Milos, but the ampere in which it we. pre. I Mr. Rusk MOM.' N r h.t mr. Dowel 1 , spammatroi : meted. The Senator from Beath Carolina ePr,i4 fo , en Ske.S...i,r. 6 "1"*". 1, la Brooklyn, on the Ilth tow, try Ray. A. Ca.' Ms said that il the amendment was not so. 1 s.r. 0C tie, .......ell ".. .es.' i Warren, alr. M. I. cots, or Wastage. N.Y.. m mad to, it would result in Jimnion, thus =tented with severity upon Mr . . Calhoun'a 1 Mies Etat. A . Barley, of Brooklyn. S at .', had on to establish en e . quilibrium m- 1 ei- -.. making it en ultimatum. The a i m made the e doath ee of emir „,„;,,,,, t „, t on the North and South, ritheuling it ai m - , .1:: -.., z , ~ , i,...„. . practicable and nomensieal. Ache close of , question. - Mr. Calhoun said he had not mon ey uch ..... remark. , he asked Mr. Doris. er Wed.. 30 TO 40 COWS, . test. His Imprint, hod been wrongly in. if lie would vote for the Missouri Compro. mplied. He al esteemed his surprise mi.. 8.... if 1 ,,, r -d. . And other Stook For Sale. 1n relation to the manner in wl4ch fir. Foote Mc' Da°. ea.d he ...... Mr Cass ut the postilion In another TIIIIR ...flew Wu Disbud emcee Coin, tart erner a baA interpreted his remarks and comment- . df ques ti on i n 1 ewe., Yoko of Own we new honer, eeb ha aw 06 eon them. form -Wetil the Senator lake the Murton- i z z wgrr ,,,l nt r i . .....xtoreir . rt:lt;ei.. , , , ,,r i l f Mr Foote thee to vindicate himself. He ° Comport .. 6 ° 4 ° a ' 5.5 " 551 __ , mm., new inn aro.. A went will lut sawn fora., said that the Senator (Calhoun) did, in his Mr Davis replied in the negative Hu : = l ntr.smimiity rwishroam..= w e ll. epoch, take • position which was believed ""..d take the M. s e.a. laie and cat s ad a wromore,wem mime ta , b e a ,n oat da „ ae , one. and Ha eapia . to the Pacific, with teem. making it appli- nation Wan all little satisfactory as his wig- cable to the present case-the Compromise] Intl remarks. lie had, in fact, admitted iu ill . true soli,. 111 turn, ire asked 31r. Low it he would t ate for the Missouri Cem• that he mode • new ism. on the part of the Sgareh7 without consultation with rolow fr°4;.'"s,'" as i f sl l a, e .. , ~_. gouthern Swami., who were as deeply in- "• '-a 5 ".. 0 .5 5. l' "ca.' 5"." °"" retested in this questimt as he himself It Union depended upon it, he did not know maa an ( sane nn a b y the peop l e o f o n what he might not do, but he never would South, and upon which they had therefore willingly anal."' 'be d°°"°"'" of """'i'''cf waver espromed their views. Ho felt that "5"°"" south "f a ga r "" lie", std fire the pr :, cairn moth of i, B o th %sere wrong. the Senator had noted indisereelly, unwise ly and hesardously, in tlim making this , ° J r ' 2,..... era,. a the"'arm" s°..°Y, of Woe, th us d,..n ling our amendment to . ."... .........s. st re" ime 51 36 the JO min. to the Pocifie-the courtry . Constitution, when th e Sonth bed al ways stand upon the Constimiti rn as it is, " l ' °I. " it ''' be f "" tc° "°" , ' . "1 ''''' in letter and sp lie had aeted nein ,. smith "tit to c .me in, intl. mine. States. when the people should be prepared for it, l ily Sowards hi. bra. ther Senators from the I with their one wttlement i t the question South. between relating to dr011...M. institution. After Wieno (either corm' /verily Alter Isl. further remarks by Messrs. Mama Calhoun and Foote, arid a few re- the Serrate adj. marks from Mr. Dayton in oppealtion to ..F . " . ..° mid Sutler. Roc 34 -Considerable time was spent the appointment of a committee, Mr. Gimp .. on discussing • bill to repeal the act extend los obtained the door and proceeded to den n 0 .... r .,h nun i naL tire Wilm o t Procter' tug the Patent of Wordworth's Planin g and ahiaaaty. in the eetttaa et Lin mantra,.the n tr• tnorty wars Na dieposed at. nest t ho k Presidents ColVornia Message war be repliasomewhat tertly to Mr. Calhoito's' speech, arid defeuded the North against the l a° m _ k "O "I' L i , f . , . , . i f relseesed eherlre ''r aff^.°°. urn the • r e " '''`. '. ' • ' ' I P ' `• ' .t r '' '. ' AUC'i 10k1 1 ---WttAl" - T tt:" ° thphte et " the south. Before eee ,,,, ,i ,tension ahnossion, anti against too ex. e „„ me , ~....e reat.ea eae =t e r,szr . the. Semis adj . , tension of elavery. flu was interrupted by -..n. ter woo.. ra to Wel.. Wal —the Wonky am wawa wowed, Ws Hoses.-Mr . Boyd naked the unanimous ! Mr ' Vsnabla ' . s satin w Move. 3 amt. Doubt. llamas, consent of the Home to introduce, and ! Mr ' .I " r ' .. . " r , L a, • c ollowed . a r . ,,...". 1 ; 3 Limber Wagons. 2 one horse Hareem.. tease printed, the cre d en ti a l . a Clr. Wright : the right to esieno Savory tostsinforma 3 .1... ht Wag., 2 Sleigh% an d M r. Gila..., , nann d y e i netc d Ropeette. iand New 31clico, or disunion. lle also tic- 3 Cow• 1 Cutter, 1 Wives from California--together will, li, !" mied eadss's'al qua that above a somata I namm. et ....sae deer] nem ..... I .a• to letionse c s „ et i t „ t i„ o end me oriel eigo,,, by all! tmtitotions should Ire protected soil foster- Laan.-sw awe.' emelt on all same evert, m. 0., watch 13,1.. I 4 It VI haat the delegates, with..., for the admission of ,ed by the government that State into the Union , Mr. 31eCler nand -I wish to know whetli- Sheriff's Sales. ~,....1 to exert I Quite a lengthy debate en.ored obreit . ,'" Y"'.' a ' a L'''''''''" '''''' _ B V ,. virtue %rail Ont.. lewel out of %he Court or, "order" are . which we. Ps.' ie....... to la n its or Influence t , cause the Southern Stale` ~....7:1 inieolnrm e rer“....,,, Tm i . t,,,m1 at A ,,,, nn „ , 11„3,1, Du, t, i p,.,, t „,,,,,, , t . llietle . or break up rho Union, if the 1 tt0n ..„,, u „ t „,„.,„ a e .,„..,'45',f, t eg;:' Preston King and 111,, When thew ree l , ' ' '"'""'n '" Le "e" .....idu d - - .se - 'll9 ttlittfriVitroeUtiVit7l3=2; Vii. 7. lion was objseted Mr Ai,lillitin all 311 31.-s-1 Indium. the guarani,. of , moor. Penne/. they were laid aside ' the Coo. aro lorr are s ifficierd T 11.• south Ir, , ... t ,es.:l,V; e ttee'r„tees t e ..o . o en Osteserea , re a bell octet , t et nth am Preston Kin o ram erl a ro.driti „1 to mr- ""' " ..'"' ' ' '" I g" k" the remount'. ' ‘ , ' ,:t ". tittV ' : " Wral . : ' ,l,.e ' rll% ' ;:l.e ' l . l7, ‘ i " :' minate debate on the Calitorma question ' " me ' 1 '''; lid lan fir no -inn rsersi"" i 1,,,i, .i. . r .t.......... a a .4. .1.1 Clam awl no W n d nt , a i nt . ( t.a ,„..,,, , obeli eras don Me. M. II:, ritu 11-1 low eon tl od. claim ro.e (tru5h1ct,.,:.7.,1,4h diA. ie... f pun,. l on the table, d e r: 4..1. reble aberration 1 1 ' ."n ''' . ' ..' " Pr'' , ..... 5 '.. ' .;.• '. .ln , " 11.01.... „101 ;A.. %Z. :.174:1.; ? .t. . te M.. Thomp fa he, ,rap ort. .1 a hill tol Mr Mnr ,7''',.....'" 4 ''' . A. ,.... a , t s „ 6 . l ' e 'e' . er:it'ilttitt;::::ilf 'o'art.Z a e . ittr.VaisTo!!'..l the! mtablish an additional their ice Court in ,''''''''' 'on' -oil ins guoraotew o f toe Con- .5 m ae0r , a5m . = .....,.. ,,,„...,.... ,. , the Eastern part of Texas. Istit ro ion are •iillien nu. I l"" e ee Mr. McClerriond ten. not prepared to ..dito . • istor- tII tlior et illo wear of we. re hord Wu Mr MeClernar.d inquired what all the 606 11, AS it bodied ver, much hke on are- 1 '"`" " oh '''''- .11ri.t. ,T gr:::.,1:.,;;T.:".=:.7.Ltti":17: Inapt to ~.ti,,,. on ti,e1,,,,,,,d.r, 1 , mr. 31 "`"" r°o" -h° ,""" Y"" " inh t " rrr:: ' 'Sl::?l":a ' :' ' re ' tt; a o: '. .t .72'' ' ', =::: Messrs. The bill tea , af ,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,, t, , 1, , 1 neelare by law that we won't go there - noror . err. or• ire ...shorn... on . mon son/ww Messrs. Sackett att.l Thad Stevens atUl ;Via' ...Oa' you de tine, you break Y.a",=',"ia'': . ==7Vl.', " L",',r,t4 r ,V‘.;4?. " .7 ' advocated by 31e.... Stephens, id Ga , "'"" im .......• morro w :I:. ma cren....i no row A t o weal end Jam. Thompson Referred pMr Neelerneed-Yo. sand . 10 Wilms." 12';e1.7,:ri.,=.Cei'ranj'erfl'ilfr;ViV(75or..1.1 to the Committee of the Who l e. noiso was deforms I ;',::::',=!.a:l.7:Voill A tra:l=.:l:'i!ils''.• a The Presidents California was 31r. Morse-c A rose by any other name ,I, the Wel lon rieentuoted awl rrononn• 10% at:matte:l spin taken up, when.- would mall as sweet.° Ile believed that 'l . 7i.,::7l;;l=rtrtg.g.trt. 0. m , j „,„„ , T ,,,, ne „..., ~„.„,. ,„, t..,1, 11. C,,ioili whit+ he vas wit. i ta: ',whet room. Litter Winer et :t.'. , ..71,:t ~r ,„. doth „, t , tn,,,,thee, tic a „ mt ., ling to abide 113, the South have the right 1';,155; f 5.a.,.7,?:,a' , ..:..e a r r...217:ne=e,", s:;: tee on Territ reins la proi ills f r the a .i m ,.. • e .". "'sec. ....oh a 36 30-that the I wens... ...mass enema au a e rtara ~ tt„ anon or C,,nroooi,- t o h. g „iioo t h e tert i ta . ''..."'" t en ure law StiorPortv so Pro.. ,Vr ;;;;,,F;.:47ratio;:ifilettl ; trlti t , lol,i'll,rM ch i or New 31exico and Desgret. milli snit- tor e and '' the " i, a id " f A '" °° """ a 50 g" I r'ht:Milrtir:atil.......,l=m l 7.T . P. able b ,,,,,,,,,,, ea-to pr ,et , f , yet the ~,,,,,,„. avA hove then property proteMed - 1 5......., ... bowl and a nm,. a ...woe.. toe Wu nea terti ,,,,, , t, . 11 . ,ins i: wit ory Ire trammelled by a pream• , C r ° "..ja."ke t "...1 5 ,,,°„`,....,, a et n," flan': ..",,,t' k eles7 aim, of delegates from the I 1 0 ilital hi II 1 atria r now true, and ' Ira ° ...;ermahersei e ' lletarantt . oat. ' t r . nr ', and for retroceding the Distriet of Colum- , ' ,,, ',', , , f t 1,,,,, e g efy 1 7 ,, 0 ` ,,,,e. '?, a .. aff , f ;, g te l n o . :;. : ~ t h. ,, r a t z s zras, g . ' ,,,, ,i tir. i . : E. : 47, ,,e 'rli, bia to Maryland. . ..ILsolt e The routine:it agitation of tine m.o. The chairman *aid that the rasolutiowl . . 1 ALSO—ill War terrain plor new. of let. I r ma we , que•tion, as surely . night follows day, , b orn 'o. no terms ro sae m in ii. e wt.. eould not be received in o rnimittee. , -en..., buimil , A trnea at, lull., to Wt. Mr. Disney, of Ohio, liliVill6 1110 Cone I will uting 0, -t di-thoi -: .... ..,,,„...., ...—,......- ..... nltartbarro turnpike entetad f ,,,,, a ~,,,, e „,,,,„,,,, e , a ,,,,,,„, e ,„,, The rat', will 'reser be ...Isar o mull , in. Orr, h . .....t 1 ,,, 0 7 nl=tek corner ~ree to chow that the Conetitution gee f„, 'tray aa.. bikc °wit *I.. 'shores° , ' l .°Y ,':= 2 ,".7.4:7..,,;,17....';V....„,,TZ7,7 - ..2.l to c0 „,..„„.„ p ,„„ ng ~, g ~„„ ,„,„ „ please-until they ore prollibted by the 1,,,e171iX1i14:1:177.etti.4,1 ewer: T 4 nu... new terruorioa In support of thir, lie •e- r """" i g" P""i , „ i 'twes''...inini • '' r. 7 ..: .. .' 7. ' 7 ' 7 . z .... rr,°. : (erred to the regulation and .iti or of , ', '"';':'''""---°.° siasSkat d 'tadmit . t. . If ''' ".—..—^""^"' ''..—"'"'",-"'-... P"' ' ' public land. by Congress lle wetted tier!' '". .'""'" -w ° ' " ' '''' ",""`e.,!;:,.;"""e" 5 "'""'n"'"" ~-..., , ..^;.^,---i Oh. peop l e h are th e a sn ip, r i g h t to e , eh it le inure :if your lisil'i.. Slaver y, ?" I V...:.....,.„ '."...7.1;,1,7:!...1,"::::,%^;.,tVAL10'Vl I tabloth their own lows arel firma of govern. the c ...wry, .1 he greatest hies-Bra your n- l e twort m. 0... ...atom, Ilie err. erg tido be We i meta, independent of the action of Com salmi to man. If he had the p o wer hew othl ."' t .„,„„. n ha ,. „,,,..„,..,..... e „. po, „. tri ..,., , gross. ' ..skc "V"rY .."3"" a slat " "'. "" 11 " r t :::::';":::'''Va';`7 . .rt,"=i''' ' gr ”`“'' lone of peopls any where Were rod and 4 ,,, tr . ,Z,4..,„„....„, e ..,„.,,„ 4,',",,,L;:j a p!! wa „„ tan , roa, ma „, 1 , ' cirttliml an comfortably as the *loves of the , aew , ,,,, , , , ,,,,,, , f,„ , ~..... p.,„ . .. „ pa,„„ or South. ;1...11 ) ., sad lining in the low . -hip of Thew Bg"Tg -:taut err-prim and 'cr.' , Mr. William. next obtained the door.' Thir.d in the county of Susquebanno bounded i reuse of petitious, the PresideoCs Cali he for- when the Committee rose, and the Mom and described se follow, to rent on tho'nerth ay l el s Met was uttaken I land of Wen D. Ward ; on the ram by bode el Mr. Doug! 4 reaned ult. el and ennuded Ills' m ' noel . Warner; on the south by land of David , eintkltli mud en the west by londe of C. B. Don. remark., advosatiog, in conclusion, the inn- , Wr.......,Wireh Is -Dl f. t , little, tonloining 16 me .... 27 perches. all inv..; modlata and unconditional adiumsion of Sage,. -mg titan pi pie me- o Me- tod,lnte the iwlale of Ly man Deolittle. Tien in California, disconnected from all other quem ' tourist in relation to the establishment of .1.m... t r. 1.1 the snit ofC. S. Bennett, amine times. IWO 46 Telegraph across the Continent, and, Lymantholinie. The Senate nest remitted the considers- through DR heriog's straits, tat connect milk i ALSO-All that certain pieta or parcel of the of Mr. Foote's motion fora .elect corn- Kurope. Referred to the Committee on land. l f"M .. i d b . .g . . "." ...ail , ' " 0051 Pend. In tho county of Susquehanna. bounded ; tektite. Comm' m. and dieerdwil um follows. to wit: on the north by, Mr. Can rose and concluded the remarks, 3lr. Davi., a Ma., presented a memo- u n d o .1 Hobert Dolrindi ;on the awl by land. of sommeneed by him yesterday, in reply to , oral ...f manulmeturers. dealer. and Maher. Waitron Da t um' on it by the highway; Mr. Calhoun. The Senator had objeeted to engaged in the bodiless of fabricating In. ".1d en the eeee'll'e"deer M. 4"" "we". erne , the admission of tlaliforoia, and made that a ilia Rubber, iit reference to the prow. de- ',,,"„t'L' a f t " p rl L ' ' ' "'"''"" ' "''g,,,,., , , d l re. together test siltation. What vras to be gained by feeti. potent lowa, and the remota alleilged bi ne u en n.b ohop, late ' thar sumo or Jewel; Skin! the Booth or any section by remanding unlawful relent, of a poten t to Cherie+ tier. 'gab.. in execution at the aster Barney II Calinnala back again 1 Ile would say to Goodyear. Referred to the Committee on ' Mum. sm.. '4.0 saw. ows. yams -Death , ISh inner. transacting buw under the aed the South that ibis was • very unwise is- Patent, style. Mows. St Skitime me. He mamma thatelhe boundaries of Mr. Walker introduced shill for the sur- ALSO-Alt that ...en plena sesame of land the saw State at ant were startling cons my of . route for the corm...don of • lying and being rte the !using,. of Forest Lake, eiderationo, however, he would show thM Railroad to the Fecal. Road twice and to the mono, of Suagnermana, bounded end s e . they were ma objectionable. The Senator, referred to the Committee on Roads and een"e".• 1e"... 10 'ea: "" ' h.' el, Allen Dewitt i on the ern by land of Mu., however, had not put his objection upon the Canals. . Warner; on thewith and wen by leads, late ell ii Broad of the boundarim . , but on the ground Om motion of Mr. At!hison all mere in s e e n . s R t . d ee s,e e ,...,, e yei , trere . h e th e HIM California had ne right to enure here, relation to this emery Bee were ordered te Hunt Male er lets, together with the tipper. having is the sot mereleed usurpation.- lot referred to the tame Committee. , ammo, • lag home mid Want 13 arms Improved Ow bunted thonand Americans upon the' Mr. Bradbury's resolution in relation to I tat. lis ';''„. • , a , „D."" Clark. Take s .... 6 t r.; shore of As P.M* were left as far as any ' removal. from eille were taken tip and 1 it::,-„,:7.- 8... sad m .-- -• 'P . " — siBlio• of ma eighth ave prevented it, pomponed until Thursday net, when Alr.l ALSO-All Seat eerie de Oland to • IMO marh Would Congrem Smelt Minified la. intuition P. speak upon , *em la the tondse of lima ni le do ...MY Moen take *denten of its own wrong, and it. 'of Ihooteloto, blooded o Metre• he wit. so the sent. east sod alto east by la.& of Gardens having Imposed the neensity of self- protee- I The bill pending foe fouradditional Coat- p,,,,..„ i ~„„ ~....,,,o, weer by h.,. of Deem Yen open in people, refuel to receive them, gelaWfite is the army, was takes up and G. fee. t ma on dur mordt wee let the mate W.• the ground that they had no right to passed. Beset wenaledm. .me w. e est... atoms. be ba d, bad been opposed : by to, and yet; A neolution enquiring into the espoilis ......mommerlemoher with the ono.- they tad coma hem, not to repel the power- 1 easy of Motoring to the service resents, of- r.",.... t`r. .t,.'"r',...:l4:=7"' T V Stet, of the United Sines, but to hold on Sews Muldoon by the ¬ary of the j, - ..,,'"i,:eimo:tho et, the wit of Minn Merin. a te k. Mr. Case reseeded, point by point,i Trenory was passed. erns Omen Shun*. Se W i te Mr. Callaran's boding point- On mottos of Mn. Davis of Man. the ACSO-All alt moils pieoe or pooel Wood, fa ettensties the reseal chefs whisk Senate mended to the enelderation of Mn est eelWe the ...SSP el_liewlett Rue fa I=tsoly enpronol is the Sonate.ithe ensue bill. Tim qesstionAponding be- r,r,. T at ...6 ' 1 .m ." ,,,,,,,7 4" teet "a 1,.. is is ilm Misery sisissiim Mbile in( ono Mr. Badger's ....AWai to MAIM- Ittibeho moth vest by toed of Stmt Cottle; •••••••6•104.00111My yap. Mr. Callimm's ' mil, with instruction that the bill be a- meek wain by laml ot W. IL I sot e• the remarks, In rank e to tn Constitutiou, ste mended so Its to endue the *pentium to ...rd. _,...,W,,,istolegweaw Moot nne l? • nostesre nennary to the prannatio• of the enameled. of inbabluats may, atrik- y , M •ss.. ".: ';',13.11 -crag pit : 16 .- .. c7 2 • Ohs Ushee, Mr. Dens beterrnpled Itim, ,kg oat •U atetlatim. Odes ewe rvltend. ey.....11., rieeet , idly amid Moe, Ct:b; saying that be kern of no ,motion ettan,lTemi 11, toys Mi. It bin NW 4. emetellog Se eloblea,tosether with lONS Mr. lateen who monad Mr. at- After • leepliehaleeps au ametelmeut, the ennousesen me tho man sf wel t Weds noon as Mr. Oise lid. pendleg, that the ttatitof prink, shell be d ill= 10.• Taken i• mond. m Mn. Poets odd be ef many Swat. .rented by the Printers to Omni.. and .2 y.e., m *ie . e...7 "4 4., 4:4 "=7 o l.:lm A te r d .• Or• IMAM. is OSA BOWL whe MOW- Ito Maiden& dlsenoloo In ranee' to the T i me T......' deed it presinly as he did. innevenierm operation of the stebtfbet Nye- C M. GlBlll..ghortf. Mr. Dines rid be did net dispute Mr. tem of peblie pantie,. tbe bill was amend- I h,mirst. Moonse. 1 Iwo mold, hel be repeated that morn led in mine nienpostaat parasitism andr M. " ( Ire ' INS Net when be bed eneadted, be lined set its farther eanderation pennon WOO en who seemed to ban tandemilsted Mr. Tomelley auk The Ikons she. eoeppere- 1 Oilheee es Mr. Tide W. I id to Nooday. . 41.:2m - acrmtc Flour, Feed, Meal, Grain, PORK* E . ...m.1.T. at, 201 Chamber. &ISM Reade at., Neat Wett.a. opyoeite Om n. Y a Erie 11•1.40 NEW YORK. Neu* rg, ...Of rem a. Altmxy Ale Notice -I'l=7.V:ft= .7V.Z.17.1t.t1 lohof•otr o wntoear ..nobh,'g F O .11•1r, Fro, • Prot Office, Iduct,ll, lssn U. County Cass=lasiumers .1111 bold INT...AY AI, I a Itor Ye. 11160. fallows For Nootross—at Como,. 01See, hww _ Yon . 74 ' ngVe,ts ' afrt /Imam, lo wet No4iironl, Thom:n oust Ilansum—wl to Is vowel y . J . lutuforst, le Thaw. net —at the " tioUsoo. iloggorgl . , ° LeuFFl „ el ,.. l , ocl7 . ut hews of I ' I the house of „ L W " " t lest fly or., ot Comm g, gl:.Mi EEi3EUM wer con. L------asinverlwrmacva-i-orrour-1 _W , GRAM AMERREHN ARTIBI% .Itea Or enamel lw sea., ise? . • ' et• aefeel lyttre " , ' r b" le "b" T .". .Z. Itr ' r= ...rm.... mum. Now Tudg • W. ploi4leas timi•TlN meal*. •1.12 weltbra I Ira= WA Ma Ow {dellare kr.. ` r.: =V .'" •"° ? "'"'" VZr4 " :l! '' •°: m" """ 1.4,1u5w• xt te every erste at • manna's al., I. al•sr ale*, ff,==.:7247.4: 40,000 FEET Of Pine Lumber for Sale. tolosetiloor boo ea hood •01. 0010 40.000 foot 1 of Ms Luvolor. of afforest goalh, *oleo, ...:W ' WOrroo . ro, u rtronalr2 "' possaity ollark ' loloroLawro os•Ito moss mama= 01elook) Nora If . Register% Notice. PUWLICYCTItun Cob la 7Cr h. Trowinth Thhtl.l., .41.1• Cr., toma wow evn• . WWI. anas.. I Trines techg.riegellty trohlithlp :tl..nrtitT—:s7l7•lly•Cerilmttl. ay. of Z 1Z117411 ."....- 17:nr "."". That Ow se ! —1• co-sows -••• Chit Y actehats la th• ott_tral ' Ot=ll . l Ml . Vtan ." o:nquip• M at ' Otteha, Calm, al Yew= ma.) ths hay at hprt, tat enefiratos had allawstmh• . /Xtrl•tlalr k C. L BROWN, Meer HAMS Sad Ihalttyy at 7111tIthLLS. TreasUrer's Sale 1 0f Illasootod Leads le Ileeela Co. rnr... " ..tri. " triScio=:43=t .1:•17. mu. 1.1.41 r ler =1:11; ra=1111 . :217:::11.=::= st Coart . ... 1116,1.1..11. Same Myna. lames ma SUM. Givat Bend, MO Samuel Palmas, part 202 1..110W 11212•12 21 • 04 Illarmons , . .1•24 Davis pc 14 149 Samuel Wall2e• pt 24 , 121 221424 2•2442 21 90 42 V: ''. . 1121 2421 14.2422.• Ira I=xttiv r, , i tr , , 11,70.Z.1 1.1 Pameel 624114 Jr 44 :3 latqt,,T. ':, Baufl 7442 . ...247 It 49 ,v. ta.wl=—. re 413 344•01144 011(440 9111 John 4941031443.4. I g 1144e1 931 Wee Whartoe. 44 34=01 309•414.9. 41 g N N 102 No 239 tassel Niaredith PI Of JaCkilail6 107 Andre• Tyl7ool Pt ' lro ;17 . 1. =70•1107/ OS mom 0 I I;.J . •SS Pa., Paltlau T,: I=2TX., Ps VP Paul Puttee Itottett Itmley r. IN° Puha Darter 100 No .1 IN No Pt 1 I' PP INP New 311I1ord. 00 Jamo ChM.. 01 1 . 4 = 11:1717411 .: 00 00 Moot.. Maley pt. 00 1. Oran. RaPhR .• golf. to Roach . 90 sa 125 Metsellntr. Mb. 111. ml Mama i ,t rl7 rl " lst ' li S ' TV 0110 latmob Tay. (Doerr) 1 RV ;r: roln=ltnthene:, 00 109 Mb .tchol 10 new Non* .' . Ir0=! Tom. ilavvier pe r.I 7=l=a.NZ' rt: 11,! ;agar NN II N Pew PrMlp I, b lw pp I VlllOl. P=.277. In n. IP C. P.. 00101•• 0 0. 11101PN1TAD.1 ,6 41. " Marelb It, lOC Cask PaMI lIDr Emu T^,rawn , reoldesee. A... . SHEWrIMI-et*.mi BUVW11 „es 111 , 1T TRAM at 11s eest• pawl male LIO NO Caution:--.Cra:tittrZAW or 'tom*, NNlry MON nom IM.II . =lt 2,ra Wm" •-"mm""m-Taftrii etrib.aaantr i Wen. r . la. aMC MM., • owe awry et 8•4 &dim. .1* NOM* Odd Tes.lo4 iW w. sed Ileensve. Me di 1.14160.11 TORMILL'II. For Sale. loose poet Mae ILensbuir. A tA. Aw. geolltldwd Plea osi alma • pgi• rm. I /I mos aft. raw Dammed be .9.1. Mr mad esti wag •• Nal rt Joao WO lleio enhatiglem I W. Irk 1111 r. 4 eau., viddl In MO OW OMNI 'WWI.. . 0.0 erl ragas U/NO.; S. MOWN. N e . s . garas zt s=.l. 4 ''',Nr.'l7,Wer"`"*"""imnicao. ..IN4.IIIMM. ~~~ - - t~~~r.,,~, y LOOK 11111111113 1 / 2 __ I ri an agrrr"gao: Z. arm 111. &mil" Wit FRESH ARRIVAL NEW WINTER GOON. fullealbent Mazur) (nem I. en rja irt= 4 03= - Wawa. Dee ilVeTtAlf • Mi. AWattle market - It"to 7 4 / 7 ;11; rr.r."‘"' WILTIA:74OO Joum 01. ow. bf Roll in the Goode AT THE HEAD OE NAVIGATION. '91%;11".,.,===== • demanc, astially Muders, airwebe .111.4:4% Ib:::712:1«1 Ws "=.f: ".• •"-"'" Dry Coeds, Groeerle, Crockery, ...Hrdware, risk, Nall', = " Mehlewme it ..gts *co torn ilnt a t. he would Whew tba . publle... he WO Wel Naglealdeor Ireamer's Hotel, whom ' be mak. • *so fever le MIK= U. BURROWS & CO., DARK to jorelmoono • Mott of Clools gob. I* guest d TILTI6I., ot,aniel,pro.ll.l7 IS sol , O.,••1.1.1. Minos, 800 t. tat - CHEAP CARPETING. 100012.:AZaz,°•Vtli.'°:.."11= , wt .— o aaaawas • STOVES, STOVES. C7.11%.,%= VAT: """" "" " • naggarg" Joiners' Tools—A '221.7.=t; Mos.. V Kolul M?o4ll.o,loiitawto. S i: 40 2 54 ILi 0.1 Cloths and Casaimerea To Dairymen and Farmers, Wm'mobilo Properly for Salo. T"'"'t":"Trk,l"4"*" r"'iglO"T" Seveo t.!EF4'En;tZid-= ddddd Acre. t yrg NO or tort. ore under Jaw Is He.. and Borne. nu fun I. eon 0.0g1.4 • ...11.... fr;177 ... tr/757 . 4tr0r47,% ** !:1t= 11 tttrle:o aolu udoilen• covalloo, md. Ow pr...., aro allovf mt. of .$l. •Love Wog good. and am thy wood luel la.. " ' "Y '"‘""" " rtle0 " :11 ” /::: I:=11 . 1tIrn to L. LWIt • r11"114:107:: -*"'" — "Tr ell e. loeluan ••l+ 1114:.11.110•• : four , b of the parch.. long, I IHOWl.Wortl`!°•niwnaalrw_ry • re.. to ...SW a e . .initaimama wt..; "-V ° o m .^l‘t.ll . .tmLn't", '74; -- =.11:/:::21°=m; ',M.. of puttl. laa mut =.l',l:l2=7:"l:alni ; 4147 ' 0744 '174 '."1"=.4; Othrt trarl• or WI.. ormilirl ' Z ' oa..%ll 7 lTral ' 4 ' 4llrlllVl On; 1 151IFIRRir n“ 10,11 . 1.1tV Fob 111.111.1$ Erenglnrs refl. .area VRO*COPIA . • Lee M M. located la the Tillage or Coma, llammlarem la the hun of him prafemeha Ills superior meth. et snarl, !MA sorest JYpou4e ln "..."''"" rlV . l? ;7 ". t ' :r7: '' r? ' 211Mat " Unnr•:e,..... .. :11%,snIVe ' etro ' f . e=retit:;V:ro z od . 7 . a n aL " FiF .,, eit552 . 7 ; 11!1: , 5!1:ra1 , na nl y mead or arl. tkale Velma • elven Oa teL Imo% ,e+.l • WI, the ant the mantle( preferred, mad em•ree . mra 14 kept droll the rear. examined the mime == %L T. " ere eaaelpelly Wee. ham the V.v.... Lle Moeda, übl salmalaletered awn.. to the Oer. Ines Munn "° la II mantles 1.2 . 1 VtiZr bowleg Ma of 161:17 ... ":1 ."1"* MAN " L eer '74V% t r.l ' 7 trIL W ar"I . Ging*, r.r RIM, I .M. • NEW PALL GOODS. 1 11 mete mei.. • general ...1 eat*. 0110.1•4104. Or Fall and Minor Goods, 1 4.144.1 414. nf LWOW, Dress Geed% Skawle, sad .44 4.4.4 AAAAAA Gen. • sea •••• M. 114.41 Own. fa. 1111. 44.0.444104 14,44. 1.1 do 4411. ' 74.• Oat* ft SW. Auction I TN pootae• of am Ada ham A. Abbas.. I.Antal .f Paawytwala AIM. I.s WWI .bland t• tlkh••• of • "malty M.W. Awe. I ho•by pablia amie• t• Whom of Awfwohatt aa Gamy that Ware WO M.... N IA. Wow mewl propetty ea Ilatatlay Nan* 09. at We Awn .f N. W. Waltham. Is a1..11 hombh9t.— Salo w e•tawAte• at 9 teela4 A. it. wtha Ø. est ..d Wet WNW tar emit way, by am ABA SPICIAR, Mtg. loop Is Wig. • 0111 w. $ 11.••• AZl7:re mark. to, • •1•111.5.. J aft On Y. le re. 11., vels• le* ft•tea *et Um a., 44,2=7 . 7.1=1. got not ef=z *r. lbw low IP. :::42*1:1:PLA . aa I •r e r. n:::14' tut I " It MI IYr Mr MIME, la aS eme,me onIMIMI As= No I 11.14Z i = 4 . tw CbTi etlhe tr iigt:llsVl• reggi_mil 411 re itep-pw=s. i sbyrna. J. TO • Y LvatLi'M — . "*". itseirmier- ran .. ic ..i. r ..j .-i~ N._•• _ 8 1 20,=%ta , " IP-9•"'• MARK J. 0 0 BRIEN, nwm.x Slirn Inter. P.....41•Ar Gainer AAA Darrater ow J. T4*.• • Cu peat. Ahoy. • 1 . •• rub Ant W . Wain•••'•• 0.1,1 C. BALDWIN, (MnWMWllYlyWo..obvWve.loMitandl- ••• do. Ins{ at 11111.05, Nom 100•1 ~lewd. 04.10, ember. ate.. Imp =Mr ' V AV= 4 71 .n ra....1.1.4aw .10 awed.. lyt es*. whoinal, sad Mad. DOCT. R. THAWED, BOTANIC AND HYDOOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN, Mao ea Os. amt. I dam mot ona•Ba. *sr. Imthe saseasnlatlea of thos• at. • eau.. Nll be u hem. es Woodsy of •••., Timallel bp past pu pug, h. meeki 1111111.1 m tb esimq tehl.. Wm • tail • IMOD f • IMAIARA IA Dry Oasis. Manlioor o, Tos Wow AAA, de Also curras. an De Book lIIRdIng 111121111108.. P.J•I4 Area...Mastro, Pe. C. Ds. sonasoNs, BOOT AND SHOE MalmerAKEß fit REPAIRER alhol. B: tOdkoi Shop., WASH ' BURN & CO, hi l rAl7ll2lol awl Desion,..olenle sae 3.111.13. Tr", Canon Cowl Street, Stlnittaiistem, (5 Doors F.aot of the Binghamton liotel,) Intr="zl77lr=l;-'•"* . " - "" - Fer .7.llXLrml: . . tut twat el tete 9.10113•1111 w creeptled ON= itra::l=l=re= " sel7=l,l , : Z7. " 1C.;:8 . , • ' Mr:Urge . ht.:4:=lz Iseult. Sett, Vette WoNta.llrustes padNealeßust test late• Settle.. etc. to ever .hate the Ilubettetwe att. part WON Cwt., TAN. Hats aaS °peewee manatees. by temat h. m" "VI Me‘%i e ' s="•1%1 O = nany t edttneat " e t the W tAnt of Vint • mu... Awll.llo. ASHBURN t • They lamed att reablene ter Dente Ostend Cap es Went,. ANA.= Attention, Citizens I Wl' GROCERY STORE ! w• So. le M.,* tiaoo'i ) I tr,r Stit or :AA r;:fla' n,VI Wines aunt Liquors, Mona ruse..q. 1, I g.ll. READY MADE CLOTHING ! l Cle~tß Cloth sea •allaetedo sattn.raw Coats, ,•• re Tweed owl Cumin..VW. , " Hats and Cara —ll A A.. I4AL Aml 01..1 Ca a* ry ar.aill., • diaall•Gel ILA* •InA wt. duaa n. asa Lat. a.. 1-ztl,lll—=l.,t7.7„g=i2:,•="r-11 Steamer Falcon met in ! 1111plirtint heave frill lie 411111 Melee CALIFORNIA OUTDONE ! Gold Mae Im Illasatrome. nere a man may make himself pia in a day by stepping , into S LA 00000 & SALISBURY'S, Mi3EM3iii; . . . T....V.1f i.. 0 •er> wreat Ow p.m.., h. nth.. Ittl ' ox '" M;U:lll% ."' = I:!;: . b , .:land eahoedaonotiou. 000yo.•re.ach, 1001 mid Mots. o o plec. ensolino.nn 60,1.11•11.11P11, :7;47,11%,;.".7= , 74.11i12111::: - .' •414;."*" a to 6 , .. amt.., man... suma. itr r “ 1 " ,;212....1.1Va70t..tir2.17,‘,7z,Z1; = St . .otO loot.. Oen Otto. ft t r oot..lll fad rt . , etlf " IlVy ::17•7•Z " Zoit ' otto:;or.111 toTy.oteto lATIIIVIY t eAu.nrar N. Y. it. E. RaiL _ EVERY BODY'S M RKRT . r . :2= = . . sow nod. Y 146113111 Owego, Illogitanstoo, Great Mime nod lootesboro! 'Depots, 1 1 ,.71,... FNw.YT ..11 ...I. of nd wed. eowlM... evuW.T.Y il.. 1 ..••../ .11 Wow/ vs Rom. sly IN woe ! , 1./ T. No ✓ wdr 11." etuuMTO =" 11Z1Z..;alitria ' ef r r,ll::lll=6.nrCt == j ori= afetl7 ".." /147 . 1r.xw1x.,1=1, Mrool. Ally 2S, 114. Captain Jansenlsk, ...mow tbnotl. w 1.. W. ar. na...1.11•11 sr* far iiireeerla, 14.11. Fl.l. °rale, ege. V.T.,=grarr.Z.-2.....44Z “Pro beam Publlce.” • WATgR ELEVATOR CHAIN PUMP. CAIaR ! NEW GOODS. =1:131 1.. .4111 Wia , el •upply 0%14 ; ul=•=7::lly==.l: " Lli pymetuli.Oreeeriee. Dry Geode. vow n, Din .1 • Mere, Shontowort, eimmwere, Cluel.e.lff .7..nel • y. tf.I••• &pros., pec. mars. Mumma hurtrumone, rrn., Ilteelm4.l Dammam, Impure, Perfumery. Mu rem. *lmmune., Brae... Yankee Mos.. 4 , 4 , Tbasttl. the nand and eslotautle ter, aetnagamol.brlorecdreil„ I hope saastaatirocelsw [ . {ll,... " :=L " :l=ept roe M.. OROCIII Uld ftes.s. nxIlA 7.1 . 1.1,77 e Sav; LT_ .•••••• PNIf 0 JUMI.-11xielet,Ordeleres. Priptstoe: 1%,11117.tatt1. T.w, Lg doeuT=.l:4l.4l 11= 4=11:2:0:74; 4171. Sge.= et:n . Z2Z=l3t4 " l mg Cram., Vona 11.1.% U.girimes, OWN, ZZYI " 4 = ' 011 1;• 1 4 1 1: WP:=7.6= R1IIIM•101.—Notto. Dow ml Marto '3ll.t.loniTi:;!!'la!'=: :t...41.4,..11:44:-. ..000to,r,opltost rooteniotroltlot Or.l.:atles, oos. Pods o, rttont , Took., Nos Noilo t C..k Som., Go ovatoroo• to otetotion VALIUM—Poe. Ra. ale KS... W PaL lada oboe Kula luaL Ilapp aala Ula IllswaVAL. 114.8 S mmrs 1=1...R . t h ipa56=7,1...rek,..7 . 11.. Zi;LirY " Titrn ' er . . er, wetio,ll.• Pink. mum Smut. 1•••••••• • et Leol, Litharge, eta OILS —Lie* OIL a nasty el Leap 011 a Leal 0 010 e o n, Teekee, 00, Coley OIL &ad ell Ow Ileamakien YARNl3ll.—rurella, W Vas*, eta. ug. Y.. T , U RP6 lu*. OTIalaZ,••• .d •.... I ~ Ppui.l.lo. git',Z ° ."`"' UHL9IISS.—PaIat Cauater. 01e... Ca, moth.. 4.11. geol. La.. mialt•-•••15, aareba.l Nam Bra., eta. M.ato === el ULARY W.411F Butlitt dud %MIN of JI r.rert.:4 .41.71 Z rtru.'.. ra wad Mirror Plaix,lr.": fr.,. NA. —Jog. Oren .111, BIM., Pot, env. PteOPITO Jere, PiteAns,.... TObes. a.. CLOCRRL W/11.33,lnearly my, dimerp.m, goad =1: • , % . L%V . nr . .:12.• .4%1.Dy• VI at. gm. .11111riL11if 0•••1••••• op , 4,1 [come •ILVI{II MAZE —Myer Taolo,T. sed Dime. 1V...4 11=111t . te tll: l 4 4 :l . 4:7• " lit e ss ' a n = Memianais wan el, BPECTACLES.—LMIget end Gentlemen's •11•••(•••••• spee sei,m, aver laed, Owes& stiverr, oasol, oad Cam. Wad •Tibool , B —Steel Yea., Ir. 6.1 yew* Clatila I.lle Illsap,1••••16. Mier, eta. , rec. W F ale, ~ 'iskleanewslor for Italsonstrops, Key•ting, rurow: o.~w~~wn:.'ea viiw', MSI UCAL —Violins and Assoriloos. Oho boa osnortisoot own inlrosineed Into lissom/Ay.) •S o v l . lool is• Y andr s a , tßao;s ; n lloo 8.1• A”iogs, ; nolsoiSlinns Yleolso Violins/to, Iles*. Tolman !solo, ilisfrtm• Owl linoto los ino nooorilessa, TRUN.V6S—Abdeftleal msol .1.4.141er err le peel •••1•4,,aa1l of moel appwred bw LAW.. —.l* Liquors re••••41“aal purpat.... arry " ;g: ". .rre """ . 4... 1.1/1 . i 4, R1r . 1 . 41.—. 4 . ... d ~ Mho, Gau II t BoOT.ilt.:ppool .71 4" ":. r . 17 r a: •t: ./ 1 • I : 1 . 1 I if: TIM . *Alfilße.4l•Affe..—TuAlf, Elem NAM, Isl. AAff lAA, gem fume Teti, alheoloart, It. lA. You, :77117,1=. ••=1117:==1:1, Inn: YAW., offlaiNed N.A.* l*ff UM, see wad* of trot, Aff x Yenta*,Wulf., v- Ayr II•Af V. • roue, CaAlt, e.r. As., roa"W 9. r Yr.i..oams. Aud‘ "n ' ' ago . . ' e=t= = ...b.. Siefoome.4.4 1.11, ed. U., Ton 4 . 1 **4. = 1=71 ... 11Z,Ilfirl:::: meir , IlAs. Mac Corn.. 111*•, an. lA, AA AAA 111.1•1. Aram If Chalk, Akan. AAA*, Aut. glfAarrfrt. iffnons Ye. Ofetools. Mew., Am.. Aft 714•104% •1 t: V17111tr.117; lel 1.1141,..A. 14441,111.., pal.. 0.1 I• /11. m..- ..... ...AAA, . 0.00 , . AI sod Afff . ...W.A., Awl*. embelmA Inlic 114•10•A f f, o.les Mee...mmo IA 1 ""..."' ''''' :a I=l7lt. ' t::tf . r ". E7:7,5Er:6 4. 1r.:11:a3zerA , t .. wra n z tat.,Vi r ain ea.. Recd.., dna*, ad Claanda; =ist. Offeettlitflrifj...= ...Imre. 0 fustAml, 0•01. /110[11, Om reande L 3 Ana*, V . 4 s t..,•••••• wake FAA. Rail Vslyfife, and Pa. , noni...11•••••• inn.* Y.. Nam. INA IMA Al 0014 Offfn Trasma.b. Pal Om. Ww.11.1 0., ElAn M ofo. lif die 6.41.111f10b. %..................., V ~ ........1 11. Vre ma 11.4:11: vAzNi....,—anzga.,—.z 11=3::4===.74.1:1117..1.-* . as aaaaalteal.lll. MI m..., Adla dye Mi.. Orataa 04, St ele. lisCrse=o•oll••=l•l6r= ••••••' ".'• 1. C54=71/= "' 0047:: at 01•••• i ss vut os, it 7 . 6 . as a.... ....C7 . .......x0 n. ..5..--.---, ! s..S ..6 NSas , sea . C . ~.9 % , 11 V W, i t ' lsLs..l:4lftss. Ss. "44,21 : - 6. • ' . Male 14.1% . %Vim • -r .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers