grin. lb. I. J.10,.11111 Pluidil rrc MIZI il No I' ('MI~ li MBA ~~ INIES Alll I •111, ‘1 1 .1.1 Ng:IL % I . I r ,% ‘t .11.1 111 I I .11 Jel 11,1 111 / i • runtsnf .• otit•r.. 11 it, th.rix:n. wit n.“ t' een pi ?—lt tl. I nn nor aid ,11 lltentr tlin turned the n nl ad thointoe. :al to In xlfa , finally ant' -At t Actium. In II Win. .181 1.. Inca? —ln t::, i 30; it entanouril 11110.. VCII WI at Lt_ri ~ 113 effert 11 , . lit r 5. .htelan•ft mart ha .1.. of their 11111'14.1d jatllga erhpimal, tt that al ch,ing na the earr form. his &acceptor, 1... w, „•:, Into his arra l, de Maw man.; tt en, —Sisty ; Antos , us was gottulus the last What periatt ar time gaatall ate t-- tAtiai:st r • moat tii•tiagtaslt•l Livy : Ilnre r, t in trams. the Roman arch period. Whet emperor. were Tiberias, Sal Damitian Comm,,odun w. • I. t -1 r I Art I Iho N, • I I.err by e Ii„ .101 t.r • ie. e? nu,,,, Vitellia ._ Who wea emperor nelson China . - • . • , c t . ea oto f,„,,,, r i o d, ~,,,.,,,, i n riO, - n i to t.,Tn •: :rote th. iefeetive oleitmetent witch to c , ...i In II 4:‘ th. ir ...1 . eiV.— • ~,,,I , qi:, , ,„1,1,„. , . ',.. • :1 ,, , until they got . much Ite death P-Tilteriete, infapone for hi. &gra- ~,, ,'1 ,,,,6 ~..,,, , :.,,,, ..........) ~.. . ) . ,I . . , .. 11: o old, nod wiser heads bed been mitt- S .nte ludic, clue; to the L, s. . f thnir h w i ° ,7 4 : t,‘"; L . t. ,•.. i . 1., 3!i-nnori a , d itleoia ; that. lo ding_Meee and dee,. direimulatioo. lords, forgatti.:g do it ticlolem child tern. 1:,,,,., ( lii t , I 11, io favor eel a kingly gor• When true:, ... i.. lily itstrodu.mi into ''''' " ""2"'" .l .'""g" th " " t " '''. '` .ll ' ' il l . bi "..'" " i ! ' .'`'''. l : • .• • • • _- - • . .• • . . - - • - • • I in„ - -.4,, pia; ,d,.: 1 ,. ;, ~, I , L.,, ... ~; , ~ 1 ,. ~ ..... c . ~ l• u. 1 ., I noususity repot, sod eunoretal.tu d filIC nn- , tt , C.ld ant no tam:roue tot. t.t Iwo .Itd_ly, tvt. 1. 111'1,111-1y ra. lIIg 1111.111 I,lli. A A rt .: .1) or , r o_ it so n.-- 1 . n , n , o m r o Remo r-Thirty years after the Math ot ..ther nn t. rorn-144:t of lt trip; hot por. ~,, tvlat lonked, the nog. with di AM.. Ot: ..... d thei.• I ulna to their heat Is. mai..., a., a- nate. which ...r I c a oty ,d 114- ho tilde `late ......, , Y. , ~.',"'",' .'•' " `',,.. A ii , ' in " o ° o l. oado the , lima Oboist. ~,,,, o „,i d ,„.„ 0 ,,,,. t., n ot ouiptnool hy an); .0 , 1 , 4 In n, I. urn them t , :l 111., 4.i Lin •; .... ‘ M. W..lanntt.ll 'tn. - 0d its lefer• , , ~ premotly it wne noto.e.l t , at :111.1 11, ..t , ,r witll s now 0011 t o .re, oi t the repuloisto twin mania n- no: orb... L Vh "":"P"71""'"'„ "" I°4 li r, C , l '' ° ,l . '"' ' ..citt me. reigord me .. t r the mfr, .. e . :I in , ai at , . 1 tit.' l, nr' . d ,1..... shou ld spy- .At tht. ~t ion, , ....,1- .. aatt hien nf ilea- i t,i„,,,t. 1 1, hind, in or &male - fraat . tittt E.t.' , ltt c a" nu .tv ,te 31, IL .4. ...., I . O. 3liiitnry Coomimec. --7. ; .)..,....0%. ; '. : n.i....,•.r...; -,-- mew Liu r woo ,I, eh, o t a 1,0 % t.. th, tinily . [memo oe no Oar, stotio....d as they ' rinte...l /111N101, the ev I +..l' Ildliaon 1ir..:.101,1 It 0 .nn.n 1r,,,,, tt. o B..ingtnn (Vermont) ion, e t......10ti'm Tim 1'0...i.b.... i. ad.- M t . It .ad. , Ifcled v. mina nr toa d.. "", "*"'".."..• ..'..".."., ;"''"". -'"''''""' Ikea ''''' atel the fl-ron CA were •.1,fr,..1 with ...............P Mid..., al.. lie pot- llclun liarriam sotight I act other, an if II) Film[ Enamel W u , W,,,k, and Ma arm, lie.• mei that tin Sc..•to lo.a ...i n : I t i , , nn.elli g Ora II ere I,ttpl, l o b.. a Dinel.ian steel Julien the Apo:mate ; b u t• wood t . el:. :hoe • itravagene, Ti ~, ti e . Iti .... ate tellialtr ..r the hour. William they ximultaneo. attr.ii. And then ex the e d „,,,t,,b , r o d erro l au t o t i mer. sod not to maim sorb • eall eioht hon. 0,31 lailmal, •It o, Lee thoroughfare 0.. /Whin perereuted ..olt lip ea lit-hin fern tyle stwe of the en. law n .. e v Mo o t to oozed I. , ; end often doling the day on the terrible denolei ion foil ..e.l, f.rtuttatt*. In. ~,,,,,i,i,,f e t se . It i s .Lae rendered very I• _ ___ ..erting 1%, A. ;antic anti Patti& Owen., r bilk " Ill ''' "" " 6 " eivil '" l "" d ig`'' 4 I. o 'M...flea...nee., on the Fairy (Me.. I el.• enema. f". 1., end dnven . d . kehlue,....yre- , j . urimpteitlterf both set nat. dby ..• t , ot . r . c. ii n t g b e . n . cl i i t t l i , ll l. ; o l .. p ow ron: , f, r,, tz vci t y . i i tt.: , r t t;tn ,,f r. ly . D: u ".. ,,, 1 1" . " , "•EL. d. 1 1 .'"' 1 ' ,. '",: , - ... A t0 d ,'," . ', 1 0 in 0 : 0 0 0 " . ....::: 0 .r r i ; 1.: ,, 1itt1 , 1 n in a 1p , 1 1 :" . mt ,. .i . ;11 . i . , ,,, i . 1 . a ,.. t1 i .:r . ; What It 'man emperor °sacred hint.elf : l •' , o e , ( nereatter ye aoso Meteor nee alteelloo Milli, yet int elli gent , an d Wee.. ae the lalletiall moron dove togotner. net as the " a - b .: w ' r ra r nbiP .„l l " ..l. ' :'"'"dj-I'ldsit'al"' but growily to this tweet!) Met I te boats treys *Mrs- and yeaßed to Ithow who the .tan- .till more hideous ory of °lre!" th rilled dog, ~,,d roar ai,,, ton s of eurra. Is f o lly lea a. -O. wee tillimemlY el." ... ~.10. e„,,,,,,,,,,, should otto bu t h o g„„ a .loan" ....'"";, ^l 2'LL - :,7,„":r':,"" * „",; • ......"' ::* cope, din a race TI - !set wen reprefi.d, ger meiden wea; and she, on her pen, cost throngh the tremblin., wreck, Wien, With and t o ra o r oo m China co P,,reeleie yet lug , and th e ...tilt ee."'".' pro .2"; t.. - telegraph , and mil lacy p oe t s , t o no .; t , j aw , -- - - L -- - --- i. -"' --0.-. ''' t and new fr.-in lip t.. lip. iy...l.:eing toot v.- nanny me minimum alone° of timid but hoe. pallid cheek. and wild looks iovolonterily k no . n . h e .ddbir, 111, all there oetreutial gaily. • motheilistion, wax b y gwwww . .. '',...' l e le P ee Pr : mdse.; an d th a t e , oa i n da a a wmcm w.o e , that Otte 1 ...a1e of Dow had , , nous e matt 1.6. a. the ..P.j t - 1.0.4 eintable &dila:slime towards that - monk). , hounded forward into atom erms whit Joel eptelitiee it Is said to to afforded at l o wer gallant moor who. Gamma had oohed the or thirin. be appointed La take the bat gam cask, that he might draws diem all at ono blow-ho died a violent death. chi-A...led many horrilde eolentitles rent- countenen es snit noble form, whieh Sited at then were expended to meet her. totem than similar mild. of clay wsre. apple of domed, into consideration. ing teem ...I. t00 ... 5 0 0 n, racer . P. once lire 1.1.1 it her dreams, and made her - - Objection was made and the House re "l will mm Pm or alt." roar fat" I" its osee Sr.are not confined to the usual crook otoWl'i.r.narri"er.'"lPZl:gd"T: his ":"., of the men, end 01 "r 0.• I•dir--...b....-. 1 .....nuy wlah thet aim had • brother suet to ld l b. t o ,„i„, ~,,,,t a . a“nd os t;'l,,, s e lf -mien- ery ware, but the Inventors make fume it It. is animated the[ the area 44 one let- (need to ...pot, the tot.. i ....„, ~,,,, h .., n 0 ,,,, i t _ Not,. ..,,._ tog more than thirty, stale 4.1' whom te ed . h e. _, milted charge down the steps to the blarer d.w.knobe, daguerreotype leagues, lane, .4101 not to lollauirrd . loam, wowld , a """ children in their arm tits .yap- I t owe at G. ,lt, eight is-. a dation of l o- deck t end then suppnrtiog Ids precious twaelrera I ...... for sign board, Ogee. fm, adi. fir forty-rie and a Mit mat. as 2_ 11 1; : a. t.".. 9 l.° ol : e l d " . fta i ..:re ti " , 7 1. 7/"J , I - .. ..... emend hie ...lbw." .'"""'" toms of fear • and • wtiti wto limit,. ae- matteee." en. one; ° a delnaion of the berth., boldly sprang into the water. ..„,obort„, end o g o ,„ ot 0 , 0 , 7 0,1,,, o f t a o large as Pennsylvania. Of th ese, thlrty• ....". ids tutor, to be ma to death t um. bearing 0.0 . o _,.,• by • I p.. a an tamest retnenatranee ...rote , g . mama ,'• ei h. swatter. •We will not en. A o 0a0 ,,,,,g,,e,„ 0t0tt ao .a o , william met. Tio;right to a anufaeture it kerb.. ,he would lie north 11 the Mi.ouri am- add.. on Torritorim to ioquiro a hat we* the radon or Oregon, natives and for, '' l '" Vii°lll° " , ti e "°" l " r i ll : 4 : t. '":" hi ra p te ro t r.d olan , ge , 4s h. ..f ... r p s , e . ii.g. ..• tmenimouely any either tho.ory. Yet who Me ant • , .I Or e Inc awhile nobly centupled with the . tooto g on g - t a o w . r . . 111 m u r al, .... realise line le tionwany , bad declared lavers? what Brat led to the milli meat of killed idamell -BMW. Weekly. at first eight ? Who has not Nom sy. dangers of Wm stream. • But the wave. and be brought into the market. 1 Two young lea., Mist Maim peeing, 1 (nova 1 what benefit it bad been to gm- This digger, • 1110 specimen of Louisiana' allowing from stages and Maamboatk thew' ,My were both mfavorable. It was we- A Saw-Vora paper has Mr. Claysieldmiry, with the eye i 4 an milk sod windows and from beneath milk thrllling odic the Meath of em Illlesouri, sad that A- Mg. 4 ...-.. . .1101..... bang d o — t o redood to' Miss . Mary W ..."..d atel hare hee.....un . o u f n i l i z o r r. ton di .V " .... 1 trio' will Provo , . he pros mute at the head a ito adenine et • Pregt•twattili -„,, r , - • -044 vb.* seas -i the Mori with • spirikllke totem et kW- l eer wee unple awoke by a coed, and shatlreldrefrom the Mtge entirely, la now play- tudwlm lit the klhential emeliglate In 1162. nnerable had sed its sal, puked, hest mengnigkek net wastes or pagannaM Itakwelming Nam ofwatere wille`e mom leg ble farewell et-Liverpool. Memphie lowaste. • Mr %Mina asked legate to preico4 pee 1(11,1*AIE VII. 1 4 4 . 1 , ..1'•11;‘) 1 re%., , • I • tm Ifl nu I r tent the ..e.. ,. r I. and I MONTRoSE, PI, ' A ' , ROI 7,1+:,0. • tir •.tir ; anti rett,rketl, 1 / 1 "1. lof Ilt. Itati eVI a a ~11.,a,et S 4 CM 111.• .1. tne..m, nl Ow cap ! .ti , , 1%1, Lnd tren i,.l tho, •01,) , et t. to•r s f re-t. red Lon., . 111.•.otte•t 4,111t11111 ,, 1. tI rt 11.111 w , to, 1. :svci r. wl• du. to ,1it111 , .. 1 . 111t.t :..11 . 1,1 1,11111. 0 ti 1..:.,.. ill, xi. and 4 tI. $l. iOnt •• _f ex. item.,..t N. I. s I piplu ur. s I ,i.e Vlll 14,1 an. 411., Cie 4 1,1, I I fit.— i.P rrs L/111, L le/ LL Li 11,3 al' a aux... Stat... s • ..r It, tale 01 1i 1.. at A...1..1A tlie I'dir, tin 1 . 0 11111 l CX. undo r ;r- . mr.l ‘ , l •0 , 113“, tlrtv k, nn sa of ma:4 .% • ar rt Lot I II 4 df.:llt 'rooom woe 4.41 lii. Iseatttbol nit'. I; iokti the 5. , 1 ittoe r gat ; ; r alb t:ii o 4 I ; y. wt 41.11.) yottit. man, of Toe rev n. re, m It is for-a 1: Orleat, notts,ell and . lllllll,ll- fnrever. t th e b,r,ta.. ...tuna' pars... Ibtt uly did not oth , amt tad 'Ken 1,1 tot or- down nod:sll.rd titml, aid Intl I.b. iid.o Front hi, inhereot tlih- .b part f the inael ty i lath, than las nabb: edneato.n. le trod all , oto,'. ithtmt the , Imbibed rode of ethies, la% poxerlea.. a log on 1,,e ling with a pont,o and highly ittaigh,a- floe might alno•st sear rio tort to ..f tonmi, led him t. , abominate fie Lao on Coe point of lis p 41to, ni the' mo-t dangerous of all tat thee the itot,,ts on that .he: Item, he looked o gen the present —the tntlt gai,ll.ll stilla bathing anonith,g, to Imtror. One rot ,t 11-hn Ilatri-m was a native of liort 00. I al..rtn. All re,tra a One oror I nail; ter parmita Lad ets.i. move,' t lie i; resistible en' gratt. Ito ,• whore they 101 l a prey tomat, probtinent trai:a t,eo the I. Vele of the thmate, and t, x, pent distielublirgp-t-ebms amt. str stud frieodh so, alto oat making In r way ifedvd. lon-hands 111;-sv 1.• hook to the elataie 01 hot butt,. The tri, ea and !Anew.' iot , the ri. grief "t ..Veln. 11l MICI ed her I law,. e .... /41A . . . 5e is] I!IM=I=E .1 11 , 1 N MINT] , 111/1i11y,:11141 1 , 1 N ticrlit'v uh , • .%t I.lktl at Le' la. ..f .r 1 I 111 hilt l 11,1 i h I ott I ‘ , le : r ..t I 61;1 Leal t t., t • , t I 11 I , t - X IrIF ‘l.l % rly r 1•.11r, - al Ira I )• t : Fairy =MEM 2 Gt , im nI ii• u:t.1.11 I lw air. u it it ill. • 11011,ni • th.. MEE „, .1, , c t i t „ d the NVust Park it it . ,„'„: It ea,.l..ri t 1 is lier .e meath I eat la or l'" n. ;.o=u(fe;udrrd t given woe, 4- ink uld " truer I b; aliful picture , ia ":,"?„ - • 11.:. eat nest iad, riot being re the tt , ° - •••a a. rneter and om- . heartvie. se CI 01 ly n 11 inter rear clam. g""' to Savo their lite to, the „Hitt hold, •• in .1 u , 51111,...1-. 3•'. , 111 t..tptd,l, tor d tli chul, tutd It og• I tiolos o: ..101-1 1,. the lotittg out her ttragl, otily olarkne, —w" t1.8,,t41t link, soul rule. Ith b .te I.ia lute 1 tmol itt,et li/111111 1111 I.IN 11,11/- 1 .111111111, 1111' Allllllll.ll U 01111 be, 4.1 e •lo• le t utt P. t ft of 111,11,4 the .1,01 h" 111 1,11, 1L... 3 u It It tli I lit bill I k Lail Lvl.l / LI it tl I E it I 111 I 1 I 1 il N 1 ' J I 111 • I 1 ,, I II I Mir MIMIC 1 s lot I t l it tit tit6.,t 1 I It II I t 1 t II Ig, 111 1 rig• 1 Ilittrt 1 t r 1 11 r 'llll tiil.llll at I- the :till r h. 11.“1 prlel her 4114 ir knd I. mg nee. lit -t ri uml tt t 1 It I I s t t i t I r =ME 11 i II I 41. razz: lit of London. .•:' .1 ut 111 , I • 111..1 ~Wit,l.l,li ill h. • 111,a1 /1. nil,ok VA , „1-, ~I w•mit.l ..1 11.• I lip. nuity Iter oolkri ietS f .11 ,g Mltt, kat 1..1 ••11 1 , 110 ing. Fri rntu.y - is three pails i.. 1....:.i,, it I i nv011..14. e 1 ant ~.• s no 1.1i4 140,101 i{ io.. 41d, , pro in the city I cr, fifty Co.u.altd 11.,tv eitil 1.• n it. n. d on put d Rego. , t l'ath l • I Hyt wag r 1.:‘ , 1 been obliged, it. 1,;;,;111; , g al,- ey ;. ol rwig, toro,b, w eg,l...;;;nr g;a1;1;.,11, .A1..111111 1, 11, green nee In ;Is ol 1.4; g. e I • w 11,1nan gr. ! I .w ; , 1 and inn go,ger or 111 , tl; awl el •til: the rho ,51,1101 , 1 ~f ,ither MI tend—ed,.. art. Awed f, f pi , ' ono cm., to 1,..r.00v, lok , , a Opt 1.11 nly We ntya,.. 1 t,, no rcut I—J. G. 10i/flier cdo ti... NUll REP, 10. \ I 1 %0111 WI 11. 1111, 1,, 1111111: 1.g , •1 11 ~r, J •I I a 111,..r1 va. ,i .t .1 t .tn s • I in • I, •• • • t••••,t- 1.1 t N.•• Lot .• •kn stn., .1 . .. l i le•••• •• • An, 1,, Li 11 • t• ait ,•i• ••••s ne.d •lat v I. Lon • ; 11,11 It ~.. a~• i I •s I 1, I I I I .1 I t • I=l G r •t 1 IN S 1 I al TIIIItITTIRST i )NN111:8:4. /44411.43L1 .1 , tr. CA &Lie. i, :ch :Is. It4.ling t, eal ; or 4rs. B i,t, 11 er (1a),..- ilterefo u Os. t kutl , 4.. eA with AN, 4.1. r. ' l. •xprustsir.r., r souks, n It nn , I. 13L104.ii; Hr..; t TI 111 Cl, 111,1 F, site: I,..irip, or 4., [ha ko, .s MIZITIMIESEI stlstelt tl at 1..411.,t ,1 reads t., adt,it rf 1 , as thu. 1111 l .1 ‘,.. g , lit its astir, I, r Cub a Soy 31exick. Ile r.,“! y.• that t 1.,• le-t,htti 11-lift, 01 ,I•i.k.all,rl/ IJr s r anon , ' 1.1 ILu ad,li that tl.c Ilia • til!„,1 to al llin rights • eixed by C, ~rdittauca “1.1i,1 on [1..• lot', couritiers. Iti:i Mo. 3111Inr old d Lien WWI ke. llc .••h I t.o. 6,13% ..d 11/ • ronetu 440.1 C ..1 (but Illeret‘or. I,Weel ion mad., ir IlViioll. It ws t no .nbt a r ..f routb 8.1 t.imery Wham nii , trtl by th. eon le, 16.000 VI•1114 nou uhilo but von. olds sere ...ith ihir• the, 013111 I tI,IIIIiIIK 113 SI., C , Alid hoo 14Orild lid :IS a ma., m.J a - a• 34 .41 It iOll Or Ike e>olu:iue% rhiesdo) to pet op Ili+ cimunitt..4. al3 lk tl ii.ot ant i tut,-t r du t ,1111,111 if be I•It r,r Nr4so , I e iterft ell, CA1%1111:111 101,, IV tees% 111.%•2111.V9 .1 , ter v I ii Ikb« Irottl.l t anti& t • r • t1.11.1.111.L Loth ., I I . 5411. j., t =121311M .....111;;.; 1r .i..piti...; ;.•• 1;;.; ; r 1.• •; I 'pi.... .!r.. ~.~.? I , it L,.. v.. 101 l „a.,dj M. /11 , M1 , , rd, of btti, n Ih. tho l'imaniitee no 1.. P, ti... o!d to the Hooey, l'icAdeist, or oily turniber t, doo ..11, ~ r indirectly, or by ..rbally or io n riling, attempted • lie pm , * or C.dilorobt ex. a. diet thenoniilin iio.• 'wildly R 4 to pie•eot n! 1.0,tk or b,tell for peroper ttttt std ril.remd.d. event,. it rem...hence , Preen t into the Union, it e Olijiution din,. but the Wct ,t 1,4 1b.., tt tttl t..tto to :tit %Vt. tw 4444i41 that the mem thal ee Sleek refF7l.4.batng teirvivaeg brother 441 Joe 4.4. • 14. r, a 441 roonlahhog 44 ie tho 1,4 311 441' ere Nal 44.4 .14 te44.4,4.144. , ; that It he Name. tele:4le; ,t 4 1 A. ith tl 4. one, et' re the veoitutien I , e•- Ilea t! re tr. be the 4.4 mien et" .44; t Let he bait 1 atm/ them 44 tieh g t I'o r.4llcy 4.. it ry . t4oalrl 4.4 i and plea-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers