-peet we a worthy Brother, the members of this Division wear the usual badge of mourning, for thirty days.- !. : Resoire4,• That the - R. S. present.a copy these resoltitiens to the friends of the de , Taii... ed with an expiessien •of our symPathy : fUr their loss., : . Signed, -W. NY.Tnmi, D.F, HOLLENTIAc:X 1.12" TM? Til.All3 ot the Sioui treat**. -The : Galena, (I 11) 'Advertiser of July 26 confirms the report that a treaty( had been effected With the Sioux and, • says: • - ; The treaty was concluded on Tlinisday, by the cereMosnony of setting hadds and seals on the part of the'Commission and, the uncouth sign-manuel of the Indian Chief.-1-- The'presents were then delivered and several hours were spent in the intereheng of onrdialities. The Commtfision are no* at Mendota, adjusting some Miner .By thiS Treaty the Government of the United States acquires title to 00,000 square mires of most excellent land—heiki about twice as largo as the whole ,of Nevi- England, and•coOtainingiten times as mile!' land suitable, for profitable cultivation: The amnitat tolielfatd is •to bt an an nuity of $68000;a: cur ; for • forty year's: $40,000 ii,:year - ,in:'eask..arid the balance in mereheedite.'i Illes tinttw t teettvo rattle to the Goverrititeat i tted,..W .p' , ,trtue';will to ratified without hesitotdix . .. t :'s Sp:mnr, „Aug- evening, 4r, cbnoes kbutellei-, of thii placa,'NVUS' shockingly geared by an ea lie was,'ilriving. The artininl's horns .pas - sed entirely through hiiace, ineerating'his tongue in a: horrid manner. - • cstructiye BosraN, Aug. treniendous tnrna pat-sed over the of Watertown, West Cambridge, Medlin ii.and Smitlivifie, list-evening. blanr liou?es were - uttroored and blown.dutvo. There wasgreat damage to life. Damage to property $100,00(). Produce of take,Erio Riai!road "NARROWiI;BURG, Ant. 23 .— The cattle train passed hue t. , .) day 'Ant: New-York Alen 25 cases, viz—ten of the various .kinds of produce, I`2 of cattle, 2 of sheep and !JIIC of hogs. , Excitement at 1 ew-Orlean9 , . NEW ORLEANS. Aug. ?i .— The eacite ment'irbich ltrcrallsiri this city relative to the outlireat is great. Tivi more ateamer: , , filled with - inen, sailed to day lo join , The interference of the United Sillies Marshal was of no avail. The fitting nut embarkation were accomplished in de•- fiance of the authorities, Tito Effect of the Cethattt Nes s. . WASIIINGTi)ti, Aug. 23. r The nois's froth Cuba 1- . ti created the . greatest excitement-here, and but one tee ling., of indignathin'prevails.: : not.only at the sanguinary and enwaPdly butchery of un armed prisnuertz,; but the gross iosnit yr cored: our flag, by;, he firing into the Falcon. Unfortunately, the.Presitt4. cannot be tel egraphed,' nor indeed is his precise loca tion- knrissn, and 'doubtleis ?ause delay in his arri:4l. here. ] „ this, not outrageons, Where is the !President ?Where is the' Cabinet- ? Arc their cleetioneerifig-moveineuts. their per ; sonal gratificatiei)s, or their private ness superior to flint whiCh they owe-. their country ? so, ;: they should itirr:ediately refign, and. give ' to those who Will j perforrzylieirdOes: The country tnands it-the. country trill have it.] I . Aug.. 23, ' The Cobaitmews - is' causing peat 'ex citement in this; city and vicinity. ' The papers, here, 126 . 1:1 as citizens Who have hitherto teen decidedly opposed to the,g o . ban, expedition. are now talhng very -se verily upon the brutal , con luct, of the Spanish government., in the matter . of the prisoriers Shot .at Havana. The .outrage on tbe steamer Falcon also exiAtes a' great deal of comment,. - Latter from Cut a, , • CrIA.RVESTON, August 23 ; • The Empire City j has arrived at New Orleans, and the U. S. Steamer Vixen at_Pensac'olaosith later news from Cuba, Gen. Lopez is reported to have been victorious in two 'engagements killing and rounding eight Spanish officers and three hundred Spanish soldiers. • Tennessee Election %< Loetsv%LL Angtio. 23, 1851. r ln,tiniThird District, Chnrchwell (dem) is elicted Congress, over Anderson, (whig,) by 12 majority. • ,This makes the Congressional delegation the, same 'as' in the last-Congrem 1 • Campbell's (whig) majority for _Gover nor is 1200. Flood In the Illonongeptla Ulver. P.trunvilort.'lAugust -A fkod- blisoecurred in the Diononyalle. River. It:roseten`feetut.. Err9svnaville, and is nO,v risiog'at 'the ratel of four uiebea per 'hour. Much ,dainaaa , is feared. EflellinekT Meet Lon,: .• ••• „ • ligg'ys.gii.x,s, APkust. 28,„ Full returns of .the late eleetiet;frog!, elt counties' bare' beer' received; ;, t - • , Ilie . ,(Dern.)"ronjority_ for 0 nirernor 11.8 ; 600 4 and- B..;Thompaotet,- (Whig) `.for denttninitfhicrittni, 6000; niEbir AmPOrtatit By arrival of the - steamship Chore, kee port ; Ust -t renitii-g, we have' re eeivad intelligence', - hero ,Cutt. to Sunday in tridrig:last. - thus received of a very eicititn; and 'important ellarae- . ter; Sad the iletriAr, written in bleed, :will be found in another - part of this ,day's Herald '-- • - • • It will be Seen-, li,Y : 'tillig . intelligente, that the expedition. which left New Orleans .un der tbe:eninniandkof Oetieral Lopez, eoro, nels Pragay and Crittenden,. 'rind a. _num ber of other " distinguished military 'then, and numhering: some fur: hundred...and G!ty persons, aftei eluding the vigilenee of the sPanisli, , AinOlcan,- French nod' Eng lish vessels .of wni in the - Cuban waters, succeeded in effecting a !adding at Came os, aboutlorcY miles front Eavana. The reports wHch have - en* to!band are .very ;Vague as to what the expedition did aler landing; but,' after hearing pent all, we arc 'to believe'' that "a sanguinary engage ment tool( Place, et .that point, between them • and ' the Spa'ilish troops, in which fifty of theforMer wero taken prisoner— not, however, Before they and their associ ates committed 'dreadful slaughter on the government farces: the fifty who were taken prisOners were shot by order of the government.. Their names will be found in another column. It is.said that the Lo pet party killed upwards of nine hundred of the Spanish soldiery during .the engage- Ment. " : ,This ntelligenee Will create a treinen done ekeiienient throughout the American Union, and-the inhuman mannbr in which the American prisoners were treated, before and after their execution, will, if we are not very much. mistaken, 'create a feeling against the government of Cuba; which nettling but- sanguinary revenge will appease, In undertaking, that expedition, those that cump'osed it knew of - course the risk they incurred, and were aware of the fate that awaited them . id case -of their failure.— TheYnever imagined, however, that they would suffer such brutality, and such huMan treatment as was, according to all accounts, inflicted Upon them, not only by the.Spanisb troops,,but by their officers;-= treatment:that would disgraee,a nation of savages. •if such is the spirit which ani mateS-theiSpaniards in Cuba, they are un worthy to' be ranked among civillized peo ple. .lltrto this is only the beginning of the surd. The conquest of Cuba by Americans WaS never popular aiming our people, nor did .the projeet ever receive much laver from them. But, they had a right to .ex 7 pea, that common doeency would be oh , served towards those of their countrymen whe hazarded their lives in the underta king at assisting the Creoles to become in dependent. That decency was not obsrved. Uu the contrary, the course pursued by the military authorities of Cuba, towards the unfortimste Americans who' fell into their hands ; ; places the Spanish in Cuba beyond the of civilization. The consequence mill ne, in all probability, that nine out of ten °lithe _American people, North, South, East and West, will be in favor of 'Cuban independence, and, sooner or later, will ef fect it The intelligence which .we this' 'day publish Will creato a furoie that will know no bounds. T , In the meantime, We learn that the in surgents are making headway in elan st eVerfparti)f the island, as-well be seen by tin t eorre:pondenpe, received by the Cher okee, to wideh we ,particularly • direct the attention of cur 'readers, We perceive that a - meeting is called in the Park, at six tfeloelt this evening. No doubt it will be well attended. —N. 1 7 , Herald, Jug, 42. The Cuban outrage, , • - 1 No-event h'ag ever been so universally and so unsparingly condemned as the wholesale massacre of fifty-two eitizens„ more than forty of them Atwerieam., in the, harbor of havai - na ; on the 16th day - of August. The tone of the Press Is the same, so tar es it has been manifested, in all quarters (dike country. Indeed, no trans action Of the past century has been more calculated to unite all men in detestation I of the arrogance, end cruelty, and guilt of Despotism. What licr we contemplate the 1 youth and talents of those who have beeti assassinated, the sadueSs of the catastopbe, the sending into eternity, without a hear- ' big, of - &se who bad been convicted of no clime, it is'a deed that stultifies us with horror., himself, has no blot like this upon his dark and damning char acter. ,In those:Eastern nations, where the axe, the seaffAild, the tortue, the knout, the poisonand the bowl; are still recogniz• d means et governmental vengenee, no- such !enormity could 'safely be attempted. The detected murderers, who have sought the livesor;fulers and of kings, have not, bean i thrust Into the'grave without at least a 1' bow of atrial. The eiMspirators against dynastiesTave tither b en banished to distant lands, or execute after the most patient iti'vestietion. It is said that un limited power is always c wardly; but the fear of aronsing the-anger of the world, is the spectre; which, next t its unsafe con dition, most idisturbs its composure._ - In', this age, all ;.privileges- n t universal, are regarded-as Objects for re orm ; and if re- 1 form is inipossible, as reasons for revolu tion; and the public sense cares little- for conventionalities, when the wrong can only be righted ley violating them.. Of this great truth. itamPed upon all that, is pas sing. arodnd, ',and victorious daily over the most gigantic itepediments, the oppressed. Hence while lye haveseen combinations of bravo and katriotie men; foiled iu their, efforts to beat down ancient wrongs, the vieporines conquc r or knows that he cannot avenge himselt upon these, .his foes, by re viving the, Weedy ; practices of uncivilized eras. This! State of things, trne' of all ciyilizedand Semi-civilized mankind, is eq peeially ' so Of this Oontinent: And yet what baire:tve seen? ' ' * ' IVe havo seen a, dynasty which is like a garrisonlbesiege/3' from without.. and as sailed from within. 7 -surro.unded by people who'regat.d it ss a libel upon the ji Irma can Continent, and watched by those Who aro only tnpt from revoll because the knife is:tit their throats hy night - and by day.... we Valleseen this;dynasty, upon this,Con lin/A,: eitereising despotic and barbaric powers---asserting a, right:over the lives of men that Nicobas; of Rus4h4,.would not asseit—and enacting cruelties, • for the stighteit, approach to •Which; Aust/its has been candetztuid evon by the Mabouttasosi , and ele r erated•liy .Chritiliani eVerywhere. I n . t ho, At ht 4 l . - 0 - A t q,4 •- rs , FRTTc PI NFA V D -- - r* Without inquirV-witheut dela id MAI' '"'• --''' "" '''" ~ -zi/. %Aunty, . --- ---',.. 4 " ', • ''' "• E 1 ' ' . 77:1-7:-- i• ---- y— -9 1- --,- 'A T the rolleNatirul u' man 1. K---,,-r . ...-... . _ 7 ...- 7 -...- 7 .... . .....,...-....,-....,..:„., blind and ' /1 a saael car :or In; ~ t a.aY o lsi eg - i litc i %r t re cic s t` e l • Lafayeti‘Coileke t - ' ' Ealite.if . Pi. - - , Gooll - NeWsl , -- F ttt .. 6o4l.diti t' - '" 'cnynoinetion or remorse = This :. iteser(seontra; .L. Ai ic , , i f il t 0 brutal dytiatify has: is aisin sited - Mere t h ate; I ni sl'rti4"i ' '" •f ?"11 ' hY " u "" " "' .17 ` 9 P rn `'` 4.--. !V l ' ill SO ' th'T" 4. ' th 4: r'Lit . '; ' h " tkti. rtbkh 4 1 1 1 . 0( h 4 j'' ' LY4 ' ; ''''' -4r '''o r iro 11..4 i s tellitlat 'lt' l2, ifottlf of ruent - :ll , otatt, • '' t %Wit - phi . -* ' l- ' W . •• 0 **Ds' Ithd ------ . . rt f tyr- lin man - beings : ,. amid - Scenes of heatlt- ',t4": `: 1 , 1 2, 161 :7 , , ,. 1 , 1 ,.. i0r r A e a1 1e t , t , c , t.di r , ) , 3 1. 4 i cti ri ; t1 th, • 1,r4 - ~. l x. , • ° '4 u • - o. 4 % _Lhatl. ;h i 1 ve., ,, ,u,.rilk•so.:spi,are.: . .il lila, tlara .---11 :14".t t, tEep ' I n' eob:r i la r-tl est - - ' ' . (1 ,, ° , " " 1 k ,1' i ..'"0 1 t ai1,. .* 5:? ;:n..: 4"417 ;1e11 -- % . - c,- he si , l‘4 -;'' • :- mi ertielty and ergies of cannibal joy, such '.- • •' • --.. • '-- '- 'l' _.......-...... 1 - -':"• - vitti " : - .04ent'rttco.stsis'e - cit -- 1• -- .7 ': -- • '-,•- iit:tsr -` : ° ;: e .( F D l'.l.l,, - "iit"*t" ' 44o '' ,". ns Make 'the heart stand - still and over- i i ..• . • ..-.41•,-,(1 •- - d: ..-- •.1 - Thh ! I •*P - r /4.-T,Miiheasi,:ol4 Pieintient,snii-PrOcnirtiti • , ; -• lttielliil i n I . ,t i lt, P ' - e " ' t 7; r " kAt 14 t A6 . 44 " , • . tJar t .-'-- -- ' ' D rich'he- loine- a nd the evidences of ehrisaiulty. -- . Whim the tnind wittinintilement sintl with 1 '4 ., stie'* - t-e(cr% , T•lz'' ttsityttelsyttsvt- Ifin,•:- 1• 4 45 31 ti it; that; Ettic .1 . , ;11....1iti0 Pres., autt Pronittot ' : ' ofbAnifillit itututirer utt;f ' „ - 3, -,, --. jibe!ro,l.:.i: °ranee* numberpf Diana*. or 31a .r tatinot•log mut Mauna piatosoPtry. = -• •.‘ '•'• - -- •••• liihilietuckput i ,fgepper,leirutZ i o l. -,'' grief:,. -What a'.apeetaele it • must have', lii . boon"! What a morning et Weed . : - What Ate Lite .1 1n (dg.( ft . (: .' ;a . r l e r ;oo P r c t f . 4 (Ti ‘° ‘l,e ' t g jo ' u l Tclt i re 'r e ' r ir • Lang t° • sifes 43.e t r trl t u tlas t" tt A.- 3f•-? Professor °4 -"deal • " tf u ctll d I Tl t h iti"°°"".7"•' - . --.1 '' 6 1 11tVd * I AY" . P-ii I,i if•, l'frif;iici; : ht Slen. ; All iiirt - gi7gging s ' a t : t t! . ??,: glini t ,''. O carnival o f t‘ lo o ,„bt, e i. .t. What a , tas " it..f.uf onytrur. that. 11` v'ertrd..lplettpe my*ett to thofigth. - till Ebtlosopli and Mete ' ti - b . •I • •- •- . ' death ! ' The more we ponder upon it,' the t tut nn& itasartht - tai4surgr of the antly4 l , f iN tta ll a t ; l ap iz re. . de tarnesli- . P . . I h i rktriir 3 l o ;L.l; . ;l? , ; ‘ ,..prof7 - ' soo - if , J ni_spnt- .,l l r ort tok on kiNgl pt .ll4 ,T rgi ty .t.l.4itif i dicd ,, . ,3 4l , 4 „ il .ii i i._. Moro "We - ivinider at the • infatuation .' of an ti - - . --------' - • -----;-- The "uric' oronnls is 114"(Oeste:•the aletipline strict; ' ...Ana ttn.-paits'tantr,44,;;*oen , ,n.•:( 1 . -• •,, , -.,•• -, ' . •i ttotfictiTif- Illetneynt infamy , which'is se - call down linen l'i,o .- - - 1 but puterust-the porujonheulthy, and the ehht, es ma , - Nkeenlieces,Nint tint ont tie,: , ,"• ' - . ..„ - • th - u: ii;ll4itant.s' 'of Sitiqiiehirana . co. .:' : Tel,tiret.eothgorrei T ii,10.... ''' 1 . :•f'' - . . , i. - • , ' . . 2 - 1 d ul e t T d A rp l er ° ll. r N i li n i Vo l I ti: l e " L ni nl i gm b e "a ntl:l; ii - ) :1 1' itr i t e ' " o ')lB re l® ' its authors - the. resistles vengeance that • ; Taken blood fur blood-,:the vengeance of a ii,j, ..,"i,°:,,nf c 1e r tn::," 1 ,1;e„),, n 1Z1,;1,,1P„:1;1:11,!,r4.17,,1,.7 1 ,,at.! geTalimt•rutli , /it this' Only, wilt bow the w l:tl - .17:.,1:,, , , ~ :_tia",,,,, - .anitl'if; l l,*" . .datti.x?..'iller,:hr - s.. ' 4 .7. - - , ;.i , .-,- ,- ,- rid '..1`;',..7,7.",.., - :,''l',l•ll',',..!r`'eltlefo'rnitslin - ti .6 . ii - • ' 1 '' 76"4"1t+-ne*"441"114111 al ' i• i ' ' ' ' ' -' - - ' ' .' free nation - ipon a robber • and a 11111rtiereit tient tuntrer to Rill;[ rt . ItnArtl el 1.0.“ St. iltl vad - All ehenpfor cent). we lio Phi tot ~• ' eently etith Y. ears hi iitity & Bend of this plikee, mil .1 4 ~,ni g Di• D. A' AI,L •r t II p°,1,1 ton b • ; -- . • • ,T • 1 "..- ..-,-, • ~, I r the.Collygo -• Of tomlo,thouh daily Isere I.ieti , r.. i an assassin,who carries a tiger ' s purpose until thiattnnoneresel,ior, et•it ea parr of Alr Abitt i ce n. A .. lleet4tt • 1't9 . 1 . ' , '' et : tiry te of i t . l - .C .,_ enni of, TrtitAttet, • ,Tet-Stllll , lo hate At Prw - Moult LOT, ' ''' ' i Turrert, Score. fl rr Weil for the utOoundril eut C , lonee 1 i...t . mr 14,1 ' '. -• '. -,.-: _ . . - ~.atae ,-. :....: ..., .g i , r app, islurihny iiituisquii•fil.44: - ... „„ ..._ : • umier.the seeming of law - and order-r. OW I repbsvd, Dflo. tiereby_piee inert!( thut In ente.equere e - ' '." . ' ;' . 1 4114- 1Y1; '1)41V:.:-'4'''''.:''''''' - 7 4-.----- : ti ed:li e.4- 1 4 4 1,r3 0 ' n ' iSa s 5111: 1 - ' 1 3 .‘ P h: . -i:. : 1 • ';-1::' • (13''•:::;''41: . c0 i n ,„,,, r ,;. iof the afortsuld Milo Tut rtat's conitner hes hat his old - ' ; . iric...... '4,,,...., •e i •,... I ~...,. . .. ; ;:i,-.-.,;;• .- -.. : .. ; -_To thii ClliiilP irretti or L1(1):".:9 s„,;(o,e - .. - - • • reegence that will be taken by I ;. , t i a l iV el r ti brrot , ; 6 :l , l c ortioett , rl - .1 At the rime time extutres Iles smitten by the less of brothers •and tutoniorn Mitt lie Mt, no comwe tt.,u rr 17E, suhectiber offers for gstehls iintutiblefarni. - sliu , 0 , .." --., - ..,.• '.N ew : . r eed .• -, ~.. ...,,--„ • ..,,a,42,!:,..m.,,1ird,ii,,,,.4,,, [; reek , T.il7,l`rt Ll.T,e"r. iTlpltt,-I,'''uattiZ,'lfelelt'sli. td sons, and Made Mad bj, tbe Etat'llge 1110, n o t: h inti n tli i er trill Ile be atrtrer.ibte for ani Watches Jeer. I .1 It ter) 111.4tu t oho nine Not theact• froia_Alinitrast. viz - - ''' • ''---- , i; v r ,,i p m riT r er , y hr, kl;i , , , lt t c . : . • .. reit . et itlr . . A . bel , Tur . kellS 1 m an ll . ;;lr i o n v . .i t t r i , L ti --fp i ti ,. ts :„ which attended upon this mos . thapless ' and r.ti r tf for t r l 11011Vy murder. • Let us not be sue - rised nt p . Montrose t Wain st.'„ eppuSito.' Democrat" offles. -- , _ . (heat Dena, conarthip or otetai.r(;ur ncie - s pignoil till:. broinoillasnitda'rselfet7o-cirleavuoiftb9-I,lat,,m,:;,,Yin....d7itt:dn'taubuuniSitalillueoni•aff ri a ...l,'' ; ' dein '. ; : a - la B r: l er M re i tt E a rt eri.a. 69 t ° ;4 9 l S sts : C.t ' t: -..-'. t( '-'- ir ':: the awakening of the people as the details :. geoa speuit Aritet- , a cemfortublelloulte:a s nrl out-touiter !ins t .-0,6- t i efo r .3„ t 7 . ,---- - - iiikh - ' i tun good bearing. orchards.. ith gralted fruit.. :The Inca the'uinot trims as i lovi "d i w" tle ; offer. tar„ouns eta are made known: If mere otherwise it would be indeed cause of surprise. . i gruin, be, Wee- It Is a .•poea • graslng tom.% Any - person • ritontrine..tnneln - :fs,Si-:i - "C: : : ; . "''' •'""!'"' "'''"-!".- • And our poor countrymen, thus burtied i nlstimc to purehtme t.Uelt a - form ennnot do, better thou 11 ,1 . ,,,N, ir1 .. ! . 1 . i , & .. 3, 71, E k 0 d cuit ., t -- ", - . ; nr " - .. vi T ufi c , . - ,. - B,iiiim. 0 41 _if'; .. Ito call on the subscriber ; ; Termer will be-node easy hud pi i.b r i.,' f ,,,,' , 31 . '• 'A re '''' A"'-f'" 4 o ' , 01 . 41. ur. into the presenbe of God, without a iwayer s.vary rensonch:o. .. '.' .- • 111.24 UT PATIIIEN: ' „ 2 .,, ; ,j ir 0 1er r0.,,,,,,„,„4„ ,ther tilwiet .,,,, i , t , r,, j . ) , 00., ,, to Callll, or a friend to witnesS their stiller- ' Dridgewiter. Aiii. - 1'41; 1951. - 1'.4 2t . - I - —.... —...- met.bettief/: - Ptels:Pulti:l9.lllep. 'llttlfeytr l'itli - liiitroys:r„ ings ,'how doubly horrible their fate when 1 - 1 Abel ribtrell l ' ', ' . Dr.- •Tiranten4E. - ifallginitiltet.' niusloi'ir-I.lthnintilitte - ,, , 1 itenitir in Drugs, Medicines, (Menacing, paints, Oils: l eb eh e tTri 'a ntlu t-B a i r.(l •• g ri tu ll lZ, l' lVl l l l l;r f e u i rt. C . hecry - A lt u rt . ga i r. - ' ; I ' . even their beloved • country-in the person lof the ~ American Consul-seemed to curse i citangehaiZ;.,'iTil.:Lia"rneu,ligirt,Ygrir'i,ffel'(!i°;nrit:t'ri)nrrYih..3°4l. icainArraa9l(ll!:•.6.44:toeirmwAr'Pitaitla.'al'aelliarYolttirtirEmirgil . 1 their last !niers, and • to applaud their caul-. etry, spii - on-, I.pretaeleb. Muskat lust rutnente: Trtwert. Patelit AltAllelible - c114...i', ~'"' ~! . .4 .• r t . ~ word of consolation 3fctileal lntruuteutx, I.l4uotA, perfumery. Mirrure ' TI eta- CTItNING 119161 ;:ta ialti b ' 1 tent etecutinnerr. iici - itot,,,ry. te u-hrs, (hots, Yittikue Notions. . ,cc. . - -Ay Jane Ei:' _ llskil.lit s, A , 5 - 5 00 . .=•-no blessing- ,- -no pity-not even the fav-er - 11. 1...r0nt.: P.O 54 ly ' - - ttliat the dying soldier gets froni-his fee it; battle, of taking a last word to the distant, fire-side. This was double death; the 1 death that brnshed both heart and hope; and • we fear the Spanish bullets Were not more terrible than the indifference of tnis false and feeble minister. - May God forgive him 1 for his conduct, for it seems to have been a terrible defiance of divine authority, and a fiendish repudiation of every -Jmutiun'of humanity. .. Mr. OWEN might have r'eseued name from a country's curses, by an act of decen cy., if not of duty , hut he stood by, with . folded: arms, end heard brave men Massa ' . 1 cred,withtett raising a . lielp them.- 1 So did ant. Mr. .1 3 01ESETT, when the infuri- steel Mexicans thieatened the Americans; who had taken refuge in his- house, anti' and when - the torch and the bayonet men aceffmany valuable lives. - liti ro=bed out in the presence of Ids foes, with the starry ifiag of his country in his hand, and presen -1 ted his own breast to their bullets-awing i them by his intrepidly, and saving those 1 who had given lip . all as lost. The same flag in Cuba was furled by the -American' I minister; though it might have induced - a little delay for the patriots; it might have secured th'ent a trial or, at least, it it ight i have, given theei time to prepare to die.- tiliabily. there was no :POINSETT • to grasp , it, and fling it open before the Spanish 1 - murderers. • Those who would have died Ito protect it, bad not the poor opportunity of gazing upon it in last dying moments. - l ]ant our heart sickens at the - bare reeellec ; tion of this terrible scene . I it will be seen that a !urge meeting teat held on Saturday evening, in this city-, called spontaneovsly, and assembled almost with: out_ notice. The feeling ' exhibited.was in tensely exciting; and tho Ugh no terbulenee or Violence was eiliihited, the uneentrelable: , intligeation of the masses couldnot,be mis -1 taken. A tint her ' will be held this ' evening 'le Inilependentek,Square,._where pine most:- ! 1 • . . , interesting proceedings will take Once.- ' The adminsitration cannot avoid responding Ito the wishes of rho people. A speedy and ; and resolute demand upon Cuba,must be made for reparation ; Mr. OWEN must be t recalled, at once, and our people rept . es'ent !ed at havana by an American who knows his emintry's rights, " and knowing - dare maintain" them.-Pennsylvanian. • 5.3U.F.V., • In South Gibson, on the sth hist., by Rev. E. O. Ward, .Mr.S.IMEoIi BRUNDAGE of Clifford to Miss ELIZtDETII PlczrutN6 of South Gibson. NI .M. In Bridge*ater - on the 25th inst.;' Puma , P. Knousz, aged 2 Sears, 2 months and 19 In Bridgewnter, the 23d inst., Irs. Roth, wife, of Henry Patrick, :Teti, .63 years. " I shall be satisfied when I awake w itH thy likeness."--.Psalms Text ofithe sermon-preached by Rev. G. N. Judd; D. D., at the funeral of Mrs. Henry Pat rick, on the 24th inst. " Yes, satisfied! " " As.pines th' imprisoned bird to spread its wings, And dart athivart pie bosom of the sky, Sportiire, to spend With joy its unused strength Iu battling fierce teeth-winds and livelling clouds, SO pities my, soul to burst the prison-gatei Tint bars it from its native air to feel Eft every energy unfold and find The fitting titingi whereon to spend itself. Iti • night's calm stillness voicei from afar Have often gently whispered to raison! Giving to it "hibis al mighty Secrets" - Breathing tales of future joy, when no stain Of sin shall mai the spotless purity . - Whiclr then shrill be its drapery. Tilt uow My seal has struggled with her anise ties— I, The one, to 'Heaven clinging—the other, Creephig on the earth, so that when she fuln Would hold communion sweet with things ',divine, Earth.clogged, her Wings are 'downward !bane, and so From clay sheneeks her food: but far fooikiass Is aliment like this, to satisfy ; The Cravings of the wand'rer from-the feasit Efheredlovhich holier *its Disembodied; share for aye. Naught of eiirth Can ever fully meet her yearnings sneug, Or nourish her to comeliness. And when BO:anger driven, shed turn to heav'itiy stores, The key is yet within ;. and'ithough Mercy Scatters the.precions grain without, Aud calls aloud," 'Let him that beareth Corne, ; '_ Ala's! her ear, tuned to grosser scut:dist' long, Now is dull to welt such joyful bidding - - And the pure 'manna, too long ungathered; Turns at last :to bitternesn, • _ • - But err D'erith, Yehoreh's s servaiit, ahali glad oureels • - The lieuveuly Portal, mut usher qui c k vsithh4 My rensorped tiOtit.:_ O . giedeeroVellsy r BOW 'Of tads Lic VA ett the Amid kith" aheil waves 4.Yeighe be giv9 brae steel? - Si gh eeu Jesus; ~ ' Sgeh's!telon shalt eh e age . jo4o llislikeuestr," UowmY hungeib3; lout; ' Aid eillithao star, be . . . Watc. .••• , - - he's ' ' ON Fate a artef Hon of flt.nerm and tnglit.h I.grar, fo Ono -- - Ab... . . 5 .... 1 Vurtkul ow! other tliayanniita _., , In gold and rilvar cast:. Iyvt ,i n 4',.'.' .d'..:;..T:Vonu,rlqe*lglvOrh'l'ug'tn,v'CZl'.r-7'• 0 . , ..> , l . n .: t c it ,, t , :u r n: . :ly „t t r lgt , . , N , l , y 4 ..r i a t r i y ,, / , e s r .. f . ) ct, 1- - ° 0 41,W lac i t anti itlttchas as ' o , li ell .:Ohn . ..t ~.....„.... . 11 a . etth - g. :::" It ' ;1; o . ;1 . be l ' :u r i e t ' l l t; 4 :n 6l. i l ln t Y that h l ft tli l i^ r o a r i t ' :Va ll ift gcuunarore tot pi•rrsys iVittch .111141 , 46 but apriti4 Cr infretifilitX . Un , ler these eh agtn.taprea I Fe!oei m.,ortl lint to my iUdgll:l4.llC 4111 no SVAtell 14 permit tod to tome the shop until taken opal i. v..... , ntivr.1 nail for tbe Woarara !Jeri:et. A sr/atilt w4rrent given fin' yearl/ICri viltfi occel,t ed. troitrA : , !.0.. ilr.illn • - f I, uAl neas froth . 7 A. If. td V 1 1 , /T. J. A. SIWII.ETOS. T:N A Insurance Company of Utica; N. Y. • Eagent ter the nb - ore rompany how of. , . tern to Insvue both 'eat and pertnnal property . for the eitizeur of Sit•eluehannu coutst.y.enalntt Ins! Or diuU , ' Ilea by Ftre . on as favorable t er44 and n f It as eitfireilyelp la the astute lon can be erreeted by Client la nun. Ober respon.ilde cola miry whatever. I hale obtained Moo and em prepared tninAire Farmers:wet other; het. log unexposed rl.Ls Itc not+. rates 120 eendm it mr. r ally etrtnin that I shun nionnpnlite the business of the lone tv If thosonating to InSure.w.ll • toil o relict tbeeo.t. We 'twine all hinds of property ellargieg tor each a fair ptnportinnate rale the for the est: run an t i I when Imager happen nay promptly. It to Insure in mutrml companies that Chair , • httle or nothing for their peilties: When ynutin at yith a loan the VII, gf the " same And" and all the Insured vets for Pelts Ia a good bleeding to the form of neSe , k9Mentr to pay the Tre.F. es and t 4 lp , •ll , cs of the Company iu conte,tltur 1114 claims. It. We hold ourselves rote:lode for l‘wees and damages by lightning and mast corupanieidn net. JOIN Pros A. F. ROVlCtrl".l.t...csr's. H. lln ciitiiss, A:tont. °nice at Se:lris-a Trott!. Montrose, and corner of Coiltl and ifselduptiot st.. 2d floor. tr.n.tiumatott. 2q,h„ s Joe Dundan Academy • if the vupervivion or ft er. d; Mrs . E. A. ll~;{'nrd,trtltcauinteneeltr first session on the fir.t Weiblevilnyln act.: The inieltectuel and epiti.unt orate pupil t xttl he studied wite eve, dunue enre.and no rensenr.bie etTort wilt be s pared. by the Principal and the rtetnimite number or eotneet'en,t ite , trueterst to eutke the insfruetten. in every revpeet,trerthy the eettatteney and fatten:tee ef ethinteilittent bithfle. For ('tithe! par tieuistr intoitre of the Principal or the eflerre their residence. I'. P. Pree, S. 0. MATER: 131:011'NELL,Trva. -Dundaff, Alholst 25, 1251.—05u4. • , Fair lATaniing,.. , A LI. pentane. fildtbtcd to 11. l'Usttures4t:nr,rr to W. 31. Post k Co., ore hereby notified that Illy necounte may be totted olth Wm. nl. Post, at , the ntnin-rqut re cently occupied I.ll'nni t. Pitts, until the Sim day or Oct. mixt, utter übleb date, 0,024 Unsettled,' frill b indiscritritrtr:J. _ 11 M P Mil :. Au 2.,. 17, 1851 4. , • IniLUSK HOUSE 1851 t Bend,. Pen Addison Bryant. -i.roprietor. CITAt t hin.l.lotlf,. • - Daffy fdruiff6rent L on t) v arrival tliii,rtnt Tralns of (Inrs.'. A I•o. Lk, •17 Tuttnlti Mr. AL.Truvottell, at short notice 21.1 a which more Ali to. cut.- . N. 13 —A C,,Teird tarrtbge will tbuitp-ghtita to and from the care:-35' Cat:tton, T hereby caution all peiatina Ligainet linyinz prop. citj• ledonginz to me, of atiy petson bGt my aeiV At et vrltittv: or trustimt to any on'my un couht as I ani flrsiiuui orcondiiiniiig illy own Lim; iurib, and will pay no debts of btlierk,.mininv,iinz after dila dale. ' iSAAC DOUR. ifonton, Ann.. 4th..1551.- . 2liOlriEe. . ,S herby - g ive n , 11,,t. I forbid all pers:ma hur -1 borin g t.r trustVaz !ay 1111kb:it'd: . nooots, no my accoullt, ae I will par no riArs atom contract iiig. gLIZABETB,LILLi. Briecntralin. Anz. 35w3 THE BRfiiSU PERiODItALS:, AND THE FARNEWS GUIDE, EONARD scolwr & co.; NO. 51 Gold astreet New Yank, Con:lone to piiblish the four leading British Quaitly RevieWa nod Blackwood's ?Bugle/we; in aildition,th Which they have nearly completed the pubticaii iit of a v.driable A grictil tura! work, ealliql the' Parrner'e.Gaide to Sci entific and Practiciii 2.l,Lreicolture." Br Hexer P. It S., Of Editiburg, author of tile •• Book of the farm," assistetl , Junit P. NowroN. 11. A. Now Haven, l'a:ti.ftor of Scientific Agribiiiiitre in Yale Olillege, &c., &c. This highly valuable wink wilt comprise two large royal oCtatia rottnite - ii. containing over 1400 pages with `-'lO splendid steel iiitgr4iPiliga. and more than GOO engravings on weed, in the highest style 'of the art, - illiistratiogitilinest every implement of huabaiidurq hitw in Me by the but farniera, Btu best Methoda of ploughing,, planting, haying, harvesting, etc., etc., the various domes tie °mitt* in tlibir highest perfection ;411 short,. the picjorial feature bf the book is 'nil lime, and Will render it.of inbalimluble value to - the student of 21,7,60 !lure. , . . , Tao worlds-being pubtiaked in ami.inunthly: Nutaberl of 64 nages'each, exeluftive of the Stml engravings, and it i 5 veld at 23 omits each, or. :35 for the entire work in ainpbera, of which there Will be at lean twen(.two. The: British Pont:lit:44s .Cc-published; AIM 'as follows. viz; The I,nn(lon ()noirely Review (Conservative) The Edingburg-Re'riew The Nnrth Vritinh:Review (Frne;Chprch). The West:ulna/era Iteriets.(Liberuß. Bincklion(re Migizine (Tory), Although these works are di.tinguialted by, the, politicul.shudew above tint kt; small punkin of their 4"atents iedevoted to is:ethical sub. jecte. It is their literary character" Which gives them their chief velar; add that they stand confessedly far rfb•ore till other journ4lif ,Of their class. Rlarktenorl; still nailer the',fintsferly:gui dance of Crisiopher Northi mantaina its . Madrid celebrity: and at this time unusually an -active, from the serial works of Btiltver and other literary dotattles, irritteh for that Magazine, and first up 7. peario 111 its !infinite*. tor. inGreat Britain And iti the United Sties. Such worlivsis. Tl* (lux tons" and *9ly eiv "Never ibotli'hy " My Peninsular Medal," "The Green flatirl,". and otheitierbits,of which mimerous Thiel editions are h tied by the leading vublialiers in. this .ouun try. i t att e ito be' reprinted by those ' publishers in country,-from the pagesc( Blackemed,ofter hds been iefued Alesnc. Scott .4. Co.. r u that Sub scrikiers to the reprint or that .illitgasine, May , , at., wa)a.rely on having the earliest reading of these fascinating tales; - Te rms. .. For otty one of thy' foot Revbrwst . : 03.00 For uny two ,- do: SDO For tiny three, :; do. . „ 7OD For all font of the iteciewe. .. • • . , .800 For 131orliWoOrr*- I ,Atigazine. • 3.00 For illook wood told Ow foor. „ 7000 Fur ForrneritCluldo (to Lt . .' N or.) , 5 " 00 or.rieeorkfie"per: ipyi ciairt Ow pritov hi. allowed to (lob OP 111071; 'llooosor 9IPRam MUM, or Ihu otowr woylis.: - Timis: 4 copieo:Of 'Blackwood or °Collo gevleor:will t ro osiat itddiera: for Sg. 4 topirr of i hi' ftiekire'vletritiolf Qioel woad" for Sig. 4 copius of the fout'iteiriewit atut 11;oick. ; wood for 430: mid i.° " jlf o i le y"; entreat litlbo Stater were fsru~i, ,wilt' be rectived etp . r. . "rellervitiatieert tkrof communicivioos ettotiht be ulWaYs'orldiol-ge.d. port paid o r. franked; to ilbe publiffwgir r i,t7/..)IIA.RDSCO r a, CO. ; ~7 3 Fat?* Siour.rageoFsYorki: entraceo,64 Gold c,~;: .:...: :....:::.~s WHEELER'S PATENT, I,I\TT.IVAY ilOnsil PoWEit • A/NO OVERSHOT lIIREzTER , sEP•NRATOR. ' =l'' The, Lar frsri ME3SRS. )1 . 111,1:11.£1: 31i:LICK S. CO. cirALtit.Nr. an igutcy ior the nail: of their ibiebrdled Agrieu Lural 'Machin s f W 11.1; :4:1 LAT THEITt ALI:10 - y piacEs, ADDING TItiOiSPoitATIMi !The TWO II rias ;' . ...11.-VC lUSE3arcwedraldnlated 11 , r I erge l'Erumilbr.,l those wi,o reahe ti bagineis tineeli ing. Thes :ll* light. ill& crulpAct. EVI that - tlic :aholb ~narettiriely earr:ed one waa-n with two hence, the bOng pounds: • The VII; ATINII SEP En.vro fr.:fitvidpfr and tareeis the straw entirely ..teat retort the Bradt. leaving thit grain In the beet t.,lldi tiro for eleartnir. ' This wawhinp„ 'With Itorn. tit rtv to flu ba n ttfreplf !min ear t two .Iniirod huthe}eoL wheal per day, or twice flint ‘olo 111 . ay of ' ' The Oti'li 1141:51.; .$ cif INFSwitt troor threehands will thresh n how haW: t wULttity. - hey alw;,'thteih. and neneratc elortr chafe Cr.a.ti Ilia strew, very Vst gat ' ' al-Thi.:OneTt Irao Pope is pxtrAl4l.i,ly used by large itrary" ea roc cburiiii4 and foi taltibiviootl,cFet.inz feed, Ate. t • . . „ . AtII..LNT PRICES : ''" - :," . . . • . . „ .. (MC fleo Nicer', .Threbbor and ih'..patitak, With - bands ußil all ari3Ortabei.a, ~:',. . • ..- _. :' 114.) cc Two gone. dn. •' , ' do: . - AD. -. i' 12000 ' Do.- ; 46: - i' , -tio.- . liefi.ed - tarp. - .i . ' .:' chiaridng, dri:ltit cross-cut saw and grind.... - i:: - .00 ClOvor ilnllcr.` . ' . -. , r . .:, 13 2 2 8 en FPVii Cutter,..... : . : 2800 Cir;tidar Saw lill.,(.11 ineh'saw.) ..•': 1 7 0, ' :: - MOn r,.-p The :above, riarhitio:are al fskarritheid Ati work to tho trit!re A h!i,• - actir.o of tha'oirdnarr. or they.may-tia returned w:thin sixty iliiys Cs 1.. m Thi time thry are:roi; aeirel.• an:: the purolwore money I:pal) will be refunded, ^.^r• The Snlisaribor brie armor the too horse machines In full oporatlen : and fa:prep:lied to do fiaNtlikix In the Lost. manner possilde I and w ttrranted to giro enthe sat. • L. 11.,'PECK. - liarford Aug. 14th I Etl t. 7.: tf. : : ---' Eng'sk Patent Leifer Watches mitF, Subscriber bes.thls day ree'clied from the Manaufae ry. annt)u.r lot of WA ear , rior ;rigliehlever Watehes,of difiat mt sizes 11.11tistylco, lu silver n 4 Sold enees, full jeweled, rind plata 1050 . pereons wiAirg a good itioe•keeper at lower 'pricks than ley Can obtain them elsewhere, ;o invited to call and examine can with ronildence warrant them stperlor tunny. tt atelies ever idrered for sale Itt this county . ALFRED J. EVANS. Binghamton, Ang.1.1,,.'51: , WashirigtAin et.. Su-nre—A full assortment o f Silver Forks, oons oresinere, sugar and salt shovels_ Eutterknires, for sate Lr • , • -J. EVANS. Aug. li, -1531._ . • , 'Washington, treat. , - OM'? PlNS,,nrnast Pins, L'ir rings and hugry ring! A. J. G° etrATNS. varioua paiterns and pne6s. by \Jr ' Singluirit op; Aug. 'ALFRED J. EVANS, , Notice. - rivr firm' of Post : Pltts, has b CCM disgolved by nintn.: ennscial .• • • , - WM M. • July 2.5:1 8 51 . P. IL PITTS. Admimstrator s - Notice; 2 • ETTERS of ` . ..ioliainitttrotion . of lh . n ei4litd of White, Aee'd., - Itite of *ha township of Auburn, heving been, granted to the undersigned, miner i < hereby given to all indebted to t.hort." . te' to Calf and'sktio the i!inno 11111101 i: delai. and all, par otia havitiv, deniniids against Wei ylease pririent then] Only tittestpitforneidement.. '• ; • , WILLIA 1:41N, 30 fiw .l Mitgon Di: kthg~ . . ..-.. . . . . rrnil 2. al.),eribi:rs have - taken the' rho? .reeettly t.eiitt‘ ' ...I. „ pbxl hy, Fraur r heNV Allen; two riffles belOw - Mon , tr 0...., on the youth Tyirupilm. where they era, earrylntr on the Iflignii 116.kinr,101qtriess it, rill its bratiehes. ,- Alt orders proriptly..sto , ndi•d- to, nut!' repairing ;done not next week but TO-D 9 Vt. 8 '.4.1 . .. .k It. A. BAR R Pll4- • Bridgewater: June 12; 1951.- - -.1.4irn3. - ' r : Spoons. ALARGE„tnrt of ex trefine Alban table and !pa,'Ilrktnnla-ware: wirq Ptengirliqied tahleina ton,buft 'able tea A v er; sil ver plated; C,:rrniari silver sinus, etc., et 4,•.. 164 received and solllnaAnw 411t11 .;: t..74 TPRItELL'S.. 51notroscq July 3:1851. ' Woril - Carding, - Cloth' Dressing.- ,Ilirtteutzlite•iirylt'el , tll Flditnet, ,—: „ , • 'T"irOuld outiouti6 , to the that 'fie 'eutdintles thn nhore tnistness.athls,old Pi 7111.1 in Tfl%f. cord township, one-Itilr tnlte shore Ittemlnte Nntl F miler North , of ))unthlft- and for ilte 'dreiviniPortntionlir lag -Mends: and tb.la4.lfe. hr allf - reepht And retitip.. ei n th. 37;:05,.. E. - Ir. iron, linit Octave, l'nOt4 st.ares in the bortatuh or Dundatt. and all work tn., trusted, to the subscriber shml).he. .'one In. wOrlinuttallke rummer and 4:: Ir Jieccudt for eaih.' • catrurl,A,upst 21tf;151. , . . r iMvr TroY,TOT; ina Atbiniy, tarp conk ;311 , ,...r."‘.1714•4 9 101'4414 oi rant; embrialn'a• nit the nett - eat arn3 I•ers pot tern on loo t aft{ be en the most favorable terms. The"Yaria66e'e Move" in Nab blv. all iblarreenarld" emit. the best torge-avea slava that la maaa/ISAITIsrie , anti nu be anl4l at the " • - • - - ' - '1 I %,OpAts'A t tn.' the}i twin lienklit Nanthi Myer.. ZCq!vs nem, _weePivinn. en Atm , n.wwirtrnentil wits:lo'4 riven*: >tinrettui. mitt: fneti4fone can - hp tnitett with, nitylning In thn tine nrrtiwri,plpeksrtrimmAktp.. r tsirPid, Apsuat. 22, 1851. • . ;.. . . mh t i nt , Po;ite4r,s4oo..t ik r,,,9l 4 tor, wir nireker,lt itfr,(lontt Slifor Ctitt Nj i• I , M.L. CATLIA MMUSI Excitement No.-Itt 11E' I :Ir/irate if ailit has jusll, tI 4 t s.-` I *•. I , t - 1 aMery. great' vartityot almost all lamjs or Goods. whteh he woitld itmt., lll l , erti fulls. Invite hlr frit:lW* aml !bur:Odic vent•tary .. tenefici andittmem t h ernselves -t Pod: many 11160 - tlllngm. for ihefen erJety, 31. C. TYLEii,., Montrose. June ID, 1551. Gl!9"' _ ratlFS,a. G. tier anne,C,rushed: Ptlwdered.sia Collor, Suzar, Teas. Soap, tiri,At. cdem ' Lemnfr gran. Sprrnt and Toll6wklandlmi.'Eamp.oll,fileee; Joy* and Rio Coffee. PorkOlackerel, Salt .de., t•hoap'sr Ntnntrnco.lfep.lßSl I,v9Ns • Also—Efterieesing . Colupoulitl, tbr rit•lnt and rakes without yea • t.; • I•a:—Seny PnirJer. by the much • t hilmr - urirosti t ng 17-terred,—tud no 11..lry , ctor" , e in 1". , clothes. For ale by TURRI:LI, r-bvtGoodsi' er. P II,TNTP. LaWl ll, ..oltlghlrall,l.nitimer'Clttho. Coridnioteg' Carpets, Oran at liTaNa .. .k. ! thirtimire. ourlnding tralnd ;:rik.. %Jim', des cri ptinnotOnowa ro: ran !WI *hoes, 'Rather eto. • - Poiln;ptnits.3lel.ll,inpx., - lii,Vi4ufiZi4 nl = ‘ , *try. IVlndnor Sash, ON FS land Putty. a (WA 'wort: went; and always on hand. BENTLIA do Kt:AM . LATtof; assortment fkr nrnadrlotha. Kertern• and Sinnmei jugt tertiried awl lat;*nld right by ; •AmsTtEr- rt. nrAit: rio.unsii awl tduckere:-..k *.- and ,„I„ L r )19 /t. Sox, FR 0f13.1a ekerel and Cod titr . " - tono , l' nnd for .211 e at ZI . D. It. LATRVP, CO;,, FIRE Pior Paint atfcard,Tiflr; twr handretfat - •- • • • It. Varitztim & "eh. B i Tad h - irefis - n - eiTill;ti Lawax,.aitil eieariait DraaaGaotla juit apancttiby - , ITEW GOODSluct rocAvi4 Lind kr /pa _ 4..Ltoks Notice. rftnEiableirbers `would inforie Neado end • mi.: tet ne ra; that no;vitliginidinrtheir severe Itirs .the latellre. they hant,cbtaiued- ;be hpildn4;•skyatly, 'oerufdtalby AlesnA: - I.ethr. , p,, , warty of)inslt e Fearle's- IloteL they die rerelnag. n (1:01z supply of gtnhi:, • Irian NO York,whlth together 1.-ith their 9id stock ally. ea emni the fire ; gtic them -OW Si '4% ge%tikint usint mink ahlehtJaey he'd:ate boNhabl toi tsSi , J ) will colapelth era 0 sell nips for featly ay. AIX,' thy) , mast say to their Cairo/Loa tilatstiOndthto v;tboi tit ' It; B,t - rt. or S. II„Snyl:e thatTrearitt uu4 6 et•t•'• ate .ottlnnout nitirt ftettAti 411 at .0, ter &ti till., is the may aatapatbeylit s' - fokeeliuy their I" Sneed—. a Itime In tle. a. t. rrie•rid indeed ' steve and Tfix branch - et their husinessi will he carried' 'op hi' , .8. Ssyre"4 A. 1.,-IVittotOilitn',, , fiim .a ,Websterotholi ocher thiibrlek ' ' ' 31fratrese. ..klar.sll I • ti.L13.146V k f!e•:;:••• ~TT • . - °Tolit • Pr , UNDERSIGNED, formerly Foremen for marry' • years of the Lafayette Burr Mill stone , Monists...the 5.10 tyashington its- . 4 N.Y., eiV. Tynek.Agent,)smuhiin ; form Vis filends and the- politic In gerinal; that lie:bLa establishedo • - BURR 31ILL STONE 31'..4NVF.I.CTOW - ' - iimghamton n 4 Lerqv rfn •nro hap liot!)7Pr, ' • Aud solicits is share Of their pattotange. lie Trill bare constantlyonhand 4 I WV 4 40ek of Vr. 411 414i Bun9llllStones, es also a large supply of Rumpus s ' Kuluesonye, 'also Fiends' Burr litorkr,, bolting efintri screen wire and Plaeter Paris-. - • • • ' '• • The , Undereined assured his friends end lir thet faithfully i.xecute ell'onters marveled int' hie care. not only in - quality. hut in pri •eff• qtrOcks fUri. • niptiM: andspile:its ark kink lintrt nsFe.- - • trdtme be lettere/ill ho - , - ,exernted with ns tancli eie* , end es cheapley ns when purchasers ere OD Abe niot nt 31i11e,,,md Nillwrignts ntr requystsd to t and tishini'' i ue:his stock end Workmititliip;• • ‘•• - • • . •• • • .i-,3ol33:Tr.BVitlyiN. llirrelennton; ,•• •• • --• 307 STOVES!, STOVES:[`' '• subscriber's .futsli; eitered into etisaitoeritutr In the Store, Tin stia sheet' Iron tidstnesis isre pre snred, to attend. toauy ;orders in theitline,.at the. oboe- - test notice The,r9atter tbentselres giving "stri , t Attention to butanes* and lair than thvyalltltroxis' a reasonable share ofrirbßc patter/Age.: Their sts*Ar,lnistlt ' Ofstoves is good, haring the latest mil meat - IrciprOyed inttertis. among which me the: fori , sides-nrcYntrAii , --s . .i. store which tck,l; the first: Pipe:lima at the * State PsIT it t.'yencinsie 1ar18 , 50." .11. 7 -6'.lo‘rest Otik.ut Poreir Queen enlarged:. E47s' : !‘ {One Air Tight. pboentx..tle:do r ,:, Premium,' Parlor stores . box stoves . -sfor emit All kin di , of Tin tt:ire. etnT eitine Stttin t nbes: .kart hand—sohl at prices that mill - suit,- All kinds of prodlile”, , taken hi jeitinento nit cislatiot refused. Opp 7 Mttel•lii . olo;,,,. - itnie of Mills raid ; "SATRE at. Vallttitt..7 , iifontrote, July to, - • . ' 1101111,CfPifititirtli . P uhich Is undoubtedly theliest neertii use. fhr.ralo a IL LATH kop rk . . • Esltayed: .•.• . . . . CAME into thr inch:wore of the snfireriiior, LJ Sunday the,27tholt .a, yelloor.cote elbow. : . ••(;.itrs'old . :, ' nit. owner can haYe the Wine h 3 'OWN:, - ing upon the - rubderibetiprOvjng prOßerfrandta .; inZher tztray; ' - -ASA:CARLING; Aux. 14::-/P51-433w3-;-,, ; Fos 11 4 We. THEsubseciher nfl to , farjtle,,hia..faria, ted South - :71,1pq... county. Ind , tutu n :'lOO itertqtoritti 75 or 'Bo • Ocieantorei" ifea4, provi•inent ; ,and fendr;d;'inastiv With italie'.!' rt Said fan•ituatheiet?ft it l 'ez - -housk4 . fratned . Wi4 r i ind'a:thrifty orchitt+Wfrait:trieftirtm4 is adjoin.; fug the farm' of Jortaii ilarter. further; thay - inilinire neat M. Soydieo 4Afftitel;4ir:orLathrcip'..Bitio4, MantroVlN-. : . JAMES,LOGAN;;..; .Ang. 14, 1851--33ti3* , • . , . ,• . . . .. . . .. _ :' -,::::---,,,: Gain - 2.Last , =. ' .:' 4 - .I43l.piiettlyely theetrnir.eit in . isettle up pit. - Nottur, f; ' Areal:lntl hunieilt:tely -1 be .4. Indebted to me .will , therefeee avalltheiriFitheiieirth.jtippeitiitiflY Of lettlibir i n to" su C% 0)1111ra 1 i,M fir ApigotATe: in nt, : OW, . .: they tehilfiebts to bi: ninth... I ithiiit iineerel regret to tikeetupetteit fn +mealy pe&i,ii tint Jett's* to-7 'll Nita e.L. , " AbWeet.tbt. It bulan eee doe - vi . ebuttithLe tertheetuhige. - ;.Uttimut deliy. '". itilfwartitut..? —',."' ' - ' . :::•riAnOitta.lBt4 t .-. ; • : , ' 'Ai 6. IiF.S.VgiF.AIXT i' • 'j".PCNY',I - 4:iD Ear itobpiitlielatesistylioritat • A.RIVE'.V Seeds Siva o,r's ltochebterCianietl ;Totted twol to's' pole by 'J. L'yoNka.'soN. stank)); : • ;,..1-; A maw' noeiiete;t. 2 oobliititdilogb7lltin.osoabi7.4 (to•tith Vogt', l'mbroilitts. and 4, to t rrit, rietytintlf4l4..mir .r , S.b.I"LEY it it itALV..: tr q r l l ' Circe /14;:tutittlott: &home r,. • estAGlft titn eta ie 404;1111101y toes te4 At tilt bAbo. X of the tAnuntt4ii trAtn it 'bkpg. Itie tuttit, moat'':." , otto,rtilo*tleliglttnil 101. Sao.: ut piny' 'poops th,trsicirt :t:' , l-I ,, m,ptiroiripllll.l.,.,, T4 O " Ctirtr'). itGtt open Mr ;he pert !akin otot treat, meta at P**ofx, Atit toot;tote bon leoatteceenut hit frourtrip the Ott 'arty t; t!, Itttyi tr. tot* of b, est'Ttok 'eltoyiubp3AtorAtotrtpeti A AAA t rdrui,*itrir ~ itworo4top twtlw ;rotator., nt. 4111* luttitottbak AIWA, litallltißtit..f cam! toy. t s , ' AM.74,1111; att.. ikoteFititts bagwifik spot loo' thistrot tor As.;ll:tmtt„ tiko3tre Au*. n'Atzolliell: only wt More' &bit opt • Plow% ••• itotaTerigi , dtivs ogles 414 Pak eptli -tiatitemot • ILA_Y RENE wi~EA .,. "^'{
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers