THE FARMER'S COLUMN. „-- Is In the *heap distr... of the north of England the I,olls are seldom large, and yet mot, of the formere manna to keep pretty burneromt Nock.of sheep, varying from three to four he to the •4111.1 number of thousands 'Phis, however, I. ..Tooted null whcro the population is avant, sod the owners or Of of the em clotted loud or forme enjoy sit unbowed tight of pasturotya 11.11.• it frequently happoita that the occupter of 81.1 or lOU &erre of cue bated land, mol marb of tt of but an indifferent mount, if he pin. at do sonic., in cupola', and the form be courLotto • ly snouted, wtti Ire. p • dock of 1110 U or cr. The real gamble...l a soil consists proocipall, perhapo, in the power ape...ea...of mouttuuting • dorrtee of mow ; for without this Ilia phut could hove no power of dent., ettiurchetiott Irmo oily olonent tt ought be plant rd ott • dot, tt!. hot tf tit, had no mixt., Itt nn outruttent but oolong as Ow sal posltunce • too s. ~,,, •.ulna L. u OVVI. rano:loner purr, or by or a reterrove *rampart., vir,i•ritar Car • vo rotivouo the nu and more*. the a,- awl the plant Won doorodi in patient ..1 Inn h t the ,mature be denied b. twa t eithetratuto. at maim', nod vegetation etwere; for though vet te. pleat& will lei, wax.. by soutelare üblinto d (iota the wr. )el generally Pp eaktnp, a at pp) by die leol they hill languish and fade. Thuagli iieep, Itk. nowt nth. r animals. are 1 . 11- otos,' ooh a eett•la degree of ...tote, et it dew. not lul:nw u tae t of °anew that it Lao a . t• entice too ants riworing thew safety. Pentane oh t have had the nwiet frequent opportintowe 41 ohs,- na; thou, generally appear to have to Otte 11. Ceari , ll. that alien a atom. approaeln tonne og th y ore 1d,,,00l taken Ity eurprow. for .to Net, betne II to, tin y Inare veld. a, and to titol 1; m, m Ireland —The moat omportant brunch aroma tuber nleubiad al the hay•ni.k...., Abut the mahlle of July the pensmit beams ,o out down the grew, wha is to imeneshamly gather ed toeauventeat place, in ord. r dry, mud 41. e, brills turned once or levier, leemit eye., haute un horerberk to the mil, where us meths up iisto mud.. At the poorer farm, both men told xi, anon beadle the orythe, but 44. geiseral the wma II ouly nowt in making the hey sifter 0 he cot. 14. many per. of the Wood, when there m I. hay, the permanto lure num from the fielung who are plaid fur their lahor'et the rate al :10 lhe' of hatter • week. They eat by mesegrement. melt Wing about thirty moms frthotne 11n. It sire. being over, the sheep owl ealtle that heill Leto out ell summer au thy iitaimmine. ' tad: the limo. • ere pat 01 a etete of repau she groutr. The liins hey ie gis en to 1140 coos stul . —llreadrraan'a Mode. 1 pr ~,, rind Butler beef. —To r. ed.r boot r sp/tido of loittur lotto for an, lettoth nt t Ate ter foisio condo on. that , airs loos .odd oil. till that to evesatt to to boti it to a lei lilt' us ter is otonstd, b holt ismotif. d Eh , . c. 11, allown, the boo ti oil it, and for • hole, the card -Abe di A and the oil orty Atilt be poor. tl fa; or It riln, h. ti 111111,4 settee or moeldi a bort, •!d stoked op ben it is to bo used .1 obi, be :tool, low Al nod pouted toll of the baffle, or rot ttio by notottelf n Mode or Chrtse gbort. '11.1,1,1 of prestos., limier en India, awl air° on the wnil it le rather, ettarkside Otto it le um tit gonerol oPe io LI.. country. It .1:1 ilo.l kr. j. oey longilt or woe, sod a the boot form of ill wbnuo e for n.ineeo. Skeesre algorism that the pram.r of shoeing horses vim bronlit IMO 1:110111111 011111 the tone of N% Ilhmu I. thing...rm. It is said drat , elberk. in Nottiorhamshire. Mended to nrrix nit chief numfA Gainelbore, also held it on roodi mont f @lemma the king. path., • hen, m lie 'boobl he at the inallar of Mama. Id. mil Mat iI he should hone the palfrey, he ohoold wit. the king another worth four ntark• Odlam the Con. norm, i• siod abo to have dire" the lowa of Snob. aniplnn no a fief to a certain pmen in en ooh, m oon grim pnyind • helm,, ....n roil, for 'lie elm,. nig el h *looms ; end it is detierolly lettered dim rr F who rem. over • ith mid mlemd Ideals nal beer on their anus on hew. , me, reemved the monaine became he won mom. d with the mopection the Nom.. At who, period On' in. sere mirodored, Is, liko any oil...home. Imo to , us forever. Miriad. inform its that the Cow ni Nom. whoa he undertook Mort pante,, arm! drawn by nude. which had gayer ohms. and thaw of hie wire, rower, had .bin. of Gobi. Out them ahem optic*, to limo been • kind of idiot of gold sod Weer ornprb, eoverung the hoofs. About the yam 1038';iirlir• Ih. Monroe of Tummy. ens ol it,. .when primer* of hi. time. • cut to meet 100 alllatmed bride. (Deena) his horses were Flied with; mleer tho nail. wore of materiel. m mach more modern times an !bonnet amber... dor at Ike men of NO. had totter slims to be hem., mid named them lobo e ohnhtly need that Obey omit came dr. This oppears to us. in the Ibth molter), entravadarat folly. and marcely Ie he bolo wed ; yet Ivo Love evidenee of the truth of , Weal —letein the earliele pwinth of 11.1 t history, we fled the grew!it sod nweefactere of wool pe- is) mg Ih. al.niinsof auenowiro governonen..— The alnwp 1., In dl probability, ono .f the hdq. &MOUS ammonia of .or nountry, aa then a. no ra. canto—at km, an foe as Ira .wan—of it. In. itedeedm mod ore Mod the Remote• emmostimi we • eel, mod the 'andante made from •• I. nfoldish • mamfoewy at Wilehmo,, ih" 0r ,.. the Monde Mad of dm mn. moghty 1111•1.11 d both awful drank. Umiak wears monkfaehm. TM. dd. tinm ad.always mete keg rem it •111 . 1CMg of .m 1 breams •• oldobt of Imimmd mT manl• dm . i Boys If you 1/0111d ho boaeroll sea take a the ••••• oh wary the mhos of wad •Mle• _ o* Taslmd .••• mhosted at M Miaow yead7,l w now. which. ompord is be madmpled N valm IN dm! Air and enrol. as the beet remedies mfacum. mado the NAM mi. of A...Wm/ fee esesumpflon Ifyou wool, ban beehty ofootoml..4did milMm el Mash to. .lllh NV" TM. Wore &yams& "r" " " IM .61.1 .. 1 " . a "' a l Kr A Wool.= editor. In opeekleg of a "" 1 """ . " . " 1 "*" "*""'" 1.1 " 0 erstomporary, says be has het that low hod mly Imreomd balf • maim Ily 11101 . 1 .mida Isek tbat make. you lwroluatorily "".".di' the thbok client poekra•book, atm, to Oral emwet b. 4.1 row Wad " 111 0". " 141 die L orartbere en laws (plow WWI. Frady Yam •••••••1 mm• IBM Mrd ••••••••d rimedut TM omelodm et IM ear Jalbee err yaw esevekeeeat W. Mob Me dm U•Ned IMM.. emote moues"... wwwwles r Awoke la 1187. wM M AMY mlomf Ih• I kwos hi. eee kH ealoseeo .isii i ew yest eNtw orday ba i : lathe hod ham t• TIM 10 Am •••14 1 ••• •• N MI esrarkerl onewerory. Sliag2mag4la:4l I i. —The United States hove de eidadly the most tile and aroompliel• ed loafers of any land in oluentendem or ' out of it either, for that matter. It is said 'the Italian luster out Jo nothing but sleep; the English nothing but terror; the French nothing but laugh; the Russinn nnthibg but gamble; the Hungarian nothing but moke; .d the Germain nothing but drink But the real genuine. unadulterated, A. lion, loafer, is the only renew in crea tion, who possessor the mite.' ability to do all these things in i lie g reatest perfec tion. Ilv coo sleep snder t! an the I tab the aguiett a 1.110 lime with di...melee below sent nit bout any ineiniyenienec whale, er. can emit a hor..e laiigh diet will pia a En:nehmen clear out of e onaleaancc in lean than a minute. An sweari, it io hi. forte.— ' Ile can make an Etiolkbontii half oval on end, by the terrific n, loh;bty a n d mbrinail. ity of his a tab.. He can Ie it a It liesian • at favorite game. and then plat. the • thimbles no er ne, rode, impenity He ran sracke a tine nine with Keno grace 11 , 11 goon than a Hungarian ver drintreil ' .cl, and drink a Divelowin under the table on malt liquor or Itliciikh wine In 01,1, be is a fellow of tn.iryellone ver•tutilir,— :Tenth: loom, alone peculiar to the soil of • the '.;root Republic. . nWnt: (LA ry ereet.trio oter. r man, r can d D tri4l who thou i-I in 171.. t hem • few p.n,a ano.e, through 13roldway n ei ,nt arl3 who, .s •N0rt1,..1 1. XIIII •rolth i9.oirtg wittor,erving:— ===fßEl The I.llly divine alo. , ut him, for hi.neil , l, , ,r" and at lot (11.cov.rtul m. object g in tl.e Immo! i+ it," .aid he, Our call. nip might or •Inot,'!" •• Why. don't yon recollect me You enr.lrrtell me t' e eU no SIIII.IB c " reeverte.l y , ? 0 ye.! eery prole,. ion j.let liken I,k. of b .telt rk If I I.nd r Fled sir not hat o I , •tmci voo n. tho " 1),1t% —A r.lintry ref after I..,.king hfo. has come to the fulhasing 0.3111 h, lth. I v.”..1r1'1,8 I .;-0,11.1'1.1 .1 I ;0•11.1; Our I II; .1;.;;;; .r. For I ent.l.l*.lt oi I ...war' la Time or em trr ta.Ps tOR I,R On enpe Coll when • ',nog lady it on ' vetted to be marrie.l, she suffers her fi •tter Innis to grow Inn, xr in eage, she stukl,l he ~ I tlige.l to thr. , w hertelf nn her fr•erve.,l rizt.t. • she may. •me to the scratch with rend lopoTort of sneers," A ensett c.ntsiAng a young man anti annum, with a rook on It..hind the e , •at.rt, C t vleatingly •11,Testive of matrimony,— lint • half ygon7 ont, and seven 11311.111.1ir 1 , , IS tn•telt tante st,gestive— there'. no iniitaki. g that I.i, re - --The tenet piett tat lier.,ve veplivel Soviet, - iv, e the qaantit eream iii the milky way. e !lecher it canite inalle available r. linevtthold [imposes " Nine elev. r I , me enm• ing + %Own a 011 i+ sitting np bean To ni.kke ni 'moos Wm.., all thnt ia 111,1,- sary, i+ in mix tlient rtitli itAVn P TUC WAPII3,I(O t. II 'rrn Fifty thonnanii pinniin n nom , mn•mfactnred last year, in Sow Ynrl; city 411,11. So.—The Ind. why rm forty vrlrs nl.l at the taki, of the ern.s in 1n49. re ports I , : t 7` D , tai t , . komp . : a nun drawn with a chair, while he in uol.lrelt.intt an an. Itlience, in railed ehreripol thwarttker. 1 , 7- The ',mug hdr who • into _ _ .Ina as—An U4Arnan we. a and caber hr I atded in. %Tao. a Ilrgo• .4/xll ta.tio i...jov lhr .nrpri.a •.I' the %errant eirl I e it in her rn gym. 'flte inc, the fir.t that. 1 ,, 1tne...1 intn tin r...dn was hilly, with the rt. lomat .` depot, I've got the devil " What devil ?" inquired the head of the hone., feigning enrol ioe The hull 1..2.1-1)11.1 that b. hero ate ing the ebilolrplll.o dm last onntall." t';7-The oily capital ptinlthment the Ottlie% err in fit., I 1 Tinging ar.und tll4,ir JUPTIVE —\Cr L. 11 41 1,, iojo rig,runittieg the.l.r.o fits dint are your Joy. • A 111 11P011 of . tbh Seth Chorelr O.•••• • !ravine bevel invited to kilnin the apreiirde inns Lin said ho earth! not think of sorb • thing. hot if it world he any frivoor In the rononditer• he would go the inwt evening arid ring a Pealm or two tin der her window jWat's in tinaine 4—At the Wont ' htin' Fnit they had a nnw named " Jenny Lind," end a calf named " Barnum." Coi rt. ExAtiturrtou.—lnlstrate., What brought 3 ou here,. air.? Prisoner.—Two p.lieenton, pleatto year honor. Maiihitnite.—Then I tappose ligwor had wimetiiiiew to do with it gramCmaiia PETER DECKER, EU.. flt r ir=l7.7l::=7:ll ' :;lll:7,lT.Ltrn se Immodedgementrf Dem.and OM • Inetradm •M VZIT:Zt ". c"'" V ' er:l . :l7746 . lM " " E. EL CURSE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. (Office ores Tyler's Store.) 61.1.0 appninlirl AV•110 1 1 ,1 1 . " •, le or the and .16., th..m.ountuislly. • r• .• h." ALIA 1 1"" Y & BUFFALO, Price .1. N. SU.) I New leek & Erie, Cereew & See- r""'"""'""" "" """". '"' LIVERY ANI) EXCHANGE STABLE, quehaime Ran icemen. r.enecia Illeniroee, rengva """ c"""L'"`"' ONE DOLLAR. El'ERY1101i1"8 31,1111aT lANE! POET. R. THAYER, ... ............................ JOUN O. DIK0( K, PETER IiTEIETM, 111 IRK J. o•nnicv, C. BALDIA IN, SSW"' Book Bindingr tin+lncr• CJ.: !. :7•?.?'2 . 0743. BOOT AND SHOE BIAIiBB Pc REPAIRER IMII=I M. L. TRICINPELL, .\T MRN EY AT Lk W, Pow Milford Stove Depot. II FII I 1111 r Wanted , l:',7.',.',;"*;i:;';''';',',',:::;:''.„n"',!"i'..;:.';`,;:.'.... Boots and ooa! A ' "'" B00!r3 ! Baoks I .:, ~,.,, ~,, ~ . ~ ,v Blin's Justine, ValuaA) Hooke tow Goods AT LOW P ICES T".,'": ..,-::::„:;,','„;-, - - My (.on,d, llia,rra .Ilart'nare, (Tofu/- Iryar I CI ::. + /fa rt. 'I on fai an N and ip, - r,", , ‘,-,''„. • ' " -‘ ''' • • Mane II at, Il nJt, Van .1 (111 i a's ... I,' , . ' , 1 Lialber Oledn oar+, l'aadi, ()114 Dye titrorit Nail. (:la 4 4ar. I'or,', Fon, MONTROSE - _ __ _ _____ l',:h and a• 1, di .1 irliith hill be Bold CII 9T'll \ll fl'POnli'll . riotiee to tho Public. .., ,he vett I 0r , .. woe. i t i I , i i 1 , , New Se .a, 4 , e pal ~,, tiro,' bre. •1 0/a. ~ al on, l'r re v,re , I 1 Aellici• ilhlm A 1... II t ir„itt au, yen only of Iltirrh it SorAt rr ' ' r ei . ' ' lr . lir ',l' h'„",::: If '"" h , '' d ' ( . 4e,,, Lard, Taelan, II kcal Ityr, Ready Made tilothin ,, '''' " ' - ---"' ow ''' '-i-- -- ' Car Oat,: a,..,1 radrnl, abnoet arty ,';,:',',"„'; ' •;••• •, • • ',...r .... , 1., ~ tt, it tto ,1.. a tit or en irrt rr kind . .,( Prod.. for tthith, we will pay , . , i e.,e .• ili... 1r r I 1:0 .to.l .i 11.i r .. .1.•1„, , r ..... •, ~. 1, .., n. n I-. n •,,.. ',l " ": r t.:7 t; n S i nr 1" . "r"" ~..., h,„.•hr,t prn rs .° 1,, T ,''',",',"",;"7='; rg,r,;,„ v.., :;,,,..,, ;;;7.7.7 . ' ~,,7:,,„:.;,T,"'" ,"4:7;;•;‘:t ;.',..7:"'n . 77r;'",..7"'' ••• ..,„ ....„ ~...., ~...,„. ~.. r ..,... 1 , r tote nd...nt t r tn. oho may favor hlut ottlt 111.4 pet 1111111 v , Split d : hayed Shin an gles, , - \I.IV GROVI'RV STORE . ' "" G.'n' nen4C..thgeir a'"... i .;.. . •• .'„' ', „,', 4, , :„,, , .,:.!,',7,..:,;;;;7 TV;":';' ' ' h ""` n ""' '' '' "' h '''''''' '"''": *" ! ' ".77.' ' '"'"Tr" l ;.7.' . :.:i'.!: l ,l Ready Made Clothinv. '',- ,•, . 7., '., "...'” . • - . 7 •• •. •• "•• ••••••., :,1',, h ,':77 "".'"'"' "''' ''''' ''''' uJ.' '‘ r ' .f 7 , :7: li V:, “" ' ••• '' .• • L.R :1 ' .?..• " : ' . .' . l Zi ' 1 ''' o ' . " . I l', ~'.,r:,' ;';',' ~,,••••"...• ".." ” .....h. "'" ^ "'"'" .. ^ woof ...torn rlnthhto in pli 1t• tor... . . , 1 : ,",f. "n.''' , ' 7 ' '• 7 ' '"' ' hr .' . h . ... ' nit Ito n to , tr.pme I le pelt the t , Imo .•ftrront . Variety Store. os ~ 1, i .: . 1 • ' .ll\ . rt • :•tlel I ' r att ' ll, j'„,. ' ..I ' . . " .....I. ...' 111 r.. ....... Live I and let Live I , , 1.... 11 . 1 1 . 11 . ..." I .1 " • . 1 1 . I. 1111 . .11 11 . 111 h. ~:,4 ...=Oll 1" 1 :1 '..- 1; :::; ~..1 11. ....r. ~... r . ' ~.' ,' ,:' ...^ ll,ll , .4 7. ;Z:...... .... 01 ' ..7.171.17/;•1•• i " ... 7"" WV R. Tann 114111111 1 , ..1.. tntehrieri ...arm 1 ''"" 't ''' Vir, . "r"."' ;.;,1 i " . (treat new r P.p. 14.. ' I. 4 1.6 1 11111111 ; ' !; ' , 1 ,1 . ",7 7 1..:11.11 :: 11 EP , : : 1; '''. 1:i: " 1:; ' • .' il . :%1 'r :1 ; :...EA "'. .. " :1 " : i. 4444. n 'r 1.7: '. ?..1 .".:"";,.: " i '...1 . 1 '.. m.r0 . 4.1 777 " ..:«71:71;e ' re - Wilti•COP.A. , ,•., •.,.• eit v.. ~ ,,,,..,,„1.•,......0. •••••• ...0.- r, • :,,,, ~ , , , 1 ....1............ .... mire Mee.... tet 7 1 1 111, roI,IIP no. it .1. .ra.a. t....e 0. p.a.. .... .1.0 ......., , r 0....• 11... tit). Iflo 1.1017.”...... ..1 11,... p.m... t th. Not ;.'r e h " 7,'". = l t,'" " h ""` '''T ---, - lbw Hoy thlt, tell Kip II Foto owl . . .11. 0 1mm0... ir In n. %ATI. . ro r s „,,Zl, ° : ..."„ 0 ,„,,, . X''•""',1, • ;''.4":." • .'4',„".: T. r ,,, ; ''' ''''•-•.'-', . ' - ',,, --- 2,1:74,:1r:rx.....,....-1 , ,.- •-..‘...“ ' • 'T mn '''' ...:nl4. '" .. . ... . .... ~.. t..r . 7....,e , 1...... , ~ , ....i..... .., ...or ........ Ibna pram... et • ...Pr. ollagmpl• ~ " .....,, p... .. .rim~ . ..t larpo . • . •P re . ehtireehi . e me, It es et. IN. thoo I t l .1..11,..itt ie. thew., to Tree • a....1r, oh, ..1./ortee,nahlooorseolltledl roervoe. ...hi,. ... r.ttiihirei el ii i itttri 't • lir er' . eir r tiii.:`.. h . ' tz",, " :::,.."=, - ;." "nr;;;;;;.= 1 ____„. verren. ne.,.. inehtentei. Ilia bunon ay..., want p.. 4tl no.rit f . orl. rn .1 , I. • I, , of re., 'Me I The People's Friend ! - .1 . *';'11e,°::,::Tr"..117,,1t;::: a"" Z ` . -- i I e""=""-- ...„-- - - • 2:;:1;;;" -, t" . .---.^ , -.... T. .....,, . 0 , 4. off 1141 men. •. f • t00. , 1 , . In•ols.1 , La r.11•••41 el ••••yeb•••.1.r... " 4 147 to west. ' •71.47:::• " 1.. 7/ ' : .74 ..:. ...., ~....2.7TVV.: tr:: '.",:".:' "I 71 -.. - ,-...." ''' -,, ''' ..-'OO , - , •." ""'"''''''''"'"'-- '''"*"'"'"" " •"""`l '''''''''.-". "" ' ''''''' •' •1 e•" „,.„„,,„,„,„,„,„,,,‘ „„,,,,,,,_,,„,,,z i, ,.. z. , ~- -.1 ,„,,,,,„,,„,„, ,„„.„,,,,,,, ~,,,,,„„,, ..• ..•••• 4. nftb..• now .441...4,10.111•••••11..10 1 111, 1• .11 0 .....1. 1 11,1 . 1 •1' ,111 • .•`' .• .b......• ~,, ..•., ~ • ..,,,, p,,,„,,,, , • ...lee bp null •fty tbat b• **l* dlr... by • .... /nn b• ....w ,I. .... • 111 i Imo p 1 11 , m Orem 16,1 0.1 II WA ' . ." '' '"' ' 1. * ..in0 . V0r5 7 17:1747:V1V= " 1:4 . :1.1:4::(5t 1 1:1: " . ' 1 ' .• " Il ' 111;•..ot. " ,.•7 ', Latent Ottawa. or floor tloodo. 'f:V:4 7 :7l ', ;::: ,4,°' ;:g 7:•::,.%,',44"„=",,,:',17, .........0.0 .h.,...... ...... ~....,1 ...........;::,%,...........:=.17,, N .47 . 717 :::.L. * := "7 :::::= ' Val! i ";;T:74,77.7,'; ..t.t:, Al,. ~,,,,„„„,,,„_„ :, :lr.,tr.;11:411.1::1 Ir. nn "MN r 2'..,74:24 g.„f,',:', T..... z ...,r t ,....,,, r ... -;-7111-....- , ............ virav i tapktro a tr , , , ,.1 ... ;;;; :. - ,, , ',1:=7,.::=: ',7,-,..1. •r,V„,,r::,,, ...z' -"" '' - "*". - - " 6 " . 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Me 44. 1••••104Sees .111*.e,••••• 1.."1.6.••••••rd Pa••••P•1.11.41., ...../....Zr,;:„..== •. ,,==:"4,....., A 11•16.1 . 1-11 • 11.•••=1. •i • sod 111.1,1 k /a lIPPI I ..... * 1•11 It 111/111111 .....,. . 1 14•11...... , ..1 . 44.14 1 4 1 .1.44 ln. ...p.p...A pyppp • , Laen.•••111•-• •Impolly. 1 11•••-• II a•Poi, W. ...O.*, 0•5 14. UN. ' " ••••= " 11 . 41? "•""'".•'•••' '." turgt:t=7.l , .. - 4„ . =.7.1'.'t I SOO ilks, Moor Ware. pls 461•11,4411.0.0.124•••••• . • 110 LE ISATHEit. c.,,=.0 ~........6 . --. Tn. Cm.. 111•111 . .. ..=.4lr• PPP% Is ett . seze:4l4l/11•41••. plog . ez i a .. . 0 _ Ma ••41. I W I . 4 . •=7 . • . 14 " I.•=trrl 1 ' 11 1. 14 6 =-1:411 . % ." b... r. '17. C . N i.".. .M ....4 ' 77.1d;1r 6 11 "" * ilea N . M . :lr= tr. 1.411 W?... 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