•'I. t L... ~ L en h. ohoom ay peril. otale of porporaii, ie um I Show her that you &dmira usefulnewniptelfilthatthimok Polletrom ...a PoieY" t , / ~ , I suitable. It do. los qamk, and SP 1110. Mal .•111 I A than tinsel; that you emit for a eoldpillion III * I. IA . 2111 " .... 11111. ' 1 ' '. k I'. AO"' 1 or. - 000000 1.. or hen ee &poked. If you base grew , t han of • plaything ; that you esteem Le 2 . .0 - iiiiitai ... sziw •, ,..a. to nwedrees, it all be hand mere ladiwieas [ beauty of mind mom than personal beauty, , • le maks. use of your oniod earement for thie ' and she will so educate herself as to be R AIL RIO ADIS. 4.- • .47 , 7LM:t!'";:...4 ~!Q'...1., . 17'", , , ~ ; FARMER'S aoLuzart I . " ,7 *** „.„,;.;: d *P*4. 0., Y. ::,; * .: k : ' ,L t n P t: Y Z 1 . .7 111 "C ""' r"'Pe't ""tr"'"i"" to •• ou . A„l3 .• 1•34 c , m rho r0..005.... ....nom as ......• wouor ------------ -- - ---- obieet,on re mune i s overcome by narountstanses ; 1 , ." " *"" ntiDAl W . f.lbtl! "o%. . " '....::J=T,.;,;.V":,'2 '),',..!?.',1.7.:.,;„.7.7,;. ~... 0000 11. Ilonta. rte" An entinnlittsti. 'eon g.thenr. ,„r,,,,, , ,,,, , , Ossi 1 ',ore Nei , ~, Smie• md Vaeada. P.m. but oultlgh.erirl lan.. termed ors tbe wring t no.: Coas.-The laaltand Piar Yorker ~.„„.,,, „,„*, re•ulved to gain • reputation as a poet, and AA L ''''''' A .A.A. AA. I A " : '''`` A , 'Or ...ern. m the one ....., Red.. the Price Ifet Maw. pen... att .....„, „th e the &reel toys of the an, . j , to tottnortilize hintalf by It first pr due - PAT 1.11111•01. Tlll Ain " ~ _ a( Ate.....u. aml mell P.. med., ....1 De down. sf the s r „,s,,:tyStlf ....1,.., °C..' . n n • "° i'd P" 4 " . "" .° "r road **" '-.- l ii tan. He choose for his subj A the - Th.. r „!,,7•Z1 A 1T,',',V,„.„, 1., ~..„a g Ago . . ",,r A'A' A . ,i . 0 Aw...... 0. so . e 1.:.... ho. o ... ~„ rs Own I mile.. cons '• I would . ...i, j d ''''' m nikiii..l. or Blom" and commenced lOU.. • following 7 . . j. :: u " i'... , :a ........ I; :: 0 , nln . . T . ONE DOLLAR. , rsnot.stot of p.a.; an erpled°l: Coop. •nemett rt. nit If l rteme. I beautiful strain : Th. , Inl,r, trod Ain ~.. plll a ..• re..., The me cull Rainy of the fru,. of an orefrard The Thundar rolled from pole to pole, sot NIIIII irt. Amu. „ • ...at Cl.. teo .A, ni .. •ny ore .0 jApendantuell on the eon.. of the .1. If the ' The hohn.i..• area from sky to al,. • : „ „.., , I . 1 0 , , .., „ a ea. ohl bee.. wheat. it three Lit. bad mommerneut And-the emit. studs up then tails and run-- - 0 .. , , ,, p• a ~, , ,.. •r I ~.., ~... 4 ,-w. •1 ~ !It en, h.... .0.1. .ot exces...e e.0.m., o e leave am &or: to expert : Aod-aud . k• il . 'Lobo , . mem.. elmse.. „ato nom Purl... to , ..tece .•t as .el. . a much of •ora fad trom ay nee. The quest. Here nor Mptraut poet became eon x- „in 1,,,, .t r 1 mall/ ../../ she ant. of ihe Port Jen, . , . p/1 ~ . I lmtler I l a 011,3 pArd, . lg. er01,•./../ he mused men or. 'boosted that he fainted..,Dosfon tome r•;,•:,-, ~, , ,• • .. ..-., -6, ; „,i, chard wahoot ...tory to trees or fra t AD. C., , , ~,,, ~...... ..,..,,,. v. _„ w.. ,. ~,...,,,,,. ~ ..,,,,,, ~,...,,,....,,,,,...,.. , ,• ' ' ' . ' 1 1. ^. l I I, " "I• A "''" '" r '' ... "' wk . 11... n '''''''' " ' - 'llaeo you consented yet to ha the wish o f , V'r,',;;.',":,,", 1 1 1 '::. 0 'n:: ':',....r. ~ .. ‘,,, P ...Z 1 31 1, . , .1 .” ..,111 of ce .d.b.C. d ..... o . 0 . ne•gt "Ow' . • ...loth.. lad... I o So, Sally. I didn't finite consent." , • : 1' .? A.' ."- O AVaA . I 1 .. ) 1, .0", rant "ll,' ." "'"•''''' .coca , ." ..I . ~ ..."H Y ° Why nut ? I think he loves you." 1 ALBANY & BUFFALO, 17,V. the (IP,. from the tuck, ta is of Out 1..p.11 tip I' sods ;mare . retilittleB Illid • sc nom . hruady . 1.1,1 pr0du....1 hy oat roe, ems. ars favorold...• are masthes,and ',logblo..Z.utoloohl.. he didn't i f ;l o i l, r o P y l i , h o e ,, " 4 " ,:”o N. q lll k r u tfit s R ET a t t czy d , z s a . tr .... ~.,,,,,.,,, ~,‘,,,,.,, ,‘,.,,„ ~,„ ~ ~,,,, ~,,,,,,. , ~ ,„.,,,,, ... .....,.,,,,,,,,,, ~ .„ ,, , , , , ,:! , , , ;, ,,. ., , , ,, , ... ‘, 4 14. . : ,,, ~t , ..1' ,, 55 ,0, .. , . . for a f0i1. , " & to- ri". grue&IIIS. CI." , °I P"ion'Or• I fin ,o " . wooer, I want 141 to coil upon the gods to and Cayuga Lakes ( Drawly sad Onset, Terj a lve .. 01k0t..."„... ,r..... d 0 1. ,„.''. he acooane, ilie ad...., m oudeobted. We, . wog, Smarm. L • r °*"*"l ,' ‘"*l. r h "g" ' " hi. `k g ' d""i:A" t° ,_. "" I "..'" EVERY lIUDY'S NI AII K Fir LIN E ! ":,' ' ';'.! ' - """..." " ..'"'' "'" '"'" '''.."."'"'" F 1'. .,'"1... * "/ ' e. ' .‘i'. 111 . /.i'// ' ."1:1/'.'•/ ' ,"1; ho ...mkt red i mu: In iree I take il. ' w.th 0 .^.11 ...de. rt. •• be ll e, Sm... earn tint lo knee! et my feet, Woo On° of tl , „„, , ,,,„ , ,, j,„„...,,,,,, ,... ,, ~,,,,,, „ , ' ' '''''"' '" ""' ''" "'""'"", d ' j,'"""'" d ' - " d ' l' ' ...... ;Arm, .:./ 1.. Am.... .. Om • I..me ./1.1,./.. re troth large fields ona Int& help will ad poultry, have • owl ettost. ond they ...ray ar AI n tb,„, ...m. o . te 1,,,. e n c lu m re. true s i tsawAter m Oro.. dc.. , . 1 . foils. ha , tnowie 'het W.I I malt sth oda...anti.. rook ta l'ilY .n.'• •.••.4 i., : ,.. ' 1 “ .. ...h. : t0..., i!.:, ' .: : :.' • ....V :•.':: :•'::, , :,' ',:,":':::::„ ' '': A ' A A'' ''' ' ' ' '' A ' '' "''' ' ''''' :rd T44-':: : '4"." , i . ' : :,::;:4 : t1„:,:,:,,0r.0:4 • 4 who growe ea, for the estly irre. is ars, ad an. The neml., and ...1 1 .. 1 or anima,. de. to beg Me tu take compaosi .n . his Area& ...7., is ~ ~.... ut j#,„.., ii. o sae,. . „.., . 11... r., ' ~,, , , ,p.,,. .a , c . ,„ . . , . us World! r fad to cat en the ear& r„ sod r. nun, ..Y.. my. roe. , " . the mi. rill nufferings ; and then Iwe him tc Elia ' „.„ ...a r„,„, 1,....,. web. tr,,, ~ .• It ostacelmaamehol teitpipere.ldwro4 end by 111.1.11i10g 10 Wow 1/i9 I:raion 11111 ou Diu ~,.,~: ..; J. ,, • ~ ,c,,....,a 5er.t . ....0 . ... , a,..F. , ....t . t . eah00 TEN nom... Porooperilla. N., d ao,-. II la p.c. of Weir, iI. x /.,:,./ AT,...„ ne th• ....I.lllellim Of yeg../11,./11 spot ir Idu not Orwirasetunote hie /rise- et tv,... ..„ ~, .v •t ~•1 • It.. ...... .... , , ..'„, ,„ ',„ ",', ~ „7 ". • , . .., • ;•. : •. • . .z :::•%. 7 ...- z z•••. g....,zin?;,;,,t7g.z..,,,,:,,,,....,,,p,g A li ,1:„„ , oe ~ J , 1, , 0. ' -.. oh ' ' ... 11, m ,s, .1 t ~.....11., d Moen. In.. the.. of sr.., but riot." - . ~. '". i . _ hs • ...e. t, lor be t 0.. 1. O.- t0re5..... , :y toter . leutl, it ehould be , Tll. Jur, AND Tito IligATtT -The jog i• t : : : .'. : ,:::V fr4:1;......t..t.!,T;:. ' , : ;0rAt:, : .10:P0 ': 0: : : ./.......1,, 0r ' ,11,.."„0,0,,, : ,,,i,,, : , 0 .“,:',.'; ' ,'.,',7„ .s„ r oo ,;, “ : or w. a 11 11,./11.111.... .. i. larcr , “ 1 ' ..I. v.ek • of ~. , ~. , , .. . ~ . ~, . , ... „. ~ , . ~, • ~ :..,.... d ~,,,,, ~, on. ~........ ............, ...... ~.,_ ~..., oiogoior utensil A pii. i .,,,,,,,,, 1;,,,„.. 4...,. n 0..., , .....: the ...our ....., he ofiederam. mitin d ste . 41 .' , . 7 . 1 ";. ,„ : " ; / ir;.7.1;:ra=;,7...!::;.: F 1 • • .11 en, 01,... ttr• produce arid MINIM! or to ttirantec may ho rabed, and you may ... ii.,,,.....c. n.. o.• ...... h„ , ...,,,,1.1. .r.. 1 M..... „,.. ~,,,,,, rt ,...,, ~,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,...,, ~., A 1 , .... hi .. 1. .. , A.. 1. .. 11 ./. 1 ./....1111.4./.1 m.l i . . ..„• the .. cola yLs the f. o t nal amply repw the erred.- ea w y yonrsolf by wk.) von r t , ...e i, !r . .7,''.1".,,. ;`;:.':,;','....,, `,-.%'',:! ,',',',',;',l',..';'', ;'. .'`,., ~..,..,„......'r,.... „........... h;,t,;'.4 `10."."4: 4 , .4"ttP4'4 7 '7:',;"'',..;:t . t ~..f.t. 11.../1 ' The tie. ord.., ihr eo.ortr) .... p.a., j o d ojo ., b o n 0 0 i n. 1.... Huh. bele In amr r 4.,,r.oratt or.t , .• 1.,T1.11 .., 0r...,.... 1, , ,... ....0 g....m r......t0ckt ihammeal or. f.soe is 111, ss, -II too death of Pr In tic rt.- of reg.. rhl. s that here pr. a ormi) all tho Lop, and tins inter.. in all .darktlets.- tda' . ....,: ‘ „ I i"!"r ',t., ‘ ,."". ' ....!..,;, ' :!:, ' ",: ` , - n ' at ' l".e"f*,.. *oo ' o' 001 " . ' "o '' ' '' A Y. " <f r•fr,j4 t , ...• 14, „., • ,„ I 'jj t r: „ll,„''Jf I ri.pe,,,:tn,,, , •r474 . the yet ........,:, ~ 1.... • a e0n..., ' sin . eta ...I ..ors '' No ee penetrate. it,-. hond moves over dor-. 0. , .• -ntl" • an o .... , in . Por tin." i Pot i lVimleole sral Itettil Se °wort- seao.ewns • 5r,,........, d ~......., .1.. . . ..................,:ni i' , ;...i' . ........... a. , -.... Ji i ~..: •n . , •i. ~'i ii . VO ri . WM. Is I. f.. vont cos " A '' IA " '," "A": Inc A " AVA , To r,,r,:i, .., m .„... _, i.,.. i.,..,, the .. ,, hee Y ... A ...le." it ^or bY Pot- ... , ..m • ~, ,-. . , ~. ~ ... ' „ i'.7-.. , -7.1,..:„......"...;,................. Zri" o l7: -L ''"l::''":',7"'"'""`„' I'l ''''' :"`-' 1. '7 ''," r "''' ''""':,... ...., ” ,,,, b- • 1,,, t0 , a , ........ , b.“" , 1... ti" . :. i ". ":At r . AhA g i "g II u p A" PAuriAg i 1 A ' ."tV,, ,, i ,' . ' , " : :, ..0.,: ': ;:r1•1 : ,!;... : . ' it '" ; ' ..7t.:. ' .: ' 1 : : ' ' l ' ; :::" wow, w .......0.,......, mu we.. cashormsnosem sitZ;:i..t.,.: e,r11.::: ;::::': :`, ' 's ..,. it r` avorr .. .....t• oii° i *"*" . " .1. rf the twitter coiner out clean, you to ... toe, ...,..,. ~ •th c moo,. 1, r• • .....• .., h.5.....0 dow. t ." `!:' ' . too and ruetul.Ave. Is is 10 itke a 5....1 plow wing lo M. onnos.roble • erg. tne,,,, „.,‘,„ ~,„,„..,. „„..,. 0 „,.., , . il ,„ ...„ „,„„, judgo ) ell Isaac slier...led in cleanini; the e ~,,,„,,,„,,„, .„ „ , ~,„„ „„, „„ .. n:„.,,•,, oj.,, , t , s o t u y a ~,: , . .:A, . .„ i •aA., . .11:,.., . .0.%, 1 , . . la It KITT ~ as ir , s:tri . .. ,,, c:.its. . "' r ' *°• I ' A "`" ° " . °° " I • S' A ' d4°- aFI 'kw the frel I „vumnuirog no furrow, hot le. j' l ` I '"' ‘ 4 ‘ . ' '."."'• ild"dd lb " "g is r " .t. ' ,V....7.1",..: : , ' 14:" . .....t. ': :.• ''':.: ::'':.:, :.! s -:. ‘ , .. : aL ,'' •• •' hr ~ .4 " :" ' ' , „„...., ... •,, „., •, • .1. • ob.-. whdo ... T....• 1 AA ' ' ' - ' lib, the human heart. N. mortal eye can 0,... .... Ei a , Art k 1.. .. , hoo, . •:. : . A/I .i, , g rise anis .1., about one fat deep, her. r . • • fle lad ow. of imp.. d...... " d- , , , ..„ ~ ..j , „,u I I.k into it• reec•oes, and you can only iii"vrr. BOOTH 84 FOSTER .„::?,.....:t ............ .11 lIIIITT I Or, ~1.., : ... , ~...1 • 4 ad the bar. sa 'LAP r 7 * , '''' '''. '7 , • "" rrnr"." • r o go a i•s ',snits by ul.at comes out of it .c... ',!:"...."':'''.• . n vet, n. ler T 1..• Is the prat.. of • Cute .1. C. s • t 5....... Coo ..."' ''***' i l a : **°' ' ‘ ,. '" ,...1.1 " : ' ,:11 ' .....11.0rd a 1.,. diem gram to on, wirer men, tool si Coe, you little ramml, walk up and , -'.'"''' -""".".'!“....",-"- ~:,,,J , • • : ;;;T:,, ) ,,U . , : :: " .7, - ,; •' : ,. .. -- ,: . _: u.. ,aeo is womishioe Ime s piece that had glee an sooninit of 3oursclf Where have :••: 1" , ?::,..:..,7!k'..:::;...."; I b .eu scr ml eo. The ward, of cm., oat inn In en r" oil A' ter Iho gale, fall., "- l l ..', is 11.. Imo, is os niao Coded N. teat 1 .. 0,,, ,,, y10y of ~,,,o . ~,,,,4 , ,,,,,,,,0 , . blokes on streaks, ad the goose ...1 oso . " Did t tt . ss't f I ,,it"lii, o 'n I ' a' 0 :' Jill" Im / .1 heamtfully on °nor Th. solaoh• is et..' *Asa 1, T ' ' . _Lot mother ka. . eft. a that Nary . .4 1... atreoh. a ad ilottil •A. 1011, lon us 1003/ ' remposod.ly by souls door bread to. A t Ih NNINI/ l i t: .: vent:lt -.1 preacher, wh • p , ..1.. ~. - , ~ ,: ~,,, • 0 ! ,:-, .; • ~,. , .; ”..,, ,r. ~.,,, ..hungry mollinti ! ' f'" m h o " A "" I ° I ' “I " . ' d '''''' ""'"'°`` j had onee been a printer, thus concluded a n!, ` ,... ' i , .;,:' , "....5..4.;', : it ," ::%,•::::-..:!...,..." : ' .„ "", ' '': '"'A' l , 'now Car an nor. Cows, Poo e.-- I FALL, I'm iv -IL s. ry ea"r - . cal to gado, all sewn& :-To.otb may he moored ten ____ Enpt. Janne* Sisk, . • , , sto qr. tbs.. 11... prem., .. Id of o hoot ; pun°. d or .1. cat. fr., ohethe r . tom contain, manhood 1.. It 3 111IC.111.: Oh/ ago w„. ,„,„ „,,,,a, . „„. ~„ , „ ~„„„,„, ..„. „,, ~„ 1111.1,111 f 1 by on) In Br ily Nod el „ a 1„,....., a „.. 00 yob{ sir tr. or otr the grouted, awl sp.° 11. , or to )01.1. 10 • 0.11011: 10 1/0/1.41 /11:11111 1 11 .11 11 11 period. , ........1. ~.• :,, .nu al ...h.... I ""': `" A ' """ • """°''''''' '": "" ' .."" . o' :', Dra m - .70:7.724 9, , - d. -id . thi. 0 ." ----d ~.:,.., •" 1 1.-:. It ,-. do ~. thr s'lno• whirl' 11 °1 ''"".. ...y1,......k'0'' Dollueed," te the languaze of ...,,,, o, ~, .., ...h. ~ • o. ....: .. ....I. .... • 0... .., `A A ... A -. A . J, end the quaritiey for sate A 11111,..e• i . en, aml 01....1. have hceo the eau. 01 do& pr. • , i....1.e.0 war O'er the door or .-...- :';';' v"' '"'''''''''''"'"'"' " ''''''.."'"" ' ~,.,,.:;;4",%:::',',':'`"",;",r . :.',',;',...:"..,':',11 . 1 ~ lie..a i, not, he inferred ilia. ol'hoo. moo, d.kay, nal mak,' Weir ems, rola the m ‘ .1' . • set se.er. ''" j l'i d 'rj", ''5 ‘ 5i1.!,..;.'?1,!::, ' ”*.r.r.. ,' ' '' r; ' ,..'...; wd dawn , ' P e r netted , Iniere Pt. &at [ground , and yoo Mai find the ends which au ...1 - 1 Daily T ansportation L ne. 1,;;., r . ..,,:;1,:,..'.,,',..,:,.. ,•,,, ..„, ~..„...,., a the 001.i./T pow. (oh mar then .oromer• . there viestat.o.llll,.... " o mi t yorwoollocr moan. Alen who was 01 the point of marriage', IL W. CAOPEISTEIS, 1 Lianufacturing epartment ; p.,,,, obtained tr..n. hi, ron f.......0r hi, certificate RAILROAD FREIG II T LIN E . „„1............„.. ..„ „„.. .....1„..1.„ „.„ „. , „ 7 r ..1"„....."..e::.' e e h r (:::„ 1 „ k ,.37...".' T.'. , ',,'`,:: "' - ' 7.----7- ' `",,, , vo „, .: ,-,,,-,,,‘.' h . ',: i .' i r ,.... 4 . "`i " ',, 1 ", ,,. ~, of 000kedou filvio7, noof it bo obe,„oa `..."'"'`"'` Wee, foreign sang.. is rivaday in -i ' ' '' ' ~ i' t B .:it the m ieW Lad omitted the usual pen- (o ,m u u " , ~,,,,,.. Iv or ,. i *lOO,OOO In Value, sad Meet of the ...pat. a 11 , ....,1r e " ..4 ' l ' .1 " . 1^ " , "'Tu. "s'd "I I •I d ' .two. " Did 5. not tell me," said the - well . all a the pr..,. • will bare to i dr, i ""' ii ' db " . "'"'""..1 1.1 Y ."'" ".." "'" je.,,,feno.r, a that you welt, going to girt ' F,‘ , ; , t . .... , ,;., , .. ; , . ~......,., ~ . ..1, . , ,- , , -• ,, /r , i • . ~. , I i them We fail. of the Miamkt Mc. Not!" . Wh . l . W " ''' ...1 ...."'"d . i i'Y nine 1 . q t un rt led ?" , • . I half n post) A turporoloo. A wire boner An, J. ,_ _ . Ino, the greet. termat roc . lots& n I'IR MI MERCIIIATS oast do. not tot i hi...l;h 11.11.. ofto.l'' i ~ led to. ethoossona of i very g ..... nry. I n ca-.2l•f>''.. ' - ;:n1D01 , week ant.. . .lis t a Aomori Dal, w .au as -It is a orteraslde economy 10 1, nln 1 . - ~ . .;.~..,e g oolike, z..... r,J epr tuat young Americo s . meat aua o n . exported to ail Um va .i .. ions of the /4 etk.r 1111 H. N . :. 1 ........ 1 .t: . ;.,...... 1 . : . ...7: 1 . .T . ..A... , .. ‘.4,..,T , . ' s '''"'.. , ',",:•,:w.,,.,..ri,...,.•:,, lee ad for hr../ stuffs ...red by our Ii• wowed for nee. Somo bold shed s over lb, „ no no none. roar, do n..„-,.., A . 4 2 nolsrol - ttot mof all, lo Ncs j b. , . I ~n .d..... r... ,,, th.. , r ...on , b.,.1"- • 1::::: : :. ' ,Ig!Ze; "" ,":' '4,::,7.,..,..:,...,..„, t t,',; 11000 1i n .: . ..7'..',..,7 . .. 1 tt;, 1 t...:',.''t.',,':',;;;;;.7..,* 7 , 7 , 1 ,, r 5 , 1rtr e !. !,',:,' , 7„19,c,'„ 1, !'1:,N,'r,,, eleue t bin en over . leugth atol T.. s good ro.provermot, la a manure ctn.. i : r r:=74 ... :. ....,,,,. 1 . ..,... ' .' l, ` 1 ~ ~ 1. , r , , , a t l, ~ .., n . .. vs ...: ' c .,,.. t , u ,, , .., op, l our lad, from •late Ill...• Odra.. , 1 Mote, ...M. No Country fi e, ht! glob/ es- 1 - - . - . - 1 n'l '1,.. r j'• Tral „..,...., 5, ..= , ~,,,,„„ ..:,, la t Nona, an ..c.0. , otSirld li • ""' l'i f&so Maw 1.0/1 X.. ; t ow. -1, have on „ tro , ji . • a . o I , ,„,,,,,,,•.,,,,,,,, ..to "..." ' red " " "I'.""Y' not soy '" "1". Amor.. occmo 011..1 tu some to de that hose ead.j ' el, 'An.. r . s , in ..h., ' ' an litaln o ur Carp, p n "" 4. nt"'" . N " """ " Y ' one' '" h., rs . a l o e s fc.•&tic mil. h coo s sais bra local, ''''"""'"'" A '" '' `'" ',., '''''." "' t:IL /,,,,.:1 e. nre. ~. ...r. , ... Fur MI /..1.',111,-..P. Om e iso 0 ../../ ell 1.,, an lea tat, or sver viola boa, of a In. I c. . 0, ..0.-..... the reel. of pl.. ...flea to eh.. th a d woe n Pp.s. I i"""Y ' a n. ' 6 " '66'• "6 "' ' )..ohr eaom.. Cl lr ' A, . 1...me...ger .. Vet,iee "'' """ P" ' 6". '66 ' ''`6 hi . ,e,e. roue,: Clot, d leas Am. a Its o ...e.... ',''''' , ....r.!ti , ..... , „ _ , ...,,, Pes'id , w" of I"' 1t . "' . 1 2, •: .1 1 ,,,, * .1 ~., ~,,„ , „,,„ ~. „ o ~,,n 4 , ...es in ..i.ii irl -r r ' i r . .iin • ••••':”.•-•g k . - •',.::',:::''' 'V; ; P:''rn;,l::;':'...",'', V7:::'',':'"'' rt:'',T; ''''' ' . ''''"'"'"'""'"'"'"""' r `""'"'''' • , h . • lie al a " te „......I„incr or ci„.se, 'O' l .„.'„,l=,','; '';', '. I t '‘'.:!lr,j'' y • . d . ° " &ll.' i. , crec. a P do. , tram sore for .1.. e 11.111 it em r has '' . ' -... 1 10 NI/1., III,/ im. Then Inc 1,,,11 iliree .s. iii rad.; ''' k. '" ''''''' .7 '74i na - - -- - , , evert ant and hashroes-th.. nrolop'ini. ' Itoi. Cats Mars -All &ads of tholar arc liiIII„:" s ey d I ..:%..i.; 1. , Late flrriv , l toob and plank rosin. winch culla.) . so kers w in be very thimble, Mt the Mari of r• . I ... „ .r . . ealT.r.l.kl, .T Itho eenntretion, .r a n to .....donteat• M.P.., Prefernblooeconot, Nl'. \V WM II ER HOODS ! 1E171 " 2 ` "342 1 .., r.i.g. .ind Urea th Mu emcee trade any other bara, mot those p ate a rho Irro ohleh '................ ~... ~..„, „„,,,,., ~,,,. , 1 , .:- .r.. nroet kootty, a.,11 probaly Lot lou4cet. . 1 . tn.. t,,..., ~.,,,, ~.,. ~,, .1 . 1 . 11,/ , ..EV,, 3..111 tlr 1, .1..”1.1 ralarrr , .ll,lr, rho cry TO AA l P.1117'..1 rI r L117 . 1:11 ~.:7117:1:ri , iy On Pe Iditihties. l' . . Irs ono--The oh. bar- ._ .__- - _ ._ .„,„. :,.., =7,";:,"h.,.., ~,„,"; ',..,4 ' pm: h!? . . .1.7„..1!,?5:V.4....”'.:12 i!„..:!„, mom •ple. lot A , h r N . !.. 1.. t .r. 1I I) . ' ' p . ~., Me crop is large and it has ,T1iniz , ,,,••:•3111. 11,1,11. cols Itm.ll/ Not, 1... w. lurk rmity ann. „ally well secured m rpm, of We hot --- I Wain, !ROO OR Silver 'Ware. . „ . • ,/,„, ~,,, , v .., „,,,,,, ~...„, A western jury, sitting on • trial fin . noon p. K.g.... , r , z c.w.o. car nn' "°r;. ....id //10,1 , 11,1 .1 rot,t,., n. -on c 0..., I we.,a. g„. , ~,,,, 0 ,,,,„ 0 .,,,, 0 ~,„ pro 0„ „. stesling • jug of whiskey, rendered the !oI- 1 Z:,!,;,iV!,;•, ' .." „„,,r„-• : ~...„.....,.... r.,,- se who ever that pegelanon with. . I°l.ln g y ' lrdllSt I •,,,„, ..........„., 1..111. 1, 1,11.1, XE W ' ~,.g ~,,, ~.,.,....,,,‘ ~, „.,,,..„ 0 ,,,,, I WO, We jury, god the defendant not : ~,,„,,,,,,,,o „ ,,„ ~ """""" "AA:"". 1.; CHAIR FACTORY. 0014 Lockets. i 5.,.,,,, th „ , ,, gr „...,, of ~,..,,,,,m ` guilty end recommend him to nsurey, the, A .....„ . 7 . ......r.1=31. .. ..1:.,;! . 1 , ..r . ~,, 1,,r1.1.1,11.1110.41. of ap.r/ ....1.1 . ~ . . _,. . , , ~ 1 , .., ~...., , ~.,...,,, ~.., .5ea1..... n , ~. N .,,. ........, ~,,,,,, I //heron' to treat lb.: Jrlry, the attorney to, ~..„„,,..,,, .. . , ples-tr ~„ J ... ~,,,,, ~,,, ..„,,,,. ~... .., ~ !per the °eats, and the judge to fill the jn!....1.141:7:3 . " , ,. . rx.g.....;.;;;„ _. ~,,,, ....,... , ...r...1...1T....11,.11,‘ nvlanlly The People'S Friend! ..,,......-, -, r -. '''.. ~ I , , P , t 1... Ir.l. I, bas pod . Neo 1 °As .• .t •.lrerllo.‘, Ire OM 11T,iell 1110 defendant drank out or, •od ' „..„,..,„ n „ ~,,,,. „mut...m.l.er !AMA 7 1!::tr ° 1:::! ' :“.7.:Zriv: . ""'""""'"' I line of th.somkalsoo is chservale me. , .. . . oc , Mi". of T., 11.• WON of Mae, •. t . ' ..... feat. a r... I h that It is the ,ina. e . 5a.. , ....n. La hot wma. 1 , ~, ,,,„.0 ...„,,... ~„ ~ ,d,, ~,„,„ I wnich ow jury have emptied during the, ~..„,...,,,,,.,, 11.. / .1. 11.... , yo„ o eel, ,orml., 1 . 11,1 , 1 .1 1 • 11 .11,./...11,1•1 p, „ •• ~ • rt t 11.1 a euell/cAna . emmale.l In Myr weLlm, West to • tidal. U.. • cons, wt., ~ •. ~ ~ ~ "..."'"."'• "...... s ? ''''' ' A A' ' A AA^. ""' • P"' ',77°.,=...',7•7.,;Ti....; , ,',,'.--;':,''',.'",;„ c ,,,,,i 0n In ; isar.fertsAya. dm, south Amen.. an.l I.u,r, in re.aerable etal. Ism not cosiy exceeded Is wootea I t!rt;''.l7:',ll7.". ',.' •.... . • -,,'.".'. ::,:z;,, , 44 . ",.;,..-- - „. . ..•••770 , ;‘ , .......,....;.'• , ..... , ..rr•L'.;,r.. r -..'..0; , ....en on 11, ...log Into gene. me in Woe . . ~, .......,;,...., 7 .. ,r r ...........";.., , i,, ..- .. ,,, ......„'.•;,'..!";,!:,:::;Z;0.,;;,;";;;;Z;.;":;!, ..."•-•........,.,.... 7 ...' , ..r... , •',.. -!..., ..,-;',.. s'. ',.., , -„,. • ~- r: , , , ‘''''"W"."" II """ . wt had. le&i. ad ' , me h..Y..... , ' c01d ... ! A „e.t.d u lawyer olio ois portrait taken c 0,,, t i.„.,,,, . , .., ........... • lbsindiono. •ery .......1 Must en c ried . iln.na j„ hi, I o c.,ri to mei. ••In, Attniling with OM, {tr' j 'ai . , j 'lrteik ,', 1::::,1,1ii , i 1 P . A.1. Pr noon , , „Apr., It tr ":7:4::1r 7°; , ..ii4r.',.1'11 . 50ci0, ...to .. a.. r. . es. ~,., ~. a. ,, ..t. ~,. • r . . ,,,.1 . , I D . : . .7.1 , ..1:i471 , 11nth5ye11 ... 1 . 1::e i /reD. We No is. lir , 4,1 cvlo . 0, .. k ihmt,ir , hand in I.in r 401. Hin (Aim!. and clients ' rte 11.411.1 1/....Mi./ . .........!..' ~.7 - •"" r"••••'• '"' r ••••1"•"' r'"*. '''" I- - .11..0. 1 , seir it, aud over) body exclaim- ' r. : renNiZ . la... e , .......P.Tr1AAT L T I\ l l±,\V FIRM! ~ .r.;;;,...,.,:,..:;;...x.;...!..t.,Ta....4, , , g , . .., , , , , ; 7;:7::.r,;.%:.;;',;;;:; !;;;;'..,'...;;•;;;;... •. ... - ..., ~ ; .... ::.. ,• ": • ,!";;;::::AtTlt..Z.2lralLl"..,ll ~ „.. , ~.„ , .;... we. e..n. L„ f . ...Wm c.ganty ;,'.....,,,,,,,,, „,,,, •,,,,,, ~„ op , , 0 ..„.., ‘../.,, .• , ,m 1,11,./.... tr.,..' ,/ . e.i..../ ,i. , r 0r...• I -.nu os .. tat f common.. h 1 Mow Yare et loon me cm:. : l Tss• ....Idol. hors ............... house- un.r Om ...Winne... he ..........1. A the Peon. s " amm0...N..1 vs .... r t... o ...Intr. t raw ime ~.,..Aur,,,,,,;,,4 „ ,.„,.. •-• • • .••."•-. ,•• • - ."" .".• ...)....... like, it is Om very picture DI ......My 1,, ................ sal,. .. rue. ors flub,* co ~............• „,.....1.... a O. h i :. ft... M... 1mp.... ~/. by AA RAP,A', O '", , ~, „, ~,,„ ~ 0 , „ . ~. „,o, 0,. ' Jaen. Terteno4. . tor , . ol" iii.. iir'N ' .... 'A- ar 'V• A' A '. Now Assoeintoot of Goods 1t ", ....;17,,Z1=1,. ' = " 3:11:71%./C ` ,..412 t.... ' ..n ../.'",...,,,,.., 'II- ... /,, , -,,/ ~ ...... ns. moolV aro . wall labeemal, al boo n........ Ne.alt . ' k rete.o. , tote '`•"" ' . '. '' .'" l '"' 1.1 . A.... 11 farmer :I.ly diso....ted- .. Tain't . wvwdas. o •wi ho•ouvort „r the ...bow -ti.• sosont• I. o. r A IA?',! '"' A ,'',,',` "'::` ",-;:''..".::, " ;',','7'l!' !.`",: ' ^ e274%...;: "%Tar' "'".""="1: Ilk. 'man... ..", ...., , ~,,, ...,., 1... ...,,,,....,...,,,,,,,,,..,,,,....^.. 1 .T... 1 "r.. ''.' .....'"'''...".`"."' .".' ..""..'".""". ".''. ' ...:, 'l!'l' ..T ',. ; ,r .'n. ' L 'rg:;;.....: t.','',.;, , ,:ii,;...',, ' ,.'.7„tt, ' ...1......itte.. ..41,;................7,.. most. Atom. be worminal It is Me Wad. ~_ _ ' i I :Mdtiut..d evevy borly--=" Just show us . ;!,:,•••,%..„,,. 4 I,...ttuttom. farn'ot ne.......... weetior rt. 1....,....... ...ant he vow. pee... lA.. en.. Pcoals Paso Iv „roe., % a.. „,,,, ~,,,,,„,t , „,,,,„ • ~, ~.„.....,,„,„,,,,,, , ..........,..„.„1 „ „.....„.„,„.„, •I It Os ' ..'"'".""".''' '''''' idt'!""*"."`"",''''''"'"°&...m.././. thi.:. ,, d wn •• its r.................. dePte-lerpren .11.11.• ...ea.., 4.1.- , - I heel.. ia Oro so ... eat leo ye. In her, i't I ts.. Illie " I ' Newlleven Po. „,.. :::; ' ..VV r r lnt.: 1 . ../ . .ir!' ""°* " ' • ?Ms SIMI aealb Twommeted. " roln t -n., la.: yorpotitledthe fay. =,;.1,"'" yw. o he.reuoly ... *'• • In adatt. to tbe thew .... hove In ...H. (All, 1 . ,,r0 ana Maple sue ran sato hy MP hy emtn , ta1.../.1/ re sax I ..., ....T... . 1 ... .. 7 217,1 / 74,11.VVV:,4 1 4,1; :TM:: 1,o:or,/ of the Te/eg ,„ ,•l. en whish ti.•„,„ ,t.........,., . ' t All r.11g .. 1 . hatt ...... AI A Tim Iron Ilornalle•mewe "' BENTLEY • µTAD p r ,.. cp.... At,. I. ~ . 2,111.ar1 i rod asaraeraptod lowern...• al. volostbla awl wljasset in eatFchata the - .;,,,, you to.. is , has gag let baud is 2="" ' 1"; ~ ...., 2 04., ' " ~ , i 27.''.....a.1..`gr0.".„="4.r.37„.!V!4"..',21'.! 8',.;21,11:7'''' '"'" • "'ilitlVl`a.'o.!"ill"D` • k 1.2.4 . "' rz.77„1.!'-!," ",V9:.%!7..'t'eg," .. - - i. TY' O.= 114;h:t4 rtr, !IV? - 4..... -- r.". ,h. ONO , " '" " d ".. 6 . WII•IIII ,nor own porker, Cwonld be •A Ilk a in If ,o www."' th ~, s = hew& .is 11. 1 / 1 1 le yell. .., Merehont. g• ~.....„ 50r..... 11"7,.z . ',:-., ,;„..,.‘ ~.....,. ~......:...-Itr 1.1 11.. DM home I ..... ° ..l.lle * tta ' st. d" Mel . , ~,,...„,,.... „„„„„,., ,an Moll tro huy 1. p.... 11,1,1 twill 1,,.. ea t,114,1.11. Tirr Phystsustbropte Plats, . P".^lslsk Gar . 00 ". 1.• boar "... 111,1 tad it in 11011101104/ .0138'1.." • TIP,* . 1 .' ". V . ' 1 k .•' /T ' 1 ". II ' , l' 1140.0.... th 1• . roe OM It' I .' ad"rild la in carom il .1, and sir it foe - ___- root ...,sou rin. ntnium ...... ota tll mat.. ' ii • ""'" -" "•. "'"""'" "'""' "' l ' ' " " I ' • " " ^l ' . '' Yid...l . °, ~„, ',. ~,,.'i. . „,,,,,,, Apr.lo, &Any .4. f y o.LA RE A. cm r!!; ,.mor ~.....,,, e.5....A171...1%. ~./ • Man......n..- s etearle... eh ~ --a IT 111, n. tt ...- orrt s met son. to wale Wert hate NA honor proem is sesompliehed la DICKY -Ti " e. yowl ladle@ of • Widen- 1 ' ,=',, r ,;!,,,,j,„. 4 Mir e ra,..{ 3 - ---- - ,- ,' y-11.1.•/11.1 , ./.........,,,,,.. I.- I. LI no ct ....1 Wm um soar, wanotementle Um .. trome • I ILL; s Tr , it, son. n05 , ...-.. ou. Turbot, Coro at --t• L. P.I. t.. hoe 10... to .........1 ' It IS lek. Awn to. able ballaiding school in hlammelmmtts„ In- risseh oo, u , o t 1',7 , 1„.. , Vz0 0 5 0 tr ou, !, ptastth o , o o -i1 , 11 , 7. , 4%.: , ...4...... , .., , ,: , s..r.zro,.,iie AOE X C V 01 1 %...: .fir ,. .5im . tz.47 . 1.472 rd. borsig2 if son soave.. 1110.1 of making moo of We common and ' n.,,,, ~,,,..;. 11...0.n. soli., 4. " * "'" . 4 ; 11 ' . I , l ' l II S • 1.4 fir. FIT WS elehrated Ithlitinfe, vett, in n tr. Awn Samesserl rsres or Me sae O ;rEnE . l...s * bo. AIM. asrwrarrint 61.4% A during Win. lo the 111110011tb tem, die ttenery.-11111/0 WWI- r...... ~... ..,)., 1............ , ~.,,..! . ..„,,„,,,,„„‘„,,„.1.........ty adopted the ones Ws othogra. t., , ..= , H, ,i an enoliso. 4 , = L. I "PLP*ND T. '" , "`"u'i"."' " ""°"". .th,....,4.7124 ' ... '" , '" 7° .".° 6 ' .V.7.4. ' ,rit..., Watches, I% Jewelry ry,r,1,, , E7;;;; ; Fte,:1 1 ,1,1 ' arliii.,,r;,, ~,,,,,. a „ rk . p,,.. phy or 'Alard tionsul. Ws And thht te ' 1 . ratia ' .3 ."' " ..' bY .1 LYONS &RON. 1 Yam. tiosida ; me., aweTamper*., n " P . ) r- pen Tr.= rt 'greet tot 1i;c 1 :7:224.:32.17: ~,... „„„,„„..,,,, : the papers, hat salute, vouch for its truth. Pans • ... awn. • Wastom. eon. I - I". I ' "'. 10^ " . "'""Llt •I " I ''' . :" .•l ''''''' ' &ay ,I . ",. ,"i- . &O. rn"..."‘" ralso Ipe.. 10n0....... . Wm.. cwt.... e a 'am.. I err NOM Pm . ..IL-Stubbs, Roo nil- A w .„'", wa n , := o .• Tr, =,,,.... !! IV A lTZVerseit . n ' t . w i tt .. 44:1=1 . ...47.2 "' Z ' . 1747;:::: me- rtzrz =Arr. "" 1 . _.. , ~,, .....,,......7i.t.." .........,... Ora. ' ' ..- ~,, Deror*„.v.ll,=eltl^,C; =lt ' • ' ' .......m...i.:... ~., ....• .........a. , ... , , Pell o. J. LYONS & PUN j AW, &Roan haveheamprolutrolammt.no.' We10b1e5.......r5t1.......„ - ....„,.„ ..„ „„„,...„ „„.„ ...„ ~,j , i„... r Noner• •••• Ms Co. . All sole. tombs I - libre..... = t '-k• r o l " .0 " ; ", ' ,WATER ELEVATOR i''''''''''`"'"' s now tho • 0....... r.....• ........le.• ......enalst ..regswi, ow ms 10. asesiose hy thee.... , imt en ...........o l,l ,..4o.4.llh•sw...nowswerwtho Paw ow& IN rothers• ber „ Obis ~ Farm Ibr Bale. -......,,,,,,„„ lace... Aron mare. Ile hos nen re. •,...,„ „y o„,„.„_••„. 0 „, ..„, „ a „,,,„ , e • =a... * IC * I arra - a . . ~._....-, „ ..-m-z- i CHAIN PUMP , T ll. mho.. ...nrsfmmtel. Woad. Farm, stneste °Artiltr . r4pf,X,;,p7, , ZA:L s t.7.,gags4 .. ..7 . = , Waal., AP. Thome.. Now Y. ne11..111 Ise „ . monk esp. d honk lib . N 0..... • 1 -*7 ' 21..r°1111.47:3 4.7F -"Zl "'.'" :::12 d 7.7 - ",""'7,13".z...1.:::.'4%;.1..z1,::: . niatan,,,==x,:pc -, WOOL CARBON & MTN WIEBIHNIL Lir- teen...lvy... t7A.t...rd ...Z. hr ' =;:317.7.1 " •, ergo e :11 " 4,..:2_, ` .„ e l ." 1 3= 1 :2•VZ . r.. , ... 1 1TT .T.'. „Tr.r . ..., , ,...: , 1.1.1•114 ....r.11,1, 1.1. TI. " =6 "" ••13=1 "l • rell! " ; ; ....7.p. i. ..3 . 17 . 7,...... :7 „.p 1 i p n." .. .1....."1.j . ii ' ::;,711av,:zzi:Irm== - .1.7::%:„... - 1:::;%=",2:4:, , ,1tz.K....wr0'.....,.r.i. cptc.ritk:...%'•;!..4.X."=„26:. S. oot. ge01.% ...L .. els mar men j i,i4„---..„1,, ~i;;'''„„-„..., „Ca j tt j :„ ir„,„. y..............„&ra„ t o e .....,,‘,.. tolowoogviorgtg , .:l . l.l...r o lv o l o olL o,. wird byn.. i tioriarksiont - io "*" am, eeeere.ei11.1t,....11101,.... . I . t .W.. . W.W... ” ." :&= / * Z= W e l. "** /... mmm l bl. . 1114.r4r1.0.71 . 4., MB • 1,011.1. was ..lia A.m. taam . .., .............. ""I: - "'"1" -- "Va -sk- enr. - 7 ------,„,„.",,, _ u.n. , -taiiikai ,- ca,"="17. , 41.1,:74.,:t,t.t:fm1,17.1,: vaA;1tt1ta11.(;:; , , , ,,,-,,..iki_4-1 Smote . . t.r 4 w00t...., ...tua... 1141 7 1: 4 . : . ih - • ......,,t oho arsy tee, bon ott, no. row., I P I. „. 111 " - - - C"* !l::llttett7miCa's :..;.= ..."..: ".'. ' " ."'*" *d 1TA1.... - 7,l="tzt,V.P. =.1:: .... ~......... ........= .. „.......r...2„................... F . E to - A,T, , xx011.v.;11 . .7....,1=.-- . "."" . , A 1.1.341 J. lit .17n. , rob izo . :11 ..! tbreds.lll.• c.HIT mom. was 40..00.0. do. lisp Nth Aeon IrtemnArabOnes r. u li iti do .. 11.111.,1•11.......161% otyle I. en M. 4...• 1.1.4111,1 hese yt Illoomesgral WooloWlemnsl=azim IPr„... wesloreenot 1 Illontrom. as. lat.,. ''*****. I, ern! to*l . e.ta d* d"..." '''''' ".'' .... env- reTrZedate=l=l:lVeteellAlthe dew ,trg. AIM Aar enned moms. "" • r'" w t= ,...,77,„" "- '"' olizitt Ll*.7= - .147.7,=.14-,..,". w^, , ,1 . ,;::zr;1,1'2..^:n,1":"...:1:Z•x1.V.:!=z ar „ ~.., _, • „.,., „..:-. ._,..,..i.•;,,,...,. . .........,,,,,,„,., „.,, antwell WI. • Wend . -. ' -'' I.VONO k PON. IT •IN ~1 of fil wk. Y,a s ,11.,.. 1.. k.s. •IL OUST., It.CO. .„,„ rj „., , ......nfer.4l. se lelltpay• Ptlemneru..... 111,TIAT At sup. M. ,......r..V1 D" ' ..".".-I""l M """ PoVnltr "..."...ll lterrtios "4* .n throinst, " nosno . 1"' " ,00 nno. '"."". r. '" ; .11 ....,4..... , - -=,:ciriip . i.Eit:i 1 111 ,m 0a,tit i onmbireAls..... Wrier 0f ,. ....-Sr vot ..llll. ~.,, ~ 1 " • jab.. Aga IN NO i • Joss', awl Ilk INS. tarn," wain ones ammonites with • elm ,otan opoo the melded. of fe4d. " There," new. of rrretr ooo s :meld the clergymen, p01...1 to a yr.m on* when lli. , whieh hang over the mantel Flom " there loka, my faith." " Wen," replied Stubbs. two. tow am as a: with • shrug of the obouldere, "If yes hang Irbil. It I your faith on a !tingle nail, I am stead you rerfertire h•a , 1 will fell short of the Mentor Buell fount, moot Aged as Musk Ores a doe haw LA..., a ma much ter from the Pathos Of WU Oho, dgissly. I 11.14.4a4a „ . --- i 0 I like t e wte the doer outlaw, saw d "'"g ." ' 6 "'"l ins thesedert," rid Km Drown. Tim i ...h. ' . 4 "" 44 ' . . 1 her Watt I.y took 6 oloiinr's Nov 'moot mf, .. " 1.1.... "'"" ~ awl Maud It k. the WO of Ida kite. " Nee. I 00 ° OP ' 44° 411 ' 4 I or Orr," amid the pod lady te her deli... i ." ....a•4 ... 4 .r whew she maw her boom le the- air, "es nu WI h wir rain- owe me Ow kite rows down be will gine Wet .Mel. dal Y.• it leek to re.' Reduced VAV't;IIN*,; 'UiIiONTXPTIC MIXTORZ PHliVilM l l Blood, Lmr, Z‘dneys, Lungs. Ty' CLOTHI•iG EMPORUIBI! ii3LE;;ALE Fa F 1 'ls , Courtlandt-St., Nets' Work Evansline for Therwrels r•rr, r: A S 71° Tr „ tprAvz w igh„ ElEll=l Yellow Dock, EINE MME=2 0110/ROll W. hiVIROIIANT tr.fcrttrrx. GARGLING OI rwallelrd In the History allelic: Itemartraltlo External Aprllcal Ever 7:!!',ovzrzel! qe. r t,„ - r-, 4,‘t ` lIANU on, Dr. S. P. 'TOWNSEND'S CU3II•UU.YII EXTRACT or SARSAPARILLA The most Wonderful of Me Ip t 1,500,000 BOTTLIIII hi CY TURLD Shl• TlMteine N rill lap st• qr. some% 100,000 Chum of Chronic Distore, bilbit. Mtlns. Prot Ventre -Pm. bag/Ram by 11. P. TOWP•MPOt EXPOSE. VAT Olf ,IPI 1 . 11/. "". 4:11; ely t r ail OM Dr .1.0. na WM ' 7' " ""i' "'""" "' 1.10 4 " 11. tt no u:lme rt= •vaualieN. " r:l ' 11. Deer. Set „, ' IL. 1 : 0 5 170,. .."1..a. osio.. Jr READ THE AIITDAViT. 27,71 27"Zr's.triLl Zs • ....snusz fir , iOC nu .nil t.,,,rtrottit.abbttrtot t tle , bl4 7 7:m i or talk but k.*i'. ill lot Ole ns . tte . ttr.rit . z. t. tine..tka ""‘'":‘,L e tt 7 , :tYik ' ,.t.,...10,.t..y.-. a mi t , .ttkt ..m..101e It tor tun. Deponent In pas uf be nWn to Itr rob naentl, b bleb bo tenth...Aar Po :111TXT:dot made on bort Vo'd !,"1',1"•:' In Ne ^",^- ,1111% 11,111TRe4 1 ONO Wt 1,1111111.1.., ROOF!! PROOF!!! Dr. Tosarsend's finrenparilla. "" In Otis city, to Sri* , ork Trl !!!!!! r. ' r "' 1'
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