11111111MODI , poret steal,. Oar Owned. .r. 41 panto on dee-1 V. 11. Ileonear. _ _ ,-,-, , eon, ably ,weea**.d, boot,. eh.* b a p. ...., The Crawford Coady Democratic Cow . radio . - • - r- --- r ~, • ''.7.-r?' . .,..t r 7.. - _-r.r- r del high bun, awn popover trod able Wed.-ton Pood ...WOO.* ...MY toontoombM Hon , "MP, O'' --- --- I o nar , a _j r ke ~..—n a, n ~,,,,,,,,, ...h e kb..., Uarr. W. Woo AAAAA .of Willietharre. ao the not ' :r :•. . . ~ .i 1-• : ~1 pubs. rpm.. ee d n ee k n .] washy:h..,,,,,,todidato for U. S. Solder. W. wood do icor .—....---- ----- - --- • do nighty ingest.. which the pros eons *Oleo meet bond), for we believe hint to b, jou THE DEMOCRAT , our Nalioe— ...ever point for rotor ay& Thigh- K° men nn lb. londor PoocOM O. non ! err aro the eye. of the people throeted tre the caly 'Ob." Wow., nornnlon earl ertwoetieg inhn - ...ow esfeduanl of their likewise; carefully are il9 poi. neldinO non. h. P..... I. the tun.. of war N.' MISEKODInge SIODK•Onber 5 t •••°.• , 4, ..e „bee, welched, h.non Wheat 0,..... nj ,, aortal Ladle! a a aaaa would he a wow of Wend, to 1 annowatari every eye ie Weed with the keenest . o at pn.nnoinfr .ad c0...0r le. the Illoirdo ectutioy, mod ere mild fully coavinged that the' ad Koji., the respect of t h e whale Union. ' chatter II not tot the 'Ono, de they anthem. it.— 1 Manalelar. . Will it ern be 1t,.. with do read.m el the n Dem. We keel that • quartol avowed on Saturday . oral r When they boo read that valedielory of lam, bellow. Mr. Asa Kok, keeper of a Hard • hog-tried and faitbfel champion. will obey tot ,in E.t.a, Wyoming County, and our of hie twig*. I became fully *elided of the ietegaty and ability ben who caged at his bowie I. driak, Wiliell le. Ohio euccemore ere they ecquiesce re the change 1; milted iu the drab of the letter. After ware Soh we down will be the roe ; and it 1 with' word@ had pawed, Mr. Keeler forced him to love 'tor expeoatiou of undetected do ordeal that we the how, whereupon he commenced mu moult I new appear barite the public. 1 with owe, and while eloping to reach ono, wee , We by err moo optel to be free bout cries- Wreck by Keeler with a thee, co the back of do iniuntle lids Amisailess. PM /WW I . EPHRAIM Sink', MIEISEr.fMI istamatie NNW NOIIIIIIIIIIIBIIII I i., It were,strange indeed if me. at our Mrp i heed, eud iumently expired. .s. Streeter, of IluestreSSeels. , were not longue!. and injedieious; ...lige if W. g nu the mranntalauces from ruiner, and !! (dohjerl to Me deessoin myam 8... Ceeference ) ! may emirs ebould not creep in to marl. am i ce.. wench for their ororeel.es. Mr. Keeler !‘.. ...... ' mammy of tow coons and when dm. may ain. Ir. Cl,. Wing eaudidete in Mi. repreeeetaine , 6 111 .. 4 "..W. . 4 Orel" 1111.1 per we hope our petrowerill ettnbute it to the Dietrict, last fall, for the Legislature. U. 011111.1.11.341•. imlewretion of 'units tether then dtshountly of ' lirelbeet Splesseek, ef Herrick. full , .............,,•,... •.....,••••, ' 1 "" P "' w. ``"`" .. "" °*w '' W• w•• • The 11e...Th0 M. T. MelLeiman, Secretary .11 ' , I drier ... . mat e. to Mach.. M. with fidelity moil% J. B. Dleseeti, ef Illestreee. Department of lb. Interior, has sot to Prem.! to d.• Lost el' ear abiliti. nie mem, Fillmore a letter, tendortug hie mignon., 11. J. Maluirrel, of Terries. i w. ".. ''. "' mi. ' . ‘ w "••.• nw! ' w ` " d a l amount of a nerve.* 4illically. General com e. Cot %VI •.. , sneer incur skates of brushing Mem. If we ...,.,, w .,. , , , ~.., ~...... Oriel N. Ileebe, of Jemmy. , fed to one. the expectation!, of the conenesity, it .- -- - --- --- ' .11 be far [menu se to here that failure hold The mow h..... 1.. " 1! ... 1 ..... 1 •• •1 ". I g ..•••.••• Tw. " ...•!. . ''• • up befwe eon .yea Cr.. from *ll bra. Md... w Wt. whiv6 ho i''''• to himw lf . -- -- - Its C . .esgmeWrleelfe7-- Of rut , Pai.ei f. ,11, ••d the "R.^. . 4 .. f 1. 1 .' Naleclime ...lege wheel. are txw made by car- I ..,......,... late f., ,I.i. pep.. Th. p... .r, we need nay but link. we wet proed to .11 Meg the tier with hen. of salcanised India Rule will oppear is ear 11e•I. ~ oureelime Democrate; fee, to that veal party we b.,. • ! d ...otedly a ttached. We ...et he organise. " L'... •••••••k•••• i• •••rY w•Y d".."."' .r. . I A meat in Ptusb„rg has been lined nue dell. wr P•• 1•••"•• • '"" P "' " '' b ' ""' •••i"'" ' "" •".1 I." W• Pri""Ple.. cad . w." •d••••" I nety-two and a war ~....1. r., m....i... y..., .My .f ..e.t.„, r ..„.i ...„.,. w. ... ea t Mein unflinchingly. frenkly mad candidly ; tea . ; ' lad) . • h and ! ••lf ....1.. .Wet non redeem Mom ,Id pro t ine e e. Mg tho Mee of cur ramie liberal , but fin.. mad , - I i depronleat. I risk r Want. h. made . Bth...eke. F . M Do 1..,.. ~y„.,d C ., the..... „,„„„. With Moo no remarks. keel madam, we can. "wan,.. Ites been .mental. limo curreepoutlenee, but it mum he of to greet you, .ItMed )cur lOoor tool 1... , ....g. ! ~,d,„ N. 4„., 0,.., sa id to ~, r,,,h., i. . rimpodance teens... ruble:atlt. mprent I il- . rir 'D. "A•E' f°- nall! an than y other bead now in use. ly the aid* of au el turn campaign. E. B. (-11.\86. . . . _ Na MT o dtsteke __ __Rut fur_.. ..AI 31 ' """""" "^""""""°.' e*"'""'"•°°' M To .160 Masse O. ...The OVNIMPPIet, 0 ., „....„ ~, b, spar 0f .,......... y e ... ..,, , Patents Ism been confirmed by t he Sena.. Taw conweet.m. of the undersigurd wlth Mr , .... b .., k..„ t The Cashier. Pra aide." and all the Maryland • '.". De " ... “' " .. r4 '" ." N".4. " . ' Woute num.o ince, we made arramgcmcnia . I/Immure of the Havre de "roue Ilank are under ...I." .." "."." ... h. ' " the E.g. ' assume the ednorial saner, mien of this nom, on ':, . •11. e ague. ate not dont. $5,00 out. fr". ow..nt h. maw P .. " .."'..1...1..." ha fitht el laundry mew ; nee 1.11 lam week did 000.1mbilto a. M. II Jo B. IL ('inse t who . 11 beo^c l s.l. .. we one,paie any d 11",:ent state of things.- ~..., .. ~. m ain , , „ nu ,. , ~n , ... g e „ C....... . . C. 0.. however. I she order el main, and .. ;. ,... r e ,...., r u, ' ;.r, ,,, , ~, " i * ,„ " the in ., ..,.. ~.„ Tle• .........Y. Ss , I.l^ildY will. ...,. k ham brought fore. ~rears and escudo. 1y • ner . , i. , ',..: 7 .,,,,„„ „„ e ...„„„. , ne , 0 „, very. the meet el ad patrons. MM.. , .• I Stang, too u.. lu the mid...! the excitement inn , .„, ,„ n „ nue„; We.„„ marine Inge ember of them ie hr beni well understood , ter 4 .. ne sold.„ e nee ... , we Lure... 1.,. shat, .l.' .... * i s . " 11. E.. 41 " 4... '; melba. sheM, op. which we confidently hope le *..y. ''.*"". semi 1 . at yee , 4 , ....... 1 to ll." g 0....... h.... improve .h... .... Aall hove witted things pl.. ; .".. w.. . 10 "." Lee. .i. pi.... th. eh, rake le . piece .! „ nen ,. w e „ye thrown eth ,,, ..,,,,, evening Iq' Ike. 11r. Walker. ot the I• ed... at • figs. day-the Is of January no.. being lb. ; a.. a the. pleat ...., „„ e „..„..... ; Iln Weboter tit Cembridg.., ,sal in 111111111 l al , 4.y ... 41 .. E5t5.W.D....".. V01k... I generally so absenir to realm., •nd intend to "...w i l ls.. l''... 1.c."1"....i 1 bY a o lissil emil. 1 ..... it .110 lope,. b.,.. to ...see omee „ n a y 11 , 0 . 0.L.,. with .....,,,,,... r .. c , op . the reineas of l'sdresor 11 elm.. um. convey., Inge itopeuesse be .111110 lot 1111111411110 P.m.., ~, T.. ~.....1 „i ,ai , d e ,. by M Jobe reeky, widest..., lo Mau.. ..11,0. and d. rimed to the family ...b. ........' v"vvd..". a. ' l'"‘ "...h.'''. P... Cave ,„ mei.. eg I. ref. Web ster. ern. be ger. msomfamely, which propeonion.i 1 ,.. ..,,,, e „...... y th , ~,, ... en .. nr ! o. Aiu : J., Lied'. lic ioniser. lb.faro tba mican after mew NS... to I acceded . ,Mr having! s * people .11 be i 5.... Wediamdey night, e. Cars the exec...of the unforemale mon-• ...in to! ...• .. "...a...ma...3 P.... " **V ' the Waukee amd mos....roes pe„alty th.....r de gardeu. Th..... will bit giveu OP Fraley-; ridge ghat meld... to one. Tarbete from gi to io DAL . : diegrased dm ho p . ' . clmuM jurisprode.tee o f a ei.thsed . • I .k.g 1...'`. a " P.r." ' d... P , notiaw We aew 11.. the brutal work I. Tim N. Y. Mete Fait ..rsetieed yeaterday ......s. I Amid be 1.1.... the ...Cm. g rai- I owe and the demands el the law .64.4. din the .Wodueadayy mad will comae. all Friday. 14 i. , ode ....1 lee own retains*. dal 1 so. tetil to ' „, emir, 11. the eryweial fee. • of c.0...41 p.m..' ..... 2.1.1100 pergola are pr... hilt ... "1 „ .. ....".." b . " , " ... 1 „.. a .: ' , : I ....II . 4 ........1 IP. . 1 ..... 1 ea..' Feety.de me if rue hundred aid lwenty.e t igh., .. . ... raged .-- ' .- - .. ey -if ae other-of Seer hl•orlY and b..... delegieeste Ihe New York Um... Maters'en. 1111111•001 and ...spatronage during my nearly • .. ,,,,e, y, the... we .. ..., ~.. ~....__. ..........c. been, ........ 4. ' ......1..." ." .. a.. a "....h......h i can with th.... miteati...are .117::. I . .. . . y , gO , . . 1 my were 1004401 mnd sineere ...be It I. we ; th c the y. . e , the th... _;;;__ _ , .___, _ _, Gen. o. c llndos, an agent or ... ..i. age Air offices of Insane. they have shown may • . 4.. ... . . *"..".... Comp.uy, has beet. areeed at I leave.. 00 1 W.* them be. lisle 1 bes to ate they here ' ' b.. 4 1.0. ...L. " h.... " h. " . ' 4 " . *. charger If robbing the ...of e, ; moo. 1 ..,, .ith horror at such • .eue 1, er who lun a edlsslo. ads. all prise: and they have lad. c ththc , the th, ~,,,, the _ 1511, 11.1 pen.. visiled the ..... 1 ('doge. on v. Ime. with a deb it of gneetade that word. c. d. . .... '.... ' ' "I"'" Saturday 1...1, for ... repo. of aeiag the opt 'Me ....Wed in • hum. disniSiter.yard, even 1 gc , . ne , p .n ..... ugy ,, y , ..,. ..... '.g.. A..' ' r......."1...."*.401. th.gh t. bed ignified by the presence of great .ario ' wk.. '''.. .''. . 1 ..' .." P.' 'v."' th.L. 7,......h. ' . 4. '... and ..„ceßed by the Pram .( lb. pietiormd,".`4 I peaty .ow. alp with extreme reluctance •ad ..... J: The Cap,....fs o see.e unhappy in ,sit el- I germ. Ide ..... with the 1... of Sol mg am- we here ... eth.,.. „ P . , ig „,„„,„ 0 , ~,,,,,,, ~,,,,,, .is „ the. .., ,,,,,y ng to olba. in morn . friend. romewhere el. ; but to enable me to th„ . . . _, ..., en , nu ., egg ... 1111 the houguirol Ur. Web..., It wiy• . heat.. •ha I have • long time d...red le be, •...• ge.• ....° . . .11. de maw of my pa.. are Mir, ......• th at ......o. h'd very C .. '' .. ' h. ' nee and death, awl, item to ibe fa., ~,,, ex. th.. Ste ... el abeee to whom Lace. wa. submit-. enne y kn ., i n h .... egeu , y . in ., I . e ...„, ~ 4 7 . : ........- , : al ~...th.. ....... the ,.......... , tri ,... 1 .. ... „ 71: n w d e . t e miL i 5t e : 1 , 1 ...... .........y .....J...ie .. e. , ie .,. ....1 .c 1e ,.. ti7e ., e 0r w c a n hepe .,..,, it .11 keep 01111 fen the (...! ..one . 1 ^ {addie. "... .' .. . egen g ne . Tu. *n y e ., e 5,„„..„.. The Came... , that the Gall. eye...! im. may probably ap 1.4. we 101•19111.1111.- , ~ .... i.. ~..•. 11,.. .. . _... ml the y b / ppo i p 11 Pi au horrible; bat ea.+ to emhew i }. .... k ....... n ." fr..' .1.11 ......4." :leo., in • inane &old d .. ' the m horor. of the limmet... though deemong , "" lh. " '.lll...rstY 6 .. the ...11 name horrible ! Why J. I lameady. t " ..... ''". oho *'... '........... 11.....* 1...... "... an nolurby deg the outset, whde mu...des! d the Gabon. 0 • good 111111/ Les. so horrible. 1 pene.e. Ile hoo es my thing to .1... every Meng nne g 0.„., n l g. ~,,.... 0 u„....., „.„,,, n the rack. awl thumb *crew. of t. lit.posani. • ...1.....r; ' serY tmte . Calif.': e‘erY body 7... ~.,. nile . „ thee . : . , e , ' ,. ie een ,.... 1 , , being • ihe were,' would be et. a letter eateale. to wave, nod f smoVe te le ea. To de this rue. " - ."'"7 .• thee. _, ....."_:. ,„ ._ , _.. tad •' keep men from the eon...imam ore 1111 l ...' emodully...l eau., nu at ill -111,111.1 even au an. 7 , :" . ...." . 0they . ,..7 ., 71 . ..., .... c . e . .........“ .. ....,.... -",.. o ._ __ ; _ -. s" 1 "; 0 . """ I ts ... 1. .^.. ... „ t e ll. 1 :7„,„,,.„ ~,,„„„..„.,,„.....,„ trr 1..... or .h. ea..... r,....., ..b en.. the ann.... My am. bas been to publeb, - ' - - .... lisb au etigraviog n.m...eiltiom the law rat oho • y .1 . ea of Gee To. lor, mid my. "We shall rm..- a P..... W... g."..11 1...".-... .r......'" f....ht5.11. *lf A .uti fr t. Webs d is 1 mite In inter. m oor'reader, wick • venal, of eh ore ......... am. .-.41 to era. the trot", ... .. .' ". Webster .. di...mg...why. emu mid gre:t . t o re ll iu t. th b. ...... , :l d l t bur... en . .I . l , thi. relic ef darker ." "SI , ...ea.. ..sr as 1 WWI r tpmble ofd. PCIIII.I// it, frsakly . ' u. ...mmurea'' We rhall camfidesely ex oddly end f. arlemly , a. th rireunela.e. aml * lr . 1.... .. I pre, in the ow.. smother. • " rut" of the arl lan. demmoded. In tle. ...k I holm labored ."1".. null .' be ^. "'" l _ • erecting 7111101 mammy ,• amp in the wew whirl. Ire prism. oublehing, the embodiment of wide remady, sealamily sot ui 111 l iugly. 11. well II - l'he pmgennee of .erne for 11.• Ag. i n., ...a .....,.; e ~, .. doe hoof. col I ha. socceeded m piing satedacti. perhaps it reculberal Fair we pub.. the week. earl per.. two mnall 11.1.e.:' M. illus... of the Englsh leo.. mot ma . say. I ase eimonirm Plat I Next. Aster citiww., with cher.lentic Idle., corn laws ....14 eat fad of bola( highly inouge. may, .1 probably have, wane.. erred-ad !sr; have provided ample seregewedatmes. lore ".. -4 ....... a • *or, Is thi• werld dee.. err'-bate I Ore that. pseume the ettembeie• will be large. awl she e, ........41 . .. I. war ne.lo Cemve......... Is ....rarer., or a• • g I thing, my ewe lebnie. uSereeting. • Al • Demo... County ('wren... held is 1 bee bon app.. hy all Ws wham ......... No pen. Nan, deeeneneut ea. ha. failed ao. kw Wy eat. county, at Lee's old Maud in , awe ...thy of ...ivies If or, Owe hove I to observe the bemelloml Wawaw almady ezerled ', F.o. .. a tes. he Sikh of August. 1.4.50, en 0.. of gmeoly sewomerpreted the eon. of .. sm.. apse Ilhe fare of d.; i.e... this ...Sy by ay JA. H Log JOSIAII FACIMETT ...elms ...... and the navy 4....0.1. of approval Atpintllonal Meredy. abb.., It ie yet mils I.Ln. lea r...... .4...1.110. aT. 11. 1 .1. E.l" I ha... receiymg eye* down to the present .y. Cool...ceediog Fair has increased greatly 11. B. Ilc.r and Jon, Boma, wort ehaern flee- kin, I. ii..... owl on ere .red that 111. epeolng; meek. It I. a memo army sleeken. lb+. I Man will Ss ea.d any previa. goo. We hope oar an ....NJ.. 11... E.1.d.C........! lhe paper in • pnorpen. nod ...in. coedit.. A...... ......n.. will 00140 by an 1111 l prier N. rsoreceoded to m. 0.. candela. I' or Mena.. 1 ling 1 Modlly tr." 1.• db.. suoy be leer , fising =eh re.... soil ............, 8. 8. Winehmeer. Jake Fame... A. 11., A. ....... any nun .... in .......1 7 i ppa p.p. at. they will ....., if St, . .... GaSinier. John V. Mug. awl M. T. Wadley we. 11.• ye. Ohre. I reeweeked myself wish It. le edb their ow. lelenr. 'severally wend.. wk. Maw Ma lin of whearibers did ••• month., • Ow ilm.e.r.•th ballot. S. M. We.... b...g j ....ed ii. ~.b..... air thh , h .. LT or Oatlll.l pap 00 r..". • P.I. In. me.. • pi•Wwity 4•11 the •••••111 the Coot. i .. 0 ..1....Y ......... .... ... ........elannl *sly ....... "" I"" , "' " ' °°°° b....".. 7 ~ .. 1.. t..." 7.4 . din M. It W. I, 11..11W..... of a 0. ...,.. B. N .., J . .. ......,,, . 4. r...E......D......... . . *. 0n..• ....a, ...• . kitp..wr ask 11.01 WI .. ..... .., .. 1 mat ea • . la w Repneindialw. MA A ewe el.. bee.. .1 Any ..bace11em....... 6. ,... 6 ... ! Jed. IN,. A. iimism. liir C•••ty Com- . 4 . 1,, P....r. h.... 0mb ,__; w. gill I. S. 1.... th. 111. Me AMPBA :ffliii/LIMOI.JeIse. Fingerold lie Teem., W., Te mi ...1 P 0... 1 ... 00 " .1 .... ___._....*. Amid AM Adm. A s 0 00. A gds A.A7 i M. Fle... S. fa Diu. Allegory. Alfred 1111. I AWED A. AA* wa....... ••• APA•AA g em ... a ay yey ,.. • lath. who h.. ham poyang poem. I .... Ihe Camay lisnwer. mid AAA A. DNA. Nir • i ...1. 1.0. -y ••••••••. M ..• .I.WW• SY Let Arm Mow. iv. We •••6••••( diej A. 1.. . rd M... ad JA•DAy I Mae • ......s, am. a... 0., Mr.* , A... Iti•• Mid 1 1140 ...11 • mildnii., sod will 0. die dingo .11 li• J.- , mid AIM 1••••••• t. mil Me ...... on lit.d.d, Th•t Is S. & W 1•46.1... dm smell. •••••di. ...., .. p e e d .b. p...., ... a ,bha, d••• liii dm p.n., AMs tiatmomey Pe Owl "*"7 • v" 4" "a P"4"6:7, O. w - w w w w, MI. Kerr 1... we k••• • •••• Kerr Amyl wadi, A dm =Mid my.. A di .--- • ... Cr TIM bony Alm A Mdeday sow. _A ...._.... kg a e.g.., ...,-.... it. Tb•Ai11"." ....". ____...... **4*****1 .. 4 2.... -- • damp Ii• lA4W• a ....la. ha 14 hi may Aneigh Mb =Mad by 1A .1..d0ih.." .. " °°' ...°°°. -.-- --- w - I W• .11.1.1 JAM um. Wipe ••••••••11- 4.... gwa, .A...., m. I. w ..... D.., 11• T ow wound W.II. od ... " D ......" .I. •••••y i Awe ih• Nr• rmik & WWI. lbsd. ...., b.• ... rwwl • • 14 • 16 ... 1 .... •••d Ad my AM ••• Mks mm• e. dm ..11,.....6.0..4 h... iway ....... ad 1 dommdly Addeil le. Um Mow die ... 211 °I 4111 r= " "15" Z.. h." 4 .1 . - =,..==irirwei. , ald.••••• • •h• dommmy A WT.*, lA. b. • -. Amold Eby, e. .I.w. pww .. it amid MI OIsIAI V. IL hkost, Sq. InLbohn dr It MN" AY- „... h. Th., I. " ....„........ ' all MAMA A.A. AA• 4 1.....' Ilinrill. limpAinte Mawr Ora% Moillt••••• A .... afar ....... Is Um womisatim A Mr. OA I " . * . °"*.° .. "*“.64.1".. i 2.** 4 7**l ' 3.**** 11° " **1..°1° ' M.** WM... the 4•••••••• y A Wywitiss AM gin et dm ,lium 0. P.m Awe b. 1....1.......D.D... D. 8.. w......, ..... ww ...wk. , 1. Oh ... Am Aviary ma lef plid. .....a. A 1 .........6 it fr. Al, ...I .....ny . th• 1 . 11 •••• .".... Th . Jo .. w.", "”*. , Th ... hhhih ,„ . AAA MA r.. 1 .......5 8 ..i. ,00 " .. ' . ._ • __.. 4 r ik P" e. "' •••. " 7-116•10 ... ~,°°s* file ..._ ***. ..a . n...... 0.... MAW yr.. A. i A ALM A " 4 A 6 . 4 IP .n . * • **°**** *o' . - S I M I...** * -47** P.° ***** ****° l4l..llC.Ame• le mot AAA C.A.. lk. dm •• GAI I. WI, Slis •11, pm... IV ' • Virailiallibb-- ow.. of 6.4.6•••• ad MAdiodoli. MA dm Anserea• As ••• Jewe l AAA .my et On est. fr.... ei Ilve .1. - .1 AA AIM ...I er ilt. ... A.. c...•• .." 11 . AliAbid• ; 6 .7 at AA.A: I A ..r.it Ay woe offt Me . .„. , - - --- of nomintereeetion, Mewed by Gen. Co sr el•Sna 0 WY...We le .be ...1......... , .... have only been comineed of the faithless- umph worthy of the best days of euri- ns • 01 1.1. mend la their power taw.. the worn ness of those they then confided in, by the', cu e Democratic State of Pent.. iani . Welkin OS. ri. Wimister, he being the etent•' melancholy failure at Washington, to whirl'; as heretioal. TI e tariff of , 40 wee Meer A I N Wyoming, for Seam. . we have referred. Have nut the membera , EDW.. , Id/iv:4nm , , See y, Protein. bio ea.. by megigeegee, ca ..0 ,..... 3 Resolved, That, believing as we meta firmly de. of the great Democratic. party, therefore,' JOHN HICK:MAN, Chamfer/it ash the Deementio party , waa booted i rt, The COWIE( Str.lll l .• do but the election of Taylor and Amoco Sat this emety. is Melly sad fairly mantled to the profuetid cause for congratulation, amid the, Senator, we conSdemlneek to our awed s a ints. general feeling which holds up to the link- 1 e. S e ififii , : o tt a nonlinatione were made by the Well, what has been the result 1 The whip Convention, we have careful- candidate were elected, and the whig lead • , ef this Senatorial Dlitalet.fer their undivided eon- taller) of our ruler., the enlightened exam-1.3 "''''" ii watched the manner. n which they here ers have got t ffice, hot what has become et memo. igour elder. pie of Demooretie adutiui LLLLL ions ? Remind. That that the boa evidence of the •p.! It was under oh, impulse of such feelings I been received by the Demoermy of Penn- ...free soil i'" The whig administration. says the York Casale. And has hung that up to dry, in the Remedy.: probation or the Dasecrate of Wyoming of the as these, thee. the Democratic State Cue- is l ettent. party was a ticket given to our glo- mansion. The Democratic dootrine of nom mum of Enkial Jimmy, Jr. as • minim of the vacation, which assembled at Williamsport • there , for its support, composed orintervention has wopmeded it, and tin ira Meow., • hie 111341IIMOUS no.natme by i on the '21111.6 of 111. last, placed in comma-'ba tter ..` the Ponveuticm. materiale, or one that hat Men en- whig tomer. cry alouti. amen! The tarn. 1 George Wilms, Denison Lott and Eli N. 8.-'cede, the several candidates for State °fit , cora, whose name. you find inseribed on a nomed more entlimiastieally by the true ot '42 is abandoned ae a rotten mom. in.. Icon were mamma Reprewintative Confcreem to i i , e ) nrted poilp lv in tho towns and the eoun- 'capable of remeetion, and a eiodillottim . A e far as we em me, the holm. is of the law is now only thought of. Medi. 'meet other Conferees for ;It, Ilrpremetnove Dim 3 , i l et e nt banuers. These eandidatm deserve moppet of the people in.., . spereevdtv. on Weiliiesday, Ilth day o r Two of (hr officers to he O o t e r r e i r; Y r i , v nt, without a speck to mar it. brillianoy ; all (cation ! that is Democratic. If the twit chip...her, at 12 M. that is now needed to secore a substautial of '46 has defects, runway them. We thinl I R. mired. TIMM* most hesrldy and sheerful. jus t been made elective by the .I.gials i tze , , victory is thorough and complete ani- a will law should be altered every year, lit lye pledge lo the .met the day formed, our um!, ult.' the ruin. i° the "'" ! " .r it ° ° thus imposing enlarged r o e° " "6- ;."hi l a zillion We must go to work at o p ce- operate equally upon all sections end inter. i Wed and recreant support ; and that ;,.; wdl use elective duties. ' put our own shoulders to ti e wheele-and cots. But the rotten and defunct tariff ot y .. roie ... der , reeeoo end ,. ropid growth, be mem:ring in our effort. to preserve par- ~.41., ever which the wh:gs h pres . oh i ti o d i zzy: all h0t.... anaam iu our power to secure . ni umpham elec.°. tde Yexten di ng . . ty disemllm. If this be done-triumph and ming so Inuch,w sac ' 0a moo., Jets Brishis was tomontionsly op. . and nation, have our election., jear after I . ! and w' I . intereets of our State um follow ! William T. Morrison, our totaled by the deetion of Taylor sod Fill b miltt with them an incremed iw . Farmer candidate fur Canal Condnitoner a , more : ti i a s m i I, Y .. Alas! i: . is o n i tr a y f n iza '7l . , : d Ca . entri.. "l ; elf "" d " radr p e:r i' D g. :.l " .. "' ier 'h :•: ". ... s“ , l'' , 7l. t. n: a a' d r e ' dditi° 7,, l r , ink . s l oo , i t t o ff o P e n 1 " , 4ro g atint " a ' o n i• Ze b t7e e ' t b e:o r :711 and i:Z.7l'i.litti:Z'n'on - e ore .. so poor as to do him: - I coouneudee . Setenoriid Delegate to the Mute P , : g a Z 417 1711T d r * t . ',I ir bo . r ii . o - o : - - lini - o gent -a nd a Demo c r at . as Brut and awes' , euee." Such is the ° bawler of whi ' (*.eye'''. e'd4"e ' n"' " '....rea`''''..l.. l ' lc ride fellow citizen., to the ,?.. . 0 .. '!.. I ' feint,o urea, mid host ' and ouch its prineipleo-Lynoning point wi ft . , rt.puldtearran the land. dants , l,.... g. ,.... thowiergowei s eeewir . haulm andßol, , e , ao , t h i , o;z ls . ~.... I 'workings of our republican system nod the our can for Auditor General. as the, ... j mintforthe position to which be will i W. Webster. 14416.1 conduct, neverally of those Dow !tad /de w of -- t the imenseerstie Ideate 1 7 1• e ta er tr i t re r ' o b o. a r y o a ge bo lli e y b o T i M t i e b e al : lo ' l l i t i l ti.r•e e : l t . aily helevata i ani J. I'. Brawley,l Ito Fridity• Au & 80 - Covina Committee. :combatted for the Surveyor Generalship, is; Profit.. Webster has this morning paid !the lamented Francis It. Shook. The mi -1 NZ1.1.0111 Tereakere The approaching i ey o f a 0 ,,,,,,,,,c ;mood'. ediiiiiiietratio. distinguished for his indomitsble ettergy I the loot debt of nature, and the law is new and peresovoring habits. They are ell bon- satisfied. Yesterday atternoon hie amiable et m.ular an competent tom. Our time -' ank h and three intelligent daughters visited ! ii the se f ;ist U t a t' : t. ° , ll : a n d r % Ves f e o n r ratTvnebs7l.,, bwom,,,thaenea.l.v.a.tiopniooftore.riniteLl47,n.i.a ; w a h r i t o d h lls ol! . 'Congress, moulding to an honored custom,' me never dung to oho brew him its his cell. They wore with him the momeot and its limed , usual lime, fn m two until abnot half-put calls upon the Demuttratio Central Coto- would be madness in them not to follow.- heelerld ll 'il . folds wore near inscribed with name. more six o'clock. They appeared the sale as i The high -. ailed independence end stern in- at a more propitious • mittm of Pamegiverda t o a dd a f ew words tegrity of that Executive, and the drie r le i thy of the support ea Me wlinle Demo- used. Singular .it may *ppd., we went ee " jinn* invnivini in ehe " t ee.' end " r... ibili'Y to whirl! every officer of hi'''. worthy tarty of our Coillilleoweolili. We roduled by the officer. of the prison that son the geodes' aspect el things toroughout they parted with that husbmil and father, 'the country. It hue boon well said, that great results, and to the establishment ttf......P . '" ministration was held, soon led to lion , ..."!. IL ____, ignorant of the fact they would 1 the Democratic party of the country never that admirable spawn from which so touch I % Lo a.. wi r e, toy Lie - roses -The him ....in elite ;We as them se they occupied • bi e r ' or " rd. e ertehle • V.' , that wen benefieial to the State Iron flown w ee ,. ei, e , n rp „m„.„„ .aye: The re s t , p,,,, s 000 of the prison and son are . tw. don than at the present. t i me. Oct of pow- The course °Wm Willie etstention-like Nov - o f Berke ei.114 vs. Isaac list tel., 31illor 1, . ie ti e ij ei l that tool, was 010 ease, as we co at Wallington and at Harrisburg, it. ern.. on the subject of Banking, um): el - of 010 y, for refusing to pay a license of sre of anything within the compass of he mowed. have, oeverthele., vindiceted : way. be pr. Stably taloned to and imitated l evee dollars impeded upon hint by the m an judgment. loonediattly after do' them elvee by the meet triumphant termite,. wh ew , i s 0, 0 , in tide broad Cation, a rays-' construction of the wet of 'lllil April, 104 , ;, left, a guard wan lammed in his sell, r wills the general policy of Detumratia ad-' teen of public works more economically and Immo up before the Supreme I,ourt of liar- eredinand with him untilfihis morning. urtr•tie " in the pole-star by . 1 .. 0 ... more indefatigably conducted? The rare-1,;„h„.., , at Its loot „„c pp. Th e „„ eike , , the Whigs greido their shattered barque,Professor IV el also She notified KM ,lays since by Dr. ['.ham that it wee cos and by which alone they ore enabled to keep, pa noes of the State im p rovements , and the ..e„ of t h e ~e . e en , „, 1011,,,,, : mr' Itrtniu. pendituree necessary to kLep them in re - hi, in e'en...m x int to al le all (Le mailers (emery in such roses to place a guard ow I themsehree from political shipwreck. ' poir, mendittato an exhibit into whin'. the of tho moody, took . occptiori to end/ eon- , fi r e viewer the ni g ht before execution: A little more than a year of capeskin. , Democratic party might lemiles.tv chalk , struetion, hat not ilk , keg to detre the ex- Ile made no objection, but asked es a f lot' a Whig nations', administration. has ler- iny tm ligntion. "leder democratic odolittis• ~..s e ot a .tit, he p lid the lievose the font leo , if they did do to be might , have 0 nished to history another intereating and a roi i.„,, rat , g reedy U n l i dth os is found among , ; enr Or two under ',dose Sol.eeptetily ~r i 5 , :,,,„ „ i „1,,,i„ g Mr. J. C L a o, Pnt . . l Mt the soup oitto o f tin ehms aperient inter- 'desk of the jail, and Comtable Edward editable. ...Pl' Coming into poor with, , the lamest M. who control your hue., and lash at the nroapect of coo- mol.s, audit y , ow publicceounts. or 1..0 ',steel, who e , ,10 e Unite -I their goof.. of fund-,Lute., the gibe.. who - had chews of hi tied rule, Wliku bottlers themselves were out your public monejs, fo a rgetting all law 1,, h„„ the mutter t. 01.1 he refits.' 00- I doting lin trial. This request was grant .. ""g ' t. 1..1..1 ' f. " . :1" 1 "• -1.... ° and all propriety, in the motility to lill dolt , muelt ell ,any long re,r,fled net the nor po, kets eith dishonest gains. Dem mrstit.''y'enel',',,,„tcrience wholly r l. 1 1 i . , . , , ,,. , this t,, L t . t i t , t , . ,, e , 7 ,. ..... ,, i t 1. ,, .; 1 i i .c , l a , hat ct i i;d l,a ,t a rtl will, t , Lim le i, : d h i i :t o e a ly nA a h f a te . r bo b , " ..ii•ieN.• " . ' 1.41 he the • " .I "" ... policy, ... 1 1).-... ‘ ratic i".•°•?. hired ' ' l ithe atijobtio. ...Indict -ilootg, leery n- !nano d office , 3 00001 upon the duty OM '"( Oe"erel T431'..-" the t r.... i '"" ^ " 1. a . the load trfth-lit wide'. lied bee" Pil e d ° lr . ' ming lie I Dallo..Y. Mt-mbert "l wh i c h , going b'l . Peotislyania by the 0 alphiLs tint' ... i f dell in theietunts I f the mercantile opprais- 1 ju, was potbelly free i n convereation, so '"" !"" boast` °"!'biliq ' ' xi' 4'o° ''''l'"li rat tool in lb ' .1 " " " ".i " " °I. j".. '!..1 en. mol of mem , woe ilei rell‘d .1... t to I lit.ing tun Belt wholly to moral and rot , statesmanship, rmained i n ° th e e only hog Illeo oit No longer in our lair fonte out-,1„. the lieeit..•. Th.• ease el.. tried iv the it. ..objects. Ile read dm Bible and r , enough to make thematic. universally pelt- i . eg ,,d b y th e „,,,,,,i, e , a w l of repueliscion Coliellell 1 1 /eIW of 801111. 11111 1 'IIIIIIIWII if. or books with a great &grey of ear rut. Needy d51.. 0 ....,nf ".• g en.. ' g" ? ' No longer are the State improvements ti ne 'p ep , .1. ( h,. o.fe t elant. Tito Commissi... nets aod siucerity. He conversed ' rt.. "'" "” d " thrtr t° ' °°°°° g.'' d u ring,f"r Isrs""el e° l ar t y i'll'i... No / " .-l ers carried it to the Sopree, Court for fi- read until 2 o'clock, alon he laid down A I that P..'. ffiNanelinlY vy.d.. a of 1 1. in - g , r are the Canal p Connuissioliers cogagid ' „,,,„,b...0,„, , a b oo th e deci . ion , f the on la eot, spread opon an irou Wet , capaetty or uoworthiims of its Sivretury. t .0 gamblittp for votes with the people%, c,', F or „ h e c„,,, uas ',velvet!, oint indgmeo , and slept l halflost four this moll money, in t stablishing. "mission.) . fends." e ntered opines Mr. Dartidet for seem dol. oppeas t algt ...mind 0,,d reel.' se no 10n the ono hand, our foreign mistime are leonducted in s moonier to cover the whole ' On "...I political effi.,..., or in. ....././ la, s. the amount of the beeline ie dispute. „Awe.. ,0,..,....a.0.0., He ed Ime try with ridicule, end with se. ) . hies - eurrupting the ballot h .xes. The Jr Shire- This settles lie ease agait.t the Millers.- Leighton 04 , 1 tie family parted with rck...boo. a. (0. tttttt aeon from e l an ,i, e .m. et. er. ..... ...i...1 ..a r eeielimaro t ......_,._ - Lbw reprewentative of that foreign notion, hont.t agents, and low salaries, 11. to ter Justice n„,..,. . rant that re wee. sous To V4ire'r C r o w , *hien synopathisen moot with ledentli-m, been re successfully tiled than by the , . the - mark loot it. was weak and unpopular Democratic puty of Pennsylvana. off - f Ise editor of the Wapiti Cemity Ile rr.l".'d'Y l'r k e e"" 1 ... 41 7 W o opi n el ;;; P•u• y ui .i .. ... 0. give hi , Herald thus Apt mks the ...town. ,r tin. : 1 7: ) . 'ea u : r % 6. o ll 'i n g i l :47 itli k „ n o r The Tomsury Dopartmeitt, notwithstandieg, , the intellectual giant, na be was called, ee l wiyi „,,,, to tic Demueratie ....final". 1.. ' Democrue3 or tlga County, in tecaid to the Uri, Ily ppoke of Lis exectitioa; and sepia l its head, did nothing, during the same space Sl g i o ofg ooeg _ o „.p o s s d, ns On.), me, ad ;,,,, , ,,i,,, ,, ,,,, ; , .... , „ „„ ; rya,. s 0 B. c rn1..1.0.11, fort the passages of Set icit ore, .. It it be post ,or time but establish die root flat tin, Se, o bi, 1„,,,t,j , a „0, ~,,,,,,tia dj . ,,,,,,,_,,,,,, ~. re i.i ee n i , t o 0,..., p ,,10"; - hie let this eon ass front me, ye t, not 0 emery. in his war upon the ej stem of Ids of tried integrity and it ; every tore ... 1 a lit but Thine, hi Li id, be done." predrawantr, laid forgotten the plainest relea.„f whom I„, s b e ,„ pm ), „„.0 liv the votes of 'ln ' " . " r • Ind"" ''''':""' I T 1. " 0 ,1 0,1 ortitoing from in slumbers, he e lof political economy. In noting ram° I, a• Idm majority of his own inutOoliate fellow tried sod Wood taitlind to his dews an , , , .. ,,,I to ,Irrett,,ted t arratara , t pray ble itistance, we maw one member of the' e itiap o a_a 0... nin, know them best, tool fully a/edified and disp 0 . 0 1 to II • Long t. ,a , , 1 rt _ ,ita: _ of tie. Sr., ,te_ra. I l e , sante liegettey urging • claim nut I tu have known them logest• lii, 'ir"" r" "'"u"'"' and " " ' ln c ' ' . .h„ e n s the ' sunn ' y and ' dm. st W.7;1 government. for an ...rbiLmit. mini of non- We eticiel also to our law ...iliac., and his woody, be should et, er be Hastily dis• I' ° at ~,,tt, nY... 0 . 4 which I ......iltim .ol c bn , - especially to the Democratic party, to k eep placed by a new and inexpert. let .1 t int' . g ing just driven o hood Lorgein with his cli• constantly iii view the meet importance of It wt. olke of Allill ew -Litk•n... • 3 .„ „,,,i,,, .i‘ t i. ' :7. l o ) :,l:r .. - ,. '1 :. 3 e 1 i Z . or eig ht 'l h' r m i t:: I erat, and then obtaining the ,id of 1,6 001. elect tog limiest said well tried Mee 1.0 tele I, leunillie, that the people often 011 I 111 00- , . r.„ the , ~,,,, ni . c,,,.,i. g aim _ ...,,,, lemurs in carrying it through its variou win., Co in ji,, Stale Legislature; me o who cliangiog s good officer i r un unit led one, 1 t • aa taa,, , ,,t bt,twaat ' t t h ata ? ,, 0 . . proms... without law, in defile., of low , will advocate the tie gee which hart . a .O, oti ,c.„ th,, ~,11,,,,n,. „r eweitellieli; and mi.- l ow center ed . the ion'. It Woe s the end in otter disregard of the whole course our 0 0r i,,,, s it d„,.i,,k, hj ump i s g,,, ; 5 0,,, r. ios , : nt s ti,Ts . ;; , st ~v ,, ,,, „ 7 , A , , , , , : , ,, , 1 1, .,,,,._,,t , ,, .., ,,,,b kh w. " i,,g,,,p I I ° F, 11" . ...... ° in . 1 ..1nr n.... T" one - will participate In the regular party eaucos. ' a h e ' e t : ; , n , ' ,„. l ; ' n'n , ' , e ,,,i. e „;:y e hit ' , e l, the color, cl loan was executed in , mete toe stoking picture. Col•ffellS ; bi • e ii ; and who, Will sternly abide by lot , . . . ... 1. . . "g"' • , t I Idecided vote, ilieleiling several todepel. cot h p ,,,,„,„ „,, a ,c, 1„, ,i,„ ,„„ . 1 ~ 0 . AI, p 0..,1 notmeot ion 'rimy ta tuo . o 0, .and ; bi.iii,,iill.ittbohn.,itt:7l",:i7 t r O l . e ' il u i L i ll. e ! i o , Whigs, rebutted the wp m , Wet bud sup- Stoles Senator is to be elected Li daottal v may easily do wow. ported the claim, and l i ed egreed to its pay - for six ymrs om 1 crony; the 4111,tfilareli. Ilia truthful am' li Id -cart hit ,y etf 0....! l , i ' hi l , l. , t ii i . l , l L l L . l _, ',": . l o ' 7 , h ,r i l : o _ l : ll . 1 _ ei_ i _n . in le.. a (iron ,, vere.t ..1 .0 ....i ..- lad I, and it is due to oor State that sttell Sewtors eh., aid.' io distraidlosiog clo• Z atra a the phat ; arat at. lat.; doo r , Th. Regency loft oce amid general exe- • Detnuerat shall be diesel, us will move to coolly, in the A ',porn. moot bill, Hill ol oration of their conduct, and of a moment Le copal t e th e lorry responsibilities of the way n he rententheled with gratitode Ity ,,, fi , s,' „ " a 7 r d t • ta d when °dim dmrelopentents wore about i. , he positim, and a faithful represent el it ic of the . 1 ..... fl.. .• in I" B .n' , in .. bl • t e h i r t . li og a i r , a t i w at o d h ji , , l i , s; i criar i. e. b. A . norr and ,- I fastened on tito co st. Tim IMO. ca n s U. • made, vole, mid f e ett„... o rc ir eoliths-es let well known opinion u of the Democratic par- log a scat for our.Senaw, will b.., of II e , ra,kti over the trap, „ tie , a 'as ae. conduct the Ohio's of a Republican Goren. e y , highest intpostatiec, and lin yoke wall amain r a. r looted that the executioner might let it fall moot. ' It must net be forgott, fellow eitimora ear, terror arid Ballow hi the Isms o f i : . , , i..k. Liu .e_ _ i It t• • Ise' that sPeid t• teem.), of the In- dint however mph: are the cause s pleaditify that infamous corps of legishtive . ..nun. p '3 , ! t r t ' t i' t t .I.P ft . : o, g tatat " taart i a . fiat r a . l4. a' Nosey of our opponents, aid of the i.j_ tine stealth. At 1 7, 'clock Ite machine of in favor of tho emcees of tho Democratic drele, who robbed the lOtle Senatorial alts- " ' umph of Democratic measure., at the same . party, and however odious the political trtot of its remcscidetive night., fur the la-.,heath was fully completed and In that al lies. • 1 . 100 "Hu 01 . loot Whilt Stale Cons 'affinities to which we are all opposed, vin- liticel oggrandiat mout of others. helm the dmthly notes of preparation motion referal to nominate S ra mtra, for o w ., „.„„ 0 , be eosin. w i t h ou t a 'r i gor° . Old 1111“11111*.• tented. Canal Cerlesti•ide s e r, hers.. of hie rote , anti harmonious effort on our part. Do out , Th e f o llowi n g anecdote g" i" g the ..1• I 'file Welke around the jail, wpm the tape amine( a just war-the war with Mexico - let us suppose that the Whig party is dis- is eharacterietio : , ,of private dwelling• was most revollieg.-• I Mr. FILLSIour, the new Whig Preeideol , et organiaed by recent event s and recent ox- I Said an old Jacket°. Democ ra t to Cot. " Frain eh, windows and tops of *bout AM entirely overlooks Pennsylvania ih hie " ewe ,. ' Benton after the smash of the Omnibus,. thirty ' houses i n 1 i0 ,,,g ~ , 0,,,, we y an d ei mice of Cabinet 011iaers, and enure , . the We hare seen a majority or Whigs on i •• Well, Colonel, the old thing was mutt) Levertit am the horrid er TressorY erre Gestr.st whose °PP." . the Ifincr of Congress voting to sustain the well ~ ea t ,0 inessell by tom women and childreo. to the same war was so bitter and so no- °Atkin : and we molt not be astonished to e Worse than Dr. Parkman I Worse ect:tele was wit. m eipr o ewri d g , raw, m oo leo d ow n e d bim see the w idg k rou t edere In our g, nit kr. ian than Dr. Berkman. sir! The, Geot tden- l t.le f . l k ii . the w, trz of hm s eL Nthe• It Lowell into one of her hometioniti cod the et in the face of recent. °roommate, to obt ain ' - tify the body, dr l" ejaculated the Colonel. 1 e b ee , ; 00 andsl Americo. withers buret him - fit effigy on the the memory in the mming °mime. It is' o Well, how does blr, Clay feel ?" other houses north, except Mr. Are. !very Auld where ho wished they might me- now, as it elways has been, • • coldest be- • , " Clay feel' He feels. sie, as he did pereone. The window. of all I d i re 'o we, the jailor, Mr. Lovejoy 'n and twit mire • weleunie with bloody hand, to hos t piteble graves. tween the two mtagonietie parka; he- whenwe upset the greet coalition omnibus , o w ie „ . wy,o, filled t w o cip•lfy with women , twee° the friend. of Aristocratic doettines batmen him and John Quitim Adams, on- 1 Th e , following I. r..... the An RIOS i We refer be this significant history of and expensive government, and oho advo- , der the lead of Gen. Jaekson. Ho feels os _.• 'e noticed - that the top of Mr. Nook i very want events, with no desire to revive eaten of Demooratie doetriera and a frugal; It, did when we spat his book omnibus, Wrath's house ow 51 Levered etreet. ma °a unplemet recolleatione, but to show to the premed ; and, however disadrously the, his tariff monibes, his distribution mini- lined by wen e,'„; someww few tome.. W• Meld* of Penosylveniall'iret, how utterly foramen of the day may eventuate to the bus, tool al hie omnibuses I Sir, be knows wied. round ie the front doer, aid heed rend the Tedinal party are to adenoid. , ink it will retain enough of its ended vigorlbow to feel I The Denetreret• ham iambi , i t - ,,, aw d e d b y el B ee o fgee, Oee MY the le.' t Seeeed. / . he. ieerithbl Y their to vested WOO the led at ow/ Being to a him feel! How do you suppose be felt! e 4„ 1 wi ll e j oe : wige w e ib e et, if I gee ; false nod faeritims muse before every ...... ~ where we empunpd-when we, sir, drew 1.. i ,,.. ... TM °Seer ope . ,peed Ma !election WlNse them with disgrace, whim T h .,,r„,... fellow Dem. Ma t we leedd the black mark@ of popular damnetion I overb l ow wow and i d b i.... i n . F.. bit [they p• Imo 011.: ?hod thing?. to Pia. , yen to harmony and to mooed. In emend hi, ge w g aw. ww wwje t Gm. i r e a wie i_.. &trimmed% we should judge the men whet in dotted with their doctrines of *ape& of the dentles differ...sea eget which am Clay 1,..j...T.... rules op mean. (rod ", owe d e mu ~...) (he erg, leeepmed eatravegade, the plebe, primate', doom and patriotism may men compose. ; es. Always, dr I And he never got op - j wowd b i d ie W ii d e d o g w e ) em fees dm popular, and empeshemeive said and em ; Will not oar political friends in theop mud 0. that he did .., W.I. .... da•Pr•r•h hlemestry. To be mere serials that Mr. I set of DP...wite .thedebiwthee• 1, . ties WO* and ponder upon the Importance ...! None, , s ir I And tVsy e w e , Awl dr.ob ........., ... i. ... , 0...„,d ..... la view these feats, now a part of the hie- ! of sinking all personal differ:mem for the , killed, air I That's rat eam with all Tel. blifi e we r; twe d 7„,,,,, .e. .., sod 1 ib.7,.... of 014 .....1. that we think every Gomm ems.. Itemember if Mae feed., wee n ie ., They . 3 .. mil .. pug... ../16 m what be .0. . .1, terse .... __,,,,,.... ea1e5e ,? . . "...." ,,,___„1 e be V . ' " or the sw left eldehtil and WOW.% Yes oo dey ;pre and saved the driver. No &Deem . top of b i . b.....a7. Z....0Z ' 1••••••••• . t.. _, ; ,_ ......... •' .......e / et• "9 .°l hem While itsCer State °ow.. I • •• mg 'Amid rem get tete no emniltat when Clay iHe eeme wee ,. es. . k bbi. b ee , t e n e t 1. 41 a time --•• *twill in • ••=pono .1- United State* otter ; and • Whig Con.lb, &ig e n aid .. p ..0.00 If w.p... I. . .. e. ,,,,_ __ , _,.. . ,•_o __ , ........ wily. of reedewl . 1.1 •11. 0 .• . 1 . 1 . h. I. the event' outside pameepr I Look oat for • break 1. r ..... e =r..,1,...., - ;„:, - , , , ,„ ..:,, Held dem ..pima the Hweewle of the neat Preeldeetial contest going NW down. than I As come airtime, • single _,,,, i n.q -... o r d. pave __,,ir• Pwormeybrania hew gem Mae Me Feast the hem, meld throw the vote of Demo- ...., and otriale,t wheel, sir, I. amp - 7 . 7 . 7 .i t tri..... „,, d i ,„","ZT.1.. 1 1 imam, with mewed merge and eats- male Peseiyhanis pied the Demearatio kw bees In legieletroc i -C•keto Dene. .. boa.. la te by by .....b... groat . ITT._ •• They rod that thole WW. le dieht, maidens How utterly humiliated those: --- -- um pet; a nd MN, 1.$10•111111, Mai M. will ho , who, r a m. ..setae a &d e w, i Megdediedi. the anxiety to vim the eldeleter. 17,_billIed,__iidatilliewlewridehlweeded, i.m.,i spirit, may aid to gin homy he our I to the tent Z i a We ban been trying ere deolleet Meth- Ai rest B . B her _. I ."' a! "" t ...... 11•46 . 60.1 ....1. T. ,, ww , _ ... b , eilveseadm, md whole the he,. of Demo- 'kr there are any of the whip , marbeee , in the house it was serromied me • perm I L am. of polio., who denied any of the Chi the the premeeptem ••• peewee,. teat mew .1. wow. ..y b e held ie., 1...... a. pmehed In tide melte., during toe 1 . . L.,... .I, ~..1.6 0,.... How . ... ! ahem broken and trampled them mild foot, b, foe the had .p..e,...... I , W. again *loot 1848, that are now • o ned hy that; Pod, I. at MA 'fa; will em we PIMA ley. C ' emeleeed _,, ;; W th e w..... thew Mho" . bombe we retitled boohoo to remiss all paftithit our memory mi , _ th. _ bales _ "" ••••• Yet they ..... ' t o w We ed. ' , predeme rued ere-we invoke all mtedi. ' then be: . Ikvkar mod jeer t" - I. The Wi t _ .., . Md.ee=g to he be hiblek they have no WIWI doh,' ailliOS to remember that the eases Is higher l ed ;Aleut two Moab& foe Wag mestisgs; _IL% , 7 9. deal, wee thee lbw We ailed In blast the De- i then We men--and. If oar dumb. @MU held in this ;minty , aerie" that eassphgra ;he inched bin thin i" yon .r. 11.41, b. b.ka, we my kook forded to • tei- while the tuff of 13 same is ht • diaplay I Tilde t 0.,, Mont 1118 Wedded,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers