I .b.ieill. diet, a.. Ira mean...heed xl,t el ruaui Flit Proof Chests, MONTROSE , . • nap. Mi. of ° Welbir e you've :S/04 , 1alattlia t i i r r i bt itt . --7--- e. ° otn . i ' ir! ..:"..d. It liv e tee, I fu, I bet r vi. ii„,, FOR BOOKS, PAPERS, IiVELRY, &C. ' lii STABI E HVANS & WATSON, / j . C,ICK..9i X C 4 , t,,i' ~, ~.,,,, ~., ".,,k i" veileel I 0 1. he et ! ll'ay . ' 4 - yere herre r tit ?u', ~, Jr. T".• ~. -, • 9 " N-"'' T h .' '' ''''' '''''' ' ' l ' ''' , "11,,. , .,..".-,,‘,'•,-,„,,,,.•:,,.„,n. ' -.- . - - - , , ~,,,,„,,, .. ner beenenvg unto , 1111 Out . 1 ) all, all ' . ' 4 0} / D ". . • „0 „,,,,,,,,,,,. t,,,, ~,,, , i, ~, ~,,, „,„„. „„„„„„,, ~1.,140.--r-111„, ,;,;,.!, .. - -,,,,,,!,!.7,:::!;,! ;:::?:: ,::..T ..t,r:,:.,v,;,.7- ,;.z.... ;!..,,,----, -,.,,,ri.1c, hete IV le Olt1: ---- 11,x few fi' i'fifie e eNi kll ,l 'ifieeet 1 I 4 .. \ nun " ' re ' I" ~t,, .„';;,.::::: i." . ..',',:',..'.'., r ....n!',,,'..,. ''si..7.',';','.':'..'V,,7:l",',';: n ""'''''i - :1'14,,...... COL 1, F,GE I) F It I, .1.1. TII , .? %NI *l.l. et... eri.lei a gy4ll . '''' u our cleieente Ja.dry weaihrr odd.° urine. .. , ~,,,„ ~,, r, , , ,,,„„ 0 „ , „, ~, r , ,„ , ,,,,.. yr i i ' l j ....,....„......,..,,,..,... ~._ _ 2UT dlulat.trvete INeff.to N. lee 4 .- +.,.++ Nevi Di.ily Line of ,tages O' . I berefi•ne . • of uteY ....I .1 .'• I. " il "r: . 1101I ' L 11.. Illall, .ht t• ilOlll P. . h ,• l , the Olt le. l' \ \I teliN, /It ; but those vfiro ke, are evt to th • i °tin ~„ ,„,,,,,,„„ u,. ,„ ~ th e ,. ~ 0 ~,,, „t „, 1_ .'„ver l.l 7l vet 're i r i." Vegetable Lllltoutr4s!lG Mixture Idnd ...Y ,'a•' pr le.° , 'hi , 4, rr,,, Ow prune,' Liere 0: llt% . 1 111111:. 11/ 1 JII iI- Pate.ll I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IL .schl., - I '. ..>;- hard. that calk le, w. II 1... 410.1. 111, I 7 rent ~,,,„ , , 0.00,, ~, „,„,,,,,,,,,. ,„.,,,,,,,,, „, , "t 41. 1 ,: 0, 4 , ! " , '"' , ' , ': i ., :, , ' ' ~....„ ~, thin or that. ° The, ~nom sc r or, iree 1 ore et. ,,,,,,... • ,en Ilied feeble and ...and ie - .• 'e ilLt , L I.Z: iVINT . fIrr Mt , ' i •I 1 , II i s r...—%11..0 1 wee u nedei ha l 0 annelid Ow i rry at deficiency en their wipiely u"nenr ..e. iit e ben re was we menu. prvadrvd . Itiese... wet., I. '' "'"'" "" `"' ''' "t" vt'''' I''''''' be t wn. the - hurry c nue them wave. ..ell ' 1 '''' "" " tli ~`I h 1111 fie. "Pe . et." he 'h.. , titt• 4° ' E '' ' ~' IC . i 1,1, 1, t. r 1: 111 n.reb. and ir „me ielee, .." ° i t ' I I:I , . e tt.ie 4 ete 4 : rt V ": '" abo r : e le774. 4 \veee l d i.. ;;:e r ....y . :74 .* ;::tr t t ' ir ' ir ' r ' . . d'''',l". 111:,, le ed ' ""ee• fied ebc Pen.'" . 1 , 1 tI) Al' " r i li i 1 ) ‘2 A 1 bid there "re n, st:lir a 4 ' ; 1171.1/.11.,. 01 re " ''' '' '''' ' ''" '' ''''' ' ''. . ''' ''''''' '''''''''' " u -111.$1 1 1/It, s'l`.l . '''' ,„ .2 l: ‘ ," ::'' —r ,,,,, %, . ',I li.,d 11.•,•• • in leiv it. eedebor. ° toettvoil ere rt." 1„,„1. „wow unit er il• "'''' ' l ' ' ''''' '' '''"' . • r,! .. ".,=tt r .i - fterrTree ' i,7l . e u ee . ter ' • P.M. of r'9, „0 d no ft ... to lon 11,01 J.. . °..4 ‘‘'." "..t" I'r ,r.'" 1110.' '.".. work, . eri!.li)l../....................1..p....1....... • X.O 6... il • ' II 4. V .— • Nov, Wen cold., of vier n on, mouthy • `'''' r ." ''''''' " t' '''/ " ' I ' ""'" 1 e a. °l'' be lc.' • en. riirefie.e...l Wen°, 4 Rico a I.e.fli'm Welder. , ENPrrl.l.. „ , t . rtineer..............,..1 , .....,1.1v tike time to dunk ...I ~, , a..... m.... """,, "", ,""' h" "" ' '''` ' '''''' ". " b ''' ' " 1„,,. ~',','..'`',„,','......,., v,.....' ~,,,,,, ~,, „, .. are Mop 0.1 ten., eipec'en'vd 11 , It. told: ' 1 "." I 'i I I ' l ' d. , P t '' , leii " ,•l.l . 0 / `.. ',, , ';‘„,, ', r.,.; -`; we find lir eve/wilt rthlt le lime . r ~,, 1.11, I ' .• " r •••uss es of gr... el:,„ Ahearn/ wed.. tte lete gaol.. 010 l 0 ,. /..ard, eratuttou of ...It 4 •• Agrioultural lIIIIIIMIIIII lar and •beolddil Rup:, of ...I hat m.ghl be doubled, owl ey n gel! pub d n by • dremnd of indium; rod II d at II I, y mater. Our volt of tiro kotti or go ady 41 heard a rood that st _ I rooke ma ma. atol then: a at It troth to It tootild to ro to out ot our coupoot lora, For matt otl pme+ a; blet plrpos of cps'l mpoa.sigo ma lrnald m , bra, ~ I, 11,ly syal `l, cYoan•i• c• ma under:pl... by 61,1•11,,.1 ted .11Mtlto more to It the gard. n told 01,64/1i I Need. ro Iha rr Iron rippled a rregla Ire eel n TA, The rmiterrels elrrer,rl r , r 1:. and arlserl, and ferr.reerl, lir rrerl r rea., ter. I r is ) oar old Lo , :.rre ler ro, rrllb Ire A.M.,. The Idriner nhonhl nu It II MailE tiele• 414 a 444411 AV.II , A iii rpro44, 11.(-loralr, for 444.,41444, I.4,rtyrr.ll teller: Aram.. for 11, ~,,,,,, 10011 of 4.•toi hardy pbetits I 41 - ‘. 41414, v. for Ow 44.4,4 p of r r 41.4.41, ro.lubelt, he —.l t ill, I.k • s ..• 1.... .n b I t.. • ds i.. 1. iI .r um, slid reflection, thri ,tt ring that taste uti.l skill iipoiudiitli till II tarsal prograiso r ° P 1 " .. '"110".111 .!,!:M on- newt re.giureub runeltko—s; notch mu- ~;;;; ; '•; ;•,‘ • ...'.:1.!•,; • ,e;; se that of so num Tn... oat II; 5,,,..., t,"'- xesaut opirif abroad r .• . dal...lppon the talon afielo.e... ; ' and are new vt. ry graorall, ke lenent I , and the cloof blintoth in eio grog,. l. 1. , umful 0r.,,,t ho I. d •. culture, dnfectue 11;0,1; a le .;.• d- •• •• • p.fiers general dung in Illat Ali ko,er lIT IF., • aria of golfUnuebuddiug. Id; ono,. b.,. • • .• efer, In. n/10 halt•••' • • ' I with, under ."nj 1! ", "°"."' wed,plotrattepl•tattry, ttett ' , Nemeth to all bully Illldenteml, end It.artilynnderstootl 4. by • !tug., number of perm.. uttese Its tee he., v." 1... 1 .. 6 " r . " t" ph Y..- ::::::t:VeTrft.....i. ' ee el ttioure, end the textu e I tort, !wet ••41. tton`a.'• at. thane attbleat o b. ea , aoth' tr the alto: Books -utal get.] „tot, - tre ta , • : t r , attall rht . aa a.. eta to ^to , alattalott ;;; : tt h :I,: :a • we tube Ibis eetothat 'ha` t , rl t. thetr fra.t erfehable g tr. o.N.l„..trta , . lan " Llrd. and orehat prellothht aud erolthittle-: to ,„,.„ „ „ „„ t „ • .11.ffite tine it hasto ith Irmo. rtol tho„ • „ a Jot h ''-` ,• till haute. eltantol he.hi that ettaatry to trot:. „ „ I":;:rt"" "" Ip tu spend a portents m, mod night. In cullirrt Irmo the earn at pat.,: „„ ..r the tone marl. inform...a an the In* llteenaelve• ea owed a, hi order that 14 ingy hot jute ateluol anti profitable prnettea danap ootat o. tooting wow. of coltetratton. -f,ttotee „„,, AI Mr or prow...lel Illernol•ar. .T. Berum, of NI••••••• a.ntor, i , b.. a . airy stet al Bridtrpott, Vane 11.. 1., ..,,... ::!;% 1 7:11ii'.... T. anomie.. to fanning end gee l ot sq... I v.., .t.......:.:::‘ , .. :„ .....; , ~ k.t. , b....V. W• VT. lee ~1 t....... e 0 . ;•.:....e.,... ' ..g1r " :: . ......•17..f4. Jog in hie owo word*: ~ Ih.g poldtorg --.' Is the fett of I ..1. , , e ,•1 •...,.. .„,, omy head gardener reported that I bed ..... ' ,• Art•S• jorwer. leg petatore lo ryotre No, a 1,01, I L:i. „,..,„,..„. ' Or Mit , &WOW be .old, They loolt,ht 07 cent.. • tti.e.n.eon ....owe t. . T.....1..ete area. But like moot all MILO , f.rme., he •01,1 ',..,=:'.%".."'' "". ' ' ..":"'""' , 1.4 gem t• we • emte. hog. and left ito indlnex Imai ...es ill ono- 5;,! , ezz1 .. t . , ..r.e.. ,, ....., ;:..... n eoni, , .. .. Meat al borne. But On. wenn te in [OM, mei nill , b.14.1•L1 ' .. "‘ .1,. .0..4 , tt: ' nee•T:,... ' ' Match we had not .. • 004 ." ...a1.... 1 t . t. ' .'" 1,.. ' 1 :4 " . ' ,7t!" ", " 7, . 111 ' •74.V . .T. "'""" ' "" ' 4 Bo we batten nom thal we mid, sod tomol Hee.•••• tt , 41.... Tv. ,dir 4... d. „Is ......I al th•t! MY •.....fe• then- 4 Z.Z,,444••••• in re..ler=7l4:::, "'"""r 7', • h. that • rannot had Letter ow:.rilie &et iDimne ellen,. mash be was fro Me own .ntamption.h,. !!":,..a.,:;.. ,'..... .0. Ste 111..... n, be mode his produes la • ehesp market.' .......,, r:: ISZ,drl dt.N.d. Ildveys , v. do ~ .i.tfr.l ~,,, bran - 1 '.... — A.... i= . ..nen.::ix r* .r.: 7 47..rir 1... . Mr. Bannon's experiments wee tie the barn. i L., , , , ,,i. 4 4!., 7 .„,,,, r Homo, IlaviddJ . .r . : 1 4 , 4 hile. dad Imp Mated hy him with each ..101.1.tf0. . da=7 . '"'"" id WM* good bows.. 111•1 hid tarp 11111didider woo i ra.474 , ~ d ,...dd100. de i 4 011•0•44.4.....• Y ••••nboil orllk keener. . Having beam I ......... :1 0 ,722.1.1.•.. tio I...ideal .f 1M Fairfield Moody Aitioul. 7, 7 7,=j m . 7 . a . a 7 ,....;:r 7 ,7 7 7. ..... t doolety." a•otioned he." I fah Ow Imps,' Wt... fn... d..1....0. non roo.i• dal I it..., de riltallown, do, M bowleg • 110.18 preelirel axperienos so • Winnows To. 4e madliew. es. Ilowatm g a l 0.n.0. de ' . Marin..m.l • Nubs •bont priming, and I ..... ...,... bow srawrsosas My oaoloworowbdo. tofor.t.7t4tAMA l A . M.. It I" .."..' U.'. " ff". 4.1 k•i a •Aid •"' "''''' •• "1" ! orei N gsli="2is• 0 tram 7=i care, My..4.1..11 w...1.q. • I.t or rood . anset•Mor . ll . ._._.dra._ Molds dig d,dd wag, xi Item Ka iii blim, sad I.y Mary bold , i ..., 41 . = „ „,7=4 , - m •.. •-• .0.. • •r••••••••• , ••••.., ...1 N all noistadoed Mob. Id mpasbesrlioo .71morwam iNimmineal, dolma IS 1 4lll saw. o MI OM, 111 ' 1 .41 'MINI .7.011....bm .11. _ Int ellbrt ea p.m Gad. of m... on. , Erze i m r .v. M.P... -. mu . ~..,,............ from my Irmdo.. l ,‘77 -- 7 ,1, -- 4717 7 '; . 74 „, 7 7.7 —1- 7 - 7.1 m Ow labor I hod owed hint /ado ay whom VI --- l'''' ... ' NCYTLAT • 1117.111 Italnapt. £ P,ulclsnn and Pater- Steamer Falcon just in ! 13.41,0 n Rite: flow 6,,1 4 1 i: ;: ,,,": U:11,1FOIRIA OUTDONE ! F' 7 .' u r 7 dield Mine, in 900111 . 0111¢, r II"law nian :nay day by L ITEIROP i SALMI!! KW'S, 1•v.1.1M) 11 11.11:1. „ • 1 I • 1111114,a. ~,,, 11,4,111. "ad L'lne.ilmoro• It Sll II 11, 1 1 0 , • • • Cottrl ff.: 1:14 of Mr I,ov/of f /H..% ARR. 11XCl / 1. 11117 • .„ . II Ineyee. Tinware. Dry Wroth. Gro caries, Ilardwn re. Roots t' "DID SHOES &y. Ca :;•: List of Patent Medicines, ror Sala nt l'orrelrm. 11.1 1) r Sar.apa '„: II :if!.:, • d .. Dr t Emr,,,q 'ell .$1 IhR•1; rind :4arrapa ,t... till, AV. t....i.at ills. Etlit.lnliglt Pot iti, r, tir.at Wertet l'a.t ar.a, II ii It Illetit.to Dr. 1). .133 21C ' S Exp,tornrit, Alterative, cirri IT po 7( VIS • Cartainiii‘o 1141 rant, Tonir. Hair I)ye, Lkj V 124:3 ! 17, Verntifuge, sanative.lg,tte 1%. : , r ....'A)er's Cherry Peetnrnl, lirant'A /.1 , 11311 • •-• r r • rLrr.r. , trwitary litlsatn, ant'. • ra.t r Exit aet, rmatt's 1\ 11-11,,litus %Irma 4 ."...`"" L. " . 1 riro Siravtte'm C mil o; r; 'hi Cher- Cher- , itt W'e• re, Vvrtilifitg,.., S., Er.t. ~f Tar rim •i l'ills Andrew', fain Pairt Extract,. De. Trask's Ingnetiu Ointment (^ AEll MILEogi) STOVE 11El'OT! Pain Extinct, ; Liniment. tJtt Semites tr,..tie D.ortitt Veg. Elix- iA i• (;,rumn C atglt Di tr, Jaundice !titter, J.1;4011'14 Pile Embroesi ion, 01 ros' Liquid i.e. ,iei e rote. •,! ~ i . i, , ,, /. ri.....ii.............-1. ','P ~",„' i.,:i'. ,Cu re.A.r Pile. Fore. Se. Clarlis Worm ;'',',";',:,",,7„.1,'.,i” ."4". ,- "- , "". -,"..",,,., ...::;;T"g',...:.,T,.,.;,........., S. rup, Oriek's l'erruituge, Ptheurtosk's Verisithce, 11 i.tor's itsim oor Will (7her- Wkildeollidis's Sistrirett cid Dotrible ~ ~1.• , ~,. I ~. 1.. 0,. ~ .. ~...,...i..,.,.. I, ry, ilritish Oil, Harlem Oil, Tourev's 1 tint• 11. ret, Ito( Air men', Dutiful's Orilla!, Datriniati'm C mull C() 0 K il\ (-; s t c()vE ;„'...:; '.1.....; „,:;:!„. , ..... , .:,....2,::,„; .irop.. Turlingtolip Daises, of Life. choen- - , •'''' j '''''''''' "i...; E"ir ''r , )pi. , .., T'".,''."'';;;„?',.''.'''',7.''n''..r„"'.",•"'' ','.'''".::'.'',,",",'',''" ' '" '—'-'""" , hotopmo's Rye Water, Norton's t'alt • ert .L'. ue , lei i.e.:. • ,ii,./ is, i•e,,,,,1,:i'i....1 it - t - -i:o .• tie-i.e. sir , . itit r etii r - i.e. il. , t ~f Rl."'" th''''''''''t• 1.i.1..k 1 0 1;ndol';' , ., Dri- '=,:fio'irri,... """'"' '"'!'' "'"'". '-' '"."' 1211 ' . " •• 61... " °lPlihn.. "' Dr. FITCH'S Criebtair a medirinlA, (/' - ,, ..... , - ,, ..." , .“0 , ............. re. r.sem.emoes, • ...ie.... en t 0,.,,, ern, .1,1 VI 01'11. abash'. Dyspeptia Cor, Poor Also . * "n• heo 11,...4 ele rico errlko• t "''''""'"''''''''''''''"'"' ""'"'''''"'"'"" "''''''' '''''' ,l •."' " 1 " '"''''''''"''"'''''' ""'''" ' ' '''' '"'' " r2,7,t.,, ~ .... eem .. mi, it ....,,.. Piaster, Copaiba Calisuiss, Geurad's kleiii- lest ,i . ,.7ii:ViniXet'iiire ersee,miciensci mite, "rgt;1,;;;;;:!,...1;;; Mt IT,' , ".:::•:•'•i',..? . ii:!:•:!' i " ''' t lio., it ,r, lik, ..... im er.. ...I* r 0,,,• r r oe , ~. e , ~, e o•ted Amp, Gorman Tooth Cordial, Roc- ;,''''"''''`. ••i"rt''''........“.."..."0......". o tm mem.. • i.iico m moo..ner -le rei.s., ele h eq. • ......„. ~•„„ ~„ 1 „ ~, ~,, ' • ...In' • ' • ' ' • ' '''' - • I oaks Dosmetio Cream, Misnames Dough, a:LI:Z.:7 T . 4 . :,,Trit . iiii77ll.l"r`rlni" '"`""'"'"'"'"''''' ''''''' ''''-''''''''' .". '''''''' "‘" AiO• - ~...=... - '",..., 7, — ,77,. "'" '" ""' ' """ 4 ' " ''' "*" "" r ' 1,. • • emt, tit,....iti 1,,,,,,.......5.miet ..., se,..ir ..id 1....i.,,t, .., ...11 ..•,J. rm. 5"...9..,, , t0t h. '"...1P.; 31 .i'sbatICli • .. 7.74l"ritiritl . :7" .. "'"` oroi: prune. ~,W,V,::,, , , :_ . . . 5r.... , ....L....:....! . ...1:,VV,r4:..,'„:,= . ..Z . .". ".....""'"".."""+"""''' ".. "'" " _waling tid, k . . bard Acid Spring . IMMO it 011 •T. eel •Pr • 0.00... in, • V 1i.... . ''' ".'..C . ', ! '''''" ,„,.. ~ ~.,„ .. ‘....,,,, ~.,„, . 1 . ~,,, „„ I Water , Dr. Fill.foll • 1 eel& Dabs ; Boos NEW GOODS. ---- , ,ax,.„,,,„ ~,,,.. •,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,, 111,11.11 V •1.1 li 1..1 7 ....001.0iitif...lin X. V . 1ti.1.1.• it ii.o. el ....- 'ar. 111.,... hp. I • 11••• 13• Mont 000.1 00, ....1.. 0 1. X• 11 Nam. Linegent,Rileastatie nurture, Wooilsook's • - • Zi'r;l3;i:" .' ";;" 4. "' " '"' "''' '' '''"" . '""'" , Meson, am* ,r. ts. ti.c.,.. ounce, mess . Haile, Dr. Alien's fiaresparillio, Pond's: ' ' Harrison's Columbian Ink ' • ~..,- ,„ • • 0.131 Chem. •..... X 0 . 110... ...I .. 0 Pails Destroy...Poi...l Coro Clint, Im m "'''''''''''' '''''''''''''''' '"''''''''"'. ,E,',',7,4:;',...7,:j,l;V"',"'''' . '''!7":" o : 4 ,:`,"'r,'''''',.. ,I= ii71:,...r . ::::17 . ,.1.'":1::, ..'..1'...r.r .:', ■ 2,17;.;:' ,1...:.1.:11'Z1 . ,:.;'-n7="w:::l43 seldby• Pile Bleeds; Upham* Pilo Elea. I 00:1411' 6 4 11141N150 I . .....-....;.".1."117i'1i Lltlntl. e . 410g10:1 ' • 0-IVIIII .., ....,....“. , mem Dillow Heave Oen. arn Ice. I. 5m..... sat ret.i.ro i - %l AL 114 Itli % lik. A. iiiik Ws it 1. ' ssitricir it 111, 0 Ar. A..... a,l I •icer l PlLLlL—Wright's Indian Veg e Smith's °ll ek l er lik aludware, BOOKS I 80018 I ' Seger Coated, Oliekser'e de. Phineer's; SIOCENIEs, OYE•stuFFs, ••• Christian Althanaos 1850 i' , '"' - ' , "'"""Y"'" - " - " - "..'4';'."Xtri:i. ' • NO, MA. awl ...411.101. T. 1. Past. '"''''''''' ''''''""“ """'""'"' 2 "." - ' -"":"' , • 1." • • ...., • ........,,, . 1....,Mi1. se P .,r 1 , 1 7' ~8 " ° . .....1 " ,,1 1" 4 1 .... 8 ; 1 .. Phde.. ' BOOKS & STATIONERY. ..''''.77 , ...•471t - ".:".'," . ..'""..."4!!.".''.7.".....-'""" . .." A ,, ♦ ,'" ""''''''''''' '"''' • ''..'",""""''''''''':'" ~. .:"..V4`, : •., ' "'"".", : •', , • , .. , .. , :iln- ,,, - "....:.. ' ...asei s. .. Orwillis'S v ligembh, IN.,* rap . onniehm, ca. _ _,._ ~:,;.,..„,..,,....11..:mind.A L ....g ib0v... r .64. ' .0-X , Lit , a ... 1.0 • •• • ••• 11,00.,1 7 0. 0 1,•ellis,1110, / .••••4 Oilers. Aire. gen•IIM Juee. Art Milk.. is it hit 0.110,11•4 0. palide r ai ni tisL llll •lll. '" ''''''' ''''''' '''''''' 4 - it. 0 ' u.tl me. In twin two IZ7 " '"" "''''' "'''''''' " ..""' r.... ' ... " 1. 3 i `. M"" ""' '''''''-"'" ' inait."VireV .4 tili; trig Vr...V"..*leurt..• ........ati, OM Arse sod VIM!, lbssed. rd,.._!,___ - •••• I* et,. lit e lf. Also Vlelatiries .0' vol n ..1 ;• 11- , - ----.... r ai i ,...,,,, . ..„. . ~... .. reeler, Holters, Hooer's, Webster's, Ty. -1!!-="'"""".........."." , ...IP' ; 1.1 . _ . ... j...!..0 _1 . __ , stru.o• acwr. ics. ''''''''''' ,-- nrr , ',l,l *- 14.7',"fraVe'' hr' a, i.e., Alinbassi s, Merrimans, ke. . ri:x. , ....-- 1 , . .•.,,.., ■ ... ie. 8.4t 7 :11....• , .....-•...... , .. 4 ... u a, 1 ,, .:wrr5... , ••••-.-..,-. , ,- . •• ~ '1: ii -411-44 —,.., ~..7-I,L, ...,.. Std. OVlat Tit': n (1111,1). '.::,;i,4::;,:,, " '• .' ' iiv. vs er II Iloutro.e A Great Bend. ! Ult01,1:1 % !. " :,.7 ,,-, :,:,,';.;;,,, ..•,.,.,, , ,,, 7: ,. ;;; , ~ ~, ~,,..,,k: ;, ; ;; ,:; . ;;;;,;,'.:l - ,;;;;.,'„;,;,:t.';;:;."';.".",..':.: ;.;,::. vil. , lll4,irt 1:r.:r;I::1 I, az til 1 .., t ( ile C.l. Itf1;:t11 ' 1:1::Wt r :1:rr. " I L , l7k,: ' : ' , iirrilLirro INCIAI t MA: '''''` .''!'' i•-'1' 4 :'‘.., ' ,..1 ' ..11 " ,,r,': ' .'.. ' n', , t. " ":..' ' ' ' 1 ' .'Y .: UN= 1, i 11'1' tr,ve Advertisements 3111111! LI 'V I:II 4::1,1 PT. lark:ElJl' %%It EF11:1"117 M':itl'i'••. R I invkiatv To Owen. of 11 and Cattle t!. , - )ip ' '',l- , i , , .' , mut, illt. ,ro ~,~.~~ k.... ~ i.417:1; " 1-11•1,1 . W.. 1 Oplolon• or Plis•l•la., t 1,yon..:111 IrDl I.t.' , P.lntsTr, 4 off l iff ig fa41 . 1r,i:" , ,1, 41. • , ioo otitit o . 'O'oitiotlitEltliii al r. • , 0 ' 1 , 1,1 J OFFICE ------- S I•.\RI 14, AL • r•t.w RES ,c'
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