• . • ilk • ~r,torPrir rvtwer Blolit, Fir. 1.4.•.0ta• Whoa I first wont le Ita • up at the frrs,e, Farmer fluke look me into 11.1 firlda to talk to me. I wan yam, then, hot umos old enongh In understand wlast be rad. 44 My lad." said ll.* Oren, II ,r yon nrn to learn forlorn,, and we are lagoon tidily mg , Me, either Inu.l teachma or you at io no , N...., •• I happen to knew mow al, an a 4. I. •• bait reasonable that 1 1 , 1,0,1 take th, I. ad, and a a 411 be time enetagh when 'ma are 11, •a , art , l tle ton to alter ,he adan Farm., Utak: sa ad thanan a km am of .• no. at or, 11.nt h,e‘,l,••!,,nn „I. 14 !in 4 4 Tau has .4 '4 , .1 tap„ . 1 1,1• Ile.l a 'lone, and go Alm., all grkat tom, are dooe on this pr0....4,4 "I !LI emote Conn an lode .1 n.l al. ou, by goo, On, WO or the f o ttr ' • w Look It..ke, t t ott, bush, oua lothop r ,• w. ang n fastens CIO hoe, and In. time by nilia.g be n• on. .red It .171 km I. Ira . I ant thlialong. h-fnr 1,.e11. In • 1, • The weavaag gaoler as folloanax the ion - n too . or o haw. cod go Mk" What farmer Blake rod ea ; 41 a 444 a Mom In me, lhat I woad.r..l ha. name Ilk, la ir sectortd b fore. Dot the land, .1, 4,mm, to Mprerl hie first low , a d• 4r. On ,among ra anal n a r e con. op. • nowiaoko, Om a , ,ha treo awl Mu .1,1 11. It di. ~,,d 1..10t am be alml.kl 44 tha farm. r v.lll ho ott one nom , •', I, • font 1.. I nIWA , ~ .1 .1 .1 h I oaw, hoot ai r. Mai los eve a a t awl Ilk,, Clod up. no. 'I Id, 00. d ,1 a, .t appear to eet oil a ea, ~.1 11 111,1,1 he towla meat gash* lilllo 1,4, , .1. I /Men of Ile- nee , and. hot long ma , t, ova, . a... the elan wok a load erocla Farmer hluke walkud m, na sae 1.44 e, nod I wak *deal too; a hen tool& ally 1,, a a.l to 1,4 e, 11.11, my lad, what me you honking 4,1 "' 1,4 a bronglat down the tr.. by dmog a LW, oi woo and coma; am" rum., 1. kiwi led." h. ,4 ,a ple .1 nd pow awe that too la ate 1em.,.1 P 1.• When l,b to ma self 1 theasxlat r that Fawner flake had epolaesa, f, •ole ealy that he wan the wise., local I kiwtt, Lot M.. film 1 could not do at ',eller 'IP, 01111 ;111• 11 , 1 hi.remarks. In the r °ranee of that d.t, I emit.' hardly lank aroand without swing woo. , olom whichbrought befate me Ft, ~,,, k 11l the . , lir- 10.. eon. A bricklayer sralhanlthog a wall I. .ra • lags • shepherd Nab Ine crank. was ,Imalmag high hill: and two cowl were 1,11., a. t watt, gravel. icy' laying a brick all nlone, I 4, no, the bricklayer would balda all a ha Loki, a step lit a time. and prop nu, the oh, Ida ad...add get to the top of the hill; and by thion mg all., spadeful al • tune, and gasp tin, the cart await:. be filled. Many Ilk“U I I,IIOWII 1S:to tt. 1,4 t: 11 will% doing • tittle al a bole th, y lool•t 41. • great dual, awl loode in be ; ra In the, 1. 11 into *stares. mad their meta, dal 4... a, . oad And mate lame I loon /I , • rte I, ,14., , in holy things, bat the dal not co ... oh, it I an excellent ti.. g to 11..1 that a ‘l. 4.4 ~dent upon em 1 lona. sly I nines for .11 i,.•1,..e..1... our daily brood 1 tool ma N. If ~,.,,,.,, .,,1,,,,1 was before. I lived man, a ems at 11,44 t• 4 , . al 14 •te great reason to lit thaakfall I 1,1 t.•, .•.I lemosa that the hams, Poo, rta,lat ; hat to a wogle day of el the , a. !, t , • ono aide 1. ed by no tllll/1 thatimt 11 ta that I entor. dttll the fatra. and not sangle lees.,x mme d Im pressed en m;anincl than tha r, that ha taught toe. I know that l'aiamr Mak, 111 It 1101 lemon, intended to nppla o e rally I.k I ing; bat 1 base leaanol 14. r ilmo• Thousands 11,01111111.1,71 I. .1 Lad 11,. Waterfowl anal praetasol th, 14. 1 -a ,11, lamankt, a Mlle al n Itran, and , There bit been as muchn ralen ma Ma 1k lave Dale, a• almost ally ether wall. et emmoet..l n al the bukinem of the Fatal., ood e r. ano.• to 1.411.4 t e, with grew gaO.l to elm 444 aut.o4l, al 14. 1. beneatted by it All wham Ulm ihe 1 4.1 a,— that Is the ha gto bhckneso up to the liar, Menial, of the end of the pro, wharla to nerat. ILe gmand—eaorts a • onalt that an pre Nosing it frona decay. Whitenok poets, m pre pared, am known to bane 'mind 11 ,, trty.for an. wan thirty yoere, or mow 1 1 00 1, itr, 1.11,14 thaw not charred • 11. Do B', ,111;. i, to • toearl to prevall on all per,..,'w a. • taa f.a, ael to adopt It , Aud ran •b. deo.- th. , t Meam .ce ranall ar, 1,.• lion ta ,g them to adopt r 1111,.. 111, atm Itiag.—fermeartaton Trlrgoorph. A Ri:81.1 LADY D11.1.0,1AT1 it' ix P., RIS—Tho a,rivul rot the Groot the Priocest S-from bit Peter. Lore. has given a singular impetus to the world of (~L i on. The fele stranger in noted f.o. ha courtesy to each and aft the ; let habits are aingular. and die interests !y her very ementricity. She receives du in the day engrarde toilette, with lighted now and closed shutters to exclude day. At tee o'eleak at night bee horse Is ordered, and she vainest. the Hoe de Boulogne. at tended by a Irony of fashionable cavaliers, alarmed at ibis floral promenade by moon light. A Pc mos —Moon final mon ; fifteen eehrbntei Irosee ; tweet:4lmm astraor atom ohilaron; thirty-two Ana pictures ; a row manner ot @oohing oysters; the best way Irt waking mfoo ; • /net Impromaskoot la the 'ablution of yam ; lee te►iono- No ; eel dm sabmano• of a boa hailmaks—may aA be ospremoot by a li quid in eommoa vas, sad of only ono sylla ble A lady la Roilmstar wasairakatai at alabt, by a Naas whisk ate 'append wr ads by Wilma Abe ram sad moaned w. ylolear, and la is *gg arnalia lb. ot hat breast wbe use lakproeul with a* suaa Was. lonmallately Nista a MANI pa, sad gni It at Ida We. The ball Artalatelly wholdl hair _ Tuseiwzr..is comma:rt. NEW GOODS. ABEL TERRELL, reit Inz I. , er 60y or 0.0., t 15 ' l l i l a;1 "" ct=;:fly . 1. 1 ;10:Iitt I17.71711:1, ' ;;/.::1(4%.P/1:1;, 024, Dye-11,11 , , , lorr• iv, Ds yawl!, !lard- • wt.?, ,•I art, ai Glls•••••"•• • J. • r• • Pii•••••••••,S,•-•• 1••• 3114xtrai rionere., Tro .... •trurne S. 1,1••• to •s. • 1 . • •I 1; nit .Iht I ri , lOW #, , •iit en. •:. • .61ry • r: 1; ;I. I ,- : "I •IAI;h! " ", • : g • " I. " " I, I L I • I • "...":".• " ::"' • • • '"'"" ". • "".' • ...lat... n 13.1 •11. .1 1 — • 4eie .' I. ',.. .. ;,',,,..:::,,,,, ..'....:.,,;, .' .1,.'; . ';:; ,;,•..T,".';::.;','l - . ",':','..."'..:•""„ ," '.'..'.;'''".' ""1,'.'7"'",,"7".'.''' ' . ~ , ~,, .„:',..':,,::',..,.„ ,', , ..,: , .,.:'.',.•,.7: ,i :,:..,..;, , ..„ , ,• , ,,1:'•,.71: ; . :11,';':',':::!;', - ;7;' . .;,It',L • .. '").' . ~,,,.....:‘- : .••=7.Z.,A"1t...tz:::•.7,:::1,1:;r.i4:.",!. . - . Jai,;; Vlowela. fl umalollum. /Ow ',Omen tai1...1,41.0 rit',T74:l7.=l:2°VatTerter4 7. rZ1i.;:172;., 5giVg1ia"...7=7.11:717::::: s giVglia"...7=7.11:717::::: d , 7, 44, .... rm... 4 7 Ve01101•. 000 sr 0.1. 1712 . 01011=171717;4101= 7 .! ~ I 7.t17:=0:::.;:===171::=1;:4: 1 II- i Tn. 1000r01 , , V*. 111.0 1.111.1•• • o.loooveolooo, g:7:17114:=!.T" , "." -'" u•• n 11..... 01 1 0 1 1•0.00•10•,1101•600.10060, 1 ! , !ontrc . 10010 MON 0/00111.• M.N. 010erally ; 1000011101 0110.-011 0 0 00 0 0004m01. O. ‘ ""Ir 1 1=1:r1 . 2.74:v' =%=4,,.. ri '' Og rl ' 1. ramoparu, 3 / 4 , 00 0, ....007 . 01, ..... ... " ‘Vgilieloo:C.= ag . :67C0000 = . lllls. ' nl— data 1110000 0 has, M. 412721.1.1, 12=" 1 "'"W.V.ttriZt 7 ' 4 " .. .,=e Prtr .7,7..°=., ..'''''="1"•=11 1 ••••• • • • e •k, ......•... w:: „ ... r ... ......""="' L . rrI".".ZEZT r. -2 2 ft"P. .a.,-.....=........,=-.: .... Ma. °".r /. .AIL 111111161. BOOTH 8a F • STE R. ...e.g. C. BOOTS. Coen .1111.111 CLOTHING EMPORIUM 1 WHOLESALE & RFTAIL, 211 ILuierthandl-St., Now York. I boons Tug weseenn lEDTIT 1 TV:Z.;,?..1: toritnlle Ilq an) lilt • till: One elle /len, Lein, one of I. • o=T:3:r 2o7axia mato, 003." ~tercherlng ' Manufacturing Department; *lOO,OOO In • an.. (lfl Ai itt 11EItCh‘TS COMPLI:TLI or Trill., ...... Linn/ ...... lor 0 1: • • II 1, • t I. /:. Crlil • 77/ I%l' I . lUTof Pr `.177.1, ND ITO NEll 1111,01111:11,1 KfORE ~„ Wines nisol Liquors. ' To Dairymen and Farmers. , Valuable Properly for Sale. Meson Iluiidred Acres / I ;I 4r• Mfg 11143. 11.1- r„ , 1.1. I . I • IFIROMCOPI I r 0 ".,, • Cill1;IT 'PAY For llontrose." womid . 1.4ert.11, • •• • ■ mu In walo owe. ...mit! to Mie Mm n . W.n 7 Ix •111 talim allyna • cor;;,:Pgrivx,•" :1 Administrator's Notice. . AVrr:Vl.l:=4:rtrtr.l•ht ' r• fix.... *II prea• 1.4.1•1. , 11.matJ. ""k" traritr.= •J••• 1141,.. ildvdabstratrie Notie. wr rare ot. “"" "" . ""*" 447111.=1,1 " r:. Lofts= ==".""" Aar IS WS. PALM BZLL, Ilhase~s . =ral=7,:jr 4 ,t,74. m0m..., 4. On Mactia "" , .101111PoVID, Iter bet. mot. .1.• MINN. ..., Loss 0111110.1. mt=ll red .110411.•• .8 Wo4 .ronse . . tomir.turri Ramapo a PIIIeRTIOR and Pater.' rr rem h. ll.odun. River RAILROADS. 01,v A. Nstsv v.. irk., " I I ' N. Eric ?Lail!' :lad ! Ir1 .trs' l,i;\l' FOit , ;;;;dt).ii!, .T :ENO, Faris fur Sale. ''"'"'"'" • "" RHEUMATISM CAN HE CUREIDI Iw: , rNC, :, 11 \1 s BY W.. 11. 111.1 co 11., \ 1' :c..1 1 1.1:11.\ 'l'll GARGLING OIL, Or Inlrersal Family Embr..olunr! nn :I;;.'.:.'r„.,":':.',','!'.';''_.'.,,"',;,'.'"•'','•;.,',".',::,'''.";,' . . :,...'",:::..,•" . ...,'.' - ,'.',l.'!".,';',';''..' ,'';";:".:',..,''',. ..... • TIC D 011.01111.1 NOlt Nl.l It ',l CIA. • ;;•.-"l're•l'e • CAUTION TO PI 101•11.11 , 1318. ov —.„•.. le • • •••••• .11.. to7r•ZeVe ' • • •!• 1 1 ',' ••• ‘ • • • • ••• ' ;•: ' ;:e 71•: " i ' o ' •!• " • ' .; • ••' ele•l ' e ‘ • •••••.. „'•• :•eTe•• • • • e• ' • • • ee•e•e•• ' :•:••• !•. . " P• ' • ' ie .•• •!: ' • 4 ei• ' • • • ' :• ' •• • • " • . e •' , ' ee ' ee " ;:eele;:e•ieree:ie ' ! " ,•, e•••• •'•'• 1• :•:e " g " en ,, , e , Ie• el • ".. je;e:ete ' ree•e•el r• g•l•e•raiee in le 4•1••••ted se.•••• rie•TY. e••1 — l ' e•••! . :;L‘ " e• Ye! : . •'•• ' • . : F • • ILe " • — e ' • IMPORTANT To Owner,. of gloom. and Cattle. , . • ~,I\* ,t4l , ; Green Ointikaet. Par /You It, anon bee. neon; ne and, D.,. andfee, 1•11 e 1 n an I here • 11. In. ynenme T n o .le nn dn r ae. 1 . a n rn w 1n..ande1,.11.6 OTomo.lndleennnennYle—ln..A.l.no r="."".n: get ' 4 . t.T;;:t n 7 r " %:lX; pone..., el.cereas. left /O. • elElNToole N. v. r.e , ":" "MAD. atenta fon Mealen.. AILIENCT OR Sr. Flyers C,ltlietkd leaflets, ..1..4.04.1 enemas In Me Mon Cegb..... . ' :=1 e .r..14 , 1,1 • 111e. 1.. ine . a.yren,enlng Ile•rbe yea I,Ate.. " KIM... dale renetanny Mod G OZI: Wri."2.V.11:=1;,"" "al'Arar. 1 * 4•-• €'1••••• PURIFY! PURIFY!! For LIFE nod DEALT!! nre In Ike BLORD:s. The ade. or BRANT'S ( INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. :::::::::::::::::::::::::: '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' HUNDREOS—THOUSAND• ''''of alnel mows were made IMIS I ~ w Four Times LeN quo.kM3. anti .1 lour Tlmen I.e. M al "* U'r nxr AW/ TI.I4U•ANDS ,lwe om • '' for THE WORST SOROFULAS, '''''''''''''''''''''''' L;, I , WORTINT To WITICTED. ton mewl] md one r CHEAPEST AND DOLT CURATIVE. bell rof u. which um Im uo l epn ir One 01..10,111111, sereapardle M.M.l . lre smd rani fine rema: ball, to he ''''' Me PM., al ma • ,Lt.:,',7,X:VV.,T.^,l, , ,:ra=r7g we Mell therefore show how sem& BY ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH. TM M/1 rose ere Man le Me m , ere a. .ich was el, Med 1 / U Morkm nf Rome .(onr of the 11.11 NV ad we risk ":"' -- Moat Horrid fierofulas ated ewer Iles Leen earrd Mare Om world woe ~ ne, Twenty low, Deep, Dlerhnrolne Clem, '"'" Fro Afflicted do not Despair I ~.1"• At, r..ij;:ol=„t ' .. •.;• .•1 I. 1.111.11. O. . ;. •• .. ••• r I •I P.atiolln. Mope ' TlTlVl ' .7.4l:irlrirti - L . l: .' i •.n t " lnttrn„ . • 111.,..0nl • aaa10...., .. • Parig:l. Tx,7Pi!L=ZA::II7:4, Myers' Liquid Care, • appustios....l.l.l:74.llttzlebellyhantal Mu. ea's... nor r exal le Mr Pablle. It has ban 0r1 . 17.1 . 17e .. ..Zr0 .....114.1.41, morn ivaibr.ll Slaver I If d...=2.:4 " •• ••• =;• Pt LP It 111/ pnpwtl 11:Ii. ll ' • r.1.4.7../1.• saw Martha PEI. ma swam Ovate. •ftvallu.swre C lfsa 6. lTlTX4t. a. • '"'"'"••••• Mail Pala MUM, flue.4l. out aladaal remsq Irog ealmacroll.... eon 4....a1ai15e,•• ..far 2.1141 0,1•1....=e1 hatn••••w••111 at $111..4. L M . r *A 00.. aldola Ye pa* PI PI aa:Olanlaw.apappog I Pill 0.1 4{1..1.C. .rr " b l i r 1 h y r 1. ' ll " J.6ZII . IIIIIIIN,PIin 11 A & A 0111 Ilr. Jaen') 'l'oulisetid, lilt 111111 To 11 I 1,1.110 V Tilt Genuine Townaend Sersap.illa I .1. lAA 1 ol a 1 v ,)%% 1•7411 1 1 S• 11, 'IN, t 1 \lilt./ 1111 ( C l\l 11111 1 11/%\ ‘ , I \II, I r I 1%111 ul l 1 .111 • • . . ni••••• ' 1. ' .• ~••• • ~,•••••• •••. : 1 ' 1 1 ;1'.}1,1 I. ,I I 11 , , NI NI, , I • 0111 , 13111411" Cr :1,1 i%eery • w i ' rret= I ;,444, ji1:5.1..T.N.7..., ,,, 1 1 . 1.111,t i. %rrr !Fail T1'11111111.11,11.1/1014*.maa Ca•mty. Fire Proof Chests, FOR DOORS, FAPRS I EwELRY, AC. EVANS it WATSON N. SO North TAW street, (Mixon: Arch and Resee,) 4,11 83 Dock stmt. enesrrs Trim .I nio.exurino, ..7.0••••) !ATM' 00•191 TON. Ye. rette " = " ! ". = umbriorinealoom— ' : RR P 1114111114 111411SUOM luns•l44, wet be lo•Copyiwe 1 , 1nge0r11e5n1.4 , 01.1 1 • 1 • 431,, rn. rev.. YTFl. llhoolillusong. Amon 9.41,6 oftin e. •=i Ct 31.211//3.1/ , bas ii,j••••••T• *ergot..Le.. M. IMPORTANT NOTICE I THE remarkable sanative POWERS of Da. 8. P. TOM. tin S have induced numerous attempts to coun terfeit it, and meko fraudulent use of Dr. Towneend's name to scour. the sale of srlii• n„ Inr• RTICIA, Them counterfeits and Imitations only ;rove the villa. of the ottrat.t. ; and so higher compliment could be paid to Dr. B. P. Tnwnsende Extract of Barsaperilla than (ho laborious efforts that have Wes madis to get up eons. ING LOIN or. As to the I ilishonest attempts that have bean made se Ito use Dr. Townsend'. nat. as to create !confusion in the public mind in reform. to the genuimfarticle. we publish below a mud ;of ell the principal it I.oLinAlin nausours in New York City. , We, the undersigned, Wholesale Mug , gists, in the city of New York, have sold ;Dr. S. P. Townsonds Extract of Sarsapa ' rine for several years, and Almeida it the and Goma. Dr. Townsend's Saprilhorilla, and that it was the Bret intro ; Ineed to public notoriety under that name. Dl IS U & PAUL, 45 Cortland-et. ; W. B. TOWNSEND & Co. 182 Pearl. JAEDS & HAZARD, 121 N. Lama --- 'JOIIII CARLE & Co 153 Water-at, M. WARD & CO. 14 4 3 Maidon-lane. .1. S.: J. P TRIPPE 92 do. NORTON & Co. 139 do.. OLCOTT & Co. 127 do. i 11A VILA 11 d. Co. 80 do. .1. II TRIPPE, du. O lIAIIAM CO. 10 Old-slip. O-110011.: JENNINGS, 180 l l carl-e1 TiIOMAS & MAXWELL, 80 Wm-et. PARSII & NORTHROP, 69 read-m. AENPIIiI.O & Co. 4 Eletehor-st. LEWIS & PRICE, 55 Pearl-st. A B & I) SANDS, 100 Fulton-at. RUSHTON, CLARK, & Co. 10 Aetor Moor, HU and 273 Brondmg, Proprietors of tile GVllltilir Cud Lir, Oil. U A FAIINESTOCK & C 0.140 Jam bi, Proprietors of F«hilestorks rerntifugs, nod Id others. 'Fin' poLlie me hereby notified that tho el cpoi cum esteir•ively known es Dr. S. P. To s si.Nl , 3 113 , 11'01 1 1 111 1aT11,1.1 . OF I rmw inanufactured under my din el, fill , • .perviehin, from the original reeipc obi ,I from Dr. S. P. Townsend; end li, .) that it is completed of ingre .ll.l4 VEGETABLE AND II 1111.7'7' liwiteuftY ; and also that thc inglolie,ts ore judiciously compounded s• to obtain from them their greatest ttiolirirtal effect. Dr. Chilton 's name to surety that the el cinema nt' thin Eatrret are combined In the mostoeorrent and tobialmifiveartner, and that It is tollittgli to the wants of the invalid, with the highmt profmtoional ability. Thrt tr.• lota will be sufficient guarantee in the I elate, and to those purehming Dr. S T.,‘,ll , entle Extract or Sereaparilla. Such too:, hare no fear of getting ono of the .pm i nt, otel ballet ul mixtures which MI the eh:mutl . ft. italic, and cre cencooted wtth ut um otorledge either of the nature of rev, db.,' az, at., or the vents of the • (lint the sigontore of Dr. S. P. is on t.ll bet tle,as none oth , o .1, List of Patent Methoines roe halo at Tureen's. (V.I. I hotssr docoh Townsend's Satsuma / S Townsend'. do., Dr. ay sot I e Exintet of yellow Dock sod &nap.- I;'(l,ster's Sarsaparilla, Edinlisnrgb Blond Palliser, Omit Western Indian Pan lace, lh ionises bor. Health Restorative ; D. -tax nobs Expectorant, Alterative, Corsoinitire 'Salaam, Hair Tonic, Hair Dye, X es °Whigs., Sanative Pills, and Ague Pills; Ay Ws Cherry Pectoral, lirant's Indian Pul- Ins ss.ss sy II ;Isom, Branes Indian Purifying Cos net Sherman's All-Healing Dalmm, Su:one's Compound Syrup of Wild Cliff c. Ws snifisgo, Sawmpnrilla & Eat. of Tar Pills, Andrew'. Pain Killer, William's Pain Pattssetssr, Dr. Tmk's Magnetic 0i0i.1111% to (, core for Rlseuseatiern,) Dailey'. Pain Extractor; All-Healiug Linomen,t aria's Acomstie Oil, NrIVII'M Veg . ,. Elix ir, lissrmen Cough Drum Jaundice Bitten. Lear's Remedy for the Hood Adm, Dr Jasslsmsn's Pile limbrooation, Myren' Liquid Cure for Piles, Home, Am Clark'. Worm IS; rup, Orick's Vermifuge, Fahensteere Vernsif u ge, Wirier's Balsam of Wild Ober ry, Is Oil, Harlem Oil, Toomi'm meat, Godfrey's Cordial, Bateman us& Drops, Turlington. Balsam of L' Chew I man'. Arabian Balsam ; Elixir f 0,10. Thompoon's Eye Water, N Balt I Rheum Ointment, Liquid Moe,Dri enbaoh's Dy.peptle Oor al, Poor Man'. Plantar, Copstba Cap ea, Clourad's Medi ' anted Soap, Darman Tooth Cordial, Bon i roll,' Cosmetic! Crea , Sherman's Cough, Worm and Camphormoan; blerebaries Gargling Oil, tank 0 bard AMA S on o[ Water, Dr. Fanrell's wide Balm ; Boni Linementitheumaile ineture, Woodeaelt'a . 'llll-mm, Dr. Allen'. Sarsaparilla, Peed's Pain Destroyer, Fair Corn Onre, la goldbye Pilo Specific, phanm Pik Elea 'nary, Dillow Hoare Cure, to. to, PlLLS.—Wright's Indian Vag,. Suer Coated, 011ekner's do., Family, Soule's Sovereign Bala, Fisk'., Skeen, Woredeire Vegetable, Bwa=, Oriek'e, Jayne. SILIMiIVa. Jayne 's warranted to ewe Ague and Aver, Brand retb% Mor'on's, Doormes, Webster% Ty. ler% Lee's. Allebaesi s, Monism'., ke. Orphon% Court Mole. :t.r.tr.zo-4r •..100•00b .1 • riineriniCerAr ' :000 01 Os .0 •00 , 010•10.ret. rgr, =lt =it:. 2.-.= 0.010 Ilkame ....W.W.I 00 4 00 00 0 t•••• 00. • 0.010,110•0. 000, 0 • 000 1. 0 •1• 000 TN iim#0.1• 1 710.•••• " "letr PLol/ "' Loo lt'' k sest. 0.8•00 0 100 00 .0 0 0 2/M1 0.10 100. . )0101 In h..•• 0 n.r•. 27arve---.llm...4=eari rY. p ................. 1 M a i„x~r F~~l„ Me~~nf N ~`}Tl ~f I~YO. ~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers