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'., ,a s -.lta 76i• .i 1 ',- ~ ~-;•-7 • • 0' ~. _,-:'...-,;,, ••,..,,,, , • ••• •.' '' '''' ''' •-•• '' '' -,'-''','-'''' -,"1 rsi :•.1,.7,,". '-- I -2- , -. 7, -7• •• •'',..i-1 -, 1 1 . ,_• - th - titi - ;7; .- ;: -, :' ' 4".18 '•l:rf - .- i '''':: l' ''' " -....-) - 1. - !•1 ‘ 1 - :.;•j'it ...". Irl - t;; -- `1. - ....: .~ z rrl rr:::Y4 - .•-t.::: r.•::M,--- S CHASE, PROPRIETORS- TOIVYI , Fmm TuClErrmates Poems, just published -Iffr?l;g64arXlitt. aitTee. They &so sere who only r and and wait. • 111!oh:nee is rusting on the wall, • NO.:at:el crowns are wove, Strad every knightly - strain is hnsho'd 'ln castle, tamp an - il grove. :No manly breast 120 W (routs the spear, No strong arm waves the brand, riridicifellie rightful cause, `Or seay Opp, ecsic9is haMl. • - 'the minstrel's pligrininge has tensed,' Chiezitric slays ate 13'er, ' • And fiery Steads bear tnib!etnea To Ptilestiuu no mere. ''hat ba l ttle•field with.courag,o,now Shall ftoleut. Eniuds inspire? . I:pon vital *twilit, can youth devote. Ili 5111 yet hallowed file? • Must the bold heart ignobly pine -Far faint heroic Wife, And win l i no trophies to adorn This cold and fleeting life. 7 b there iin guerdon for the brave 7 No welfare' for the free? No wrong for calor to redreis For men no victory. . &all high and earnest pdrpose And Innis of tnighL-grucrizime T Clore° rote to warmed to life By Lore'P ennobling flatne ? Forbid it every pulse that !caps At Beatfty's kindling smile, Forbid it all the glowiugdreamv That youthful hearts beguile ! By the.cli.ar !pelf (tint moral!): weavta, By noontide's stirring glare, By the vast sea; the mighty woods, iod'inidnight's solemn air; By bep and misLant tones, lentS ar- tpi:Ll of 8,11,2:. th.:;.- I,i;eo ld cvr,:. !,,Ltian di:4 tie; By childhood's hope( UlneSS Ferrite, And tvoindn'x cherit.hed name, L-t not heroic slims yield Thcirleritag,o of fame !, It may no' more. Ira won in arms, And kniehthood's loyal toil', Nor :lourist f i, Ilarengo's grain, Upon a Wood-staini,d soil.' ' crill not IFa in warrior's tales, Or lay a trOaltadaur, - Nor ahall the scraof lade-loco lletarne iu eir.bk , :n more But in the 9nietade o t?tottght— Che divine retreat, 'nes Valor ow her garlands- twine, seamier And proailest scut.. . . Thiel I.:ha taint hisaely eau endure, Most cortically paretic, And Oisimmes tyrant bands ITuto thet'assivcs IT tras! ejoice in Beauty more than gain, Guard well tee dreams of puoth, And with devoted dunnage. live Crusaders fur the 'Truth e freednitt o/ the miirti maintain, Its sacredness revere, d elfin; to Honor's open path, As plaaets to their spheres; . "ho men no gage but that of Faith, Aud with ; undaunted brow, urn from the- wowhippers of gold,— These are 'the heroes now! , • Ifaely weitobinlnees they ettnd Upon Tinie a hoary steep, ad Glory's ilickedng beacon lights, For atoniag ages keep. no bravely live heroic men , A consecrated hand; . 7 . t0 them a tattle-field Tbwlea q s ° HQIY Land: IIIS I'Ni~i~~ :r1:t~~'~c! --- ° gt(lt"o. l .l' CT '4 . 62 tairf,tulg...v, writer in the'lkledical and Surgical Jour. recently gaCe utterance to the opinion that a week wds Often enough to bathe the lc body ford purposes of luxury and elem. - and that Linnet wom next the skin at casons was i : .Rroper. Mrs. Swisstelin. of tuni4y V . 4itor,philosophically ad witim. 'lv combats•this idea as follows: itbout flannel next the skin is, , ly, that wej wouht not wear it if all the, ors'now licmg should bring the authority I - who aru dead, and nada perspective ,title I .5 wisdom Of the college embryos, and all - D's. yet Ito he horn, and -condense it, in. prescriptio4 of a flannel envelope next the 7 would not we.' 1r it. e arpment . ivhielk these 31. D's use 'bathing the skin is covered by n a with oil, and this should not be removed; if theae Sahlns eere ilecluitornell to wash ' he; they, would know that cold water, 110 k:wasti off grease. The most deli. leaves and !low ers are all lueuhrated7 in wh.?t, the same way a human body 4s. are vurnivied with a' soft, unctions. mat PreyentWayt fromrattilig them, but old c N attrebiihes every. one of - .theta_ once tre:lty fo* - hours • keeps: thcin'itr the tight teU;hourE out of the twenty.four, t heeldee.:gi' . .iPa ti!ork,iltharPogli ,';let,/e!kirlg.:.se'l • toi occasionally,: The•old lady insist be.a - badl nurse, ors,ahe .!,/siuld•swatlte_the : ,lily r ,rope, find ~ violet,,itkred,tlstmel wr - appers, to pieServe;.!thol , oiliwhickis,fecretedihy,,theileha k ;Pti ~ glands; of:the sin i The nrgurrient ,;f ; th?., Alcdieal Sonntal holds,got4,l4gainst , lyAng 3 bla Ititt - g,: o' washing INlth pap, ,p,thr,. of,,theseytv4l - re L .; mote oil lwllielk l O u gl!C.tPrClPifk., - A. house! mifelnows.this by the. ,Fitbe.rinif .9f,Ple - 7)ciril on 'the hands , after. ,Wnsh, day., „Tb q .ItotWatercl Soup, and soda,,extraetstiM oily, covering froml the. skin,nndso with any;ene ,wita ; wash , s her .1 • Leo' mid hands Jrequentl3L,witllsonp„.. for t complexion is-quickty : spOilechtheokin gets; :khan], withered .100 k,.,. 4t is . a generat 7 1110...,;. m aonzstthouselteepers thatovaiting;,dishcs, ,is' t good, to preserve,. the ,lMnds .. : soft, and . ..;tyllitJ,, ', simply beeanse, the ,grease in,ihe.disli-watelq supplies, the plan:, of_the Jtatural oil., Chichi. 14 4 OXtr4qte4 from-the : 4in by ~ a Continual 1130 of soap and hot water;. hence the , yeiy proper , r : pr.teece . of greasing,..tite handsand putting ohl gloves : before doing ,lii . bed. „ Every. w 4 omen-l . I who cares_ to, preserve the uiefulnesscfl4ibili. I ty, and heautypf her. hands shonld•adoptthe practice. Th'ere are.uany very_ goodandi.pret-- ,ty toilette- prep :rations fur the . purpose, but.: . l any .greaie, without . salt efr e cts the , .. object, Fl..zvseed,oil is Perhaps.the best. No one who cares to preserve,,the health, and conseauently,, , the- beauty of the' skim should wasiz•with either sodp : or'w,arni water, unless in case of cutaneous eruptions, pimples;!, or the like; I.nit:cold water willreruove noth ing froin thq skin,Which ought to remain, ftub., l bim." ; witlt 0011.4 after its use, will , no rilore rub off the lucubrating oil than rubbitig finnit-i the with asilk handkerchief -will take.. alr the; varnish. Geridersen—A- I protra 4 cred--Asence" frets 'home prevented niy receiving your eafihmed favor !al the 27th ultimo; ntil a fetv days :since; and/ iseir.ollie earliest thernencof-Inieure my business enirigenients,have,allowed me to re • spond to your „ liatteri4iinsest. This* rensest: is the more-grateful, being' boupied with kind expressions of eotifidenw-4euse it proves that-the rekntless courso'of, calumny, which has been directed, agsinit me :for sometime , ;past, by .n portion .of the 'public- press lof this 4r.oisty, has fallen 'shert of the object of -it:s' 1 alders and abettors; and, that there are some,- at least, of the older 'and more prominent citi- , zoos of Bradferd who have not,beenn misled, into hasty and unjust conclusions against,one, who ,is comparatively a4trangcr amongsttliern. being averse- to contievcray of every - kjnd, and without the remotest • political, , aspirations affecting myseliPeisimally, I should most,s,ed: ulously .havo , abstaineci froth-undertaiiing in, this form, th discussion Of nu other political :question than the one to which )' 6 n' have call-' t.d my attention: tut I sinCciely enterfain.l i and here most Solerntaly aver, the belief, that 1 the course pursu'ed by many of the people of the Northern States;ht regaid'to - the quetion l of slarery; has placed our republic and:iis le. nous institutions in imminent , peril, ' and, it seems a' plain and positive duty; which all •of ai CliCe to each sanctified memory of the'lLial,' and every bri:,rhter hope of the future—to rally for the support of the Union, With whateVer ..s.trengt, li we may comMalid,' In this - vicul,,gentleMen, sClErer me' IA ! , iad, that I 1 4 . en, 3 , our, organization arid efforts,hig,h- - ly meritorious and pstriotic;;especiallyso,when We consider the extent to - which folly u:nii fa• - naticism have spread over tins distrilt, and the de:sPerate and Unscrupulous warfarei which' is waged against every individual, - u-hrf nun de sire tc stay 'their career, and abide by the wholesome emnprotnisescf ors. national com pact,' -- On ;the silbject of Slavery: on 'onl have been fortunate too, in calling out, and -.giving to the public at ?this crisis, a pape4 of such marked ability iota on - answerable redsoning;as the late'letter Of Col;SliShoirry,:to iiiiith'yon h ai - erefer l "onie as sP 6 akillfi-3 13 n* s * PntiinS4l upon the subject id which •it `, treats.l I sub,. scribe, most unreservedly, to' the eltreetnAss of the leading prineirdes of that letter ilia I apprehend 'that !the self- - elected political "!dicta torsof this 'Tegien. will content, thembelt'ss with some pitifid and . pesonal assaulte'ruPon :-its ,lather- rather th,n attack the impregnable positicin of the paper itielf. , At least, such .tt eourse Would best comport with their ability, and instincts, as well as with their established- practice with the past. , ~ -For obvious reasons, in what_l have now to say, I forberir any recurrencelo the points and principles so clearly and elaborately treated in, the letter before rue i and I pass by,ralso, on the present 6c:casino, the general question of African Slavery=-of its propriety, or otherwise, as it exists • in the Southera portiortof our 're, pUblic. There are some othersiews and facts eenneeted with the present agitation,' ;which according, to my humble apprebensiompre less widely., understood. jaw' app r eciated.thn.l2 they 1 deserve, em4get the, Ats'erie4n PeVle. 7it luy : be tilftt4 ,11111 unnecessarilyalarmed r -or, it maY it, 00 illatis TY,1 1 9 4 '. of the stlbieet) that the "mass of our people, either do net suf ,, , ficientlyileed 'the lessons of history,•or hare , not sufficiently t:Rhin , their view, all 'the facts and circumstances %%lid& ifinstrath teho are re -allythe prhae movers in this unhaPpy strife=- for whose benefit, Mainly, it, was begun—is continued; nod is iikOy to - t...i.4120f.0.. - For. I . cannot but 'persuade :n} self,- 'll' the greater iortiOrt - of those hOnest„,wairte:hCarieri, well-mein'rig men who bait been 'by almost limperceptible - degrees, dmtrn into the Meshes of abolitionism; through a,', bnity_adoplidn 'of "the doctrines of the i!..Proviso i lorthe delusive cry o£ "Free Soil"—conld pertelve theirpres: Mrt-COsr or Wirt=„Sorneideaolthotoor-lent real riositioni that they werenotonlytday kmous wnste which war occasiens'ii to lre in ing into;the schemes of A ' set.osl' hair : brained' I tamed by the exe pniiiitts 'of reat 'Britaln l'ana. ll esatletee,lnat also into these of a into: re -G 1 duilnesixty-fitv Years of •Wir in - Ivbkh sheerflti ViSt UOLS =MI to our sollok_conygry i l riabrea—they would ityfromlthe ground ;the, has been engaged in modern times: She to rowed in treVen Warsw ;:itleit:hottiiedAlie , ' h atftnnt n PeStilettei. -- .1t is PlainlF.TO: fis occupy; lean, .£B3-1,000,000. En the itaine:'lltne ,, rther.'lation.toi tbe , .' s .Pro!iso,l" that--the ,Southeio !raised by'taxes.ti,tB s 9,ooo,ooo thus frirulln,t, a. States resisted ritairpOdiat444ll/8:_n}14011 be I total expenditure of $?,i',982;1:30;0' 00islisr -- cur th - causeey deemed Itone.of kieri. es ofanove,.. ireney... - - This'enormostatun:lexidfrim thelments directed poritit.,4olr, 40witie, pea's 1 tastetrainedshitivrit of= abor,VrtruldhaVe , eim.--orld well+eillg.s4,bee4l44l.4l itkolupipies IStruotedi area ttrimiiithCglithe;Ahrtringittniellkss,..ol as tIY,AT3 44 , 44/.: , ;Pk._:ordi r i 8 25 , 0 fitt'Periliiii;:to:raise iitiotheiattell'itun . , Wince of 1787, in,. 5T 1 0 1 : 42 4.' 0 ) 4 ,4 4 ;:e ... /Y;3 I ,R -gni iVC;l:tkrrequirei taid sio i' , ,iter.t-clitt.Tie t icortb-Weg , tell/ 4f1it4,11) !CPO!. 4 0 ,,s 1 TPar 0 1 : being On-the globi'l ' ' -'''' ' "" '-' ''- ) zianY et . iti'faterfa;lcAs 110 1!ei.4'4 4 l'•° 4F€ 7l- .. , . Ilthne Journal, lest treekOn allur= ding to 1116 expected nrriral of Mr. - q'upper, j ."Tho'helo - ved author of Proverbial- PhilosO embarks' fo'r the cOuntryluritig.t)Ui Ares: eat mouth-4#, so says'a paragraph.; ....Thiar. :is a land where the men lcave the care of entirely to the ladies, andof course, the inforH Illation wafted in advance, is first as. Ao the 1 coming, favorite's personal apllearanife-; and manners. Mr. Tupper is too handseine' ever to have thought of dress eseeia as a Protection from the wen titer, or of maymers'.erreept i s they i folfoWed his feelings of their own accord lie is frank,uaturally carnestaindylainly dreisCd— Ithe typo of the best class of untitled • titglis- Mee of fortune.—lflie has a "fault whiCia is likely to offend, it is the never waiting fdr the. ink to dry upon his impulses—sending 4• neiv idea ulu'oad upon a 'mere OOmination,' . without wait rig bY the senate -. of after-tbenght-pelages - English'as:he possi ble can be and riMerlea - being more' Prenelt . . . than English,he Will probably see Mucli,W:thihis clear 'bright eves,which he will bluntly di a4_ prove. This, of course will run- an even elan e of making him very much liked or, very much dasliked—ds honesty is an intensive_ either' wad how our conntry , impresses a . ough Enolishsease,we shall know front hini 1 with trdthfulness.ofa daguerrentype. I "Mr. Tapper has a beautiful English home •••. a heaven of wife, children ,and ,comfort—and there is unusual certainty' of his leaving,. his heart altogether on the other side of the ivater.. I His books howeer have given so good an. idda, i of this probable absentee that.plerltaps - ibe dies will,not call hh:ia,hearticisWithout jt. I have seldom seen aman 7c.liked better; 6,00 ! bow be will Without rosy children on Idsluce,.a lorely and:thoughtful wife Sitthag, at:work lathe tabl e;bldarrnor.and, use Old tures hPagiPg on the Wails and ,conters' cragt med.witb,.oltects of art, and English comforts and eleg,aneiek-rwe,pannat safely predict. will ba cordially receicred,however.. ; The,p4b lie owes him a great, deaL(ea we .owe a . pint deal to cre.4„num who runs threads of golden thought through the 'dull : Woof of this,homespito' life of ours), 40the debt will bezpaid to .Mr., Wc doubt, not, by.. a large and c rd i hospitality," arid' N'aitire's• . God 'smiles alienthe ' nnioii that: is aiveetened by lore and . sanctioned :by 'ThesPhere • of our affection is enlarged atutOrirideasuria take , a wide More 'impurtant and respeetediuzung „Men. and existence itself 'is doubly efijOyed with this - bur softer self , . Misfortime loses half :its anguish beneath the . 'soothinginfinence of her stailes; ..Mid 'triumph becomes triumphant, vslien, : hared icjth her. Without her, what:fie: want and: restless beinr; driyeu at pleasure ,byromantie sPeculation, and' cheated into raiimj , :by - T.utile hopes;the mad victini of iiiitiiiii'eirPaisippioo the disappointed purStaii i cie ,!,.•itla her"he awakens te..aJrier( - -Mil& lows a path wider aria 'nobler tliaii the load to aggiMadizthnent. - -tliat more fr :grant. flovyens,.elidillimainated",* a . clearer light. I,_ . , . ... : - • .. : „..,,..yi.: ~ .., ..i., ....„..t -,„. ~,._;: ~ ... 7 t........ 1... :, . • .... . ..- ~..< :-. ..... , , .... :•,.. u.. , i 1.;., • ,- ,t ?, :1 , k.-, r. , ::......t;ii; 7.1;;,..,,,,;. ~,,, . f ,.; : ...., ; 1 - ~.,...., ~ 1 - ,, - . 7. . ~.,, ~,-.1, -, ,..iqi,;:1- i r . ,,,,,.yamt .i. ; '; i.. , .i.3...1.Vi ./ ff , "• , -11 , ,,i.";‘'......••;i?.'. ..f . .• •• ; 1 •',- l•-: •' -1 .4- ' - ' lit .tti1iz. 7 ....: ;A '7.:.':. , :t:r. 4 .; ' l6 - 1-, ::' ,7.0 :- r- .. ..,..! , ,111, 40, ,,T1,A1.71 . re.000", - ;-PrA.' II;fril ---3 .1 - 41 7 :737: 4 ., - ;:fili - < ' '' ''' Fi..•-•. ' ' t. 7 ' ~,r ? ' . ...h . 11 1 . ? , 4 5 : - . l•Ari - ?•III , P,T r ZI ~.'• are - 1 1 ; t i llt i ji , it5•11.4„1..fri.14.v" . --7 ,rjiti .-t iltEr.••• 1 8114 , irattakailMl''.--1 ~,iil,'•;7l-41''.42.1"t4),••• '..-,..1:0 ~ . : _ . : . • . t,:..c ir. ,;.,::,i,L .2; 7 ", ,L ..). ..7 . , i i 11 .., / , ' q i ,,, , r, „ ..;..t r ' 5. 1f_1i,T,...?! ..t. :1; 1 f . j r ; ... .. : 1 ...... 1 . 7e2; ..., • 7! , , ,„ .. .,- 1 ::•c", _, , „ -44 ,• ; •er . i . 1V,./. , ,r) "-*: ~....,,..7"..., 7.,.•.:5.iii mil. '.. 1 . ... ~,, ,- . 7 l:`ti, . 4 -,.A . .: r• - • - •.,-.,, ~....'•,z!!) ; (rail. t!.,,...71k o.isr,-.-o•:,lFT.etwll.:.o-..ilf<t?;t ~;1".0...ir-6.0.,-,3 - - - , T• ".•••-••,.." -, ..--1, ”--- --- - ..,... 0 ;,i 7 .,," '......_-'41,4;•••_;0-:,..0 ''- ''' .. 0 , 1 '• !- "..! . .,....-1,.....1. ,-... , -...-....-.4. , .......--4 , ...1-.....)-Jz- ) , -.. - -.1--...... , 4....-....,......-4--,e-444 , -- , ..... -•••••••.-........... 7 , --....- - t-4...........L4,...- -..-T,..1.-,.-' - r • -"'""-------.:. . - • ---.."-- . - 1.--. -- -777.-- 17, 7 :.g". - 0a .0 :.-- i• .... . .-_ J . :, V .., , ,,j? , , -' , . 7 :, , j ^ : -. .1 ,- I.l'..rr:2'i 'SW LI :' , : - .'..1% 'l' I . 60 . 0.q.rr.!! 0:1 F;:,;-! , •0 0 , Jt...10/ , A ''. I ' r ''' . -37 , 1 f4 . '.. .• n '',;:' l Z :', ,' l ''' j e , i, n , lEit - '.7-A , , -,., •- 1 f- -1.;....: ,1 1 , '''l C' • ': - -1 , .... - ,F i '' '• ',' !.• - 'i.,.. 4 ~. 0,- , -.;-;0.,1 i v; , ..,-.,,,,, tf ,, t 1 10,., it , ,-,,,, , ,!,, i,, ~.{• __.:d,,' , :-4-3,:f..,:q . 21., 1 -, ! ,--...,,,,, ....,,,,!.‘,:, „,,.1. :.. .,,i T __,!.... I , XONTROSE'-'l%w - TIIIIRSII.Iti , , -, APRIii 9 n ; 1851.. ' • ' ---- -..-f , l'T • '• ' 4 ' 1 -:it:OZZI F =•"'"`'` MEE ':--,- -i,.a7:4:5.,....-;l:Jc• i - tvortza<ignr,l, • , , ; : SiatiiirtittliAtmlfontCo, Pn.,, `' linuary 27th; 1851. - ' "ri `-• L.T,I it ii,Vii::,—Dcar:Slr,4‘l4ol'eloNt. :von .11crewith, a No. of the " Gsyn-u, Ga,r.t . • iccinEining the 'letter ofehl. Stith Salisbriry, eq" iths !!S t laTery, Quest_ op. ••• • us ettlelipsa s Aqr sehtitUoiitS":""Thb , rention, by.t.hingress,.on the. aubjslit.:.ef stsverS7, is, in' thdir.ngtisg.6 of thy" Glizette,7iiiittott able. .ll 1; 1 Wc; dos th fltheteltnportynt land people - this' 41111•cohralencalri•your Attachment tq theGdu-,, futitutichf aturddiratiOn to pophlarri7,llttiis • mil.u , zzainstthe fbw".—we 011. Ott: our. 0 .0 1 4 9 . 4 ! - 61 :‘, , e.:Onfd*, 9 4- ,;te . Pe interestingreply inafte'ra,jro'r mb,liqatioq;c - Reaiectfulij your-f!ieqs, , Rufus Th 4 ey,, i rlkdary Salisbuty,lVie. - S.•• Guthrie, - - Wu]. S,'Gr:de, F Leonard. , C , Athittec.- ••• • • - : •:•• 'rtnutr nt - tlie.titiatie4kita'te:thought itwanunt iaboiitien society, a branch Of the London:eon._ Oren stecientiy discussed); for dramas singlicteTaitAft—iriellifilliTtre.neiligFnmiwar,4 in'its lititnese'and effent s t:Avustot_puslied for , 4speeltitntietitinrerweilt.t or Wei ward Ward hi ratettrenenti6lef Sonthintr : Stateshii.pinittige4cifiler;s444 . /tKiit l iAr rdit e r . ,liereiiiiidellviithilesigkiffiiirisi tliefriinten, I etiet:qiit.ivein tlitiVtitAilt*O'd4fr+;4iimeei:'l nidprelnelitY;'clqtialltiikelfisli - iind'tli,iitartiki?. I ThrtileOfeA* . iliiil efnAtini;iitinieprilirSts of now ' '- ' ' 'lr -td Fe tI ' I ' a-4 '• ' : ._, z ) iig adilteS3 - „ - itiyfie . ",Eery 1 _nes I .l.lastind aeNpeete „._ n_creating zLparty in ' i ili:r:, ti . :!11) 1 -iil ... i , re i l Ft;ae.,a Idesirous-olli,‘in,* -- g"fre4ira..tiiih e c01 7, -1 "partisan er - selfisillni4es'ant'lleWa nt' oak i.oriitl pc.fiiie - ottife 'Fierielt - c oliini4.'' .. ~„ t " _ .-: ..iy- i .F . ,f:,„1 ~..,...tl-i. ~, 1„.,,.", dressage ili,i binilf everY.bellegC r itli-r9tik w t!K i l• lldt ,p e.l .*:' t•-- 001.4 -"tilya-n4Pgtiv!h""r, ine_LeS, nr.prniills44 `Os- ti1f4 , ... 11 a . ,.1,1:c4: 1 ').99 , nt- i d eiklaiDifilNgt;ricke4lttPliall'inlisirlt iiiiNt talnedifiy, 90. adniiintt'i? f . cidlfoi:l ifi , t,ti:e. l . to, culled Olfe t and took: tu Ao Londom,When binion,with;4.4eet'9llllcAt.utiop,Stl'iinPlotitOr- i this colereirik . agir-"itireiiiqeliehed England al, cer ta iti t y „ whi e il n eS* lo l" t Sr-l' 134Y?7,cnn `he was..., ll yrall.rritliFti . ft farthing inthe worliii never be planted in thef,,Wriforie4,.,',9lyinX lo „ -y44 , : , :ifihilitrltrlefile..anilediA7r ilaytic-owith t b e i r. , wal4 ofp c t i pt a ti'p*tp gli iij'4ltC3ll.-npt arms, ainniiihitior47anUattiial in abundanC,e, Aty'spdak, of ,any -, 010 'MaiOni,.".:ASity,4ier-sist, nut netiraily.commeticed4.lie -, 'firit , insuriictien then, ina further - coura , nfon agitation -ingairist .anfongst, the:blacks of:the, Islauill'AClailituni, Tone'sentlfera bre' thruvreherGi in , softdoilit,, , wlio:was auiletabeiriflito Suciety of Frientls, Year an3:' - otilg- jellify, thantlai iind , -betomiugi denied to the last. all--ngenty,orlairtieipathili identified, - Ws I liavi bel*el teininketi, - Aitli: a iiti theW., 4 ,F -0 1), ) ;;;PiFT,t ti... 11- qr - ThF Aniv4l Ini [ se t if - raring', lieiv EfigiMid tiindics, .' 'wile', iittkiotidunlitirti,,i*.;llp . .p.initionbt- ; Ms truth - upOii their timi;fbi4.-liuE the AvoilfLt-tiiels-lin oilliSlAl!enplir: t y,, F s tho . p.skurs s zfldelifoljowed t etiiintry,l of a il , cinleirul, :end blood-tliiidi. gu l .. i rt eyJu4i6 . 11 :77 :). civil „and Jserrt . ,_,Wait s t'istiereK . kiltifi Ir:001.)61T 1 - Du votiiicialit':The truth' viiOcnOnralltil'4,tplOrfiii4)9lltpg !uttrne;.t.y ; ;t l ,l thi;proiisititiii.? '"Exiirnin 'eirefiflly 'and 'Can,:l,% ol , l .ta , i i !at,NYrE c #?i, , I . l . l alsSerEA.t; Arivea I *i I ditir-the kacts.hichl iii!..re'Priiiii'le te'S'ubMit alto.. Island, , which - . 'etitineed. fur , thirty-one • to s your. ,e.onsideratmu, jand..afterwarils aeny,-:Yr,. a - e9t l st?#theatrn Pe: 1 ,',i,/nPlintrl.•* .strife_ 1 your,own convictions, I f you can. '' ' 1 ls ' t n . geti ra,e,i.?.tuld Pe.tt3" A:101 te4.: •Pii 3 .. i .e"7 - • It is no i v -, 14 . 3%1 ;_ ar ,„4.- ar a en - t-, -- ,' y , aii j - 4 , h a te , 1 pediment in African republie.misin, , ,nlii. 4 l, tns, since the first substantial ergaillintiotimnd es-. 1 ii9;qly, !)y..t!p9tlekr.,es,,ifFoi r pl : rid . into, n, spo.l - tablisinnent larthe:English EaSt.lndia Comm:, iiie;i• of iniiel: imPerial istn,itinst lie eery grpt' e ..l ny. i :In the year I69B;thitt Company nequired; 10, in its poliVcal results, to !!!!) ‘.., beli i „ , v e r s in I three :insignificant ratans Trom :One_ of thel-Afritian cipialityOhilifr,'Wilitesi--,:aid:-.!..fripan graridsons , of Aurengze;e; : o ,!ithe eastern 3 N)'re ; ca i ii i.f i ltS . , (l: ','n C'filitt 4 t9.9 l "serf - g.iir;e'rnqents.. of the gauges, occupying about three miles in , It 'hi, hfiWever,for r , it's readies' in another :point sitting: Those`. three villages have since griaWn I `Of : rieW that I' hat e` referred' to it here.' . : The into the great tity'of Calcutta;Avithiti, half a 1- Profitable product of indi ge":frOM:enii - en .. hiin. , -million:of inhabitants; dial Company, into one,of the Most: ,wealthy ling the year of the firat iniiiireiltiOnary oraluil - and powerful, mouopolie,s in the' worlil4.-sWay- i lition nryement, inidciwiticllgd..dewm, in less Mg, at times, - the commercial destinies ofall :,than five years 4fter,Wards, ,to tiro thousands Europe, and more frequently identified, in er:,Polindi ;, Mid her. other Staple ;products, in al cry important commercial movetnent, with thelli4ine:Portion. , Whiip . ,Bri4 East India,. in-: - .Bliklish:goverriment itself , Through , the "op.ith,at.smaie period, tild., swollen-, ber.,prodoe:t; &diens, or.rather machinations, of that .Com-Ilietnaonie four Inlndred thousand ponnds, in, pany, England Mts, froth time to time,iiimeitse i 1 7 89 3-to nearly. three millions :of, pounds, per possessions . iii - India.-:, A pint , ot these", she annum ; And, to thio'hour retains- ri , •moriormlY . wrested in warrfrom Portegal, - .:Heliaturi•and lof the indigo trade against allAhe - world:4 7 :- Fraece; but by far the largest liortiOn were ',, Thomas Clarkson was it titan '-of peftem. and as obtained (to use „the famibielringuage •of fone • l thare'said; I believe Ms . -denial of all 'Piirtioi., of the greatest of her own statesmen) - by nn" pathin in the‘bleollY'Scheiiik Of Oge't %Cl fiaiiik,i,!it i. r ithes , ) ,..jar A t e - a-A rea ti e s , :th aot t I . believe this denial more; because he'ivail not a . treachery and a t ,,,' s fiiiai l. ”. ,:a..Th e m' was ne t ', Member:Of the" English Ealt'lndiac,CeMpany, 'r (adds: Burke) # single= State, - prinee," ernotelf-lhht y ..ee ‘ he-'in'il l into llie ' Ifit ail l ,f ' Fwv . ti ll 11 „" 13 , t' fete,-with Which the Eaitindiii - CiimPM3y -mine et 00:Peri:Est.': Thus we i find sib° destruction idecintact -- that it . die_ivicicii ; - floe d . Aigic.:lolN - iiil.. - ?_.rfi,o_uo.7 ~;commenced b Y ' a prince . or‘State - , that cier : pcit 4truit id the:beggarly 3111/(l° ;'Ptted c. 4 1 4134 furnished with; Company, w w ho arnot utterly rained", !arms, ammunition, and money, inLoadonglive After lorig years Of 'setiret,, and" 'so'metimes I to' the East India 'Company a monopoly. ofthe niOwed, ce.epeintion; by the net of Parilitinent, rich trade in indigo... The breaking up of the • ' ofAdolist; issj, tbe "Lord President= of ' the,' sYstem of associated labor, (I like this express ' Council, the Lord_of the'Frivy'Scali the First sive Fourier Phrase,) in 'the' ;};rest Indies; is -Lord of the Treasury, the, prineipal Secretaries. rapidly . . giving to _that 'stone Company a menop, of State, andilmCliancellor of the Exchequer,ioly of the production of stir:tie r .. - I observe, by I were made ex 4 . 4* , :0 " CommisSioners of the ' an able'article in The Deinb. mere Rrrieiti-en , Affairs of India"—being, virtually a union of; the subjeet of the preSent eonditieri Of 'banal- I the:East India Company With_ the BritishGor;• ea; that the Production otitigar in that fertile ernment. It is worthy-of remark i an illetatra- , island, has'fallen ' - off since'' the emaneipationl tire of-the sincerity of English•professions on fact, near on 7fziltio7l` i::Ct. per 'onrivin;'althengh the-subject of slavery, that this act of Parliajit Marketable value., as all knew . hais''.greallY: went was passed on - the.. same .clity,.. , with that I increased, - ' Thiiil indeed prep:l : luta: . and hh.i providing:fin " . tii.'4oliii9t, 0 . ShiVery In the portan t fact,'in more respects ,thau . ape, , -The English West 'lndia Islands ;"4-o:iielt _obeli- fade: in , indigo, and, sugar -being thus lit a , non; howeier, in 'the 44th section of the . ' law,' great measurellseurcil, there;remains,but :ono i I is:declared" . riot fo.:estend tfi:arik of: the tern-:great interest to be added: to, theso..toi,rook e tort' in posseision of the iimt, Tadla'.'tetePan - Y, :English ifielioPoly rieli'VeYiideorittlitionitnd or to the f3nta,liii ofteylott and St. Ibeletur' Ito 'render English poirer eVerWhelriiing"Mid h.- When - all the facts and eireinnitanees , at- - re'sistibte refer to - the preductien cif '-eotton I tending theadopthin of these wo measures The ,b-outhem portion - of our ()Um beautiful! are carefully ieriithilied, no intelligent mind iind inigaificent nOuntry, and the' flist India can. fail to perceive that the breaking illy, of a l pea seslion,s'Of dreat lid tai n- n.'ire hilth,cliP : aille Profitatle 'system of associated . labor in the of prodneing, the r sanierichtaple eiiiiirimdities i Wrest-India islands; inder.,the . plausible "pie-'and for many years past hale:been 'rivals i s t i te - 40 - .if hunntnity,WaS ieally"the :work of the nlmiyl)Funciles of agricultUre. ".Iu the eultira.; East laili , i'Comp r any;for the roostselfishpun, non Alf iiniige, British .india i ha a -,already_. riu- Poles; It desired the of the West pe'rs . eded our. Southern States, asmell as Hay- , India eompetitiediin regard to sugar."' The ti; mid in regard to. the. production of lice, I faith- and baleful:philanthropy of A.b:ilitionfsmi sugar, and tohneeti, a despemte , struggle for a I W all incendiary agencies ! were- set at similar mastery has been in progrels Tor some, work, 'Mid - after' elong and"SOTti - Stitggle r time. I have never believed in' English pro lasting for years; and ' after,. torn:ling ' a 'closer fe a slim s ' o f f ree trade: - b on a& m y views in re union wit E nglish oternme e• East g4rd to `the tanffhave not kept pace with these . . m - - Then „India Monpolists Wentr Out of many Of my Democratie 'friends; ththigh I. tliroo6 - . .n - the wb r l4, that falsest 'of nll Dalin, subscribe iffthe ablii4eelo :. the - deetria6 "i 4. 4- cal , to: - Eiioitli• flu:. notAntvliti2tiOlfity triiiii,..'ag welt he iii lila.; manity the . atibreviation .01:. slavery hi" her - 'Col: "reri.-,' fin the. part of the national Cot 1 Onial" riii - siontil Aye - e(1 1 ili `r -' i` d ~ir- . 1 - - d - '6 , -''' '':f A . .„, - u o - etlflilsebeodisSucli pretension, ' For, hit the, ,of the &A top inaiinfacture,idEnglish ., is, bel . liiiteiy"oPliat struggle" : be" trazed; fiat° by yiqui .;11 question, - tho iripitlextraordinafrphe 7 page; iiertt mize he t, ate i thollrittsh par-, nemenon inllie,histary.„of human industry,., It *meet' irpOn the ithect,_ entitle protracted, now, Amounts tq neat- two hundredmillions of ; ContrCliere,y in regard to duties' an sig.! be, dollars yeariy t ,and subsist-S.llot lens than , ono ttieelithe"East and Weat. IndiaprOPileters--'. and, a late:milieu . ,if- peciplc. ,- Well, might in,eonneetiod with the' collateralnimetnents . ono. other •stiteilmod Aightlfie.intly declare, that: of theyrOniinent abolitioniatiif that'perind—rthcisubsistense of such atatunber of persons, liia . llll,Ti F i-ii - e. dull of rlPPßlieb B len, - lini4d, onglitl not to • be:-endangered- , upon alight I Whedees'not . Pere:eh- s e; thathi'#il . this Matter grounds.". ''The export : S . - of 'cotton , rntuirifir..l 'or neeoenfanelpation,tnikna onli`saified acresfront that country ittik'neiv,'Und fors - otne i the . Zeiser hileilis - t ka diCiTea - kt libe prolperiti yenri . have' beeti,nearly equal 16 :. - orie-liiiir lam of her limited possessions idtho ' ‘ Wea - Indlei eiporta " -- Of ire4' s kifick' . : - . Thitij , tire really the to' tiffif of bei-tinliinifed'doMAine in Asia. Nor iiiiop.il Cleiriept. ii i3o4fii!iiiii: her :. present does bistoryplace . this truth In 'alai etearer'iVide=inrearlentinneiee„ Prii;iiOns„te the ., 'Year [light; than &fel if anothericqinlly startling and '1796; the ,StateS did supply: the significant, (in the view I am noir- seeking' tn . English: Wiihfialf!f s ddien - b:aleti cif cotlen ' iv: . present,) Hayti i`ear'siterific;rj at arm carliei ' 'th4- ,, )1 . n0,0 ,.r 1:'4 i 40idau - ship, 1 day,'bilhe'iinie agency,' und'farilfeearne un blvingsight bag: ntter4lsS.le44lltliv ihallowed purposes of, modopplyaid-tbifit!;Aic9) by, thtiloia9(9ui!c9 , t because.: it liit i f'lit-1789 ; 31 %' rt-eißelon g in gg ii gol•Ai&net beie!ett444ll444XPQ4ltP3l6l * FraficeiltitYenlkitll4 i o"ind ielce:t . iiroduce4.ltrol,l die„ Southern, not !colony, bet p ro4ue 4 an clii i6rtit pdrifldi7lfutnishilar4neliehzonAtPPtic ;ftlele49ilr6-iigai‘ina taiod-thirEiiii:-)s,q2ei,,t— -rodtiointiy,ll,l,6thedomoia tit pounds : anPnallyv,lillte intheworld. • Mark the.immelatifi actions 4 xportio that aburitryiiwpotte,' 140 yar t is riifihaf-416'!*iis'i.it):169!8S' Y ' V buids . 0 statedlo:loryir bienft,tB4oo , boe3V dr 4flut 5ugar;.76,835,218 - pounds' 'itit 'eelfe l el - 14 ibnqrandiedinalwelve4aillionftllfuvrOs4r -70P4404-414:,t14444?,;,,i1Tii * - 4:the PM' 41Vitithli : iilmii#t" kopwletplioeisanice-mptin 1 fir vbipti§*arAr 1 e .0 0 _ °, 4 1 4 4 t1TTi,P 54 0, ; (4110 , e .-11,h6algtiairof " 0110. 'Otib'e"PritiefParitf l i Off fr0g0,„1,0i140040.45i kojiitt!foßptp-W, tneptl ot-bg natiettal.prosperitWohielfltain#: Frincla-neetle. vith-ibe - sFirlt kr jibrr , . t Ail '4 1 0: ; , , , iaiiikald tii , raa6 - oftfirittO 'Bfatel: il rr- 4 4,111.•,:itr- rib iI:I •., 7,„ MEM= ..., ,L. . .t..., i j,J.A.,/ . . ~ I, /.., ... ' '''''' '' ' ' '....' .."' '.4.• • - •-. - - Am .I.tunl i,eektaul 1 , 0 ,, ren I° nerY, poveiithp vreor , ? I ;`' freP Is, °ll, -_al?d, vulatostlng. the 4a g i ic v * ( i f f o : r : v e4'V l lnt: tk ii ft' 3 NAT t i incltin-9 'let tiLi g he r'b T !lv;":an a tribe otia;liti- o o l i kt4" - „frthst it "P ecie9 ;ls a l,'; tn .7 l , cri44 , ITir ' d • IF4 litiet4TerePilltlin; thin AniiffatiOnal Cos. dont': it ll'untbei . °l . tinb°rate 31 f:4n ' l,wellti,tution-! , _l-lep, i& apriio;t' to - konie t ie di a . 'Weii,p' r bsrdd ni - 4 'puled. 'l4 ' agents (ing l eera feriae Oor o le." - * bie ' , Pe P /MY th 1 • .7 deo i ~. -1. 1, , 4.. „,..n. 1 . -‘. ... ... cr. employees of tilt I:, ast in i.i. tompapy, at feet; la' nrothey, anct,to pot tressonetrieF Opp°. &refit times. attemiltin,g ii igAl. "that' ii - wasltrti?o `to otir_goyeri k i n ifl a ' s ;d ii,;:i t il i g,:i t l i niinicessiary for the, Englirh - i.. , otton VianufaclglO!fOusF i nio_r z t "Ag r i, - , ts,:iid ne -altl4wh io. 't i ntea to • iil,c` urn` the pitted Staie's ftie tlicir4our elaye:pcipiilstiola*to rf e i l '4 4 l , : f k ti t'A er t h e i r soPPllF ' s rl6 rihr ru w mati . ;7l'4l l : 4 .! it-I .! '# ``` . i4'°3`l°7ll' maskfir' ' 'Tirt : ltin i, i bii la ciith a l ieitelt , iqnCe, ei r e.4ekal 'perkfuris were 'openly , en)playcaiana our, whoi,toat p , e leii l l'i iii, ty ‘ the.:Engish goven . imeni: • at a tuff txpeii?luar,,w e ac - §, s ,, e ar lr ioi w i i i : crime I , Thus to go ,out - flota 'this euniitt'v fo !Mita, u itli'all Jar; I rejoice foe titi-liondr 41 Mir co - - the Arderlesn improvemenr; iff se&litig, and 'name,:ind country thit tii - l - foisl - 'I . l'4l r ~- - i _ m minnery for preparing eutlon. LlllOulent • slati ti' vett.fov toPPer,ter,sOr apologists.' - : have isinei Nen'going im, 'not only in Iniiii,l "-I do not mean to neetile th . glisil ti a st In i fi a , but also In New llollsnd. in Al the fotnyi tilt it OtOluEtfy,;4l,!te insane folly of bidievih il On hope (mutt/otter, or_ ssionre indicate. : 110 wl even .a ,disaolution of the; litilOn:wo - tild free & - u•`s._.: le RAnuls44 l e- lugill at?a ft''‘Y 'ailigli lave.. T it cY, knew w ltil:o r noUtlit tin ,t ,,,,, uks ,i nc „ .. ., , I, l, 4l, ol di gn i i i es o f th e ij i iit e dl the'elaves in • Jamalea, - tor years OULnlnnbeinii ) IFinfitiOni, tha flax ovuld be nulde a successful , then' 'haste' tI ton to one iret en; irhiW W i ens Ishilstheta. : Well: let Alm mtlent institatiSs rahrrY 4 htle, sPeetilly,to arrest nrdhjitirtn l tn'ea Igi our ?t3tiiNxern • States :he. Ibroken. up; or,illukit is not,thorelaves, ilititlikttifigiitteSiiietk bring taicnit--(l'or that I* Ole 'utniest ' , that ein , cam ro . r;:in seaptr. If thou nic;i; itadVilities be-acfilovial in this respee =-Kt) disruption< Of 1 l'ee - ii running se . esti,...fh e y ri di t , y et i:i e . /lir ,. lour gltnietedufed.;riev, and whO-6. 4 6. doott ently,Le - diricted to' the op - pit:se:a sia ; 1 t a i,,,., but. that tretit BritAin VvOuld *Mitt stviire to ilia pee'pleiof Ireland i'..--tto the the tottul4 dail .0•„ , a y Tier` colonie.sln Asia's' ttio,hopoly of the "cotton: perishing, soul and body, - In their °int Oen. trade l' le is tikti the Multopollsts of that enun-1 C l ' ollllo4 l mitins ' stUi Matittfacterles ; to ihe try are aiu;ing at. Thirsting for god mio'oni.icounttess' soittiona 'ofalmiei, wild gha I the In icasal clitninion—Tha‘itig af command all the [tartish beneath "ErtglishOtatio l y tn & ) lie . b r, ,- 0 ., 1 1,4%,"0rt di es , ond nih e l p powa `of the lif tlieir min Victims ire s be' nee& .'ll ie t i . • LAi r i Britibit govvntnent---what may not, be fe.led ,notico—there are 'the white ,aeifs t:lf itusia. [ r 4 th e i r J ri ne,? la the act. of ,Parliament 'of 1 Au4trla and l'olalid, rind the alivis of:Turkey. 1838,.(to•uhlidi lit...ve referred) li...the .35th 1 Why was n'a Tl;Onmscin ifent,to preach UNA.- section; there is a provistoni for " a secret com. tiofl to 4 . eme of those cantitrimOi'sfead of Mittee who. shall MN sot i.e'h qf sects*" 'l7n- 3 1ass'aehusetis'l Or whY did not an • oth'ir tulle& j questionably, tluTy bat a alsOtheir Li secret ser-;•l l ritiA emissaii, Sfr: Elliott, sPoid - . Us Bsin'ous vice Aire," Maple in amotnit, connected with!" whiti hat", in sonti Chiental region instead lie nioro than r efittfnutlmillY tl:hi!.'h it" h!fill s F 'leltrl? The ,11 anmier fo`litid in one sliort. • i glie l n to th 1,0 n 1.9 e eniansgiellOi for 46 ' 42 wet — Cerzeu•• The - N . e‘ 4 l 4 ).rk 2- s 4 iMe - insf 1 pirs of Indi a ; styk r in all human' plohalbility, its kindred brood of agitatlira,roll up their thsb - urning agar of the I,endon anti-slaseqlithirasqicat eyes and sneer • at *lint they fir m I rinnagllns aid ; -their ;kindred agitators In, this' the "cotton atisteeraer O f some of the Lion Country, has been, and lu ill continue to he'l alert cities- T he ~ ttnil, original tketi-in-the...., -well rewarded. ~ , '-. . I u 001-cotton nristoersch It the; - Not fait niece: several „ttentremen:who Itll I in l' a , c nni P an i , w heee willing 46 ; tu r d, _fiat ?orderly iesided in the'fdouthen:l States, were_ 1 are um' " ftbEr la,v,"! . fr ie soil" Ewalt or s'eciiiiiOned'iPtOre, Ma ext4tii - ed by a ;'Coin.l the Thlit - ed Stites. T t heJerm as applied by_the Mittee of the Britigh l'alliatnent, in regai:d tia Tribillie, is a liiigooner- `"- the sPitern 14-Afi• s oNm alave;y in this comitty: L11 3 V6 said,taa bore uf 'British stitegnakn. 4a- thei , ,,were specially enquired of r what' shill scarcely exttthis to the gtbolleon Of sTe. 1 w eUr d :,. l3 t#e•Pr4ahie effect,Ail C itnalediate ver Y in-Arn e/I, ell• Wh at /B,,ragit And epee eiwoirattoe" Upon the prOduciive power of tad, however, there le a gr eat: danger they will the Seeldaern States..: Again-I-in a speech lid., Attain-.the creation of I nich,s l . , state oT bat the electom - of Tintvorth, made •a Blunt fcc iing and. irritation ' r hetween U l 6 North and .time pre v io u s is bli death, :Sir Robeit Peek th e Stata , , au 'Clair end in _a dint:dation of (who, whether in this 31inistry or oat ofiit,waa th° !Thin* and dietruCtioll 'and civil Warl--• - Itist- I always a controlling spirit in the publie,alfaira Then would the button lords; of the In Of England.) after,' alluding in tfm must cone. , dit's, indeed, flourish, end English =intrigue be. plaisaut, terins to the East India po - isessi l oni pc erg ' s : fl ed with eemPlete,ancoelYk that countiv, mow. an atm • i ll i ng „ e , s , ~ ;tc , run filtare th us , `gentiemet4 attempted to make • ele.ir the positioh which I menutted hiregara to the iiek of - forfAting, the character England er ih ee I, 3 lftireign interference in Matteis vital tothe ez; has acquired at suck au enormous se the abolition of slavery and the, 8 1• 1 % 0 trade, i a liste,tme rand well=being , ofthis Union. = heave, ,opening the mar.' cis rf Evlancl to Pte • productin! . l . 2 etessitv, been limited 'to a mire'glance at. lof slam labor," It is true, that sugar was . the , the b in -bis t‘nical and ' dootunenttnY evidetwe a* I only interest specially referred to lay the dis- cmmna nd 1 w hich , howetert w hen - examined fiilglif.4.lled - baronet: "But` 1- oii4nls'etitisTly the t r ite care, MI/strata" this ?Slot so' clearly titat, product of slive 1 Ibor, 'and ifthe strtesulen of le c an b ° mis tnion wh° wifi take ttie trout. t Great Britain 4% OWPtny plaeo additional bur-1 le oferathinairom The titration now comes I ' i d a .„,,,, t ,, ~ ou toon, to the donselenees of the right-mindet , tiers lipan a ax-rt en p 4 e ane. .„ i . one production of that spc , tie. of :1. bur, .Alit , t aa " honest of a ll P a rties -4 " nwe aid British would they srernple in reg4rd le another—aml 1 81:fibi t tg li mi d- tritistl ' t,YrannY in their 444211 •1 that caber, also, tut important rite! interest 01, - ;>,eitente , l l soPPose we ad: dislike' alaterit. ,tier in the mild andMeditted tonne ix !bleb their fal °reit /Ina ~ .1:= hest India ecdonEsts! . - Butz perElps, ti & e most open, and certainly, I i . t exbiteitltheB° 'hat Lei tin lino 1 the most offenshe demonstration that • Enitish ( l ,ccei ce h im se lf : mar "dater"; Nvilotevei` we !ntWnepolyins reerntl'uia - d e npon this sultieei ala Y uank a t . i t, 'eannet 130 abiogated Ili liar lis that of Senthip , t he notorious f.niiii..il in- chan ge in n ur ' fidioina omolutet, or in any oth. +. I ' cendiaty. George Thompson, to our shores:— cr tray Int by the i "hie tarf - action of the Ile,ds now on his second Inission,and as bJfote 1 states where it Sxists. All the Slates of the - • ITS' :been r e ceived withopen virus by t • he;,:dm-it T aien , -I ° l4llll °Y AoPtodibe - Present Cott •114151 atkohigl,er law" fanatic. of this country. .1 3t ". l "ti°"= lll. l3 B'°/e l amrer V i gul and in drie l n . 'His first 3, - ;sit was soon after the plu,stige of, deat :lhoi roman so still, for ev e eiy purpose. the ]Nast India emancipition act ; imtl'at that t and la- regard te ; eve'rY iight net delegated, or time, ho; - represented:himself (I u . Se his otvn `yielded in tha t lI IIIII .Y writtollistnunetly In words,) e missionary,.ient out by- some pious I re g 3 ra to slavery , nothing , Was fielded : on tha , ladies of Ghigow, to remonstrate on the sub-I 'I jeet of sin very. But it e t a s ,bubsetluently 1 partof any States where it Watt:Jet thetline. (nnii that was in, nearly' ALL of-them, for near found by • ono who obtained- neet.ss to their ly all have sinned on gasstilject, kt e` se it tot) booksthei Thompson wai • :tithe veil' tn:nnimi lint soniething - Wateadded to thm'r ph 'e-eilsting ho Our+ pat on . the lilery of Itti•tv'in. 4 lu the tighlt! --- that of a restoration of their l'hOtive Pay,and <zinploymenc of.the'll,end'on rinti:Sle. slate& "tseePt in lids alaile resPeet, Penn req+ sotietf the a nee body, of unserlip'ulOus B ilvtuthi hno'no mere to dg`Yitit 'the internat., PelificaVanaties, who had labored so &eau- Inntient inan_ef V iiiflia than Nit those'et ally in behalf of the E,:est Ijulia t'ompany .in Frani& ,ve de, as a peorde;wo tratsvrettpon. sible for slavery in'any Scithern-ttate, than brcald ag - up and , ruining thousands "of ,t 11;.. West India proprietors. This purls and (huh- for the eisteneo of 'the saint, instill - don its; : tell= it g "missionary," since his former advent, TurkeY; IV° have net Bird, nein' did, and has very properly been Oected to the Etritiih 'tenet' can hute any - antra) evei It aloft. within our own State lieundaiies„ , Partiamint,'and althoe,gll that body is now it) 'session; he remains hero provoking:mobs and So that ihe'clarnmin :Twit° the fugitives riots, while his 'Coadjutor and kindred spirit, slave ` laiiv, laW , la 8211 / a nii* and heartlesa as IMY Giddings, is bating tip the timme of the 'Ameri. otherery of•the aholitionists: Our Where en. can' Congress , iu raising questions of prhilegei tined : Mtn this Mien With their ?yea as;to die manner in wiikh this reverend iiotei' They hew itrould be termed uPen tie other. , and , loylii servant of Queen Victoria; hut been terms l and thei were wisely 'willing to attires received In this country!, perhaps it week; whit 4hey'enniel not depot° cure. They did Intro been Tarot judicio:ns and appropriatw to tight : the friends of : •freedom, humanity and have sent up "blus.l4ghts" upon his reaching religion Throughent - ,:the World hive had gun. the Shores of Massachusetts, and offered Mr, dant 'cause te rejoice in the 'compact they , Thompson,the 'ball of the "liary;w4l Conves• tirde-4he compreinise `thityr entered itdo.:... timr.to speak lE4:instead of spoiling eggs on &Mose no colon hatrbeen fanned; 'appose his necolint,lsTivai done at old Spriigfield. , etuth State' toMained now in its sivtreiget and Mr. Iluckinginun, ; another member of tier': independent positiorm any man doubt that !fitment, 'once declared that ' th e , cpeeple t of treaties'would bo l e lea Made between 416 Berland would DEMAND not only emano: States -providing :faille ieturd of fugitive pititai,but 4 immediaie 'emancipation of /Ames Skives, or Shit eiVil Wan would hive ensued? : '' wherivei they might he 'found," .htuf,OC On . Ilut l for teisOnstminisetetrwitb their own bed, nen, in some of hie ravings in regard 'to West interestsethe Northam Stateashould notion.. India moancipition;'ilicipaiil, in his - piece when ha in iettirning tiM thfivrocri to their South- that Wei effeeted,rn4and lwenjd erlllnaittis; let it be lay madmatodd lgi —. f.. . tll7 l .J 4 ?-:, s r . ... n te nSe -4 11 _,43'' - .., .. , 14. PlitJell e S h l Vell at tie 14 °°Sk th a tthey me li risk ! F i l r ' ' ai ri ' a .. o Yt ' ', .., ' MOON gsq, f , pool, of beivieo tacit wid Wass , ot titeteibigi 41 - 94..til4tRiliteiAitleb.4**Alit. 'bkekalroa / dntsbita' 'A n buget(nsiltleeiteir i a' n7W , Aslre,4:frel 4 l 2 4ol festnire „the elunt4." - mere namereas tluirtte*Rmtlahetv'tvettli i dletestbelithifti of Uhtvery hithe Unitedlilta*. beaVlna deg r aded • b:ritnanaleneaseauil ewer At all eventi,lo;opertly appeals hert.,Wellittft, poor nd laboring White into% ..he tasmot , t4 - 1 p_MMlngl Ift_!,,•ii . i...r: 476;t : 1: r :. - !c•'? '!'...i . i.,7 ".;'.i'..'..i'.`.,.;,-,.;:ti-1f.7'.-:fi:--1,':4-,.ii:1.-:r' 4 f 11 GSA ., I I VOLUME MEER , 14 r r 1:;•4j I • :71 • ~ . E ~~~ 1 ', 1 MEMBIE
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