--n- - . tad to the jail yard by tames hone the lAs soon at Capt. West bed conducted' List of Premelmumeb commove@ at 2 s'eheek P. M,, oa Thursday, Sheriff, beside the dime in stdeadame. Miss Lind to the gangway, the rush oom• The Soneeehenna County Aglieultura the 3d day of tk. Feb. The whole number of eoantables anti po• ennead. Mimi Ahmaneen, (companion and s Society Pr•••^ls the r• 11•91.8 Premium' HENRY DRINKER, lira oaten on duty was 125; 26 emote- cousin.) with MVASYS. Benedict and Ballet',) List to e.mpetitors at the annual Show to THO'S JOHNSON. Lies and 29 polio* officers were statioaed at followed, and all four took their seats in, he held in 31entrose on the 9d Wednesday .. THO'S NICHOLSON. several points on the inside, and 75 were the carriage, clinging to the wheel. end 'of September octet: Ex. Coalmines. os the ground outside the prison. i crowding about the windows, cheering all 1 For the best BuEthrm years old and Montrose, Aag. 22, 1860. Rev. Dr. Putnam arrived et the jail the while with an enthesioam net often I upwards, 65 .._ -.. ..._ about 71 o'clock and immediately proceed- *roused. The multitude outside began , For the beet Ball over 2 years old, 5 Ws radial, by norpown, Um foltowing lid et tt ad to the prisoner's coil, where devotionel to press against the gates, which were un-iFor the Best Mitch Cow, 5 Grand Janos drawn to scars at Nomura. Tenn. o.reises were held. I bolted in all haste to prevent being forced Second Beat do. 3 Thelon probibithog Me ehontlanao strait seism 111r. s rebster was in the further corner ,in, rthen they tumbled over each other, and' Best 2 year old Heifer, 3 xpakee it thetrapociol *ay of all yam. donna to, aell on the right, no the lower floor-of the ' came near producing a horrible destruction I Best yearling Heifer, 3, nom ae Greed .111.11, IS snow I. proper farm' moth-eastern building. of life. Jenny Lind looked remarkablyjßest yoke of working Oxen, 5 to the Goan sty mew er mow Imams by At 9/ o'oloek 13110TIII Eveieth summoned l well, and although not posseseati of any 'Second Best, 3 them te have violated ha prosimiosa Than au to the rear office of the jail those gentlemen i vory great personal beauty, her Weetures Best yoke. of 9 years old Steer.. 3 an. draws &wild Donee this fact dad preen who he had requested to be present es wit- l ees very regular, and she appears very pro-!Second Best. 2 theineehre. accordingly. , ones, and there read to thorn the order of, possessing in her manner. She wore a Best yoke of 2 year. old Steers, 3 Mot of Grand larettre, what was to follow, together with oho du- pale blue talk bonnet, covered with lace, a : Second Best, 2 1 Drewe to terra at Nemeder,Terte, 1850. ties devolving upon hie several Deputies elate colored dress, trimmed with girep, nod Best Stallion over 3 years for all work, 51 Among the names of the witnesses were 'and a brow,. broad-eloth cloak, faced with, Second Best, 3 Auburn-Harry Carter, Suomi Tombs- ( the following : B F Edmunds, Philip !velvet. , Fur the hest pair of matehed Horse. bury. . Greeley, IH. Wright, Isaac Adam., J i It welt with difficulty that the earria gel cubed in the county, 5 Brooklyn-Navin L. Meek. Put Bradlee, It Ibort Cowdin, Peter T. Heswas got to move, no dense W. the crowd :See ad Beet. 3 Ili idgewater-Levi Gnernaey. ; mar, Wm &Mauler, Henry 11. Hooper„ about it, hut it finally gut ender way, and' For the Best Long Wooled Buck, 3 Choconut-MichaellYN.l, Mel Heath.: Thomas (till, John T. Hoard, John Bealn,;droire rapidly toward the Irving House. -iSecond Best, , 2 Clifford-P. W. Chamberlin, Jacob 0. 1 William Baraicsot, J. T. Croaker, Joseph There the exeitemenemes quite . great as Bast Merino Buck, 3 Cuddebaok. Smith, Osman Brewster, Benj. Adams, B. it bad been in the divots. A magnificent Second Best, 2 Dionick-George Walker. slety . P s v e r r e i . tr N . e i w . tl a A. ,.. Th t it . inpzol ie... suite of s a i i t t e ar w tle . n b te nr l: l l 3 l , been prepared for Best ion of 3 Long Wooled Ewes, • et that they had assembled by invites ... 3 Forest Lake-James Terrell. 3 Harmony-John Budget... John N. Rol them, as she was obligud 'il e ° T w e ' r d y tw re to in - 18 B e e o n o t e p d en Be ti a f t 3 . South Down or Middle' nolde, Silas F. MeKnne. den from him an lawful witness of the ex- meet. to go to the window to acknowledge' Wooled, 31 Hare ord--Jacula Clark. eoution of John White Webster for the ' the the cheering of the crowd Large number* Second Best, 2 Herrick-Samuel Bennett. mime of murder , for whiol, lie had been of people, altiefiy permed sequainftweee,' Beet pee 01.3 Merino Ewes, 3 Jackson-Nothanietffiaerle. • 000vieted cod seetenced. Ile detailed to ,called poat her iti the coon. of the eve- Secunil Bent, 2 Jcsoup-Joaathan C. Sherman, James : them the order in which the pt,ewolidgv id ig About Mideight the New Yolk Mu- Beet Boar, 3 . Waldie. would take !dace, and a:pressed Ilk live Weal Fund Society gave her a serenade, Second Beet, ii Lathrop - Reuben Tewksbury. that the utmo s t optiet owl good order be when, it wan e.itnate.l, mottle to enty thou- For the Best Breedir.g eow, 3 Montroses-J. T. Birehard. maintained, an consistent with the solemni- sand people surroulided the bowl She ap- Secoed Best.2l New Milford-J. P. Harding. ty of the owasi in. IL It .pod that , he peered repeatedly at the window, in answer Ilene lot or - Fowls, Cock and 2 hens, the , Springville-George Lathrop. should not hear any loud talking, not ato cheers. After the serenade. • committee latest work on poultry Silver Lake-Charles Locke. TOille during the privet., of the pr.ced- of the s ch.ty, beaded by Mr 11. C. Wat- Boat and greatest variety of vegetable , . Thomson-Edward Warner. . legs. ; sett, waited upon her, awl tendered her a raised by the exhibitor, liz idgman • ' 1 - Nrcyo the Jail offise, the Sheriff, sup- hearty we coma to the United States, to' Clersiner e Assistant. gra Nrrefo : dr*A ma MI T tr.. ye n .. of .e. ha n er. Ow stntr. . p or t e d by Deputies Rugg and Freeman, I which Me replied ins few brief and broken Per the heat tub or firkin of Butter . . two se rms.. or. wi wow.. , ...win we - I I II , 11 , ,., ....r . .. ,, t1r , 1 . 11 , e , .... , l!t , e . :. IX Vt .. , 11 ,4 . 11 . ..GL1 . d . d...t . t : I i10 . ..,........= . •• Ito4t . r . r t . :,../: Fa, ar .. ..... ,,:r 0ww. , 4t . , ,1 t1 !. ......7 . 1 i proceeded to the prisoner a ea( billowed by words.. She was tic idkwed te 'Wile to made in the month o f J uly, not lem, the witnesws and o th er deputies, where an 'rest, which we have . doubt she greatly toad 75 Ilia. ( I WWI or Newfield. Tarantula county. S. Y. Yo'ill="=Tatt: - .=7,";!..1,;,„t ee „,,,,,1 impressive and eloquent prayer was offered , needed. Second Beat,eve a bah. the... Penni 0.0001.. um e n 14,... nog 24, by Re, ILA Riley. Mr. roverva Tots- .....,,, ee . t Te,..1.1..th1 e On rumen a 3. 1 ..... i by . Rev. Dr. Putnam, Ito being the only of- I illorenicias.-31iss Lhel will go to spend, Bent firkin of butter toad° io September, , ise . Janos, to Mm D. Aso Darya, of Lasso - mita are w swine.. to wr floating clorgynion present. No other am- , a few - days at the residence, at Fishkill, of ' pot des] titan 75 lbs., 2 ; bore Tbr Ith eta fur rho lata • neat.. ...alb a vices warn hold. The prisoner, during; G. G. Howland. to whom alto hod letters S. 011,111108( 1. s aws. slit be hew at ihe saws or °o we . ewes,. inlayer, was in his 0•11 in • keeeliog 'Joel.. front the American 31inister. After that For:the best Memo, not less than 2011 w. 2 . PODS • wis roo non mitt Ow labia sso s tent to an. tseastde ne mow.. wit w hat at thvbeuse of !ar a b Iteelabe 1,1011. she will Belt 3lr. Barnum's, et Bridgeport, Second Beet, 1 to New %Word, on .21at raw.. I' %TU. la 1.. ....vont. After prayer we had an epportenite td The Willer !1011, where Jenny land is to For the beet er mof Winter Wheat, net , / t en, Waugh. We. L. and Mhael Jane Ilea- r l,',l . ,: r ;=: • tWaLt4l:: ;;; 117 .12:,-= I see Prot.,. W, biter in I,i, yell 1% e had ,iog, will n..t. 1/0. flhislltsl Until the Ist of less than one acre, ..1 wele, ogee oe. yew . 0110 o ,sit ow twenty. as lay Oen nn. stems/. is oisesn.7o.oro..sens. not looked upon him niece the day he tons I WWI. It is very spacious and will Co. Secood lint, 3, dm data Nana ....11. held at moo h.. font rrrr r AN N . entente.) Ito WAS go ally altwe I ...rib° •ily accotnewilote four thousand persons.- For the hest acre of Spring when, 5 I.ntla Catharine, than wow lovely,ln sairlase.l,, b e ttor. Wo ne• er aAW IL 111 wo healthy Ily ao ingenionv .I , rooponmit of tos binery, Second Beat, 3 Pr aw la. use row . . awns., blown, Tle, ans... Owe Sheen enen t re, att. lave... Dot the Ivind of death rennw.d thee .t.,,==.4.... Itrw at tar tow* . mow arose. Inking man than he app, arid to . His ell the chairs an I bunches coo La hoisted Best crop of huh. corn, not less than From am proww. ata th. lamb. eounteimuce was tieteli morn plea-01,1 th.t in • • few moment, t-• Gni - ceiling, and the I acre, 5 i . J ., 4 7. st r itwi roe ttn . bler. e i son.e . 4l : :thetuveohl . : _ ._ ' hua,e'filreVy. orcrµlealy .717.1711....11.,1=Z:e. when Las was Ilp.lll Ilk trial. hall eleareillor iheein,; Tho proprietor, Second Best, 3 'IT ''M SVici i'T.' :J.% r nix tra.:o. , r 44....-4 Shorty after, at 9g .) o', beck, lie/ . Sher- Mr. 'eripler, ittlet.d, to exit onl live thou• Third do , .• , ____ , - ' or r ir ''.7,1,17.t: I:L.l==V.: "-:.7.."' iff Evelmli, attett IA I.y Deputico C duns, • titil thin.. in doceratiug the interior.- Bost crop Potatoes, not lens than 1 acre, 5, Anditara l Notice. ILowone. Freeman and liege 'Mr A oboes, t. Jad- Nr , Y. Em. Pi if Best crop of Bute Bags, not lees slew / ~ mme gb enitere beam lass r l sse....ita. b. tbr „,I=',7,,raitt,l,Va'=`,..,,trlV'''''l.;" or. 31r. Hobo,. the Toll, •v, tvnl the' acre. estimated 00 lbe. to the bushel, 3, t setneworn Nita arousal a raw. A. berml., de- , ~, ~,,,....,.. ~,,,,,,,,,,,. ...... a . ' ..• atr leen. am eader 0.1 an ellt an* at. The Mentes few the SIMI. eneyeal aOn ton. prmaner, aceempa 11ed by Dr Pow., eerie , ~,„,,„„, 8 ,, i „,,,, aa „ me Former.. and M• • Beat are of carrots, not less than / acre, 2 ; .issist4 the said ey s tlemeet. et Mao asa aA. C.. ~,, ~s s 5 ,,,, ~,..„...,,,, ~,,,,,..,.........1 , out and *wended the !Lavin of the eel:- ,vhem -, livt. I mw It • \• i • .ri . or '."" 1 ... Best 10 yards of flannel, 2 sr: tr ttss . ..rr , .., ,, ....useear the la Jay. Oetelsv' ~„,=. 7. ,,'. ~.,,, ~.,,,,,,,,... fold, ti e p11.1....1, ...king 1,., p , ..ii.e. e l .. v.-.. , ...•. 6. d , ....... , n- P . ...". " r " . "'" 118.1 10 yards Woolen Cloth, at ;wdow ~ n w ite. 1, el, ..7...t.... 1.1.,.1,,...p. "I" " AAm ........ ,‘„,,,„,, wit:40,117.7 t7..17. tgv::: - ...tv" tv,.! It. drop. er. tuna:, IN ~.i i ii h tioteh. NV. Gapes... heat 15 Y. o l. Wool°. CeePet, 2 Pe s t I. 1.3. T. TS.IOI, I . limbeesle Dr, Putnam immediately tottered ioto , Beet worked quilt, 2 Books I Books ! Thr a t 1. the Shirai ewes* w eal 11....ta1s I foldr, at Dna, .11 br MAJ. the he. sai by Jae - - - .11...1.... In nil lea,. earnest c mversation well Prof. Webeter,, For the greatest variety a flowers, a 4 now awe. , - .... -, .......... ............ 4..; The snots.. the Ma l . araml a thr toseable I and continued to dI so through 1110 readiol , . 4 % ,,, V•L,FAU , , .• , work on the 'abject. it we wows. in tw •es Ana weer ....,.ften - ar ins 5....50n at . heave NJ.. Ws** Nor, Lei., awl Colo Tel., a ...P.'s. 1.11.1 ' In sal ave.* th,, Sheriff, 'if .4 , 5" , ./"..4. , .... . """'.7 •'-""."". Finley articles a every description will 'l,4'it A J. LVONO • coos , vs ,. a 5,„,,,,,, , i ,....,, 5e . „,,,,,., s oc , i ,„,,„,„,„„”; a the G ivertior's waritrit by rat Society and until Jailer Andrews stepped forward el Ole Imo ali • a be gladly received in order to add interest, ~, ~,,, „ ~„ ~. „ ,„.,,,, ~,,„ ......„,. ~.. r .. a uneniasiuZ.Lon w ..bea IS .It % . Vlll be , l:Jdat..)lont , rus .. . I'a ~ ,, , T . . .1. : ,...:1e. t.l. Pd. Cie legs a th e mimeo., whoa the', to the exhibition, and their uteri. noticed 8 reel was s 4hialwas ' 'RAO. er." WS. '.77„,....„1...,...z ~,„,,,,,,„„..„,..„.1 It wt.. th pa( It .v Me. Pam. affection- ,u•y,•". • ""!'''...:!.., 1 ". 1 ' 1 ," • 11 .' l Jrl. hy o s p oe j a i ... m im e . Th. ffi reca si ca ~‘„,,,„.; i„,,,,,, ..„„„„ ~,,,,,,,„,„, ~,„,..,„ n0 r a,.....=.2ze551.....m. Wyly ave r ted 10, ately by tho hood, bade Lida • 111 W earthly "' :". 1 1 4 •'''b• . • 1. ".". 1 , . . (, ionmittee would have great 'demure in 1 , ,,w4t,::atett 4 e.,...em rem's. 71,17,,,er X s ,. Tlro 15... the Mat even t anst 5e110w1...04 farewell. exaresaial a! "%WIN time, stmt The " I '''''' . .T"'" i "' (-' '""'" U "'M'l"""'" extending the premium lint still further " „, a 11.... t. , .11 , se .1,1 at the ham ot the late wan„ Bk in i s g ust i ce .... , ..........,....,..7...-1....- ....,...............-....,„ 1,0 1 .0 Mitt tlv.y oh odd meet again has !lens -, eel I ' were it itt their power, but as it has been nr.l tens .11 he held ..• 11. bee. a Wham. MIII lu ' Neat Stock .-Wot. C. Ward, E. r; cilia, ged beyond all former precedent, it will na ~ .....vrin+ eowenratoe•m wee m y o u• • ~,,a,„„„i,; p • , ; s o alivei eel . sale a 11..• Snot t 0.... . -as The prisoner was dressed in a black suit, II theock, C J. Cowin. &peed on the support the modem may re- . 'in ," y 0.., i y, 0w ,,,,,,,,,,.. ~,,..„ „, ' s to. Wort.. mo bison amp* a O.*. . n . ~.„ ~,,....,,,,,,,,,,,,,, of ..., .11 be hal se an bee. at Itandei 1188. a. spp trently the Willi 1 .I, th ~ the. ho Wore 1 forsf4.-Duniel :Walk Diliin Justin, ceive ew a further axtension next year.-, tet ','..;•.". ' '• •• 7 .• ''''``• „ 4 „ „, 4 ,,,,.. alma. ... During the vial. N. C. Witmer. .tpplicanta fur premium. on Winter and i7,atosa w e t n, tem me wwww twyss oisiew asi t sow arias t0n0... 1 1100.10 On rr u TTTTT . et Lou... he had al the too. od Wow a Ilea 1e.... lloolottly otothNiffa Hogg sod Yreentot, ad- Nice,. -Win. Vain, Ain S Tiffany, Eli- Spring Wheat are requested to give the,- um ern. AMY.. www.t. li t ete..l the rope at just '..1) etieutes to tee sha Williams.oots and Shoes ! ....d. a eehi..the. ~.., full. Ti The land 1 i ~„ ~,.,1„.., „.„‘„,.. , „ ‘,...,. „„. 1 . 4. !! ., 1 ' 7 1,.. :! . ' .. ::::::' , : . :F 1 . 7 .. een . :: or tto 1nv...1. , .. n, " ,... 7 . 1 .'"` .... :1 11 . ..... 1 ........ . , a 1.11,a. ..10, • hel. the 5e1e.......... the era . ""." 1 " ...'.. T """"" tit:l...k. 1 Stl4ll/. -Abel Coesedy,Stoph. Barnum, be measured with . °haw ...d compass and , .........,......,,,ontaw,oss stisr . ...mmto „„,,„„,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,K • .„," 1.... ~,0 0, 0 , , Trail n e 55,......„ ~.„-,T i ,..r.r.. w. , Be. e tha cap sea t ill as it to er hi. ey es It „l i my J ewe vi , the soutane to give a certifimte of I. cur- at dmvt test. ' .. .V.i7,:::t4' n ''"" "'"""'' ..... t .... ... li.roso="ittior, .towrar v amonor. sa t ., be shook hands a ith Dike Altar...SS, Mr. [lnner and Cheene -Vann S . Wile iti, my. The amities. and one other pc Brigade Orders-4% 1. T. 11 1 n.".. lne ar tat... a ..I".. .. tile 0 . ...., . W .. r•., • '''''..... ''' . ..... 4, 1111/ ales, and last w ith the Shertlf and Ik on , L a th r ,,, S. ii, 5,,,,, who a,,isted in Larvesting md metWu r r ' it7! eremite...wit seem NI the'lwahett r ....,:rl,., ..-... ..- , ----.• thanked Groot ler their kind treatment to' Pulpit* and Vegetables -Wm J. 31u1- the crop ate required to make affidavit fir ", z .„.. z . 1 ,,,., ! , :; ,. 17 .. :. , ; ,,„ :z ,, .... it ..„ ;= ,.,,,,,,...,....,_ ..,...,..,.....,.....,, ~....,;, ,„7 :4. ..7 .72,, .r e .,,,„„„,„,,,,,„,,,„, him. Nil, )1 S Catlin , Lathan, C who., , uffirmation to the quantity Of Wall, reWed. roa r . nNo r a Mal ar•.,011 he 1,01.1 et tbeTuebra Sawed einote, Sheriff Eveleth Moo said A Vit . ithlo7:l horionents and articles of , Premium to be awarded in January. A• a 7,a1 e "T.,.',..?",,,,".7,P=ti.';",5"..""r5e e , r a r 1.i'... - : 'Vt.' :;:',47Ziorths nowt. woo n ow.t or rto tom s , avietot 111.1namin. Ws Ewa... .• In the name et the ComitioliWeAth 01 Mechanical Inzenuilq -,1. G. Bur dot I, rIiCISIMS for the premium on Indian C r te, ar a t.o.r oto ye at I 0'.1... t. 1,1 . for 8.1.0. of TN ittlfor.l, atill toe Itel,l at ttisloonwootaty ...oa s t..., A ~.7,, z r.,t, , L7,.,,!rx........t 1.. .. tr:r. “ ...,-,,,,,.........,.,.„,,„....„....„,,,.. tare by Yu,. t , LIST w mo wow.. Massaeltusette, an.l i. nee ;rd.. with the Wm 11. Boyd. Geo. Frick. „,,,, 0,,,, 4. '1,3 4 4 4 4 amm w a th e ,h.. 1. ~......... ..,.,.,,,... ~,, uu.r , , Tlle :Ul l a. ow Lti ....:L . , ...r.... ~ , . 7, . Le'r.:4::','l":,=='..."="l:V.l'"'' I Warrant. of the Chi I Emeutive, I how, bc- , four .Irfroles -3fi..'nuann•Jelaism, mode 14 euluration. The corn to be slit4l- ~, ss „„,„, ,„, .. ~,, y , ~....,j. ~ , a ,tept.,... ...I ...,,,,X,Z, i . ...r:„,., ,:t2 . 7„,:1;7 ... ' ...... n'e ow me mat we s ite oebore, 4.10 4. .14.1.. 4 ..... „.. I. fore theso nitnesscs pr:/ceed to execute the Mr.. Able Comedy, Mrs lino. Fuller. eel mid measured in a sealed half hneliel at - .....-. r. .......... I Slulere 1 . rat!. to las re. 5 ..,,,, a , a „..,...,,,„., ~, , t ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ...111:: .. ..7.Z.,..T ..t.......:111 r . L . 7 ;. .. t: .,,, Lt . 2 , 7 ,. ? . sentence of the law up. John W. Wain- , Domestic 31analuclures -31; s. John Lawson the dOth of December and 10tb rd. roar ." ' m "'" o '''''' Ao r,. pp... , . r•Tr".•...T. T". riT rr. ..".........*TT.TC.T r '''''' 1...... art . you .L ..., ~ 4, th.., 4. . ,Y. la rehl toseahls. rerb ss ere so 5.11. toter, convicted at the March to in of the llarriegton, 31i. Sarah Walker, Mrs. Abi- January. The land to be measured sindlar. '. , 0 .... ats,...r ~,..., ~..- . ... The Mist on tbe ar tsMa 1.e... the ...we „„ ...., •••• NIA P... Sup... Jedieial Court, ;if t. mu. der of jab Well.. ly to that of Wheat, and one or Iliblro per- . .";es, mite .1 nt.ree La., .II he bat at On bre. um urns.. Sy .....,,,Z.,...L . •,,,,,,,, , , „„ ii .„l .... Me ilea s tr. In .11,1 ameba. Dr. George Paikinan." Floral Erhihition.-Mrs. It J. Nime„ so. iu addition to the owner to make affis Dissolution. ..........,..,........,..........-..., Um 1im11.4 On 1 * . 1 . . 1 * * 1 . arraaw, we sea wn at the lassa sr./on...Ems,. , tIII , . u. II 11.. d o ...I This said, the She'll! placed his f oit up- Mrs I L Post, 'II Elisabeth Biddle, , devils or affirmation to the gather's% clean. i,....„„ ~,,. a ., ~,,,,„,,, „„ s ,„,,, isn i l a e .t.a le sald InenalS. Jo 1 ,1 An TM. as lAs do 11. on the fatal gorittg , a n d in att iodate more Cl ise Lydia Say re, Miss Julia Fee der . lag, awl measuring of corn. The eppliea- 1 n ow.. an ow ants. . hbletotwl al see eel ; .2,7=1:1=77.1.41e=b=up,..)jer tale : : ....: ..1: 1 : ',..1: tl , 1,3: 1: ;Z.! the victim cone Inottelted int, ebonite. He re procure the land and mats suitable non with the proofs • to be forwarded to the l'"'.""" """"""""" """`" "Ili. soh.. , enno sssaa . /.... M 05.... wbo rbatthotlrwo ". t . „ft u .,11' . ." ' '..," . 1,," 11 ti , . as ,e, woo. . 0 g ......0r or w oist or ben lerlee ilw too. so 1 lb. 1 t , t a no. tawe aw . 1, gave several straggles and all ens over. 'arraeserwelift for the pkurioog. watch.- lee by the 10th of In 1851.- ..www. . ).• • 1•••• «sasserstaw site et wean-wane no. . • . . ..." i" • . . tan After remainitig alllo thirty minutes, Geo. Fuller. David Post, Stinted Bawl. 'f he Society dues not intend to offer premi.. DM fi/TillT. , m , • ~,,.„,,m . ~,:„ , o s,,r,r , ~,,,, b .. „.„.„,..... nib's ~,,....., ... g.. I .....,ggliki...., seas Drs. Stedosan pal CI Irk pro ~uncut the , Mgr* 4 the meo's plowing . , nu/c/.- ums for crop s raised by unusual manuring, a . ~s es, s ~,,,,,b, me . m a nta *B . Non ' An e el s ~,,,,,,,,is s ele. se easamer me r s . , ,, NS T.r. body lifeless, of in was Insert 1 into • , Fwilerick Foster, Perrin M ells, H. P. as they are intended only for mops raised . 9. mem • time rm.! Wm * their N ..; o thla Nate or v"ol"t stato, or A N tottjgr . ...Br . rot T... roolartfont .. . all NI. ...1 8. 11.11 . 1.- 8 * . ra , . 8 .. war ..8. ate• .... anol align. Na 8 14.1.44i on., sr ....... t sorsa. o sinews. 0.. ee,ow a ,rya black coffin, node it, ili ,I back into the Lwaitin. upon the farm in he regular cultivation. wit ever wow hamar ranw ws tw tom. oral. to I Tithe. G a mow. .mittlaareet ar towoo l izatz p.w. i55......: .7 , prezzor. eat s ,. tt. s ea- Ire cell, where, ill the lull vigor of man.. Judges .4 the liey's plowing match.- Pomona senting agrieultural imples ' s et s .:l,7„,••'• g&T,,1„.7„ . t,r1 1 1 . '%,:,=, w „..'',:Vt a 1 5 =i,,,.77,:ta:1,=,,,,,,the , i pr i e i rr,•u,,,„,,,,,.; l • " •••• ` '''' baud, it hail but • Mort period before trod. ' , EW Gregor Robert Kent, Nelson Tiffany. manta or articles of mechanical ingeeuity or Ye ... rema. la ... IN. than wit 5ni5' , :tx . t.r.,..r , 27,41.4 , vvr.. 4 = . , ..= „..... 4 .... z, ear... a ...,...• It. will be delivered to the family this after-1 Retedved, 'ThM the Executive Commit- eal'ity. are requeeted to furnish the Seems ^ `,ll4= ',, e s, .. n e n:encase. ten. stew t es to,,v.eLsoces sr osst=nr no taso stsr i r.s.. rash:4er, arum..., um .1 na to. 1 noon, and without much ecrommte be ba•ltee be atithorixel to double the premium tary with • description of the article, the, rm.. it.:71 , ,......, ~,,-. 0 1t r,r4:2, 1 , :,;;,77.-7, , ,v.437=:t%.....................• I Hod at 3h.. Auburn, in the family vault.- ll.d by them to any pair of Oxon which ' print, and place where it eau be had, as it; '''" '" ' - - , Thus far wc have no knowledge that. there shell successfully compete with the Horee is intended top üblish a &owlet'. list of . NOUSE. surer: : ::: . 4=riorssieterss=sle sso c.a. Wanted *Men any other COulTasiat at. n 0 bare teams at the plowing match. Ithe articles exhibited at the Show for the iv = .., 7 ,. =r1 , := ,.., t.t.-,=,......,.. t .-- , -- 117 , 1 7 . 7 - - 1 . 7 . 1,. = 40,000.477,==.z...:::=7-...... ..;;; statemcal which he has repeatedly made, , Resolved, That the Society will haves, - tem., areem,mamen. au wwwww h.... el. i ...ie. nr,....: t r. aue .7,:1.50w an. pl e ee a Gaeta! lab a tale. r ,,,, that the law of Capital Puniehmont waslDraft Match for Oxen, to come off haloes Judges ere expressly requested not to glee' =,,,..."7,4=„r ...."`'' 'rt. r a tkEr... , !„... 1 . 1 ..,,.. 1 . 11 . 1111 .....^.^...... 11.1.1 .• L ,wain `n'' *wt ' ' right, end that he was justly • subject of &Moly after the Boy's plowing match. 1 eneouragennim to alerted animals-the ••18.1,111, WO. TiTt Li th:ll:ty'rraa .......etalMe at ale% *eel iolo 1:0 :II g: Tao Dra wr -Tribass. I There will be a plowing match for men; object being to ' have emporia. stook for teetwesimais...mumiwomena.tetWar4am: NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS!! 1”---- , >=7 ; ,.. , -0.^..... , --4...- WATER CURE' ;and one for boys not exceeding 15 ram I, In. ding. Appllicnlts_ . for prombrinis co so,. Peas , arl . laseals,bs On t 011...• . • ' 1411 111111, 'NIX 11411011. grx....1 .............., I I. 8,, • ilte MY arre. oor •• -• ...hay, Arrival ref J T hu r s d ay , -- -- 1. t Lind. iof age, on the 04 -my o the Mileh Cow most state the qwntity of milk „,, „ ~,,....,m The Atlantic come in eight of Saody Fair. The match for the men will eon, produced from the weir from th• 10th to H. Zo..7„7„.7:sornoZtri=sairer::ZZl Hook. about ono o'rloch S...lay aternoon; manes at 10 dein& A. AI H. and the boy. the 20th of Jena and from the let to the , e Pr . ! , OIO••• *of , ~ .1 ...... ...... . es passing the Narrows she fired • white, ' at 5 ...I".h P. M. 10th of September ; also, the butter meA• ir....7i.:Z=171:::11“4:r4: 11 7Z,:t which was won titer returned by some In order that the eommittee may be able during web period of ten days. The own ~.,,ra . ..1.,',...r. M r..*tet.w. p4 ee di e h y eee ,d e l y i nF at 4„,...„th, e . an d make all necessary arnogement• for the ,to be kept on grass, and the butter made - decorated with Seuedish emblems. Co.- plowing match, all thew that expect to be •' to be exhibited, with the whole statement' New Jewelry. leg o p th e h e y, Jenny fi n d no d her party wale competitors are wytested to hand in !properly verified. Shoold there be any to. R.V122,r4=1..... , ......" .. 7,4 VV..f n . t oo k a e l a ti on sae th e etet h net d w h ee l-h em ., I their name. to Ow. Fuller at least five dividuals not desirous or competing for thi• .....a....wf0010.0. owl .11 , ef:e....... if that they might the hotter observe the age- "„la Won! the tar; , premium, bet who have superior row, the r,l,l=L;t a ,...is."="libt==ot.. pr o .ine t o th e nit, wh oa th e chat' rant premium or alma plowing, 0,00 commute would he glad to rewire any ... wx, naan t., , ,ltt,...,...2=wwwww. r• neared her berth at Canal etruet, the wharf 8 .... 5 do. 3,00 „atlitofoent• respecting what they tare done, ' - streritiTiiii - i.fiii. 0,00 , in order to show the cepability of the e,oun; , t t „ t , n a, a t ee n........................„,„„ ....... .'"...... the homes, the shis, and the lamp poets M.o. boy...det 15 year. old. were severed with human beings, ...loaf Second, " " " 2.00', ty . . , ; Antra to, law to pt. a sight of the great of c ot of into- The Judge.' are earnestly requested toThe foregoing yregnitiMe, fOffpf those ow ~, mood na ___. rat. The Atiantie ran wet the pier Y, meet at Judge Jessup's °Sae at 0 o'clock groin, ',albs paid by the Treasurer on the New De ewe amt op, toned and ~,„„i d awn g,.. m ion the morning of the Show, in order that' report of the Judges being declared by tke! 11111146 some Adana°, and then glided s= into , they may at one. prowled to inednew ; and President. i II lat,ll,:"llLT...'^'=7 --- .„ ,„... her pi ano dame mil e ti, oe e l h e . ,it ie reputed that the persons appointed 1 The Committee will state that for the SO- I nilo.ood aro. .PM mod Op 11... 1 -. fore rho weld be made feet and the gang- !ad' P....t.a1t Al e n ant...that ...,..- ~....„_,_...1 . 4 1. . of F 0 0... 50 , that...Mk from '4..T . ,...0.7:1 - ....tr. • ........ r t. , 7, d i°7„, em. may t otieet e d. Ti n . w 0 0... crowd was wptanee of the Alen lo the mew thee is' a comae, SOO l ong to *lbw for ag la ......,__sto ode s. owes... obleh mu of .... ~ kept spy f ro . th e ~...1 by t ee ee l. : Waled to the Secretary, J. a Selisbury, ea the monde( of the Fair, they have sr- ..."ss e rootrab. ..." .".• awns tle pier. Mr. Barnum s war • 51..4".... ranged that wide or sheep corning from the rota la ,reinnan at it .. p „,,,, ig . 0 ,. g ... g . AU 8....fhe Committee feel amain. Meat will be kepi over Arbt by Mr. 8.0. Lie Soldiers Otis War of 18111,1 .. ._ . . ._. _______ that the Arieulturelbia of the scurry, as I Nalismek Of at tbe farm et Hon Wm les• or saw 1...... If=ton. Atantei, f0n...4..a.1 . _ , way, be luting hhlmlf loimdlh• 5tm....1 t !!!: !_"'l.7.== - 1 -- -.7. - .:-.._ . _i.".." Ls at Quaramins , where bo was latrodased to 7,7: !? tr _ w "._•_Z i ":l7_"=_•_"7,7 tiro seagotress. Just Nadu tbe gam, a IF_,T. w .T_•:. - rn r,-..y.,nr . Bober of triumphal aisle* of ~gram !wm" .. .ci ..„ — , e ; p. ""r .i „7 . ;;,p• . mil lowers bad bean areetml. TM lira ..mil , amil, 'mains dm water, brae the isemlp- Ti11...P., . 01 ______"" ..., L."=" l ,_, _t_ i l._ LINI it 1 " WIIWII.II to Jump Lied ;" alter ow - ,- r ,..., 1 , 47 .,„,„,..,- ;17 , 1 , 7 . ollered es whisb .... amber. "I. li ta t."6" hich th• iMalllgent Mee ad nwhamla BIOS la the mama a d lb. 1.--, "-"" Jr-, w in d i d ii ppaiedetr. ap lad, wolframs to Amaries 4 le lap to wi . i wwwi dw iiii h o pe .id request that! Wows around the rpm. TM lamilag-pleert . ...___ . - - ,iii. o - • -- wi , le boa ilinisteamer b lb. gun, WU r over:, pen 000 000 0 1 -.01 .° 410 11. bung with the America. Sag, wit b the gags "mall 0001 1' 00,40 .1 lb* ,000 ° Os st di.10.1...1. I r•ir bee “siet the sum ooo , lo .l Ihor side. normeois. e.p. Me ' Tb wining on ilat Now Milford : 1 .1, serae"..lgn ...alma wil=.,..= Ma. .4 tl . hill of Mb."' al 84 = 'sorba n ""rirrnirf P*4 ll7 4 •WW"""lwn wzra . rors... Inver Jos. Williaws. Thaw from tbs ,=...oza 0w1i................ 1 owl Artat hbo bra at Ns Afar Wimp ~ ,,,,,....m !. .................: I WAY ....s. Whin , * ebeie len. il r 6n wa in, ••••••amie...lllo,llawnsajt: blentreow now from No sortie and Wag .... g ....,... _. 04 .........,4,.. NW be 11811061•011•110111 at the hat or Nobel ort=piel=o• . ,1.,,,,,„„ ,„ .. Searle. No shorgo will I. uric $75 i mam ewes I. addltioa. fader yin be Peimebed ibr , . sle& as tbo Jay of doi Talr. 6..... ran Mt ••ftair II ItbrAmealft. -- - - -'---`-.. 111101•1111116 7kis elu lgo • Ploolos MAW. tor Imen,ia=6=l=XEWZrigit! to oomosom at 10 eels* A. IL. owl 000l=74=^0. 1 1•••• 1 .• tts- Oa bole Mt •10•01119 Ib Tam dp M Immon.W, unom wAusa. _____ , , PROCLAMATION. I /µ... ea tor my brol &my ea. he tho .8..1., Clerk Wanted. I "*"-."'""'"'"*TA1T...,...... ' A .................. semoo um of elm. 0. , . 4.411111b' ' Mentrere, /1, 4 018.1111.0. • n Poole( . _•118 osollod &eel lo • 1.. ...... . eel to ma. 18.181 f 8.1111 . 1%. .....1 1 .1r. 8. 74 . ..,.. GIVIEVIAL ELECTION. 11118QUEIIIINSA ACADEMY . vgrx,-,..L..,.."... ,-‘ ''"" - . maimrname IPA I ---- Al --- (5 - Ai6o 1 111 'emu... •II se me WIZ Gem. Arm ,Ye ' . .r....1 .... .....t a a ... '=„11 ...a =tt. . : d0 g'11:"."7.112.•"31•7' ' '..l."*.=;.# __M a..." "?...' ' '". T0tr0..j.,,,...,'....."."! New uli and Barter Mare. ' th.... 1 ey,amo Ow. oom 418.... .181st r . ,,,,. .., - - - - "." ‘-', rad t.iy.o&f, ' I*" ... le .",_. _. ''' r '''' ".."*, .' ."*"*.rr50.:=1;7.....0n1r1=1174"...t71::•11:.• . I. V MIL peas, "`" V. """ ..:....... tr 'a,,.r., 2°,7"" '7.; .........• 1•••• m. 0... Dn., mark 40...... O.* Ue. Wolk rm.& of Ow snooty .1=.1.... *I .06.. ~,..., ~,,,,, ~,,,,......,,,,,..,, ~..,, ......„& o & l boo... ea& no Om ~Oh . ...15r____,,,..... 1 1. ,_____........,......... Ihe the .81. f On. elbsoft,.l.lollllBl.B.m. Mill t ri m., 4.14 ',taro% and 14, .a1i,f...=.4....• , .r.....-=*--... On tome of . .... DI le ... Ta..aaa *show tho &Moo og &nett .oul au . Paso&o••• !Vier Otelr Or (10rOilta all. llt Sell& I . . ...W.1.... ' ~ _ ~..18...tua low.. Dora a It&T T I I. . 1 . 8 . 8 .. .. ....... ..... •a ....• ••••th.l at *A time sod Comfit %Ms.& . &B. 41.1.8 Tama., I allitll . . at, Or. Onweel., enw rt or >. II H 0... .11.... ••••1 1.." ' • 11111.81, ye tolte &Me& to.. Ihos. Nat*. Sfeo thy .1). " soul M 's odB/1.. 11. U. t.o. Ray 116.8 1. V. 1.. 100 l .....- . 11=112 ra= l2 :: " * " Iror nr... - "' tr, V' - ,11.: - 1 7r.,', "-- r.7.1 . * - 71',;77,:::: ;4 „1777". , 4,...„=z 0 tr,,tn...v.:.A........... -,....., of 0ree.11..,..... kraus. ...•• ..1.1., ......1............. o '.. ~..P...............”,... '"... A"*." :7;:t l' '7.7"'"P"'""'""'."."..t,":.%.tt1tri."7. ':;',;.77.7.',7.z.:1.';!:',r 4,=„1:1,1=',',7r43.:=1 ~:,:. ttrut.b„r=.l.74 . 2ntiilFO:lirintli:=;=:::=.ll=::::N.i ~......t the nth 1.1..1.....1 Met* , of Ilsosse.- , t t..7,,,% " ,==;tet ' 5771•=111,...e. Ih "- ' ll 7 =otels 1 ri , h-...1.1. ma ....11-.•• t, ,- .... a the ...et. or Ilya , bum, 5.1.1 . ~....,,t e , ~.. sh e ... lo e0e1...1. to. TU.. 1..1e1e1 . ..tr..71.4 ' 4112... " 7.rrn? r " 1:?.!.1114 .. ; : : 111:7.. - =tr:rzzte, - ;: ' ,. , =:: ' ~ ~....„1.„',..- „ t.:,•_.".....- . .. ~.......1r,,-,, - , . ...•.. ----, -....•-- ........,............ IT y. 1... . Roa.. W. , 111T TIO , IIIIT. TlTlaraa, .. 4 Ta, I - :Inneremlill, 7..1 Z=....:41 ° :;'..''.."",:, - 2.71:: Z!":".. , 3.:::::".1,t„z:-7,11. -- V.I.Tri,:;1171t' ....... tt,..11.11.14.. Mr. a tar, .411. a I,a, .1.... A 5...... ma &oder& IN N& ecotone. of 1 1 .1.•.... . X.... Alsstreo 0.....4.C01u1. i 0:Tor. 1rn " ... " ''' ....7 ''' '''.'"...."* ' 1 '''' 7;. "' llel . . 111::27 ' f, U: . . " 171171., ' ="e 1 , , , t . t loor:1111 r. Mike of Posseeoll..llltonuy ftle , VIII 1=8 „, =7 . 7, ronl Y 1....., 1.......• Ono .. ' on 1011 l th h•e• at: t Aolkocor Om lke:await Ihp,.:Lil 1 . 1141 &II .... O. enuoty of Bsoesebsall *". ' 118...1 110. luosemee eToe . & eosoleed So of One yen. .o 1111 elm .Aro of Carty Money. of UN 0.8.. to nu &loom. staulog n,. a not. .V ., swot, of Setwourtea. ...Ito MTN. 14 ~.. Jet* It to IX ...I of atoll col Too ...L. T 11.1.. Dm* &easy. lo 11...tar.. t0t .....,....,.. ~. ‘,..,..., 1 "12...17.7, , „ hs rolrehethet 0., that 1• *on. '. ote.seotal. Woo., 1,•11... re ...el ...an. .. ..rettl:r : ' ,.111=1 " 717.1 " : ' :4 " , ,=,... - 7. ' ~ , N .00 0 . *o ., * 0000. 0 ‘ ...,..r. .. ..,.....Z. a ....: 6..... a.....:, ' 0:0.., 0-0000-0-, 0.0- , 0....".. ............., fa. adopt. ue mi.. .? ..... .,z . 1 . 7. - 1 . :,...yrr, -," 14 ' ''."" . ""r' , ... `..1"."'.". c.....".. 1:=A.,ii..a...11. ~".....=1.:1:4! 1 Z1:71 . Z.,!=1.7,1: X,..t . ;=. - 4:lr' .........--- .... AZ ---1. , .... ins lo IT. tho ltet . ..." Olretors Natural 111111,n s eomal,f 4 ..Vor I 5at0...8 8.....1.1. sow of .A& i I r a.. Itrz.; , 4: - ;;;;:i. -.,..,......„,..- 5m001th1...........4 1e...10. the .1.1. a .., ,, a....,,,,., u „„ ‘ ",..,,,,,,„ .. .I? ~,,l' V , ~...., .),` 11.. . the ........... ....'........ nix., ti 1...p1er of .1“: ;Mi.::: Tror111.:1IZZ =1...1. " 7.71:e1ttl te . r;l3::4ll:l=== ' ; ."' "'"' N"'" " :1%;7.; .; ; Vr. -. ' ""."-..' •,.;:=1 , .10.:.1.i........ -. .... ........ • tIV!1::77 " :7;:a117.• ,' 11r..1 IL:I ' ve...VI 2.7zr.; ..... '......T. e"...........1.at1. e... 4 ll•rek flrmaanar. heal. II v Orerl I I llook Pais& t... 1.1, so rbal ..oe., ...11161.. , 4., Ilule-Ide Urea. owl &au. JlM...tab s. 8 1 WAX 10,11 , 11NATIOSP i vbtft1 ' r:.ren . n7.1.,..ZZ, 7' 4 ‘ ,,T . T.„: ". ,1 :i . ...mule 11111 r. AND ' 10. , Th....mi. r.. ...a...h. ~.. T.. h. I 111. 4 Till ennweeler ou the lilt Joy of ...ten., owl el,. the .. 3.11 Jay of heTuslo•Twe,. ITee ono I 1 , .......,...5t th., nth Tv of June, and .......111.1. avy at ,1 , ......1.rae1,14 ue. The trZ1:1=7 . 1.:A.V47..e0t tlIL: ". = .11... . • &melons lu the .... moll aprlue of ..... wee. eae, mut one of I 'Setts lb eon,. Should . do,leeltroaol Rath. emmaearenarat of ratter T. no br ...et oor enellou Tue.., rho usolornory uree.s•lll too h.l at Ow el, d Ole Su,. Tn. 0111.010 .. 101 . 08 11141.1111,1 OT WTI:111118 Tble.ll.• as the 1u1... t of the pupil. now .1..... ran tbas• oirthel . l.....l.Tueso hall,. Soulnotol. to .• 11 son./ oyorstely al Ilse , &on of the 8.8 TO le&I or TUITION. • Tim,..lll.a.=..rhyttaora, 11...4.V. •, lo ol.e moon the .A.& eel ne1•,881. '. a and of 1 1 . t. I Lt. 1.1•11N. ' 1F... h... 1...* ...ea 1 u,.71V...72.,.....:ntt,: - .1nt",..1. -. .;..7 . -- r ~=......:.:t.'•;:nt:yr..=. -;:". Tr. - he ....,1,.1. 4.11... a rtilLO•Or!llett. trr ...... , LIIIIItIItir 4,t1 011BINKT. w ee - .110•7 - leree7;;;;; " 7 , The• AN a .---.ly. • alleevlbamaleeee N V ....... 7,.........1r=,....r...=; • TM& 141.1.•••••••4 b Wooed NO. •mil• a .01. r.--r—lwrz.f...«..'—'li -.... -z.„__.- -. 1 ,-...,..,,..-• -17.-. 1.:::: t.T.r.,..-r.- -, :at: : .. .......-7........-7 7 ......----- . ..„7 . 1 . ..7. ..... 1 ----..... ...-- .7. 1—'" , --: :: ......1t...,..----,z.. :.-, z -t....:F.,---__ . ...-- . . : :F.:..,..- 4 .4:..4.,,==.....„. ._ ..... ..............le• aie•fteage•fer ••••••NN INN, •A• . 1 1 4 ....1 a•• NNW . 0 .• ... ^N• I re 1==1•••••••1••11, ee.NANI INth pm.. *de ne Ow A... at MirNeidele. *N.... ..........,............ Own sea weed. a.m. .1•41* tn. eo.le ON. IN Or I ~....„.,,,, e . , ...., e ,,,,,...,........ wee Venn lememeN o...eseket of NNW*, •• Ow INS ..i......................„....,. ra=l,:wa,...-,...r. :tr..= = 1: , ~..:• - -5-. ' 7 -...-1.r.t.r.v...rt.v. -= 11: ,.. : , r......v... r . r.,, , ....yr ..... += . taw 4 Oxen ;KV ••• New 1,...1.1 , ... Y. pleNnel 1••••131. e• attend al Noe.; al ANN., I* ' mr.vr....., ,z,tz.....„,. ~.,,,,„...., N collide.. ar mown eN•••••••1011•••••••.:21• . r. N.. ••••••• .g . , 717„ . . , =7:v= r,= wt.. ... .r A A. MAXON, N. N.:. ' 41. 11"..".. sal 1 .l• lee a.m.. P.N... *yew IL, INN lso, St he we. **el *I set, le 1.1...! . N . N . y . ;•k•sezramem.relsest . l . ll . 71=•=0• . • - ...1 Eseimillors , 111641140. 1. : 17 ..... "=?.."7"."12 " ~,,1 1 t irt.T . =:=% " =:::nr . A............"11=... ...................,• NeA•ll,reemo hsel; na...al a.* ova • ea...ewe el all dee N•e• ......................k ....A................., ........................., . 0 .• ..1 wt. be *Own* IN lbw a... sooty, Pee en, emu ...MN Ni melt • meslost •• ................ri b...im.0 ./....A...... 4 .....T Ane. r, me. it: it aigrra. 1 ie^. .1 Non tale 1 . 4 rle. " 4 re :2 • e N a • : .ea e . : : :I n t 1 1 •Ivr " .. e • 1N • eree• • t • ' 1W GROCERY MIRE 1 Teepltter• Jo.. eirrol 111•11 .4 1 so. 1 IR WM MA i• Om LLI al**. LoLsoL; a or maw. mr.................. , 4 i ..... mew .1.44.... b 4. 4 0 44 4. 4 ... 4 . 4 I- lint 494 WiIIIIIIII.. 1 011=r. mp.... 4 t.....=.1.0".4... r.w . coLL. a IL 0.1%N.L. alb.. tr... 4 =VIOMMI:Ir =,:__ ,41.77, l " =1,="11:E.:4 IN.. , ..--...—r. ....dO3-o—= le Sho a I ./... IL SLY 451.8 ... erpLi. ........ TL./.6. MOW 4 ......— .. 1 .,... ; ' a Vir= te W.. Inair ILI.L. ILIPL Lit.. I. warm *as &L. La." "' ... I 1r.., ..NA Ra.IIWLILLA ILL. lII.L. .•Ma *r =. O 0 al L. L. AL, IlLy ILIA, lyiksoL .. Lbettea...1 . 1 . 8=4...ti . ....., aLIPIL, re,ly MOLL. AL as es 1 ler101•411.01•••••••••,• Meliostat of GoZwillmomiltho .....:=11...0, Oa UM lb al -Mow Sad Lausews, OaciL sou, ....L. LI. gaideed VW. 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