'tribe. Nevosevratt." O. I. 1111116111, liner aid Proprietor. TIMINI.-0•• • „. 114 •••••••••• me ••• I: " ". c"" nr .. ......,.......74 1....1.11 ...4 of Um . - q,...,...........- . ......7==...... MP., P.... roni...-,(1:4 : 11 :: 3 7:71:7.11=.3, .1 00 WWI walmequaint 13.11203, 23 60 • 00 Mad.. Carl,. fem. now .10., 30t et . .. 0 .1,3323,1 2 , 2201212 oeuly and 32,3/ 4:17 J 03 f•Vorabla t..... /amizttr,* •\• I. Dy 1..., in •IW S rrrrr ono pavontont cold and low, I M noes are puoing to end fro With footsie, lip and gleam/ es. lbw soak • maiden down to sift• WIN. wildly Soots Oar looonted haw. la the dime ondeoid night sir irs.my so low throbbing boom. It Orbits mod tier hand le Inwood Atoll o'er her fa., 0, you tan moo, The musks of death's last army. 116 s hootio do* h on his claotk— Hoe ononoloor *fa woo low sad weak— Tho parted lips in angoidt sotivot— Roam doss . the Ponta • cold,old shiver— Nor heart ham aimmt oottood to boat— Oh God! Rho, Apoy to the wool O whet • world of loveliest. Is.hiedes 'meth that faded dharr, That high and north marble brow. Them coal black eyes all glansy now. Ithft silken lock. like wing of mph And half hid bream of sunny white ; These dimpled am.. full and chmte, Thal sounded WPM and Mender veinal No artist's fancy everrehmer A brighter mama as he drew On the cent. tamest brestiting, The mu beams with the witchery wreathing vrannend nob, they well might mein The raye that on the clondlet gleam, And leen • demon'e heart would stir— bladdennta's self nes!. en, y he, , And yet amid the RV 6., Meet, Crest oh dying in the oireet Hav• datkWeg &Mg of er.me Turned p.ty. gentle Ilea.. 10 Sono fearful work of dread 1110 Intl Tot oho is left time...elate ===l Ma saw and ed hut toe A smooth Weighed salmon—and she fell. No loft o father's silver hair, am Nat the moms of maiden troth, iho mordant mead—lke wild weal Made Rho loft them all—nod was betra, ed. That father's head ante in the lamb, That mother's voiew is hoolmJ m Gloom ; No fetdeleps maw brueb by the dear, Where e'er the glade she Orem flew ; 12=0=1:2; Frioodo &mood aro wildly Aria°, Wildly orliow'ring,,ddly opealitow. Words of horror, wade of fear, V1N.1.M.."".. in h ""' • • land, se the gale inereamol, the; Ite . avy . press They tell her .1 her gide. hems, ' of eons. noting leer down into the water,' They tell her et the withstood hewer. ,ohs strugglml end strained frightfully — I Oho eft in plat Cot mood would twine. , While the crew were at work. I walked for te... 6 hesey.neeklo and woodbine— ,l went. The hill we, non itte , eseel to a gi- The m emo or the won loved nil, I I goodie site, come rolling 4 , 11,3 0p , 115 Ui 0110 The awning of 111111 whip-poor.well; after another, with such rapidity 'het our I They all mint t• haunt her there. good craft eould shah eely re , ..ever 11,110 one While whereon m the darketed air, before another w:m upon It,. Each time 1 Ca. le .snare sad nantrofed tone 'she struck a head... SW would stagger at. Rh. emetheed Meek with mined moon. , i nviuiii , quiver i ng in every iiniiii , , iiie It le her me,her's wont nem, o , the crest of the ehattered ware would shoot Demanded from pee happy epitero to the fore-top like the jet of • fountain : To bear her en the Willg• of lore, I then, the vast surge •inking sway beneath I ANA to brighter realms above. her, she wool I settle groaning in the tough 1 L. 4.0 look. sod me her new, of the sea, until another billow lilted her, A Made is galleon . her brow, another surge thundeeed apittet I.er bows, A light agthenteag in her em., another slotwer eel ftiall. 111..xer bor. Now Ike. tram her lips. • ended Nigh, and then, when a mole mdleasal este than ' , anon, flee cry t! hold, . . Oe yeedet deed their sprit. meet, usuel was seen epproachiog, .... cry - .. 010•811 she's deed—stow in um street: on nil" rang warningly email., the decks.— Mark, 01.. May luso. At such tinies, the vast billow would sp., -----.. ____.____ , proselt, its head towering in thy gatherings ailailiifirelitgliV.2. , twilight, until it ihnottoned to engulf us:l __ ___ ... but. just when ell seemed over, our gallant 1 A lsoomen's Loon —Th." is en l ship would spring forward to meet it, like at slow to Note the follies or sins of a father , steeds dby too Mint, inti limo mi.. - "cue and . lain . .if waters woold in cobaround 61 • dmeghter. The wife of his Is awn may ly la horror from his embraea, but his fair it hissing, roaring and flashing by, and then! hared Mild eleaVeS to him in boundless ' sinking lute the apparel:fly bottomless gulf! Marley. Qoickened by the visitation of ,li siiss ‘ b us psis to the paternal dwelliug, her prayers. .11e:owl:de the clocks were resounding I rm ..* why . b ut more cornet h er n o nr . . with the tread of the sailors, as they busied m m u t e and att i r i ng . rod if Ow can said, to and fro in obedience to the ceptaites Or. I bet • tranelent smile from that sullen and den i 'slid. the ruffl in g s ' i bb isks, t he . gloomy has, she is paid—oh. how richly !shouts of command, and the quick replier 1 m idi fig e it q t , m. 0.. ~.... ... ~... of the seamen, rose over the uproar of the smaieg lalmr. The father may siok from ....T . __ , „ y mt , n n l ao , ft, a 1..., to ya k a l aaar ....NS go bow cried the stentorian & r ob . 8.,..e. ki m ....... [ki n ... roy. . sof an of the captain, “ Maite Orr the mak— ' Times who in • happier hour remised lame- h." . 1i......h." 4 " .. " ." 1, of Itl a b..ft a alo o . oat , µart r d.. ' E ng Away went the huge sail in obedienee ml beheld Ids shadw, and a l their ime .. 1 ... M gat 'mood it; all, all rem forsake him, " 1 1 . 1 " •h". — h... 1 op to 1 " 1 " 'QM sod the world. all but Baton, and his The *row redoubled their quickness, and 'la p....mig i if t .....„. not •000 the 111110•11. tours., wens stowed. In ..... m y y m bi. te m.. mm. • 0 bright m a few Moots. the ship'. movas wee redo.- a. e ......., ash . it , thro „., . ii .... «a to reeled topsails, epsoker, and fore top got up . the pa th. t ill ....h. Mut Maywil. By this time evening had I : l = l ..i m m. move ... f,,,,., eat in, though the !mg twilight of that lat. Mee, et a. &wooded I. the MIA dark- 1 .. 1 ."P" 1.• 11 .1 • . 1 . 1 "7 "1"... - Ll mm t sad „... ......, .... .... /... But even this sostrastim Omit was not ..... pm (..,,, though 4.. - ..., sulleima TO* think MIA tossed M Owl "mk t ..d . , t em ... kmm I. him .11 era., es if it would map thent — in tw0.. 2 m a t m, rm .. i mmt a . m ./ . rn. mi l. Avery moment I expeete• learn the epank owl Math 1 . 01 .1 Pholik .... 0 with OW et .11vo' m eet .-a- to that ..n imam What may Mee, the lest one '"• """ I. -• ""." " 11 lb. dg .et m .11 m o m, ...g d m m p . m seplein Sealy, ...or she will bar bereelf tcf Vide oil, rek.ky, o f m, Moos. All hands le with tlas spiteker." • dermm. smo ells f,.. t l. I. es lesliala the men true etneggUng gembe or toy emomlogm m g .m m it.. a le with the boo sheet ef mums s as seem EOM. Illy feekool Oh my Mbar I Were bed I Mem se forcibly imprnessd with ..- _... the power sod usefoloses of dissipline. Is o• iseredibly short letemel the Ossetic, ' sall. Notwithstanding its stroggiles, was got seder envoi, and !safely stowed. The ship sew Mond less fat awhile, Mt, as the storm leereased, she groaned sed'streggied ao before. The esptele tow 1 , Is woul d lb do to carry ma th• IBM sail i . IE4I bey re We It. bet wee sO li r uf e lowerer, lama the Ile of lase% 5.1 kept esieheo#4. bet whitest Meg, =MI he W p 1 eta shams la the eielee Wolin Ws t ity, W. eled great/mg the ell illeelimpoi it: The resell wee thomieg tits ell lay is her Z; the pomp* terealed NON her '' loty eat, • Ley MB rea we In elope top ef per 1611 nest ! The sailor will understand Ode and whipped terribly the good reps. I The. nude Teacher. 1 --_ [EL, at a wont but to the landsmen it may re- I held kn. _ i_ 1 quire explanation. " Brace u p the haul out Oho bow- I •T /IW. II ...... . BY Cht.L.M• C OCCUPY SLIL. 1.1 C.l I.I,TERµo. Our danger , then, consisted in having in ; , 1 line !" thundered the 'n. • ' "Ay , ay, sir!" and wa• done. f" woe no ° nann .T 76 in the ' intro of ' to ' n fr' ss ' El . :l ' il:n n ti r e " .. o wt s i l t :Z e d r h e a d d o l 7 t o .:,,Tnil l e e s . .. il y a'ft !" I At twenty-one, .her having rad.. The river Nile, se femme ia hinory, ia . at Yale College, and bete admitted WO Yet.Y , and in Poetry. In formed by the lod—, that we droppol down the Hersey ~, „roan all around us, we could have The men ran off with e line, and the: bar, I found myself very blywit- jueltion•of two stream. in Beath Nubia, le -1 and 16k our l "'"' 0' Liverpool ' in ''' . lain-to min 101.0 hit of • head-nil, or ' immense Meet mine to, ace. . I tablisped in a mall, but • soit o f ,twee the 15th and 16th degrees of north eel 6 . • new "I of "yen hundred °6 "; for-topmast sky-ssil for instance, or a reef-, This we. the arid meet. The ship rooms in one of our lead{ c hi n , latitude. Them two s tream... called, re and to the sprea d, one after another, her std fore•sail. 131ot when a ship lies-to, or, feeling the edditional palsioniumde a:I soon began to feel at amo , ng l b. spectively, the Blue Nile and the . White folds of white canvas to the breeze, I tho t in other wood , far... two q whence' headlong plunge. Ibe my breath,„ I ex- warm-hearted Carolinian, ad hilimmim e n Nate. The source of thotßlue N ib was 1 I had never seen a more bent VIII sight.— the wind main with only enough I peeled nothing lees Mem to see th/lbeavy known as a lawyer and i prlmMledivideal. long since amtertained, by Bone and WI , The men around was lively and imping set to steer her by, she moessarily drifts ' dunk blown from the yeed like a gousealle I observed that shout elee'eleek, every en, to be iu the Abyestalan mountain.; !Innube craft a ll sizes emend the eng . idnragir, and 1, , , .„„., .., ion n. at I but the strong fahriegeld fast, though morning, . young lad ay Alma— but the prods° tame of the White Nile lan. ' 6 and ^"l'r ; w here, n 66 mar- onal to Isci keel. This is calkd making atraining awfully. Sh e wn eng b g young has not yet ben ascertaind, and the chanting, moved like • stately swan, there, leeway. Moat ellips, when lying to in • "She comes op, don't she t" interns. mae, when 1 mm g ee . Mream itself had been followed Me -lii light yacht skimmingl •- " n a with the galeAritt very rapitllv,,eometimes hundreds , tad the captain of the moo at the Mita mistakable n o , tier eolith then the llth parallel of noeth swift... of a /mellow. The sunlight spark- of miles if Ole tempest in protracted. It it,' " Ay, ay, sir—shed o .__ las i sup b g ig! ktitude, until a reant .r rod. A led and danced on the billows: the rend- for this ovation that a vesml it, • narro j " How much ?" -- ~,„A„, eara mine., however, Y and Were, al I in d °.61 grew .6 " l' alarrw l ur re w° Iris channel d.,.....t Its -to, 1.1 . tew mil. vet, "Two pm., sk." that e n m Ivaaned end enterprising Germ., manna i ;it cetera ; end the id". nee... °' the 1 rink lea way would vmeck bar Oil the neighbor. ; "If .he holds for half se hoer," ejen. all sari n , vet, and re d ex - 'tad to within four degrees of the line, In, 'channel stretched we, iss onm it t. omit ion ing moo. The only res., ee, in such cams,' feted the captain, "we may yet be saved." trentely pretty . — th at style' his determination to trace the White Nile lin • him hese ". 0 ": "Pr'''. 1"1'i."... ,is to marry a preen of sail, and head in the • On rushed the neble-ship, seeming to ,unally dmo . F or more t i me !to it. num. Ilia account of his travels is ' I bed boo, reading below fo r ."°"" direction whence the wind conks, but not know how much depended on her. She • year alto pass regularly. Onto I weal..., of lb. most latowailnit 646 ever! ,hours, but toward nightfall son,. awn duck nmr m close to Mos in lying - to This is met the billows, she rose above them, she standing at my door, when a whiff of air Pu blished. The meelleetatione of 6 ." I again. flow I matted at the change ! h called dewing off • len-shore. A consent, struggled penoreringly forward. In fin blowing nway her musk, she stopped to pink . that he saw prove as well the mighty pow- , s was yet an hour to sume., but the lumina- struggle is imiintained between the waves, , minutes the breakers wer e visibly rend.' ; it up, but I saved her the losable, and was 'el. . the immense variety of our common rY of day .0 elrredY hidden In a i n" what, set the vessel in the tame track thee int , , rewarded by a sweet smile. After this,. mother. In a partietilso manner is the bank of clouds, that lay str"tnhed oMillollB- are going themselves, anoll'he wind, which But hope lied been ere , only to delude 1 whenesor I was in view, as she passed, B M ' wealth of hie Borst kingdom developed in ,13. along the western sealv,rti Tito a ind ergs, her on the opposite worse. If she us. Suddonly I heard • creek, Marper than l bowed. Al last. her walks ceased for a . that .unary through Indult the White Nile I had increased toe smart gale, and was le- lolls, and the ship is not too close to the the explmion of thunder, sod eimultamous. week, and I saw •OtiliOg of h er till one mar . , wends its way to unite with the Blue, both don with moisture. The billows int:melees! shore under her lee, she escapee ; if the. ly thp course parted from its fasteuinp, ning, as I was, ansinaly watching for her, to carry down fertility to that mystic land at in min every minute, and were whitening „ gib , igri, „g„ drdrivthem i the m grog 0 , 0 ridai , end na il ed . way to ke.aird, like a white elle again appchred. Her cheek was paler, Egypt, as they did in the days of the Mole : with foam far and ever. O cce simany as a cones before new ones can be got up and !cloud driven down the gale I her step lower than usual. en d m g gm , mks and the Pharaohs. Myriads of ,flow roller truck the shills lom, the white .., bent Fr noently fit mach msm the atom- , Amy of horror rase from all. "Ills'dreamed in deep teeming. I never saw the are were to be seen in every direetiol. for :' eltray flow er•eldn'T "yor 0,0 k" . "`" 41. ...." glo 10 protracted for hours It is a noble • over !" I cried; and I looked around for a I young non aceomoany her again. I mil. until than-aye was fatigoed by the sometimee .von ehot into the t o p; 00 there vet hnromi„g. spectacle to roe a pliant 1 plink, intending to lash myself to it, in Ilow many stones I invested for her his. I intense beauty and lianas of the scene. ommions e forebodiog. melancholy ""l" , chip thus contending fee her life, as wen an- I anticipation of the moment for striking, tory I Film, she was a girl going to sand, l But the prime curse of such regiments. 'alike the pasan d eo . ° huge ga m s .' in pains imaged ereaturabreasting now after surge, When the course went overboard, th e end her companion an admirer—what school ,on this Ind, so goodly to look upon,—the lamed from the thousasal timbers of the ~„, nftng ig vain. panting, trembling and head of the ship fell off immediately ; and girl lied over Ito serene a brow! Net • , curse of iniersta regular descendants of some , vessel. Already, in anticipation of the ~,,,,,,,u ,iii limo „ ary lea ,. .. now the wild breakers tumbled and roared I young widow—but why did who so regular- of those instrumeutalitin, it would seem, ;rising "mite.. the oenon" I .'l lawn 61 . 6 The etyma did not eppearsatiafied with s chime et hand each moment. 'ly pan es if to come employment? Then,' employed to chasten the bard heart of the ml, and are a ere now loading toward the taking in the spanker; indeed, all feared ,Suddenly the captain wised my arm, 1 ; • inodiste—ho! what dome-maker was ear-' king who persecuted and enslaved the Me- Irish mast tinder r" fed topsails, comae., a that the chip could not carry what sail was ,In we were holding on almost side by side.; co so refined, and how amount. for bereroll I son people of God. Mr. Warne suffered, in spanker ansl jibe lett Accordingly, he ordered the topsails " Ile !" Ise cried, "is not that dark we- ,of music, and her former attendant ? Po!. an "Peelel ....en from goat.. In his ', A rough night I n merg e, Jeek !"owll Ito be elms-reefed. Yet even eer OAK the Ito yonder!" and he pointed corms our lee-, I only perplexed and provoked myself by; journl, at a waner d date, ho exelaims, said, octave-sing an old tar beside Me. red tore through the water as if every I bow. !endeavoring to ascertain who and what Me "Celan! No use creeping under the bed ' •• Y. moment .1 may well say that, sir," he replied.. moment eke would jerk her masts out. The 1 1 looked in the direction to which he re- I was. An unexpected leaden disclosed all' olothem, at risk of stilling with heat, ens j" It's had.on Oh o s onn y on , in Decem- wind had now increased to a perfect hurri. erred. Unless m y eye. d em i s t e d me, the I this to me. One morning, about • year I Pelted as one it with their penettratieg Mb% going her, end bad .ing into Sande If.. in u! min e . It Mrieked, howled and roared around' long line of breakers nine to an abrupt after ber Ramming black, she we e gsm i sg r 10 go to bed dressed. Loam only • little snow-storm ; but both are nothing toe rle as if a thomand fiends wore abroad on the I termination there, a. if the shore nerved in- I along rather teeter than usual, and trieping ' hole to breath at, and In they pour, ettnek. in two channel here," he added, OS a all den bi g , 1 ward. at that point. ! over a stone, fell to the ground with On, lips, now and ears, and forcing them. whirl of the temput covered us with spay. I In moments of extreme peril strong na- " Yea aro right— there is • deep bay 'scream of pain. I rushed out, raised her,; el , v. le. the throat, thus provoking a , _..;., I wish we had more tearoom," 6. ; tures gather together, as if by come in- , ahead," I cried, joyfully. "Look ! you and nkod what I could do for her. lnuit, which la torture, rinse, et each iw• I towered meltingly. !mime. It we. in this way that the Captain l can see the surf whitening around the!" " I fear my foot is sprained," .he replied,, , spiration, a fresh' swarm finds. its way into " Ay! I'd gore the wages of the voyage suddenly found himself near Die old topman, cape !" ~,,,,,D, "nod nn 5 ,„. non no bi g d , g o, the gullet. They penetrate to the meet if we bad. How happy you alp seemed In w h om I had been conversing with in the The wholo crew simultaneously detected me, I will be muck obli ge d if you will pal jaaWaiiire pare of the body, conning in, like , 'the cabin, sir, the ladies mpecially. so boor I osrly part of the evening, and who, it pg. , thin new ohnee of escape. Though unable a chaise." seats, at the muallest apertars. In the lor two ag o —l e epposo It was because we ' rarest, wa. one of the oldest and best sea- 'to head to the wind as before, there was "Certainly , madam," I replied. "In the morning my bed eontained thoumnds of the s are going home—alt! little did Roy of to' tan in the „gip, still a prospect that we could clear the meantime, pray, mine into my °Mee." Innen demons, which I had wombed and , I think," he aded, with • ,riotieness, and in ' TIM captain stood by the teen's side al promontory. Accordingly, the nest few As she was unable to walk, I lifted her ' 6664,4 by lb. . ,Perl 66l rollieff . 164 1. a language unconimun for a sailor, " that I foll ,g,,,,,eg,i,b, peaking , looking eel s a t toone were passed in'boathlenmopense. l in, and placed her on a mffa as gently mof to y . moped nay. A. I bad forgotten l, WO Wight be bound to another. end • 1.4! the w ild wa ne that, Ito ',angry w o k e ., I Not a word was spoken on board. Every 1 ,p0r!!..!e, hot she could not repress a move. to bong a MlllallaWa. MA from Oharkam, , I lon, Which .0 lili MIA 'behold firer" s r ... trooping down 0n„,,, tea. s eye wee and on that rooky holßendaroand went of in. 'then son nothing , for a i&bgbjetgeggrektr am i l i5e e ed.3,14 „ ....0 rocnt the captaln . 0,M...1 .01 ii ,... .„, .„, ~,, r,,,...._, ___.. _ . th....lstrom. ' '''' "'Me" my ""...'eeP" ' "`' en“ • "...- ' ' esii;lte, ' l,4lNUlT i lmn, upon ' tile TAM , shorten mu an ma d r c ,nrersatten was of „ad gt b„, three air!" The .hip seemed connious of the gene- ring.."' eed , ...._ .. b... by r.,th.k.....vit.i.. necessity cut short The atop, I might to , ~ N 0.,. g fi , mil ., pfir b. p „, , eel feeling, and struggled, I thought, loom When the mogcon arrived, he pronoun _ c id .. 1 as compelled to ban • linnet opposite' have e aid , had Woo laid close to the wind,!, lo i n my replied the m.o. 1411 breasted the die neck na to be sprained, but broken. I . . dexperstely than ever. a 'to me at sapper tame , yams a large fan I ,in order to claw Of the English mart, to .. , t a d Nav a g 1 g 1 w° - s" n e n '" l° ma° ". ' i h ills w. with wk.. permvarallee, and She sighed, and nid, -I am f or r that s su el to my wee, that it wee neeessary ' 1 which w e wow , in dangerous isropisniuity ; , fide we get. en - room ," sad the captain . l b' '' "ht the shore, as it will prevent my Leaehing moo , " '''' ' "" '''-" ' • ' •• " - morn. thoug each one .et er closer o „ .. ~ . . .. . ... •••• watch my epportunity to get front into mew neeelabeg. far, eei or tbe treaeoloesl walk MN awes e6s be elataauelly es peseri be be Weave hem ibe yet ear eele bare letbi ealey ellab, la maw le illy I=lll °V. ri 11'11 ontr 57cIldinz, Mt IN ailLtltteeratilnau MONTROSE. PA, T tt We's•allali ho iii oterhity bat...morn. though e,... ___ ____ ____ _ ..._ _ ._, . , _ , o log," answered the man, solemnly. : elm met the next wave with the same stub. ; time. is the chaise at the door 7" The captain painted a moment, when ha rest lotion. ?lentil., nearer, neer. , i She trould not rim without apeistanee, ..plied, Iwo drifted town' the fatal cape. I could ; and was evidently in greet pain. The stir ; - One only hope is in the topsail-clews ;now almost fling a biscuit into the break- ; goon and I asmoinpanied her to her board -if they give way, we are indeed boat— era, : nig-house, and I wee made glad by an in*. 1 i bid help is "' I had noticed a gigantic roller doming , tation to call the next day. I did call, and 1 "Amen I" I animated, involuntarily. I for some time, but hoped we might clear 1 repeated my visits again and again. When; Renee now conned, though noon of us' , the rape before it lowebed tia I now saw more f a miliarly acquainted, I learned trawl changed our positions. Nor myself, I was hope wan in vain. 'fatwering and towering' her own lips her history. cupied with thinking of the female pas. 1 the wave approached, its dark aide *lmo. Alice Hastings, neon when I first know ' •enerl, soon, perhaps, to be the pray fl • perpendicular wall of waters. ' her, am but twenty, yet sh• had been mar the;tied nearly three years. Her father, • rich I wild waters Every moment it named , " Hold on all!" thundered the captain. ,as it the topsails would give way, she grain- 1 Down it name! Ent an instant its vast merchant had aud .... y a I failed, and eke had 'ed so frightfully. It was iropoesible to; sumasit . hovered overhead, and than, with I been controlled to auk her livelihood as @be stand up If extrosed to the full force of the ,a roar bite ten thousand cataracts, it pour- , boat 1 ,-, _____..___,_i did_. _ gale. So we sheltered ourselves in the ;a over ue. The dap was swept before it ! baabaa aa , :a aaa ' a r a `Z` 17:1'. failure. 7;b: waist its we best could. The Rind as well like a feather on that gale. With the wa- ; had godly as spray, however, reetthed us even here, tars dashing and biasing over the duke, aim bad boa ":" ; ‘ , l t d _ a _p e Z a a _ .. ."._ he _ r e_ ...... h o e !" , II though in diminished violence, the Marl and whirling t. wild midis. under our lee, bd., him aa aa r4 a 7 a "....7.7; 1.... . r. . _ ... . '— , a r": .hough in anntnisnee . , _ , stinging the face like shot thrown !spinet ,we drove in' the direetion of the rape. I it. It uemed to me, each minute, as if we i held my breath in awe. A strong man , made more lee-way. At last, after half an!might almost have leaped on the extreme I hour's enspenee, I hoard the surf breaking, I point of the promontory. I clued my eyes with a noise like thunder, on the iron-bound eheddering. The next instant a hurrah coast to the outward. Again and again I , met my ear. fleeted up. We had .hot listened, and each time the awful sued be- by thou nape, and miles of dark water were eant. more distinct. I before us. An old tar beelde me had given I did not mention my fear. however, for, vent to dbe cheer. I I still thought I might be mistaken. Sad- , "By the Lord 1" ho maid, " but that wee duly the captain imbed up. close Doming sir. Another eieh would I' " Hark I" he SAW. :have crooked the hull like an egg-shell.— lie Mond with his Inger raised in the at-' Best this waft wasn't •togo to Davy I, diode of one listening intently, hi. eye. ,Jonea' looker 1" i diced on the foes of the did mailer.. And with all tit Inom imaginable, he "It is the sound of breaker.," said the ' took oat a huge piece of pig-tail. leisurely seaman." , twisted of a bit, and began ehewieg with t i " Breakers on the 1.-quarter!" cried, ae mush composure ae if nothing had bap the look-out at this instant, his hoaxer, pined. 'voice sounding ominously mom the night. I A year Sp. when In New York, I met " Breakers on the lee-beam I" an the captain again, anez n poetedly, I took at the another. Astor. We dined together. whe Breams on the lee-bow I" eehned a oeeseinn to eak him If be remembered our third. wi All eyes peered immediately into the eel ten y n esta ight ba '' fore P"." . la the 14.1.°1""' darkness. A long Hu of foam war, plainly "Ahl" be said. " And de you knew visible, skirting quite rued the bothoe to that, when I went out to Liverpool on my leeward. next trip, I heard that march had bees " Ord have meta on ear goals!" I in- ma all along the suet for the fug , voluntarily ekseekted. muff of our ship I The soup, we. eon (The eaptein ape In the wheel, Ida eye sidered mineulwas." tubing, his whole home dilated—for he I "Sir," I replied, "I've bad , eninigh d ba taken a udder, and &errata resola• the Irish Channel" lion. t. 11 ..11" a ,- * ' b.. ' if '',... e f_....." 1 " . ,' " ,•• • • Tura Sem in A lititatina Orescm. We 11u0On• ow among tan wman•lll .11 any rft .„ 0 ...„,,_,. , v ... an gal , torn pig minutes ; bet W the melaimll wild he set, us ter radioed le wwwwd "-- oeiP. . and made to bold for half an beer. we m ..._. ph. eels A. m i t a an might yet mew. Time were the Amer ....7.71.. r me .. t. we that the ma would split the Irian( D. _..i t r Wire pig vas iambi' aloe& It voila spend, eel la pine hull& emu- ad ~. ...'....... .3.. g. ng g 6 . Poo7 be "old "" """ f°" ° __, 11° " pig al set en ter wiliresi wage deag . Who" , i "I II "s I" = ha t" sad 6.1.1ima did net see ter pig emia Keep bee le it r be ...I "_, aka& add we pig vend to rem lade, Mr M bar wen up. AN bowie id ma ow. ••••• , ... ', ... ...a. , am, and to, aeons f" • reboil now' woe tow pig roe be vas • ifortanwielp we wen iitrearbeaded, no ...... i p m e. that it wadi ow be merawaiViLin the B . _. My gis t al.l dee% illdadt ibis i• • "..k S ' e 'he ..1.41"4: thd gem is width die reed might le pay." I pie. A pecan of owe wpwag swam u_og.... ammo*, I my alp * l "i!Pr," l = 1 " Mr "" lldb 1110 a... «ke sum vo car migli Mimic' 6,- • . _ isseparise Is On b Alm • minis th• NB MI Me do yank like Elam& of while smke blows bra Ow toe. 6 onsibil Nit " ijCr*lts Sviatatiliarr,lvan , " Ron/ SFlLooriadetip .DAY, MAY V, 1850. doe • • Mora ilea bet in NW* Ire• deg lip tire op, seggised Se be Ilhak of se Imam andltit was what tated her past my °fee so regularly. Her hatband, naturally delicate, oat oontinually writing. and it was with diatomic, mho eculd prevail upon him to quit hit pea at Midnight. Her first and only child died, and bor inelmod, by overcooking his stren Mecum a vie tins to consumption. Ilia bogth, ok on. at last finished. Pho said that the knew that it was imperfect, but that there was to much beauty and originality in the plot, on moth delicacy and vivacity it the style , that its detests won. more than tonspeneatod by Its beauties. He stet it to lb* publishers; af ter a week of painful suspense it was rettm ed, aceempanied by • note, pointing out la worst &shots, and entirely patting over IM When be bad finished this newt letter, be fell with a Map rem to the ground, the dab blend lowitg from hit weed lips.— He had broken a blood-vemcd. Ina no hours he was no more. As you know, Mr. threat.," she tall, Auto she bad omeladed Mr story, " I tot tinned giving made ketone till this mei dent ma it out of my power." AM.. some time, the lair patient bore to mover, and at the end of in weeks the splints were removed ham the &Malt foot. 'Allot mu now able to walk. Elbe expres sed s duke to reams her heroes at emit I felt that the mama bad met. " I mom* too ow ..1110.11, for this," mid, "nod it ewes me to tbloll i mi atart us thus ceselmd to 101 l foe • "DM I User . at sew inumenne-1 net from 1. soomity," oho NOW "Est via you troot Ms to skilled al low* to mks ea onsortrot stmt ml- kaolin toat Mali SW knoll sus, low Om, Ittiolt moo tolkool TRY filloolou I pined "I WA ow. Kay I tty 7=l. Yos." oho raistood. biding ktt Mw I omen low MA sad in IA You give ow ' I do. e ll/ ligaili=P* row mei "No—wrwit." • aws—is • lbw osssilis 'mei NUMBER 21 The White Nile. - ,to watch my opportunity to get . - , end! w.,__....er nein, remarkably eiro. my mouth. One could not awoke °nen lying in the ground tawenty feet below ling pipe in peen, even though keeping one'. guffaw, and apparently dead. He ingiant• hands wrapped in a woolen bunion, for ,ly plunged to the Wigan, seined her by Pow the vermin .tong through this, and crept hair and brought bon to the top largo up under it from the ground. lock of hair being pulled out in the align,* The nation of the hot sun on the rank! and which is still preserved. After MOO soil of the borders of the river is so tro hours of persevering exertion dm was dad 'mandone, that vermin or every sine and de- ly brought to and perfeetly reatored, Sin seription de rapidly brought into life.— i was deeply grateful to the paraded' of her Snakes of *.ruian d fish of life, and en the homeward voyage do from. monstrous nine, abound. Smaller vermin ed a strong attainment for him, and • mg. brood by the millb n, free. worms, at. • on for life was resolved span. Their plaid which wen enneumed by the num 00000 w re h ow ., y n w ee t e g. and f or “ oor d ' birds and wild-fowl. A pelican 1/311 glad, y our. t h e y te e., met. In the musdb her and iN crop found to enntain twony-four fortune w ee .. h e p.h e g, B o w e t h e .. or fresh Sob, the sine of herring.. Bic Wens !f og , men th e ago eh. head o f hi. k e .,4„.. ' now a white bird which was in the babit of, hare and erne on from Charleston to sew ° slighting oo lbo hook. of elephant...rid fent - Her node however overtook her and ' log on the vermin that are there go mine - carried bar bark. Ph. moo on span. roils, mach to the annoyer,. of rid ver min, which is natural enough, and also to the enuyance of the elephant, whir rather surge. The huge boasts would I ler off the parasitical birds with their toile,' but they would soon return to their charm-! ing feast. There was a emery republic armored on the banks of the river. They live in families, and would run up into the' tram when approaehed by any or. A., ' the branehee In with+ they took refuge overlying the water, they not unfrequotly fell in ; and their inn set on emerging, was to wipe the water from their far tind Wit • However imminent their danger," rya Mr. Were, only when this o rteratioo was' emulated did they again climb the trees. Snob a monkey republie is rally a droll sight ; its numbers akernately lighting and earring rob other, combing aod vermin heating, ruling, and boxing ear other's MS, and in the midst of all thew import ant erepstions„ TSOMMI duo every mo reed to drink, but relenting Usual, ea with • rule demur, for fear of booming a mouthful for the watehful orrodile."— Lure redoubt were very aboodaet. popotaod nod etwoodile. of monstrous size wore to be .one. Elephants were mot with literally In Goad Idea Irmo then. 1.0.1 and the greerdel giraffe wandered among; the ee len 'rueful palms. The erooodile, It omen .scenes arwerets far food, bail lb. Morns, thoseh be had eaten woke) prepaned •is derwirk mold INS Magma the frog toil of one of Ad dosemelsois of ef kods. The moll of lark wide' itnalebed mu en powerful tilitt moroess was lomodsomly throws osmo , hostlrlie ohm le Wind so doe lbo yowl& so be mood An tap sem lo ass. *oh shish sorb s seersehe reswellOg sessik, m. IsoMml esorsed re' mwsMor. The mos meo win weber more dos the hoses Amos Nos woo Os who me he solor Weise ism ha wses they mar esseselroo be oho 1.01 of As NW, se s westesilso piped soMs. Tim pee * OPosais bests see leo" Oslo sr big, ea ree. Tour Cmillailkoll Marrs le Ihaisbedl M I MKs weak Mob at ierbesiii. 11,14 . w i l d rft wnyd oWn famish then with mat they we mod judwo on the o b oll= tam.. ore rwooodllo. The tines haw. One entire portion of I 0o toneer OniOO note. politically.) Oats it states of boyhood-4 porridge antis. state, I hlg period—when there cKorea sod go errands—, denture. were In (aslant well defined by the there are no such thi stepee out of his diaper ailed vat alla high he .bangse the breast for f the present genera I bona fide “ and Neal .k ,s =rded y fn.& ^spreads - mil now. f; Watt s o u p • f ilk the o r init k orgrlou otpr . ' r or lady—nursery or tends her intent, m I ter. Instead of spit. ther'e shirt , they reel el, fair ; and hotrod of knittilig sawd.g, sec mending trouser. for their brothers, the/ work lace and make rosy. for themmilvem [ The mother milk,, shone, snoods, Indies, land irons—ad their &lighters—the " kr dies"—read novels, thus, end make sad recciro toll. They make porde., Wks/ of puddings, and rook from the book Mier than from knowledge. We should be delighted tune a prow riot of boy. and girls, in looks, action., mad dress; we Amid then hope for beekb @Hi strength, industry and sobriety, and economy, prosperity and ha l = We go for protection to this dam of ear community. Ryer, hater should impose • tariff, one that should mount to en milky prohibition, en the introduetion of &hiss ebl follies into the family. He skwill protect and enforce hang indium,. Hs and his wife end ohildren should enter into a " Homo League" on the subject. 771. is the tariff that will restore orolidonee. This is tiro bank that will freely Mamma and never aneroid. — Alesendff• isdett. V Seal NA . The LewisburrA (Pa) Chronicle, no. none.* the marriage on the 14th Ink, ef John Johnsen and Mrs. Merle Milhor of Chillbnpieque township, and tells the fey. lowing rot untie story respecting the happy pair : The groom. who now works it the boot. vard bent, wes formerly a faring num. The bride la from South Carolina; and her father. and husband, beak of labour hams been dead many years, were weakly plant en. 801 e five years ago, the young with mods a visit to Knitted, la compsey wh her brother, a flouth i ' DirriNlTllreemer IMIIPTIIIIIII MORIP• harbor of Liverpool, sank to the W 00.% 'sod Wu even up for Pont. Our hero how. lever did not shandeo the oraroh.—A slighs change in the poeitlon of the vowel dime.. her, the waterheing remarkably ekar • twee three webs gkr, but was nonmed to bed for some time by tithe's,. &threw. ' brim on leak labbath evades the by der I bona nuptial knot wee tiaq sad the rear l oner and mooed are now united In a lifer !partnership. for bettor no for worm. L ' K tons.—Mr Layerti and hie party ore promeoting their loborre at Nineveh very @waterfall), Mr. Loyerti intends to tate • trip to Cheboor:tio Cloo• lions of tho Eamon., and to vide liteleb Ain.. the Reno of iteriptoto, when If hopes to Sod imams of Amami 1,- 11mi.. A startling diseevory, owl • nab of the book of Jowllicirm bees ' Mr. Layord. In eventing do oky ioeveh, he rliknovered tbe num of Jou oseribed • the mina. That to die people of Niseveh, the dsetrestise the sity. 9b trieeee averted Melly thew, and " repented his" of 41.011. Ile lied pro...weed. sad spewed I city for that door. Jamb thee bedews I r prophet of Nineveh. awl WM MUMMA the Inhabitents As was the Oriental tow, they doubler inardlied his near I.wmpiepoll• phew on the well it be edidoesand thb isteriptleas eagreved t Merino hands, a thawed pare , W Christie.% Ns. hay. bees bread by Layard. This Is roe artist met eateserilhise dessomfrathres of the seposey of Mrs Heal Iditory we have ewe beard of. As yet we have eel y sees die insiwidog ef Ow rod. The day of nom& esonsp. LT psi loss ..lend. awl Om dm sums: asst shell Ime hiss empliOd, If Maher. alum *low aliedi :Erie OM um/ vs stay Ilkweilms 4 perimies Mist *ribs the mall will awe sod weeder. giri .r liar tat a t t erik --- 7. .... MN wbsi irr tyl, i Nap sid il I Wm as: yo• dant ror ['ears "Yr. se ',elon Tin 1 ~ % Tim yes WI MU,/ 1111111.11 dal W. II Is mossmary the Jury abseil Mar sAilss." TN lea mi oniutsi a pad '''' 4 beghtlar. ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers