3 z INKM) ESE IrGITIVE SL.II VE C"AkSE: IS SOS. - Bente', April 4. In th e Legislature, to -day, the following re Mien VAS presented; "That the use of the State House yard be granted to the - citizens of ei ss seitiusetts to hold a pablic .meetino _in the is idle:noon, to take into consideration tht. , arrest of a c itizen of Massachusetts, under the opera lion of. the Fugitive Slave Law, and to devise o , illegal measures for the' defence and prMI . rotection of citizens of Massaehnsetts." elr. Cushing of Newbury spoke in opposit oion teathe petition, and Mewed that it be laid i ,In the table. Mr..lceith ofeßmantry, movedi .. - -. Par:etintrieri, Thursday,.Aprili 3. that it be laid under the teble..... The motion ' This - to ler on the table was carriedby 147 yeas to - .- - morning, about 11 otleek,a large por tion of the ruined wall of the Aesembly Build thenays.those enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law , Mg, eittnite'eteTenth:at.,Was forced out in , ‘.11,, ,_ ~_,,, o°.the Common. •Th e eseeenee of the back Wall l'ailino• in. A more was &Term e l). held I o,omplete,wreek of a'buildinee I neve r r Witness •• mot her was called to order by the Rev. Mr. 'Colver7 D. Howe was appointed 'Chairman. led. It was rumored that a horse and dray,arid I two or'three ladies were &tried. beneath the Weedell Philips thereupon addressed the i trains. It is not known - whetheethisla tree or. meeting. He spoke of the Court House in chains:•he hoped people would come in from not, as the street had.not been dented drub. bish np.to the time of penning this. the country in such solid columns as to block up the 'streets and prevent the fugitive from , . Last night, Thomas Kennedy . , belartin,g to. b e ing carried off, exempt ever their heads. He i Delaware county, was admitted jot!) the hose , rejoiced that the law could not be excented I Pital, with his face completely, riddled 'With •recept pt the point of the bayonet, and behind I Rue shot him .with a dciuble.barielled gun dueshet- Ile states theta Man named Nathaniel I I eeeeins-4hey won't dare, he said, to. carry the - Ffiitiv'e'out of the Commonwealth, except iiing an altercation betweerktbettt, i •. , ender the convoy of the guns of the Navy! - A. D. Cresson, aged 15 years wms killed 'Verde He spoke of Fanuiel Hall being elci- - f yes te rd .ty morning, at the residenee of .his pa- ee l to them, and hoped that they would makelrents, Fisher's Lane,Bristol- township, by the; accidental discharge of a trim, upon then - fuzee 'the Elms of the Common resound to the dee laration that Lew or no Lew—Constitution or ittnhKh he Was leaning,_, I .. . ale Constitution—chains or no chains—this -law should not be enforced. Block the lee°, Lftiest r from California. -,'; 1 eec&e.i tear up the rails, follow the fugitive - The steamship Gcorgia arrived at N. YOrk, evening, 'news ' from Sanl to tile 'b'oehre, re the State if possible to refs- i Itte e l a y cue him: Ile -counseled every colored man ! Francisca . ° _-,- bringing.• she had ever felt the chains of Southern op- 1 ..... &c.,1 0i importance, t tai sth of March. - The news is'l bei We lewd not roonifor a ae- - ; ' to fill his pockets "pith pistols, prees,on, - cad as far es lie was able he would steel by {tailed oeeount:. We clip the following from nil their sides—'he law for them was at an end. 'ritually's 71•Atine: • '•; thin' to hold itself In readi- Ile urged theme, . . e „ The news 'Crone turaister State on the Pa-I nese with all the means at le; command to f 9. cif re .., _,,.. 15 .1ei re will be read with-interest. In Sacramen-' dearer to stop tomorrow the execute,.. of . 4 I f.tattite. The Government and Legislature; to City there has been a painfattea,gedy enacted. have refused us the means to try the issue, and' A desperado, engaged in a brawl, . wantonly, e have the right to disobey it and meet the took the life of an i ff ' . e ve no enstve - byest.mder, was conseq u e nces. N, hen priests and statesmen ~ , rr ''iii tried be ' e es.e. ~ a People e Jury nailer the i are traitors, the people must take up the reins. Tee meeting here adjourned to Tremont [ [Lynch Code and, mmediately hung.. A simil 1 'T e mple, where Rev. Theo.. Parker was called scene was near being enacted hi San Frr eisco lup. He said that when he passed the Court There, a t SO ap cop ? e , s . triedy a person ace : llomie this moraing. and saw the chains which, . ell:alp!) . itSSed it, he imagineel that lie was in }motel of an attempt to comMit murder, buti Vi e nna, (and not in Boston,) under Martial i luckily throe of the Jury were- possessed of , Law, and certainly not under the laws of New consciences, and resisted the demands of' the! England: he asked the meeting to pass the - I populace. Their firmness saved thelifeof vsolve, each for himself, that he would hol ' . the .. aidsi culprit and he was eventually hand ed over to for evermore an infamous, any one uho i in the arrest or rendition of a Fugitive Slave, 'the the officers of justice a to be legally tried. I em, he said, ready to do it, and can see but These oeenreences will prove a stigma upon little difference between th e African kidnapper i the heretofore fair fame of. the State and one :Ind the-Boston kidnapper. :There arc at pros-! w hi c h she cannot easily etf•cei Unlike ~ •, , other eat three. kidnappers in Boston ; find them out' e.. ' and point at them as they pass in the streets;{ new countries California has all the aPPlimiees make them sick of Boston. He understood,-{ and faeilties of the older, States and there is I Trore coed authority, that they were intending !therefore no shadow of necessity to justify' te arrest two eieez fugitives to-night; he are. , ti . . 1 e . . iese outrailes. • ' is . \ . , e:1-' the meeting to form theeeeelyes into a Vigi lance Committee, and keep a watch upon the The Legillatur4. has failed to elect a 'Sene-' movements of the bloodhounds. tor in 'the place 'of Col. Freinont. .After - cue A Scotch:llan named )fCinre denounced as 'a reward any man who would allow his arm to hang loosely by his side while. a - fugitive was being carried off. He committed no vio lence, he said, but soon after cried out, " erty or dcath—resistance to tyrants is obedi .enre to sod." Rev. Mr. Colver t next said that the law was ohnoxions and inhuman that he would tram ple it under his feet. He went for absolute disobedience; he also would counsel no vio knee, but he asked the assembly to meet to morrow at the Court House in their strength : the people from the surrounding country would ba thenOte 'would be there, and if his pres ence upon such an oi.casion was inconsistent :tit!' his ale rical profession, he would unfrock himself. Ile denounced those of his brother ministers who had counselled obedience to the Fugitive Slave Law as traitors to their country .and their God, and called upon the meeting to again pass the resolution passed at Fanueil IEII, that Constitution or no Constitution, Law - nr no law, Uo fugitive slave shall be carried out of Massachusetts. -.' Aftur some further iniimmatory speeches the meeting adjourned, with the understanding that they were to meet at 10 o'clock to-morrow artvmd the Court nonce. Some of the speech es denounced Daniel Webster as a disgrace to his country—a villein—a traitor to the North, which Wes received with mingled hisses and ."peers. The number present at the Temple 'wrs about 1,000, many of whom went there 'rpm curiosity. The Court llonse is still surrounded with chains and guarded by a Large body of police officers. The Firitive is in a room in the 3d -story, Which is secured by six two-inch bolts upon the inside. Several militar y companies are et their armories in readiness for action in ca-se of any disturbance or attempt at rescue: irdeed, every precaution has been taken to pteventanotiler Shack:eh affair. Nine :o'clock —Thd city remains in an exci ted state. The square around the Court alone has bean cleared once or twice of the crowd reflected. by detachments of the City Watch, and one or two, who refused to stir, were ta ken into custody; the square, however, is again .half full. Sixty - resolute men guard the Court Home ihside, and - others are ready at difi - erent watch houses upon the least alarm. No blacks arelo be seen abroad. Knots of man are col leeted all over the city discussing the matter.: The great majority are in favor of obedience to the law. The agent of the owner refuses to sell the slave; his orders are to take him out of Massachusetts, to test the law. .TKIE FUGITIVE mover CASE. Dcririon of theCottr/ on a Petition/or a Italic i ' 'as Corpus. Bosrox, Monday, April 7.. In the Supreme Court, this afternoon, Chief Justice Shaw delivered an opinion on the peti tion of the Fugitive, Thomas Sims, for a I.la eas•Corpus,. on the ground of unconsfitution nay .ofthe kw. He alluded to the delicacy of the question, containing as it did, an inqui ry into ;the constitutionality of a law passed' by the Representatives of the whole confede racy—that it was contended that the laws of both State and Nation should go on in harmo ny together. Be thin went into a history of the adoption of till Constitution. Under this Constitution the law of 1790 has been in , openition over 50 years, and tinder it' cases have come up before the United States and State Courts, and the Court are_nofaware that it was ever , called in question in regard to constitution, in regard of illegality of warrants issued_ by a C ommissioner—he . not being .a ledgei n the eve of tbe,Constitation. he' Court held firstunde r the law of 1790 the T i thetity of remandino. had been vested in eer tin State (deers, Justices of the Peace, &e.,1 but certain States had,passad laws forbidding their olleials to exereile.the Doti granted : to 'them under the Fugitive Slave .Act,lind , therefore under the neW law poiv er was cd tolaW ertaofi lBso. n specified persons to act ungrder ant. th The Court said it stood on the same grounds' as.that 0 . 1793. It trees not suspend the writ' Imbeas corpus, Or any . privilege they had tin- j der the: did luv. In conclusion, the Court said thap•the preservatioia of-the powers 'of' hak State and Nation, each in its proper; has ever been remwded as essential toj ih. ''l)ea4c and proapen'i• Of all the Unitecll fifties, The Court did not deny that "a rase might come - up - maer•the rogitii-e•Slave Act wipe:a woul.l e..auio them to,iisti! a writ of.hd- Z i 3 e6rpas, kat hi. the ii i resent asa it - w?a+t3ra unanithoo3 opiniOarof aleourriliat tiki;writ of habias cOrpILT count; be,.grabtel aft qr` this' decision. '.. - „-- - • •• . The herring before Commissioner was recomtheneed, and hit Rantoul argil - cid:at : - . Wr e r.t length against the constiention4lity the law,_similar to his plea`at Lynn.. , :- Swords and .other accoutrements; sufficient to arm 100 police illicers, have been-forwarded from the "Nast Yard and plated. in . , the City' Ikfaratiirs office in ease the fugitive iSrerpand ed, when these officers will -guard him lo the ears on his return. hundred and forty-four ballots, the. Joint Con vention in effect adjourned site die. . —Though we cannot present any , remarka hie dis.coveties , of gold yet the general tenor of the news feom'the interior is decidedly ft. vorab le to the miners. The Quartz ,Miners arc being worked with much success' and the stories heretofore published of the richness of the placers at Trinidad Bay are corroborated by this arrival. Miners were going to the Gold Bluff in great numbers. The new Coln The die for the three-cent piece ordered to be coined by the last Congress has +den ;finished and the coinage would be proceeded with at our - Mint but thnt there is no pre vision for procuring the ilver and copper to commence with. In consequence, --the coinage will delayed until the proper 'steps are taken by the authorities at Wash ington to remedy the defieiency. The new (coin i; decidedly neat and tasty; and will Ihe in a measure a convenient substitute 'for enpprrs. It is one fourth 'copPer and three fourths' silver so that the baser metal affects the color but slightly. In size it is between the, gold dollar and the Eve cent piece, but it is so much thinneetban either that a blind inan:can easily distinguish them apart by the tench. The face of the coin has a capital O. with 3 in numerals indiea= ling the value of the coin embraced :within it. Around the edge ire the thirteen stars for the original States. On the reverse is a stay having in its centre an American shield and Friend the edge, - UuitediStates of America, 1851." - - Illorauitent to Coy. Shank. The monument to be erected at !Trope, Motntgemery county to Francis IL. phonic, late Governor of this Commonwealth, has been commenced at the warble Yard of nos Hargrave, in Spring Garden': - The monument is to be 24 feet approprl. ately inscribed and-when finished will pre-. sent a handsome appearatee. The base is 5 feet 6 inehes square, and above this block. 3 feet 6 inches is the die on which the, inscription is_ to he engraved.' :This' is feet 3 inches square and capped. Above this about two feet, will be carved_ on the_ front a likeness of the late Governor on the right side the Coat of Arms of the Uni ted Stator . ;'on- the left .sido' the Coat of arias of . Pennsylvania and on the rear the, private seal of Governor. Shank.' 4n: this part ofthe tienument tbe 'obelisk, 12 feet, 3 inches high and, the whole will be surmounted by an. eagle; .2: feet .4: inches' across • the wings are:2 - feet - 6 inche,s, long., It into beltalian iriarble and' complctedi by the first.of July. :On the fourth fourthi. of the! same mototh: it -will' be pluett - wliere the committee intend putting it. The - menu. ' ment' • when completed, - wilt cost -.about $1600.,' • . Tir _ 'lean/ by a letter from Mr. Jenne Cannon of Lem lon township. that Mr. George (I;invell,' 2d, i of Clinton, put an end to his existence by drowning himself in the Tunkhannock creek, on tho-night of Monday; with I while labeling under .` the effets of that ter,l diseaie, the delirium tremens. While Ito`the act of leatl,w , his home on thoavee inTiiiiinie-ineationfd, faFail:caked )3r rare where he was going.. He only replied that he knew where be was going. - It is I tbought thit he proceeded immediately to: the creek end committed himself to his Wa • tery grave. •• After .a vigilant anxious' l search of three .days -by bia relatiges::ind ftlends,Ais body.;wes found on the'evening of the ili raged' egaitutt- u‘ , treo abort diattmeofielor where he was dioinett: • The deceased left. a wife and three email, children, the youngest of which , iS"-coalrl i dhomt thrcc or four 014:=; - • *--" 4 , 4.6r4ti t r - 4•" _ - 74 01* . „ ',AC -7- • - -4" - At. a mectiog of the Chunty: Ce.ntral , Committee, convened at'flatch's - Meet, in ithebdrdugh•on Wednesday, Fob. sth„ pursuant to ; notice it was LL Resolved, That agreeably to a resolution ' pissed at a•Oounty convention held- at the Court House in the said Ilormigh; on the 18th August last, - a County - Convention of Delegates from the several .townships . will be held dt the court house on Monday eve ning_the';first week r l of-April court to ap -Ipoint Delegates to the State Conventions to put nomination candidates for hover- 3 nor, Canal CoMmissionei, and Sapretne Court indges. . Resolved, That the . fulloWing named gentlemen in the several townships im corm mittCes appointed to superiotend the elec tion Of Delegates in respective dis tricts, en Saturday, the ' 19th day of April next, between the hours of 3 and 5 o'clock, P. M. - .41 aeon-David Baran'', Richard Col lins, John Maio.' ' Auburn—•Jnoas Carter, - John Tosvhs. bury, Sainuel Brundage. "Bridgewator—Abijah Bush,Leri Guern sey, Ilorate'Brewster. ' • • Brooldvn--tdvrin Tiffany, Jas. licaritt, L. AY. iceauth. Clifford—John taker. 0: Thaeber,Thos, Burdick. Clioennut—Wm. Mirky, Michael Rain, Jasper Stanley. D'anoel—John Foster, Isaiah Main, G. W. Lewis. . Dundaff-- 7 .J. T. Langdon, Sidney B. Was, Thos; P. l'hinney. Forest Lakc—Elisba Gri£3s, tiarrct Sherer, T. D. Shay. Pranklin--John Bleirc:rs, J. L. Men'. mail, Titus Smith. Priendsville—Wm. Sam'i Hor ton; Thos. -Glenan: Gibson—John Smiler Abijah Wells, S. U. ,Hamilton. rent Bend—Harrey,Keacb, Jubn C Fisb, Oliver Trowbridge. qarrord--Obas. Tingley, Ira 'Carpenter, Sara Seymour. Harmony—F. A. Ward, Dav:d Taylor, S. F. McKane. !Derrick—Almon Spoor, Alanson Tilden, Jacob Lyons. JacksonHLcvi Page, Nath'l. Norris, A. J. Seymour. ' - • ! Jessup—nee Shay, Harvey A. Bur- Abel Cllatflekl. • Litlitop r -E. S. Brown, Seth Bisbee, Daniel IWood. Lenox—B. P Tamum, E. U. Grow, Hazard IPowers. • _ Libeo.7 Daod_Oirmicll, Ira 'Com stock, J,os. _Hawley: • ; ikliddletown—Gtis Ross, F. Taggart, Nelson Camp. , 3ldntrose—henry Chase, A. 'IN 13n:lard. • - Milford—:Win. John DoAc., Dennis MeKeehy. Rush—gzekiekjiathrop,"-p; Gray, Ly 7. man Garter. - • • ' SiN . cr Lake—Nortinter P „Plige) Tian , Ilurphy,thy Lathrop, *Athos Wit. Hams, !Benj. Tlir.mps. • Thomson—tVentzet-ilreisonger, Wiimill;er ) M J 3lumford. - I , ' LEWIS BitriSll - JOHN 'HANCOCK; : 1_ '- ' •ITA RRY BARNEY. Com . tic.' N. C. IVARNER; I - C BROWN. : . ,Agricultural riteetmg. An adjfinrnecl me - etinz of the Snqueheima Co. A grieettaiet tioc e y tci t ba lied at . the ',court House on Menday ceenlez. or 'she ereitild week of April Cows. J. B. SALISBUItY;'See'y. ssigic.4eTzif: In' r - nsli, April 2d, bylEld. II:IL Grsr;Mr. GrAna:: ' Coottr to. Miss Etigisrm April 9tit, WiXieilp-3tr:GEORG . E. BRIGS of Pike.; to MiSS SARAH A. - Fsni- CHILD of 3fontrime.. ' " _ Net) 2 - tit7nl:l,l,immt. ' . AUCI.IOI3: ; - 131 Auction dill be held at. thO late dwelling of .4.. Alexander McCollum jr., dec'd, in the tontn- Ship‘of New:Mil:fend, ott Saturday the l9th day of April,- cdromencing it ten o'clock : A M, at which Will bit *Mired for sale onis.caluable horse, .5 years old, one cow, two yearlings,ono two horse Wagon, one boggy, one sleigh, double and single barness,,buffalo robe, a quantity of Plastcr, farm. ing atens;ls'of e, arlions . stove, cloCk a bureau, chairs, bedsteads, looking glasses, and many. 061 , - er articles of hdusehold furniture,' and other pro. Miscnims articles; late dui good!, and chattles .be said. Alexander McColluip jr, decd., ':Tiros of late .— All sums tinder 5 dollars cast, orer s„dolluts'and Icisib,suo' ten, - notes 'at three months with interest and,aNroYed security, .oyer. ten dollars and leis than twenty, 6 months and as aforesaid, - over 2.o:dollais, 9 months nod as afore said. S S 3rctiLurm. AClrrexi of A IiIcColInn) jr, deceased. err ;z 4illi, April 8, '5l. Notice t 0 ',Plank nowt ,Ballders. THE Mo4rcise ds. Marton! Plank Road c•ompat ny will rece'rr° proposals for Grubbing,Gni ding. coustraniing sluices Tentscrte, - .bridges, and planking said road tlio"fin i it far Miles from Mont, rose; until Raiurday the 26th instant. The plans, profiles, mope and specifications will be ready for ciaininathin on M6utfafthe tiveuti;•first initaut. Six Lae!' more of the Road will be ready- for letting as !eon no the location' can be made, of svhieb duo ~sieticei will he given. • 1. B. SAiLSTUBI, 6uporintendent. Montrose; April 8,-11.i CCLOVER end Timothy Seed of the but quality just re. received and for rale by • - N.. C. TYLER. • April : YCOMING Covoty avrauer Compazty 7 .114 Tho undersigned agent for; this well known . mid long established institntion respectAilly informs tte public that receive applications for in. in ranee against:loss er_datuage by fire to Buildiugs Goods, Furniture; 4V.e., B. R. Lvoss, Agent. • lifontrose. Apr; 9. • • GRANG.C*:&..&enterm:—A fresh tot. -just re ceivedo and foi SAO btlhe hundred, dozen, or single;. &so, raisins - just '-ut.•. Also Booze ; men's Calf Lace Booletrine Cite by. • • 2 . •I, N. BULLARD. CLOSED. sod Timothy Seed' or sole by Mrolo3 & CUANDLEIL •II ' I 1,01.;(1113,3 igitke t lri, for.gate , kgAtt/Lers 3r,Att torKlo.by. ; •••• • 'NAT 4115wrigebr. %ToStitatAM). 00 llburn .14, • ova/chi." " APlsitrte.4 - ittpril,ll. • • - ._ ... ___...... 1,. LEGAL - 4DVERTE.-TDIETZTiI .1 .•LEGAL2A.DyEitT,IB)3I,, EN,..T 8,.:.'i - : : Sheriff's. sales,: — -------- t i. - -.. .-- --- .- - n.-, , 5, -7- - .7.y:-,t 13 1 ' -. : ..,..,_. -_ . ...,_ , -,. , ,,steglster,ruNolle --- ..irttle an writ:art Fa,• . iesued cut of -the. - , --.- „....- .., ~. ,„. I : Court ;ot Common J'ltuis -of Aduewelianua . DUßlAC - INOIIIOE,Ie li;Crcify :Oven. to all Per- Coniityi . and.to me directed and Aei;veterf, I will Leone concenwil in. the fellow:rig estates, to wit; - expose 19 . p:dd . :al-sale Ot.ihti CoartDoaSe, in Mon-1 Dante -of James-E. IcKroutto...tiec'tl.,‘, trove, on edattirday,.April lthh,:A , .., 11-,eD.i.01:5114.1,11;,91-e;•-ir,:ixtrtiliq:..te...;:j1lrIAtirieTt's,..1,1,1,-tAt:1:t4ii:r.cT4::;:;_....„.: ;o' c l oc k ; P. M., all shut. certain - 46m- Or pureed of. ... e ..., r--- r . ' " ',. ?.- ' -- " , ..4 . -' .4 • ' ' ,- I.''q Itanikaiitiete, lying; end being 'Aabinn it th •"eunnty of Susquelnuma, bituuded ,it`CrltfilAtlln're -.- . '- :-. .:•.' 'r• -,,;.--- - 'f . ' ' . and described as follows, to Wit t'ou . the . ,-north by; ' '.• ~.Elitottstat;sof:kr,2ll7:l7::::::!tide:l3.::..i::•:.;:i ,!ands-or %Valiant iSlarenniket ; % elm; .by lab& of - f3teitheil3='.Atitn'e... -''' ' - - ''''' i -.' -DiVid Olie'. south shy !nods of lefty.' Conada;and . r 4 - ' 0 .. l i, '3 13 ri' TT, ~ wesChy lauds of Samuel Swackharnmer, Contain-. ' ing. 90 acres, together with - the apportenan eesone , TJung: . -nti 1 log'hOuse-D. small - orchard..aturabout 20 '.acri,uti Estate'Jonathan 0 1 a:1 1 ' 3 119; A4 l Te.r2b; - : ~ • ' -.;.-:,,"• Tieadvrell, .dcti'd. - ,.F. - . -I irnproVed, lato•the - albite of, Dattid SOraelthaminer. A ; , ..wi r d ) ,!Ad i iii r ... ,- :: •, . ~„ --- ~ ~....2 . ;-, . ~, .. .7 .. . ,s Estate of DaVid. W , itioiti deted., Elijah 1 ' Taken is execution at the Naha-Atm Lathrop l ' - vs. David Swackhammer..., -, - - . ALSO. - - ' . t-Karmill3-,.1!.X r. . .......: ,-7, .. - " " . All that certain pieta or psecelefland, Situate !:! ilstatti.Of L'OrnAilli.lineitsen.-tieed.,-___A.- Ilyhig. and being in the township of Now Milford, Ilinisteel, Adtri i r.• ,:- ~ •-,: - -. •„.. -.. •: r . of ' Aartin . G.reenioad; deed., I county of Sasqueluitm, bounded anti scribed arts' - ' Bage -1 follows, to wit: beginning at a point in the middielti„,i6 l ch. ki r , 1...N. r ' ' .;'!"". ' • '.-%- , '--- lof the-Corse road, and in, the North warrantee line i i 7 "., 1 - ., .-,- - r; 1,„„•`,-7,---.-. •- -• ,-, -...,,, .-• jof Solomon Findley, thence along the inhhil ti : of 1, i ft - state oft,ono Beatonnotonstin..aeol., ?said road, south 32 degreei,erret 25 s.lo..perehes :I"tiefiarristin anti Daniel TtitTeTtotaertt.-, , m • I thence ' math 446. degrees east 20 uerches ; I That the " accountants_, ave settled . their., ac-, thence +south 24} degrees.eaet lb,' perclies to tt i l Counts in the Register's office_in mid for; tha corm,' point.ln the middle of the aforesaid Mud; thence ', ty a SuStittelnitiMainifit Bid The itimeeill be. pre, south. 46 degre e s west 119 perches to it perch to ; seined tothe Jahes of tho .o.plion t e Court 'of pod. stones in th e warrantee hue of Solomon Fiudley:,• ; county,hi IllontrOre, :en -the 21;11 .dap' Of. April,' thence along-said line Nottiv,46 'degrees, east 130 ;meet, for confirmation and allowenee. ~ perches bathe place of beginning, containing 5U i'' '' -• CHARLES L.''BROWN;- Register. acres and 16 perches be the same more lees, togs:., Register's . Office, ?dontraim V — - -' - the; with the appurtenances, one frame /louse met 1---:'''-'-- ifare11115,11151: - ' 1 - -"=' - '- -- - aliaOtl2 iiereilinprovred, - late the estate of Re; I Izillitt Bucannan and Noah Bucannan. 'laken in execution at oho snit of Wright & Bennett Vs. Rozillia Rifeannan and Noah' Ducaul I • CUM l ' j j - j I . - ALSO. I All that certain piece or , parcel of land - situate,: Ilying and befog iu the tothellip 'of BrAlgrewater in j the ,connty 'of Supertehauna, bounded- end de, i scribed as tallowy, to wit:' Beginrilugarn-port and! stones the south wedt corner of lands forrneilyl owned by John Bard; thence west along Nude formerly of Philtres Armee, Jr., 10 perches to al ?past andatonrs, a cerner of land formerly owned; iby James /McKee° ; thence south 40 perches to a post and stones, being the north: test corner of lands formerly of Robert Eldredge; thence east 192 perches according to the old measure to a cur. , ,• nor ; thencauortli 4U perches to a post and stones' I'in the tooth hoc of said Bard's lewd; thence It:tin 182 perches to the place rif beginning, containing'' 48 - acres be the same more or less, together With i the appurtenances, one framed house and shed, one framed barn an orchard and about 30 acres' •improved late the estate of lieury.baterhont. I Taken iu execution at the suit of Lathrop & Salisbury vs. Henry Osterhbut. ALSO. , 1 . fly virtnc of a writ of £er. Fe all that tertain i tract of land situate' in the townships of Jessup a ndln Forest L'ake in the county- of Suetmehauna nd atatcof Pennsylvania, and butted, bounded.: and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a corner of a lot formorly conveyed In Jonathan 1 Steinbatgla ; thence by said lot south filly perches to a hemlock, a corner of u lot'llils 43y cote... Aced to Henry Tupper • thence. by last Mentioned lot,, ices". eue - handied and sixty ;"Perches !o n e' beech;' thence North fifty' perches to a beech, a corner or ' t-i lot crnveyed tii Jesse. Birchard ; limier by 'saidi lot by the lend by Steinbargh's lot, east ono hub.; 'dred and sixty-perches to the Weeder beginning, containing fifty, acres, together•with the apprirten atreeei 1 framed lime, 1 frame berth an orchard and 'bent 4U acre. improved; ',• . 1 1 • ALSO. . . , One other !at, batted, bounded and described as follows, to wit r beginning at a post a corner of if lot conveyed to Jesse.Birchard ; thence by said lot( !south one hundred perches to a atone beep; thence ; cast forty five perches toe post, a Corner ofJoun e I than Streuhargh's lot ; . thence north partly by said Steinbargli's land, one hundred perches to n post ;j thence- west forty five perches to the place of be e ) ginning.. containing twenty-eight acres and one tenth of an acre; all improved, (in the township of ; Forest-Lake. , - • - . • . Taken in execution at the snit 'of John L.llodge executor of Robert II: Rose &ceased vs. Henry 'Cole. l '' - ' ' ••AtsSO. " - - • All that certain piece or Parcel Of land eituale in the townships of ALlasien and „Licking; and_butted bounded, and described us follows, to wit: begin: ning at a rimple tree, the south terser of hind sold to William: A.,..Sl'bitbey' ;-, thence -by -:the same north,4-41'degreei, - 127 perehei to donee; the euid WhitueY'.a east corner, the south corner of !audit sold to James Cook, and the West corner of lande i sold - to;Gi'.ergelGelatt„Junier"; thence by the last mentioned land south: - 456 degree' east 159 per ' clues toe beech sapling, in thetsztidGelutt, Jitinar'ej +meth corner, iu the lino of -laud - -surd to George Gelatt senior; theneeb i y the land lust mentioned south 441 degrees West 127 .perches to; a beer!, I ; tree, the raid Georgo (.4elatt senior's west corner, I in the line ollandrecotiveyed to Ann Skyrons,trus,l [ tees, and thecae - by tole last mentioned Imul,Mertli 1451 degrees west.lsopefelleS to - the beginrung; I Containing I t 9 acres and 10 perches. and allow. lanconf 6 acres per cent. for roads, &c., be the Isame more or.:, : feeir, Ingether frith the heredta), ments and appurtenances, one framed house,- one I framed-barn,:oae framed waggon, house, ono% or: ! chard and relent 62a_eresimprored. I Taken in rarer:him it , thaseit of Nathan Kito l land -Thoinas Williamson, Trtikeee, s:c:fa:Josiah i D. Bill and Rhoda Chandler, e*.'4. of tho:lest 'ail Of Robert Chandler, A.:ceased with natic; to !leery ! Chandler terra tencnt.'; - - . All Clint certain tract or_ paicel of laud, - situate; in the township. of Irarford,. butted,' bounded and. described as follows, ,to wit : beginning; at a black I birch tree in the line of Wheaton Caprein!a - laud,; thence - by the cane and by other lauds, north 45,}; degrees, west. 109 perches to a birch sapling;; thence partly, by land of Neal) Aldrich ,noias 441 I derees east 120 perches, toe birch tree ; thencel ,by , the said Aldrich land and other lands 4.1 . 3 de-; , greei east 106 perches to a dead hemlock tree;' and thence south 441 1 degrees west 1 . 21 perches to lifter -beginning, containing= by a siti•Vey 'thereof: !made by Jason:Torrey; 75 acres and allowance o I sirs acres per cent:for roads, &c., be the came more I or less (being the same tract of land and premises! I sviticli William Drtukir, Henry S. Drinker,Jacoli , Dawning, Henry Drinker, surf Thomas Steward- son, executors named in the last will and trete- I limenta Henry Drinker the elder t. late of the' city! of Philadelphia, dec'd., conveyed by indent ureole..; II ' fed May llth ' lAI6 I• to Ninth F ull er- in-fee siin=l } i ple,-togethei with the hereditamente and" nppiir- ! tenances one framer:lllooe and (tarp and about 41 , , acres Improved ' ' - ' -- - ' ' - I - - Taken.: in execution at .the ; snit „Of Joseph D. Drinker and Israel P Pleasoutr,achninistrators do' Louis. non. A.c;!of Henry, Drinker, .dec'd." vs. Ly.l , man Fuller, LaPreslet .Fuller, Abel W." Fulter,l, Noah .W. Fuller. , Harlow Shnons, and Betsey _Si, mons his wife, late Betiey' Puler, • and • Elvira Fuller, heirs of Noah Fuller, dee'd: , - ' '- ' -- le. 111. GERE, Aerie Sheilfra °Mee. Montrose, i - . 31w4. :-.Marck 22. A. D. 1851._ i Etieriff's DY virtue - of a writ of Vend Es. - ipmied out of U the Court of Comnion Pleas of Susquehanna , pOunty, and to me' directed and delivered; I will expose to public Bala at the Court [louse in blunt. rose, en Monday the 2latiday of-April, A.D. ISM.' at 1 o'clock that certain piece or' parcel of , land lying and being in the township of 4,usht County of Susquehanna and State of Pentusylva• nia. bounded and described as follows, to wit:— On the north by land of #lenvy L Champion; on the east by lands of said Champion ; on the south) .1,31. the public highway; .and :on the west by tho, iryalusing creek; corit arty ona•ha If acrel be the same more or less. together- with the im provements and-,appartenances, ..ona two story waggon and b lacksmith attop,piji all irnproied. • Talton in - execution at'llic snit - at Eliud W., Porgy vs- 103. Simprit; . C:11. CERE, Bhiriff. Motaraseil.!'t ,': March 311851,', $ Ail - cation Troop. morobiro of the.fc bikeen TroOp- of-ear. airy" tire hereby notified to meet at the hoaxer of %Verdat;, in ;iarford, On sfonday: - the 4 11 YqtAifii * :ftqlt at ; 9 VeL 3 O( di 4 iquiPPOd . thir its; directs -far.paindri iutd: brEPHEN E fintroAiAprill;-'5l;-16ntr. J"1""' -•••"- Notice. rpliE undersigned Clerk °ratio Ortainn'e boort in and fur I Ise.county of Suiainehanan to *him the assets in tiro hands at Jahtt . Wi administrator of, the.etitene ,of _Thomas Denney, deed. have- tern rerSn'ee for tiiitritiMien to and mnahlT,' Mc reported Creditors of quid dvtteaeed; lierAJ/ iives netito tido.. ha 01 attend to Abut thily at his ottee :Montrose,' tilf`Si)nit4tif thv Miiieti , etd It 'day_ of.•.,pri! next, - .42..n7e10e1t; - P. when nod teltero airperiolis niuy attend if they tato). Ilia proper.' ".. • - • CHARLES . I.;"..._zmovv . N . , Montrnsr, Mnrrh 22, 1851. - - • . • Atiministratorie of Administration of the estate of John Green. hate of Franklin township, ' deceased; having been gratited , to the nadernixtied ) :limier is hereby - give - o'lo. thaliiblte td call and .ettlri the name without delay. and all persotis baring demands against the estate will' pleuaTe present them duly attested for settlement. wss. GRgEN,'Athier. Franklin. Niareh A(linizihilrataix , Notice. „ Ti (SI•: is bereey ill:en that letters of AdminittintiOn II upon the estate of Alexander McCollum, jr., late of Bridgewater Township, deeealue.' beielbeen_grant.d to .the snhseriber; All persons suacolea F.lhr , please fettle tbe sani. whbout'dehiy those having • demands against said estate are regd./add to pre' lent same, duly attested, thr settletnent. i. '• . ; • • :••,- • , :31.111THA Adttielt—, Bridgewater, Mari:1,110,1851. ,11 ew Administrator's ;Snie.— • f 4, 0 i'LCL'ta lkersbY giro.), that by nu order of the. itti. pbou court Of the County of' Suspsebanca, there trill be exposed td Sate by- Pnbilc ]endue , at. the Court llonsejn Mormon., tato the property !of Nathaniel Oil. byre; lies. ased, to tho town of Nori. - leh,LSllles or Connie; tient, on 4'etunlny toe 12th derorApril, next, at 2 o'el'lc 51.„ ell Coo:certain meerunga piece or t]ratt of land, situate to the tweed". of Oibsett and County of Syseitte. benne, .huntelo.l as .feloris: Ilegitinlhg• at -a Post and stone- In the sect tine of-Peleg Dills tot.and the north ea.,t turner el lands of Neholaa Mse, thence north 821 i de• trete west byes' • Foy.' A Int 91 percher to stones; thence north 61,v Be en east log rode to stones: thence teeth t&l4 degrees east 15 plUthrs to stones . , thence Mu. b degreesmet 81N - perches to, stones, thence by land nt Drlnker'Slottra stineetOf degrees Cast Up. eche,. to pe.t and stones Ilse nertheirst coiner . of thesald-Prog Mite lot. :thence by the seine South SON- degfees- n'est' 833 i Pe'r , latu to the place of Dtsitining r -toataining bb sem. 1n..43y under impe,retneet,u trate.. dwettinglieXtse mud born. "Tecuismade known, en orsak, - NIVEN, • -.- ~/i..ha'r of Nuthanlel Gilbert, deed. Montrnii; rebruery 25, .• ' List ot-Leiter4!. Remaining in the Post , 01Bee ,at , -/Ifontrose, SuSepielMiina eeenty; Pa., April 1, ‘lBl. . _ .Imerman, Isnat Jones, .Sinnuel-1. Brooks, Marcy- A: 2. • 'Jenks, Perry Bullock; Si . • • - - I..indsey;-flianey, , ,N- Berry, Frank Lens, Lucy Ann •'• Brown; Bowen, Mary • 7: MarilolF k.%:. Co-2 Brooks, John Morgan, P C l)arhit.; Anna gerrili, A 113 . &.SarliMarrin, ♦ Were - , Richard' ••' D P Bakr, Henry • ,•••••-. Bleecy,-I.ydiv Connell, Mary. „ Mills, Miss...T4ne- l Clarks 1 Clicever,.Cvras , -Melina, Michael -ICheever, Mrs. Lydia .01tiley b Heury=2 Clelinuil, Osbiirn,Writ 11.'.' chamberiim NYtit.' Conron, Frederica :t/tis . ,.l3enjainin I Cornn - ell, George. PowerS,',dlielhatl Coral), Eliza .1- - .-Perkins,..ll.iss -Ann S ICliceseberougli, Parks,' M inn Minn• Campbell, Lewis . . -Ifoot, _Gl:Vella . (Dilly, Butl:r RobinsbivAtil D3r3ey, Allen - Ran, TinfothY Davison, OS-2-, : Reynolds, - Simnel - I - Denning, John • ';'-.Salfilinry, Airs.leleeta Everett,.Estber D Simpson, J C-3 I Esiek, James • SinithAticluird ‘- Flynn, Mary „ Stebbins, Win - 'Foster, I P- I :' , 'Strinige, Wm ; Fitz Gerald, Michael ..Sterlinp.:, Henry "`A - • ..•, Fitz, 3lichael Sehleppy L ' •-• • Flynt, Khel',' • Sutton, Mirk Fields, Dacia *Senuiton,Oliver . W A -•- Teed ,'John • • - • 1 , Foster t Lncy Turecr, Elder . Green, Alien Taylor,-Charles, . Galloway, Aarini ;Terry': Gi1:11:m...1 •B. Tvlew3foges - ' Coods:11, Nathan, . Amon • Galllgher, Junes VanWinkle,Affss 3-2 Gilreather,T3liss Ann Walkerj - Elijalt liagans; , -West, Resell'. • - • llassan„ Cleorg,e • - Wares; Jobm:ll4'.'• `.' ; !larding, Amos,•7- :Ward s gev , T S .11olbroolt, Benjamin ;Wititrocts, Aaron Johnson & Very . ‘Vrisley, Benjamin . !:"•' . _ gzy Pe a rs d o r n eri s rot alt . o . ve letters ivitr 4 p l l v lse sed.-. :TENT. CASE. Pant Mantel.... Take:notacei-- , -••• T • , persona inde.bta to the' it*iilxi.;:es -peciallyfiy•book se-Cattail. ore-reqnested.to-ett .tend to the eettlement of the carne, without farther !notice, tin!niauffictent il9,llbe:.e giver:v e nd m o p e! 'runst not he expected. BEM:- SAY it& 4: •porch • - ^ ,tf . rigyati • rip HE sul;sFrilier . wishinir to tetite:Triaktiiiiiii _ for salehis entire stock of fittfir,..Capt;, toe., together with the neiteiwiry tooliand fiStUreS" tor carrying on', the flatting business. Any _person wishing to-engage ,il3 business a Cowl ogrottuttitit I is now presecod. G - LFPLI S REP. • AT is now over six mouths sitmer 4iairiett my interest in the Democrat office, and yet but a. ji t h e of my accounts $131,2 ba.cn . acttleo i Lthafa`! fore.gisM none° onto fiir .1i1A1:111:Ty may :be found until after . April Court; With N. ht Montrose i . bnt that it noVaattletlke cipirp lion ofthat 'period, th s ay will be ha nde d aye!, tp,tt perstin . .dtity . appainie4td twttli,,auch - Osttelpf.`"cott, 1115121:11A1Z IOLLE.C7tiM - 7 O. G. 11:EARSTP4 - 0.... - -,T?' march 18; • . :".12tr Take Notlei. Id, 'petit:Mc indebtidtfb otTyCH., reqbeited le eon, and settto the it llge become nearisitry - to fiettehill VOA pltpigis arrtibg immediately. • The bookcand Nelda rtiarbe (MIA -*Rh' 41tel onbectiber,"ct therittore s toriltiP3Wn'•f - Little. - • -- • • - TRACY HAYDEN: -- ':New - , Milford, Mttrch'2si,!sl4.4l.3tf:Tt •% t. CALTAiytha Librpr-100 at • • , , tt. 3liseELkistgus fo'r Eel - iLa'ci4al elWorne, 2l atatn Peztbs,'ll'ouret eti:d bete totl in.Sarlecocauttcounty, YOl. oh o ; obi) tit - O ff s, their p r operty for.-441 deltetipti•tte of ttiejr,Vartnoor Lott - , rocroslorOt• ,Nuotbet ot acreeid ; .ke e.anytroproied, toi.l'how 'Watered : Orchard, 'trolled or-•oommitzt trultc.• ochie-ritdi 0 010tt4,, • rceeei , boo tar botolloutroat;',,,h4 ~h„p ut ;I t o - Now ' T..rk. 4:Zrto Ratlnoid . price nod cacao ofrouraertt.z:Alt oho wish 11? atll orpurchaeo Real Eav et I da 1. idle: prompt .attitltlmt ,etilling_ on or addrearbt meat Bloarrore,SinqUebontus cotruty, Pa. - of ..-;ll:7•Cortreyoaeo boot /dont tete to (ht. prows/arm "'w ar ; giro ' = oa/on , arnpike at, 4bt wed-of the nftek Tho foßerthig EarrOarehitate aro uhie orersdfor lode: No: 1, 40",acett4511.4oproted, rnitnall4lltot „ No. 2 , 80,' do. 50 r, .do , • do ...do • -. No. 3:100 do' 60 ' 'do; do' . N 0.5, 70 " 40- t „ 4," , -• • 110 - No. 0.00; do :35 - ' :do • • do. , No.?, Store, Waiehoosit'attd tot.' . N 0.3,145 aerel7s 4 t0P 7 0? , 0) c r " l " bn nin and Nita ' No. 9. 5.44 do- do , . ' do No.'lo, 2 do ef- do, - --J. 'do:" , - • ' No.12:100 scree/0 haprolred,rriatod house and biro 340'. do -MO 'd • do , N 0.14,50 do 50, de _, do „. de , do N0.'15,105 00 do -' do - do -- -•do • • No:10. 120 acres 55 hopiered,frante house tiatl"bar , N 0.17,100 do ?5 -do 1. do • •40. • '''No. 19.112 -10 80 •: dr. • do • ' do'• do 150 ,do ' de" - do W), 145 .10100 . do. _`do.,• do • : N0."21,190. de 120 I ,'• du':. do ' do , N 0.22, 9014' do A 5 do .do ' ' 45 d 039 "do ;do' 11 , 5 • • , -do : No, 24; gir3 ;do 225 - .40,4. • I,o' ; N 0.25, 125 4111 100 ,t do- o , ,I))).N,Igil do lit) 'do do . 'd)) - : N .., o. 27, 00 do- -45 •• An •• • do -'dd No. 25.11. acres d tow !Oil! andttrolllnt: • ' • N 20, 144aereo, 90 .ter.reri.d, ?room house and barb No._ 30,175 ,do , 100 ' No. 31. 115 do , DA` 1, .. • 0 No. 15,180 do 133 No, 0. no do SI 1 a Ts?:150 • - 61 OKI - warn Zth.3s, ;00 iv._ •"' , No. 37, 190 di) 140 „ • ' , l' • No; att. -17 n: ill, too 14.. • IP 175 - tbr At* 4.7 • `4ls' 4111-.7 ' 4o• " - 4O • • 41 - 212 : via . 45: fro: No 42 72 tdo . , - do. Ado Ikt. - 43' • 4 - do : do X0..44 133 :45 ;, dó do Istti. 10100 do •• • Ltyn , •do .'•do . do dkringr to imiehrtge ni the itbove by giving the anzabvi Call obtain a rutldeseription _ AbVIIED 115LIALIN. • Mantvon, Pa; Ofinbtrr. 1n2.-44tf. , ! • 'Friemitin'EcidgesA - 1• . .. • . IMPORTERS: ND JOBBERS. • - iSSILIber yStreet (Betwe'en'T.Rroadivity -- and Naiiau) A RE now reeelele4; A, rich guo-hriintirtil ass rimout of ilLyaney:Sia and to-Mil - eh oke *ow particniarly Welk the attention of all (WI Vol . chneeral and trill hike It an ohleet for Meal lb give tie a eall,lte we aro doter/rain easelt oariurearttlent,for tisati,,Etrer than over berarnniltked jn dee tnarart- • . llildners earl' supOTlftetaselvetheitb 'l4en. article fit their line. at abollt the e-evof Imp°. tatfon 'dr Avictlan price: Many ttf tir goods aro ntantifaetnitel.eNN cob' for Oar dint Sale; and caniallsls eliftlaSeed rot Beauty or Eich Itat ZtYA ray Itit;tiotio., a large variety, • • -:': - bUks end Sahli for VW:lets. . ..... . Crape.Airape Lisp..s,,Tarir!cr Is and hind= Lacs!. •, ' iTrimmings 1* Mai. Calm and Dresays. „Li • 4,ein n y „Lind ;.Spa,'Parii and fiperaltrad Creases. • ''- Etdbroliti4l Capes, Cnitars.-Cuffs,lnd Cbmairsits. '.. 2nl.l9rid. Oriid ii'dainmind inssrlinas,sirs and Thistle,. .Tbread, .prpmele,, ra!rneame, Silk and !JO*: Moan .oloces: . . . Nnabrolaternt, llor area Plato Linen CitlXtbtlelT/trE I - 0 terra And Illitta, - Kid t Sllk. Lela Irsread ind Seldtit . . 1 . , San*, Crarata and Dm," maw. , - - r: - • f , SWilli,J3Collett, UDOk h111.1•InP and nishpr Limo. 1 • Embiuldered, Damask and Plain Canton ttlitMeShMrls. I - - A tall amor!tnent of Straw Verde' French and American Artifitiat new.ii ... - - 'With anima varlet' IV! mentioned above'. - - , All wliblint t 4 avoid paying long tisleea .1011, mike out' I ney by caning an a satistylng.ibeuirelroa. 5m3 , . , Ltailurviy , and General Stse_243 lio does. • .Great. Bend, Pg. • • BY , C., rrlllg Proprietor baring reerl3l4 ):6 behie,sith '1 eted within *few yards Of the flepot, to b style un surptiseed , is now yweparettto receive and tactual'. hit friends. Quests will be conveyed to and from the Cars free of charge; and everlatt4ntion girth 64. torir hem . - fort and coorenleues. The established steps now start from'his bone, which leave upon the mini of the dif ferent trains. DZI'• Adults& Is •in exedlebt - Liattes STATILE by Mr. .Trtles4ell s where hopes and paints; can be had at 411 tide's, on ttnisonahld terms., - - • C; dMITU: . 1852.' 1 • • Live mid - let Lite '• let Live -A . goad 'Opp!! of ittoictacaa:CoTee;Sitgatillataisca, Enke, Pcp9cr, Iftarch.LEaleratna, Boana, ,Tateacen, F Cigars.Papprt.eatiCaOinVtiht ;• itiii4 Crackers:llllnm AndraF*Falla Mitirr.Fainet Extract. Anna ; RhdEa,.lat Caps, datOct BaTs,tiutchela, ttiocia. School Boalt6,Stationtry, Fd4 - dxr - iStiot.lFllloti ware; mcaturott, Tittrytud a general astortutcat or willow Wore ilfton2s; Utit bee. thiskeh.. ennfectlosieri. Yankee No tins; en indt.pcnsable artfcte "frith-no. Ifatallterclar Ilruyiflagrrittngo,...Wa t Chcs.. Gold. Tens— WM -Peibi India fact ere.) dcrteptinn or Fancy ft-c.d.; notidly kept to any plate, fel }ate ay :1 W. D. TCOISZi IL Great Bend, Jan. 13. . mine .--- ibrafrlamair l7 oll.TPB , 001M11, : (Otitt Ec!Laos Nnll t corner of rdrapiPe - aka .„.. Clieftnnt 4fruis.) - jut retarni.t Ruin the city stitt - inett 1.1 Iceaon of plates, cheraleals,ltc:; . ' the natter .elgned testa assured tha• he eatisire satiate rci to lettel wish a " comet edit (on.". :Among my ectiw„sarletics lof casing-may be found Jenny 1.11n4 Popier Maebe„ and I Fancy bookcases— Pltaia tilt acid examine specimen Pictures, among which IV a Crayon Dagu •rrout 3 De token tom butt celebrated Daguerreotype of-Jenny hind: .Yotirs Artistically, • -. th Dalirt.3; Maatiose,Jan.-15.l bhaved ).•_ :AN eicollent article. (warrat4cd) kept eonstaiatly -hand and for xis lerig4 at the shop art he ' 3;4 Miles Kurth ot Montrose, on the t henangottiroldkal ItettrOtichl Fan'Chers. Mune. tr.II:',ALLYS. ' • -. hie:. Leather.- .'-' •-- ._ ~: ' $ : ... TriE Ellbieratin are now preparea to .farrtlalt 'We' Leather In au, quantity of Pratt & 4!021 iztauttittc sure at ihrtnanufarturera p.tria• Thum *dinar* In want ea Brat rate article, at low prieca. are re:peered to eall and ezzu:Ouc oar stack. - lIATDEN 4: LITTLE.. New Itifriad, Jan. :13th, 1447- : .. . . ~ . . . .. , , . bearie s . 8 now to Zrl t '"F",;."s' l nf,:Ztn t m h :;t r e assurell that the work' will be done ae this mill in a inapt.- tier niannerinal bribe satiateetbin of eueteutere. - 'N. B. Au excellent corn - crodk.r 'in 6 0 12 1 1 ; 0 w for die accommodation:or thtite wiebing to Drepari feed - rtb. JeSl.-41tt. Tt SIP.* ny.e., I anted, 4 (1 woo D CUP('PERti;—'ll3e above *lumber, oranted. to Choi>, Woolf .tbe fifty.critta per iiirdt OlLoPiiit;eiterd find coo.. venient to the Depot of the'X A..1 1 .1o: 'when good board can bb obtaittelL Altidx to 'rit:tier itflhr WARD. '.Shaq'ti. Depot: 3tareh 17th.. irtsV.: tt atches u lialvelry• - ••-• tkc • •• • -•-• mil Fi,Subecnber ieeityid hln 'neck of. Jewelry, 'of Gott' ri:3) - Gtlard Chitiutt." ringer Ritien, Pair. Ritir‘ aienst Pint. Silveri:halite; Gold Jillinil42l4 Gold Noel'', and Pruitt; &e:: &c to which he - would wi)e,the at(entirni A J. EvANs ) ,..] -Hsieh .at . FartnertiTtmporiuml T R. PEEK, . Would. 'inform -hit frikuin that .Life having htiendk iee'iiviid a ignppy otViwys, AO% he wants more WAtat snit Outit,for which he will ply the .. Vetyititihritypriet4 in asalil it.enk r allyitilinttqty 'of it; vlin:**l44 tho,ready.. ~L ILTECK.:;' Itisrford Mille: Jan.. IPA' I. - Englifik :P' - a 403:1T0TE1',...• MATE Sub ribeitnis this &It remelted anoth,d , Insoles of hirstipistior.Pe teat Levet lira Intro, :aide fot him by the - eel ebrated Joseph :Otinsoni Liter pool. The , Stibserfbet Is . prepared to case the aboyel Watches than? pattern,or); u Witt avid, as otnittkotit may 'WM Uttios• Ott b a nd should net stift::-AiltOjti“ received a hula lot of ant efAtiehaii, and Endues: tab! }bleb pit bitsold at thii lowest Cash prises, and windativ ted_td ales satistherion. - • AIMILED J EVANty4-'- -;Tiitinitatatoit, Ilateh . 2l: 'al . Ho' on your Lookouts: nr.lo-70178tiETIILItTAtiOrit3; • '2l:' Jain' 'wanted tin` L. modlately, to *Mit grit Igo pritet aritl ho. tityts lii aplenty at work 14:11o., Cotti whist oallod four; /Roo smooth ladled .-tik4 tatiteCoo Jut ,opprontico_ the , prre , buttnexcliy Ottoitt title& 7 0 4:1 or s it e , EP_AI to oho Grates, Tailor:. -• '• • 447 e, :lioutroteapril , 1S51:• ACVII StoitiL,Of.Clottilar. nv Mg Vid Boys-Roots agellSAPeCillbel; Cap, and Irsitel op Ito imar - O - Isearquantity,'lrall add Curtain' apex I awl Dorderijal!Oletprea AO 'Velars Trafats;- opky fiuterfitatforrni, 4 fliblintlazigiC SEO Silt reeeired sal for sale si etnalrpro,icifi!rready pay, Anatomy paw only 4-Aprit 3, l lest GEO, CAS MY , 7,14011111111081;i1P A . Thole:rind tare ot Ode thelltnllo6 e Tueedtty„tho 'tett, Ifitasei seereetet.lelcentoetene mutiny/ uidmitett thd•ltteter eritnestet e:c.• tunas cettlectlon ihe enespecud secces.* the ectn i i i .„ en ," Truirc..l - 4.1: With Tort eased confidence secenitn, nD Ibe I astitafinti ts. the , at tr rams of the Manlier.* pitfall of a bberati sin , nttd, -- and theconth cdtlea Twill Lo`roottiiitll3 , l4c tbibn mediate direct ton of Prof., I.eniuel IL: Waters. A; At Kta •', Afisoctetfitc • A. 11. • ,;n • • :'se.dtiCyJi•Crartorttc-;- ' • :•11.1.141:Carofine- Bceems.c. d. • -- • • 'Mite Emile Illaceman Tesebei of Sitite: - • • ° Oustar"ll..Waltet • " Getman, ' Thera tall be thtee academie toms In the, yate.. , - Th Met cetntnenelifi' be the 10th divot Sept:, et 16 reali.--. The 41 on the 7t?..1a0t.7ae. et 24 reek ei and the thlatoe* the 29.1. day ot itp.ll of 3.1 weeks. .• .• • - • . = Virit :.or - • • ittufles eitthiblinalYDe;paftsnetit.! ;SO ii`rioelf The CommnisDrantlea of theAmidenileat ' • Drpartooeld itteldndleiolthe utgbef 18,00- - • • -of that:lllBBkm ttmeat* • Lat - .o. Creek ono- -Ifreneh. •••. ;path • hole *Me Acadi a . - at Dadnul,to whole or part , 31 "- •• fdttalit srTth tine ar Piano, • - Vis7. ll ll lll d. P 4 ritinti; Dash' - ..*•15.00 Ciiloan • - - 14,00 •It •• ft-filbo Vbisifeatid pdffidsti ttie Vraiteta: tit appropriate disc:lol4e, by.kbp • evarilo of itudj ponueda by the thorofige.neya of thb insttusiitin Imparted and ht the faollttles fernithdd ; ed *cure fox this dead.dny a Midi standing among tba_LlteFary Institailatit bribe Mad •bttr • • , , -X. total &dm broad; totatdad to bbisin board may *sly e d ectlon to Otiose aggying to linnets B. Ohm* Vlef bc J. 3 . l dEfort4AYMMitteg; - • • ; : 31A1..Vdt1.-JltBSllP,Preildest. • Atisai elltwbanitie.-Efi•A!ey. . — Areil*4 S. willing:, rftraeuref... ;„ ; • ' MootrooriSept • ' : `• WOodnri3 Academy AT-Dimeek, Subliietuttunk ("obeli, *lli be Opened id' the reepinfee crew Jews Vretbeurray.B)b bf.11b.1101)} under 'lichen:l,lllom iiiifrHiatebdelieto in 'ter. Arebibint sum one Lady In where abilitytk rejerbleeo thc meet tie. lett oeueldee co may be emoted.. The doe healthy newt , . iv 6- feu- orenpeetetif this institutbse eronortut be ipe predated by all ithrkeilete • thettateb. edneinfon, for lb* least p. reline expense awl trouble. • The.Acedeode real *lll be divided Into l'entr quirters, twehrt week, each; * ea en that i3f onttgeGk Immediately etteeeedhur esettquori wer 'Arre , gemetas bays bees mode forgo& at • entell Poet a dlstiutee to hoard ib pirate Wallin or Othbewb• yrith tbe least possible eimtve.- - - • : AL • As : : 411 - id . • - The attiateiot ptlnarirdmleht ••. Aradralleal - Classical, • q Untie itith'thie Of phihb - Draningssa painting ir - Prineh - -. • • .The tnition - nne half payisbie D4TGOODS.:4;4IIOO.ERIES, &c., ,• • „ -New Varm'and:New 'Goods . THEUOlscriben4 - .(habing butered into coPait* ueithipybig leave to innoubcei 'to theii friends and asiutdutancer,, that.they may be Iliumd at tho etore,formerly.. occupied by T. du H. ,Haydets, is New Milford,'yehero.they have uos , jug receivet4 an d will . cOuistantly renewing, a good logos* Fancy 4. Staple' Diy doceries. 'ProcisiOns, - Hardware, Crockery, Tin, -Stoup 4 Sheet- Irori' *cite. Afedidihei t Paints, Oils,' Die',Stuffs,:Nailf, - Staie' Pipe; Zinc,*c., • which we will at this !Try linitst posiibk - prices We are itittqaelving a goddloartnient of Ready ntaileCAdhing„ ' Boots, Shoes ) kits, and, Ceps, alt „Of which.: we will sell iery le*. • - • - • B. Flour-tby the emelt or berrediand' always on hand. : = ' fleas° cull and examine ant assorttitent, as we Shall be happy, to show our . goods at any Lime, whether' you intend purehairing or not. - 'By strict attentionto bail:nee, said making thikeilt endeiro' erste please; we hopeto main, sad arlibs tral ahare.of. public patronage. '• 1 ' • `-. TRACY HAYDEN..., ; - ISAAC.B 'LITTLE. Nat . :Wilford, Jasiiiiey 18448.5 a "•• - Wanted Immediately t " -A NY quantity of 'unkind. of pioduee, inettnihnt .C - IGrin, Pork - , Potatoes; Batter; itaill; ?atlas * Hides and Akins. - Hentlock bark and WcrO4, &es We y tWe shillings for good socks,. so . tetcbthen, rest as pereible..• • ' • New, Fjpl2 New . 'Gouda. stilistribers respeequilY give holies., that Meth SIO mitered:lota 'eo-pls; Warship, unifer-the bible ab'd style of YOST it PITTS, and have just reoelerd fun Tor!: aft extensive and geurral alsortruebthf bry (hods, Greeerleri Coirkel7;aartheareOloott ittid fbosseArr''s which being.booglit mostly_ for. ash. pad" owiisg to- tbsi latswess of the season, at greatly Warta Veal', are H , fermi for sale, far ready tiarowlyi on 10th Apnea: r talc not fall io itiihtee all topurehase who will grracis a sills at the old stood of lle* Knapp.. : • ' , 4.11 kind'of pro:twee tahirkasr.he blattrat m arketmietw. 744 4 : 01 5_ 2. _T PAUL' R. PITTS-. 11TitromeeDcr. , 125.1850 LateoL.A,rrivelot r ; . . 117 Eta re. reeetrlng a neirratel general stock of good@ lf iihtih we Invite th@ at tentiortof the public,. Tholre. who wish boy gentle cheap for the Iteady—.l , llltio'vel to call and see. • ' D It - LATHROP & October 16, IBM) - - - - WANTED—socks, atoeliinge,lioolen Sera, .flen.l24* %slice Deans, Flassevil and allkltids aplkeater.: • • ' •••' ' ,•• : • D RIATHILOP &AV. - Ne*Establishinenti.: TitE-;•erit of eiderrie in beelriers, mambas in , * tree, Meettire lie total* the ptblit epprised of orkeei 'aim& btriits, and of the kledeffoods trammel, be basin barn .•- - Conseoiently, thein !reigned „beim briefly e.osted:gre that ) . liarlek fitted tip room nearly opporite . milts Aliapp'itotd stand o , lend purchase*, eh tilde liseortmetat 4 511 0 412411213 M -. . ; tererlattfir ir) otirea, e. see, Coffee, - Tobaero,(smoking andehewingo Mee, P•nef Spire, etireh. Clort•sißaletlituts, ginger. tiofmegr. Meer,. Pipes,Sena, Soap; Candice; Codfish, asek'ere4.lfenfoe Itelslor.aromed Week Balt Wien& for Dary sod tibia VUses Alieyoriugely of Wank al edfeleies •each (moo tiefti, - ,Intaluablo remedy fee 'Cade; flof. rope; Wild Chiefly bitters, Lung . It'Ort,eough Neettillitlik Coaled; Grail:id 10.1plio , 10 4 1 Em kolke4 Aft Wreath ere Offered teatereMblleet as reasonable prier; or reaay IStiy ' 'either earn; train, Batter, 'Cheney Mots.ste., es can be:obtained °berated& Alio, Illeaso Pala Killer. - - I. N. BUNLA Card ' • 1 take. thbropFlorfpnify lan •- 6rini !bele eintere itionke totheir'i'usteimern Een .rally, n'otoniy:ter ihe veiy ifberel Vniironso beinewid Upon tiernfirinfing tizolonsOlin yinnt.lmit ntemefer tho•-ptomploess of iiiiiir;'pnYmerta=finit 'beg,ls;yelo nor ;they hentottenrhoenclid•the yew- - • ; - -• , • . • 'with a aetbrephistialftlitkitp:k gOnoini atftlftiti entnniont of goad GOOO. 'wineti_ivilfiber.notti on; tin foveitibte, tryme fee'Fesibi be 'Oppreene4 credit. ntiOn be - ,bought. in: nix•itilfe - r ;entoblielti.r Wird thWilderbf the reify; , • -•- • „ , • tENTitlir-4-111744 raw% •-; • -:- • Monirottt, LET BED -•- • - IrtraT Po#'l 6 llo - slirir:tietertnined t9 ` a l` , affPre'. rigidlyol6, , Refi**l3, aptnitinicyeanno. quenq can tliett_goodei,-iit,/eco'es c,esethiin ihnsi *No tnattu -- tblin 451:'detgi; and they are bound to it, ~ ' Cidritid eei rut' yoorsepreo,iniineettlinnge 'eT3llll":lklantp. ' riteni riiinnid,i fluter. V ediStdenitlti,l'ott.i. C o ddlesqUets. 1 1 01' Ilahthrs liti. , nauft;fdratitOo jdoroneued: and - tar: info by: • • & SOtc -.• clp,r4ot eig!ti jug! rec,l*** lope for • • . 10 • :Avast Art eliA Din uesr:ruppty,oF. {3A • 'DEL4 - gelids. Maker's Ilt,ebettergirateti Swim Ni t,' 8 pe7;04 aba (bpi - up ;I; ?aim? , UueA l 7 :„ „ tionYttni- , tish tmitedVeikel-hit opened and st4l I,g) AGiiebst c4ngsverptratit Oath dom.. !2. 1 40N1 1 4' 'OSA • - .N.EIW.ini - .orl44l4li.:Rubt,ltri,:lutkins Gaitert—iNo.rmittpugif Bubbm,.Flusis cam, riCeived by • . • BENTLEY & REAM, . _ _ sg.sbc..‘x....a luta Mining., vora,N ga2l( yattib*lde.. , PlotallaitArAMlV.l4.treriffr Vfil'ONlS it SON. joi rem' ..stpsAtosk-stote, s spiendsi 14, ' Vs n tine*. 4 4 4. Oki4 - 0 4 1 . 0* Ilind41 1 17 6 41,401 1 44 - 712 9 4t t oth1 9 4 , 11f i V1Vo s irs l u d trog ,ban, as we ate !Wag so faai; Ifttrilmseedlatilit ' • 4T SN ar. /4/71.11r =,.s.:AcADEmica - just recti bt • %L1F0N6.34c. SON #224 ate 4 41 spo 2.C4 6,04
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers