CM Elly tinder cadent tpublican. Lk: - ,W i V:'w4:tt- - IffiA , , s, *. i ..-- •,,,..-,,,, ......,=.3, , -,,..1,-.1. .-- -f4,--,..,, \ , r " A Union of lakes and a Union of lands, A Union of States none can sever; A Union of hearts and a Union of hands And the Flag of our Union forever." CIRCULATION 3,200. H. H. FRAZIER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Montrose, Pa., Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1865 STATE TICKET FOR AUDITOR-GENERAL, GEN. JOHN F. HABTBAMFT, of Montgomery Co. FOR SURVEYOR-GENERAL, 00L. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, of Cambria County, COUNTY TICKET FOR PRESIDENT JUDGE, FARMS B. STUMM of Susquehanna County. FOR SENATOR, GEORGE LANDON, of Bradford Oanntv FOR REPRESENTATIVE, JAMS T. CAMERON, of Susqu henna ConLty. PETER M. OSTERHOUT, of Wyoming County. FOR COUNTY TREASURER, ORABI.JI3 E. DODGE, of Middletown. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, DANIEL W. SEARLE, of Montrose. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, JONATHAN T. ELLIS, of Renick. FOR COUNTY AUDITOR, L M. TITHRELL of Forest Lake. Or Who called Soldiers " Lincoln's liir• linger —The Copperheads who now want so diers to vote for them. • or The Copperheads declare the valor and fortitude of "our soldiers" unsurpassed, and Tet nearly every copperhead voter, legislator and journalist in our great State, opposed the propo sition to allow those soldiers the right of the elective franchise in the locality where they es tablished their valor. This fact is remembered. Mr The State elections lately held in Ken tucky Vermont, cud Maine, notwithstanding the absence of much plitical excitement, all show great gains furVanti-slavcry and Union cause. The results p9.4e, that the people of the country mean to stand by the Government which they have saved from destruction by the hand of treason, and to preserve it as the safeguard of personal freedom and political liberty. DOESN'T FAY TLIC new dodge of the Democracy, of profess ing the intensest patriotism, maintaining soldiers for office, and endorsing President Johnson, doesn't pay. In Maine they are beaten over twenty thousand, and that in a light pond' only tney were beaten only sixteen thousand. THE .COPPERHEAD TICKET The Copperheads have a queer local ticket— no candidate for President Judge, a bolting Re publican for Senator, and the regular nominees of the Republican party for District Attorney and County Treasurer. And for this strange nondescript, with no head, a Republican body, and a copper tail, the rank and file are expected to fall into line and vote. Will they do it? We presume so. They probably think there is poison enough in the tail to make the whole thing coppery. =IBM= We see by the Bradford Argo! that the Th=m ocrats of that County have decided to make no nomination against Judge Streeter. We endorse fully all that is said of his fitness and qualifica tions; but if the Editor intends to insinuate that he is not a consistent Republican, and fully ident ified with the Republican party, we beg leave to assure him that he is mistaken in his man.— Judge Streeter enjoys the confidence of the Re publicans of this County to the fullest extent, as was clearly shown by his unanimous nomi nation in the Republican County Convention. BLOWING TO KEEP VP COURAGE The Democrat of last week gave the namvs of several Republicans of this place, who it alleg ed would not support Mr. Landon for the Sen ate. Wo are expressly authorized to state on the part of these gentlemen, that they are all supporters of the regular nominations of the party ; and under no conceivable circumstances, could any one of them be induced to aid the enemies of our common country, either in voting for a disloyal man, or withholding their vote• from a loyal one. And we venture the opinion, that if the Democrat awaits its advent to power, till it is in any way aided by the votes of any of the gentlemen referred to, it will be the Mi7leni um—some time before feasting upon the loves and fishes. OUR RETURNED SOLDIERS There is evidently a desire on the part of lead hug democrats, especially those who are asking for office, that the returned soldier sh ould f or get the course of the Copperhead party towards him during the time he was struggling for the salvation of our country. It will be remember ed that Judge Woodward, the candidate of the Copperhead party, decided that the law allow tug soldiers to vote was unconstitutional; and when they were charged with unfriendliness to the soldier, they found refuge from the charge in the unconstitutionality of the law. By and by the friends of the soldier introduced a bill for the amendment of our State Constitution so as to allow them the privilege of voting. Now mark, eterg Copperhead in. the Legislature Doted against the bill! This .bowed must clearly that it was not on constitutional ground that they objected to the soldiers Voting; and when the amendment was submitted fettle people, every single vote polled against it was cast by a Cop perhead; and in Copperhead districts, large ma jorities were counted against the amendments; for instance, Clarion and Clearfield, Berks and other Democratic strongholds. And when the news of c glorious victory won by our gallant boys, was sent with lightning speed to every part of the country, did they re joice? Did they mingle their acclamation of praise with ours? No 1 no 1 So well was the matter understood by Union resit , that the con°. tensnees of these enemies of our soldiers, were regarded as a kind of newsometer, by which they could tell whether our soldiers had met with reverses or not ; and this hostility extended bepted the rank and file to our great Captains, end. General Giant was nailed a "butcher," Sherman a "marauder," and Sheridan an in cendiary," whilst the rebel Gen. Lee wasiatiii fixed as the "pettiest Captain of the age."— These things were not done in a corner; they are not forgotten, nor do we intend to forget them. The men who acted thus deserve to be remembered when political favors are to be dia• penstid, and we do; earnestly hive that our re turned soldiers, when they go to the polls this tall, will remember these and pair them back in their own coin. Tlky voted against yop, now do yon vote nuainst:ihem. noun Twin FRIENDS One year ago the; Democratic McClellan or gans could not find any terms too opprobrious for application to Andrew Johnson, now Presi dent of the United' States. For instance, the New York World, then as now at the head of the Democratic press, expressed itself as follows upon the Baltimore nominations, Just after they had been made: " The only unlit we can discover in this Balti more tl e ket Is the merit at consistency; it is all Of a piece; the tall does not shame the head, nor the head shame the !all A rail-splitting buffoon and a boorish tailor, both from the baekwoods, both grow the up in uncouth ignorance, they would afford a grote.ini. stibickt for a satiric poet, who might .xle- Mat e them in such strains as Dean Swift bestowed on Whiston and Dillon, or Arlstophanes us that serv ile demagogue, lisporholus." Now thi; party, of which 4he World is stil the foremost champion, pretends to entertain special and exclusive friendship for the man who was roe 3 ear ago so mercilessly lampooned.— Nobody can believe in the sincerity of such a marked and sudden change. If the American people meta i to stand by Andrew Johnson and the Goivernment, they will keep at a safe dis tance from the World and its followers. No en emy is so dangerous as that which approaches in the guise of a friend. DANGER AIWAD The danger now is that the Union men—the men who have saved the nation—will consider that the battle has been fought and won, and, lulled into fancied security, will permit the fruits of victory to be wrested from them. It is stated that Gen. Grant remarked, on taking command of the Army of the Potomac, that it was a brave and gallant army, but the difficulty was it had never fought ally of its battles through. Under that indomitable commander, it did tight its battles through, and the consequence was that the militaty power of the rebellion was crushed and the slave confederacy ceased to exist. Now the Republican party, having!sustained the Gov ernment and put down the rebellion, is Impera tively called upon to go forward and fight the battle through. We must raSt let the " recon structed " Democrats of the South and their unreg,eneraied co-workers of the North steal march on us and wrest from les the fruits of all this expended treasure and toll and blood. We cannot be insane enough lo risk having ;be bloody scenes of the last four years re-enacted, when it is in our power to bind the Union in bands that no assaults of traitors can sever. The control of public affairs music be maintained in the hands of the friends of the Union, the men who have carried through to, a successful i'sue the griattest war-of modern times and have put down the greatest rebellion the world ever saw. Otherwise there is no guaranty for the stability of the Government or the security of the word.... We are not croaking. We believe the people are campetent to maintain their rights—to see and avoid the dangers that threaten them. We only ask that they will do so, that they will act when it is time to act, and in the only way to secure the just fruits of our tiiumph in the field. It is the duty of every UnioW-loving man to use his utmost efforts to maintain a compact ortri.m ration of the Reptiblican party, that our future congresses and Presidents may be relied on to maintain and not aid In destroying the Govern- To close with what the preachers call a prac tical application—Every Republican should go to the polls on Tuesday pelt, and vote the Union Republican Ticket! GET OCT THE VOTE Does every Republican in Susquehanna Coun ty fully realize the importance oi his individual vote Y If so, we shall have a full vote on Tues day next Let no one deceive himself with the idea that the elections are of little consequence this Fall, but next Fall, when a Governor and the County officers are to be elected, he will be on hand. This campaign it preparatory to that, The Copperheads understand it so, and know well that the result now will greatly influence, if it does not decide, the issue next year; and while they are so quiet on the surface, they are woriting like beavers, as yawl, to undermine and overthrow us. Don't doubt that they will get out a full vote. They will be on hand—ev ery man of them—fierce as ever for "the party," zealous for the election of the state ticket, and willing to sacrifice everything, even truth and consistency, for that end. . Are you deceived by their seeming quiet and their professions of having laid aside partisan ship ? Do you believe that. they are net labor ing, with might and main, to recover power, to regain the ascendency in the State and the na tion? If so, you have not yet learned the kind of nniagonist - you have to deal with. They are after us, and we must be prepared to make a rood fight if we would secure the victory. To show the spirit that animates them—the same bitter partisanship that they have always exhibited—and the manner in which they are seeking to carry it out, wegive place to the fol lowing secret circular, a printed copy of which has just reached us from a friend in a neighbor ing Township: CONTrDE7iII AL CIIICEIA.E. Dana Sot :—The pniitical minvacs does not seem to reader a resort to mess meetings as practicable a. usual; more, therefore, depends upon individual et fort. And we appeal to members of the County Committee for le iii, the town Vigilance Committees, and other working Democrat., to do some of the work pre.cribed by the State Commitlye, to aid In bri.ging ent oar Jai party sole—for upon Mit, nom, dcprsdn the victory. Will you not call to your aid each active men ,as you think will most anciently assist you in seecng to the assessment, °A n . before Saturday next, Sept. 30th, 01 every DenmerVie voter—and especially re turned soldiers I' See that the latter are aasessed now as citizens. Will you not also, assisted by such as will do so, rind in such =bluer as you deem best, organize a plan to canvass your election district, a few days be tore election, and set that svgrtt eater is pledged N a t. !cud the dectkas It any voter is considered " doubt ful," let the proper man be sent to t.ita. Such Dew oerats mare likely to slay at home Isom indifference should positively be called upon and urged to come nut. It this Is nut done, hundreds to this county, and tens of thousands in the *Mate, will nunaln away from the polls nuder the common but fatal idea that "one tote) makes no difference." If me poliour full rate ase Will certainly carry the State—insuring us the U. B. Senator, and perhaps the Governor next yenr—sud we mar elect part of our legislative tick. et. Without dfort; to wilt lose afi. But &on leisure pen thht a combiner: effort, such as I suggest, is to to made to every towai in the State, you trust, ap preciate the plan, irigorously labor to execute it, and help win the victxtry. Time, and space herein, forbids further appeal to you if you hope to rescue our Government tram the hands of fanaticism, sate it from the propow.4 contrOl of the Negro, and restore and preserve our Union for the benefit of the People, do not fail to act upon the foregoing suggestions, bringing to your aid the best ;nen in your district. Please devise and exeebte such other means of getting out the vote as you deem best. adapted to your earroundingo—only do all you can. ..ffespdlifully, • A. J. GERIIMON, Member of D.-mocratic County Committee for 1866. Montrose, Sept: 27th, UM. There you haim it in a nutshelL Very good advice for RepUblicana to follow. 4 Bring out our full party 'OW —fur upon this, now depends the victory." "seo that every voter Is pledged to atten4 the elction," "If we pOll our full vote, we will certainly carry the State." " With- out we lose aIL" And then comes the blWlificsaat stategaent, which should BO every Rivibllcan thinginy of what would ho Ike con sequOnces to thO country of approghnsd &med. ency, that "a combined effort is to be made in co erg township in the State r No doubt of It.— Republicans, we must make a combined effort to beat them. It is the State ticket they are af ter. They evidently care but little for anything else; but they chuckle greatly over the prospect of our losing a single vote for the State ticket, through local differences or any kind of disalt.c lion. Whatever else you do, be sure, every true Republican, to go to the polls and vote the State ticket. Thimble-Rigging The Bearer Argue contrasts the Und resolution of the "Democratic National Convention," of August, Mit and the Bud resolution of the " Deructeratle State Convention" of Pennsylvania, of August, 1535, in a way that ought to make the face of Buchanan's Attorney General, Jere J. Black—who is the author of the last resolution—tingle with shame to the end of his days. Look upon the picture of shameless still la...titian, which the contrast between these two res olutions present, and see what utter contempt for truth and con,l.tency is displayed, by a party whore only remaining stock In trade appears to be unscry mlons falsehoods and gross vituperation : LOOK ON Tills PICTURE! Re.ared, That this Convention does explicitly de clare. as the sense of the American people, that aftrr four years offiraure to restare the Chdon by the exper intent .f war, during which, tinder the pretence of military necessity, or war power higher than the Constitution, toe Constitution itself has been disre garded In every part, and public liberty and prisote right alike trodden down, and the material prosper ity of the country essentially impart& 2MITICE, - MLNITT, LIBEUTT, AND TILE PUBLIC WELFARE DE MAND TUAT IMMEDIATE EFFORTS U 6 MADE POE A I'ES SVTION OF UOSTILITIKS, with a view to an ultimate Convention of the States, or other peaceable to the end that at the earliest practicable moment peace may he restored on the basis of the Federal Colon of the Statea.--thul liotoba ion qf 11 , 71.<*rratir Nationa/ Court/dim, wart, 1814. AND ON THIS! • Raolml, That If theernincils of the Democratic par ty had prevailed, the Union tt °old have been saved In all lb , integrity and honor without the slaught, r, debt, and diegraee of civil war. but when the tofu alton of sectional patties in the North and Suut:l, and the advent of one of these parties Lao tho bests of power, MADE WAR A FACT WUICO WC CoCtat Nor COCNTEHACT, LLR bIOiTAINED TOR FEDRUAL AUTltolt ITlns LA GOOD FAITH, a-king notiliul at their hand,, easeptu decent respect for our legal rights and some ShoW of common honesty iu the management of our financial affairs, but In both these particulars we are disappointed and betrayed —214.11 Resolulion of Ihna neratir &am done tion qf Angara, IStl5. " You see, gem'men, I has these three thimbles and this Little Joker. I puts tills ball under this thimble and shores the thimbles about—so! Can any gem'man In the party tell me under which thimble the Little Joker Is ?" rmlxmdence of atelmirpnidant Republimn Letter from Philadelphia. PatLionLgeti, Sept. '27th, We are within about two weeks of our State elec. tiou—an election second in importance, and the inte,:eltude of the issues involved, to none since the establishment eat our Government, unless it be the Presidential electiou of last year —and yet what have we done as a psrty, add what are we dome-, to en sure the triumph of our . cause? True, our State Central Committee ha organized, end put forth a very able addrois to stir np politicians, hut cot° tit tt. tees and addresses are of but very little utility us' loos secodno d by the people generally with zeal and effort. I fear lain is not tiring done to the exteut it should lie. Indeed I kriOtS that in this city it is not ; but that our politicians and loyal citizens generally, rt-lying upon the merits of our cause, and our be knowledged strength as n party, are dotter, but very little, compared with what they ought to do, to render a triumph certain. Sornethinl i like over confidence seems to levee shorn our lea ers of ttear wonted zeal, and, to some extent, (unites curreel ed in timejendangered our prospects. I trust we elicit yet awaken to a sense of duty and recover front any !net ground. Our adversaries, leas noisy than usual, are certainly doing everything to carry the State. They tell us so plainly, and let us be warned In time. At the meeting of the " Key atone Clue," Wet Mon day evening, It was annotumed by one of Ito officers that— " It has Item decided to hare a quiet eruno , rign, but while there are no public meetings, Oryani,stions ore working cpctirely, and it may be repretrai d u ll TUE ENTIRE DEIIOCRATiC VOTE WILL lIE OCT." I think this vaunt will stir up the Union men here, b?tf - 651iVrfseitaNtif—d... "dead dog," and the sport of kicking it has been abandoned. It was even thought that ten Dame of a "modern democrat" woe so odious that all respect able men WORM generally dissociate themselves from it and try and get into more patriotic compa ny. But the leaders of the party think different!), arid seem seriously to struggle for the popular en dorsemrnt of their past treasonable career. It is well to be advised of their movements and their purposes in time, but better, far better, to labor reel ously, constantly, perseveringly to circumvent arid disappoint them. It can be easily done if we will but address ourselves to the task. What is needed everywhere is organization—organization that shall Canvas every election preclnt, borough, and tow.. ship, and secure the attendance of every loyal ch i zen at tht polio. There is no danger of our friends turning copperheads now. There is no " draft" to pleas them, and no honor to be acquired by Milli snug with such a party—nothing but shame and in famy, each an has attached to no political organiza tion since the memory of tory ism died out to tempt hem. We need only to he true to our primaries, and to gather in all our hagitimate voters. fats can be done, and our triumph made secure. Will we do it ? Are yen Liking the proper steps In that di rection in the "Old Northern Tier," to famous for loyal majorities in time pant? if not, be admonish ed that there is no time to lose. Let no one watt for a committee to visit him before he goes to work, but go to work at once. One lire neon in each elec tion district can eccomplish much good, and Is worth more than a score of committees at a distance. Every one should feel that the responsibility for his tows ship or precint Is upon Mt shoulders and act ac cordingly. This done everywhere, we would be in no danger of defeat. Try il. We have no Meal news worth communicating. Brisineee is exceedingly - livery, taxing nil our manu facturers, merchants and transportation campsites to their utmost. The produce market is generally "looking up," except for corn and matt, which re main about stationary. Butter Is very scarce sr.d high, especially in the retail market. Beef cattle are more plenty, but prices remain uncharged. Gold is eteadv at about 81.41. The interest on tin S2o's, due in November, is now being paid it th' U. S. Treasury here. A Catechism !or Copperheads. What party Eeceded from the Union, waged a rt lentlese war of four year', and is responsible for al the blood that has been 'bed, and all the debt crest ed to the aupprepsion of the Rebellion The Democratic party. What Party produced ALL the traitors In the United States? The Democratic party. What party fought against the Union In the South and gave the rebels "aid and oomfort " In the North? The Democratic party. What party opposed the war, resisted the draft, and denounced Mr. Lincoln as a tyrant rind usurper worthy of death! The Demoeustlc party What party taught that " resistance to tyrants was obedience to God," thus teaching the people the crime of assassination'? The Democratic party. What party, in their poiitical processions,' song songs threatening to " hang Abe LAtteolta on a sour a ple tree ?" The Democratic party. What party produced Booth, Harold, Atzerot, and Payne ? The Democratic party. What party in advor.tting the doctrine of the Vir ginia and Kentucky Resolutions has b',-n preaching Rebellion Byer since the Nullidc.itlnn days of John C. Calhoun? The Ddraocratic party What party has given birth to all the advocates n State Rights, Nullification, Conspiracy, and Civi War? The Democratic party, What party alone okrinateA each orgardrationa as the Sons of Liherty aod the Knights of the Golden Circle? The Dimneratle party. What p ar ty a dvocated an armistice and compro mise with rebels in arms? The Democratic party. What party, during the last war, never rejoiced over the ; ictories of the Union Army—seldom pat out flags, and evinced by their demeanor, their deep chagrin that the rebels had been defeated? The Democratic party. Whet party secretly armed itself, last year, for the purpose of slaying their Union neighbors? The Democratic party. What party threatened. in Ohio, If Vallandigham was rearrested, that 180,000 Demoerats,under Pugh, would rise in rebellion rescue him, and drive the tyrant Lincoln from his throne? • The Democratic party. What party, contended with the Cincinnati Ra gan?, that the United States was not a nation, hut a leaveor fidrty•faor sovereignties, tbusjostifylog the action 01 the South in withdrawlegfroui the Un ion ? , The Democratic party. What party talks the loudest against negro equal ity, andipractices it most? Tee Democratic party. What party in leas than two years, If the radicals carry their point, will be begging negroes for their votes? The Demoetatie party. Ought such a to be entrusted with political power again?— nifpreph. News from A ll Nations. —The first colored student at c o u eg r, was admitled to the Freshman class last week. Bearegard has t.ken tho oath of elle glance mid made appll , allon for pardon. —ln MarAellhit, as elaewhf , r , , !Ince the appear ance of cholera, the rats have entirely disappeared. —Mrs. Dorothea L. Dix has resigned the office of Superintendent nr Fem.le Army Noma, and that corps has been disbanded. —At the Episcopal Convention In Vimlnla,Bishop Johns earnestly recommended a reunion with the Northern branch of the *Lerch. —The Lexington Presbytery of Virginia have de clared "that it to neither practicable nor &enable to reunite with the Northern amen:Nies." —A great revival of religion Is now progressing among th , colored population of litchnit,nd The eolored churches In the city are densely crowded ac- ery night. —The sceesalon ordinance woe repeel. t 1 In the South Carolina Convention on the ! -it bout de• bate on the matter. -There we:, three Its repeat —There nre In Ge.'manv, 415,000 Jews; hot If Austria and Prussia b. , inelud..l lu the computation the number al Ja we is 1,5111,000. —Th'rc arc seventy-four divorce eases awaittnz trial at LaCroase, Wt,com,ln. Every complaint Is said to be a aoldier or a soldicer , wife. —The steamship Colorado sailed from San Fran cisco on the ISeb, for P41141T11, with 1,350,000 gold, for New York, and 't.470,t1X) for England, sad passeugera. —A farmer near Brat' elo, N. y., caught in the machine, while thrarlong, :end had all Ilk clothes except ills hoots and neck w• let ripped from hla body; but estrange to relate, topond a few sitztit bruises, escaped without injury. —A t e rrible areident tient:troll ill tsburg, by the blo , t log up ul a towboat. Pio CA, :dill 8916 itibiont ly l.liled, the tlrenbin was bbnyli!ht . etozin err, wil e and boy, are udireiu.r. 0 11.1 to be iont. • —The Fenian mov,ututt la Irttl.tri ha:" enusett 60 much alarm in some "(tun coutoiet,that the weolt,- I , r members or the resit/nut gnntey are beading their plate in hoscs to the —Two American Edward I).hii and the Rev. flower BArtiett or.:.u, have di , .1 in TL.,• key. T 1.1.• forth,r of choler , , and th,! hater t 3 • rhos fever. —ln Enr.lan.l It Is propoied to unite the m , •mhcrs of ihn Eue. Itrun , n 1:..:h , .. C, uinl , ireek church es in fn•udly communion ; Mao chulehes 111 Enghtml have assented to the 1/1c115,i —ln Loudon a yoling tn., yr srrelled vita 1.13 swoiltwact snit boxed nta 6 . :e . ugly alketod hy the 01, arr u•se Lomeli shortly ultt-rx art —A meetind tog hen h••id in l.tlncion, at whiA a strong' ezpr••btion of oplubm was manifeet.ed by the gentlemen present that Imm••diab• atcp4 Phoald be taken to form a national laAtitution for the preys tion of child murder. —The New Haven Pli//;Mosni IA now printed by water instead of steam pa W. For the uew 1401 or they have a turbine wheel about tho di tint:ter of a istraw hat. The stream m %Ater which runs i; is only one inch in diameter. —Jefforson cite and with Union refugees from the il , gutle-rii Amt.=, In a ~;srvise contlitlou, Fick, IvitLont .helter, hno - 01 her Ole.• on whirl, to sleep th in Ise wet great n.t, ay with no food save vision a fir,igie charity pro —The reeeni rise iu it:, price of wheat and !kir res,l Its (rum rpecoiatiea mlier :tm from scarcity la tbe crop. Ti.e wheat ylela la more than cam he consume.' uY the Attie( cr• pie —A letter from North C tro'ina en's, flat the Government competa t;le trent the freedmen ssi.h l's, credo.% Clere will certainly U. a rlsiett of the negroes arti bloody retaliation there. —Altnrnvy .7wral c?p^, d will 11,' in future con,l‘terati t , , .r , fr .in of th e nuntry 1,01.a.,a, ff.t.t • 1 t'ai, ail; I. ual extirpattuu vl ullny IL'coals —Two old topers its Germany, msdu a bet, a' to Ito could cal the m. 4 pc; per ar:d drink the •-i. quo• Neither sos.-- , ,10d toe•d!'lloi..; the siet•srs, .ut both died on the , ollowiag day —The return of pet hAs a: ready' tlavek,peti the fact that there is a m•oti 41t,t1 of herd, r tinatantiel money in the Smith, Coll,:b,illZ put a l os at tl e outbreak of the war nal 11.)M brought out in to active tatrviee. —The printing department of the Tr•a<ary i= crowded with work, printing psrdon H oaks for the first great gilt to Rebels under the new dis;•en+elinn So pressing. It Iho d.mtnd f=r !h. sc blank= t =le work on currgney ha= boon temputatily reduee.t. —The following; 3twtea votoon m-zro i.o.tir-..itze i• year. Connecticut, oi t tetioa, Niituitty, 0:t 2; iu Colorado, bat the re.alt is cot known. —Persons visiting Niagara Falls, or the snrround ing scenery, should gorll ar'3l.2d. If tly-y ri•te,ten to one the hackman or driver is a thief, w will murder them. If tivay walk, they mar be waylaid and robbed. —ln Roston there is n ebildr,n's Aid .3,,cietv, d • 01411 ed to take Crow the • , rest boys from 7 to 13 years of age, who are hrinz to exp s‘ed or neg' , et:d 6room:tam,: Their e3tablithinent is at Pine Farm, West Newton, Maas —Speaker Colfax, while at San Francieco, was it, cited to a dinner Gina in hie honor be a nuinner 01 Chinese residents of tie .t place. The feint itegan at G o'clock, p. in., nod 1.4,4 ill 12. 11 consi-ted of :03 dish's, forming 1 . 20 eour,ca, and was eccvcd at tierce distinct si t —Brigham Yrning has a,,ls.d pernii,.sion of Or King of the dandwl •It Wands , 0 send Mormon rms. Moneta to his dotritnions to deecoounalt• "the true faith." The reply IN` Morn: to teTiet, are wall versive of good governrat nt and in %iolatiou of the laws of the Kingdom, and th.t rti win to i istablisir colony of Saints them will not ba toi,rnted. • latrap Atkinaan, of the North Carolina DICK7er of the Eipsokeopal enti-en, lu Lie recent ttildree.= I. the Cont:II of the B , nte, nr:red a reunion with IL , Northern Church. Ile nun. !tisk!, d that tilt tat the 1.4.-rno6 having ANZlirild I:Leir inereil, ed toe duty of the Caureh in caring for spirit nal welfare. —A new , prilltical orzsnizition. denominated the "Soldier' and Sitiomil Union LeA2rie,” for Mutual orotecti.el and support on all iroverlitnental policies tificctimr Inicrests of citicr of ttici or,r.inized In ‘Vssiimeton. Its pri mary Object 14 Lt.• eloa4ol,Ortn , TlT of tiraneh leagues Otnniebout the. ottrilry I.+r tie nl.inula 1,1171, CI:MI.1'0411g elk-Cll./C.4. —Efforts are twine; mole to unit.. It - 1•1,11 capital With the grant. of loc Blatt, i t Ito, OM, strut lion of tit. SUN rior Railroad. It is inflie,.4.l tut: comm. :eta' infle• eu, of Canada will be mum fully accorded In Li:: project as nue of great triternational importance to the people of both voluble& OBSEIIN an. The Dangers of Division. It is among the "ureat t xpeetatlons" of the Cop perherul Democracy ut the poi-tent time that he rim., ti ‘m fv* ,f yr LI suff nwe , it di , tide U Repuhl den ri pa•iy Traitors sod ,yettpattlizers with many, are , Vt I) where dependlwg spin this borte. They are amts lag their programme and letr.iag their expo. t.a1(.1.., Of bUCCC-103 upon this anticipated iii‘lmon. Shati the hopes of our enemie. In tin , part water be Can the Union or li.• publican p.rty t.ti,erd, in the preening emergewcy which bull tuteatens Ulu C3llll try, to totter away ii, Arengt it and liaz-rd tlefLat ut the polls by revsou of divided c0u:....e1s upon u fide lAsuer These are etu.sibtus wni...h must he • r ed at once. . . There LA no doubt twit the Union perty, Icy the unity , y 1 its counse:s and Cie sehieve merits of lie arms, has been the Lewis, under Prue .elAuce, of 8“V Mg the Goveniutent from the disruption which elar threatened and Lititz/pled by the Democratic toil torn of the South, and their minim allies of tb. North. But the victory over treason Is yet oiny partially won. The confederate areniik have beer. compered, but thn .melt t het ratted !Ins , . at - yeti remains to le. 6111k1 . .,1 In tn• r...oresh , z•t•-•: of the rebel States, it wail Lot do to ~.t inr, d; sought to destroy the Government elefeiee the cwt - trot. Tor stavvry and llic 111.ker, of treedum must be every where acknowledged I n o heresy of "Suttee ltigh," un wni..ii he Northein and confederate Dern 'ern., are firmly united, :wet nut be permitted ti) the loyal people of pie Country, again to be recognized or countenanced in the hue. degree. On the..t and kindred quuntiowt a Cr. io battle at the ballot-box be yet to be fought, and It the traitors end their allies triumpu, oar victories the field will hale been won in vain. Tun Govern. went will ID rued event, return into the handy of the very men who have teen striving through lour long yearn to destroy it, and slavery will be re.establisheA in the land. it is fur the Union or R. publican party to prevent so fatal a cstastrupbe, and that only can he dune by the force of united aeriem. Whatever difference of opinion may exist among the Individual members of the party on the queation of colored mange, Ihey must be reserved, and not allowed to interfere with the greater issue of traiierral freedom, vv filch is at. stake. Our opinions on the subject of the enfran chisement of the negro arc well known. We believe that justice, bound policy, and the guarantees of the Declaration, alike demand that the ballot should be the symbol of freedom, and co-extensive with it; hut in the prevent imperilled condition of the coun try, we think there are other questions more press ing than that. The salvation of the UMW, On a Republican belie, end the Leaven.horn rights of those whom the war has made "tree citizens," can only be completely and permanently secured Giro' the Republican party; and we must not jeopardize that Union and thoverights he any set-inditry 6031,15 Oil which the party may lw divided. Until the pees eut eria,s shall have ban postal, Vie 111:114 he true to each other, and to the great cause tor w bleb we are laboring. We must stood together, and stand by the Government in its efforts to bring order, Liar molly and freedom out of the broken aid contused wmeks of slavery, disloyalty sod treason. However we may differ with each other or with the President upon details or becuudary qaeadoas tits reorganisation of the Southern States, fel ue rtaf be divided while the fate of a free Union is at stake. Let us remerule r that sluvesy yet exists In cer tain portions or the roast ry, and that' unwashed traitors an :Crtarly sty 0 log to u ski- it exist In tact where It has been abo.ish,d by the language of the P ro .-I,,amtoo. L t us remember that the ratification 44 the omenduient of the Constitu tion forever i my eittVcry in the United Btates has not yet hien net ured; and that the Democracy are striving' with nutted efforts to prevent the neces sary majority V -Slates in favor of It Irian indug ob tained. Let us remern'icr that the Democracy are already orgioilklng In .11 the Northern States, and are count ones die iston. In the Republic a n patty to carry ill, la xi meet ion; to which event their first act will b e to 0 peal the resolutirms ratifying the proposed otuerriltneuts ; and th it next to reslustate npon ours acute books the Infamous black laws which have been wiped out. In view of all this, we repeat that the Union party, however much the great majority may favor universal suffrage, cannot efford at present to allow that question to distract and divide them. Let us first bury 81nvery out of sight; let us first be sure that freedom belongs ab solutely and beyond repeal to ever) tun of our brood domain ; h t 116 first settle the great question of a restored Union upon a free and Republican basis ; and when we have done this, the questions which exist us to the storm of the Ireedm.o will, we have every reason to believe, receive an easy and satis factory solution. But tinder no circumstances, in the words of Gen. Cox, would it safe for us. '' in the present onset. tied condition of the country, to risk the transfer of the power of the Government tote thnininds of those who have been directly or indirectly disloyal, durlug the last four years of cruel war.”—Harriaburg Td. Not a Soldier Nominated We may be mistake n, but, as far an our obser vation extends through an exchange a ith Copper head j•inrnalt, we ti, neve In no county where an opposition runiority prevails, have the copperheads nominated a soldier for either an °Mee of trust or honor. In counties where these treason smite thlzers are hopelessly in the minority, they hatii selec t ; the names of gallant soldiers for positions on their tickets, but in ni , , at enact the heroes repudiate the il,itslul honors thus tendered them by the par ty who was willing to let the soldier's family starve rawer than afford them relief while their natural supporter was absent periling his life defending the pent authority of ti.e Governmextt. As a contrast to thin livpueritn al setion on the part of the copper head herders, we nerd only state, that there Is not a Repoblican county la the State where the soldiers base not received a fair share of the. nominations, while In mane districts controlled by Republican majorities, soldiers have beeu actually nominated tor ail the Milt ta In the gilt of the party. Now, one of two l.iett , lell , t C'C't, names v, that soldiers rats pose Ur , great mass of the Republic to party, or that the patty in willing to recognize and Ccamd the soinier, ailhout regard to his pant po libeal associations —Thrtristrurg Tritgroph. Itew "tivertisetnents. OXEN FOR SALE 1111 iruoltioniroott Am on hood at Lin resitleoco In Jessup too 'IS Moots, frock three t frITAKER. I= LOFT, ()N Wndnemlav e‘nt,lng.!.eptianher ePhet In Mantrose „ Slott , . cr., t 'nut, A SIINEIt PnTKNT ENV n wl , ll bra.. haln. T, Orolet . 1,4`.13 tna.atted trturnlt.,t t S. ENIER. k o the rnruatihn - NV 1.0..0x. Pa, "rtther E , T RA 1 / AM . :at.. th.4'. :1 , 1• 4 .• 4 " of the trohrerltot. Detltewater. rld. Vood tit [44:11• • Ilt h 7 r 8 trar. Jrl The roamer to rtqueated to prove property cbargr, end I, kr hlrn away J.H. DALLAS lta. Moo roe, tat:ober 2, 1848. w3pd DIAMOND PIN LOST IDIETFEKN cvarot I:lM+n about tbe n• .p env., h attathcol to ar` bob At o rn ., L.00 , 0r a tavor 4.1) the 0vr..4 r by teat./[ Phtt(l4(j . .(ll.lel In 1'.1:10,1 Haw.. O'n !mote la bib-a,or a , [-rln.lep.roJon.• ,iPIP•iICSI.I ( CI,. et , ove. (.• r 1. , ..14.5. vr3p. h. A.M.IIERLIN Read , Watrous & Foster Has , . j. , o:.en , -d eplendld u.r.,rtment of I )1Z 0 , 01)S. FREN,II 111.}ti,Nt.a, tattpt HAI •,:t A I . tnLv at ”Is. Lle/cALt. , . c clan • I of :Al £••.11”.r.0 he, at lo• Ranee NEW ADVERTISEMENT New Goods for the Fair Prints, Alpacas!, Delakes, and other Fashionable Dress Goods. Cloth, CasOmeres.Woolen Jackon et*, dor. .ke. agAr MUSLIN'S, SLIEETINGS, TICE.INGS, LENIN, uftuCKEEI, UMUCERIES, MATS _4 ND CAPS, MOOTS AND SHOES. CALL AND LO' AT OCR SToCK, AND WIC OAP MMUS WILSON, GRIFFIS & WARNER HOME FROM THE WAR! I, n ro.pectfally as n.unre hie friend,. and 1 j an V. Oh n, that he -r, lamed fr-ta t " dI• Fume ca,t •Le I L' , '6 D: w fl r. rit,c ,a1C1.1”. In all It, h• ; IA ..-jrIC the It, W 04,110, In the r...d.try 1.,' tl..cht that ht can aatIAN ..r.) lair c.r him wan lair hatr,ag, •114)P IN F. B. CIIANDLETI'S SToizE, Where t brat (14.03 and Watrbta ‘hn ISBELL. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE SECRET SERVICE, TH FIELD TIIE DUNGEON, AND THE ESCAPE, By ALIIMIICT D. IMICIDARD3OII N. Y. Tribune Corrcepondent The in. , oral tacit I• g b cle ever tiaiinte• In Mr Itichariletilio onyesilleled re for four }trees; t•sv. ei`i 4 ihro.eli the bowl: in the reitrt et r. o• the •••frlbene i••ar I.t , ltht , :sx •ffi r floe. lyttC arma unti (1,1, brth Evostanal during the foot tioo v• of the Kebeilltti ; hie thriilli esplure ,• Li. for es•- Inert) mouths In etielrk rebel whet.; tocapeandahn .-t miraculous journey by flebt of nearly ti.ol .11.. It sv .1 abound In siert and txintai r. men, ft int 'art. 1,611,-nt and rowan.: tf .he au other gulillet.!. lloroce Ureeley aye : A great man. books tettl yrt Le or-Itten s/ncertlng this wee, In advllbou to the ninny alsoady p•lnt ; bit not 4, , C el tbs. will give v.W n a eltuf coropitse arhann. rube.. mess trod-ids ar eatirely err [ll ttroonal nbotrv.iori. of it, i.h• 'Tn. stilt: OA, ,1141•' est. not! It .tittirierlallqa of Cl rs thou ittna ITr w.rto.e.eing rambles of Mr. lib:anvil. to " . . id Leta ra. nung art. and •me ataCT ,d .Itranit d r.fe,:ro atm add, In an pr. Mar!' Im. •. ILA Ir L.-calm:ly eda, 'Gen' c—rdita n We have ar. 0' me •It b trd w , • I pr,ve s atedels.g pl.cart rertl n. r r Lima:am Add, ea .1 ,, N . F.5, 800 . , ,CO, N.E. &ricer of Math Ind luta arre r m, l'h,admplrea P. .Im. lid. PREAT EDUCATiuNAL ADVANTAGES In Northern Pennsylvania. ,►toincoo TAlltge, Scranton, Pu., WILL to open for the reception of 'lndents Jotuary Oh. VOA. 11. dcpl,/, of u In4llolno le to pr. pate young onto thegne, Itroanne. The tut thud of the tourer of tatirrtllolll3 11.0nr, rett lot DA. awl o..‘.lll:wnviL 1.9t.n a plan tia occ , ”11 WI the praett.ll a vautt+gra of each. The student hum mulls, bar. do la , euntigna, haurea, ano keel, bit .1X4,111.1$ WI Ia ,total Lt. LEGS. A Normal Writing Department wilt It estabil•lo.d In ConteetiOti with the Crab= Coder the super ylen.n et one 01 11, bed liWl4u nod °row:bridal roolocol nod T...thers Co the %Vitra. rult ftTICOL A ICB — l lr-ttlars gh :lag full portico. tan rf to :be mime of otody, nod any :umber InfoonsUon 7-ty no boo. by oodrts.Pbr 0001111.b11 & NY/LA.I2AL% Prooolp L'er3.44.0, P 6. W. A. WILLIAVA. DL J. Gmnuren. timu.”, Wool: Wool I t , ufo: 1 3:1 : . ir i t , L m e fit tat, b , 3ati...21 1 :40 WOOrtilaD; MCI Anth Druwm mo irx - ,d .tyk if .4.ID•UriA/M J on , G. 1 Ga.—lf. Jh IUJ BEA UMO.T. FAIL:111 FOR SALE. filkhandrnd and Irter.n wee. nit We to lirkkowale., one toga Q from Mau 091,e,w.vnty..11vd rare Improved, three caul tamp, 4.11,011.4 Lbw , . acd o flue palled Or .rd Yrr Te•tri• apply lc. 0. OLZilto/8. on the ilnutlity, ptentrar, ay. IA me, NEW A.rratrv.A.L. FALL AND WINTER GOODS etiiiegbetg a ileseqbAtto & eo. I/ ATII4O pet returned on. Sew York. Irlth a very en - lenges and hoodet me varte.y of Neve Goooe. to whkh the G o wenaltetlon a the p.bue facet renboctfully Welted. aod a. Ibe bought under On moat advantageous latillOce erd bat prior to toe recent advance; we proud.. to sell them at iquelly tow flgnren. Our n.. 401310" Please an, •itad not to be GuLdoaa by -sey other man. - whether at home or abroad. The folloadro Gonda comprlae part of our clock on hand, and will be kept during the mason. Sheeting, bleached and bmsen.lo-4. 8-4. and 4-4. Plitoercase Muslin/. SA, and U Inane. Fine bleated and b•ar/n abler-lags, 4-4... d 7-E. Calicoes of the best mate, and bandsorntel iztierns. Ginghams of zonmesue and foreign manufacture. Bedtirlong.--estra heavy. Blue check and striped Airlines. Canton flannels. paper and cambric entail., le.. /cc Flannels of all Colon and (Vendee. Fine white, yard wide.— Shaker fennel; heavy twilled grey, Min, and reel t sotto nixed; silk mixed ; fancy and l lain eallettiry ; fancy ttrind. and nnln aninit g do. Fine wool lied Phalk-tr, 10.1, 11-4. and 12-1 odd, all quattuce. Ledire. 141rsei. and l.t Ildrege wool twee,— •Il al In, colon. and .4001111 n. 2.lanne. Karts, nate:etre. hood+. entaaga, brealfbat shawl., table and Plano ..P."Ad... TAP' wont ed Slaaland wool, 4.4. c, 6.0. pine mute lion table Damask ; brown do. Fine white line ebithnz and homy , theettrg do. White end brownjthen tab clothe. napalm of different qualities ; floe Worth by the dc coo fine mbl'c 11...thenhack, troth, &0.. &C. A Large *Fenn meet of the following varletlet Printed. part &elan and LI 'gnat detainee roe wild colors, French Merinos. all halort and gaallt! •• •• •• Fermatas " " •• Pleid Flne cambric% males% mutt% rtrlped and barred muslin% Linen subtle hareikereblef% pla.n, let m-etitcbici. hemt ed and ernbrelderrit do Dr irem: rearllni; tine embrcierred fear and ins,: Ings : plain and embed:dared caillars cotters an Linen and cotton thread.,; stall:La and embroidery ; knit. Chic ontton, be, Doan BUTIo.. ;ad Trona Titrammer of alltbe farthionabry and lending atitr• ; cloak and Nagar ornaments, be the {deco nr in Etta: hair nets and hair dreams ; velvet ribbons ni; oridtha; &Larneea braid. ail cu:nre. V elms. 0110 granadine Love crape vette; ma•k yeti.; plain, and with ornament.. Gbovaa, of all aorta and suitable for all persona Jiro glover: pith do; cotton do : bucl•k " be.. be. Slagle and don.•le Broebe rt owls tingle aM donb ebssrle—a large stock of all the leading styles wad pattern Thlbet and Shetland wool do. Our amortrnent In Such ae circulars, eseks,hrd baiqum earnot ^e erred °Wald the eltleti and we can prom! extra bantams lu each. Hoop Skirts, Ba'morals and Corsets, EIMG9 M. S. DESSAITER Cotton Department. Woolen Department. Linen Department. Dress Goods Uk strtp,d Poplin. olWris all yr.: OWL Mextnoi. • Coborm licmbadoes, acyps, ikr, ke, Silks. Fine trucT drtns Olt& every vatl.ty ur color! " •• " 1;1 tlu Altar. - and heavy man , . silks. •• bonnet ti 11.% 111 wham. aro] bcantlful at.des White Goed€. or he nwts: cape do. Embroidered Infanta wee", at, or;no embrrtdrrrd Infante' cope, dlfferrnt patftrn e la d eligings I t cottou and lama. Val'ncene edglnce. Ac Jto. Notions and Fancy Goods. Shawls Cloaks, Of different steles end ruxlze. of Yrench and Amerlcan maned re. and which we sell st extreme low prin., Cloth col Picce Goods. Black broadcloths. beaver•. Ladies cloth; caslmerea. satla R talarty Jeans, &c.. h,.. Ia great yarlar. Millinery Goods. We would ay to 11..0 In the trade, that r<o have a mu moo noir of More goods tuatally kept In tilts Hoe of bug/teas, and enabled "lo famish them at New York Johocra pricer. We name taut oh the prod. to Ude /Inc : Bonnet and lint /decks. Bonnet and Pat flames, It backr and felt. titraw. felt, and beaver hots. Ribbons of aa old style, and colon. Lace., b.ondc., Illusion.% crape, net., ern Itninge. bonret Mika, ent ,nd enrol ellk velvety of al! co/ors; dna/ flower, plumes / de, Cc., and tinny ether articles too nitrous lament/on. ?lease give co a trial and CO.AnCe )nude.. 4E71 TS DEPARTMENT Clothing. No have but :Idle space feel torso tench; but to thou who with o tinm.oelvao tht• fall and winter with worm, enrob.e. and . mfor , able t i. Iting. We would meteny toy that nntwllbotandme h. V•r.eral cry of a .c>ta•y c. read),nde clothlt ear•e. quettly the Mg, prlpe thereon, ae PIO one, the.ets pe•partd runtish ye , all, sed ton you b , 11. In price. and materk.b. 0 autrk le out elrlsea aro crowded; and ne are tamest dal neeeltie g new addithier thereto. The clothing we cell le all of o oWI v e r e, sod we can tilt-refute guarantee the making and ma tutsl of each g.rtoetit we sell. (.laa at the drat trial and we wee you all ;Lather UlOll3lO Sacral). The following articles we tame In neck: Black cants angle and donLic 6r...tad ; black and ..anny bueincra akal.; plain and fancy casalmese English walking nada and In guar to match ; plain and fanny sad cualr—aleo la nulls to mate;; black and fancy claimer. rants and ewe to match ; silk mined and Ilarrie cnalmere silk. ra' km nod vnlenV•ate. CLOSITIBO.—• !aro, variety. OVLECOATIO I Ovkactarral uv I:ll.l.Vre 11 J.; yles evil qatdat!en. Gents Fornhbing Goods White cotton thins; fancy Altana do. Merino ebtrto and dm am; auspeadenr„ticaanen and pap, ea saute, Ones, Into. Ina trucluostllces, catches. •c., Our Custom Department lane wad with a chalet selection of easeimeres, elottot, litovers, re:vas, de., wtpo wa tett, to aka dutblrs‘'r• der, and we would motet nit tide> that ere to the babe of hoeing then . gin:IRMO mato o,rder. to the w ead. coutioud that we can gin 'mettle. sattarectleo. Io eoncitetun we would say WY' m" nall or y ou th a t " at say ^art at diode oaten y heyt to' tu. to MVO 00 a tall, and we will [nits, mit ou. errEYBERO. 2705R,VMUM CO. )11. t4,.l4.Bl±llUgH.,lda.a4tag Pasian. Moatrcae,Ecyt. 1, Ma THE DOUBT IJEZIM DIAPELLED, AND THE STARTLING CONVICTION la denoted to all Who Leak Barea/... OM GEO. HAYDEN ho he La With NEW STOVE or GnODS coulstinz of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, spi r t, Gin, th a g.y. areaktits, Saida Under Mina, and Drayton. Fancy Goods and Yank. Ro. nuts, Tra”ts and Trimlift¢ Bap, and lots of Goods too talMeTollll to mention. at PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION Every ANcle vartanted at Iry claw for shalt• Inn Small Fronts and Quick Sale& C}3LO. HAYDEN 1Ce.r.11111. , 11.. Atzu , Id. lE" EVERY DAY BRINGS SOMETHING NEW, AV en la h p of urch Y.lased tte etnek trade of Hat+. Catpo. •od otluk 3 WEEKS 4 (./0 , I have nlso Jtut. revolved a brave aluClt t,l ATS AND CAPS, CHILDREN'S TURBANS, LADIES' SHAKERS, Also a lane 'took of all the of:le lipting atilt. of CLOTHING, (kotklrtlor. in part of tleris KoZlitio Walking In P.M. , to good Ltogintrg Coat& rod (7 , othlog for irwmens. Li= Poole and Iltwters,fte. Gents , Forafishing Goods. UMBRELLAS, HANDKERCHIEFS, • SUSPENDERS, COLLARS, • NECK TIES, SHIRTS, &c 17hith 1 um ',retail/At • .11 for cuth nr rsuliv 9 , 1 .I'et9 low Dr ces. s••• my ',lris bus receslUy t0..3 tsonzbt.wild roll o' g and r-uriv yuy I wy motto. Cull and sew for raw. w h o ... T w o d oor ,. o ve Foul, In Um Inalathig occupied by 1.11. Weeks es a ..ux .`lt,re. JOSHUA DO PD. lanntrne• Ma, ^.1.1036—t/ TO THE DRIVE SOLDIERS OF SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY Isur by the Unlon Clem Agrncy at V 78.131114. rt, to 04 I:orc - er, al Its teal manor, the passage Oil iww utb../.x ne 7. tO,Ol - To all 4.1 , 1 re the hoot • tire 7-nmleed to them. tor ma.teer for what r• . te or howoht they may hove been , lob.hared, provided ar o, de beeze. t.n. Mr Weal filly ethnics pew to roll.' moot. or wer. A. ordered reoo.l. tnd To is monthe' men nne eighth of COO. or 1412..0. vrd. T. air tn. Wt..' own, nne to of Slta, or es 4.h. T. nine no', he' three mghta .1 6100. Or ati . .3o. et olle n cr.. 114. tummy vs promised. Ga. To al nier. di.mre aged lett bin two i.e.. by raison of dhabll. 11. re r ntracted while In rbe orrice. Ma ne soma/of of sourer ix Ivee. th set , 0 1 it, 030 boon , to Le given them by the a, 0 4 Contrea. under Winch they mete eralifferd. tic, all teen elactorned hy mum of prnmedlnn a pro Mt] t hey ul acrarelna to .he not tletlce watch they ruffed kn . the time t eenn-.1 or colleted men bth tot alro vounty to all soldiers of the RrolarArmy who Ibucd 1 , 39. 1400. or 10,61. the act Juiy 11 4 61.ruid wan served their hilt It of Ave y. who were discharge afar yon from I te....a7 talk( of the OW. of who were daCiarted ,450L1 of due:antic. amtra.ted In as emirs since June lab. ' 186.1. Of ECU bounty to all deserters who they theft . realmena -and mord two ytars exclusive of am time th ey mete 1e200211 WWI Olt /yore ,oth..lf MOM month' Inv Fpltr tO sit °MOM who have been dlscharent rem 111.abtildro wetness! la the service 1 , 1 reas. ,A cap teats. of teou service. rrL^ tancades whew, Ole alien on acCottnt of ornaolltladon of sestlacAds. Ito,. Of three months' pay proper to all enlisted GII*II who were prbotten of war for !lees so norm or lotseer Id n Also n grant so 160 um. of Land to all colleted met who nr ly tenet, sot the 4160 l' n bounty, sad s Idmilar grant to dams It or, to,r, on to their ornper The atsere are the different toittoties, evants. or ...Itowances which we propose to hove calla-aced In the law relent.] to Our Arse tau Is acme , Justice to' the roldtors. We hel l eve that they are eetitled by the of does rules of the newest jnattee to all we shall stoln order to taco, th a. those omit g within any cf ve rattled dares nhon Id !Olt, ItrplelltiOl3 immediatel y to our Anent, who will prepare and tont-tad the neee•sary papers Gat, P. LITTLE, 'sue;' agent la .11.41c0n, iy frlithe talon Cie. Agency. It it r• or. tigs NEW SKIRT FOR 1865-6. The Great Invention of the Age in HOOF' SKIRTS. J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (or double) SPRING SKIRT. FUR le Inver/Ran wasn't, of Duplesifff term Eliptie Date Mined sweet -reing's leceuleeetv braided thettiv and Sturdy tagethee, riga to edge, roarbegthr troghect, matt toltelhle.elartic and 4 u—s hie Spring ever urea. They en Idom bead or iceak, line the almoe amines. and entwequently prwerve their perfect and beautiful rhupe morr ti ta ke robing m nay "Ingle spelt,/ skirl that Ever lies or Con be made. THE wonolerfoi nod creel comfort and piearce to any Lade mood, tte hum, Mimi- baba will be experienced ten tleulaely in all coordet siembo,r, Operas Carrisgre,Ralb road Canr,l7l.erh Pew., n in , Imira for Pranreade and House the nhlrt ran to tdded when In nee to resnev s. email place sa emtli and ennveniebt ly nn a Wilk or Si oviln Drew. A Lady haviez cojoYed the pleaotro, Comfort, m (heat /b.. whim - lora of wearing t e Eliptic Meet rained:4bn% for e tangle day will never af4erwunis nl IRO' d6leooe with thelr nee For Coildren, Marva. and Young Lailes tney aro impeder to al/ TUE 11001'S are covered with 2 ply dmible twisted thread sad witi wear ofee :le tong as the elle earn cover/ea 1.0 , 11 owd toutall uingir nivel Hoop :vain, ' he 'three /return rode err every irt are al. doubte Keel. and twice or double coven. to try. the rovertng from wearing off the rods win n analog down w hit alone stem d/o-. &o, which they are nos sublet - % to while In 11.41. Ur. mmlo of the new and elegem.. eonlrd and are the ten gehentw In every part. giving to the...curer the mein gwvend d perfect shape pomade. and are urnuestlonably lire/Mast, mon dr' 441/ able, einnfortald 44. and neon.. teal Skirt ever n ad*. EenTr. 101 ADO E CARY, proprietors of the Inver:Mee, and K NbirAf' .7 lialekitult., and 7% READE E Nework. rA LE in firA-elass Storesi in this City. and through. F ' the Ended Stun, Canada, Fianna do Claim, Monica, Soto. AIIIIIIIC. and the West ttdfea INQUIRE. FOR'THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC OR DOUBLE) SPRING SKIRT. ct 1= LYCOMENG COUNTY Fire Insurance Co CAPF.TAL $2,500 , 000. 0 .IvEccoTdet y rellahlo Cova.rit Z. stultlesetttlonn for sunrzetun ...County. Itenlrtmo. B..p.r . .tre . I I. DR. C. P. BIGELOW, r22'3ltrmt iramirli. "rp,,,w on Main ntrwt, fu honk:formerly oecup:ed IL 1.. Wool\ In GREATVEND BOROUGH. FAR. BVILOW netting had three y ars net - trot. nu- `torkerte kV In cher, of 11,4 Ih:trite:l al Al. kendrle, Vu. and men 044 precnot of reveral, reel.eonteeteot, and fa prepered to d to el , ewes a ntrntrted r,. U. C. 40. Great Bend, Ankunt lith. Mo.—VP - - - - 'rive illa•eit & iniam lin. OrtGrA.NS, Forty Different StyleP, A DAPTII) tarr-d and eteutv mule, lot PO to if 1 tOrt r flo'd and River Medata, or nthee fleet protium.. 1LN 2111,41 , 1e4 theta. I.:tweetedl,..<3 free. A dartar, MASON A /MIN, Boston,. r * 4 o NllitenYllEttB, New York. beploutter IS, 19to —yl. Watches and Jewelry. ' FINE Le, Imo, Anchor, enua a lean Watche JEWE.LILY and Mahal Ware. Alt warranted. "ade by the nett klanuheterere A I' oIIaNDLISIVe. W CI-C)CII3S ;I/ PST rtnelvtd, • turnentitle: aseorttnent Of DRESS GOODS. DELAINES rßetiTs, WORSTED! DRESS BUTTON'S, a ;41 gtneral erritly of Frmoy Gooce and otirm• Angus* t , th. 1K5..-tor .v tUI*NULLR'A WVALUSING BRIDGC• 0., CA LE II PROP , W , ALS ble teedered by , h' 0-mrhlnkters M t Sutro.h ,straa y till Fridy. OCitV.Pr ( h ter v t tie I.tt7.:, t l " l . ;. g htt i Ml ITtu " Vt: ' Xrt h'i a tcnhs ft.. eahl 1.1114 , will preharal a ' fele J•Ta. so that teal may Le ohs ntstti at the tActmlealotlene Oho. By cater of the eLtsialoluse re. W. A littubt.lll,X. Grrh Coriuniselnere . Oar, Ilcullook liryt W lihe 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers