" VW Nelllieria." •IMABIMS M. erninumur maw.... , S. & & E. B. Chase, _____ TIKINIS.-0•• ...us ass moo cams por SOMME, auk is 16 y e ar or modellers d sot pald tuttil th. red .1 the year, or time a whs.... N.per pill be a...seed until assurers an p . 4, oseept at the woos of the Puhlshers. All 1101111.1.11iCatio. meth MAT 1114 11. re sell.. &eas.. All WWI easortod mth the Oise, should be /14..4 to S. B. as 6. U. Gus, Mown., Moot. C.., P.. IT Editors' aloe weer M. C, leis Store few. of murder et his hawk.. Allbe ger.. ' SI e would told bear or heed Im, and we WOMAN AND lle tKRIAGE. - - _ , TOD Tremnplawjeve Moe. 'Wed. WI.. ell the hotel been.. et h• I ..• excite her fear and eye. tne her remote. In • beautiful rm., !mooed by the in- ?dem. twaillets had to km parktd hone. 'era ewe him no &mitten... She wa• t .11. Just, however. the child resell. Ward and unheeded by the likewise . 11.1111.01,11 &&&&& 0 1 1.1 too se • Lino and the t 0.1.1 loin. so, ten, • h .11ew soot in the next lield-olownel of 'ea. wheel, he wet whirled 11.111111, uhtil terwreatl d beweahes of u thiuk wood.. here' sd although no the nitaltt of her work, she a natural dram -the saw another Illirloll at 104 teen. and g erre g li "" I°4° ' ''''''' 1 I have speculated - a great deal upon at- '•••• ' 101 ! '' o 'g' " " • °"•"•"( of Ati"W".. lAN Affeetim. Wens. , not ...ay Root Lim something to tat at mom, start I.lp fro th e bad of the drain, then and he new and beard no moo He tell ~...... . k b , . d , wow.. toe p.a. of toe gay either , , earth 1 w db . "''." Althouga to. were of torero know, they ' Dories; the recent shame eirkmos ha but a l. fom.d thou 0 .1t down o ith Lim; dry .th the heat Of the summor.and catch- ...less on the limn. of the engloe, but ''' 1 • 4 .° °• !“,g ••• "- " ••••• • limo i t Ili ...dip with each thee the both.. Bomiteetiowy. lb e services or I o " I g j e o! 11. ' lnar. bath ' iu their ° oyl: the awes.. went often in requrerim.. were who have given several abet.. of the lint .. he ete,soun louwer eklie I. t lull 1. knife itig loom in bit arms, hasten towards the even then his inenionste bt.dy • 1 .• p„ t h yhat „,, n ., l ent o .id he in • milt in accordance with the direction• or te whirled mood . before - the e ti:l V . .. „ 7. 1 : . ... k0 w „. 7 0 1 1 1 , •,.. „ 1 „ ...... „ " .. 11 . 1 w . 1 ....„ ydo l ''' . 2 ' ...:•••• '.. ..;ta.... ' t'in .. the nay spring, they . I promo. by the afro See. around. • loom moments of the flying ptimmer. T. 101. k o kl.ll tre y , tt , th e goo d...etured girl I hi• aecomidice. In a moment she perceived 14 doing to trust to . emerat d me. in e.. ... r....:..:::.:0,....t: .r:::thi...„.pp..d.....,..t ,ii,ll..yi .1.,„ 1 •• ay, Ileieri." sloe repli.4l, your , her danger. and ho lln 1111 l coot 01r11 !he , ...Pm with such. vollmow. en .wefore g •-•" " and 1.11. happy eximenee. Nothing could how. ie en affeetirog oft: and &outwitted them to th-ir be more deb t /haul then the summer de. • Whole I wait in pridha the Warden 1.11 , back ...old he more omple than min, for , termed hr flItlIr•Illato of prom...ding. Re- afraid to respond the mill Irmo working at ...to wwwy I Saw le thm herne end. Is we bean without one you have h m s work to male it stiff I ,treating i;l 1.0 1.111/ mill, en• double locked it. tulle. toped. sunny Ala. cheerfully and without tear. • . • and eights Wont they spent 111 .01 14her'd 1110 LOAO loml.ide a a omelet by the woe We lewd no who Mow Inked sad and har • lo o low ell day long , and y. do nothing. and looked the der -thu only ...lit; Aloud Isom:king at the door wait shortly ee . It is natural to he woo unno for the oil i r 1 . &met,. There wee no envy, no jealouty, . S ...k. Into toofornewl that he had 1 Drat never mind, it would go hard with..., ammo. to the edifice, every other no...after weed. end Note hasten.. tither. It _ w „ _ web ...., ~. :ray .... ton pridw-tlerte dreadful plagues., Ow fair formerly been 0. or two years • member Mrs; Awl Pod. their morn.. came thonew ebout W. all' I refuted to do more thou that fur you, a obvi.• seem to the windows being wow her m 111 l end Sootily et. panted I ? •,............ t ... time . , 1 ...0 ... I , , I ob.d, oy i f10w,.. ,.. ~_ r tloe Leon ram-a. they were of the S.. L. giolatore-hed .tad v s , hart. by means of a strong iron grating several of the neighbors. The env eu '• "" . 1 io . 1.1). I ." ) , ioworw .„ or ...), thw...... .... a .... wry ........................„ ... „ 61 .. 110,..ki.., ... •• Wyo... temly I. I. at. •Gwen gab. hull though you be " ... ... d .. ....... moo • corner, and watch the bride in her. I This was roar. half ...WO*. to'd h•lf ft. , ' ogo ,oo t oil the .i.H l, ...and then took homed appear.. of the mon n, t t me,•w ll . l , ...4 wit. , . . end ...tang dinipetion to sap their young ' -met et the time of hi. omelet. wet bah onern • i r moon. fur a. he was 1010 110111. t her post at AB upper eaterount, determitn, awing on Suodey, bed, .Ow atotteipwed, , strength , steel the 11. hoes from their fo &oh ~,,,, or a L i te , o,v Ha MA Men Mid I. geed o f ; for o 1 ' h b ' • oil ' Mr r. "' ""'".".". W'' 1 mane. I ail boohoos.. kers& to eneourage •11.1 ell to watt posent v 101 l h er er master a r . ree .• ' ' • oi tend, leaves. or to bend them out 44, hefore the owed States eireek C o en. oi lif e , wee. a ~.kin g dram of la ' 1 .11•11 sadly-half plastid-ha each p.m. face; :" . lot eof W 1... sod • suspicious en.. turn, atoll her consequent delivery from towed hems from church for be purpose . 1 , .• mote , "„- :r ; "" r il ., thin exqui.ite ean and groweful simplioity ,itscl on mere eireuentatitild evident.. bed AO doo Sven. eld hearodsi hi. shaggy " ••g ' ..f life any one else, however dear. her . I that dance.. w ra ith., or bee o w e death, meceosdhing the caome a the phenonmeno• 1 4 1 ". 1 .1 ° .,‘" L y •• :. d ..P • h r r ---•• jr 3 ' •• • ; . ; .‘ - ," 3 •,''' *lath I. Stheoge .l from Wore. The I been movie,. of meth enbbery mod eon. Wawa. ' She steeped down weerdingly eu' piek up if it were ine ~, ~ blot. I The father bore hie little boy in his arm.; . ww • ''- *".•° ' "•‘' ••"' """ L'' loveliest belle, while she envied their wton• le.. to Icor years hoprimmineei. The ! u.sots whom the twilight hale al .1 g•• """ 1 ••'"" ' il •""• ••• " """"''g •••• 1 110 knife. As elle was in the art of &song, 1 'Never,' said sone . herself, • newer eball he Led out the cord with which Ow ebila Lld h • d or f u l h ee m y m i g h t love ph,. peaty ete. moor te. knew me t hewing heard tee preach 0 ,. ia . . ut goy hums, no onour to I re On. • • •. ' honorer. the Weather... villain drew * I leave my ...See house • prey to etuk was Owl, boat Ihe we. tenable t a b on , 0 „.........„ ... ,.." .„ .... d..,„.... • coed eloo o e qu i et ... and oh.rfultoe. - i n. the pew.. • Sir,' said he. • I .net die* , t his ro rot te Le ear- account el the extrsordboary eirmontlances . and elawv 1 .„„ he , ea eama t„ them ght I. vollai. or pernn pp y Ile was ,lien in • eolinsed -the I barred, mil wee eel. Om hear a &veal.. Jagger it under hi. cent, glide. . ~ , ...... „.. .. lbw „ift. .,,,,.... .... the allowed hiss. ael the be autiful Oil . . • ' --- - . - ". *" *" . 4""1 the neck. groppin, her throat ', riot I.ff loefimu my e t . by them. while I that IMI an • re • f ro m love Bed a t : real them geniis ; tloe dew tell ' moor. a death were on hie cohere.... Oa meno's sat pues.-deep, earmark rood loy the nn of• ‘•• 1 dear.. of wedd e d life will m eke even that . firmly wi. his filogers, . preveut her • loave life thd strength to defend it.' centwheotly from heaven, 111141 f.lient.4 their 'I set dom. by hit rude mob end boll boa mad, , Sh e had b are ly time to, scan. herself lianneehen in a few words todd all, end pool , . • ior j wont and hew ladle the will g . Y o p en ing him.; A... k... 4 thorn oula..l...whau . d. 'wog dill I ..donor o. Mottle eneed•parest-hofehokni with en. ' screaming at . , Collel 0.11 fro., Alt crowd wol the eon oty 1 • ° Now. lase he said, uttering • hard j within, when the rodfo on from eithuuthold- ' then t. omint whirl. bad ...inert her 1 moot ed o rr e ry e h ern do m w e a n .. en d t h e o ;whit him no the • Lomb of Cod who tab. tit to.- o hose child h. goo be., end a long a. d too well while the emergener last. monk of the vv. to ea to others ' oath at t. eat. tme, •• where is ye. item the h p . . , - 4."...' 1.1.1. h. e bummed around them h. th" ww. Ow el. a the weld' Hie +pint Out labor-b• fahered-rhea murmured ..My the .1 t.w 000 k her et oh. at RllO pawed an , W . .' • P . r,i... . 1 "'Pe.' i".. "th ere.' o , othater's I.oy : I'll 1;0. that. oar yuur 'hem they knife in Ow other. t0... 6 d • • • " s.. who. mush. . Y • g • 0w...0w a f ter ... me . w oo l when throe. ihd end, ter. ealoo, aln.notkyoue. end lee pruf....44 semi° i door watt. kb.. and curse. and hoopreen She llll sensele. into the or rem rot the Ilia. ~i , , , ',"" ''' W r, i '''', 1 . ..",..." - storm anose , th ey .mat led ehebered by I 'lost the terrible 'lodine wa• goo. Plow, ' I.; BO Hoke your "Erica." ' thou of the most Jeadfutvlouracter, T. terrified girl w ...I fain be. par-• hat's dole. sun, and en with diffigulty ow tin . rune ., °•••°°•°••• "'' .. '"d °° B . 'f '. '''• .... L. the strung arms 1.1 • ewe vine. which they reiol I t • Shearer pm ere perk. d weps ado night steals ono, and wield.' pa nor oath, loved with the ruffian, lAA,. would hear • Contound thee,' he erica, applying the stored. • ~,,, It. wo . dd .....„ bum, __ , _. .l long cheered with their radiant gleil• I her ,Joel. 101 l word to your homily l'-. i tthiortathe could sty. cry f en t... ep ith e t. o f which the free- The oe..l.inerY •of the mill we.. on. , ter, with ... „- . • •"'' ..." lon hie.,.. tool wllielo, in return, bent rover and I. Oh ! seid he. • I haw. • nib and two u ....I S. Within • . Master'e Homey . your life , la. tweaking Tooth.. 1 men ogee are . r O pione. at Tr 11..4 the Inanimate ru"i"n &n or 11 ;lau folds her th' h . e. , planted them tu the lull talent of I. pow- elrildren- I with I could we then. one.. wa. all the swore. ah. voucl.sabd 0 Let • Or. the d.or, oor [will lorCtlk IL or, yto . fr••lIl th. great wheel. Thu folk. rlllft .o . • ~ . moon I eao teet we „... I'M.° ' He palmed • moment unable to go n , . , .ery I'd . to. at, ~ li woo* Moon oo her • ontr. alio, sed aljuntio. .1..... of •If you tost vett may,' B. all the tont. was landoolite d •w• 11 ... H. *„." 6• ':!: . '' ' hater, „,„„,..• watt , h , a l teroat ,,,, h e 0 ty,,,,d ; t h e girl reelect Ge.l is greater [bun yuu tool , we.' 11 .11 1.." 1 1 . 1 . 1 "." "....... ... f „.,,, ,„ ~ ~,,,,,,. ... ~" ,'. ' it' ..,'. "„ , we> 4 . locehes lOC They are type.. girt 1...4 home.' He rallied and proceeded grave oat the g .1.1 lon him I put ,ray non oder • ...log month and 111 410 0.411.011111. V 1 .1 .011 lor AO 1101. , , „ 0n .... ', R00 ., , 1 k o l a • .offne. of oaten i .1. wont.. all Loa on ten• ' .' - - • ' ' ''• w ''' • " ' Tell nor family that 1 am inn... of the She teor t h er , wa• not h o pe f or noerey a 'Cut the I, an throat.' rowed the im- 1 under rho b ""lit the ' ' , so ese...i.coor. o , rata. . 0. . ... dk .. g ' 1 ' cheon hell. that, if they h.. any .onset..- charge for which I sulfer • 1 .1.? to him. . hi. haod• ; and when the .aw it, her ea- Aria one' ruffian from tioom; • that will 1 It wa. not long ell Hthomehr b... ` a t.. to It , r , t ,....,, ..,,,„;..: fora,. -on ~....- in-. they mum he happy. They bear up. ' Mr. Slow., you are now la • low mol. - 1 1,0 I.l,bition awol.e in her ow as Loku 10ri , .1; her ro Per tenon.' 1 , i ~, t .. ,,, ,.... 4 r . ~.... . I .. h . ... norm ..lo 8.1 1111C111111 , Mal impre. oaf se- otos to stand hetnre that God who will ,t. Re" .d her ma, oho was timid . St.'d• leaned ea rot Motor ehen was. T. Inidwarnnon W. the mille t , * ono, , 11 . ..., ..... ~. t ° r . r ..- ,,--.... , ... .., ,-. ~ ., .y are so joodee von righteously- there no be eon s tondo ' salmi ; a terat. h waa aor lem of tear . elo „anoint at this & rod noggeni For wl et hood lowed i?... Lon oaf N. It but with ''.7.....r d l ~.: ...Vy I s owing b. 11111,. o ' W . :" .. r. , :", , ,::: h . '.' W • i .100, I v neure's ride-oar kr.erstes; the bog g0 , ...0* , ••••1 Wing le. 1 .1 ....• 'I L. r; a drop of 61...4 eaosed her . mid„ a 111 , 111.• A lour r. 5..1•11i.0n ...red. but k a 1......1 paerweedy un,p, .1 Th e y 1 ..:: 7 0 : , '... , ' , ,........" "P""' '. . g',;" I 'thal... l • the ewet'teek the 1 1 arliol, ..1 it•; the truth-J. yon utter . thin non i i tett /Ther,..,l 11 0 0 00 ir, awed ...I* filled her .". 1 .i. It I '. I we. ""I` f. • ...". Shoo tee. that her loved howehwerard happolr norther tor , 7 ... "n . .....,.. , .... • , . w . 4 her ereattene Who that knows i w world ment an warns,' He replied, • I know it „ the e i g h t 11,, w h et , h er °team ,. net , lone death was cella. if Ow whelk. the tea. V.... owl led et .• wool •• Id ode. ' , 1 ....1 „...„ e „. .. d 0 .., d h . t h, e• l . o a rrte •i - it" Jerk a.nl awful tempo.- its Own aIl. I eon I. to go before my Jed., mod, anemed I.) an atle.po otu twine, slie prwed.; antitank awl sloe know th. her mover 50...e1 , ' b. . R... .Woo. 4 'noodle To. ',„ wd k h, d., ,.. 'r ''• ". ( "He . Imy 1 . 10.1.11.-i. flereetune-o. hatreds-he no pro eir. I declare with my dying broth. os 1., . s bus 01.. e. A. 1. C ollr.e. 10. OM : 0 i kl„ J. .1 L. ha 1 r leas o 1 o the 1.1 1 ent 11 illr •I 1 .. r hre. t. brass. heart. ' „,....,... add ... d . , ..d.•."....„'„'•"1!"" ~' tot 1 ". . Ingui•lo-its dises.-whu would es. be amy &dire b0n....• g 111 VIP i oe, too pie..., 0: 11111.1, 11.1 li; ' , or L. , o,ell LllO li'll of AO 110fi,14 WO.lll r , l wool. would n 11.1.1 Inr ..11. .14 O n I ;:. .. • h • eth 1r . "... sP .' II wer-ignutent ot these thin., to ope.. Never bad I such emniinem I ban ut I hen . rod t et go on full ot honor and , re , „„. mew„l ,„,,, g ,„„. r„ „„ r ,„,„J ~ . " meal b. her &mop... It Bus to . tale of danger and h. r delovereuee. II breath. a healthy joy. ao.l yam silent.' nood by many • death bed-by the re • I the le •el r • .IeAL a teen. I 1 iolt ell agairna nothieg Like • doe rept THE PEEL, !ADMAN. w h e n the ram and are remembered when they doe' • • ly •way under ebe glory of • noun. sky 3 j .10 ong Montt. and the deapairingrebel .. w e t we l, 1 1...„....,. t he paid, reign- god, she held tan to her re•olve to hide us, 1 et ., I l oe , 1., d..... erect Ii a daa thar ...., I ,„; I. p 1.3 the y eon and the old-but this so to - whet, I V I 10 1 11,11 the voting In ide j Dl. • ' '°• ° ' 'w° w • ''''''' ' ' ' g ' ed ., ... what ~ t , h e must b e; b,if 3 ... o she as While Ile rents tad, or mod ”oio• two mite &mune so emu. I the „d„ra. felt • Y ed as be gaud on them. Ile admired ult.:wee mot totooresome. He had he. one..? I. one mono,- I nhodl unto go along no h ' unco .lo.ould nam h Imr. -- A mend teod..3 tootclowl i „.......... „ ad .„„ ad a ~...,„d ~.,,,h ,„,,,, our law maker, lied not. 'deletion. hot . Iby Imo linen, th. han re.thilm ht. iesell • r not Pow .II um lac a home ter one an t . • lei to ow. not the done' "hooted tonal Below is an ...no. g history Or 1 1 . in- ,i, I o„,„, Id t , Gt .. ; „„ „ et , ,• i oh. maned • out US italf.utieur . oltg leaves: I" 1 4 4 . 6 . 1 . hAI to the num. herdere n 0... 11. ewe tour grio ...I MY cork a villain Ira m without, a c eompans hog hos yew. •by e t hi e h a dd p, e l b een .. th e 1 .. ~.. a d -'..“-- " • -'-'°"'''. '''"l , ,ilh the %bond...lied .if hind. and youth lel the 5... hod mowed respeeted and M. llntle-doe't f yile, se . hard. I can't moo, wade with the vileo Ms hero- , downier or ...le so .6.'0. in their'. ~,, of i r.""e ....I.l l ed. 1 11 . - I will h .„,,, 1 1,,,,, ty,,,,„,... h,„ ~,,d,h "6h 'herd ; yet there he lay-• Mon! dying • ~,,o h o 4 hi a 40 {Oll ; sod it I won't stir e.t i m p r e c ation., • 111 honk this whelp'. , &moony. We a. inelieed to think the odd • " 1 ..: ~. •r ! "I t 'T"" •""" " ••• g •• •. ' ld ,' I nej.ll. It shell be forthwith transplanted 'fehoes dee. i about to have • felon •I. you canto, get the moor l-that's clear limb. to mi ll er with my knife. sed then woman we.. bard working. iiiklilillrikuuf • 6..0 : r n''. , '°'.' i . 11 " d" !" . "..') -it will be the surprise and delight o f t h e lial! and thie with a strong oeMbili , y of , on know. Betide, the time press., Mud bunt the mill over j our I. 'Twill be • pO.Oll 1111 AN 11.154101.411 Cr Of the Amerman. by . • ....., .7 ....do Imile WHI We . .. , „ rear 0 4 i o a, Is, Is will R s os l off ory „O n o 1. immense! and th en all be wished ho I,f it 1,,,, don. at all. It nowt ho dune quick. merry blaze 1 goer' ,iShoirter'. daughter. eino ..f the yew.' and letatto.ll best .o g . r And ma be out away for Maga:Jou- SomilY . know wee. that in don- send who no.ee d .11 ...has to oath r ood w I o 'lv, as the family wdl so. he bad. hum • I pet uty Sint in Cod,' replied the I Alm •. .vu y person 10. besn kri to whir . ..Y - I' I .I en ~, I the • towelling. a Jordan,' he neriela dle wet '' dawdle... maidou ; ' never 6.11 you tot ....., from the maims which have ap. I ...per 1. Ili •In.. 1 110, ghde by j .y... 1., and 001.fideutly dm seer. of at al utiod The tell rose had listened with new feel. I deviating hie bowmen.. Wee Own rod a l II. TIk • RUM •II relowel his gtil.o. and tally hoot withi e th e . we ll. obit° I haw. life I. poured about Lino that how.. the deserts-' ', • ''"' • nue-strands thoughts of tremulous pine. P........r 0.. ... ... telto old mod let go hie hold 11. r res.. w.re ell cog- , prevoot ,ou.' , dent of ...ma tonight, house, the offtpring '" 1 " ••• • ore In 1111 l gni upon her She madded ber old. ore ...eke.? Upon them , . ea. rate will. I.i, Impolite. The ruifi. laid the infant for • moment of a lordly ra. e. Ito this he is not: hie The P 1... I have drawn above is not b r awn.. h e ad an d tr io.. lon relleilln. They &Wok. did el t they C0...;' t h e ~,,l, "..Ica. no d e lay. on the toward, as he &meld for conobintild. e 'great woohlo woos required by the Sagoein, Pee." , It is eolonol, like dm ...es I. •• D ea r rose," told • little blue violet believed to he right; but If n t h. en , o h • aloe no ... is in master's Led-room " , where,. hto execute 1. threat. In hi. I cow:Tone and iegenuity of his go wodiether 'he hr. , end want'. or ! noany an ho I r trot that peeped out beneath, •• you had hotter whet a fah mistake? Whet • r MN. Rho tr i ppe d up etew , wails es a lark ; ..eatelo he espied perhaps the Del eland.. 'and the hew el ono useful invention 'dm .e. with the e.do jewel. hind loon. i. h e wh ere p m e r e , i. .y ...IL I ow n er tary upon eiroumataatial aa hl ono• j h e f„11,,,i l e ~t. hm heels. Sh e I. 11 1 title crab non§ II We building. It v ow • • for S SIR!, ...II 5.., An n. ' mot 01 this I"' Reg.. , end don. nuelt drew. w k o ew eee g o o d t o mom . f f k ofo t ren eph o othrg - - --. . ~., .. y ( . . 10na , ,... 1.,,,,,..... 1 ,,,, i .,.... h „,i; L os ,. a „ er t ure i n th e w e ll co mmunicating will not be uni 111 l amdieg, end it will enable the.. Sloe believes L1. , 111 he-.',d sh. melt toothr eralltarth aa you from thew, reCIMIICIM .pm Jed out the colter iu re Web the utooej I with the ere. wheel and other wariimy US to review body the pr. gnaw of U. 101. •""g e • while ondeeeisd• The eee is t 0......” I N . ..."g doe. over • ship al me. . Ins •,.. ere.] lof the mill, aeol wee • point eutirely un- namelr, ealieo proutio.g. Doting the vilely osom it two long whole they nolk of plane .. - S eer y noe l d e ll v i o l e t,. re pli e d th e jthd • p......g. bre n hour onr how, k k II," t h e ;m id, r oorloing Lima ll .0 i rodeo.. for the timple reemon that the wort of the la. century, etheo rioting we. "PPM.. .4 the .(that meal le will plea.. .... o f o ff the f10w.., •• th en nre y ee t r ,...h0t0e ou the deck The W pink r •nd ! ‘ 0,,,.1, I,„ i n th e corn e r o f th e node, •• Win m. 0.. toad ii. v. 0UP11.10,11 it fomeible hot kwon in Eugheod Tido kiwi of goo. ...HO . 4 40.101 wonky 4.1 mot.. relo om io r . B. I em i ner i rr‘ i a id, a •e w r .. w hek .0d eltde stray loortralh the krel.-. 1 will eron o, i t oen r ut owe; wol whole you , for woy 0. to seek adthierion thronsh thrh de. rd th. "loth f Cadent., I *now ." 1 ...inn Then; C... 0... .1 0 „... I onm ot er I new , b o „., b,4,,,. I timee. the ed. Sower Vol., the darker., jore tr jog it up. I .114.11 just at o p up stuort la Winger... inlet. Elated with this die- I Which lock, they were token so E.t.d. loos's. , • liew . 4 . Pe." 01 ecnire be olmt was to be admired. or bow motel. I 1 . 1 ... 1. the fey end th eir shadows fall to nay "woo eportmeut. •awl gee •• low thin.' e"reeY. the e.g.' rot ethed to the infant. Among tho men in Englund wile took •a e".• h.• .. 1 ...le •me. ...lOW. 0 1 .0 •meelled you. It in a JAW... ....lien ~ a berth. no the deck below. I ready r, „„, m alt , „„ well et .y ... I,- , and trey the bends end feet of the child. j oively named in her riling lil or menu...tures. , ono. wiii ram •I°.• kip rap the •"thei .I .m mow the b•SPis. eg.tree. '1 In the ...tided night, ea Mar Is seen. , . , .110 •11 , 411,1* (Or the lust lISO p St." 'threw it on the ground, even as • butcher I was the grandfather •I' Robert Pell, e eitemerd. These are intemals 4.f &tome She wow iotetrupted by the poisoner, soull •• It,. .Lip ...or. b. ........ 11. ITh e r ai n ., was t h r ow n or tie guard In I will threw • lamb detailed for the elauglot- 1 omen but hulustrionos farmer of Illsekburn.".. l deseted ...opt... a wearines., an who d og .. l y the sent .wool her, ee d 1... oder beko trot ehich wet' is eot or ' h., ... tn . s• en d apparent f ume, yto se- our. to await hie time for etaj hog. Ile then on Lanctshite. Ile ...the i.e.ar of thelthe huelmod first, in hie manhood, breaks i ...l e d h er t o th e p.b. a his 0n ... I ••••• non b or Sae.. Whet island, what nuenteenv him Like 'all egothdo he 11 0 .. mule back to the up. more, by which ha end eon.. r for "analog ..son. and then , upon H. h o op. they we.. 0 ... 1 ',oh- For • beer hour. a'• INIIS botamieeted with 1 •",../... swk ...Y be en her ...eh re t . e i eea t bi onw lf, woo. tell-oleo:eh was men 1 hot.' to etre. an eotramat. All Otis WS, he mught himeelf to print cotton cloth-I.r I carrot hdlow it einunedantiell a - kli z i ff , E ‘ ..,., b o d y pulsed h er . Sh e 1 0 .. th e... he knows not. All amend 0 certain to be hie destruetiono. t ook name by the dautotle. girl within. owing 1. own bleat. makieg his own eel- There ...long lowire 0 unhappy real.. r oo d e n•d that e we bed be e n oro long igen- i 1 ". 4 ". ie Ittg..Y. Lie beo. Me bed lo , o tri... i e .," was nil be said ;•• but du' In the ...white her 1..1 wee bonded mu, printiog the mood., awl then Id. wife" ness, mod terrible 1nii. t ...4 ...4.0.. .„, „l b, ....k.. ~,t d h ,,,,, tv.ii r„,, i. h , stinthamon 1.1 niter 1....... 1 ., b„ h ot , Ti nt j o b w ill b e ri o tm ie the ' whir •t lo tisond temitallow. The elms It and deloyhtert set So work and 110 , 00.111 WW. ' worth 'sod elf &ion. ton by and by. the, t o be f krojs o ff s Dot in e huh, :b e e a n toes; U... , of deo. hen std the hen of twiroklieg of en eve.• ' 1 pe . l vete. that no noes. would be let. too. This . Was a decoy way to MIMI. ee1.... etto ...al their uneatioe. no I a uge r, w o ol .oegleen d-her col ..• tidal -lier fresh the .kv. And the next day this pemeenger Ish e ni tep p esee d at the word.. He hn• •1 to eireot an entree.. thd the knew but It on the only way known theft, and go 01.1 ...to prated, too seek rt 11, and hen owe grew d ry en d w hh ere d- e h e m om ..hold. the eePtem looking at • sleek, and ! me d.,. b r a e age ... the thew, and we. that do the exo lueloot et her foe depended there woe en elm... gale for them. town ' , or. the lwilew world for tooppnrt. whiel h o , Lest-ell l ow ° hon.. d em pp e a r r e d.-; with Hs' aid of ......Ple of b... .1.0.- . „ ~„e , ,,d i n ....j ou it. eott t.l.l.. her own exi-tuner. A ,kni g ht Amuck her. ever 0.1.. th eir &hob But the old tar- 'nue who wee roeir over aud h hod noel., ri e lord to o k h e r and eet t hee ido the ,e'l '' l ' ettle... l ....h....1. 1 NW.. w•lg. 1. "" flo 11. wool thug .1,1 .).4, 1101reVer, ab. .lt is runday.' nid she to berm:K . llm mer WAS nod eati.fled watt thie oh w prom., ' not yin. them ! "ed. and.. ohe wad hewing her brief ems- .4 •• 1 . 01 . 1 .we And when he M. ow :sorlool in mine d enoplatioh aof i r le p re y, a. d Imill never yr.. on the Sabbath ; ...se and no dootht he was • 0011140101.1 11 .1311.1 Ilwd .11i., ye who are winning by you. 1 te.U.S. 11'.• wee the garde per with another 1 l''''''"'"' b• 10 •h 1•. P" ho •I'.'" "thb :eagerly • couple ho ...curing it mon o. hi.' 1 e e t the mill geing now ? It ran be mewl for be set Li" inventive laeu lice 10 work, inneeerd twenty t h e e ly, et t„,,,,., ht „.„„ t . ttt . „...„ ... ddipp ... 6 wwd. loner ....., id .....„ .. ,.. • loners loreedth to the place at which ; pm , the I trere e pic ntel girl .tolc down I star .If. wool happily my meet. or some ol end In obe maegle, which at acme re.' ... 1 ...I thlooking binge! R e member thao e i l l. phno.re, *after ono 1111 l ober. whelk... he has arrival stein on Opt. ereu adds eloom the I hit nek l hbort, wondering at the &gilt, may Hand his wife nd &makers of their se. be will wee up the brother of his heart. •• Alan," she raid, es she wee 41) beg ... in ti.e midst of the wa. petee , .. ...lay gniond the ahror of . haste holler to how the eau.. A luck) nee toil, tonal finished hi. oroode meet will. eloolo he 1. hell ever a fellowship ea i e . f or ter ewe . end ,M, I . I. Lon... • job. I f1eum......Y hen beak sad sonata rid& 1 the ~amber otiose. by hie.. end fthewi. tholight,' she exclaimed, • 'tie Bud wiles., quicker and few better. He afterwards gut 1 mied-the society of hit • Jemporary non 111 . 1.wel It le i b 'd .1 hut Ire kno t wirl.* they ere, and the y owe. te • mono eg or me, so ', , ,othesol. It was pmt the wok id • mon ,it to me ( other machinery for loioloing„ kept it van tler r ill the race of fame. •Ito t 0.. . Lela shank fn., ,he baud that world drag them, yr... r....i. ''ss , ..: • handed lotto. I event 10 r her to torn the Soy inward.. awl. N.. "'moor raid than d n .,. Being all crek end pi... Steed the best Rooi.lwd M..." 'Mb 1... a toe*. mompeonottehip-most fro. now their happy seclusion to Inhibit their ''.'"r the rotor, 11 .• h... 1....... K.... , look him in th le Tide den.. Ote noed the. her G% aecustomed t o mill pas, i t ar ao th e n in the English market. end he wa. fluently in hie pe se i oun i e I , s ,. h e will break beauties In the glen of public notice, and, ,'• r••••• *l.l".•edeng sod mains erve of I o t, d o or o f elm mill owl gave the elan. I but the work of • m 0.1.11 1, 1. let the ma- ..n at the 1...1 or on ootoooi,o b0g.... ow.) , In.e t h e arena of his barring m o ld l oo p. 0,, kite tee, afterward to pariah 11,. r ". 1 •1 6". of .ten... 1 •• Fly' fly "'the •hrieked to the eloil.l. thine.. A brisk brew. wbith.loramg .1 , rand 1".....ed of Itsmtwomith. Co. he wa. .ti 1111 l 10 come end bale,, to the inkjes a l l e unpitied " ' :Slight again 'hem down over the meow , I her master .% 111.1. le, a. woo. are years SS it "ore, by th e • p ee i e i i n h tepoe i t i un e t pi mient Si eromendeal elow. lIIS COI, Ow I wi l l It will bewilder him at Irak bon ------- ---- - ...Yen and the penenger !afield. a sin. lola. thiwoody Wing within sight of her .Drorblee., at once sot the mool. 113ing - father of r li..bert, greatly moneted Won.. it will oot lon g: anti then think von tlow I A CUR'S,. SOUS %Ilya -The Frankfort s, le ..... 11 . 4 et the tehol sod wend. 1° Fly: Sy to thy 10,1,0.! Iv. . thy life! The arms o f the l i e ge eog ioe whirl e d round • and bersme • e ery riO most lie was al. an iolle banishonene will eh.. the ' d that eorreepondent of the loosioksills Journal in 1 ,•••r after hoop, .ie eibeet. Month • Toll him ...hall all be murdered au' he wi th fearful r•pi.lity ; th e great wheel re. • men or Vest iorooity. tool is ..,edited h.. been used or yeare to an equal etnn• his letter of Honday, two... the p ow ti o . tenon. a Tie ...Mono. whieh Hen ever, est , haste not heck." trebled 011 its oil.; the smeller gear turn- alt the boreohor rat pointing &Oleo. with . mullion The child, who was at play h e n ,. ...led, tweaked hod groomed. areordong se they the pattern engraved on a copper revoleing,• weak dallienue, ate ...bog them. nt I who . Paris, Ky., in the followieg ex- : TI,; nun ken. waltinpr of t roles of Idww„wk no . .... yin , k „ ';,,, t .„ ~...10.10 tutu Whoa, and the NW was le hill eyliorler-intpre.orog the pattern on the 'sett, and the march into th e noy .taros ot • : The blue gran mi. was th e - nrrie.,„...... 4 "int of th. woo er tho ' monde a lb. ber m gith sped SR fiss es hie .... 1 .. t I elooth wide'. I. fed bete.. It eel umber' knonlvdtro. 01,! no, lady"! Inhere non-' .ene, on Wednesday! leek of so anuntelout .1..., ....",....... end *8P."... M. 0.- 1 . „ b , b It wee in teat very Intent that the rot , cylinder eorered with • Wank.. This was of True not your inSuorde to math light toed tragic oceurrelsem 11l ie the orre trag- .. son." ..". h.. 0. 1 .....1 I. luny lees winter terry Lino t o roe y o ;which he knew his 1 .... trow id ~,,,,,,,,,11. I/either had eueleeded In squirming! an improvement fur great sped ow Link !fetters. Credit not the old fashioned al. ie.. h.mose the pri .eipa/ sear OM metre.) ..""e• 1 . 11, in she ...leg 1 . 1 .11..1 of . himeelf in through the epernure In the printing; but the styles of block prink.' : sway the, ....w e i e e ... e t., lot- lis • woman. Ke it remembered. al that the little guide before him. Ad an, with front and liannehen abetted hint ob. I so, i Ward and inspired bit little heart to. he ran walk and getting ably lodged In the i.e• long and suerteeefelly &emptied with ill'dlo I miodelering in the neeoweiti. of her lord ehe ...yes le Pe ll neisty, a n d Is , ne we 5,..... • . 1 .411. doubt. Mil his nip on. .. Mess thee, boy, bless thee!" she ex- 1 i rigor of tbe groat drew wheet His dismey. er Mode, Ind only for the •11thethith tow- ••• •••••••'. I. I. • higher ~.tiny) I mould es much reepeeted so eon lady la Parse-; word., to a preterinette., OW ; . i elabsed in the e 1.... b. he.. " Wel i0n..... ''''' I ,,, r •g• '"''' ' ' ". .."•• ha be' f rah hette... the Onto. and their employ., award pls. If sour immortality ia an coup Key her good name lo o m nothing by her men', H.thi •nd gb...... in time I win elf. up a tap, on the altar:S . "b• whir..." W. in e.** l .l. I weld 14111 be a god and exteesive be- I pine es Fror gift of mind, at seeable ae rivalry sod eenjugd alfeetien Three . ,A,...,._.1..." 11th i• ••• 41 .14. 1 .. ed 0 - ,of our blood Lai; at Kreisberg, by , lad Lund that all hi. admit. pat a oto to.. In Broome bleak minting is terry own, I would skarn pm to water the latt a of a holly notation meat into the house i .... i".. ~.....11 , ... h. WOO fer!...., I Been. I to the powerful moblory whin met i on quite rate...hely. /1, i. Matti ideet dying bed, and give it a healthy olterv. of • gesdkoan la Paris, K,.. and olted ......... .• VW ._ r", ,___ .... ," _ b .. b ... b b . lb .. math" an to eetataal himself from I. air Robert P.fa father orotund the .... and ern its Wavily •• lb. see • and then his win when he wee, avowing their butd. ; lend. rising Me a rind in the hornet... 4 . 11 1"7.7,":"...""":......, i rk ) perilern siteation.wen. trekker. HM aloe net of making &W. paste. fro. • a perso. 1 roe may hop., that when yoerlife is hood two 10 be to the Ike op ad whip him for .. 1 .• .... ......h. MM. MTH.. ~ .1 the ... 4 ~..n . C ., her .. b . tb . s . b . were MIAS appetite' ; his Ariake ore met .tad 0..... fe. tonly4.• dams, sedl with motto, yon will go se equally. end rimming nee of their mulatto Anew She light hose at the moor. of the Iterbmt. I, happy tivilveneee. truly Morel; hie ones end bepreamito net, he mind Illy thomend Oros tho eri.lll a fellowehip th at h ut gu y e d. eh ., seh il e d ,i., h e wee i e id e oho Th e p ..., the ,afros and the chemise red the gi t ie. , .. Theak fed ^' she eitelabod. "for .... b.. 1 1... B. h... saw out of Y. This pane Is printed we're/W.ly latertet. of anti she Mimed the. Men the An.. 10 8 ma. • eighe d Joy, awl h• Wm. des this ono. Ole, the deadly Milani noll Ilesumobeit Mutated to the epee, end whit* .I.lh. the eleth Oho dyed, nob eller. revolved, mod plaited sir. sisll.4 sul al*. mei NU •••• •••lihyr. food of him to." saw hem rap e like s NOW es he won weds ...b.d. *do. oil Moe P. O . whish sir Dr. j. Ir. m oo . o r w o w' el. Ow a the •••• Ow a Oils sod pie -1 .A Am h awk p. e . 1 1 4 rhe a h h e l h er lin on trap. It need tout be added, she: h••• Imo ......d "II". P.M. MT*. city. on Thengley last, empeuted We leg 8 d 1.1.4......1 .the 1881 " . ..L . ° 11 ....... - „y .. A.., I n h u e s, .. b e g •.,.. did not liberate hint fibe bow that he i Odts-M• "b. sod 8 . 80 ••••••• ..ii../tre a laborer, disartleelating the hip joist, .....d• 8 111. 11 . 1 mord. , Tim lair. how the I mi. w, n o h o 0000 so b., •.oat would be more frighteeed than hen, if be P. 0.... . end rosnohm the nth. IMO in a PIG ..„ _,...... ad . „....d____,„l lo . oB . oBB ff.__ ..1 1 . 81 ...._ __,,..." ' made kw at woo slot M ber Get. ore kept within his non prism. sad I p. s gea . -Ke who hee a high fan! over 80 mooed. In tweedy mivedwe'Ng• 8 ....,_ •••• " . _,_,_,__ ° 5... 8.. ` .. __7" . .., i o Meant Mahal" she beard Ides elt. .1.. lien. WA solos h. stw.„ Ped I. will Imo hie eye. emier It, bud will So ell , mane ore applied to the toles anise di" B"" •••"..., 8....." l *". B 'l sheet. 0 eeleh the ehild and ems Metter 11.101... tha w... so dog. .1 "Wane.. the days of Ma life. i without the lees of more nen half s pied Mod him. Ti. emend was met by the ! Imu OM. Coma hither I Ming the hey'....ills too sbOeh he .... losostbk. I He we hes • log on, Mil have the of hind. The patient threegh the *per- •••••.• awg • bk. with de .... 1 . 00 .' Mee, sad kill the girl." sod hbaslnsi• slid. wink Is the ........ were to Mow and se easy em to mull. lento wee an d s the biros of shim. 8 ... d.°l° with "a 60 ", a Bb• f. 1.- Mrs glassed up As sw this the nail ..... mood • 81 . les . 8 .4 . 1 Ile KW is hold will h••• s• 10,k-Isa If I s . mod no smelly •••••••‘.... Thiel h." •• " I." the 0 • 011 . and 1.. Idol from TIM the villas's load NA ••••••hii loSto4 . ai s d 1 ••• 4 . 11 . 4 he helmens le have they. is will ae. r. .is ...0.4 as7s ars =ll.• l•wdly Owe do Oak.. T° o 1 . 8 . 6 . W." MI imbed le ems gee le do disissis,wal rs•• 1•••• MP nem wilik sk lg.& the held rises. ... h e ... a , i i. b., irsr husband ori food him temellieg MO On linked anziessly Kim her IMMO a- It.l wil t0.... 018 84 0.. ni• ad he wombs who lave whims wisksurs will ssiresis rem. &Mg_ .• _ sh• she Wall m len. ille Mine le es& Yam Ti. lb& ousroww MM ow hip P•mh• 11 .• OA I. Ina be• •• Iwo il• Uwe is GP Illaillsoloyeleshisswilsr Om, sw ilis Wed mi l emisoss's hod as dillbss. wsksmisi. boms, sad ohs dm& •• 11, al h• eV sil the Foggia et heaved. owl he bilissul, limy sea Wass silks* Ormilsof *Mimi arrived la Vises in es* s• .94••••• 1 01. 11 0. sisissd, sod IMO sy M KM dens we s hies imm West wid some ell We Breen Of IA MI MAIL XIV Se tit., the WI ahem.. • • sie le idissieg WV businsd 0.1.1111 • •-,,_ ;SJmyQSw"~. MAIM. To& Moral. M 1.31.0.• I I mII • Seen= et Hume ohR Dews my mother . * pnl. cheek., the wmn Wm. I mere .mum. )4,10.101er knolL moat. pmmPg tm.k ~. In. brow The ehmenare dark lecke—well I keel, he was ertrahard The groef erlach he fell, hat cal smelled to Front Au temple I heard the eureet anthem as getutug. roc the letobt of hot deck row the shepherd * . ht. Vol* , ; Whtl• thOlf ep.nte deep tutted with the taugele leer* btrod.og. I humid they thought of foe absent from then. A dream, ono I.g doe.am wLelLar vr.lkiog o slo.y.uq. Lad too whoa Nem millgkht .1 Wendy krrpng Wry de Mar•llll.4 Ines ip Iruun y mr.r. In fancy I fool thAaud sum of that moth, My Vathor's low Lieu og dash. lorahey uroh OY oty Wear tho warm!neatly of that Wood ouly Bruner My .pint mill nrJ..LA .1... r sp...la em,,,,, My bwart.gwohon, kihrol.• ilhe Itl. ptut theuzlit of that lahasrul •Mould Ikenv.n. Inn Emil as well futluoin of pp - • ii..... be., • all. lok it pm... 6 They soy my boort id icy cold, With ourfaco warm and impact Cad, 'tooted iutitcoptoloo orool mould, With b.e demi deep holJou lbmM • They gay my ayes do falsely Inman. %Vita lara's era bright alt.:lmam% ray Ad Ikea my ma.. du anftly Cala•Lau arse wedh ahem to play. Th. carol... word/ wlr leh ath•—• voi. I am) , ova me.. froe so ; 0r... loom.. now dlocurorell Th... mom* etoprouool; am to ploy. Awl the e& I *peak when num .veer., They'll ttearoe believe toy 'tome...true Dial yet they Int, tech one to hr.,. The. lure, aud doubt. etul bast iw too‘ , Bin owold they ow wotlitlraw fig Winch eletwly shreede Ogle Waco; heart, Deweit with tonetentetion pole. Wonld own ill.t there elm hell 'no pert. Or who Ur ..r Char look hr. woo Of deep, of pure. abohog Or who that tier S. mow Imo token, I=l My miles foriMal charm dn Wm, Mod out to ma ono heart nesy. Of thoss who sow ..cawou, I.ot it'ea t. Iwo mo thought away. My We wont. .f.mirthrul glee, Spoo•Is••••• eon. sad sorties• fan„ Widmer • Owen door h... son bo s•ght r lama, and es maall. Ad h. the end be whin it may, Ys• mamma '• osolo roll deny,. Wish IN Mat lake en • to ploy. Or with fake ll* env* nil rites. Owl Saw sill yet 1a et naval, TM ialsis. the akar, lan whom sods Asa yes •hb staball kw* sad fr.l, Tbs 4 faasa••••• raassl smy yeetb. Ma Mahal. NesllllS. Ibso. C 1,4.141116. Slitairaltimum. ?Mee k 9 Web mill Mae MM. tic. hmak M Uaat mar tic. RUM .Len, I Yemen the riMpe of WM.. sal Um!, ...h. Mt Mak below his.. TIM.. Me he lam km he ems et MUM% es a them neeniny, aga. keg', age, that sM raker of this Ma amel Mak had, w.e. tunic to hear ha hey am ea the mama han► h. she Whigs et Tbe Mg which area .ho km milks% area MI la gunge M ...n... enediumea ilaseehea en Jeany, hem his. Me and will ink la that ..poly. A. What ehtink at as aw kit he thank k her Mug. Mewls.. TM ski mu Welly employal I. lamm ing 411~ hew mara et bar hum sea bre Way. Men MN MIMI Mem ell el a miniate,bai as aid makers el 15.., maid Zelad.b likitaim He me.. Yh =rhUmr, Mem ha NM. bid he ik beam Ina Maui 5..,, mill all eke imishis gemenle, et her my ..l' --- -- - —.— JUMBO 41V AWIVIIMIVVII. . , - 0 1 I. Q __ _ , • 15.4 wits. • • V' 0.. want. 3 omits. . . • ll SI , ( Ull * P trLi (Ivl[v 111 ,C I 1 II 4l cictiita. 0.......0...........). Waal.. LI M. •• a C mamba . . . . 4 .... 11440144 (to4o. 4 two or low . • $ 1 "' Yeady Adoottaoserto me nor • .sprare T t. L.. - -_- - =, „/ .--, G -- 21 /---.- 1 0. *Wane. oat yew, ...Is 4, '''-, , . Yowl, A4vorOoons MN lo novolati to Oa 1•••- it:r4cdp Ttelaittro,llmtuatrz , Olsaingtivret. ZiacrEcs, VOLUME VII MONTROSE. PA., TIIURSDAY, DECEMBER 10; MO. 'lraillattp. NUMBER 61. sums 1. *phial tb-y newt. Iflfry Tim Publo•Mrs. hewing Hwy seeidsne“ .1441 Prim., MaterWls..n ponvereil le W Mod..( Jul WORN .11\ amour. mad 4.- BIWA. 1 •.• BLANK!. of q.v., ilsoeripies arinostly en Inoul, or plated t 'Net Noe et irem Smith Lq., Libserise *be Lepel*. Litrnsf"linisee eerie OA the men pebliebed is sbe Meta &sem ebb a tine bey. sloe &Auld es ib. IweeAo.gAfWiM. ma wing. They revs be eildemed se free of pose,. 111 rr• anemia this bp glom R. ery i •seye - .hair ...bar sod Amp. lose viii fere ea km fee eserbe and .Fair enereedetiess abed. sad Key en 11 0 1 • 0 essby added , f!M;aEi;l;=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers