Burial of President Taylor. was...envo, smsaw, n—re a w. Al Sunrise the Federal Salute was Arad from the Military Station. in the vicinity of Waskiogtoe. Nearly all the home. on the A hrough whieh the Emend Procession will pa are draped with mourn ing_ The city is wrapped lo gloom—business I. rowdy suspended —menage. are moving I. every direction, and the military are mustering. The bells aro tolling in every direction. Thousands of strangers have arrived this morning. The door. of the President'. bone were mend at 9 o'clock, for tho admission of the Med. of Departments, Foreign Minis tars, and others, who, by order of the Com mingle of the two homes of Congress, wore entitled to admission. • . Immense crowds are gathered in that neighborhood. Fe east of Gen. Taylor's head was taken, Weaves the family were unwilling that the ails should be disfigured. An Italian ar tist, however, took a drawing of his (pee, which retained the appearance of life eh the last. Two 0'F1.01., P. M. The military and civic procession is large, loos and imposing. and is nnw moving from the White Home to the Capitol ' ' " Gen. Scott is here, in his proper position. Gee. Thomas of Md, with three aids in uniform, is in the procession. The day is varyy fine. Tha squatty of the President's house in the great focus. Thitherwards the tenons and others t 3 form the procession! wended, and ovary eceessible and elevated point, especially the etepe of the Treasury Denouement, and the fencing enclosing the , public building, wee Recopied by 41,1.0 Mese, of spectator., marshals flying v ery direction, ...env,. tiring, ben. tailin e g,. and general eseitenteo.. Members of tho two House. met at 11 o'clock, and cam to the Prosidentiel mansion in harks. They were among the privileged visitors to where the dead lay. The public, generally. were not admitted, and oonetables kept off the sov "Vtroops were formed in the avenue north of the President's mansion, precisely at eleven o'clock, Brow. Major Sedgewick'e, troop of Light Artillery resting opposite the War Department. The procession moved at 1 o'clock P.M when minute guns were fired by a detach ment of artillery stationed near _St. John's Church, the City Hall, and the Capitol, re. epeetively. Funeral cimort in column of march, man posed of twelve Baltimore compaiiies, pro- I <laded by • band of Manic. With there wee a company of youths front St. Tinto thy. near that city. Their uniform was blue pantaloons and rod jackets and flat cap.. They called themselves the Taylor Life Infantry. Many of them curled little fags hung with orapo—the old defenders of Baltimore in the roar. Then followed two companion from Richmond, one from Alexandria,Va ;lour onmpanics of the Dis trict of CniAmbit{ Volunteers. A company of Flying Artillery, with their cannon, from Fort MoHenry. which, M th rUrn h arritlglr, a„t e l,:o !' lrt n i;; ernor's Island, serving as Infantry, awl forming a battalion, with tho lintel from Fort Columbus. The battalion of 31arince with splendid Hood. Naval officers in uniform followed on loot, and succeeding these were Army 011ioers on horeolouffi, richly attired. The yellow plume of Gen. Scott was highest in the midst. The variegated costumes of the military, the striking contrast of two white with the sod, blue and green, tho waving plumes of different colors, the refection of the sun's'! rays on the brightly polished arms, prawn'. cda splendid feature, while plaintive strains of music imparted additional sadness to the bead. Nearly in front wan Duncan's Light Ar Tillery, which fired the first gun at Palo Al to, and the last at the City of Mexico. The United Btates Marshal of the District of Culambie and his Aids. Tho 'Mayors of Washington he Georgetown. Tho Committee of Arrangements of the two Houses of Congress. The Chaplains of the two HOW. of Con veas and the ollieiating Clergymen of the oaegoion. • Attending Physicians to the late Prdbident. Beane about eleven feet in length, with an emit Webbing from front to rim, ter. mounted by • golden eagle. Benemth wes the men glowered with bleak cloth, with silver trimmings dietinetiy visible. The table drapery woe entwined with white silk. The body ward on rob side. it was drawn by eight white homes, which were led by boy. clothed In white caps sad te -116011, with Meek girdles, There was a dri ver In front similarly attired. Hon. Henry Clay, Hoe. T. H. Benton, Hon. Low% Clak Hon. D. Webeter, Hon. J. M. Berrien, lion. Tromso Smith, Hon. B. C.Wintbrop, Hon. Lynn Boyd, Hon. Jos. McDowell, Hon. S. Y. Vinton, Hon. Hugh White, Hon. I. H. Holmes, G. W. P.Onoth Esq. Hon. B. J. Walker, eldefJaMiseOraneh, Joseph Gahm, Bsq., Maker Goo. Jam", Major Gen. Gibson, Om. Bonsai, likkg.Gen. Henderson. Old Whitey, Inn good oondition, was led, Immediately In po nor by tge.ntlo- 1;117f;;O -- with Os..Tybr 6 the &Week War._ Nadi and relatives tbe late President. TM President et tbe Unieed &Met sod Om Mule of Demetames. TM Ileresehabibrms et the ilente. TM theitte .t the United Mates, pleaded bj tliser Prodder* Pr• Mayer., and TM Ibrieriebeet=ibe Holm et HgnMeWiw. M. Nom plernied by link Speaker Clerk. TM CYt Ja Nod MoseWs /miens et do therm= Nod the Viibedl N. 0.0016. Titoplom& Claim Gamma of Di Stake aid T•nitoriss. 111-Keniene of ir rom Mellon of &ate tree. DhWiel Joilim of the oiled &aim Mrs . 1 Q. Omit Rai *WWI Osetto of the Distriet of Columbia, with the Members of the B. and Officers of the Courts. The Judges alba several States. The CobtroHers of the Treasury, Auditors, Treasurer, Register, Solicitor, and Commissioners of Land Office, Pensions, Indian Affairs, Patents, and Poblie Buildings. - The Clerks, &e., of the several Depart ments, preceded by their respective Chief Clerks, and all other Civil Officers of the Government. Clergy of the District of Columbia and elsewhere Officers end Soldiers of the Revolution. Corporate Authorities of Wsshington. I Corporate Authorities of Georgetown. Presidents, Professors and Students of the College of the District of Columbia. Officers and Soldiers who served in the War of 1812, and in the late War. The different Societies nod Associations. Citizen. and Strangers. On arriving at the north point of the Congressional burinl Ground, the escort I was formed two lines—tho Best, consist , iog of the Bring party, facing the Cemetery, and thirty paces from it; the second. coot posed of the rest of the Infantry, twenty paces in the rear. Tho battery of artillery took position en the rising ground, one hundred paces in the rear of the second _ . . ...... Casting the aye up Pennsylvania Ave nue, the windows, balconies, housetops, and other points, were beon densely mem I pied. On each aide of the spacious the- Iroughfarc were compact lines of human bc lings—and now came the procession. ! Ever and anon the firing of heavy orrli- ' - nonc burst on tiro ear, the bells tolling ! halal ration In Phan messhile The f rreign Minkters were in their pri- delphla I Leas 114,000.000. vale carriages- Yesterday afternoon our city was visited There were non hundred and two backs, b y rho most disastrous conflagration within, 'dispersed . the prrrcession, w hi.b occupied' the rooollection of the oldest inhabitant.— ' Orem fourths of an hour in passing. Thu wind was blowing freshly from the' The pageant exceeded everything of the south-eastward, about half-past 4 o'clock. !kind, in order and magnificence, that ever w h en the fire originated, in the upper room took place in the metropolis. The arrange- o f the large double building No. 70, north ments of the Marshal were the most per- Delaware avenue, and when first discovered, foot, and were carried out to the strict let- the whole apartment was hi a .4,4 of ; ter. The funeral ceremonies were perform- flames. Never have we seen a fire rage lea in th e east them by Rev . DrB butler so fearfully, nor our brave and valiant fire ; and Pyno--tiro latter of whom delivered an men strive so assiduously to master the impressivefuneral ovation Pth . theo or flames al on this occasion. It is true their Sat and House, the family or de- unceasing efforts triumphed, but not until ceased, the diplomatic maim army and tra• mine 85,500,005 worth of property was ' vy, clergy, &c. A fine choir, under Ilem destroyed, and a space left vacant embrac ' lyn, aided in the aolemnitics. Gen. Scott! ing nearly twenty acres aground. !commanded the funeral escort, and his air- Scarcely a second had elapsed before the ; pearaa , a, with a large muff was bailed throw ed , large building thugh to Water street was with pleasure. Fifteen hundred military.' entirely enveloped in flames. while the one WI indefinite number of civil functionaries Indjoining north, No. 80, woo on fire, as well I arid 'meiotic., and a long lino of carriages, 'as the one south, N o 78. before the de. made up lie rneeeei..., ahiel. boa ...vet', vowing element had reashed the ground been exceeded hr Washington. !floor or the building in which the fire orig- The military portion of the procession ) looted, a quantal of saltpetre (rumor Mt) 11 an fifteen minutes in passing a given spot, ! 1,000 sacks) which wee in the fir st and and the whole precessi. WAS three goer-, second Sim ice of that establishment, front ters of . hour. !ing en Water street, owned and occupied by The corpse having been consigned to the John Brock, enplodoil with a fearful report tomb, the salute wa" fired, and the pieces-' and crash, rending the walls asunder and siren returned to the city. I throwing the flakes of combustible material' It is said the remains of Gen. Taylor 'ever"! Numes north, south and west, rem- I will be taken to Kentucky far final inter-. muniesting to a large number of houses, mont.. en Iwllkh will be detailed below as folly a. we , An accidt occurred during the firing a „, . ha b oat , a b le to d ,,, r do . at Ito ton t., a culute. Wm. ,Men, a menthe, of the Illy exciting moment, when the heavens aro' in n io r Artillerists, had his urm lacerated, illumed by the glare of the fire, the deem and Iris face senreherl, by being in front bells ore pealing for more aid, the fire belle of the eon... when fired. tteeidentallYr not me summoning together their sportse band, being observed by those in C 01111711.1. 1 4nd the working of the numerous appam . . Doings in Congress. , toe aro heard for squares, amid the Owlets of the dying and the groans of the wound- IVASIIINOTON, July 10. ed. The Senate met at 11 o'clock, and there Delaware oreoug was completely was a lull attoodance. The ganef ie. dere with a &Wee man of human beings, among crowded almost to suffocation. The Chap- whom were several hundreds of the firemen, lain offered op a prayer. engaged at their engines and hose carriage.. The Secretary of the Senate read two The that explosion did not seem to cause communications from Mr. Fillmore; the much excitement, and little or no fear with fleet resigning the Presidency of the Senate; the mate; nor did the second, except some land the second from the State Department, alight fears of safety, when they moved to , announcing the death of the President at wards the easternmost edge of the al. rhalf-pest ton, in the midst of his family and The third explosion, however, we. fatal in ' friends, calmly and in possession of his fao- many eesea end proved the death of • num• allies. her of men, wont., and children, on this In ono of the - oorarunnieations Mr. Fill- avenue and Water at. The scene present ' more proposed to take the oath as President ad was frightful—indeed, appaling in the at 12 o'clock, to-day. esteem° ; and 111/10i1 as in cannot, or will Mr. IVebster then offered n Resolution not, attempt • description of. On the eat, that the Scenic. most in the Boone at ), ern front of the above stores, when the third o'clock to proceed to the inauguration of and net explosion of the saltpetre occurred, Mr. Fillmore, which was adopted. the run for life was terrine. Men and bo3s,. The prfumedinge of the House were corn- , firemen and byatendere,'rushed away from municated, whereupon, on motion of Mr. the ruinous conflagration • and, se they en- Bright, it was remlvoil that Moran. Soule deavored to get beyond the reach of danger, of Mass., and Underwood be a Committee hundred. rolled over eaeh ether, while run 'on the part of the Senate. A recess was ning and jumping umn the large collection then taken until 12 o'clock. of cotton, and other goods on the wharves. Meer.— After an appropriate prayer by Several penoas were knocked down, as if 'the Chaplain, a pauso for at least a quarter dead, and hundreds ran over them earning lof an hour ensued. logs and arena to be broken, and injuries . I Tho Speaker then wok the chair, when a mango was remised from Hr. Fillmore. I announcing the death and giving the hut word. of Honore! Taylor. Fellow-citizens of the Senate and the' House of Representatives Immo to per form the melancholy dety of announcing to you that It he. pleased the Almighty God' to remove front this life Zealotry Taylor., late Promident of the United States. He dammed, hmt evening, at the hour of half pest ten o'eloek. in the midst of his family and surrounded by affectionate friend.- 1 calmly and in full poet...ion of all hi. utiles. Among Meted word. were them, which he attend with emphatic distineC. I I have always done my duty—l am ready to die. Ny only regret is for {be (Hondo I leave bebiod lac" Having a-, nonnoed to you, fellow-ailiseas, this mold affeming beroamment, and Waring you it has penetrated no hoar! with deeper grief than mine, It remslos for me to say that I propose, this day et 12 o'oloolt, In the Hall of the House of Itepromotatives, M the preseoce of both Houses of Cowan, to take the oath prmierlim4 by the °mitigation to amble Indio enter on the mention of the ogles whieh this mint has dosrolood on esa MILLARD IILLMOIUL lb. Morn send Me Mow Wu • resets 2221 12 eel** MI. 2 11 . 2 • 6 IA the ndetiaWetly of the NAY et 61151 M Mr. 11r. Whithrep swaried ea smedossl. A ESINO MY Um lalcas 1.2111 12 e doa. At 12 o'ollodr, Jar Omsk of rho M oab Chao ot DIM* or oehmais, ewe Jul. hen. seempoolod by Nir' Due., . took Ilia oast at lb. Clark's &A. A few minutes elepeed, when the Sena tors entered, the membem of the Moen re- , 'redwing them standing. The former took ' their scats in the area keeling the Speaker's chair. Every part of the hall, door and galls- dee wee crowded with ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Fillmore and the Cabinet nest Came in, and were received deeding. Mr. Fill more took a seat at the Clerk'. desk, and the Cabinet of immediately in front of it. The Speaker said that the oath of office would now be administered. Accordingly, Judge Cranoh, Chief Judge of the Circuit and District Coact, admin.- teed it to Mr. Fillmore, 4w Lid down iu the Constitution. The President, Satiate and Cabinet than retired. WASII.OIOII, July 11 • • SIINAT6.—The Senate proceeded to bal lot far President pro tem , and Mr. King was elected unanimously. Mr. King man escorted to the emir by several Senators, and, in • brief speech, he returned thanks for the honor done him. , . . Mr. Webster presented the report or the oint committee, which was received and ea- quiesced in. Mr. Underwood read a oslogium which j he lied Co opportunity to deliver 3 estarday ; after which the Senate adjourned over until Saturday. Rotes.—Mr. Conrad presented the re port of the joint committee, after receiving which and acquiescing in the rooommenda , Lions thereof, the House adjourned to Sat jurday, at 11 o'clock, at which time the tiro Houses will proceed In the President's men , Mon. from which the remains of Oen. Tay ' for will be removed at ono o'clock. inilioted of • very redoes ;hammer. In the fright, mw were thrown Into the Dela ware, while a large amber jumped lobar tartly in, no shield themeelves from the brink and cinders thrown from the burning etores. • • • • • The Darer Distrid.—lt is estimated that 8000 persons Cr. rendered bousoless by thin disaster—se much en twenty mom of ground burnt over, and a loss in dwell loge, seerehandise and valuable. of not lees then five millions of dollars. The Ire may I he mid to have troneamed *very home, but' two on the out side of &mood stmt, the greatest thoroughfare of the city, for • dis- , I tonne of about ewers hundred feed-41l the 'bows on Vine Week from the rifllt to &cooed strati, • distanee of am men hundred feet—all on Front lad Wako.sta. for • Measles of shoat 900 Ml. sad all on INew Market front Vine to OallewllB. The diskist lbws bared ovor, emptiest oil property Mon Ridgway k Bead's to Aced, street, down Pbant to New, op New se !cooed, don !mond (indocile' the inter mediate streets to the whet...) to Callow hill, cud thecae on the Wharf to the fourth don below Vim street. AU the wood yards save sae al Vies aced lb* wharf are eoasused. The ally essod dlooksywl was • sleep la oar of the slips suer Othiswirdl thud The iderepli Wins sallof the Nine awl Ness lies, were ed. thedelly Uthonsiethe tie lewoudsth Nee Ithhems Nth sed New Yeds Mc G. P. L Jr* do Wok Pad& miler .fads. oil of wiwoo works a. MI6 am moo a.a lo w.....- —• bads owe, amme est 6 tie W~A. 'la Ws .0 161 0 * IN. .1 ?mum awl ob******** Bristol Mio. who Mobbed the promenting Misnames... 9 NeeMoth attorney at DanvWe, Vt, after the delis,. ATX7r t "2."r"""tr ....... .....H of Masontown, has born misty oonvey 'wo• Intim..., sas so setmovlses ...1...,: — ..0 to the fhato Prison. The penalty fort ...man penes{ the.te the aliomaker, dal, sitas attempt to kill will be ten years wog P001:4!"'"'''1. , went. witith will make his entire term years. Mr. Davis is fast recovering r hie wound. fflilluanrgett t°.. 'l7:'Zlt ma, °;"" """'"' "' ian e... " 000000000 TI o RL R.. Atus-to Porno. Bishop of tho Di.. e of Penneyloom.. will officiate At t•real. Bend, Joly 300, a. at. In Si Mark'e, New Milford, July 30th. p. m. Mooleme. " 31a1, Anikeleo, Pprineville, August L . M in. ho., Pike, JOIIN LONG. ..,w.n.e.. c•.... 5. u~....ICMn«. ° Mi ro.wm n..r vhh.ael x1•~..i rn...n.r w.nn ' A.ll mMI o '~ N J thr •• Yrmlrn.rl^ I' o i . t N. to 1M A:M A g wmLlj orll~~ l]lh Jul Ia ' nil lq 1110 A ~ h'f Tv Tax.ropers or Arkligewater. I pW vT. 7, , ,,x7:47:',V1:1:74°.° LIZ July li, IBS9 Jn•.ll 2:411; Beauty and Health. /I , DENTAL .1 rtralON• of New yra7.4v at Ws p0nt...0. 1..11 ml tttt mOmmm ' ouvv ittf .. re, g r r r,t r ry tromirnooiml“ mg to emopelemley. NW Mom ow to gmlolle "gigtt:ZZreTll„l.l. IFtf The People's Friend ! PO\ WN. et Ithaca. M. V. P er r ...... •11:7v.:1127 - 771*r;12;: Powela 01, amok SOU,. loath a., es. wets sill an I ' r,r,r.:•=t:Lr'""l47.7.l° . ";°::r" ~„ ...1./4.w tee' r%41. • One word bees to guani Rod. hntnadthan A man by the name .allanaogr, ham vaan•faetrad and anered far :;tlYt7 " a ' a ' re;:t yl whit* and as •pars near.. •11. the aNirrolrra;lll; . 7":412(..11A1,711.171 . rac..;n0t atata.ke. pees Price Reduced ! VAUGHN'S =mum no• .I.M el .owea AMAMI M., •• V....* V sm.a• Lemorrasrne 1611111.... imlaml I. do wpm *kw* * KW Avow *We. Ur Urn St** Csirs...wor 1=1"1=1 tazirtVer.Vwle:=.2,74: ONZ DOLL•i. The In. my •••• •••••.hot. dam. er Yr M. 1•B arl on* mom. In. RM.. VIM ...... • uml ..r --S Ismoraell pow ••.• II a. 4.1•14,. Ei"i!EEZEiMEa gorMY be *oh abooeva• - Im r Wawa Y. eq. is ma to In mismed mitailmat et •• d Ow.. e . It dolma fa Wit • VII* 6•11.4 vow,. Itl -. Ms ,Mn awl Yr sop*. Mnif slew new &ea. mal Ws Wan. eras. Yeti dm pis of amp ra....1•6 I. Ye. SMEESOMiIiMia gMEig= =1:=1 awl 01 Malmo of Or rum It mu Is WY mum obis Is beam+ Or* lir ala•••••• W os.t.—asi Ow. M ammo, re 0..6 Da no.. .he ow .ay W 4 mower eS Mow*, 4 won wk. Is war rd M. WY .1 own ' oho *la Oniapint MAO/ in 1110 WOW nr• roo•Onsoonnio...fternnanO, ,imi..Yeas vow_ womnoN Oldino iv MO Noniol mono onOlis Won. moo. owl -MO ON moo ono Ono to —W I.----. Tim nob. to ignoiat Y NYr no ion e ono. ono Soo 10 *moo ran Mao *a do mai. do wen." is Mr *I MO. la no Mood loon Ow an woos, Osomas. nor Woad on. Or Vopoin inion Ons Mono ••—tle Ono An* Moon. w Or on le q' nrr 1111 fedr.• con nano Ina on on. No ern I* on be loon 161** .11011•11.11 Ovoid et Kola 0111..011i. P. L. NI Mi ti. llM=t= ~~~~ ~' „~~~ i s r wenn . a MID ..• PPPI/P/5. Pew WPM, and Ilmeritill I, I. P. 11001115, Public Bde. rrmm~l■ lIOCNN AND LM 01 LAND leamaleim I .we tr,FF1VVr4........EF412...., fee; 7=.11740:41=ent "" OM% Oars NW Noble br ro=ktry "'. MrilrY:t7. W ' qgtl::::nr=b;ral=reZt " VA.= MO ANTM—WiId no Rosh nnod, AIM N. p. WNOM Salk. sgor Ors bonen oin W Oft..noakini Inglnarbe MN ~ Mona Jaly t. J. LYONS It NON. $_ 00 . ~ppWorth of neat lajm 11. 4 . 0 ... Pee a 11 14211111,1. 811•11.11. ■••••• wasimi sea Imo ma trofes.d. 1.01111111111. Daily TrikaslJaft. v. el RAILROAD noon.? utli ........ Ores* Mr ai New Work. , „ at ihje rly• t=l= ••• " 4 tbr ." s o "."" moss oal. ' • i " . "d i wa.• 5471=n001tiia . " 4:% " . " 1 "' trICTRI rgie. eertiorl NOIIOO. loolobtod to tM M.C. of Puttee NY 1:71 . = r::rl= :Ira= Irt; )= fever, 111, IBMs Auditor's Nonce. .7:11."4=1! iter4”: bAos appoletAli AA . 0 : 1A u, VlVATAWarnele::::="44.. Haying Tools. A new and supenar smninnent of Gm" and Cradle Scythe, neyth* Stink, Cradles. Meld, Nay and %tram Fork., Hake, Seethe Maws, Rene, and Grindstone, join reeenrad, and wining v"' k'w for rea4 " by BURRIIIer. New Milford, July A, 1050 Wanted-10,000 2Z1',1'..:""'" 7:12:71,42:74=1: " "'` • " "" J LYONS & SON Si7Zll• , l, bees,. maw. ..11 ' 1.YON8 Sc sari. 11.:1;;V:X1 rale by J. LYONS 14 SON =ME AdeibiliMilltior's NMlee. July I, 1 List of Letters ---ii".;',,,.!1;7;;„;:',:!::,r, Zgr.;:l.':::.f,'"''..'"e t',•„ , x, , ; „ 0 Ater, Charter 9 Ile. Lind... A Jr rub Lewin ilili r w4l lL '.; lig . : ll nn''' 1111411.eww.114. Le 11.1.0 A 1 , 11111.1 iln. Mary 9 1,.:11.721;,i'' tz(„•,:,'.'; lAmran ilrr wil.r... 1110, Call. rine Comptop Juel 1 rt. A.lt • ' X ' l , 7ll ' et :IL 1,4,nn Albert illuinw , Ano .c !::.‘.7.V.7:;V:::',..... 1, 1 ;41 - .1:v• • rinrE" Nomerr.nt. 911.1 ti " 171.Z.71V.1 ..111.. 11. S he ch A. A m/..w..L.• ll ' or; 11, • T "' n. ". twe a If . 11;=11. Am....tuft . VTlewllV.lnvatLit Ilnwril John NTIZet" llovl Minx. Mid.. Joles zva.,:rr. Johnoon 1.0 • Johnson clutel. rlln 111:21 ' 1711.1 ' ngZ1 . ..... " TV:1 4 '1 night 41 . tot trlimr , Warn. k 14.11.11.. m:=lll.lTAr7r!:.7::gs!.l! . " '" ll " l ' , ‘ AA. ' , ' lPrL " A stars, ott.outas READY MADE CLOTHING. trA.mv .". Reedy Made Clothing ir s iIEEVA "g- J 0 1 ,111.11 r 21111140. 111 ~ ` Mrl.v~~~n~ll l Umo~l t~~'. P~Mi fm wl Im Y M I'.TYLRM. N IS T Tort Po-la .4 Vr. Livrtent 00 Ir. of molt for nal. almonnon, Jane C 0... C=tfl= Inete6ll. carnage rot ehailro, by N J PCOTT. Wahlhes. %Vale Tglrtz"TraTLilVl - r,'ttl-T .ng A. J. ...0184:41•14........ Administrator's Sale. Alga en Friday ho s.. Alsday 19 r . di:) . of JOly. at ist@s o'clock in the shamans, various artielm Nommen- I maperty—ineteding neither, Tomah. many Merited, limmao Trimming@ end Tools, *mei. of le e s, Finnigan. Patent heather, Scythe, Rakes, and mayoral WM...Melee ef fanning men mil• and a eating Mother ertiole• ma nommen., le mention. lam the Einem of Monza Carpenter dammed. CIIARLESTIMULRY. Adair. I Jane RI, 18511. Late Arrival NEW SUMMER GOODS! BIiNTLISISREAD havejust retamed /ma lb. ell =;;;ZZ=. :ref? ' asti.net ta ealland•••ake lar Wawa amino th new wino ift pie mt.. as we vo n 1W ) Ma, nasal sposil Oads lam .31==';ZIRSA A New Supply of Goods, .M.... 7..... Ms.., J••• SO. WOOL CARDING & CLOTH DRESEING. TIIII.•0•001•• 1.6•1•1 W•• • •!•••7 , ... • .....,••••• •4•1.04••••1, •4••07 *lap ea Ow W•ahad. er••, about • Maw., NM, melbrl o tL,==.2, ' ahno•whnet. .116.1.2: 5e%4E , 1•11 1,:;••••01 , egt 1 .=•!•• ••.••• bed OS". ••• tan.. ." "'""n ••.•••it, 1••••••,..1111•nles ty•• Nod, *Yea •411 ••••e••••••1 • ••11•••••• All meet mama. I* se. • Om**. •••••• •01 masts . •1••1 aye •• pay Tux Lll.ely len. lig IV 4.4 4.10 • illod•••• er.101.14.11•01 , —.101 tr. 4.417 meNt he work. am, Are 114 ••••• 1173, CAPS AD STRAW GOOK ; .14111...111••••••MI illeaneel.ste•• poslOslo • rams sellar . Z.• Ira Wm.., ' ". 7 " 111x Pabei Lost wad all earn 1.I• or meow 11.. kw Ws NM Trlor Mei*, OM. Am*. If• P angZl . ralnetalkilarnisa, I.4.lvzir . einerls.,...* May we i 11.0100.11• Ibt INV am ••=s klair . r=s4 bar& Oa enaVelosi..lo4•Ork Jew MOM. MINIM • 1114POSIMIL 111 GNIII! 11W 110111111 I ARRIVAL TES UMW. a L yn. b.r .. .r .d. tirlolo..skazZ r rims= ahriemOld Mr.ro r . baser errs tirro Ur. elm me dry tlepellyeerosil - .4lts efftralrlaw. 0r . i ..4 ; • PINNING WHEALS ht oh kr . ff. innuart. NEW GOODS Yoe. .. Sley tai MU. A CARD New Cash and Barter Store. Tn. *Maw Ma MM. Mem la Omit MM. ••rMa . elamilae MM. Mom leMm Mk.e ame_e=l . ..arzezel Mere —a me. et Geml, ale -at beiall Pahl', gimlet Return, aid 01111 !ries One. 1 1 .ta ' . will be Ily reert Gee. Ylour, Pork Irloh—.0.•1•••14 mod elt -I:7VIV:,t"=:::"T„Vt3"*VI4I7; i ntr . = ellen Vat, be respptally. pond. • slkar• Um 1kt117277:11/ 1 .11.11 1.,11.1M. __— SUMMER HATS. IVASUBILFR 12 Jn.l rem., • lanne 1,1441 . 41141 Swot...W. 4:::::: t 1=141.7.17=411r:=Zi ' 47:4741V47: alberent.ll.lma or ' lll. Tort ' Jam n. ymeal and pri., lud =7: May 1,1140, Mora Excitement ! ! NEW GOODS--..... pus •••••nt. los PM retstmeN . 7litirg== . l l. 4 . 47l•l=7al ,b “ orsolloo to nßer them st nu I ratior•olo dose.t 11:1 MM jr... . Z ..0 . r1 1 1i 1.• vrrho time no forxne en Ivoak tra,Otttal744,l,7tMontralw.erfio.l4,. flnory nnet num. saelt•—•llrlj . ... A.rg. , ! . 1i re. 'Oa pale., 'ill %NOW awl Moon.— 1111.1110-- , nunternmv V .Urilal Willi, An nutiv new trtative. l ltn:l t lit i erowl.2l, ni•u !qtr. 01 . 4 . 17k7iyat 10.000 Orane County Tinware. me outu lbu 11 .111 R. e , K . ITTON If baby 111b4r Illoutrobotb no • bynolollo Kartlon, by Taylor iterle • Ll•ormara, bobb or ,M Y.4 . 4 al' Ileformailas, eft. rte. J 4 LTONY • :Ob. I.II.TEAT MAWS % ..uperlsbitt .lereoallem I DISCOVERY OF A GOLD lIINS IV IR,. ca! !! To OH who olth to moot too mo., Moo./ J. LIONS S. SON Y.rxlqw. n. T4:17771,1=1=1:7.7 741' 7 '4: •rn,." - ".11:7"M Tit= 11....:;::= Zrltn:o *"..^,AZVrt w.ll la. al Far. Nrve11~,19,14,111110. CHAIR FACTORY yinfp HI ..M.1.......1. CM. nu, i t= " tre=l:4:=:;; as bona • ...a .11•11a•est of Oman.. 111.1*.ess•-amt •a• rm, ......} rZ . ::: rat :1:1 erg: t=t: loeoatigfax.” le poin.irec .:zt;17,...mttn=1;"4. - 41,rxt maul,. Pl•••• callugl see. Y. J. *COTT lloatrorn,Ayrllll. IT.tf. /11 . 1.10011., 111•••••••• ll*, Law, Lame 0.. ii j Ay . v.:1 , :117,41... , 1.7. —. .r ^-- .0., 01••••. RIM*, to. In alr••••• - :. ' t.".. III•••• awl tialterr.,•fty ......••••• •••••••• • J. LYONS + SOWN ItON—M4O6I. sad ban, mita. 11. 11. AA AA t UO. Ili OA II Orbs, itameyeerre. It .1 %Kr /ea, Ton., la, '"1471;:"....4.".......1.7.1.r,.":1M7" New my Goods. thla auelaan. anal ea..- 4 1=1.1 'd°7.'""":"'"tn.r""rx.l4:: 1.011.11, ate la Ing. '" ;=,14:1717:4= mad t r74,‘:= Tam' "14,"ta: Toaarrllioar, 64417., walk Larva Lai Ala. ara. 'paw, with jahmaaamam pm. al.oalaya r'" atrear ." Tent . tgarTr " 71e17:=f IT=:74reranWtn:= Z . ur .7:111=31•71P,111111. r y trlllo.-11 , 11. 11114.11'- NEW PLOW SHOP. 117 .11 T LIA t . 14:7 1. 1.7 .11•11,1•1 1.1.1 1 : .1*.r.......V01ue•V=4"..., •••••• •••••Hirtinly g gad M. • wma g .Ne sawn.. Pun., ••• u..•- 15ME!M= Bleakly Ploughs, i.O.,••••••• Owely. lIrs• Mow MI. MI•os. .4•mert ••%••1.4 /Um.. aostke,ybellwd 11•11.fte-P* IlltrrArVars, 1104 "• =111. .I=lllCl===.l...••• or. sad .1.41111.16.-0•111••••••,:," S.M. kls**. uu ...• ••11M.. ry 1.4 IS. I ' 80,0001 lbs. Wool W.nsit Mi.. "Ow I. nu& IN Web iler * I* :,us e medlmi.l! "."'"' uMrW /11aabreee,11a, LAMM! itMAIMPICAT NEW 80101611 OEM 11122:4"°44..Faritit".6,~ pshtV ign 4 . Si ., M . ""r"%ftgeN 7 . 0: " XLA amPeAs, MP v5.487 , 6 ._ JOW er.c. oll7 - Watches, , 4 =l= wNtl'r 7lz m l pl.ewlbu =. „ rwir,....ztz r.. 11. Mai •. "U. nlllul P1a1.41 Wag, • ~1" •-• •• • nn l llw~n i'nnJlr.rM.~ Tmrt RnA~ Ywußm nml Tn ~ IMien •uJ Tru p r pnn Ir. RYrlt I`.rb. N'~~Rwlr. .aelJ enll rernitrerlr. .f RbMrrnM. -~ , • itiArown J rro - oNlr. loor. Irarl.opronor. ISO *wait. (10,1PIrtrIll or To.. row. Too. rm.. learootol. otntrVistrg7l=l: "'" to ruin L.:Apr.l,N prOOOJI., ..7.7V;;:" ===3 NEW FIRM T l 'w .l+.,lti.. An 4 .'n . and ~n~wKnM'wbF ~ ~w' New, Aonottosemt of Ghoodo P. Oloam oomm, ooM. , t ic loomo prom.. lloMor P.. mold. lonom Mmo. mlomelooso,..l proM, omo M N. B. In ntltn the no Pinto o*n A TIN ant Winn Inn Intanninnlnit TP:n 7 ..rellrrtZtr4•7l=;:t nitlarno n Online trill he n.. 11 hantllately. Kenn. :FZPrtga.l7t= " ntlternAV, '" Apr. 1850 I el. a loomlc co. ~';"~.0°o-"~' :.` S i".O: n ~~'~e' M i~i.'x~iiirtu.„.~w o== . . G.T:147.721=4117:i y t ".3. 1 " 8. N. SA. so I. * ; I. JENNIIIIWI NTLl:Atilg:T=Ver: Vr . S. 11. 5.11"RE74. O. ".' .'' 41'NR CO. 11 '"""*""'" ''""'"rim:. ILnI'NIIX —luueMlenem. Jluuirvn, Plluu. n PAu ab• 4MteW YelleYt Ploy 4 • InNau.e nui *'M 1. it. uYMfI a en Dentistry 1 Dentistry! where ems. he Ye py to 0.. thwe Yeet an u s . yu easettee.l. l =etereh .ber tetele...lllll. tee.. thee. eett.l•Aenee **tithe M.N., he ell Ye he= sol awe trith the In/therter the me. on, mot mom th the tepprither stilt A prtetley er tie teen peen, he Ileltere hineell that whet.. het attet. IA *NA.. teted,...11.1.... , ) rUeen woe in/n•nlf.d who .1,1 f 11 teeth hurried na " •allele.,l to Own Min • ..•11 OF 11.1 Amara, Ape. 1. 11... Pestle, 11040 WATER . LEVAT O C3 - R CHAIN PUMP. Tb...11,..........1 by ....11..... a.... h..• ..........b.. ". "...4 " ...47 7.:7:1tt. ' .. " :4 . ..r.r.r..71:3: 1. - ....... by .1........ b.../. " ., .:I.`" . I! .. :el! 7... ' a etnerll.: " = "M"" "' • ' Pr.. illhe ddrerenl lenek. of Mt Rieralar to, 10(..... 1 , .. L..7.t, I" ''''. " •w 1. .. ~. If le " .011 22 I. 'l n, 1 , ... lil ••....". IT ~......I. stn .. ......1 fn. Mr be.. W Ow w 011.......... The onioninbcl Yaws Int:rareatst:::7l Onlan ed.*, to C. Y. 1711. t."". • th.. V u 4 wIWyM AK , .17 , 110,1. II? steronr,•lllt INlay!,.. CABINET SHOP ill=rle,e,{Us N'OYwMne MN. et CAlllraWitillt VIVIT .". "7' wtM Alerted Mal Ireglre Ka. kinds ""' o Pure.. am. MI limareet:Tee . . le, -44 - 1/0111. A. NSW JEWELRY et lAAA:ei "'" J.SI.MANA. CI r 7: VV - 11.==. .:471 001.0 tin a - - am • 11. *•e.l Maim e i J. MAI" Split and Shaved Shingles, :1::Z . VIV2:=1A1:; :Zrl7r. mew " 4:47r= "t rir . 13""""•.111. Ready-blade Clothing . . A 4 . 1 ... .00 •••••toonq or 11.Am* einably %AMA* """. " Afl6ifitnolt6 541rireagr* neer. D. ruAirzel. 11..17 . i . rwio •••• wIM In.w r .w o w 1N JOHN B. 101111101 DE L• j=7.ra.ifvutlmvz;=.= MIMI /TIM" atebow ora.t ftliumornew mai - MAIM O. rhZ , VatteritVZ P.m**. • top Wantres MUM= 11111 1 1111711111& wesseturaut eqinmouns meaus /11•1111 M% is aini SOIL Obarobars & sM Illedl• Mhl, Ye S. T. • DM 1411m4 NEW YOH. • Noeforil, Anglihowitesed Nary N. O. BA L DIV I ..vo ea ae •11.6“.1• ml Mal 4 6'1:4 , ..,„=2:16•2= •=l7. gal ...419 - jobilri. I mtlorer." IMAM 01 /1" . 1„ 4 Abas a PoSis Army M. 0. as. SIIIIMMUM. INT NO INJE MAUI a NEPAMEN MN. we*. 11.i0111 Weft, Oft 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers