QWM aim ealmailms will brim, es esmolerew of the Swedish brig Johann*, nil loos li g ht 11".1,10 o I. lbo mise ado, 1.-itelllir•l n elar. Informing himelf Ile WIT le poesible of their:L.6lw.. fill they I upon iron • ehould be wade, in order to quiet . weed Imemliately? Me rum. ben mum woad. s Steekbohn, in September last. Kerwooluso sow Max 014 .....• d• dispotition and resources. he diesiseed : public, of Tleseala. -- reached the MU rev . 1 ' nait•tion and giro permanent,. 10 the iron ag et Vie a Cres-Mesican Beflinwey- them with yree.M. prowdeir.s ..... to • A.: The Tluealans belonged to the wane , -----_ - isod , hl the weer, same Cool too. Bring a .1.1 -Mount Vent., Nom. to Xesies . for MO* Is the limo we need n lb° re.i4°. " a. G '' tr ade and the varietal, breeches of bodes's it their muter. Tine proadeihe aeon a- great family with the Attees. They Inset -- I -- „ 'are, ‘Vashigton. in Virginia, low DO named • ---...- wependent anon it. The elation le nem sr the eonquest of Ti... ao, Cores ter fulfilled, and was reeeiend with great,. bold and warlike ace, dwelling in the : : I g ,. ya, m a g oy ,. „„, ~,,, Lee ,„.„.1,, et after the English Admiral Vernon, • breve ' b : s , end our pat ty oas thwarted without Hier Jed along the a smt, till 110 arrived off b. ~,,,0,,, b y t h e I n d,. „hie s fruitful "alleys, overshadowed by the •sierra Teekhaanock. for the monks a see of neigh- die'''. Who 0. 1 ... 0 10 0 W ..hinla m . l. ,!":• aid of interested •Ilies. But it would un an de Clue. The natives spy..., &rt. seri)! mar the necessity a re.... of Tlaseala Tl ey were at deadly ehmity I TILE.DEMOCRA'r notice of the English Cabinet, a nd d m . h quentinuably"be to the advan.p of the , i."Y• h. inlet bl• A.r° ° . °" lb° i g ar , ettlement Whieh allutdd serve as • with t. Mexicans - who had long •sought to y . bore In Meet. lost, end aefienteed The deed wet. ys .,,,,,, sssyd yy ,,,,,, ..,,,,,,,,,,,, by y ~,,,,y , ~,,, . led te los getting tne.firet contanaslon. I Democretio party well es of the busing. and dentlate shore This ems the place ~ y.„,,, in caw es . yoyyryyy. ...g. - - p.n. for ihirp .. 4. l .. ..b i i . u . r in t i o sa i t p h , e i n:t o ' d t:ut d they had . bravely enlstitm In Matinee Yeetn's • 4 ihe LoiTe•l CP eht e e, t ctrenoteencee of which our reader. will ' Cl o Jok.o. -The Legielsltfie a Ken- itnereats it the to question withdrawn pot where the eity of Vera Cr. new ...... ....... and . pen en. agatast their - arena of olitirs If this can &ohne. recollect . , deeded tit ourpaper at the tacky is about to erect • montane. In rho . fro n m .t tae p . h. •If Om C....1m,, had boon Per - With much add.. he gained the appro- powerful neighbor. Strorg in the natural , 0, 0 & F.. B. CHASE, Emcees. of (Jul. Richard H. Join son T b 3 allantionm g the Tariff of 1846- time. The amerce.. tees ....ducted by New memory t• east • PII• I 'Y l•''' We .. d Ifation ol his men to thin plan. Thu mill- rea ,„„ fled o t t h y ~„,,,,,y y. ~,,,I h, their 0 „„ ... ' • ' - 1.0 •in th ' Peckham and Ft R. Lode; the def.. by litoe. moodier. of the Legislature were affected to not hy . to, g a wood Denteerell• tt the evtotts whieh here sinee trans , ,I t. a evil Povernment ~ tar wan Cha npt 3 C . • 1111C•01311.10,03113 spirit. tSey held et bay tbe. !MONTROSE, IPA. "• "..., ••,,. • ~,,,,N t • , wm" ••••• and the foundation of 4 city win bud - f. , bigoy power, which had wept over all - I Jaho N. conyughann HeClintoolt, 11. W & ,H. Learn by an eulogy on the old bolo, by ono principle iocormoreted in that act-net by tlet his view. Ile wn Id have ea en They Palled it I,a V il la Rio. h e V o n. Cetin the tribes of Amthima. Con. •saw the. Thursday, December Is. ISMS. , wroght, Orteluo, nod Won. lof their number. 1 s giving heavy bounties in the manufartumnt _ . . , j the country-but .imply by I ielding Is -Tbe report that. the unfortunate fartn. It men idain where the north wind • foe friendly native. brnught in materials, t „h,„„ tng . o f A. alai h i will ,I,j, o „pie. I, . M 4111451 -In the• senate. the I f metorh t o null I rly • •it used, a I ‘ l ' l "" nm g ••""I iota Li 'locks, ' w- slope , lime, wood r and brick. Every man and hoped easily to ohtein it. but P „ this s i s ys We are *Mtge,' to defer Nome ...vs.! ma- ..::, ,5 e , .7 • 47' referred • emir. i .,., ly of Profeesur Webster had gone to Fa3•l . . a " : ‘ ,7 0 ° ,,,,, hy ,.. y .' °-e • , • a flourislet, itv, the ,•reat mart I put Ms halal to the work, the general la- .1,, was mistaken', for they ... t hin, with ter,ll.ollded ter our first made, in order to re. the '''' ° " d ''" w 7 , ,„,,;,, „ d : ln in incorrect. Otte of the daughters, only •.. fluent 1 7. pa *illin to give our 3e ars lig . , end wk.. mpe. and Otteittal trade: and be bring with the .Idiers In • few weeks t. In..at dMermined an I des . stems. entire. 0 will spree neat week. We C•nor ' ldrw ' •I. • " ..n. Ps ' . • P I. lett, the widow and remitting daugb- PYr.l. rP.''' the Hon, the Menage wee refernd end nendmg . will lad coentromtse our pennon bathe kg. Lase 1110'ri that t ity ...king in runts, the week was aconmalith. J. A town bad tones. It ems nod till after four hard ft,'l ‘ so f•li . 1 . 5 b. Phiffird '° p.p., ene week, the ....tees ammo...J. Upon the reference a l u...tilt°. th ...tido in Cambridge. 1 I :w • -if toe tare. queetton ran . takeu out a se .1, generate postertty ..1 1 i.t ' , My i Rare as it hy magic-small indeed ettol bad., in which the s paniards Omagh el- commencement a lien mimosa story, before spa. C . . , The will ff IP f j • itD that pert a the Itemage r4attng to the Boron. - ew, o the moms loneer 0 10• Ines y thaw means, 1 o ancient will '", 46 '. be . .. t• •ir."o.r °' d I sd, worthy a in. emoting name, 3.t . wave victor..., were much weakened, that kr• .4 ' 81... Lew, • wonted debate elm. on the subject the Lehigh. Josiah White. beg... a surely may nay to thorn. weriug well the purpose for which it •••• 't..y were wilting to accept term. tef peace ' yr We alto prom Gee Jay to nahninee of ~ • . hie fortune to charitably tan ' of Slavery between Mr. Weddings, of Ohio, end portion of It p . _ .................., i tutees fl felted front s the afijacent IC., . 1.,,,,,, y ~,,,, si •t • , n le strata gers within their date. Tosnonow, (Tharedaya twos Thank. . 'DUTY-FIRST row RESS-Armid ksjaw . Monernard, a Names poses. ts see the wsittlerful strangers, and . .1. new city 1.. scam.ll 0 .0 0, " ; T.. htdd repoblicans regarded milita. , g....e. . - - WASiIiN3,OII, DIV. 2, 1860. ' I' s . Ybml. "PP rr ' P rl ka ' id ' • met - tel (Wt. , ill." • .•••• lid ‘I.I. Mee.. ry prowe.s as the highebt kind of merit and : ---- - i Tea lavreilev Clitarma 11. L..-The dembi -The quantity a cell sent to Market ro qof ever 3 ago at a nes. ,1 hey Wails • , i , , ith ,,, th ...„......4. they i.iiiiiig.ii ..5 ..... 5 . _ . I nt. oA,d to Fugitives . . I. tenovonlitley orowded ~ . _ ~ c i ll 0• • in .n. o 11 ly from opou ennany ~,,,, „„, d„,,, ~,,,,, e Ile.. t hewer Bower, nepreeenteo. is on. .t. Reeding Reibttatl, • exceeds by s••••t• -At 1.2 o'elock the Bean any o with dont presents a fruit, Pegs- Iwhich had arinen witl, • neigh.ring city. 'm the warmest friendship for the loon, fib° rem, nom the II a, Dawnct en thie Sta., wae, . ' heady t hr. hundred 1.e.. to., the called to Order, lbe following Senators be- Tut: It littesArrti, goantity forwarded last 3 our by ll e Nemo jog present : I. '''. P. ° . '.''' d ''°""'"'"° °I He recent:dot the contending parties with- t n ,,l .0„,... 0,..., 4 .. .0. than shay. , , announced in . neaste m. Weal...hay fast, by I m,..,... web..., ..... .. Noce.. 11 he, Hale. , N d maw da3 s a ter their ir hello 013 , lout himelshsel....l es, received with great equals its arm,. The St animas were i vi- IWe dieptsee ercrythm• on, co our out.e, , • ......, a,,,ay cu.,. . si iy ~ y outlet. r, me en the .es by o•. •I J„len Donut, Wlrtlhretit, Ifitelps, Clarks, en. of the pr NittPe. manna Teult- I .. s p y bY 'h. p eo p le . Tr. 1' his Pttrim.Y. led into t. capital, who ' re thi'y were " a- make room . Mte &mamma. We eet. nodal. • • R. Chandler, with ate reworks tu emn•l -A Irrifth newspaper, the name of d • ~,,, s , ' , mid, Hilohnif. Ittekinson, &Ms '' , 1. 1 Ilifit'l 4 . , the Bump. 11 ca l now informed the Tomlin herd, that newel not,* c:lng . tarots but es friettlis ZA ' b. ' ' " °"" . "* “ ." "" a ' on.. " " "°"°- • 1111111 S virtuee...d both Henna which is Ir. Hsieh. h. been r aomeneed in L} 'La '. m ina With much ceremony by Co r- , ~. the great object 0f their tothsion was to nt , fintained with tl:e irreattat hoveitrd; nee It la won. ill • Hear and nen.. otyle, ''''"d''''" 4 ''' I . 1 no o r mehonte- New tel There o Tv umess in t I •rd, (stoner, :aurae., Spruanee, Wale., d retort, tl thil attutition a ith polite , .„,,,, . 0 . ..„., their h eet h e „.„l, „,,,„„.„.. thiring 1. . .. . , .. • .• . ll ' -- which wren et some merit . e producteme ; bet let °"°°4 me "°° re " °" ' "P"' 1,..„ i,,,..hi„ ,". ° ° '°' ° • . '. Pratt, Pi, rep, )Iteenn, 11„nter, Mangan. , ir stay nen, t hey reettvtd an vof the deceaced. whi ts ton 1.10. ,al,, t. TI c hd- Itado.r, Berrien. R., Clemens, Morton. ' C l l ''''. l """lIP-I• Ills tint' "q ui ". 00 ....1fa he.". 11" hilt. c 0 . ,. a . 0 " hie emba•sy rra,, m , ......., 6.dod as weal ' h. ''' . " w. " II"n " w "" ddbIwth " th••• "" I 'l w.'III d lotting is its motto. which its .nun ib , y di ~, T ~. , E i r. „ s ,. 'ere e-p. [ding the ~Donny t '' t l '°l idols, and to cants, the botobtls of the true' ~,i, g „hi e „ g ift, i„,i,i ng ....... m e ..., et.. In O. rerpeet, the dtiference between this Revrest o roux Cettstota..-W. S. Kenner J, ti lti ng i _ w_i da,, , n,0. ~.,.., ini , _ „i „ . ;; . oto. • _. II II y. /1 . 101 1110.. 113. thy erb, 1101 11•0 I 01110, Of them visit - I Nil!, to be set up in tgeir place. - 4 • An,,,,„ i„. 6.. .„,... i„ th i,, ..,,, and the late rteadmo Poly'. ........, . a,,. who lan Ihnlgewnter, this Ceonlye together with yi y .,, d. . eob. .70, , , e , d.., , , , ‘ „ - dr , L .,, , , , 7 , r. ..... h Dodge of Bi • e., W allter Au., V go ../ le , Filth end! " hi h " ' I " I• "" the II " II i I" " I I To tl is the chief mulled •• that hie ntda tel (Nan; pronounced equal to Ilia ae - ed,'' ' '''''' I other you., geudenwet, • jear ago lan „ .0, 4- ,i d monarch wh.. dAI it hoyntid tie sea ; . ' .. . d , . 6 , .., .. ,,ge .„,,,,..... the . p .a a . . He dees out make . norompromieing seer Marele.ll. oreverl et home ; and us tenderwomel ' , Mr. Sturgeon offered • resolution 11,.. ~,, o r the ' i re ent him the SOO3lllOO an toe rein, tot) t h t , 1 . , jj , 1 s h• Tirr • r a 111 k - ll' Cotten -Tito crop Ode •. ear will . be- the Settretatriohnin the H.. that a qa... v. l • has ...foe a to. pot kit foil of rocks, the we t g l '. °° ", '''. "'° or° , °l ' d ' e ' , him re gaud en, ugh fs Int., awl . would .notk tip it march to Mexico. by the way ' d ` s• • •fl I. ' IId w• “P'''' ' fl ''''''T ° ' ''' " ' s r"; '''- ''' ' '' 'i 1 I resist any vinlenee off. r ,, d to tin ir shrines." ' ~f Ch.olula Six thousand Vassal. war- 'rather inefleretel t in „rennet. to Matdont este., ' teemed reward of emit on enterpter. low an aim age. not e a ill he adt lit icttey rum of the Senate to jerreeot and ready to en Ihe Npor Orleans market of over . :2,t010,- prorend b. bosioess- wadi. was adopted. 4 '''' i '''',,'" ° ' ' , ,',' °°.° 7" ; ',. ''',',: '', The seal of the chi t'he'se oas not to Le ' riors volunteered to bear hint company -. 5 w° " l °" `" 4 " . " ° "' - ' ' he '''''''' 4.41 ' Ito ""; orees ty e b se l eenen cell t,.... awn. th e t. p,„,, e ,,„. TI, 11. S. Ast. -The pots ta nrettga, or 0011 bales. On miner m of M, D.slge, of lowa kw. d • " • ' II. '" us " w d s ' s " . ' l ' °"- •I eetrained If) menace. They bud wine.- a rentforeensent to hie little army. vild ; 1 which he must oh liver in I' era.; but who... • rose tie in pia., of ad to. 010anny eell,lltili men, thetwdle nut .1:1 en tit fur , _. ordered that Senators he allowed nnweps. P.'''. I ' ed the barbabous rite i i loon. .erifice• Inas very acceptable. The Cholulans Cs- ' , fire Rev. Dr. Ser.. Night, tine of I ,' l . I ' l :' .'"" ° "'"' d°d ; , h " t " 1 ,"."Th I " land Cortee declared that tt Mann would l e. ived them with a parent friendship but :A"'" dub., eon hat, t 0.,,,, mg dm el a. howev. de.. Of Me mantle , 7 . 79 ° •. et...0.d to 6 , 1,......, , , i4 , ii, .i . New E . 0.,,, ,, ow , to ts elptal to the .n.t la Gar ,tau papen.. :I ' d.. tII ` I P IP "' - '" "'L . ''' . "°. '''' •I •I n their • titer rise if the • eoun- 'they formed dot- r ' . d tl e .•' mu °.• F..", sole . M... legit enonah T"... NY. Mr.' , Cd"Ps , 'Pi Cl 'd • P• ' l ': et, .11011010 -divine, ,hid to Prided I 1 ia II " ""'""• it • " " 4red Ib " 1 ' 1 '. it"ur h general. It ..,,,,,..1 a ~,,. I ;reds, I'" amt le ' •. . P t 1 , . . P it iP ."PP..e " . , 00, eery ~,,.. ~,,,,,„.„,,,„ H. 0 .,,„,. 0 , h a „ 4,530 so the other stow, nue Ton tortes. I' ''. of meeting .611 be 1 . 2. o'elm.k. , •, i tuttaneed such lament.; and Lea ag e- ett,gesso.. a 31notestima- to mat off the Nov 311 1116 woisfa tart ly,,,rt ...oh. ni l . A . ~. „ ....„ .. . ranch. "°"• °' v. " l '''‘" lk ' " ''' lL" '"' solved ta dem..lish the idols that very Lo ur ' .11.,1n army. This was discovered by 'IIk- ~°"'• to . b.,.d a - hell.wey hour between the w b,. , , H.. ... thiiii..... ww y ,,,, , , „,,, I ry. men a, wa nt it t man the nnalla work, al..a rit,h and th.heate dyes .l Dentemetic end Ming due ninea ; and if lite vo we I A° "' LL "'"' L B°"• ' ..- ' •"" • ' " r ''' . , that a tin, toff us , r pmesent in thet branch. t , c it him his life." 't ii,a. the Indian interpreter. who had be- now,' .... account ol ill health. id eith the most beanti el 1 anlog, i ' ' ' re... 1 Repo,. that ear senator. Mr morgeolt, • -• • 3lr. Worm. submitted • re...dation that, Ti e st Liters 3•231 ,, 1it Ids enthusaem and i•••ltte strong!, attached tti the Spanielt in- AIM ethereed by loops., . we; to, wift.l l ~,reran,,, elliore .Ilogyara - Got.latT, lie t Chin- a commune J tont he appointed by the 6 " k ' ' " '"" with w.'"'""'w " ' IH i. "I • I• I nu-, C lies leafs ut • • f them tie Y lue 600, ..a .... , •••W'Y •ot gi 'cued to I ' a• "4.'4 loon aaur.a ar '''• ''''anna na '""-' I t g 41 . IL, „,,,,,, r ,„....,,,n 0,,,,,,,...15earce.y wa Log tor . at C0113111.131•A i l el, , •,.. . waiting .. or . .........„. ~,,,, „... . , „, ...„, ..,' ',. . doff a bat to eetablede so Agneultural Burro,,. , c-c M.-a en le, , rat s tl• aln 11,4 th-rov, red 0 0 n..., ~, eft w i t h ~ Ilks en ,„,,,,,,,, of ~,, , ~,,,,,„ „ n t.„„„,,,,,,.„, „,„. :. ~, s moved towards the principal troceitts,wl.l. tt. mato. their plan, to dared on manctlette , 0 i et . et.. e • J., twee] tiny , - - et on niter!, pre ~f Chttta, a tribe . Ite 11 Ilse ana .;Gum the Presidt nt of the I i ti al3 ramolal fstati4.ol•ol WIt!I a :Wad/ nn do city: The p.ic• struck im thoot to Le the tyre el 1.e.& a the •.16 doetristed 1 . ie covet nor tl at •• Mr Spaniards ,'''`. '-g'". I , , s . 1 , mu. 1011001. T a 211.1:. . W ... ). . ' 1` ''... 1 ..‘ .be '..... l' , y , .,.. •• U..' .d Std.a that s gonna, is present in t,„. leapt '' .41'00 (Meta. ~t en. ate'. to the ittiddle nabaahls went cut down by the artmery , n be.. cr... more *tenon than 11„ v s .. o r the 31ng3 ars of Iltottierc This tithe is welt lionae, end r e nds t o ...ice .. 7 , rart'dol wills', divas , of bier ,011 ~.,, , ~;,,, ~i„ „ 11, ~,,. i i.,„, „‘„,,,..„ j,,i..i„,:„„ p „ 1 ,„„ o ., roo„ ; ,1 which swept the streets with terrible effects dm Preadent, as +arm. d 11l the :Ilonn. new! t. peorn en .. bah., Notional 111,w:one 1 ., ;.;;; ;A; ',omit or linri.-tiatiity 'l'd , et.....tobatmo Ir.. h.-adopted And hi, ~,...,, .„ . ... 41 ,,,, ~ , I,„ h .r,,,.. ,h d to art. The wart l• , vibe, d ; ndo ev- Ten Intildinge art e , et tot tie , and • , T•fri. Moter ton eta ferc.... , .......5. 1 Att.,. 1,1 -Mrs. Ann S Serpleens one li on , i,,,, mon 1e t ..., .a m . ti 11,d, ard 31,-, . It , non and Dit•kinauta were ap .t, y epistler, ald rho Wit , . will' dishevel!. at...tin t.r attn.:tan arc destruction •naued, wee Partly the It tog dot... el 'an. to le the, ec,,,,,,,..1 p 5 ,,, 0 „,. 'wa ne .. T,.,... 82 .....„ : d,.ite, out t t ' Cltietta eith t. Nli., o -try on 1,,i0t, 4 such 1•••11011inee. II" 0113103 deoLnied for )lontertutia ~., ~ • . ,• , ~, ten yd ~,,,, ,1 ban. 11 oat. n a ittl,t over his shoo hkr, :" bi , di ea." , be descrlbed• Th. se.. •P'd 0 .. Mom th , ...Igen, .. a. 'S., .•peeen, la n ee ,. e 5: n c... eon add.. eh.. J lls 1,4 tart tor the pte pose or t kiln:l th.. oonn et. ~..j0 , ,,1 ' '' ' " a" ' '' ' - 'l'l I I•II . • 1 All w the dem. the frantic cries of the vast oish• ' hate • eboadontd o alto mil er Th l t I,n emirs .it repol e let!, adorned l ''°•' ' t fe. 1 . Pr. Y. l ..., h.. P. ..1 • , 1 b. .••.0 ts ...I P, terser., fie Cler ..... it e t 2V,fitletelolehen. 12, ire ~,. `lticyare h.,.. ; h.. Pre..1•14•01 •teel read. when at 400. i „.„, I , 00 , ii. sell ri „„.”, ~o r 0 4 ;cont.; .... and .4.may , but t. gerteral.with , ed, were mingled uni t the shouts °t th e ! has demount...ft . and to of the pone.* on I Notion, urea be mid In Annoys..., of tI.. I T I„, ,i„.,,„, „r pr 0,,,,,„„ -TI y 3 0',1,...k the Senate , a Ijout nt d .... 1 ...,,, . 1 ., ....,,,,,,, a ~, :L....A perm allude Catnani the revirph., Spaniards as they r,..,1 i , el two I heir , nceteica, winch the Demorrebr pony has heard one mice.; „ t „h t y o , en . ntteeds en esece o tne , i ine ,, o , en ,,,,., . frit.... LI S iturda, publi.h. Bet .1•"« L, Ilov aii -The rail wits nailed, when it :. a ~,,•., 0, the privets to Lea ...A. Ile and the yells 01 tin ar Plumate') of tee, who , h.; n/ n hao ales "I. "'" th"Wwwl"""ww 'PP.: ~I t . • l I I P ImPPI.' dn. ' , P i' d ' i r ...I "' 1. , It 0 Z. 3 •• .11.ton.r to the Let tun te, was Cattol Iron members wo•re 1 resent. .. s a,. thin ,s,s io iii,ii..4 I, ..,, .I. no e „,,,mat o l, .1 th, in t• grid the ',mph,' gat e full •••••1111 VI their boo, rim ished ba• .or tt in, ~,,,i.oh, for the todonnalelas.teof the ann ... m e met. doll, Meg.... Tina mina, r%I I . 1.1 Is 0.1 I 'P TI 1 • ' 'l ' . s.rc 1 no.op ug ea. on the et. Ine of ou• fit • t Int atottatilltre renter at wenty , and tre.l, and ts.,k t e e n ..., for man, att a..ment rennin,. We tatv .e le el t d ~,,,y ry, ,,, y ,,Z . ,,„ id ,. t,,,,,,„. „„..' ft, it a u &If 1,,W WAS bunt again, ik :: I. , spi I __ . s . , ee ott of la e. no cite eattianta •,Itt .1,0... a •nanntanztral, atonal, ~...„,„„.. , fi ve m i,,,,,,, 1,0„, t ..„ ~, . .1,,,.k. ~..1 1,... ~i,I . . 1. ,,,,, ii 7,,, look i m a, bite it should enet every ono ot them M s hi e -, a „ de g, ~,e ... ob ., nat e & a .nie Lours, Wlnaa 'tale aaa a•tl• ...nth to ft, tt t once arliata alt.eit •• Pray (Intl Illeso repo • mud 31oneeten” n I inc renicee.4. „ported that they 1.1.11 Peen. , Lewd b , „,,, 0 ,,: ‘ i,, , , , , .; o „,„i t „ o , 'llan anfaartitni.• , ..l the tumbled chief... whe. 1 . ..Y....rad be the emeeta I. otd: no to th e , f av o nte d0e,.. 0 e o r e , n o ., r„te,„,,,s, hone suntan, ... n „. ~,,„ ~. „... t .„ .„.„..I A Great County - Lan ~ 1 3 11., ~r .„,, , 1, _,,_, . h., h. .....1. , . o ____ s ot tho Spat tat .1-. their .t. ma. 0 ,,, covering iik far n tattil It', halide', exclaimed, the Ciodultut cities, called otff I le st , l.liers, , see nee not areally mom. J ..00007 0000 ••30• !miler.' the late a - Dont Albino:l t - &tad ',II, in tlin Stale has a poptdation of 100,761 h ..i ' ii with un it cii . „. " ,... wiih.iii . 4. ... 74 ° . 6, This w.ts the Won. liiiwiwol ti t ..t • th e go . woeld ermige their own l ' Mai tec• t . rt dOm ...fibs... of 11 , Y..- dao met. tool. T.,. domin. ill . 0.4 mar } , B o o te e s . ....n en '. i n the neat ....bar Mrs. -Several tanagers while ..ga s hed inta t innt e n a.t e r. the Men.. of t.PIIOIOIOIII 11113,d city. er th.. Ades, e a T...1..t1i1e j,„ I weollge° C....tab. , ;out trap plc by which they mow et... . tee stephe. In gale 4110000 r0111001•• • mod serenading aw, tiding party at 111 , ...t.burg ema 1 . 101.11 end read by the St errtary of Ihi if that. t..eno I...tures ot re to 61 Th. hug. Idol" t , l-re aragttrd ft . °. thrir - the reget trOid Denowratte pane, end the wom.r. ~,,,, t ..,,,,, ~,,,„ gy,„ . ....„. • n „, Th,„„,„,. last wet•k, Were .but by a Mr. It..lti ~,,, , . th e S o o t .. tart •A pesos dr aro wam repel to dn. Joiloreeod „1 , td 31,,,,,,„,„ c s ,,, e , w , 6.mdatinos, and ;baled luau the steps , 4.... ~iii.. in nMI Jelfernob Sledwora, CO. Meo and ethers.- 0 . R „, 00 , , ,. ~ ~,,0 0„ ,,,,,. ~..,,,, b y tp . le ooh a loaded shot gene. The Star a the Mr. lVelancr.h. of 111, nave noel. of I , nth the tina end to height. the the o'm°. "f'd •". far t t" ".." .4 the •s" " I they will be to ~,,, , iso g memento to Moon Keno!. w e e Ten o per.e. , Atnnew Knurl & N'lr'lft my,. ; --W., a ,. g l a d t o itear that him intention tn roll up the River and Hare , i i non wide'. ht, a i-ltp Itn produce, he ISt...lank am' the won. td the tott.vt i . .e., Mho reentavadwor General% MI.. glen speedo furor/ rnlur. sn.htto gt 111 del 111, ha,• th„,..... 1:0 010.0h1113. N. V. Om bu3s wipe were woubtled by Br. R s l.. bill et on ends! day 4 old tlwerlV•ll.3 0111 amatory. TheitilU ' v. "' ° "" °i l•i' d " t Is° " ' II "' T 1 1 1 I Is a fell, clear and explieit, and will Lo I 0 0 , 0 , Y mood, b, al...Women • tech proteet.e. •,...,,..,...,.....„.... -I. .h . w. ,.... ... ... 50 . 0 a nt . t a n .0 re...venlig O. proved meek I A nbunrial wan Kennard from lino. ~ ~t 1 ~,,I, „,,„,/,„„ ,h„ 1,,,hi a ,,,j &for and walls of the tettqfle ;sere dean-ed 1 i.o.i..ii with .4.0..4 .wiiththiii4i. i Tata for •a nasterute one. Anel, lone ell, the, ,„, lessor ~,,,,,0 „ 0 . ,„,„, , • 1 t h0 , 0 , 0 metre ettterdy r. ~,, Idt d ley the detet than Jana Pett.i., room- ling the 0101, Of lilt. ty a 101 l I . , littn•elail Ita of th•• tnoms, but when P" . altar nixed, ••r• '''' PW ' d i YII he number a lentil routes within the s are mod to a sod no doubt well pram.. the Ire y y 0,,, , $ v, d , , ~,,..„, „, , A 0,., , tp i ,,, was at first thought, but ha i• now getttog 11. ~, i ~,,, 10 , morrnt, fr.. No, Ilamt.ehire. ;•;;I the i 1..... n' . t. Cann.. aad .r... • ''''d hung ' nil ' g' " ' ." ' ls ."'" United Stutee at the entlfli 3111110 last. Is I i''...."Pl• • - . 0 . , . Alter further unimportant beminess the ,Is . scoot,. N. V heltites ; li. Military too k : ,• A onmeamm was hunted. and the 'I ,donic - - - • ...it gOf 31.0 till 11. as th ey dashed I I i . i ... i , i i . ii ; J AI), ••loiiiilog over 17 , 072 (ilea, and I it ' w" , "•" " n2 °'•`" "w F " d"w 'II. '" L ". ' esstatt Ihtd Rood: P Ltreand Wrath or P. A. 31r. R bis.n wap, fat 'Thored ry monsing. Bon, m4...fled. :11 tte to •i4l.latriog forest, shivering, prtc•de - '°"' , .." ". tm , mt.) •",l °P.l""t einplo3ittg 1760 eontractors. The 1111/13•1 I '''''''''. I. ' " I " ' ‘ '" •I ''' '‘ g", Pal '"'""" I ' l ' P.; 1.1. roliteed r.”,,,,. woh ~...:..., 1 an ,,,,,1. ""'" °. "T n. ' ...° U . . ".° Il° ...'. ' Sao sir, Pee. x -M.. Menem. ellleed ••••• et th ir t tour, they wt rt fil. l l'''' •-*l ' ri "d Wltil° °A ' s ". ' .° P . '"'^ h g i ' L. I cretin,. notion of the mails ttn these roan. hen, o ....mot, he &nth., 111 ordoitta M. ol i ,.. A1....4,, 11. tiii, .. . i . tho , i ..... ~. i. ... held td buil by • ditstive Painter ail It tat . ....„,1„,i,„, i ..1 ~4, „„„ ..,,,I tn. 'h., I. ac candles in their 1,.... j ined t. co. onsternatom All thi., woo depleted , boll nes 46 . - .41.423, at . annual cost of $.2.. s cce , oat., a leek fired need bed loo• resin nee ' "'" I- i0..? thIII '.". th t " th ...h. "' I.° Preaident pro Mtn bpia.h.t the liketuiing a ;a and C0ma,, ,,, at Renew • 11. ;one. a ' 1, woe, unit a tidt.day wbb 4.M0- I° "" t '' • -t• " P. P . sf 1. V•r g in • - 7 . 24,4 - 2.6, making the average nuta shout ~, ncreer ; hetet., end eyeophattey ere Henn, °, "'' ' w:. held to I . with one *direly . e...,00 c„,,,,,,,,,,„ „, 0,, 5,,„... the Spa. i t , ds mmther . c.l in 0 wet ft, eat b• mu by the iith ....id eight tha . ii4ii. I. pi., ~..„,..,,,,,,.., .„ ~... t , i. „thiiiii .., how i i New 800.. raldt, lto eel: , W. , ens 00 'l.."' ";her .....- ' 31r Beet, n gave police a .....I hilh , „ • 'Caren. a being emkd Tel/table Prnree't ~,, end Pl." .lass 'l.° dine ~- mil. The inert:am 01 the number a i,,• I i 1,•,,..,,,...,..,, low: tote Make. up tent one I nor rentaas. ro .1 Justin, Kahl, fold hut to but h.' „„ .. , ,1,„,,, „„, ~, . „ n ~,h„,.„1 t, Ran rto the Spaniel, exam. leaving Me•• 'th• ' he.. 1-6..... d. ." .l ' he ".'- 1,,,,1 ran tante, awing the 3ear wue hill, , &PM.. pfa of the none tteensery to go. _ 8 luto F,. ~ .6...•...,,f1 for other porno... , t rat 1,, 1 ,, I ,h, ,„;„„,h, ~,,.r i , ,i,,, :, I llt nee td rather /Hondo a,. to „col t. au- one 111...P1if miles, at an inert...ll,day to • • hal, ran he held more reeponeible -Sinn. Jaws M. 31ason WWI rtneleet. a ~ 1 ... a , at po. eta is a 311yor -M., r Bar. l's.. Senate then 'di. timid "lth I. t i - i.`tl , til Intl id , thstror - !‘"°"°°' IL°I I " 4 ' ° " . "" d 81 "‘" i " Lk if w ' ed enet tat $.14•2,4 10 On tho last of June . that. the Preeideat by whom eole anent .t betwenes to the U. S Senate, front Virginia, for tux 1 ' • - • I II • TI IT Ia I et., ot I aibbtog is ntslang non... tog fd a or sft - , Ron ...of e ^.• eon) believe the ehenieler -.ere melted • 111 11.0 atitatai I. ' . there tattle five to reign mail routes of an a Isw of I. i.,.a tacit roe, porch s . E.,. • "'lra ro. lb. 4a. °I )larch otott• oo sot- 1„,,, The ~,„,, i tt , h o e, f. •• 0 • tee election of Chaplain. and Rev Mr. Gurley l• Cortes then collo aced h. , inhumation wide!. r,ultible had ,T t " '"". • acgrecate length of 1:1,079 miles, and 111- nt attnlto voted for that low, eo denounced by the ."''Y last. 'hill against etber f,r 0 Milt{ 010•U'I•lt ill of- wn. shoat.. orer all competintre. Cons.ac nihee nem bnthrett at r. It . td to inimediatd-, mhive3ed to the , • , •• ,„ . „ t ° eolving a Government cspentlittne of 8::64-;•,,,,e 0pt...wh0... nothing he the pink of req.! Florida -Thr Lnai.lature of Oda Stair • lien 1.1. gd• Ilk pellet tn. has besot f nod , 'floe nsosl numher nf newspaper. was I. ~,,, Ind .,. .... we , ~..., ... In arms, anu eel out ...r IMa 11., . 1 :3110.t.•10,ito ef th e en, tar moil emcee.- I (rattan in Mt. reinter. x bet eineted el, the, eeste,: Wll9 orgalfiled . the 2Pt it ult. The 1.10- I guilty ot perjury -and le r •of lateen, VIA ' ttlat•re,l C.). the rernnterv i and the nouns only melte. oaf „c d, arnl undecithd a.. Haling ',''....i.:"1 I '''" '! ' 1 ":" 1 '"l", 5 .' gals and •agents. amuldiug I• $107.042 lit force ..teltdter.t. Wert he like run. nr ho pia.' ems here . email majority on j dot ,en d her t 4 an tfabauit oaf, haw to Lill.- adj....ed. ...tom which . "ugh' , to Parb.e - I' d " '° '•••• i dw i w "" lslw Isw Isi ' •wrcsl "' s T. nantimr ..ffmdtmestrrs •Plethltud du - Ideet.... se ehoold.e tor view,. that law taro I ballot awl will dear a Uoiteh States Sett- If his model Mo s t IN i• 1 3le et t ry leier,hloly and I San tr.., P t e. 4 -Ti e PrepiCene se. i,i , ~r ~, ~ „ h „, ~„„0 „„ p .,_ , Mean t , he retortied a Ith his tr 0 ,... s to f t v•A; t. Yr. wee 6 .:Ills. of alum 2,0'0' .ea with bolds. mid uerteerve. However. titer. !does not moldiest tufiftf, rstionn filt Roth.- I flounced the Stsollhar Committee They Ito in, .pew h •p. the lee, h mid Itit• ot Comp ,, alla Ft teti g tot alma the da;;- I w, re appointed In supply resigentione, 233 1 ,, tombs,. tt .an on good keep.. Vilill 010 faro ..Y. HP "Pr. 0 ..• .... 8 ...Y. tfr , ff net of aro very 'dander ts th. no of tip bet year. f • ofh I I r t t st - t .I .3,,, t,„1„ nil, y „,.,,,, t , t i hi,. f rom s ger. and [nil', whip , . t cv must encounter., ~, „ m a, c a y a ,,,, ea b y h ea th, 202 hy r e ee i r r,.. rior ~,,, rh,r, „ , „ 4„., „„ , „,.... Oct° -ern... Jraneecti of lon retreats, nee 4 ... a05a,a55 i a15,... ...... ~,,,, ass is.. . s I tft T. Setatte then preceded to the dell % i I.cm aitfi oe n e r ; i n , li,. ~,,,, t h e . hie men night Weer irf tln it 1...1.0bb. ...I I. , t , „, y h a ,,,,, „I 0, 0 ~j,,,g ~y the IS. . !of ihe Bs ceuove elonfld not bp ...de kuen t s. te e , i;', lii , :-. ... or,nni=a 0. T...d.y•ls:ootlen "opt ettie coon in a better judge of , situ, er V , In'o I 1 d 1 th • . up 1 . orb re. to n • • a .e.kniti kg th...,. terrible Oran- I P .4 ' 1 .11 P" ..r. l a "" wi "I ' A O' Idw " 4l ' w ll-111 ... ac and ld r.m.Y.1.• 101 9 t. Pll (banns., onght on eet inch „totem: • •• a. .1 ..w...".. I whi-key than of' polo. td low. IL•ing •If• ele ies of Rev. C M Baden an Ephatops o 14. ...pad. He solved 4 ill BIM .1..• m'Y'PriPe• he '''''a I. I.'" t". do- 'III•W tares T. tel numb, r lif }hat' " - 1 I ' • _the, that all req.. allay f e es wilt Cs, -Al fr ed Tervonsm is appointed Poet* • • •P. • • ".• --• • - - 1,,,,. „,,I, ~„0 1 , , „,,,,;f1..,„,. pni .,,_ i II: II t 0 desstroy lle flts.! bill ~,,, t t.krlntri• . • •- alloilla i ~,,,, o- •' cot . impress then. with high ideas. power awl and at the mine Anil their approach to the capital. tlexiean unities.; .011 presented it riire the eamp. It eon.j.-ted of twos 11.41101, arming... 4 il by the govern ilitlile, and it Iron eil slaves, hearing mews of their s mot, igo. 0, en-. • ~ t erel's paiiiil , lll, the •111 1 / 1 1.11. shoed !rim be teue , iiig the ground heir 1. viils and cam ing them to their while the air fined with elands ens , , which rose trine the Censers by their attendants. Rich mate enrolled, and on them wee ilistipseil 't• of Montranma The Spaniards with winider and delight on the enst mare Yilrelld before them, which mere realised their brighteet dreams.— • shields Led Itches embossed • gnbt. collars, liraeelem, and intl. • bird and attimsle a the most iw worktnenship in the sew enmity .amble. tens and crests of varier , - .athera, intermingled with gold and thread. sed with pawls and its stones. lint the things which 1 the meet tniteirstion were two air. - I•PS he rot.wan 15,417. j Aged of the error Ile erriumunieeted hie ijffi roar, 1.97 p r ises b ee „ ealublisl od d 'l"rlit" m a few e. ".b , w i re "" b] ." l b.‘" a, 0 309 disonntinur J. The gross rcrsnue his vie., and hexing persuaded or brihml o f the helm trnent for the Jeer was $5,- the id.. to tor. that the ships wore not 552.971 48,. of which $4,575,063 b 0 aro worthy, he ordered them Sr. he dim.. creed fr.. let.. The expenses were. tied, end width , . I" be br"'l $.212,053 42, lesoiog mem. in fever eft on chore, and the ships sunk. Une yen.] rh o Deportment of 0:110,0114 05, and ma- 'alone was sand king ell r vs pliable bands $1,132.040 I When - this intellicerree reached the et- s 2 Th e n aps... for ma il ormi ree t a Laro rny at Ceterinalle, it emused the deepest in all neetions of the country, but I !consternation, The miontest heart partieularly ill tire West. The increase of; !ot the prospect Imlnte them. Mornoirs,lncome. tenni the receiram or post e r. nee: whodeep and hord, aro. scenes the general, 11..4,'„. per d rent ; ler 10411 was 7,,, per they felt had heire)eri them sent ; 1 0 19 was 14,4% per cenx ;Wr Corr. was never in a noire trt Inc ' 1.50 wen 14.,1 per cent. It i. emtimeted 'don ; but his presence of mind did not for. t but the increase f,r neat year will he at, , make hire. Ile exiled his men together. and per cent , and that the after representing the necessity of the step tr... levetpls dryer the expenditures will ho, which Ire had taken, he concluded. "As for • 0141iwirri 2r] Sixteen mail steamers are, me, I has chosen mo part I will remain to eery., in maintaining the enniniunien here while there is tr. to bear me roan.- lion between the Atlantro and the Pacific. no. If there ho any co eravrn es to shrink , The Secretary ree , amend. that measures. tom staring the den.. ofnur al...ors' should he taken to regulate the mail ear-, ae r an p n i sii , k i t hi m g.. hog., i n o. s r e newel! vice with the West Indies end South Amer- There is one venal left r—let them take it ,isa, and to nystematine the services of Cali end return to Cahn. • They can tell then,. tort. and Oregon. Ile recommends a re-; lhow they he. deserted their commander, demion of the inland letter postage to a' and their emprades. and welt patiently till uniform rate of threw !ant!, preload, pod we rotor. leaded with the Toils of thi tees." The pelitie orator kiwi eneeeeded ; and as he enneludeel they teethed the rernWon in their reeling. by their Alms " To Idea ie. I—to Moak.!" Hering Audited or his ?sinews thirteen hendred Infliolll and a thousand lat. of geld and silver. as large, is. wheels." The tom or 011.1 represented the men, ens valued sed then.. isms &ore.. smh.esaJors basing presented their slivered also tho ....go of their expressing great retitleet for the de, and their king ; but frbidding. porters to drys the cannon. and transport tits basditlr, on the Illth of Aogsst, 1819. 1 she Spanish general began h6smart% to- I dards the agent Having passed As the, apptossh She espitsl, end Intiwet• ids tiles they shookl leave the enen• ' erten ern vexed AA this answer, sod to his eMeere I. exclaimed, This Hers ridinete tWily began Aim; eat of timl Clordiderae. Tlwir mote Is the ems of the Imp Oidre de PM**. see of tho meat irellesnaes of New Ilheale. Ito Ina hod long hem eadook bet aerie of lan and Weakened scoria proclaimed thole, ewe* womendese power ; while the tern of 1 .1101•91112 growth among the ereviess_at• and entraifd whom bet gall bus in will Wide Id= is hie awl. long Whet*oirtiure of the Nee abuse. the Seteh panel Ireeele• epatation fms OmensOa. the *hie of the Totonats. a pogreffel 0111i110 011 the Sierras and the breed small thissiirmity of am imam. Over thia maw of drolatlea klme efts, lei ohirh skirt the Mosloam Of So ho north. Their...entry boil Ism limo oleic the Lek of r--- Awn Mow depths et two .t {MM Mll~hoh the eyobahothl soother Amu; sod while slimy Moored to the plerolog this.. Idea mei hes die ewe see Nh meoh imam f hn&o l t ui beim olgVebolie M e n g b e i r ng . we 11) hM a meteered iy Wye Amass. awl Minty • sae IspetisetTy. Tbe ef nianhlbsi twit«. Wet eblet. whe ..seesen to bloke Woe weeder ewe je bit maw. They wen I very riasedy by the greed. w the. he might ten Ibis Olt et ,taw m Mutest, Ulm re-pota. vent, not pre-paid, and t hat the Kat master (letterel be empowered to make ail farther reduction In two coots, whenever. after the present proposed redactions, the re eeeee e of the Department shall bare ex ' °ceded its espenditare for two eenserative year., Bee per mot. Ht also resentments that a redaction to twenty mats be seedy -taloondenee to on aortsapondseat to and frau tte la sow, Booth Aunties, tb• Kasten oaati nem sad its islands. sad Hats beyond at test., and to to soot. at all otter asislto- foe loom outs oboe dm ~is. /ball b. , admin.,* 'zed by postal yoatio• Rol roomened• • tG raw of etoneopor• seat at of dui !ato to me( Net awl duo • rektotoo wpm pompblete periodicals. dal. Timm onhottioso bo W- I aldose diuloilb the memos ot Mr ptyalin*. ho dreg or far ye" ttooN tbe r debele woe be .Nby Is, mod le the bawls et ebe Depoise-' ..d . . too* ,ta i migdons by Hewes. He Mehl tbei vihee sheeM be she Mrtesei &Geld ll=l free de Tee pipem, Ar ibe leareiheiee all hee seem TM verieder 44e Ziple is Negev midi seen ameressiely seimperem i ll I —N. T. Veneer. ,:ungrrea, and th• re iml) of eto h ee Dram role neatly eau have motetimea thought it °Marlowe. for petty nod fortunate for the Wlnge, that they can uot have a luejesity ha Conmem when they have i the Exeeettve Chair. At it te, by. kind of COllll- ter lope. they • Wearer le emu ell the wham •'i thvir own rehealeue blunder. uponm tie, and, the: tr. nee ol odhermg to a priomple. We should Itke to es theet ii a theme Md. entnylelely our, and every "elms removed, diet he goer.i 13110104 e revealed m their true light. Ethesld each ermit mire h.mpen. the nett e«tiee WOYM bit • `moms day for the Democrats. . ;Lied h. he the Capthin of the watch Tor , li on . Laureate id Lighthd. • • I the keys of the cell. he rot used to gin.them : On motion, ten thomand extra vepi.e or —Mirror Barker ' fit Pitteburg has been; "P. 11. lie in """‘""' .1 of S l "' " 1 , 1 ••••" 0 "I•mit• I the Prerbletit's annual message was ardor tried;l.l consisted of . udedemeanor. iel against. him. ho will proltab.y be sant 1•,, ia l t o b e printed. . , I prima, never egel a, it to bo taken from thence! Mr. ethiper nen...need the death of Mee. „, — The """"'•I'T "i the world ix Note" "Y , i he elei met to power, by the will of a' OlieeterMittler, of Pr meylvallia. and Mat t "inf... io itoillgtoftvr. to he "emir "" veryllitilish coil ill-judged seeistituency.— smell reeohitines were ad. pled follow, batik rummies% 1165 "." 00 • 011 + 1 ,i beon. Union. I Mr. Denton intriiilueed his Intend Too sperio in rivenlation, 65:L000,000; voile In bank. enowo,oou. Total, 81,7tai.. fehy.Where am the Temperance societies 1T,7.77Z2, Lill, °I. whkh he 11. ' . " 4 ‘ es. WV. i What hove they Wen about ?lima they 1) The jeonie then ~,,,,,,..,,,y —The population of Cincinnati is new 1 774 • , " ' e b . i . ng „, • ,,r 1 1: 1 1 s " 4 " L • aea d I °. l d tg_ •• ,, l ! Iforsa.—Mr. Chai;iler nnnnnn red the. 116,07. In Itt4o it nee 46.3n.2. h a s . 1 wh „ 4g, .„,._..... ho . . b ., 1 73. ,death cif lion. Chenter Butler. of Peunsyle an immense of 6.60:t. Ft. Lon. has now 0 ! ~..0 . 1 . . .."'1,' ': _ _ i ~ ,e, oi ood , moin. in nee feeling remaks when the • h 1.11.17 inhabitants. lii IF4O it had Ili; !••• "1". Emily mom !il l' t • enati.mary remind... of regret were guar alliAtt el , •rs.vt Mall elite,. lull als iiillreinae of 64.638. and In 443 nearly hall a million have Wen • I . n ., I , 11 ...,... 4 .,... 4. .. imp oil. d. Alm! AMP! the reF•roa oriental" ti will litt.'s t tf"rat'"nt"t to ""'""" . • ••i Episcopal Convention .— The Special to be going backward.. This alarming I • • • Dec. A —II°. A. P. 3"145.. et ."`"•"• th " •"" ••••"'" e """"'" l nioirevan Ooncention of the EpiimiPni ii seal, in the raw material ie in addition to s'"'"I" from )4 "" )) ! C.'"ii"A end flee. erano ~ d er W to be held at the Prethythrian Church adjourned sine die at an early hour th e beteg owl. distillation. ief/croon Dee's. Senator from Miesissippi, l c:hotel, in iim iiiteg.., en the evening . 8 Chriet. Inas. nhould everything Ile ravernh!e it la mime- . ing to any I ithpeared mil took their amts. niday iseening. in Mew York,without nom- I deobion upon oho queetion of ggirThe IL slim Gazelle and Demo_ I The Preeident's Message was ream. bn eel that several neighboring thvoinns• Will he pre.. electing a p eog iw eith i Bi s h o p. 'rh o Dio. • 5 .,.. 5 . ,„ rep l y oaf , L „ a „„ osr , opososy w h o :the appropriate eommittes. ant In tail regent. Ily the wag, • Dimino el the ~.., w ill h the. ,,, ... o . ,o OhAh without A takes Welted egainel any attempt to Gerry I The menage and dneuntenM IMO thee, " Ue ' llnen..ll. "'"" e." ha. h'l, been ' a. Bi"AP until the ....wino of the out into effect Mr. Walker,. prupteitteu in 11.47 !ordered to bit printed in two volumes. !mimed is Iterford. mod—. it Wee the Anneal Convention in Septeniber. 1851. ',rave : I The Senate then sgloerned mill yea. Uh"°".'""—" her" o head t o "h . s w"l ' The un • pe yis Georgia, —The: Dl r. r. Walker and Mr. Ms Kay...lieth what. day. •b. prew ar '. chest -." h.w.----- - Mawr - the ' return . f r om rrhi a r' si a o .how t h at t b g the Whitt call talkie Irse.tradvm," pro- I Oneat —On WA. of Mr. Redilmea, ra ......"7..,,," aim the ' h . r... .. f i... 1.6 7 .. .t . ;: h : D 0 b.,,, P ut )' b oo 000 ps'is b y so b og ... Po se d • at); iv! 40 per On ow item. whets reteliaion wan adopted tr . , &Nedra a .. ..1..b. - " . r . _ — -- work et &Wan. . - , ...daily. 'it was worth in England nearly twine as eummittro to inquire awl report „ mush ae it twiny 1... But the prettier I mem. of carrying into prompt eperatlein " .......).6 ." ...."....... 4 . 0 .- 1 All., 14 . 1 i. adalo.r.. — T h . ...." ' Monists in Congrms rejeeted thin propos. the Bounty Lend Bill. ..1. dm W .W .. ...nod. *WW. we WI. Wil dish Nightingale wan to make bee debut in iii ..... di ... 6 . 4 ~r . b .,. 4 th. T. be apeepol papally. We may wow leok .remmi, ibis city. on Monday hat. of 1842, or nothing, The emwequenee waa ' pol T nt h. th B e P" stat ' in * g .. enm " etirte d . 10 Or. "" v." f 7:"' " 1 " . .7" ." ,.... ". • . ..... h " .V .. , 214 Havre de Grace Bonk Case —i that, in attempting to pup tun mush, the! The Hoots thee ettjoemted esti& Nee. ::... d esem e r. 74o. e . 77.4 -- T r." .",.... - ,.. " .'2,;.„ . ....... A . Tim oreed Jury of Harrord county Lave iron men lost all; and they bare their - TS shy. , n ,...b... , the Whip,tu thank fur it. They begin 00., C.. TT.. ....• a, .. 1.. .ff....i and where. M..'" the " k " th ll P . " °°. '''' -- , however, te me their miateka ;end to die- I BRUTAL ..01110 et the meet brutelemi A. . _ . _ . __ .. . • • - • ee ,‘ , ---.., ... __ ___ _.___ . ,__ . ' . '''' " k ''' * " . """ '''''....-41.ii.".... VIP( lb. I ' 4. d W. '''"" 6 s " . " I sever a rkat they mut .k to the Llemneratel I ernes este of whieh we MP heard, awe tek eitte—cartateee—l. were Owe es wok. I. lia,..k : jkw Uiho relief there hi any probebility of' nee knowlethre a few days time. the porde. thae.aa' Ma " a " b. ''' . "" I ' d ." dil. Mom Y. Bush. N. Y., eltarged with ea.:thole mitring. They an dispeetd to ale. !Nlno el whieh, te teltte4 he .. by • rm. hoeitomml sad 101 l the &Id whoa they ow mob l b.. 11, - 110,000 .odor , Tariff.-- - ' Ant with the feet; me bet* gin... trainee the metre er thee pot W. ' her it la ee, W net the witele their Wm , no I es In ewe, tent. trend it be enraneed , eon. yeen vend be myth.' le de went Item' Wee =deed Idly lo Wien? 71. .1.. with all he aleineiteel Henn. p itrenent, Mq.lly , long M. Old ens ed path en Win Whey Insane. ani Nanny—Chenies—elt Peeteell , gulp Wee tpq.d.id. top 'h. rp m ,' tear you. age:they will be satisfied le with. hp, NW et. I/ fat see muy letteeeme, nem Gm: lima leaded. • - • • • - I dram free Oblides. end te ebeadlea ell sr I Vir.. the To."" ,ing it . s. MI dia Lama a MM. Mt sionia ~___,_ 'Maim of Ad Taff gentin. !off MA &Ufa* ...___ 4Mt enitio. Omni Mod, Mo la atrogglag to om ilia Mad *MI __,7 Th. P. "'". , t- . b "..__,____"" * . m^^. ,. _.„l SoM bang am fooling o• and tido; on mt Otaanotroolty. in •ma away Wm d". b".• a.. b. WPM.. *Maim Irmo of ' 7,.al g '''''' 7,____•• •• • """"'"'". _ • ^ ..... • amomooding dimoii leo io Ming ma. j ible to moogh to male our Man'. bloat. ma 08 yd , 7.mmt l l I. .. 1 . 1 ".. fatal m Me mbar. TM Ihnanorm .r. ..d oaks is anollor se Ma maw of W "" a "" ." 1 d.......* do ..- Jenny Lied km formedall to Mg ogling to Ma Mot dm pm mo Is Mile I amigo at belong —Carnets ratmoroff mom looting pr dm a Mom MI a loom Mulder of tb• O.Jw Bank, it,., • amok gmemba—iblik la Me from WY 1a.... I emad lb. pm Ina amoral aam ain 41000, to be to Mn. limb halm of ON mindbotorm ml arida.' IQ Naluarg md Jbariony MU wish wen de gad ge weeny, nen hiewniene. ewe Ole* widen of sepll N. Oletli, Mol me, dew see may Mar bat Miami. Milo avidly and Ware an baying Melt ' neeneena . ' Oak* sin leo Ms Mb lit nomthi ski ne ipeeend amen is mew ewers& tent plus. . . . ...ding p0,.._.p0,.._. lll4d. dm Tariff, as a party ery,. - asd to erase Amon weiviel.ant with tn..—_, me b.- /alley Haab. N. Y., do 10 , 000' sass their imam aod haillonm, at oluti.oor dwelt t—A laboring =la 1•14 is thew. I. Holism, of Halals do 10.000 'what the lhostoosst. They mho sea- I pay of lb. Meant Holly hos Works Is this ois Palter, of Buffalo, do 1. Jeoldsafff Milaa,Ultio. do 1 /3: 04x " ) i re....6.°P....40:412'...,..0,00., hat 0..y 15 3 . 7.„ 0 . it if4 l . eo ic ant b ); hol d. % • Loos . Tor sass.lll er 1.4„ 11 4 r .d e: .. P. Gay. or a. a. 10 . 000 'oommos mu isms 0.... lb. maks ..d. stwordiai to the diwowidosa mot. who sad '. OolliesHam daOrsesde 10,000 illoatioft of W. ditty oleo is.. 'MA was owsiselos ahoreht the railtalasits be sake. The Hooareeribr m e , bow t om 1..4. ' dited them by Nooses& t free-trader.,' le y soo ..at Wiwreapott the Whom ,; for -- -os, they will be satisfied te Witil• i falher anon, kook up the on , NSW ear. . . . Or enolly op to.. dOlfrO, , it to the orowl . pile doliboratoly '!""!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers