" Vienterrast." 8. B. & E. B. Chaos, TERME-ox. osxma tom 71,11 cam per mit ia odwaseo, me dollm canna paid nid t he rt,d aa. year, sr masa sulmenpums. l N. Impel mil b. Mecommted nrreuraus peed. except et the *poen of the Publoshent. • All commoneastoom must be cos? seta to set atteatma. All letter. mbeectell frith the office, Mould re tated le S. 8. At E. O. Comm, M , Sam. I VOLUIII Er GirM tam over N C Mom to lid the journals of the consmidated di !Every hour. the restlem, let unrelenting l eepldne surrendered herself to the acme- • laves the world the Stoky night. yorm, ao d o t th e elleho e of Nalolvon with ..... called at . her door to enquire one. trained docontorti or her ang uish . No lan shade ereene enfilY o'er the aim', various ilia . sheti . of forcipi coons.. In Icertong her mtnatton. guage . can depict the intercity of her woe. I For t h e Ni g h t , onmes Ochrher, rst,i, Napoleon ea:tented Iron tweet-prom from toy 'WON., 111. yr For six months eke wept to inees.antly Clt• . 7. 4 , the straime lorsa of Nat Oro, ~,, j Ol . on, IL with . th,. pert-meal that C ••Imsart „was that her eyes w imatly blinded with li ng h e greato-t but .Le .0011 perceived ottentlanee, and my parr daughter lion- grief. Upou the r e suing day the council ear like thc sot blemiont etchmco t,f r• a that los toind net iml at ease. and that tic tense weeping neer ore. No! mr! I cannot were again assembled the greed saloon, thousand harp stri ram" Th e fisting d es k. w ee pooh., h o stem. Ile dowerihe the lee or Of my nitration during' to witness tae legal commutation of the a h ai i ons 0 0 , 00 ti,,,.• o ' e r th e e loi s ter a l app , mai , ritrami IL bad that. 'right. • Even the interest he affeeted divoree. The Emperor entered the room glens of the ..vet for. of, 11110.. I ,wassolitig tr , queen private i n t e r, m a ., nirh hi s mhos- to take in Illy sufficing., seined to tie ad- in the imposing robes sif state, but pallid ' boughs m a ke net-work of the hely Ammon ter.. Ag. neral le , hag of ams ~, int per- ditional ernelty. Ile w Muck reason had I eerewnrn •nd wretched. Low tone. of sky. The eoft wind sighs moth-ally Itilifing aided the coot t. Napoleon acercily wens to dread be:mining en Einpre.s " 'voice, harmed:big with the ntoorofill pea. i„ g ;rr!aLJs„, bored to look 1111..1111i. oil', as if apprehas A has night now pas , al away timing filled the r . . Napoleon, apart by hien their 'Lick boughs Fo t il, fr• to her , itn• hof tire very of one Le heel I ~ 0 , / real Josephine saw hot eelf, leaned asides, a pillar, folded hie arms ern chanties, w. i ll t s th e r .,h, er , well ektht 1,111-0 111111 to waver in hi. thew of eael, other. poring Ala time, upon his breast, sod perfect silence, •p. unted m ,j,ty, and looks in pea- ive ,i. firs porposc. J , acid Itie there occurred the minia r.ary of the eoro- parently lost in gloomy thought, remairted leer o'er the earth. stilt; her t • •t 5 „,,, and was yet cm- nation mid nil the Vietory or Auaterlite iontiotiless as o alas. A circular table crescent in the lake'n blue bosom pith . Penal to appear wee filled with rejsi , ilia. The bells wee placed hi the cadre of the apartment, ,load of tsars and tonci-tintsd rippl,..,— As yet she had only some forehodings of mug thoir encriiesi pools Too metropolis upon this there was • writing apparatus of . Ever and •or, c.,mei fir, lore r iglu- bird's le r impending itarso Shc wateired, with no. refolgeld with illimmiattots , the... gold. A vacant arms-Iteir etood before „n„,t, •„, h l i re nt „,.. orn-t r sated apple:ma-4 , 0t evo . ry movement 3.l.wpllim: was compelled to ais !the table Never did a multitude gaze rep ,„„,„„ „r the „H , go i t of . tiro . Emperor, e) easy int...all .t 1 ol nom. She knew that the env...dens mit ' the scuff 411, the 111 wk, or the anillorine male, slog sire con. , ay e s,v wn... 1e tossed.— ae. :sot psiensses that in Paris were will. M,n,. awe than tire astiembled lords Th ,,, e, : as• : t0.,1 some new and sit indi, :whet tonsored ~f h e r approaching disgrace. In and ladies in this gorgeous roloon, column they speak a saddened el , opiate, hat Sere, 1-k°' mai her lair.. an i lit se tiitonphe she heard only the keell ideal those instruments of a more dread ' dos it , 1 , Pp Within the hi arr. • 11, 1.114.1/.111 , 1 la came ni , re reserved, I,h- ot her esti dome, A.,4 though careful ful execution. But not Lag than Nature 1400111 +,... IL.] 00,,0ir froti her isty the poi- ~h,erver, lice moi.tetied eye and pallid At length the mournful eilettee wan in gi„a„nn,not „ogthe choose. I ..„1 vale macs, bet Aso. their opartaiests Won cheek, %wild lass oh-creed belieatione of terraria' by the opening of n ide door ,the air down with their hagra r. • N, t clocks t o now ,hl sit ewe, e I her apart- the sees, o , •e which was emsuming her :old the entrance or Josephine The pal , b,„,4 stay parl'er,••t f 1,,-i r arid whams, 14, did e, I heart, 1-er lialnised affability and green% , for of death sae upon her brow. and the wild soul. lay. Still paler th, anal 111 4 Arid yet roe our wo.d loot oovon fore forsook boos , submission of I,puir nerved her into • more chill thy 111....11, A N I N II.II. till hotels st nal between lom and Josephioe up. II stens , •, languid and sorrow etricken, was temporary calmness. She was Ironing 'ed 1.0 the es, all diee dud the ,„ „ wish her mother ~ma the anti of Hortense, who, ant Ms ses all hoelinam wither- 1 heart the .01111111. f Ilk 111Te.e.;.in.., toot- liners , was also summoned from Italy slug the fortitude of her mother, was es- Sadly •weeps the nind o'l r wets, the tow that Los no , o moot mit , ' the 1,, tio tocl„,,,•hoty dray athooliog the di- tircly tillable to control her leeliirg., hut the „„„ „, thong', s . rable amino& wait al wpm:l,i,, horn, v rees Ili. i ,ter, ics wUS 1.1111 hootshandy emu entering the room, borot ni Smtele as , al vote's talit•tatios of in alier From the ,rrrr ho went directly into tears, am' contimial sobbing most vtrnre c n,„,,„h„,„ „i ,„, irc t, tat it wllh the 111111 , , the eshioet N sodas , . and inquired convulsively'. Thal whole mosembly arose , i,,,,, !lenity tins. ci biter :mos. dm ~f the Entinwor ir io• h., I rl,widell upon the entrance J st•philio all wise w i,„ ~, .1 t h e .1 .11 Wh,. 1 .1111p11.11 1...111. ..tioil of a divoree_hom his mother moved to tears With that. grace whig.ll , I h, „,1 • 1,,,„,., ,„, . „1„.„,„1 „i„ wrw.t lit.. Walk, and catelang at the N.iir .1e , , , ,. who w , st , tr smelted ever di-tiogoislied her movemeot.. arl , Sm., tattooed a, r s , sit , I, , tosistr , • to Digs, made 111 trot pre wed ranee,' ,ilently to the seat provided for her.' ~,„ car „ „, t, ; ,• ei ot oolr r.l N ad, r his 1, ,1,-1 0. its that it twos dining dew,, and leohing lier forehead saw ot I; : I .111, awl A, 101, , 11: • 1 r,,r wa, • t;,,,coe withdrew his imml, and then erst her hand, alto li , temol to the reading IPanne tom noel /MI-. o'or tn• anal: ei'll c n ~,,siaa its a I : of the set st separation Notling 111.10.11- the . 1 1 ' 1 , Ire , nl , l , cr. In a 1 ot ••1 •• Site !to that rase. ore to 'el the silence of the scene but tit. or.b. „ „,;„„., „. „ moo. 1 v0, , m., . Ire LI; the t Js- dra.r ram wow servico” of g with the mourn. „,. N , t ,„„'„ ii-i -poi. re. .1 . 11.1.1111.11. r• IN 1041.11,1 t t.../t .• !” N Tolson sadly, lul tones of the reader's voice. t i c c„,t, „t ~,. I„. expeti, der I i.l e, • a soi•o', w f • nil ‘,.. Elea.% toy adopted eau, iceee Eugene io the mansion-, had taken a Nil. , e'er valley, h.!! .1.1 wanntlam, Bee the twillahl,thadows A.d lb. Pupal. wavy I . lllll w. Warble. in its 11whing On the holy brow of even Gleanwone marled lone and pale, Whll. athwart the owe Ilearett Cl..d. of geld ..d crimson sad. de my keel, modem meted, While in fancy hovened meh. I am voll by hived nom drreM.l. And my thrill Imm heart Mete high. Oeelle eye. ere meekly ehimea. Wah ihe gem limy mon, When limy reed Flth Wm, derming. Cep my inmost heart of yore. De • ;million theimlit le flinging Dmkened Mediaer o'er my brow, And s knell like lone ts ono.: Out open my epint nw. Just • whispered wool once spoken. ',wasnor meant to give me p.ik Still fleet. with power onbroken, Wildly o'er my fevered brain Ah ' where.. my feet are Mr, int. 11,s1 nem Moe BUM Ammt my el, WAh the h In-. 11114. en 1,1, 111.1, Aod Mat Mey et pm.. 'Twos M. MAI With Mulluver Gave thmt word Mr... 01 l l. fe ablAng Ah in Innen el 'nil broennlnng Hod thmo hp. been !want in nay With one lex& ney opera merlon., er Loved ono let it pass etesiat Then perchance before the morrow The same breath Ilene gore it berth Had deepened thee lo.tenc nerrow Which can limp no Wen on earth lens( is silent prate 11 mlatittnt To nonironant sunlit, teetr. With •he that setene strleinina owe I °noshed reels tees, em. Still while nosed en Itfe's tletL mean, No one site I net r Iteeni t 'fhnllenty tent nilh nll,l estonint Lint Stet Mt 'e ettroteet word 1. who knew no tholoz . .l nf igado••• 1r ore O rOtle - hou Oh! he G....de1.. Ileoliwg who, else oot Long your loo nor kot Weepotz o'er one rorrele.• word. 1 ,1.1 I X 11,11... I . :MOP, 111 N at i'ovt iihhiett :withal. and th ve1..p..1 t alone. Sloe 0., hat e re,Ontino..ll. end spiroe.l trait. eh or .•,.1 wi1..11 do- ' tl,O her do olto oar , o fot toll that day t/lo !to o moo, to do.. ; t romper .r N h• ad uto -I .• 1,.0.1 I, ors Le 1. :hod apart..lot 1 hos would tem thraU4to on. ~on. ...Ws oho) peoently , lotoottoo,.l t.o t , toot, ' weepinot hott r'.v tI ot , it moor hone hp' Het we the owoheht dusts the eoeoure.• sky on , . g , n o , oo p pal I .1... Ino•loo..1 10.0 Inollen e). o. mod I Matt have paned away' the tweler.totooliog. Loth ro. Fr .1 co and to, OA 11,,1111 ey ant .lown liolland, flout .1. s 1,10.0 w ot ite tam at the told.. in si'euee Nom lon did and My lather, whore art thou and sere, ti.o)s again ,taxied up../1 he. loyal: .1, ',Thu, r. 111,1 hot I not her voice Weald lm.ght hear thy ewe awl touoto tho timed heart. to utter word. Nolo her of them even The way grow. very dark, awl I.usl, new, in the *prin., of 1 , 07, t o' dol. eigt to tut room , nft, r coarse was • late the armee,. land. moon ado nt %loch acre oletomoltroz hrettelit ioo, nod so t0mv...1 0 tont hot. A o hen (t0..50 or. e. ~. .1 ....Melds •OP , ' ha pall:ins+ e,ruled tha t annuli!. roll and tioletoly with the er. op. •tol in a low moult heart. N•opole,on, in hi• erobarras..l hones, 1 , 1. , w 101 l noon the 111 oil mood, no eltatto.ool, apparently uneen• art J,sviohueir:l or pow .f er s kola •lookilog the edge of lois lterwa• her g, i I no the I,,rs . the ohms stab lot- km e. a :olio lost in thoonelot she wn. o,set rail 0,1 0 jolt on, 11. A 111 , ilt• 11114.1 ,011. ...al war tor,.lon Illy moo tr.ollalde atopo 4'l. 11 I W 1,0 I. arfoo T. e ot tendon,. an., tool the c oloreg.t •.1 to c table enot,',t th.•vol tempi ore S new Vont q...1e..t0 lot od 111 tl,lll 01f .% 1.,*, ,a,., her 1.. L .lly ot n:-.• 'thew the -to Houtlo . oiomer ow. toes, the stomithoots wore of Ida nonhiti .ro, 11111 Oa It • 1,1.11 make 111.1116,11. WA Nllloll'oll and Josephine! any exertli, e of his oil a, which were alone Another eminent of most) view wooold stobm•rve the i• ton,le of his label, I sileore prevailet when the Beyer ' power oval el , n. For throe ola)• she or. pule as death and trembling in ever 3 shoot herself up in her t 0.., had woo et., net ve. nod approached Josephine ti .... ly 11.011,1 t. aro. Ile t00, , k he r bawl 'load placing it upon hi, T al llo sad iod,.lligenve war conveyed too Inuit, 1111 ill Napoleon, when Int was Ire room knout ...losephiee: Piro good Josephine! the midst ..f the I', u‘stan monopole.. Ile yen know how I have loved you. It is to had 110111 viet-rions—aloo 1111.11.• ruin I ow.. the low m 'merits o' • Woo, .Her 1.111.111i1.8 h..,lllappin. es I have holown ill this world.— gained ma of to 'war, Such as m tl.e ine ! in) destiny IA Ntronger 011011 111111010 Jr, an., of yard, ho had hardly he- my moll! My dour +l ugrmiona mosat yield seined. All epp.oition 111 loin sway was to 11 e From:tor' • 111111 apparently ernal,c , l. Napoleon load .1 , sephinc's Wain mled, lore bl.,rel ear.- heenme floe Creator nod the pro ed too en relate, she (oink d, fell lifeless. .drat ninnareha I,f Europe were constrained . epee the fia. T. Nap, Icon, alarmed threw, to do his bidding. It was in an hour of ern the flocs of the ..loon, and called fowl Man a may not h ' Far, far away, how h t,l. dor. ,hen It now Thai the camp...eon of Mar •go, that the, Thy eh tl.l w .anelcall low r* am vet.art..tl outwiilr t 11.• And' I t.I go amoug the dead AN thee heel we, II tete ttt my eletlheeti, home Berme the teghtiall to et, Itteely heat • To wake torah thee ut ,men. Beyond thnt unmet, emu A.d atil/1 oho %Itnight, In Isle dtrelliet, plan When the stet Jennie, oi thy Ile le done, Tb.o wmit em hold ley Nee. Mary. m, anlc friend. While le aerdeynea yrtlhael. ihne mod I Dewed each I. .4011 a fromdchm snhmn cad, Ws dammed me frimulacoald Mo. Oh ! that me head nt!ght not Whets I has fondly Imo tot oft before` ! that bp. thy pore and !eying henna 1 nnihi recline one. mote. t eenhat ion tat. I. mourn' ul tidings me .h- hop. A. t en d at o s ; ream the auto room itn. I h o t in pruire Or the etteehenrot endtender- Deems remember me! ea hire. Hestia flown in silehee. buried tn. dintely r ,v ere d. Napoleon took • taper loess of my beloved wi e. She has ended- Not weensfelly, het with a bar to Mgt, hie face in his hotel:, tel for a Inng time from the .1.1111., I, and uttering not a imoralliehell fifteen years of my life, end the re- Set Ines she. hereto wee dd nodedy newel bet in the wet painful mtetiogs. but pale and trembling, midi JJJJ ed to the membrwee of them will be forever eng ra We lined le gay. mew by! - i lie wee hoed mournfully en d eng in ne ly t o ennot de Beaumont If I tide the Empress yen on my been. She wee crowned by I repeat to himself, again rod orb:, u he To ht his tams. S wee still uneoweinus of Imy hand. She shall main aloes. the rank • Wlthetany ilea bright nee; j whom shall I leave ill this 7" file stray-' eveye king. let began to murmur ite tonew and title of Empress. Aboie all, let her With Iletweetentemer wing's lent toot breath, ,We its his mind between hie love for Josrpn- 'of anguish, "Oh, urt ! you cannot wifely do I never doubt toy feelings, or regard me but With the Wed iiIMM aosti the tergellea miter, IMt end hi. ambitious .leeire to found • new it. You would not kill me." ' •as her brat and drareet friend." i I lay mints le death. dynwty, and to transmit his nettle and Ti.. Emperor led the way through • , Josephine her eyes filled with tout with. l , fame to all posterity, was fearful. It wan dark possego to the private staireese which a faltering yoke, replied: andamelltaistv. , manifest in he pallid Week, in Ids restless coodneted to the apartment of the Empress., •••I respond to all the sentiment. of the' *ye, In the lose of appetite and sleep. Diet ' The agitation of Napoleon . owned now to !Emperor, In ennoenting to the dlowlutiou mum . tee ew e eem, e ,,,, e ' in will of Dutnaparte was enrelootiog inweage. li e uttered hem. inenherent fen- :of a mwriage which Iteneeforth is an ob. ! A !111 ha purpeoue. With an energy. whitA ' teens !Awn a viole n t estrous attack, and I inset. the Nipples.. of Freed by de-1 Medd Itswidest lessee ef the rd. I the world hat ewer wan aorpoesed, he hed Luling the stair. too weep and narrow for prielert of the Wising of being one day! Mt poir. is beamy,—a meladhay 1 damn bit part. It was the ;Nur. of hie!the Count de Beasewet to imor the body ,gegereted by the deseendaate of that great! lowly la bee clear psi. shies, teasel 41 tool—the lofty purples be.. wide!. every-, of the helpless Josephine wiesdated be man, evidently raised up by Provideeee to neiMilyied wow-like dads. Stealthily thing bed to bend—to &dud Om glory of ' dare the light soau attendant. sod edper.; dime the wile tea t terrible orrolutiou k sod de Mesh apses on ber missies of blight 1 making Panes the meet illustrious. power.. ! ting her limb. himself, they resehed the to mstelle the altai,`tbe throes, and amid ad dead. Flit. Ihoth 110111011• sod balmy , fal ant happy nation earth had seer seen. I deer of her fad-foam . Napoleons , lbw did I order. Hat he married. MOO. as weed bred in unlike de hot name de that Fee thie he was reedy to testifieswilder* I miming hie male amended., ad living 1 edge the sentiments of my beam. The wend Mold at bee premedd, ad Nedew did end de seed of right. For this, he • Jomphlas epee ber bed, mad for kw wall. , Emperor will ...rind ie me Ms beat Med sided a glad pietist. to her welded I was ready to weeder the Wronged Coe of log wide He bead on., her with a. di had what ihill mg, aommesdeli by pot- Hata deeds her In* doled with joy, as i afeetion. I expreeelon of the moat betide diesel.. well ley and Gushed letenteht Ws ewe his bead de signal the bee fun ridded Saha shall; Jemehld Mew %pekoe. She kin anxiety , sett she bop. to mold Hai jine we both glory In the aoselikami works be palmed and her load of homey to and 1 the power of his autitloes With almost !tie moment eedeleeseme seemed emirs. 1 for the deed of de eddy. - I feel elm be ememel. The Stan old fords mem lemplemalde eeduish, am wept over !hellos he left the room. Nadine. did set 1 tea is 'Med the greased peed of anode. hasp Ned shad their grad lodes In deli death - of die ehlld, upon whose de del eves throw himself open his had that slid , Mese end Soothe that was no. dives me itl'l wied,del Nap merrily amid their owe owe amused to be so ibaddif lidded, sad Hs posed the Id. win the taws of morel es esells" . . boudim . Wild editing heed elm sleeked hem imp The royal dep% Sarshern puma Seth wen thlevilabeener Midi lid ran ben deal Astame, bow Indy I' its hind's med. Itysdions hide berm She sidle at ilie MC*. of sims IllArega added is rebid Hat le paired Is. 4_ iy Slllloli,tr* At Al2-,]t•Jocl[fLt !!!!! mite Mt the Itie,•e• I it o o , i•it'i lent t'i. 0. sr. T 1 liettileivirtl nit 1. o .ls triitt .vlll tii .w. tie lei in it. 111111111. a! il parth ett grateiliieer of 1.14 !inn. a el Ow tit t2,- 1, ,„,,.. nit tide eel pflwer. V 1.14 •110 t. thief atiil 30 ie. 1 0.4 II t r").. 1 1 ". ' I V 1 :"r'1 0 ' r r.„„1, 1 1 101 „ e iet ei in the ie rr—rs • or, 0 1 00 that Atittunte loo.,.eint and the • Ithst Ati , eeireit , 01 011 0' 11 io 0 "1. 1..0.11Y• nrnl s tn.. I,'. pet,, r..r le, I itt 1.1 r • ,1, tO 1 .' 4 hr 0.111 1,1111,1 leyn.. 1 . 11010; and is tit • ,i)ieli•t. f Api i ithe 0010..1;110i, nf te 'einem, hie, y • , "“Y rood, 11,11.. 11., leri t, neiel p 1 . ,. Iv I am , I '" tlieion, It . . „ rx . Ilq• tonj , vuol lit , I I imero.. I nod e.' "t"' . ...t , 4 , r tho Liana tve 6.1 v that troll-ore 11. a pmol.. !I' t.• ..t , r • r. It at ~, ri.1 , 1 ha I,t• ,r!i. to the t.:roA Vt:i.to.. 1...111, Dl. neve of Jorrnl.lne. 11. • oti Ate-te tn. t.,‘ nt- At 114 ,• (Mit , aI., the t , . g...11.4-,:6 I t 1... sem ol t , . .1. It ,+ a.. I I. L,Xi, .ot., , tze•t. ty s v,e Em. " IZraz, Sizr:Tr.,2llllzrz, 241 , rtatire, Sllcovalol2 MONTROSE. PA.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5,1950. •ire Enlenr firmly replied. " the r v 1..• i, rnJ Innger Eninlv.. owl ,em d.l Vi..., I will 1..11..w my Inn. I t1,..r •rot:eat. Shp nni,t 1/011i find .oi r n N dorm t eia it it limit to:lin:7, Tears filled his y: s 1:: a sem: 11 . 1:1 v:tee, treui e it:: e tet Le :I : • Eugene : y , it hi. the -tee:: neneeeity It ie.milelia ineasie e Ath will you lerselie ale"! (Iwo— shoul:1 I Lace see, II e ol,jeet et' int le , iren, a lel pre-errer of int 'oh would wzok.ll over the 4.1,11.1 i.m lam abieht If I di.., will loolve 1.0 him a tatho.r ? N • ho, will Lii I,josi up! AVIo t., auk., • malt .1 I:n4mm wa. d .ply urrect...l, and taking N 31.. !eon's urn, th r, tir...l and enovels ..tl u long topPti,vr. The . 11 , 1,10 Jo siOnne own fedings to prom .re trio halil•in.A4 nl othrry, urged lko r 5... t to tot at he 1.i.tt..1 Nap..kon. , " The Etni.erm," al.. said. •ott your Irene faott.r— your more than lather, to whom youiodeldt tl tor ectethittg. 21111 to are 'bora. e, ;on owe a botouVess übe die Tho fatal day for the consummation of the die.kreo at htnath arrived. It was the Ihteek4l. day of Peet:rotate, eighteen hun• dre.l and n Napoleon had a- ambled 'ell the kings,ote. and prirocessee, who wore menthol - a of the imp. tad family, and also the most illt tttt bum °thee', of the Em pire in the grand ealoon of the Toilleries. Every individual premott won oppressed huh!, the nselmielk. i, grandeur of the wee abot Napoleon time ad.lre-sed them : I .• The toditical tuivrestA of my monarchy,' Ithe whites ot my ;mottle, which have con staid It guided toy @ohms, r. qui, that 1 should to omit to an heir i, , heriting any I love lor the i evi le, the throne on which rovid.otee has placed ore. For many ears I have Inst. all hop.; of haring chil dren by my intioved apotue, the Romeo.. dusephino. It in this consideration which induces too to seuritive the sweelettt affec tions of my It • ,to mount& only tbe good of my subject., am! desire the dissolution of our mutiny.. -baited at the age of forty year., I may indulge • reasonable' hope or lit log long etatngit to rear, bt tile , spirit of my own thoughts and ditmosition, the children with which it nine pl , one Pro- videnee to blear no.. 11...1 kit .we what .011 a determination has rest my heart; hut there is no etterill.te which in shave my .tottrage when it is proved to he tho inter est. of France. Fur from having any enure ol complaint, I have nothing to say t • position be his two lier's side. Silent tears acre triokliug down the cheeks of the km-, pet XS As soon es the reading of the art of se. l i Ito was ft Jen.ephine mem, pressed her bendkerehief to her wet p ing e3es, sea then rining. clear anti mu-1 Anal tone., pet.... noted the !nth of •ccep tattoo. She then sat down, to. k the pen and affixed live signature to the deed which tonelernd the' ,lcurest henna and fentlest ties which human hearts eau Icel. Nur Eugene enuld mutton this language nn I longer. Ilia betlit reeled, his heart ceased to beat, red he fell Melees upon the floor. Josephine and Borten-et retire.] with the attendants, who bore out the term of the affeetinnete son and brother. It was • tluing terntinnti to of °lie mountlul but sublime flayed,. But the angnieh of the day wan not vet I Josephine, half delimiter gbh griel, 'Jed another scene still more paittfol to inns through, in taking a final adieu of him who had h.en her Ittodni. .1 r ..... eie tel in her shoot', in heartrending, sneer), less grief, until the holm in whir+ Napele . ten usuall> retired I; x the night. The Ent ' tower. restless, andtched, 11.1 1111 e. plural the be wre d from which he had riveted hie most laithful and devoted wife, 1.1111 the attendant was Ott the point ' of leaving the room, when the ptivate door of his apartment wee slowly open d, and Josephine tremblingly entered. lire eyes were •wollett pith grief; her hair dishev elled, 011 she eppearmi in all the dishabil le of unutterable anguish. She tottered into tin. middle of the 1,10111. end apt/resell- [ ell the Lod—than irrenthoely stepping, elle: burst into a floc dl of tears. A fin-ling of delieacv seemed foram intent to have ar- I rusted her stop,—a eneseionsnes• that non eta had no right to enter the ellember of Nopelenn—hut io nnother nn.ment nll tl pent op Love of 'her Intent bung. birth, I forgetting everything, she threw herself epee the bent clasped her arms aronnd Ns pnleonhi neck, end exclaiming. ^ Ale ! hand ! my lomband " subbed as II gh I her heart were breaking The imperial' spirit of Napoleon wan for the moment en vanyeisliegl. and he also wept elm.. I eonvulsno ly. lie ti , stired Josephine of ' his bete, of ardent and oinking love. Tel leeery way ho tried to ...the and etatifert her, and for sometime they relighted leek- I oilin each nther's embrace. The attend ' ant was dismi-owd, and for an hour they continued in this last private interview.— Josephine, then in the captnicnee of an entinieh which few heart• have ever !centre, parted forever frame tim husbatiC whom she heal so long, Be fondly and so' faithfully loved. The heantifel pollee, of A.l..lson.whh•h Napoken hold embellished with every pos- Able atheation and where the Emperor and Hope. had passed many of their hepplent beam, was aseigned to Josephine for her future rvsidenve. Nepoleon also nettled upon hor a jointure of about six hundred thousand dollars a year. She wee ales still to retain the title and the rank of Ishoprese Queen. The ensuing day. at alma o'eleek. the honeehold of the Tentacles were as- I salable& arcs the crawl stairoce. and bt the vesthado. 16 111111411. the deputes of I ilia beloved whams. frets neon where' she bad so hog beam the blighted onsa• meat. Josephine denuded. veiled Omar head to het. Her antetioos wen toe deep! dw attenome, sod As wahwl a idle. to' the affectionate sini weeping Mesh who sonroonded her.. A .It.. With I six borne, woe Wan the dee r. Mud ff....insalt bask upon he essideak I bailed Me has In ker lamikerahlef. Yd i loft ffsa Tullerlee 00 . 4. 13g er. " ch Matt ir m e ism. llbr Moe+ Mamma soi ..... or •21•112117211/X0e ' Oa . • square, (12 lime er lace.) Warded. $1 fOli Each ealreeepaeal (monies. • • 11f, 04.1 eeaare, 3 menthe. - • If 0 menthe, Reehsrea Carle. 4 Iron or 3 110 , Yearly Alportaeleeele, ma ever 4 gleam 7 le One 001.1414,40 year. • - 3b Yearly Advertners led, be reetriered le We ha deem ht which they are engaged. 37 The Pablohere. havieg • ley. Imeeelmeal or Jab Pratnne Matenale, are prepared le eaeavhe muds of .1011 WORK rah aware. esd dn.' NUMBER 49. 0 n... 11L4NK , or every deeeiiphon rreareeatli hen/. or prrel.l ord,. T . ; ... An ,. • dren are still sink; but the doctor think/ all danger over. Wu eanot get our words' Olt Ottalltoooo.lll Moles. put together rightly, for our ears are still poring the ekee of meeteeeei ]ten, , full at the groan. It was hour end was emeiiiiieti r iatroi eietaii the city end , half heroes any neighbor or physician got the camp with two themeart.l horses. As to the„ ° h", and ho use, DM D ales time we a party of these was one night going their ° 1% .11 " "." hillier, end thither. r hn ou . nd ..o n i v g a h r i . .I . l.c or w a alls o , ,,, t e keLh6e l 6 . .l 4 iwi mother, ° l ll l f roar other.—Hr. 7LT:t o r y .. B e ir i t te . ll . ll i 7: l nn , the men to the fiel I. There was Ilona , roely eronniii demried • hiieeentitit oming , lien had gone home to their mother and . stealthily from the gate Keian. Halting ebadowy plate, they waited until he go for w , niamnea. Fortunately cato clove to tlwm, when raking forth, some men wefe et the eider preen making' the n y tads him prisoner. He was a youth- eider, ad we got one of thong logo for a tul Strian, richly and 'silently arrayed, ei4enee. and apparently a person of distinction Wt. ad been entering slightly for ant Senrrely had they mixed him when they hour before dinner. by tasting the gray bein:iii another „ rte .. iseiiintr „ in the while easoiling it. but did not susktect the ate_ c _ ate , who, in a rift voice. nn. cause, but ate n little at dinner rem.- ,n their eertieei by the nee,.of Jonas. — dy. After dinner immediately we were They comenarbd the latter to invite hie " 814 ' 481 11 " we l'tteentlY Mr. Grei rink after MVO}, ad we fhnught dye eieerienhin to ed ., ,„ re „ in the root, but he hie often been - compleined that the turkey ply, and culled out atm...bin. upon hearing which, the ether turned bri- 1 111 8 4 .. Me die and galloped 1.a..k int.. the city. The : bed n o t be e " et...led en h, 'the. we Arebb ivioreot rat f crreehi red eotreeiine went out soil De little. to judge if it tas- , the way, et dinner. We thought it ba the words to be • warning, would have Plain 11111 rixlitly. we had only taken • part of ibar prisoner on the spot., butainnt second tlonnght, enedueted him to Khaleel. i ey, end 'walked out in the yard to try ter The youth ItIIOIIIPII himself • nobleman fool bitter. There we net a tel complain of Damascus, and betrothed to a hoeutiftti hie; b u t he was habitually delicate, an& mitten vented EIItIOCIOI ; li nt t er I.treax co momectc.l nothing When we returnmi for emu, c.epriciolts teas., had withdrawn our r 1 . 1.• we 1111 . 111 Mr. S. eery il l. H. 'their consent to his nuptials; whereupon e"." Logan to remit—while we held bite the Inver. had secretly oirteed to In I r on head we heard o th ers retelling in the yard, paiiietene. A enth,ofibriii, lied Grilled the , sod then we ID ew it was poison. Forte .3onel, who kept watch that night at the tunstely we lad tartar emetic in the house. two„and drank ropi.,nely of tepid ...ter—. R ote. The olatwel. i i „„1„ Re went itotitedintely sod took I large tire, and panitd by was followiog her lover at • dieteeee... he ,D ied to get other. to do likewise, bur moulti allied in mltatwe Ilia reply in Greek, only towered with Mrs Swbothelm, flan ellen she tailed upon hint, wen, that the .” I the little b e y. M.'S" refe.ed to biro it eau _ iiii ,, a warning, et the beerin ,, e sh allow mallow anything; but what this w wet , of Wilioll c hic 0141 to the city. re liltaled wee n..t • 111311 11, ho moved Itc a Fortunately we atter las our pasenee' lot e isle; but ho gave the prisoner his :" f I.Bl a. sod gain a doable , .1 2 111 . 0 . 8 .7 mtenee ease. Wean alternative, ..1:111111ace the faith of Inlet," tIIIIW in all e° 81 1. 11 ". 14 ... - . B el.eitemadt mad he, .• and when Damascus falls int.. our kept a up until aa reer you shall aye your betrothed; re-;gig's oo aceouut "f when the P.D.. sad fore, and your had is the forfeit." from. There was none shoot the house. T 1.6 youth paused nos between a *eau.' The turkey la upon the kitaten table, tee toil a :wit .. Ha mail. i rtitnei li a „ pfro 'decreed, all night, and then was nothing Ifeasion a faith between the hands of Kkel- Ito 111.0 prevented any one's entering the and theneclorth fought eeelouely for! kitchen; b" we en" attempt .1 en .0.. .- I the capture of the city, einem its downfall. tiny. We eannot even tell whet the nature, use to crown his hope. Id the rison wan. Wo saved the frai -1 When D•ITIVIOUN yielded to its fnes he mom until the phyeiehtn, Dr. Carothers; entioit the Endo ... , end arrived. Ile said no ieformation could b. /a new pr. ., of s „ rpn . ing • go illed by examining them, and they waif .n his capture I.y the Area, that he bad,thtew° f° ll we wee. "Milted te td lullen • martyr to hie faith, she had re- h we . 11 ° 4 he "1 1 .' 10 . Yee ,ananced the world, d shut herself ain I tertleY me recovered a few bits of bons., a eiiment. with a throuiing heart he . hut whether they will nerve to throw any ght on the matter. we know not. Wedge hastened to the convent, but when the lof• 8 not fear for the life of any except Hater p Ity minded maiden beheld him a renegade, , she turned Iron him with 'corn retired t.. 1 .. 4 the Hine 8 ".9 appears worm 018 . Morn' 111er cell, and retard to nee hint more. She t". Hobert Woodeide we horn not heard wee enitoig th e „obi., It Indiawhoifr..m. If all rem's.% there will he nu le 'f 1 ttttt and I treble ban exile. Her loyer,lal incestiation; end if they do not, it I. hen, It th e thonehie of Inning her •re- t doubtful it any certain light one be thrown Millard }Clotted of lime promise to raptors upon the matter. Thank KM, It is ad her to him, end entreated that she might 1..".! We brine Owe,. twee yep meal. be detained ; hat Kltuled pleaded the eon. , afraid of peison, but we are eured of that cant ot. Abe Obedish, according to whichin"w that te e bee. bad • de.. 1 . 8 . 'all hod free leave to part. I were only. well. --•- , %%lien Jo as after wards dierovered that TSAI: 111,11CTIFI'L fri.ovrEns. luedi n eM tsted a pursuit of the lee, Beautiful flowers I why are they not idf but was disci Longed by the lapels of time, every home? There is no Mooning let. he off,ctl to rondetet hies by short, se. "?' *Sub .ono ray of imoshiere does not Outer. eret psoriases threugh the mountains,whieh 'The earth is cheap, the little ne may went would ineure his overtaking them. flit it o . oh . had lose wwwir, flee was accepted. the fourth day o f, thou ere mina he • hmily with the d.ipartiere of the Khaleil set ot i. in pursuit, with four thousand chosen horse. te t thee i' . wee ri;;h" red, to nail L e.rde. erli by the advice or Joon, were i boa for the etteiie _l• d .,_,_ dieguised as Ch vist i n Amite. Year somel red root. Is is . 5 .,:."":„"„7 . "" u d i T g rher' trench th e rh°1•1" " e ileum bogies h erse lf with her anima. du ,by the 1111111,1 MM bee-prints of mulct and tie.,te., or an , camels, and by the article. thrown sway to 4,,e'eei., to indow .sat• th r; fre _ et enable them to travel more expeditiously. nit eeeroweire . ir or % me ..." . At length, the riot-prints turned toward. 1,, p o t epr her's kinolnesa 10 enriching the diva the mountains of Lebanon, and went _ e _ id.weth the.egit whirl. hi. etdidrew 'in their arid and poky defiles. The moo ry - travel to a bettor hose. Tbe heart of the lento began to faker " Courage !" I , ll . • ., rd . . o l7 ,o ki w og ar ea d a th n e l t iera . t k e ... kintli r er h.. . anil . sof how s. Jim... "they will be entangled auton; r i l h "d ie m e, ein t ie• r,,,the,,,°•;,,,,••• now ' wee r: 4 1_, he earns Ills alight Atlantis es their Ash rie i i •; . " . . e .:',". • ; t i r ' i ' i .'r ie ee e r e l e r r h 7, - hi — . slither? If elle had treated hies with die. it ,•_..."e'd epne them; t•f0r'"•57:7"....???...."17, doht as a renegade, she now regarded him', "`" with horror, as the traitor who het brought. it ie e g th e i " er " h 7 t r ' wei e• this destruction upon his onhappY elide, 10 when* guy and blaek series sob men. hicks and dap gah- All hie entreaties for her to forgive a " blade of grain dare aopear.• tad 6O 'eeeeileil to him wore ". no see" ' A little sufferer km high. dreary She solemnly vowed to repair to Conine°. _ rt. .. end the amine shoe . hi . heed.. ., t biopic and mid her dare in the Gement.— eve r,. were hied, and eel. Hi; Findin g ee Pr dieeiii " rrehl ' e he reiee ' ir eheek t4e . searlet with the h i e of fever, end after • ' 4 ' l ' 4 erre e• h4 threw h' ale sod the =ileum) light of isr like a tho ground and made her prisoner. pie diamond ,„_, made no further moistener, but, emboli tt it ig meted herself quietly coo the ;; .. "cl e 'ig ite ' t : e ;' , ...• ?"1 . ..;;;.37;;; . h. :: g eli n e " rnlented he . blerwratilletiwog"hderhii*op"pitlfttiahn.r. ti.. heavy trere_g_g_lh:g. for beach i It might ty, she suddeoly drew forth a poignar . d, ln od T ot e r ," o ri.: w r i r.. h if.7 p ,:,: plunged it io bey breast, and fell dead •1 , r y. „m other. ... trritir.sat ant ag.a lily fret. women knelt beside his " isretlme, la shire ion, blown now ? loOk, look I" For the }lrr■lVlrlhelM INNMeI V. Ind the following article In Mr.. twentieth time the isetheir II the der Swiuhelis Pittebarg Saturday Vidutr,uf, hos ..r violets, end the red Wad rushed te the 9th inst. her fare an she beheld one drnepleg . . . . . . . . . Our family wee poisoned on Tuesday , at bud, just PION." to unfold. Pb. ow. dinner, and we bare ell been am ill.— Wed it to the boy, the elide, alienist en le , There were eleven person. • sod the lain fent and a MOOS smile Hewed up 11. le , Iwe beard all were NileM moll about, es- Dorn fewisrse. apt or little boy and s wane who Ural, ^Pat it down moths, where I sis leak with an , Heater Ileakle, and While we et it till I die." Withw nIW sob M pew ; write, bee groans PI air inn. It la now; widow plumed It Naint be pillew, sell womb- Tumiday Nevski', and we .1511 new frost, std hie 'luny oyes wetly se they Imam' j names, disednerm slight chilli and Peer the Sewer. Hews peened I the brow grew land all the No were worse Wean we tows.; whiter; the isms INA al* Named; /NM I p o w, WorAdde, a deaf mots, who weal dummy t the reared Up., AN Iva 94 'NM 40 0, worlds', hi at Nose with ids pelmets mailed bee mother. UMW* pistpls. Pang New I. Willtimilnary" sad st lug ussesste s blemish Wilts, tremslime the sgb tow li i ir r e yetiy, he wee still very raise .togged ev seserattsw flew • Mir for Plestele IMP 1011 her physir meOed her ear Neese SO his MW hit} m " Peed.. dam 'blebs the danger pest. Throe were WI UMW !lee ehillms "be 464 of 11-4 bar of ear mamma; aped=l4 isleter-Inrlsw,Omilegten's. sad set Awl eller Wm rain ON eagle wr ; ewe hew use. Or INN 'WI was st Nell away unTwewmul Or ;Week and use the only ewe glee .raped. while bee wen Ppm wen ;Orr bleed Is • Oemeett, eery 1110414411 40 Ow pshl he r INN sty. be Is vs• sink Eli Nat egibi."—• "PP am of ilmit melba •W lOurs SNP by Ned Iwo et the MU, Wilk in. of Meaty Mktg the r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers