imeteths .Veered witleseiaties have been ins I Spipclal 11414 • NOW IS THE TIME (N IS l • otantatteously eared by this fight mid in.- Dent D.When I t^tlt..e• r.O sebeellee kr ...We leageslee, Le.lee San burning. , Iheelneere a nd tn•ret. •• • I req dto Iwo et the, mote • Odd Fel. t m ..:...,.... - ; ,, J;z:• , 7•• ~ ,e toet:tt•• • • - • „‘ ;•T:•,;0 ODD F21.1.1.e• STATISTIC. —The fol- ah. ''''"• 23. " i; "' • c. A., or 'kr ,trar ru lA. ice tie year me towing flattering "few of the operations of oe. , the Odd Fellows' Amsoeisti„n, is prepared ender. 6 1"""“" 111 . ..;i6:I:,7.,..;;; ' ; 0 1 . IY from the:official returns made to the late Morin.e. Dec 4 . sestaon of the Grand lenfge of the thiited States. Several States failed to make re turtle t - - • -- D. Revenues of Lutes • ..• ..... Contributing members .... Number of illitiall.ol. t hi. •sedit or's; Noll., year :10070 00 Ti.. room]. .1 it •, 11. 1V.•,4.... 4.,, 14444,44. VII: u 141,44444 ,41 I. 8,,,, 4r,14, 41 14. 4,444 (...1, Number nt brother+ relit...ll 23.34 , 2 00 ~,,, ~,,, d .. ,,, ..d.l 1 , ••••t,m, tmr,.. .h • • ~,,.....• 1' ,. ..• of ••• , .14 ,1,, ••• •••o,' Number of widowed families f....ain COi C. i0k1ii....1'14u..1,1, 4att4l4/001.44,41 4.•trbo.. ow len I nois,r!lium Ela.4 14,44 4, 111 0 00.- 00 1,C1101,,1t IT, iiol. ~I eon... of C.. 4 ..., . 0,. I.,,try v.• It relieved , room.. m ,. 1 nily 1.1 In 11444 ill,. 4ri Oi 0 rO,ll Peal for relief 1.0 benthrrs 34011117 0!1 Notice. r0.,..4,1,,14.• fp. 1tm.tr0m,....., 1 , ....% 1444 Pant for eri.logel funnlies •4'2,301 DI '11,,.. fr0..,,d• of 11.., la • 1. ,, ,4 au. r.•,...e.0. ly e J. 441./10114• 1 /I , 010 IN ~ o I ,ur kI . M ...1, Paid fur Education of or- nisi., if m eite, d ...i.......... 0u....i el, 1',....,,,, .11 to ,••• ...0 - , •.1 .. r 1 i••••. , h••• .., ~., , , .a St I`4o. t nor. la. 44 4 , . ,••44. uu Tu. 4,1,k . '.• or 1 14 . 114 1 4411r141 1 4441 11 '1. 0 411 114 1 .1 . phone ...... .... .• • • 731 ' • • 1,.. iii • ~, : id oui l . 1 , . ..- Paill for burying flin .1,4 - f 07.095 00 1i0n....... I. Whole a lu mna of eller .. ~ 402.•25:: 67 The Montrose - Democrat for 31,200 396 7-1 . 274,455 oo Maciisar. von %Va.". 111.11% s —The lFlti 1. tbientille Ametirato nay, that Mr. Ifongh. ton. of Ogden, New York, ha% invente.l • ~,,, , 0 „,„,,,, Vaaeldna for narking dithea—a cnod wove kill, p one •ee , to lore. orl i r rel glapleo appea , mei le • the !to, It. I. ll..l:tert for hole).: .enneeent et r, .ha.e,oe et eel Leal. pto elr.J The elishea are placed in a ark andsearl, "et eiale .0o 4., pa. awl llt 1,1 , ~.I. I.lllk Upright Wk. it i 4 ranted ,orre• . • . - maraieeiog a.trer and a little ..aqe, and hy `t • ,ril• r ina a crank. the on the rarl; , whirled io great ..le e all the „, ,„,„„;',„„ „, V Y 77, lir,. 'll.O ir th , re drawo o.ft It h.... reph , .01 el .1, wzr, /v.l ernltlr agaio lijel a r•e., er The ''". are rr three el 1.1. an I re 2 , 22 ol on 2221 , I i w wi 1. 4 ... NI ILO are are 1 , .s.• ti,..1 6 P:11 1 1161 • D. 111, 1. ~,,, p. .lop 4.1 f T m five awl Nu et••., „ . . orke4l s'e4otr./1,/t1 thor • I- non Ilion tot 41.11141.1 o/orphot. I. t //, I, al W.. lw.• roo p ,ta It olt ,a u to prisourvo tot, U.i /1 /.. r/ a 0.1 Is 1111411d1n4 for Ihr Wor11.1•4 rh. ..“ lil.l. unipie 'arm:tire i to.e -f t etwe....l ii..• worbl's i m Cleo...lves. Some 1,11/. • ft. r ‘l4,aaloof, rai....11 t4e ie II feet, eiww 0.0 th with tko of iov which will be 105 wet tLe wia At a 1,. u't of and breadth of m ! Min stietel/ f 1., 4,4 fu e r fotw, or ve.) w loitl a . Illerwc• ea.+ ail extee.l.l3vveus. u. are I mgest of °or estihol, al 16 , 1. 0.11..2 into teteru in.;,,..ilicetne in p. , in erilth tlr.. heauttlel n‘enww.. xit'l it mind 11 ,'11•14.. ts if Cf . , 1:11 ot,• , u/; 111 feet %Id.' 11. e oin !feet eidt r then r IV. NI no: ai.l. r lirrisrs,or aoatLw a It 14 more than tv.ow 11. of f•ol Bring., c d r..t.ipa.ol wait W.. taro, which 1.3 rho Lout •r or 1011 1 , 11 , /g., ' it' he iu the prop rrri..o ot 7to and 1i14 . 1 foor•lirt'34 00, vitlirr hitfriorg ..r % . 1 . 1,11111i111.11r. (Ms 1Z,111.• xll ho 16-11,,,h•,1 It% ph...‘,1121 11,1 apart, ho a The ~t, P Set e:il ra ore or tla, haihh • Ihht neeoi•lho Mroc.l., .1., 4.11'1 lo the eolilo ho,,th lomoloo Phle.whettlm , ll awl 1.141,1 f j“, trinttho ettlaltt uanehpt. wii lean tet! the e tetra of n loch won he -II *hoc than the tat pots°. t.l th, Title ttatwpt, will attend to et with edr the fret. moth to ettl will he rather longer Item Ilutlins .e teeth, end al tho S.OllO VI i.l ll l e. the ti eve tee. 01, tie. ttteth t pref. ihn Prince or Willett' I; ate, will he veyieltly oreateentt 4.1 etotottee. with vsea,re,d tore. whitth Na ready been iplell 10 1110 1,0011. la are on core r Aida Or thir tr.testtet s 4 t massive circular Om it, susl whioh are now all compleittl. ate letn. to ',wilt rem theme relatet e The irr side of them rile mm Yertued amigo of the 0 Aimee epee whit I/ ey rust; sail when complete it will paw though the roof wore supported y Iroshwunc which after rising perpeu whim the height or (hi its, gram fly ■ themselrea Into semieireular him, order to support the Gums) . _ • .......... .. .... ... In 4. ~,,..,,,,. ~,,. ~,, m„,.,4., y 0. ~,..„..,,,. . .... , ...........a• . . 1. .1 a I. 11. Ile . ~................... a ..... 4' ... I .....1 Ne......VA1....... ~..• V. 1,0 . A.,...,.. 1.., N.- I, le., -170.1 -.1 Tho Good Tlnao Own Canso I to No 1.... 1,... 1..... lee. .1 . ,.. ode of I N tv........, ...„...e...t:..V.1eZ: '..1....'" Sheriff's Sales. l'f":'. - ,:' . 7::::!'" . ';:;' .. :"i' . .,.....:.'.;,:: . ::; ...•:.•:,.. \'.,. ~, ~, y......i,......V . ~,,, .......• Wedlins %ins. 4..."..1 her • .0 le r f.... ie be, i. rem... who ..... otitr ..ry 1....., M.., 11., • ......I n ..... so. GROC€R:, S. xf ~.„ la Imo.. 1.• r 1., .... M. *. Main k• 11. •-• ... ... .1.. .. AI, 1%, ~...41.7,. 4 ' .I,' .....1 .... • 0 .... ...... 0.. 1.111 , •.. t„„„ ; , .;;;;;/ 1;0 n , ;,,,,,..., .;,., ~.,...., , n ii 1,.. it. •411. i. I; ;11.1r 0. 41 111. •;11 Web ',N..... ch. el, ..1, • ...p.n.. potawm.M....he Coo.. I Mow ... Mr....• •r „.....,,, ~..,„..,„,.,... i r The Wow., oluouare o e rheerfolly pa,. $ e i. 'lvor 17. Tare. , h ,„,,, , s 7. 4751,,.., 1:1? v , n........ ~....tril .A . the 21..1 .1 tv nt I/Le. new a. I rt..... n 0... I -...... I ...... ...I 1........ • ..... I elt al .1„.........„., 11. ........ of .11.11.. ....I. 'W. ....... 11. •1 i . •;., 11 .1,1 , • .1 ,,, ,•',.... ". " I. " * P; M • "" '".." "''';dl"."." "' '''"'"'. 4 ""': .. ' '''' " ' " """.."'"' "‘".%"' "". ~ ~ ...„., ~, , ~ ~ ~. ~ ~, . ~., ~ ,,.r 1.. d ...,,,. A ~,:::.:,...., :..:,.,,,,...: , ;„,„,. ~. ~. ~,.,, . ..,, I, ;,,,,,,..,,„,,..,,,,,,,,,,„, „ .., „„,..,.,.,. ,„.,,„,„,.„, ,:,. ~..., is led le. dry ...IN.'" ....,. j.':•4 .i.....•...1e,...7.7 i..;:•L;:.77.:;,...1.,:.•.1 hat 1., ......,...... do. ...........1. 11. - r E , I. &OM. ..-....- i. ca.) Very r ins - ',:•;.."g . .", - ,". - .,':.,::,.,..,': t'....','. ":n•,:: . ..:' :; - •;;;.i """ 0 4 '"*1"."""" ""' ''''''', "f . P ' ''''''" ' ...'.'".'''.."`''""'. ' . "' l. '" , . • • oho. lennelell reed 4,...,4..4 . fa low, ... we ,- t .........-erro. nt .... MIA. r . • rm. r... , • riot. In threntek, ',et It, lA,. 11 It. sons, ..g. rl in • I .''' ''.''',''.'.'",;',' ' "'"'" '•'.'' •' ' '"'"'• '" "" " "'"' " '''' No 1.4 m litY 1t•f1itP... , .. law W.I. .......11... tt. n.t. e-.....-.... , ...• wet Jet,. r N 1' ...A F...... 4.....,• a... ........ t. 1..... t ..1 - it "." '''"' """• "" ''",,,`" , i °Nice, In .1. memory nod a anti a the m.o. ' If ..... n• 4 ... ....D. .., J ' . V Tar PV IV!) lII,IV IV 4110: "N. - Y . ' ... .' , . . 1 .•• ,• ~; 1 ... 1 ... ~• ,••• , t• 10 , 44.; 111 .1 Oil 1•••• 11.11,, The Nola et.l ~... 1,,,!:';',V.7„. ' r;:::..7, " ,;;;;,,,1,„Z,..; -,-;,....1,2,...,.. , ::::. et. the volt. he Lk .154 end et WI mid O'o. 11... loon „T. o. ..,. o r ..... tr..- . . be ...• 0t......ry a. in the h ..:i.... dove.. ef .I.a. elvirn.•• 'Fhe Richest ie.... ,•,.,......,..• ~. ...... „„.... ' M.P. and On t h e -ex by howl. a t Both ; . ...;:r ., ..r.,." . " . i . ...` .. ; . , .;: , ... 0 ..... ,. ...L . ; W.. 11. P . . , • ..............• 0 • ..1 1 ..) ....V.l.Krilol , l ..1.1...,....N.0“....... .... *Moir . poßhe c, i , 7. & 1.1 ,7117, •••••111. 11...... •,,,, a %%nog ~......d.r..... 1.. 1. , .....1....... • 11... mi........ 1.. A.lMt • A ~..__, 1 ,or,„ ~,,,_.,,.,,. t, .. , ._ ,. ,... , ... 0 , ,..,.., ... ,,..... . r .' ,7 . ....7.V. , ,t . 747; pi t . :::: ., .... " : , " . " 4 ... ..1.... 1.... :::7, L . : , , , 1 ,........4.1 1 :,,,, , , , ,,,4,: ::: :,=, ; , !:..„,, , ,,,,.,: : .,..r,;",....':‘...... Invor of notral swat and rove. He flea no rite. Ais %a lit. i lida 'WV • now .• , b... t• .. IOP ; a... d eta. MV.... 11.1 . 1tt To IIM .:a, a .1...0we, wow t attiritoebohle , lo boo [1.11•1 .1. waxer 1..111. le-' .„ , ' .. ' ' ' ' . A 0.... °V. were or parcel elleml No. 2 iso_!!'' ''' '' '' ''' ' ''' ' ' '''''''' li • ' •• li *".• s'n- , ..rebid • •Irwww• for lo• I . 1 . .......ti".:TraZ4 .. .: tonliliro.'l';',...'Tre r . v. R"P'ill ir L I -1 0., ... ....Om. .04.1., d. , , I .....d 1.. . Lilitla Notice.' mbed:,. fro...rla •• eba ear Jan.,. • • I. 7........... iond e.......... !" .. ........reett .....e.. me.d. , .thlt ....... --..,,..,. ~..... , . er.e.i at ....eent.m, , !........1. the enroll h. lands of N. NM, on the Thu. M. newed ...ay an. el the brigheat orna. rtt ..........t V . w ''.."......“.• ....a'. ' 'men..., 0...1: on :,..!..7 . . b........,..... . , ewe, math •nd eq. hi ether 1... a ....11.1.1. Til 6 : ..6 , .. , 0 .• ,•,. ~,, ..."'""'• "I . - ....d r etwwlr ' nod she nb•II lin h'• 1 4 ..• . tirm1i:::=7•......",...:,• . 1%. ‘ .17i.! . ...• '. .. " .. ' ;:t,i . ..t .'" ;:i - - --' rat ne-eouta..... lOU scree wad Mod. 10. the . ..." .11• "" t r •t ”' • 4 .1... ~,,, Ii ""." dh. ot .n...,,„„,. ~,,. or b ,... 4 .,,,, - ~,... m .. 01.. e. in .....r •• .....4 ........ 1. ' 1.1. ur.....--....., -.........,.. ...., .-,”,-........ rare Dr 1.1... he Celetto of Nom, bootee, la r0pier...0..1,, doe.- The Iding, as .m. Anders are swan, lbw. whwilyerowd be : 1 v " . '" ''''''" °"' “' .""'''. ' " '''`'"""'"' ''' ' ''''''"' '''''''' ~ .„ p. „ , A 1...• 0.1., 0.,... ~., r .,,, ..r 0..,d No 3. L''' . ...t t" : . "'•'.""' "''''' "''' n ' r 17 th s,s•.,s A et ...... ....,......L.,... VW ill sena a the.. prowl... the apper ...a' A. '4". ante oµm 1 ...4 I " g abbed ng Om lam mew Bawd be bmnalled coal de. ...•' ... „ .4 r . VI.. .L . Cale... ...... ,, ..a. to belay ovate. he. ' Farmer's Emlieriam ! • a; ; .fled . halm. tow.: CM the owth by NNW se 're m ~.,?7,,.. .•". t. r....P..e.. 1e.....• a eve of leolitophind th• lower. On wane parts I Eli{ ARRIVALS ! ,„.....,... the ew• tty the .01.0111.-hotim• f1....... ^. ...... ....,., „ ",•' . ....r. *A allinen • ' 11. W. and eae , nd viola. an the An o n WI.. eta.... le keep. • A Marital Ibr Si. MlUlles I ... 1b .. r ., b , , ~..,...., j . m,,,,..„, ... won. the l o r II at melt dew.. th Aa Si)m bellhop, and mat the. n, •• ibota•ol.! the Nene. or of ..... lore renal.' . 1 • It •al VAVING enlrlrd 111. • ...Ware with the Lee-. El lawwwlee It tn Mil novae er ht. ranee.. or, the er. AT the hod toomainned Int No. 11-entes. I ___ _, . tro sonsidereble gentility 'ai Ow" 11 " " orpid, 1 " n ie . "Ln,,,,,,nr",,,,"„.4-,,T,; ~,, „,,,, ~,„„„,,, c , ~„ ,„,,,„, ,„,,, ,„„„ EM Mla”lib 0....1...1...1.10 amoro.ll, Ime. A. opining IN$O lien, he We snow no. or 1... M. I • m s 4 . .ve -.. ..r. 'l....dada , ...V. , . ...,.., .. i ., ......„,.......,....b...” y ~,,,,,..... , where each weather resole. Weed their ore hew. blow Veld. a... ra ii,,. 1.1,..,h,,, ...,,,,,, a ,Iwir .I..l ''''' .. " .•" ""° • , Ii hr lawn %bawdy laid an, awl' __Te.,„. .by onse.ted te fume. sad ere... of ate mho to -L. I Goa, I ion prepared le at,. Ow Far.. el' D'T 5i....... l'''."'"'l t t Ur.b"ryt .Ilw.w. prey. d.. well. •1141 • few apple-twee. • r••••• WI womb ..1' the hilblinit will _ _ , toommehan..... awl .4.1..2 n 0....... the 11.10,..1...•.. ~..., ti..... nw l 'do.. C 0.., redeel A 1.... eV, peer w pereed or lewd Iyhog owl ,Ow C........., 0 '... WA. t flea 90 Al td Dv __ 1e.04 it. an to mt.lar the w,rltalen to. oar - - a l:. • p.oh• 1 Ire i0r1a , ... n' , ..... , . *...1 nor I .ill p..y. +WI , 1.. • 1.,..., 1116.11..1.1 lbOos, flow. 1'......• , 1 1, .. Im•ap in I . .grey loorweeM and aferveald. •••,. wY ... 0 th e 1, ........e.• Jr liven dIA of the Weaothoe. I 4103 .1.'1..;.• - • , :t•to.i•;.l.ii.ailiot. ; 0w.13 ray belief Poe. th. c. M C ahean....s .1.....:.. 1 . 1 .x . 7.r..•• , ••• • WV. ••, Vl...dd .. ' Na. olbanow rte. •fiannleow.wel led. N • •• I IL J. NINEN. t'.'e 4. ..- - - ••••• -• , where. atal wh0...1m0.! 101 l ;my .I.Vit Yet. $ "........ 1 , end it, end beneded •.$ Ike tooth by to N. 5..a1e11...„,,..DEn... 1 4 4 ..... i ' Ina 10.............. An. 1... - - - • - • 31.55.. 4. ....I.oo d NMI. ~ n.e. how •II rec... ef the em.nly rat find It, ;1‘,60)'/12,,Z11 wilika -I 6 Dalgoe. the west by let No. I , •1$ the ea. by Inett ef P. .... ••• •'• . / - b. „, p ....,„,... ,p ~, ~... .„4 Tujmnor 1.....16.1........1 web...ft .r. mach to their mfirpon. to Mom one their grain., ai m wimen. L.,,.,, .6.,,,k - . hda oat. he .... el ell F.).••••••••• mu Ware NW. v. 0.... .4.1.4 De lose taw ef I. • w...... g:,::'::::=7„:7,..X...411 ,. 7... , ...- . , awlead el earryin• it le mfr... tor mow pay. , ~....... ... • ' IN.( lOU eery. rdha hed. h. no •ease woo o titiil Relliag the dew Goods hi , 567 P1.....°• 1 ;*".;: . ; .- a um....k. , •_....*-. e ...IMvne tar am... of 11.• ....„ era5 ....1...0. 0,. ,„„,,,, ~,., • toons.o.Lll saved, o• vhe ted Or. ......., . W 1 ..... W.V. , eee ..d •IL 1 ...TWA / ar.101.0.4. se th• Imo W. 1.. a. at Weer 4.r. I•••' Mill. Ill.wol se Nualwasnew. ' sw.taL as., Ownwo over. WI L. oarmilKaiir oh mbe expeeted to 11. from •U. r ... ..1.1 .. ..0....r.r..........•• .... 11...m .. •,...11=1.. 10%............. FAN err Aso •e. sew Shan rear MO woo will ......10•111.• %mt. for nub ne .0.1•.... r... boo, woody I Ah.../ •1%. oho . plow . pa... et loal N. L ~..,,,,....,,, ...," „,.... , ~,,..., 1.- ..,,,, .. ~,,..,,,.. ~ ~,,.., ~,,... ~...... ~,_... ~. ....., :.. . .......ww.,.....,0, ,I. ...A n , G na ....,,b a., ~,,,,,, woirseoto, Y... how areas, b.a. Way Wagerer.) tykes and Setae la the troweeblp awl mammy eke. ..„. ',w e , p ee . ~,,,,,g,,04 ,3,„,„„,,,,, law T • . h .........,........................ am ........z............ -- „„,. 1 , L pEcK, I U. ttj.L:d . ,` , ... ~.-... ..I.l.sketelop IV eferewowthrted Mt N. I,beem emmememome, ne • I •• • ••4 • .'••• •••'••• "...." ••• .‘d .4 4.614.41 so Mier. to wit, Om the mob l ___.‘,_.,_. W. ........................ • .1°.......!1 0 ........ .a......... 6...., 0 ,,,,,, h .55, h ., Lk .. mo , leWebarew.griastaosaot •-• a.). iVeNti. I Meefond WPM. Nee. Ilk ISM. • emedy. bed. o, ....O. le Oh. bowl ow.. shanea ' ' 1......... do se emeee.... et akar, •sonnettor el °*'"' l'• Curl'- ----- ran*. a M.P.)... the twat blames 48.1=74 4.1" .. ...4%.,... r„,.4,.' .. 6 7.....,,,,,„,,,,,,, ow on be •Mle•Mb es the... .. en.. 1.4 te et of • areer eee. pi 7..,%., 4 .- ',.. -.ft* • am.-- -, A , - T-e.f Wlailii.Z,lii...."'t. r,,Z.71t......4,..i.,_,..i Advalaistriaorns Nollee. ebb,. Me me n by bee et I. Tem.. awl 0 0 , m 0 .0.,,b - m,,, 0 ,y, m.,,...... wow ~,0 , .., ~,,,, e1er...11..... 1e,11... .a . 7 TIM. 'Wee • go.m.rat .11....4.e... ho lial NNW , : NUN. an. Ihdo.“ .."*ll. ' h M. a. Ira.. r onvE ~, h en ." ~,,,,,, 6.,,,,A,,, os. 1 4. Weal be wee. by lel Ne.l-......lremerjza weale meeberombelti%dy,,ert in re. I• - --- - - roman ~......, .. Fall Fashions. tili NI mot a b.. meow.. dm I. • . Troddo ennosho, &wool, bay. lowa araatedl.... . .i.g.i.l We We male ell Oda harm Tatum le ow. Noir GOIAS ISAAC I. POST I CO. Inge bee 0 temporeene, sod Wlll .P.:41:7 1 1:re=== " ...r111.1? . ..., ' d " .. " 6 " 1 "" i ' ..." E ....... ff ewe.•i be W. el Spree. Seed reimad .6 Is I. ...awl lowa au impor. Ire : loti' :: ie de: apart made.. am hebby ...111.1 le moseel .- . - le We e ds. dm elembed MT.- ,ra i rg0r ‘ 4. 1." W011 ." 7.1721.1. " = "" Te .""4 .•:..ttre beet ro . ottlowout widen. delay t !sot all per. . 1 . 6 . P. N...... - "....... ....._,___,W. dlo ... • il r i bil " ..l.lle '" rele .."."4 . e1eeee.P .6 1.1........ 4 . - Wee ME L .: •.÷.....i.. 4"W yderle N"t:lTN"A".."".""l " .."' I .. We. e ...We. F Maw and Merl &A hes F. 11. Y blbe. . ee 140,... dlmebe. ..1 aM. some, woe.. e. ..1 =•••••• 11. e. few there" INmealtweira sate e. ledebled.• mid Wets are ......... • ble.P.w. Illeweer, We. Oh lue. week.. me exp.*. Moe elned.l%me WI. se ebele Lbw. Were owl • eMb ....... • ag u t . ,......"".. ..parbr..4..,,, =lse mob* loomeliale pe ______ neer ape. SW ?aim,. 'lpl&lo•Wde • prowire -- T ... to L. P. &F. 1 11&.... ..1 lb w NABBY c iMnr.L.L. 43.111.01111011, await I i i" 1.1 " n11. - .K . 11. I."6""..l"l.tatirgiAllnalt. . .411.1.4111111111.1118. . MINIM L . LOW'S . At. " 16 . dr. ' MAO.% N. 4s , it WT. maw,. Imes e. WM. , ered.llll6 1M... _ ___ Alomiremy Lyceum." Thr 1°""°.". In wnl ho ~l ".'`a"l." the lourt ,1.,v • ' „, , , 11 I.:JANE. CI: %r:11'... \ 3. I t. .In WI l.:1, r U=l Ld•rdnistratot's ;:ale. '"••• =ME 1 ER'.3 1:ANI: For u , It• t" =ME ~ ~,. CO T , • 74. I til 1.• A r~Q r ... 1..,, It Tt(p% crt•tt l IL.II PUBLIC SALE W IIN 0r..1 fluel \thew nf Adminhllraluer 416111 11111 hr) ISIM ~f 11'. parr I. I:.!: 1:.V111‘ kmd,. I. S E. )Zlll 0 ll= 11.1 'V 11 111.1 11,111”atist Wore .!: II I. 1:1.ii•.1 Moe CS, • nit, need Pipe ll,• .t'•,r,. Ph MI • 1..•n,l 411 Am ndn .L. nrdn W 11,0 N A I'll I.) ON , A. :1.11 1%60.61. Wow impost Una to prepare I Clear tin* Track. CIAV• ' 0 MEAMTXI FOR MAKE ROOM FOR THE CROWD. 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