Citation , we pludgo ourselves tit mope. :11“ )- wired end invielato ; lout it the (luesti- -.s— tation, as it shall b.: the high powers or this 11.,..rloneut, nod a d' as it shedl be colvtruo.l ky their imporisl , . - - Sat. by which wo riqr, to OA° - - Th. true ground rrt -rho pr e ,totitro- TILE DEIVIOCRAI, verity, in lint that slavery in rittatilerl, or oven threatened, with. Ws letv:ul linrilx, tho Statoa wirer° it oxi re; lot that resir • an ei, ofNed to it. ostiouderr . tit, free I - territorit, of the rr.olii. ,, tho true Cel;forna, so an iedepearlent meager.. lord the and red grn.nd 4 , r the P. , he South tool their erod,, allies or The slavelroldera are alro 014 LIII. v.traa m us Than. an, um). tre nr 100., -1101 l lo t'.o.. I, „et re th sr wn end were thet we do their lined , ; and I 10 1 3. d. :„. if c.l, tu,olnrr.. 1,. 0111. If•toper wo mink wen: of the ro eu of I. y. t.s no le. of _ incro.inv the vdro. of -1 tve rt• , .1 et serarin4 to the s tl, per, ye ,t,,,1 ratlo. , a. a „ I over tie I; overi,..t t I "r 1; to wk.] ir , --t a.l no ~, rrile I 4 d. tnerntin n., , 1 Coo .1", " Rua , mkt 1.. , roh, t 1,. Sk •s" s ..f N•.rt;hll,o I detiov, Tros• 11 eS,2 . lllrltis, r " 'etul.l ti.tve ...., enert- " In PTV" , FII e. ed eith v, yee , l e"r" eft tln ':t. holey ...• nr.r...1 to ...I do rti , t.Nnot ente Om ,alit OIL. " , ,rtl." tile • ~ .t stand th..r, -..:0 i••, t if it !1:304. lr Lan •zt. !lava Tkar;••l. • r 11.1 . 01,11di 111 00 1110 1.3,1.. 1 11:1'1:0,1 I 1110111 1.110 1 It 1,1, rt olarery ought not tales nholielked the Bat. tvloa, it Ott ;nods 1. a.. d. , la., oda, ki to 0... rook. k. of th.• corona . t of l•aarolrot iiinit and 0.h,, 'li opal, air n 010... kI I raa, m mama. ni, the woo method of IL Thor. Om slake Iradr tho Maria of en. t.ritories..i polo rant. oh-, a for the Morn., mkkl ...admen n proldreel lk+ ohm oitoht to ropprrnord noon It,, model of dive 0 . nor t tit it (tin of It a •.rorkk thee r . 010. 1,0111 0011 leave is de any iik airtorty 1 akar it. I roil in 1.1 aor...jk. • ok• kh, I ~..1. rl. th, Alm 11, at .11 1x4+.. Thr r.1, , 1t0g of ak, moon nermord over half an tl, Ond a f. of t . r „,,, „ f or p..', oak, lo wand t ,,,,. l hoar Thk. tormant a ONO root Ind. .1 n perfect k the pawl , • hi . 110.. : I'i „ ,„. oil.wohowhe of fl. mokcalaat oas, mowed town Mr. lon ll,lllll, .-01.1. ;1' tilhouro, nom,- „„, p„.,,,, „, 10 0-0,„ .15 010, pelt of ihr. oatr, clearly hy the haul.. randy with hitter to aka' .a thou. rondklet, L„,,, ,„,„ „,"„,. Imo of the olavery prommanda. Mr Cameo, gore OM to Ind th.• fog 'lfs., n fatal Wort, non ,. are thdt he elloold ntfor ork neneadment of ono : mite, rontideot 'l-ul. I.c, that Piave- Hot ~,,, the ',when, lonmalary of Colefroma at dit 30. Mr. ry l l ‘ft 4 I man attended when we oat dux nu, end,. it. AVe l delrorwo hcjed rltorY , " ti" This 11,.. hall rho,. Al h, s the all thiognj vow edam. ho.m. 0 eon-, e koo rtna k j, j. o tt do e after .• Ilmt „„„,,„„.,f , „.„ ~„„ ~,,„,,, r .1, .1 ton much to the Nortlt I Mr. Mug, one I.k ' •-f f " h Irr k.... 11 kw the cool. , , W dknot I,ne wrapel of Oa th0tt0kk0r.......1 he Jul not agree with the irk prgt, reerm th, fret ort Irk—that whirls per- t rat • all h .i kik i 11. w-" ". ."" _ the vrecone of new Stalk:Nola of Telma Mr t nosy hull the torero, and I , ..hay lave- No,. Nlorkelo rd 0,0011 11111 l ter, wool Ise dolTored 1,, ry. It i rikr ...II; awl roortroklialk ,I, W. I , 0.1 it kirahorg that do, .1 ninm.o7 . ; r, pork aka orally all the optramom tal. Icy .ht very ...Whirr. man oh, ho • akd enkokodloo t, to, Lod... 0, rd.:aorta owl elk.dron rok th.• nr..l 11 1111 fa, a I"' jk okkk k hkktok, " rd ry .1111 OW a Fi e aof rovral mh,n ern .. end ell name he od Iwo rra." ot to. ry 1111011 lop nt I . It h ,„ ~ r , „, ,o , aaltko .1. \1, 01. 11,,3ne, ono of , lona commutr, oho all 1,, 00., Ur., .1 a . „.„,,,,, r .„ r. , p dto the 10,1 oo all thy grounds, parr., 1..0e. Om orgooixal too of Ow .., Ilork, reemly, or, chosen Cakl/11111.1' .19 'wolf, thrr with I Ito' a.0.td0..1 Irmo 0.. , 31r. 11,, 011.1 W well known lo many „,10kanted thr sr one v.:thole,. or. Ism OWII, mad mold rtned di Spain, and h . ,. I lor r; o o thu eakrood om 111 l y, having mike,. rearm! hr ...1f.. h. ll ' . Tes., net .I,i, I I ,00., at U. 0,10,,, .tred. nly, and o gentlemen f "" .1.... ' h her P r..... cal, Wadi il,o inotitut is of „log. to„ that amply quoldhol 10 rherliarge Oar Mom. nf I.wop. lb* M... of ti n W ~• .hr ,e,„. o''l .o lk; i'r ,01.1001 111 llf NI,. ,0,,,.,,,s we know walking. Ms Nlangone.rdloo one of the cantonal, ultered I. v of tad, tovarniamd r.,hrfartra. or. I/111 0111111101.1101 11.• IN a lorry for math euselnr wattimmeta. Mn 'Malawi denounced the ka, „Id, rao r. aor Naw dwo, rokar oe, kmll probe roorrot to h t.. " .1 ."." 1 "... 1 h. ....hi ~r 0 ,,, 00 00 . saver on , a the poorer., of leo tot,. Mr. Hate,: ,"1. ita 00 , 00 br ,' ,„ ranhorkral Ilsot lie looped the thottlwro geotteene, „ , . a. d I d or Th e „ „, 00,11 pulrlrt, it„ molter milr, had klemodo .1 th.or nrnlh aeon,, the roar. P PPP •I•I • Of 0 :00011101N If on da o 10 ail' 01.1„ of flax! "II."' hat 1.. w.. . ..,„ fir. neh afraid thew mamma,. vow o mere fond. • J. 01110. ' 611141 ..111,0 ‘11...1., ...mi., that Om oilliy J.l 111 I••' , 111 , , I 1 1 1 • 11. , I'l '"'• ' I` ~..,.. C 4.010 r.. 11 pAi 111.......• AI., r......, ra rhire.l.l . , ...1...., 1.11 l O.' r' , I 1 ,1, .. , t , t ~ , : - . _ ,t,,,ttt:., . .t fr.. t 1.... 1..1 J. 1..... .....1 p.m...1L...1, 4 L...._..,.., •,. ~ i. ,•",,...","• !.., . , ..,, ~.., .„ „,,.....,, ~.. ~„ ..,.,,. r altropt tttent `l. , ' t'' v't ."I .'"'k '''' "''. 1 .. 1 ......, ~......,1 ti.. rt. tit,..10 i, ~..• ,t.,. ttt.y ttv tAlt..ll IttA. Iv lk ~ t ,•,,,,, ',., 1, ...1"'t ...' .......t..1 Thai 1,... Ir. ,:. twill h rung. f.koll . , r.r,,,..a. il 'I'M. i. 1 ......, .llty tlt• tv ,, ..10 ~,, ..,„...,..,,,, ....,,,,,,,,....,,,,. ..„ . i. n. .., .tt , r) 0: ' 011 :..ti..l. ..t r, 1 . L , klirl WA „.., ,!, ~,..‘.. ~ ,.,..,,,.. , ' , ,, , .., : w : Tii . in i , ,I , 111.t11 , ) .11 1,1. r i . , 1,,..1...i.r, .. rtm htt more 11 , 41 , AI: t ~ , ,I ~ .I I utimittg tlto i 0 t.t .1 ,, pH , . LI , ' this pure,. .• l' At .1, ed in Attt ti t Ir wit fr, rl Ir.): lir t Itin o • j•or o , - . 1 '• oo , 1,10 re- 11111 , 1 mf, nr tint memo II mbign a ill c•ral that:lV' 'MI: tin • le I i ilien iy noranee, torien acqui't autelyt red loom Mr , n n I in. alnel. /mini lo the mrnm/ement or , man , mason mid Mom Is.n lir Sennalnal Iho nelhn r I, iik 1.111. v,tely „, Ss,. „„,„„,„,„ „.., ~,1 arganizs.. m r t ' imn• it IMO", v ,:t „al to ..• f 11111, for Loire .11‘• , o I .4 unit • oo oo r „,,,o „j„.„ Conn,. I. t —to o no o ti.o i.. I t o iron , 1. • ,000- ,nnoo., no. the ...maims mannnied by ihomtier ; tl.thr , os • s.nnanml d. , net fin tin ampo . e ' bias .11 . 1• I. • N - I : I.ll n . ,„ nL Vial Pr. '••!. .• ... .hull m :lenninnnl oloov,ry o t`: Anwoo 1 1 .11.1 0 ts oi. onoo.l In it s :5 '5 1115 , "55' lonlat •nry much like ...Inn man minas, Imel. to or rl l,l tho A, South, ..1 Was,. Win a 1 . 1,11.05 nter- Map., Inn. Ca it I •,•• el 1 .no , „.thoor 1 . 10111 111, l'ol.k .UOl U .• `I to lion I:ulfof )lexi n n nut C. , In. 'on ai ~,,, lirnnJo re nit 11 /I ntoly .he by Wt 1 1 ..01., brit it in .00,•111, lo r.o : o th o . „„ a .„,„ o „ o i y „. :13 .nol hey ..t policy nnr~ "'•". t :omoiy 111*. baN rind ""' 1..: Ot 111 • n idi" t " e. 'I V Th . „ . 01t..h.ti , e 4,M G amen tho, her on ot , l tin o, no. no 1..1 rootlo lit 1 . 11, Irli nol,co o n 1.,nt0, tlnot „.,.. tlonrot i lel I . I'l it ill ~ ofinoo, 1,,,n01. of I del. tandeel lo.ot io Coin ..o o , on oion . onio.ll.ollllt about 'I 1 , 0, s. • 4 I . triti.ll7 .trolg• u n ' : It I.:, I, ot • , 0 0 t .Intinn. It ;oo a noot .of tlio. 010 O . or, .1, ot Ia • rind p., in•toontoo ti.cO.l.Ji on boot - ty. Th.,1 1 3110 , S Ii 111/14 . 5. Ile rr ::'ll re ' lq• fl - 1.1 tul.. t 11 , in 10 5 ..• joo poetelil) and trill •:a! ”r e t: 41, t 111 lonia lon I. nolotoililo o t r el.. I . • J .1 thin j!ront o otoooDo.n 0, is , • Aim ok u, &Winn , ' It% T, • n ushn Now Ides, I 4r0.-11to last news S. m New lexik.o, bring, intellhsons (hot Om monnissinner on tho part nf 'Yeses h., cowed the Julhnd.oinn of that Stole over', the territory if Now ilexien, had orrive.l at e Manta Fe, and C iluons, the Gov e rn o r, had issued OrlitlTl not to interfere with the , exercise of tic fitnetions. Mush indigem -tloo was expieseedl by those opposed to the elahnief Texas, that, Gov. Munroe wan so . basOperod lir hie inetruotions from the General G nehromant, that he eould not take the determined stand against the ac tion of Maj. Neighbors that the people ea peeted blemish s eontingeney. Polite wet- Ines were being sailed throughoot the ter ritory for the adoption of measures to roast the action or Texas The impulation of New Merino iv now shout 100,000. The, settlement ,f the punt!on depends probe.; irly spot them ronatot of sleek" in thlo population. As the "Oxon' arm" &old«, eo probably will Cowes] Amble: Mir Grvv,raer 1/huy sd Ma liens. Irian °ampullae. wend atllidango on tla 1111d1 abbe", and wen warmly received by the •eiiiaeee, who say. them aka • Intad eentriboden in loony. 'They MN nenveyrd et, the railroad to RlRin free of abuse I of I , t T. t llntmottei 11.1 I IN.. —The' 1,1.1,4 A I, Of I !US` DOlllOl r n iiiii y 11.411 i, 11. Ilratlfunl ty p.lppr, nod to fitrtr. the M 110.1151 uut Ihrtneernur remit:rt. tgehieci. , l 1, I ,y t!.. ••pir rr Muth a pinb 14, 1/1...- 1.1 I .11, 11 1-.1 1..... • led no. to more g• n. 1,1 fir Jur.. timmg:lout die 11.2 t to aline , hen n , y mputl wool.. of .1.1, der. Thin .1.1 pat 111. In all on an wool Annum, and ellen 1.V111,11, ram Mc 1.1111111110 l aeautoo iu a Me w. hunt being an rreuelnd and tricked eel of their Nor min Mere ho nnr•Weetina reined to lino arrangement that %%add not weigh with ,nal Mime spinnt allowing ovary Moto Mee Seam toes in l'ungwoo. • IllatUto cowimity and the mak, 00 opine. will be, how ton apportion the diattiot es to reengottel,te relatinr pardon..., emaker of lemader nod DronneTnne role. in the *poem? n. NN i ..... To man who eon invent a plan he do all dd.* oto saltily Invent a perpetual motion. Daytona., Itat.—Tha Senate sad !lease of Ititareststathres at this Maw has sash yowl to saps fits swaths of an sat of a penis. Iry tastass. (*hash lisaltal die mitatitate as haV law altar As espiratlasa of as Imbed days,) as hr the proms. omits la samaras, MA air all b. mamma mama whys am apposa bat Is as Cr It M at.W bY • ......rmousit at *be 141. Law, that Ow Oalplda ropmet OW Um In• 111•0; Wel pelanipai sod Inerni. TM maw senrow•MM ftslies that the Dowllwrat Cwwwitia• love well le report wind Haw, sal meamminedl W Mai. NJ. —A ow paw IN alma Wag WsWWI al WWWW by the alara Wye., ashram HI. wad Maar I NM itiodaer ... It rpm. wt Ma Ossmlllowe comuslterm. I The Lass Apportionment tell Ir [ roans Ye Manasise, for Juno, hen already 1 Later from Europe. The Late Newt linme The celebrated commute. of Thj e , eo e. of m• The ~..,,,,, cowmrn.. appeintml by been received. We think it a vs., surior itittn.l ; ; Monate, to whom wee referred the application of: both Hatters to consider and arrange an Appal, bar every way, whether in pryers a pe ent h e gobt 1 The Map. lute arrived, bringing ono e e t t ( orno , t o , .d,..... ..go the Union, and dirs.. i 0m... , ni1i.....h on Thn,Wvy,a W.l.'. menu Of the latter .• ' have The Ne•eo , rho week later news from Europe —genendly other mute. pertnioing . the .."Y eVlet.thl. all "'W.!. O.". whldt ....... I L. Wood, The Jolly Hid, Fashion Plat, B,c. gait° unimportant. Cutts& has mill an up liZn'en'l'n i t ' lt r , h :Ztle l ' tt " 1:1:117.„ '.;„:„ d „; i7.7,,;; 0 :.:,:g" ,, ,,7", , , 0 „ : : : ::: t ,:,,: . :017 : :: ,: : : ,`" : 1.i.:„ c r k :i. d : . A G:r , i ' a t ' e ' i tl .111:Irr:ea'eattalm::roor(1::1.'a,aef.::::t.tiom"artii:m:111::7,12 Hamer. a l : a l itatrae.s:l, 7: 11 r,:, 1 Ed 'i di . :711 . ,,,,,:. ml hroadatplfa hare W. week) through then elmennan t Mr.e.r. .\• sae', tors Lau hove only learn that the reeent In have berm expected from a committee co:meatus : Shdliven empty to that county and Wyoming ma. g, , r „...... iI . .;.,,,,,,,,,.. A 0.„.„. led by the slave interest, imi that wen, the report 4 king one Rep...183.m 111111 l rt.) The report. in t p ut tat 0,,,,, o h m i , e pr00f.,,.•: ~,,,,,,,,, of Ike appe al o t m :L° . l.C.4.7.ll‘..ffinocirtior.l.f raise the repeal wholly ma the slavery ode Were it not for im other 'respects, was pen •eel, ee the Whigedesiredi re want Jenny fond, whiett he to nilorit the July 0011 •. teat week, to 33 p d [great length Lao would pnlilish it rob, but as it Even the Trilnoir's ceirenpmulent honnted that if „,;;;;,;." „ ,;...., Is, w• must centralism, renihrs with a brief nynop- l it pitesed. it would gym the .'lii, decidedly the - _ 8 2 / 1 8 , 4tad —The erganisation of the Par ma of It It tomtit.— I advitnle,, and et. give then , of lent e. of rho 5V111,11,1,1 , 110'r, otr, for J nee, hen likes tin minty 8, Ices C‘..."..., for the re ' l. The atliiiiseion of roi, ttew Slave State or • Menatuni fioni Philadchilue county. Ti, report 04 ° miels I. alTe. , •••••'''.• °ln' t ' B, nail . even. a ” .. ." . ' 4 ,"ff: . .'^i , dnrier, mat with the t th • 1 age . cal? .„,..,.„,„,„. ~,,,..„,. ..... warn. appro. lie o i. 11. 01.10.. The , Sl ia t a n t r e , m em of e a f aa. Toe,.a, they d i that a l te a pe a, o a t a l ,[ lzr a ti a o: ‘ m s., e a y , a vor ma , Lau r t , o ,l , y ..., :t " rpoor , . Ed.:111,17i IL,-!rev : o t et.loa and parker. i l .a lc , /zioi r: „.„"„.,..„.,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,„,,,,,„,,,„,,,,,,,.,.. rifles 01 Cobdon and Bright, appCar in the [ the elipuintimi of the r. r '111111.4111 a .\nn•r,t,en : sod Vann,' ' Ole, Ir II ?yr it rt ,, nl.llll lll rii. nr ... ..‘ ..' "I"' ""''''''' : l." M''''''''' n' 7 . ' " I,ord John Russel reused to extend the ,th...., , ; , ,, , , u , re ,[;,„;„; ~,,,, t„ t . ,;„,; to it tim. loi trailiif Jimmy I. mil,l omit or the Red Sea, , ~. . Sii. Miry t Thu i mi.., Mi. pytt,;„„, air, . ... M .." '. Ireland ":;7 , 1 :,::;' ‘,,, t , ' 1 1 : ) ,,., ° ,.,:::, 0 , 1 1 , 2 , 11 Z, 1 i t h ,„„,..„.,,,„ tear,. T. Helm, Frederiko Bremer'. Niro li irk• The ClutnemlliT 11118 twice postponed the reduetiow bel'ore Parliament, or the new 1 1 o , with n relentless ead 'TIM . .. "llP.ltieni. II "' ' II ' . 'III-IIII " Ir "" Y ' t or "" I ' 'II ‘III"I"I I. II" slam. &Aka (rill • in wide!), on its first intr0,,,,,, ,,,,,, „,,,,,,,, , i . ~,.d ~.., d ,„ , d ,,., L. It, ws I , ,00nw, 3. wi awl I'm! II al, are d. d .. 00 mini . ry won,. signally die nay. IN. Whim n ill be their in st is eon f,ris hail. eio^ii • it' , enittrilteiore • • • • • -. • ' '• • rite Fagan unit her prr. rata Col althrtirm anti Imuu 11101 C S; but attar hell ro Ilia tell for bar minus:rim mum ho a el near milalrhalerm turritorml govern nu me. t. itbmlt tier %Vier. Promo, or PVl`ll ill• rooiiitin of ille Nlexiciiir low concerning Move ry,) nf Sr.w Nleirien 1,11111 Ural, embracing oil Ili. to net oily argoireil from Mesico oot ea/1 3. Thr.,,..lo,4enent of thr weetern owl north..l wr , t. nt Monetary of Texas, nod the esehmino froto ler mot of N. tv if mrn, D alt the grant te Totem of a metonory emilettlent to ogre, LI upon by the 'taffies. Awl Mel went, so, to be inmottomterl ion.tan minimum Cab foaos mot sotahhohoog territorial governments, ine.' Moro rood 000 s wool., to ...Me tlo. Thoy r, minify hail nothing to eionploisi flit solos ly 011 lilt Iloilo of ii!overy. Messrs route nail floosie, buttress, 1 , . Mewl by the is port n whole tolerable sort of n eo, ! flood !Karroo ! Hui ,r r X n R. , , r 110 Erma t.o abut o a ammo. very view tbal the cannel tbte• Nor hod a wight to. A awl. Cato foram attwatron. no motf ~ f tint to too canna of fret dean in the torotortes, ran ortorn ly he eo, ,e It cl by 12, 111 111.1 1111dor he tven noa ta. or e. ~ ... to node. In d tho of ato Neetotn, Pori, t•Aftt r the ot woomnrew emtrerwed by Mr Clay on the qrn•, elt whirl. rterompantert his ortgo tr al to ',mita. for a ...norm.... of Mc slavery m. 0.., Ma country had a rtgla to expect from lour a to.lting !wirer than a pion w o rd. given tip , mrtrythotd to blot or), nx,lety Avot. l'lto tom., al nohlto expect 11.01 d bre plan Included a form of terrnmod got orlon." for Utah and MeV, Mr.... n .Lout Me Wdotot Poona. a would al hetet he aettonnottotect,4, it 'e.g.. grille Mr.- men tow Ili low of ere. boohoo. wrooh 111. tot...ober Err es ...... h anythlow to do tenth deettled Itt rovorld the slave staler. Stntetol oily sorb reeogt.itino, the prohibition online., is tentasterinlly declared a mere obstrae tine. and tho etas elteltlers ore etinteinerl it then prop., or fr.ll di* ."" gee each a manner se Wee them limo to p 1 into awl enantey,” as Mr. Centeno noel, with their %Inv.,. Walt a view of giving tine echemo a better chance of ;what etleph,l, it is tasked lathe 1411 tar the nI:n.1.41011 Of Coltfor&n. a a, which M. tiny awl his COIO,IIIIIIII/1 know s u e des- I hoe'Fl,' a tat intoner or later, nod the pnatilerity of whirl, they employ as no realm, f.. Goring thin det...table lanesure Neat 11,. north • • • Thn rnatitry Irnd a right to repent that Mr. ty tvett , ltal.n en Bhp to ;net eat the immediate vb. of Califorain into the hat in I hem le, the rrpnit le. bit.. net only brought tot non. Lae totonnteral conametien with hill not !at s loom of ternlteell ge.rrnmenle. Inn her! I uo rt in the s tine Innen.. a arta... preataant with I 1 ,1,1 110 rarl at. , fe. perelinning ef the ter orale dispel* between her root Now Mestea; or,' ;Perhaps mom properly, brlWunli Tolle* and the gvarral gereratnent. rN La, the plan is unpin to California. end en 1;0011 to the free Mateo, to whkh. Bader the tome of a rtanproinime. it &Moe everything that they have WOW. Maimed... irroublan or redionellean. The Washington Rep.Nk et the Bth inetant, the organ of the Irnwidest, aentaine • lour mod elaborate Mader, taking strong MI decided grunt against the main., and indeed glumly hints Mottling about Uie propriety of their migaing. It ha. pub.. a mat tun.. and Mew., raring et the Interior, awl Crawler/ et the War department called .p.. the Publ.. In Meilen ta it. wed I. said le h.. disclaimed uy hued wip el' 11, email II enured in the a•p•bile, slag dleappnwed of 11. Lease.—The dryeklir . hr Wird hulk Mom. lam 4 II ergnme hay., Uinta egg roes plus le AIM. IL M.R. Selo Miserly *Mar of Ow Naginale (Teal Will. TM ..dd.II edgers 11. SO • in... he their, • "t- Maw ketone. theist and PMIBIII4 Tutees Cain." What loaught ^ Inanwsny —Th Lei. Arty bk.. mom he Sommer hhoto gbh dirldot. Mom, hr W ohroon of tho Sobs ha wr troglfttoot. 1111tbsor to or of then "My" Doorstalo oho hors month bah rot to Hanirdlorg to air he Milo Is IMO rd. her whom. If ohm . toorl •Dahomey he thoptolirro ar Harthherh Imo beat home& hr Igor. Vntill/111114•11I Lt ,11111 63 111 ‘,..,,,,,.,„, ~.....i, ~,;;;::). ~.:-,, ti:...,:,:.;:.',;.'.L., upon Sir d l , t o o , h t e ,, r r t e. l , :e: , . n l ! i s in s , rt n i , d a t , , , , ,t I ,, t i a y v . e rt, ty r a , Railed _. ....sp. nol 0b. , 0t of Mo. I hood.. len It um. , , , , , . , „ . . on the Duke of IVtilington. to. la el 0111 a 1001 110 1,111111111 i 0 an r. 1.)., 111, 11111 )VlOlll.lll I, 1.3,1, ua.4, 11 ..0,11 .0 to the 0 . o 44. Th,• eo, 111,1,1 800llicro °fonds The Tittles attaches no particular im- Ilm Donee, Ivas ri .con.oil, roil on 'put id i, nod Int , ' sl ,0. lis •14 ' 11 " , 0 1 ' , 1-I ' , WO 101-0001 'Lt.! prod am, to the event. 2111011 d. J awl pos. it The aincodoickrt hooted • , :i ,,, 1 i ,,, ..) • ,1 1 , 11 . . • , : ; 11 . 1 .: .. .! , : ;,, , ,,,,, 1 ,. 1 1 0 : : ,.., , ,, :,.; ,, :: ::, , 0. d r : , N ,„ ~ ..,oA v ud r s n i . c . ,e , ,s u l i ' r E i lon ,, t d i I,,z r t s r . 11 In h o 4 t a , t Orionis t l, t a , t ,.. t i 1 ,, 1 the its eopihd mock 10 01 I litl,llol/ matted or ~ ...'l..°°. UP it 1111•10011 010 ` l OlllllO. The scrums hos con noil.-tiolong to run I.e ennallk-1 or Its ill-sks, ,t petty restraint for his refusing to adept n mused tot the lee ed... to. .1..1 001 make the lird Ink p. Th• cruel susikro ticket of leave. The matter has been bro ' t ' The mod lon for no. divorce a E. 11,131 Forest L ' 7 , V ke'l , ' , ' , • ,, ‘ ,,, te . m ,, L , I , ' , ''',:' 1 , ' , ' ,, ...:' , 1t ' , 7! „ t r i i t ", before DariNnent, . and inquiry is to Le he" heel. killed is the Senate. , i l: o. our ,:nroook 7' :- 1...,... ..,':,., „,..r. in. ' tit.ted. , 'Flo 101 l to re.e, iner ths licnoingtoll Itar.k has Ism .... tokall, &so 0,..1 complete.. kho rlo. The Court of Queen ' s Ikneh unanimous pawed the Item, MINI 11111 OW a law ,otroi i.e., that 11. k, or., os,lif a eliorge kir tan., ly relused. to grant, the litshep of Exeter !es hi, n• re loooglkt ogno.ot kb,. gOll4 partil . o 111 (11. Mu praying again.t. the decision aOw 'llo, 1,41 hie to,ssetl Loth honors. ...., ~,,„,,,,, g..„ k , ~,,,,„... b„. .„,, o ,„ ! kg„ . ~..„ . ~ . . . part ` hodestaulloal Co.& in the Gorham ease ,Tho oromPrt moo of , 1 000,000 In the olden no. ~,,,,, ~,,,, .. 11. 10 n.,,..m... 00.1 d 0. , ~ . . . . of the inclosed Phu. son 1110 Allo,llolly nod Port. ' be 0,4.116,1. . ormlgration to lees general than hereto , I ten ft , . Nlr. I 'l,l Ile opjoqued hko a 11/1.111 fOl . O. TIIO Oruro throughout the Ullited 11g0 lictilre4rl .•.c• olio hen out The 101 l Increases „pm, ~,,,,,, ~,,, nest ~,,,, ~ ,,,,,,,c,. ~,,,,,,,,,,, , haKim:dont promise well ' the ', er re"• 1 ""n"""'"' 10°0 83 I" SI "term. of r•th2 ' l ''' . ''' ' I m " I Y eMtht h'e Lead, France -The Government bill for g r it s - A..... 1 the or- telt, Met come ...tong Mork noel re-!. P1". A d 1 r 1i . .. ri.... Ar5,‘ ,... , ~ ~..,..,..,,, , ~i, „ rro , ro opr . r . , ~,,... 7 tIT tr , attsportntion . In . w a . retrospeet . i . ve ~ ~ , , on„ o „. 0 . nil h os 50 .... ..... .. o res. root Loorre. o cot, 11Ia W. defeew.i.., L. assembly e"...• 0. "th' canny, .. P ..'" the acacia on the 'th Do looted Leek the Mons of Ins navel's:tn.. Fear- by a largo majority. Thu presumed object snot. 0000 . 111 ° 10 .' 1 '1 1 °4 01° d°o°4 ,Iva to a ° . o° 4l TO"' ' of the II ovortiment was to obtain authority, Hoak lg,ttlies were engaged, on Salunlity and hat Ile non red r1.414in0., 01111 her mood in , wheroby Border, Illanquin, Baspait, and Monday ~, 1y,..„.. 0r ,,,,,,, g „., , A m 0,,,,,... thuntrALic , cs all then ta . ils , hlolot . , g l'I T h" , 7 " , "..: other ‘Lnitgrwrkno ohorneture might be sent .'"' I " th I ' t t '"' h...c... , "°°' 1 1 . • 00 31..1 " ' r: lit E::::;.:!711101.111111101111:1011110 .y , out or Like country. The defeat of them en ereet seeitemeot prev.l4 .. the 9.L.n, and gala µ ~, ,0,... oo „„ ~,,„....c aused the Nliotister of the Interior to 111, m ... P .m.. •I tth 'been,° C m" mb y • I" th" " 'e the "'I thdee ' "I.'" be' throw up his noortfilliot ,ith re roaches n - brook ootiest! to Mo. a to. hod %od tor tlot roe- . • s P P ". I.°l F of ,Ise °°••°r°°°. "8 " ...... . a. ".. .. il r ation or ~,..1.7.,..... ( . ..m.. r., , o , the o t r. nu the Assentbl) for refusing tn support kepi flout henrg Poso'd shy l a n doVol . 10 local ' . ....• 411. ge.l a. the ..... sod •• 1tat00k.......14," him in Mist Le rolled his arduous nod of perliontentery t.cos., The pre,ione ...soon the moue l h we. In Imo 00.0,, Mr "n ut...,, ...,, ,h o „kj o „ o jt„„,,t o to maintain phu o or wee .llvil all, ...leen the nosetion, o Sh.‘ll the ~' note n-- ' 1 .' , . 1 ..: . L , PY 11 . ttoo , or. .„,.. n o „ os , o h„ goo „il y 1 „.„. o u o ,1 opo „ !.„„,.. go r oo o n Ix. „r, por ... , „ori„ Wily o r , 17r o noti la:. Lelia. EL , IJI:. , II . Jit Iht. ii.i4 o ,horba..l and ~-, ream h. aneo g hinds evel moor , • Ins is a i- ot a •ha o - ,1 ., .....'..... '.....g th... l'w 01 them role I' m- ',so ,"" It . o!. shoed that lie 'and tlka orlon- In reference to, the approaching election fo seed to be of their party were oh o ,. to aid the sum ito 01 14.1 ...ilea Ins to 0:1 ,,,,, • "0h.„,, Fon. th r Paris, a correspondent If the London Who, in pease, tho boll, refitsed levels, and thus sdl i 0 o r ',Oro sort, ' a . ° °I•1° lie ,"lal for do .....T, "..t " Chrutoiele sa,r, the only subject of interest t left the Hooso all Irs o l a Tool. , " ft. l l ol•11 ol :,: g . ' „, "' „ 1 .„ .. , ' , ' ;:, '' ,. ' : ' ,r ' ... ' „ "" „ " ..,=1 " , ' , 4 1 1 i 1 1 ,„,, , :.1 . .; Lo the people d e France at the present run- lOw D e n ., th e y a e eld ott e w.. o . thee' nom s" eye, body, how . 1001111111101111011.1110 WOlllll pont) T he are decided!) in favor of Eugene Suo.l 1 Indite parent; hot tonnedoutely eller. wheo Me to be o low to t'oo.ogreso. how us to. ammo s na g' The city appears to be lire sixths atto he Do ,I rm. end ...Y...... collect, dal looldd 'shoal to a" n O7r di. . lll° B."°l°. 8." ,0 . , 0".. . :::: 1 :1 "? 1. . , knoorutie ca,ditlates The Nioderators ap jettower. The whole ormt e 2 , "resole . . m tlay ` ,., ' , Z,„, j„. ' ,„„e r0 ,,1,er,,;,:,,,j.;,,,,,,,,,,„,, 0 , ' ,e,,,., peered to be very 811Ing.. in the bclict ~...d 0. vote taker, ed hot„ pohhe tote ~ Nonni, sod kronor...-. 0...0 I that booboo will he elected by ta largo ma- Thu ovena, of the Revenue DM, Authorising n or nll no, one? ..1 oho mound mod 1.0..1 doosnotit jot'l Y. schema of Free Ihnoking, era. vole 4 drown by the I n, t , t , . , 7: , 1. :7% . i . t. pr . 7 ...: 7 .a 1.. ha.. . 3 o lit Monday and Tuesday the apposition Ilona en 'Fueorlay-oyeoliO, nor, In. '''' ' • ' ,on If I ' '" i ',."''' pr '' " j.inrunis wi re seigoil, end oil the newsven.l- o, to e o. of long. 111 nh . me Al “. I la, . r, . r ..,.., k . P. 1 4 . Th. Tr doom of restenhiy has ,lie fol. oripol r..',, town,. nod 4. rtc on, I, 0011.0•1 or, r, -,c La 0101, • olot. 0 1 en loos Llc ttewsmott tth- , lowan. opeolel cl,peo h. Ono , 11,..Pit.n hookeo 1.J0t01.....d oo. , lsed of .i.,....e rt , ted by the iodine. rh 00 ,„.„..„ . T„„.7, 0r. 31, ‘ , r , 1 m miner..., trout . lhe 10.0.1, 1.0.- co.oiscd, slog, il ! Ott LVedrionday copies of the lirdseriired I The 11,010.1011100111 11111. 1,1111111110.4.1111. ,elto t- "" t. m., ' , 1 "" , ' 11 j.ootrnals were read alont.l on 11.,, Roth:yards', _ day . . T,./no.c,lnts gasser, the Ilona , by a ,on o of : it o the great b Idles of pa plc, in defiance of, Gls to Sit. The hi gulature ...sorely uMnorne to loons„ - 11. idic.. r emigre+. has done next to nothing of any si x ~,,i , ...,..,i , ,,, „ f Ihe N ,,,,,,„,,,, i Gaard 1 its the ne.tadoism, Mal the same poled al' TIIC /..././.. 0 1...... who. tiox Mello. toll injoinkt Nee.. our last report. 'facade)/ . more productise tads year; while at tbe nl eeet anant wan man , went Mt. wo mi , " the :40.1 .Me era. oecupied throughout the enptaits , . . e mo Mom „.I.fielor..l and catntsive di.- In.c.i sts .p an d a d 1. 0 , electi ng a socialist , worked over LIM year will ha found for 6 its the Pope's return t„ nan.., '''''''' '''''''""''''' " '''''' ' . ”.i".. 6 '1.'..6.' .n 1 ...P. a' 6' A ' doom '3 a l'''' ''''' on ' l' .'llln l 1 trii.. Odell nil! give profitable, employ ."o " ...a. "' " ' n. na..n ' an '. n ' """ n n, Pat • I. bat witl „ut ai ftsmher me at. spend a few cloys iiiiiii lite foie ly. It ie on! ~ ••••,• Iow a, , no. ii ' ,,,,,,,, 1, 2: 1 on, no, ' 1., 'not. M. May mend ima been appointed 1 .. . h. to .a..... I° "' hi ' ''onent to hu„dicolts of thousands for a pne 7,','"ZZY,i' reply m ' „ w ",'": P "'"', O l ' iill ' o ' ir ' ll:e lat pet, which also toceupimi7 ".. " 11 " ' " ttht " Ti.e fotidie bed here cautioned again.. " livaria -The OW:omit., betwoen An', ' f. "'"' '''' '''' '''' '" ' I " . " ..'"'"--' I alt,itn until the adj ounnseut. the t ireulation of spurintie gold mMa, said , and the Pot to 1.11.. 1... - 11 , ett1...1. The We mt., plea.. 111 lIIVRIIIS attention to the On Itedise , „lay the i.iiato was neounind to be „armband fr,kin Mexican ports. r'.. ' ,.tte 1,. ...i.r nut. gr .„'. lot tors to the ' advert...mem „....other rot. """"" ior 11...5.r.• rt. a in the 1/CIOIIII.Io'I Or th•• report of the Cons- , as „,, a ~,. i . , ' ~ , a d ~,,.4 p,,,,,, h ,,,, „ i . rssa ,. s, I The Alta Californian atm says :-" The A 1 . 1.1•ToN, lignilirictinern or no, i 5,,,, litre,,- pooo6o ~otomittre, and by the attacks op- .. ~, ,, ,k ~,,,,,,,...,,,,, .. i . ~,,,,.. ~,,,...A , nin i ., , ...Igloo a San Francis .„ is m progressive tee, se Clete. Pomp •I' roles. have been on it and vir dieation ..f it ol.ew het e untie-'" ths ~a t, s liti ~, ~a , ,,,,,, ,a. '. a I..e.omotive engine under a full bead of iimil in our Vdhige now ror ...vend rninithe, end ed. In the Hewn, lhe census bill wt. ta- ' it „„ is ,, p ' s arc ~,,, i t,„ linen 0n .... ' Orem We have now two theatres night- I have given the son. pion.. Faliefacimil ; nod a ken up again, and an antendment offered by ly open for the amusement of the publio, locum! to et av n olate tl. Dvitubian Partin. , torgo number er our rho,. SIM kayo.. M.o.' Mr. Villloll WollillYillg alio Inn in force ley , on concerti., bilk, dilater parties, and splendid !fore bad them. lie. , 2 been haying them 1./ lnu subsequent cesinanov, unions invented, sad ' ',,...,. Tin , n . innion .., ~ , , , ,n n ~,,,,. milkers supper, The shop window. es tlica Mello •Illey .oi ...near, el.. stud COII- another by )Ire Th..stipson, of PA . limiting : i .,.,,, a II ~ i ,,, , ,,, , iiii „,„,,,,,,„„, ~,,,,, ~ i „ f, ,,,,,. , hibit all the elegtmcies that Siallinaloo and VOIIII/111. 1111 on, 0w... l o crli/111, run ....r,. lon number of Cotmres-men t. '133, wan nM have produced its all quarters of the Imineutred in. Mr. - Wilt throis thou obtain- I . ' s " ' r " • of ,, lobe, for the comfort and decoration of . 0 T John W . Mnr, the o Reek., e Ithii.Miniali," , 0 . 1 ~ , ,x , g ,.. n . ~,,,, ~,,n e, n „ non , i .. i . n ,,, n ., th, A , i ; it r i:i ,, o k .ll , l o . ::l , t i o , r 'till retains poescssion inanLind ; all the rodeo.. of the earth, a.- hits Mon committed .No in:n.1..14,11 ...tiny , o f the President's; phut fiir settling the . pal& rif templicut tho palate, may elm be rho ifi . .ll.:idtv ;id. England app ems tte for Seduction ~ml ,Vdulicry. As near is a great n i„,„.. y ~„,nxi„„. had in ose market in cans hennetrieally far Iron] n iitittlioneid am i ver. . WhIM soar Am:, know let we Meet M. M."' or On Tfittrsilay 31r. Smith . offered a retie- • /tom e limns-- prceautionn are said to he "°flied-f.', each. Lmlice. gaily attired, ..Mc, libol erierceetiaii for cliniiiieliae no. '•" 4 - hawk, lit th Senate in.ptiong into the ex- ',aka,. is ~ , , ,, , , t ts ~,,, ~,,,,, f ,. , ,,,, in ,,,,,, an- and ila•hitig Immowntuen astonieh en b 37' A °mt... 1. nerideot to o iv llall, I / Iliciley i fa blanch Mina to Calsionasa, Sze. ~ • ' • t i ° Cc it grace and knowledge of the equestri „is•ortatc.l. N , porton ix 0110W1.11 to op ocuirrod at fit. L 00..... the tet ,net. J. IL l'iu.-ar t.W h a ri• too, and our which was adopted. Mr. Clay's centre- p.n .,, ~,,,,, e x c el hy r ,„ nninnin „ „, (.I. ,, gi _ nit e 1.0 m r gra trete. wieder. nod th eir WOWS. h.l anicinbleil far ' mi. report was taken up and lIRSIO2II 800. ~,, /,,,,,,,,, ' divorces, semtrations and anions, alimony ,sa„ The toot da.s. gain way, ar0 ,„.., reel readi.ig, after which i 1 ° b i t° °° " bli '''' I Lettere Mate that the Pope, since his Co. ' m a d I".°U down mime 200 1b..., breaking thrun g h ilio ' a board of account. ~on taken noutipaes- t ,..... hes drawn up several decree .% which vine r t rooms:roe, ars „ ad „,,,,,....„, aaa ,,,,, ~,,,, aa , n.a..., viral-, finally. . 1.1 the IIIOISO 1100 WOSIIOIIO ~,,,,, he ,.., numn . ,, ,,..., hr the Cardinale. i s Th'„Ned Y. I. 3 : l ' r * : " 47 g ou l l ' a n . " Ze; Klng.,...rts "" "011"" '" w "'" • Two I ' d. "" ""' ki"- ' W" gr h a irrZ g t',e, Seente teas „at end . I one . °°°°° "" te ' t ” tt • nit ii " lin° ' ° is tli k r u t i .ja.rt. upon the ' wealth of our Pmstwa eel outright, two were womided mortally. bill . .,Z , : i little log- than a., A.trian prisoner. '''''', In the House the deficiency terr itory , - theof the 1 • t of that steamer e • monody. ii.", m ay """ r ' ) " ml r ''"' r '''''' "l ' the entire sessio„. An amenilitia„ pp, o' Ni nth, -The Presidenenf Fromm is re dli I I f the • „ k r il would mit tiring more than • half • - N. , 8 . limn' , "I'm , b.` b.m.°ll . ••••.'d , l iming $122.25,1 en ilingind exp. et for l i ' l •t r;: s t ," s h i t'', ° ,,, d° " m° a ' ' l ' " - million et' gold from California. Hill al 3tioirier to hums . I the Noose, stud $2,1 3,1100 for the Senate, ' it . :,.. r .°Z; a t • i t is said that haaaia i„ °MAC..., like all that Over hose WOW made -letra. Frauce,..2 Ortgoexl,wicloly known man ' wt. adopted An our 111111011 r was also,o itikirt4 nn affirms with Dintinerk. and that - . l .°W,th° mi.,mr° l , ......, or, t!.. , ktet•i - Anti... and root of fair celebrity, died at berme- read and dim:netted moll,. iaing ti. 2. addition- rho h ,.. x. wi,,, this ni , innt , in vino,. nulled tory, out unlike MAIM eletentationg upon dense in New York on Sunday tomtit. lank ,al !Merl s in the P. 0 I lopiirtmorit. I ,,„ n g„ r „„ 01 „,,,,,'„,,, ~, „.,, I „ koo , fr ,. ‘o linost other mitten., prove to he entkely -The election of deleeatee to a coniention In Neititer Ileum vats in Sesion on Sitar- the sshisswig „vat., the m ,,,„,„ r short of the reality. Notwitiostanding the mom Medea.. „moiler Michigan hog resulted. - tiliY. entered art independent negotiation for 1"41 and ommuellY emu , . ...M.. the n.- IMe amino or 0,1 lboncooMa la I I Whig. I (In Nl•ind ty, ill StallltC. a hill to endow- I precedented flood., the crowded and ill pros -Tlie .1 , cr.., Montour mini. ont of I 0., . ire the mdissige of a cent-piece, of three- I'll xll haa lart thaa . I . (kris ataa ~,,- , vided population, WWI eSlary oonoeivablo , cent pieces composed of v ,piney and nitrite, , obstacle to successful ninon& over two Minh,. box ponied Midi hommand bore wirmol by , • . • . Spanish i ilie lioverrior IA" Ain" r" , 0 ° m'''''•"'"ge 'd °ld '( 'l ii' Erfurt Parliament havi..„ munpleled millions have been lamented for the month And tom read by Mr Itietd, 3lr CI iya al., and rent on, mai there is every ihe r •Tid in iir the nimetileitions - it Wax e 2.- -11 7 r . "'" ,' ' ' ' ' ''' '' '"` " l / 4 -1 1 ,' "." '":" (h°. " t h e fi. " . r nod °°°l° ° kt'fitlM ~, . lo ot to l a , . d ', d 4. b, probability that every sumeetling month ern need at th e end t t . sou elibik•YbeetroY•d by filk .• ••••• obi noun-the in favor .a. hi s c onpronsine report and L,..,,,., till the solute a eta mien mason, will yield work of an ineni, ,iy. It ea. tt 1,5011, unit woe against tlw Wit d o Mori,. In the House Denonark.-LoWers from Copenhagen of • 0 ha" Ntki... l ....NI imured Mr s2.ooii. , Mr. Ilrigge introduced a reeelution relative tha t , i . , atata that mat itaalah ((ayes , - . All the reports intimate the meld Savor -11,ft nob. I. Walker hos jaw pat. a nett to ,to this establishment of "mint at N. York. of R ooo i o, ' . able proapook. Tito facilities kw oommints ment, sating under the advice ear were. lie PIWIII a row day. at Harrisburg., Me. Clark of N. Y. made a oimeols in favor hare ...,...,, an aaaada to .. yof the d o _ titration with the mine. are !normal., 4144 where he was bunted is panake ef epelsho dame . of freedom In th e territories and the mi- ... ade of g a i daattht 11,,,.,,,f,,_0,,,, Bon-, 'Iy. &WHIM and experienee are beeemlng by the lanoestane mod a few Whig) main.. of - ma de . o f C a1.r. ...a. M. ' Saa r .d. I.°°° ' ' in.k Will ameent to no terms but =wadi- ...... abaad.n t and lb. inn ‘ hddian ...a.. the f ,,,,,,„,,„,. „,„, ~,,,„,„. „,,,,,,,,„„,„ , hx ,, in . m a savage rejoinder, and b S. Stanly of Mona' submindon. 1 tim In the elfort to memo.. Ike wealth 'N. C. gave notice of hi s intend. to offer a • which Is Agnined to Sow from them low „ .°1 "2.7,...,"',"'" ° '''t":7,...r.; .. "" t" " 'r motion the most day to M„ the p dubate on j Kramer. or Calanco - la - mt. EntrinATlON haustible sours.. "' n. ""."...- ' an ' -.' ''..-- --- a r - "" ' n i She California hill. It is high limo. !on lluatams.-The emigration toCa lif en. Cantor- !By the following entreats fixne de Mho Mr. lIMIIiM Caton., se hr ik, indeed, ...Me 1 , .., —,., I I da appears to bo attuning smoothie died- 1 forma papers, our readers Gan Judge rritadi ahlart mad WOW. men . the nation. l Tb° Bad". En P naaa a lo a ding ...NIP . " ' le' of business is .1.- ••• - t•t-- .... ...swot has too moth of the rose ... . . . _ .. -13 m. MAW. lbs wow State Trowtentroamsw .d amp the embargo se hi. Maw so IN 7th Na. Ca. A.. thwack M. LIM Mama hat able *Mk se miaow. —TM Chataittse appaatod by lb. 11. R. at WM Mats to lamstiguts the imam se enema J. 80. I. Mad.. N namplahis f molten madams .f .b. ammwsmrsahh. ham awls • mot hay msww•thhi that Whew. —Th• atansamWst slap lbws I* M tastmairg owhwat batman lb. Wbli womb.= sl Cl md the Cabiaah They amat b• mar tts•fmtWag }NW b thla Mr. —TM brat A. IL T.fl. • Swam what, was gavial ea Chadmite Bar m MaithloW—Cap. Ws me antr land—mrse MM. —Tb. Gramm Ma append the MI pwatilwg ha the ablate al lenamthat Altstmya Axon 11. P. late Cute Camaistimar dialtMa. eta •• Marley matima. From Washington. peein weee. the w no h t . l . oit . of n hos im ina w s in .n tba d i ttlan tio ' goods Lr i olr neon log suppliod ' to the wen The moan whkb 0 The infonanion from the soanant The annals of our party e .t.d. for u m ; formerly ono Non fo goods, to he eon- ; non penally la finiet and • o Instance of changer so pun and, ' sensed In the West, now is expended ea; Those who worked falthlidly,7= nein ad dimuenten In the mune period ef' the Wont. hank , In Inabnlog waba, winter in the pith.. .""." She No "' thus, as the whip hen provisions, warns, ke., for peeee ea ; hune an between the Iltanisos sod In Tnler,e atioenkm to the nougnm their way to Wrenn, and thus it omen; Innen, herd done ; hone perlona, Front our overthrew In llonnatient, ow- tin: beak only shoe a Ins while, and by a sir. ; thee An those on the Merlon and faro lost Illoaday of April, 1849, up to theonion route All anounts gown/ In they with. The Impessloa whish no gr. not hour, w nos experienced on almost seating that at lout 100,000 puma will wally prevail. arson sew MIMI% 614 no unbroken serves of defeat. A usou iha n o n e , guns fee Wenn del thin to be learned by nmnsaes Is pia 'ring the eemlng seamen. No on sea go dinging, Is gals emneon. These Who Mean Toon Dore —A E ky am- without an wait men at leen 1960, eel' remain • length of the, is the nikek (a her of Cooper wrote to his en on leis sr- this glees an eggnog* of 1120,000,000 b few math. sir.) nereising Poilimmat le deal at Waabington etty, that be bed be expended In this way. I relating puree to won, and who eke, 0 toned eonneetion with very agrees- I the was tn. to be 'alumina sod sae. ble Neu. and upend to sped the Mad ° Seventy-In into per p 1.," ma nn ; nomisu lean the ohms ibmannen, en ter very alisantly." Unfortenately, to no ed Putbignn, on looking over the one of no onto, ptnanosone eungg,... serpent and mornlisatko of the good pries manna • Why, lons me, ulna is; If th ey do not soften to lain% a tin lady to whom be was writing, he Indoor- the world miming to, whim the pin orelpisee, on the lent attempt al digging, they heady dotted the •is the word Meat. I yawn at only myelin-Iln sent" olden the benne ha dlanuat, a naive ernment twears to be Daily growing, morn There Was three arrivals from Chegma (via: the Empiro City, the Georgia and the Chorekets,)at New York, on Tuesday welt. They together brought about Sham millions of gold desk and Palifornia advisee to the Ist of April. The !steamship Sarah Sends and •ler Caroline had left Palma, filled Frith The rainy salmon bad eat in, and Pana ma and Chagrea remained healthy. Paawngers report that geld' s more plen ty- than over, and that property has Mien aomewisat in prise Provssions, and even laxative, aru very abundant in San Fran cisco. The day previous to the sailing of the California, Aln, Collector of the Customs of San Fronds. was notified that the morass collected ler duties must ho paid over to the stole of California, in accordance with .teresolotien passed by the Legislature, and es core being taken to form an inde pendent g..verunteot. • Commodore Jon., it is said, is about to take adiVO /11011.11`s to prevent such a step. A Into has been passed imposing a tan of $25 a month on every foreigner who work. in the mines. 'The` org1:, ion hod a very quick rasi sage. he sailed I rem Chagres on the 271116. mid run to !lasi:no in three days and shelf —left Havana on the 3d inst., and run to Now Y ,rk in three slays and twenty holm; whole running from Chagrin% men days eight bourn. The Alta Colifornian says that the Gm oration it foreigm•ra to the shores of NU ibrnia has continued throughout the winter, nod the epeniog spring finds the influx at this port none the less. They ems from South America, and from the English colonies of the South Pt site, non: Chino Hawes 5 Islande. and Sr. the same ileterogenraus mass of gold dig gem composed of soon sof every Mk and PIIII.IOII in life, of all ohararam and complexions. Feb. 2Stly to March :Mb inch. Ave, there hoes arrived in rayenty.foor merican vesvelf (111,228 tons shipping) I. 612 mole and 162 female pamongsro— Tidal—vesselsilin ; tonnage 25,042 ; male litissengers 2.02 s ; feinalo ',mongers 216. The Pacific news has the following:— Sin. our last in. for the steamer. ninny changes have oecurmi, showing the ropiil oiiward course of California. The ram limo ceased sod everything betokens a revival of the accustomed activity is bu siness circles. Thy emigration from the States is bpi:Ma g to pour in on our ohms bi one unbroken trrenf, and the Omura plying upon our are crowded to their utmost in the Conveyance of passengers end freight to the mime cities and towns ID the interior valleys and to the differrat iminev Our aceonnts front the mines am reliottle, and all concur in stating the lora ; haustiblo imiitity of the precious metal : m fact, it iv the opinion of the oldest mi- 111111, Ow. wh,! have eportt the pest winter
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers