" lelat Witaterratt." S. Y. antsun, I4H. am Proprietor. MIU.-0. •n. men moms r0w0h.... adoesomer ••••••••ff.. poi sod the* a, WI MlZZ.V=•••en.e amme.,...1.41 ....T= 4" ==.2l:lhoe• i•.• to reed....ss• Yew 410 Tgarr;rrals7.---. rIOY • 00 01•000000040 amir II••• se Wm, •00 -=-=== Tarty 1000001••••• (000 am." set 000 • 0,00000 T .00 1 %."7.710 WORK •000, ...1010"4 . VOLUME VII. °T.. wont 10 ler.oo Moir lllrgp rim savosesews 1101AL014.11W o horrid Nab 1 though prier.-wall. No loner held my reuttnens fwm ; Though eo my ear. N mere there fell.. TIN wrathful role. of midnight 1/.111. TN. & /noted rbolows mermerieg. A Ileay . weentrd hamlet& thens rut YN. in my awl. lbw. WM. ring. Camiermy way bleed to Wert, An, In OH tONS of death. they speak. w Theo art a Alen Nil!" Aad brawl, mak listed, heaves% pyre air, Is sost sty <rine as bleak as when The lowly dsagsen was oty w. yest sayhmed the Owl spot lie.. MBEMMI My olefin'. Mood,. dol to Com, The Mood of Alet . opeakeez load, no. tut • felon otill !. EiMaSI To fill my sool wed. fear and dread /Lode.. is dream no rem I find When wrapt in slumbers-deep I lay. Remorse, with anguish, fills my mind, Asti seems with thneat'ulog vacs to my, 0 Vile wretch! thy doom tbw yet Molt meet For thole,. s Isl. cull !" O, Maven! mu. I far mita. The biller pimp 'Mock bow I reel • Al., ye.! ibldsineglay arm is mire, Aed hem; rie &silt iliermiging Merl; For no, within my [meow bums A dame my maul neer felt before ; While melt, remorse end dread, by tarns, Germ fiercely el my beteg . . ear, A. Cescaesco whispor• in my cer, •• Thee art felon Mill sf 'antics ! heed you not. soul of Ilesseol• oulletor• wrath. votten MI my by row ?—• Llet out lig the bona undo lo Muth? true, you found us cause that should oposo Johovales uglaeou• bon. ash. , who. ehtsle l.ie brothseo bk.!, llto own blood ithsll be shed LI men f' et, thuggle the Lew kris set one free. •• I eon Moo .1111 M0rn...... Mud, 1950. '~i .~QSC~~tII _ . . a more mart, when in each one io riving beamifig eye. he will tell You, he expecte „,,,::,1:::.:,: b 1: d :;;; . :,::::,1% ter to underrate his brother, and ruin him ; a to strike a constant harp no praise of God i ......, that door „..,„ — h ome , you Sting proforlitie hise] n a . re , n , a . , ,, w , h . e , r , e di e . a ,.... eh r, , ,, i t i0 . sotrrufgr. ward y..ungt o l . i f e ti,e. y disciple heaven is the re- I I 111 and he boldly proems for-' breathe that word with an awe few others i O hni e n,,,io ,inliiiivo thing called „ow,. t lord- , ward to loin the prise. Tell the aged tool.; bemire. With it are associated the doer niiinnbnnnn „ of youth—of fins , rinindn _ takes not to blast his neighbor's hopes and .dior of doe crows, burdened down by trials mono if Inc has chanced to step before him.' of four score years, of a h • ly rest, and of darted friends You prononnoo that Ho re . all aro ,lem4ning, and ho looks upon ' he forgets his wearineas—and rejoices with ! thrilling name, and, as if by magical bilk mein, 'thus displayed, with disgust I joy unspeakable. Ask him, who is calmly as "' l r a ll ee ,_ ° , r lured ones, A of br t ee It is then Le an retire within his nWn ' locoing earth, why death has got no ter- 1 r are . "'lee bef ore your mil d. Th e ~.e , .; little family Bo he a husband ; a tie rum, arid he replies, it takes me home, it le 'OM spirits, mills ; whom,..lu e . , r soul ~"e ' " stronger titan life binds him, a gotlden cord'' the ioathwaly to (dim. nn e 74' e ir d eree nii i b e i r i e n i e i r n u n u n . , ' :ne e nun cos. ' a y e :: twines around his eery heart—the partner ' Illut why this longing desire; what is it of his bosom, the sharer of his exist, nee. causes all too honk so earnestly, so joyfully "ia t h e d our raen , gro'nd.' arm in arm,' the day star or his earthly hopes, the gen- ' for ward to the time, when they shell Inc with tont .oer MO wows memory you owe nn tre of his earth! joys When he is cast permitted in enter that place ? It is be- ! lie cherish . Yow aitob , bur so t h e t a . m.T downby ewes, ' sod dispirited by dissp. canoe of its attraction., heinubse it is. place i altar, with those whnin, long *Mee, limo has' ointmeiti her soul Melts to the suite' of rest, became it is a glorious place. All I made old, distance separated, or death ' P ratu L re. She enters into ail his trouh- ' our moot exalted momptions of glory and =embed from earth. You are main the ' ; , gal; the channel which none other than a' beauty are infinitely exceeded by that which r udalle g be t . er r a e Pl ea ' , leullidet girl wife'. affections eon open ; she pours the ° eye hail; not peon, nor eer heard, neither makig It obildish glee about the thresh.. , . true eolaeing balm into his heart, and points' bath it entered into the heart of man tool held el the dearly-loved homestead ; tot d to higher joy., in reserve. She, ton, draws' e , novice." It is booms. of what it ton -3.1,.". .. tha ~,,i ' e r ~yn e n a r, l 4, ,„e r me ' ~e ' e al put lab aware.. in holier aspirations lifts ' tains There God resides, the infinite,' a u r in re a g „" a i r inni e' dl e s... , -- I n - i — bin r,:;' , ,::: li. lam thoughts arid dark liroodiogs on omnipotent holy GA. materiel dojo:eta, to; the enjoyment ot the There is Chrim the Saviour. He who ms--learolog their lessons of life. realities, ~ I I epiritual found in her own unfathommblot ' meekly biro the griele and sins of His poo lroom 114 rad i e d' er fadin g as free ' eue roommates of devotion. If he r ho Rey and I plc, now ion glory and lovelinem, surround we as tine littie brook . th come a trotting joy's. her soul is lightsome too. As the' col with majesty . There dwells the Holy by year feet, and leave you far Imbled In nni , ohnd in, gives „ nth anonn& in nu , t Spirit : whom Mike here, Is to ermine, to SbeMN. min with the note struck upon another, restrain , to minfert and support. There And . I . ll i . it 'h. , °oda.° thM Shoot placed near it, No do the vibrations of hie are angels and arehangele, and spirits of mat melt. Yew Men with i°l M t h e moo - low. Mart wings, make bars vocal. men made perfect. Among dim are our tine MIK or Meth the din tear, whoa you o Thus the wife is the light of a tuan'a loved ones, such as have bra earth before mall HI You remember the fors of the' home. The hatband is the reinter, the. us Their hands, which labiate'' , clasped mother mool°ll atm* M her Irumr°l w-' Molter, the constant lover, the treat friend' ours in friendship. now hold palms of vie *i t. I. her tairmann. lamkonto• tom, —Me friend of her life, and the oldest for Ib tort', now strike harps of gold. Their M ilkier of hee. is her eegelle Diem, Webb.-' which she leaves her early bomb and binds l its whisk looked erection on us, now glow kiwis every notesmity, astiointiad emery I herself, • willing, joyful abject, by bands] with the 'sateen, milected from Him, who nib, ad nekiderind fens.. to mg. monger than Moth, and only to be severed I sitteth mon the throne. Their voices whigh the hemthstose the men ••• ad spot by is. !pronounced Out names, end rung upon our T .. ..0b. nom M. °MI" I'm t thom I Harmed th e table of this house, &fens- tam, now mite in that •• sevenfold chord I ••• Moe , Mt. to IMP Mr oweLaeLaetitstits:lily bag minded : if upon the Bible's' of harping meephenies," shot swells with te bow is solemn rennin" at her beaus to .• mord" ars written the names of these! rapture through he eternal lushes.— WV.* ba n • ad.via In P.n. 'MG.". millions pledgee of fidelity and love, the i Then the throne of God mends. all 'fitter ... 1. .104 "linfhoo. no. Ton lie Is sungthed two-fold. That home ia I leg with @amebic.. all mina with tbalight steed at hie side, or sat epos bb ken, an prised. arid longed for, •• 4 •••liii I for' °' O wn ' ead. Ow" lob _kl• .I, ••••••••on ad IM - there , net only Mk, in manly in, the bus- Then see a fete of the @Unction. of ••• I .___ _ _..".... Vim . 40 ". 0 '..... 0 • 511 your Med, or In tender eenhlne of elfeetion, dm that place. Bat hew on mortal tell of se- o'''' ••• ''''T" •••• ....._.,___°•'• oilo n nfe, bet tier. play sad prattle the ehil- utterable glory, the for man eseaerling • the alt' • Alla mt.. li_ __,••• ho ,_• ••••°,_„ ..; Than rims—lovely been.. of their lenosenco, neves' weight of glory ? Then or to are To• nioV •,.••••••'_ ~ _,, ..,"""__,,_ •4l. "l'Mui kmely in their helpkneses and &panne.. ;lovely, far we have knows sonething el moll 1" ' 11... . .•••• °. •'' irooooo.._,_, .. r. , Th ese ill op the demesde circle, and the I them, os earth. God's peewee Is felt here fru Pool lid itilri. 1... A••• I thought ef Mahn for them, of seeing neer ' —Christ'. latemeeskin ha prodeserl It.' gm am wee lave tool thin food penes, p abb p n j g bibioka dart week sea tell fruit. here—rise Holy Spkk's onandaleg whale yell they am osebis be weeder alms b pb..... l Mane% k akplayml bins—heavedy lis le Wle's wilasenan. The Mt-bee. In the snaky hey, or 111'111.Y have ninon arena se hen= Ten an rewasaed of agents abbe* Is- beighasyea girl, upon *hem rest the no. Ines ben wernappoll here— cur 1.1.6.• 111.• mend by year Me, es a teal bons..ef Inns parents • no it la' lave elwasredlisre--tbe awn of (fed low loseembmw ettesaset, 114111 hemmed emu growe op te fall then seal,.. 'Wahine, bees aemmelble here—aed nett lime sp y's Wles templatio• would ernes, Se hate sea be tire emefeet of /heir hearts• lied the neeebedi its foot to womb* Illn. Te ne yam hem ihr beguiling path. ilbe wee year Odle ef all. The he gives by God's these wink herr...fedi In tiepin vien te ' eenliest, nor very self, may seperialt eve, to bo Inked he Ink or. ao gm lea spas God, hes lo folo"—so pa ooh. make, earl ewe Yoder. Tee lend 11114 enema ne bard, ne lamnlii wed dm Aim nen% le ni/ SI WM 6 . 100-4 . mis 7 IP* Messes dm was year eon meet thew g Illerent eat alibi lee eine 'kali vemill. *NI *sim it Inn h Inn rntollt. i you hew! Int fur the meet, yet mot lean owl her mil ea et Jean set boil le —lble Is nisi In hi he h Mews 1 . ) , - 7' H 1, Litt* 14,11AL,Lcctwrits power over you ; you loved her as the seer devout love baron Elios, while the father's TRIAL OF PROF. WEBSTER. Dr. N. 0 Keep, dentist. infidel/ that Imihow be got in, seeing that all indoors wen, the family circle, as the devoted, albedo • , von. falls on their ear., as be plead. that had been Dr. Perlman. family dentist since looked; I went op the labontery stain and: ding .baron in your youthful joys and nor- , God who has made them one. on earth. may [nachos that the. is • gni Mal ef aunty 1822 ; bed • block of teeth Amen him saw Dr. Samuel Perlman and Dr. Webster' !row.. o through His grace, grant a binsed nano. me es ., ‘ e fangs portion . ear ste s e .... whin he recognised as • set he nine for ]in the back room, they were talkie shout There, too, you resolloot, won the broth- , above, a whole family in Hann. tho e.,....., et on ie the i . e ..... h . ] the Dr. In 1846; ho knew the set fond' the olio Dr. Perkin..—l overheard the co-1 er. You watched his growth from helpless .. Such is our picture of domestic bile, bat pt .,. .., . ret , ste w,. .1 0 ...,..1 from their lantlimite , end the el...tan- I venation 'about mine nosey. I ] infancy. You led him nut to study the it is left unfinished. There are other de- then eoeg ... ice , the ethoo . euy ... eery ...tees attending their amoebae:tare ; ea. pos. I There was within more *hefted in diet .....,,, . far user heist will permit . it , tin in his belief that the set exhibited as balance of the nitlelloll. 'sirebey's dude. .• you listened to the first de. lights such so those of younger ynnexpe- he breathed to make himself famed.— 'Hence. They have on families. bat one- Dens be men.. of =Sm. that we man g i n; Court were the some he bad made in 1846.. Littiellekl's cross-examination was abort' 'You remember his holy ambition, his un- ' pour a part of these very dependemin the the othethth.. _ . , th. i_the_ nun,.... t ; friday, March 42:—Ephraim Little- to be cemented when the court nj. adults, but still at home o wee r . h p ;r m .. _f t p e r .7,,,.,...7 th ; field testified tI am the Janitor of the Me-1 Selarday, Marne 28 —Tie erns exam - ' 'necked ardor, his manly respect for him. messed deaghten, self and fur th e feelings of others. Or, if with parent.. What aro their means of 1.. thethothe of . the rZ eo out. wo h .. .... o ats] College: ne present et en interview inatioo of Mr. Littlefield was proceeded' you he younger that h e. you ..., ... a u his jny 1 Ali !to live for thew panels; to do o hoe ththethe e ....L e. : theh we ft ., tothehe ,' on Monday evening. Nov. 19, between Drs. with to-day, bat nothing way Acted tend. o ] tender oare of you, his kindness In innerly, all in their power to repay their kindness . th •thi . ..,1 ... .7 .th......1 , Webster end Perlman • I was in Dr. W.. mg seriously to invalidate his regular tee I ' his unselfish tiering. Moat of all, you Wolf and sane ifico of self ;to hold up their age, , •`' •1 •• • _ At nine e • o k so l t p rec i se ly on th e mooing; a bu ve n n k in r yl v te t' sen "on lookVg .i. e l t i" a g eb b e im mie W al w h a o r o d k . ti' l n 'of the intimate communion of spirit there toCaroline M. Littlefield was then celled. ' Oahe their lino, and then to have ' we. w ith y ou ; he wt. free, ocean, joyous. t'tem by your side to nil. upon you, to of the 19th, Gr. {V e nt e r wa br o ught hero ] and appeared to be reading; I beard no and testified that she was the wife of the Your brother was the pride of your father's encourage, to guide you still! Then aro t h e court room Be won e ee . yee d and; footsteps but santer. Perlman come in.— 'janitor of the college; en knew Dr. Puck heart—the bud of promise in the " femily, , its tin. and bo it ours to make these j o ys ' he u "... het .th ee h,g y eypeetee .... Witness then mated whet weed between, man by eight, sod Mat beard of his disop ] tree" perennial. ' but in other roman. TM much as man . Dn. W. dc P. and that Dr. P. went out, I pennn, en Saturday; her husband emos- The time-worn mane'ot now and. be- 111. T. nommen vie—one rues non 1 A fly moments after, Oder Judie. Shaw; which we the lan time beam him. When I ...Meted hie ...Pleb'. the , Dr. Nal.= for you. Every stone in is wnlla. ...re o Home, sweet h ome !" ga ily s i ege t h e I took his seat on the bench, accompanicd . I was standing in front of the College tenet, bad been murdered by Dr. Webster, on 'tree on the grounds, every hillock, and slope te h eo i.h ey, as he throws down hi. setehel Iby Justices Wilde. Nag and Metcalf. ,1} o'clock the next day. (Tuesday)Dr. W. I Sunder; she notioned him spine stating' and plain. is as familiar as the Loved we. i n hi e father'. b oo ., an d ha s t e n to em-' Some time wail agent in cagier G o ro ll & none and asked me if I could envy a note his suspicions ; did not notice the wey Dr. that dwelt there. The fanny wanders ban, b re ., hi e wro t e . o Home, sweet h e n, !" ' tinning jurors. The eon= for the goy- Ito Dr. P., and he added, that if i could not, W. kept his room before her husband spoke; ' and the associations of each is present to' c6es the Imbued as he m.os the thresh• ernment i. J. H. Clifford, Esq. For the' g.t any one I could trust, that I most ear.: of hi. ...rwo.. ; notioed after how be 'your mental eye. In that room, lying next hold of I/6 own habitation, and is met by' deems, Hon. Pliny Menet and H. D. So-' rY it up myself. I got • ho; mooed John Ibid . Oils lower lebmatme shut; .....r00..; I t. Ito root you alegt. Then you were hi s w if e and merr y nild ne ..There & liter. At 10 minute. before 10 &Mak, oitlevwell to any it up. Mn wen gone about, me bring • bei." l1 e of ge•Pe - vteee. • Ma.' ' often lulled to sleep by the heavy On s pot- it, plea like home !" s i g h s t h e wanderer , ] Mr. Clifford moved the court to empnien e .80 minutes, and when he returned said he and • h ag , and lay them down; never saw Hering over year head. obi'', lion never is he nate leis thoughts bock upon the jury in the cause. After fourteen peremp- I game it into Dr. Parkman's hand. et his, him do so beton; he would get into the! 1 Ann sounded so delightfully. There your i ou , yp u„ t i de he he. loot, eud i lons lo ne.l ,„, t h e g eng , . n of whom ~,,,, eet house. I had an interview with Dr. Web. , room by • key hanging there when the Dr. I treasures were hoarded In the little di.' ster about noon the same day ; Dr. Park.' was out; don't know whether the key was, join those wloo encircle it. '' Sweet home I" aids , the following jury was enepannelled t I ting•roolit. on the stood. lay Oho fondly hi-' mermen the hardy mariner, as be to n na Thomas Barrett, printer. John Barrow., wan was there on the Monday before; Dr. , there that day or let; on Thursday a nd ] ' blo, end eight and morning you b ,sod nit' doe rigging of his homeward hound cease!, scale, dater; Robert J. Bran locksmith ; P. was thorn to the evening • em very pos. her buslend to put the grope- rine. teed the loved ten at your =fly, armed the, and peer. out to catch • glimpse of Oho James Crosby, clerk ; Jelin E. Careeport, , iiive it was that same day Webster mewl ' boa wince were bi her way. in the Prof family altar.. welcome shore. HOW his heart bound., a.: painter ; Albert Day, dry good. dealer ;,me if the vault had ever been find where cc's room ; he tried the dour but mind.% j I You enter with awe the room above.-- . .he descries dimly the dark line el his ... Jonph &wh o , merchant ; Daniel D. Fol. ,we used to put the remains of mhjecta from' get in. T he nines of her testimony re- .1 There your father'. spirit escaped from tin lend along tho distant heft in. ' h e . e p e tb. oeee ; Il ek t, H. G reet . h eo h.d. o the dissenting room and from the demon. late. principally to her husband'. lalenita I , earth, and you think of loin now as walk- So Clio wanderer on earth pants for the !ler ; Arnold Hayward,eaqeenter ; Freida 'union of Anatomy' room, meaning the' tweaking through the wall. lamong the seine in glory. Every slim ' happy louse tot hi g h ; so t h e ... se n or on A. Henderson. furnish er; Stephen A Stash.; vault in the entry. Ido not remember any 1 John 3 l•veell , teMSffed to me7lel the tin the neighborhood is °"d'ared by the Tine's ocean lobs out anxiously towards' polo, chin. Robert J. Gyn. was elected ] thing particular till a quarter to 2 o'clock, note spoken of by Mr. Littlefield. remilection of some incident of itY -gone I th e s t en w hi c h is to end hie journey.—, foreman. Mr.-Clifford, the Attorney G eo .. when utter I had eaten my dinner I we. John Hathaway tntilled to Mr. Little ] years. On this you played in childish ie. i world is not my home," triumphant- era]. iu his opening address to the Joey: standing in the entry looking out at the field's application at the hospital for blood, n ev e " . ; m fht t f y ou etmd t° watch °i e ly breathes the Christian. as he views oho' e.e6ned himself to two proposition in hi s ] front door. I saw Dr. Perlman approach- when the men adjourned nail Mooday. far.off e ag le, o r the approaching cloud — j e el that nurrounds him, the wiokedoess of indictment. Ist—That Dr. Name. was' log the Colley in North Grove street s- Monday, March 2 5:—The primly .' ] ou se I Hero yt in deep meditation ; there . Goose who make toot God their. choice. Ae' murdered. 2d—That Profenor Webster ' breast of Feint. street. walking very fast ; witnewees examined ski. day were es Vol.! 4ou wandered by the brook, or plunged ,arenos eerthly hopes perish—friends. ono committed the deed. He dwelt at great I ed. entered Webster's tenure room , lows. into its yielelingleosom, or hunted the re- ,by me, fail, and nye:teems disappointed length upon these points—contending that and lay on the settee nevem the register. W. Preston. testified that be was • mu, ] treating game. There you knelt, and —as ho becomes sickened by the deeeitful. numerous eircuteetanon would be found it-,and the door waiting for Dr. Hulas' dent of medicine, saw Dr. Webster on the Hemmed eat pod, it; the sigh= around. or lien of thooo in whom he has confided, he teen„.ieehie with the supposition of P oe _ ] lecture to finish, to help (aeon his doer and evening of the disappearance of Dr. Park. I ' listened breathlessly to the many voices of ..., impatiently ..h. f ur t h e ti me whoa, fessor Webster's innocence. ' clear sway his things. I did not bear any' wan ; knew him •, the Dr. bowed to wit-I -lure. slog shall he free from all then troubles, and' The first witness celled for the govern. one enter Webster's leotere es; the front Curs; saw him there so late before. I ter desert .he gladly tteleo.eu hums , „ hero the , tut ., tree Chula H. Ki nely , who testified door wa. eye until after the lecture that I Wes. Calhoun eorroberated Mr. Litde - 7; wicked nen from tronbling and the weary that he bad known Dr. Perlman mime' deY • Dr. Ware'. lecture mem door was 'field's evidence as to what oceuned is ""' -.roan e ` a being l ' ' that he had trend him to the i e l os :od by • spring; of er putting away Dr.' North Groves..., on Sunday =ening after' ' ' -e. The witness .•-- -1.! H.'. thing., I came down and locked the' he dimppeannee. 1 Ofr --' " - About fifteen mi par' George IV. Trenholne, teeilled that oa ' set o] • be ;- bey of his arrest Dr. W rose to bee " ' -eked him dant the $20. : --se to him ea A scoot in the home which . teieste nhieh are shoot b.d inhis pre., etpacious pi. situation. Its assoeistions me •the mm 111611.1 cast out by mt. mere .. tender, its delights the most sweet. He among the. elite of the Oily ; there, his com bs. entered the busy sconce of life, and, minions will be those who have been cc thrown off ell, but the remeinbraiii e, and decreed and purified. Is he afflicted, them secret influence of former years. Ilia in- roiv and suffering are not known. torcourse has become more extended, Lis Do you address oo in prosperous air knowledge snore general, arid moro minute ' annostances happe n in the enjoyments tle has learned tire world, its mlintroon- Providence Ids spread around him; to him, lastin g , its empty vanity, its want of aim, Heaven is home Ile in, as ehv child ty and truth ; nod in the Stole gil biudness, swan from the parental roof, who is sortie the vexations of pr.ifcmionel duti , e, and log time after time, mementoes of a father's the disappointments stte..dind all affeet Id.; sod these, but make him love that molts. he lar liscone siekeded with in. It father, and that home, the more. With • „ 7:14 . 1 U 1. 1 .41 I I 120 MlllOlll itlt 111 V ylloW ,1 [(ilk MONTROSE PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 11,1850. Wednesday, March 201k:—The jury,! by direction of the Court, this morning ex &mined the Medical College, in eonneation with the counsel for the commonwealth and the prisoner, who were forbidden to enterl Into any argument but were permitted ibor-; nimbly to show and explain the localities] The) returned to the Court room at about 10 o cloak. when the examination of wit nesses was resumed. With the evidence, 1 given this day by Mr. Tukey, Mr. Movre & son, Mr. Holland, the Mears. Fullers, and Coroner Pratt touching Dr. Parkonan,l disappeanume. visit to the College, he appearance in Mr. Holland's store ; th e ' finding of the boon, in the College. and the smelt of Dr. Webster, our readers Sc. al . ready familiar. The ttttt meets of the wit ' news agree substantiatly with what we Insblisbed shortly after the murder in No vember lee. The next witness alseined we Dr. Wyydbury Strong, who testified that be knew Dr, Parkman well and bad been his physician for some years, and had seen hie on the Slid of November. Wit. Alan visited the collage on Tuesday, yaw parts of a human body b ing nn a board.— The body had been opened as no one would' ihe likely to do it had who seen • post meteor 'lambed. Mere was peeoliarity ofl the body, tt was narrower acme the ghoul dare than SMss the hire ; the body weld very straight up and down; I hew noticed the sate thing to Dr. Parietals; Dr. P. was, ipeeuliarly formed, and therefore I untied , him the more. Dr P. Ainsworth, testified, that as do-. menstrator of Anatomy in the allege he kept a reard of all anatomical materials. lit mamboed the remains .found in Dr. Webster'. room and ma satisfied they were never sent to tee seller far dienetion ; nil midgets ant for disseetan were inject- ed with Old to preserve them. them weal inot. Dr. Webster ban no emanation with 1 the anatomieal department. My inane. sion is, the moon who eta op these a ltana had we nnetomirel kneaded/pr.— The amen who did it might have se.. I body eta op, bet I eleald dead wilabsr lite ewer teak • knife in Ms bend Ss de ft. At Ode nap of the reseeding. the 1 Court, adjourned. r /If" s k2l t—Dr. 0. P. J - 1 eta= that.. • earwax. be er . II ' el lt l- ad with others to enemies the 04hp:short ly arta Madisemery of the ameba i he ate else • phydelas by probtaim, end we. dertook the ehemleal stalye4 a' tbe siga found I. the formes I. Patera Webseer'a room; the NOW in wldat the pail men Impended mould sent to Wiliest. that the penes who did easomplish the aparatimt as sansmitet empabasil edit enefeesp. The &nil ws. ea up boldly toward Iberia, ..d dot asaliage. wen 61•16•6 le a eltilfel, seam. I Mad by enemata.. that the =of the neweir le the tea Weise had seed with • elly Welles etieweie Ipasta. I wan sequelated wkb Dr. PIA =Ii: le T t ni e ftww eer. ertt I l i: M t? ... De l Lwas breed awl Bit le tie pint ; whims; Ihuilwe taiga le pe dleseveg et pei meg ilte mho glebe Mow Webs melee • et IP JO meal Mel* mite wirlelwee MEESE wing. I then went down to Webtier's lab.' bundle__ Angs of prat oratory door. to clear op his room. The: house; it sena on Monday ~..'tI Iwm to door under the stairs lads from Webster's • box and bag of tan the Dr. directed small room to his kboratory, older the lab-I to leave them in Mr. Littlefield's «liar and'. t" hea. A 1847 ...a 1848, and a... Dr. oratory stairs I found that door bolted on ; said he would take them into the laboratory; I n ; I had waste. to g° to a et the Medi the inside . I then went round to the next he VIVO one Bah orders before: tho't ..P.ltrit 4Bd to _ door that leads to his laboratory and found I bad misunderstood the Dr. and would set , woo ►etwee kal( tee and two o cluck, that fast, put in my key, found I eoald not' the thine In the laboratory; I first maw the' b ., owww , g• I Wn the seal way is get in, and that it too wee bolted. I hard. knife in Dr. W.'s band on the 19th ofsNov.; I the "_ him in there walking; I heard the water, he was in his genie, trimming hie grape or the set Bain and fwad tM door running; went op stairs and tried the Mar vines. thinking lb. lecture not threes\ I puma that led to the lector. room from the front; Derain, Cltpp, pollee officer testified te lout and met Dr. P. swing rand the sues entr The the search of the proftdeor's premise!. loot" hack ow . wt .. kto. par .p e Court here took a raw as , on re-w.. his west, the arta:liars of which Iwo al. I semblinu Mr. Littlefield resumed—Left' ready been pithlithed. The Attorney Orland hem slated that Prof. 91.'s room and wont nor; taw Mr. ; Beth Potter testified that ho wan diteount , had no lather Waimea te submit. A Clapp, Kingsley, Fulkr and Riee awe in clerk in the New llnghind Bank and had l ot otho to tot.to ir wook , by the *had. Clapp maid he wished to speak oolleeied th , e funds of the Medial allege, dmit but with MO; mid ho way gag aeareli ere. he states that Dr. P. had We to him ahe sea not ' o ry foot of land in the neighborhood, and enquire whether he had funds In tale hands wished to ...web the co ll ege, so that people belonging prof ; W.—whet infonnel that; Tam Mieldwam . . . . . . around might not object - to hoeing their l l houses searched. I told him I would show! him all parts of the collage to which I have! ammo We then saw Dr. Jacob, Bigelow, in the entry. We all went into my parlor, and talked, Dr. Bigelow Yid show them re erything ; mute one mid let us begin with, Dr. Vebster's room ; that's who I roll the Isboratory. While talking in North Drove street with Ur. Calhoun on Sunday, I saw Dr. Web ster nosing in Front street from Bridge-tt., I remarked that then was one of our pro fessor. coming. When Dr. W. maw sae he , came right .p to meund asked, w )Ir. Lit- • tlellehl did Jou me Dr. Patkman during; the latter part of last week r I toil his I did. Ho staked me where I saw biro—l said about this @pot ; he asked me *high' way he was going, 1 said he rpm going di smelly toward@ the ; I told bits I was elooding In the front entry, looking out at the front door elhe hod bit mute in hi. hand and struck it down on the inmost and mid that It Is the very time that I mid Mm four handout and eighty-tiro dollars: sod sixty-thole gents. I remember he pot the mots on. I told him I did not me Dr. P. some I. or go nut of the soilage. for I toot to Dr. Ware's Mature mom; hr mid! hen .oted the mealy dowe to Dr. P. 1. , his lestsre ^ nd that be grabbed the I I money from, his without eamtingl4l and no an fast as be amid go, two or Arm, stem et • tits.—ho mid Dr. P. told him he would geWO him to Osultridgis. mai Umber** mortrige. tad I. autimmod MI did; he mid this was the HMI Imbed known of it; he math is dm Tessuwipt; be Will he ins snood to owe ea Wray§ gee ' tlernos. sod — heW MIN to MO ANIS 1, be bed bees to NO Dr. Peseta Plibsemes be Wee ems ewes. Whs. Dr. W. spoke, se mu be used Mire se leek me be she Des with has bead guy be DI se awe bet Imbed In.. sod append esersod sod *OOO ; I mew sew bin hob ee bane. he FON ibepollal SSA OD. 1 NMI AN Midi way be mob bus Nib is , ens se w..& Oembeidses M lleuie, gelid ass gee Ms kb view einiebi y ep Ow I W/ Nil do I*arbor WI Min *NY r DW um IhAhligl ashodiii NUMBER 15. he had none ha denounced the Professor. elm. Fabler. in °peeler fer tlhe deasee, being • disboneat and diehoeoraltic men.— said h o t h oo ht ow n w hiwyny t. the ow ._ Whnese told the Prefomor of this. be an its of the Marge h.*. of the erisentery mend .. Yoh will bare 00 (ember trouble I wow ., In 000 h a otoo, of d oo m, . mi. with Dr. P.. for I hare tattled with hint." w o w kw...t o the r m.., h o g m melte. ' The eonvonation with Dr. P. MIS ea dm' Be oohed tt o o tts , .. st e m m o k w t.& e t 12th, and (bat with Prof. W., on the MI .11 towledho, sad wo r owo g mo w wheelies Nor., naming. Witness was farther ea- resealing the dimapeeranee of Dr. P. .P 4 .. 1 f.tohfoll hi. koewletke of the Pm-' whialk at me time threatened te we. it ferssor's Moaners. , telf wee I. Melanie, on Dm %wee. Med- Jobe B. Dana, C.lll, of the Cambridge , 1. 0 1 c o s t , hwy.... 0 a t ... 1 oo mg. Bank. testified as at the PTUr.'ll SM.. to w. to l b. ... wo ws, b., ~..om go. . with th at loathed.. Tbe prosseetioe's els- , 000 t o th o (10.4.,,,, Fh o o w opus jolt In predating the hut two trimmest, wo n n I. tommolg• when oho hi= epposn to be to show that the Prof. bad &fit...t o oe s °me r e * t ottbmt • not the DPW wltieh ha said be paid Dr. P. proweestios--ho wades eDellet .w Met of on the day or his disappear... ' blood. Here le • whom Um with Ma* Rey Dr. F. Parisian 'retitled that Prof. oe oeo as, .ad file oe 11., ° m om so. s a, W. tailed at their boon .bout 4 P M. on It we , b o in o b ot m o t oo w n o y oo g ot t e , wmt , the Sunday after his brother's disappear- t ' , t h e m.. w o em now l o ft t o wo w , Dm, 1.11., 131141 mid that he had tame to tell them' i o • to s.w oo g owomoo m eo s o wt g owt b oo t., that be had teen Dr. P. at belf poet 1 rto md o t 00 . 0 1 000 bt... y o &dab. as k Friday aftemoon and paid bier wag am- ! the kw ham. g .;,,,,, n i 1., M. '''....., AY: said ha was the pant. who tall. et' or barn... weed le pmewee drib. What lid Dr's home and made the amointetent' ...id b. o oo m o b o o otowoo ws wo or YYlbrg with hi.; he mid ha ...rid bor. sailed with a .oink, would WM warm MYM teener but Ilia mot tee the wake of h... t 500 t... b oo b ow no Ana, IwsYr !appear.. till flaterday evening. Wheats' woo , oei p ow .. mu m .. to Ida Fbe low thought the Prof. appnrcd nemoady ea.- If 1..(......... dika.a..., le merit ey ' , L ed; Me visit mamma mo moan lnas • ...es oh o roet woenm, Manes Noma WM oft visit, be repressed ne leepleine as te the, a tad them midi an oils*. Tim , ! myrmidon disemmoreeee. mad me mos- ims aOw dna hipirp-ohat is • sea- I thy If 'he 11 ,10 of the Datikr. AD. •; moat. prevershobr beadaide with sib. slight ermeataasminailoo the oat eq. ..,10 tomes woo la aematismie it roilooeb• 1705•,.1705•,.Mira 1111.—Relph 0. 1 1.1 ler ? 1, swam 3 Promoted a Memel ktke ft..... ; &haft to the hot ire MdoWm MI ,i Dr. M. by troy of Mantles the easoptatea; don, that asp emensitef pot heilipity ars I letter., adept be have bend =Wen try tie wo g oo m 0 0...." w as ....... , primmer. lie MN a wilisiset le mob Dr* P. redo Top=e to 4 ,1 . I headelda wit 11111111111111. Miser, meet whir Mr. le 1 0mp t .... . 6 ., ... sow ' hots Aim S. tet if lithrhihia glow b/ •le way of Illookriloo s Tole s a il s. ova IN. ass mairdal. Net iledllog tbe reselh , May. le a. ..r f a t ....§... &ma , ..,,, Nr imi le Dr. NA Um to palisnao lad ad do Oho, eta D• O i a - imiroses. Tie Dr. after leuelai S. thal ratty Noel Do 0•601•••• .OW 6 billed paten 011 mat ammo, said the iiiii the codsollid theit to di best Of Ms tot •• ilmood 11 0 •PoeP 11 . In." 11 l sobs or MUNN! NA ISM MA IMIMPW MN , .em 0,0 P.= / linowla Mew.. Me bee. TO OM bell go le Oa rookom la the to ; head a to* 4 1,,..b m ibm0 AA so bombbile memitseg le tbe wane that head aMkla Oh OD sesta hisinotait Oa lb* lio polio , book sad Net De 3milb amid Zdi ri l lii WK. (3 raid YAM ono ea tBl Of i saioll Is wilking do 0011. thodadoodopeaddel *soda lue. lei r ei oallbosell 14. IRAs In say ollistiO. , ''. paid A. P..tbemoue,' ea belt pert l Ruin P elogslc Frhlaarh y the 9241. arms : I am • rer of the Isle Dr. P mem . ; took ea seder par ph a the marsh ; Mara A. W. ..l he eh/ Dr. P. $483 ..d same email, who pleheela .p without reemuMisti, NW left hi. mama efro. raptly. I asked lAN wore der bee. het mid he reimmiered only sem 51011 NI en 1.• New sno..a Jag. I bran. j Dr. W. bolt hi. deer who. I loft hi.. Ho 4prired rather Ail soil formal and ono* [ derma oar oossenatios sbost tbs bills. Ito hi. Ws in ssob • inks so So ode an spressioo upon me Chas. B. Starkwesobor, ewore Hsu Men • pollee older 4 yews; woo sogagsd in the search till the sensing were,_band ; woo of the party Dr. W.; ho talked freely on his way ; whom ors eon way, to the jail the Dr. remarked Det els driers wee goiog wrong. We told the Dr: at {MI that we was gong to look rosier in do osnoge ; when w• swim* at the Soil dos Dr. cok ed what does this suer Mr. Clapp aid. Dr. we ban due 100k..{ for Dr. P., you se now in ustody Ida murder." Dr. W. espied, w Wks 2 re.' • Teo?' He wanted to know the portico bat we wishod sotto talk *bout continued, w Shea did they dud Ais did they Ind the whole body? hew some they to must set who did they pt the information? Nobody boo sour to roost, but the porter, who sakes ins"— After • few minutes pane ire You all. That villain ! las • rebuild sue." Ho walked the room, snug his buds and Mt down. Proud the lob books at the drelf,, sade into a route by twist. Jou W. Edgerly, emote ; I Os in as hardwaro busies.. Tuesday Swank right I sold Dr. W. do largo fob hoots, and think thou forted oe tiro shelf the Mae hooka, Several witomos mon to ti. porehote of doh hook. sod twins do moo as above. Charles Lathrop, worn: I am • ginner. Dr. W. wanted to have made • tin hen to peek things in, say books, Ate. He want ed it of wrong tie, with • handle; mewled it 48 bathes square ud 80 bathes deep 'He ordered Ow boa the 80th of Now. and wanted it that day; be said be wood solder MI the lid himself. dreph Aodreve, aware present when the Dr. was taken to hie roar wheat the renteibe were eabibited ea bias; ho per - rind very mash ; be raid not walk ta• re carriage ; he appeared faint ; the Dr words spar in the 111111tthre MOM, .. 1. 2 dog they ask Littielahl le yr ea all this! whet will ry pow family do he lay rarer T . We had to lift bins ble bed; the room was roar all might; be did not appear to stir d Weld ; M ware& to be lifted op in the raring ; be not op he all, These are no ern re--' of Dr. Rahman'. body t►aa they auste then I duo% know the !nor of that Littleield WednewUN Nan* ==tl to lb. hie of lon mitts% by
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