--- go 11;41tps or -7- Hiettea to loaf or starve. "-' determined ins most strenuous opwaitinn, for Penny, who tame upinms ' ing. He was I 1 Orair County Tinware. ~, ~N 11), ,,,T,W , , SP RING GOODS. 1i r . 7 ...t .... tt . ming. = r ., :r a t ..,... a . .r.: . 7: rice"' .... ~......... ........ IT. ne. .4. No opentwra... Pro .of TE! . FI R M !..... Able Californian. and ultimately it, further conaderation Waked to Deposit, where he took the Bat ea* ru• Pnamat. - We have wan , under the repeated ...Ma d hsoppo- urday morning train west. Mews. Howe, just conversed with an intelligent gentle- aerate, L 101141.111.1 to next week. r. Brit - Drake ar, taliebury offer • reward of 850 II tenpup *p.m ur 1 I I. ' • tendon, the framer o tto Lt li, an, r.Ran- II I M for his eppreherteion and the recovery of Apr*. send goonteser *sews, ! ..... Z . 7 .,.. t0wt ,...., 11 . 1 .... .t . 11 : 4 " .„, ‘ , *.. 4 . . o • `.... 0 . m m01 ... , ...V.........txamer . ,........Wat....................... man s th oroughly acquainted with the mho 1., ' were it. most Wrenn*, advocaten the money. Ile ie described as •• an Eng- i = n r o, : o rL s o e .. a ., ZCZ, , ' ,', ^ . ° ,,,,,t, l :'=„a . ww leo wt , uumputue ppalu o npruw .. * moultor , D:ztruzzl . l=l;..A . faLlegarx ... / Lag region., who has returnea recently from m C 1111.11. bur through the various settlements Jr il i r. P Henley led the oppoeition. The test Rehm* by birth, about 6 feet 8 incl. high other Man .1.,:r. nopt.**.t....= ~ ~,,,,, , ,zu- A - % :0,, , ,74.tz g.i . ,...7„...a.,.. - 1. I.: . 1::: .. 1...„,. „ n . „„ an amendment proposed by very straight , rather dim, red oe needy heir, rxtm,r4•= 0 7„z=.....a.0. 00r := 7.7. ,p i:: = 7„tr ...t vn1 . :7 4 7 , n t, 472 . ,_ r,...7„1. 1 31"....„ ' '' ' ' in, ; 31 K . '" .7 1 :: , ...D ' Zi n n " :, - , ;r t . ' Wh i eel b er n lb° effect of which was to.fair complexion, wore • black =aped, line roe eon err ..., .114. oo., ___ ing red with bleak 'pets, greenish colored tonbru=w”,ruiii ' irbi f rppl ' a w =ret a tru a ru nwn uttul a- T , te wattle to ow**. ........r. Webbervill, Auburn and Greenwood Val- • Itsh el. a.. woo. thom 0. a • nroolond to i.l where •111 . Ant nem. a........ ley . He round the rondo yeey bad, and ",11`111; t h e b r it by • tie vote - Pent. with stripe on the side, black hat s" - yyereee°,',°°" P.."."" "".""" :I "...'''' ' ''''' -''' "" ""' " a "" """ '‘...""h =7... t ., traveled epliwnsebook with much difficulty. , I ' ... t0 12 ' Binghamton Democrat. a ownlnnanne era, and that .or ...of all kin. will he Ware... Iron, t . oninm non. Pram la. Alton.. .1.1 at mi. that .11 oat he brat. In W 1... .1. att. led tn 1mm.....e1y Illorehnt. He gives most favorstik accounts of 'rho attempt to force the banking eye- , , , , e i " T. Mate -We warcely ever or* a Z ro n yo ',.....„l , 7l , ., e zfr aei r e " h."' whn tr.. buy to .11 anaPn will het. ilod.O. T. Trare.....1.., and Morn, one...ltems the atuation or affairs in the region spoken tem en 6° Stale, to lb° - t °°- , ' n ;, ';' ~' °„ n . paper Whig or Democrutio , whielt ie not a The population has increased i n a etiteliwnd P www•ln n g w"na " ". '' 'n'- ' filled with specific aceotwil .if the wretched aGODS . It is underawd that the brokers GOODS 1 GOODS I "ZgllETS surprising manner during the winter, end I a management of the Put t Iffice Depsirtitield. e l.tt tor wooer. liew-, 0re..1,. tont e ad little eto. have sprung ~,, every C s tf ' S ' arFraneisco have defied the legislature We have had experience enoug h in there T.... „ , ,T,,„...,„ .-7.7 .„. . „ . ene ... neeengeen„n„enn. , mat thf0r......,..1 . 0...... . three or four 0 ,1 00. Too orororr 000teo r to frame rin law which they cannot * rend!, matters a., • jaanfy a „boor. jo got... T . ~, , , „1, z ,„,,,,, ~,.„,,,, ~, ~..,r .r. ..w ~ It is nevertheless very *lam lIIITI4 & CAPS. prevailed ano. the miner., who, were all rust- 1 Y, 00. . o __ „_ the ,_;,i .. .. to i t. meets of the kind -Philp Times. perfectly satisfied With the ropdt „f• tha• th , t- 11 -, .• in . ° 'P 1 ` r .,7. ,, ' , 1 ° , 1 2 , T 0 . ,. . • ' OPYlsoa and glomoner Goods. (t .....-1.• a ....1 orwort..l of I/y .. Capp by Winter a labor. Tim g oo n eral diqweition will oltmately pos. at 0 1 e.l . ' 1,-.', -° The Ito. Mayor oof Pittsburg hair. ..... in:. t 0... t0n........a. ea... lau In ot o.r 13 It &Aron 4. c a among them ap peared to be t • ',olio iii i ...I • thoulikmi Mall ben•re him who had 1.:71 ". :.;; The eleetioot of conoty off core for the ho en eked up „m 4.1 the ditel„ before a eto .0.,...,,, ' rar.l. '"'' °"., °°°" "."".'" N''' '""'"!''''''''"-''''''' "''''''''''''''r7 01 the diggings until the hot went'. r .et in, sod not to eon. d twit with th, le .Iw. nail coma,. , f San Fraueiseot teak place on the rIIIII {IV., 111,1111.0.1 the prisoner but Fllhertn..... 1 upon . .....1 Int. Al.l. to ...II on., rot I 1......... nrolotaZ r . zi . a r i o 4 , l.o. bh, o r June, in erg, to ren,, o, he del i I ,„.. first tiny oil A.pril, tho dny the steamer sail- tined the tavern keeper five dollars. rot expected at the falling of the enter. rm ant lo ...' , U ,T l , !!‘" ,. " i ° ff lin te ' l ' e n t l i ,r ,n r , ° „, nl r " ,. }l° ,,T er o c r , l . 'e r r . i : - . 1,. _ ?,.„. , ,,,,,,..e. .t.,- of En„. whini, tnns . ,„.,,..., .._„....,,,,,,,,,„...,,,...„..,,,,,.(, ~.„!..7. . f.!41, ... , .•z .1..i i.,,i. , i ,, ,,i,., 4. ~0. This has been the opinion or practical men out 1 , ' n ' 1 3 ' . ' ll lin ant ' nnol the i' Whitls and 0.,..5i;ten,,1 hi, ...t.t.n-pie., by his friends 1,:•! . .77. " ,=::::::°:;. " ,, r t t .T. '"" n1=1 . 1 " riite, " all islong , end males to all the mining re- race 1' ~•• , „ .. , , , . Sot. omoi t moo. toomoor• ,ohoo 11...... n od Ai.. " Toolepenolehts Col ,r an. n„„„. th e, io n, en Only, lent 1„„.. ton by shipwreck off the '' B „ . n.r . r ,.. te , .t.,i; :, se ..;,.,.. ~.4 . 4 ,1. , . .r u „ , ; . , ,..,, ~,,,,,..........„...00.- ~ • 11 PANIO.II±.•O . glens. The moment the roads are in g cod order and eowninniesti„o thiph, we, , th e mina Tex* Rang. r It was pretty eel- l o opant.it coast._ - - - - r a 5,1111.10 PO we•lth of the mines will pour aown and lain that linnet and the entire Dmulcrat- A Mr JA. At. ,, nd write , from %Me 11 .2 . ,. 1: . .itt= „ . , .. 1 =.7. : :". 7 . 7 . , :.: 4 1=• , . " ." 1 1 „, 4:: , Rog-. go, pt. eu . . ~, ....„ „ buskeesof all kinds will revive -AN CO_ re deb et. would I,e elected. . ' I lute, Indian.: that Dr Parkman has been ...u...1 the 1...... pH.... h, neSTLEV P. eatat ' I pup vU u lb.t., " I ' • ' I"' ' 'il 1,;;',,, • ,,'','„' • Vomit, ' . The Sheriff n office rot. Sun Pronekco Cu. seal to that t. stn. • CARBON ' S CHM< -The Ninety-three in wiirth itlit I pmt a yen, 1'`.1::.X,11:.•,:•:',.•.•`..!'r:"..;!;'""''. - .'4,1:;.;-'ll:','',ll`'•, rx,v,m -- ,.:n7,,7,!:‘,7 bn7 _i,nTi n z:.i . iii4 , g . :,'. _ Pound Limper( Golel -The aryl., of tho on n,ot to ittcorporate San Francisco ban Mello, la" 7...... I. ....land Mar. 01 by I..und _ Inhabitant, of St oeb ...., iv, s. III.• 11... A. a wt:, has pa -.d flit Sehato . ... „ . .. .... ' . Thar .. vrth r t 1::‘ , 1 , 0 n r , ....7 . . ,,, .. , 4 r ., : ; :ton w. fte th r or ehotedlen 1 ...., h. 1 itEn7l.l,l a ar. to o E .,.........,. N 0,...,. ago much excited h . the neno Ilia. a loin, . , The to , sionopt, , tvin o.. ..rz. , :o s o . ol ,, , ,, r „ e i o , ol d ttol 1 1 5 . ab ,.. nte Iv e o tt o . t d gol.l weighing 92 !to.. Lad lo 1,,, ,I . ig, 11,. h. l ` 1, 1 1 . 1 o.no , • •'• t- l 11.1111ous Notice.: ~ c....... c...k, w. , h,,,,,,..,. , 1,,,,,,, lII y 'ma, di..., ot,l to 1.11 11, and is bail .... _ ._‘.., ~ ~..„.., 5 ,....,... , . f100.0. .„,...., ..,.. •.,,,,,,,,„,..„„„,„„i, ,„.„„„„ 4 . ;44 , A.; , i ,. ,, ,,... , 1 „ m„.,„ „ ..„ ~.. ~. t. lw n vett I r. harbor. It is at the mout ford , I , 1 ., i ,..,1,",,,,:, ;:, the .1,,,,,.. . r 1. 41,,',. II nothing m oro :dealt th,nottter Unto .1.111111 ADAIIP, air pr, .... cued 0,. orfrinit, River. y -' April __ls.... tr i LL:n Y' , W ie l , ". o " a broken g'"l l7 .', : ‘ , " 4 rho in.: .... , a . 1 ittehVe lone O . oince, ono a iv new ..11ing at A II 0.0 a 110A1. Adminlidr aloes Illoillco. , . ; t., ~l inii iwn CI Pornituie of all Tim Pei otrylvanto Mo. Convomon of liaise, ' 0.-- Simon of tin 'l' 'I" \ V" '1""" i'L" L '. '' • • I• d I' •,i i it. mod cloth. Rah, n oll ' hold to amino! nem. • nt Att., ' w. ~ ..;, ,,v 7.-"--1,,*;;;.':, v crt.,...7r,m, A ...........,--,.....,-........„...-.......,, Wet a ...ltd..' 1. ,, d) ,‘ t,-erth cart L. , ""' ° - '.. "- '' t ' '-'• ' . Denten - 81 root., on the rah and nth of done. ' n0we ' 41.,;z.?...;.,,74 ' = • „. -.•.....,....,..,u,r ;=:;'•.!;;,,7,;,,!„;,..7.•,",,::".„1;••;;;, ',;•:,,,;,:,,,.T., .i l ea of the [melon. motel ol i , anmateol "hoo° .r ‘' . ttr " 'l ut ' e clan ' ier , d thin ie. are , end reel. 1 • ial I''''' rd''''''. '''''''. "'" l' "Id*". l'"' " o: .."' =: , 72 ' ..t, ' ,;Vo.o.rertin: " , Torot% ' l " ill.h:ni 100 r.. o th w .,. ,w ~„„,, ran„ through quartz. IL is 1011011 to be regret- ' ' .. '; 1 ~,, ' . ~ , . n. ,„ ,. • . I t,, n,, moment, ii . t the moat hours hy Revs A. 13,,,, , , : „ !. .. , ,....,. . ,,.... ,,,,... ., .,,,,,,, ,, ,, A,..,.... ...., . red that the partiee who Inund the volt ' Rooms 1 ,, ` by -• 0 are Meting ....../ per It th. th ,, , Ab e , 0. oTh eow , 0w ,,,,,,. • ad. 0 . tedovionv a h... ' , have broken it into fragments, an, from the m ee t ! ' - - - __. sae and beauty of the quarts, it would, it' , - r inallrirteV .1 it had remained entire, have been of great-' ,tol,ites fro m the C„lnnibin river to the In "nd c ' itT o m s " j: . jrt:::. w 'Of " g E , o ld r , tt il "n' ,, ' ar value than the intrinsic worth of the -let n; February have Won received at 7er k tle ' C o o., 1 '. ., to mizz ' sb,:, E. 11.11C - lii:,;2;be 1 gold. Mote nurnes._ Riehnenr of th e: M i c ,.., San Fran, igen 111.1110sa we. at a stand 1 former place. -One of the most respectable storekeepers still, on neettort of the low pace of lumber , , DIED, ~..,,,......,,•. - 411.0..0 an. at, roll. ..... 'Ara . ....,.. established on the river loilteleinine, has bar Snn , Fr . .. "l"°, l°lll '°° kfih arise of I° ' l ' - cal dby the emigration to the raining I , „ Linde..., on the nth Imo • ~era Ten th , , nott j ,!re ' r '-'''"" """.""m e - e::ri. r s ' t ' s " it ' Sai, '" ! WOOL CARDING & CLOTH DRESSING. unured us that that cut) M. ,ale 0. Mill- -r. 5' ,... .. • '' . net o very high ;butter a Revolutionery Paul., um . um. ing to work may evilly earn at least Mt. . ~, „,. . /.„, 44,,,, ~„,_ata „ , IlErulwonher . 0 .1.................. 7119 ' ..1 . 1i0g a, $1,5 , 1 or p aged, and the WA. born m Prevalent, R. Liu meet Mei rX.L.V.:'; ' ,C ' ,,,, i ' i;i ' ,,,,,, a., ~,i,,,,,,, t 01...1. dre.i. ........ utamen . Pronto 00.21 a day, whilo pro,. idol. never retell ...wt., . wwa. town.. on thr Wyaltoln. C.a... Pia .1.311.1, 0 ,rrr7 • f mire:was ' above the Salt prinelpol part of 1. early life In Vermont. In; to - _ exorbitant rm. lk slUe. that front the ?.?"‘°" ""g' ° l+ll be removed with his family to troontnehenne 1 ALL ....,...., ........, t ..... ..... 1 .1.... An A,. metlont tot.. the ........ 'Fa.. u.. 0 • •rpllttaten Com* Sale. ws month of April to December last, he paid ....anal.. nnwl"d• 1 suety. whom ha Imo Waco resided, and finally w -.., _ 111.1 . 1.61. • RNA. I non• • Owen. nywhint throw.. ti. Non., a IN trunatann or. 0.. node 10 the Oen... entatt in Stocktee, in 31.ikeltunne gold dust, not idled -- X - IE 1W - - - 1.0 . 110 .........• ...... 1.0. h. I W.I. 41.10... 1...1. the.. it, •.1 nu,. hon. "' "' "'"' ""'"'" ' ''''''''"" tl " ti. It "' .'"""' n..-" Z.M41. "- Mr.Vvv "-" ,r lee than one hundred thousand dollars -- Democratic t'ounty Meeting. i ' I"" """ ".."" . ".1.7,: - .. ^ 7., r‘zrzr.t:, Fa r ,.. ......... town.. oi nwiss.... Stockton Tme,. Varmint to a call of the Democrotte • ' 21.0 w 4•.ll)•rnt , •,ioa . ntair tru rm. CHAIR FACTO RY. ,=.4.;;;17..„7.: z,..„„. z, ~,, „_, ..,......,„,............-.,,- ..,..,........,,,,..,,,„, The San Francisco .Toornal enow,ces Standing co...mitt., a lore tin of the - run .I.l.llrtillar lit Witted nChelrr.o ......• IP, 41. • nwol non... or IN wArn 1... of MA .et I terh. I. Al .Ow pr... at the ..... a 313 ?Vl ' A.RUIVIMe '-` '"?"'"'" """'".' ' "" "."'""." ' ''` r ",. " ..------ ' - '"" ,-0-4- "----- "7 - 1 - "."'“'"", ~ , ... . the 'di...yel l eel " ' Ole, o.'o'l ,abut 1 .... Democratic chisel. of Bradford was held , 1,...,. ..... pito • hi. nee oh. he Anne Wolf. , on rho.. ant lor low. or An 4, I.nre, on i. tha.pr0. , .....0 . r id, min e "f 0.4 which i.h et. c...t ll.,une, in thin borough, on A New Basely of """"""""""*""`"`" " e """"""''"'" F "'" ' . I rh.l or '..r . ........41. P Nu1f....1.11. not I. land. • :Z..7=17:r..17.1,477.11...1g4 ' . 1 r7TZW:=11:17 ' 1=1.VZ.T " . " .... a .11....... " :Zat of P. ...., any a...001w app.. 0"""'" "" •.ple .4. 1 s of flint ~,,, i. - . MondeYeemilee. Mt.3' 0 . O`r t l l . nu was 0,- 'Drugs, Medicines, Paints Oils, wi. pup, 4:4, at pr... 0., n0 m..., h.. 1:0... , 0 ... , 71...1 to i ....oloob.go gum.. takon In pay- ten......... 11., 1... e. hen .... tons maws maws portant material err fuel, both for domestic gaioiseei .1,.i• tut election of the fallowi ng, , . ~.,...., I 1.•01.....ry in pa... lee, "' "' T "'''''' . ' l=l,7..ioneee ei iiv , i4r 4 Atriii. or ov Pitirmi iiiid .Les. ~ ', P .'.4 ,11 of . 1 .. ' named permits as officers . . , se P. .1.11. . Jrierelry, &v. &c... navigation. We notice an a dv ertisement GORDON F. MAala&Presidra. I, pi.' . a• TunnEt.i... 1"11:.:,=.:',.`;:r....;!""'"•'''•" ''• ' "',VT, I . ate ' hes, ~, ~. jewelry , plum for sap. in the Podia News, the a practical elgill- 1 rice Presidents t-Aildinn McKean, ' NI.:I, la7lalit. • wet S who has had experience in thu mining Ed,,,,, A",,,,e11 . Her, Elm,. ghtteett - i Blatehlers Ploughs. , W r.! I. Tw......turen ‘1•0111,....:11 . . ' 1; dinners of Pcnnsylennia, which has probe- Decker, Arunnh Wsttles, E. W, Jonee, Dr. More Ezoitament ! ll.xrneel,I I.xrneel, ( 1. \ I . -", bly sonuncoeunexion with this discovery E I'. Alkn, Ethnund 110Gon, Nathan Rd- ma, I aim. in .It Iwinnesornent 1.1. i . NEW SOODS---.....-- .1." • ..". '...f....","."%:::::: , :2;;;;;:z.r...7,r, , m,...i.;;::::.2 , ...,.:,,. 8,0., ,- ~...,.... 8.4. z7.4-r:::z.,...4..... -........,....._- .. Tune PI. Aw . a -Wo how Lan it Informed Iliinater. .1.11111.1 It hi e d . P . 01.' Pek, H ... ,Tue „uterpow kw.* n turn, front Ow .1.... we: alio %pp. , i........ Any p..................... 1.0 . '7 ,4 by • • gentleman just from the North Fork, 5 0 ,,,t . Ti e „„ en , T s en it e . s El oeg ,.. s lu e..., t .........o. loinoomorroooorn aawetnient or alma; , t . .. , ..17 . 7 , 4 -,,......,... ....0r5... , ~,.. WY two..h in, I m.m.. Mwahnot tom r e e> .y..,....„....,,,,,,,...,,,„ n, ....,..,,,,, I that the bar on that .treant wore foknd to Matinee Gottlair ' LooV 1 . :or.1;::;:oVnl:or,Oolel: =V.V...T.47.n.: ' Ire . . et . tu , e 1...., esti , huetoeu et.. let se • 1 r!,,„,,,„ ~„„„,„„,,,. ,„, ~,,,,,,, ,„,„„,„„, ,„..„,„,,..,.,,,„., , ~,,,,,,„..,„,,.., 0 ,, „„,,,,,, I heyory rich by thoto who h IVO commenced 5,.,.,,,,„.„.,. e- E,,„„. g , w Elli o t . wn,. :I::tt'.;;;.',,7:::f ;::•=.7::r.'",=`;:!11:7'.;,`...''.',!::;: '........-.,...,,,,., '''"'“'" ''''''''" .-......------ •,,.,..,, "....” ........' l ' .. " . "" °°. '' .."' '''' 11.01 V OPTIPIOIOII diggiog. ai the V. t 1... who coodil II p .e,k , Themas J Ingham, CF. Wil - - ' procure plwes mr.ecopied were al.ii,r vuly ~,,, Attention, Citizens 1 wall. and our adv.. generally COll inns l_ll , s=ses Itereur, Esq , offered the gal., I : ' ;', " ,.;::',l"; '' ' '• i " , e' ; ' ; ' „ . ., '' '; • ii,i,' l•:". " -'l7-17i ir ! , ,,,....„....;,‘,1,, , ,r_ ~.„,,,“ • , nrottototee recommend tn. h.., r donee ...noose ' O' ' , ‘ '''''''''''':'`‘...• " r VT, ...!. 1. ... - . 4.1 . ..;.......r . „:,.." ''''""" "''''"‘"' .."''''''''''''''"; '1" '' ''.' r' ''. '' ' . " CROCERY STORE Womble. ing ro ludo.' to : We kern i' ' ' '' " ' ° friend that. the Ir. " Resolved, That a Committee of Five be ‘, ensue rew....0. small .......Fy . 1., " ''" ..'''''''' :.';'.'',"'.•';".•••,;17.7.1....'7."'.'••.''M.'.......;•,,":.r.n . .. - ,1:7417.; NEW I towards the apothem mince is inereasin .1..........17; 11.:...rb10n17i.!.0...1 Ch dr......1.01.1 t /1"...r NINIF ,I . "MS e 100•,' • MIMI g appointed to report to this meeting the I j__ • ___,' ena. "' ••••, ' ' Sheriff's Sale. ...".,,-, ."-,..-,.,.."..,..-- ”-",-- •,- ---- pawn* t 0...., a.m. ovnimium hhal to every day, sod the protpoett hi that region n n e„ n s o r g„ ,„,,..„.. oo o Committee t o 0n0........i......,..- t smi-,.....•,••••• ie. Iv nuitento.or .. ie. es ...p.m or*. romp w - n , ' , el m o no -. ,i " ene°,-- ....... ... F.... " 0. ' ( ' inn t.,. loran ...... to .0. the coming season, are more Ilattoring then c,...fee w i t h h t u t p1...0... appointed by ,-_,,,-..,,....,-;.,...•!,...-,....-... _•,•,....,, lg., , ,„,„ , „„,,,,,,,,,, ~,,„ ,„ „L ~,„,,, „„..,.. T 04.. n....••00rr00. et..... moon coma, a . maw , Oit 0 r 1 1 ,1,111 s el.. la" M r. New P1 .^. ' . .1nl di". ' el " ee the other roma. in the Senatorial din. 1. , - ~. ........ ere, .........1... ,, ....7.10. to Rm... mi wow., Inch... , T.... , .... 5bam. , 7,..f . fx :. =,. erg/lanai.% are MAO by our adventurous triet, foor the puritan: of fixing upon the ra- too. lb. 11 Ow tow ...an. ..... In hl„. 0....... P..... aol rel.. P A1.P411 . 0 .,.., ~,,,.... _._ 111., 11..... hell.. 01.......... ...writ., .11.ri eitinns, and new tennis laid out as the poE il" lniwn'''''''.6" . to win'n each ... l l ' ir s'' """" o .'".°"° . °... .iiZi: °°` --- , ..'.n.-. 7* . .. ), '-. . :11:"...%="thi.1"::=.1t1'11:;"2.7..'.....".1 tit00h...., 5i0tV ",..47 " ' "."" " °°°°" i ° :7 . r' V ' r.": •'` .7: •' ,t ' r,::l - 2, ‘ ,.7, ' . ' .. " 1 elation ill"°°".' Stockton to eeld to e shall bo enti ded in the Senatorial Chau. oeo:V ;.I:t7."ri!,l7.';tio7ror one'sth".•=n r" rn, t"h " . • =noi . r 7 : .; 1. 4" 0t 4 ; ',4 Tehi f it moo. 0.n.0 . e w at. 4•0•....:”.........,,. , - - Zl7 ".4":,.:.....1 1 a.",.....A. t 0 ... rah 1:4.4.7. " , gmeing rapidly, and buo:ness becoming onen . si! e .1.11., ...m.o. mad, throne ...uth t ...a... altooteahli Waleilt.s. %Watches. 1 nn nn a brisk ae the rode In la rams bee.. 31 . ,,j . v . E pi„ild ~,,,,d to amend by 10 too hus or re...W00l shy li II W.. to Phiner. Nan.. 1 1 . 2 oov a e.m.. mole wet, , form. Ow Y. , trillotr WM, V 1 1 .... 1 i 0r1i1 , ...., .. • ........,.. panable. ,ttiking our fir,. and instructing the COM- It di., 1id0... ea. In the se... .W. C TIM._ r ..I P. 0 rwrwr, irt °more tooth ..1......0 .11. ......n. of Ilrwo roomy... M.P. .11...... wi n .. nod !Amon ., The 'lee, eft of of San J....111ie..1 .Leh male° to toper( the names of tat three P................ 0. PP .1...... .00 .2.10 tont.: ,er Own nu he 1....1tt at Woe In 4.. Ton weave before spoken Invorahly, is berm ,- le„,,,,ite ns a Committee id Conference. .13 * - lls lt. " i s EMI ' fi ili inwt6l. ......... 0 P P...., 11 " . .. 00 . . d r . l. " ..0 "1 . 0 0 110 . 0 . AP. , ....1 ..... 1 "5 ,r1V::: " 417.. ' .7.7:17' .... t. 12 ". . ' ."" ". ''''''' la g with ma g ical ° r ead, and well hyena' ten ~.e di..,,,i,.. by w-sn, Piellet and ream.. MI Pal L aitelre..aff 1 Z741 . : ' .:i417.711;?.1 . 1.:11.r...1:11V 4?.:11.1 " .1=7 1 - this Reason a town of great importune aotd ,1 E . I . ,„„0„1,1 t, ~,,,1 me mere°, ogninst, DISC °VERA OF A GOLD II NE '.l - '''''' . ''''''' ' . '"''' ... ...."'" *. '''' ..... a . .."‘"!' • "7"i 1 (~.., -,,.., r....... , ... ~.. ~.., ....... 200 Oa, lallWadr War e - . -- ." ' 11.1.10°, A. ~.. I ' " '" 11 . 11..1 . 111101, extensive trrolo We do n•ot Re on or s now the amondnictit -it won negatived, and the ' a •• •:!,::: '' ,7:7,:er " n;.:!:7, ' ,7:::.:7.7. " ...., T.,..;,7'........ • -.;,,,,, ,--, ...,..-.•,....- •,......-•,......: To Dairymen and Farmers • city in the ' valley or state, that is 1n.., ad- ec , ..lntion es „ If :led othtpled 1 'th se 51,0 ro:17 ''. .,7: . : ' ,,e5,, wow, 11:,',...ti.,:..iLt?,7::0.n7...,r;tin.7-7":a..:5::7.7.4V.Z.L7-7g.'•••;:ti1g,1;;- • TTIcW"." Valuable Properly lon gale. vantageously eituated on lii •L nod bosiotti- Th e E e „, ap„intod Francis Smith,' J. Lifews a, ion a n ...........,..... r ........1........... 5 t.,............ , Go ld 1,..k.... fel ground, or which I.lfer, greater iodace- Th e ,„, e 5 e ,,,,J . A I, cepopeoe , fk Fait. I a n. of land neetapied by S Muds ; thence fouthl I T " .%17: .1:1.71,17Z,V.1:=1:::=;:gr.f ;„,, roman,. Double Mee. elm I 501...11...1at ectnatinninni to i titieiemr . 0 ." fur Pr.duble inv0.d.....i.-Att . i.fic d,e,,..1; eild Francis Houna, baid Commit- W ' u n t. ' ,V.,:l.7=l:turo ' rtilr..:7 , o= tljth's".. cwt 5" P"."6. 4 i5 7 0”id ll."" jmi : 0 _ ... M ....a , . .. °^4 ..... , " .....-" , • '',.......^,--,-- ".."-'••••"•• - ^ 4 '''' New. .sts,u, mil tens.. te, *est ees west..., sett ..^..., 1b.., " " ^w b ... a .... " ",,.. NOWew Hundred Agree • lc ' - "° . 4 l ''' ' """' "'"""" '" n " I ' D e n ti s t ry I Dentistry! 1 '. . , .... ~.„., ......-..,...„..-.„ F' , o. 5n ,,,,,. .. -w. ,,, here fed ° Hon David Wilmot being culled upon, Xatis ' ......t butte... sp. Lun what you wont. mired and onfity.do, nano. land, ba tha same . _.--,. ~........ . n _ ..„ , _.... .....7,.. a ?....•: >. letter from an *owned friend in Stacktm addre.aud the meeting for two hours, in an Li! ,:t tirZ4.; tn.:IV:X:I7.Zr Itr./ . .72 m"r" ''' ... ° hr. "..••.° 1." ....." br ; 0 7 .. i ' . l re•ZZ.471.117.......4.%511:47;...4 " ' 7,: n z,, - „,„, „„„„, „" , „,„,,, , D. Warner nodal , toy deed turners do. ATM. Tn.. or.. week,..... oh. M1..14. h ow whielt tun cmwdod ante of our .. 1 "...... , animated and eta one • epcooh, which wee t ii,,..,,,, ....„..„., ...,.....„. , w 4 eve •........" re r -men rib. t P - 19. and recordvi "iii Drol back No. O. tome.. at, me. " . .. w w .w. "'' .. " l.l '" rr ' n " .", ' n'' ... 1.." • '•°°. °°° ''''''''''' °°°°°°‘ sot permit Ise to publish. liste ne d to with interest and attention. 'a n Alll.O of -. rr r.n udy r t.- ......... p.... nt o th, t o w,. wo th the thw,,,,,,, i atnt , .....::=4 1 . 0 =nted ., : 0. e .,: , ...,L, ,,,..,,, , , ;VA . , ~,,,,,,...,„ ...„.,,.......,.......... ”... %...,....... From it wo learn that thee. is credo- Fl e Committee, by their chairman, re- ' L.. ... ....on. g a.. fnmed ham, I filmed barn , and slam lOU erten and 1.0..... and with 1. 40.4.,....... pa. , ...t IX* i......a,... op ti.., pimp* 141111.1rtt• ally improving, that the price, or reel...tete potted to ant mooting the ...lowing names, 1., i, tlent non In Ow ........ 1.1.........11 a ~r . ......r .. •..,.• shout Pre o. I. 1 ,-Fur ~....1 ...... wat tin. the ntlWr. ‘,..ftt016., 01.1.111..• ....W. wepp, *we aia. epees . are advancing and that buildings are , ......a1..111, 0..... 0.4.-now 0ty1..-In Feat va. AM all Mt redain HI., dam, piecro ne parcel It=„,,;=El l g a Z . = . 4';:;;;;.; „ l;Z: . ,„..., , ~,,,,, „,„‘„, „„,,,. „„,, „„ ,„„, ~, Ping a, ti e Committee et Conferee... . up. A bridge ban hem e ooistroetod n or m.. I.llv.ses Meteor, F. a Gitedeieh, H . Le. ,1..,',11„,„en:',....':;!.....r.t.......e.,,,z.c. r 0.b ,..., n o z . b ... tu; L.-, 1 , 16 ,.., 11.1 ,. r . z . 71 . 1 . 7...e . tr i, h1:4 flrolgeweter, moiety , the above dencrobed . as on, ...mowed meth the dewier. I. ..... et : :=l:7;l74.lOrtt=4OhTiotti.ottoon?alatir! the vivo, connecting the northern with the home, e y„h e. il .e l e w e ee. Et or g„ n g 31. 0 . 5h0..... 1041 . 1., ... a1 yyn111r . ;" 0 ,. 5. reicher° beiike. A hage h otel Lav e bom 6".° ' °°""d°l °°l"...°`"°°l ... I°"°°° ' .° °"' °°".' n ". ...174; ° 1? ° ,1 ° T;t0: " ..0rg71:. " ...ret tore: Z1nt . ',7%,4 - .7..7,77.41.17:1,=; - 1 Th., r e . not, of the committee was 1111.1- h.. .1' .. " ... C ., 00 1 . 0h..1 "'n o., hs n•or ee' l el :!•=7,4:lit . X..1i0 no:4h ....a. ,:n tat mune. Owns. w1 ' ..01.71.. We.: Ton awl W. .11.4 part. °masa and furniolo oo l hi oonit orb .byte by en ~,,b. ,'her, ~,,,I 0 ,,, Hi,,,i„, e . ne , in. Daily Transportation km '' h" '''"'''' "'""'"'" "-- ' l-, '''''. '""' 71: - T=17: . :,7`.,:r.. - ...::::;.17'.7::c..4.7.a'" V."=",.,;:.,',7Z.,":474!"6 ~........... ,---, Moms. Mike & Ur, -lb. i ° her of the alone de,rthed hinds ...bed, in, mo , r . .... n tio, of ies,rtietion way :.Is onattimously , N. W• CASSIPERITER. 7.10 perebes to n 'wet t metre, det ild• 10 perch. .......• '‘.. .. . _ Cal i rOr •I :I i,• r..111/.1,11. i •• po .11: 1 rw, thews norti,dy petr.ll.llo Ow o ne, IlenerMod San Jose, Cl rob 27, 1 . . 1 0.-A, the son- R..,,,1y.,.1 . Th.., .I,„ c,,„ ‘ „,i,,,, or co „. gmlituAs PARISH': LINK nee hereof 110 7.10 perches to a beech enplone t Just Received, elan appreseltes e Owe, thin 111 , ...1ingp of rerenee he i ..0 lat. 1 t., ih-1.1 Ibo.l such a, on,. ...... a 1.,. I 10.7 or.ll 0 0 1 l' h"kee.h' h.. "f I. N" ' "' ..... '' 1 " 'i. r.. .V . .. "" Vit; r at " . ' ;:O=ir. ' :,!i: " Z:O . kal.isat ..tb, 1b.r..,..,.. 1...... .1....... e........... iness th'' I'l l 'a" T ' l. " b r """ m"" and ' ''''; i" . " , ";'''''''' 'i m e i" '', S. '''''' ri"l C.".1", , ,- , ,...' (.1 "‘" lie " 1. N.". V.'''. . r"."4".. 111!1..1 1 .. 1 . " .7.• f1 0 r a5 i"" 50": ' w ' ' . ......ra 6 7 1 1 ' 42 . ?, 'l= - 2;::."4-:' , 7:,•:::,744;z:' - 7,":4;;„t" - .t.;;;'::It.:"..":;=',::::1.1':::=!7'17:•;:,f.t . : . , -Leg. _..e chief' object to -o attaaio " "1 '''' '''"'"' t"e d'a're 1"".""' V 2""'"'" m.""--.".".""""""-."''''' th""""1 '''''." ''' N'' ' ''' Shi' " '''' '''''''''''''" l '''" (e .r I. n 1 / 9 .4 , 0 ' ; . . •', ! " ,. 7 .' " ,.'; " ,; ' :: ,', X: ' :.:,Z;. • .1; ' ,r.: 1' , ' .: • :::::; ' ,r. ' :. ' 4 ' , • ,:' ' ; ' ,'. ' :•;?,; at this SOW. was the ltraalliAatioll 01 the ,„,„,,,,b,,,,. „I ~.„b!,, ,di d eneneren ti e , „ o h ne, OW . !Mom. Hirithallt. ~.......y . , ~ . .,l l.) h, ~., ..... ..,,.. A1w=1 , .4:1 . 1 , 1:tintr0r .;,. g...........;.. , y ~............,......,.. r......m...,....,,,,,,..... ~....,,,,............... '4 1 . er.olervillrounurnrereeololux and.ronard Sado Government, old the 'retain% of such . ( f e w ti. „,...,1 a l ,. ten, ..• reir..... cop nput In il. the to 1.... , ' stn April 51n. I. Id. and recorded creel Sompreltenne 0....V.11y. 0.1., I mesa 1.11u...-..10.fre supply. I reriallir ........1.110 ........11..............1...- kenand laws as. ore absolutely c-sential to to ...... t• . , •u00 rumust r. , -, ..7 . 1.4......r,e r,... . , a oo tt . eothtly on bond, uok Oa 17, rthe Cl?,nt_orther . 11/ „. entr..... ,, t . 0.:..1 ... 4,41V: 5e11 t. .... ,...,. Glet PI 1.1.E1t .01 n0n...11,... Os. who. on . rom.dr. untabl, .tw A reethuito mhopicil, that these pro. r, lato.t. ..... I lam the . 1ir,..r11.......n. Ilt.. 11. In Se FT "' nthwinia'rnlinn e' i naajaw Tnia ceedings be mthlished in the Democratic Fr:: = " 11, '" ;r:Zir.71,71, - ..:„.i..,... Li .. .. , . ..t: T a nT a r r a . ::,...: „ c7 , o a l l ::::; a 1:7717: --...-........ - " i "" 7 '" '.1,:"•4",.""""'":7:r; - eN• 2;1; 0 ;7 0 0 ~..r,i OW haa b.°. Ia nearl y a° I newilde elmied papers of this Priogreesi7onal district and wrrr, , , , ,r,x;t:„t,";.,,;=::1:1=7:=•• ~„ ~.• gi,,,,, P . 1,......1... " "" :;: ". ... " ,: • ,: ' :: " 1 " ,., - ..X. • ,..... ~.;'' 1 Pi 43. - f. ' ..A ' , ' , ' l ' A ".'T...3ilt , l'll.rto:rm.. ~ -,7„,,,, , ,,,::.... ,„„..,...z..,„.„,,„,....2.„,r i z , , wt. The ditties of the Stet° o ffi cers have o rw 3 „ m i ng 0 ,,„„ ty .,„ d th. twwwging .411.1. O. :, Thv h1........... ' P`1",..,,`, .Drt,l= ° , Taken in mention at the NM of itnehen nip- , ..._ -': ' 1 ni" April lull with the .0..4 pottlow In 0.. nr. bees defined, the Corte organized, the " I 74 Tito ' I. err s lion ve. DeLid r. [howl.. JOllll lg. DIMOCIL. Slate has bon districted and divided into ADROIT Tut!, -$5O RIMAIIII..- On 1 at&o , by vino el • wnt ef Vue. Es. imaitio „ tr ., roe , p i r.ww. on, pi Von.. potet. .. 7 4 , :t . ...V .. ...pte,d0c:t0 . .rp - , ....7 ., h!....ti . 0 _V= . ..:i , Z: Nestles, the seats of Justice eetablished, Thursday last, J. 1g Howe, 81aq , , cl Opel . A CARD. , dte plaintiff ftw ema- , All that remain Inlet ow par- ,„...:, „,,, „.,. meow iteelu, men.. omit, wt.,- ~ .„,„ , ; . . „,7,441.7."..“. 4 . .";;;;`, , ,,:,,„1 - 7 . 4,„7.4„„ t . t ,„.,, , , eel et' landeiteme m er e townshlp er Raeford, in m acs tl. Ind • dell and • adenine' code fronted (no arm .4 Hoe, Drake & Salisbury, who ear., - rt ea yet perfeated) suited w nearly as I*a- rt. on en el'ensive ' Panning establish*. , new Oath and Barter Store. ..,,eamety of thomehama, boondrd an Wawa. In .r.,41....40......... P.m. ad.. In in.. nonho In ' I.: NI I. north.eut by lab. af /Mall William. ra, , ,, , ,a,.. Pr T aaa 1. R ...74 4 .e. :... 1 . Tr: . , „.., 0... a,„„aaa„.„ ea...... a.. , „a, „„, , aa,„ „.. We to the immediate cage.. of the pee- near Lauds - ova ' Pa being at Delhi, wished ~g tg, ,,„,„,,,„,„„,,,,,,,„„,._ „ nr ,„ ! ..,„....... nr , __•,,.., th ~,d - I 0......., me fi n anntt. ........,.........,.. ~........:.........,..!”.......,,,.,........,.............,,................,..........,............. ~,,,.. .„”. .to Sega to hie arm it paehaeg of $ 7,00 In !„:I ' .;,:,:tVarrgvd " :7arrea....t=i iwitautitner, r . tri .ll- M`.7 i °i ` 0 „--h - --, ; .. '.."'!...."'"... ."' ‘"". I ...moms br m.o. T. W. rt at PI. 011..1 n to In addition to this, the desire or D.J. honk hills; rand had arranged with a gen - ..4.0 ...ow. p 0.1.0•0 • ann.. PP Imit .• maser um ~ neut. P. 11.1.11., at .... In •WI moon. mod onyn." Num J. WII•ellglel, , th,owirtiervehat my lOC err. oral twrelin. Tins ; Nal u .he watth.west by 1..60 r. Tam , PI 1 . 11.11. lIIMV.MIT, dkdary Oommitto has been to carry out the demon who was • manger In ,rho Stage , gall! MA& lark Malik 10 II _A ll__ i .., N . witunaminmpainiag 180 woo. or thrtra. ~,, 'Mom /11..trz .r .v.,..w . r . 111 . =,..2 J r ' UM $ 111,11.1.11 V, ingestion et the framer. of the Constitution. to merit... Mr. flows went for his peek- , reeve Maly ~. ~._' Imola. tar doer with the smart...wee. 9 dor!. I ;:.,,,,„ .......n, ~..y....., Z . ,..........: thd,.. i 1 , .... 111,1•10., Rx•megor• et. Maim., de,i. • Ole. e 10..... A yam! incorporation law b r boon est • . age, and on returning the tag bed started, 0 2 0... ............. ,ra ,.....4 .w r eww . ....17,,,...", tar,. hen.: warm , . .1 , :rd .. .....1 „, ww w •kep..... 5.....1 __ _ MIARTIN TlWllligglN, I arwoimxorct. *Wished. An set hu 10.00 pulped pre• bra wan yet In eight. He was tasking an aw ww . c.4., - bei .... t . r . Luew r lnt o ze r. z r = .1„.. ...1 ,.. . t i g . e . e..... r t .... ....... ........• .2011.0... ...... is ..... _ eieribing •a mode for assessing and collecting . effort to Fret a hone to overtake it, when a pll ,r,... ,1,7 ' .V.........r.3==tr ...- 1 AlaG, ky Woo ot • ant of M. Fa.-All Oa. Fl our peed. Keay Grain. Eits . revenne. The benefit of the wait of man eauding hr, by the name of Arthur ....... • ____ i ag=4,.. law* raw ___ .__ al/1113 . , iii. --. Corpus has been extended over Penny, whohaa been for Nome time • red- =„7„,,,,,,p, • e wuwww*A* - - .wt.,* ing, t ee u nn n„,,, ene n e ,„, lu ne ..., ...1„,...,,,,,r ___ ___.____ ..........___„.. ___ the Ahem. la thtseivil andationingl node; deal of Delhi, offered to overtake the sup ntrj , ==wa ni .m.27.l=l* sesesamine. Mend* wd&oar!aloobliewa to .r:Z..=7.7;1".1 . =%=. i sal IM A " , . 11. 1 . 4 .11P , Mdditap ba the, and deliver the weehme for • *Wier of a *toe 0..... ..._., _.........„......._........ Lit zrzA . 74....0.........zrA cii.... 44t .0.4....0:1 NEW YORK. wins Ow*, ow features. I. weeders* I dollar. Itlr. ft banded hies the gamboge- :,Zr o rgto' n o ir 0 0000 to mad ado Maw n 0...... 0 d e ...-...... N aa r o tao Klan, tassowa.P.dh.e.. 4 NW" AV Mg Shea llghtesed apish of the Oeesti- ,be started In sham sad followed the step 4ees .... j ...... m .b........ .... H aunr A% ....," N ov ,„„,,„ ,„„,,..,---1,-, -,..,.., do . o don o n. talkie, bare bow letradeeed. Prover 1 oat of *OR ape. • kiwi eon. hi .I "ii•M' w i re. oronvionvil edited Free own 34&5. woo 196 pat. to small =la stamped ea wet of the lava et •i he returned out of breath, giving alt the es- I awe eons see.ewe4 _L."._uonews. wk ingio d win o bocoo _stoow= se kl i thosso . • ebersoller. I Menem of a mime we. and skilmed aa ad- lo bob of Lyme & Taro I/ pow sal swot duo* ht. Istsb sri The lelaaetioa of the anwidtailen, to the 1 ditinnal quarter In smoldered.= of the as- SUMMER HATS . in. oo n 7e n . 0.! abet that the lbgielatere "shell preldbil by 'tea effort he had hest ' Allied to pat Pore, loyeeleg, swohdor 41 sass ad 95. lOW icy pinyon orgasms. semis** soft- ' lOWA Mr. FL pahl, and the mat*. passed 1 1, 4 . 6 2. - n - 0 1111 . of Of MU NW, lo tho sow non ar awl TKY , Rullnumaillufrullulwilluilliiii•Pli...lst Tee* samelning Wont the *lap a5 1 0t:=L . Z 0000 .,.... * " .. t 00 g o t blo. r.k. tho 0100 ,......... 01100kezn055 ..... .1 4. fa A. . =7..t I"kk li 'W enMing 1". " i**- ""I Ili W A aba thit' The """ . 1.11. , soma = = strZ . m . crit i =r= & ar. Lingo.. vs m. lbw. a 677' Y es..l, ia slat enowsellsd. rte ease in one thee is the night. end Mitii:reozr4k.orosd.l... "..."!,., ...."" - C. NOIR& Wadi lee net, however, been. aeglestoll. A bill4one shone* tie MOM of the driver in re- i ze n t .....1h.r....z.z. , ...= surdr. as.. 1 bits bon introdiseed by Mr. Critlendo, lad. la Peony's avertable' him when Si I Slaloms enownidelocc 1 ±,_.......... rI IL To . b1 ."....• NM% ii" . , litainnn of the judielary enecpitto of the wont out. The driver old he ow lathiest f...rjr=4411,","-..- - -az: Asesethly. in conformity with tide lejune- of Penny-he t il iot o v e r t a ke him. Mr. I M.S. 111• W ma ono mde t a wWw • wOd coo um m!.. owns. was eat with the must I Uwe was *se up s.d mare& •saade ."' sinese.e., law [,bus. A GIRE&T DAY PTIV:r... " .VAZZI=M; 4 =:=7:I For Montrose." Val Ma I Mail Ink" 1" " """ tird rtiAr C. 11•LDWIN, .allboami.o••4l , .111... 1 •re .1. at wM.. Mon. 11•11= Owlish ther.. MAM/Pm 14 ebdoe. ••• *IL Abe 0n,..1 affarb.....i. las my Me TOII Proalla,l•ll.4olirbOftwp 0.16/1.• M MINIM Moho. 4 Me PALM UN Dry . Cseftrip. Tils libnr Mesa h. al. wries at il• Muskiess.. nur, 4....„ Pa. 0. EL INNIENINCANNO , 0007 ANO ME MAUI a !WAINER •Aly•••• A. •Aaieole•MAA ay , BOOTH & FOSTER, tale J. swam a Co., CLOTHING EMPORIUM! WHOLESALE 8 RETAIL, .31 ceurtuandt-st., New York, TlllB !lour, It, rettonnof •reat ,n, I'nrirbl;e l i ly boy I, Um Clly. , Otte of Vlnn. lx•in,rpte of the Nonreen 01.0 TIMM .747:1311:7311130, nr.4 fne. ' 1711::•rn n I f. 111•11 Manufacturing Deparment ; *lOO,OOO In Value, I, Unlit,: unlit., MERCIII\ TS • ii:71.77. COMPLETH r Vl•eir War ...,Istrir.l Examine (Or Then...elven, allfirnl 41.1r1lombs, • TO I,NrICIE YALE. U4/L1.6 VlDUltlhl TO ANY P. I th, UNITES') STATER. r=n. N. 11. Opt. WO.. ht. 4 . 14,10 r,. irmaatMatia=ll74:ll47lMZ . Mat Ita 1....1= : J oematty or II A. A. Itt am* Matte. to am se.. ual\~l of ant met. he M.. mea Motte. M Immo alg. mom ttilm lob*. email 1.1..111MW ay. MmeaMeM *OM or. I. Mt mmailemea etta atal. lmuella et Mao met.... 6 .1 sit mole. I. .•••41 ... 14 . 16......•• • .1.0.1 emd 6,1.01wik VA•• l• • dam 04 ••• •••••••11•••••••• Is dm matte. atto=l:=.4=eme zzr. mtelMe I M.S.. atte polead etateMed Pam Ma Tem. soli. a. " raz...... %glad abb.:: 11••• "•••••••••••=••••:.• bog& Thomas in r Am" Otte. Molt 111.11. •l cosiontsr. NEW GOODS, =rL= " 4 ••“ til .=.1"T.11 %ille / wtrtmut. 4• " rxwo. Cknolegla, Pei .er e Oike Dr.. , 4ll.onareriea, Dr. 0.41 a, Hard. were, Atlene-rere f Ohur-le.re. Cl'', k 8 'Wdt dr., ...hea.J.. M,lr. P"....'"kv m in.. .. m„, p... . ~ ,"..te ,"'" 11,..”1....ar•..,...4..;, ''......* ....,...„,,,,.... :Y. M,,, .0, 1,,, . N.X. .dr.. L,-:7„:, '".•,y. ~..".... ... , '''''" 6:. ....<,,..7,__' "....,11,,,..1:; ,„, ". An* . •......4,; .......,... . otmakl vs.% 1.1 .""" . o.""ri":4:44::t.117::74 puy II eel.. VAreerrr , IMee Ulm.. 1e...el Wier, I en, VI erbil Ed.. rune 'n re. 0n... II %SOO .11 'Volts. Door mkt Wiln.s.ll,Ond .1 01 rantwsimen.lONstes, IWO Ow Os Art kW., Til* knives ek., J 1 I f.ewn • , *me Tol. grooml M 1... tem1111..••••• Ivory I.l•Ms. Pr. Veli.r. Raw Pint, 1114.19•10, ellrmos,11.1.••••11.n,. Sugar of LeVol, Litiurgo, efir. -On. I, variety .4. Oa.. = . ll Tans., WI, Outs" ON, moi on No v : n y . t .. .l:::: —fen... Cood, EA.., r , PM! run Tim., rye* WY -I.4lZ.V.Ygr....itTirar=l=,7.l. Itunpmtly rw.—r.. v.m, •••11.1.,w r meN, m ore 14 . 1 p , s.uket, ,701,1;!.11%.,:=A:`,11.7• Iztt es sad vw ern, aro wadi Jan. and Um. tiettl a t ern"4 01 ar ". N.I A Prunha t t MM. ie.puo. w Pr Pllopre 0., CAM's, Ml* ...xret M .. 44 Mu, mew olsee, •lkilwr 1144.0r05al • Jar, Pitebent,Onve Tab, Nimmesat • CRP W I.l7ginVZl7("4:Zar:qt.'"". 11 a. .WRI.PV —law. , nxio . ..ewbot o:radi.; W. —.war 1 . ..14,1,1 awl 11.54.. y.... "11.=7„7":4171:;•1":=1":= FPI, A. Nremirr sad 11111.111 .•••• frow .. bftsrl pas Cow. VANNIAK MOTU.. . -.A onnat v.., or sm. IF.. warm son flu, Art4l. too torloos .11.06 ...1.11.104..1. *NJ* .11.= ' 1 . •••••••""". Pomo, porker Mimo. >wale; Terr yw r Aro TauYr (..?.. "I :=2:VarrOitri:l " :gee; 7 . 11 . 77:1 .1.1 a4n. •111.1.• • T. Men heel, Cle.aela, Tool, logitne• Unis I.*. far Ow TWIN, Aramt.m, FM Oa*. Va. Parimrens•ad 4.4.11.• ar•lo rtnt...ll.W or mat &wawa paw.- 1111,r1,11. —llll.nsfirtbe.ll. ally . 1 1.. b.> MY LIQUOR. ZarVtilans.;:=!.".."'" R1.—...5....., Raw W.*. 0,111. :tugs,••••}N•o4l.. Tai Am Vine, ham,. WI. , Ton.,11.101,•••. new.: wen. w " , "' ''""" n ..,47;,11.1""vg*.74-: 71 nn" : "*"". 7 " r 4 t 11 1. " 71 •nr 11.Tr4 . . I 7.7. 1,411., qui..., ra.. snei ride a kw. N. 1 1... mello. lei ^2,"""ly '"7„"•":: :2;:.:!".•".7.7.V. I=l7' P... 0 .9i.4 , 76.7.; eM "t rt.r.'"437:74!2.11: ti gm, 1,....11.77i7 vole Gr. 11. Le..l, et Onlb rZ:I4.IV. grrgn:rarZronljt..,Vir s enZA; 12'7.7 . ..=ATT.tl=4:=7l7;tateg.ttr. Oa, Oen Elam.. NO*. Ce•ob Ibilobboh nmobilme. lboaly MINN Mad, M. M.N.. 4 1" 1/4 • ~ ..N. .... .....7 . 050 . leb—ON . = 7 Cr =5= ..... afloat" tict: 6 7 . •••••br Mgr, Irma. Tw.o ON . , NNNS . mod Mho smsomo boa no ...-- r-2., " .11:.1.= =1= 4 .421..... • 11110111/ITeN, :ppm. rblorwOoo. Mll. A". . gell " rdt•=ol•4l7thrt. etto= r:P= .. r...... A mb., 1175..... b., le NiNbab. nos _. ..ii..........4., mi... " ...... tV,. Vedillnrgri omits WO *bop b0n......1111MMi boom. ow on *INN Ile Ndi mil re. TY W.... ....Mg T ''''.. t:PlßL T 1 rant
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