. vot 4 ..".:.1;"4"‘f F • L .. '=" Settling Hama liens should be provided with good nests • to lay and set, in. Boies for instance-Six -1 teen inchei long and twelve wide..placed eituationsi secure tram - being disturbed. Throw ashes into - old boxes and seal then ii inside tend ' outside. with- boiling water. ' Maim* fine soft nest; and keep a - nest - egg : constantly - in.: 'Addleileggaiwo :or.-,three years Old, are the best fornest eggs. Eggs intended tO bohatetied a titust be taken este o nod handled easily,i_they" must be gathered every eveningin coldsreather, if they . are t exposed teintense told weather,' one- night they lose their vitality, though no externs I iojury, can be perceived. Imperfect eggs, either in size shape, of thickness of shell should be Ojected. From 12 to 16 may be given to a hen, according to her size, they should be.marked with a .eircular ink iiness that if other eggs should be laid in the brooding hens acct , they can be distill guished and nerved. -The 'brooding hen should net be disterlied by other heat ; if another Wen claims st-„share of the nest the intruded_ be aught and confined . few dayi. brood should not be prevented longer than the third eve ning after theybeep the nest. If a snow storm ecenrs duringthe brooding period, 'bens must be watched thit they do net leave the nest for, food and are pr evented by the now fOrri retatning to their nests in time' co prevent the eggs' from getting cold. irregularity in setting will addle the eggs for stint the young,.brood. A hen that bas failed to bate h her eggsor raise her brood on aceonnt- of irregularity should be, un eidered inceittpereerind -net ba permitted cp set again. , When. a -hen has featherd' ber nest hand remainvinrit in the - evening she should, be SetWiti; the requisite number, of eggs.lA good way to manage a hen that is to' catch her adroitly, bold her quiet,"fix Abe eggs in the nest put ber head under a wing senng.her tepidly in - circular motion for half a minute, replaeo her -on the nest quietilly, and with the (giddiness produced - by the circular motion her shyness will be' likely to-stay on her nest. In general eggs that are set early in the spring hatch well and early broods if cared Tor thritiOlis season_ they may be expec ted to thrive Amami:illy. ea the .abundance of the pasture that will be afforded by the trieust crop., -==Datlar'llteunpaper. Stralicberrlef saw as inquiry relative to the best mode ofeultivatingthe strawbcry. I have 'raised the strawberry for the r est fifteen years MA three - or , four different hinds. The best fiarord and the "best to bear is the Willie or Pine Apple Strawbery, so tilled With us: The time for setting out is in the month of August if it should no be too dry; if lo I should prefer setting out in the sPring:,. The, object- of-setting out in the fall is to.reap :some. benefit from them the coining year.; if set out in= the spring they will not bear until -the nest year. If you want to mince large _fruit plant there in zrills, about from twelve to sixteen' inches apart; --Chp the planers and keep them clean and-tiat nituittred and my word for largo fruiL. 'Another way I have tried which is less trouble; that is set oat as befiire mentioned bit ;Wend of clipping the runners let them' calch ; pull the woods froM among them and they will Cover the lround the first year, and for three years to come, and you bare ell the" berries that a common sized-family_ can make use of from it spot of ground fift een the: - Northern Ohio. ISSI. - - 11..1. Peach' , TreciL I tali in the - last number of the4' Dollar Venspaper,'.' an inquiry,for infommtion as to the pest mode of cultivating the peach trim iushe WestcriiBtates. lAm not now a cultliator in theirest but been, add think I can inforserhina. boar to prevent his trees'from dyingami hoi to bear fruit Wban yenngpmcb felons are planted out they should be arranged in quincunx order about tWenty-live feet apart thin is in or der-to-prevent the ?Digs of each &inflicting, and at the same time leaving a space around each tree about four inches, - I mean the hole inwhiclithe tree is set.should not he filled up by four inches to the top of the soil, -so that, it. May o3ntain water fur several .days after tlan fall of ruin. After your trees get to be low or. five:Months old get some of the stiffest aria blackest -branch mud that you can get - and - to:cach - tree Init a half bushel; this is to reirent the, cold from i having some* effect uponthe young roots. Then iriabout•atinntbafter serape off the tOicif the eartiotround the treeskell lime unslacle.dis much:the best. , Keep young trees : wet tritained-by always trimming them in the month of September when the sap is- waning -4--after ibis for every two monthsluu a 'Jeep furrow 'with a subsoil !dough from and " d - betWeedi each tree, And keep them all the = tiene cleaned out. This issiafficientsfortheir cultivation, ex cept raking'or _stirring them *ell around the ftiots -every Iwo of - Wee ',weds. If tints° directions= followed I think:lCan' safely roach for the -- id, growth ,ii! the trcis zukil,aploutifuliicl m d4frnit. . A. s: .c Carol* Co., ?MI : , • - • , • : irie6T.B - -Oti,llCo 4D Was- Tsx. Some filterti sltits 49 1 MIS among the ;first - trha introduced lime sari fertiliser an anftnnilig thee almost only farmerismaking efforts to procure it al though iit - etalaidetWe cost. Vo luirti to haul our lime *or*. twahre_to fifteen miles at n cost of 15,ettits per bushel. ' Within the two hist:viral 12!tre been OXperinletl• tin* with ProriMilitunM ; - and so far as: t relates tkf iniST wheat crop it has hid the_ battr - Ot:egeet- iere the wiled 'tr . one third letter, than where, limed •at tbu.rate of fifty bushes per . .: acre, aeabraptioined With4rod`suppyof bornz -yard mantre: - to Oilother'pOrtieu , - , • -List Tail _Putitliripooriteld to.wheat rig. port 4 winch i sowed a miasma -of go-, atmo anallAiiater awl nanotber. part added common; silt ardlijilliebalinea °fibs field sowed Orgilltelialtlatiiratiftrti4 4 131 - per' pastatevi*, , lto 'rato •*dos isatiU - * 04 4 ,44 toii v it:o4o, taie. eao-180.-- 140dhEM4,011 , A QUESTIOS POR DSIATIIItt 80011211 M —Suppose five owned a piece , of lank hair:- lug a , potion set apart fur piston . com mon, but each having a ptetit...rserrill, for his-own use -to - One man tweed a horse another* dog,iitother fl ck Of sieSe. another two , goata, and afigther his piece of land in meadow.. The goats _yeked together were trespaising mithe niedOw. ; The:horse was atimling in emenion adjoining the Mead. ourAt the ,foot of a high bank, on Abe top of which wen 3,, the goats. The dog was , sit.- ting on the road. The flock of geese trere passing in, with the gandei at their head, who in order-to drivethe dog away to thakrs room for his flock hisied The dog mistaking it fora human voice; rah - at, the goetg, who being, frightededi. immediately lied; and as they leaped elite bankjuniped ono on each aide of the horse standing below and there hung by the yolte.—Tbe horse, taking fright, ran with the gusts on his,back into a pond or water, and dreamed both himself and the , goats. Pro owner of the horse sued the owner of the goats fiir tiding his horse•iutothe pond of water; the owner. of the gnats tined the owner of the dog for frightening his grtts, and the owner of the dog sued the 'owner - of the - geese ; the owner of the goats sued the ownar of the horse for drowning his goats and the owner of the meadow sued the owner, of the goats for trityssa. Which of Oasis' perseila is .en titled to a verdict Y- • - At T IQI3 trt.— Mr Gibion, whose authen ticity as a historian 'has been folly Vouched far by the Rev Mr Millman, and so highly applauded by - the Albert Brines, of this city, in his eloquent and able lecture before the Historical Society ,of Pennsyr, niaja December; 1850—Gibbon mato, eo the autbority s tif, Pliny, -that the Emiteter Trojan - refused to incorporate a company et 150 firemen; for the age of the city of. Niett-, media; !Malmo be disliked all; assocatioris. Tiojan was not singular on-this point, fur the Greeks were equallyjealous of endowing associations with any portion of the sove reign porter, which in proFrortiori es it' was parted with; enfeebled goverment and clea ted combinatons inconsistent with thegeh cral welfare., few except Olasektl achO lora are aware of the aneient origin= of op position• to the power of cOrpongions, may disabuse , a common_ prejutLeo to state a fact in history, which must releiv Mr. Jef forson Inkd the Republicans "of the Uwited States of the burden of hi ing the anthers of this wholtale principle- The Emperors Trojan was contemporary with Pliny; and one of the most wise, humane,Mpderabe, and element of tte Winton Emporem and all who venerate antiquity in preferamice to moqernintellect. willipprociate a fact that goes so far to verify the remark of *celebra ted philosoperthatycii;modein iiietti exist whose prototype may not be found among the people or recurded in the annals' of an- ger Hon.. joel Poinsett, of South Carolina formeily Secretary of War. his written a letter to Col. D. McKay.. wthicili waslately read , ata public meeting 311 na ch, of That State, strenly, -counseling-, them againstAisuninn movements and ser ' Mate State aetion e ,The W.Ynch 'Oblerver believes it will I) . e . ..treated with filent con tempt. Verily... wham the Gods instil° destroy, theyfirst mike mad." Tut busband ef s beautiful wife, upon returning home was met by one of his 'E sping all &Miles chipping - bis bands and saying. "Ta, Mr. B—has been be's sucb a nice man—he kissed us -round, and mother too." gain liar -gattz. . _ vermeriv - tiles; -. Meow wereer.... All Pluladelphiabanks ,part,State,at Monis, Tailed Dank of 11. States 13?, " atCamden,Newark, Bank of Chester county par e, Elizabethtown ..andlimr Do orDacrfile. _ p at { _ Brimawlek. , x I Do Delaware cowarty do,' Susses : do I Do of Genchntown. do:Trenton Mug Company par Do erGettysteirg X' il;nlon, Dover - s I Do bfal3ddlabawnX -New Togko - • 110 otMontgomery eo. , par ' AU City banks , par Do_otNartbrunher'nd Albany City . x di 'Do of Pittsburg . X AlbanyEarbenge . - par Do of Snag. co. no tale Atbantle,Drooklyn,, do Carllslo 1X Atlas,Clyzner,'. -30 Clrareberaborg ..• 'Ai hank orAlbany • . .% Commbiabk&MM!lgeco. par • ... Aroortco ~ ; 44,d Doylestown . do " Brockport ,60 &Stem . _ do - " Buffalo' ,Clored Elie - ' /M " Commerce failed Excbaigo • X " ' Oletus , .: - ..d0 Eachan3r, 110 1 1 132 3 1 43 3 3i s< llrCelTtiflg - 30 Farm •,Iluchscounty par " N ow -b urg par Far. ic Drov., Mayne& •-' 31 4 . - Pawling .. par Farm., Lancaster.- ' Par " Boundent •• • do Parma's. Beading . av . - .. -' ITem'a N.:l:tailed Farm., Schuylkill co. do Ballston Springs " ai: Franklin- - - Xe,Drooklyn, • ' par Banishing. • . 3k Canal, Albany ' - -,- - 10 Tlonezdale h‘eAlattshli I - • . , pas Ulna:mar: •, .. Tareotamerelah Albany do Lancasterco. ; .do ' u • Oswego failed Lebanon . , do " - Bidfalo,cleattig Illerch../k Maniac. . -X Cattaraugns co. b. railed Xmas, Pottsville par City, Buffalo , - foiled Monongahela . _ X Dutchasocounty, Ptlo par West Branch , Par Eris celerity:.: .. 60 - Wyoming ' " Par Famitere', Malone clout , ' Tads - -., • ' - X' '• " • Warwick ,do Esztrr Note., 1 " ' Gaines ' ' do • Maine. • 41 ':' Seneca co. do c a w. • • - Farm & ThOY, FOlnCall par Mercantile ''' . - . 10 lattn., - Orange co. do wat b po k , _.... . .1 . 2 ,• ": Iludson ": ' . do 'All solvent tonal:a ` X "' Reim Tan , emend New ifintioishlini Ealtllltals'bit. ' . tailed /Walnut banks -• -lt int__ Slaoll. - Newburg • '::Far Vermont. ,' • - nods= Mow - : do 'All solvent banks N Kladerhook. ._<•• -- Sp Xinsemeh noetts. Kingston • . -do All solvent banks • .3g Lansing - bum •• -I --- ' • -.X iiillso se Manna: Lockport G. XTr ' g m; p ar Itsteltan- - - so-sale Xumfarre, Utter failed AU starent banks . it Siord l ” - Pooffbkoodo. • Par' Con neettent. 31- reh; & Met&-.Troi,: • X 13,144tiottlizak -. , X Moo. & l'OrOliAlso33r X' 03 .1', New Bares- C 0.. . -, - -..m Mahn* -.- • • - , 2 _,K, Contetticut,"Heidgepon „X N. F. Stan. Alleun . ;-- X ' Com. Ititernkg. o X Oswego . .SO DooSoTS.Vorwalk , -' ' „ X Paellos prooldin., par , San Midden_ ••, . .... --- - 4 X Peva. 334o4Stux ', - 'do Eirlingr -131331031 - , - X P0. 3 13 3 &00t030, • ' . 'par, Par farm 4 - 31. M. O. ,Si Borstort EOM% ,2. X. Ilartforli ___...- " `-' -''. 3‘ &motets 0010t37_. .. , :• X I tem, ma - tmoge - -- if St. looreme -' - f ailed I Jtotttats, .::___._ .----,._ - . X Staten Island ,• _ " : - Wed Atethanot, Xer. Sltdo , es: • -- :1' Sttfebt:o3X.X. - ...,'. tailed Morabants,•momgMb. ,: X Schenectady' =..: ' X , liferidstni : -, , '-. X TosoOrs. CM& • . •• ~ Tor idldditeet Co. - .- ', - "' =` ......3( ___,- • ' - ,4, lanareters -, - -',.- ' .., City ' • at . _ - _ . . . New Raven s lievltaTesi ?taw Soudan Norwich . . Meel36ns:effort!' QuinebstumNogwiab Sueloston _ Musim4l s latirldh - 201buldett. , rirdent34 l rinnitort Whalinatewletu,doo Wlndbui f " • Windh am _Pinar :Jersey. Burllegtca.ctrX , , _ texamerdkl — ~- P• - 4 --- =g i'al..apsee' -' :-;: ;-,r TX (himberlanil _- , --,, _Pa Salisbury ,- ,' --- , V PraluersorN-Yeasey- -,• db Milan , ..- : -I X persaftlloli.itaturai '-' Washhaturicioury ',-- ,, 1 - X palm..srgraervhsats .__ilo.Weetmlaster , 1.-, ' , l -ii , Neelawamßeralrartew ';:resleru - ••,.- -,- ..- 7-:- 361 .De Newark. _X .tharkrtitaaka :- - = ',ls bract6kateri4reatow ;Dist. COlNUNitokra• - NewarralogibisATo.- lto Alisarent•iwaki.- Morrisatatary-,- •;:,,-::- 1 ..,.;--pirstmia., -,• , • ,- . . • ....._ _ ...,, , ,•• .--, erebot-ltratualue,:-1,5• Prs'ijer,..eureagisok, ~, . uttutritanai,t,-r .:,. 4, 0 &gear , * 0016047 L .;: 01017 4 1 441 M, •''''. nif 11 44e1-41W7,; , ----;.*,.-- -41144141f1ea -.0) , ' „..- - - - 1.- -,• - ••• , , t'' •.- PaLsruptialleAlirrz f'.., 3, Wig ' 02E CY2MIA . -;.".e.."..,,,-...-....".,-...-... ,, e , '•MIMED WPM `TIIIIIIIIDAT INICIIMMO sir - .., _ -- • , 1-811,41-E. B. Chase __ -: . . ~, .1 - -Irmo, s son raorturroosi - TERlki t l DOLLAit AND slimy corm per , 5=0[14 cash in ' ranee;•or two dollars-if tin! pai ) until thei ended lean, or-time of sobSeription d . • No paper will tie discontinued omit arrearages 1 net inti 4. sneer.the, option of ihe Publishers. An eommoni4 ions musk be MT /VD to re- mint attention. , -, • -- --' ", • - : ' All letters' ectiniected 'wait the office. should ho , directed to LB,. 44 E. IL Oitassillontrase, Stun. Cp: . .P . ..', • 37 Itone office over 'SI.C. Tyler's Store. : • •-•, :i AMMO iDlIi ADVEUTISIAG. • - Oneampue, (12 Ones, or lees') 3bnerticillit - 8 100 -- - • Beth leatitegiresit insertion, - • ..2.5 One stOare, 8 months, - - • :. , . 5O ~ ,0,.. -, ts, 6 months, . • . . . .,., - .4 00 Mainers Csida, 4,lines,or leis,- 7-T -• .-'3 4 : 1 0 YearlyiAdvertiVernents;not Over 4 "striates • 7 03 One column , one year, r '• - - • 3J. 00 Yearli - AdVertilers will be F•stricted to the bu s:them is whieridrey are engaged.: • - . D The Publishers, haiing o• large assortinent of Job Printingllaterials, ate pr:pairi tti elrelllf all kinds-of JOB WOltlf. with' neatneei rind des , e i ,*.BLANKS of every description constantly In hand, or print: .1 moil:ler. . ,',. ~-• i '• _ . Za- JO if 11..11111110t;Ki •;. Alionlelnl” - I int 443-1117. Oak* On Tnruplkeistieet, ovettxtr 'es} or ttie .ntigister Priutag ,Orann, ,111. Tiapesi*LL, . AT-4'OllN EY ''AT - LAW, One I, Bea d:Pa.- Office with CO7. If.Lu „ . flAc Utz appalateil by 'Gm-Fish, or wYork ,as , LI. Cotamirstober dna :Attu.; t lute rz: , 4 , 1 and . 41tuovrtedgeineet int Devils nut t.!th..r ustrun)txtf. asM attend to business calls In !list esysei..y. silice at I fe at[ Bend, Pa- Stlt• dO, —ly Ii S. S. WIIIIIPIIIESTER, - .ATTORNEV AT.LAW,. Tunkhannock, ISVccir? Stizrk's Brick Role • . DR. G.' tit () cup Esc e tho bonoe formerly the residence,. Samuel. Guile. deceased: e• - • - Deoemtier IMO' • J. N. SCO T & CO. LIVERVAND,EXCII,ANGE STABLE PETER STEVENS, - and,. 4.; hai r da:"er-; carries on the innfiressta all its miens branches and on a. largo Fr cate, =Um .1d nand (dBialths,Barens and Avon.. E. 8.-& S. B. CREASE, ATTOZNZta': 1 - MONTROE. PA. (Offipe (mei Tyler's Store.) R.B. Cum.; S.B. Cittsr. .vanes ea tali Bathigandeltad7 rancin•aliaill one branehcsi due door *est or Wilson's Store. Bread Itolls,llntks, Glinretbread, Cookies. Crackers 'etc., kept eototaatli eat band at wholesale and retail. Aloe esryen elety of Candy, got up In the very beat style. Net 'fork no excepted. Pyrandda,in faetall kindr of Fancy Confection ey kept always Otibtuad at wholeeal• and retail. ". • 16TONSA SON. - DEALER au Dry GOMIS, Hardware, Crockery, I Tin War Groceries, Rooks, te. Also carries °tithe I . 'Rook Binding Buninexs: : ,Pittstie Avenue, Montrose, Pa. ' ' - Q. rn. SIMMONS, BOOT ARO SHOE MAKER & REPAIRER 4 3E8RVIBEI I'ILLU.II7. • SHAiItIG & HAIR DRESSING SALOON, Searle • Building next dooi to the Post Office, litontrosi. ul2tf -STE ' Mi-1111 1 ._ The im ensepmeer of Nteanr as applied to y. - - • Ono% Ima been, will be, :constantly employed fenrarding Nene; and Cheap Goodb to the New and Cheap a ore of Lake do Cato ~abere as.antimemosav im.founctan assortment.. at casts e sad varied; beantiltdodarable andebetrpr - Oar stocker D R . • . Cansirling ofa great varistrof every deediptinn. 200 yards of good orange and blue prints. at 841 per yard—al. so Plints °revery .ftlier Imaginable deserit4lon.eAnally beentlutand egaally ebeep. Bleached factory eioth ed per yard, Alpaceas 28 ets. per yard; ands variety of styles orPoplins; M..Delalner; Wooleablisals; blab nnes; Cloths; Vestinm.; cassimeres,all veil good, and gainsay cheap:. Also . c . tiroCeries, - aced Tess at 3 .4 and b shillings pes.lb—Candleits. ear—rialaratetslisir on and (lock Salt—salmon .Trant—insbart,a gmaerviarsorm.entof clamp Ureter , Hardware • Intbe ireateat *male abindanee, or at least only ex coated by our UM ancient of • 800 TS 4 SHOES, grid ' eh la 'totally nrortupassed, conaisting oPllen's and Bora Mammal ahoasoof proxy shape awl kise; India Eabbere; lair Oaken; Jenny Lind -Oa:tete; mad—and —aoll,anything else that la ran' usedas ah article o "'covering for the body." 'W CIFIIIII. - Any guanthyof Shoop pm Ls, Wool, Furs, Flannel, Oats; Corn, Wb. at, Butter and fEall• .N.71.-25131111ng0 paid rgood soaks. • • fw that 'with 'respect to prices ud invite our friends to do cc they or= have done. - Cs call and j dge for themselves. . • ' LAKE o',EATONII Cf..rWe wiU oat be underlaid in th:a market. • • darfiml; Oct. 25, 1850 -4itmt3. • w z. :t re 2tv ,- tslateu vritt. * superior i a tilleTt7;;in ;s p urt° one ti t gu a r c a e nd Mrs at prj esti beret*. , sunctuturardettn,this country. ' Oct. 1, 1850. • -• 1 4 A.AC 1.. PUNT & CU. - - Latest - trittal. - IT Inman' tiailast new *Da Suprtior rue sortmeut of Ladles Drerm Goods., Wit ter le DR am] :war* Ebavis and finds : *lssas *dap led teltheeraron. She .iztatt_destralitestylee nod prices. - slot rsn. - it . it PES' ttioileedbi the sabacribir. do,par C MDT. toLarer. Salt:. Broad Cloth. -Shoed iug, •13 sariag; Wadding', c., and ow be a •Ia alp I.ver of the h,-.us' via admit." =.- Iloatrarallopt,lo,lBsol. - • -- M.l :TYLER. • phij dal S 0e14...104 ths . olon para. WSntet"'" , JUU6ooparda flattioel; 7,060 Sheep Pellaptoparbleh the highest PriAo aria patain gooda ! ,- add GO& sold ampler ash or ready aoy,. , • ••• • • . : • D P. L ..13-IDOP & Co' WANTEE"4 O " I6 Iroilion Toturipl; 6,000 pr. goad pined wollenSeeks, any time beta,eentkia aml.the int 4kalotartileti tb e Lisitest prima wittlie paittirrileoas. •;-2n1y.9: , ; 3: LYON'S EON.:- 0i4a1;i1010 hal, tMercounit Tor tValterloy's had Maori 11. -f a tal*r_Vg# 3111! 21 Nornmictry,e lot ef the ...Bay :Ceti 'Shawls; 'Just re .ll etdred--stoo, Matinla34.Do Laimis anti Qingbamsfron talS ten 4 per yari • DKNTLEY EAD,. , X &usolventhanks' Nartiasult.. - Cumbcce• Fatmersadanialid Branther • X Pos.& Xse.h, ler4. .:::X . . Tetra Point— —. Frederick gatutti - Itaverde Roo- : Th4ed ,Merebeate---- , - --sto kninellan 1 h Apliapp.#,,with a variOy iil) ati rlmap nt aslNTSilled Ticks, DUO, and 4 h. U.orDreri 0004sgainairheapja: smA nowt:, oiei Shoes; Boot's,'sLoos. Critobvni es, Oil tHoths-i4.*.e. forsale br C: TYLER. en , 6-, 1(046 .ialasik Salt; Wei Sett in. iota 'Aatkekablektba beat laud op:atla, - :Intl Iron, by - '"- :..• '• ]'• , At: C. "I' . IL'WANTED 100 theihali tool White... Deans niid way IL-4121statoblairoula a s {~'~l~~sf~laaß LOLNI Qlath6 }{ U~►blE,T ' t'l~PtM ~ ,di7ido'Maileu~~t3~i ~,. TGIM CLL•!:' MDFThrtsadNlite)**!t*litt - A7latitni;Sailtt,l444. Butter ..betemiAst ,W lota Po44°lrt-C".".tvOititsnir Al*distvi -. etrowaneriwomea ndorsdev • &YOns * Son rrnliz,snatb!, Aso! Anti ilntba i ug-itsr;i .04.cogbibt • • PETER: DECKER, F.S!g. 31entrose„ Pennla. OlioPaver A, Baldwla • s Saddlery Sbor,,, MISCELLADFEO btli; LFATHEtt , . 12 (IA YDS. of that- - Ed.Drange and Diac,print Li111 1 1:joot. receivedood selinfr rapidly at • . j. • - - "-- --- •' ''..-LAKE 4. EATON'S.: -The, higfiest prices paid for all kinds of far,— ,' We are after 'a.m.?" . ' - , - . .4 -& .g. oovio Om assort;cetil /I 4 ''f°rd. , Novi 28 th i ,',50; r- - - ' cioirits weens JEWELRY & o. ..... „ ..•.... -.-Gr ; eat.:Bargams. ,• ~ .....„..., . •-. ;..„.-1-.CILNIFIIFILD would any jes.• : ! If .to sheathe:s of Montrose -.•---- ind vicinity, that he, %a gust re. ..,,.: :—....,, turned rem New York - with the ! `. s lancet, richest and heat selected : 2 ,ITC. - assortment of Ile la a ell eas "".' !,, c 4.uwe twos Silver! IYII r . es ' . A:2l t o ky: ,, - %C. cresbeforeoffered In Iling t ~.--, t '.e. . ...., . , Ireton.' The abase -geode were .-,..._.:-- : . • boughtfor cash,. and will be sold at the lowest prtee,mid ell artlees warranted as recom mended. N. a--I,artieularattention paid .to repulsing alltrinds of Witches and Jewelr y. . ' 1 .. .. - . . '• • 137. , C0art street,. nearly opposite the rhcents Hotel. ,- IlingbasetontOet.looBso. • . • ..L. OANPIELD. .. . - ,The Good Time Liias,Come Z• It= ittbumber has this day' returned from New York 1 with a large and well so.eot 4 assmtment of Good. to whilb he would call the attention erhie mend,. ak,v, • Ins hail the aleantage of M years experience In this vit• Inge, ho flatters himself that he welt understands the tastes an I wants of his patrons. - • Among his Mock wilt be (Ouzel upwards Of 40 different 'Weser' 110141 and Alver Lever and Leplue Watches; Gold rett,Pat. an I. On tradtsslns; Band Bracelet.. Bra and • Maeda; Pens anti Pednils,• nimble's, Spectacle., Belt. Gooks and Slides Watch Keys,- Loskete, Breast Pin.,Ylnaer Muer an d Rings. large assortment of Sffeer Spoops, Parks. Batter Cans. Napkin Wpm,. Thimbles. Pen-holders and erect:Lein.. • Also. an extensive - variety or Plated Ware. Tin: Callers. Cake Baskets, Candiestist.s. Frill ;lands. :imams:oA Tray., Toast Back.. ' , peon. and Forks.and a roll variety of Battery. Pansy trtiales.Cloake, ete. Thersts Gomla having been _reeled with greet rare. both sith reran to quality price ad Style. the suhaert• her is eortfldettt that It.- all !ere vatisfactlon to athieho may favor him; with their patronage • . •• • ~' tt.r.tATl J. 1WA143. Washin:tonAt. Itingtemten' Nov.:MM. . • . Lever , lwaiteli, - It , et .111 el k: ic•A as -.3itiesk.3 nechnnistit. - ,-- - , -,, , T. A- STVILETO:i (Pupil of •Litherland, the Paint s; -.see. and late with R. Itosltall, Ltrerpool.) elluiiNa lototniu. and in . llorver lotv ea WATCH MANTMACTUACIL. , PI mmpu-nee with nut:orient , ufluential, and earnest Folittittui me to romrt n in Montrose, I have con.ented. on condition tint I mast watt that ea tourtgement and alt proralithlch It Ightlit blinly constant stuls' and interest to merit. , - . In ad tinn to the )dosafoctnrin.r 1341,3rement,.7. A.S. undertrdra,Enetually tn IMPAIR every devenpVen of actoiraiNita.inal robloauft. Tictit :ding end other.intches; together with Allinntata 11 - cchan iiirn, however complex. The ilisnerecableJarrina so prnvalent in vpiral maxim:and to luiirly romp:oh:oil of.lhorougidy eratlicotcd, tuore par- I tirtnerly so in ilootical floatii., .It must lte_adiuittel that. iii connection iltli, and in adnitieu to thro - ntic.il linowinilice. or a apecolative ac nualtdance-it is indisuenribly riiq Illin hi the tatiZaill should be praisticalty familiar with the complox nature of that delicaiolv minute description of machinery referred{ o.— Tin= qballficati on. and this mob/. renders the artist coin pettut to ancoroptir..h with mathematical accuracy. . If itipmrds of forty yours' a...sid non • and practical per sereri4lo. to the construttioa of eariotis aPlirovei) n'inarn llTW3csfror the mate accurate menus or measurinv Time. in cat nine writ) tilli4u , spr,Vlsrells of Ant6mnt a um: ,in his bosaes`4lnn. together with thci litich patronage en -1 joved.preponderates in the scale of vino tifin approbation then a. A d.S. unostentittiously orAstiiiieie. he hos some pretenrintjk to the errand-hoe of ;those bonming him vnth the reran , . ends., - I 1 -1 1- -/ 01.1 , 11) , 1 3 window in the Druz out]. Vntioty , :torc of 11r. Abel Tart-tn. . i iMontroq. Markili fu- 1551 A0r~1%1% G 1172. litre been encouraged •by the try line^al pntronvb retched. tont up my ithop viLh the largest and ni.e.ortment g , ever yet iirnnizlit to this raarSet-0 In I t may ba.enid every.hinq lielen;ing to a Jewelry and fine" store, I F- 20V atche4. etnrery dexcrivtion- Inarnin7Fittil.iiirincand anintron Lacans, which at thin time is the li•st I.l . iint; in nee to: a goad and cheap liaht. You ran Cad them only nt TRUES. -- Mnntervi, ic , n 4 endmr"2o.:l3; o '. . N0t10 . 6 to Men; , Thas this day received nnother Invoice of English Patent Lever %Tattier , . per Atlantic. These Watches are frogi the manufacotry of Joseph Johnson. Liverpool,nuideespreesly to order for the subsmiber. with his name engraved on them, with especial referenee to thewants of Railroad Ants and others. wishing per fect time. They are in heavy silver eases, and will be eased in gold. away style and quality, to order. • I Ilinghamtou,Washington-st.-4? A. J. ETANS. MERCHANT'S. Gargling 011,Trask's Magneti (Dinh:gen t Cod Liver Oil,Tuwnaead'sSarsaparilla:Vanghh'tLi thoatriptie.?eheock'sflalsam.Swalm'4 Pacwea.all of. Dr. Jayne's ledicines,DaileysPainExtractor, PAO Miler, Dillow's Mace ' Cure. and most of the approved Patent „Medicines ofthe day; kept constantly on hand by BENTLEY & READ. • 200 Oz. silver ware. rONSISTING of TableeDessert Tea, Cream, llust4lrd, 1.1 and Salt Spoons; Sugar Shovels, Sugar Tonga, Table and Dessert Foras.Durter Huires,&e., warranted e4ual to e‘dis. • tEnrrared gratls.)by A. J. EVANS. sT77Pieces--ti 11',7rwconreni ! Ptlat g _cdoctlerr., Desert. Cream and Mustard Spoons, ball and Sugar Shov els. Forks &c., Engraved gratis, at L. CANFIELD'I.:: SILVER Spoon s.Forks and Hnivelorarran tett' the t 3 eat manufactured in America, at , Tlll7E' . rim - Etta of the 0 doz.; - 205. Clocks Is gone but menie or I the sante sort is on the way to True's Jewelry shop. .•W tches!Watches! (TOLD Iri4 ,' , zilver,Lever and Verdi:Lea full jeweled viral 1177 plain.a large assortment at - the very lowest prices and warranted. Binghamton, Oct. 14,1850. L. CANFIELD. The Richest cjELECTTO,tof Breastpins, Earrings and Yin rer Rings aver pfferod in ‘ Bingbamton, by A .I.!EVAES. TNTATCEIES and other jewelry in :quantities V V- to snit purchasers by - • W. D TDOWDDIDOL , -..cold_LoelLets.' • s CIIVILP.an;i Double of every - elle, by 0 Dlogtomeou.l !I. J. EVANS, traeblogeopee, some ery Fine --- atif:DIVAiCEES perfect time keepers. Also eitec: U Watches,all quantities, by A. J. EVAN'S'. - Gold - Chains. 10 (TIMM Th I rahlts, Specks, Fez and Pencil Capra e J atailauartmtntat .. • .L. CANFIELD'S, NEW _ARRIVALS ! Barritt ignr.f:alpirv.,tuonfuhlsus4lll:B, roeirgo nadol completoin Fancy and Staple • Dry Goods, Grocerir's, CrvekPry: ihrdwaro iron and YailP, !I•.ma nod ShOesi, Cooking: Pod. end shop atov. P, Duff4l,l Robes, !lats. Cops, dco loolndinglo particular, el urge' and spleud:d as gunmetal of • • ra TVailell ta f4,ora.V9 - • and Winter Long Shawls - 0 to allot which he arena invite the attentionor all who are wishing Goods of the beat les, and at peers that cannot bcb . -at for cash et produce of all kinds. inct rutin]: tVemb-n Seeks. Flann el. Pork, G. aln, &e. In any quantity. New UMW, N ov.1".1,850. . N. U.—hoarse and Western Salt, and Flom-kept con ntly s.O hater., ikLoithiti Gods in Aa itu• tA 2avl'Ta,,loo• rrillE 'subscriber is rerel ving heavy shipments.o", almort 1 every kind of Goods which Le is on , ling very clamp for the tewl jan. , Ile ru:d . tender hig warmest thanks to the ptiblie,so espmiady to those why have ifren liberal In • the hasten . - 'went o their patronage, aid who seem to feel and act; that. he Merchant need; big w.me tIDIV during this rt 7 lar.V. and:. he wtia:ti most reapertfully stake contiou. lauec ttwwfat ors; . • - U. C. TYLEit. • . Montrose, Nosteutell4, 1850 - • FALL GOODS. ISAAC L. POST `& CO. A 3 . trA,iu a r splendid lot of VA1X.1910048.7 A. — O r l-Cniint e twis^a.o find of the old 'stand almost any . . , , thirgt they tl , l4re fa:rp ntes. . „ rriXIE subSosiber is azuin reci,ilviug. a .tresh, supply - Pnll and Winter G0ad0.../78elcall'and Alpntrose; 0 et . 2S; MO _tea: anii they come:• Fait tack qraails NO; PVT *ti . . , , floNstrlNG part of tiy ta tr . Shawls; 'Ziapirs state 1.1 do-Merinos, Cashnieres,Drioluei. r4fis,Yetrerion no7•oler.r. iGlove.,,, comforters. thlen Y,Jgi rigs, the largest stock' y tar to be, feu uO. ides - „Cao M r ?offs Collars. Mltts.Vells, Whit.er,rtrls. tlarpet Bags,Flattneys, It 4: White, and'Plahls;llorielnartets. Itut'alo - Rebro steel Dells, W,10r,..410r5,.,P0w5 - , en 4 shoes, Ilardware, boo, NAlls.strel,Oroseriesafitiy deseriptiert-Croeltery, Mass Inge: saddlery: Oft Casaba, Carriage 0tt0:4120, - i* worth halls% at , Wets its ourfrier444 - girells a ctn. le!On/rOss. Tif.v.XBso% • t. ; r—Xk 'POST 4 - PO , , MEil , DATE. MEM TNE...4ierchatt't , Qiujiing 011, tors Irente Cure at Vete* Olatment. Daiiivßata Killer, Poufs fratfaefr.ofigite.b Rotel; Ditlley'rPaitlVil irgetabUttuititriptle,Sugspitkills,Dr.Nitelfdatallainer, Dr. Chrlitte'e Gslesnleftell4.o43nath , 1tab410,104 Dr.layneeMeilleineo' - •-.ectostaatlyan band, r-Rti bli ,ContStarctian(l);:earotti,ati • • ; -Udall:ale: • • - - ) 1,1;WEG813,; DRY GOODS :-.Lewr:lo6ods; thm , ;ite., DItARE, lee. - - Stoves,. Ware, and IPIPa. VEY Stone State. Air-Tight cooking stgvii; for Eli burning wood - or coal,tho best in nee. Rough end Ready double oven cooking stove _.. , Elevated:l_ - • , do - do " do do . . , , 'Premium .. ".- ' . : do do "I , - Victoria ,do • do 'do do Empire, State : , do •. do ', Clinton Air Tighi , - do' do' . .2n Sizes and kinds of Parlor Stoves for wood or 'ctial. • - [ .. . . .. 4,Sizen of 6plate Stov e.' , - Coal Mid Wood Stoves or shops, school house, ihe - /* et iu nee. - , . ' . -. Copper, brass, tin and i a stove ware. and A i •.i i, i in Run's. - English, niid . A, Stone:Tin. and Zinc tui ItiOoloz., or tit thf • gout/rose, Istov, L t2G, !SD.' nerian Stove; wn,',4e.: for onle by the Engle• Foundry Depot. Cu, • EAGL FOUNDRY! - -I .wdit Room in Lyous Chandler's Lung Building. , keenerul nPsortrivlit or Cooking, Parlor. ,Skop and .Coal Stoves, -Stove pipe, Elbows; Zinc, Sheet Iron, Copper, Brass,Wire, Bar Iron, _ .• Nail Rods, round St square _ - Cast Steel all sizes, • round 4- square • • . Iron. all sizes, . Side Hill - Green .Sivard, • , Excelsior, Genesee 4. WorsterPlows.Straw Cut , . • tr.s. Corn Shellers,SawArbors. Morticing Machines, Mill. Cranks, jalanee IVlteels, Pots, Disk Kettles, ders, Tea Kettles. Waffle Irons. Um brella Stands.pumps, Lead Pipe, , Shingle Machines, - , Scrapers, Sleigh Shoes, Jack Screws, 4-c. 4.c. , Ali hinds of C 03011713 On handier made to order idea, Tin, Capper and Sheet Iran Ware onliand or made to fader. , ,‘VrLSON & CO. Sloutros ;Nov: 5, 1550, , Stnve Depot. IT ntiltETIT hee jtat received a new etscrtraent of I Stow;, ineistd:w; ,the tilted 'approved k 1 0 ,19 or Air Tight and C.3m,nonli39.)itin,,Y. Owl 'Shop Stosee ~tedeommoi pipe, Sheet Iron. and Zinc, Rote Tnhes, &a. S;e., to which the attention °teas) , parches , 4.and the public is invited; and which will be sold at v ery law as ices. ter cash or approved 'credit September, Store. Tin. and Copper Ware. sub. , ..lrlbers have, just purchletl a Inca black of Stoves,.Tifi and Copper are, whie.l hey otFer to the public as cheap as the cbtapes!. D. IL LATH P.OP &.Co. 31outrose, Dec. 10, 1850. , The best STOVE out HE KeYstoue Sttite .Air-tight Cool:log Store initopfuctore a nd for sale by WILSON &CO NEN GOODS. . z.vcris etiANDLur., Montrose and Lanesbore, 11E now receiving a large and splendid assortment of .1 Grinds, which will be sold cheap for cash. Sheetinge, Skirting, Ticking, Bstliiv, Wadding, Dril lings, Cotton rind Woolen Tarn, Carpet and Knitting Yarn, Broadcloths and Cnstlincres, Carpets end Carpet Begs, Trunks. Black, Blue and Green Umbrella's, Jawed Ware, Cr.. ckery and Glass Ware, Hardware, ac.— GROCER! E S: Crashed, pulverised and N. O. Sugars, Coffee, 'Molassei, Black and Green Tess, Pork, Mackerel,Codilsti, Candles, spices, &c. BOOKS 4- STATIONERY. We are receiving a lirge implement of all kinds - facbe• Books.(Englisb, Latin, Preach, Greek and German) Ws, Mislaricl4 Miscellaneous Works, Medical Nooks. Cads, Tissue and Note Paper, ke.. ite. Those •n want of Books and Stationery vial please glvenait call, as we ntend sell cheap for cub. - STOVES AND IRON-WARE: Cooking, Parlor,Sbop and Coal Stores. Pipe, Elbows, Store Ware, Iron Serapera;Plotra, Corn shelters, straw tette a, Plow Points, etc., atlaneabote. ' PORE SALT 4. FLOUR,' by tbo bbl. or otherwise—Candles by,t_be box or lb—also Nails, OLass, Paints and. Oils. • • - SARSAPARILLA. Old Dr. 7aeob's,i. P Townsend's, and Sand'esarsa parida eentsper.bottle. - LYONS & cul.sinza. Montrose and 6 nesboro', N0v.7,1850. • • • , Blatchly's' lower rrOIE subscriber would nform his friends and the pub 1 lie. that he is now manufacturing the celebrated IlLivenOr PLows at the old stand of O. Yost. - Side Ilill. Non, Wayne CO, Living, ton county, and Skinners Eddy Plows and Castle:el on hand Repairing done on ohm notice. Raving made en arrangement with • Mt , el:deist; he is prepared to make and fit up most kinds of marl:aunty on short notices and-on reasonable terms. Montrose. February 17.1831. ' • ^ • HAL MILLS. PlON—English snd Swedes - , seam. hers. sultableo. I. Orag Teeth by - S. It SAYRE & CO A t, r o,i f g o eco r s r e h c azd ap eo m o t king arse, alto a geecturarna Dt4OrGYl9.—Ann,thamton.Mintrope.Skinners Eddy t and Mott andFoller'sPlougha and Castinp.eonstant- T on hand by S. U. SAYRE CO.& CLOTHING; BOOKS, BOOTS, &a Notice to the Public. New Seasonable Fall 'and Winter Goode at the Great One Price Store of . LEN VIEFII, Great Beside Ptt.. DEOS leave to take this opportunity of tendering his U sine, re thanks to his-friends and customers. for the ,yetterou. patronage they hare extended to him; and .4 the sometime inform them that he has just returned from Sew York with a very large and choice selection of Fancy and Staple ttry Goods. Also a fresh and erten. dveassortmentofGrceeties.Frovislons,hootsruidShoet, (fats and Cops. hardware , Crockery : Zee.. Drugs and Jedielmr. which will be sold for each and produce at a very small advance. at prices wlilch defy aldlompethlon. Fleur, Pork. Fisii:Salt. wholesale andretall.—Le wou.d vise remark that he a 'her, s ate. tly to the -yatern of al ways El mine the owes: prlceat first. thereby giving the 4ame adiantage to all who may favor him with their pat- .onage. Great Bend Clothing Store.' The tamest. best surf cheapest nesortment of Ready Made Blothinr .e.be ot Brest Rand. Pa.. Broad Inthe. 800 Stsituy'aesinter a and Yeetingt of all qualities onitable for the Fall and Winter Trade. which he afferent 4urb prieee SLR CO eatietyeny one that three; the place for them to dear in consequenee of the )seat inereaec of tde he has been °Witted to greatly enlargehla atonic r which he now offers to hie frfenda nd the public for ex.' 3lnitintion.conadent that in so doing they, wilt lind some thingto their advantage. Theseihaerlherhas made are , tangements to manufacture clothing in all Its .varfcms branches. end is now pneha: ed to coil the same. warrant ed to bear inspeetion. :Custom work and cutting done ,t th, latest atyle and ettorteitnotice.—all kiwis or tau. ore trirownzs fartdohedand for - sate. Bonet forget the spot. Store nearly oppodte the Mansion Home. Great Bend. Sept. +1850: ' • ' I.: S. LENTIErit. Boots & thoes! - AGOOD ateertment . hr Boots to Shoes , embricomp. 31ens tears, andruiell trots, oy's Soot'S and Shoes, Women's and 3,llases . , Clothing, ‘ . .. • - - • . - - -. . , ' - Embracing a mat refit ty of Overcoats, Sacks, Tweeds, he., a large variety of West* from As shillings upwards. and a good nsuirtrueut of Pants, Shirts, Drawers and 'Wrappers—CO° '' , - ' ' ' - . . & —.- BilknridFurllatr ; t o .Has sh, Fu Ca p e s r, idabeir, Cloth, andslns. ed cape; fall Willman, tor wen, bola and children. - Books - & Stati o nery. Scheel and ii.lineellaneouv , Bo.4zeiStaple. and -rotary Sta• itcnriy, fnicstandF, Penrackr, Pankniven, and a great variety of fancy articles ton nulacinus in'enarne rate,just received at Fl3l,l;En'9. •- Thrt door &hero Searle'n lintel.' ilontrnze. Prt. - 9-5,‘1839. - - Books 1,':::-Boblfal ~.. . . . A NEW' Eitiply_ , ..l . l3,irl(F just, rrte,lvt.d. 1 lieutling, rill 7° :i. • Ito.: kitt. , l3 , isfAiri - liii.'sove At •t•mr. _ At, - f; (+I Alt , - ' •• , 1 n;r•L'M ti. le,: Li i Icr a'n'd 11.7:1 - 1..rapei",- at t tip tati...,a trite, etpt.:s : " _ ---: ' '' :' -•- . - , .4. LVON;l:VS0:3: VITTON'SL:Mify Ervaia, Apostolicgaptism try'rAyleir, !My n:r Mexiciml IYarby Livormore,lfoek offi'orimp,'D'Airbbigne'effigrOry of am Reform . :ltion, °fr.-ere, . 3.-LYONS. Mf.tOra BOORS. - GENERALPs - nor,tenpl 'Schbtki . 3 sole or rOale by: LYONS - f - CLIANDLgrt. Montrime, - Nost.'s26i !-50. -Booti Shoes riEWof Oniatinuniea sip and calitli.oias and Isadie Alinanklittnen, and WlPES!,uh r st t tYret for. 4.11350." 4e and " ndow nsittoOd paitsAtitter _TT stamps itnilikstr4s l tivtli:exiipiskir;baskity ote? - . 5 4 11 1 3 1; ü bl V b r • , . , I,- . change if 110irs,ccm;mpulag ,J: 11 .1 1 r,7. RauPip°. isc Osiferiaii vinaPOtee t- ..:. : ~son - sc . iludsoti:f River. .ILIIZ Zs R -CO -A A. S.. LLauer Sonern'sDepotat ' Leaver Now.llork et 6 o'clock 39 rein. - -A.M. 7 o'clock. 30 Wm., , Ai NS I d. '.. SO min: . A.U. 3 .. •' 15 raln: ' ' - P.M. r l ra ..- 0 . - . 30 rain. - P. M. 5 ~... • 45 min. .- P.M. 1 - SUNDA It 4411 Air. re. • ,E Lease Suffern's - Depot. I Lccrce NeweYork 31 " .. r 0 o'clock 30min "•' A. 51: 113 o'clock ' P • r *Or on tboarricalof the Palo trains going East... ' VA'S Ket:%ti ft 'Tat at A NS. , .. - ' Leave Paterson at - Leave Ncup:Yordc. - 7 O'clotk.l3.ll.narket.st. -7 o'clids 30mIn.' "-- : A:5l ..• .. • Pat'ri Pep. 9 ' ... -30 " ,32 is 61; i. „ ta a . 44 .. , 14g dt p. 31. AS c. 3 ti 16 u.• ' I .. ~ Market.st. 5 "45 Z.- I..trri IDA If Aril AINA. Leave Paterson at I - Leare New-York at - ":orrclock A. 31 - Market-at. i 0 o'clock ,'. ••'A. M, ig •.. P. 31 . Parra Depot." 0 . !!• '. , , P. 31 N. R. On Arondaymornlngstbefirsttraln fromSuffcrn's will tease at 7 23 oda. or on the arriiiit or the Port Jere 'Ma 7 33 A. M.. and 5 45 o'clock P.M. trains. from N'ci cork. wilt not stop at any 4tatlan north of patepten,ixr ecpt Rock Road and 410h01.113.' Z • ' Ihe trains which teat! New Yak at, 7.1; A 31 and t 3 P m will be in time to.ineet the . Er' le trains, morning and Toning, going Weet, at Suffer= Depot • Angus! 22,1850: ' ' • 1 1 . 'ALBANY &BUFFALO) - New Yo.r,K•Si. Erie, Enyttga .quelianiin seneca and Cayuga Lakes!' • EVERYBOIiYIBI4ItKET LINE pr.p.ro,ore.olva FILEIG UT of all dull., at tile following points, ea. , Du3alB,'•ttatra, itttavis, Dergeti, Itothester, Caliendo us, Geneva. Dreslea, Ovid. Lodi; Dundee, Landing, Jet ersOn, Havana. Iddiport, florsetteads, Corrang, Elmira Factoryville, Spring Port, Iteddres ret'ry,,Aurco n, Itha ea, Candori Owego, thaion,'.lLughaaaton, Great Bend Lanesboro'i Deposit . and !lan cock, every day in the week tSunday,eteepted4and contrunewith regniarity throng out tites.:oson. They will attend to torwar.Ung the same } to the New York Market, waereit vrillreeeive the person.; al attention of oxpotienced salesmen, who odd attend to 4 the selling etthe sante; and return thdhroecedgin ltank -10:13 tutvlik at either of the above points, to the following ;tetanus: • Duffalo.S torehouse of Itenry Daw ; Attlea.Storehouse of ItenreSyford; Datavia,Storehonse othutins A.Smi lb, Bergen, Storehouse of Daniel McPherson; Itoebefie , Store of - Valeta:Les & Eldredge; Canairlagua, Office o Walter Corcoran ; G eneva. lAwrenee; Dresden Store house of lyiritneylt Mouell; told. Fergus on & Sprague Lodi; Dundee Lauding. Storehouse or T. Tuthill & Cr,. Jefferson, onire of B. 0. No ruin': on tht, [lnsane off:cent S. Phelps; Stu .! . Worse oeadr, offiee et J. AFerrell ;•Coreirg, ere ,dt•Win. J ' trnotd; C:rnira, storehoure or, Thm-w::, S t, gitrant Factoryville,,store of Charles ',II. : Redder' terlY: Aurora. store ot-ll.dt Morgan;lthaca,stos i P. It. Drake; Candor. store of 5. Daragr:tr; Owego, 0 flee of Nathaniel Ells ; Union, store of LI N. Wheeler, Dinehaniton. dike of James Sidle- Great Bend, o ff ice 0 !. Churchill; Lanesbern'. filler of F A: Ward; Depo'lt yore of Bunn &Dean; ilanceek, store of Allistrt iteeves. Binghamton, WM. WITITNEY, Dresden, °Ea. P. MINELL, do. NATRA.NIII BLl.ti. Owego • dOENTEL—tutfal ,, , Henry Dew ; Attica, Thomas Sy, font; Batavia, Laeins X, Smith ; Itter4en, Lanientr.Pher eon ; Itochoster, 'Fairbanks & C3Datvluguti, Waltertlorcomn• lutra, C.Liwrene - t , ; Goid. E'rguton Sprague; Lodi; Dundee r..zzatling, Tut1:11; & co.; ja. rerFon,-It. 0 Norton; Mr-ma, P. Phclps; ;lihpnrt ; J. llorseln , l ,, , J. A. Ferrell ; Wni• Elmira. Thunnao & In••h-ram ; C T•htpllerd; Aurora. it. k G. I.: Hor g an. Ithaca. P. If. Drake ; Oandor, S. itararer; Paton, C. N. Wllecl , ,r,• 0 rant Stead. P. Cline:hill; Laneshoro•, A. Ward: De posit,Ensign & Dean; tlaneosk, Alitton & Reeves.' setoerintend 'the nine throughout the whole and,re emir e and tlll all o nitre for Ftsbollyite , ,, Zee. reldehirill be bought at tbo loweitt wbotenle prim in New York, and forwarded to any or the above named Depots. .12—tf New Stage, Arrangement at Great "lac tlio Daily Lines of Stages from Great Thula tf.. Montrose will hereafter leave rho Railroad ,im e i o r C. C. Smith hi the hainediltte v.:deity of the Depot, a. fol. lows: At 4 A. M. and 6 P. M.; ow the eyriesl of the Dail read trains from Nsw York, passing through NeW Milftrd to Montrose. whence a Dail' line runs in es,nnesion therewith to Springville Took hannockand ITilicusbarre. another via. N cholson, ractoryville. 'Abington Centre, Providence and Ilydo Park teScrantonia, (these places being along the line of the Leggets Gap Rallretid.) De. turning, the stage leaves' Scrantonia at 4 A .11.4 passing. through the above places to Montrose, whence the Saes leave in time to reach the Great Dena Depot before, the trains going East. . Also, a Daily line leaves Smith's Railway Motel en the anima ••1 the noon train from the.Westf r Catbondale Ve..Stimmentrille,New Milford; flarford. Lenox and Dun. deg. TGEESDELL4 CO. Great Dend,lan. 5 tf . MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEWS 13110SCOPIi.. TIE. S. E. cnms, German Phyricinn,takes thirmeth- A , cal of informing his friendiand the pubic in general, Oral be bas located in thewillagr of OvngoiCounty of Tioga, and has established a permanent °Mee over E. B. Iluthurra store. and is ready to - attend to any baldness in the line of his profeseion.- • . • Rio eupertor method of arriving at a correct diagnosis in disease, and his ' tinparalellest snecers infreqg tha various diseases incidental to; the human syt more especially those of en acute, subacute, th rottle. e zi com- . pitested character, are ail that; necesrary for hi to of. fer to the invalids and disex.sed of every character I eau. tie him to the confidence of a dieeriminating public. For the benefit of:those unacquainted with his. method of practice he would say that ho describes disease by chemical and microscopical mania mien of the Urine. Parsons may send or bring their Urine in a clean-he least two nunceYvish the arse .iri the morning preferred, and as a record is keptof all the cases examined, the name and, age of the patient are also required. A o charge is made for examining a case where no medicine is taken. Ilia medicines um printipalli selected from the Vegeta ble Kingdom; and are administered according to the Ger man Botanic Practice. 1 • ,; " • - He would also add, thal he has at last_made an !vapor. ant dbleovery in relatiOlvt , , treating disiases of a mica. I,,us origin, or Gravel. This is a singthardejxwilion and may consist in erysta ine grains, of a etty bark feel, bat not diuluctlyvisible upon a close examination ; or it may consist in irregular shaped transparent - concregoes, sufficiently large to be readily distinguished by the eye, and denominated calculi. The preparation that he has Introduced capable of dissolving and holding in solution, =kittens, or laten- Mous runeretions. which is tbi,— source of irritation, and very oftcn extensive inflamatlOns of the Urinary organs, the ebyalloaing the same to,evcape. • • References can be bawl at hie Onkel tn perm, Hein in - all' the Western counties of the Sint ' cf Igen Trak, PennsylbOnia, 311ehIcan, &e., who had been. ten 'vp to die by the mast skillful Physicians. heariugot n, and Reeling. themselve• of his skill have been restort 'tn. wood health.. • The great German Remedy t r Female gib strtetionv. Worms. Croup and Dysentery. "may always by roan . nt the, Office' • i• ' D,9. E. (MAIN • n ISH. A I.4n.uti t —Tilit.tleiebritted Dr. C. if. !V /RA U H, riPne'esier of Astrology. A Stronorny. Phrenology and Geomaney. combined with CONJURATION, from rc,:- I o, *Mee No. 71 LOCCST Strew). Pbiladephia, oars Ids menices to the altiseres of Montrose. He battinen Mosulted by all thee, owned heads af, Ettrobe, and en joys a higher reputation. as an: Astiologcr thin anyone living. • Nathilties calculated according t. Oiomaney— Lsdles p.a. Gentlemen $5. Pi name eta distance can bars theh• nativitles drawn by sending the date of the day oftheir birth. Alt letters Montainiog the above fee edit receive immediate attention,Nativities sent to any part of the world written on durable raper ,• wattle it prepared to make use of his p. , iter fry conjnretlen on any of the following topicat—Conrtship, advice given for the snecessfulaccompllshment of a wealthy marriage, be has. the power to redeem s uch as are given to the use of the tattle; and for all easel: of haisrd. and for Ire recovery orstelen: or lost property. and, The purchasing of lottery tteketa Thou ends of the'abilve named cast abate been done in this city and Its vicinity and in the United States to 00111 satisfactlen of ail. 10,P00 Nativltav urillown osenpeshave been east during ithe : last, four year while here.• paten wlll answer env, purpase, end as well ei to cell in *person, and the'mall Ii now so sate that Pa soni aced hot fear to , trusemoney : through 'die Poi./ Oftlee. Dr. Unhitch racemes:lnm ItO to- /OOP letters monthly:and has timer nilst.l,l: eue; All letters will . eellgioutlyetteidett to if pre-paid.: - For particulars gall at the Democrat office and get an Astra:do:lnd Almanac, :7 71 f.octaitt it. abetiellighth Phdadelphla. ptirtkuler to mention the Post.ofilee. county and State. 11 9 1 Y - Saloon.': , A MERTI . PIAN . re3peatfO . I I) % I anns,urt cet to the: • thot:he.htt rymor ed-lus 01'04,0;7 and gel, Fn to Lis now buq,P,lip; poi earlir'il i iidt eh which It O Ivo fittg , l Vp,ln e , Rtyte ortoorpo!Asvd..lor. th.,...l,oroolutiotNn„oy those who L oaT thin c him desc;ring of ihnir. potrowe...r IllFtrattnr rnoto. , fia . gt‘ot;Otntrti nto.froetpis andeiti cant;, and in he lots furnisht fo - apprnprhoe stale, two roOeis tLe tlc6tratiodatloli of 18; No cdottp wilThiwalitlpg on the Tout of tlieToMPrieto: to to hells s:.i.loori iirenA'antit . PF6tt...''; " .• " • : • IVA , " _ : .. . ... . .-, rerft;nicry;fancy Sotip 45‘,C:: - ...', , . • ~ , rtirNCIT ita.iitttatiel.Ttihfc rx. tritet, Ma. , tinivir bil.toi. I, ,, lilcitrow l'oniti4e,lleatsi 0p,.• Thirty'l Ttleophfircruei rind other nigillgß for the hoito, Mil; tory Ishaying, Soap : . Walnut Ail do White Brire.4lmond Arid Susitaras Soap, kupetinsaititlyi , for the Toll eityto be (Anna et •' . - .•....., • Montroxi. OetObee 23,..15(41 -- .7;1.v:ills& soii. ______ _.... ._....._ ... . . . - doz. trnoten...66ekg; 20,0 1 )0 yds' , -. WMU bUt./.-"?'".Viannet; 31.000 • bushels - -o'stni. 6140 ' • --- s_ • - .. LIENIONne Sheep. Pettn, ony,giAtatlty .. o!Vitt. eon; Aye an d 11qt, s ,..i.iLeuitme d ig' reedy ed atittfir jp )(00 „," 3 ter ace. JOUNATONANEIrf• - .. - gheNele Meer/wean building ikbcdr• uzs • .11erford;Ott35;3866. ;,- a i r pace mot appositei, r, Vitosn'eCtei i pt.rj. rinm:- If, 81714 0. " identsiose6 0ct.:340.: • run warp; - r 7 113 id of tot f:* t in p TINE Ituno.ug BELL -4 tor Vor IlidiStoeltra 81 ' ER . -10 )4 CAS Pi" for by - mx; ri'YL • 'ty at — • I 'lroise' Dec.'13,1850. For ___ , - . NERVOUS DISEASES, !Ind of throe' Complaints which are 'caus ed' by an kw paired, weakened or unhealthy condition o 4 the ' NERVOUS SVSTE . - This beautiful and costienlent 'application of amino, tenons powers of GALVANISM and MAGNETISM, km been prouounced.by distinguished physic auk both to Europe and the United States, to be the el maws* medicinal discovery of the:Plge. - = ' lll 1 Dr. CITRISTIE99-GALVANICRELT ~ . . and • MAGNETIC VLIFED, 'is used with thirtnost peifect and cedilla ftlicsiali - 11 . . • cip3rEnAL :Strengthening the weakened body, giving tans Gras serious organs, and invngorating the entire erste= Ab. in, FITS, GELUIP, PARALYSIS and MIST, Eirtygp. MA or INDIGESTION,. RHEUSIA.TISSL 'ACUTE airy CHRONIC, GOUT. , EKLEPAY, LUMBAGO, DEAF. NESS.. NERVOUS' TREMORS. PALPITATION OF THE HEART, APOPLEXY, NEURALGIA, PAINS Is the.SIOE and CHEST, LIVER COMPLAINT. SPINAL COMPLAINT. and CURVATURE of the SPINE, ow COMPLAINT, DISEASES of the KIDNEYS, DEP. .CIENCY of NERVOUS and PHYSICAL 'ENERGY, sad all NERVOUS DISEASES, which complaints arise frog one shapie cause—namely, 1. Derangement or Mei Nervous System. wk. In NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, Drugs and h 441. eines increase the disease, for they weaken the yttrium, 'pies of the already prostrated system i while. under lase strengthening,llle.giving, vitalizing mOuence of OIL PaLlan t as applied by this beautiful and wonderful du 'ewers, the exhausted patient and weakened sufferer it irestated to fanner. healtt4 strength, elasticity and. rigor: The great peculiarity and excellence of Dr. CD/bile's Galvanic Curatives, consists in the fact that 'they arrest eat cure disease by outward application, in place of -the mutt mode of drag. ging, and physieking the patient till exhaTimed Nous sinks hopelessly under the infliction. . Tlwyetiwszthen the whole num, /vitalize the eirodo lion of the alood promote the tusetiens. astih lona is the eligatut injury under any eirei.euranesa Einee then introduction in the United States, only three years Kam more than,. '75- ' OOO Persons mcludiur, all ages, clasies and conditions, among ishiek. were a large number of ladies, who are peculiarly suttee to Nervous Complaints, have been 23kpa811tr'AND PERMANENTLY 0178 ED, wben,all hope of relief had been given up, and enty thing else been tried in ,valni TO illustrate the use. of the GALVANIC BELT, suppose the ease of a person afflicted with that bane Of Civilization. DYSPEPSIA, or any other Chronic or Nett one Disorder. In ordinary cues, stimulants ere takes, which. by their action on the nerves and muscles of It, stomaCk . afford icaspinvry retie; but which kale de . patient In a lower state; and with injured tactics, afar theuetion thus excited has ceased. Now to pare this . with the effect resulting from the applicationof theOSI, PANIC BELT. ; Take a Dyspeptic sufferer, even worst symptoms of en attack, and 'iamb. He th e Ea around the Body. using 4 10 M‘" . .Letlc Fund U ahead. In a short period i the 'W.' sensiblepersplration will set se the positive " c ement of ilia Belt, thereby catalog a Gal Canto' eirctiiaticin which will pau on to the mistime:4 :berme back again to the positive, thus keeping ups ew. iintuids Galvanic circulation throughout the spina Thus the most severe cues of DYSPEPSIA ate PTA MANENTLY CURED. A FEW DAYS IS MILT SUFFICIENT TO ERADICATE THE DISEASE Of PEARS. . . . „ ; -. CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS Of the most 'Undoubted -Ohnraettr t From all parts of the country could bo salting tofu over, column in this mea l AN 'EXTRAORDINARY , CASE, which Conclusively pores that "Valth stitifiger than Fiction," CIIIIE OP RUEURATIS34 suoxanus, ani DYSPEPEL - REV. DR. LANBLVA. CLERGYMAN of New Jersey, of dilitiniutshed elite! reputation SIDNZT, New Jettey, Jaly 12,1111. CR. A. IL Cnatatts—Dear Yon wish to bawd mo what hai been the insult In my own case, of the qq plication of THE GALVANIC DELT AND NECICLACt My' reply is as follows: - For about twenty years 1 had been suffering Mel Dyspepsia. Every year the symptoms became foal, nor could I obtain permanent relief .frow any canned medical treatment arluiteres Aboutfourreenyesimises in consequence of frequent exposure to the steadiesc the discharge of my pastoral duties; I became subject to a severe Chronic Rheumatism, which for year after pat caused me indescribable anguish. Farther: inthemen of '45 and '46, in consequence of preaching a gnit dal in my own and various other churches in this :sliml was attacked by the Bronchitis, whie.h.sOcm beams e severe as th require an imniediate suspension of my pe toral labors. My nervous _system war Wow Gerrit/A prostrated, and as my Bronc h itis became Wolle.llo SbOSN my Dyspepsia and Rheumatic affection-lthas mimes that these disorders were connected with each end through the medium of the Nervous System. la en whole phermacopreis there seemed. to be no meal agent which could reach and recuperate my MIMS' System ; every thing that I had tried pe for this yurpow bi completely failed. , At last I was led by my Duna tam amino your invent i ons , end (though with no very an gains hopes of their efficiency,) I determined ts try tls effect of the application of the GALVANIC BELT AND NECKLACE, with the :MAGNETIC FLUID. View in June,lsl6. Tana GALAS ASTONISHMSSIT, IR SRO ell/ ISTDISPSIRIA' IMP CONS .3 IN CIONIT bare WAS MILO TO MUCUS SIT PASTORAL LABORS, sea nivel mem OOP TKO A SINOLC SeRVICIL 03 ACCOUNT OF TUC SIIONCII/M1 AND sir RUCUSIATIC AITeCTION HAI MINIS/LT CUSID 11 CIVICS'.); SUL Such is the wonderful and happy SUSI of the expel. iment. '- - I have recommended the BELT end ;FLUID to mil who have been likewise - suffering from Neuralgia ti r o , !inns. They have tried them, yarns Marx! gum" SCLISSIP, i s LIRA% CASS. .• I am; dear sir, very respectfully yours. - ROBERT IV. LAIGIII • .DR.LCHRISTIVB GALVANIC: NECKLACE I. used for ell complaints effecting the Throat or fled such is Bronchitis, Inflammation of the Throat. D l ,. s e" s and Sick Headache, Dizziness of the Head. Nestrulla the. Face, Buzzing or, Roaring in the Ems, Minot • which is generally Nervous, nnethat.distrusiag ces plaint, called Tic Voloneux; DR. OHRISTIE'S GALVANIC BRACELETS Are found ofseast soil/ Ice in dues of Convulsions or Fib. o S lTh m e ° taf rnstipn i t%„aneLfeeninfura.irrrs:%srvz • Pa raly Isle, and all disease' canted bye deficiency of pro or Nervous - EaterklySirtllte limbs or other omens .4 go TIC Dolimm*. and:;firenralgia.. These dreadful and agonizing complaints are him diattiy,rdieva by the ap_p lication of the Ossvaste Btu, Wei. ACE and VLIIID.. who Belt diffuses the Mc -through the system ; the Necklace hai a local effect the Fluid acts directly upon the effected nerves. Maim distressing alictions the application NEVER FAILS. FITS. AND - CONVULSIONS. These alarming and terrible. coropleints ere slow caused derregerstssi of go Nrrres. • The Bari FLVIN will ears curly *Very C 4114 Want; how •young or. at. the patient, or bow contend the complaint Numerous and Words/ft prod% Ire possession of the proprietor. ' . 'llO- Many tiondred Certificates from all porta of 110 Country of the :moat' eallaOrdttutlT character 50 t. given; 0 required., 7 • . .• Wh. No-trouble or Inconvenience attends th• !on d DP. CHRiSTIE'S GALVANIC ARTICLEA and thei may', bo worn by the mat feeble and delicate, with pc; factCatand'ilfe. sn tY,.,;'lLL,Stney eases the senteinn ette : d: .ng the ir nee neenegfpnrase find aorta/4.: Thefts lbeaent to any part of the country. - • • _ . The Galvanic:telt, •' ' . ' Three Dollars The °caveat° Necklace, Two Dollars. The Galvanic Draceletai , One Dollar Eseb. The Biagi:let:lo : ,One Dollar. - , 03 4, The aniclei ate ittcon9anted byY full and pita directions_ Pamphlets with-WU particulate Per 6a of the taitiorizecageot - , PARTiCUILAR:,CAUTION s ett. #riiisl4 of Counteipitt aid Wettatess P;C..MOREHEAbOVI. 0 .1 . 431.t . ,411n1;,n0rjaT Fop, ?fig UNITED IMAM - ' 13 Braddway, NEW York& 'Y.& Agents for. Enatea.o4%
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers