- - - ,- -- - ---- 1 - - - Commews-The Uwe ha. finally gel eig.ix-Ithm. bat no field diapention wee made of them Wlerese. lb; ler... Yawn, terourtee , wesllla.dlial they hove beets brought near to their ' Whig Part ,In the LI.IOIE - ling of an ey - e, ie - Wintering i• Me Mine• - .- - Oure pry.; sloiser.......rise newt& ....ch i le. i ed,e. will b. era by., ....km ~,,t , ',i f. , . flo , Ho . of , foo „ o foot , 00 ,,,, m %mot Through the petite.. of ael fillourntetiv ,Plairehat ; but they ere orn yet et p.r. atul uweer translated from the low and Sectional ground space will be taken up irith • few beta and Dt.......er, the gewmat.aban., is a Demo.' Nes ad .......... 1 . ...re 'rho Son- ...,,,,,... , od ~.. dd .. ~ , , ordd .....:', . will be, became them Noontime, to red....thorn of thu IVdmot Proviso, to the high Anti na- , speoulatione relative to the pr.:import. og M. 'sew, end hes beam for many years editor of the ale bill cherish...be naute of the York Salon. ~ 0,„ of 00. „ 01 .01 . ,... M.,. pft0,„.0,. 1, with when It is watuted. Lionel platform of the Cass doctrine ot Non- tamers during the approsebang winter, they York Mt ttttt . He was ward for by the ormth 00 Be.. y.. D... 8... •••• p.... , . ....... es .., pr.,.. .... , ..k. . . ory , $0 , ,, d o .. m mer d th e hole experience that ha. Intervention-the doctrine of the Nicholson being et the most interest at tbe presort , - - !hest the woo. mode by their treachery te Mr. On Wednesday likewise a greet mar Millie. flattering eel... th....d....."..ittge of lerer bad In New York,. worthy of any ....id- Lotter. This is the ...idol, of tlio Repub. ten,. And in the lint place we will Gem „ THEDEAIOCI I, AT. w r. , ,, ,.....:._.7 „, ,.. ,. . d .. 1. 7 11 , ,6 1 1 ,.. i. p . „- Ne . w .,... ,.,.. ,. , k.:7 ,. .... , .,721. d . , .... , ,. .. , th ... , ,, .........,dx . ii . ,...r . . e ,:::,: d ....... 0 ,,,„,„,..,,,,,,,,,.....,,,,, the „.. ..„ ...00.10, , Nicaime hh the s h y h e d tern hh ie . bui t. lim h ile h d h e i t i t . hise h a. ~, ,, , , ,r h oi :r., ; of General 'Taylor. If glib am reed an erroneous hopression which peeved. - - mt. John., Postnnw, Mee e.....d, m . N.H. epreh . Nth , of tholimeadmeet. the „ ry " :".;, 1 e ' 47... o t r i,: b r o ,, N ,7„: , B „ " ,,:, ' „ ` ;;; " :, ' ,, w '' ;"' 11::•11 . 1 . .. * be P e7::o a% ...arm] en ' . 01 7 1aVilleigi n le :d hy i th ' il Whi l g in' p ß ri: l e ' e b t i t i fes p. Pro . rtr q :e " a i liTli I l it m m i l fi n d es , , o t i ba m t ' ,7, 7 . t7r h y o d l ini nt lqp n" L ' ea d iyo, Ilammellay, Jallituary 2 4 , 1242, mutheru Deemer. teet it. If the siren. should ever become este.. heneeforth regard the Whig party as coup ly aro accessible during the rainy mums. ....."•• so " ."" lb° Int L. g i.b...... • i e Upon receive, racial infonnanou fern the _____ _ ---- d, 7, , ,dT.4 - ,,,, • 7. - . • /Derr 'P.c....0 h -D r .. f e „y AL ghee., of * The .h...°T o °. Id th. Se.. DM.. uloll 'Governor, thin • eurlus of 0.0 huudred and filly 'ed airmtroot tho Coned 0 ttttt ,wo thialt it re- mitted to the maintenance of the poliey of pdb li ihio t i : : : :fg l : : ::: " :: s bdtiri.l. l .. o ,F t h,d7::c t .id h i: : :::i f i e le c i: t g . i:::hlgh. B eg: f irrr a fd e mc y ttn:lti o ,: l : d ih...:fra l e i y o r.hood. m od_.: f ore , adverstaerm - r te ,a.,„,,,,„,,, ~T;, „ ~.......„ ...., ... Mo.ohy 1.. ~,..., residing for the e1...m00r Audaor oted 5t...1.r th.rud dollen, wee ut Om tie... oppitesblo quire. no extraordinary sag... to per... thet Heller. Ca.,- AY/trona! Era. rem/ 10100 ens... w 5,,„. ',„. or., othe • Ihe North Branch exterried, in ere of • coninteread revulsion there 'would he .. . •,.. r . mud nu.... t.j. e• w ite...... Seleeting tie comfortable • location as OM mass veto mre-em•.+ . ~.,,,, .„,, ~,„„,..t. t „,t,. State Teeentrer for one year from the first of ley Q...f..b. by "w "ebri". "r.r".""g ix" gwggt l u b utr Z0."=.71e of the .. o„he 10th Aprd, WW :. W ;1.7; 1;1/ ' ; rd. we. ' ' 1 ded ,. ••• .. •dd .............. /th . N o ., an of apropriatioat Nr the complthon of um North ie.... d i: dr ", ....., rt d....", dd ,...... , „ greater depreciation of property; end tn.e bank- X..". 1... o rri t I 3 11 6 • ' b h y . a t :r d k '' 'llt i i:l d i l de s i " . 17 . t i : i l l r e: E71 . 11 , t , : ' .. N r D e r w7:31: u ° " rik: veroment, the Board look. step. at the flattest ,AyMY ia Om ...try, lb. at any IfJ .- We hood rt. - 7 . 0d, per pe - T - tenere of'-l-e'l ...tic pen.. (non...led on the leth belleid erl ' n ''' s°h 2•101. 4 , , , f „. 4 f „,..,, of „,„, 4 „.„, ,i,„ 0,,,,,,, ,. ..... elected ou the lot Nal.. the eel ...dm, :n lltur•da , i ilii r t h i rd l ster dor wee of about ....cable penal to place • corremouding amouut of our hietery tl ea., OM tic e o 1 tal on the pm mug days. or work uuder cm.. Proporl. were publicly . and provisions tor the winter, atm', ea op .' Representative., with a place of ree.dence at I D. , kel 70, Gideon J. DA whip. Stl. Den. B. is I nte 'lb. xicussloi re.olutious were still further Me .1.....ted . , 00 11:1 0 :1 . ..t , h i e n. 1 . e . t of December thd counsels But the actual loess@ to the holden of note. or 1840 . tflumburg, auil their P. 0 sokoso-ho. ot home. 1 stad to bo • very 1. , ...MO Mani and e . . . 1. r e ., h rem tem ., .a . „. broken ben., re but one oilie evth of tha booking pd... deo ~• ._ . , , . $ ter and colletatortber •• IllpEh of the pre -0,,,,,,,,,44. . 4 , , 4 ,,,,,, io. ~,,,0„....0u„,, mowed ta the • este, and in both Hours the to An' per ee. belew the eetimume or wm. 0. eyelet. sad perhepe oue of the lel.. It ie the . rrob•bgity ,4 their thilin g 1,,p,,,,,,i 08 , ,° l • .........ill Oh. °Y. " P ur, "'"'" ""' •"" t " ° ` • ". '0 a d.. 1 .. .i, I Wilt not Dend Sr t rws formsh . stth a eine.' .... f o e: p a::: I y .zd s to i i r d e i. i gl g li d n e I; b . t db. og7 .n t s he . r f i e: !mot ho hod inputted voi. Aat Dm.. Ins Chtef .......... for 8...Tf....rer wer....e. Fr., dr,, F. t ., th........ .....ited by the inflation of the eurreit. fer .bove a epecie dthed. A l k. 4 ,, pro, j o i , „ o , o f on I, i o d o, I opo i n. ' In tuking arrangements fur the rainy me ow halt. the Senate • tie.. On Friday a greminauy petition. were received H. "' 1. .. 1..1 ...h.................... .. ind by whwli the thou of • eels. te ..ted lon d ed .to place the mood difficult portion. of the • P• it est. , m, e , are snore expensive then they were bweiker Milatalirene ei 1.1 work ender con... with u •"'w 'if bruilor the end a sodden nod 6......1ite is mveti to prop• ~l itZ. thy ., : aa r i . :::::: : : .„. , , h . i ?, , , r d t: i . . , g ,s : i h ,,, ,,,, ..,, , , , , 0 p a „,. : , : d, ;:li g . r , : , g..... „,, r, ~.....,..,:.., h. r. .. w47 , poi . , t.k....... ~,,,, 1• ~,,- Tho pock...gala Of the .„„F. , ,..,.,„,. W "X wr.x..d. 1. W.. 8. " ..... ". "....... P a.. AN. 6 o'clrk this ,Thoredai . oterint.g. oar i merged ecceria from the nine. of Auburn, pre,- %heti, hue late it.e st the eurbeetsp•rted praettes. ewe, eget. to be as euddenli reduced by the voo- • '' • trar; non of ...th n currency, which from ite very and 41te Handlriell bilaiine. ...re Is no va- those it. the mines prefer the streams to the . tour. wee. moiled by the or or am ota the $ ton. alter a lapse ef Nur weeks, hth just dm. mg for the estensten or am Leo. road law. to oo• . dr , y . d . lfging . a . 10 T h h h o . Ii h rS , row: of tho church beer, 6..c-,aud on proceeMeg em ered th tt the twos les. Ibberinciente end ~ ......., 50..., ~,,,a0. ., z . i . d m i . ort: , l4i , , r e4d ., :n: f. f:e , „;::, , , , : ,. ..... of . I. ,, :mre . - ~,:' , .!',...",..} : ,,b:C. 0 1 7,1. f , t 7 „„n ; :,•;:,". , :d g ......0d r ? ' 4 .0.,..",: maitre ie cerletend inevitable. thet wt. t mtv os riati?tt in the °pet of living, except that I, ' tit - t l i terais re , ll ' hl . the threctiee Itt the light. it woo ern difeerered ' Wunder. ai the mar I u f ...,,,,.. a run must, by mem. of the 1i... the gm ..... evil °ram ...I. We therefore re. I.lm. tge may be had at a cheaper rate.- .., i ht , i 5,.... . ). , •••.., n orth ., Fan., snouted blunders merely. Noneenee. The booby kuows d 0,, , ,, ,, ~,,,, , dk : . . :, . .... York inthrovemene, with the mon pep..., ger d e. men., that bee .. tendency to eneeor- House. are fitted up now eltimfasi,h.n, with . .'Y P P c " o " r7l ' i r .; tO 7l7 c .. ltar r i.r bb r i te " l g fo ' rni b ld 'n 7fo " ll. let Lee % Merl distaithe west of the Baptist church, in the ' better. The fact ut name.. esti, whets that the Ile alm rend • bill in phlee in coneoneuce with ... te . 0' ,. ...r. bee Y." , tit" , 11 " , thr rest ort. the inereuee of a paper co.en. beyeed the state-rooms. each of which contains t, ... i n me.. tor... was read before , both breneltee of ~,, „ye,. of .... T. ... , elt.....lNkee, a wdi open a market for the 1 , r . t.: epecie Nonclaril, s• into of the greatest evils thet berths. In this way an co dinare ratan t . Y7/ 1 1 out-ektr. of the Town. wee when) , dry &Id a or rotionn, while the great ma cs,o .1, ort es for hod the firiletoweeod Met •er ' C.M.••• wt.. tots.. the ohne ne Pubthhed , t„ t i. 1t..., t h e ~..„... h . r o ut .... p ro u"'! .. ... , " ...Noe , 8 . 1 . 1, et the tetel..... . , nJt lit, ale to make their m on 11..ilit Ille Wth tr.', voanot foil. m n ken be ...Acted 0 . , cote., , and nod., we I.- ledg l o od lz i, t;n g tr h o t r bi l h lii h r , ?• b. p i t h e7x. „ . .._Th: ,_ ettit yo„dy ..y ...ilia to extinaireh it wee rimmed wrely nr. ill ear paper, and even iit hm-both of us hieing Illtle and then one will stag • lead nuking were dimmed of, and u cunsolehtble ter) elmrt tune, to yield u reit... , troire then Itere would be the lb. of the free raking ... a tem The engin. belong... to the 11.thogli, how- .."1." 1 . 1 .. Th. T ''''""`' Ws hs '' bur.° s ''' , Wm. of thootitortata bus.usse .di dooe. .1....0 the ie." e....e .... e... Sol d'lo. lent founded 0n... We haVe but trimmed et Hoarding uf • plain kind may ' he Ziti ‘ U n al e P uns. ' dm., after a long ume spent in prepirstio., wee . 0100 , •eoPi ef d..... 3., " Protted . the .fflee , __ . a canal cormectien between as northern ten.... .„ . , . ... '. x which will pia money hi ki pocket-thus i to ote of New York he deli.), d, there ' e w .. ".../....... , and alli per week, lint at _t of the eat- d ' tl d d" ' ' brought to bear upon the put of the building seer .of the fieptati...." (the cam.redord adminotratmo lir •We are lumpy liousee it le $llO and 625. Ima„a ' ` r e" ur Pg , 7 • Y ,:gg " r nn i r r ' h. nn 4 . 4. " Mc Vets. if tersoad. ...aye thea ....tent. Dan Math.) in which all of thee , ..1.161.° ere.. Th.. Streeter, Is. i. lad b e ' Ziri ' it 7 .; ::-U ' r ' o r l ? 'elm' '"d il l e " ..7daubt thut thc tolls denied front th.• 50y..., giving teeny ...Ales of the mode- ' ing ~...), . .0 7 .,,, . ..;7:„7„•, ! ,, ‘ ,,, , ,i0i : 7,7i:0 , : :.:0 ,7 ;:.:, . .:,..-:;. 0.. tho sir .2arn early in the wing, and be a t as ' ipm, ome ,i, ...id enneoyed front aud to gooey ' of any and ell seeurieties, except the pre- probability of meA r. dueller, in prices for ''`," • • T ''',: •• ••„'„ • " - ° •-.-• .. -- 4 , 84 , 00 „ h„,,,,,,,,,, , ~,,„ ,„,,, .„.„..6,1 truth. then fere... app.., thst they were tin. unionthorni of the catmututton adored Is. Mom, s reams. e t ir reason is, the miner to the tenni... at the State line, by mean.. the .... et , t• „.....,,,,,,,,, e „...„ „ ft . , f r . , . 1 . 1 . o ix h t f l i e il i: a d t r e y r .....I . t d, mud i e n s, th at . L b . ... 4, on oat. h. en yet been ...awned.. the fire hi the nuteth of the document, whoeter he may and arm. tth th ewe got lir by Meears. McCue- Fro. tadroad,...a abort dou tremputation, , , . ' a I - ' teritably au b paper o d n stocks 7,.. " . " .;:,...,, ' ,7. " .....4.,„ ' „ . „d o :. ' t e t „ . ,. , there shoirld bo immediate prithicion made ! h ut eta yet mt this writing) Nutted out. The be 1 he. eltheugh the Meade. and be pirate an & to. to def...l .t. We htith no °Meet.. to win be fur greatethu amount than the atioreel 011 Ilia Oilla noes required for as completion trill. itself, tho enPne and all,.the nmehetery Secretary (Blew) had daily m. 1111111.1 the a roof further emendeneute, seth as are mucosa, when „ Iti ed.... to au., the imptue that wdl be monetary reveller., proce.*: "Thew inelaileee by the General 11 ...sonatina for the proper 0r ... d ",,,,, on dd ., . „ d f bd... the..., (... peesubly the ...Ore elmk ithi et." for Oa , . Nil weeks. yet they miser de- ti is e‘roloon to oimpt Mein 1 bet Miea they ore 4 ,,,,,„ ,„ i m m., ....Imre... the mining lunar. ....„,,,,,.. ed , h , ..„" ......., ~,,,,,, remuneration and 'lmport ..f the army, nn. dd ." of roof „ own .. o °•• ° P er. "' nr . head. which, fonunarety, was very lights were , Meted en. , id them Mt. they were demetea mut .. .l b ' ibru.ati.... Y g. a " . " r f" ..11.. " .... " " '" l" ""' ' ''''''" hu•'"" `"' "' " u• "" "'h I Iboli f I of I ' d CY, and all the civil offices. .• rico tura u•. I te tore emit oung un There are miners at the present time io theta.. totally eremite& Tho loos is wine ' produced rounds tittering atoll lettghter dun. toe oed e1...e1Y de1 . ...111 the ime thot hee .1 'b tlils.7lrtie " ti ' ibt:il:.:l " =„ W o ' f .. r7ittire '' ilit: conve„tble stole. miumpht landed meow., tiud ' Laborer's wages have slightly decreased th , oi . who orowooh . ofy wow,. i „ leravy, eseweing. P.b.b o r. 8% 000 . Wo under• ' tho reeding rt. Cong... se .tielt I. riereetem. reedy pearl through the ordeal of our Legislature, V. d0.,,, , thd „ dd . ~....., dd.. .. 0. ...., 0th...b00.. a .. ~..,.., ....„. b... sine. I last er. ono The carpenters hare ~,.,,,,,,'„,,, .. dd t 1 revisions Mall Z ro oa."1 MO Mr. Toon hod ao mum.. ot the loorY'. "...Pt to be "...." . the eam.ase ..om d "We . Mc. t1............ce• thm e tt nel t et t ,. mdlione four hintdreil.nd ...hi, - ~.,,,,,, d the „,,, „. d , ~,,,,, d . d. •,,,,, bad A strike hero as we 1 1 .... it, Sacramento t it,. y ff „.-',.., ~,,,,.'„ . . g, l a of. botOng and sleek of 110700. the LvconengFoin. troth. four thousand and 8.1. lonered end thirty-nose , g , . .' ). ' City, mid gained thcir pond. Waiter. get ' . d river., w .• at • ....... 1...... " . ...... e .........". dollars end exty ethic For 'ears the Cm ..... on• 'i.e. l'eo .... too oloathaidea at. the Poh- sir, , ....., ~_ __ .. _ t ___ „ ,_„,..., same time Ise learn Dom gentleman direct potty. 'Me argot of deo Ike io of mime • my.- I Dense.... Ilithel . In the preceed... the I lotme ot Rowe.... wealth bee been perim weer. twou this dead he. Paper of pee . .. eolidity, and payable et the d • i i ! ' lb . • ......Y 1'1 r ! . . • ..,".`'' '"'' from thou streents that it requires mare. ten , Our lest report brooght d 0.,„ t „,„ .... e d.. at „veto, ott Frid.,y, 31r. Killing, (a hig,) effered cwt. At the tone of the mountoon of dm ...moos 0.8 , equiv.,. tow., eoneequent• ,•°,7,1,dr.F e mines, sei lit,4 empl o me. , _ do.b " dd. ... dr ,,, greatest effort to enable him to get along Mel is tromewley at Willkambiertre. the Legislature to Monde) week. On the, den the followirig resoluta. work, the atneunt estimated lor it. con... .... ly wed. ea. Dab co ...le.. by mace of Mit ..'" --- w"dur. I h••• '' • ' , a ithout nny inctlibrance, So Deepen two W e o r . p.m.,. . f e . r ., ti t . • ..... 0 t e1... tu the ne...m. NI,. Wee.. denteerall W.I. al g,-,,,,,r. Th.„ ..."....4,...., ..„,,,. dd . mie nillhon too hundred and reetity.seven thoth luthat here . be canes ot orst and derti , send Nur Iteudred mud Of...oldie's and eighty- lneettenelde credit, and pay.. ou demand; and ~ the streams and in such condition ore the clody acrid... metered in the riglthothoed ef dm Nilo.. reed... whir+ were debuted du- req... to ina.... eite the exited., eat.. me mole •rt,, recent contracts louder the act such note. cannot be ihrharged by a bare {run- g‘.." Yr ig' ,.... Ne. .. T. . 1 ,,,... ' " 1 " " "." ~...° rem lo• Anning 111000 In. that goon., Wdltheberro 0. Seturesy la.. resulting na the ring the day i tubule • Free Banking Low on such hasas mal 1 ' of , 1 .. d „... , fn .., o • doo ,,, . „ 0 „, , , „ commate I, throttOt di arm Ottment. an I des- i „ I nay c 00... the general ad.ntage. y, men of the le. ramble knot -IN. tam, .. , . , . ... , . . .. , , w can on dts v t ruts tr.. wit ~ t tere is ot thath of Moo iouttg NW iti the Lnoly of Judo. Rood red, Th. Om war. mecndnieitt to the I . .wenti .fi. to Arty per cent. teeth, that ...mem , Ker ... P...... 1. Ihi b ... wt. " t " . • ....." olio opitti. a, aa 1L... i. that there i• not Zi r irt ' orre ' mpaly &memo, dm ens,i • f b li. Woodward-mt. of them being Ine ible. den., Coo., ttttt oa, tttttt oil 1110 Mee al the Senate, (Nu. . ..... , t . t ,„„.... the •.........hh, ',.. .. la eturi a.m.. on ohielt th.. ...ow rimy h.. with the h s., it d, bete, iiiloritt ine that kali cetwc h in os isioat there to suloas the in„ to r, Imo il to the Con tttt ate, rut the Jodi., • o • - 1 t tewo il the 11...1 thew dam ea dont, thet th.. , ~,,,,,,,,,,, 1 ,,, w o .„, „...,,,,,„,,, they have Item! .nt ea , •. l i tutu , .., et A r 1 1 - • I . 1 1. • • , b tr.' , •Cvd ....IX leo% m. 0. ., ... "dol." o al. immiette. to Ms,. aid ...ado, char. T.......... " . l."- ' . " H ' .... h ' . ' earl • con. d.b.a. or th. , ."..1, wow,' o. ~ ~,,,i, ' 1. , op c i on. t e nutter, 0111 t /11. I( 1 • daughter. aged 19,•tra the IN, . o m ., .1 elm. num, mod redo., n tr. s mnple chmee, to provide Tit. e•• d . eh " . . t . . "°".. ‘l the Am. , th. ma. mt.... , 1 l . - tot . , h.„,1 0 o t t.,... it ti,,,.„„ii.„,„,. t .„,, j their e1.0r,,c, c toe to. , I 1.3 11...4d,, ~ to 1 b.Ol, o. tlw utiovis ecidinue to en- , d.........r , wh. w.. irmii,ll.• family It ap. ' ter am deenott. of "L'auoit'Y the fax•lde. umulatio. id gold. :Ind , Ilit ts Ity 11. x • .-• ' • foe... the resolute. on the subject ot Fee 11,.., et .th rt h h t tmt i • „ tf r ,...,,,,,,, d „.„, d „ do Si Du ,olie, Il.de i droner the Phdadalplua 7 . ..... eel' . . , . , . .. i , it tin lt e himit.... that oprultmiliee win ~ ' ...feed I It. the •thl cientiotthe be torth v. imam they were enjoy.. theituolt es slalom tot ~ t . f t f r , • . . ' Bsekom, o which 1.. really imam. Ina e oew de• ti er ..... rottr . • .„,,, n o .. o „ ~,,, ~„„.„ „r t„... The Col , who mto hove el.. oi . eddermt , itt e k "X li- I 'b.' . 0 .. ti.a tt; • 3. t idf r for the. to supply Viewed.. with wool to prepare and .ttl, ..... ... n o . .., ~.., . . ... . . eoltitnue, to o sound liemocrat, arld a iiii, !idyl Til " 1111111 " .1 "° 11 11 " 1 1111 ' 1 111 " 111111111111 ' 1 " 1 " ..1.,i4,01. then, must leu on utmstalleled the ICJ OVM OM river, or over a cove th t t pot . ood . ~, ~,, ~,,„.. . , i t ,. got up re nook opiielMillore a. with's, to Idny to the et... hot, of Owe tomortotituos It taw mto nte t taietil 111 1011. i i I tvioulil ...ash our New Yrik 1111 1 VII 11, Imia the tomit Indy or, neer, when the ice mthe previd, for the me.... of rho 1.......1eture No i, cheat Om wept., lii Mat body. An tit...ruble „,,,,•,. i t .. t, .„,.. 0 , o h.. ... t h e t h,. r,,,,t, ~,... „ . , , att.,. of sufferilig bet.° the viably :mac , • The itscsordete.. II • commerce a the i.e.., elan., i arilli way, premmtoitag the fnewnrol mot into tho Wale, molly,. 00ee ic two years, end thht they be tondo 011 dm calm.. from tha Account. et an. fon.. emu. the orter papers of the .1.. as ~. fly ,h.... _ . , . ~d .., . d., .• „ do. _ t. ,„. oil lit u‘. r. itheatt. idler • Dine it will bo _.,,, _ , , , mood to sward.. beneath ; the aeon& hasten.. to her tarot. a • ird , ,, , ,,dd. 0f .,.. _ . ___ ... ... ...,.., . other eulmni., to e.0.m... d . th e r ea d e r . ..... •,,,, r .,.. t. ~,,, 11, ~.t . , f er F 0...„, .. e l writ as s ...And Dentueratte bonne. Mai hm . ..... " 111 " 11 , 1 ," 1.111 11 , 1 1, 1. " 1 , liar tidbit, tor them tu retreat. Many are rcany very tenfrettant letuttig the month . e, Ise in, a. t e third feththing the ell...pleat the „ mt .., t . red ....X.7z . .. ;,,,, ........,... ~..,":„ ~,.„,. our t. Ameng its ...wren. emtwlbehinents efforts be crowned wok soccer. now In the mine. with a emmly 14 Fools •:enn4. on •t ..th ..in 1 if fae The., troches the Counnution, Num. the ...on Mt. 10.... '„„ st ~, . t ~t , di., „, • , •• , , „ I je. ao.od 01.0. , ii ii ii . " °l'm") d "1 111 1 1 " 1 "" lon for et. or three weeks, who booed, at . port Procerrillig, -- " ..- .- -..- . -. ' .' l'. " 1- - ' 11 ' 1 " 11. ' 1 . Yli . The New Orleans Delia perblnntes ontroorty. I from this port, two of width unly w, re for ...aro in In recovered. hot not mad the tool Food, Won.. the 0w... of ....I No. oaly, ... a.. Peru. of Un. Polk," •• 3Votter Smelled, re, ' .• he .. 'tali .... trf that tituo ,to return to . t c .1 I' d T ill II Flood dl' • Dot mal laws tre ect Domed us to atathorim the iii '" i ii• .." ` ii• •• . •ii i-- I etre letter poet-marked Writingtott, Tex. tit l Atlingic ports. Th.. COMM, ea tif the ra- ` O, ` •", set. moms and remain during the an ima Oca Tho adopted d.....ter, it to rod. .... ........ I. „ di, the deficiency. and retiree all, ter Study for Imrceny, Ilword Finrk Proseentot • Ib e • ".....-. °t el . "... k ........'' Pl .. ' whieh the writer says that lb. Webeter Is Juno- cific, reachilig to Australia, India and Chi- to : . ta have beta married th s week I cede., cower. etol Art“lepee of • heal then... , ' Red um •lpillial T. r 81. John for Attuning prop. , weg .... ; 11 . "" P a l'' . X.... . a. Pe.. "X 1, .. , ee m o r th. mm d ee o f D r . p e a t ..., ..d thet. h o ns, is already ennecotratifig to this metroj. Frain the 'gauche. of the American riser, anti Dui dry diggiogs iit the vicinity ~... ..... ... no ,. 5 .., ,,.„ ._ lO.ll t Nameed, Th. rod committee he further .n. erty ender falee pretence., N. D. Tue . ...send Pthe Osgood, alre b. Oakes- Smith, Ibee Muth..., 1 ,,,,,„ 011 . 0 .. „ m i t , o „,, .„, . 0 on h i . 0.1 to olio lw-te. o Amooloo • ^... Istroeted to prepare mid rep. • cheer to be ein ot the some, ee learn that titer. are litany 11oro thattecrhaecks h ith etateml some Cen. ~,,, . the cd . ~,,,,,, .. dd , drtd „, to . tit , ecutor. Ignored one vs. Alcor , . lh rm.., for Mrs. bilrillaii , l, Frederik.. Droner. Prod linehend ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, Th e 1,.,,,, ~...,..d.• 0 r0 ........ i t I loft here for •the Samonerto e 0111.41: who 0 .„. r .... t i y ~,, fro . 05 .., iii . mem tirst emweived, end i I oh it hair 01 do.. of 1..11e et number ef R. memaleatem from ear pe e , Perjury, aud deo. Mock, the Pile...a,. poi .th . . et wrate. Oil enure, pap 0. and is ..te illiterate in 11 " 111 " ' O.l " 11 i .td t•tlolleil On 1,/10 2 It), !Iloilo. ; Rod the natty weather commencing ~.,,,,....,,„1 0„ ,,,,,.0 „ ,,,,, • , 1„, i let, roiriit m pay eed eq.., mi. • cottherondtag the coals: aud one re Alfred h, Wil.en, ler 10. r. 11. ... rs . i. Line. 11001. for Februory is uhe he-, mi le. 'llse el. think. ano hoax. i yet in that interval the city was so eltaegtd MI earls ix pin lieut. ly bard Olt this portion look at tho - bale at. answer ho iso setts.. .... d b.. .:... 1..... a .B. Burn.. lithe. Jon dm- foth on, holbsott otth gems of Art and I..teratitre, l that I no harper ra cognised I. itteeto - of tour Mimi •raute 6ir Cecil were thuvisions IC Irrd, Th. said cos ..... awe be bunter in. °..9 ' .... ait • . , Poot. Whiter. -Tim tlrwid Joni Both beau ches :Assembled on the 3d of Deethiber . tto ,„ d ...,,,.., „„d „.„ . e t„... to 1,....d. charged on Wednesday merlon:. • as .... Anioitg. embllinhments are .. !he 1.. 1i... , I The mull, ono •tory wooden budding.' d „ do , dr " rod ,: .„ . d .. , i d. d . a Nil .0... lb. , Wei... , eh ea.. lani I which replaced the tents Mutuliiig w hen I I " , • g • I l . ....bi The den. iininediately ematimed. T. thme a port or the 120111111 1 Mims es anirmaid, yemidi t ie ettese.--ilriolier rm. ( I rommi, M el, ii t ei t im r,,,1 Nem. none." ' , or lima- II •ee," •• Fad.. ill ' il ' : dm murder ot Dr. Parkin.. The comm... first lii • \ II it I ''.'" '"."".' •"d • I"'"u" "1. I ' hdi. n"m y m.oeded en electing • nor her 011 the MM. TI.. for the election of • laeomosot xi .... nor by the dsr.i... done to leyfr m ope e nmg b.. eery... 0 ., fer r..,,," ..,."14.1 oolong the Row e,''.. The . am m to . outlet lat ova tam. to . t ot these ...do would 110 i. be able to elipply Prorideet's Message wee delivered nu the fidth rr..4 .1 ,',... k. '' h. " . ' dt " 111. " °I '''' 1i.v.. " .• am tvalieshorre mild Bridgewater Tunthke Ver. Eel... ' , a. ° atal a r0c... , thart lll,l tahar, ”cc l . .. . . ~. ........., . non was a. wholly ex parte, /Amoral um...eel the seiturbs, and Vinteiouo three mai lour 1 1 ,, d , .. i • $ t tun t si s . t to melt r, as • large pup- A bill riming to the vatilow of ex-Prowl. Pot e Mr. WC... sa, mop. am othmion of ho '''`' I ''' .Ph " " ' W ' e•''' .‘ luso., so chwee, and tenni of tom vos eu. ... v. - ''' Perkin. after hoe thethmaronee. , I b'l ' b . / 1 I d who mid they mo on Aory touses nt t irs t l•tr it . Ile s it- 1,,,,„ „r 0, 0 ,„ i tdr . ~., „„ t i f .....•„.d , „.I: ' ea..... hed I.". Ili kd .1 . X.. ' W. a POlllO Or Omn i :ere meth debilitated by their the franking proolop Imits.l.ll. Name's. on the resolottmte ... rm. brief routerk.: derlanim Al, . flunky re. Bean., omen.. fot 68 stems of Ix". eogne...ge. It eon.. thini-rece e." 971 h. The .....11 C....D. 1111 " 1 " 1 1111111 " he .es a tee. to the A... or Joh, by ;le land in Lenox. Dart. TiuMey was admitted . trthetthie nem the peo. of the nmet dediuguished Were Spanner, rim.. 1 brink hut , . to ...lit' 0 . 4 .1 . 1"-',,..'".° ; , nalsorte nod protract. .1 joule.. ii. thir Worthre.ted .. te. Xi. 11 . X . .. '......' people.... th.ght that measure had better he re, mrt. V.d. t d ror pnir t , ,,,,,,,,,a1m.„,, t o , M 11110.• ilk Obi amnia.), aim., Whoa% UM MIS k .1 )0 0 roil yen 1".„ , t• -Ab . r . ..., , i i ol; vdd„ '' ' hw g . }....6 . " 4 "."."'"""• ' ' '' " "i' . ) rg.".. . iohorh...d a tho Nos th Rod South forkc I tiled. stared at me in 11110M11191.1.11111d plat , „. , • , . • " chaplaus en the lth or Jett...try._ 'Ph il ,-.... -.ie .' der' orrnel a i ear longer for tho pur . addmg Pthlf, Lusk end Bend, for liefle low.. C. Neal. Mth tisr. J. Hale, Hamm Cl. a I loVe 11,1 love it, and who ...II dere „ . ~ . , , ... . , of the Anti nem. notro 110 re art. mnachse *Wert • dlerk an the I 11, • Steree.4l-arnie other amend...et named in hot resolutions. 1111 r. Hanley t.r. Tingley it. COVellelll-11 . 11f look a Lee, stn., %whirr, tfic. , l'o elede me for lot nag that Speaker's old choir- t le. 1 .. 1,11. "" 1 4 1 " '"' "'rvv. .'"' v "leeicnegatirme of teittere. So rapidly have I have clothated it Nog," eon hod hue net, I doubled ; end all Dn. hurry. ...."'"..• e " d th. y coll.' eted Locellicr 11. AL iliMe populous int the 14th at. • Deor-Keeper arid Poenoth. ......... Fre mid 1/roto for mit', LeM and Ile tastes 31 OMZINL (Or thalami, month is hke. F o n/ d r e ml th d ro ...LI., Me Ike,. Deur, • lop hod oppoood the ...nu of Judger., ' .. , i , . a a great city ss us won imitatt d , losi on lime me ung up in the counth 1.1 the e . dm Id.. Thuo tett ...R e . " ....1.1.. and voted a.m. the prow.. heretofore. Ile n e..a. Y X. D'A' Irmo on our tale. Its embelhehinente we thmk ilforthen Cir. -TllO cemetery not Cone . !hove dreumed et cry mnu lor these many week. r four week. This etulden . 1 . unlit.. of ...• ...rt.... " 4.. " i. " 5 ".. i• I wee eniownd te the theoluti.. of Mr. Mc I . 0 ..... ke. ... 8•11, ‘ V.a.l. E... " W.• .1 ..1...r ' 00 0 1. " . th. " . • . a " . 01 .."" 4 post. . lof the Morino, 01 M. in C roat tall Lel, the liquid 0 1 ........ , 1.... t ntwely checked op theoteutty, or worth kens , . hi the Pith. The m a „„..„......d, ..., h e /...., i t t . 00 . 01 ,„ Wm Wind, dee'd .10 cr. V.... Prof -os e.o.m.'s enured o•fo f.. Tin , sm ."rh , • of thin Flour,. the Inman In ebialli 11 et Iv. i I settloAcitt ace 110 1 . a. , pool''' . 1 1 ."1 . 1 ... •• rt.:atone mid taken miners MI ebeek ; med . remands , . the ..... . h.... the. ", Deiti." f ro „, t•,.... b., r.n.„ . ~,,I . . „,.„,„ d , Rtcherds for ITlff. , Chenther. sad Turrell for Dream," •• The Prue Secured," (.1 inagnifieetit I ha., counselled with whip from the eimt to the ......p.i. in , . . rim telY .". 1 ren g , "" - I there 1.. . few of the neceoUrie• of life Nti........... 41.4 .. i" t • ..h. ‘"•l . " . ' 050 to postpone oud defeat the erneiehnent of the 1,,r.. 1 meture.) "The Valentine," (soother therm., A d 7" ' , i i, d h. Prt Mr 11, ~,. Iwo hove • v e r y ' e.i '' .. ye ' . irt ..• 1 .. ... - ' within their reaelt, it ie themiht there will timere,l•wl in skinntshes and withigronaberme l f....... ' Court adjourned Wedneedth night. ‘• oath) elle 1... y . Love," .. Pero. Mashie...," • " ' ...-.. "' r.. . .• . !sloth which ie tuanulaettnell end ellbenalte- 0 ......,,,, ~..i. /or 0 , 0 ,, , ... ..,,, ._ , bodavo• the okra. and Limn. of nee north and , ~ . e Burlington, Vermont," mid • o Portrait of Gem' When the lung.. was made, but no meter alter,' li circulated amoog that rm.. kibie pee- Fr0d r . .;, , ,,, dory 000 ,, , ,,,,,,,,, f . of . ~....; M'' ' M • ." ." 0•110 H.. "• di. ' OPrealt low tei the soideleseen . rotifer • „ the meth. Of this, ne apprehend, the prude of f nl Tl t 1 tad be tired m that npeokers old chow,' ;de, awl twee to (lie disparagement, trov• x pennon wherever to defeat. min. Warren. Its contra...none are of the inn o er, is ,cc I , We lento from those direct from the dry the maim, are glows aheedi mow tate. It The Er...rod Ibutt in tho erne of . °acetic. , i m ,„„ f,,,,,,,,,,,,„ • , th.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,„„„,, , N Y ;: , .. 4 : . ....it 00 tf 0 . , :: . 1 ,0 0 , t i0 1ii . .: . Rei ~,r ~,,,,- . der. tell us, of every other ol'°°l. '" d'" d , tiiggiogs of the Nord. Fork, that the roads , 31 S. tints... rid. that hs did oot charge Nut . ...obi does no grid, tor robe , PwlY bee.... ~, „... _.„ . . amelo open this submet. celled forth by the ' con produce. 11rahanis is. second . . no magazine Y . """ ' ..... ' currency. Of ell the foneifill tonne into h deur He had, oo or., to 0-, . tare nltprether impassable for team; and cotimaced that it is in ..... . lin the rentrary it wh e ee , -.• rerhaton of Mr Clement.. of Ale. esktog the Pres- ~,,,..........„0 0, 1 ' The Dennerals may °neuter as murk as the, ' IFlllell our golden t. oaltb is nrought, this ~..,.1 . ..,....g , II 0 ,, ,0ir00 . 0 „ „ g „.., or cently fallen a olettili 10 • dot. dale enemy.- eerie to eseeperstc dud to altenete both reining, , ~,,...... . • , lent fee 10am... as to whether ho had 1101 ..... .i .... - a - .. - .. - ............... pleitee, . saietted shape car elm ic nicgularity. 11 ," the driver to leer the animals oft their feet, tam of indivolual in thie t wow sad reader stal nee • dtletall the prospect of the . d mi ..." ... g ....... " .•... 1..... " ‘ " ... Th. Putebuteh despaPh ond Bonn., or the Pd • Some tny object • ans.., my pour mind's et ear 1 weight is 15 pm r.,. Troy ; it. current worth To „ d• „ f dn a a dd . i h 0 i,„,,,......„ ' dthut. adp....1 of Or divide. We would w.• ' ...X ." gg " .X.g. " r Wt. h•d-°• • thopeople of California, hostile folio.. remarks ri r may Meg er aud rant Cc I knew they'rn ruing the ill.n topes, twenty dollors Its , • , , them to nag lAA them. who ere. endeavoring to ....after 1101Iaing the Heist., in a very res., 1 "'T dastremed " , ' ' • • circeneferenae le that of a Spanish half- , min round in chase proximity to the iso have tor dep ..... lt.e....ekletothe Moe.. TheY ere 1. 1. ... bY • .D.... d........." f 1.• r a ewes its d t f mr vows , am , . they mo how I fixed $l, by d0t.... Jer Ic d 'I I h ' • • ' ''`u• " • • t a a it. i impossible for lour.legged an a.foit the amend... h was not to be ems.- . d.. GUN. c dti h nor u "" '• " ""`" ". , 0,,, ...W.& 0 ... ° 'ee v. I e .... P t..., lulu's to .. propel'' rt, nu. In the r'ethers Man.. th• ha . . .." ." 1 . 4" "" •1 1,„ • i m .1 W" ..... .... • ... ....." . . ' age.. bee b.king bard on Mete stacks, and 1 ".... ' .." •.• ' w.. •." . ' t• The tweeds, ot t'alifenua ham taken thew co. , - li.ainces to the lord," with the All- ow- ~ ..0 0 the 4 ...... (0ff ...„ ~.„ or ihi.go, th""A"..; ho.' th'Y 'bb 'br's bb' fi"." bil""". .... 1..... 1. Th '' s .. .".....IY • " •k . " I '' II tweet dee... at their word ; they We fronted rem.. fully ale for 0100 object... rn ext.... .rt,,, ,„ta, ~, a e .,,, ~,,, p o t a ,. at, I cam, ing Cje, eurmounted by the prophet's cap ; ‘, , ,esint. 'l'he deduction to be drawn Dom all two to Wave.) •eateuwou, au our oddment. In a lar ,_ _ . .. • • their Conelitillignii the) hate settled for thernwlve. The Ihorpth et in entitled to a respneato ...we, Since 1 um pr0....1„...,......... old rhea ell the levet. °PP."' dt° ini..l. c =,• =, ,h,, information we have at present te that Mere Abel... end lees eseemnonelde way, tw .... 1 . ..., aeon which agnates the Dm. • they hate truil we interided to have Me. orm,pre I. le, 1 A . i t , t" . rel Nuidred" 111 make, which will ear my . - ~ . fi . • 4 , 31a 31 f sehm •ffeal lime, mai theelonned bey- the , 7 . .. h n ...n., nnu no Jnn,. nnn tn. . . , „no, inn.. tape.. wt. MI talk Illid sauna ae, mi p i I.; I. C , the grasp tif fellowship, with the .. row m i nd . dfd ...king more than their - ' ..., had any • pentenee whatever ortth etty ' " r w j y ' d " ..l 717111101 o ' r in erculture. throughout ... ". Ix.l .". ""..." .. 1.1.°11 ...I. .d... And the world will sgreo-lree nor: ALL TOR TIM l titan (1849, and value a the mem. It is , Seines.; 1107111 a ben the lime. aCtiolt Elise arrive. deity bread, am! that, as • matter deans, tho ...Mots em- "h "- "- e , .. Eirl ,1 .„.... ~,,,„„ .i menet., end even now, wo de not prow to go 0,, clumsy, and in execution without merit. Them @wombs. to good sad whom a.. won& P .l " . ..."Y er, ..fel... l t . wh o ... t et e '', . o te , p . 1h ~ i h w h I .w beginnen will form unfavorable opts braced in kit rem... tipper Califon., end they adt to be admitted lu- into e mai met al engt . • eve, cm math d ,„.. ,d,..... ~........... 1 Society and Morality. -Ono who has which I. already laelytd into • porfeet phrensy of, •,, ion. of mining before they have fairly ap id, Mat he did eel inske sity to sue confedetry ....e. Of ...me Mr.l'ots. than one err.. staled the enbstenee, .0 enting I Prodded." Tailor at i•st etirrinders. In 1 "sun the elephant" writes home to_the 404 4 d... 4 0.4. Id d . dddd,. imentemest . the esiejeet-speeth.doobtlem de. , .5.* and Mr. Buchanan, and their flew., have re- t ejrr objections and we ran new do little such Organ. ;b. Ont trade., anis memo. • 0 , i .4, . ' le. • ' tha Republic of last Thursday, hie pe my I' I 'Pribune; " San Francisco ie • lital-foila• , r Nig., only far i. buneumb,” (to bo mud at horne.l eti.d dim the new Mow wt re. • nto t , meet Wh , f f• .. •,.. wee tit pustrane Ma dermal the amend . y tat., woh bows and mile', and that Mr. Cal. , wom than reiterate then]. In the Met pl., . ' for the settleMeeet a the Territorial Ques- ken plitee, nearly given over to pmblers, I reusseen Mall. -we have bet • eery peer opta ea 0 . I 1 • • I • dl dti I Th • ' This Federal functionary him hued hie re • the Senate esned upeo. pr,.... this nun- ham will milk over le Mr. Webster, Red...king held that. tri. esn lend are. without ha has d m , , is authoritatively disclosed. In com- profemon• I erg sin pp ere. ey dm smelt generally !cadged' In these .ateeverwee, wa . ter • Not become the alileinllll.ll le 110 t neeeme. ie ta ,o • ra Ih . I wil i l ...of paltietic delight. con. , pu it, and that State Meekest. not men., tem le' .....- on g his menage, we sald that the seem " • band of mite...ls, met in brother- port. Th. leading feature of this repo d = aed extuboui ea vast amount of bottom. t 0... . • d gm.. him apes the happy rte... of .1 . ......., ~.. 0 ,,,,. d , thde , , ed be ottoupied on die subject, .0 far , hood of woo." Daily arrivals of faney and that its author &yore the lone a ry, but tearoom.. commotion is generally so e• . rd to oe large • part GC • e-ii oh. who don'i ago with thomathat diamey • nn „ dn., nn.nnnnn, 0nn, , ,. . ,. ~.....nw, w eaugz . centrersy in rega sr the thpreeenttaive a roomy. mode, we hold as we could infer anything from that due- , sporting meo, pugilias, mmteel loafers, and i notes, and • large berets. of hankies esp. 04.• •••••• sa "'"•"`"'""d""'"•`'"""d" Th r eor ut Cennumatort was framed by nwp IA ' " Mr. lintleet and kw friends however manifest I that all each paper hems um bids of credit, with-1...a, wate identical with the groom' taken , abandoned women fr.. the States, are re- . ital. He says, Penne)lnnia from havin Ile.. : bet the. northern nten •te under tr. 7e . 0 I to the teak. 11.• few yews hove ../lhieg het ... . 5 . r." i . 552 " in the mauled of the scariteliett. wed therfoth, 'by General Cass in his Nicholson Letter. i pidly ewelling their ranks." 'sixty millions primate( copies', eau mes , Wigan. to fellow them us their eminent crime, 4. bb.b .1. e.: it was sehmet. to Om people, aad ~" . X ....4..........0 g. " ...... " . " .. . w r . ' polailMod by th• rprente law of the lend-the This view is completely confirmed by tho Thie is another 000 or 1.11 , 110 aorta per promises, has fallen to seventeen mil. ol on "....." .. "4.d...."..'ag1Y ""Ww ' rb • • f n 1 YllO had "...I li .'" ""°""Wg." g"""""wl-w i t g :4 ch...intlio. of the Puked Stres. Repoblie, in tbe follomitg paragraph, taken , etatemente, mys the AIM California, culled lions, and urge& that the tide of ppm him d of he.r. TM beet mut i 'l ...." i ed. t tewe me 7. e sus.. mi pram y nermr end we violent than I • ram.. worm ea • from en edited.' in its whim. t from " Caroni& morresiondenee," which money be increased. h 1880, when fah ~i,, ot ths porn thoolution, that eo petitions had one, breams it h. even I. of edam. meow.. The great. evil of deo peewee banking aye d ! dl ii ..,, I a c drehd.d 9,,,,iddd D........i.. •• °subs' lb.°""•`""" " Ir' .I'4 w ' r . - I reaehid the lopelatur py' g that the Jerrie. 'vb..... oleollY • "'P....D. tho ...In el.' lent, it , the pormiries gneu to the balm to ress " President Taylor, after mature *lib.- 'wo are relocate yto is upon to tas ra. ' nee o p them le to womb. miel..d te let dee. *mem!' .. e . . . . mere pemonately is ha likely le cond.. the rue acne rlion, has indierted a mae In which this' diet, end which cannot. even aspire to the the biotin capital wee raised been &nee , ~ ry might be rendered elective. And yet, wool, ...„ more pier thae WM amenne et the capital ... " Id . d ....• ,1 011. 1 ,7 ..'" ,, "• : "...i . them mine Senators tell us th. Mahe. soy pen- yet thi em ma 0.... frir tb e t a..., eme. any paid tn. and thus le ere. • meet coronary question. men .•• y ,l p p . . liefilterll ad noted, i re rirty of a 'ober. oneoided view of the teen to duty millions. The atom of dim sr"' .. Y .••• ' 1 " - " .. .''' .... h.. ' I".--t."l ions I/banter the Constitution num be wired . which Mr. Calhoun brim., who Pecs the purporting le be co. entble ie. reek, when it on 0 I'l Al " ' tt of bl * 'lb ut wounding the feelings or detturb- t sulgut wlach it pra sw.s to cWM ate. nutton once, Is ama er pule ootoden nes thin he owl far we effectmely than by thew . 0 . '„ h• th be 'el re Th ere P•a . .................". • ..... b " ..... ie well hews that it does net femme. what it I ing the right. of either notion of the coon- man may imbibe prejodiees and entertain iy to every man in the erommentey. TM potty dunned. Cali.. will emu la, knock. ... ie. •• I . ''' . -, • IP. s. ' • - 4 ,; . of poorer sod influence between the slave rate. . . .„., , ,_„ d ~.. d d „ .• , d „,„. tef. Leave the whole matter to the people, btu perception., or he testy express en suepension of specie pasemmis in 1887 imad* ~,y,,,,,, • , • s , is , .i.i....7.1....10.... , ..k.".1.4...." 5 " md rui-that the Edmiseion of tl.6woia into ....• •‘" ` log for earn tote the t won es u to e, w n the pare Rut ale said that • canonry e ' f the new Torribries, in whnm, by the opinion detrimental to the truth for all of , 1840, together with exploded hanks, sal Mt 'tutus perlithinng olavery in say wham A ' a..° a . I. ° o° ii•k 5 ih" tbrir 0dd.... tho Unieu with her mewl cenothuttoot deprives ups le It • be th th t Very nature and necomities of our betide, , which there am pallistlng eiremostan- 'deprmiated paper, have taught the people may tw traurfeemi fn. the Goren. le them.- lhe restreheiders ate rinpletely or gm advents,' brood . L. e. . m n e e .., . p,... , Misalla fee mime. ared them the snuggle will ern- , which they curled from the imeniteliee of ay. h.... d., tw o , re f. kw. 0........ el Mon, the whole actual and Alden' control ees i but for so wanton a perversion the ' a lesson never to be forgone.. Nora; - wed. id . Me.. That the ............„ If m . mer ......„ ....dy, ne:eorki . ‘ , .. • eeetthobrrm ....TO. deserter had . p.tab. , ........... dy dd d d d i d . d . i d .... of the whole twitter is ultimately reeled.- author dimervu to be held up to ridiell: by er curse utak' Ufa the m i rple, hut of „ . oof 0 „....„ . 0 ofoo . ~,,,, ,he weal tether that o cow. km .Id rm. it. the introdoetlett . lorry. Ili t v. . P . fof , , „.„ oof no, The sentiments of President Taylor on Mier the " rise ap: o n re " . of trath,.pob . Tl d. byd . ., :l ated .rte r r r l ep .., nue trip. The theme M. W. might prefitably be empleyed in the mews, Mere $ ree t parent. I•eltal " . .. es ... . W.. ' .. b.a."'d 1."1'1." - deeln the loWltudoo weedd have wk. al cope., and omit Ms neto.bolds. whkde It ie ••Idoot h.. h.• r01 , ". 414 . .i. SI. 10. litt r i r 41 unli kY• " 1 1.. d '., l . . r. 1 I. - . Id" . _ hoe Judiciary west net to be dmohrod by this sub- wm se• I putt on as • writer for 'be prom by. the intends. Every Democrat Woo MIMS our sappbesaima has altemly Winsettme io tha Menet. , ° eelek ma Wit meld bot um hem Imo pleated I dd . , ...., d d ir ....., ph.4,4 f o e fullest approbation by the Whig prim of !hie • . doge. It win well onderotsed that them was • ...., 4 . 4 4 . 4 i..„. 0 .4 0.48, b.,. d ad. i I L I ~ „.• the North We hue eet sue the ant iinainuatiog toe of Inedible tiontempt, lamb • cummey it opal', a Unita to the ...• W..' 1. .arnel d"' Pr."" '""1 P.' -. I ' enti remlod i Of he dee Lem... Ist 2 . di Om half . '' ' ' - Th 1 the ' . "" "m0". j " , „ oo i• "'"„"•`" f „ "•• - -1 ' . hi I Sol f Cat Proporty.-.Tbo mile aloes principles of Deneatey, sad the time 'Me i • Omen new Glam. Wee. the Ulm. • dad . jolleld whieb has trampled to t • port es , a o otheistradose of Amin Award an esim , .." 6 - _,. - , - .. , ... A. 1 • lIMIs Um et=eptio Catillimia, stmely i i...." , . oosso doie , 1 41"1”6"..." .4 th"."'"'"*". I. V ".". .'"'"d gY.Wwg --- -- - Pr." - ------ lof the 111 . ' It 6 equally commended belonging to I • oily 'took plain yesterday !rests of the lid... !outer Hest.-1/7.- , let it memo from what par. it may 11l joins.' toe. el die ined yews... loud) , an- 'fend Union. shoe. Bet "*".. sod wg thigg w"i• at Tb. ""'"6"" "*". 1""h" ",... 4 .1 b. M."... bY dm. of the Mb"' ' • ki „ ... i l i t ,by Me Whig press of the South. Here, ,in Portsmouth Square, as prey . , _ ~ _ Me ... hie oyinem of bair mg lat set rem re • then, M • nations' platform no whieh the noueeed. On° hn.d.d nod el d h r ai d hl . Aeneas . rot - Yearotay.-Yeelerda • be is maw There la moieties. and busses i -••••• . 5 4. mod Dlel. et. .11." bY , it... the minst.•• by aft ace...rem, it , 0 ...._ ,o , „ io „000 f. 000 b. „m . 0.. id, u wo t. . 0 7 meth Ili " ...b. ' In. expect that • Bewared myrtle will leo Sol P . •• .._ Whigs of a quarters can eteed topt r. lo re sold, moat o them being van monlegJanwe Arlimitos /Monet via • •""nh .th• Idr"nd"W" ft."' '''' . ' f• du ilmt. • mot maw a wain.. wen , .ir . 4 _•..._,... d. 5555 ,, . 4 " ... W Y . Id ' .......dkd """gY .. b' d"...."''' . '" d. I Wel. the Teriltewial orguleatice, and ad- , (or 188 feet) lots. Though the lots gen- !„......4 f. 0 ..1,..., 44 . 4 b.,. rof p ' t einoths am arearemation mom% in Meos fr.' . . .. _ . • omomet - da• smelmc a militmy me.. denim ef 1.1.1 were.. New If M. Nee .. . h n tile ars re. molly lie a full mile froof the badness part 1 i 04 . .., Wiwi ..71. . the moth. ot 0 . 4 . of . 0f ..., 4 , 4 „ 4 „ , ..g ...., 1 5 ".. .mll Pwloinitag te Meal ma.. ri .... ..,, ...., .... dw .d... • ..... 0w. ..,, , ............. 10 . 1 , ella {DS OM Ofeintrill W-0 y_ p , . . . f . . , woo mai . , . them were twee. pill. fire the mewl ' be deledblesed. Medi. es her as It relates , 5.2 , lesstbeeted to their. pesailde hour.. 2 " . I peered for &deletion ea enemata States.- of the eity, the sales ammo ed, we &am to , peogar, Jr., of this ski. , The mete hod' 11. of deo *War law Raw. Yea. the Ismosoler the whole sepital ef dee Imolt Moll ha paid MOO I m. d di sd Io rtag, emmesity, the aide 4.1..1 the very pretty sum of 998,066. To thie1b......b...,..0., 4 1 4 . 4 4 4• 1 0 , 4 ,.. le her, me 04.4.1 mar comity Bask, asell bar •am Sash at mnann. I ILT We an plowed mmo dee 11. John N. epecia med ogdit Ili 422 • th " 2.• .4 .. I jest I. le their examire Gorilla. and , mut be added about $7,000, being the ... b.g .T.1 4'.1.„ 4 w a,,,..., Apo 1 ,,, Amman bitumen en vola N. Y. 1111 Rene A ...... a.m., the Jediele. D,........ Calm*. al the bead ef the Comaides al Ilydre • ?ledge amen. as i ntl.. emeollty that I ...d , ..4 0.., L ,.. b.. ...Ig o . 00 ...4.. 0 4 ...„,b,, .„, 444:4 1 7 4 4 .. o y „ _. ._ _ , _ _ WO M. M. Mrs bldg. Wee Mem Ist I. fwd. Inew themd,.... of enhatiod di ege. I We. and Illes. amli Mon. Arstrow Beemend they MN me waste nod nil. liee NOW, *me,. g o w i e b 4 1.„ . „kb ..b. 4 86 . 6 , 6 -. ; --......, 4, 1 7 lb . B. To. !!!..• _ __°!..l! _ u d r_ _ d. . „,_ •1! ed. ....__ • reilß.l. Wheel • loft IMM dm Ilbennee• yledent, I p d.... di d ... g. 0... eg RiaH el dos Mod el dm Cewmaitin on bleed X.,. l eolg. be NOM piendety la IL Bet lis ow. WO ib.w. d .d. „4 . 40 1 4 1 0 1 4 1 4 5 4 k0. 1, 044 `41, - ; - . 8 .41„,,,,, . thes amp • ..11, en O. t,......,..r,r_ •• • ••.,!_ •.. 6., , ! • f.. ..........7 . =.7 det the H. T. &11. lialbeell. et. Ilamdtir add Moo alas CoMemoulth, was rinsed. Mos Tide make Ira be dm pee mem mil mediae Md. imMetaa hem efeeetee. wend. .. Thi s ...i d .' ~,,k ..,,, h bet.. . t .... dm..., oimb,, ...y, rhed.ng •.5 .. _.. , .. f .:_r_..nn_ 2.7 .-_-_ 27 . , W. et oral VI •••Imit. bib lownwelives owe , AI. ...b.... ... g ... A 0...,......., .' H. "P"k"... 11 hw r n ' w " .b . • ...s o . ...... f 6 . 16 a "iii 4•• • • .5. 2 bee, but for the patiemes who have • per-Iday'. work r homing pot ... Oi y F.b.. g r= 7 : 6l . b ira ;I:b n : ..,... ~ • safer. • i in Model for wow time to we.. mem badly Obolblok tiod 0.7. 2 00 , •••• Gem. end BMW Trosionn mob MIMI odd.. , "Litre td 0 w tf!,,,•11_,7.,:1t ... dee hem of sloths. Whi. momn 1. 0 4 ll• .1 snood and pare intent' in edi t ta h Mo h n. if . Tiw s 6.7 0.....„, - ;.. 5- T Tb. „,... 8 4 t s , v i , ;:04 ,4 ,14 „ r. , 1 , wen emu ec I. moo. to 1... 225 ha doolnostraltimiosCemeMmiem i.. z . 7-..-., ,;-_-,...;,,, ..,.. 7 ::,..it.... derria4 tea., great °Wan, de. es MI 'h., .... d ad, ma dd . by h hiogo 1 gm. p 4., idideb , ,i. . 0.500....... A f ii . 7 0. „ Booofo im f, si c . .., mee. we .me madmallood. v. estaddiwellely M. d . ygwyd.... 'bend. wee erre .4.ed le die Sous or Rep- . 5 f Mier bf R. 22,2, 252., 55255 . 2 "I ef ibe Administration and the Union, their Laudon, fru. is he eurtody awaiting die ethos or Om au-which beam. a me eau be easily defeated, Imiand hes been seised at San Freneistio, ...,,, . Jawed In emomellmmeo of dm I.M Min blodt. A d ...... „dd. . d...... 0 .1 nemmodme la the a.m. Frogs then high ober- Sum dm., as sm. 1... 5 . 4 " - , PM. „ . 1. o. i . „ oil ,. l b. c 0 d,..... y or . 0 1.1.. . ~,. aster fte allay, Ow more of dm N. 14 •• 4 ie. ere. ems i ilg mid IMlMoniess emansem sae oy •nsi °dad. "... ""id...4 ,...... 6. .....T d"".1 Add...... .4 ..... H... . ..." deed the wbol• Mane. • mob althorn hamar ' " i"•• •__.- *"."'" "" 160. " -iv"' i'-' "- de do of the reunite laws, in bringing a ear- A Clover Year's Himinue.-By • re , , ma mkt Um Now Ifeth um ..--r-• sw v"l armee die Gomm ottou lIMII. wasodeMod, • d g . be,.. feee.e. 00. dd i...... d cent sadl 'we. sg. depreciate hugely. blew! motored, and Me Legialatareoas vote, n t median of , c hem oots American port to another.- port from Wm. Enta d , Lig., Me Ilepode rai bum. ON Tank, bet ere. lkille we. 2. , MMilir I• ewe.. wid Mt e•Wpsoing M. mod . dm so.. they taxi at firet. under Mr ite *laud*. to the other mu q , 0100 kOOO woo o „„oi fn. volpfooi. ,o 4„, of the ff . , ipmo ...I c.f. ,. . 0 1 the Nude at Hue Irwin el eau fa Or illem. ~......_ woad. Us May, /1141. II was by their ere 4.0115 y wide% ham Mu to, • 'tot hos bees readied, for Wail.' to ladelEailway, it apron that du State nod ban . 1 T5.. ". 2 6"6" ....... """. 4 d" S""" - ". 1 . "'• •". ...... d........° C. Wham mel nelleMim bet • mwdelmthwdy moll , their &Nation by the PraMieni." i .„......, . AM Ms remb.."11•11400.11n releike Mt. ...Mae ids (MOWS) IMAM, Memosielek andy le passes ales. then fifteen added a nett pea of eight per aut. on •' • - - - -..." adbaust et the CemeUlele• ohne WOW Or ink Owns. Mssillsy synsinstsd is ss sissies, 55......... 0 .• kr*. •" 11 01111 &a , . fill 0 .7 ...• ..". _ ' Hy the *lmamate eoeseet, then, of the port br its etud, fur the pat email.' Demobs" h 5. ~, ••Itsyn.-Allherni by a the world. al, North aed &oath, the entire plias, u pniedbed by law. '''- hod in atter cutup ire the reed elf nosalderl." cowed by Moen Walker and Didtee in eppeei- • NM., - mire. la payment a all dell to ON Coomeo. Mid( Pr...
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers