"CAT Wseeetece'ma." 0. 0. 11111IPSTEI0, Neter cod Proprietor. to=l....laillara It EA rabi raa. k alma w oabanipllam. 1. : OAAO Alaea t dote %AB ...AM..* .. .Vr=l= l rleT: 7 iat. to AM*. ...ea. Yea. .. . a. A. 016•O‘OW•,33•4111 ,•• lon 3 wOomOwat or 31." An A' A' e‘ .... mooillo. ‘ lll .. OlisOLC:rim „.„ ,et „, cou h r . l .„ l.3l4ogo TO 111 WO Ou••••13.Tor sOl• teem, " "A"' 'AA" 'I - ' ° , For the Democrat. WOODOIOTEI WILD--No. i. Irmernamallt Where to the (mend laud Sinner tell me when' When with theenfieet breath Fa. Ih. free uir Whereblonme the Invitee, lowers Through the long unntner 11.1111, Docking the ohody bower. Wok thoir beuuty rare • Earth holds to 'lea . Is where tho houwitold woe In ear ehtlWhood grew ..... to that owns. tale Flowers richest sweats eshsle. Wheelwont breaks.•,, ihe dal. w.th ihtst TM.,It the thiththr .le, Mththoth the yell! th; V,lll I=l those., ot ante of seee,ottt.le rel Tell ull the soul is sterreeet Mellen to pm iso IM!!!!3==11 Stood. la the va) Ilestning iront linglitest the sulantss cl Ls Amiga fru!n the aatrhlers throat vs! sst annual us !lost Mutglell sh a *sass's 1,0 Illsla a ss ! TIII: POO t !, OR TIM S1110:41,1t , ..I .03 t'i'lt ..111 should like le know the moo of tl. loonilsoluo young lell.no 11C,0111 e fillie,1 you to church last Suoda3," Clam 31ullitio, to bee amiable :mil beautiful cousin 31uria _at'a a pretty que-ti t you imaginal am 80 stkople as to tell al I know in Clio kkg , •catet next t h ing you w cit. to i ott• lett by and-by you will %mkt. rap, and a 1,,. buttV beau, awl tlkon bave ok: al IZZEIM of single bleiseolue , ." Now, )1.14, stv fount 1116, ar.,l let's know the name ..1 t% It slice taan •• Cbra. if it mil air ) tich gratificati..n t‘t use. rtnill wa n al. Lwill not be so cruel na to chilliullit; uric i* Ili* cud." tt ty mond, at w prati aambittatim at ti wirge i the (rack wird for fsrinitr, and Raymond sig nifies !twilight ail the mountains" t' ttio you admire the await, awl thiiik be who !iiisr-t s ? is prtrsitnaly ha...141111e " tt Yes, Marie,' I thittli' he is n perfect model era maw 11.. .tally, and ).t. Iwo plainly:be themes. What a floe li t ittre, broad forehead, and beautiful eyes Lc has. Ia he a lawyer, lir doctor, or pett.sstu% merchant, or student What is he : t . Ho is a printer." " A publisher, you to " `t No, he ptoks up type in a Rewtpaper °See. now 1 whlorstmel t you inhool say that ho ie the editor and two', inter oh newspitiwr." " No, my dear c es.in, he is a jotune3. ma -7 soy ho is twitting but -;-: 1104 ... jounsayman.' " Ha is a pour emu who works f y a live lihood." . How could you owns.. to allow him to set in our pow, and bean you home free. cher.? I would not porton a mechanic. to beau. my arm wiW a , think Y". taill 1 "" 11. ''"` 11...4 " f ...I. a '0.011.' 01, 1',.11:+ end ta Inualt, not • 11: I t.. , ea o, aa ' 1 . ~ , .. • :r:: • II.•• II.:.t1 '' •I i 11. I'd 01, „,, , I . ~,,,.., ,• „, ,„., , , .‘, .„ .. , , t.. att , . t.t,k, . .. 1„,, ,,. , tt, , cat ~ „ t ..,,,, 5t, , ,,, ..,.._, ~,,,, " on ii e w... .. ,. vulgar soeioty, 1 emu i.,e, re , mg this very m y th at one tale would ~,,. St C ter Loth ~ ~..,. I, •al i.a. el •: ty t.. ~ . • . , ‘l, : ''''' ''“'' ' ".:"." •.' ' "."'" I " ..',. I: '- , "1 , • 1 ) I,l •°°' l .' I".'"d ' 1 ' . " 1 • '"•'• l'. l'iteal. f- 1 a• is not ohla to 111411.0 1.11 to mate wherein the journal has Ine. d g y t ..d m bag a. you rownnio under tin , b re „..1.,, „.' ..,,,i,,,,,. N, ,1, wo. iw, fw " Ye° . I . l ' ''''' -, I "'n d ''`. Y... r" . ea 0 ' • ' .': .ae •• f. o 0• • ' a yren , - ~„4 ,i, e` i, n,•,', ,s II: I. '.:: t,.. l' •t ' .ir. .:. ; , t„,.., , , ..,, he, n01v,,,01. i.1,1,,,5, mutilated. • mt I ow, qw ism ••r• •110 Mill RA 011. W ~,,, ~I ~!,,,, pt, , 0,,,1 i, „dm! f• ' di•l . 1 . n _"' 1 1 1 ): °I ". nnn't'n"' '" '"). "` . . -1 ' tt. tto • .ts t•:t' a - . ''• A that tha , ~, jt' ,'r es, sa , 1 ,•••radaly , 11•0 t ar „ na ,,,t , a I a .„,, 0 , ;.; l att ol t ..l The Speaker-The gentleman wind lay Mat plebeian sinter to pay any Wootton t h,, ,„,„ 1,,,„„, a ~1 1, ~, , t ,10,, „ ol i o , „r 1,,,,- -, '''" ' '`''','' 'i = ::'. - ""‘"' "."°. ILL' , 1 ,,, 3. ~ r :.al , e I. (i. ,,,,,,,,,,, , av ~ a- ce,,,,,,,,i .1. ii.,,,, or [,,,- ~,„,,,c 11.10 10 e., the chat fie easiest soma pennon. (Sense . you." ' sharing faees. 1 nish the old molt would -II 1'• on., " 111 'n i'''' "i"k' 'rn l t, o t ••-. I declare" obtervad yid., pleasawal .„y '. t . •3 ‘...' . . 4" 1 .' "k ..."dn r ''.l' t .. 1,. 11 ir.IIII her, while , atilt o•fl .. 1 1 . •I, , tic. t hi ' " ' I "" ''''' l' ''' 4 "m " " d " 1" "'"1"1'1 -1'111"'g ' 111 1 "1 " 1"1:1'11 ' 1 '''' ',`, :. *: . „ .l • l ,'' '... .. i ' ' ' ..-: ',' fi r '' 1 .. . '' ' e t• r 1 ' '•• , ''.• '...' hC: s . tio„ ot so t tot , ount f 1,e„.„.81. , tit 311 King-1 „as it f„ by a aubor "y. have given me a Cvedle lecture ❑it 6 „ c ,,,, ht ,, , i ,„ a ..,,,,.•• ' 1".'11 Li' 'llllllllg--1". 11' i' 11' ' ' .. ' ' '.. ' ..- ..''' ." ..... i ' l i " -: '• -. 1 I ' l 0 .• 1 ' d 1 •1':"••'''' , .' ' !t:1•1 • res, eves had been gist. tor. 'Jim dna.. el• tit, thet A had been dune, and by thet dieting.... f"rnitin''''' ." 6 ' ll in 1 " Yr.. John, 1 'IA.& 1... , , a 1 iin pp. .e. ~Itll3lloll, owl eu t tht ta be te i tt..4..1 0. I , aret• " 1 • " •••• ', _•, ; trod those • t„,,,, ,• ; t„ • 0 „o r i, ~.,,,,,„i. ,'.• 111 , , ~, . ~, ~,, 1 5.,,b14 I,e tad- the AlitCrlioll of the Speaker. lore with you at the nem, end who has his 10 ".. ba l . th e". 1, • tacit to Ikea a he a a I, „so th e ha., a If It, i l , • oat I, ,se ,I, „..„,, , n th. , ,1.,,,', ~ . '-, , ir,alt 0 ••• r l'• I l .1 . . , !,'." .1 .... '`,''''. v. ~" . ' l ' '''i - Tl,O Speaker- The geetleman charges been m mid... , la Id. ...11.. s vv.' of himself, I ran to• 0 oil e se thlv • r Lea, en- ' , id' . "r 1.10' 1 " 4 ".• I ' ill ' 11 " ''' '". i• ~'t 1 ie•t• :u.. '••• : • an, 011 01,1lttii: , , , h oop. , i ,„, r „,y .11.,„ ..,,,....„ ,:,...i....i.1 .1,, ..)„,,,1,1 ,1„4,1,. WI, ~. ~. I .., ~. oil i., 1... g- that the Stwaker of the Home has motile elm he obtain. an introduction, could Iv reason why he shouldn't look like one. 1 r••••to lull lar a fin tot ..0. 1 '" 1 d ' - 11 "".- 1 .""re 1 •' detl'air I ^ " 1 ' er 0....t•••,11,..1 As It „tend of the admission tml the journal. M Waal you, I hams no doubt ha 110.1 b o il., ihi,, 0 , w00 ,. who .elute, himself - I suppeso yet are noxious to Feu Ili, , •,,, ~ , , ,1 Vriiir•rilin, he voodd 114.1. c, 0.10 IA Wild. 31 r.'ilellaec-I wk for • committee of highly commend you for looking down on a• a diet intmished I reigner, is an hointit et .1",,,,,,,,,„,, I ,d e ,, i „,, if 1 ,„ 4 „,.,., to oi ,„„ 1 .„ - , ,::; . :: ,. .:2_ , ,, , :; ‘ , ':,,,.:.,..,,..-1,,, lac-tier a, tallied. hot ever, and 4, t. mined la make n aaaad , , 1 ,, t t a ke , ~t,. man , at , a ,. his tore . with In thp moult ad' • rphey'. I 'till holonneil in the sot,. a, I atd-onlled fre -o.lllkr. al" la:t. 01.41. 1 pnlirst ell • lit' 11... i, 11.1 1114. 1„ !"„:. ,1..,,1,1,,,. limmtigation. what he soil* the common herd." r thea.then in, stothings, and stretched tit ,t .r, „,,,.,, i , ~ I W ith 111 tat•ls warmth, in. 'll.e Spooker-Will tile gel Menton put "I with you to .understand that Mr. realty; and I elcald be sorry to have him dr'vo hi"' kn. i'''' n''''''' l . I Lane 1 ' n''' rreatly to see the r ,:mot, at d beautiful bare a i t ~,,, to i t, gee, dot „1,.. , • ia a 1 r romel t, t • sek wan. Mr. Hen. his eherae in witting ? Pitsgammen is a real gentleman by birth, ... r . yo „ r .6 „„. 4 ~,,,,,,..,. and a env to r um.). ~....r w e .1. 0 .1., not alnria't, l mleeleti, n• 1 P'll/.ogh ear 3 net: 110,44 IV , tl`f r elaoce at the limns - (1111'. 'I. atm,. ' l' 1 I 1 1 Ki o• t d down to write. Meanwhile lad Mat he het the adonis of an ample o h o b, you talk like R book." know thcir owe pls.. mei I..ve no rva l r , he, eat. f r him, mai tti..i n:1 tho A:11 , 0 nu They . 141 till,. g ,111 10,11,.. UM . r n e 1,1 0 illlilOating th..t hi. on, horn ft iendshir 1, r the members were bileathlesaly Went. Mr. knew and a reload odeattion," *online. .. w e e , y o b. , I toe d u g a e , sou l e t e dy tor the licher oril, ut SoCi,.." second to bear it. with ail Chtistitm Okra , I heman nature; and if I sew not vainly in.. - At a Imo now that night, or rather rat ".0-'. llll .red eoquetto , a , hailed fo v l . On fortitude halm d. the I,lack..eeri Bean Califf•rnia was not Inc the sake of her peer King, le • Au n time, sent the th aw In heart e: the printer. win ' became the ! eppy l oo k e d a , ik. ntly of soy feel , that 11 o 1." ole, but because of the oresence lo re id h e r writing to the dirk. It Is as folio's t I "I SRI heartily wt., my dear couswn..nk e ., the ill-Inking, 1e,.......d ..„1 l i , . earl. lever the next monthly, the par ty Mat you *mum. the address of so uth a ' n0r ..., e„0„, „ I soh „„ „ n „ h .„,„ b oo . ~,..k. ba.ke rap ; but the 00fittlY0310 .Ir . Ft- . . t t , a l ' knhnnd °I . 3 /. 1111 Srdr l . l .d. Oar. I . ll ^ to Oh k that the had direnvered snmehteg Senate., w 11.1. 1, 0.110i,i40 to La it him up ,largo that the journal of the lath lee. BT. tan... in des not 111 . 1 .0 ... 111 kg is a vile fellow, and ought to be ex- g 00.0 0 ,0 hod p•.•1,,r, 1.10 !rmy . of ,wio,p. :„., ‘ ,.: „. 11;1:; ,. ....7 0 ^ ,t . ; ::::;: d ii i ' , YZ:i, 1.0 .4 0 , 1 ,, i•: , ! . .. , i t , 170 ,,, f;`. , , .. 1 ...ii , ; 5 0;: i. 1 1 , 7 1, had hero ' tool ans t a l t , Lim h i Ihe c......te, he no. 1,,,k. Ima beet. medial. hy erasing the, ci pd. ing f, r with tuo.t feverish anxiety. Ile el. I made, and ilderlining one I did oat snake. good beeedlug, end m for his odueatlon, he potted. I think It would be a gond idea to , a"a."b'rJ" 1 "1.11..". 1 11. 1 .1 1 ...a, .1'1 01 . 4- aw. rthy and respermllo man win worked Slides speaks without 1101111n10tIng Ms MO' g o, ig...x. w i to Publish hi m v. ea . committee of mm to lend tho *mi nce' e , pr „.... 6 , 31 , 11 „..,,,,,.. rir „,„ . I tour litrea Iv ° gate io." 1 Itml fired so contended what California had no me, e- The Break.' ...lied the 'maker. to thee tong.. Ker My port, I skald prefer' .. D o MOM Rm.. the printer t" I stranger to his lodgings. - all Inv amototitten at L i m enemy, bet uty I.ev by melt . There was no thodd about mispend, m d t'nilini• .0 Mr , WhabraP• .ii I cit.,. wow-, Thew l i ge own Stotc while II e territottal hill, it r ,,, bi or Mem., to the chai requested W ettelety et ow who work. for a Ilviag., .. y. ' , The 110 It 411 . ,1V it was rumored in dim,',reside. Mr. Cobb thou took hie be le hose. Skims, tabor aad , oß e Is it n ymy n th wh o went t o c hord, entrte of the oily, that a hod, duke.. huithat.d, in D. awboat -County. =,.. I ha. 0 , 11 ..........1... .. 1 . 11 with the, jr.g• NI and lovely klm. litedgeland kni k hornet, owl. or something' el.. some weeks since, brought a mud against a " -y. " . 1.31 " fl ' . 111 " 16-. re I i ' d the easiest possible Ilia.-usehm. In tide state of thin Iwo cn- soot swag the uumbers. Es" " N"'' K.'"‘ . -An i ' lic ", g d t w=ta r in ' ed7heir.p. slaw.; and 1 began . Wall wllknoW, would give alti. In.ll hiwn In h • I t late l . l . I • 1 ' that th II sheuhl )Ir. Stephone-1 would ask what is the ter of sleeping In a e air ar wen t to eider. A tog • t otoper ft, a ,.....7,,,,„,,,,,,,, a . '" , .''' " 1 1, 4 ,, nhila a -- ,_' last Sendai, ► and misses hat vowed ha nball .., Iblloa in 1 ..... 11 311 .- 31 . 111 .. a. O. man for hissing his *ha. The matter wax 1 1 1. ':, t gi.' moth., and ahm le the simetheatba y ........- -. X.4 . .1........" .. r." . '' "...... • mew darken bee doors again." brobar's daughter. Maria received a severe cionprioulad lc. 0, mu agreeing to pay ' .l " . tolled 1 - to o '' "" " ' Com e,g . l o n e. 'I . 'C 11 ilia though he Mr. Kiag-I made • madam oa the lath pamM, witoottaney art peer, they ' e wi n ( .ad re m e in mem b.. M e , eaudleing fr. we Iter aunt, end ditto front her th e t t ,j,,, ra d he a h ne rl 4111 t. Ha could . nee a • . ' The big Been onus more said-. e.' to the admission ot •t or , " ed ti the did not want that amore rend the de 11 on the Othiferuk hill, sad . 1 . WI. _ g aa d „_ 1. .....r 1 . i Raymond is lend and respected by all who amain, become she spoke ineostineptone- bought at Item 10 kisses from ladies who Stn r, I ra. hoe you'd bettor go to bed. ...a to I d d ed ll' t 1 ether questions shall the word "Mll e wan crowd, cod the word , 001 aP ta.. 11 ,....“ 0 . 1 ., ........I. 41 . know him. Several of tar old.", who ly of Mr. Fa Ithenon. g I reekoned so toe. 1101110.1 . WWI to 0 • Old sat ear an h" " "'b."' in int"r"o , 61 ' th.".l " * " it I What should Ido about my inexpres- I have been mottled. The air awl manner of °onstage" mdwatitetett '" W ' 6 "W' , m ' . " .^111. " ... b. ... Iwealtity ..a hdi..tim ,Atisues hm oh& Mi. Muille l eitml...Y inane./ h er . 1 .• moo e,y . fain M1...0wl we • dander Ti Smethkr (pro. tam,)-Tim Chaithes 1 810110 1• ke..... `.,__lnlk._,,, .r_____. l ._, /. 'M sm g .. ,__, g _ - 1 hod and raised funds enough to buys press linen that several young ladies were not . - Ad.'" my ride over the prairie hod covor- the Senator . . n the Senate • nu lemasation that he a stroeg I mpresa. that the oiseeal mr .....1.....,...... P."....° ."......... .4 types, ~a i e ,,,..,,, nr d bi n t o edit . only smith. but dead in love, with the tt,i,- Caen.. I'vetettnear.-le the ed them with •111.1 , and all /01 , 00 aitukteirni spin hied of carit.. NI, . aid gain.. where a awl . ja aaata that iia. and who are ae%eabetad WWI hhe soh.. .. r , ti . " 10 1 ,„ pabgaa. lie I. golden calf rho worshipped, and la order to Id_entrie of Ohio, on the °tit lost ,tic bill to Ins o witla th . 7B 07wz theve . wy 14 as g: to bed be Lean by the bleeds of Calif. 7 jouroal has be. alto.d. or ie itaamest, ir .,.. M . 1Y 8 . 1 .".. 1 1,"It• 00 . 1 I, i. to.tonott, !Id the suitor of the thrilling thetehes ' Inaba sure or the Idol at her affections, !With capital puttisbmont was_ordared to the _1 is k i b la l Longer Mr. Benton-Mr. President, I mem at by i ...kw of the Um* mean In appoiat ts •MI it beperww to ea pm.- r thila n d ..., n. lattice of A. R," the and her parents 1•011 i to work in tool be 'aground by a veto of 26 to 10. and I must ta eo my two es. sth homily." " Min Clara Nye she wouldn't teeth i mam. . bal.l..boat • Math tad ,`• delay wag wks I mareeted to km Oa' . friend. of California . knee who me is min Ki -I reca wt.. to !Wag ism mesh obliged. yea far that ter- big. with ...kg. ",,, i ,„„ d ii „„ b .i ni ili ti crths wk. la =wan. 1101.• The elk.. of Louden Cu., Va., twor wham tin ind mmet, Tho late wood , favor of her Mkt lwadMiniolt . 10 . 1 .1 Kama. bill n . 2.. . Nom. Miso Melia Sorlgelsoil ;it de. not 1.,,, .lbw , fit rgdy to go with vul ga r pia- b . ~ . 3 ,,. l imus ..... 6. dooldwal whist beading delegates t o l , am lit, ep the apartment illth • Mum ot , moisillog bur bark to ad torritarial mt. th• t Mr. Stephens -I midst, haw dm ••••• moire the *mkt.. of • skoosoopo or • t u t " 'was loidebtrid far bawl and borrowed mo o . il.. 24 . 11, Kk a nametion. light. 1 t h e • lett gleam at Me Been. cities . "r dissaleteg the rm.. •• ••••••• [ • 11111` ~„.. 4.. . Vora gin: VII ill, 11.1Z.11 - t ' Tile truth P., oat. , j .t 1 eause I luso t.. ,110.111 Or , I,ar 311. C:!II1 , 111) pi. k tii. • . thi.lol,ls ..11p. iqtt ,11, t woe. the nhet, m 31 tLcba.“l 3 . .,111 r t,,1 t _ Le r :owes 1 ..1 1 , •. 'old ladyroute int. , t. d '• 1 I t• Irt, 10 a, reeled (Lie anent 1,1 :I g pl .yol VII' 11l 1.1 (lee (Vell, mud: . Mr 11.. ~.te.e my ttati‘t, i0.v.11. and In, . 1,, . IVO) Ml . .' ill, I With :11, Y. u t • t I=l it r e ti , t.i hint &wit) with a i1k.1.111 tt tt•tli tt tql• WI • t Itur 'Kur l: ,.,, 0. t%. i e.‘lo, qaco • , ,i0 • 1.10111 .1.1 00nkl, have Oa a• a :11.• v r• 11 r it th.. III:1 i I forol.g the Til ) melt ni tl.. hi 11 e w‘.11•1. t l lry WI, t I t I 1%1 I I. 1.1 WIWI 1 . . t 111'1 , tt' it sl mid LnJeea er lake 7 le' let , er into pito eitil Ili,. Litt to lime to do t lit elil iuNmr. Ile 'KW t.i ever) els rienee mail it ewe J, a,: week restil IMMIMI =Eli =MEI I .1m :I 1. al 0,-. I MEEM t t -1.4/ . L. , i.. addreased the genes; question of er st manner. and 81.1) slavery, vindicating the court.e pursued by , to its exteLt. he the 1,11, J o dy of miti.al•vely ayilstera. „ erne anent harbors but can Free- Wilhout concluding, be yielded the Ildor . I toy,maeealu.pn.mase. nortiS,Mmilms.til.4Yelftloisilkli.r. - Illiik foil 1. t •'S '.t.d., saying shoot California dent.,) of New York, asked leave toe ffer a I" - Ile m. ,roll; op roved of Ilr. Webstet's reseluti , it to ehae all debate in committee, t •oil the day of— on the bill for the ' :dr is,, the goer. Adj, edneissio. of CalLoretia into the U „ lona . ese, 1:111 II II Id, The Speaker decided the resultant% not is, Cs le the ..f.ll :et ' , lv M.. I: W .stoiNoTON, )leech 26. to be in order, !treatise the bill wax not re ' " o ' ol ' I" e co,. exhausted. to d )eye SENATE—NI.. Clem.° presmated ' reseed to the committee by the !louse. A tt , ' 1 ^ ,,, 3% b"' " ,0 t the ettier, of Alabama. praying resolution could be offered, wevrr , to r tir,d , a : or L.. sweet rest , - that the LI. ming* of Slavery miga be ex- stop debate on the Culifornia message. I ' "In. bigg , Boll" , to to th..l to et ery State the Mn King amid that hie desire was to get ,1,:„ Numortom resolutions of inquiry, lying a vole on the bill by the Hotter, eating I t. arc el':. , .1...1 the table under the rule, were take° whether it wee in order to debate. V".• l.l• i j etimoaldlike to g to I sot." „:, nn. The Speaker amid it wee a privilege t :t. I a littl.• sleepj, - I r. Mr t hot the Loa organising que,ti Mn. King, in atitimpting to ''''' 110 . r L' -.llllilY L> ihe t'sotinental G. 1,11.10000 et 1-1,1111 and speak. was eevetal time, called v, order.— t euxiLet. N u Mexico. Le takt o Poo plow.: Tie Spook, sabl that the reeoluti..n was 11. 1. se "r 01.1.010. 1,1 tookitg it the ol rail., not debateable. Mr. King then chained .4'11.. 1011, mdltsl ,L ,1„,. II mono of privilege. Mr. Mn. s.L .1 int the ~.....t in- ik most sceitior passage between Foote I.ons ti-Lerl what was the point of nider? p • h.. •tat, Mr Ki• I.—Thst the decision of the Sea- Ms , " tn.. it. IL •s. `I 11...t0., as ele eslifolnin .II a,. r theught, and designed to an- LI ami. to. u „... •In Ile, uh. .rd hoe ad. rem. 11,.1 purpose. Mr object itt .•' 1..,'v •.••, •;:. • • . 1 ` ''• n'• I I vii• z Oct II EN t•mst. .tat, , l lit b.,— .2.10 the tke,,htibat wan two 10.1. Find. i i..• it. was d to Ole elast - derati..n L. ind,eato 0 , 0 millingttern to rote for the .• 1 r L a i - nO.I rill., was Vol t., winti,-ion of California, independetaly of •I • ° •''' e 01 • 1 • : •••• • 1 r 1..1 utLi (111.1 • I.er drestiuns fifer. he was inderrupt• ••••- I . o r l re rol be :rave 'mike thas f. t ed It' you will hear me I will Mate the at 0111 `Vi , " t" ire: ..oh.rh intruded horn 11/1 . I charge that the journal of the ~ • q. • I • b.: sithjeet presm .1 awl urged upon the ll..use Les been mutilated. 11. the 18th cf 4. 4 1 - I tb, 11. 0 ii.t delitatuly o..teti 111 , 111 lie iost 1 rffeoed aremlution smiler to the I.lll' 011' • " e 10 Li.l per ec- this to..toing. I simply requested the • - lc t : . eLe `..t. I • un- mai 1..1 to Ow jrc. e'erk to till up the blank, to close tie - i * EMI ~., . , ;;, ~... °t°.. , ne intcrat I (I w „ t 1..1 en I r t II s : .1.: 11 11., 1,. • ‘ ,l I" I . n),I "tlll . „ c 1)',I : fir • It ;• „• . , t', . n•,dp. Mr. Benton—Well, sir, let the worth ob. . r the .orl,'lnant al r jaelml to be taken down in writing, in ae r -lion a hi h h hold I,lllprolui. his:cord:ince with the ...Wished 'vireo( the •. L , • tir. l 0. nn I adj .bier some further eollogny, Mr. Foote dhlioe e. hill wan tak. I-aid--11 . the .1..1. was not tin own open to ' 'h • th... hon., hoe leased. l him 17y Mr. Benton, he could not proceed I • ': ' " tho eta. d to a eons- not further U, iniimated, however, that "`' ". mnh, aithonts.l.oil by all he had said, end if Mr. B. Raet,. It•• ,:e h.. how. do-I would prroo.ed in the matter, he was ready mgooprinthoi for ninth to Ito meet him I Au,t, is and Prn.aia wore Mr 1/iokinson moved to 1.1) the motion at to 'ionic the pending on the table, which wee agreed to. T, eSenate m ramed the e mwderstiou of mahlarstbm of Mr am s irsoluimns of emu: haler. to • zt r ~~~ of her admission. Now, sir, I think Imn 'understood. I belioms thk I. the America,. Senate. I holies* by the law. ash. Bence and the solos of deeornm, pumenalities, o•- rereieno, and attackm upon motives am fr bllden. This mach I holier°. Now, air, I tell you stint I know. I know that the at tacks whii.h have bee, made upon my mo no. to-day, and heretofore m this chain •, are false and cowardly—tint itt what , Loner air. [E salt/went j • Mr. Foote, allot Home preliminary remark. nil 1 I. for t Patehe pu r S rpnao t ow,alnng thatlittea jeet ion by enntus perea _ firely inconsistent with 1.6 own course an I tnttrr,et:lin:l% replied to the elinige nrunwardien „„„, slow s I sin nut inutdi in the habit or 1 e ,d d ..111n7 in per;o9nlitiee;•tltt: . ›tre - t 4 that th • Sennt, WPM et, ardly. I nintm tint t einuot 1 b to t. lEEE= eetia .hurts ht el:tt_; 1., Itus ,• a et he•at I i 't 1 I 0 hilt, 2 , .ts aed ea wet matt itt ehri•ttatt. to, alto 2 , 2i ..g 2 1.3. to cause Ida I Leek It. ten atttra•rd r t the deer est Idualt ate. tt 11, Senator tdmains Iti• idesent ti:torlo without that eitreial dia . . •-• tilt a ht. h'eth I, one I ant tamiliary a . .1 anti stream., that palite elteek. that. ; ... ...VIM., aeltat a ledge, SA well - .•1 1. tdd teat. withal, he know. I hey., „ it tehttnever he coma out frankly 2 , 2 , Lt,ldly, I, matod of shielding Walsall be. .tatt I i• rt..l.lsalted rowaidtee; whenever . • ta t.etat..l (.1 /1,1 , 1 Itiutta.lf atneulabla in the In: t get, ro relltlonen. I ant ~ pawl tit • t him tat that I t. wing. )Ir. 13 utton-- I pronto... , it envardly tit iltey eauttot ho eltastiae.l IC , to r s.. (Loud erios of order.) Ar It. titott--14 a senator to ho blank ...3rded dayin arid dal. hut t'tt. F..... a hi. in • bind, \ital.) It order • T . tiorniyg I; I' I I t ri. tl.. N .1 t •• r it•nt, r,sun.— languAge t• p • t, .I t 1. : r u-ol here.cold not he used in tnto r f t'alr.onia ; IV/ r groeer or tavern r..r. craw. t, r M,. ote ..al.td . rat, Vice I'resi .l N el-t,il a. er.l—•The tenstor is calling to order. I', • • t 1.11; ,''k,,.• Mr Benito% rent inni.l4 Are ioch things no, • I. •,' ~ f the 'F. Allo.tred to go en here. sir? It is high flew LNi• ,:.•• •... 'jr.'e it.sll p ttem ; and it persons use such .1 air,, Icngc, p. Lel e. in a plain where a cudgel 111 , t uppbeti to them, the entre of I' , • I . • !ten i t;..0.0.u5t he brought to beer ~; 1,; t tip 11.4-' ep..n ;.1 t.I public N.lll/1110. ran ineko .1. , i the ll,ru, hcl.ato t ilh the manner. Which are ..1 up doe to the Str.r.te
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