______.• . ---, --- . - - C BALDWIII ption, and in favor of binding •po ion o frt . 'lie • "me lee 'lie "der If c 1 Oh l :a its. 1 Cash-For Poultry & Eggs. I TUlLluvillell Cogglngw. . A.afirelgglaree Thhirthli Congress ' • the latter at an expenoe not exceedin4 omn moult Way Ennio or Don. Ea t u see., Jun 17. i11:,,,,,,; - ,:l - -- ,b - ind, " initeriii.O.;,CUlTC ri t e t e e ttes ". . eli n . ten mu e s. a 5thra.......a....." ?. ; NEw Gooos .mu he*, ono nu won et llama, Were. Ititrei ,411, awn, Itionnrio Onnu. ening ae . etTS a nr ..... Jr.lSt Ma 112 1-ti .11tS each. A long &hem ammo The greatest coolant,. AM reltaila in , 1111.141.......111., lotion •nildnor pennon no Int or Winn P. , Put* U., ne on tat: as., ! •• *ton, •• heed NI 1... a. anal OW an gef 'what • ale arlee will. yip Ate , t , T N. trtan . ... .. , non •01l rn ...Inn, tit• nano Pon, __ .....„,,, s. 61....111. -The member. huhu swum beton. the adoption of the last resolutions! T . Soo r mo, II anat., .e.,10.1•11 , 1 •E. a Metical a . • t e W,:etr l ;" '" lb at " w :m e itu w iste w alt li etr .l7l:ll end there is but a Lint hope I ANNUL . 61916111.1161„ bled, after the prunentatioaor petitions, Mr. The balloting to t , Donr-ituip „ e r r i orti n a ittostrd l, i t t.,,,,,,g. to, tund.tuir• we el easam as entetf. Mi t,....,,,l luinated for a m mo time . jb„.„A -- sVit Win. - For Bale , '''"' '"'""' no „,„. a r miaamiwi, submitted immemorial prou w, to ..gra. 1 mu 0. wee pang ,r. 0 n• 1 • ' "es " Zger.grl AWAIT! " 1$ for the cent nation of • line of - telegraph ow were wi th d rawn : the Dentaratio member from the disputed ;• __ wiEW FALL Gooug . rgrnzz-41.2.;:v.,r.re.f.=!,; D00r......„„ . ;.--,...:::::=...1.47,..12:::7-- BOTANIC AND ll ' ..... TON 1 1 61/ICII6. from St. Louie to California On the lint, the vote stood-Cole, 92 I , diteriet of Hamilton county, his seat, untillooorma samosa • staka•Zi4tani until, rot H. DIVRMITT . Draws, Medoelece, Cheweele Paiute. Ode. I Wiles ow O•ww , reW , deeevw W. a•wW.WOr.g. gi, we by U. modeo, • select Committee on the Randolph. 911 ; Flood, 16 ; "'Ce.'"''Y "' the matter shall be decided by the further _ s y s n s n. .la a. ann. . metal no mt.. amertinetil of ~,,..,,,,,,,..,,,,....„,„, , ,,,,6.,„. , „ ~,-,:: .. ..0.,..... a thew et a Aft.e. ea.. ee Inman Spoliation wa. then oilmen. choice 107. motion a the Senate-providing that he I A new atomnaunemodt ma-rn.......f• woe, Slenewere. alasweere, ,enwe, ''''' ettoorta r t=7:::sa m Z er oZ4 w or: tit The territorial resolution of Mr. Foote Mr. Flood was then withdrawn. . . i thould not • vote in Fie own ease. or sny - .o l et7n r .; ; fo r :7? t ' i rmw at it.e,rt0We'V0r5....","...;,,,r ..".7.rtri; Fall and Winter Goods, Cleeke.WWehee,Jel. 1,. - - ---- Ipals.lhay • ea...W. ter sib - , gi,0,,,0,, Spec- 'For Sale---A :r""""" • ;"47t1,14.1!" ff cti gor that could effect, his own 0 oat, no , almost ....ea. rewrote. REAP. wu made tha special order of the darter he second ballot weedben_h_ad,with , thing o , . 1 . ~ 7 , 7 , Lamo. or. 0.. a., sooner, W , lee, Ahmed hulittle change from the nest. 3lr. SOS , ~. ; Moody nett. loan, anat. Tweeee. The bill providing for a limitation d ot the. te l' wno here re-nominated. , , _, • Subsequently several efforts were mad le Brink ---19 • 000 1:; I- " I: : : ''''' . .i . " 7 "''''''Z' 7 . ,=....::,.;141...:••,:1.gAt'.4.?•,°27,•tr=;:e7..! Altana! Ix. ow. nle. Ligon., Myers' Liquid Care. --„,..„. eble Maas. rash or meant. rraht l'erf moo . e. 3iii, 01 , Nog ~,,,,,,,, 0 , ~,, C 0.,. whali has aint Wad weenier ninotts avolif expense. in the collection of revenue, was, , Third ballot-Randolph 100; lek a ; c to otter a l(1•011111. al , TOMATO the Speaker e....1:41211.1:11..Thr1ainr1V.1n texe wLp N 11.... ~ ~,,...,........,,,,,,,,, .........,,,,,„..„ „..., ~,,,,,,,, 4,.,....... _ . _. , „,,, , ~,,,,, over wee dimmuion, passed. Stewart 27. Ifrom the chair. A scene of the wildest ''" '" • 4 . •4, ,To ..... sod snob iun w ''' ' 'L1'..,"`‘.d1d...11.'..“"d'• `` ....r......• "I:V.17o; it• " :“...11 ;on , o•o• ••,1 atinaeital at. PILIIII Mr. Borland wile for the correspondence After the announcement of this ballot, 0 ,,,,,,,i.„ ~,,,,w,...d. 11..1. nt , ot lilaierturecated, I hake lemma e.a fa. ono te., tament , , ,, Mte.l la the I . ..tat , ii::: . 1 . 17 , 14 with the Consul at Valparaiso, which lies Mesa+. SlOWart and Rondolph were .h- The Speaker declared the resolution out , „o r ,. „to , po t, ~,, er"" "n"'"w """sr" : Ver).,%y rer.:no .. I - - W e'wwliss"e" Isrs°" l •Oti `sr ri s "I ' a 's " 'w t. mt.. attn. o, nu, • „avant, ortLe wine -..- •Aitw el MO ortales hmt Or mai. neat. woo. . •...c. os o cco••• ..... "eth e r "tt .a . ...s um " . drawn, and Alums. Stewart and Tufts re over. a ord.., and .ao.od oo mttertaitt an op- . Sale A ,r To , ,n ~.„„,,, _ ,a . I READY MADE CLOTHLNO ! - ' - ~--,••,,, ........-..----- , .--. ,, rt -5... , tll II awl &mum. loath uf Owe. wren.. to area.. Th. Committee on 11ilitary Affairs re- notilinateit. Igor .e ft claim:. 'En' 'more 2 .1 '''''''' r'"' .II KT ret.e.ll mei n band • new cum I . or Smadele Is ' OROCERIFS -A. geml mealy uf Aug 5..11....... • e.t.a oi eur maltdaate Ilt• . . .... ..• . 6 ... • . sBB . Stewart. 11; ; I'll' themidstofthe u rear and ' s., •Iss Is. •ported 1.,1•11 for the payment of the exp. - Fifth ballot-Tuft , , •t ; n t p .II erxit e r. S rent Ina un.:coo.: Mout oat's., eon... V... ten. ..lone it,...., on, Pers.•..i.n. . , tndo... m a rl okun • Pau. tn.. 1 loi• ta. nu n n • '..., v... dd....". d• , ........".....‘`' ..••• .'"..., ......• °'... ~...`...• r..........' T1•• litoono tali far in um me . mento.rec. Nes imbued in the Seminole war. Reattering, 11. confusion, tba Speaker announced the Executor's Notice, ..., .. ~ ~ . .to tea ontt..n. n. 01... ma n• tine...l Beams .4 aollna. ea , wart Clete, gratin I Alweenl. 1 elsu alestmel Seta, ha Ma. . I. af, Mr. Dodge offered • resolution that the . At the close a each ballot largo num- Standing Committees. The Demeast. yarn, It heaby at, ii tu ot: • m:.•;.•.,,ivanqq_s_n. _ ,„„,„ ~,,,,,n , , r ,„„,„. ~,, ~,,,,, aw e, lenueualm • lam., Mr arta.. neat exact fa VW n, Rev. Mr. Slieer,'the Chaplain at the lest bers of the members changed thew velem , k ro dl y relented ageiut bis right to do so. , tattO7et.=4,:twt:•:"JittLrotrf.:lto:i',..uttri74:: . H a t a an d cap& „„,„, ...,............„ ,„ ~.,....... ;11::',;.'.':::• ""'-.*" -"' " ''''- - •"" , Real Pain A 1... ion. Au • compensation of $5OO for from one ceedidaie to another. , There watt i. 11. o late hour the Senate adjourned in the "n•t01t,;•.,2Nitazt.,,,,;17,.,1,,,,n,,,,,,,r..,5,....;41...;;n74,1,::.,, ,„,,,,,,,...,,,,, ... non., ~, no.; ~,......,..„,.....,.. , ,1,,,:‘, ~...,,,,2,..........1,,,:.,.,,c:,,,.1:=:.=.:%! ...,7.,......,.h..,:z..,;,t.4..::,..:..,....„ ....t.,.. er.s hi. nevi.. der./ the extra .euien, which more stir than usu.l on the nor to-dos • greatest disorder after some opposition, was carried. . A re sti ed. ttena wt s anto ..... , tern„ no. tato...tot en ait • . - t at. RR , mats Met nels..r:lllc ' . TLittatl. Ta.l7 Ruth. eli . inel ..... thin o lot.tilt • t n•O n .tn. tonwntan I , eve. run .y ta...a • nil oda. nut: a Wet lea In New Illilewl. end II Llaittley, ;Ilya , .....,.._,,,,,,,,.,, ~,,,, ..., ~,,,,, ~..,..,1) , ..“,,..a . .., nmemers re nalm up win.. taAnues. Cling... / I . tl. r t n . , . ~,,,,,,, Mr. Bradbury ' s resolution. ealhog for JANA. All I. 19. Tn . ..t ........... ' T.. M.......- o t . „= " ; tr,:,',.',:,":„',„",";77„....e, re';',i„;,..,711,•••;ikat.n;;;;;.:,., k, 0. n• e, moan, ti c ., ..,•• its•tis.st,;ss;ost;;...,;osiosaso.strs:,2; te,,, :s tt s. ,,er . oso;ss.lausvg;s4o‘ol;d:;its,..”lll.,,tosrsorw, t• , ~o, the Ours.. ageing certain oßeers removed In the Homo severni ineffe , ctua I letileot„se Sm era ittquirica have be. a dd resse d to tatementummano to ma, a Mee owl ...... nod , ft, , t . t. ..:::'., jt,„.„.,.„ . „ ... ~.,„„ ~.......,. ~..,..,.,,,,....:t....,„..,„„..„,..r,„,,,,,, ~,. ~„ „,„,,,,,,,_,_ ,„.„,„„,„. . , . , by lb. prevent Admittistramon, was Atka wre tiai for Dea , ;.keepee. bo tithing ~„il . , • unarral„l,",ipZot;llbtll,ni„.dr.ilfirdeett.i,„.lgioi...:.l:,tpi.,ii.d. -rzr,7,7,tv.---.o.l,vltrag,--- 4....,:g......,..........,....,...,„„....,...... at Cato.. Matta Ilara C,..raw . anisle, Mae.. .. esettnivamac,:yetat:no,t,r.,ae,rns atm . o eel ri.r.V. wee. a Imianacatale onthal mod bar,. U•el, 1 , .... Wtteno, .1.•,.., '"•`. ,w ZIT FLe.411,, 74:4,41i1t . ,710rel .1 ..... .... ....74.3 .. ...a.. C 0... ~,,,,;=„,,,,..,,, up. A motion to lay the same on the table a wen thete. • The , enete wan not in . p T .,„.„.. 1 ....T. T....6m.y wee.. Wens. t.i . b... Fe - . ' .....ne ....,.'"' . '''..". ." ' .." Work. Furman. by ABEL ..... Llw lrlatum. hnhed b 1 ea and in the extra Intelligeneer -a, a Me11..,1 ~ . ..,111 Jo met. to .rive • e•II, Men. a• aa• .• 'ha ehe yrs. loft. Mr. Bradbury eddressed the Ned- Jo, mar 19. bawls my Ilne In .4 •re e•• ft., really 0.• - at at eonddeuble toned. Wham be hod llors e -After a long dienutWieerdebste L s : 1 ,0 1 17 o s , h o l o i r o r . '..1:0487' The pessage re- Fresh Teas. ~..,....,,....,..... , mi. ..,..... 1... WA. -eau. ... not ninclow.l.ll. F tarn Consumption 0111/1 IN Cured. „ 00n1lUdod. bh ' " ' t"'W*° 7 ..... 'n N",t,"?.,';L:fra"tl:,,;:•:',...l',ltnxi:,: -,,,...,,,,-...---......, ~,,,,.. ~,,......,,,,,, ~,,.... , TO,. Oullewt4o ...h. et Gee .1 Mr ',retest hives.* 31unday, and an read in the two louses, vont ° eta. I s ae. oludta. NII W '"'""“.•••••'.'""•`'""'••''".”"....'....d.........''....• ..;,....hr,, ,, ~... client.. ere. pebtlrbil! In sire- Mr. Dalian offered • resoled. calling ' ' te h' :lnt: " p u u . b i li g e ,‘ b li7r n . t e C e l . 4n7:nr .. 1 .17 I f e , w s as follows • ion. NM.. Veylmikal Faelenoima.llolMes. mote, foe . „,........ A ral , 1 ite,.. aaa. ~ : tea . nem ruelts. Vat,ut 11•1••••••. ~ , mt. t • one... n • on the Prlten issl f or • ss PY of the instr". ' moved that the election or lbetekeeper told • are ot poo *. Wt -' oc +with At eb„ „ o ,w, ' lisett,•,n,..„;;;,.:"::ks'isA.::-.X.otetkil'irP: , CABINET SIIOP . ~.41;, , :r2....,'1,--,..=‘,....r..z.z.- --....-.rjrattl.V.VaVreVati.,..:.....;::: lions to the Hungarian agent ; elan, the postmaster be postponed to ?larch , 1.51, I/aii. I I and seek . to maietain our cherished relations A .r.'"Orr- TIM melerrla. were op. nett a Ares rt... netts ' I tl.l::;=',l:3lr.r. 4::: , ;,tr;,=":;.:;:.'17, - eorrespondence with the Charge to Gaeta- {..; ..,„ w h ich motion W•S carried-ayes 100, nsys of amity unit the rest of mankind." To All Interested. ~ „„,„ ~,,, ~„ ,„„ „„,,1,....,•,„,„,,,,.., u...r0..t. Cl 11.t.1t v. •• -,...• ..,itt... Tells V• 111 azatr.r.• .. • . .--....••• i vim tate. • •Isk nun tau male, and Central America, relative to the „a A motion to re-consider the vote was e, ' i . k......de0n °inn...Dona. ur notoral Os rowan . all soaan . Kt... Jade., ai . we, WM . ...Mil, liirtemal..oll twat. w Ire ant b oaf. BON our paper went to press, we were t • ... t 1 su , t. ea kln Is of eoutur a MIK In ' the Mtt•. . and on Me I. Slnanuira Aww,Mearti and Mae. Canal Treaty, Patetnia. Ire. then mede, and laid on the table Nothing . , ~ ~,, oo f "4", - ,r, L.. • " ^ f. ,r - 1.:,.::„ ^ .=, 1,1,... ~„......,..., ~..., „,,,,,.... ,-..„-„,....., - „,„,..,....., .„ „et,. Taaste.ineatranuir an The Senate then went i. executive sea. • ' • 1 tn..... " ....Y Fr.... i• the confidence °I. . "'",- '."," ° " titat annum win him had A Ilbetal there a public wtr renew. Ic wit it ttl y g gt. ye -Imre R td0 , ,,, , ,,t amna in ttil and at,lte.l awe lit ...R.:. w0w... , . •at .....,...Weetrt e. . a" *I i"l"."'"e' tr".P"" until the "'". ll e Administrati., that . error had w.,, ',717:",.:::711: ,7,:;7.,;:t.....„.„.,....n ,„, ..: ~.--,.,„ ,•, „,,, , mien, and adjourned soon utter. of adjournment. Telma!, rubl ' Wear . ealley el mrh w.f. toi• to. week* tu . - KURT A MUTH ~.....,.‘„„ ~,... ~,,,,,,,...„aa..,..,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,, lib{ A liera slalom. la wry, lOW IT ,V11....11.11...1:1:: Patl.ll/..a.11. 1k.... tia... s lono.nat ma., chum. i.l ,o 0. •,.....^ t a ......no , lon , l ton ., ), rennwe Hours. -A tattoo was made to reeon -. .. 1 -e°""eir"d' ewa lie we" n r ,r mSmr4 l l. I d " ''''' 1 ssew ' w"sw msw V wsww"w-wrw r ww .rss" t w it r ! 11 . E u REOII B & ',°:.i.f...172".ret:.;:°V:7 1t... ~... ~,,.,. ..., ~.. ........, -. .....- ..-,“.....°^4',..,„ ' . .• • •]..w...." ‘ • - • , reel it in our poper. 1 e comp ie with,hem.prroallt rarer Men Mli an wcyn or a it. •ee . ' abler the rote of yesterday, on the idol, - 8 • " -Gs". es ' s sses P ird ." ... Is the rettuest. elthough we were outride. '1,;;;;;;;;;:;`,..„N"'`." CO , Ui I.'s"' "`"'• °" . Bmss."'"'"•‘;"`"`". """'"'"'"• ?..•:;:i:;;;U....?trit•w'rititrrgrotrtl:•"griely etUal tine of the rule, which was laid on the ta- r ' "'.unman I true I,...urclumero • no. D111,..1..1.1.1. n.. ..no' '......'......'. '."...." • P l. ' .1 11" ....is. Is dslivslrl...l Wes fir' that to; error had been committed by our , no_o_ ea ....,./1....ca1t0 el iliu mho Mite ohle inn own knot ble. -- too eleoulder A Mary wela nm tin I Pai ntin g I I '" ••"'"'"" " •-"-'...,''''''-'"'-'-'"'lr "- "." .„. = _,.....,,,.., ....0 „ ......,,, „.„ ,-,..„,. ,:.',1' . .,:',1';:;',1.,,',. ~.,..........- ~,... ...... , ...., The repoU of the Ctramittoe on Engem . ~...„.,„ van of • lougthy speech again , die Wilmot t , t pe., and that the error watt chargeable ~,,, f . r . •T _ c g ~...„.„..,,, n.,„rn .., „,,,.. T0•t;... , ,Likz. , :r11 . 4.1 . !r . r.74;1 , i.t...Y... .... .. „. .:, , ,.... 0 „,.. „•,,,,,„„;,,, .„ „.„ ~..„,. .„„.„.,,,,,,.„„,,,,,,„ ..„, „„,,,,,„.........0" . .1 U . 0111 t lie. gt,lthor of the Mookgo . ale, we 1 et;u:Xeito"rt ;' •o s SOStut. ; .. , at ••• • •tt t, no two, to., . •,.,,,„%. „:.,, ~„;„,.- .r„ an,. ~..• ~,,....., ..•,..,...,.-....o..snated .... a nnn wo w Sig, which h..' been her...lnfos , stdonit- Hot on - 1 1 r. littewn, of 1 . 1.t.1 , asked 11:0,11110 meant by the " root. a .flooki.r ...,....,.......,.....A0...., •••,-, sott ooo tne ..,,,,....,~,0, ted, wan re•ooninritted, With litartll.4loll i IcITO to introduce ea •hide. ailing oa the •,.,,, d r. „'„,,,,,, , , „ oror . or „ or b.. m oo „„ , • .r . n r,',',., 5 ,..,1,7,`„ " r„5,:, " „, ~;21,;,, , .z.,',, , ,, , , , =;:.;.., ,-.!„ C I ItiAl' l'A II PET lINC. , ors., rt. ...I “ ..tja . .W. ' n ' f ' ;; " ll2irltt: ' l '' f:ritre '' .I:l3 . l:Yetae thing. M. Nl' 11'""I'" '''''d '''l"f the l'''''. l''"Id°"1 f"r I"''""'"4" "I'"I"" Both" Cl'' W'h"'r .M';g;"" '.'"l PhaP' ' "r• '""'""';-:'`"- .),"":'"` r"7•1" ':;r2,l'iL:V' 000 .',',;.::' ‘" ''''. " " "'". ".-"'""•::" "");` ' "P"..'1%;"::•12°,..":!::i.,:.t.:;.:'';!::•1::;.",.. V''::"::."...'.7".:','•',::71r....1:::".1.17.11,41.1.t.!7 which wu lost, and the election of Sergeant ; touch talked - a Cob.. ORltalfilitill Itarla peradvetdure, ' Mutant. Tootubs, Stevens. • :::;:W;51,,;:.1,7;..;;;;:=•.,...07;in't,...-.....,....- L,,„,... ; „,..„„.. , : „ T;;: , 44 •,... 7 ‘,..., , ,311,, , ,11„.•;;;;;;,,z, Lzt , , , ,,..;;;;. , g,•;;;.,..T........ ~.......,....., . ~,,.,.. ..n.„....,„,, • t.,, onn onki;••• Dal wakt, WM ea et- Arms proceedetl with. mod. •ththell. Mato& aud 0w..--../I s eehington I - ...,.. Jan s ... 1 u.k .• 0 . o ° , Oro'. • ..L. to mom. let nnons aec tearoom run,. ••• t• t ace t. ma Me. I me. doner.. t nu. FIRST BALLOT. tiltrat. 11.! It ' .1, long debate then ape IT to ',Maio. , i . ,,,, 0 ,, • A Wettulcoch . . watuome Meal. • -_- - - -- - s" w"- -B.' '""*". s "` ""'5."...•• "'" wt:•;,,Otet:;:crUVrit'n tt r i r t; r :t r atn r oli:i °lw` motok GI ta th ret ..... r. Dom , 2" to the election of U, .keeper and Pod to. I - clod.. I S TO VES , Molding., Whig, lot ~ ter, pud...ing but sr • . - ,cry little intorcot 1 I The whip used to MAO frequent corn- „;.01.e.,....L00 moos.. Lome h00n0m,...... 0n,,,......,,....,,,,,.,......... t 0... ono • . • _ " ............... 17,11,= . ...4 . ,.. - . - -:-. 1 : 11 pow, Don , L 4 Inehallhe Malt h ...e. .... • f th •Pr . Hem c 0 et lug the plain. that l'reoideLo Polk did nnt, p anto- , 1,,,X,T.t.:•,,t;u5t...,,,P,•;07,,,K;Tg...0117,,t,:17:7„,:,,,10, tgu s to:: C n. . 1 , ,,,,, ,. . ,,, ,•,,, , ~,, 7 , - , , ,,i i ...t..,, , ~......,,,.., ~ ....,,,,,,,._,..0,. ...L., ~........ ~..., ~:::„ . 13.7._.........,.......,.....,.,....,...., - Walbribge, Iran , La .rmation Akre h: the MAIM' in relatiolt ularly eulogise Oen Taylor for his . c ....... •,,,.... 7 ,,, , i,..0m0dr , , , ,z; , .. , % , 1t. , .,...t2.4.,n , :,.E. ~ t °t°'‘'''''' . I 1L... au, eon*. route, mer, Alum, Blue tlt It mows • hind .... 0...2, . 1 ...r...t . ...., \. -,.., to OW organizution of a government in Cal- in the Mexican war. Since To)lor y s inan- ,°":,t ‘ , 1 , „",.,',..,.. w°•o roh atm. n0.0.n. wow. ea Tin, tam Tuns, n• It nanno .on ...yr..., t , ...noir ...W.F. • .., Total '-''''' ;for uad here read.' lit n .1111inte the ',oration Mr. Polk has died, and lIM m lq- ' Joiners' Tools • -A...':=:;=.11 , 7:,,,1T ..... .----,..- I :t7;',3.• :7,41,V;•;;;;.i..:;:r.tr'gr.... - .77.7 , ....t: Tho second and third balhdd were Slllll - fully, null equal cly to the Cam 5m01t...cm...0 ho not rm. in hie lalea N 0 II II AI B IJ:II ! , „..,„„,,,...., _ lar to the lirot. Ti fourth was thee pro. ;,;;,,,,,,,,, 0 , ~ ,, ,, , ,,00, ; ;0; s ; ;;;;;;,,, . le. ~g, , hi. 1.e.., 1....0,v,, „ „.,in, „th„,,,,,„ ea. tots to MAR -.11.111116 ,1,4 ,101,1 ef eters sq... t0. , 1 I ... , ..1, ,,, . 0! ,. .. t......r...... , .. o. _... IL" . _. - Cloths and Cassimeres. ,--....--- ----.., -''' ' '"•'"' 'r'' I" l' I,;'''r""',' i r 7,1, , .:77,11 - f.:,". - 4 . .:7-1 ...ded wi th . brt. ' s 11.. ss."l' er; whieh w" ride.' and de......... 1 b Y Ow wl'ig° tlitti ° 2 '" ' 4 l l"° P "' id ' ''' '' oh " wel"'"'"I Lim t" Tn.','•;:::::7,Li:7.,',7,:i:i.."="M.,:..‘,!,',',',`17.!,it.M0.' ~„ „„ • .., ~,,„,.,,,,„„„,,,,,n„,.., L.. moo , t . .., i ,° • '1,:',!:',: ° " . ,:',7:4""4 , : . :::L'.c::::L;;;:077...7.:0Z 1. ' .... inri . ......,", .1.1=2 :',. .111...... a oiehud wok g announced, upwards of fifty "'''"'" the last I'resolenthd naiitpai2o Ibicookion Wallington with such excelleet grace, and merle,. mel area termite .1 M sell Mt ot et 1.. .... W - iihr . :;te:e.l r et extreme, low ia. et, met temew No to , ~,... „„, e , ~' , ,,f,..,te 0„,j,„.",,,,,,„, L.... ~,,..1., , ....,,,,, ~ ...., ....,, M... , .... , ..„ changed th eir votes to Gleiabronner, who lip. it was role:reed till c o nest day and went down to. dile ttallb with the di o nity „ . ~, at.. no, tonot toot hatot r,.„ ~ , ~,, , r , 0,.,,,,,,0 too te. tato, both quad, end tea et: I th„,.., times. laMeyst Mamma.. Mawr Plates. Men. 1 , 7 , 4•=i , :ti1 . t . . ,.. 1at . i... , L1ra,..., , , , , ,, z4vrt ... , i ~,‘,„, ____.._,.... •,., , ...... „... 3.1. 1.. 1 111 Illtirtt o 0..... roo , n, „,„,„„ 0 ,„,, , ,,n ; wa. elected, he receiving 107 rot.. The • the {Laic Ocli haft. d ; • man that had surremled the highest bon. , „, ~,,,n 0, „,„ ~,, or. ,o - , ,, „noon., „ . ...... ....a iii On hitt exelint, et lleeet . :.. figures erred: nrs and with the serenity of . Chrioti. - P. la the Ea. of J.....* M..; ' deed. tTl.t..as: - Stable Robes, Furs, Caps, &e.l „.„„ „. ,„„ _.,,,,,,,,,„ „,,,,,. „ .... ~,„,,,,„,,., .t.,1 Irrowly rer . ..:7 . ::• , " . 1 . 1:Tr . .....:47 . ,41 . 1 . 41, Glossbrenner pne. Am.', de heat nen MIMI ....Mut ha eeto. • g RI PRRIMII • whertment el Mk NSW VIII, wulf.. be. ~,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,„...„„ ~,,,, ~.„7 , ,,,,,,,.,,,,,,...,..,,,,,, ~.,,,,,......,... 0 144 . 1 ,..4 :. .... v ,.. 7 ......„, ~,,...,,........ ~.,►. ., 1 . 17 ' nias. , •Nit •••• tr.. , ......... . rnr-, The Amerieen people a ail Intik . , Or. Ws sm... ttt 0. Kanto , onta to na no. ii.ouott A. eat "lat., ,mu 'yea. .monk ,mill d tin tun . I/biding. 111.2 oat .. - ot ow awn dnuoto•of non, ma Imam •en t•Ona ' The Carbondale Meinocre of Saturday t°°!‘i'M thir . ews "'weer." " " r"r;'; ';•`41; . 47;1=.7"4:' , 7.;•:::; ,, rr0:V: t; ='••:?.t; ':r7,,1V:.•,. ,, ,'":,:1"!:;7.7::=2:"•" - ":11 ct...... ...rn10w........,...4 44.44. 1:zi t , ....-... 4.... , .., -.....;...; ~, , t,:=.4.1 1.4., orio.sbr,.. , --, Oho sworn. say.: „.st heart-tending to:mall:nee took , , , , whLtd. so mentliantly marks the calibre . f 1 ,,......, no. •,... A r ne .l /amen ma :ra tan.... ,g,r,'„,',... a s mole n mint, la il 111=4 ealeheap e 1... ee, A maatin.l . Rem ...Mg.., ~... • ma ...team rene;414 . 14 ;,..,...... Several propositicts were offered and re. , ChM.. Vona eta Ita • ef tc. • • an' lace here in the early art of this week, Ins Issrsrstre . li e d -- i B"°°" l '' .l. anoto, OW, weal. "rx41.7.4 , :.7.';',7,11":" *.n. r.,:rnt • - , - , 0-., jeeted, after which the House adjourned. P . . deathl. . Cl.. , _ 0 1 noh ....OA ., i ' . t " . "1 `... ,Isr Y S I FARM, AT SUN IC .-The two steam- -- .Inn 10 1.10. ' Brenne n, oriro or J o h. dn.n.o.n . l N boa., the Richard Steve. and Canadesage, , Blaeksmithin...„ ahwainser Mi., law llmme. Ottawa •IlmeatutrUsw. y en ta..., • A Peltie. Allem lc IMIY , F haf, WATER -.-- ••••••--- ..,..,,,...,....,,,,-....--,,- .. t .,- , .......--, 5,,, STE - The Senate eoam ided .I th e 'l' h° IS , s;" " e".. . "h e is 1M 0 "rlY . 5 .. 8..163 'atoning 'r rte boats between Joffe ,- ~..1'.1"..•••••!t,..T:..7'...7,V.7„'=",•:•!7.::':,.f.V Ile,::;,';': • • - runs t o WWI.. It " r1t= " 2.7.; 1 . 1 . 4 " : " V * 1i. ILltht:ll: l :3rej Weil hour way liT W 91.111,1.1.41 Morn tam!. of MO .... gr... ut.l.Meneva and corre ing the paasengels i O. 1 h.. ot. ow Avg...v.1..1 tu. aeon met, to , Wall rtiallala t eg Wela presented against ..... A „ '.... Flat RR IA All R -Meer Table.Tes and Dean „„,:,....:,::. ..,y . , .. , ::„11 , 1 , „,t3,•„, , ,,,,,.,,,...„..,,,,, n , ,„,..,---, .., ,••••-• - ,•••-•• .. . . • IitaTI.IM ait eta sena n. 5t.,0,,, , Gent Brennan . loom, iv.. ' , end by neigh - rom.i,„„hi. cri.,... ) ...nu), 000. 1),.... • ',!•:::V,"°•!:::'.;°llr.rAr."..trr,',,`;=.47::.'="ro"t: ~':::^..- ;.c . ,...0 . ;, ' , " , ' :;:. " :.!, ' „.V;: ' :.;;:.:1. • ,7,::,: " .74 ~ ' . .:::::" . 1.1 `. ......ttr .t . :: '°"" ".' '-""'" °"'" the appointment of Chittin. • Lan doting the aft...rim. of Sunday lad. I . 1 0 ~, ,h n , n . ntiottod,roteehttg tt the' 7, ,, '" . ",;‘,"-- , ••-•••••••••t•-•• tz--••• ~,.....,•„,..,•.•••,..... Oulu. n , on no , "01.... i • .),;% - - 31r. Maslll. 4Vo . offered • reel , dution . • „ . • .n, Id o . • t Ilia no cm Ima • mel ,J S. ..1. It ,„, g ,,,,,,,,, au. axe mama... nay wey. er bawl.. ~,,..., „.,,,,. „..„,,,, ..„,,,,,„,,,, mew m ar e ., aga,.., I to par 60 First end tux, .Itoittor. o •• o • 1• .4 ...nue... I . ' s " . tli.. .0... 0; °°, pilots, the forming ra g into ml nff the ~„„,,,, ~,,, ...,,, ,„.,„ ~. 0 .,. „.„, ~,„,. voter Tlier 1 , 17 , :fr: . :ta , •• , ..... • t u.d.d Smemelec.ollmMeatl. tfewtee ~... ea.•efe • •••' '• 5 • ',.' patt of the bight 11 " s. IhA h ., tele le aide of the latter aa far both as the CootS freehati .le of •maw et al pet wens , ame rt. .. p' , ....! . ....,..,„,., „,..„, „„.,,,.. „„... „„,..,,,, facer hag wet that ov .... i..i.mcesunts and claims ref Win. Cul- arty ° , . . . - - • •,..... , ~,,, .„!1,. • , i , ~., 11114. oi./0 r a ce been COI ..... lot. 1.11 . stars Ltrentont hat... L i d h • 121.1mb .•. jta 1 .V''' - a b e e.. ...I It.a .1 • ' f a t - ..t :„ - i . ''' - 11, • ~ ~ •ers all vseapod to - t mink klt 6 Darkesla met A I iv an soraina. Tam, sale, eti "a.- 'l`. _ 5...al pti,„,. ~,,,, 1,,,,m,te,, tote" " ~ - u ely In Ms fam2v, they attracted lee , at- . it, Ili, hard stove. and 11 10 Imiga, man aawa • a a a .i.n. ~. .. ~.., I - .2 Fos - .. w eb 4°l.' rriehh.m* w°l Mr """W" °my" t . urban limn w •thi hue been but tv diet , ull saved One man . w. thrown a dintance II ;.!.;.',.',.. • ,r",.,.;!• ^ ..7;'!,.P.:n ';'..;:',',..••.T 417,1i'":"..,`,:i: '. • a,. 1-..,...., ot uo,uuu a. n" .1 onot in ‘, •' ,.' , Ti. ..',..,,?e,1,_-,,,,,,,f',,..1,1,..,1,d....,.„ :0 14 l :,, •• t t 11V Ilitun nu the table. 'flu moth.. was .; , ~ . ~. ..,,..... e.....• I I .arri ,I -ye.. "Lt°°. , 0 . , et. • t •II of stone 40 feet into the la , k, b o o o „„,,td. 1,.., Men Met eat . elter.Ml a ...in ie.... i nit tem.... ne, :at? , t . .. tn. ~,,; • ts ;;;;;;;;;;;„ sss ,s s ;; .:, ,, w , ; , 1 ,, ..7., 4 4,,,,,, 0 , ~.,„..11,........._,..,,,,,,,,„, . ,• ~,, ~ , • ',own b 3 ,eal am nay., ate t t 1) an the long c 0.n.0., td the Motor- pd i n awimming back to the boat. ::;• , ...n , ...? , .;:.' . 7:1. , • . .. 1 , 1 ,t,,, t ,..:,,t,:t:,.;,;,`,',:1r';',T,,,: t r i t ,.,:',..; ~,T.';OXO'....r o . r iiM ~,,:::,.:::;....i Am.. .mt• n reL. l 4.° 4 74 . 4. ' harta.14 km &Lite. laut, Stall. Awing rat • ~ :pinay , 10. • honed aol parliculotly by the moat, %old , It , t.. , 1 ; ;,.:..... , a d.i ea i.,..00k , , ,, , co, 1.e., an,. licor.l,l 1.1 au..1.1..111. .11,11.,,u • 111.4.1 , 1 , it' , ..5 ...,,,,, . ~., ...„.„,...,.„,..,„, .........„..., ~,;..„,, • 4 , , „..,, The Con .... ;sabot., Of Patenta foott in a c tun .... i . lition atatlng that hie annual , 0 , . . . in the night began . hear.l Alt ett 2 A Ste. I.Art Oat tel ok, Lee ant been a„,..t... no., woe, e . ss. Tts..r•T.,F. 111,w...rh0 . ..1, Mel, m a 1.,... ~.11, . . I. II 1.. I. II ...rt..... cm% ~_ . . --. ..• _ .. , .. Al 13 ' - db - 1 T • 11 9 te. i I ;" ; sss";;;"'"'"";;'""w°w°'°;.mwr" Te"r° r tre."•••••=°".l:7stor,;;StW,ritr"";°' w" rww" 'mew ...t!..7",!.'..:.'.7..1:.7,!':::V...;..t:,...:;1;,.:, :„:. ~.. I ,, eit lit tne inorinng . t , .. 1 enn.lit IMS 'Stale h 1..0 reasiir) o tai 01 . o r,....,,,,,,,,.,„,,„.,„,,,,,,,,,, ....., ' • -....'•-.. rep trio would not be randy -a, - ..- ,-- .. - a . .... tar sestet I observed to to. thrust .t of doors will] o on the toupee of the Post, .. it instructs woonwe.mm i nuo ono. Tf • RICEI.I. 111,1.111 - oung obibl • both in a mosttleploraltle and ,C.dlectax at to the coursatbry shall adopt Attention, Citizens ! u...-A••• , --r..m. , -- ,,,,, ••••••••"-- , -••- BRANT'S INDIAN .Nir. Illobjnoun, o r :coo York. ar....1 a •, . . FRESH ARRIVAL sufferiog entoltitot. :•••• one of the neighbors in levying -die expenditure of eollecting the , resolution imetiriug whether the 1 . 2.11 pars went le the linen, 101 l were drie en out rect..° within the appropriation made by graph of West P t Regttla interfer . . i " nThe darkeens I. Ilrentieu, who thee Le- Cunard.. Foot. it dispenses with the LIM ~ 0. M.to ow it. ‘ Loom, ',......, m ot, lama, o- 9 ed with religious opinioni. it lies over. NEW WINTER GOODS NEIV GROCERY STORE 1 .-- ...---,...--..-- PULSIONARY DAI,SAIII L I . i' ,ol h b Y n artned, w amid threat. id' the revenue cutter... • secondly iL throw. , I Ma nom ninon* knonodow of J.. eny owe Mr. Ironton introduced a bill for defining ." I" ..d t'. or t...... r .u .dt ru. t . ,... . ldoo ' dl. 1' thISEX- tanioltal e, .......lankt an. on.. •onott , d•••• d ••••• ...n u n , n d dot T ___ Tu.,: ...,..,,„, , ~,,, . ~,,,,,,,,. ~,, ...., , ..... that from the despt•rate yhatuter which i.e the rope.° of weighing, gaugeing, measu - RE Subteaterc Imi .. ina [menial men the cm 'eh,' Two. A Mc, Inclie• AO. ntleitt.....t. , 4 and limiting the boundariett of Texas, and , , ...tam otetOir,astl a wool appro... tw , ......• .......r . T.: , .7:: - , , , , , _ , -.4=7z. , ,,, , ,t,m,„ „„,,,„ „„ - - t0,..m..2,„ nosoeSS, Much intim • ling, .1,, , , upon the ..w..er I.r inepectora a • ...1 , 0, or ... ,. ..%.1..e r . V.V . ... , :• , ... , :1:1..d.!e . d . 11. pa o .2-4 . 0.11 : . .a.• • - Mee., yew. were pratnalatea ItT IMI.a. R. ' ,zing 1"". terril"rY " 15"0" ''1" : " :1 ' ' '. l "' ' 'ehoetl them. On Monday totalling Mrs. the articled weighed, ice., and Odrdly, it ',MV:...V.......rai=...a.:'..0rr0..............:.1.1:4.7:0:0Z:. ii ti,°;::::,:,, , ,„.1 0 `..., , ,,,n1,7;;, - ;t1.74 .14 ~.4, ; ;;:z.:!:,:x,.. „ iri1g„ , .,!;, , ,; , ;,? . , , , , ,, , ,;‘, , ,r . r. -...--,-....... ~.....,,,.. ~, I gue., ~.... and paying To ss. 9 I 5 ,?0, "1.0r : 0 , , B ,,lt er° , o rl o ; Brennan was found to be Lei doss and eov- wit hh,.lds • part of the pay doe to the offs 1°„...Z.,t,1,`,V,1g0":"..7,7:11",,=7,4,triinr,;;;;;=: ult... ftlianw;t:. Imam t i ly ' ae. eaten.... ea . . we. ' - AO. Fe./ at ' :itr=rl iu:1 " M :e=4:e " " M i t. . Ewa f'. i."ik" rwS"B""rew ''''' ....• ..' and , itli bruise. from head . foot, many tors and clerks employed in the Cue.. man" air eeet.eme. , he inth. nowni. nisi in n n...••••"•• .... "' ,. "` lw••n t ...... L t ' d '. . d.l. kti, ono ._,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,„...k0,.. ~,..*• .... k ~,,,,,..,..,,, ~,,,,,,., ~,,,,,,,,, referred. au ana our. notto- .. Awe. he ...deo.. " or . , t. e ... W.e.,....". ''' .. ..... e ' ee " ... t ...".• ."."''' lie Rama. hem. Ma VI ow, qt . .. Myna, nt es., Al. „.,..,,,,,,,.,.....,...., ~,,,,... „.., .... a ... a ... a ,;,.. Mr. Voloe, of Mi.. , called up a portan t of the body and head 1100114 W sh , hu11... This last provision, if meant tot tiosikar • 10tAn. r s t 1, , , ,t,.::::, r..,...t . v ., , , ,r:.17,7,::::..,3.7, - ,r;!. .......,.....„,...,.... 1 " te -- • , • i4h. r.. cred throe h •I t A l y t those officers wimion salaries are m aten . "'°' Hr' ea ab • eere.... *bah we artehelly ..1.0.1 .. end sew torial bill, and adv.etafed its principl , d, ttt ttti ° l'Utm° t h . F., . . g • 1 11 1 , s . , .. tejttlto. aah hlntla and as, Roma 11.1.. Nat.., --. whiuh wa-, o s t 'rued., eppropriately refer- state a great bodily 'a.m." t0..u0• .1 M.. by law, . equat ale. to a declaration ; u n a n d Lamm wtr1m, , ;, , ,,, , ,:,:..'.7. c",r, ;;;;,;',;.:,',47 , 74' , ?:.:T.71i. ",, ' , ‘ , ;.•;n . . , ' ---"' - ~:,..`trY,V,',:,!,;.-,?=1,',.71, ~"-7,,,,.;:::1;.1.:... c0u0.4 . 46 CO N•UMPTI6N ii. ..,,ntal loaenaibillty emit 4 e ' elnek . of bankruptoy on the part of the govern- I sae."... ism. rod. ...ma Wines and Liquors, . ~... ,• - P • on ~,,, i one. taro. Ills Toole, harm, am, ete. •41 on nand et • mammary *Ma ra ~ , ,-, r ; 0 w . Tuesday morning, when alio espifed. meta. " lama, •atm. 111 . 1V7 ' 17tr u t • Z.1 ""' ~, ~,,,..„,,.....,- ..„„...„ „ - ... , . . "-- .„, , „, ,r 47„ r ,',''' - " *1 '' The J " i°6r, Committee lirre°'- ' - She Alt 0 childrett - two of whefo were I.ike most a the enumetiont from the a Aulionti bill in favor ef the election of Senator.. by ii";.=4;:trs ....7.......... . awe. .... ::.Tr. 4 . 14, r , -:: ~:;;;',..trirk- , tl- e , -°: 1 ,. " . 7 ,4= ~r , ,,,,,,, _Me Mug, Throw, tom Ind litith i ... much injured, one of them has aln ,IC •t 1 I i i ..... ion Ais perfectly un- l ' ,7 ` ,T,l 'ss.r. Pe on promo .tln n . run.. T. atel:ren “ ~, ,, z,.". ..,, -,"",---- z,„,„ , „,, ...-,,,..., iwiu st.rdn; . ..., rat linter. P.n.. .•., , ;,,,......., i_.,, ,‘ ,,,, 0 ,an 7,lnt i lb. lwer t ie. whisth w" eerwle the n"'"1". -.° the top of her t h e made as she neje bj Intelligible. - N. Y. Globe. Anthony Illarlunore M. 111.1111. Kellar "' ;.71.j.::'4.:: ;'::...*4::17;: V ' ''''''''''' '''''. V57i1;741777:il = 7 iia '.. r! eT 41. 7 7 a; . der of t a day for Wednesday nett. 4 ......, ether with the fire. poker. lirennat ~,, ---- o „ . r t r a w ,3. -- ...„ II aennle Farm for Sale. - ....... ~......., bare .1 recurraame tea K a n 4 In obedient* to • nil or Lb. senora the I ' " I ; d Cr PA IRRIMIXTIONISTS.w - Ina r. 4 -pun John 11. muted tel Monday for .. Avant tan on. aura , ~,„„ ,„ ~..., 110•Tric, Phi., IA ar. Me. a.. Twine. Mee e a m „,,,,,,a w . a .m... , a „ y a , a ,„„.,,,a ~,a a Seemlier" of BM" ewereeeirmlisi 'he Vel. suery " (llre Brennan being then living) of this morning has • despatch from Wash- tast,:s,„....sa Pow. Lothen., T "'""'"' : , 711r "1 : 1 t7 ga r : • 13: , 1 , .... ' . ilt.not Om. Thr wt, ...Wee t F .... e ' ne.• W'n" '...... '""'"". YmOrd•Now or CONSUMPTIONS panda eorrespondenee. ' . ,00nnoold„n h o r„,, intik.. ingtnn, which announces that the Cuba rev tztrr,otorra r . ' lm e nt!rt r" ' r e sew 7rnet fl4;:de .1 r a Banally. amain. Tr., ...W... :'L.. r.. ottimotatn e t.a.... • „,„, o , , 0 „ e j,,, e ,,„ ', am gr ,a„.., a, ea ,„ „,.. Pct.. neat.. coo enar...o,l . vo t kro . r, wo moat ...no sum.. my?, 5e . ... 4 .e Os motion, the Senate then went into .... W... olutionints ere again st work ; thct thee eta, wen . "....w.'..'r"."....".."...*.'....'"...*........ ' rtrot er•ZT: . .eirt:• ' ' [ . ::::i ‘ ban.% a.;.:,,....7: txr, ,„,, =,,,"' :1.. =: 44. rati TECo d et 'fit er e a r s committed to jail. On Tutuda • ) Tiraer"l7• .. tl '` ... ......d.................., 4....• on eine &natio; earl.... asa. ...gam swan" N. t mare el N.. um* • no umr, o. cueutive maim, and awn afterwards ad- • I. In .ol Wu hod 0,, ho, body ~ yoo. , have raised large sums a mom,. ; lb.' their t‘tera . = , ~: 5 5,.... .4; ;;; .11,111. wwwl mew .tia1wa....,.... , :n......... ;7: . ...7 . : enono,,a, a,. ' ma sa Mew"`,.. ta mo am rea msrs:•;:w jounced. • h d ' ; expeelitiou is mmin pretty well under way; a... 7 ..,. it am, tiee Joelyn as Coroner, ethic root ere. a lortTorteeitsl.,%:_or eficle r :ir:2. r ea r Att:fi l eta a. - Ss". sisw rrotihroasslir ' 4 7 . 4l° Herrew-Tire "°"e mote '464 I° erd"' oo,diat of murder by l hand s r 3I 1 that they have plenty of arm., munitions of 1t„:,,c05,=,, Dr We. Wei. wed 114411..1.14..-TeA., Ononnus, on noon env... , by the Speaker at 12 11. tle o n 111 VI Milne Make 'ltire=lt7Wh'.l.7lllVo.;XllTre:7l..7:::•bun.lna ael. re.l emlptllageurenelaway .. utener Rea lama. riiALI 1 , 1 , Es 11 , cepuirm • , war , he but th at now they will flat at- I.lno n o one. romi. eta Brennan her husband. The unheppy or- • • o ......... 0 Is ' " •".""I"s's ;'.' "'" '"w" 4" ' ''w w wwww" h s ,=: " " 0-, • - •:••''';!:••" . 41..tr" , ;: . ......, u ....- ...... ... Z.• ....... A joint reeolution Tor the collection of 0,00, or mrr. 8r.... in being ..... cording N Mtn. They will not concentrate I , t, • : • ,..;, '. V 5 ' 0 r 0 ,,,,,„ 14.g05";;;A;=.47, mna ...... haanente. the Intereel 4.11 the %lima ....,,,. Welt., , roe cal •i M reat t .. .... . _ . • _ 1 . . ~....., , . . 1• • ....; ..,_ . .., revenue, was reeefted rroonothe &MIA and ' i . il k '....” t'. '.''"'""""*""' 4 "" "' ....."" I ''' P '.... 4 ..." \ tri."'lTl'etw'="ll4" l ' l .4 • ' 41.7.7. , =17•417 " :704 " 1nfge=6: 7117•14.4 " . AZ:S ' solar With • husband so brutal, has sub.; their races here, in the United fltatea but 'Ste ~,,,,r r ZWo r Z: e n r'°". °"'":".'..1:":..",7t;!....1.17r.1'„1't :i;.","'"77...'",;1;',1.,";;.;.";.„..,::.....• )....... tr.i.o. ~... I. ~....... ;;;,„.. „,........-....... o. nod.. of Kr. e j lill, w'• m" twice ' od ton. oot ; ' d A . assemble at • Axed time, say en the Mil- r ,:„„,7,n,,,0en0 pat ty re years, an rennan s'"' 1".... nu e"w i tie atn,„..“ ..... as farm le not e.. la I raloanthf Own aeett. C..... ...W. WW 4.........er5e. ea.., 411.• ...a and ordered to be printed, and referred to too haw r .:,,, or orro time. pro, „ orly .r. „ rm .., p 0,,, ,, or II may ~,, , Yoraroo. or ~,rzw,:zrz T' eanatem , am. 2 ~,„.,,,,,,:,,,,,,. I. a ei mo, fer ... mew or more. area mile anat.. sod...it...lpar. talwar, es, tome- t h 1110101.W1Y.0 ALI, I, .1,,,,41,,,,..4 9 . , .......•ntft. Ilth.onAmmon the Commit.. on Way. and Morns'B 0 Ire. " °s°s" "w ss "' " " r ers • " " 8 w° I' w. . r° i m e " ' Si a " Tr. =Ta r :: r 2" . ,:t..74t,: Itt in . ".M1:17=1,1,"! - .417.1="n , :.= sted end confined in ji ff Iler annee- Am y be nn name island not yet knout. - 1)1..,:0. , . • .............. An ' elution for Doomkeeper wee then 1" rm rt "e "the":;"!ergyy,";;•s=',:a.."" ." rrssse ,;: re ! • ro w en. not:, 4..1 ....1...-. •,,.., ...• , 1 • •. bl end bo, no. , .V. Y. Ertning Part. .4714.. t'..'417..... OF 1.111 . 11. gone into. The fin; h o w, rom d m d .„ o dons arc tighly naptet• e, _ . i Itylawlee lawit.r. As Petah IthalM. " ,wthlya.enn ' et Inerea ter 1.41111. ...Low tin %toe. t•nnuaintiroaa, C.4.4.1. 1 14.e. , .. „,,, . .... ........ ...., . „............. choice . Horner, 00; Ayres, of Ohio, MI; 'hee'" mere' death eweM " O wed mst ellator P .-The Vermont OhTOM Ann Ryan. I mem' , 6 ...... on . ". 1 *". ""1"art7,71.!.=•"="1:.:::i . fir= eyerle one new le erraward....... aream. VALUABLE PROPERTY , V.1.,!:',,:,'!"......;,.'.....,.......:... ~.,,...,,',.... 1... ..............--- , ........,mr..... - ...i.P .. Torts. of la, 29; Hood, of 11/., 19 ; Cole, only by theinhut by an excited and i.aig- • a l Mahn m g 'anti.. the ease. of two papers in ate et.,„ ~,,s,„ TIMM. Wmetert II A. Sam. i e.l, Illamn aml alawber Yalteseems N. 111..... p.a. ael. isi cameo in , or ow • rant community." PI. Sale Or Real. 14 ; Randolph, a vo., 15; rest ecattem'mgt. of country, whieb were induced . I,,,:ktlonon t,.;,....V.,,,T,.. ..„,•:..,,,,..,, Mira It ••••••.....,111,1101110.Anin.l. CIWIIInnIIaMON i - . int Tbe • 11.1.1. 11. 7 .. , 1- y the cheap plan by reducing their sub- rewenno s trt m t lfrenele Sent ,' TIM ......stotatarreonates. a. , leo?. r i:;:,," matr..nr::•.7•=tort.r.:. 4: ~...!.. ..; A DYING WOMAN COSMO. Vow awe b alk " wen. 104 withniA • The now Mayor of Pittsburg. 3ft. liar... ription price, both t 4 whith, after trial, „ rww ,„„, „T o " ". in e : rr = . al, onto ow goi• • II•cp, mt. •••11 owtomemes tawatall erma la.. ArI.J. v. melt Mole, hi... Jell.. _ . ..,. t. _ ~,,,..,,, . n.".."*" ''''' "... ''.. - e-r 7: , .M . ....... " ' " '• ''''' e ' lrt:ne 7;• " 1:Ir ' Witt 117= .27. .47:7 , '. 4" Er,' ..- 1.7 "' , .. , L.'"4 that they eml. imi. thole°, when Apr.. and Clair were with - Iner, he. tea pardoned et luta uwe pre. announce . their eubieribem - a.,1 Coln notootindian „,,,,,,,,,,no.neonottiftweer-atelaw with 1 Le.. 0... PM, Mt. 111.11 • , , 1 f . ............,, , ,,,,,,,,,, ..... 4 amee•-••• ...a ...... ism of M.. "I' ed.. Dlinek.l-entan.tiosronsk wie,e 'Si ~.,,,,. drawn• dieted, by the Governor of Pennulvania, shall he eimpelled to return to their old o„.„,„„. too, co Ana a ra?. m.... ow .- t... ......,.t (Inm•ar Taw. hi.. ornate Itmatesl Awandate, E.4,1 t ...11_,..„,, ; t•1,11....../.•.,, ,, 1141=, ..... out. Two . kook were made to postpone and having left. the prima now oecupie. prima. One state. that • h ens ne addl. :It_ ........r= , moue.. ...me .lie et 14...........- ....., Anon Ilow.StrwtOrtin no- on ~;,.. t . .. , --=.,,,,,,,,,*, , ..,., tb• ellsolkook and rejected. the Asir of the Chief Magistraey of the h. to Its list mu not sullei to make ep yr:, film Wet:: =7 ,.. ''" a " a ". ''' '" ''''''''' . " . .Tr""""te ' r . a ma."' ""aw a ." ^ ":"". • 747..'.7r . " = . 1........=... wow e/ agasam. After •dl of the noose was made, the ' emoke-begrimmed dip. We ans ashamed its lope.; and tbe other, that esperiment ,m,.,...0rn. D. Tostoond N. TM.. :::" *". r.' , •-••:=1:7',,,:=1.-11:,20.4.: -=';;;-"""=...":4r'...,11:,..,.....,g n.,.......,. may woues.Z4 .. ..11 n. Toon moan,. Ilene et. h...eta et Al. •••11... t=.oodoot anu. rut... ono, ono. !Mesa aa. rta. aveer ammo Nth ballot was taken, when many to to bays emit dieguting Acts poblithed a. has omit its publisher • positive lose of IT- 1 1....7.0::. Canaan Tg. ..........=., ~...,..„, a y. ~.., ~,,,,,_ wan. lare IMI. . nom. tam eramattri, at: a=z7.4,7===irr,d,,, - ,7c, - =, Dann Tana , ...nu • • no O. • r • • Wm, age new... no.....nant ..... ~.. ,oro , oronoo „ r ~ , , ,,m oroo, n o. .. slanged to Tufts. TM ballot resulted as broad. What an opinion they justify "all to Antealred dollar*. I Twi. 0 noosz rirt '"'" ' win tone namenn noutrfladron it tnr, Iwo ann. lorz 11 ,, z441.70. ; "V: s l.l . l= ; IXL , fames; Tufts, 913: Flood, ll ' i C i ls . 415 . ...unkind. " es well mi t• die red of the W attle ewe LiTial INOIMINCIMP , pelellteielle Villiee 111:41,:e.i Mao,. w hir ' A""" =1 . trinterbreatioood wane line.* whew, there being no Melee, tbe Homo ad- world. " in entertaining of the American Alamo Woo. ..... ' r" t . on taortino.laaniinweend. no nu an of Ittwo. ...... se owainot trii...... in...mama ow thenet ellisasime d the ICA- ,1 . 4,14 . = ' Roll in the - Goods Ma IN. A. 1111.. ' AI:. fal4= ..I • remell "OW ' run Inon.llin Nye • lomat . PrlsFie and repablieun Institution.? Be - odes Burma Cantu es Meatus Omit ant . Y. Y. wow me. L. mums AT Tits 1 darn isentrunouss, ma tell Uotentahe ran.. • LltaEant -0.....„ 0 :71,117 . ..:4 4, -- ide. till, , what a fearful ementatary it or- i ~,,,e,6 '1 1, Le . 4.4 L e 0 4, tb... n„ a.. et; n. IL Med.. 1 " 6 " Wr111111.11.14. , int An nv ti iui p i IT ntvp 0, - ^,• 1.4 0 , ...,,-- Jan. 17. 0.50 . fords upon the boasted .. religions liberty " ! 0.. B. law* (.... dadM ottnaMoL ' itt d: . al I Moutons )ea V May die let MAC. at Ile, 6 -The . members met twday at of our Conaltutlee 1 This Mr. Barker was ..,. • „ m i f.. mor U. y, m. 0., o o pro,. GISISAT IDAMINAINIS I HUHU UV /1111111111 Tittle ; „auTrar-.. =...,%.1=x,..7,,,..c11.9:1,1.1!.ti1a 14111.1.....101 W ansal hoer. .il b.*/ Cwt-e• , i a epodes of amet-brawier. after the rash- . i •-•••-• M; ; ;„:„.„.„,„„,,ok „ o il,. 0 ". ettopo,onne, ythwoue Village Leta On' Bale. 0t , z , :: = :. . 7 .., ... ~ .......rr,..... = .......,........„ .... „.. .„-- 7 ~..„,,„4 .7., „,„..„. • .., ~...., med SUNNIS ...PLAINT I/ A reesletion oft equity was offered nk- i lee of the monk Matey. He stood on the. ?olio,. a r io, -- ,U. - trat be taw. 111.........a1.. .. "1 . *""" 7.* k ... "'"" C. '"" 1. "" a. "' 1. " ...46 " '7.. t....... V13 " %"*.rwi 11t .1.41:4 W .W.UWW.:4 =":1."*". e " , " - r,""'" , i• .....,,' 1; • - calogailik sairmprrosa, Min to the seems tetOw Me Nary Apet . .twv......e.m., sad inveigh." .0... lb.. Jena F. Moss ate Uwe. 0.. to awn of a mu. .mete =Let Owl . = ‘ ,...7.,• tug* of . wial.ll , .••••••Iti • anntr ,, , ,o 4:. ~,,o . ... a non, lu ili• lira ..1 Now York, PeUptiw M. Weimar'. MM.% Shilmb it Imldelle wr read, I m. 15 . 'MA Niaa g . "' IMTIT."" 1.. * : **.. .1 sii...rTiVtie ....:Trmr " :" . • . . I Vey 514408. WiwiNwiNer c""ills.7o 7r7:a...r,,rart,.., ..:r.P.11itr0r.....V.4 d.j. 1.. - 14.............. e. IS t............ 1.1.... __--_ - .. - - The meeldlim °ghat far hihmailon °Weft, that he was ensued. tried. and' • Fire I rho' Hawn sur. WWI, lleikr, 1.. k ...rm. .11101•1111.....1.1. ... aer...W.,11e• .... be sal . lbe Yee et ........... wee. eel, me. W.. ab11....1' .7il. 11 :j. -LI.. plentega.l .......... ..4 4 /1 .1 raw 1.1....411.1..7111W4i Male* to Ow organiation of a NM* Gem , eonvistet6 se a subtle nutmeat Yet tidal 0. ,..... ; ,... 1 .4 ~gg, m il; , on ma ig, 0.; "L e c cazan o,or tota=t4 o .. seroAotsnie=4.=l=zarerrnat te.Lemem of . , :T o m is sr. , pwww.. Jr., pr oc , Id. 'C ....I:. , L 1 L 11 . ..7 41= 1 .1... ...041.... ...P7.. ... 21 ......v.. 6' 1.1•11nonia, was thee takes op . mac-this dis g ustful PLarieee-was them •-,„. oo 4 Corn moue to-morrow (Friday) mites., ”", .11.1 e.... . .........1.1.11111...t=1. Oet 1 "."........... add &Wed bi M. 1.1•• 1= Smitbt ted, ethiAt in prison, Mayo! of Plitsbarg, 1 ) ." 4„....bi0 for ~,, oi m. i film mo w Jerore,,A=touseurtaame Alma L. wam r „tem,6,ml. rums mettamenulcorto. .. i k o nno , ffAror,m.:ema or es=i o s t me 57,,,., ~,,,,,t ig llhete, Dame% Bader, II Oldmene. b whiz roam Emu help its! Bat we , g SON y Davis sod Diskiessn. What the r e n d hien to Iplek that the distemper rages .be .1.0 , Plemidli. MAN Y. '- - - - cane ere Don h. ' --- T - ..F .4 , " .....,:mt,,,,,tad .NSW GOOII -----""Ii-x-"°167..""'11 111 -• __ ~..„, .=.. pa Vll be 5 !r& 11114.41110114 end the Nulls adjourned mar ue.,.....::? Meade, they so not tbe INIMEMI NI. " I.I , I dwrilete . 7.l .be wham • Awe of be.„,..,' '''' 1 ,, ,,.4 ......,...,,,,,w e ge. 4 ....4.111.4. 0.1.........1. MOW Moodey. twofer the Ideal &Me, tall fatemost..; antircisli : . , ~,:,., emu. menu aum me ilensemunt assenwoom • f , I ft .11P1....411.01 V. N. ', "la" 1 V.1.1..................101. 4. 1mt4.1.1. C; 1 =444.1.1, T '. 4. ,...*m Henn.-TM Jmnetel of yesterday mom ' - r Y. . ve mermee ea le 11... M M. .11.11111.01 L Wow._ j erneemri ) : ....... .... T o w ..e. O N ”40. Om^ =1.1?,..=. ILI: Ar wW. . 1 0'141.... 1.M.... tit IL TT [Mai. , 11.4. 1e... 1e... ./ el new- ' . . eat dd. ,1 • a IMOD 4..•....1 robe. wee q Wet iiir• ~.,b..,,,,,,,,r,/, g ybe,. el ...PM a. ' Ter rw. me meat= 11.ramee I. • TM rewohition is flaw of printing earn' ow Ho" . Titans. G. Pratt (Whig) Ims 7....pc.../.M......7. 0 2..tt=tri. 1 =, .= , ...4 . - . ,r,,,tr,........_5 r :- , F. Ea.....w.z. mr , ?...... 0 r5 4i , .o .. * _Lot Zaze . , O rr' mipAes of th e C.llll P.M. was adopted ; ' been Norrol United States Senator by eke . w aYea r .ar & Till'A-- k* . 1: 647a7 Z:,,e' r a"2 15°" e11 Th E .1. 1 "..". r.... 4 ! 4 ::: " .... Ir, m star. " ..; "" goo the reselstkm far ?ninth% 10,0191 co-; lilaryiaed Tagidattire, to 1111 the mespiral 71.6.iba.114.11kt.4121.,51.713....1r. a 1 1,............, ~..... , rwr ., . 17 ..,„,,, ~„„ r .1, 1 pies of id. Regal as Leremenro and Nark • tern of the Roo Rowdy Johnion. II .RN . W =grip.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers