~.,(44,...-..1- , Trf:rp - a i . , , liluliiiitilit'ner.- - 14 111 1*(6gi. _e4;.91...,,,,.-,--. :: . -- -,,,, ir1x4 , -; 74 , ~ , t kr ~ =.Q .9?..2, ; ..._.., - i,:blejititplher; . l64l , O- , o62'tliAct,;:inllmt , AttiVrtil : - ,1,. - T: - : '-=-=..,...._. ii;irAtii toai bits, and eief*ilt*re . ,Al - 410V-Th' ,. .... - : .--- - : 7,- ; .--- ' 7 " -' ,- ' -•: ''' '. in in tkti:titem no,', A146 . 4ify.1:-.1‘10::! - ,Avellitt.i.;,. .1. - 7.- ; ..-.--- - ->: - . - ..4;‘• d /e,kt , ,'S.‘ \ ''sl, 2 -,...' - '"v"`r-• "= tt . ' ~- . ..;, Int cuttiixtettey. ~ .;rltiti. 'oikeniett.".itare Aurititi,i,j .:' ' - "Ll'', ~ ~., -- si - ~, --. 'l. 'Their belles and enfeebted'thetr.eiinititnttlMOi It i tie •fouleileii of 14litott. long enitttlt, , ,, 4 ~ertain. In intiveies tiame:and 41, thavia..g,:.:_, .; !.,,t theut without'oppositioiotOop.t . some d i• *„:3 i dNots,' that snail ba---etthdriettitifikin'_healtb, ii .,..,s;eiticl'etileymen - t,'.'lea,,liii:igitistity„-te - thiiiri 1- :::,,04 - iense - and judgetnent,'-i: On. - this • seere; - ' ;;;tite'tva 11.1vo tnetiters,Dari.nerA.tughters.",wn t. i.,•,1 n.t. te.tr. riThp rein :Ito' forseloidkialOs:. :3Rilit3,, , :nnil hee-Altd.i4.S.iiiimuund.:,',it: .- - -,W4 then " 't isisoll(f. sk4y.voy . le;:nalo limiNpnelatind nerve ,r; iNi . 1011,1:&and tOttestrnnwib:ACtti*e9f 11. 1 . en i' 'ire. l .' Wita tioe'S' ' hut 'aiiiiiiid'AitiatniFii', and '' . li t..osts nes% end driest thei.epliest - "te""T. 4 ....11e' Yet the .. ta-Itts, of some, ,teen is. to see ;.female - noire. ;t sweep filo air... 44 - {m d . walks and gather. PP -:[: : . , ,tei , ,,- :tad.‘f. ,r...`: ii,se'v6.• a weer.inpf the,bo,, iott,rtt . - -, the other. 4ar. in: the St eet•. whose. „..4d.tieff. ~ .:*.iti • O .tted *her, otit, .ear.iy ; bop .htr dreply,:qt/td. 'p,' .;tUti;!;01 nineh 1,, ..her Nall:, and ,)Vlte. , i., - _ l gic . f. l l Nilaw r a her .. r e patatapa.,for.,eleauessak R ... - Nrit. Iro..qaestioustilo - An, ain.l . ro lat priaioi:ll ,„ -'.'...! Iduld hay.o'httert-yte4 the.exposaro of health 71- : - ~.. ..ao•teeptit.ttion.. .! ...-.., , -'Jj'NA-...X.c.;44,-...:.i . - . MAtlatess ,I*-ittiout illethlitlc , .. , - - itGov.: JohnsiOnliaying vertnittetl" . :kiiio:-' „o xsa to tra , lui:e 0;1 Big;er in tbe win 11,05 i -, leit . .asjiir,..d ixirtuSrtY , ; . i. - St:teral wo‘sita‘ . ,i4aat...l4, 1 , 14 t : ! ing: r.,:t i - ;, d • Wec.'etiipitlin - Ley,iiillittite - ,fati :f..: - ; ,t• .uliaeal inli4itauee;_ f , ,,,r Alio purpose,nf ...f0 , ipg•:... 4 -: `I.S'ii.:IS,G: : - P.,thNi), .for -, t h e , .z. , 4.tdual.payezelit.efthe:47n;t':arcbt. is!,tirtr« .:,1106:v4....1 eligtrquirterslty - our` Start- F. :',:-1,; uzpostt raw ot the -fatt: that. lIIS luseel . ~.*i , eq . 10, a •e.r tn- inm .frield ....c...tp.ietc)- It E - .5 g' . .ti .‘11 . END.1.16 - 't Gil: _s 'big . :SitIA.S; '7llX,i'tte'L.,;giatil.r6 o;i'iiiiiihi'iiitiqi, ;1 . 1. 1 ,;.n. 4 :::,iii4:04, - 0,416,,thil i,ilii.;,.iti.,, ! of Q 4. ,-10 r.tvas.tu•in;:aie a SIN.4ING.:.FUND' ~i.z.,,k thalta . ;;Rteuti - uf rite .. St are. dcl4, Gan. r;,!,44.5.n...10n prapci:sed a tai - on lineal inheri-j . (:,>..l,:te, -to a,,it:: thil weeds -of • his - Secretary. I 4: ', - :qr. -. ltatu ' e.,:; for. •• liberal, i.enlarged and y,olge:le.itirc;i3;(ll"lration.". iln other. plain :, .-praiFPf;it 1ai.0 . a:4;0 it was, for, the :purpose ..,.. 4: .i.'Z'lli'll/14,14 J111(1141. er 1 high ,schools, ''..tlete tar iiini:e. Add: be .toligls - at- the. ex 't. I,i ..... File':: at . rasolii'v!* upon other teen's estates. i Xet.tu.ve. drive:6omo to the 'wall also • on ;4s , Veithei .. p ,, iist. .414 ,their dit',etico 'tit Gov: t; «, : .,:r;!.t.us veto %,r t na tut. and their eun i..tles,t.l,l•ai-it tij.lou, Col: liigler,.. tliep are -';:lli•ijitt - ;,1 to atttnit 'that he iras :he author .:.t i•il /gur.atort! s f - a phject AVereate a .sinli ,ll .., p.;:ftnrii .for 'llte.,:gt adieu' pi 4 .) mom of '. the 1-E ..- k .ate 'tielv,...inutsubv the- last resort of , eon -o''' 'i J , it;' , l-• tiiii , e a eekt. tfalutimiit hr: *viten' ex - ,•••- ~,... ... - , 3 . , t'.4 ii-. ,, ,t.41' i‘t--"theirkiirorbl of detraction and • ': 1 i.Vr - •••;i , • ”.t i'F'tv I • 1 •'• .-'t ' , t longe r • . ,,,, 1 ~......,!. 4 _ ~.bl.. .....i!k 1(9 .. lin t It•)(...1 1 li) . ::',' Y,, ..F.! 1 V1 . 711111.3m ?lia truth tms_thspelled . the i ....,..'..0.1.-4,itstitt.trihaff..e.tteettsations had ere's- I "...:':. 6 Cl,. , iiilli: ' Wit: ill)reteSt is le.ct them I to. vas- I It : `, ..C ! I 1 tiu: psit itin , they,bare Ussumned, the',' ...:i-tcilly , settoul . bio-s . theS .. turn sudd.!sil •,„:'!• i;:itti.4aiiil ere)nien.-",..1he Sinking' fund' of ~ . ..,...'krri..23&.lir 04; hare been . decised . ,by I ilj.'64) jj.. - WO . iiii-ge'ihe precise words :., ~ t.i. soy a l .pear,,n Ana ..wefour s oretts; and ..:,; t• :s;i4 den - change. of. tone: in the - instru- J . -iiu.itc-nnunds„tauf.att .aueetiote..ieitieh tie .71 4. t - . 0 ite:arti;-in42*4icil.plobsbly' emanated . l A ; :ti ttie - itittivinittinit of some Wag us fertile, ... 1 1-.. thrtishienee 0. iiirr,z . ztion us the eilitore'4lt; ...11 - ,.':tl;.4.o,63 . or's.ls.i.iityi'Attiuriettn. It runs -,is :.' An Al4e - delttritin /. : ttif 2 the -time .i: tit'. ~.. e . Titui,.etins tiitli:ito '"i; r fit. of iiiinkiiid" i . ! - -„- • _.„.,,,- , ~ , ..,5....,, , ~. . : •,;!.E,'...N IJecti',Oa4 . l; (1, VI: - tne,; , , : ,;ipproaciaog - ea ,l 1 : nniy, at.,l often. ainpot tuotd - .to , i uttetur to ~ I . •i- , tetesit.• in. ttlinetto' eseape:,:,Antt: ...,711,, -..-?.: waist : or faith, iteg.leet,,ert all: firefiaraficin; 4 . .J.1,,Z:..til the -.:Ew'u7:',F t'4l 6.1 • .. II ~tir.:____,.......rf4': ••• - ` :Z . lt - toktetrari - Ittlog ant toicreaaing tip= VFt•lo tile earth, ittotil there was . not a dry 1 1 / ; • see fur the stile of lois foot. and bectmoing '••, ovintyed by the steady telling of ruin and J! I ".:1 en - fist:lot aCeumulation of waters, 'that rito `Where rase be - toanid, 'he •ttoforoaelled the ail; -and inntiotri t .. g ly be ' 414 the gttik). old ptorini•Cht.to take idol But the emil oef God : was tirr.i•tid in his L or pet unssion to 'pave inure 'of that '11) 4lierse.getieriiiot that, were already-in and !he .enuld odt, if he would, 'ii.,kit••reol'toi p;ztition, . Still the -met:din:4 nit r Sraiioth,o in tho' water to his &lis t ,- for , mercy aid it was denied; .de dolls hegsing to be, taken ota i ten d, , :bite-the wire descending as , if 5 .,j?.!pn .-ieb.dtotos in' !leaven were opened," the tut t 4.1 ofT2al - 4.iett. .out hero - standing! ;.4,i . ‘thonit a ray ot hope" to escape the • uni . Ar , is.,l•:tisstruot t ittll-.. Turilt•g runtd in des izi4l.'sin-d-Fa6ting 'sent-dui honk at. the Yes- 1 I : io t t-i assize was gradually receding. be ex- I Lollard : as i c.onte :lit 'Of the wind num built •• G.stot,the d--1 i:h : ur .144 ark. don't believe . it- trill .be - fi • !I -•• •iten;Oti , a• sin; trt)r after; a. with l it - :•:::',,lohnietnis'nnd when obliged .adtro,it 1I:••1 . .. 1 idler "dill reel:nuncio (nt " before Jothin,ton ; .4tielit-ef eXelaititeditt; their weak :,ess. 4,,6,1. of ..Mr. c o uld ve . beets de.eiiedby any' body." • it3 l i.;•tz • Foe. . - • "Mornie;,ornin,tsite Whie: Secretary of the: $80,900 out.tof the. Garde', ..t. Afln:e week. It would • require • . otteg , ent t r or . pipcnanto 'ire and f;fr.:wp 4u:died:land it'.4:41, 4 r, pt.:, day, tate this sum:- a 1: f $00,990 Fee., - 1 d Secretary of War - . ' qicr-Zel:Taylor.l received , f.,60,000 far • t - A far hart) to' sweat ttad toil three l'• - *.E.i4tre.i :ie.*: t.4-rru thii auto of money. , . i ;044,10,1i,f09_vs slaking Fund. lt'..tit.l;•s_,;:ri In •Ver:e# ihnli being s.twii , •T V•ti litittm.t tit itiqiet.Setitatiree: td', $150.000 to illehad. It 38 Gt'wer- Ifor .8 n of qv FOUR HUNDRED .H.CitTAND DOLLARS 4:::1101 , nsto - n, iu tWo yeurs, of Gov, Ritner, sliea,9l7i 6.,1 _of the pen. . Leto. yielding .one sent '1 : !I his in good soot h wits Heu,veiitioti connected cony,. la no 16'4 than n'opid:cit-ttigaleiiiiic Flak muly „it perfect -rev). rier)ttererie gelid to be; st) 1 , An miiterattte is -sr. • thi). pitper otter-the sheet` it'enn ttertantionnuliorl rit -.Nit - Porezusn; of ei:ztes, lEEE. 1 1 112 The Lupe Eiteubition In &rum penea S. B. & E. B. CHASE, Earrons.- " • . 71 • - DIONTROSE, - PA. ' T4ursda3, Angpxt 2S ISM. Democratic State Noniiiiations FOII. , .GdVERNpit,,-'.•- -,, ,-'* WittIAIVIBIGLER:,:. ' -;* ' ron..cAtiAr: co3tmtssronn, • , '''' V01L:4111?9.M.0P THE SCPRtME-COUNT.•"••• -%3ERENII2OI:-75.. BLACK, or SONTtRSEI CO. lar ~ - , 1 ''' iAir.s. , eAIIPRELL, OF riniAt,lntriits, , ttTLEWIS. ON LANCASTER. - ' -E. GIRFON, OF CuMBitiLAND.' ' .WALTER IL LOWRIE, or ALLEtitIEN,T. --; • -- Toultty-: kornino.,;o4s..::: FOX T; FPI; ESENT.IkTIVIL ti ISAAC RECK CI W; We 'all Uded to this gentleman; one of our eandigteS for u - ireirte. eirert. Judge;a , feet weeks sbiCe.promising n tn,,Sprialt of him again: 1' ProMaiquaintance with.: the . mail,' ',go' can 1 speak ofilirp: es ha appeared to us, arS' well-as 'hfrom reputation. ' 'He-is a gentitithan in every` sense fthe Word ;-taripe scholar, a profound lewy .discreet and • popular. Judge. ' His i i iiii Ipolitiir ~, pposers search the records in - Vain tol find i spot:or blemish in hiS character,. and yet assail hint in the mest,tinPrinciiiled•manner. - --• As we have *fore indurated, the Objection put lorthlis'as flimsy its it is heattlets and unman. i Mg. • The people, tilt,' an air of mock serious i ness, are told ,that he is incompetent for. the station ;,and wholly undeserving its honors.-- ! This work.of detraction, among sensible pen: ple, can avail little,',When th - fact is . known that be ,has sustained hittiself nine years on the I Philadelphia Bench, with such universal satis. f.ction that bath the city and iounty-Delega.• toes, in ' th. Harrisburg CiiVentiiin; were unanithoni in ~ his - support.: I'll it CrinVention was comprised of one linndreil and thiriY.lliree : Delegates, ,mostly - members of. the Bar, and I 'inducted the !most eminent lawpirs in the suite. i - - • They it ere Men then, 'eminently qtralified _to l judge of his. Capacity-and learninn., ail knowing ' . 1 .: Alm well, by remitation, andirtany by, eonstant • - 3 iiiiFe l practice in Iti COUrt. llliiler all these eireinn- - . said,: the , whole amount of. specie in the Bank, 1 stance-%'whieh would have' rendered .the noni. iit thefaiittre. Was thirty-seven n itnd a lialfeMllNliriatio L n' a any, incOmpeteritim IMlmPelei4 - ;SIr..: instead'ot.fundS.: r There ' was $ good 1 1 4, eArdfl3,T.T.:. received the highest 'untuber-: of , nitteii•beAde the specie:" At the - sale of. the I , votes, with. e ne t.. ex e ev ti clr i , - or : _ . can it. aid,f, any StoCk, . before - starting the:Rink, the- whole I d . ,' ..• name ' . •• ••• 4 ' ' I ---- ath unt , t9l::, , erentetfire cess,ee n Flit' in . sPer. * 'ills almost tinanimOnS nomination, hi Dela: and nfPearsin4ltaiqf jt had been used - gates reflecting the Sentiments. and • wishes of the'people in:their sovercrign",eiliteity, ' most asuredly'places that people: under the Stron gest Oblig - itions to support hints It 13 due him th a t he-should - not b. willed into the preskt I e.Measi,Honly to Suffer t. - - in --vm,---.YrOmeratte- ortilicittion of a • - • -, ....x.r...-.,.................,...i.-......--J,. 1 party, the principles of W .11 he has, ever been I the charepion and - defender. it is a duty that Democrats owe - thpir principlea; to : stied:h i; Hon. J4.lins Csstitinti, and defcni in his per. }son their own faith, and one of the fiat Pririci i, pies upon welch rest the pillars of ourr-Repah !, lie, and, the rights and eqinility of than. He 'should be supported and elected; i;etaitise suCh la result will put toishame.n , spirit of intoler. ' mice, Ilrit finds synipattiter.s only in the body of the ' , Federal - party, *where a consolidated ',farm of goverment found advocates r—wliere Privilege was sustained as an article, of faith, and unity of Religion was. deearen necessary to purity and permanency of government. . ~.. . , i' It is the duty of the Dernecratie , party, at f thii day; since liherid oPinioas lia've, over and I over again, been sustained and vindicated Ur! the shame and disgrhee- of their .opposers "in] open nrray,4 standity the banner, and defend.; .-; it'from covet attacks. TO us it is it matter; r n about which'we , neverinquire, whether a man 1 ' . vcorsitipi this way or that; whew a -candidata i for offlee„ His nntinis of Religion no more I effect his.qualidiatitins tor, and right, to offiee,', , than do his notions. „of .tire size and :dirt mace stand. - i - ; The corning election'will - be the 'west - int - t -er'r/.lintliiie'd this dbetrine; and ofteri, le; the ~ porti:nt, one in Whieh the ; Demo - et:icy of Penn. ee,vivest, conflict, .proLl.ed.i.te,ottaehweei'for-itiali sylvania hive been called-to participate for -,,,,,,,di -. defend ,- ; ' ' ness ~ .o 5... : . years. 'We have a State, Ticket formed, than i ' , • , - We hold that no established ibrifof Reliff. Iwhich:nen° was ever more worthy. -- .We lire ~ - , , --. . , .. : --, . .r. 1 ~ t en sheuld ever be b i lendeci with polities; and i to decide nest October Whether our noble old' jilt:- moment that any candidate for nice isi n State small remain:longei in' the „ltands of a questioned as to those opinions, tint "mornenti iparty whose principles every Democrat &pref . :- to unite hurch and' State is vitall la die-! cater. We long to see the pure-hearted Bro.. : a t . e P 4e. n c Y r zr.i in tire Executive Chair. .We long• - to - see . tovered; and that carried out, th i - .. priaciple of our .overninent is lost sight of.-r, democratic policy curried out in our govern- • - , ' * • : ,' • . - ' •' .To maintain,in - their purity, all the ' elements! Ilmemt, instilling . into every .teature, its healthy .. influelyee. . welorig uiseetconitily practicid, of our.government; it is absolutely , essential! that all creeds and meets should be recognized,l land prudence reeormized in all the departments ' i . • —. inntl.proscription i ii y , .who m s o ever attempted, I l and ,ruitninistratien of our govermeent. ive - . -.-- -•i i should meet the indignant frewri„--the wither. I • lung toseea spofrenaoved from the - far ace . ' --- ' • 'of this' Commonwealth;that it , may stand forth 1 lu; rebuke l of the Ameriean people - ' I •. -. . peepieii e e d l . , Tothe Delmer:the party t'nen, the election without blemish, the pride of our -, of .lann.s.4A—Tirazta. is a question of principle, i of her. sister'states.. n We .lung, to - hear'again l 'tbe'voice of .Pennsylvania Demoiracy, ape:ik-7 1 ; e•PrhtFt"g directly from the elethents; of our! le e ; :gorernment. -' The - same, and , , many others, ing.forth full:toued -and potential, We id .the , and our__ pa i rtY has! to seeieur banner seared from ' the thist;---to ' ll44v e: a t rs r' iti readiness tolight the' b.tttle as well I see it blazing With trintriph; at the_ head of U.-hown ..,.. n ,. .. vy, 1,- . 4 q ,as its might to conquer. IWith the rights and i i great; nuited, - and : vhrieriona pnrti n . • . ~ ~... to send .fortitto the - Teeple of oursisterstates, i,e ( lo l tY of inan an'°Or motto,—the C.oesn'tn:ri who I w o - j o i ota ' - -- i j- g . ;,. -r-0 e ..i. , 41 . ith oex -..o iet) .- . . -- t!,4ded aid.; Bon of Our'courttry _andthe'vital: principles - of I cheering rneeiageP-enitritrittia a 'redeemed." - .°O!-11 ,( iver .1 4 31 e9ttO defel?liii.we have ineentivSeol Her sari i hearted irate - 'to itelion -thatahouldengage every, symp a ti l b.l - triumphedi - they:haveionte up.frompas tPres..; and call r.orth•theteost'uretiYe exertions, ' Let tretioe z a i ‘tiiii i . foits. in . he ..itreegthnor fuss - vindiente all these'arid ourseiVes, in the tri hiri.;,,e, .-' - ,-.:','11:1:,.::. ',-1; J:- ..., _ • ..;,- -=. i unip;hultilction.Of Hon! Jesus Coirtiryt6 I Democrats ,of sseinetiinnal- are ,you r iot , the n § upreute Bench..-..1-' ,' :- l - - . witls..-uti in-sympathy I:. Do : -you. not feel:a , : ....„_• - - - -,,, --.• •- :: . . ; sail:lemon , itoilltse . l , , _,, th i Jammu ,. ..s t 0t i 0t , , 1 . ,.. .risTa „wen , miutir Gee; Lvcsi=-7lt..,[is Braid st h 4c , , , ii . d il k t i , _ 4 ' 4 4ei l- e - rmiwation r p . :itsiotie , mod '. f4Di dr. , , Cluar ti#47Ki*l!of Giharin township lin this min nty,pluf a Visit to Califortiial a ihort '• " 1 Him - v 'n tett lute t=l igh• shot' loza eoneideriztions, and :private pr e reneeeet , n tinaeturtec;and _e'etrunnetlebont two"months,. - 4.,, , ' = - ..kfetal : - f ..-: h e i '-'. Tha rind returned with the ?cram' sum of Sri 000 in ~,,f u you. not io n .tmpor T o ::bore t -- , E ~.. i)t; . aid 41441 , p0ur'- • •r •la : ' far " i 4 0" i l ia : She hard *WE - .-;': -': '. :;:-. , ••7 .:- ... -' i, I:7 -.--,,,• thelk , lieY: 4 o : Y - cuf'St4 ll4 ; l4 ' r le arll ' -14 " L W / -:. : Fir We havd laid asidethe'add , re - ai of ' the r. 'l l 4'e Jtritwi - tit,:..40,}: 01 . 11 0.! . : '? 7 ,! 3 ,„tt ~ ..rtt'6 . , - . 170 1,13ig1er - VIA of' Oarbon dalt- Pit" fit tarot' rise.- s.ol l tnellei" , . t.orto -It i ' P l ia r. -- - -P ritt , el Pl eBl4l2 - o ° .. _ - "T, hitt ustpite'' h2ail'ilim - Oney — tie : hitireilaid - Made' you 6'0.6.4nt5! - .*!.1.11. 11 : 436 . / 4 ' 6 1 , :•'!u! /. for . ft.rtureAr.rcltr;O: ^at h: im•t:,- . 4 ' .4) l'o , 4*C tee., .-- , - . . '::"*"7"",r10',,,,:_6",-*,,,,?,,, -..,,,...., $ - 14,- I , iii4x,tlheattliti ortotgatn'eT:`i,o - nP-Ti;lioaiiif 'Ate' nt 7 -71a . n — liTrnaci, ih - zhalatztyi susses 1 _.... , ....,.. L. _ vol::1-1 ::, , . - ,; - ii';i•. ,- ,4 - 6 1 4',orentir . it lhie - : -- that - t ICII Orr ei the ,- eniliewn. • -11eFidee . th „captain ~,,-„;„,_• i„;,,i,,i'iliht. p Avis ri; W . A N Pit (.1" Brifiqpwater; .A3IIIERST, CARPENTER; of Harrihd;' entretrr. LATUAM GABBNER, of 'Bridgwater. - PROTIIONOTART. FREDERICK A. WARD, of Adrmoni, COUNTY TRRASITREIi. WILMA M. K 11ATC11, of Montrose. AUDITOR. JAMES E. „HOWE. of Brooklyn. can oNEn: :WTLLIAM H. BOVA; rifltOntrnse. , An unavoidable prrsluif bUsigessi incident to Court meek, orit it whoilv out, • of our po‘yei to bestow the attention upon ont fltc Tictict. , NVe. need 0.1; no re.asonst for ent - support of the TiOka nominated in, recorikice with the ,usages of tire Democratic parl34, of ,S.u.Nee. , h:Tnna. • Those nominations are befog, the pee. the Candidaea Imre been endorr.44_44 _ mite to *heir support, :la drity boanil _ That there -esistw otne'dissatiSilktiiitt ire are_ ra.ll.ttx7re. That it exists r. f ther for other Ulan hi ouipetency,:is, teiiere, iy true. The for locality. alight prob ably, bare - been more satisfactorily arranged. That circumstances hitie con - dated to make,' I it otlier.vis'C, nuiv be ilegietted, but, eau tiaai justify It course on the part of -Demoer.its, cidatinits tender-cies and results. • We are: bound to the : party 'bystrongeities than those of person :a interest, and, look .beyond, far be--1 yond private prekrences in loc.:1 organization.. i r *Without organiiation, nD Harty. whether• fur.; br'other.:pUrposes, 'can sustain itsrlf r i and keep its principlo in tie tweendaut. Or-"{ rganization is necessary, übsoldtely so. That such.un organization may:Rometimcs work un.6 satist:.ctorily, may be the - fault of other than itstilf. The - only : safe and rule then, is organization, and a suhrnissinn to its decis. ions. This rule we have adopted. and cannot swerve from it. We entinot lay down any nth erone to guide us, neither can . we prescribe' any 'other by which the Democratic party ,14 1. 1 333 L'ltplE4.urnr.ictx. Of Clearfield County. ', ADS, Clarion Co. ';1; •.SaCIATN • JUDGf:S REGISTER AND RECORDER. J. T. L4NGDON, of D'undoff. COUNTY CO3I3ITESIONEII. JOHN HANCOCK, of Jessup , !sunshine or eucrui, : m vietory Or defeA lon i . 4 P f41" 1 t: tilei=liiii , y, ' ;ititi . V. ; lll fight there still:, .... -H . ~ .. 7 - .- :',, ~ -.1 - 1 :..„ :The common foot+) oar.prineiples will steal; upon 13, StrIte to their oyerY ,instinct, to. fatten . , • • r.uptin our . dissentiend.-1 - Shall, We., permit them 1 , , . to do so, or shall we Sacrifice something to i save our principles from _prostration 'and our` Statel}otit shame!' Answer .! ws ')'e true -and I' honest.hearted Deinocrats of ;:Pusonehanna...:-1 PaitS'e, potider and ilkiimit. We' nzed n'ot tell 1 you that the _titii.f_s . are unscrupulous and mer.l eenatT; for you have seen that over 'and over apin. The party that 'threw .their, principles , I . to the winds and drew a dagger; politically, to 1 theCt;iti - W Ili eiti greatt: ii ii inPiuti lieniv Chi il 1 1 •4-th . 6 party that shouted _u late and ordei. i ! and fraternized With the, '4ative 'American rioters of Philadelphia rite-with impious and sairile glues hand, applied the torch to the sanctuary where the 3104 High ,Was wershiped by a eon-. achmtious. people ; that party.which has always heemeterything to everybody an' &all interdif, ‘vill be the Same ''henee'forth' 'and' . tot ever.- *Prit'st them_not; 'Thpy. eoeie it; yen in sheep's i elethiag the better, tc! dedeive., ye tell .yowl the 4art-of the Democnitie'.party is , .right.-=- Cling' telt by the love Your beim' your tinie houorettprinciples ; save yOurSeives the - per titivation of ~ , defeat,'and'retieem - yottr __State I front misrule.. . • • . . '-';\ jamns s -- 1 11111%.T LiTTLE: - AVep . inde-iiitOur calumets t 0414 'an article Br.-Affortt ll.Cperter'MilhesUbjeetok - jedge . :...litsSilp!_eeotinection',witli , the Sttrphis Skid; CeletianY. 4 The,,Editer has bad ;a peep into ;Boole,"' tthteh Wak'kept , by this Company fertile purpase of .reeording their proceedings... 7- We trust 'Our readers Irfolcittiver.carcfullyOunkses: for themselves whethe'r his conduct, in - reference to the Bank, haa r beeti so iMmactilate as,IS Pretended:,. - :, Tice` defence set Up for tht'tJudge,ir, indeed, - a defenee it cati - be calliAL is that he bad noth _leg to do - ! with- the; .Bank after 1838. ‘.lt . 'even alledged' that ap'tiiii i qiiioslOon• to him', -is based.on his Connection with Res-Director , We subunit to,the renders of our paper that we have near - made that issue. We have 'mitt; enfied .thttihing' in . question, other than to mention the pet, never i beving queStioned his act as a Director, not to say that we shall not do sO. , It has nil thewhileXen alitted; on:the . :'ether side; that he had nothing to do Withlt only as iltireetor, which he resigned in 1 0 38 1 Avhile.,We hive shown by the'testimony' of Wm. Jessup - and- others,lthat ho was not Only hi:inflected:with It in th4t way, but that WiLS theprime • the,.Serplutt:Stoch* COMptuty ; . that he continued to be such down to 184:1i-when the . climax , of fraud was capped by theeane, Ilation of the Steek:netes, held in tifo ',mune Wet. Jessup'& at the Bank, witlaMt paytnent. • ,For this lawless Operation we have and do hold Judge TesSup aceonnta- ble;*and net Simpl2,k that he was also.a . Direct .. an theßM& There'wan. the great Wrong cominifted by Will; Jessup, -at the outset,,and which, tile Commissioners say in their Report, " waS the grouNl..work (I - the. subsequent 2nis- Inaiuigement and disasters of Wte.Jessup headed that Company. and was the'ehief financier in the operation as we have' before shown 'by his own testimony and other transactions. The attenipt, then,, to shield him fronfeensure, by covering up, and avoiding the trice issue; is as unfoandedni it is impotent. We showed bust week, that so fbr from his connection. with the• Bank terminating in 1838, that tioWit'io 1845 ho _was found sustaining theßank and St. John by his influence, giving the most positive assurances by his letters that the Bank was" revived 'Otia Specie basis" &c. How aro theie. things - to b'e reconciled with the allegation that he had nothing to do with' the Bank after 1838? ,We have also 'a letter written - by the Judge in_ IB4s,,,admitting that he was-connected with the Bank in 1843, i which we shall publish next .week- Verily,l this Judicial letter writer furnishes the arg,u. I 'Bents with which to 'contradict himself! Now let us open the pages of that "little Book" so long sealed up, and see what kind I of a story that will tell for the Judge; and we wish au: readers to remember that this record is piMt:4).4ly In the Adze's ownhand writing. Prior to the sale of "the Bank of C Stisquel hannaoutity,"at publiyauction (as provided in the act of inaorporation) it was agreed und . understood that it was aci‘biable to keep out foreign specalators, and secure stock- perma tmely to persons residing in the county, and I I MTh JVssl/11, J. C. Biddle, Isaac Post. C. 1.. Ward and S. S. 'Mulford associated themselves comp :my for the purpose of takitig such 1 surplus ot; the stock of the t i rlink, as may. not I bid.in by other citizens of Vie county at the I Pula" s de• sc swan ask to tie appropriated to the purchase of stock under this arrangement. Upwards'of ninety thousand dollars rf stock was purchased for the benefit of 1 the company. It was agreed that of this amount each of the company might take what he might ; desire-to hold bend fide.. A delay occurred in I putting; the Bank into operation, owing to the deranged state of the currency and *nothing' was done towards-pat id the arrearage on ; the stock, until the full of 1838. Our readers will see nut WM. Jessup heads Hon, Wm, Jessup, 1 the list of those concerted in the Surplus __. lsldent of the "Surplus stock Co.” Stock air:lnge:neut. Ile was the "big man"; We promised, says the Bradford Reporter, at the commencement, and we have heretofore lin announcing the nomination of Hon. Wax. I A we th at 1,, was t h e big man," isle o ff ie j,lJEssur,by the Whig State Con% cation, to show ithe public ' how intimately he had been connect ated at the interment of the illegitimate moo. - with the Susquehanna County Bank—to ex ster, that fattened through life on the posses- ; pose the disreputable fraud which had been sions of this unsuspecting community. I practiced in the matter of the Surplus Stock We think one story that this " little Boot,"', Company,' mid how ihr the Judge had been I connected in that illegal and fraudulent trans. tells, will strike our readers as ether sinrmlar, ction. This, we now Set ataint—promising nnd will not be very comfortable for some I that our authority for what we shall say, is the Talks to explain. In the evidence before the .I Report of the Commissioners appointed to in- Commissioners, the idea is held out that only ivestigate the affairs of the defunct institution, Ind about 870.000 We; merged in the Stock Com. ' our, • vossesszart engird f rom , the documentsin books of the Bank p: ay. Were that true it "ail ue Just $ 7O , That the press should dare to call in que.s -> 000 ton mach. but the " little Book" sais,"up. tion the motbes or aetions of Judge JESSUP wards of NINETY THOUSAND DOLLARS 777 has awakened a perfect howl of astonishment purclias4 far net benefit of said from the cl.inuc of person who slim: in the grotions effu'lgence _person his Honor's'presence, 0./-n;anii. 111/11:11.' 4 4 of ninety la s well as those, who are equally implicated thous dollars, leio.:11'1 less than $lO,OOO on ;with him in the nefarious transaction. They to"..tnrt the nk, and al , rge portion of endeavor to avoid the, obloquy which inetita that wdS paid in. Yes, this was done I , b p iY er n s t e t e t l i i t ', s e , their -conduct by the cry of • 'let% malice,' and other ar be Wm. Jessup &Co." in the Lae of the I 'rime/as or the same t character, at once both law, declaring that "no discounts should be 11:laical and conclusibe. We know no reason made by said Bank, t ill th e whole of t h e „ 2. 0 . ,1wriy Judge Jessup (now that lie is a candidate) is; not as proper a sibjt et for newspaper re tal• st.tek,should be paid in," What a trans ; I marks as any other candidate. The purity of, cation ! Search the whole history of the coon- shouldmost certainly eal the Judicial Bench tb try in vain for another, of like turpitude. Now subject of great irtterest to every citizen, and we trust that this will not be denied, inasmuch he who asks to be ebieted to it, shouldat least come off the bench of a lower court with 'ln as the Judffe has recorded it for his own ret sullied ermine, and clean hands. There may be those who imagine that Judge ,JE.srr is too exalted in character, too brilliant' in intellAtt, to have his Conduct or motives questioned, and that when we look at him iti ; should be as through n. glass, darkly.' Snell I {shall not be our course. Wit are not disposed I to well our gaze as we- approach him, nor dot we fear of indrigtstruck blitid, by daring to I scrutinize if therTbe spots upon the surface even of this dazzling luminary.- The Commissioners (3legers. Wrnairr and ! Buotatr.w) report, to At: • Leaislature in re-, igard to Surplus Stock transaction, as follows:I 'The ';lt/loic transaction in relation to tie Surplus Stock etas in open aid flagrant riola-1 Ltion of laic, and the groundkotk (J . the ,inine-,1 burnt mismanagement and disaster's rf the in- 1 'satuton: IThis declaration of the Commissioners ev-1 cry man who tics examined the, facts, will con. I cur in. The 4 . hilure• of the bank--thelistressi which it oceasioned—are then directly charge able upon those who trete the plotters and ex. /Tutor's of that notable scheme. Some of, them are not now living 7 -they are answerable to a higher tribunal. -We would not disturb their ashes--Inat thurity forlhe dead will not serve to ward off odium from the , living, nor answer AS their excuse when they are arraigned at the bar-of publie opinton. ;, Judge JEssuP we have every reason to believe, was tilt tath eeitf this Company. It •w4.s hex transcendant financial 'abilities which called it into being-- watched over its birth—presided over and di rected its eperation through' life-:..and finally saw jt indecently out of ,the world. "The Judge, in his testimony before the Coma nlissionwe, it: not directly-gupty.of_prerarica d - A on," was ngularly oblivicuti. He carried erenee. - _ • It strikes us as being very singular indeed, , that - Andge Jessup is so ansionslo have com- I triunity' understand, that he resigned his Di rectorsbip•iri.lB3B., Why dont he face the 1 music? If the transactions in that Were so.l pure and himenwhy is lie notwilling to shout- der the responsibility and, explain, .the whole matter to community? Why he is se - afraid of meeting the'ine4tfon in issue 7 .his attempt todiseinnwet himself with theSconcern,is good evidence that there was rascality in itvand ! when that is admitted and We show that he ' • was the great num in the operation; not only at the outset, but done to the time of 'the tail ' ore,' or nearly so, in what position does it leave Judge Jessup?- We tsay (Jut the fraud commenced in, the itattiwr of the 'Bank---4h:l there was sown, the'seed that 'sprang Up and, bore the" ,bitter fruit of Which this community tasted so large ly •Ity-referer.ce tOlhe ab;ove :extract, from the , little'Booli" - it wine seen; - that ledge - leisup was the sower Whe sewed the his natne.is at'the head of the list. By Ciarit iuing further, it will also be seen lhant every tweeting of that Etoeieompany,with one ex. , teptiOni*M. JetisttP Was - present, and teak mt actite.partin • itrs,duxnga,•Further;),ti I seen from - thefolloWing.citrnet final the."- lit- Book; that he 1 0. 1 0essnt:alitt Participated its the eaneellittim of thete note: tit the Polk. ' .... - TelettrEccrrner Inli: this' an tame'. TXTARIUSTIM lamg , Atrt r.neetinf,r of the ntoekholders ; • ~..Piegt,l2, Jessup; S. 5..21 - tal. fiir4l)..Seaitec 14, 7 n1: - ;Yard. 1-1. - 'Drinker' and 11 7 M.: : Post; the sliarej hf L.:-,Ward and Santei".C.l3iddle; : . luiVing been iinriendered,lho' amount doe them, J, C. )3fdd1d . :558,00,: - C.' - ,.Ward - 8158„90-211,88,. :was. divided among the eight others, and notes inclnding those given on the .preceding page, wisi given ns follows: . - , . • _ . six.monthriotes.„..datedJan,l94B42,, • t 014227 - Daniel Searle,do, 192 37 ao- WM, L.' l'Ost; do: - 1 - 134 87 •• S. S. Jlulford, do . 143.37 do D. Post, • 132 37 no note. • Post, !do 142 37 dated 29 Jan. [lB4l] Wui t , Ward, d 0 . .: 192 37 - do Henry Drinker, (do'. 193 37 THE OLD NOTES CANCELLED,!! AND THE ABOVE 'NOTES !TO BE PAW IN 30DAYS. " ' • " • i There, fellow:citizens, you have it; pima out falrty and squarely hy,The records of this, Stock Company, keptly, the Judge himself.— There statuls his connection with' it: from! its birth to its death, end Judge . JeSsup will deny, it. And Wiicnio tfiis is lidded thelettei we-publishetllast week, and one wo - will 'pub, Hsi; next, showing that lie-snstained it , his influence down - to its bider days, We 'sebinit the question to.the Candid and: intelligent re tens of Susquehanna county, asking, of Ahern only io . act as ' eonicientious! and !intelligent men at the polls. ' • • To the little Book, we shall refer again next week. • . ,• • Moyir.osE, Augilst 2lat, 1851 EDITORS DE3IOCRAT • When I commenced tin publi ehtion of the Register, it teas with the deter ruination not to exchange with anY r sheet that. outrages common! decchey by.- scurrilous at teas upon virtue and worth. I cannot there fore exchange with, you, Unless you choose to pay theiditference between the value of the Register and Democrat, $1,52 per annutd.— Yours,- , ' C. MILLER. Please send your bill ifor Nos. preN4Ous to July Ist, 1851, to A. Chamberlin Es - 4., who will pay it. • DESIOCRAT" OFFICE, August 22, 1851. J. C. Illir.r.trtiEsQ:— Si r:-Lli r e were happy t 1 'receive your note of yesterday, advising,tis of your deter mination not to exchange, Ste., Tire have only to express ourregret that you did not come to that conclusion 'at. long time since. • • IN7e, in common) with many . others, were also gratified at beinginfortned who pays your Bills ; nt, you may rest assured, that ours will he presented immediately. ' • . It seems to us, sir, that you should be -the Post person to talk of scurrility, or to beg,for mercy. You must be well aware tlmt you, without the smalkst prof:twain:), attacked one of the TldliOr, of the "Democrat," in one of the loweitaUd most uncalled-for, of newspa per articles: , To that we deigned to replyon ly because you were,!comparatively, a Stranger to the people of the Cotinty, as an - Editor :it least. You have tlius far presisted in the Bathe disgraceful "course,: while we liavelaken no notice of ,5 011 in lstima_ content iltrrttiO °plad - a he public; - generally ., ex pressed, that you were list enougli prcWing,by your articles., all we said of you, in, our reply, to be.:rtf.. If yoUr Hero feels the lash, you may him arid yourself with the reflection, that your attack on us, at the out set, has sharpened the sting. - Respectfully &c. S. B. &E. B. CHASE. - Erntu - -- • ;10, fq tale by :•L -~ =~-'° ~ r~rrrr - - - -- - F- -- -- .‘thro . nibjitttlin - ale of meekness end innocence which is refreshing to beheld. • I,Vhatever ers 'HMV have done, lus nit least,_ has lintiltiO knowledge of thetatfairs of the Bank or of the -Stock ConiirianY. .Fie ceased to•bis a direetei bitOr6,the Bank - .Went into Operation.• Frein tithe totiute,lfwas called upon to sign renen4; ed Stock notesiiind . clid so. Further than this' . if the - Judge is to be uudersteekes his te'sti, malty literally reads; he has been privy to none of the financial dodges of the Bank managers: '''PureOnd itonnwitlate Judge! - • Who- wotild imagine from your ingenuous and straight for. :Ward testimony, that you were cognizant of the transaction of that Company which met - iu ereey in the Director's . room of the S'uniie.l harms Bank, of fivlrieh you were presiding nius ! But the,Judge says 'that . a reference ! .to the books and papers tT the Bank, would lir,obably-refresh-Ins recollection matters in this 'Connection: .We: should' thinly suppese_thet - .such refercnco : was - n ee.es _ sary to -brighten the Jedge's memory, a n d While lie is„about. it *e:rectitest - titrt to take, a peep - i nto • the tnhiittes' or (he Sin elc Co mpaijy's preceedingi.' He will reinember that Such a: jonrnal Was kept, and that at the time he would li#e ps &Have that he was a • stranger to the bank and its operafioiik, fOrthey.that to petals naino"te an occasional"stock-rfate,' lie attended its; tnecting,s, and :further: 'that _lllc , ininvoi7hf fro#edings 4ro recuraledim ins • • tine. • • f the book handy . . ,Por hunmy. not have the home We will .publiSh Sevi - extracia. they • are hot corrent,. the 'Judge ntdobbtedly b ; ,ks evidence to disprove . them. If they are . eor= reetly copied; as we declare them to be, they .open new light upon . the festering corruption of this damnable transaction.— Extracts taken from, the book of minutes AePt by the Surplus . StoCk Company, beins cider ed in thchniukaorilis thei Secretary ul the Company. Prior to the sale of the stock of the hank of Sustea Co., at a public auction (as provi disi in the _a et of incorporation) tt was ugi . eed end understood that it was advisable to keep out foreign speculators; and secure the mock permanantly to persons'residing in the county, and Win: Jessup, 1 C. Biddle, Isaac Post, C. L. Ward and S. S. Mulford associated them seiVes into - S•compnny for the purpose of itak ing such surplus of the stockof the linnk, es may not be bid in by other citizens of the county ut the public sale. They accordingly made an arrangement for a loan of the Toivan. da Bank to be appropriated to the purchase of Stock under nis of sandy thousan 1 S.C.' MILLER. 11`e,be7?fil that of this amp take what he' h&y i tinri; owing to rency and noti in the arrearatt 1835.• --..- r* . Some!co .4- nversation had passed "Owen per sons interested in the, stock and.-ec*l thinks in the city of Philadelphia, ! particular * with the Cashier of the Man firers ! and Mechanics Bank,. About the i le of No- . vember, J. C. Biddle who had been dtilkelect ed Pre'sident of the Institution; %vent to Mita -delphia to conclude a final arrangement ,for a lo.ui in behalf of the company enumerated, and also Make. some arrangement in relation th the future correspondence ofthe Bank. Owing to the depressed state of the money 'market. not Withstanding the strongest assuranccS liad beerilgiYen of aid, he f Med in making any suitable arrangement either for the Bank ur tile Company. He then proceeded to New York wl ere. through his friends Allen tf::Pax son,-an arrangement was made for funds re quired by the company to imy their stock, At a meeting of the persons interested in the sur plus-steek held at the Directory 'Room of the Bank, on Wednesday,. Die 13; 1833.! Then!: wee present J. C.. Biddle, Isaac Post, S.:S. Mulford, D.' Searle, Wm. L. Pest,. Wm._ Ward, mia C:D.Waird - Of_the-original company, Wui. I Jessup being abient, , ' - . J. C. Biddle was appointed P - resident of the company, and C. L. Ward Secretary. - Alter consultation it was . understood and agreed. ' ' Ist. That the company should be enlarged and consist of James C. Biddle, Lsaac Post, Win. Wai:d, Win. Jessup, Win. L Post; S.'l : ! S. 31nIfbrd. Daniel Searle, Henry Driker, • D. Post, Jesse Lane and C. L. Ward, huld-1 ing the stuck termed 'surplus stock' in equal proportions . 1 2d. That the expenses incurred in arranging the surplus stock‘shall be paid equally h`'... 1 the company. ' '.-s 4 3d. That Messrs. Biddle, C. L Ward and War! 1,. Mist; be a committee to ascertain' and make up the amount of these expenses to be settled at the next meeting of the corn-1 pang... .• ' 1 4th. The same gentlemen r6pqrt also at thej next meeting some advisable plan' of 'held-1 ing.or dividing the 'surplus stock' held by 1 the company in view of its remaining's:lel from individual liability or transfer in' trust 1 - - fur the security • of the loans %which have been made in arranging Said stock. • sth. • That it is deemed 'expedient to retain at •least fifty thousand dollars of the surplus stock permanently to the company .. (five thousand dollars to each of the same); and that the President of the company be an thorised 'to,dispose Of any :of the Sur : phis • stock Over - the . ;$55,90° aforesaid, to whom he think proper and at par; until other- T. wise: advised at a meeting of the couip:iny. The company here adjoUrned to meet at the call: Of the President. Attest, C. L. - Ward, Secretary; Oct. 7, 1839. • At a meeting of the company, present; J. Biddle, ISZLIC Post, David'Post; Wm. L. Poet, Henry Drinker, Wm. ,Jessup, S. S. Mulford and C. L Ward, J . C. Biddle Pre - sideni.• • on that subject. report that the expenses in arranging 'surplUs stock' is as ; follows: Bonus on 860,000, Allen &Pa . xson, s6oo'oo Discoing on $15,006 loan, 451 50 1.. C. Biddle: for expenses of nefrotiatinolean ' .50 00' ; e Expenses to TOwanda,. - • S - O tusk's expenses getting charter, 500 00' L Ward & Wm...L. Posts' ex- ' • penses to,Towanda, = 10 00 Wm. L.' Post sending to • Tow'da, - . - 16 00 . • $1,659 00 On this amount-the membersof tho compa ny have paid Jessiip, escr 00 16:iing didi-el la 00 S.- Si'llfulford,..so:oo: ". -• . 113_00 Isring Post, 50 00 do•- 113.00 L - Post,- 72 50 .doi • • .92 40 1.0 Biddle, 105 00 : - do. 58 90 Win. Ward; -do 163 -90 C. L. Wnrd,- 5 00 . i ,--. do . - • ; 158:00 D: Post,• • • -do , - 113 90 D.•learle,• - '. • do 143 90 IL Drinker, • ---- • , .• _do .143 90 Expenses to balance. no. Balance due as above from the several. mein; hers of the company,_l- 1,307 00 -Attest--C..L. %I/rd and Wm. L. Post, pont mittee. . !• - • •The right-of• lesser Luta lumina been assicrs ed to Japes C. Biddlti was,surrUnderCd toThe cowparly, and the company la hereafter to eon* slat of Tas—thp remainder ..of, the ; company lieretoforo named . , oWnicfiand,holding ta stock in equal' putts;" Isaac Post,Wirt. 1.4. Peat Wm. Wardi - L.-Wars:l4.S. S. Mulford, J, r t:, 13 id4le, Thri.,.fessup, and Meaty -Drinker, haviug paid. in, proportions 0f,887 50 . each (700)10wgda the first inatalticent-snoitts, It was concluded • considering the length oftinto - the present et has held new to the spoils;; 'I sheuld not be sor •to see a neW 'hind at ihe - bellows - , an attempt m w .e . to overcomeditlieuhies before which Mistsell ~ • pause"cli if not /mailed: . For iustunce e in his Ripon presented only a fe ' days since, the uninber of Tervens and driukin dens is stated to be 6,003 of - which , 1597 are re . 4 , . . ported as," unlicensed," I",aud - 4,185 as open onSunday" now, .to the question, " what steps hare been taken ttieuppFess , or curb, these • violations or the law r -the ansWer is, " not one attempt has been made, to Imo a single rumseller, lor,,in any Way,to mitigate the evil ;" although, the Mayer, not long ago, went throngb the annual . • • , farce of issuing .a proclamation for the'qlosing of I all taverns on the Sabbath. The Whig vvirepullers of this City are..heginning ko bestir thearielveS, in relation to the election of delegates tolthe State convention that . is to come loll' next month.. Just now. th4y ,are colmetting • • ; with the-Land Reformers, knowing ,that,iithout.. their aid, they w ill uot stand the ghost of a chance . at the . , Fall, elections. Thii whig leaders have I promised the office of State Prison Inspeitar to, I a Laud:Reformer • sif, this, city,, who has bo rani- _ ty for ! Wit iggery. The Whigs knew what • they are about, however, "in 'offering such a man that , Loffice. They, itoulitleas,'are tronbled with came • , Premonitory- symptoms of State Prison rascality; • and; esnoeting to be sen up to the State Villa, be, ' fora i long, they wauta friend • the " institution," whOconjeuder, their, sojourn _at tintt- celebrated. ' retreat, as comfortable as possible. Good, for the -- "! ;, t • -; M a tint& when the dif6cultY of buildings' imb- - platfonin is snierious; Wet the two great political • partiee, iu this' State are felting, each planki!betore-they :can think railing -it down, and are'triding:the!path. that leads !to the Can f veritiotiose -as a bear danciug , .ott hot. bridal-there - is out: dauntlees party that exhibits no donbtii et.fears. The party to •wh has issued its mandate for b National coareatitn4 in February; neat. its ulterior objects are hidden beneath the Yea of deepest mystery, and whether it wilt Much on the "Frealdeutial Cam;-eigo, .Free !VOil,.Cubtu Atinexation, - Abalitiomortin_MWrisme is st ill mutter of serious investigation. 1t seems. that there are DM lathadr.thillOd no less than four hundred Spritna I Kneckettr. 'ttaPPers,. Medninis, or 'Fou.Crackers, by which 'ever, aPlad . lation"yon tpait ph4ttio tn.disigttate.them ;, and that thetattersenshate, gle ~..unuttirmitts advice of, the ,spirits, calleita Alase. f ifeetipg,,fer "the inter, elimigetif-thenglit 01; tloh ajtaPpe.rs Protective-arid OcuOvoleittAtt7 ; - Frattithe Cabin adelieit brought by tha:Chsre:' kie; whfchieiri'ved herelitst evening ! , I- tears tht4 Myatt - alias bertithe. tkentre - :of a*cense( "OA; fiandnili.barharity:,-; thatl.Geaelal to:, • ' nes!, tvith 450 int u. suet:redid' in Ititithrig," . on the, CiihnkOartsi.alsent forty' miles front littvimei.rr. • . Aii..sitgagement satin afterwards: ttlett pro, in wbi .l o nine afithp !'epituialt troops were killed. •Bui.lne..ths Paler - ,han.ds die! • • Spa War &earner, tiateleroiregfra With.ltag. boat. Jo& of maned ....limeys-. on 'lnn-h.:iv.' a Dais:: 10.000 brudi:i..-rriTi7tarna' at ofLit.S.l 1,301 50 331 50 331 50 ( 1,636 00 MEM ' -,..-....... - - by .thentio'itakees,eh- ft‘ 'p nhaits or emek t ee .. fur this 6 4 1finent ,- 0 1- SinZin.enSli - %ss2 50 ft t s , tualdno• $lOO the - par..i , ntne of the steek... This leave d the ,Statement .of expenses .. as • bet% te , sfated. - * 1 " .41'..'. i *: . ' . . 4r . ' 'At' a' inc%eting of ,the itoceholders afore Said„ P r'si ' nt,- - 11ini .- Je O• s t i P , -: WIO.' 1,.' Post, - .,Wk Ward, David l'estasiumi l est, llenre:Drinkt:„ D.:Searle, S.'S. lilelfend 'And QTI. Watt . , Iti . nn dessPP and WnLi Ll'oseu'ere appoi nt. l,-ed h . conmittile -to ttrrr4e the Accounts'. awl ' litlividends and notes.6l th f ,...uompany.ond.repon .-- on Tue,,dav of time' next Week 22,(1 inst.-' A. -'. lit Teed that the stoek_ef the corntl a Ay be trans-. t ferred and stand as heretOfere in the nnmc of 1 4 Inn. Jessop ez.C9., 101,1 Ulm .JessuP be nu- rt thorised to tranifer stock; apart - the conditions s ' c. !and restri c ti o n s jheretoftle ,f itupokl,oll...lnnacn,.. ii . , Ct. 'Biddle. '.. '• ".- -- ' -: '•• - :1 !:='-;..- ': t."' - At.n meet ng' of the stoek holders . Ana. 25, 1;.1 1842 , p rein ,1: lost; Wiri: l4 :i4tip,. - E'S - 31uP . 17:: ford, D. Sea e, W,in. -Waird, 11 . - Drioker - - and II: . Wm. Post"; he . -shores 'or - C-. L: Arnrd find: i':; James t . rdd le, having been'Surrendehd, Ilia • . It amount.due I, :theta; :J. C. Iliddle $3613,90, - C. .-- L Ward $l5B 0......5'2270.0.ivas dividiidnmong . . the eight . othe ~ -notes-including no-se-given ' on the pn.cedi a page, waS Given as fellows;, ' cx n , a i m not oI. V ; DAM .1: j 3. :9, 1812 WM. ieSsup, - '-: 614!. :127 ..-: d o . I Daniel Searle, le - / 92 ' 37 do - f i ..ic:# 1 141477 -- ., ,!:,kiwi..„. e41, 1 ; - .'''". ,, ! a*ttltores, 1 .:',..84 OA? n , ltd, ..,..,........-,-_, 1 liforv: (4.:e.„:3; , '.1t5i.,,-- ,i-i.:1. - v5k4..; , . i f..!44.:4tr, ; fe*. ii 45.... kia ., i - . 1 iit t r.iiz ~,e - 4 i- os . frig!Viilnks. 1 alreillis: Spi rrii4e Um- 1 . etv„14.44. 4*( 7 • - 1 ienijakti, order— i 13,..WillsiOn bond.' 14011-'4c CO. •.. 7...4 .' 1,1 , 1 n ; ,.. • 1 •::•7•• 4',',, roil' aPo . , 1 •, .:.,t;..:,,-.o__ , 5 ,, ,6,,, f'lo4oo;lloltiettluient of i tiVOtk Olds . of e ? ' lZi d ijk l Ve, c't b ' l r or.: * O. iir,c4o,Ourrhao. • ' ''..iiiMlte fold of t t witr , Vir e.. . ~.. .MApt.g . ' a large i stek-2Vititt'o, which 1 itf..itie cticapest. I r OII PP ' . i r . -F.,- ntli ii iiiU—uU':iiu Jelreh on, oClee of L. 4. °lnce of T. P: Phelps; Millpt. oendr,ofnee f•fJ. A:Perrell; Arnold; Elmira, mt.:m.olmm, (1 Vac toriville; tt are of 11. a rles. terry Aurora ; at ord of IL& G, of P. 11.-prako . ; Cant:or. Ptore fiee of Nathaniel Eng Unfop. al Illnghorciton, °Mee orJa met; Sirl P. chirehM • Lannxbern%rf.ltt store or Ensign &Dean; liincot • 'AGYNTg.-11UCIal. , ;.1Icitii 'Day ford; Sataria.LurlnS A. S121;111. It sou; lt,nel'tester, Fairllnnks & Fk WigleiCorearon; Gowicst,il.Lawr &Sprague; Lodi; Dundee Lantlin; firsnn; E.O 'Norton; Marano, F. , stuti z 4lorseheals; Ferrell; ( nn111; Thnrman &bran! , Shepberil; Aurnrs.ll. & G. P. ,Mok Drat; Candor. S. Para zer; Mani flrratitermi, V. Churchill; !Attest:4lin p"sit,Ensign& Dean; Eanecnk,, Pa! Capt. James Si vrtor.rint end the businestl throt ne e atrl receive and 1111 nu 4rderg for Mttirif.ri es. Fruity Fish. OyAi whichifil -be bouy,lit at She lowevt wh New li;ork, and loroartled to any of tl Dettots• New Stage Arrangereac Bend. TTH: two Pally I.!tos of Stnrs fr Mbritrol , enillliellmftar , tease •Lf C. Smith in the Inimilliate ono At 4A. M. and G road irrilno from Now York, part to ,Ilontroge. n llall Imo therewith, to Sprinxrillo Tunkhanno another. vitt. ?i v1101.1;311, Ynetoryviii Prr,videnee and liyde Park to t-er, laelutclomr tho line of the Ledge' turning. the otago,lenreo Serailr throtigh the ni,ve place! , to Mnl jenre in time t remelt the Greet train. goine Enst. -Aloo,n Doily line lenees Smitl arrirhl rf the noon train from I Sumineraville,New 31ilfortl," daft.: threat Jr.n. 22-IESI. tOtli I Cetigiiino Stove & co MISCELLANEOUS tO I) TJAYDEN & Lin !, have . ariivcd. coral meat of Dry Goode, Gm Pip , Zinc, Naito, Glacl Drop' and illediaincO, 1 awl Ako a first rate- lot Rendy Made Clothinr,,,,of pools and Shoes, MAI alniost tisr Stc:Te: • ' • )101;AE, -, . 1 i tli'a nesboio', ' 1411,1 tiPsortment ol ;f4l car.l6 - ___, p int Wailiang; Mil' eiirpet and ilinittinz B, earpetl null Carp-t 1 n UmbrOlas,Japosed ardinre,&c.— ' I s 1 E. S' ~, cos,pt,., moh uci, dlrel,Coaatth,Caull,,r, Cur Gomel rutin: be, very possiple, tecl.to call and lebk!te o troduie of most n!l' for(goocis by . the 11: Now 111ilferri illav tot lONER Y. 1 ' 1 at itt all Owls • Lsebnn lierk and German) Ili• I tags, Mrtlitlil Roas. it - a;C: - Tlipse •n Taut 1 e gire us a call, es ae A T _ WARE. r ' , : i toves.P!pe. Elbows. HBiILIZITT ha? nor. ..leq.lon of Dry fizsottS, GoodP. Crap . Corli , iieilers straw- 1 - - - - • . , Silk 31an - iillas, P 6 agall. t - Osborn'. • . ' 1, ,, :ti , n1 _Bonnets; a brat FLOUR, . ,Itiblan; FforCrs antlfriraw, Eby I.lle ti sip; ~n 4 hares. for Man tiih, 0 x or th—also, 1 ( Tell!, Broad Ciotti. Fau.y 1 stionuer Cloths, t nrpet th; r l-4. MLA. • , Shoes. Painted sow : 4 11.1 - 4 !, &.c. with n large and gel - len : rs, and Santrosarsa..4 & NS' CLIANDLEit. CeAltery, Iron. af , CltridS, p, g 1850., , 6 c., all a which will Lc soh _ the moot reascnnble tcrxns, ii.ICWS.. produce wanted . Pocks in, r. wiCelp, Cash paid for Wtio:4-. .Low.wwfferrr2rM. W.rt , is , , hi 'friends and thepnha I WM: WIIITN, GF.O. P. 3105, NATHANIEL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers