- IRE DEMOCRAT it=M=s= E:==/==l MIR CANAL C0.1.1140V.1. WILLIAM, T. B WORIIIOIII, EPIIIIRAIVII BANKS Ila Mr Filliniorel conas no in Ilio st of _re. difficulties. and Wow are tulle manfully roof mar Wu lake a for granted W. Iw wdl vary tfio tail. fur xluel. Ilia Except!. Alp i• @Warn.. If l.e dMli r. x .ih the la.l ailionnalrutioa, is he not Laud I.• declare lie mappwaii to the pobey Deenocratie Blanding, OMNI- thu =Er== emiltee C., Olio Comity will meet ut Om 11.0.1.. f Wm. K. Halals, AI Mastro.., au fialufAfty, :hay 2711, at o'clock I'. M. A full nitauflanAs•es important. • The folkumug gentlemen r ..... i . ule meld Com nUllee • Ilsuj. Perrin Was, Neb.] exmp, A. Grow. J. S. Kionher.Samilel Aire. N C BENJ GLIDDEN. elialeo Mien W. 11,..11111 VI As wo remarked law week, Om ackneas of Pre edanl Tan , wan very brief, and woe not ronAl.• enut on all dangerous rap to within about forty-eight ham of his notnane. Inn the Ith he woe yrenent n dyw a ikw .4 deo Waaltinglon Monument, i n o n , tan "weal heolth, liatenod to Gen. reales Oration. In the after..., he ate heartily of churn. which brought on ;Lathan during the night, difficulty to which Im ham teen sub ject Winen hie eanapiairt in Mexico. The next day he opponent! a little better; but n Wayne .0011 MO an, and hi. dimusa changed to a bellitm• in torinlttent fever of the typhoid 11 pe. Thi• eon• linutd to reduce him very ropidly, and on Sunday hi. fricals bonaming oornowhat apyrabetutive, wail to Ilaltintoro for hi. sowiv;lnw, Or. Waal, and hi. brother On Monday ho wt. no better, and on Totenday watt given up by bin phyniciann and friss& Uotrrea• convened, as untal, but inn,- dtataly adjoutml. Ha cannoned totun down vary rapidly until Tuarlay night, when, at thirty -6o mind. pot ten o'clock, 111 toll rfflteenillit of Ida 61011.1 houltino, sad conscious that ha won naar bin end, he rosignod ayttit to Gun gays it." Ponce to hi. ulte• I C MAS/110.—Laller Writers and polit - mane are again busy, aa canal, its carving out a Cabinet for Measly President, a being generally undorineed Mat the .14 me rendered their resigns. tids immediately after Mr. Fillmore was ammo in. Among the .60.111 mem auggemed. are Waists r awl RB6l. C. Winthrop for the litrao Department ; Geo. Evan., or M.. and Thee M. T. MaKenatar, of Pa., and (MNI 01.0 01,1•0 AI.) fee the Moiety ; haulm, Vinton and Tom Corwin, d Ohm for the Interior; T. But ha King d Ga. aird Wm. R. Graham of N. for the War Department; h. Morehead of Ny. aad S. D. King for Ihe Navy; ie. Asir M, how ever. no Cabled him bed orcially anianinced, sad may not he for raver.' dm. All reports agree In ono thing. aud ilia t le, the late Garda Calmer 11.111 had peremptory lend to retire to the Made* of andle life, excepting, pedlar,. when MIMI letter writere are half dlasmed le hit nem.. 111 the P. 0. Irene.- ..eat. It le ohm believed that Mr. r'lay wdl have the dahletairig of Ws new Calmel, mid that it will he wholly dominated of friend. of him romp. , theme. It is quite certain that the flay hr ...h of 1118 wady is to he reinetati d. IT Form Wino members of Canary,ne itat. noisy week. vend to lay the "alpine bonnets on the haste. 'l'netebe end Strobe, where from Crawford . * ewn Side, made damn., weed... in daimon of the pleader, and declared that if Crew• Ind aeon be sweetened, they would Mars his immenry win him. Their marched., and their threat., however, availed mem,. The tote wee takm. and esteemed Cran feed and his accom plices in the plunder , to the hammy they deser ved AM yet eat one ward of this is naked et* even Meted et in the Galled.. omen tit this county, winch, elthough eloquent as Inill.frog Meat ee traveganee enanageoneut of our munly deem, and the fell pay of ...Inherent our Stele Maidenly, hes been as dumb as Glidden's Maul. ray Meet the lialphite matter from the fine. Why I. Ode Why dace it net enlighten Its whip am about the eeormous robberies it. party favorites have perpetrated wpm the National Treenail , Why Mes it not my dist Crawford. whip Seem. tory of War, Memel( mewled a coal cc. ktroyairent and fifteen Ilisarriof &Miry, while ahem. Ihroegh hi. aid, and Mal of three or few ether members of the Cabinet. have pocketed more then eight how,' the arnmat d Ah, the mama is obvious Snell an expose would net oehaneo the promo.. of the whip party. It can prate long ant tent ate.; o prodigality" In repairing the dm*, ilbarranged Ind Inky old hi...prod; it em died rivers oil arackeill• team breams the late legislature, (whit& our *Mimed le woken for wmke by the i honor courts of Its Whig Goventer. end his , salami aml assume ally. Best.) voted theorises MI pay for a Are dnye I bet it hem e. sane t. .pie. against the wettest extra...gams of Mere. diet. ale Collamer—ne team to idled for the plan. der •C Mee ear Nat West Treasury by Cranked and hie sesemplices. Oh, eel That e ahem the cam." Verily, them Galphies are the my monomer ameistancy and fairest*? Mr. Curie Georreedes.—Tbe death of rel- I ISM Ta . ylier has dews all at ma vela hi refer.' ewe to eta meaner, sad what Ms messes we we Is a male, .( aeajostmee only. nest did asn. Ilan eti will 1h saw Preekleal them ►le Mad.' If be &..d raver that selteme i se it itt d•ti p.. sally Mined lee edge tee. Ma puppets of sr. ryfrog me aria day Yfl be* If be Nhealill deem M wham Is woe Wpodgy sf Id• peek seeseri then tre Adly des lel* that it le • I dewed leadag. Wide we Mr the hereds, lee we .I al Imps Mt dee latter. We Metre I bedded 'llll.lplea WWI ass do Comae. Wernedee eke le It. meow.. parity—.r• pee ale. .. exta le emit bays eillataled Y pd. webs the wettedeeef C.MM.ledllw Nod. se rod te lb.. net pay we ..wee eke le re yet edged. Cewerted ire We bet • pm adept= et • Ose pay oe the edette Id debia ep d• dee. ma men.* to the MOW. Tile dull *me b. Ile on. 1.• ••• I* dwel. ^ e . pal .we •Mk wale WM ewe Wady dela. .. of .it Or reding Out it wide bee rhesdiee• d me Mom ye" woe kr& WY de Dom. mg, We twee. toe Pepe the MINI a 14111* me weld deny .der bed. dl rewedne MINN eiptep We wee/ be de 41 et de. leeritleddewe did dem, treed It Y ; bet ere Wel le the Imd le Odd we ahem I emend Its 1101• WW Me pm* WY. Sesserlse es •Wailove WIWI. imeeid of makes. that wham they ge md km Made ..d ether ...Mile@ likely.* make thom• large mouthful, they .pit apse and aver diem NI over with a mines duos, eat that they may Yip Idown seedy W. mike Wm the editer• of mm. sal Itemecretio Joemele• omit ae the Wm.* teem Vona ea it echoes. Mb. Pemerytoenieu. Atkin, Are's, Nets , kW* Oleee.aud • Her other pro-devery owes, hamog made up their Wade to *wallow Prevedgut Fillmore body and breath. hove uni toted the mgactly of the " emblem of \l'odoteh - and already tommeneed the pep.- mime of thew value in the meaner &earthed. Th. Wmluagtett Mann thus °omelette. opera hum terrolories without on organ.- _ rotion by • 'eager., to lin not hound to mow Ine to the moot decided rummer If he Mo notone,. of a otioldsry officer iuterfeAwith Ahe mod rights of the pent* oftiliew Mee i• hMOI under the mow ooleana oldtkitypttto Im into Nis condom, and re, ...... ond It MO mimeo forward to lay a mute conalitutieu lwfore the government. in the Preodent not helmet. yoga prow.mon to eougrerre. to expreu his dement '—te reeommesul to that body 1 .. mann!. a ler/dowel gelVernalelil fox them. or tl of the M d boot pawl, and to determine mid ihm 're . = ' nulttur, order* hove been b . l I m, of the United State@ for the purpmeof to terfenng between Ta xm and New Mexico. dwelt of become his Mil, without one 1110111enell delay, utemligote the cedar,, and countermand the snort h of too troops... Then lake the following from Friday's Penn ., ! ran..es, xhich is Lot . sample of What almost daily appears in deal Mr.: c The madden deed. of General Taylor:mid the ohmage 111 the mho ..... tritium of the general guy. eminent, PM lead to d,nnnne conewpanm a for real or for td. Sleety intelligent mem regard the Irrupt elm thetela Ad teal glaweny , , Mode Where have coley/mod theenwlvt• that the none wdl he Agleam.. 31r Fab ..... o beide a sun influence to! Ide resole. Ilee nuclei negative official neediest! Ws. 1111140 hie future LW/ao ummter of mystery If be le a erne, lino, Into 0C /nap, he e nay loud! political sod to dee tweet fel a nent...wit tof all tmr; trying trouble,. If, on the contrary, he ie mere k portmeo—• mere memento!. —ho may contribute to Ilis immediate overthrow of the hope@ of every W s and precipitate dee catastrophe of dimanion. We ars free to hone., thot en, look for be, ter door from the taw !bends.; and we sre strengthened in dial expecte.on by the perwat of n letter which he wrote reply to Fourth of Ju ly !moieties, eaten& d to hue by the Temperance men of MAUD. • • • We calm pest away from w the fact, that Mr. Fillmore hoe alwat o! been Ilse fan friend of Clay, mid that be n the I roe of to, n pond, the denetegegus, who now loaded.. anew of fonanciern 111 the &mete. We ebould regret, for his own Fake, as well as for demi...- try'. sake. If he did Mil elevate leenwlf above all manta...al Nehmen and declare boldly for the The All.u.y Argus duos demist ow its mho. Mr. Fillmore tilaeed, by this dimpensation of Prot Wenn, in the Presidential chair. and wo tnret will hare the aid of that game high rower to me an hint in the Jewharge of,h,s rempoutable Jade* at this witicial period in the affairs of the Nation. What hw probable coarse will be, we dose, wo wed at this nine to judge ; though it Seto he pre that he adi ..... monition won for the ail . pietinent of the Jiltieultire growing out of lb. tor. Mortal omen., and probably npos • baste not materially et variance arh ll,e comprornwe bill now before the Senate." Your information be cernet. then geode en liabiltins, who have been um.' the Govern ment for the last fifteen menthe for their own per net 'dipole—end emlenoreng to kindle the dolma of dieseril—will lied Mr. Finnan eve the Inn in he notified...it by them. Mr:Seward hav ing etiolated ouch no overweeninganxiety to be stride the Abolition Indhiy—Mr. Fillmore hos wonted to run n ran with him for such an tine hie purpose. Ito ha. wisely leaked eu, a Celln spectator piths fatitaline noks of the great taun ter of the Ilyher Lew'• throty—willing to bids hie time, and trent in Providence. • • • We Wien that Mr Finn.... he. Av....". " roe. to eosin lota Justly opyreetal• his amnia. Ile case. but per e, net the emberrasetnente which General Teylin eitennter, d, arose from the rmalition of Sir. Seward etel the Cabinet—to mann und thwart the wishes of the Logi...dare. If he cennite the &mein of In Adinientrettea he will call around him the strong meat of his party who were not the chief actor, an thy Alanghler , he y Caareemart. Ile will dawn. his Cabieet,l and is the adjustment of the anti-slavery ontre versy, by approving the Coammanee lolls, ling' the Seward clmue at snit'. length, and endeavor te redeem the pledgee of Illentwel Taylor in being' the President of the linen. If he pursue this nurse, he will eel ..... and the none. even of him anneal eyeencona Hew woll it he yriewhie for President Palma* It be unmoved by nth kind and dinutereged red te prevent even eliedding tears aver win generosity! it.. path is clearly merited nt— they have great ....Once' in hie following II -* . Of name he will ! No matter Omagh they all myrniented ben a ••• leadneathed Ab annular when he was m candela.. for Vier, Peng , dent. end warned the 1.11111 ageing him; he le' President now; is supposed to be newly swallow ; ed, Stet on nee the alma. •We fear, however, that they any yet bo ileachied hi Itie dimeissigw, and Wrangle before they gel hint quite down. If al ell hke ether Whig pelitkienti, as he memento, he ham are very king and we apprehend will coo , limn te ...tick tit;' and mammal, them Mann hmly. We have ye objections to their tryiag to experiment, however, ....veil thong& it tilts The Wed/three rene.potalsot el' the Triheee , earl that the eon of the Amaral of Presidest Tay ,' ler will not tw lea, and may one /loa th ed L ' . 4.' 1. '7 4 .1 4 , h abided bY the Whip if the Ptheident had bath • • Othootht, and the Treasury had hoes tapped to that thenntheethetst to &hey the outgrows et hi. banal! One hundred theethod denote! 3.M thistk el' it. And .11 pent fa tho Inawal el see then es « Twwwww—TY; Clrowohp DH • N 0.414 Nlhb wilor was INKIWWI in do AkioN IlwArd.w Munk, wwiegJoso VW. W D. CI. W. P.. Oa. H. Wool. Carimbio.— The fdlwiw pinions Iwo •Iwriod saws of We I DlKAutz Amon Clow. W. P.; M. GIRL W. A.; Dower WAN P.. W. P.I H. W. Wilbur. R. ; C. IL 111116 r. A. R. 0.1 Ow. W. r. a ; C. H. %W. T.; T. J. Lao, C.; Whin Tlagby. A. 43.1 D. L R.; W. N. Wooer. O. E.M..ay k mid. Me bed nab loknin• ft.,* pu, kfikit MIS MI Whin. I Wt. II k dream lohnoi M.k Mr rffir Poo dad Yr kiwi Moult yolks Ike purl Msakke. Wes Ism*. owl Mil Ilwer M. Cimiemb., Ifira vibe a.. —I of Roir& lb& re raft rook sink amrs low I, eallis stem rim Kw, ••• an rib & tog" latter imam INsequelhase==Cennatirs virgin Isa l tory, is . bootleg." o A Fee- Cerneemacese el The to=b Pmosehrearn. ld hir ,„ .. d M.""'"L'...2".1"." aan the manna ad Iwo v... the humbug° had up to, W"" = LIN' tlie thin • =Wain o BerbsCemity lest. made ils sio•—The I—The of tend el Mom= Wright, ef Deyleidown..ind sppearence.) mod los Bth , •••• W.'. . 46' Boelotbo. Obwm•bmg , •PD•Dod by saeY.llygererotegel the pemieof BoupiebasinaCiran. fun Base lane.. Caine ty to hack hie mosrlom, ND in vain. Illizty.sonn .orr In s sloe at tide plane. I have ea .1.111 • amain, vain—• memeosid•• if . 0 • twro •• ••1••—•••• thereligh inveetigatiee may be rolled.. The al= mild sousier. sannielesers bririg with them • =pathtion for pm.. i „„ eq g q rq.... migremies, that take= sed intirmity, as I eau bear witness to resew= by epithets and rose= will be squally ite thole court. sa and geollemanly deportme. and their matrif.tatiou of • rending and demounted successfal—ii will not tui more wt. And by pea trill N fen. out sued expose villsinly, let it strike phecy that the Democracy of Flesquebann• have where it may. deserted that =adment I. only equalled in andaci. Neatest mt.. = via: C. L. Ward, Esq., CM. John F Mean. and Col. D. M. Bull, from your ttY thesta. Pl•Phoof to. Dthrd•lio. hi. county, were am wily, by the Board. All make that Awe, and got hisrsjoelavery candidate of them havo been examined. Col Mean, whelitno the field dho does sat believe us. has held notes for mine years, having be.o dep., ed with bun for safe keeping by Col. Belli., after he had resigned the caninerehip of that capitollese co.en..• 1010.911111rehethho stmnotiessmount. lug to upwards of e 69,00, was prodeeed by him ' and copes taken of the same s. In the developmente• hare • ..seine u of! Banking, or m other word., (for I care not how you may a ttttt pl to translate it by stringent ap.l acad. of individual liability claim. , or other desirable re=edieed legal swindling corporate bed ' io. It has been well sml truthfully rid that Ilmike have no reel. 'll'h= little teat acted be itii4Oppno.ll_ ors the flood or over, Democrat throve.. die length and breath or the Sttato. The Di...coney have warred, I/I 81111] NH of the lagiiature, against these fraudulent' corporate privilege.factor which have been brought to light by fine invexigotion, prove con- elueively and as clear aa noon day, that Ike Denio ,""innoyrixßork et to wh I mode, ostensively published,* have so ' donbl7l will be by the nest Logidature. nroootstions ana frauds ars being conetantly imposed upon the hard : fisted mod working million., by the Bank gentry. who live cm the =Wages and eandup of air one= peole. That o good way coma of evil," hope is gee thee ism. of every nava who has participated In them Banking freed, held up is the gamier an insulted and injured commueity. Having an opportunity of a free interchange of ; =aliment with many of the prominent Democrats , of this c.nty, I am happy to inform you that I very little division of =aliment est. in the melte of the party. The attempt to overleap the usages of the pony, winch unfortoo•trily pnwed leo sue-, centre!. but will meet with poor encouragement. I The relalde Dem....rank .cad file, unite in the !jostles end propriety of extending to old Demo ' crane Ties, her deferred eight le Cengremmau. . a n dad give the meet poetise &mune. that Somme , ne wall unite upon om of that county. 'llde carried eat... I h ave no doubt it will be. will Wrenn.. the separations Mows who would learn. plo undue foot the pony which hoe cheriehed him Itfe, on the mere porta.t of.. einem. Woe, end who me nteanorable occasion, pledged hie "earner:on" te get np • evader beket for no ether object Ihm. the overthrow of that very par ty. and. which wee %run attempted by nulling with Joelina Giddings and other abolitentime, the orgmiisalson of the torment Congreee. Hum bug. sod expedients ran no leopr charm im hen. eat Demenracy Suesushanna. Ilee eyes are open.and llosito who expect her suffrage must give seldom.. of • devotion le the principle. arid usa ge. of the Democratic party. Yeeterday we had • meet refreshing rain. and to-day the sun dot in all it•wdendorie. Oar crops leek prerniimg—ne.r better. Truly yam, dm, CrWho e A Faner" 6, punks rsite here, ho hes left ble mark in ehereeten not to be mistaken. Bend., no em er be et • km to conjecture orhe, Iu this Tow., monk! be likely le I write melt ea spill. —What h. ..y. .beat dm Hank lumalgaties ie lose, ..d will meet . hearty towline. among .11 .tarn, exceptiog, af cane. r. the p.lq• • and their Galena of warm.' frieada, of wham Own an . few left" —We shoe warmly elide. hie °pia. that not very little dishsn of eatilimont so.. In the realm of the party. i• N. roenty In the ant Congresemen. So fat eon, informedon geee—and era think we have as pad *p.n. tidy to sown eamict iisfennation as any pars., A Fanner . net excepted—die prevelline feel ing is in fay. of yielding to Tinge her alas. for the next Cenrenernau, that dse temp foment n candidate who is not ab Ita.l whop • tn. Denman., in Dewy aad emetics i• • wad, eon who, In the lap.. of A Far m.. .li. given suds., heretofore, of • ...- den to the ratimin. mid yawned dm Democrat ic patty.. Abe moot •01. hominy.. spin... wi th her limping, elipAhed amettnee, her hale. her . 42 Tariff, preAlavety. Camera... h..— hat White. and her 1ke.... Paermehaaa• ha eee• eemagh of ouch cmitleda. Wady, and waM remodiate then. Kai., were they preamiol, as ithe ha dem in lin. peen If wear. arrectly advised, It in the fernier of them p 011... who le newt likely aphn le he I offered as dos choice of dial comity. If n.we I say mow emphittleally, an we have said before, 'A. mud at In accepted. 11... Wald A Par me," oven, rel. Each • c.d..? Is he ready wrike hi. 'DI Tariff. sad-Can.. Ilan, and I march voider the micro of • etempAiandidate Proleelial. and • right-hand man of the dote.. !dim.? W.. warmly .lino It, aldworn we wee. we have known him to d• inconsteleet many limes.. similar emu.. What Men la to lu done? Bimpl7 thl• Tlep, if .be desires the hewn of fwniabing the twat Cur. gree•man, moot premien an oneweeptiomble can- I &law She wool below don a true Denseent, and ern. moreover. who is MI einempreasietw, •ell of file ozgelealow R I. armory. Bach a man. ad wok w l 7. ow get the mopped of B..pebee• Ea, either in Crufereace er at the pen.. TOW bold prophecy. we an aware. but we happen to haw it la W bawd en watetlting tangible ..d oral. A, candidate of adverse winciples, even Weigh boated by all %schema of o replan awn, entiera" and by party drill, wesW, wa coed- I Out. he madly lo the weative. Thera lea Waling abroad ..wag eur previa no deepueated wed all . ninths, &gaited alawey tateuneo, that party wages ad diwipiw week' have bat Bath tad.- .w in &tarns, the name Ines repudiating a pt►olawr7 easdidabe nal euppertiog the ohumpian of freedom We "oak what would be, oat what we aro NM wady le Nay night WI. • Forewan. ad le hweintowl.^ -0.... d halm Ia WYNN la am latter. a • Yam... It roma ...all madams I. ;Me alma "Warr imam . « lamiags aaa tavola MO as mal Maim MI be meM Is Is yam M dlymbing dyy OMm If Mem Mymy Fmk imp m M maled to mil am imt Thema mmly be may, Mmlll why Mum wt "maim" Imemi asimey mboaim 1. it " my me a. ISINNeke . Abid Mt "Ma M MOM kM .b Maus I. ASO Mamy bri MOM mpsMsl bmiap II Wm Ibb mast be M. he by Ms Mm M mob • Mom .TIM Mem M mama by IN mom MIMI Mem Min Mb myley. aid MM. ••• m dbbliMil MI dm .N...Y.M... .kM rti to phimmir ememlby is WM hie Am wpm/ or owl Mb me bum yol miab . Mb MM. Mai w.t M I WY Itlythoydriplmem aft =Mr** MIMI= b• b .bebim murb. my. WI II me • MIS Tem sygablm go =brie Mw MOM. ma tt limmy lb , There are some incident. connected with the, lest ellnom of the late Preeelent, well worthy of notice, betraying ea they do a hearties@ indiffer. once, on the part of his pretended friend., to his failings and opinions, se well os the haw end .b -in to winch they hooted, to fores an hone. man into the mapped of their ...liar no tions. Thu' smell conduct, under any cum.,...) nes, would be justly reprehensible, yet when the .nctity of the death-eh...ler is invaded and to the paroxysms of mim eo. is added a mental agony such os can only he summed in the mind of a dying man by threonned public censure mid disgrace • sprier. leo um.. owe outragema During the weknem of the Prewdzith hleesm Stephens and Toombs thoth %Vhigei waited upon hi sss , "to mare him, that, mins It. took mane to protect the South. hie (fiends would vide • resolution of mnoure on his emduel tu the Galphin Inteineas." It ems thee his mental ther eer seemed to eiek .. coder • complication of un lookeththrcomae and theta that he remarked to ha physicist, —tt I did not expect to encounter what hum bowl me sine. my elevation to the Pm eideney My motives hem been wilmorwthred. and my feels,' met gnarly outraged." Poor man ! Little del lio Imagine when he re turned Iran the war-smthed fields of Meek.. mouthed with the commtroie proudest bay•—the idolized warrior sod the man.worelimped veteran —when cringing gcepheuoy was fawning but for hi. mile, and longed to do him homage i little, we my, did he then imagine. hew mon those very with chitreetorietio ingratitiede. would rash him to the heart, and virtually mod at bledeallt- NP^.. Comment io ...them, but oro cannel turbos. • passing remark further. This Mown lu he own admissions, fire;, that When he roewolttl to becoma the candidata of the wing party for the Prendency, he sully had but faint contentions of the Jac-allies to be encoun tered ; and secondly that he little suspected the read matures ef hut pretended friend. —W. had feted the foe on the fiehl a battle, • When deathwhots fell thick and fast And breve wen died;" .11.1 baring added hunts to lb. peewee. of Amen. can awns, he at noes Weans a nation's Amodio. All patties and amide did him hewer, fee he wee, idoesilled will...se. lie we. dies bent by men whim frioodehip Air hint, lice their regard for prin- W. • hese prweneee. Ills ...bounded pop. Warily wee nosed open, to exalt an often rope& Med patty to power and plane. Alike hone* and anekilled in political life ; he was flattered he. the belief that the Name nahrorml eenAdtnett, which he estarnandsd ou Ow field, would follow hlm to the chair of State. The.. who amid hi. clews lion knew it nwst be eehorwies ; and hence, had their regard foe his fame been mouthed 1.1 would ham acted differently. It is not easy to imagine • twee anthers...y situation, than the one in which the braireeld man at lest rimed Memel( placed. Ilarramed and per plexed by now dMis, hie path hart by man who, when blondishmente failedlle coerce, hesitated not le threaten Min wills dityrace ; is any maned that he Auld at lant yield • prey to extreme Pens- Ile bee (onto bat • ncend victim to the rock iem importnnitiee of mprincipled MON, who, bottet- 1 Mg of "all the decency." sampled net le heighten Me death thware of theman who had " named', them Isla life," to rums the aceomplabment ot their unholy pompom. Let tho reader rodent wpm this *tore, mad seers emotivity if he he of that ...miler who tuft of the devotion of modern whluery tp ^ free mil." will he find in it a theism la fins his hear ef eat.- . Time "11.0Mt5...--f. I Tits L. BOOK f. AIWA . superior to my' ameher fiedsy ham issued forth. year. The Love. ef the Angel@ a entails' that Art cam not! srp. . Th. The Chi... Mother, and the Lily .( Rosedale an perfect pure le their way The Colored Fuld. Plate I eh* 4. 7 ewe. Three, taken hi eaturostiee with tweet, other ea . Kohl.ws apply sf laden the lea exceediegly captivatieg. Orteusia Meant. (far Aagueo Is likewlee • atm.. of aarivalled beauty *ad *seen.., whether we regatd he sobeillebowats tor Its 14n y agate.. Of the OM it kr The Orly. of ' 1111.6 e.• Fetid. TIM% and the giolere— , ezeelle., but the lallor emperlathrely es Its table of wain. oahlbil• • literwl et fat thine' be the literary I.e. Allagelber, like fiedere Beek. it fairly =mews hattlf. B..vunl MINN iitll6l.lllli I. likewise well de earth% of praise. Far erabelhdreneaur it has two very aloe sae*, Me Dirovery. arid The Rabbit so the WWI. beerier ems twenty ethers) Ite pa pers are all very poi, ewe of thews wreaker. We hardly thlek, hemmer. that Swish. h.. proved se hi preerdieg Imre hi. oilier (today er Graham. lierrribeless, be will pothebly east there le the .h. 4 male ether thee. ead m sake all even. tJ Illemosiplia. h”lther of the Om Map alon mmillid MAI Al.. T.. Mumma'. Maaaanon (by J.J. Ilrebanan, 1 1 4dak4) he Awe., has mnip Its 111,11.MI•00. It le t apnea yorkwe. and As mod molt es In& ohm and pnblinhen. Toms I? The 'dim et hvidlut syier, _4 fami ly. Mt lb. While liver M Selonlay, rotrillag Implisßli. N Bertelary Mandl* be • few daroirlms Way Mod INI tp ask alai 1011. Ode Natives la 'dare. Cr LW shiers imo Tar Maio doe pi". willow Orr • Milliry Inipollago what N. Nuke uslovly Ong w. IL Immo Um dd. lamliode• dm 13. iqolmunt•ol pm* a Top oid•gue awl s•lbs.• jonindell•• A* mAdllool ionfary. WIWI WI !Willa laws p r Ow prim? Cr TN Now of Ihres part the tryr.rMrirt+4.w Wary by • gel* • 111 IL I. limn prod • moblisa wafts Y. wlem of the Imo Iftdilloat Yr Inalldnii plan. iMEEiESIIM, Er Chummy Wagday. Mama. Basrae and haw Hunter Wee jail at Owge mit wedsr day algid and in raw at largo. A Amami of SU e-pieee la Wand far du& approlaaaaing and lo wa. Er floversl aro d cholan haw* armend" at Pittsburg. suppled to Ism bum braegbt op the nrer Is boats At Na•hvill, sad ether Elealhogrodeen WON It le mid is be ragin rn Late new. from the oily of Mozlee repra• locate the chelara as having made U. appearance Were, and that the inhabitant.; are wept away by N al W. rata of thire hundred par day. TOL CO RRR Amino or the Publie Printing at Wanhingten were Mopped en Friday. The week is xkl to be tee pearly executed. IT A lire occurred at Mahon, N. Y., co 8. arday, which dowry .! $50,000 of property. Obsequies of the President. At a meeting of the citizens of Montro l and vicinity, [Dormant to call, Hon M. C. Tyler was called to the chair, and Benj. S. Bentley, and C. M. Gem, Esq. appointed Vice Presidents, Franklin Pre , ser and R. C. Simpson Secretaries. On motion of J. B. Salisbury, a commit tee of fifteen were appointed to devise ap propriate arrangements upon the occasion of the death of General Zoeller, Taylor, President the United States. Committee—J.B .Salisboey, H. J. Webb, A. Chamberlin, Hon. Wm. Jessup, H. Pat rick, Jr., J. H. Nowak, N. Newton, O. F. Road, B. W. Rose, C. L. Brown, J. C. Mil ler, Wm. J Turrell, Wm. J. Mulford, Wm. L. Post, George Prink, Hon. M. C. Tyler, Bonj. S. Bentley, and C. M. Gore, to re port at next meeting. On motion of Hon. Wm. Jessup, ad journod to moot next Saturday evening. July 13th. Jur, 13, 1850.—Met according to ad journment, at which time the following re port of the committee wee adopted. The Committee of arrangements, ap pointed et a meeting of the citizens of Montrose, held at the Court House on the evening of the 11th inst., for the rupee., of appointing a day, and arranging • plan for a Public manifestation on the occasion of the recent death of the late President of the United States, report se follows Wheream, It hes pleased the Righteous Ruler f the %Ivens and Disposer of all events, in his Holy and all wise Providence, to remove by Death Zachary Taylor, the t ir t r e a u t President of the United And, Where.., It le lilting and proper that when the Head of • nation is thus ro -1111100011, the People should, in • beooming manner, exprem their spier, red by enitabla Religious sod Chia ceremonies manifest' their row' for the memory of the Depart d, therefore— Resolved, That Thursday the Roth in stant, be observed In this plum u a day of grief for our own and our eountry's loss. Resolved, That our fellow citizens of the county he respectfully invited to lay agile their ordinary mieations, and to meet with us in the serviees of the day. Reaolved, That the following order of exorcizes be observed That we meet on the Poblio £4qoars at 10 o'elook, A. M., and march in prommion to the Preebytorian Church in the following male, . . . 1. Orator and Chaplain. 2. Clergy. 8. Committee of Amassment. 4. Revolutionary Soldier*, and Soldiery EIMMEZI 5. Rough and Reedy Fire Company, preceded by the Band. 6. • 7. Order of Free Moons. N. Order of Odd Fellows. 0. Dividoss of the Elam of Temperance. 10. Ladies. 11. Citizens and Strangers. 011IMIL SIM =MICH. 1. Vocal Mu.io. 2. Prayer by Rev. Jobn Long. N. Inaerantornal Music 4. Eulogy by the Hoe. Wm..Jensp. 5. Vont Mamie. 6. Senna by Rev. H. A Riley. 7. Payer by Rev. A. L. Pon. 8. Bendietin by Rev. D. Diana. Manila of eh* dap, 001. B. Patrick. lot aosistaat, 001. 0. D. Lathrop. 2d I. L. Poe. Em.h member of the Oonimham, OS core of the day, sod Olorgy, Se rear bleak maps on the loft 141111. Resolved, That In doodle appropriato to the ocoanion to bare the king of =anon during the day, ander dirootion of the foi -1 Ordinance Committee : Oof. Asa Sploer, Col. J. H. Dimwit, 001. ; M. 0. Tyler, 001. 0. D. Lathrop, and E. W. 80.. The following oommittnee Are' ap pointed to aid in the ezereinte of the day. Voce Munic.--I. L. Pe* Dr. 0. B. Bunn, Wes. a Jessup, Y. a ObariWe. Mpos M.U, Olathe Paler. Celan/1w es Martial Nadi..-0. F. Road Col. J. IL Dbaselt, Jeba 0. WOW, R. J. Nim, H. J. W.bb. Cosaddetoo So &ante the Marais es eppreipriedo asaaner.—B. D.L Knipp, Ilueseari, A. Lai Thee. Lydia. G. V. ,a H. W tad, B!. Bram 0.0. sky. Osamiese Piumen—Fleday MG , or J. R. eaNal, R NUM. Jr., J. H. Diusak, J. T. Ilksbesda, R. 0. an =ooee Preatier-0. L. larraa, 0. G. Waldebadk J. W. . s D. Deedley, C. R Rad. iTII a rizru i .t tiziat 5. OM if Ms 4 6 Z Any, Ism low sedlilsiq roam. h &nib am WA IS. shed station--And Whores., from his ear- 'it with sell. and made the people drink IL ly youth, the .aid Zachary Taylor had been J At Imat this is the eters *oar maim I. In the military service of hi. Country, and I nanelers, especially &bade of We Bahia by his ability, energy, seat °many and 'school, prefer, after breaking their Idols, ie &thy. bad named himself from • subaltern give the pimple the gelds and pt lb as In the ranks to the higheet civil sad mill- gold into their own posketa. Wlßrph n. tiu 7 ponition in the world, the bead of this Former. great and glorious Republic—And Where as, in his eampeigos in Mexico, during the late war with that country, he displayed all the great qualities which diatingui.b the greatest Captain. of every ago, and by his resplendent military pules, carried our arm. victorious over every field, even against di Th ri e2fo o r f c,7l l 7o:l,l7lt , talMittlng lb. melancholy event which we all desire suitably to commemorate, that the Md.., Soldiery of this Division and Brigade, and any other troops in this or any adjoining State, be specially invited to muster in oompanie., Battalions, Regiments, or Bri gade., and meet with on to participate in rho ceremonies of the dy, in doing honor to rho illustrious dead. Brained, That the Oeneral, and Field Officers of MR Division and Brigade, to rther with their respeetivo Staffs, and all other General, Field and Staff officer., be elm specially invited to attend, in full uni form, and join us in paying the last honors to the departed hero. Resolved, That the Rough and Ready Fire Company, and Band of Montrose be requested to participate in the ceremonies of the mansion. Resolved, That the Orders of Free Ma sons, Odd Fellows, and Sons of Temper ance, in this and the adjoining counties, be, and they aro hereby respectfully invi ted to be present, and assist in the cere monies of the day, in their proper regalia. Tho Committee would recommend that all boldness be suspended from 10 o'clock A. M. until the close of the service., and that all the bolls of the town be tolled du ring the march of the prooeuion. Flramu'■ Meethig At a meeting of the Rough and Rehdy Fun Engine Company . on Saturday evening, July lath, 1850, the following remlutione wen, adopt- Whereas, death ham Nmoved from the head o the saloon the Pr...dealer the People, him whew same we helm borne reatedly, whom lam we moors is common with the oinsett• of the county, and wham memory we eh,t ever revere. There fore, Remised, That the Rough and Ready Fire En gine, In ha such memo,. a. may be neeeeeary for • p.inteipetton in the funeral seremoniee mea maned by the death of Zaehary Taylor, at the time dedemated by the swami. of arrengemente an the part of the cilium, and in melt manner ee they may direct. Remitted, Thal the members of the Company wear the meal badge of mounting, and that the Engine be appropnately drained with the eon , blown of mestrnieg. Resolved, That J. C. Haller, R. C. Simeon, H. S. Knapp, A. J. lannwner sad P. Stereo. be the manna., arrenganwals an the part of the Company. S. 11. SAYRE. Form. P. S.ncrems, R. CiAT AND W —There is nothing which foreshadow., to us, more clearly the dway of the true democratia sentiments. in the Democratic eras. than that profligate di.position manifest with no many of the fraternity. to heap ineenee *eon the altar' to thew two licentious politiomne—ilenry Clay and Daniel Webster. In the name of truth and fidelity—hi the name of jag- Hee end consisteney, what gratitude do pure radleDl owe to Ike those politicel debatiebees I Dow long have they both labored to extinguish every trace of uncorrupted Democracy in the Republic? How long were they the peosioned ed.- , Gates of the United Bate. Bank, laboring with all the subtleties and profligate abili ties of their characters, to manta in that un constitotional, denperoue and rotten ineti- nation againet the independence and purity of our Government ? How long have they I amtended fora system of grinding and op pressive taxation. cruel as the grave upon the interwts of the farmer and mahout.. and more deetruetive of popular indepond enee and equal prosperity than Egyptian bondage, the tendency and object of which has been to build up a worse than English aristocracy. Why Would one true Demo- Greg invoke the aid of thew teeter son. of aristoessay and champions of profligate U o remount ? Better that Demeentay all under the wrath of en inscrutable Provi dence than shelter itself beneath the shield of the Devil. Low must be the virtuous sentiment of the Downtrod., party and des- paste indeed most be ha fortunes when it must invoke the eld of Daniel Webster and Henry Clay. Demoseats—high minded and bone Democrat. should spurn any offered sewilis from polities] prostitutes—Gad tenderly plant the Woodard of their faith deep in the soil of their aountry, god re- Wye to id.* or swim—Wiumph or midi under ite shada,—but wave favor of! thew who bawl betrayed Its bright @tars, and pea In the enemy.— Wilkesberre Forster. BALL &temp.—Appetit...me by the Pownettster General.—Gbileo. J. Bell to be chief clerk in the Auditor's tam far the Post Moe Department, In the place of T D. Browne, removed. Here is the messere of ambition, bore is the grade of intelligence, upon whir& our down street neighbor, the Adoecent, built i Its-hopes yid oinked its rodents— b Utz aep bens et Um PON OJP“ • • Fleeing Ilk. Jowl. Ikea Tershish. Gide as has sandhi the whales belly as a rah herher et reran ham oboist haring his 64141 Meads b haw iheir alise warat. Ter dove year km* Gibw is sure it thit bums sod grow abatable is tb• PHI elks Ir.itelwa, sod what mu. he hew sway timulhir sad affeetioarde bons M nay break er karate. bieoestmd Oidom I Between tia provaider dish sad Whim hawses the prisms et Ma iii=ids Mods aad anstry, aad at MA Ids peeks s rabt the isesusasry Yew week has Q "irk sod irk mesa I thdisppy aim I how rawly mem abs savants et the Li. Peak haw pews, nsd is, law the eke lit P.I. larmiem Arm Wee lb. Wl at WI. sad Side Treasurer el abet Ude Oweismnslib, to • Is the Pas Moo I I• MN •MI ••• ihm• imob••••• limw rood Olushrethe Kt. seHL ' t7=.71,6 61 =4.u&qi.71 yap sh. dbielvei Later From Europe. The Hibernia arrived at Hslit= oat tie 11th hot. The Atlantio arrived at Liver pool in 10 days and 10 hoar. from New York. A eowertily await was made on Queen Victoria by a man named Plate, formerly lin officer 111 the 10th Dritions, on the : 27th elt. As she was her g the Cam bridge Muse in company with Prince Al ben, a crowd having assembled to witeme her departure,Plato walked out with • walk ing cane in his hand and atenek her with lb over the head and Almaden rawly but fortunately his blows Juju . but her bonnet. She appeared at the hen Opera the came evening. , The Greek yeeetion has been still for ' ther debated in the House. of Lords, and the Mullett, sustained by • majority of 47, which is meal to boo fair index of public feeling in England. The eatery of Louis Napoleon has been inereued by a majority of 40 in the Freneh Assembly. It is looked upon u a great victory by the Government. The termination of the Greek controver sy in England bad caused great gentiles eon and rejoicing in the French Assembly. A great number of parents belonging to sweet Societies in Pane have been arrest ed. The conspire°, in Alpha is said to have extmuive raminaations in France. The Provident ha. given a great dinner to the Marquis and Merehoiness of Normandy, In show to the world that all mother between the two Governments is at an end. It is said that Gen. Gansu ha. had a warm diecuuion with the Emhusader of the United State., in which he esteemed the astonishment and regret of the Spanish Government that the Government of the United States had not prevented tho expe dition of Lopez from being prepared iv the State., but had allowed it to depart with the object of attacking Cuba. The news from Cuba still absorbs pub lie attention. The Minister of foreign Af fairs hes sent • note to the American Pleni potentiary, ip which, among other observa tions, he any. t• The conduct of the U. 8. puts one in mind of the habits of the inhab itants of Barbet" Auxtrio.—lt is expected that the Km parer will be crowned in July, whets it ie said • general anineety will he given to al/ State Prisonen, or political offenders, in cluding the Llangollen patriots. The fun pardon of •everel has been aeeeeeoed. Turkey—Letters from Heir& stele bu t te: o re ut ve l i n a ll ti nlaTa in T " he ih ttretr k Distriete . hd within Gurgysobit and Belgrade are staled to be ie open insurrection. The Rouble Army is being greatly aug mented, but for what purpose Us net bum elated. Bombay dater of the 25th hare berm ra oeived, stating that at Beams upwards of 1,000 morns have loot their lives, by the o:plosion of a magaeino boat loaded with =401; grai7e A rr i onstreleor k la Immense damage was done to the town. near which the explosion took place. CHAR...TON, Joly 16. The steamship Isabel has arrived with dates from Havana to tho Bth inst. It is stated that touch excitement modem, to prevail in reference to the Como; mrimmeng no ono being allowed to me them, and no intelligence being furnished as to their (ate. It is reinered that • large number bale died, and the Sponiards beset thatthey will keep them until they all die. Mr. Campbell, American Consul, Is stlll denied amen to them, and is obliged to keep ten armed men in his house, u • pro tmtioo from the mob. Clippings...has thoWillin.n• .1•11 r. sir We were gleam thi. saisiat • counterfeit 810 bill on • Beath Cana= Bank, • now note oat daserib•d in lb' 't.. magma." ear We notice that the telegraph Iv be ing estended from this edam east to Pitt.. too, the Lackawanna Iron Work. and to tho village of Hawley, the tenth= of oho Leggets Gap Rail Road. Co Artaitsuo.—AL un der In the stay, on Monday evening, offer ed a bill suspected of beige nesuaterhit. at Beach Haven. He was followed to ale plus, and him motion sad 000 duet oda rd. In the mouth( he offered at the Pime nto Hotel, • counterfoil nolo In payment of hi. bill, and no. promptly aroWed. On his person was fund 1180 in Northumber land .01.0125 of other deurnhotioes, awl $BO in good money. He us tabu before Justlee - Burrows, and 'hogshead by Ida to prison. He gm hi. nano as Carey, old rye he is from Lyooming Gouty. Crime and ita conoequeness are multiplying nub frightfal rapidity. 0 on rum PLartra.—The Meg- Ta w ilir * o? 1.11=7 has hrblyrftr 141 Keeney, whieh represents that 'hoboes bad broke. oat mem the emerte, sad was =lda. vaulted ravages the dm" &W tease lemma Fort Keeney sad the piste when the letter was dated, he pawed ersey implodes eauped to take we et the tisk. The letter was brought le Blies* by no esdrast whose eompuly at fear per. teat had died • I.w 4•11•111prellailli• /leathers Praia," tae maa t. Wseblagtoi .t tbe okra dare party sass. it lo amemead ht ameel Isoram parser and that dot laefikw Moo. mire of lb. smile, pis eerapromies la the Serarte, have noshed wear to abler the Seetbara bee rmiery of Oellremie inan lip lio third by tie Osameadso, to do Ohm Nem* 'beet 46 digress antb 416. mil to Nerebara bovorkey Tbri e, ema at 84 Maisie of $6 at We laeo IM.. 1W I. hoe, and aro happy Serie tee %be 1e Working se lie emaih d lien reatimm. An,Meedlai• ads Mr drunks's'. Ma burs &sem. by s herb h b sesseh of suposhi, dlosohsd I "yr 0.4 won.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers