. - - i • ", : , ' ~._ , - r --- f . .4,—, ~,..„ . : ,. ,, , j, , ,f a . s s. , :. ~..i !l . , ,:.,,,:.„..., . : ..,...„ . ..a 4 t. ., _ ..„ t ...___,, „..,, --. 0 -..f..ii .;,'.. .. . • -,..., --- : .7 - -, - ,---''- ---- ---- 7 - .. . . .. I ', -- ------.---: " . " --- ' 1 `4 - ' -: =Itt.:14t;r°,:"..-- , 11 ' • '-• - -:' ''''--' ' i ' ) - ' l'- - ''''' " ' ' 2 " 'A' ' ' ' '''''` ''-- 1 ' --' '''' ' '''T "' ru '"4 — , 'Ci< • - 4:!(. ,, , ,, ,.ii, ,-, , t! i ' 7' . ..- ' i.,-z. D,..4 ~. - ' • 4,44 .4 4. '• ''-'---' i • ' 1.4t1 Ln". 4 .... ". - ' ••'4 , ;/:i.k. ii / : 7.- n 1 - ~ , * ~,, ''"-'. '' ,- ,:-. ei , :',e,-,4 ' f ;.',. ''. -•• ' • !; • : '. •, :,: ; t ''''.: ; 0:4". , , . . .. ' s „, 0. „:. i ie . ; f, , l' • , ~..0 -4, : .1" 14, , et, .' . 4: .. ' ' - 2 ' • ~„; , ,,,t :•• - - ; - :,,. ' , 41 - .....: . • 0 .1 .- , -' • t.! - .... 1,. : ,•.:'- l i } . , ~ :i t bh, ~,,, , -.,.. nr 4 tt,. .,, , , 7 , .., . ~.,, „, ~.,,,,.., ..,., , _. _ . -1 -.,, 4...: , :i it-,....1-,- - . , _ ~ t , 'O . „ 2 ,• • , , .... A . . ,2 . , ..1 3. . -“il '', I .. r ',2 , 5; z :,,,1. , „. :,,,- . ,) ..; z:d=or,%r: ~,,.. ~,,, _,,,,,,,,,- ...1 ~ „,-,.t.y,.. i , in - „ p p:. $ - 4. 0 - -....- ~i, t,i- .r.-: ›- t • -.E4,, = ri‘. t . '• ''' " 4 ' ' '' • .• '"' t , A . , ..i • ' l 'd; ' . .1.; 4 • 4.:1 - r r,. - ,T, •; ~„ -1 1 -,,,, - ..., :.; , ,d,.. ;.,',, .-"-- :-- - •,:;; , ,1i'1.:1 ,, t ..,-, -.,.‘:.,.... • ../.,k, ' -,', 'A' :. ; : .....::. :' r ' ',' ' ' . ~,' '' '' 14 i ''' W.' • •, ..f i , 4 . '4•' ' I ' '4' •• I. ; • ' • ' ... 4' --- . "; ,--• •• - ; ' 4 , 2' ,rf'l • -, :". 4. '. 4. 1- e --, •'`. - 'tr: ' r : z.,., 1: , . ~„ I; '.I et- .t;- , , .".:..""--. ''- .: )---. 7- 'S.' ',..- 1" --',..'., F:, 5 - / . t --. 7% - ''' ', • ;.. ii -:. ' .it 1:14. - A ..,,_, -i- 4',- ''' .- '. zz i lisso f 1., r . 1 4 ij) ~ 1 4 „ • 43 ,1.,,, L i 4,.. 4 , ~ , Aille „ ~, ~ ..4 , :, ' ~.. ~, „ i ,--; C, ,y•i A , . . . ,L. -.. .... -,..!',-; L. -- . 14; -., , -. 2 ,- .1...=: - • u ,•!:„- ~ l, - ~,r , '.... ..- 1, ,l'„'" '. ~., , , . .'. -' ._ -- 1 - ,4 ~, ,1, - .4:2 ,, Lr2:-.21-. c. tsz, ;, & E, B, CFI ASE;, i:),B9B4:IETQI*S, i '4•Jaw zgl'''' , '-‘',-- '.* , • , -.0 ize.c.....-14. ",,,i 4 ~.., -, -...., Wv-il* C 4 '" ''.- -- ' ~..,4,14e . ' prry - i- 7 , - e,"671 :L122 2 2-h .I,•>. From tho %I'a,yerley Magaziue LIFE. - Life has its sunshine but the ray • Which dashes on its stormy ifare,` Is but the bacon tic decay, A meteor gleaming o'er the gTavo ; And though its dawning, hour it bright With Fancy's gayest coloring, Yet-o'er this-cloud encumbered night, Dark ruin tlups her raven eying. Life Las its flowers—ant: what are they? Mclnis of early love and truth Which tieing and withei in a day— The gems of Warm, conGding youth; Alas those buds decay cud die, Cryr,peacd and in ttnred ht bloom; Len M an hear behold theta lie rpoa the sffli and lcaely tomb: _ Life bath its pang of deepest thrill, Thy sting, rolexidess memory I Which crakes Cot, pierces not, until. , The hone of joy has ceased to be . ; - Then, when the heart is in its pall, And cold afflictions patter o'er, Illy manful anthem delb recall • Bliss which bath died to hloeni no more: • Lifohath its blowing; but the storm Sweeps like the desert 'wind in wrath; To sear and blight the loveliest ferns Which sports on ettrtlt's Det enfal path. Oh ! soon the heart broken veil, So changed front path's delightful toun, Floats mournfully upon the gala Where all is desolate andlone. • Life hath its hope—a mann dream, A cankered Dower,a betting sna, Which casts a- transitory Team Upon the evening's clouds of dun: Pass t•.p an hear, that dream limit fled, Che fkmers on earth forsaken lie ; The saa hash set, whose lustre abed A light upon the shaded sky. AFTER DEATH. LT JOILV n. taTiNT. Why sLould Ira din to those that die? Why loudly niark and haunt the Vane Whae a dear brother's ashes I:e, Amid thn rehcs of Ls race ? - Why weep . above 'lie enclosingsod, _ Where the loved' woo laid away, t As 'tithe spirit sent front God Anil dwelt within the mouldering clay'? Ter. as they pass shall scatter wide 'diet dust by narrow walls eonrinedr Where'er the oceanseudschis tide, 0: earth is swept by winnowing wind 'Hese trees, the harrests on .theso The air w•e breathe, the dust we tread, The tide of life that Es these reins, Are partious of the buried dead. Beth God. then, doomed, when lire is e'elri The soul :o sideber in the tenth, Winie yrt the form, the limbe it wore, Are on the earth, in life and hiciom 7 The mind, far rsaching into space, Clll.lVd the bull; of distant spheres-- Tinthiout each planees coafec and place, And measures all their dues and years: Bat wlieheyoncl that bourne teeth At which our mortal rres.es fail, Into the Fpiri t world, or reiv-d "rwilt life auStlkth the parting veil. The deepest search of human the.ight, The furthest stretch of human .eye, .tio tidwgs from the soul hare brought, Beyond the moment when ere le. WWI trembling hope, I lysit the change, When tho't and sight, unc;oggeil by sin Munn: God's vast Universe shall range, And take the world of spirits itt. Oars be meauwbile, the cheerful creed, That leaves the spirit free to roam, De mount and river, wood and mead, - Till heaven's kind voice shall call it home an ile:stairS. ..tfe . ..ix:iig pale,, and his leata,,, gonvulsed with ,entotion;.- but: le, i stoplted.tP ads her as they met. `- ' ' "'. - . .: • : r' Have they eoMinerieed: already,' Lewis 'l' ILaisispeied slick as she yowl& her arm-around: iron. : ' .:-.• -: .-S.: '• :.';''• •.:-...°:, ~:._. '.:„ -..• :: D, ' 31.erviful Goa It - burst from Itiminttmopi6ot.. 111 y pear., poor Cera!-;vWliat `ti.elietne.: is this?' Dear 'LeWii r Said Margaret; tenderly, and massing heivthand'oter his dark listlO , s,•!.< tn . one Fan resist- her'. longj Think .of-yourgentle:wife, 1: 'IS no matter where thy lot is cast, .. te.her -: for !Am 'sere she would,:ike Ipti.r,+? . ~ she joins —. . - , e see peu ere shejoins us iri-the dinin,Tron.W. For those roost - blessed. were most despised of 1 1 ,1 ,1 He - it a rA e d,. and fid_ Agilig '11 . 4.' .. *4,11d:'0,i;e . i .7 .hiP . men; ' 'bitilV SloWly mounted the Stars.' stung witlt• And kingshave envied, tutored by the past, itntirtilidatienViild: W 4 tindea' -3: i r c eli°n Y le '' 'll64- Tiii simple rustic of some quiet g,len. '' .• • tilted b Tore, enterint , Alto - .aimirtment. . --.. -Ile • II ' ' I thou (lit of the - tenderness with. whath his fan., It ly uo matter • 'ere Vonben d .tiler nit -_ . the kn ee, ~. . iirldtThad "per - - beentreitted;•of sire fond ptrent 1 • heci•seat, is near the place .01. prayer prayer; she had left; he ilieiti;lft hitteili' . evethe.kiti., . In the dim thambei-ort -the pathlese - sea, - • - .:' - tern -he had7premis4 1104,the 'homei that .: was Otmid the heathen, list'lda.. God is there , r ' . .to _ouPPIP 0 1 ° ,4)4e 1'' 81:16.- ;' ll44 ' .iab-la. " ' 4l- lin& - - - . tno.delooely-tor,ltim 1 , of Ithe,nffeetionate p:ide: It is, uptnatter where or.trhenyou,die, ~ ' - her Us dtki . v'etild.ereate ß in. -- th — e1i. 7 14it ,4 A,..,.„ - ; and:' . (i r .4 l eip l at f leavin g love behind; . - 4 .' .: . '' he:fenridlti'iaid. hefoie her. rot j0,Y,a.0 rifathomed reit you in . ihC Ar;i, ' ..' f', ' Wheti hit kopeitedibe .-aotior;::Cora',still , *44. Wb ee death from darkness freen• the idoiriewli nitting:oh thejokt,ihair gazing tit ithe bare, mind. - - '-- • ''3.walla... ..14r.iiiratt , tiOds:31 , :e:r.a elaspect.ind I her lipi Were ectitipreisedi/ . .Sinfulli Out oftheir 1 ouat gaYsPglo., - : The husband's irtns..were . .'oncflier,"-tiiid its' he ,ktielV.l)6.fdrV 2 , her: • From Arthur's Lime GLI7Stle. CHETSTT OSOPHY EY 11. 1.111.N0R OUPP. . . , It is no-Matter be it dull or bright 'Elie soul which Moves within the mortal clay ; :For whatle bright on earth may be but night, I 1 . . .dadysight eternal 4 t,hr,judgrn'ett-du7. ' Tr To pity the postage on letter.; zoo send iaj Dawn rule of common ppliteuenr, xvlath no onei should disregard.- . (0 Every mau 'elicit or poor, necording — to tti propprtion between his desires arid enjOyinents.' 1 1 The lougur the cow of oontention filo batter it grows, . * - stare makes no poor ordylvitoh we wpilt rke . telmies,t)qt cnistomgiveithe-ranne of porprty the Wont of supergaitios. . 2 Mt i rgitag-i4V. 4 -1 Ledi's tool: , - EY .AMELVDE - 1. HULL. " ...Such Labia ClaVering.. - tit reoWing - donli. a letter shc Itattinretileacliug 'mitts signs of great azinnyanee such fully!' • . 4 %Viva news, I t aura 1!„ inquir.eit Cara, : ing friiin her work, and,. tr i ying seefir ji terested anyilung' that eoncern ed not: her own self havo, ilmt.etreet. - - letter is that r tirite,r, onirfoolish, hasty : broth. or; Lewis. He has titre half-sta rved nobody's , daughter;tindnow I; cipi4 'that -- IVC tvelcOme our nowsister; , and',rro mactov'er her goodnessand - godustm flow absurd salcb Clara, throaciing„ her needle - aa - qoletly as though broth er_ were la mere notttio!,*. it'dties' not mm. cern us inueli,,unlesS implC-tal;es lt"itito his head.-to increase Le‘via's - salary' • ; 4 1rintt heshallnever4o !' cried Laura, slt ting erect ;Ind flashing, her small dark.ityes.: 0/1 the contrary; iind hiy mean lessened:: I cannot alioW any in'tinder to the the bread frdm our moutli. •• Y.ltls the, will•of Providence-,'.. said tr soft voice; 'do your best, Laura, bend.,to.it.': Now, Fanny _ •: }„ . anny She was a thin, „old 'young lady,' with long. eUrl4 and 'a - SWeets Like 3egsy-Betlesw-oit.ll,t,he I:ad .heinelf ,out, for goodness, anti never:hinted:an thing.olanybodyi 7 w4eu;shosould: be beard. 111 Satan bad come, the world in saek.Vcit 4ind she' wonitrlie rilbundimiattn fof Ids' freaks by say'llg, Bathe-is very gentlemanly, indeed!? ' ll I ti What "shall'we forthe bride, Laura?' *kedtlara:': -- n..6lie I eta. 7iof omplitnent `llo w'sillv you are, Clara.! I stialldonoth='n; for ber,!;i6i . dti...l. - fialf . t 9 nonipliment I",s. - bad no rir,ltt Ills-ratnily:ltc, tf i i ......, , 1 tips id rt. ei mice to the past • but'sh' sigl ; isl i, feern,,..g., , , , ~, ~. , , , r ....,...........,i„,..t...ier0i5iii.1e ferhed r; .'-actin}' 1 ."- . i - - - - - i . " - - - --- "''--` ' - ' ''' ' -". 1. 1 ‘ tAii i i ta. . 1 ,mll , t , dsk:Lk , f I, ~•-•,. .1 ,she•did so, anitilfti riiSeilltihitlfi' ,l o 6-1 . 1 .:t r , it t e i i 1 . ou tmak me.,ungrate`ful;',teiStSi'=l, - 4a.l:rjit s ifi7 ji i' . .y.', li g , . V nil i ,i ll iji '' lib I el; W 1 tli. CP ..‘ ' Ungrateful '„ , (loud t;ori 1 cliiie at 'B.'s noW2 ' - -- • °r • ' - ' 3 • I l l ?'•' -at klAftq, Avitirtko se c r e t tem . 4 . 81,!.. .,__ 5 , ..• ~,,.,,,, ._ •tt •„_ ishi4-timidiY approaching liim: :*: , , ~...,....•; i',lji . •• -, t • '. • '''''''''"°' l6 '' l'•`Ofil`'' - il'a l ss"e•l'lit., -, VI ' And I do t ibt Wi l 'eth et ;:h e Ti ant ii i;:lcil l i str „ tt ' ~.I'‘'l 33l Strange. intatuation, the My_scisi - .i t i . cr i t ' ' s '," ''" i tt -- s - s :', - '' , ...; - ' 4 ...W .1 ./tly.i.l l p.o ll c tWatotietl-ithi.tt •1*411841 I' }:tin d. - , l ,l lLti i * L,',l - ...,;1•htai1l of • j .., ~• - t • 11 . 141. -ib..14 a d ... 4 11:1(1.111/0 ‘. Fleury's . ; - refort t id•-h an i t J .7%,, c .f.i. , •V'''-' Tz" 9 "hi?:- itvggectly_l4.6- 'tlisappointtall - * qt . ( ' 1 '• I .' ''' e " -- ' iutis I ' 1-1 ' • -,, -1 . 1 1111 •Illg4; 3 ;, ler .' , ? l c ' - l t ,• •' - n is i t ' l • ,• “ 1 „ 1 : 1 ,,1 4 1 , : i r i v m ,m, • ,. - I may o a t it -On bis. return ;:llien, I azif atl•tt. -1 ~, 1 ,F7i,.., 0f tii.i r,mi.n ,!14 , ill, v..t,,n . i.; of nide _ r ,:, c. tl f 4ll,.l.cl,l;is . ,..o4i.c . lncire' b tisli 1 . - -.1 l'. 6"c hll JslM'll ft ,"4 l- 11r 1 •'' '''ll' ' '''l''`' -i t- ' -i 4 " --12 ' - ' ell `on that,':ap . ivill look Cross cub L•r ' l 11 1 'Ili": .1f lie bin - light her S ojn e . .-lii t i e 0 -,;',. ° , ;a d Pre - ir aritl let mc•sei.• that lirowil. , 'S iintioth .116 - bil3w; l- an'irb:lnill l:ii -‘l ll'i ' He ti ' ' gfe'del ''' t9elll er, 1)1111 lye. go _to I;iin ter' 1716 , iite tl4-41i1:! :1 n i : .osr vatue was' .ol'ety.trut hellind - thade- " i l t, I '• t u l 4l* ..'hi'll'et kilewlYell ti'll:;1'-t-f:l. '' 'llhe;4e...''''''"''' '''::l' i: ' li'l'rr7lh"lki'"th'C‘' su fish 'kir Lthias to - iti - i l ifrul intirrc 'alt . ''' . •• • ,y.' . ,.i . if went out lfor.,lsornw,ilirdLliensable •puit, l, i,, , 'lnonoti think' of off : you haVe, 1 --.' e-1 1 1-, 1 1,4d and 1:-• •NYontletihoi.iioW sj ' 1 • . ''''•' ''' ' 1 r !she itms ,.. mlke 15i ,.. 4 . 11 .,, ne .. i , ti1.: 0. e,/rl l' t.liase, n long • hiettiro-, twon..l he: necc s ,,ity. o tl ya ' ch r 'k n) :''' '`''•°°. Wire--. ", lint.'-, wilit.ii,ilve 1 silexoLiierte,i 1 Lir it: , .le,•con d divett ins' ittind; I El:my, co. m iirley.,,i i Do , be ,e.,thiii ~,,,tr?ed ~,,,,i401ny..,,,,...fr ~ tici &3,5,,,11enee. lio...was • ,r . s. • ) . ..mtti f lilt ; f„",go_tiS prepare - it,s.ifi.i Ihirbor - frifin j . ;ind riffi , i - I' 4 ' 1.? - i ; ; ; ;'-'1 l ' iagel 4. ire4k.ll4grd'g' I ydit startle me with yeur violenet. l .. :hours; ;, - ques„d • to' i enreinber ber liuSb.Md'S: eircitu l c. l'' ' ,buses,' * ' ire Y91E1111411 • '1:14t;- It''lhf'd-'til'i b"l'el:!6 "1 ILfi. :rt l!'i'44:4' tkl"l' "‘'.'"'l4-'..1 ~'• To think, too, thatshot,'l .--). ''''' ' Ist onee , nvit i the l maytji • • • eiv .. ctitsibilitv 1 ., ; h. . i ;voice auttgiti ,- -.:`.•. you: inice , , ) ::::,;,,::,:i. , I._- , I ..._ ... • ...., j•Ning lier ki'orli-13:Islietliiid tt , :It 1 '-:lli'll'''Cv'tlt-Set to v. 1. • j sc. Ung nerseli besale'lii.'"'Xiiiibl l / 4 - -- si o i ' .l' I ient litre!'lle was :s.orr 2 ,- c lut i l i z h ~,,11 , :,' if, . y ' -11 -` ." ' '' ' '': ''''' 1, - • ' Ir e - ii,,,i,i i b ,:',. - : ,r . 2 - " 11 ) gg9dfcarriest.---.:lttte aficedle, thYbrighttsbir of 1.1 ''•;`'' ' i " -. " i b h o L 'i ti. , reiiresented to him tii-_•possibilit3,, =titsk. i ; : l .a , L i tt•Ora: Ilt;a: n lillrlllellto'llly,poo.c.hrittlier, l I i o ,: - '' ' " l' ' r''"'t•'?Fe all4 - ttbs.ire tinfasteo-;1 hei• eloutierintiirt -- ,.- and a js' w. e c l ' i-le. ff ilB6.l `• ~, 1 . in , is thenron- his br.ruis till: dooinsdaV: I Al- 1 'I ' iial ja: "i*-1".1(1 °lll t'f'tia!4''. 114', d . pictures;to rig do`wd,tiresses,:rolling a Cti.) l l her,lips. - afeat l fir o lid '-..-' • t- ' 4l4l° ''W' rt '• - -1 nil.st nut expel to be-suppereed b . 4 'e l trl 'i r'e4- ' 'ee'4'i.lll4l e°r.l ' ad'l '' 'citii g''' d hii 4 iOli - in ' 1•1."IwIng-4 and . 14 '' si4 aT i''t°l• 4l / 1 1 ' an'ay herd puiV letti‘ l "tit l c"il l ;•l I. t Lls7 t i r l h I : l 4 i' l tt i li lkr , "l!fithu I are a very lari , e - fainiltN miti • " j us. •-• Vd . theliikerY O r'il - siirilig . dress tilt! - ''ll '' -- 'd I 1-t!e toilet orlailimpts;wil 1 elirefor adroitnes: 1 1 brelt< 7 . 1.1-1 :' - ' 1- - • ''','-''''-? ' •!.idI":1"-,-:7.t"a"-'''il !Shea( l i. tlAnd unt'r' - - . "rmt " addttiors.. 1 ed; - -.'sind, if votreandot ' -• • - ll.l y flee . t ft 15':: 3601 i 41517&' 'forfwitli • '' 'ti ' '''' '' ''l ..." . , , I non,. who ' hes.suppOrted US I P : be nr• il t - ' s.eL ttt 3 outsell; it irilist • t ,_ , _ h :_ t , _ _ , i, ~ , ~ a strd ge- fuel' n. , .r. .J'AJl:i.ien`seionslr . ,:slier•/Warb'ed: - o-"-' ' '' said a ytru,g,girl, Who had once or twi" 'd ' , lTt' I f ''''` g n ""''-v"'l'Pl4hfuls•=to 'remind You - 1 , t ' ` Ls • c '' °laid ustjt, loogretnainaidicre'sheivti - i, ' , summer iii''ltt li to 1 11 . '' ' 'n s eg ' -!-Cli; ed ilway a:tear while the others - tall:ell e 'e'd °IL , Pis ,saerifittes !or ; yeti ,are- siktlieientle l 1 1 - 1 (4."liri'illik'll3 ounthlueAlgielloddeiliii , i lwrl,..r i na-ii. ' •Ir""' f aul`u"§ -,, i i t 1)0 1 0 'W:I3 ever so kind as Lenis • ~ -, 2v ( i. "-4-re"r and Your :elfiSli licedk t is s n ess - i s i i ii • A N r ,ll' ls " -. 7.1 f4, ":i t h ) 11 r fathcr-in-latv,,and 1 1 ,7,-rtind the ' s i. ~ & .( ii :V. . ., ; t , sO.lltihed l t.tri• at lir, . it Ototoin a bi e t o gmjg, him mu 'ef il l?- , °/ 111 lnkj P - s - rdefleble;'' 11 401-!11 suit im; t6iculiiizit . , • amivc fingerlSotin • pdtli,ir otiiii Wartfroliti Itil';l,ffliii,ii ill . o 7 to l•IS !•1 o r ' ': ; ";1• ' ,3s.le4 '' •uF ' Bl " lrai l gtit a [ ...1 4 .r.gY ou 1,41 . :44,4; resat)o,l , 4 . 7 . 2 , ,i. , , ,- Le4 IT, i travaga 'ties, for .I int; /theta; to triarry 'a 'mre 1-;11,1,°,,f-11,'uwt.1,,s'1,`'i1; theie••'eaoattintila,...,..r.,.. - , ,..,..„ .. ,. 6,4t ., a ,, a y ... ,.,L.....,...„ 1 1.,.. .t. )l-' itilillliC . ill4,tiat te-tiFF iaha sgi .„ 4 „ z ll,:hii,..- siz : - . .•-• !... 9: P'.. l ._ , ~_:e1 4 1°.f.,91 1 1 q 0 1 1 0 . 11 s 3 , 00„n),4,kn0w,, . i „ii k , : Ai r , phil . I the.'' '''''"l4s-'"...'1r4117,1'iiV1,),•'•1 -- . - 13. , e -d t i, 6. _0.„ 1 -•: t '4..10ra raiSitl,lienierftitiftdleyes, arid "a riff,lit j pa :been at any expense for idol!! l‘ Y- 0t.:71 - 17;1% 1 1 11 -' 134 ' .11 r/4 - '""` - ' ; ''"'• ! '." - "' •• t t t ~.,. - L sitraptly•ag.. s i st et tn2 - 11tV•g u t esTici• - . : sa e d6 wr i-j'sliiiW•illitutinca'cile!r:.•et , t , irinihiel s ' . • ii;,,y in hi' he left college ;- and his lubnr at the; counting- 1 -- ''' NOT.Lbottgitt -roof . ..Cern, n's • a half smile 1 - iii - ine trepitlation. l - I' ` ....:;::. ~•.I : --2 .:t I damn her - s,iOrk, she leane&ftirtrard•und - plittell room has,fully reledil all. • -Poor Lewis l' and 1-earai Oftir her Istatilifuffacel , I jwill proiniSe 1 ' Really, airs. Clayerine, you:se-on al/o.qt toy; her.han4'•.Ppqn ht.; .s:l;.k4lLieF,-....,:: ;:. , 1, -, .--, ,i the;lone Mi l d sister burst ipso 'tears_ ' • ,'I not iv do that. :Marry Mr. Phillips!. Poor sil-! t eak e a molt. this ercniug. ,- Does tu t h r other . l l „."Aro yea tiottyr now, Le)vis ? i, Do,yoti feell. -IBravo, Maggie! on tire eloquence itself!' IY soull lie knotvs she. doe's nut_ hive kiln; I know of your present arrangetneuts„, or „do, yo u iluippler train- ivlien y • ink. ut - lheiti :5 . 6 . - glotnnly I, cricid Llura, sareastie.rllf.-j , ~ .. ~• . -.. 1 but 4 li t 4 s p. s p ee t s , s he a hli or sjihn. Heigh. j intend exerting . your influence irrtseliarating innd-sitellt : r ' .."-- - -' '' . ' ' 400 pl•qtd Mr. Phillips' cause for hint,:llag- tho 1 Hi:poi nry is to SiVear fablelf, 'what actinic j him troni Ids Lindy I.'" , : . ..: ;I,: . •' : •I'• - ••I I-.;S:is thinking , orivitat I Ceuld do,- 'Com, - gic,, You way succeed and persuade sist e ri thisNtouran coramils in tfie sight of God ands 'My husband has gone, to . se e l t ,-anOtherJ•to Iles;-S.ou 1.13 Pia 'fillUllidlbU; but mains 1.1.:4rz, to iiecept ilitO, -r4llll 40V,u4.1g13 lierSeld tnaTi,ilfitiore wlioln she (:,lies Per, oath tEI love, 1 1 home, Fanny, at Ids own desire„ ; In , = t hing j happy TI,OW ; at ~Y,our..ide as though. we two rat411,, -- staa . tiara, laughing. .' ' 1 honor and obey fba • t• deluded. - uirapleton, -who 1 these preparations, I , complicd With a • ,pt;sitiyefowned countless wealill." . . ~ . ... . I• Laura crimsoned ani,irily st this allusion to dots 'Ilov:e her in spite oilie ,-open contempt!' I rt.quest fro:a himself. And allotv;•ine to sal,' i "Tile . cOlintleSS"'Wealill 11::S' Often ftlieC); ItheljperseVerilq suitor elle held itsA pis • alft , ,r, l t And. Laura inarrieil, Mr., hillips, despising, 1 continued -Cora; raising' , tier bend some What !dearest,' sitid.his trife,' - dressing Ids hand, rind should ncr better ulliar.ce present itself; -and 1 him: her heartfor his übmatiline.Ss,..bis sense- , h aug htily, mid gazing, fixedly at bercompazion 1 patting bis.darit hair, Neill! It look of deep atilie- 1 , .•I/•:t.garet, still sobbing violentlY, left the room. leisness, and ids coWardly SubmiSsiod to ridi t • I i that, if a s_epar,ttiOn is to take pl a ce, it will not ' . I, atm. • ..• We must not dream inore than. it Israeli ',Ti.. next morn•ng - .l..etvis firrived, r.td - Pres Ci- rule from his chtnpanions.-: Vet, slip diesied . , but throitgli any intlue.nce of Mine; C.s lOU must' compeletiey . for presettt i'atid, witkilie ritilitt hil t 1 tea his nnwel •• me bride to his*f.ither und'sls.. well, talk : od. of the es.lenscs,fler• Ilesents. ti; - 1 have. -perceiveil to day how t.er:,• much L e xv/ : IY3 OWllll , kite; a contested ;spirit confers Lppi= i 1 terl:.' Pour yo ng am:tare! Ifer heart swell- FannY,t'aid tht.t.giils, and pitninized Lettis un- I;v:ls.surprised at tlie.langua',ge used ,to nie,'.. • `news sucli"initihis woriiimai afford;t: , - - , • 1- ..: j I edl t hitterly at;•,Kt eold.grectings ue e red her, l•til iio recfunniod her to be le4s eendeseericling. 1 . t Isappbse; said Miss Clavering i witha - liaiel - ",:trstry truct my own_ 0111, bat some ed'' the I {::tact lici hustiand It-at:died and , wondered how IBy ore Of those Phenomenon or • human • na- 'laugh ,of bitterness, - but a••• - oiding the calM, 1 vile...dross, .tertued inotiey,;would greatly, ligit-1 I tilk , il COOld ' be: indifferent to his gentle Cora. itrire,"for '...tvidch no re:mon . erai be assigned, she 1 e i c - ar ,ey e a l iv i - et imploien .' 1.1 1 ; 1 1: ye ti f e ki -hOli.ten lity:hu.'irt to night.. ,:-.l.llave It great horror! 'fdargaret alone met her h redly, :Mil, linking 1 beeame joaleos of her inieerableltusb•ind. -. lfit= 1 thing more -to he told after the slight piece:of , Ofjiovuity;sfearest i'.l . 'cOuld•uot sue 101 l de -,l het arm witliin ler new' sister's, Jed :her -up j tlej. dreamed :he, of :this:: when., (14y.,.by - Aily, .aeting tfoum rltairs. It WAS ' sery ; weltbdone, 1 prived of year' tisnaf cotrufostS. Tlfatr . 'tiotild I sta t irs to the most' comfortless-; roam , in, the 1 -she off e red him every indignity df`spceett and I,upon-tny. word ;'• and she again • ,•tryide a pachin. Forush me to Inc -earth!? • 1 ?•• •-• ' -:'-' . • : - 's i 1 liti se. Shihad done her best l'oMnike it neat, 1 salon. ;'-ilut; We s'bo'ner did . h e - ea st MS - hick- I natory miertion to get rid of her ftjelings. " •', 1 : , ..11,e'would. have ,sttirted front ',his- settt,.:but, I a n hruogilt her i)W11 little table and ~ t w itig.. les's eyes on his fi-Minleiltaltntiutance,-thaii• lie. 'Cora' cheek -flushed erirnSon, huit-she • r e . 1 slle.. held : hitif•dowo:.witlt her atrms„ wound ch sir tO add- to its luelts;ibut:Coia'S - glance j'foniad himself the subjeet vi•licr:fieree- , 'l' e.31:1- t'frained for the • • w I. • , thotis•-alidtit: time;'• Mullganid a 1 around 11 • 1:; itialli,. -' - ... ' j u tinand the apartment revealed - her thoughts. j lion.' -'• -. . • -,- •';.•,, .- •-;'• . . • i victory; .r.,.. ... ',Y. . -. :.•;1 • : ,J,•,• - •.., , i''''''lslotV 1 1 -1 - IV.ve 'you .e.taniedompatient spiritli 1 When she hr.dtaken off herbonnet anilsnioutli- . Ire liked Cur.., fur she' neVer Sziecred - at him' - * You do not tocmi 1, 11'1 _you .' F • *I-Irrh-t''vallslit to zbilik , ofinisftirtutidl-rl'Suilie-' • 1 .. sa) . unit; , , - - • • • e 4 her curls, 3.lLiggie noticed, how pretty she, or sind slimP thing's ; and ne sooner did his I mildly rephed she, ,t,or yutt would be l e s s I I n : i. wit tor the:u.tv•is,tlit: evilf thertof ; and. if fit 1 I.rs.. . Ilex fair round clicek,_ tinted likt• tile : I wife - discover it than 'she, vOlved to rttriyo 'her I . just. ,I am nOaeirCsS,Mid You are more p'en- I l sbould coalv t f, , ...ne1v,,,t11 . 4 Ctvai:3ll.3//,‘V:l4?tit 1 rose ; her larg,e dark ey.t, fnnged with' long i frotirthedlOese , : '•'-". .: ' •••:' -.-- . 2. •-:, ;•--' :' • 1 e titttinglthan to'-be tleiteived,`ltail , Tattdmpteilt heart hi' iidverslty-a• strength like' a- ' , hint's, isweepiag .ts es, .11,r re si , mo ,o . , lt,••utt • ne Nt here:l%as, Nr, Clasering,, anal ii. - ;i'llit tlic' old story: tells ..ta11..---theedp -w as l'agaitit • iti roil' bitisL "DistnisA the, luta/re and 1 ' I' 'lf -•1 . , d. woi ' - ah full rj 1- '' - \ i l e.'pr es - ion; ; and-ber profusion of - kitddmi Itair I What tlineglit'lle "of iiirthis . i .411 infirmity of . l full to overflowing; . -.. •• „',-,,, , i; -,• • ,,.,„:. 7 t pa!il,'lny l. litistranii, - Mat'let ;us Ibe 'th.kultfill• for I Maggie, way all.thei.gind wished her bean- 1 purPtrA 'a_ totlancli oIY, .w,:int Of 14: 1 ell,g 11 1, hi 1 •',NVe iir,o inii&li..Obliierl toyett, indeed; 8: : ..id tlid• blessinfts etlle both;". ••• ;I: ./. •t •:'. ..- r . t 3 had been I‘..s, for site Illow, .Clara 'lnidd, - -bairso - placed him tuider , thelillitlCndd of ; i Fanny,:” ,, rowitilz 6. - ielted. - „` 1 dare say YOu ate -:.•," Witli.n,blessing,liko you, dear oneilwvve i I._ lid a rival. , ._, . . .1 ' , . his Aaughter ;Laura, that,fie:„betit entirely 'to I t'ery nnlinpriy.' ' • - -,' -• ' ''• •-- '0 'Ungrdteliil indeed.to repine... (Aide rue tot yon 1 '•J` Win - ,)"° ; • 11 "me d'o'vn l' .o tyl l ' 'Psked she; I heti will.- ~ Inclined to love lds -son's neo•leettil 1 • I r egr e t that Lewis should feet as -lio'•does Win I deserve ii 'ill then i•li yitti _do VOursyl-- i 1 ,:ti , • - . .i. ~, .. ‘, • • ,', ' . 1 - V - ifc Of her many attain` 1"1 ri d I L,' - • :inn 1 - 18. n., :in ••slit. -poki.. - • - 1 . ~ Proud,,, , , tflen-: -le -are-f;towards,his.fauilly; but I ant not,unhappy,wow, l 1 iinie - i.r ge.nti!,7llintle ;vlll not eonipier a totigh , tit J 1 Cora did, not hear , her,: • her. thoughts•-•were I notes ve Vent to his natural 'feelings by":gly t replied the Young oreatart: firmly. ,t I um , no Ofitim.er like' myself'' , I'lu'nillit''be !Mord iii)- ' 'r . Dr. , JOhllSOrt's .fitt.l4 . .innents . : to'. thW fair sex with the home she had glyett•np for ; this,..and outward d em onstration • o r kindn es s. Ills rat ..Idissenibler,..Fanov". .1 am glad to leliie licie, l- vers :„ •1'• •.:l , - 1'; - • ,- ',' , ••,:: t•• - . t .I.• :-.:' , ....,1 , Aero.,YertY•l l ;anSient;•: -, I' :. •". .'- 1 _ , 1 1 . , , :..,' I 111, (al troubled expresSion per:titled' lier -- counte- i ing ciretrmstances he et:midi:lo longer conceal; 1 Yet/have:never iltised'tiie,'itt ',east 'aftlienglt . t ..",Nny.for your:first oirencel.,will tie lenient, .•;,• 111 Ll•-• 11 1 1 ,ill Whom religious education 'has.se •l 6= o . • ' a'' : 7 , and While Lattm's - piiarriage-AVa I S thus decided i you -WeriilleVer hind to me, :toil 1 hare - .twill. In sliite of the Old sayiniz - ilk' ticitises seyer,' ctl'itlll'irMitllicentioti. indulgenees; the tia;' , ..sid'ir I I' , ‘l will sen*Lewia: tholight Mririllret, gild- on.`sheitchl.a•firtner,grasp.upott her father: in log agitinst iyee. As•Tor'your sister Laura, I 'city in -111, bitiaillif 11 4iild•ttiO•i:Voird 'ii`ti!i):l'i:AlOV'e,'ll;lleil Mice i'ha seised him, it is;',.ll. 1 trig away -.and Aviplilg;her ees. - She .met him coniciuclice of her „fleWly-ai'quainted fortune., only charge, you to retnembcr die p$L . . 14aja . . It:Aloe ere it grolie, -, ,ilitorif,iiolo , 'We' calta..• i niroirit;l hiting•unitup;And Py disiiiaiimi'untl JO , ' -^ pale,, and his featmis I Bribing lihrt - b.y . Propeises of benefits:- tO her not blame.myself in pay, - "w.4 - It gr' c ly e 'S ti le 3 remain 'here - Lewis ..it iitoo tartans's - A: a place t totally cencentrote'd fn•ime- objeet.., hi4, was •-'. ".. i11:i.. , --- • - ••••• 1 t o j perieni.ted by J . tilin'sofi when „he, becnine the soonthound•herorad as ho _ with :soothing „word's and, pray#3;:thitVlihe. , would-I:Lot think liahad sought te , ,-dea4Vo bet, the - testi 'crier her. face.: . .;; ''- tisiieCtr:yea 4irdieit;'fay'D'AVlS r , that 'taw 'cpuld hearl childlike upon his :bosoru; striving calm. Alas: but one nrord'nf kindavisa froth !labor, and eistara4 .ene mood: that ;Nvonid itak them nothing, (..-64a Jiro saved theie hoht orlittetchedrieis - . 'Cnidness r ':coidd 'not . -.'''; , '' ` 7 ;. - , L 7:. - -:;:,::',. -::::: ''n s-. fii;7 - ' P' ' - -,11 : ::: , 4 1 - i:r . i : . 1; ': ',-. -.. f ",..: ~,i :,: / ,- , : .--. " .,- - ' - ).' f .-- ':;" ... :: t.l' ir: t't ..%?,• - ; f .:1.,•: . ' -''• '''V s ;' - ' tk r k'" - .. F 4 '''4,144,)-61it• 1i ..•, 'i . '4.7r;;;;N) ,, 1.- , m,...c 1f , ' ..fe ,,,,, T? , ' . .... - 9itvW.tililt , c,'-i.. r-Z7'.' , T. Pii . . ~-, ~'-frg. trbtrzUtz,„, , • .; -..- 1 -,v- , -;,: : i , ri.j.-.7... .44 .•-•- -I : .= ....„. 3 $ .. ~., • ‘„ , %!, ~u lktiti t p, 44_, 14,44.4 A .,1, 4 ,,,, : Q .4, , 7 , -,. ; • 4'., - * - : 2 '4.r_4eb vii - 4 .:4:. ~ * . -_*-'-'1... , l`r. C__ ...,1;•,"q 5 ,:..,-;.,- , ~,:-,. ,-, - 2 f.'3 , n'F f' - - 7311 .Y , i;: '1 gt - lis,.!;rl .."/ - ..... ~., ~ . , . 1.;,1,.r , ,,(:-,, :- . 2 :r: . ... 4 ..'.- --' ~" : ..:I'' ....'.;'.'filt Vi i ..: 4. 1 ' l . •r. . 'J.v! , ..z. -.,.: • .., (=';' , , 3 4....; 4 ',:',, . ..• - 7,. - 1. . - --...- 7-7,171-77":` EMIIMM x ,~,. _.;,< ~ 1. • • • , [part,thOin,rtipppaehes.coltid. l oojiAltldoj thelie ' that;, tioitfal t them. anti vet. thoyovero Thy krietV the•hiftuilia - qcnillint? IJetvis mast ". ..theytfelt :that. hidanitile, heiitt:hthli been ufrudg, for LIM ~sn it o' 0f,414,..*jfe viiitt r A? TesUlr,eif - sho uhould tidy. fioni ,prcpuptly, and - C - oriideseeritleil! !fo; the : dining. r o om , l , Osi4ig.9 l Kpo.k.ll4.lp4'stqm,"„',Sho - I nd washed ;may ,the traces of Acc.,:,ty*, Awl her very brightcolor beteilfeil - titiitrici - t.'"" 144; -4 ,,;rtie;eftif ease, her''hcrtect'sclf-- possession, vero 7 theil'eritnes;hiid -while her ittveliness..ccitiountuled itamirotion, , they resolved to hide it, fromtheir frictu4u4?fl..t.,W -t,ttikir4 . • -'-.3f.aggii6 sat'besi'de•:fier.ilt-thp'•-iiibte.;:aodCo, her henry heart to ,- be cheer ful and composed. .1; TVhenLenis..:left'. heriti V./e, vegity.;, to rot uni.tp varq.s.cit-busipies , 4-; her )1P qtylthied . niid- her eyOs .ivero:he.a - ty iyith Ain.Shed - tenis, i;bitt in the withpiilot : apparent witluillitrg,arcesTer i ttest that she : • •• Iler talent was wohdertul:.'inid; too fond.of 1 music i to - Preto - nd slitters g,atheri.4 . artiund , -the-ptnno;•, forj;Ctling . their thseoutoit,.-; ~. .Iler".sticet; 'clear tbn, ho foundler smgiuga t fit) - with; Fanny Afght ni; I; , ‘`houe tones Were like the' , "dfteit,noteS;of swi.;etOst birds.. • • • • ' • “. She'has Aum(itiere6,l thought. he,- as fzi„-.th-rill MEER hot.resAst, )lags spltif s'yating rfiiinsigton the'sbfii kit this dear' silt .r; ed his Atli' hniiind • • and - ' l6tiirit 'his kip:inst. hut sh a'uhlek ite'ntlipg *.t.o forehead, she whisp:red his own thoAig. , tit itztP his ear hp retiptl.that! pfght,,hisAeart littlitebed of itS'lti!'axj , flu t; offiqcso! 1104i0i.ts sont aroitnits2th:tt us-41:e r nth:Wilted. t anathemthe out by r,easofangiiil•lpatigno s i a ; It needed :di Ur - Ch - kiStian ly•-• - • famil)yshe at' 10101.11 2 obtained What she - had{ to, hui,Je been so' 'up'emleom - e' in my - h4ban'dC; t fo r rtv - :o` stray'shee'P •liltyetrinid . iii e. 'Osten ; _6:x, .1. - ~,./ 6.-, ..,,,,„. ----r • .-- ,-- . ever craved, the "entire control a the inmse- 1 , home; I did note xpect it. ' I tlia n k-yo n r . E t . i t, ,i,yr.ph.,-,-i v ii i t,„ tu)self uponlni}) foresight! rervent admirer 01 31. rs.' 1 "p11.er) litter Kerelfit , f but eiciillenee - When a-naut unt:.er . ll;es —.l ti r hold. IBy her advice,. a -settlement-or the al-lilt - iv for tlid endeavors he made to lam mo; I i and ktioviedgelsl 4 lbo Wdrld,,,lo call: yeur-al-', h. itsbano's death. - Illirs. i'brtertUld Ince 'that la Paper; he . expe.eta tOt , got Pe lb:a, htttld his fairs was macie.,.and Lewis,,r,Ns, forced to bc- I thank you and ,Clara formot ill.treating nie; i;entiopkyour.undividedr a ttenti o ,,c,,nl„wp t when Ito , w; , s 111 'st hiataloaacl':to' her 'filether i faroilv - eatt reito ?with , inteieitiemi,•proUL , Al e come ,reSpeislble for en equal ,share ,of the I but I grieve te-leave.3largaret.- She has ever i rour,,ritpn,siciirP! : ~,-. . .. . - . . I lds.al)PO 4 'eee Vat 3 ,• 1 1, 1 A• l :biddiPg ;.' -4. e - w g l 4 cede, oi*-il Wer4., P., 1 1 1 4g, 11 0: - itroteilPliiffis ;rfbni debts?: Something 'V• : a-s`set'ord to hi_s_father:`,,beerha taster . talne, Itnd,l lovejlei-as , uuc h; i' lie nodiThd, snit' Oiey'ated hini . stlf to liACn,' • ti,t , t l , l I,V• l ll l a,d:lankvsl' 11 '4 I ps-innne., ll , o strlli-l• ivhich .to muchltaa,been sidifrekl; Is thukgr m i. and sliters; - but be WBB befit sat UPOI.I . 0361 and Corn lit into tears, us, s h e if - 1 . 014 11m p Etwhile'eOta looke'd oves 4 s.•• newvitper thstvbiy 'taro of li( -04 ;' , .wa4,. 1 . 0(1( . 00 'sji.Y --, b.tanle tu th..ttiill,v,i;driftg,il4eff: ! . .Arld 'it is,4' , Wr fiir.tho put t . 1 weed:penniless and iii, debt! , ~Witlt. a burst- 'lLig,,,,ide's repdated 'defenie Of hdi in all heti before hei: She "11,0inted'out:a 9 'paragraph to ' e'lt,', :lad tit'o. `se4.l Of,Ati - e'e - refol'd keas deeply • i ltS thi.t tiiis 18 86., ' ' -"'''.. - ''' ' • F , l ino heart learnt it itil,und, tOQ proud to„let,.hisli t iat s ; .:„ ..,,, •,_., :. ; -, • , - I ,:i ~I 1,1,,, f fum i 14 jaiy i ug,il it, . , ~, , , ~., ~ t• I '1111)!1.t. ~.. I rti allrar iilmelmi liair e tWhieh - wt . 's, f',- ', • • ' ' -'" - —=;-",- "-a- ' sister triumph inilAr.p9,ly,er,he made but one.` ,: • katu flattered. that-you eendesccind to, - re- 1 - •.•Now You sce,, Lewis, I It'now'preeisrely thel-st , %lighi;a l4 • still;:me-Parste:d. , Lmhind t end, ho I r„',5,137 - A likay:paii. twii uhildren—both-tgirls. 'attempt to remonStrate 'with 'his',l4ther,' and I gret uny member of our_fatuilv,, z I ,r ea lly, Aidirelttritillte - of 'II4A nate ecittage.'" It °will ' illpt i; 3 ?i t n l l* .." ( 1 11111 , g l Yi"l V •ii:.4 ; / e- . s • th ... rta , 4 94 944 i TIIC"IId ' Vr IV;111"-r ' ' ` 111:4 ; Pi le P t u g ti r it ,b4) ` 4l ' bervlt.d •iiireielf to 'eomumniate Ilh*elakitk . .oll not antigipate such an bonerl.said Fanny,, s v ar-i'soii = yell. i'aliti,"-'vt hat' is' of liulil'finlidrtertee--Off,getipi!4l,,iti,ii,W'deil.ten"eit'lq eXitiLat-on,Fetty,-I.lnd toe ! ltwri!efthilvt, +ler woolo ll:maven. , elreuenstance.s to his wife. '. ~--:, - --- ;a. ,1 tehitiCally, aid iisini: to go. ,' '1 have the k rea • -luourse,:it wilt:din suit ilia:, Tha reat is'llloa., mieiiil46 iii,l'elaiefir. , , -:AI Ili, I . Jurtier 'vhis - so I,cre4l le ,it„ .1.),f:,- ellt,ir„wm; neoes . t,c -- 4, ),iiii,- , ;Laura offered to JuSlra use ;of tier Ph epee in anknoWledgin,gitiMnd bid yeu:l4rate; and ,I.lle. rointsPto.-4 5 :paltt .-AfyorY.• er.oll ,l . llil i er 0 11 .raie't with WIS . : emiveittatiailhhat clot 6: t gweet,',o,lltilv : Allari.O.6 l l l ,he,i 6 ungerYree:e l , 4 with the head of Ine,jions . e. to -which Phillips I good eveuieg.'.; 1 ,-• ,- -1 ~.I : I • ~ , ~• o utical r.rrann . etnent as it. will ..save time 41-rpli'lll etlailitect till Aherbo. extutuai . dis.tdtantsgd4 e%:tir,:,,i, , tittenlii'm il4 tilldutlph eotiltr ,beireit,__ wALE, Attached that )10 vlzlte obtain ' A xliudi I Soon "alwr, ilaggie cathe up,'enci/thrcivinglilirlifliie:' 6:iii - skirvalit , will 'ili;.'ith my TA JO licArt 4l4 L ' 4 l ier -A n Nll l ;gego /13-is ‘; t4, Y.:P ilst P"' ili Y urti ' C'4sevt;lq iltu6 "' rirl°l73th " l emPliliment' eS -dde iarthc Inferier clerks; but her anns aieend Cora, buistl u tui a - p - ag, s i o h -- ,of li am a a:i p;t a i h ou , e _maid -, Atlviquadym..nead, i sea'sible man I ever ri. , w lit nly ae. ' ; n,ttink itt'flin 01 1 41, *lie ' i/ i gid llesida , childigh 'the look he' gavd her in Ireply•-'sileneed her ,at 'tears.'.` 1 -' ";' '- '' 1 double theaie id riteti' Lupen , the , kill:v.4nd ~tier': thotights ro, ero once.,.. -- .. -, , i, ' - -_,-, '..` :. ;::.t h e,;•' - _-- , - i 011;z .. .earn, - you . are going u w n y; an d 1 s al L ug.ii t g i t u,.. w ilh ! tili di nryil 911 , 1 4 :- d t,l ll . i n , 0 -1, 0 11 , 1mSOn: mid' he t)e*,r4hiCmil imr . ezeri. as- di. I ,.i.i.re. i mtinly: witfiAlut 11,woritc.,,, ,Is that you herhe undeTtook to ..anllonneo; result, 'oil not rsto you, 'again - I ~...V au- Wilt net, Az op3p.l,o .11:t1)(1;and A brn,sl?.,in tho, coo, ,I . -Tim •Ny:dk will' i,bribed - to.iiio bytno . idti; 31r. "'Garda: were ISwiiel , f,l'ad,e.ll9 l ire . o 4 , - AFl l l9; . ,iitktruna;watt - ths si%terly tranAilnations_.to Cer:l• This 'bl lo - 1 tkts howiei -I- It and', I, e‘ ii- will iiot-kt 1 *(lo ou a * editanct I 'will' eomti 'cl'eiy, aVeningiAlYlllo,lllPal4;Plillll*ngtn,,etliPrst Ails e UNI 7 10 1 04 -t 9 .41 1 9 1 37.3.!q,,,_ 1 497, *-' ,640 A, 'i„v,,OHis did site; as Warelanalletf ehd iesuleas over pen-1 yoU. Ile Will,ntiVer leve'ds'a, , -;:a6!" ir0 , ,.: ,i . iii i , Lfotvll ,-. lfT.'it;ad tii i ineet_s'orr. ' 'IVA -we viiii.44.Y?;! 1 .4 4 - I. l „supf*F4Y ,E:4l.dtiotanclir9g sir. ‘gl t i lue:' , ..!" , krf li k" l PF 4 " , 14"4°Le11tir, - ;144 bi n dle;onneetioh'ileserredl forttmarklyldr the! Ili? '-'-'" --"- : ''''..- ' '- ... ' '''. ''''' ' l. '''' t ' ' ''l it'lC.;-`litiFlrlitirfp•46i.-01.c.ir- Cowper 'tor senor' talpAts,,mi she eertatuly insPhyd him,. witli a from„tliathfur,l•Ptijyincl k t i , ,u t & s ioredro - lin ,1 , .+ 4 ... i, , -... ,1 , ,^- •• •", ". ''''.. 7'.. ' ' 1-1 , ;1,,, ,, -., ~ i.; ,, f. gpatient arekture, who bunt it like seine I 'He will nitre love YotiOnY:Own 31tiggie,' ,11 nortalizeth;:n cv 4 r.villit•Vra-lliao. fire - ins tint ' 11 : 0 ka than on.inary , passrow; and she halite, eiplutill.s..enikk r ;At t tirlat3. - aulttiring,FlgekLeWis,laaheotared unpereolw• I said Cors;tinrdertyembnreing - Iler. -- •6 And he winter, and_ out on thelitlo porch,in,t ‘ ho - ,;_ sum- - etrittla, a lier•williognesi -to aeeePt'et 1 1 1 . 1-handl ed; and dtscovered-that ,- his wifehud been tor-1 shall not cealmirct ipve:4 ll ,r oPjfis siste.rg., mer, Thisi wo-will . oisilf: e'veot: 64l,lB to Yall ' llthlv9l4-Y°4iNhfi-°4 ' 14:"1 1' ; 1114; gilt)11 ,1 1 3. °II. Mental WY,' X,rittiotit ofiee,futtering a coin-IL:leis r is.so,good, so forghin'g, is ho Apt iti - for'. lallahY l ,g9tlPll ri"..p.lir , of, ilptireideil .. s ,,4i ( ..!•! . P.,e )n) q ri nt , N il iF l l._ / !... 1911, -- P L ", : z i_ 4ll ' plaitit to hint ToOrlainh I she had resolvell , ifil44C`ora, how can. hi foroli;esoeas4y?,, slippers t{they,are atranst. lluiolted now) Conti, be coitheWus- was a , verY NlFu9eqk -thmelne , never t,O add one drop to-his.curiat bitterness. 'Afteinit-youliere fildnfed.' - 9 ' ' - , --- ~ freu urea (be' Nic;darif. tifieriS Vti.lept heal : bete; l !on'tieeduitt'oft tticle displtrity . 01-yeati Re remninsd motialesS -4S Laura pored. ''''Bitt - lie-Afies not' hab%V * fil; i lfart 4 ariit:- fie: .611' Ault leer' bi'elr' iiieit arni:iliaiWimlif yei4 and WO witnt 01-fortene.l-':;lfutt:lllirs.Jotrason .-'---'-•,- a lune" ton ,tvelhtlek,loo,l*Ltlf .her,s44'§ile Ver, , - t. , . . ferthinvectived,against 11,nn and hid beautiful [ pit 'Cora, reprouhfulty- , ,- dueset ,knew eerit ; -lint A length' th 4 tuist; . ' r.. ‘Sileireer tried he, standing before , hid' her.q ( niniiN,'Pe4P.77^' ' ter, .wlio -- dtarelnii!l'grtiwliale. ilene,e 4 oar.; mater?; hoW niawl -'4lnifr'ditrolett'sfeak4hiis.teiny wife tuir..'of iiiibedrina r Yffif' - ain /LA'S yoft3lot. ads, enouglt .to.ine :‘ morn- I loi , e - titd Testeenk , yett:` ,. eac.W4r.o . yoti . not, yet ; conto4l-41y.pogrCora and be life r- ' - 'a4o/f i er-I,o4 k itn,...„eaStin,.; ,l964.Butlewie 09 13110 ,g ~. - tno droiind' hird;: 4 toigive!rne if I liavb'lleert` blind stairs,.taid•Miti,,weVs en augh to titink F'orgive tacif I The parting: ; between ther . threV 'was_ ‘;tainfui • •• . - 1 luive'srpip . eitliiiiniildfa i'.44iiv.i: - .xiiiitrr; but 'l, too, . riiv-4:4iiitiz,ni r l f ig*:::::Liktfi, you are:, prosperotitrttois', yoit: - • liilve"sti , tQr and, hillil-' d enee,; bitt - Fou,v,ill ae,i,:ei,be - Intyliy. -- .A.eapheei - 'l , bit.ii is 'tit'suitelieiregit4siliteivittidyl s e‘ .:1:. 1 t -b*,fit\ is_ oh Y . ou r lireland for:this Tya u4tialc- to', 1 titah%o l litirs _starer. .. , ;,"ify &Limiest Iltotwe,is po:1 !..1 o age! a - jhome 5 for !,tpe ,1, loutte . ::_lt ';,; :ro WI flaw plailti.its it / ttlisyorset):Sna.ttrisift tome 'aad'milie;and f !e - A%4 it' , P4 . tli , : - ''''iltirr:. .i -member, my :words: as 'agt l 4Miles!:tiVer;yttti,: -an4 youi cud-,approach es;.bitterly: Wil I. yoiere-1 IBret the misery you have sought to cast..ujytt; u s .- , jp - -- allgu j s b t y o u will,.wish it all iuta f olied You . ill!! tilltiiik"outToll'forgiqUeSS w hen. - !wti'.; shall pot be hear to girt:it: ~I Vlptiotir Ciiiii ,. ti; Mk kentle'bird r. cried: hei;-pAlitt:.gai t id:4,, , ,, il her : itale.' , faee ;auti , .elose4..oys.:st,,,,,Vpu,ihgil killed her l'. - e - ned he, pasSionatf:t . .ly, as ho ricaa: j fejt :bitch; afi`tl,:ritgliita:.illiiP:ilie room, ho 1 her _PO stair"S,'Ped. raying', lieitiinderlY:niiliiiihei I r bed,-fastetiedAlledooragitinst.bis sis6r4who,.l I really alarmed, had follpcyetl him, and hots' tut... 1 treated . fur adtuittance,7lMtr , ip.:vaim s . l . ~.• , 1 'Cotit's'ejea bii iiA elied 6i r ei:' fitiSluiitl. "aliMe : 4 - liose gitze•eflaii tiaslikeil'Ujinn'lleichlend:.l - ett.Fititti . Ziiiit'a int ielS+ find. i4:iiii.,, ItutAtulanit.:l ed; - as soon as conseietNaess,tetprued v.htir q l ; ,!!! Ap4:pressed....lthi -band. ~ -,,,,. 7 .. t; ~,,1 „ ... -, ~.1 , ,::! ,Alt, how ,wrmg Yttu Weir; 4 l.6Vis; to - be ~so,: Aful - eat! l - .Ili'euld Petit:is - 6 hitd Y6filirilii! ' 'And you were - wr,ittig: to:: liiiiveittle iieignkx.:, ranee of I . ..aura's iinitertinauye,•. , : /low ,p4ufil; yott conceal your pultapplupss i yroprine : I rciol ! dolt that rlairti &ell to be, so 144,1' 414 he struck his forehead witlrhP'efi - ' . . , ~ , with'fir.;'etencliott mit; z-,114 4;l4%;ol:s;..w44llllLlNtisffon). Fallthiug, Ohl? 01; eficaii. sti 4.1 . 1uag, fas :114. hist! t-init'lii'iltittrerTLiiikliiii;atia`lii4,f.itika: Co'ra; 'i:oit'i N t freaitY'ticia:l6 tittir triiitilhoud! g0 , .1 1 1r. a 4;l;tingo: to. tal:d to'a,tfo;i4l!! f.t Yes,. Le.lvispye.4 I' 06 Al tobd,)l- hitPreaat: joy, anit:,(ioalisteiLtl'Oia tiatlita.= it4l 1/1' orOtir*lt!'" l'.; -r"). ititia`ined. l 'An/ I at kaving.:lli:*...prOalisatlr:ll6.lll4..vr ab,AttiAuned,Nr,l3ipi2' I othitenitnee. • ..}•yam L~: 'b ,antl air4;Ctita lo r re aivpy to 'pprilie- und tra 1 btrit'dr , 4: - '• - :-,! 116 They . all fif:tte,.l. , 2at : tlto e.k4l'pr the ; rogni 1' 414 . ' h U tnav•gle('O r .6 l :+trkfr-, hcr t Itokli is out fit ietit to dis'a"Y Patit . iittr 141i4- bakiipOn:Aet-i'S'aillridttd,- Ale ivicirt,'•to, sbei:toic, ;Nino: ut-lenAlh uppica.l,lerrecooprys4v(l,..,!ipl; up tO,IF.Lv4i zinv.„ l fort lii2r"cOnitii After. f.4:16e1t tog:twain er•lit ° wllkla; 'you' t famityltor,l,qtnity. 4 A:q i 441 :141,v,i,54 tit ti:1.424:„.ii,Ett*,401014 KeLieivi:il l! ruin' tine tifitl'iill4:4ll - e'-'zii7Or'tiiivavyiittc pt.-arc—it miiviiiielillZ , d 3 ttir; , liit'EybViitiglit finvk i ktoiti.. l . l ..bergriptyotP4ofrtrigesliltia.latv r i I 4 : 4 A9f , i/1411 /./ iu 116;6 - s 4 4 '-` ‘ no-it )16; t6ii'bUt/IU ,Sl i t; {ms: goipg ;91,A,,,‘Vien lewii-soNrede,r;l for ho 'ilt the door - , 1 )tiit''n4i odetit o'i'fo' e I. ILtrio.r. TIN! (lid m'an Itut•stiirtipiedrs Slit,: 14! nujitily,, but. r". ' 7 rWe ;du /Mt 3'45.4 'Yu% Lgwis.:to,',be tl 1, 41111-', us, , I KRu,, n s vey_ 111 . 1„1 . to:otEer atiitui!;i4 t!.qty • 4 , • = , I'6i; h - :'r:eli7it7tt ti f he; t7y !Ant leit'Llie ridt)tu; ?:71 iktikii4=. 4 -1 • ti)ike- ott -may k amplo a wry. - Aluo;; liayOzt t 9 iu4ogliotnes 01E7, }~rliut ,:t ! - T • vist,,cmjnrortj3i tou ray;oe,•ir yleici:tho ' The- -Wouse.-kia" thait - idizoito4nOrrowjAaaat t 3 otlief ":4 - ppoilriV:supplaut I. have enough,, da'rlim'fo.primidoViirOiOnt You stull'bo - ray , Mniief,itt s chdo sites tor our first HO threw - flinto or EMEZIIM J:~. ti i-. --1. tifVlll4 At/tail/41 Widero3llPtlo9:tlltilvitti itiniet gractrinutc4/oeiteda in her-.werit•box..--j 7 ,ll9ii tt ;4'AiwiLl4 lnl uct l' c kiltl s .l44l; or,i• :ft - flib' poor rial 11r dee; y ilv,o itd i , friends !" - - , -4------ I I I- ' Bitter - 3 3 7 \i_4 1 elter;iP . .i- ; Cal. back 'the inilkli of 1 1 1 4 1.4 Lptetip i s st nitd. • nide - in - bet Ilitt ,greut I, VrieffiblifJbat licia`rliod_Alitayll.lkltotiB , untli. 1 and 1104 A l tivivactiv,r4PETPicv.ficitraii, bkK4 ,si , gu that cannot ho bougat. rhen, Lewis, have you--and yAiitLii,Virtri(:' tald sho turaed: I to hint i.viiii"fir.villiittsoille.l-,, ,- I: -,,.. I Wii,o;foi.AJit ILI . .iiitlistl ) PYLlvilitilitt sweet l ,l 1 hinging bird for . ,,,wyttr t sivAdju g , o tt t, no t e s o t 1 l gushing tneloay I -*Who _gourd turn indilrerenf froljt 4 heap (Ides& dopier that blootned ; s9 bright- / ly,,npd,shod. ilr tn l .o.li.o`t *:trtll 't. rf r ig r4 P'l 4 lt — ' I The's ta'r. 01' flotio ttitwtp:Fittd-frfint t lier;lleilrt i to his; irio t:loull.tibiapt..taased,..,; tint' ikli. Aay i like a tili-t„in . the ditdaneh tuag;tlic l ftittiror . 4ho I '"'lligir , bitri;N: l 4i , N, ,- . 1, .Wpisuill s a - tioft i ,loiles 111111 4Wiiatej,l...the s,i(.ll . lh:dr. ii„;tiiiiktki„r t raund the stroal. : srkti. 4?oripg i!vrt...' n a. tworuau's light ll'utd•lialliftvd.lar him ilta elWtain of I.)crotv tan] despoir,' - i iitid - poiuted oat the . w,-1y 1 to joy. tur d blle&et.'s il ` •Shnnit/y; slept Lewis-,, till/L . )O4W; - and,dong • Ifftlii. IoS "iViiiiitiVatliing ; of the pleture she drs.w.. for him ' Cora was e piatinia,, 6 ', in,lirr,btgy little-119nd, tier arran,go:r ni...,:::.,, 1,,,: c...it : flew A t .,;.„,„..-. ,er . e , T r {C.Pne.111(1111/VrL 4 . 1: Me 44. . ` : iriginarDittot "Of 1;14, • AIWA; liiie:kblialyilig kttp.r.tvils:-.1ii;'0447.41,,i.10tift:4 4. ,r.ii- the .11iuidert iietrespoplupt / sit , : U 1,4 4 64 441 .-..._Tb.A :111067.1.7313.11c'huer, - ' -T , , .1.- .. ,P: , 4 A . _ Yo';:,.lll'''dwriin p'..hi;riiiii.L,jc,.(64.0.,t...4?)-irj,,,,i,p_t. Ive r.lO trio tu llo Knigr'lLif l Pi t °ln 8 - R : - ilyii. ---- rt. ,, is , edlaci''vtrl N i . :0 - et 'ijit:o,tln,, tri6 - :TpFrBi-aiiti We u,n,tilio,se it • fetor,igcloills hapeiiiikniudiafe l ,i i ihibii t a ;di _L iiii tai v;kir:zislsitipb,jak-4....1. AViL;. illtil-i.lo ildulnir,ltn.,,,,,,,,i,f,4l,simik‘lig i i i i. , ,N,,i r ii h i k 7.,,, ,. ,8rdria ke 1 l ft ow. " The Ilona, ,243(dnal" whose. ec . iiter a:iyu-.l:.:4iit, , '4ilittariiitboi', Origittut ','4l iiiilis " we. had this slteinnzolilMt, 61 / newbl l :ll 3 er riv7l pooko, oaplioe!it„!,l44,t4i, 4tir:rberilro :44i , q.fiL,d-,ydi,tA- Dli4...t_leto4)ke49oP.l9l.'°Ar: filbs,tted.7 - : 4,1 - - -,;:,,ii., fr:u 7 ;-i •:. tr:ir.,, , s i rezorui;e' - ..-- - -: - . ' ''' . ! Phiitirlelphia,' fan 1 ,17.14... ..." Constantly .. she r il l, pies down , to hrea , kfust • Sir :I 181 j uit ,.. rv,turlif.4 fm.m ‘.1.i1,4. , before the,,tea 16i4gftreilt4P; alYa•V*,§lll44l3 : liiiirtieji;:fitte'r 4Joni''o . 'Mttilthii ‘ '.. 2 VV.;ni,,,' _1; 11 4 1 all' . Viiyi 4l iiibilloluPtfliin,sl. , -.ShO - -iAiiii lief 'io 13 'Ciiir'i °tie 'Fitli:?ols RetitclA'b , sriiiiiiiSh f haifti'a4 t 1 ii.in, illld 12.111 illklie*w---ht.nelf withoht a Oen- .o ,.„ l ,bi l i t i ii , Ad k i ee .... t h s t ~, i i ip e A. .,"l , ( 6 464: it t, .. yam. zii...ris hippy At itoulesT•wiltrimit going., t:7oraitriztdioniethin,4 s zt irl - 4 1 r 4 .4 r5 i i .g. to „ 4 „ , 1 stkitlN 4:i61411.:41141448:15c014,d`tehe; .10051 -- •• •'I ' ?.,,' ' , sr ','-." -'i. li f : -. 1 !'• when her papa zu,k4, , ,bs r„,to tong. She pr.. , „ ~,t 44, ,, tive „,,.„ o , ,tti _ ii _____,. ___,,____ . aces only ,w,tv.,;4 h e . lo,,ont...,She„qoes'net res d. i,,i)t.,,,,,:tiT93'n-441""at.17rit,,,z4:4,-4m;h7;:_, 1 . % !lords inlii:;tl-,""Slii:, iire.l'ata,PAlib e ly.l9t vilureil ‘.eifq, qiirm. : 41114,1140 .. ,y , 0µ ' ,dmi:,t,„ cnylitt,lt s' laud r1,15141:Vtol rid& itisii Atiihokit 116 • hef41 be 4 - ii i 'd i . i t,,,:*d i y.,; l l ) , :f i i -, 1 .- 91 . 1),eittt 14 ; xra. *ha , , ...., I in Crilltlcli nhoeh tirtrurbotiets, Sim is floe , iff..i:e d i .:l,) - 411- i da- i ii .5 .. , ,, tif e 3 4: ,, , ii ii ii: 4 l7 n 7 , . 1 1 , llNPtilztilyollibMtilu,v,. Init r 911. ht. , ..,, t . • : illiet(..whica- pleasOlo !Inte l . • 411 . r Kay it J 1 liniithig; siTiirtjiii4i..ev....ialui. fivoiiiardenot...ibatin mrti,;lly-k*. r ,„- , i i i /v ad,-4A. l loirpoial to ,tuetid stfo.ltingis oetnalte u. pud-i 11 moi,prgatolltnitheakitif LighttiblitrentrnEtoll, ding. She -is a eloip i r l „ldsmit in preparing gru-, ib , ,p ‘giip„patkair 01.in_ailoinown,,lialtii,,4 I el, x,iiite,,m - 0-. ‘ t 1143:019)11,Pcil''T 4411,091F4)`° th ;-,Wie-dc--: 1t..‘,Mfi..,/,-t!..N4lMvs.iff,i)Ngi;Eilkl;22 ' I' bee - f; il;n; . anti ttie'lliou4atiiis little hviise to it 14 ,iii-orelii,tsprre.4ktrio churoireopioietz 1 4lelie:wies of a sluts rciiiii 7 : — She hi a tender - nursei i. d . red i t i. , Tio ,,t it ;166 .- i .. - ti;e. tc: frip . e.., ,5. ,,, , ‘ -, _. . 1 , -F-' If ' -1 h" iu• wordg• .-, l i .--•-, t - ,4 qh - , ,t,Ai' f ., ,f-, , I fra•-''e,'''`ie!: 1110 L'lllfr 1101SeFtii.si.,:t1bylt,-,W...wei.r1....r : a., tp pie,edis / th. r . Fs I . .,gu., , u„, Nve _11! urtg,itiftirr itnil , :ainkidifillk-Iffedi iftelWit?./,TA , A ttl tn. i iiitiri t t o u t th,: Beir a owir. t o. d it i r :c h t oit, r - i•a;Ftiiiififiiiii - iiiis li !,L.„..if-Eilflits"li, i.r.ff,e0,..;6„-:.-771 pinoldi'in;tifolSte4l#l2dlntirhatitirjtfiO.l.*lll,- I sf•P ,474l7 a.sertii'Vtiiliatelk, "or Utriviit , the a - ; Ariiiliii-SLltatli:WiMitheifa cinifiltiiiiigt t :li & i .t i 0 tt, J11,:.+.4 . .I) , !cte l ,4. —. 9 ,' - ....,- () ,§1 ~,',.w,hicitio!.lo4l4nrigltAlNlCatottun 9f i hel-Mook • I; ' 't3l%. ' .(ii j : ' l ', tP"?h'ili ' ''11}1111466 „ ". 1 -b-.he4l(tS .I;34lie.:ll:UntgV,T;l:l4l/30.1/61100:4,Vathei414 11 - 1161-iilf6A .I'tiiise-S fo?/100 - i.Juatit e; Jfe'diitnift;s 4 . - . 4.43.,i 00. ..i he,,wirti , te5ub ,,, ,, , ,D,‘ D .,... oftif,... to hetfail - et. iii'llni ihinUcilW dyes ilile-skiP j s it.J o Y l iid ‘.., ,'4 - hiiiijay , 470 - .t s 011,44 1 3: , ;;;: 40,;: / 'f.' 4107)3 D* 61 V 3 ' 1 , ; ' ,511 , 4, ':5ii,9.11 411 iii 4 ---4lic' tiit !'d , l'o t u t - li4i/4ii;,iirltpiiroo44 ; • . --- r r , 4y. At- 401,..1414,,:r.;;:5. ile it aW hi,/ - , ..b o ttli ot , 41,6% 4 ,, t2 d fif t r iu .it o a, doivilvk , al, sal IS 44:5p.„, ,4iie.-„e4rt b1.0 9 . 14 1..a 11 : - 9 5 :Ci!r , l'Yith ,tighttijn-g-tetiVthe "SttePte"`ttntUl:frightl,* . gym 1 worn:int v,furtitude %vitt-lout failing. in lowe,--=, ~,„,._,,r,L . , one-tW9- ire: keeping; is paireet in the common rule Otar , itioneticoutti o:inlet! prettitearlit hot innuc lang:'Siges - go•itt the' .seen in 'a „boteher's shop,. on .S:at i orday„ §-he i not• cony. titiusliy fretin . iyi.,.to gein 'Mai's, or diiU , 7 ,to se's - Jenny larici, riot' ;dints • ''ithe' - 'eare invert about that love,-114,riti..-,-Stiet l deee -not 'take: - lung, walks by,lierself, :indent:lm home saying,. she lost, her Avdp. treatss, her father s guests She riiiver_diCaies in silks' 'or satins the first! thing in' the inbinMg, - "-ithr is she -loaing, out:or •the-ivlndetv - or • ntliniring t i heraeltiti the•hio4ing glass all Alio day long. Site makes the children' frock.s_ and, plays., ; little at chess and hachganimonil. r —ansthitig j 'please her dear fther. 'She deca".'.iot 'Send I bottle lovelr Jewelry iroti'ilierAitar Ether - to' tiook .47.terribleitorrot-pr coquet ! tins,...Stt.isj:ind tun the,serrantOndcon ceals newt ,yotits wheafgeolleci;not shutit herself tip in tO Cnltivate - the sells: r :She isdhs"peti artbi I .a.ritiv.inma,-.iaatil. ll...tie:nil - 11i- simpers,.on" winter's nig,ht,,anil lightsrthe candle,h4re . t _up t, o; loeth ts. tnitn-.l,tn4's (leg, gq95.1, gi7l; p`rdved her heingovn j it idthirliodsekeimlng. ro lis a: tit t tibkt cry 'when :she- is :num. ; I t tied, clid;roridilYs. I he.trd in ille.hou 3 lg tutt,regrstP, and loud:110-j Firiiyefs ror' the lia~ipincas ;4t ' & 1 the 'wade( winter." • JOhusous Courtship.- -13 F tOS W any ~~,toyS~Adec,'psreotty~o4 iris j 9. anntiPne.. •- '1 liaoivii4it *hid reisoir the 'marrlife "teroathay.wis - ttat*rtorralAat Mira:44oam; bate, revtationitas ktakaa thati. , shanlcktlci 14t Dellq) f ff w,1411 place the bride awl :bride* groonvaAl!bat wetygoixthntatfao :Zat , r44so4liggriTAllnurq illeqllerll,Md4rol,lkil%-tAenticul'49-4,9 - - til'lr,-417 , ' 'l,lt ,!„ • ftzl' - l'll4 ?_1•14•5415,•:.'1* ;11,1,-;c1•45.' • 1 1 ' ' l' • - f ad ?. ~t %+fig 2~ s T ✓ F hiv,imoo, fit, L,,yrivl/41,11F,41grAykyrrqiiri.4 ii'vfla 6/4434;it-3/ Pntt'• brat A4in tiV•intistrlotti, Oilim Ita; afgra' thttliialitiiirittnitir(otti..34. ;Llfa. F hwb readltntalLt•tninanaigelstitid liai Via, tiler head:Via fantnsia;al zratiailliatTit rikr tist4ml d Atii. tier Entlitt latti:n (W. et filtv. 1,11 e"..firdtfilie .inct'rolit.Ak.rwil Itnt( nnd uouicf pot keep,urt 'alkanif quiet a . 1 4tle,.illoter t : Win ,FitiloiliS. dildi6tn'plit Lti;:itifint. 11.4;44 Qiirtle, I iv.:lo. c4fett Ibtifin'i4l nioahilta dtr.t6itet. to pastiedmit na:thatElarlie' twittiptiaiiirtniktv4ins ‘F a13,13, 45 4 16/19t(4611- triyed, Oa, shanjd ?to r*eptitgAqi,if itlkydtt. Mall 41ta w?; ..1 % nitia totliicgd. of coni.l . tibt:it .kitatv J 10.1.4 =tibubtliint iiiLifigNibu'i';lli)ish,l -tann!y'finnnesiti prayed ii hubbtuid 4 011 nii¢teN;life".:•:inai in lib* qPii weiwind Aida ,itatjortd47.ll;44-filid rem tirkillskr vtr Menne , 4 0;19 1 /dUe 3 5. 7 :40!, !MVO eigi.4ed r oveu afteetier • blown rhurull _WO i-u ; high it•P.l.l4 . ,(lin.nblonti.blnek Trick' onn t also the . Ceiling, under,. whichi,lt, iyak;cattlatt try." cinhto'ol" was:jolt than about, half an'inch and hslrnetf-thi Tairtit thn arn m am 11, a? pooh joiningto, th oCloa I 17et this is 'observable that ti? it was annill as not to : slifiliiithcvtó • conthidt wi th . Safety to its'oiwti' cond sows• to - siicarti2 all' that `Pint of Building. ;Excuse: thii&rawl which' 'hail> apt timer to copy fair...! i z taw with nauch,-Dospect, • Yollt /11111b1 Bervnti. • - • n VI; A NKrix" - i' , .P2S.Th:ive just been - ve4ding "I tt, tliti:Jonnial des Sri.4v;?4'l"i flti7G,:pagdll3-14z Ed. 1 6 470 lif'tOinutro c'o- "!rasa lolifochor Abliago. myth . ; r t, ) ai ( l e b'oissons ; lii fondre al. 'carts a . utiO,granatt ...“-J/lstance. le long.des d ; asehal qui „coinplus niq llo , l ,n, .o.ctrdria ••.; wattaingucs ,sl:ns,4:l;fsoucLis skrop r ri, u s s "" i d;iiis tootle' tilfjet." " - “-- : . t •.:. -.... -. r. .• 0 1 ....i , :,- .4%. -,4 , 4, ...11 q , ......' t - - 7 "i , oiiik"aia: 'lll.Pgiaiii,iif.,' teiim 1,11,i N: .te iiokeii. - thEii.ifiltlie , isiti'Vrii-liiiiirailinct W'lit=iy 'elit&•li:t4iii.ltll,6 -I ;tittits:df yetir's'nOtibatiriiitifi)l i ptite,-make' raid - 4 . wfivi-substitlitolur Trill fty;..: •Tho;largiMi.4ll4,4thiNitieht i* not 1 .4(vniyli: litiOnst :If,/ our ob;iCrY ) ,ti'ln'lduriVtLf .0 0 ,l'Ptt i VAv..yeArs, tee it.ly.l),eur,i.-vrprisett !.9:;:nwir d. I 4ovv'gret If`airkemie . tii!),„,!;_ve(34-, pc, thirty ICktiiti;it,yo.ir icing; uihtioin'tliti 010iLtitp of ziPniity ti iiirst:rpo; the,'":thivi. , kt6l4P• j or. 3 r.i'6i; iiiifuil ra cent :i . ),e.?1- - Avei.tki, being!filch:we-- tani - enougir fora rPtili - *F'detide in:' fdvoz rot' t 'onui.ercirt Amy ilfe riot% t‘i unopier thar..roliod un t.,s.tel elico'i.ratiOn.lhan...o*PnOw_i , ...: , ,l' • t.:43ut. 2 13}7g.h4ve ,4 1( 1 , - PeoPle -Igi? . 1 !01 11 .9 16 g ,ttigek iiresj, or th , ...f.eypoy kilri e fiztTr, zipq.to In. aerbtatikl.;that, iii-,6(%1 13 11: 1 1:el 3 ' 41 i iil othSr 11 ,4 1 10, tlio iiiiWt. ii'iialtjt,illd 'elii:itptie' Siziltiiuktittio itteTiot iiiiisiiiial.tdri ri t tifthe:frrit'Oihikidsttliql,- Vir..r,l'emark* the Islitor of tho , o:34lli4ucli itgia erol tough kto,,t)o. A life.of 'were piiAtogsllut•itilaP)9 , , eYeriz ts0 -1 ihiptuLtlfogfelf , i eor ..yttliinteiaidil;Tttic4ii.illitio; 1:1)or 411:4 , 616n0 , tip-4 , 411(1nd- , liti'44:tiefVei-ntrolutiti?lo;il>mviadititiot— dime. , 51, A Malt WitirA t E II9 Y 41 40 1:P : 1 111 ) 4eZI P CI kindr, s l3 d4 W,C I t Ut* P , C,4 . A 114,46410 ti3ltif . ?y,o#l:ol. thiott s li tvinedr
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