--- with light a ll loyalties., • vision of her T mil, Valmqwee beams jealous of the ism- land arrow• on their mrseihnts. When i O. to SWAMI'S.... Ora MOM Wallal.E. 'country a century ago. Re has • dangh- L o p mangled in death. This any t early boded ithild, in the pure white robes parttime which he had eenferred oo Colter driven off by • 'Moneta charge they turned • "Ci.e,M!. moo • Po** 'ammo end the lan.- .., ~ la. eged Mahty-fnur, who letely visited hien to vivid and teal, and impressed her el heaven, bending above the box of vie- end remlved to deprive him a the cum- lan I ru ff ed hook like the wc d ee or the Inman eialinit.; ..e . :87 ... i z . th mid woradwanow ta, Th1r . ......71 ,, ..73 1 47: 4 y. T. t7r i0 n ,.. ev i. 11 3 1. , !! . ..... : 11. 2: . I &lid found hint In line health slid Bp ' . no foreibly. Ihm elm awake told even afar-Otto Brow& mind . Cortes beiqg informed of this, has- l and muted ready to ""'" • " °i ' r " ** i pens reasaylvanta, in moth and import., ho olio' N. V.-Price 21 eta meal ed...., di J. / ropol.llo. of math., -According fro her bed. and welktol her room • lily concreted hi. soon and the fullowing, by thew eight el numbers. of the am deal. In our those. lb m hardy yea- Th... wodt hr.... led to Ph., ond I ts the recent tens., the population Bd' this hi .g in to great anguish. Another ledy, saw no mustusestai. right, while the tend alb hushed in eleep, 1 The allayment had lasted more than wv "m/ th" "uti""^ PY. ~.11b,...,b,..s b y we (It ,is UP/ l'n shor'it . increase lor ' i wan ash en in all adinini Ilg ellaelbel, tikEnrritt. or 00 x••• 0 -•ffe..- the squadron dropped iII d h/ h d th e B l ar d d 0,.. sore l y : tuor. Maestri.. and intelligent ; her remorse. M. 3 ,-. • • 'lf •wnkeh e d Its ter Wailin .11 •II OP.. 9 .." '• °" ''''' •° P •• -•- - .... ."'P' ... "."."Y I'l . h.f....; mod her in....1..er ham the eiesii or arm. and smoke et hat• ' the last decade of 110,0011, or Iwo fifths or . • h•" ." f Diweerry et Altateo-Depertere of C fn. bey, leaving the mortified goternor to di- p d and ready to told , when the env- ' ' v d..rand; her h• Leit dn.. thdo porn... the lowehnew....lproverarromate the whatl • A • • t pnpu ails, r. 1111 . rees.• a thin , . . info the mom 1,0 invert.. , tho cause, I, Corles-Trarr ig ej ee.. • Igest hie chagrin a• beet he might. The d ry which lied taken • eireuitout root, fell '"'„,•.,'°",!- •• , ~7• •• I• '• -' e n d tim e in a chair weeping. The at manly .8181 chem.., Tits is ........... of Ilr , rate woul d ewe at the •lone of the present IV.. have briefly ontieed the eondition of , little fleet touched at %coca, Trioidod, on the rear of the Indian army. Seised -''' °°` umo7 . o ° o o' h e " I " ' ' 11....d1eVa books 111 tins form aml ' - ' endeavored to soothe her ream and IL ta l e %rim.. empire previ..us to tho eon- and Havana at wl ielt gleam dim °outman- with emoternatio• at ths terrible •ppari penioded her to i. tare Onee more to • quest. Unknown to the old II Orld it had der ememlnted his preperationo. When l oon-for they supposed the horse aio his I impremse, should In firm so, .flueteal; a.- . . • fat and true. Cepeceolly en our new, where.. re. nee them however arrat. toe we wie glad . century, 2,1.0,1100. ! -The lower branch of the 3lisai...ippi 11 led fry to !"'pet th. dreem The • giwro to grimtnem, and the greet Monte- they were all toady, the vessels were found ~rider to Lao ne arrintal-their ranks ~..0 , rolleeted th e n i p ...d "renew.' of our .000 ;•• 0 ,, v: ...1..,,,,,,r:;rtirtt ..17....;, ,, !: . 1 „ , ea;ed oloegislatur.. Im o pa me d e resolution 0000.0- ni. thing the mut lofty" ...Med o I Bine, lan. :he might) eoloano , wboe shad- to be eleven in number. The turves a- j thrown bolo confosion end they were rout- • o ' ol° ' h " ."'''' a ".". V."' .a L. t.de, ' ICI Ch. a.....„...... t Ch.1,,11.t. ..e 000. Foote. eteph dismiteh, annotin e i ng that her I. w fell ithnost son the capital, utood in noli• tenanted to ... toothed and ten marinero, ,eil with terrthle slattghter lan, homy tip. two ineu...hould do e glum. old „,...„ , i . 6 ,2_, ,,,,,,,.. 8 .. 1 -Tho nitmlow of Prod ornooo in the t.., 31r. Wm e a Lt.: emu s on the Wes tear grondenr, the auvereign from sea to and live` hundred and fif ty three sulthers,' Cortes drew off his men to a grove or Ker.,. b....w00ed by met. who hare been . ',:',.; CA, w.ll out In ....11,d" ow a motto . ery Union et this time is 'TON ratlread, had tulle.. from the ears et. esg. Nover, perhaps. nav 11100, 1 nrender th irteen of whom eon h•d fire arms They • palm., niter/the soldiers devoutly offered 1... d "`" l. ° l ."'" , .."°°' "" d ".. •.° e. ' well .........d ern,. J..ii,., ....d., r w tolly I . or the It Paine near tin Chat'. ...reit. d., Into who had greeter reaoon were provided with ten heavy guns, and thanksgiving to G.J. The conquerors de- `' .... nd .° 0".....04 moron, 01 'Wv .."`" n t to all he rr0......1 l'he dd.. , mod . i ....m ' -Visitors et the Pre.d trot's 3lanaion Nose York, was run ever and inatal nav t lint Mtl. Fillnt. re and her .I.tugltter L di e d. to b4l that IC. p ,, ,er was 0 0 11 re. 11.. ...or I Mt. r ids elated elated ralsonely It., 'Oared that h Moven m d .t h eve ti mg h t 00 'mi... , uf on merns, to a rooms., time e.., lin as 00 r,....... 41.•,.., oor Irliko pe pie. eh.. kr,it ses woe scarce on tile island. but ;lightly :their dd., Billet their own etrength cool.' ‘''''''" th" " . 1.. '" 4 °M.'" "..."" "" w_ 'or dwith , 0,,,,,, ,.. ,0 .0,0. 00 0.0000 ,0, , ,,...., tor _ e a rent deal oir dignity. ....,....,...„,..,,,.....,_ _. It V . .. 1 111 • Pd It lel 1110 re BPI t,..00 ',soiree. wore all at his estimoting their imp: tann lto 11.1 olio' te•ver ha. prevailed against seek a multi. .' 1 . 1 P.. , iiiea .2. 0 •••• 00 t , I°I.'I" he .. ....„, a 1 ,..„ no „, n „.,,,,,.. ..„.„„ ah ~....,. -A dioher en. how be . al a i nt Nae- C ''''''" '" - '''. "°°"‘".. orotrand Nature had to nvided trim Ar t • ewe'. dtlitoolty AtointA siztien. WWI. t ode 0 elllpies " Mon amounts ~„.e buck to c,..t. d.yeand heat.. the . nee aream ". no.y he.... . ..... We d.ekke on maw ea, rumen.. for the very low rho ut 75 eth. It on how a ell oet th d Net that the i t 111i,•.,i . JI, n•hi I. art om di never etpiA -- this paltry force di./ he enter on the eom . that the Indian army outdated al at • least 'OPO'. the oche could beat hod therneloe. pen ~,,,,. . , . tle . meto x 1n...• name stand, al the head ,r ore know not loos oho., ). we ohm k 11.... -Gen Gam tD. Mal fortnetlt IT S rh ts emelt, is a . ....diddle Eat. 4•154., It ~.l.r r tio... itt.. deem, a almost inaeuessi- quest tol a great empire H..fore their du- ' fo.ty th ou and mew tem. the greaten leue, or ern reooh the and on •• horhoto plates - ....I 1t,...•13 this 01.10.4 • ull• j q, - G un r from N. Jet-rev, died ut his reai- United States Se.. tor. (Id no. do t a l{ 1.1.. ent... oiled the sunny valley of Meal., pat tine, eta. ea. e rr with great 1 Corte. gave Eberly to the prisone sloe the off'. evures, tho P"Wole might... well eh... ihen . 0d , r , ,,, a .. a the w eters o, the great lake enclosed solo 111 l it, Mid the fleet placed wide. the , ken ill the battle, eft by them sco t a w e e reseit and fold thew hairdo. and I. drug" and ra- :",„ „, , Ti.C.• dome in litirlinot tttt N. J a fear da a dim, • • o I rhe fou'rier'l:44." ' • ' t , .. I e.. anion. t,e first Judge Wt. b ar , ••1•1.,- n‘lph. -nice. ward ho extensively mod for al,l Inn the vi 1y en Mel, Sidi.; -the only entrance iimucdtote protection eat' St fete'; then cage to th eir countrymen, h that they .1141 tr.,. work out „sown results. Maier W..... :7,7 , ' . ..... 0... nod .n ear' d o r ' . ' 0 being ....• r narrow ...cent's altich were weighing anchor, en 010 lull, tot 1", loruary, oserinok the peg it they would eoni o at a snit us. Oar oatmeal urcatorana n ,s a. esod• „....... ;. ,7 0 . 0.„ " ' ' o n . : . ° . ' , h o 7 , „ '" I 7 . 7 'No ' f -The elf.. ars telling n 6 ' . ' , lt " 6 . 0 "ttit"""tititit• Li. In odd. I, d, •. 1 op The p• mill Indian as he 1519, it sailed Per the c.. of Yoe.. . once and tender their ettlonisoi • .., other- ix to dm heet enter, end naty of our atone- . , . , re no, I• 1 • I .g o , :Line wit. ~„„.„ , „ too,' nni N ,,,„ y„, L. , gr . „,„,„ ;ant ta/ertt. no a lairver..his di-Nest/lel Iry .1 .../ h. broad sod lur dont tin, prob• They first landed et the Nand of C, Mt- , wise he 1 0011111 ride over the Isita eel put oh., .1...... n re.... punt and ...corr.., a; :,:,"."' ."'..'',°,,."'''',•," "'"'" d " '" good '"""•• • .I , d". wide. who intleit,,, l n „,,,„„ 1s ...rive.. in ihe Cm.se•dio n to Old aids IV, rLo std. th a t ther e w .. ene 1 .1 wh ore the Spaniards mitered bid a eiery liviog thitig to the Bwerd." The iiml mot n so. alt.. nookome 11.....11 llon .s , Wn r." . ' ''' ' ' ''''' , . ni.,n , on re „ ni , , ~,,, ~,,,„„„. „.„ I „„„„ St de Co , th e l, .4 1....:1P, his abilities re I I loly 1. on r .....14.• of e ;11112 with Lin, pr. fie, . trade volt the ...ie.', eac',ang. Te1n..1,1112 had 110 &s he to !onions Ihntd. ter ai the common segdaties or the ',moo.- .., ite 1 sldsm g • c e, N.. 311-12,1,. c . 0.. g ot ,,,,„ hi , i. „, /,...., ~..„ elan.. 'pt ii .1...1 g .• iii 'the I',. dradir•ial di ttt iet ow .; h d three IV.i. in .his ;now n ......,. Ong th e ir c u tl er y Ito ." r r i t d,„ f,..• ...1.1 . r . en.. which 1..1 pr. red .. di .tin to Th.. e an a. eve. watchful ro t a. w .11 ke, a ~.. ' ' 1 . yh'"'""r "d 0..., 2. P•her. and ! na b lhi. , hair and eg pima Poor ~Id '"' L''. '''" 1.. , "'era'ried hie unit. ca l aid f deli .dirig th it the at). ra hie temente. Corte. mph air estonsioo in them , and they. na, presented the n...lves '..e a ster. in oho poker al to.olat I ; and a mood Caa0...., 3. T. M. 0..• V.BI. h. thew.. on fo ll ow. 1„,.. 1. „1 1,.. 0n , h ae ....A.! 41,1 via ity ll.r. 11 2 : „tot tl, State gee:ir...-. „••re numbered shadowy omen§ the telerill and was greatly ennuis.' to find with their 'wordier, gifts. Among these ',polite., or :mamma. 001 over 11.,.. out per hod it- " *.e. '" .. ' 0. ""' r ''''' ''''''''-' ". A ' -.1„ .1.1 Ell,. 1.. i. 2 V 11.1.1 lo l'eno n .‘l,ocia I . 1 , 45 he it I 11101 114 I'^ . I tele/ 4le • • I the lb tnorratie nit aten. and hultstiort pr/ T heehdt like the hand t,e en...t r ait "Noe. u: reh,....0a tenor...Gm were twenty finale slaves, mat of ssl e l, me „ 1 2 , 0 , b,„,„, r""'"" "" d A ' r ''''' '' " ''''' "A "'"" °''' "'"" tor. the lath r ...NI I ille ' L. Lin P that he ...odd t • he I.• kintine Lit 10 I f I arnoi .2 on Ih • wall, inide 1.1211 itiol.wsta ,d This feet ghee nee tot 0 Idol,. eel juel• , pre,. d ~t go sear ronsequeneo to the hive- I As well tieglil 0111 say 0.0, ~ , , ,ek ~., ..,,,,, or. l'or••e,e,..d ere, I'w 1r she., took, 1..,., ..... , . ~ . , . . , . s r only .. . ea r en a 4 elle, 1411 le I. ss 11. l• • k 1,0 ~ • . . . 0•ft....0nl .4 a len pO/0/4/thll Km thdt .ti ..I „ I d i t ~,,, ber. d hi+ king.' ,nt a n d urea el to Om race that lied th,..„ inn- der, Sh e ..., . M ee ,,„. .61 wh o had nun. • A wl. forth fr0.... • ,0r. ...d h op d too., ''';',"' ',".. V' ","; ":,"h 3 ..".1' ''',' l '''",,, his daily .......- se ,cre„t he . alio' rit • hi. finkhed it ... A hell.. f per vatted in w 1 0 , dueed th e , ete d ..p o l o .l o f fluke... T y, be. 0 sold 1., the Tehe. e .„ aia sho non. seal et row. lid, on , Imo. d,, .; no.. "• '"li'''..'" _" ' "..'","' '''''''' ''''''"" h'''''' wi....., add lie...w. I2' • ' ' - 1 ' ' a" ' SaI"'""""IY 6 '''''' """Ii"V" .1 , P 0, .• 0 ..:0- . . It . I ,e ;... her atton II e r M r 1, .1,. an st dial e r of the Smite. \ I...deem., i 10.1110•1 to 11.0.• 'shared ll at - Thew was nothing ehieh the Srm, Coat Pm.ke her native tonwie. with elegance s and ,„,„ ~..„,. n r .,,,,,,.., .„, t o o,n ~.,„..,„ ~ „.., Ve".` h.; • - •"'hhe" 'an' ' , surf or t....• I;. ited State, whirl, cite • e greet .1. ay. 11. tt . a,.. nt I, no as about to %ought tome ...must's. I ex. ept .p.ld atA , elution 1,, captivity she had become toed- " w ....,, , lindolon . noon. 1.• • Mani wit, unmo.d suf.,. 'ma. 1m1...01 .... th.ne . •lid , union •••e g ,yerontent ~f th e t., one ) th en th e ...,,,ver„ t o n ~1 th e nativ e ,. • l e r with the dialects of Toes tan. and, as g ,,,,,,,,,, an 0 ~.. ~,..,,, i ~ , .. ... I. su m iv n ta , no., .. Tt. w oos of p,,,,,.,„, .• , -'rho oopoh,,i o, of tr, h. lk VI e..tver 't'. t•I ."" ropy 'h"oma be ..,..;• yl',t a 1, 1,..h.„ 'N4 1 h e b o . e !. k:very expedition und..teLen was a kind 0' . uhall see, was of great use to . in- .... '°' ' ' " ' I " ',• .• nom, Piot, smoo c h Al kn...., .).,,, sot k.• ea' "I"Tt 1,1.00 h. ~,0 . a . ,,,. .„ .„„ ) ~,, .t t the I,ta. I, he It ied toot, of 1•111 4 Ina °- I ..Want are. ~,,, nig., d toe, oohs. of then eon. „ fl co T. 1 0.,. `tei,nre ..• the Poited a, stn Wool 1. i , nr n'l.ol they Imdte,l was to crusade; and ir th e ton,. railed. 'the , ter. toter 'file Spaniards calk.' her 31•• r"•"1: n• i , ••• dr •...d Oir 1'...h.0. I' .o. • • - 3 " . ''''''' .. , ..... ~, : I plOO and a lel lidallee .040 sivotd Was a ante at gum., fur tarsi otto. j ri,./.. t ht. India. 31glitielm. Istoneney ; end ....• ... our Cowen.. .1 11.1;e ; . b .... 00 .. 0 .. 0.0 .. 0 , s „,, , . ia nog , • P.,* 0. , •-•0• -Tie p pale ion ear Cal., e aim, .1. : . 1 .I.• Wn. pad., . r,.. all t ..• It I . hot 1 ahoo, spirits uf des.,:r.• auction of Christianity. WhOOVM Nos In I ' rho Sp'. general srumuneed to the t",:';'''''' nu". "" " ''' '""' '"" ' '''''''' iihd nod 'hatlne", . M.. ..., .s, 1. ..... lagnl • 4.• tea le ~k,• •or late poodar G. vo.. t/ 1. lame te4 NCrenk 'anise ny other cia : Initery and ruin in their area agginst the heathen nos a soldier 0 ' natives !hellos une to claim their dhoti- , . i unh wran.s us, 1,..fe110w. Non. nnen, It .o. '. , she crono,and I hough he Aould destroy the, unee to Ids etiveleign a , rule posi onarch; '' '"'"*"""`""""'""'I '' .. "" . " 1.1 " . .. 1 ". 1111.1 A. I .1 • I f I to '- ' Ile ooh h touAd r tt• teem. lis o.fi , ed 1.6 ,No lit us erat in • dm Legi•dato I. 0 0.1. 1., to tin, eat lanttni..,,r- le ilho of his enemies, he eras to seek die . who dwelt het mid the vea ; and Om to .. nest , en,.......,....,.,.., ahh.f...h...„....r ; „., , ,..., ,,.. ..,....,....... , „. ~ . . ~.., , In 00 LIM, 11, 0114 4 .1 il oh/ in g the t , on wool I...ard ant I Idol, ho era 1 0 101 a Sr., tent, m s .. 0..0 aird &Mot a. thom whiA sahattoo of their souls, tor then mitter-ion' oonvert them to 00, w0„. .. 4, of the In. Mood fidelay••• wateemnn, Ow we ilgalin mg. „.„„, . 0,0.4.. 00,0,000 00. r , 0 , 0. 4' th. .,, „ " 0 :' .0. ' ~,f Sher ill K... in lirt neat.. and II •e- tn. hke J ...1g. W.....10md use the .1 eti. 1........ I. I I iti destruction 0 .1 •rons t le te . i n . ~, ...ul would Oboe for • multitude of his , tied The Tab/means tateght enbutiosion I"''''''' exam ....P.chne the N.."'" P"..n , 0 0 lon okolk. 0n0... ....dr. boo rho ria.ootol, ''''''. ~., o.• geolletean w. old yanne • gnarl .1..... •I t . the 31,xicans t lin ealtnuitloe 10,11. its. No &oda vido entertaine•l .1 be what they had fieffered, made boot al . !, ".." '.'"'' " I. n° "' t ' EUVGII ' IV• 10 ( N'1'1 I 1 .•01., 11... oh foc. •-11 oi• S, alit v. k. 4 Shorn c ~, i in, I ... " I "'' ' ' ."''''"". ' I " I '"" ' l ' e " I "' 1,, ar,,,,, , i,. pats i I Perms, Rohm.- Cu sy hi.; ,•. 1.• ap,.r.,aelting They menthol the ellieacy oft ums e. dort. 11, wr.“.. Po •1.10.1 font reo in.., to eith er prop.a. Th e i " ‘R" A.""'' I'"" "" "ie . I. Ire. th• N.I. 1 r .„..,„ .....,,,, u .„ „ t-10 , / a loo••••.t ..• t.. th•• I, gi;l..t or., ad. ... 1 reel for Dec. tn not ..., .4 oer ...eirricrwe e , tutu wo to l• r w. t h e .q. a ..,,,, ... ~,,10 4t o ,„ , l, ,„.., . at Sohlatla was Palm Sorriloy and Co d , .11,, and d oe 1..... Mat nod., id. al ammo& In, , ~..0 „... „‘,„ „ ~ :77 .' ~, , , , r ~ .. e„, „ „ .. 1...... i 0 hon. t e C not I..t'a lo ; 1:1 1 rth on the van It erre .4 I. 4Pa tic. only 1..0 1 , t,r ~;„, . .ina i 1..„ ... ;.. .Iy, el tr. e, E I,sute their cora...ion " .. "'" l ' d "'"'"' ". '''' ""'"'"' ""'''' • ' Be, sv 0. 11 . ' et " ''' . ''' . '" l'l "' r,' ,,, ' --T ~ 11.0. t V to. ; °' - I -.; '' - 1 .--- ~ ~ cal.. ~„, , ... t t ear . ta,; .4 ...• insil tor, s*.m el cm t'l • Innis mlo I tap red a . ot o p. ....de ..led a.l wt .., r ... /o, C e l is .. a oth go oat 1, not, A 1 lento i .„, „..,,, i ,„. mot .11 e1ee.1.111.1%.• Mail.. I,le 11, I 1/11• 1V1.,14.111 '.'" ~ ~ Ira t • "". ''' . ''' " ' ' . ~, ' ' .., ' , , tI,• a I 1113, /1 , 1 .1 101 ~.Int 4 1 .Ind, ptoaelor .1 tip • z oti th It te,orthled a vest was .r •or 0.1i0,,... ror h -.an I lit ctn..' ' 11,1• '010,..d ..1 tar tei ide artny, with I. 'he ""oth an'' 'se. ore .04; .2 ane/....ia1 , do or '''''"' r ' - ''' ' I "' I ''''' " " '''''' L'''' r'.. r- ' ~„*".. ': "7. -,', ": I. :••• ...I ' -:'. 'i-... ~..,-. the I i•ii s, i t o I, • , i..,4 a Ile mitring Nnerlde, or. ,01 the C .•4111., If t ight ot that ddy, and ,•• ; I, -List ins at their head, each i„.l.lier ' rho, ,end "''' • not' ae te nt•hmk•lt nh.dnat ro '.....1 The tt a. , ..,,re1,,,....ai no. .„,• ~,.,,111, it ill., , i ' e 0 I . ; / . 'l' • ••••• . ~lie • . 1 ...,,..I .. „,,,,,,,... ~. ~,,. ~...., , !il ii tn• w.h.• ,i), • • ddekly Ain leak with • 0 1 .010 VS.l.ibiled 1,1 IMO in v.• lolly t hoe.. hem :••2 n .1,11 Itrnovh in hiefloson.l Ti e 1 4 e wooport or 11,,,, hoo, lo 000 ; oorr go• olo•" h' ...• .." ' 2 .' °," '0 T•00...e; 1. :a• r.a '" '"'" ''' "'" ''" ' """ I ' ll " """ .i0....f the d...1, e aid speaks no th e hone ~,, „, • A t , h,, " rm . r m ., 1,, w v ,i, es an d Ilernattelo Cm tel II e ... ‘,.ry holiguard e oheonrce wt. se!le.l by thousand, 0: la-, aoeild no ille \nth ....„....1.,11, ..........' tr.' ' I j",".",''''''''',"". lb K . • I ,;'•"7 l ,';''' . ' ' ' .v, to ft .or Sldte a te.d Jo to I t raid! b to 00111 Wallin,, Were beard in tar ir -at 11., ti Litton, pea ael ices • f th e 11.110. e die .., ho E• 11. w ,• •1 it, , io n s „•t. m i..l onent •port of ilonr ....,,,, the peop.„'„,ho„..• ..a .., , 1 .r.;';;;01 . :,:,.,,,',.:"4 1 , - ,", '' 2 "" '• '''''' .Jenny Lind i” CO a --TI e T 0..., h i„, ~,,,„..,.„,,o f i„ .„. ~„ ni 1,,,, 0 11. rtn t • . 1 .4 tra th there w e e , a l i h,...,. ..t C t 0n,,1, ~I emit,. o re d t e p,',.. 1 le T , I• , In, ( . ...ir WIV 10 the pd....iv:11 tem- , 1:1. h net.. of then.. han ....... a an. odor 1% 4 ...,oc., g o o, 4. o H0 g .... we, ioo4loo. ', l ,' ''' r ,; * I " " 2"'"'' s ". I ''''''.' " . "'''': l I ' ''' "' ""'" h ' ° "'''" " I It ''' j "' I o:' ''' ".' .. d rt ,: •ot nice, it in not elv to toll TII4. them rl•lnegh the agooey ..1 th, t ..el. own ph, where the image.. were thro wn down ; 1,.....a. dool soloic we wooltl preter lore be........ ma to ma, , ..., ....p..11.1.1 In ... inn en. en. l ,'"." .''''''''''' ' ';' ''' '" ' "'h''''" I'd" -.ea") • .1 mi... 1 aod . rnoro.l. TI e J..,141.'s mine s o .„.,•, a ~.,;,,. w h o woro th e foto ,. v ... who se....pa led Lim, to oaeltr..e. ;to in .1.. , co. for thut .4 the ill gto and he ~. a Na•thern 14101, 4. eh rename end., elem. .„„.., 0 ~,,,. ,„.„. ~, 0 „.• ~,,,, .. ~ , ...'",,,,, .. /n " . . I ""I‘ / "I''.• ... " 1 " 00,1,1 //f. ~ ' ly ia Jo. , .4.. Wien iv tn., en.„,...1 to this. .his tii h, . . it. a sst t h.. tim e , deltzlited in I, ' n istinnity The el apt,cel.f the pre.l.• ; her Snit. Aro altar wan raised. eta an... 0. a 14,, .0... oo ere.. 11011.01.. lie .a to ... ~, . a , n .„ ~, m e : a ' t ' ' f '''''). • ..In•inl Mut.. 1. a. I . Viktor, the mill r,• m .1 ...hum and nothiri g we., ton ,o n.. er. ,an 1 ,4... t. th e M oe s, who pr °Whi t , ..6.1 I. father Olincolo; and the sehliers lahe on 1..0 . the ell. net ef 110 n hole P. or :., . a'. ' l., ‘" .""„' , '''' . 'I ' '. w ' rk --. - - - ------__. ... Ile ' ~. th,ty 1.• i•hd a. ..or I, re non i.. Ile enjoj r .1 .t.. 1 I.r their credulity r lure:lend. d vo ty little of shot they joined in the s.dernit ehatit. trite natives :and le., ....1....pe00r tante, tr., ...„11.1, 10, """..'" "" "*." h.' g oo , „std ""I ' A 'n ~, • , ... ~ . . sir. sane ani 1.11 extended lame Twee I,ATE. 'I 111 NriVg T x ...y. n i a .) .. drs I ni d donned • si nee th e ortohed to comet...mt. the rode ht.., ' listened with prolotool •iletter, a. il il we /um e t5.; • 711,.. liessio ne m. 0....! t ante. t ''''''• '''• " - ..' "' • ' '' '' '' r• "'" •I '''' ' ' ° '''''' • I .." 'Pe' ek of tho I.A. To all m•ho wdeore well en, 1 - .1..„ ter, pref. rettevit, eh.. it it. eta; 1, .od. y Bif the Nee World Do t i ng this p. eter Wog ell Indian, wh• on I...prise , tria, beli e v e the .41 chronieler,wero elicited nal,. die . mot e 4.a. tyre etot..•••: vis •••1 • a ...we.. A ••• .• r him h. 1,I• Irina., !... Iwo. ....lod 011 4.000111 mg, we wnuld a. take nn. mar,. 2. ~,., • ...,, ~,,,, 4 „ .4, 0 ,, ••I• this eonti net d lir* ught ait It ban to Cuba, and who d.„ I bd.. loam Th. ontrivension seen. 1.. bare I .oo M W ...lawill even h. p CI sea,. ot I. i 0utd0.... N-r 31 1 • ~,,,, „., ~, 1,j,,, 1., ,„, i,,,,,1„. 0 aml u an• ht r eal appo- , , , • I .... 10...01. a are van. d ...I of nMI , 1... b0.r...05,,ed b o , 1,,,h, e d,„. ,„ i ,. ! . i..„ hi s dust a t e y .... th.• kit ,a, had peek-; h., perfectly satio'net.try In the Sp,. 1„.... etwak .0 ver, 10-h 00,11.. ;11: II ea ‘lO. ' . Three of our larr,•st IVe-terti nte it.r. tined hot .1" 114. li 00 ,,, r; , y w 11 .do lo Pim.. The r..ek I loon i•r a the el 111, a eery hoi.orroor rep „tee witl,J i.. 1., though to .it apt : tears that it re- , ..,,, ~,,,„0 , t a rn , ' . '. . ''''''' ..''''''''' ''' ''' " '''. ''''''''''''.'” '''' It ive boo.. 8k w.t .in ;he 10, fon .1...111 , redi. I. still nt e, sin ' l.. '' ... ."'"-. el In elt. mmoorl ta son at ~ ~, , ... . • Wll..sse ot .1 kr. 1s• 'onus La 11, oot pa...A by th e 1..... the C`,.., ;h a , Th o Billiton. liinede Ver. ,81. tired no e . t . a . A t ,;,,,.. i n te o ,,af et . their . rie, ea... • eel. ak..a hoe, a• •• ... • • • '''' "'-'" V ''' . ''' '' ' dl " . "'''''' I'' •' `" ''' """lt h , ir or IV ~. N. w 0 le • di. ••• • ".. I . I I I I . • , 1,, . .., . rot ... r0nte..1... I ts. mina. stlna oi the In hi t ' • ". . " I " . '''' . on, md nondi or. m ht...., • .... r.t. is •• ..„,... doti only to Colorithas in that tilled with honor et the For m . d role, , I 111,0 fr In ' f uss lel ef/P ••,' Q/1 01,1 I . elaadhe ;.' . ~.d a 11,., 8.1 uot ~,L re„ men • n Mb, n sin I. .., fin 1 . ..1 . P1e1e. Feelt,, on aid Morn ~ 1r.,. .i hi. trin..l- We ••01 •• pro of hit ....t ,t hard ~f ....ea ehis•di s ' and he , lion 4 their temple. an .I idol. tl 11.1 re hen. ,• , • . , , , ..1,4 .leity ~ 1.. walktol van . „ . no,. ~........ eo n .. t...,,,, ..„,„.., a . ~,..,.... T.... r ...lo g o. of 11.... ohm C.a., Ch.., T , .. hater. idler tilt,. ing .. , .. ri intl :on fie ~I.” a r ..1•11 .1. tie:, hie be, t. tone ...t 1 t ,I. •0 p.iontiou or the [mond 1'0ei11e'.1......1 that 0.. no were rho . ds who se dile. that of Mary or the Sari r. n " X v. rot 1.5 U-51, . 0..L.t. the 0at..., ......11.1.1.. .4 Pot k, was rai , ...1, .., e i Get • et.. r Ili ..1, the dud, is to , k r, nr nrorally mot , ea, see op. a. ol hi. and den..., , . the o anc oo: hi, tp t•ter, the king or c 01•1 oh.. eutishice ...1 Ca/ min, and if at.) I Cass t rms. I 0 ....., g o. ... artiel •on .1.......,0n Iron. '' ' .al 0., pram hly he ruinol: en lad!, , 1., be .I, f. irs .1 nr to .ray de ea t 'l'm -.I tt..s of t .. e 31,..... (1,,1r. I vb.! ono. ~.. .old I, o ff en .1 to the ws ri0.. to,: , the .• CI oh. 1.......erat.' and.,.., or., o , It - "'"i th. " L.... '. Fl ' Tilt , Grl,ht. Vali man. w• learn, ,t,..t.i., id T•.. , ••iroir, tic/. I,' poldn• a. , pre, lotion •,, • v• r. la „I 11•4. rich re• 111. our: HI lay be- , they w .1111 •.41.1.1 t ilVir light tliog 011 Ille I ~. I, , . . .., ~,„„„,„ . „„„,, ...,„ '".•• I'l' he r ..lank while Is r •,,, ~, rt.., t•h idand, will hear lii, op.- 4'W/tr.,' Thounc re t. ~ I, . eh. ••I'l concealed I r .to the gm. ,I ) ' hetelo ..1 the . 'Coolers , I '' Than. she 1,/ oh ... i.; 8. ..r w..t, to ' - • -- ...,...- ' - '-- 't ‘.. f out air tonn e Mat In I. ea- ar., .ol t ,•• ads enturer Joan de I; o r t11•1' C Idee, are il Vain In trm-re w. rd.. 1 • ---- .. 7 - 4"..ww.;,,,,V-V-- - , • ' '''.'"''• 'I.rW. I. e high Ivo' 11, 04. 1000 poop.' r ' ' 1"" 1 ' '''''''• " r ""', r '' 4 l" . " 10 4 . . r.,,,,.,.,,,, ..,,, N.,- 0.,... ~..... ~.... r .., .o. o• io 1. ,a t lie 1.,.... o 4 bei n g the first patl a t r iestured the veto ter...l loot,' 1.• he rolled 1 .,-•••• , ,,the5)„. „ .--14-as ' • ~,,, „ „r • „„,1 i r ~,,, ,1, 0 ,,,,i,,, 0, ~ „, ~,,, ii. „ .1 .., .. 1 0.0:14r I P . 111 • 0•2 1 e : 1 •1,/en,l• or ler, 8t... Mr. Woodwa,d a., .0, I. the C..- won. '• rgr •. 11, I.:aro:se is in occur , ,••et loot mr th e Meek rt. sod, Bed open-11l wrfilhe stairs of the gre it 1..e...h• amid.' ''',"'''''',Vies• I -- , Wag ri-iog -he a... 11 ..... Hoer ,IT ,lan - - --_-_ -_____ ___ ,'••••• w• •••••' 'hi's , •" • /" 0 •". "e 1 .0 ,• had COlOlOO ~,..., C• n..... -11. 10.•,...; 'a. , , • 11 „1, it., p „ 1,, r ,, a „,.„„ ~,,,L.,„ dee 8. u.. 18 her . /mere .t.. 1 v.” u e , r , tor l, .. h., ~,.. 1 , ,1,.. 31,y 1., I . - ,IN, w ith „ leo. striteted, et, itne, to. the % trgin and 111111,1 4 II I 1110111) 4rn o 'y':::: , !...::::::::::: , . , l , , 1. , . w• ..,,, 1.. the h , l. .0.d.. Common. ne W, no og . moo , h ~. ~,,,,, „;,, ..„..,..,„.,. a ,, r „„ ~.'' WC, , , lett, ie. ooa fa le, She in bawl -1 el: ....lad, ..., line I nill hy the governor C dhl wan Oared over i t, nu ,l „ 0 ., u - on I 1 /1_43111t4 lIA I . . , loom . h• ho ch.oo• tho ,at tlv•-• .....,,,g'an I. 11;th eat, . needed, Is, roe, rod, 21 rents ol I tires.. in the Ps , • 111 it i-I .., 1 Ile 8.,.....1 the 1 ,,. es le le I termed by rot her 111...1, PA Iti• coo. • , - ,4.1..:..1,.,•na monlwon v cal. toss 1L... 0 h vor .t ot ,„ a„,,,,„ c..,, c ,„„aa so e t ur t.. noonss , , ~..,•,,,,„, 5.,,,,, ~,, , , ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..„ 1 r , slati fa-fa 00l lel telt loess eont and pants • Y...r .11 I ill( lag va n s evr vii plapes - ...ion. ter the drat time itt New Spaio - ' I thr _artr•l Ciotti .lion la A 111114 i l't tre's. "'dm" 10,11 ' 0, " ,- . Or. trim I' d . .. 1 0 ... .IN 11,. .e......, oweanoned Ino the 4 .011 ort ' , 0h0... hh •• f e•toe. hl, 1, roar v' o . Hor deo , ee . 1 the pralicu C.ver, wk.., Woo he .tench will, the proof.' The Indians, overawed hy the h .1.1 lo•ar- I " - - - 1.. - .... 0 ; •"'; ' • i.e. a "." 01 '.'"....." ...'d 11. On ont nod.. 'E. W,... 1ie.... t 11. t ' , on, y :1 ,is rat s * l' he tie,. r g inherit. she. , , •erydis t'i ,n wohth era his eye 1 adead i, id Ile: i ,radero end t; 8. shorrt eel-erre.- , ''' n ..' C. 0 ' 11 .. ,, E. Ch 1.0 1 ,.. g o e Peon, Inn. r. 1.1.0. d nod .1 , ...........,. . 1 , a „,...„ 0 .. a . , ~, ,o ng ...1... The borniric a the . toah.. Cohan tol was fira wort. it. the Id...rented feign by ot the rib ts, which fortned the bah.. 10011 Id Illeir religi A and perhaps edovine- ' ' - 1.- soder 8•101. 0, on I, as her ;800 ...mos 5,.,... - og Poi n t 1,0, hoot, whiel. win telemaphed the Wel10•11 n • oneient Jotted The azeho , 1110•TROSE, PA. 1i , ,0 of to 1.1 u•der... Ins Was astsoti.Mea t o lea of the lamoloskun or rl. ities. ahe 0.101511 I ~,, .„.,,,,,,,,........, nod ot, anto .. Jow l, ~,,... 3 r l'ollior thiliew,peo c0at..,.,..i ~.r ap ,• ,...,,, ,d ... ~ .. ~,.,. ~,, 1,..„i,.,/ wish ,h. I„1. •li, e rta ;hi cal 1 'i In Pn v • pert intwinonly 1.••1101.1 huali ig• id large ...e, al; itfully coo. .4 psol, et their own Flatin a from si•de• Tb......., D am ..., ... aaa .. ,el. 1,, . , ~,,,,,,0,,1 It, : ,, t, v. i id.... the 1101. ~11. ~. M . 1 ~,i.,,, „ . „.1„„0„,1, ...... , ~,,, ; ...... .. o. or d ~...,,,, 0.,. 0 ... ~ 1 ,1,6, ~,,,,,,, j.,.. ...meted of stone and lime, .., il i +feud ol ti.,n ov.w eat. f orward and e0n.... d to 1 T• s• -N, at 'noonday •an doe vet 8 ' ''''''''• II " " . '''''"' l ' I. '''''' '" '''''' d ' 1i ga....111,1,i01et..t. Nll .0.,.. 1,. t an t e , . loOtr. , t. With. 0, a h..litaty argument to Ihe neglected 'soil, and naked, coati., end. tuot Claistianiti. and to enter tau .c u r- i , _ ~.„.._ „. _ ~. 0 . ..., n. 0., ~or . „ .., 1,,.. , , „,. „,,, },,...„,.,,,... G ,„,..„. ,,,, , „,„ .., ~ ~,,,, It /..Ik. at Wt. Louisan administered the pled,. ." , the ottotte's no, end five 0ft.... h 11Ids of the `' 't i' , " d "` • " 'ho' "I Ihi'''..lge - peoplo, he saw Malay elilnyateel fields, a... 1; nd , . of the Cat holie Church p a ;:, en,,,...:;,;n " ;;;,...e r .7„,„ ' „Z„ .h e ,„„ ' :,,',a; Tim..k.,..., arid has,: ....; „ e ar.b.,41 i . r . ''''' 1"•""a P "'" .. • 'lsar, i all lonia tea in the names. . Ndron. to.s..r I de. tied that the sever. ri s e n t ai, e. are•sed lot cotton g.innents at "' Carte,, ...At oo.rried o.h hi,. orre,o• in ho t of to. tome y The 0,1 1, 0 ,, el on• P: x. 090 in we Is generally oda.. d W.A.... of t ta 1r..1t. a, P. slinel 11. • .I.tiolgid.ll.l hr •Ittorel. The _ delicate loot., adorned with ernament• intiodoeing the gospel. and havieg htored ~ I nction....l 4O the owl., none ea., fad to ' "tor ear...a tkm 'he,. . our ha 11.....f.ht her.; sw ete , ~,,,,,.. y r ., ......,. .. „,„..,,,.., ~...,,,..._ lle alil n1.i..11 rho ./..i,...1 ro man in the ~dun h. been op en • ator nal of ...s. • ID. i.:. • •••11 I, .r 1 1,/ gold ..,d ...the of 'hems. Ile pre• his timt with piliViel.MlN prepar.ol to. de- .., , „,„; „ a ~„, ~ , ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,, „,,, ~,,,,,..,,, I ~.„ 5„,,, ... , w La .,,,,,,, ...... ~ .„.„ , , a „, ,I I ~ I, ii,,d 1 hi , 00d Ilia I_l „ t , ~1 ta/ II i , 1.1 I/ .01 Ilk 8 ‘ Mi•s W. chants eiled as far 11/1 lha Rio Alvarado, dor . port. A canoe Nall se, approaching front fn ., ~... ease a .,. ..,..„ lc. ....,„ „., Wok forand w,... the II .1 men.i.,... and 01..1.• the '-; ma '..' 3 ," 1 „7,, .."„ .. 1 ,, P .' T " P " . ' • L aim 11. a., Nov. :;II .01/1 V i 1.11. IvAllieal and e•rledastival right which he had the first cntemonhottion wall • the .: . a liroerltan. 11n landing ••ne ,d „„ h „ ~„,,,,,i,„..,,,, „ ~,, I, ..,,, ~,„,.. anyone.. far 11 , that ever. A.. C.1...d t on. r .-----. -- -- 0 ~ .r.,...,,..0...ul 1, of the m... uptollin, An. 111,04, tie- h.t. w ions••, A.l it iv said 'h. her even. . t to !mho 1 ,,,,...., g , 4„...,. 1,4„,ri, tiv g t ...ad ms whielr has heed cap, rie tke , s t 11 ../a, In. k et d gen, n is eh: tor 'iliac(' with 5., 0 Mesie..ite, The natives had everywhere the mus es .ied ri his Irv. oolong Cluj,- 1m , „.„ - ae , ......,,,,,, s.. ... '. d e ie.... The. it le un old rust.. h.... 1. d evraper in I lid• . ihe arrival oil I Ile 14gmagr - etty of Id s. ' In theinsehos hostile to him; but the ti ols; and being • mostv,•red itt 11.8. alb. nil- ',„.,,,,,..„. Lt.- to the 31i.i.ippi Valley ItY arrooul the to., re,..t, .1 11 Mandl, d live..y, ' 1 """ 'I . " I" P.."'" ''''''' ""' I" "I'" '' " g to," the first that plim lotto itn the tow . • • _ .•a r' this p. ;yin., anions to learn lite he threw hitenll oh Id, kn..... A./.1 - - do n; p.lOllll ,a r , 00 eine, .1.,...1...w..1....... . „. y at., . ectorred about two o elock in th.. . A \'l. ,. A e o.d/oder -At the elec t', objet•l Id' his vidt, ehowed hionny will.; golg i h0,,k0 . iio,l for Ili, deliver., -- .. t . ~„. ~„. ,„, ~, ~.• ,„,.. hy e e l .. .110.0,1 i we now 1.... ea • of then • pie. ne- ''''-' ...0. tooon. • . .• t i..t. lota Mohan ho Tit...any 31ass • ilr ag raa I/ ienolly interview. The confers . Iln hod keen Cant he nhipwreek on I hat 1... ore rereond. and nil ,a:r a pe. week. ;\ e l...win. c0...c0d with the d,,,,, d onh reinno ' - , .. A vile...lid e ^tinge i. to ho prevent- • It ~.4 „roe the tn., ..1 ( ape tilt., ~ .....i ..,... so. , ; :. ,• • • emu . h ts ted some howls end the Spanisnlo, eat eight team I.OOM, sod had lived that ' 0 „,„,,, ~,,,,, , . r ....„ „ ,„, „ a .. a i, ar ),.., gal. „.„. r .„„,„ i . h „ r,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„, ed to U.. Lady /.1 ....de. F•lha.de, b y. II."' 7 " ' • ''' I III"." "" I I I" M '''''' - '1.1" nyt" ', ' '' ' ''! Ilk " I ' I '' 'h. • ' . ~ , ..„, , ~....•„ „.... ~. . ~.,.„,, ... mit.lv fury v oar 80. 100 ago, anted au vide 111 114dt to their sit's/dation. exchanged their letigth 4.1" titue a ~,,, mg the maims. Ile ~,,,,. „ nn , ii.. .?„ .n " ' '''' ' - are•e, it .11.. Leco nt e • general on.. with ..""drT tr . " l " . '" " `y r'" ''''Y• •d" `" ' ".' '''. " ' " '' ' d o o t de,. el. 1„r the D. omelet tieket. Hs rye -.p.m. pro.. seventy or ..igh•y b ;tidings, It •Pr td... 00. I 401 and trietketo, lor a rich treasttre 1 ea. Mier warde of great ionportanee rte an '.,„ „ . . • , h. fon., eon. r. s oa , o f 1.,,,,,,,,,, f a N ee , ne, - „ nth, . ~ 1 , ,, ,. ip „, „ 0 ,,, en „ "„ nn i meth, 4 d kit.. I. et I hentn. r acne rd . Gm ..te,,1.1 and jewels. interpreter, being familiar with 'h.: dielter.l '''' I " I '"""'"'" '' ''''•••• '`' . . rerun, Taltaeco." hardly cosies up co our wend. 1....-- . 11. po p . tor of moo v 0 ...Li r Pa-, Thu •hirte"ltY •hi•i' ,•• L. 'fitildi ditt o . plum. , Ten •. 11 1., at the ni.o• bog .4 the mills, WI ~,,, Grijalva returhed to Cub... 01014 1 heath , . . • er ha. ennonene. •ma fur 1..1,d ommot ate , 11, . 1..0. , "kV '.I . the b' vof T. 1,10, 2 1 0110/ I Tile 11.1,0 let and ea Olndie Cloorihoo and °l "' flq " 11...4 '''''' "' II ° 6 " .... 1 b 40 . rio ,Iglen freight, arid the emotion. /if the , Leaving C.otenntd, he swept down the i ••• i 1 this State lean 11, 1. le 't been noel, 111. . • ell. Wlon on.' ..1 I,v o .ii.o. il if Le is,.rat entry wbloh lie had f isenvered, the hes nt rattipeoelty, led pssui.llP..tootata tt , I em , .... -Ma, 11..... of Cong.. we re or of oho Netma 1Y Ee.../.0, rea. the .... e .. • . o ~., . . „,.... rho tot to.h,• c ~.,,,ta wer e ti.....„ ed. . . • .. , • • .f....1ay Ilasette, and the Amer.. corner. .0jte1 . ..1 .. 1,. , rain g the .. Ite 1.04 •.1 Two of the large a A lettdid lelrginia, .a""' l4 I " I ' • •"' r • I '."''. l ' -. I ; '' N ,. ' °II l '',"' . .g i,... cavalier., who had been trying 0, re rehed the ~,,,,, ili id the Rio de Tehaseo. /.7 ... nark, Nlnentny fan, at 12 o'clock.... the ,• . otreet thetemelve• with the government ref' Being deoit mu to ' • he large town on N.A.'. Mena, r e ., ice h... ~.., llt wenwthat Newt Inid hoard o Prapecousto en. t Ufmta l'atol 'h.. nr.nts hol doting to the St. I. ,nil n a ...v '''' ll ''''" !" ° ‘ l ' " I .' e ' , "'; ' i. "" • r-- th e i r ...tate.. and the madership la ,re In. d• hank , . 1... bra his fleet ut anAnr, and I AV./hied iy MOIR,: inn teethed it..., ...item , . ll'. rn , r. sty ch.. ...0Y wat ~., ~,,, ..; The Rrother of Jenny ',hot - The Jon-'e tide:ins Telegrar4 Gomponies .re emelt- "r 'l . ''.• ''''.'Y v .. "' ''' ".' h.^. "ec" we h. P..* std natives, saw with raiitur. a new pr..00t01.1 up the rot, in boats Tho hooro!00000 r . rro ...o .1......, 00 e shall priblial. t t 'same of ...dues nisi... ma , tlOOll, ha Ain., to, t erl d u Has h% no v., 31r: I,llllloln Lind. 11 0 1. IddVerld. nod 11.r..ht lo the 1.1 , 01 lid ...: '''' "'"r"i".." "r ...,... ~ ood h.. always al 4 ap ,,,,,,,. h a th ew ste e d. and e t eilip ue were ilitekly 'Mailed with mamma, Pee., t.ittre nest week. je.l don then cede, bererdelele Ihe three poen e lint it.eni-he.l ettisen of e •pot,l oxen a,./1 with as in.teli rem as tloiugh they 1. ...,.., I •en • stn., 11. tit. end -New Landes lkirr , Nor. .: Th o pit/erne, Diego Velastpu.s. e.gacror whom lid. lacing Mu. (arm aato t- work, I 0 , ~, ~..„,, ~ „ 0 . n . 0 .... „... - 1 ,.. . , stet, nom 81, .. tone out nod. r•• • a aro .100 he booth. r. 4 the Sweedill Night itionle, Es.' Itioe oder. the ho lt . which might attend the e timr. I behittil mltieh the dolls forma of the nativeel,„ p 0...,,,„,, „ ~ ~...... o " L lL' os " . '" Punier," and ennortned people ...at mho., &as. arrived at Paris II: is mI. 001 •to to 1 The steamhoat Saranac. Nn 2, which 1.„, g,,,,, h 31 0 ,, „,.„ -A ;,„„..i ps . f . wise and mill ener ro, the gold, or- mere ato n glaueitig to and his with menu- ' , ~en on another ade We would. - ry'.r. l i ' llf , .'" B '"' . " " II " ".""" "°4"/' Mr N.M.& moire •t Havre, .0. re he will hate pn...... I had jimt 1-11.,d. dI. at rim wharf, had her that „.„,,,,„ . 4 ,,i„„.... „ ~.....„ Its dor e .l au urinate.. aullitiottlly Strung tn eing I .to sod gestures CoWlel resoteen . ~,,,,,,,,,„ ~,,,, ~,,,.. bean. „.„... ,7 , ,.. „ ;::' , . , .„,..' lem bow... K . le. not herrenen, weal to fa, so no b ...I like Frool, ht. , do foam t.. join MO nap.. w..rlii vonipletoly 1.1,wg olt elk sev• tribiatio..• t• ard. Om elveli. II id a strife ...k.• pounomion a rho 000ary, ro bo &tea to land. but then atives met him with the 1:„ . .. na .„. rnnn ~.„_.„, . mid eati•d th. then m0n0... be • eil, !deter in the Uhitia Slatra. erd perso n s on I.er were sevetely 1A... Id : 1110 ''ion. , over the r, maks of the late. ••••• a Weillegennistal We' out iteleediately. All was 'bum k and ex- , most delerinined maiden,. After • sevem,, 0 .„,.. „.., . „o _ , „ h„ n ' . .•• ho bed eha•dY 10 herf ea • • bear . 1 1. 00 " , •"' ' A great Cariosity for Mc WorAffs fair. and some, it le imasablit. wore drowoed. /.;,,,,,,,,, 8,..,,..i. id . 81,„,k . h ill I„, hold Leary in del hob Porn OSi Jae.- .tot.t., in which • brge number of the! .... ' •"" """. ''''''""*" .l tr. wady mlOlllllOl Ins assents. They refuel. _ . 5.,, 5 ,. Da .. , Tom what( host was likerrim blown at 'nom, 31 , 61dg...eery n county, ea. • that or prorouage would 4 0111211.1 le 1/1.00110.. ism , S wereditts'Y ee - fhti..g the c fah, mid 111 , 1141n11 note Ann, he 11Weeelled in foreign' 1 7 , and he entomeneed a ion Mr label. ; ''' " lmtno her aloorioas, and almost it reparably . s ho . o l, heeh h, -. g lieve eater 14th at 13/ leo made three ta.proyentrals If our 0 h,. plot idiom chiral stores; ethers e dtvertitt. his 0.3 into the town , ur wloioh be took , , ~..... ~,,,,,... to m ~ ..-_-7 . -; , ~.. r , -If omelet] performers pier cooingly !Ittjuted. o'elto.k. to • ea pi a Id. Cr the Monument. .te the re.. 1e... of oho C 0.., v.,. opoinl 1,. • mire • i t.. • • • - . their eetotcs into money, In order to equip funnel peas wino tor the moved Ivey 1111 401111 people no emigre le pay :Or i In 11,10, that nn may poofge of the i re- o „d ~,h,, ~...,„.„, i „„ h o i„.„„gi„ re ne „,,,, themselves; every one mewed ausiouv to! The Spaniards gamed the night quietly, 'ailed Metes 'aiming lee Ma Camay ham • *won the wohm o P o . a. we oh. have new, to ; 'h• 1 . thew deem.? inondous violonee of tha mood I will stut • • , ~,'• ton. Arebiteots are recetested too furnish Smelted taking the Comae, eed the melt is sa l eh ere in the expedition. , ant the next to voting th e. I. arnall that the I. "' '• '''' al r•• 1 "••• ••'••••• ;• ;" I.;; " ; I Cheap Raelae.-tal Waelanatoe Re-l' •••• °""' w** " •••••••°•"I Y l ''''' ','" plena ft r a plain, *id , end sultatautlab o ti o e . p os . follows. Popolgtows ia 18.11. MCP ;In IPSO, V..lm.pree, after some hesitetion, confer- 'l...wry in. b. arms; 1 .4r0 hOMInTa Mom • ••• ... a. ••• " 14 ;°•..; •oe Mae , _, , . .. .. , _.___...... . d, __.,, . d....h., 0. ..,.4..a... 0 . ,... .... her root ...I terra firma and de noted m ototimutos. - re the nerv e of the Armada on Her- miming in from the neighboring rmitters. tlo.h.oh. Cohety. well i. Nod impreveamoio; P. - . ".°T •T ". " 10 •••, ..• P ;; ` • ' ; ‘ . ;. t • the dm of • large tree, 60 feet from the I doubt.. Nonni.. of Meth. during the paw rose., le to. O.OYr. all 4 Meow., pre-pain. 1 i Nand , . Corn, Tbi• man who wee In this The situation of the Idtle enny war peril- • and mmliigent touca n ientlY de•Meea , groom . i Mir 'The flar e M Timm gives the fol.. ---.. . Int Th• t.v.1...° rd the vino.... or ll.mcdode -The Demneratie Coovention n 1 1 cr.. The loss of Ile, by tide a :ful vi.itivi n'l i k I.l whoa hap- He .PI in 11111111,1•1,30 lli•Sallie, woe a 1 ma -b. thie v ise ett ly tk o beginning or T o Ms.anno i -11 11111 we peen my ag. ... 4 a 144 , h g , • , ; o eit ng roam a ocaurrenee lap tome, ~r Ileditilin, • town in Eatremadara , perils The Gellat id knew that to retreat mem... taw Preepeetee that wo will formal. 1 . • ...It eln • 0 • etscoC 'mow meet r. conimehd Gee. Anions Le. foe the e nnod , . y e t 1. ntemerained, hut it le oer-1 0 . .••.. • hi of eor en in • .noettein w i t h toe tit as a He feline of aft an and mapeetable would disheertee his own men. and oonßm mom •• Gaderb Lady's Bade' ea o Illanaitem IL talon stamina. , nest Presidency., , MIAs very great, es numbers are doubtless,' • ftheHartford Bridge , on Thursday bonit o ,. by tearing It up to the Lombard the arrogance of hie fore; therefore with x5 er .„......„ l b. o E h ...." .... ~... g . We lied in the Willteches. Inn.. the Mml _ G ~,,.„„. i„h a ..„„ h a . hh „„g„ ho g a I boded be the ruins of the Milan buil- I 0 .1 • ' king, Like Napoleon ids royal gegh m ov • th h ht „,„ et h.„,1„,,0, he pond far 41•1 au a. none*. TIM ht ho 'ad.... , fee "' I , ~,,'".„ o ' o I " . B'''''''' i mi It °.. r h .... °. 1 oonnirroo 4 twenty lobe ganthoson to am ;Blots. There aru Om • groat many per- i afternoon t 11,111 not ilidovered, 1111 he had ambled a kick He mem those who 0000 wunoded obm Meer Mesa odes tram eritk ow paper, Ike i .•'" ."" "0. take arts mmederatiee the mbjeet r ,„ ... a 5...., .„ w........ th. In Immo who are nerionsly djurtol, sod wine! oo • he. mowed Brewer, we believe, was smote, a hich ,nemied sal the addition of i is tamp revious contest to the Item, and 1,.., 0r....... I n n n , ri n d., .. t „n. is a s lam. ...Vim dam till. ••• n••••••••••Prn.-! 0 1 Enhibithm at Loudon. 114 theta ere no eripphol and maimed that muting ',ills • wlieelbeirow. The brake h ...loran, glory. Ills Misr propmed to ortlered the remainder of the forms to Join • Tho 0 „.., hp 00 , iii , o .lea ~,,......., I sey et low," The meeting arm addremd h 6l l ... .....-- ,_ _ . , ~ Irk...in novo, tattooer from the *amts. h rppegtod to ha iffeeixely betwoes Om any cancan Itim for the how, bat Ms maim. hint with the artillery and MOM. 'Col. N. B. Wahl. Jodp Cooynallua. • sod on , - , Th „ . ...• ... 0 l'•••••. . 6 °o' ••••••• The tow. Is literal! I I d ' t • •TI• I 0 r tell thrbugn y torn PO p Pere, • , 1 and ow loci. ut . it • t 111 80. they may gm It foe t. 1 h oh I has mad and daring spirit fin." MOW.. aellandall Carly the mot wonting he meidawad Me r 0 ,...... 4 02.„1„....... h0 . 0 ........ 0 . 0 , h . teems... Jodp Immo. W. Dopy on of i i••• •if .0•18••••• -. ••do • el hol t s trnly 00,..b,,,,,,.. M an y 0 1,4,, ~,,,,w 6 p. h ;,,, b . , ~,,,,,,..1 e ulde h ly so floe edge Its amearattes. It is • a very neat min. T do Ira. Weeds in the Andy of that prefrmien. At dm little ninny. md adored Ms perinea a ...., . .. d ........„ ....„.., ;LI mangy • ronhatrao anand, Wad 4 Wolf nook. .. nn gbh Morning to ht seen with light a the broken plank.. I ape of nirieteen he lalb hie intim Mod, sweiting oet to meet the eimmy. Mum io. pardon, n N ar a -Ono. &nekton declines being • can.; betake and smiling hem, are to-nlght oarr.isr tamps. TM distmee from dm •of his forme. is tbe caw world, and was Mat Gael they boldly .0114.1 forth trim .__ ItetWea. That m knew whim mmy Mime Ran Me C. 8. 8•••4• in the blew wrapped either in the am. or death, or. bell,. to the water i• 80 ro.r." t tone, aft. some bald and Nelda. Mem- the Sewn They admemd mere thaw • 177 ' 1 .. 4 ° ° I*. Na a K Citotti. ..• • Yen rm.. pooarnont to llio ••••••••• of Any I,44 n t a , , ehe see weeping ler their bleeds who have , enter, we Ind him. Ornetma years MIN., Wipe with great mit Me «mu, Mk( °1... " ..5 IN. '" "a. hi ...Wool" ohs •••• a.... fr.. **law.' tiol , .0,61 Doily , boos lbws nntlaselr mend away. 11 ma malls* nth O N merthmiem- o•1 we -A new is said ter •• shoat Warr- Surautoia Lianown T. -A nry 0.01- ortleal nanny, bee lately hem I 01.11 M tab vat h. engages In lint dark' enterrmlia, em up by amearom esaals, math fn Os rw1......b.a.• h. •••••• 1 ea °nit t‘ 0 1.1 8 . 18 ,7 8 . 8 8 . 8 „ 8 . 88 . 8 ,... 8r . 88 . 888.. I. _ h, .., ~„ , lb. c ,.. mai,.. mustn't.... 0.1111111 A. In Paris-it is t method of emboli to: mime. of widele saboolehoi the world. mime of irrigotieg the sot Al lona •id T."... Is "intl. thi•tr 1 11 , ... M inn annum latollo-nelialeglilthar lon „E h . „u oi „o i h ., Two !nostrum eV ADo mw.-Jaet twn , Ma...- b. b I I II jet Carina hie watAmrea as the Mardi, Clarl ohm elms la eight of the kneel plaint of d•T• N..... H•d•T . 51 Molt Mmr• ili• •••• dm maw lamit,er iho ononan Wore oink ~ ;7 -.....- P" - ; ""r -- ''' , weeks! miner. Ism Batanlar nigh', 00y 1h. '1 ..." 1 / ...AM-. j r apply fn / a "" or memearat. n the ear of 0 m sum isffeelod.-- ors hod •ftamed a wonaiderabil• Ihrtnno. Chnstla, ad saw the bray &MI Of lb. mt. ili. Ott 011 ....... 1 " , ...I M..... Ctinl7 nil ma imam ewt Ilm . it r . :: . ; mid •••••• ...Air" • I Baotou Transcript of tb• blob eta s ypoing: el gee or . takont beoWn and emoloptil for °Rod may boom at what ant at ladies ory PretaMag mi far as the eye mold swell. Horan. Mtn. be On 1.4, , ..- Jag. 41 . 6 .• ... d. : . 11 6 br k .... ...' .... . b y k .... ".. Sr. 1 Lawn*/ -The Rotund& Rrporter Ad, mi l li ng In Hamm mores in this Mil ' This trm • lores it our ma," miskimod Ms pall TM beide oommenred with toe almost up g•mb rOenlr .•lito dry ...nada, OW , '.• slam that them is a man living In Toll. emi t od so bed 00 her ••••I halm, and in how mon among the Beythlana, hi Peroio mad le now only is wield me Is La. Cease This be asprinied ie Saki' inirepitity as bah W. Th. L a ib m m e ., . b ra e h. melee they semautwegat Immo. or wo• norin-Tior MM. af LIX , mere. who Is ons lumired end a...ay-tin used itheirriol, horgan• re mini. Al- ,In P ortugal. . Ceram. Mora l gamed mat Ma This It mind owes ow mew mit dm* befMe miry airbus, of min • mr•M at NOT GUILTY. Law. iliti• IL Ploy. irlin 11 , ran.. IL •• 1'...- E .. ..r age, and mood foe General Wash. t he tomb's alien ng n yd a Ai g hemi NNW mute of h• P 'w h k°i• IA" bbl Be oroki dream or whim She Aroareed that her stmt. have Wen rade by arms of tbe mem meal' fru. Prow win Inint •• She moo IM swam, win., amd Imaketry, but co -- .7... -- 41.7. - . W., w.r . =T . ? cbram re ii• O. ibohimm u l l egi eminent phyMbne In Paris, with wad& 1 " . 46. "" s t s ki ibel. bune ' = " li. "as k l '" 0.... pyrn.....1 swot .... Man e re. 6, tho lhommia Nem Or. titdr imperwortan I • allimise et el: wale Ida sink It. brotior , who was lo Oa mei.. Per , onmi. Mime i mega ma moody br Beemebetit Inebelebromia id memo ~... aka', 1 non ils • Gomm IT birth and enalimand Is this N. Tab, vie km." nqii by IMaly %lamb ieg eeemeo. Penrose who ham hem tae •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers