She Nudependent pepublitais. LOCAL MATTERS. Pardoned.—Mary E. Vandermark, convicted last November Term of larceny, and sentenced to fifteen months' imprisonment, has been pardoned I , r the Governor. :rcw Enrollment Lazo.—Thu new enrollment ILIW Is of sufficient Importance to claim an Insertion in our columns, and we giro It room to-day.— The proctantation of Prestuent Lincoln issued in ac cordance with section thirteenth of this law, Is dat ed the 11th of March. I '6a( Oar Farms 1111d.--Statisttes just issued ~r the Department of 'Agriculture, show that while the farms of the loyal States, in 1e43 produced crop:, worth 5W4,764,322, those of 1564 yielded no ill. than $1,561,543,690. This is certainly a satis factory Increase, and aftemarkable one, considering the ciriumatances. The • Long Day.—Mr. Editor :—We have seen in the Republican lately, when the New Year comes in on Sunday, and also when the dark day occurred. We wish now to knew when the long day occurred. History somewhere speaks of a day much longer than usual. Now what we wish to know Is, trivn this long day was, and ?Ow It was, and Idiot made U. Auburn, Pa.., March, J. B. B. The Ladies' std Society of West flarford hare furnlAbed since last report, one forty-four gallon barrel of salter kraut, and one keg do., also three pair of flannel shirts, four pair of drawers, one pair ut wcks, and one pair cd mittens. The Society gratelltily acknowledge the receipt of twenty dollars from Ml6B Sarah M. Walker. MS, TYLER BREwSTER, Secretary anti Tract-surer. 11Arlon!, March 10th, IAOS. Rotes to be Obaerred.—ln order to seem , . a rood and interesting newapaper at borne, an obligu !lon rests upon its patrons to a certain extenti as s ell as upon those immediately concerned in its publication. An exchange lays down these obliga t,ins in the following terse maxims, which may be said to cover the whole ground : Ist. Subscribe and pay for it, 2.1. Get your neighbors In take It. .11. Send printing and advertising to the office. .ttli Help make the paper interesting by sending 1,,eal items to the editor. 11-ry .1711th to the Polnf.—A week or two ago, the proprietors of a certain weekly newspa ,, r of the Copperhead stripe, published in Eastern Peni.tylvania, called to solicit advertising of a well Saran firm healing In agricultural implements, on Nlqrkct street., above Eleventh, Philadelphia, when .:1 uyay ensued something as follows: ~lCat tia. cr.—" An advertisement P Let me see a of thy taper." (Looks over a copy of the—.l v, thee prints a Southern paper." Ton —"Ob, no, bir Oar paper is pnblibhed Nt cacrtawr.—" Well, I ere from the articles thee .I'4i:4le. that thee is in favor of the Southeri, pro. Thrry is where titer ought to 00 for patsaloge. Exit editor with something iu hi. ear .Yew (Sue setura.—Married Trorneo Inreresbii. in the late case of Basinger vs. Stover, cai : ried up from Bucks county to the Supreme Court of the State, a new point has been decided as to the rights of married women. Judge Agnew, :who rendered th• opinion, sa3 re. The question In this case was " whether a married , ieman who has no separate estate or known means payment of her own can re-purchase from a pur '.e•or nt sheriff's sale the prop•rty which bad been •odd as her husband's, who continued in debt, by ,•inng a mortgage for the whole purchase money,all b remains unpaid." Agnew discusses this question at considera cites numerous authorities, and decides t!, negative. Re says, in conclusion •• t‘'s adheic to the settled doctrine that it is only a 'tun the property acquired after marrial,se, has been for with her own ssparate estate, clearly and established, it is hers ttbe wifc'sk, and ;.r.geeted from her husband's creditors. " To suffer a wife to purchase on credit, is to open a wide door for fraud. Its effect is to throw upon !ht. creditors the burden of proving whose funds al war:- enter into the payment. For, starting with tide Colluded on her credit, she must stand up ...a until the husband's means shall be shown to r into the purchase. The judgment is aftirm• ittestructfre itz F'ssrsitef—The vast body of ice c•:h which the cold weather of the past winter had Y.: tie. the river, began to move at this place on Thursday last. It had previously broken below the anll:oke dam, and while the river was said to be maniac clear above Pittston and below Nanticoke, a, have been almost surrounded here by a sea of Soon after the river started, the ice dammed 'up_ below, throwing nearly the entire current over •LctKlingston fiats, while the vast both of tee occn : the bed of the river. The water is still run over the road and the flats to the depth of 41-.1 or ten feet, with a current so rapid that it is -e>noted the bed of the road IS much washed, All *.arel between here and Kincston and the Lacka %Ns.. and Bloomsburg depot, is of course inter• lin Thursday afternoon, soon after the water be ,:an fo run nyer the road, a young man driving a tt :,!onging to Jacob Rice, who Pees hack of Kingston mountain,) ventured to cross, when his horses getting in beyond their depth, plunged :.i..! drowned. He jumped from the wagon Into the mater, and was saved by the assistance of some by s•snders The horses and wagon were swept down la, current and soon disappeared. The Wilkv-Barre Gas Company's Works bare been so entirely flooded that the town has been in darkness for a couple of nights. It is utterly impossible at present to make any estimate of the damages, as the water Is still very leh. The canal must have suffered so seriously as to require a loz,g, time to put it in repair—perhaps half the Summer. The bank in one place between the tneyii and the gas works, is entirely swept out, and we understand the aqueduct ut Mill Creek is destroy ed. We have also beard that J. M. Liollen bark's dam at Mill Creek was washed away. The ice is still in the bed of the river and along Lgank. presenting a Feriae we should think vent ..vaillar to those encountered be Sir John Franklin, K rne and other erplon•re nt the eretic regions. —ll3lkas-airre Cuban, Stara 15th, Great Bend iteme.—There Is not much of inter -' occurring here at present. Neerly everybody the oil fever very had, and we do not hear much but " Found oil yet"" •' How deep did you haw. to ‘. • " Wua it at the Eu.eond or third sandstone °" I • I- enenAly found near the third sandstone strata I ',eard a man say yesterday that a company, 1...a1 ui Binghamton (of which Tracy IL Morgan. Cash. of the Broome County Bunk, and Judas 13400 m an Ci , ectors) had offered him one-eighth part of all may wand,' be it oil or mineral, if be would give theca a lease of leave to bore on his farm for ninety ::no 3 man There are three wells in process ot r • • 1 ,11 1 two mile*. from hare. rummy and it is generally believed, that tie are to Mire a National Bank, to be called the t(r . Ni , tional Bank or Great Bend, with a capital ' , X , It is an institution much needed in this tot, Th, trains on the Erie and the Scranton roads are • ..ost of the time behind time, which occasions a Jest deal of trouble about our papers and mails. Thy 1,, was gohag out of the over yesterday. A lea days up - , I walked over and took a look at the new roundouse in process of erection by the onpany of WI Scranton road_ It is built with a Rionv fotuidation and brick walls There are ten •c' - axes. When completed, it will be a nice build- The Buffalo express going west, due here about r. 0 clock, p. m., March 14th, when four and one-half I , L. 'r from this stollen, ran off the track and ^magled two or three cam There were several so , er,,y wounded, who were taken back to Buque ..,na. One man had his kg broken, and one lady .• pretty cecil cot up about the face. Most of tLe 1' , ... ,, u25ert. went on, on the nelt train. The train "as going at the rate of about forty miles an hour. r.,.use was a broken nul, the trackmen 11,1 out We. 3. 6. Y. Jury Met, .tprft Term, 1.803..—The following i - 4 - n list of grand and trnverae jurors drawn for the term of Court commencing April 3d, ISSS: GRAND Jr - EONS. • Auburn—Calvin Oay.Jno. KlmbalL tier, ' D. %V . McCain, Middletown—N e I s o n be . Horace Guile. , Camp, Micheal Whalon. imenaed Enrollment Bfft.—The following Art ; rid n wa t er _wilo arn B. Montrose—G. R. latbro ji Of Cotarress Is published for the Information and j ....." - -do. New Milford—Wm. T. , tti guldtm et of all concerned: WAR DEPAIITIMiT, ' Brooklyn—JUN. C. ldor-! al sew or m ley ilf. . rd Boeo—Wm , gen. Penman Messner GE-NER&L'S °Trion, i ciprorti—John Riventrarg T. Ward. wasniaoToti, D. C , March Sal, 1865 ' Choconnt—M. Stanley. iSpringvillc—llcury N. .in Ad, to amind Cl, heron( Acts heretetfore paset.l t• ! Dimock—lithilip Burdick_ Sherman. pro , •ide for the E.nrolling neui 'killing out the Nation- ' Forest La e —j . yul e .- Susquehanna Depot —( l. otllforvw, antilufroUier prirpoNnt. lin, INutc Fesssnden. , Curtis. •••4 * 4 4 Tiarmonv—Jacob 'Storer. :Silver Lake—Win. Chi. SECTION 13, And be ii, meant That where ' Lathrop"—Jobn ft . Aney. • chester, Jos. S. Gage. i any revised enrollment In any C o 11 :4T.315i01110 or draft I dtetitirt hat been obtained or made, prior to any . Little Mintdotral---..10hn Thomson—C. Wrigtiter. actual drawing of name , . from the Enrollment lists, 1 Taat l !itan' urns,.-Ist Week. for quo's of such district may be adinsted and rip- . Apolaeon—Johnl Jones, .I.r.ltin . nip—Warren Robert i.rt toned to each revised Enrollment Instead of be- I Al.„,..t—N. P. &dell, W. son. 'LlhertY g bar yi e l m ar es D eh . a Ad m.. In t ; applied to or based upon the Enrollment as it 1 , — Si — one. , may hare stood before the revision. Sac. 19. And be it fartArrenactol, That hemttar all '1 Widpwater—lra 'Foster, NME, Joel 1 Grifilli. I Lennx—Ambrou. Brood imsons mustered into the military or naval service, Clifford—Thos. D. Atkin-. age, Thos. Plummer. whether at volunteers, substitutes, representativos, or . ,),„ Geo. B ronnell. wi i . L a meep..-_,yed et u a h Saf otherwise, shall be emitted to the State and to the i boo; Lott. Ward, township, precinct, or other erirolltuent eub- Hi meek _ hi. K. Tingley. 'Montrose—Amon Nichols. district ' there Inch P ereens hekr Og hY a c t u al rie-ii- Frooklin—L. D. cote, • Middletown--Samuel F. deuce, 1 . .1 such persons have an actual residence with- y eet i er i ek u rea . s ame ., Willi ams. in the I tilted States . ,) and where inch persons were or el Halsey. ;New Milford--Geo. liar snail be enrolled, (if liable to enrollment ; ) and it is Fonst Lake—J. Strange. i .* rison, Js. 0. Wellman. hereby made the duty of the Provost Marshal Gen- Greet Bllnd Boro—J. B. Rush—Amos Bunnell. end to make such rules and glee such Instructions Fintntin, Susquehanna Depot—E. to the w-vhnd provost E6rB / 1 /5 - h enrd'ef eltr u l imee t t Gibson--J. E. Whitney, B. Benedict, David A. 4'd mdstcritl officers as °ban be necessar y for the Almanzer Walker. ; Lyons. I.ltutui enforcement 01 the provisions of this sec- Harm ony—soul Chase. ISpringville—Daulel Mc ts.ii, to the end that fair and just credit shall be gio. I Harford—Austin Darrow, Cane, William Wallace, Mc en to eyery section of the conntry-: Pewit/ad, That I i Chandler FAwards. ' Amos S. Button.l In at , call for troops hereafter no county, town, 1 Ku n _ ne w eet lieerie gnte , newt...nip, ward, precinct, or election district shall , 113, credit except for men actually fornish.-d on _ 5 , 11,1 roil or the preceding call by said county, town, town,,,p., w e e& precinct, or election district, and inn.ter e a into the military or naval s erv i ce o,h4he quota th ereo f. , . .- i' ea- IS. dad be ft furthers:midi, That. 111 COM, t p x tZt ,quotes hereafter, credit shall be even to the States, districts, and sub-districts for all men furnished from them, respectively, and-not hereto fore credited, during the present rebellion, for any period of service not less than than three mouths, ealenlating . the 'limber of days for which such set , Cleo - was famished, and reducingthe same to years Prmided, That such credits shall not be entitled to the call for additional troop. made by the President on fife twenty-first day of December, eighteen hun dred and sixtv-four. See. 16. And be it further chafed, That persons who have been, or may hereafter be drafted, under the provision of the several Acts to which this is an amendment, for the term of one Oar, and who have actually furnished, or may actually furnish, acceptable substitutes (not liable to draft) for the term of three years, shall be Exempt from military duty during the time for which such substitutes shall not be liable to draft, not. exceeding the time for which such substitutes shall have been mustered Into the service, anything in the Act of February twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, to the contrary notwithstanding. ' Sec. 17. Add be it further enacted, That any re cruiting agent, substitute broker, or other person, who for pay oeproflt, shall enlist,or mused to be en listed, as a volunteer or substitute, en insane person or convict, or person under' indictment for a felony, or who is held to bail to answer for a felony, or per son in a condition of intbrication, or a deserter from the military or naval Service, or any minor be tween the ages of sixteen and eighteen years, a ith out the consent of his patents or guardian, or any minor under the age of sixteen years, knowing him, In either case before mentioned, to be each, or who shall defraud or Illegally deprived any volunteer or substitute of any portion of the State, local, or Uni ted States bounty, to which he may be Entitled, shall upon conviction In any Court of competent jurbdlction, be fined not exceeding one thousand dollars, nor less than two hundred dollars, or Im prisoned not exceeding two years and nor less than three months, or both, in the discretion of the Court aforesaid Sec. 18. And be I further enacted, That any Officer who shall muster Into the military or naval service of the United States any deserterfrom said Berrie°, nr insane person, or person in a condition of intov• icrition, or any minor between the ages of sixteen and eighteen years, without the conaent of par• eats or guardian, or any minor ender the age of sixteen years, knowing hint to be such shall upon the conviction of any C,onrt-liartial, be dishonorably dischanred from the service of the United States. Sec. 19. .4 nd be U farther reacted, That in every case where a substitute is furnished to take the place of an enrolled or dratted man, and it In shown by evidence that shall be satisfactory to the Secre tary of War, that such substitute was, at the time of his enrollment, known by the party furritshing hint to be non-composmentis, or in a condition of intox ication, or under conviction or indictment for any offence of the grade of felony at the common law, or to have been guilty of a precious act of desertion unsatisfied by pardon or punishment, or by reason of any existing infirmity, or ailment, physically in capable of performing the ordinary duties of a sol dier in actual service In the muks,or minor between the ages of sixteen and eighteen years, without the consent of his parents or guardian, or a minor under the age of sixteen years, it shall be the doty 01 the Provost Marshal General, on advice of the fact to report the same to the Provost Marshal of the prop er district ; and if such person so enlisted and lump. able shall have been since the passage of this Act s mustered Into the service as a substitute for a per liable to draft, and not actually drafted, the name of the person so liable who furnished such substitute shall be again placed on the list and he shall be subject to draft thereafter, as though no such substitute had been furnished by him; and it such F llbStilUlC so enlisted, and incapable as afore said, shall bade been, since the passage of this Act, mustered into the service as a substitute for a per sou actually drafted, then It shall be the duty of the Provost Marshal General to direct the Provost Mar shal of this district, immediately to notify the per who furnished such substitnte that he is held to servire in the place of such substitute, and he shall stand in the same reputation and be subject to the same liability as before furnishing of such substi tute. Srr ttO. Aad h., it forth,,' cawing, That In case any substitute shall dent rt from the army, and it shall appear by evidence satisfactory to the Secretary of War, that the party furnishing such substitute shall have. In any tray, directly or indirectly, aided or abetted such desertion, or to have been privy to any intention on the part of such substitute to desert, then tr, s tacb per-on shall he immediately placed In the army, and shall serve for the period for which he was liable to draft, such service to commence at the date of the desertion of the substitute. Sec. 21. And be it further enachrd, That, In addi tion to the other lawful penalties of the crime of de sertion from the military or naval service, all per sons who have deserted the military or naval service of the tailed States, who shall not return to said service, or report themselves to a provost marshal within sixty days after the proclamation hereinafter mentioned, shall he deemed and taken to have vol untarily relinquished and forfeited their rights of citirmship and rights to become citizens ; and sueh deserters shall be forever, incapable of holding arc office of trust or prollt under the United States, or of exercising any rights of citizens thereof, and all persons who shall hereafter desert the military or naval service, and persons who being duly enrolled, shall depart the jurisdiction of the district in which he is enrolled, or go beyond the limits of the United states, with Intent to avoid any draft into the mili tary or naval service, dilly ordered, shall be liable to the penalties of this section. And the President is hereby authorized and required forthwith, on the passage of this act, to issue his proclamation setting forth the provisions of this section, in which pro clamation the President is requested to notify all deserters returning within sixty days as aforesaid that they shall be paidoned on condition of return ing to their regiments and companies to serve in such regiments and companies, or to such other or canizations as they may be assigned to, until they shall have served for a period of time equal to their original term of enlistment, Sec. 2d. And he it further cnadoi, That the third section of the act entitled "An act further to regu late and provide (or the enrollingand calling nut the national forces, and for other purposes." approved July fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, he and the same is hereby, revealed Sec. And Le it furarr enacted, That any per son enrolled in any sol.diatriet may,after notice of a dealt, and before the same shall have taken plae , i, cause to be mustered Into the service of the United States suer number of recruits, not subject to draft, as they may deem expedient, which recruits 'hail stand to the credit of the persons thus causing them to be mastered in, and shall be taken as substitutes lor such persons, or so many of them as may be drafted, to the extent of the number of such recruits, and in the order designated by the principals, at the time such recruits are thus as aforesaid mustered in. Sec. 24. And be it furar, enorted. That section of the act approved February twenty-fourth, eichteen hundred and sixty tour, entitled "An act for enrolling and calling out the national forces, and for other - purposes," be, and the Fame is hereby, ' amended by inserting after the words "any civil magistrate," the worlds, "any person authorized by law to administer oaths." SEC. 25. And be it further marled, That the Sec retary of War is hereby anthorized to detail one or more of the employees of the War Department for the purpose of administering the oaths required by law in the settlement of officers' sceounta for cloth ing, camp, and garrison equipage, quarterma.ster's stores, and ordnance, which oaths shall be adminise tlred without expense to the parties taking them, and shall be as binding upon the persons taking the same, and if falsely taken, shall subject them to the same penalties as if the saute were sAministered by a macadrate or justice of the peace. Sec. 26. And be ii further enacted, That "acting assistant surgeons, contract surgeons, and surgeons and commissioners on the curetting board, while in the military service of the United States, Shall here after he exempt from all liability to he draftefl on the provisions of this act, and the acts to Which this is an amendment SEc. 21. And he it further evaded, That this act shall take effect from and after Its p,m,kyd, That nothing herein contained shall operate to post pone the wending drall, or interfere with the quotas assigned therefor. Approved March 3d, lbfs'a. James B. Far, Proecied algal General. _ Sections from one to twelve inclusive do not re ' late to this Bureau and therefore are omitted. cptriat gotittp, Wofice!—The Annual Meeting of "The Odd Fd lowa Association,. Will be held at Odd Fellows 11511 on Friday, trenbv, thew, 4th of April neat, at 7 o'clock,p, A gener4l uttendence requested. Larca IbtA, 164,0 r. Q. F. Lisaxi...kliaidesi. Mims Peer* of IPlsrr—lt Is related by "one that was there," that during the advance of fiber man's Army through the Caroli•as a shell thrown from one of our batteries, " explo ded short," the pieces Hying thick and fast about the cars of on r ad vance skirmish line and hitting many of our brave boys, though much to their surprise, doing them no Injury, but rather affording them much pleasure.— Reason why? Come to examine the shell, it bad been made of paper and filled with curious, beantl- 110 sun pictures of the soldiers' triends,—photo graphs, ambrotypes, ty,hotypcs, opaltypes , rte., all made at " Lyonss New Art Gallery,' Mon trose, Pa., over B. R. Lyons & Co's store, where more of the same sort can be obtained. Call and see what beauties in the Art line the Artist has In store tor you and see what pleasant, spacious rooms he has for your comfort. Never mind the weather, better pictures taken when the rain fella than when the sun shines. Old pictures copied and enlarged, Oil paintings and cottage organs for sale, and many other beauties for the cottage walls. Call and see. • w.) Our e f Mu peroto. BUNNEL—Died, Feb 4th, 1415, in Fort Schuyler, of wounds received in taking Fort Fisher James Si. Gunnel, aged 3.5 years, of noinpany E, 203, P. V. James M. Bonnet was a resident of Rush, Susque hanna Co.,_ Pa., and In September lan volunteered to defend his country against treason and rebellion; and bade adieu to an affectionate wife, an only , son, and many warm friends in the hope of returning to greet them again but alas! be has fallen! and his once happy borne is made desolate. In all the relations of life he was a true man. As a soldier be was not only brave but possessed that moral Integrity that gives real value to character. Ills Bible was his counselor and companion in the camp, and his frequent letters to his family gave evidence that be had committed all his interests Into the hands 01 his Maker, and the bemired ones rest in the hope that they shall meet him again on the at her shore. Weep not for thy husband, he will be hero no more; He lo happier far on that beautiful shore; There he's tuning his ha r p with the seraphs ou high, And singing sweet songs n his home In the sky. Mourn not for thy husband, be has gone to his home, All his sufferings are over, and silent his groan; His glori fi ed spirit looks down from the skies, dud whi9pers "To bright worlds let your owr. thoughts arise." Weep not for thy hubband; a bright angel he's now, A ministering spirit to the dear oueo below; Descending to guard thy rest, now st even, And bring thee sweat dreams of love, hope and law gaarriagrA. MERCILLIOTT—ROSE—At Sliver Lake, Susque hanna Co , Pa., at the residence or Mrs. Anna Rose, on Saturday evening, March. Ilth, 1913, by Rev. Georg° Comfort, Mr. Warren P. :Mere'Mott and Miss Mary Isabella Rose, both of Marlonville, Forest Co., Pa. ToWF.II--SAINTER—On the evening .1 March l2tb, by Rev. J. 11. Peters, ,at the residence of the bride's patents, In Philadelphia, Mr. Charles M. Tower, of Lenox, Einsq. Co., to Miss Mary E. Fainter, of the above named city. MICHAEL—PICKERI —ln rilbson, March Mb, by Eld R. G. Lamb, Mr. Ihrid S. Michael, of Clifford, and Miss Sarah Ann Pickering' of liaison. AVERS—VAUGHN—In Montroso, 11th inst., by Roe. J. R. Stout, Mr. Ashman C. Ayres and Niaa Lydiu A. Vaughn, both of Bridgewater. Aratizo. DUNMORE—In Mnntrose, inst., after a few days' illness, Mr. John F. Dunmore, to the 04 year of his age SEAMANS—KiIIed, at Scranton, on the Delaware and Lackawanna Railroad, March 13th, 156.1, Cheater Seamans, of Brooklyn, Sung Co., Ya , aged 16 years. STANTON—In Abington, Lucerne Co., on the 10th inst., Alma J , only daughter of George 11. and Mary F. Stanton, aged three years and ten months. CASWELL—In Fore•,,t Lake, Feb. 25th, Olire, daughter of Asa and Jane Caswell, aged nineteen years. CASWELL--in Forest Lake, on the sth inst., Mr Asa in the sixty.thlvd year of his age. Love's dearest ties by death are broken, And 7outh and Abe In graves must lie, But through Christ, 0 blest word that's spoken, Each one may dwell with God on high. BURMAN Marv, NI ife of Thomas Burman, di e d in Ararat, Susq. Pa.. of congestion of the longs, aged sixty two ream. She was a member of the Congregational church at Ararat for a number of years. She was a firm and useful member of the church, a kind and afftietlonate wit. and mother. She wax sick only one week. Her reason remained to the last She died her friends re signation and composure of mind. S'Lle said when dying "I am going to glorx." "Precious in the sight of the Lord Is Its death of his saints." N. P. S. Ararat, Feb. ga. JEVVERS.—In Hayford, February 2Sth„ 1.'45 Mrs. Ereline, wife of Sehm Jettips, aged 69 years 10 months and 23 days, My mother. sweet mother, they say thou art dead, And Sleeping to-sight in a narrow• damp bed ; Rut only the soul's tattered dress thou'et laid down, For the beautiful robe and the glorious crown. But Mother, thy children are bowed down with grief, Our dear aged Father i. crushed by the blow ; Turn come. on the pinions of love, mother, come And cheer with thy presence his desolate home. I.llarlcr Vr,rpor6. New York Wholesale Prices Gamut of Produce. Frepbro‘l for the Isomer:roe re ItZ1,1111.1,5" by JOSIAH CAP-PESTER.. Coin. Merchant, No. EV Wash tn•too St.„ Sera York. to u•bomr,tdpoleote may to made. Two-taros of the market value out Is advanced . the lecelr, of the goods II deslred, son.l Quick return mate for Abe talance. Full dim-Sons and • weekly Market resort trot free of Cu., by ruull to those nuking sl6lherienui 13 Aern.l. PUMP 5.1 53 0$ 60 Rye, 9t 0, $ 150 (3111 Impure, 0 *1 do Ye Outs, 7 1 1 ,1 CI 111 Pam, aouhrrl.i. 0.4.3 ta 3!1 Dorn." 1 1.6 i 0 IAO 01 ,a I I.a/ Potatoes, "P barrel, 8 orl 43 to Stole, to tote. 1.• S. 31 4 49 Union." 41 irt •• ark:rm.' . XI 4 14 Hider, dry, 16 IL, 24 10 roll, " Si re V •Yeen. 7 /2 a 10 rh•.l, Lard, coor. besl..P 1 21 110 " 14 4 Beef. me's, bbl., IS 00 0903 ° 00 Dried A " 14 a porno. " lett SC 5.• 1 . 4444, •. 1A 00 V Port. fay, oo 75 " Plutna. 1 . 7 6. via., • • 77 10 F 4 11. 51/ •• CherileS, 54 . 4 11 llsrue.....acll, V. 5 24 4 11A ILA,;.l...rrlimr•• 40 4 r.r. Shoulder, 19 4 50 il..cotayrae - 40 lisaou. 7 So 4 74 34 ea fie9L, drama 5. , (4 , 0 3,1 I °try. Vri " 13 :o•,.:l3lctens. Uve, •• Orr :a Flour. wheat. 11. Ml_ 90 , 44 14 to rotten, •• 11 4 V " 000 6 1. Horeb, 1 6 1,15 210 torn M e -4.1. 1 0 hued., 400 4 4VS mucks Vqr 11. k -why. Floor" 4 91. IA 471 • • 10V, Seed. to C. It. Flax. P 0 10 de Se Tlocortlyseed.ll. lures:: 4 00 FlMittn. live ree.,.. ,3 Mat •• 4114 5 ,51 Peer Bidet Te n 10 4 1 1 Nilo, i 5.. 14 60 15 Mtatau. Ia atrca.4,f oln 0 1: IS remehed, •• 10 41 a veut. -l0 ci Wool, tay..ashed. (3 BD Perk. &erred, 7 11 10 A rq, no. kr bary..l, 5 irb Go 6ar V. kw.. 1 , ...eel, or !X 111.1 e St.,. 7 —t9 Editor of IttpUhtiC.. DLA• .—WAL roof perm :ton I .lAh to say is the readers of your ptpet that I will send. by return mall. to 141 who with It (free) a Reclpe with lull dlrectioru for scalONo oatd flair; a tUrtplo Veretable Balm that will eteetually remove. to too days. Pimples DI. t.thes. Tot. Freaks. Itoporttlo of the hkin. :rating the .str,e.oft, clear. smooth au! Bear.tlfoL I will alto mall Noe to those Latin; Bald bead, or Rare Foes. ellople directions aud inform:dim the eon enable 10000 te t dirt a full malt of Loomis.% Rol, Wldekorr_ or a Moustar_ho. to Den that lib?) dart. Ail opplbsttiout thatigered by return mail telt/tout charge. Respectfully roue. THUS. F. PM A N. ChCl9l.l. 131 . 016 , 41, New Tort. rebel:cry 07th. 1:43.-000 To Consumptives. ADVERTISER HAVING BEEN RESTORED TO THE lE te al , t. In • few weekt by • very ~mule remedy. Who , baying hod,. d meeral ran telth t -ere tuns sift<lloll. nod toot .trr...11 tleteee it}eahutoption—b aoxbrat to mate tovaro to b. folio...tut oet the =met of cure. all who drake It, he all I Pend a copy of the 6reacritelna ord. ..1, urge , with the f2rl - 00 ,, a for rrrparina and uang the Bathe uoa , urc Cure P., Cot:3,1210o, Asalana. Brom 011.01, to. Tbe only nntnrt i the idSre,loas IL "MOIL,. M. Peo n l roolva itntro re m.,maltse.aid •pre..d re:fledF . . to It win con thou oothb c. wet tory pro^o a hleasing. Fartler wirlitua the peaverVai a , 1.1 plesse width, 11.0 r Er , Attir A WILSON. Wllllsenetturg. &lop Coutty. New York. February 27th. ISth.-em—bride. HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE BATCHELOR'S Celebrated HAIR DYE Ls the nest in the World The only Ra•mleeq, True, & Reliable Dye Known. Tblerplendld 11. Ir Dye I. Perfect--cbango Re& Rusty.or G Bair. tastaatly to • GIAIS.F. T BLACK or NATURAL BROWN. without Injuring the halr or r ,,, lng the skin. lesOng lßs halr. oll and beautiful; Lerman. fresh anallty, frequently reaming Its yr. Ice color. aztlyeetlfles the 11101.1 e of had dyes. The genuine 1. ensped VITLLIA3I A. BATCHELOR. al others are mere haft. Inas. and should be .voided. Also Batchelor*. NEW TOILET CREAM for Drys:apex Rea. Bold Si .it DrualEtA &c. Pad n..-61 Kan. 1 , -.• ir /srna.• 11A14-1• ►~I~PERSIOSS ltill BitURTY. onderrlped will promptly attend] to all dents tot r e.ous. Bark Pat and Wendy , that tray be motroded del.§ carefully prepared and promptly forwarded to the De. managed. Three menthe Ida moutheand nine monthfmen arenoteetttled to bounty, hat If dba/41ed or they OA In the serst,e . .. they sr their vela ties are entitled to pension. Perseus In the natal eerviee ant en titled to peaskum under filename rulee and regull2lnne as arethe land forcer. tlOnmalationed oflooe tee entitled Co pens:lon WA/A to bounty. • It la 4 10,[t not generally known that the War Department will to case 0 , long protraarateLet_inne of nentMer nr wk.e he ha. awed a•td .ndrtu parents dependenton him tor support. or a family In dentltuß Citellll.4.l=-a dhabAnte each solders item the &maim_ Appla.aanne edttb Sant promptly made out and the nee wary proof tiled. Infortnadan on all csameved with genreranent claims fres. MI Iceteraa•aing nform.ftion promoly answered The Madre, of soldiers who die after enlistmcnt and before be. Inn mustered im are ereitled to Pewlm th 4 tame as If such addles tad oleo lo the wrelee N. Lt, 'De Latch suing iNrity! two L B ailL.N=3 4 6l.lii . Elinasor licelmik /en. Sid. 18tOrlto DOCTOR EDWARD'S Tar, Wild Cherry, & Naptha COUGH SYRUP, The Most Summed Maim in wet For Colds Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Influenza, Bareness of m. Breast. Bronchitis, WhooP ing Cough, Croup, Spitting of Blood. In flammation of the Lungs, and of Dis eases of the Throat, and Lunsta. AND For the Relief of Consumptives in Every Silage. REFERENCES FROM THE TRADE: hays sold large ortantlttes of DR. ICDAVA.R.D'S COUGH SYRUP, and ket. , Y It to eve universal all. J. H. McCuntE Albany , N. Y. STODDARD & BURTON, Troy, N. Y. CRAB. HUBBARD, SyTnEtleo, I. C. CEILPHAN, Newburgh, " G. W. Fenton, Newburgh, " GALE ROBINSON, D. 8. BARNES, ERR, Manz & Co., Honesdale, Pa. NOBLE, Curt , & Co., Sterling, HAYDEN Rhos , " CgitUfl 'ANTALL, Easton, SEMPLE BROS., DTorr & Co., Philadelphia, " C. B. VANED:ESL, Trenton, N. J. JOHN RICKER, W. T Muunan, M. D., Newark " E. WHITAKER, L. D. MARS " .1 Sold In Montane or ABEL TURKEL, MUD WATROUR F.)rTICIT, sod by Idembants generally. March 5:/lb. IBas. owed Mercantile Appraisement. DEALERS IN MERtIli ANDISE. As. IN MUSQUEIIAYNA POP NTI, TA K E NOME: That In purnuenre of the several AC. or Assembly or thin Commonwealth, to provide rvveoue to uteri tie demands upon the treason end for other purposes. the wider. strned, A tiprels, of Merchant. Tuxes for bald nom y. hen prepared en s , Merchs t antruilue lu raid county. 0114 i pls..' rerh Merrhaut In that dens which to hint appeara posited tight, acconEKE to the Acts°, Assrmbly, to wit: •nnr.. CLAM. WOrtnnet. CLASS. ar4—vought. 14 Heai.Watrousalfaser,pamse. 1 1 rim 14 Lathrop. Tyler & alley. 9 /k & West. 1 4 Baldwin. & Allen. 9 •aittoan. 11 W. J. & S. H. Mulford. White. 13 Outtenbery anetabaum& Co— 1 .4.1"..1.0.33. James B. DeWitt. I C. Donley. 14 Wilson, OrionsAi Warner, 4 OnOnlittnn. J. Lyons & Not, 3 K. S. lent & Son. 19 F. B. Chandler. 1 3 41:1 ' 1r Itu n nl U" St Co. D. A. & A. Tlmaorth. a EL T. Ashley. 3 1. 11. !Buda. 1 4 A he! Purell. P. M. 47h Class, a enotummT. Geo. 1.. Stone & Co„, 1 Thomas O'Donnell, 14 L. C. Keeler. 3 11. lackey. 14 Boyd & Webster, 3 ...TIM.. I. PI Bollard, 3 11. W. Johnmn, 1 4 •F.B.Weelts &Co, 3 .10110 Halsted, 14 H. D. Tiernan, 3 J. N. Raker, 14 4 Lan don. 4 ntrort. ' Z Cobh, 4 William II Thayer, 14 W I & T. W. Tinker. 4 A & A 31 11 m, 1 4 Kirby Jr Bacon. 4 W. A. Kelloz/r. 14 Hears Cobb. 4 oemoter.l •, N. Stoddard, 4 Thomas Arnold. 19 Eduard Hine, 4 Church a Phil/hey, /." B. Thatcher, 1 Phlnhe • .4 .'e.. 11 6. H. Sayre & Brothers, 4 Wm. Mllier. 14 7 N. now.d. 4 E. P. Chambers. 14 Jerembah Etheridge, 4 6•411.316. 4. H. Smith, 4 .1. L. Merriman. @ Son. 19 Patrick a Rogers, 4 /.16 , 11Dent/..1.n.. .1. Cashman, 4 BoBolan& Platt, In saw unman. BleMannos 1 St Inter, 14 11. linretts. p. m. 4th elm, 1 H. T. Glidden. 14 R. L. Staphht & Co,p. to. 4 c. 1 "Zooms @ Raz.. 1 4 -I. Dickerman.h. James E. FllMmuld. 14 Wm. r. Ward & Son, 4 014.0•0 06240. lle.ra• Hayden, 3 1.. S. Isenhelto A Co, 1 1 11. Garrett, 1 T. D. Estahrook, p. to. 4 es. II Whitlock a Hall. I 6. IL Daymn. 19 Wm. &. T. Hayden, 4 Henry S. McKinney. 12 1 Sinn & Brother.. 4 11 P. her.. 1 4 D. 11.4440. 4 Nmarre %team.", 14 tram .A rolstro. 14 Kramer & Wheelock, a Oft., & Preston, 14 E. W. Duna, 4 11 N Lang.'s, 14 Srlinoninin. WAller 14 II .1: She rman & CO. .... Wlllmm C. N1(1..04, It Amos 4 4 Mums. 1 meson Minot AI leT, a I . P . Howley. p 0. 401 ., 914 m. 9 Ira Scott , 4 4.., S. Ingalls. p tn. 4th ems.. 9 lushly Strath. 4 D. NI. smiler, p m. 411. dam 11 J, V. Sh o dm. p. m. 40 dam, 4 V, H. & II 11 'Bennett, 12 nngunannlif • 01:1•01 . . D E Holmes.. 11l irnot & Falkent.7. I N E. Kenos - di% II Walter Bads% 0 nstraorry. flhatrobermarsientsaMit Co, 0 1. S. Leon, & Soo, 11,0,0. Vedder & Co. 1 Wi 'HIM Trvnialn &C,...., I. 7 0 ,,,,,,11,11. Braodt A Schlazer, 14 .7 V, AI.H. rook. arlron Conklin, 14 I HeOnalt & Ftweenty. 0 rmanrci. Nom Batley, 1 13. Wm. BolkM. 3 14 F D. Lynna 3 IBen. M. MellOttald. / 1 4 Henry Leap{ O3. 412 t elms, 3 19 Thomas Inahnota. A 14 4rolth & Oridley, a .. 14 13 , A. Lyons, 1 er Porno, Ir, 14 41 NV Foot. 0 T & A ,e,. 14 4. Etrvant, 3 r', Etiouots. 14 L. S. Pr., , •F Itoset• •ants, 14 Ferhes.ll TIE.Y, 1 ron.S. lospph Allen, 4 W Moo, & P. ster, 1 4 II Sheridan, 4 .Thant.rry, 14 r o om , HetruhrinalM, 4 Jams. 1 Putter. 14 l'nontss Alrana, 4 J - Inann. • ?Week 4 Ira me! Martin. 1 1 11 F. & C. R. Smith, 4 J. la Itmenk rano, 14 bowls Proem.. 4 I.IIMIII - 1. Wm. Howarth. 4 It Isenson. Ir . 11 .Isms Molts 4 Mot &linicot. 11 Hem-4e .1"44*9.6:' 4 LATIMOr. n ,. rTtlarra. 4 E. A. T. Bell. 13 It, ram), 4 Lam Sherman, IC Hrs. Catherine Prem.. 4 O. lwertnnn. 14 Miles rremr• n. 4 Lena. manors. D. F. Stalls.. 4 E. B. Beardslee, 14' Thana. Fremhar, 4 L. 0500. Joirm Cleaner. I Osterland & Faint, 11' sow= rata. Orme & Brothers, 1 1 T &unhurt, 4 J. K. Kotansoo. 14 D. P. Phelan. 4 IIIDOLL7OIfIf. 1 Yonarsom. John Dyer, 14 Chester Stoddard. 1 E. W. Lomb, 4 CLassificaiion of Venders of Merchandise. ~..0.. Icss than 5:. 000 00 Clem 14 " 63.000 00 .d ten than 510.100 00. Mho 13 " 10.040 03 ' " " 19.040 70 clam It •• 1.5.000 01 " " " Moro 00 thee ?I •• 40 M.. 0 '• •• •• ro OM melan B Am? the Jude., of 'M. ronrt of rotnmon Pleas of saldromay will h0..1 a Court ..I A pr.ul. a. the Court noose, In 316,7111 . r... In nod for /aid ...pooh nn wednendar, Aril lithe 1464 at one Wektek. P. im , at which Inne and plane any of the here/tants doseribod, defined. and -1.....1 no m foaid. or weer aaterda or attorney s, may appear and •ppeal fro said Cameramen' it they think proper a HOS N14)11/./L8. irfeematile Aporalsor. Montrose. March 7. 1973. A. t L... HI ol A V. Wm mn Miner. M0r..1 4 .1c015. k Co, n.aroan. K. T Tiffany. •. S. .1 ahnnion., E. s Ulu& & Co. U. S. 7-30! I=l SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. To the People of Susquehanna County TUE are actin.' as trenta for the lade of tilts popular and P A T IZI OT IC LO t►lV , and Invite nthscrlpttans from all ' , rho nal , tnon.y to Invest Ourotder , llmadralnotno to over One Ifundmd Thousand Dollar.. ($100,030,) and our daily de, are Ptrre and Incmalmr, THE WHOLE LOAN .111 probably , e •11.1.x..ed or by the FIRST OF APRIL, thortfort three &Idling to puttelyste to Ito ratrantozestolilda well to soltocrlbe 101..bont delay. wit. D. COOPER a CO., Banker.. Montyve, 31.vr.12 1. 11161.-2 w. cir-uT THE BEST. STILL IN THE FIELD AND 3LiRCEING ON ARE GRO'VE:I3. & /3.4U:MR'S 111111111111 SEWIIO MIMS GROPER a. BARER MAKE TWO HINDS OF MACHINES, Ml=ol GROVER & BAKER STITCH, The other Ina Shuttle or Look Stitch. Their LOOK STITCH liazdtete la the MOST SIMPLE, TEM:EDT, EFFICIENT, A-VD DUTIABLE MACHOE YET INTRODUCED. Pima WI on their Agent and lee ample of Ilantaino or Weak and say tniormailog will be Lire with &ward Werat.nrop. Feb. 1.130%. 194...0. GRAPE VINES 1 Tl4l4pel2llL r g WI Del handre4, autagegan the ant. 1 have rariettes, and can ias soy =Jay Orden mai te• Ira H 11. /RAUCH. laanwineiant Ils. ecalenas (Mee, How ramy .0. W. LEw LH, Lifland( ; LVEN DEK brialcza, Lio, anvil:haw' Co. pa. Ito orgen wen. tel=la u tb. ' avw. as atty. RUTLAND stemma I. VADAK IN MARBLE SHOP Removed to the etreet bock of the Catbodc Church. I keep no tstvelling Ahmed; and by eallleie at the Shop. It will enable all ene. tom.. to ...he •.evloß allo per cent. 1. VADAIU.A. Itantrose.Yeznuan 6/41863.4J Delqlnqise I..ifet4 FRANKLIN, DEL. CO., N. V., gri ITEMS thorough Inetitnetlon In all beatteluai of a ennui Engllet 11l Education. Book.ltorplng. Weil Engineering. Plano mad Guitar Music Drawing and tainting, We French, Unman, Latin and Greek Laartages. - A nv;triatiae.—Full t bast Etrtneering Itatrwittente. worth Cod; Laboratory, fitted up with thin ; tialances. Furnace. and all Chemical and Philowaphlad Apy tits Lame Telesoop • ; LIM& Yin of 14500 volumes of Standard Worka ; Mineral Cabinet; First Buildings; Law Hata, The °Mara of the (tabula, having atoms; Callitles therefor, and knowing the constant demand for young men trained It win., lotoodu great Siloam, Manufacturing, Kallway mad catar enter. prism, wiL ;take their ENGIN SERINO SCHOOL wins] to any la the Mated Slates. and from their eltnatban In the. Midzil of rich busting country, claim pest superimity on the atom a gt4fgo TIMM ht.lna ltlarch !I. Ortolan. rent inner 4 w. pd.] 0 EO. W. JONES, Ja, Principal. Dissolution. T "IgE Co l oll 1 ( t U. " tsV i l m'r tu t' l b : . " In °tilt at; H. Lathrop. et the Oho Intmerly occupied by tic for aettia. meet, vebleh mess be dune with as little delay: vo t el i d L Kr. °EV.It.. LAPUHOP Montrose, Feb. at h. 1:,,-.s. BARGAINS. HVIM/ sold'our Shop and quit the Carriage sal Illaclosmith EC Log !avant., woo have oo hood almost everything wanted In one line, which we propose to sell vane Low for nab. or note with approved eenority. on ate Y... time. The following ate few al the many thongs we have for wile.: Bent num. sawed rims, of is/1 alma. Including truck. pole bracer and hotinda, Mot Mill* and pole:, hub. and bob block. oak neigh knee, plank, ommtllng (.1 all kinds, Gan turned spokes oak and hickory. bent cobble cull market eaten 'ode and mat4l biniCY body and meat, 6 set lumber ailieela, I net hotly enuela, 4 coo her geam 1 tot of gear. one horse, I morticing machine for manic lot hubs with toll eel of to do, I paint mil l, pent. and ' , Manna' trimly. 'nick benches md bench scree, clamp s and hand murema, Malleable limn, scrimr, tons of Iron, I the bendur, and blacken/ins tools of emucret every description, all of which may be found at out old place of bunnem. A. E. HAWLEY. GEO. H. LATti HOP. Moran" reb rtb, A Chance to Make Money. TMONTISOSE SALOON Is for bale, 8011,114 lad %IL— A Alm, • Home sad Lot on Plank Road. FL R. DITNILORS. = NEW GOODS-. JUST OPENING. D ELL ,t itiai n tri u roireri pA y ee, s. Booka, and a vied variety or Notions BI Gburrb Peolrotst. Masse Hymna, Diaries, Albums, arid Good Books for Presmta, de., Ste. Joss opened Ind tarsals by J. LYONS do SON. Montrose, Derember lb. lE4C—if NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS H 9 Ha HALL & CO ® 34 Conrt street, Binghamton, N.Y., have constantly on hand tam °taw& adapted to the F... Tti•na, of that otr&uaaportailoo, . GLASS-WARE, LAMPS. TOYS FOR THE HOLIDAYS FANCY GOODS FOR ALL TINES. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, WOODEN-w ARS, CUTLERY, LC. bcrchsnta.ill b' It S". Ymkj . g b VETI. a co Marbemtan. N.Y. December 1564.—iy SCOTT'S POPULAR REMEDIES These medicines are trarrantoll if mord lIISCOTININZ to direction. Try them and I t not ratrstsctory return one WI the medicine and the monevirtll be reltaded. I have sold thouvala of bo Ulu, but none have returned. SCOTT'S CHOLERA COME This machine la composed of Ottm and RoOtS, and causer an lin. nacd!nto reaction In the sprain. and Is llama= to all. It ttaa bean arrl to Use SPOTTED FEVER. In nwillyer of COM nod proved egyanal, Pull illrectlacs on ech bottle. r SCOTT'S SANATIVE CEINATE. It to competed of eeptables, and to eattrelt barmiest. 'Price larentytee ectda • toe. Does 60:—We bees had ample opooltentty of tcltbt the Ott tee of foot Caste fat many yowl, and God It u you recommend B. and we Caul oe heinalOa fn recommending tt to the potatle. L. W. lIIINGLIAIt, M.D boo Milford. CALVIN C. NALMYY, M. D.. Alontwee. Wm. H. rum. M. D., Willmsbarte. Idemmtactured Bemtton, Pa. and for ale by • .11. BULLARD. teorarose. W.O. WARD BON, New billiard 111A Feltpringelße. Saiitoo. Dee. Mb. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. H. H. pEtuaaps, formerly of Susquelmons Carroty, Pa, her oferood AtBUST, b Weafnillo. HU curbs County. SO. Ho has on band, led for ado. a number at FINE IMPROVED FARMS etsbins to =Am will IMO portly:dor description of the mormey, and • num of Lama by applying at Ina InnammtaMm Urarralueosr lioviroso or srldrorrthe the mbscriber, 11. MUM. Wearlak9lr =7*o 3 . rib. ea. um-is P. B. CU6IDLtB. MONUMENTS, id HEAD - STONES, =I and finlited In the bed Oui of a Super or Quality of Marble. MIMI FOR DYSENTERY, CHRONIC DIARRHEA, CHOLERA If ORBUS, BOWEL COMPLAINTS, CRAM PS, COLIC, NERVOUS, BILIOUS, AND SICK HEADACHE, SOURNESS OF TUE STOMACH, COLDS AND COLD CHILLS. FOR BURNS, SCALDS, OR SCALD DEAD, FROSTED FEET, INFLANIED EYES, WOUNDS, OLD ULCERS, ORAPPFD RANDS, INDOLENT TUMORS, SPRAINS, DRUISEB, PILES, CORNS, &C. A WORD TO THE WISE. WHILEIXR & WILSON'S. The Best Family Sewing Machine MADE, ArIS NOT A SHUTTLE MACHINE,JZEI But makes the Lock Stitch. THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE LS DECIDEDLY LV ITS FAVOR. The fact of there being moreof these Machines sold THAN OP ATTESTS ITS SUPERIORITY For further particulars call upon the AimMt when the =lima tty Ira of machines an on exhibition. Puller. that have toed other ac called Standard Idaehlr.en have MMEiMSEMEI EVERT MACHINE WARRANTED TO GIVE ENTIRE I=l For several rimserna It recommends Itself above gl othcn. 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch ; alike upno both ddes, work ing equally well on ri ik, tin en, ',twice. and cotton gooth-seam Ing, gathettu, bet:mime. felling. cording, and braiding. S. Strength of seams that will not rip nor ravel. 5. The mod simple In contraction of say two-threaded machine In use ; therefore lewt halide to get out of impair. 4. Sews without the we of • shuttle, thereby doing away with moth qumbersome machinery, sad the trouble of regulating the tension of the under thread. 5. 1412414 al • greater weed than n Wattle machine pasalbly ma. These nisch iota with all the new Improvements, warranted and delivered In Monirese, at Ifenufacturte: prices The best of /thug Itgrammosa given. One on triune= In use In lthntrose and vitally. Motarcao, J.. 10.1645.-4! U.B. 740 LOAN. By authority of the Secretary of the Trosury, the unfleratoect has aosansed the General Bnker:4l.ton Agency for the is of United States Treasury Note', bearing seven and three tenths per cent. In. terera, per annum, known as the SE'M'EN-THIRTY LOAN. The. Note.... Waned ur.der date of August 10. 16610uad are pay ehle three years hoar that time, In currency, or are irouvertrble eir the option of the boider Into 11. S. 5-20 Six per cent. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These bonds em no. worth a preantom of nine per cent. Includ. lag gold Interest from Nov., which makes the actual peon on th. 7,30 lean. at corrent rates. Including Interest. stout ten per and. per antinm. besides Its exemption from S.ate and municipal tans Om. whtch adds from one to three per cent. more according to Ito rue levied ott other property. The Interest Is payable serniaram ally by coupon 011110.1.1 to auto, cote. erhlch may be cut off and told to any bank or tanker. The Interred amounts to Oue cent Der d.. 7 on • E note. cents •• COO Ten .4300 •• 41000 •• Note or all the deoomituttlinis rimed trill he promptly foroLth ed own receipt of sutecriptioa. This Le wn.:rwrm7...m. , l DOW offered by the Go vernment. and It la coutklently expected that Its superior advantages will make u the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE Leas than aNgtOro,ooo remain unsold. which will probably be din veered of within the newt GO or 90 dap, when thenotes will undoubt edly command a premium, as has unlformly tout the case on en tug the enbautptloee le other Lama In order that citizens of every town aced section of the country ooy he lawded factlltin for tatlne the limn. the National Banta •nd Private Bankers throughout the country have generally were to receive subscriptions at par. 6obevtbera .11l select their crwt agents, to whom they have confidence, and who only an to be re. wonstble for the delivery of the totes for whlch they nodes or den. JAY COOKE, brircatrrios Aozsr, £lllLvlelplila. BubscripUose will be received by tbo Firm Natlo=l Bank of Scranton. First National Bank of Pitasban. =MI Rest " " Honesdale. Montrose, Feb. 27th, 1543.-amoe ntemational fire Insurance Company OF NEW-YORK. Office, 113 Broadway CIE CUM ON MN DOM, CHARLES TAYLOR, President " HAMILTON BRUCE, Vice-President. OLIVER DRAKE, Acting Secretary. STHOU D, Agent Montrose. January 16.150.-1 y WHEEL HEADS ! WHEELS AND REELS. ATarttUa ;Il b flnd the eee.f ehl " l!.° " WWI b ' . " • " Ziltu.s on' twee named the su t.e` at hb shop In Sayre's Fourlly " . or on ' S. B . Sayre BrotheraMtheb Store In Montrose. Flax Wheels. Wool Wheels, Clock Reels and Wheel-Heads! Wholesale and Retail. Bas Wheels and Heads that can posalhlyZr r l n l i Az u w ad emti tide warranted If properly used. Montrose. January 1. nats. N. B.—Repairing done on short notice. C. M. 0. A./VCSPI - IMUt NEW FIRM. COX & MEEKER frthe Alt with liat tered r .' tbesZ and are l om atoll litht rbollara, w Bridle. d' and Marth, Whlps, ere, Sm. Mae Whiles, tomi utast, call and see them. Repairing Promptly Done. Thankful for :may favors from a kind palalle, we hope to mall their generova patronage In the fhtnre. We occupy the shop for. lorry 7 W. de,:;ill y L Coo it. 0. MILIKER. If ontroee, January 9, 1815 -3m. AT SMITH'S. Tribtint Aimsnac for 15 6 3,.. Om Grant • Spy. Om. licelellaa's rromine. The Pleket Slayer 4°15• Waerlingtorio Vistas. (nadaraed by Eelarard Everetl.).... 040. NEW MUSIC. Agent to receive gobaerlptlong to the SOLODIMIEVIS CASKET. WOODEN END BRICK BLOCK. Montrose, Jan. MI. 186 S. ABA. MASA NOTARY PUBLIC, GREAT 13 In2TD. TAKER wkwiledidcomta of Deeds. 1.?4_ _OUser stromeaks car any Ital. or 'Pennon,Pay C%-n.omtes and Pennock Vanehers acknowledged before /dm d, cws mums tin Mate od Ismik of the COl4ll. Mee with 5. Cnnbro. Dn. who Is a ed Plano" Borrow mow AMP , Irpma Bond, Voh. Mh 1/4..0 FOR PULE OR RENT. ai:Oall In South auburn locatella co4itl rumba maim Tema very lav lbe ar Dan4C 2 ol: l 'PAP W 8 ; r• 4M/11(114L vivirsom. Ayer's Sarsaparilla .\\\ / r t s u t=irstmet eit . L• i / olkorsobilinest Ottllvaalw — Z troth, paean So on on* ~,v,ee r oo •tel 0 1../. thal !WWI/ sor dl insi Summ. •, , .I . rtas ta repalcd to cam Mb • ,z 4 "ik.. , . , remedy io softly MOM by thou mho rune from Birtonoos ma. ------ -",-...- ' 4 b, Mmes. Wear s -------- ,- ..- , oornolind WO ears roxrd oid \•-.....:,..- • this Ms of tromoomarvita to fLY I do It Omer arum lespehooat ---• on moot' 0 1 too oral mom to be round lathe Collating eacs: , Sendldorortdono thodlhdo sod dorm !kin Mord firlls,letter or danricorad a rta l". ad by A rno or =Mow Is oxylie t d is frooo tbiarl 17 Uwe panulye health. Female Memo arliesaned by derothisto tbablcoOmittortoftits soon cored by tkdo Erraocr 07 Rootinaltia. . Do not dlesol th is limb:table thealebtet Wealth MI bars bars Imposed upon by exwableg pretendle•to be fanaparilla tens It tree oot. when you bets teed Listes-theo. awl not WI Wes. sail tot! know the Ames of Bareparilla. For mime feetteattosof the deo taes It will cols we ref* you to Ayres Amebas • litesse. wbieb rho west below owned lehli fentlab pstlito all wbo Cantor IS, • rare Owroarno Pert; The the ems of thathlteeK Jthlethe. B . 13 M ft i t aI la i 7t from i t= l et=a or Morbid InacUon of ;go 804114 Ylatelerey, Lox ef • Wet DomPletW.. thopsy.Warms Goat, Nsoralgla.stallbra - Viszei PM. They are ROI C 0141413... that the mod etraftlee eta tab the pleassatly. snd they L 5 the bet aerial la the weeder anew punx•e. of: htforjhateli voti A MI N I 1 :1 MONTaIk sod Iow :1 1 1 . =ses . in MAMA everywhere, Montrose, January '% 18610-era. Real Estate Agency ! THZ understood have formed a parhowshW sad spurned ea if. flee for the ;meets" sale. tad rental of reeleetalsts the ty of flownebsans. Ps, mad In shall to Mike It for U. Went of 01 who dedre either to welvaeote or nret real e it illo.= us it call. We dodge to yin all thaw both to Ns. York and Nem Jena, bow irtuwat Moe wet of the peewee who buy lands to thla weedy. lar. Mode ill sett:doted thwiwboattheecrtutty and miller* the Wittesi gg = ed to la Ms whole ettaltton. We have Seve Hand. sultanlfer &hyingral Farms on trorpotes. The Izmir past of Qui perebiell money i outrun fora term of rms. minas Intnataltmente. No. I,—Xel saes of bud In Forme Lake. the tIOPTOII4 POI dwelling hove, etz harm well ototentel. au] VIII mewl 111=1 SD to 65 cows. Co umlaut to mottlngs, school; and rtdishad. A Large part of the purchase money an rumen for awake of pun. No. 0.-115 iota of land to irnmtun. (11PaithllIeJ 134 'Nth UN' proved, well watered, two dwelling house, two barn; Oatrunthat to meeting, schoo4 and acre. Well Nuked for delve 4111192104-. Pad of the purchase money ma tango for a auk. aflame. No. 4.-191 acne of land In it 100 improved, well .armed ant fenced, good new dwelling house a l beam! and deed. cut timber upon It seledmt to fence the whole Wm fbr par; Two and • half mile. from Dluseek Owner; and flu m from Montrose. mo Two thirds of the purchase money cm readin fOr • ger. k' N o o f .7sM7 amm of °A.,. Bridg and ewatetawmhth a M meld then Montrom s imroved. a good nerw ' dwelling hOme, how, 11 Dirty-het she ds. a go od grafted orchard. mill watered. OW hen of the purchase money cat remain for a ntunbelteireanholconot opts cho_promtwx. N O A-- 103 win... Nude in addrewther. two Ewe, Dom Mon. crow. 40 acres improved, goal tem dweller house, tame/id cath od. One-third ofthe purchase money dawn. and the Wanes la I, 0. 11,14 and 6 Tun. No. 7.—dltuale lu the tommhip of Pored Lake. four edits from Itoutrme. A dal Mtge— the boom. 164 mom. OVIr 140 " = " ar'r rollfr good running " = " ,and cider mill, roloig by water, milk house, Ac. Terms : Onekalf of the purtheee Money down, the balatme to en annual payment; No. 8.-116 mew of land In Heald tosnehlp, 190 aerse . M e r. d i food &mill i C . mliz,:w g oood o tem; of home, line , o o schoors :71% orretho ' es, and ash be coodutti l eivand and moth uto two farm; Teem: One-half down. balance to turalimenta. No. 9—Altuate to the tower/Lip of Jame, nom miles from Moat. rose containing d sly acre; forty-eve Improved& good hmee, hon e • crafted orchard. and a ury fine ergar bush. onmeolent too Mama; and KM; Onobalf of the porehase money dud; the ,aburce can be paid to four equal payments No. 10,—Fatnate In the township of Nem lelfted. OrdeSSMIAIIO mom—Macro Improved ; two mem from the Batoast or New Milford, and about - deny rods from the Lukewarm and Western kall Read; well watered with springs ; good bulldog; and a Noe earth; orelard—• grove of chestnut upon the prudes Natalie for im or letterset, poles—a school house in the Immediate withal d omM:rot ctrarohos within two mita. lOC acres Dom the term vr , Wld if the purchuer should not want th e ; whoth. terms le. No.ll germ adlcdelng the Village of learqueturtad Depot. m the 91,9 T. k Erie Nell way. one of the moat coomloolot theme e 7,1E7 from which to ..l l milk In the Olthge. Nrlll keep 111 ows. teams to work tha farm. There are about T 304 us= aol oil the farm. 'Forth 400 each, bathes a puiltity of t d... aes word within • mile of the veep ; two good dwell as m eve bow: and new mill, There's also on the farm a ere paint race, and a paint DUI In podruntank order ; two Goo d No less then ter parempr tease leave the dent . m mtnertring ma• to make mosey the tom Is ow of th e mad dedubl• In lie northern pert of the EWA J. P. W. RILEY orteusiaLvi a gc.77 Jarman 18 11114.—tt Illzatroes 1188888888118 Co. vs. Fire and Life Insurance I F. B. CHANDLER, 131 ea civil I FOMPABIZE. awl is Low Itz a=l/ DRESS C 3-0 0 DS, Shawls, Balmoral Skirts, Cloak lags, Hoods, Nutdas, dm &0., AT ItZDUCIED MOM JUST BECIaTED AT Domestic Goods, Prints, Flannels,Olotbs, Oassimeres, Jeans, &0., READ. WA/TROUP. et POST/R'& OEM I= CROCKERY AND CUTLERY. & YLVE ASSORTAIENT JIM RECEIVED AT READ, WARTROIIB & FOSTER% GROCERY AND SALOON. 11111 submit:ere continue their Menem at the old Btand an Hale Aunt. where those who sire us their pettenese .111. vert 4nut. native sun trainmen se will sere them to call unix We nave bestowed parloalsr attention to fittha op am LADIES' SALOON! sod ewe foredsh.ll deared.privele rooms to LADIES and 0101- 11.101221, or for Luna alone= Genic= slow. RtFRESHMENTSI Amon caw f edibles can be fond Oyame,Cleane. END IBM teak limed Beef. o ßeenteek. Mediae Chops. Melo= to 5557 kewn hot °mild. Pickled Tongue. Lobster, audlnes, mantling the market sdbrda. In the way of dente, we 1%1 ... rennin except spixitacens or el. abode beverages. Our melt I eon In of the beet quality end merrented pure. Alto Domestic Cider. dersepwille., mom Water, Smell Beer, at. Ice Cream In summer. We hove Bettered the eemiees of s Intends Cee and nava verillehts wetland to sullen meet eilviabledtesiss. CONFECTIONERY. We have on hand the Itt g eri Met of Confollonerysta .o 3 ado the County. We en tvmlh, el wheinole or Le this line that may betiDed for, sad as neap mein be enywhers. Tobacco and Cigars ! Chewing &red anti ug Totem* of • minbned.end Clitenear cry quality, from s" cent greh"to the dent favored Henna. Cirrocoaeariesso. Our stock of Grocerrissesa% be Male pert of to. atior for quality end lowness of prtee,_not *nestles Binithamton. • erilffundsh Flour. Salt. Boger, Moleines. Cafes, Tesatsh,Obelie, deign Yin end manilla* le that line of the best walitni. IS eny quantity from one pond to • ton. Our endeavor will be to plane ell who nay fens es 5110 thete ostamagapiedging means to ninon deal and to Us ettisin One Price System s 1! L. LEST Monroe. Dentabsr VALUABLE BEAL MATZ FOR SALE. vabrable boaber and wood lot In Lathrop township, =ir e n county, Pa., motabdam abmn SOO acres. with • good Wore and Pun thereon, and about 100 acres Ingram. On MU prop. *My. la tel geed marmlll and latb.mlll, capable of cutting 111= 4 lamber per year. Tee mormll f iordthin two mutts at sea; on a . h e D. L. VT. ItallA good nmi ram Umata% whole y There la wood and Imam eualigttOn It to pay for It Odes over.A tars ebance-wlll be told low. %MOO tatllla• ALSO tbs Wm Imam u the vllbmptlnt Rotarta Warm." In ohm% eiroming many, Pa- centalnlng Moot 400.01.111,114 WWI .ma; Nichols.; Marian. lyb4 on th e Taakkaamalt imam ; Meal 40 acres of tat land; the MP= up rand-4.m dmirable ALSO, • remade WO proeerty. one WA Rota bled .toll. 'Mks of Jones'. Lake, condatlng of • grldnalll and mem and tabout M mos of land, wttb the water power. The gebinalll mow o a good en tom budnocond la well adapted for marelmntwork. ALSO. a valuable them on mils from VontomyomtatlVll= . wo nose. Flay sera of chola; woad tend balms In rola farm is well fenced with goxt atom watt. wan mimed. walla aMO mats of coltivatlon ; fr astable of taming lamafatty be UM cows-a very Mailable property. ALISO. s hoots and lot In Ine - Il' eoegp of V Avaitagps dm Public Nam. The letrontahis (n IaSITI Plead. une • bun and e.Wee fell and Made tmat. , Tbo attention of those alsblng to mmMloa rad imitate Pt canal t• them propertfea, u Mayan all good and dealmdals ttnastomds at the plod sated for Mem. Where lertol wtu be clam. lm mak price& and other Infbnnatton, on. or address DMITZI. BIM", Planta, Luzern. CO, PL, V. V, ELAM AVM. Ilentreee. hasquelnana Co., P1a,2102.151X4,181.1.-tt • NEW FILM. wn.2oN, 0R17718 & WARP= lurm entered tmo & ar V, Fartnerdtp forth* wpm of relllog Dry Ormeralle Crockery, Hardemer, Iron sad stool, Uwe. endebook a. az th e Cienerelnadlng Wore yrrdamly ocrokaal WY. sou & 800. We revue:day 1011% the patronage of AY. =WM. JESI'. GRIM& F. it. waarcia. )(mire:al, Zanuary I,IBW. NEW GOODS... A LARGE ADDITION TO MY STOCK or Dry Goods and Clothing. tin C at law Evan. azulwlll sold c 204). Callawbie. tau. v. a. tin& NM= SPLEADID SYRUPS,• Green and Ground Coffee. SUGARS. &c., Awl nrantori sagl bl. ML Mt BOOK BINDING. AGAZIEIII. Beirepapag, SidglaUld Old j Uided. Ayoss idldsi a Jl2 . 14 ag. good &We h CRACKERS t TRRed. u O RON CAM rl it oprl fl, PROCURED BY A SPLENDID LINE OF READ WABTEOUB & FOSTEWI3 ALSO, A FULL ABSORTIMST OF r crown • fl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers