A fftcrg, Jan. 16, 1879 .... !I.lr nr heM on th fourth MondaT .Sniff. '' ltlr, 00nd ,Werf, r ill eomminiotiotts, tnisiner ttt AC., ""if . .n...i:nn eltntilil lift Aflilrnaantt Ths Vcmr, Mi.ltllouitrR. lvdr County, Pa. AtlviMiseinem r ...mirations Ac rmi ' liamleil . . I . ,,.,t Ia kn it PA liiant - l-aita, be in " """ jjocal Neww, Acq. ss LEWISTOWH DIVISION. tSWIftTOW !!. SlUD. !,. Eastwsso. MTB. Mllnl Mall tl,ni. I 1ft p.m 10.' i T '... Half. Aoenm LalaOorn T tit la or in lor 'i i in im 4 44 tlT ISI 44 UT 4M 01 I 5 4'41 14 140 4 14 II ftt 4 04 . M IM IM 4 11 ?l II IS tl 14 n t I t 4 41 T 14 III KM IM I It It! IU III lunar. ...ia pin ui ia ... V mm OS :iAA,POf Lien. IM I II l" fl B.TAVLOK, Superintendent r The Stisquohanna li rroion over from Frosted r, nosos, timid and feet Girti, foreswear flirting. It may lend .. I... . I... .1.1. OnMe bone all tell the same itory, I .1... im B M.M UlnlAtt The "cpiwoty" Ihm broken out a .i. - i l .. ir : -i Tlie nose U red, the lip are blue ; . . i . ii i . filth resumption comes the nn- (MINI WHIUUI. IIIHb UIJIJUpA-l 1UII. Villi! fllll. They have a kleptomaniac in Drail- ...I In II, n noun.. ,.r . ,....... 1 .1.. " p r p I e 1. I- . . . I. M -. .11, , i : 11 ..... I ..I . ill iicm n iiviiu'vi bud i:t?is m unatiiut-p The dedication of the M. E. Church t a .1! 1. ... I . . . ......... . I I I ip pr.llt in.t About 8 inches of snow full lust wenk nn inn ith-ib nnfi iiia p-pn.-i. ti I'M .p-pap...... i .i . .i i . m nv The Musical Convention 1iM nt n-iMiuru; mm wpnw, we lire Ullll, Will Herons in nil Lho won! imtilii-n Mr. Scott will Ki'ves'i inMrnm on it-xt Sunriuy evening. H'o advUo all The . ndjou rued Court nnnounred r j in. z a 111 iin.1 iiiuii fun . miriH-d ., i mo )rtti jlt-nilicrs of lie D.ir and piiriiei inteiented will A single dose of Hans' f'xprctoriinl ..:n ...I . ii . . ci r "j ---.pV' insert that in tliu lliouaund of ruHes il 1ms lii'nn iimi'iI It lin miviir vol fm ii1 to relievo nnd cure the wurtt of coughs, From all lectinns almmlnut evidence .1 . 1 P A . . I iippri-cutwl ami pn.orl, uml in spue or all opposition Ins won its way into fa vor as the best rough uicdictno. 23 ctf, At tliii time of the vcht when all are fornuutr good resolutions parents should not forget to add lliis one. Il'o wilt for tli coming yew buy all our children! fine shoos with the' A. 8. T. to., black tip upon them and see if it is true that by ao doing we can. reuueo our shoe tills more than one half. On Sunday hwt, a team of horses hitched in front of the residence of A. K. Gift, Esq., became ' frightened at a passing sleigh,' wheoled around, the post to which they were hitchedreat ly to the damage of the tongue, etc., proof die splinters that lay around. We see it stated that a bill hits been introduced in Congress to reduce the foes on money orders to five cents lor each order, and to make every post of fice a money order ofltee where the Hilary of the postmaster amounts to ax much as 1100 per year. This bill ought to become a law. George Similar a resident of Wash ington townshio hut wunlt was enurtor- cd In felling trees in the woods, when me lodgment of a tree he hd cut, in duced him to oliiub the tree which prevented the othor from falling. While cutting off limbs to dislodge the tree, he foil to the ground breaking both arms lu.a number of places. The following la a list of the appoint menu madobythe County , CimtnU loners last week with the salary died for each. Commissioners Clerk, J. P. Aurand. BAlaryfJOOj .attorney, L. N. Myers, I Jaultor, John 8tottlor, 30. ' The commission of the Oountv Treainros woa alto reduced to Si per cent. A party of young people from Mid dluburg and vlclnltv. last AVidav even' i"R started for Frcslmrg, to attend the Miuical Convention held at that place. A alnd with four horses atUohed J o, t-T'-X about 18 of the merry ' )l"l plotur it, think 8uperb the Sleighing. ' BifB Riniios..niong the many who have rrcenlly dunned the bine we are glad to see such names as, !Ien ry Eachtimn, and our tnlouted Dis. Irict Attorney, John II. Arnold. 8ny. der Omnty bids fair to be the banner Temperance Cour.ty. On Saturday the 11th, inst., John D. Rotnig of West iVcavcr twp., waa con siderably Injured by his loam sudden? ly starting, throwing l.int under tlm s'eish and dragging him for n number of rods. The horses ran for moro than two miles, before stopping. BVIl'cis & Oppenhcimer of Pellns grove will disolve partnership in a very short time and thereforo offer e traordiuary indaccnieuta. They are sclhnjf off thoir stock of clothing and furnishing goods at and below cost, call and see. W'q are pleased to loaJu that tho so ries of "Foreign Correspondence" let ters which have been (or are being) published In The 7W, are probably to be revised by Mr. Ilnrchard and pub lished in book form in the Spring. It is also his intention to organizo n so loot, limited company to tnnko the tour of Europe, covering tho ground or his correspondence, during next July and August. As ho has already boon over this routo twice, his experience will be of value to thoso who go with him, Those of our renders who care to know more of his plan for summer travel, either for tlicmse.ves or their friends, can receive a pnmphlnt con taining a full account, to be issued in January, by addressing O. R. BUU CIIAItD, Ktute Normal School, Fre donia, N. Y. Rkmkmiifb tiir Poor. Tne nowsfla-. pers all over the Suite Imvo taken up the cry, "Remombcr tho J'oor." It behooves thoso charitably disposed pcoplo, who are blessed with abund.mt means, to remember tho words of the Saviour, "for ye have tho poor with you always," and act promptly and en ergetically on tho limit contained in these words from the divine lips. There will bo much suffering amous he poor the present winter, evnn if overy possible effort is mado to relieve their wants. That a failure to make these exertions, on lho part of thoso posseimiiig the ability, will augment tlii snllciing in an incredible degree, ihere can bo no doubt whatever. Tlieicfore, let every one give to the extent of his Ability, bo it over so lit tin. Little drops of water make the mighty ocean, and many little streams of charily, uniting in ono body, will lorni a reservoir, from which the wants of the (li-Kerving poor can be supplied during the whole Winter, upon which wo hnvo entered. "Remoiuber the poor." I'uion li iliii'i Socii'ii of Went liravtr Tuu n.ihtp.-TUe teachers of the Chorea and Calpetxer schools, with the citizen A., t'.'. . . . ni ino iiistiii'i, are very H'lccc-slul in holding dilating societies. Tho for me.' had several ineetiii's in the Church .School house without having it fully cirgauizd. The meetings weru well conducted and the titizons well pleased ns well as the subject well dis-' cussed. Hut some of tlu citizens, who had not yet learned to hclmvo them selves, made the teacher some trouble. So they agreed with the latter to unito with them unJ make a full organiza tion. They then met in C.ilpet.er School house and organised. Mr Wil son Zieber, teacher of tho Church school, who wns president in the .be ginning, was agreed to leave in ouice, also James Wagner as secretary. K. C. Walter wasappointed treasurer. Af terwards the subject Resolved, that a man will venture furthor for the love of woman than for men, that had been appointed the foregoing evoning, was discuosed and decided on the ndlrma- live side. After tho question was ap pointed for the coming evening. Re solved, that there is more beauty iu art than nature, we adjourned to meet in Calpotzer'i School huuso on the 13, of this month. C. T. W. Tha Temperance Meetings- The apocial effort of the friends of Temperance in this place, closed last Monday ove after eight successive night ly meetings. Beginning J.nduy evo ning, Jan. tith, in lho basement of the Lutheran CUurch.lt was fouud neces sary to .occupy the Court-fouso, and the attendance and interest increased nightly. Sabbath oveuiug tho audience was to largo a to till not only the body of the room, but also tho gallery and space within the bar. On this occa sion, the crowd was swelled by a slod load' of Mends from Selinsgrove, among then. II. T. Parks A'sq., who being called on, addressed the audience in an able and impressive manner, Itov. Ilainei led in devotional exurol- sos. Messrs. J. itassinger, J. V. AVhocli F. E. Jtowcr, J. II. Arnold and Rev. I. Irvine made addresses at various limes. Many signer have boon added to lho Roll of Honor,' increasing their num ber to about two-hundred. On tho last evening, Monday', Jan. 13, a unanimous Jvol of thank wa tendered to Aaj. Scott by the logn audience, who also by a unanimous vole extended to the Speaker a hearty invitation to revisit pur place at an early day. Maj. Scott will lector on Temperance Has- slngor'i Chureh next Dahbath veiling, Jan. 10th, at tha request of fileuJx from thatnelghborhivod, Tha true men and womo of our County are awaken r to the ney tf pereintent and :.'.3'""tr Air' j t.a fjrthr . ' ' f- Ptettlvr's Cointit Band, of this place sUirts next mondny, to attend tho in auguration ofUov, Joyt, at Harris burg. PABAABAPAJPA v fMMWHH . The Iiiurel Wreath Heater, manu factured 1 y the Slifer, Walls (.- Hnriner mnnufaeturing (Si. of .ewislmrg Pa. which we have recently set up In our house, proves to be a very superior ar ticle j in fact it far exceeds our expec tntions. We can heartily recommend these heaters to any one desiring a good stove. " Advice to Skater. I. Never try to skate in two direc lions at once. It always cuds in sor row. If. Eat a few apple for refreshment stvke while skating, nnd be euro to throw tho cores on the ice. 8. Sit down occnsionallr, no matter where. There is no law to prevent a new beginner from sitting down where he has an inclination to do so. 4. When you meet a particularly handsome lady try to skate both sides of her at once, This Is very pretty and sure to create a sensntiiin. 5. Skate overall the small boy nt OfiCft 0. It you skate into a boh in the ice take it colly. Think how you would feci If the wnter was boiling hot. 7. Ii your skates are too slippery, buy a new pair. Keep buying new pairs till you find a pair that aio not slippery. 8. In silting iltwn dot gradually. Wt be too euJdeu you might break the ice. 0, When you fall headlong examin lho strsp of you skates very carefully beforo you get up, 10. Wear a heavy overccnt or clonk till you get thoroughly warmed up, and then throw it oft" and let lho wind cool you. II. After you get ho that you can skato tolerably well skate three or four hours-ekalo frantically skalo liil you enn't stand up. Trip Around Wisahicken Falls. A short timo ago we visited Phila delphia and put up at the Merchants' House 4M Jt 4ir JV. ;!d. St. kept by Henry Spahn. The reasonable rales, ample nccunininilaiions nnd generous iiohiu nm v oi ino proprietor have inaile this a Mmi-chin old nnd a favorite lopping place. lnrinir mir slay Mr Vpiihn ordered his mngnilli-ent i-oncli nnd spnn of licautiMtl ijriiy for n trip i round VVisnliii-lieu Fulls. "Wm. Van flceiier. Fq.. H'eriH Bolonder, Then. Swineford, W. Fumc-worHi ami the I'M it or tf.this pnier, by iuvitiilion. seat ed theinseli'es in tha coach. Mr. S drew up the ribbm-.s with the band of an cxpsrl and nwav wo dashed over hill nnd dale ut a speed. We lur ried lonir enoiiuh to take a icv of the Fulls the country nlong tl route was romantic the repartee of VanCeeer and Spnhn made llie spiriti of the party run high. Every thing tended lo make the trip a decidedly pleasant ono and the clever ..ropn.'-iur of the iho .Vcrchanto' will long live in our memories. Chamber.' Vv li.po.lt:. f r.ng Ma P.llt'iiiiure. Brief bi.)gra)hics of all noted British or nierieiiu mil hois, from earliest limes to tho present, with specimens from their writings, making a work not only thoroughly entertaining and useful to all inlellie.ent readers, but ne arly indispensiblo to people of cul ture. Tho newly revised and beautiful edition contains over 2,'KHI p.irs, and the entire work, in eight handy vol umes, is furnished, freo of express or mail charges, for 1200 in paper, $3.1)0 in cloth, or $4 50 in half inurocro. The publisher sell only to subsciiliers di rect, instead of giving dealers and a gents the usual ,50 or 00 prr mil. din count to sell lliem, which accounts fir the remarkable low prices. Fnecia! in duccments are offered to those sending early orders. Specimen pages with full particulars, sent on reouest bv postal card, by the puMishnrs, the Amkuican Book E.xi iiasck, M Beck man street, New York. R. F. Kiinkel's Dittor Wine of Iron. Has never beta known lo full la tho our or weiikn4. siinmleil wit Is syiup lomi, loilipnailina lo rxeni.in, loitof memory, illliiouliy mt hrrsibiag, enerl weaknras, liornir of di.'e, weak, ner voiia ireuikliug. drea lful borrnr nf death, nigbt swtata, cold feet, weakness, dim neaa of vision, languor. uuiforA.it U,,i. luds of Ik musoular systetn, enonuoua appaiile. wiitj dyspeplio aynlern. hot I, amis, fluihinf of lb body, dryness of lbs skin, pallid eounlanaiio and erup tion on tb fitae, punfyin lbs bljj I, pain in Ib back, heavlnos nt lb eyelids, fre quent blank spol flying brfor lb yes. wiih temporary aufluainn snd lot of slfibl, waul f nitemion, io. Tb ra- ptoiui all aria from wikno. and lo veaicdy tbsl, us B. F. Kiinkel's Hitler Vila of Iron. Il never fail. Tbouaand r onw enjoy I n boallb who bav uaed il. Ufl lb genuine. Hell onlv la SI tiol- lies. Take only K. P. Kunkel . Ask for Kunel Liner Win at Iron. Tbis truly Valusbl tonlo bas been to ibornuabl lid by alloiasaes nf ihe ommunliy that II I now deemed India- prnssbll a a Tonlo mediaiii. It ootlt but lull, pnrillet lli blood and the lour lo lb iiomaoh, reaovst lb teul aud prolongs lit. I bow only ssk a trial of tlilt valiisbl lonis. I'riv! pr boillo. E. F. KU.NKlL. Hoi t'rnprieior No. North Mmb Vlrl, below Vine, I'biladidpbU' Fa, Aak for Kunkel' Hitter Vim of Iros. ad Ink ao oiber, A 'boiorapi of lb proprietor en task wrapper, all othtrt sr aouatarfstl. Uewar of oouolerfell. Da not 1st soar druil sell jou any but Kuukel's wblob is put up only as abut rruid, Vnu eaa Kl sia tiolHe for Dv dolUr. All I ask I an simpl trial, Tape Worm Removed Alivo. Ilad and all eoniplel la iwo hours. No ls llll bad uar. 81, I'la sod isiomach .Worms riuimil by Pr, Kunkel, ii,H n una Mm a vrei' Adsis lr, N Fr uaill kd anil all paw la on, sad ll. l)r, Kunktl I lb oaljr an, eeuful phydolau la ilu umry lor tb reuioval of Woruia, snd kit Woria Myrup ii ptwsasi sail ii for sbii4ra ar grow Hrwii, Hsd for slroalar, sr aak far a boitl f tuakal' Wvrat fyrap. Fries .a i"sr per Kuil. CA It f year arug 'JM UafM falU. ' , r 1 . AocSanaer. Goorjre II. Hneken burg, of MiddWreek,' P. 0., would an nounce fo the people of Snyder coun ty, that ho will cry sales for real nnd personal properly, at short notice and on the most reasonable terms. lie guarantee satisfaction. fMor.15.77n. IIIHIII ! II Inaplisof flpinn.-t, enuglis and eolil. will mills a loltmt.nl in llm sjrsltm. 11 n t iher sr not Irnanl al will. Ynu eon ili"ponss I hem with llilr'i tlnnsy of M rrhound unJ Tsr, la It-s tiins llinn It Uken tlirrilT lo sXiouts a writ. 8ulil by all Iriigiis. .1'iks's Toothsdb Drop tare In 1 OllllUlf. Twenty-llve large sixo Perfumed Chromo Motto Cards, . no two alike, wilbnam in gold, post paid ten con ts. Mddrcs O. B. Mlchncld, Litchfield, 111. Pleaso slate what paper you saw this advertisement in. "Oir Xrteantl A'twAnf 1,17 Prrfumf" is the bel nnd cheapest perfume ever of fered to tho public: for perfuming wear ing apnnrel, letter paper, ele.. elo. It is everlasting, and gives to linen, leltor paper, end whatever else yon may wish, a most re lined nnd plen"entodcr If placed in a drawer, no mailer whnl be tho contonts, it will become redol ent in lcs than !2i) minute. Mailed. pfwlngo free, to any address on rcce eilil i. II. of lho price, W cent. Addres- O, L'L-hlield, Litchfield, Illinois, a 11 d please state wiuii p""r vim saw this ounce in. A (irnminnl eiiista ssrs 1 I lit hren nOrrfr on aorount or liter mn urinsry fliliiouliio", hnvmg p. In Ir, ib bmik, with a sinpnr, no amliiiiin, drown) f,.linj iinaMo 10 silvml lo bn-lnrs.) with any do grro ef em i-raei ino.. Ilol now, I 11 in bp V lossy, by inking K. K. TUoairisoii's lli rusmti, am a cluing". I nun. Tilusvill. Pa., My IH, S?7. for ssU by Jolio A. Mom, MiJJIcburg, I's. W'ririht' Hnint. ,S,ii nnd IhtmhufT Cnmiuwl" I'm ces heavy Mimtache 01 lltimU 011 lho ionioilu'l lacs in from JO lo ill) ilsvs. It nfvrr tails. No po-nihto In Joiirji 10 lbs -kin. Kaslly orplirJ ami certain in elTvel. It will slso rcmovn Uninlriilf anil prrvent !tiiHn.. nm poid nsriu lor una roiniionml. r.-r psokzs. post fii, co 11 In. Two park s(pr 40 eeiii. AJJn-M U. U. Litchfii'M, bilcbfleld llltniiia. Pltnst slots in what piper yn .nw ibis adtt rtuuuicnt iu. Bert. an. '7. ly. P mw Live Agents Wanted. 7'o sell Dr. Chase's Recipes ; or In formation for everybody, in every county iu tho United'Stalei mid Cami llas. Enlarged by the publisher toiilS panes. Il cotilains over 'M)t lioiisc iiold recipes and is soiled to nil classes nnd conditions of society. A wonder ful book nnd a household necessity. It sells at aitfht. (Ireatcst indiu'emeius ever uUered to book ngcr.tn. Saniile copies sent by mail, postpaid, for Jij.ti, Exclusive territory given. Acenls inure than double iheir money. Ad dr.s Hr. t'liHse's Slcaiii i'rinting niise, Ann Aibor, Micliian. Oct. lnh. 7s.;i", w. Ci:i.iNsauovt; 1.1 riiouici; maiu;i;i W hen! per bushel ll'e Ho ('urn do Oatu ilo I'lovoreed per liusliel Tinmti sent Jo (Itickwlnal Uo KlHinreJ ilo lr.iut.s it 1'iitiiii es J 1 I'liner per pnunj Kftiis cr iloiun Tnlluw t luuuj l.iml I'liirries Hn-Jc.l Oherrlei Ul.iuklierrivs l('hrrii-s iirled A, I'-S IIhiu Shniililer Siil llsoiin, Sl'lna I'lir-liijils 1 r limlml Mm:H'rk do I'lii'J I'csobei rureJ l'a 1'oai CIicsIiiiii eonl t. 5 ' hi in! 01 6 lu 7 OS tJ.'l .1 1 to 2 (in 1 8ilto Oo ! MAUItli:i). (In lb M im-t., by Rev. W. A Hit.. Alheri Uuod lo Mias Adi Siiitauiaa, bolb of Monro Towuebip. Do Hi Utb lut at McCl u re. bv Rev. J. M. Trio. Mr. Jobn L Lun and Mm Mary MoClcoabsu, both of Mifflin Co. P. On lb sain day, by Ike sain. Oner McMunnwHt. of llirrisbtirs. lo Mm tiallie C. Fisber, of Freaburi. Deo. 21, al lb M. K. pamoniae. by lb llev, K, 8 warn, Albert Jalnisjn nf Nortbumbrrland and alias Muggi II. Itboad of Selintgrove. Peo. I'), by Samuel fcboll. E.. per- oil Reicbrnh.tob and Mi.'S Aoisoda Kcitrr both of Washington Twp. l)s. 8. Jo. I'utera of Uupblu Co.. and Mis IU i bariiia FiUluger of Cbapaiau Twp., KnyJer Co. Deo. 2:!, Coma Rie and Miss Mollis Nelii, bolU of Cu pin so. Deo. S!D, Juaepb I.epley, Jr.. of near Kraiierville. SnyJor Co., an I Miss Flor- uii Is. rilsoa of Milroy, MiiHia Co. Jan. Uib, 187!). al lb rai leno nf lb brid parent by lit. I Ireiu, Mr. M. L. Moan and M. Auili Wi.Uu Bjr, Our bl wiiiies go with lb young eoupl and w bop ibat la ibeir ess it may aot b "loret labor lost," Jan. 9. by Rv. V. A. lias. JoUa Usek- nburg and Mia Mary E. Keraleiiar, bolb of Middleburf . We did not gel any of lb wedding oak bul Ik young eoupl bit our congrat ulation, wlib an rnral bop ibat life to tbeiu many pro si plestsal a il aow promises to bs. jii:i. Al Ccairevill. Duo. ii, j4oe, daughter of ! aud 8arab Dre, gd 0 years. At 8liagro, Jn. tat, 1S7U, Samuel Flaber, agd about Ut) ar. Io Ctntr Tp., Nov. 8 Mary aged v. 2a UJ.No. itil. Birth, aged r. 1Q, 4d , aud Ue. S4, Alio M aged tj. loia. d., all shililrea of tmanuel flas aaaa who wif dltd aly a sborl llm befoi lb blldra. Jan. Oik, la l'fa Iwp. David lUrtuan, igd fyr. 8m o sad 11 days, Th deo'd, kot fstbsr Joka, eaaif rlglaally fr Uklgk CH but latterly Irom tluf ale valley. bora la Paa twp,, o lb Sftik day of April ITUd a4 lluucd I lit ibr aalll all drpsnurs Asm kl II f. II wa a sturdy tea of toll, kiaii-Uvtag, krl4tly, gtasrsa ! kind, d rv. -1 a fastlly kUdrt. 19 grt-l. AfVClp! amv"wrMrniiaiwifm(ami- clinsjrrovc, E'n,. will Dissolve i'tirtncrsliip, Jan. 3, 1S7SI. Their Large Stock HUST .and WILL BE RE DTJCED, if tlio goods must be sold at a Tho Largo and Complete Stock now on hand -illbeNOIl AT YOUlt OWaN I'ltlCliS. ami consist of a 1 I'LL LINK uf READY-MADE CLOTHING, orMICN', llOVMsn'l YOUTHS, PANTS, VESTS, nnd COAT3 in enilles vuriuty in all nt vies, color nnd l'ricoi. OVERCOATS AT COST anil tinder 'A full nnd com jdcto lino tf HATS CVIS. UTJ)i:ii WUAll, IIoi mo Ileitis,! lllanlc 4..MM, Triihlfw, A'nlU?4M, 1 Tiiilti-ollaM mi l GENTS FURNISHING GOODS IN GENERAL. Wo Imvo everything kept in a Cifd-dnfH Clothing Store, niul will edl every ni tide, without rcsirvo VI'' IIOAKT M i .'oii t , Jli4':ii4M- thnn enn bo bonht in this ccclion 0.' Hie Mnto. ncmcmbor vc nro Bellinjj nil our in order to closo out tho ikl firm. Como ut onco fur IJAIUI.VINS. Ituuiciubci' thul wo menu jnht wliut wo fifty. l.cfpcttully, Oct. 21, 187. H A R N E S S.i MMU' cndcisine I. Ii.ik on Iriml nnd 1 in:iU" t" 'r,l-f so k 1 n. 1 01 ll trii t irn'.'i Inn ,..., m I-ii' I'M i i.s ..r i .i'ii. I'll i-i p.i,pai .t.i- ! I , , . y In Mr. .'ii'ily. i ' 'file ah I in my .iifk i-t 'ie 1 ii r.-ii i-lii ci-a.1 tit" sn I 1 - I't.iti lo.'i-1 III it I it'll 11 ,' I 1 hi- u:i I j -M In I lii III. ! Dl II ir 'I U.-., I'.lli t. V,... , . . W.TW i Ifl'lllU' I :-i lto f.t'.hl.tctl JU. All work pr'Hiiplly nt'. ii-J- l l.i. COACK A.'i3 SL!i:C.H Tr..ViMIN3 In sit lis l.r.iO' iiOi ijo r.citlf an I c..e.ii at tuu 1 1 II. M.Z. Sl'KIMN.l '!!, .Ml 1.1 l.-t-urtf I'.. Lop on M 11 rk-1 St., a lew ,li.n c-i I Imuk Mum. Nj.'. 1., "i Oiii. As si ii ice's tule ! 1 Vio tin li'ti-iiieil. .8Mjtiei rf V.'m. Kie'f. will l,y virion o an nil if oritcr l-nietoilt otltit I'ourl ot I 'nm i. nn I'Ioia 1 Miler i'.'UiiIv. I ir I l,e lieuelil ul ctri'il'ir-, , e i i-i I'uoiii' Sii,', ou lull pr,'ul.ii, tu w t.-l lloiit-cr toit li-tilp, mi 'ffiiifsitti;. Juiwirn (,lh, lST'.l. Tl.t I ,: oaIihi '..t.rribij.l heal t.tutc, lo ait : A.I lliiil i" n iln Tract of Land Itunte In Wen i'e vr tM , . i Sn v.ler Ci , t i. tniilc t ii v Iiii I ( i'l: i- i til tiro., n. it re it tllU ftbti 1 tliol ll aal.l'ir, C U.JkUt Ut 112 Acres, more or leas. In a blah .tale r rtiltlvnll n, an-l l s rte.lrat.ie r,,.rlv Kurtti-ir im Tin i ti n ean l.e ta-l l-y a.l tri-ln l',e in: W-liii. I. Hle lo i-Mjnoeii. e at 1j o'.'i.u-u A : . ,. pui.l tUvwtien ilua al i.:nl.iiire will I givou aiiJ terms ol tale malc known tr int u nci'in,, i. J. .MAI I ' KN, Ie. ID, !;. A.-iitir. A Lower Than Ever ! C. W KATHERMAN'S lni'iiit in Hli, MAIN 11' . (opeoaile lb I'ltt 11 MUKli,) IMicUlleburtf, la. KCCrS eonilsntly on band a full supply oflsiral titled Furniture, inclihlm ( ClI.tMllF.B Sl l'lS, WlMntlll and C INK sbATFD CIIA1HS. I.Ol'NO.F.S. StlFJtS. As , ami make In order anything de.irej iu lb fiirnniir Iln UNDUUTAKINO a -peoitlny. An turimeni ol Cofnotal wave In tioie, slto neat, plaia and very ho 8brviid(. C. W. KATUERMAX. May 80,'T3. --p. a-TTTT--;wi', -, a t-nfVS&l -SAfAitaiLjirrl rMflJEU -i AT Aulanet Nolle. A1.LpAm.iia tit fat eat! aralier) y awtiaew lhal W. a. ti'TK. nf Ja-A,pAi (aw , e.r ,, aaa,1 a aatatl 4 all M.ImIi, toal aw4 Mrmtil I 4aao wlarw44 le U wa a) kit waxlliwea. a II aea, at kavlita eaalwi r eAiUat W yf al I tAi afir-iaAHl. www pwraAAtl loiaawi 4xtaaAH.il1 '-' . -A t AA) "" , rriT?, - IIH n 1 goods at I mIii1 I'l ici'N, Wei3 & Cppcnheimcr, liiisi'i ove, I' iMOit S riOTICE Lct - rnll'in '.n tl.e .--iron nf I. lute "I tln..-fi.ve. Miier 1'i'iintv I'rnn'a . Inivlnif k.iivnni. rl t.i o.e u" icr.l.'iii.l. nil i"-i ,-"i.- kn ,wii u Il.p-tli"elir li. li.i,t l ,i ,,i r-tnle nif f :0-l riliemiko i in hip-. 1 1 ;i t ii fip v if.i-fi I . wi.tli- tti". e bavl'.ir i'l iln" if 11 1 i.-im l.l II. cm .Inly niiii.f ml. V I I V H 1 " PP. I K T'lll'1.111 ! (U:'i:t'IK N !UTT. fee.?4. r U A.i ..ini-irf DMIMS1U x'iOU'S NO i km;. . .a V 1 fttni tf at i Int-ir ilnn up it.oiir ..1 I'lti- yurrt lit . A tun twjrirf e n itt, I', il f'-l lre l :cn kmi io.I tu tt f uiMlcr (fiitfl All l-'Ta. ta kn tin : t ' ctu-i-' Imlrl.'Cl t'ttl r-l it( a.i i r.a inke ln. lii..llit(. ..vmi''.t w!lpl!i.r tiivliitf rUdim Rtkiilri't idlilenale tii i r t .r n l r -.tl-lumMi JA'1'1I tl.V'IA A VN, .l u '79. Atl.uiui.otr tor. A no rttn WANT. a 'i- v o 1 1 iv Ci IM now in ntt:s., TIIK HVDUSTIfl-KT HISTORY C'F IKE U-ii'ED STAIES. Ilflnvt ft rctimpi(j lui.i-y i' tli I ni'ir twnt it: lu-t'ir. n aif r Uvi, n "'ii il ; A iri -til-Mir I, M - -t. .in. il, M.niit;rtu iti.t, M r .u. I fii.tncr -ntl i'l "ti.r -f . i r -. A- ,u I Ur-io iH'te j -ik & ii I o j n . ?wr t . In .a. NO MUU 1. 1 K V, 1 1 IViAX rtl-LiHKl. lor tru: an) territory j ply nt t rc to Ilu El my (till IMiblNlilllS C ti , .XoiU.i ll. 4 till ll. "EMPIRE" SEPAiiATOl. AND L.iriT lMfUOVKD T I'I 1 1 4 ts ti r o l 'If iiU HT'M'' Hurcn.FoW-iV! AH'U ll.'lw.' I V II f.ijj ctm Ergines, Portable 3 S'esni Tower Tbre.her and fi'j armor nHF. KMriHK is the mnut popfeet I llralo llireihrr Siter tnl I'ltaner in ibt world. IbePMI'iriK ll B'lel Ur It. Simrll-ltT. Ilaraol lit. t'apa'lty t if la-eibln -oir.l. Ina. an I letiiinti urain or a. I Kind.. I'ltoap. on. I'atrnte-I liupr t menu. La.y teeOlLt: ami ManAa-uie.it, l.uiitn, nt I'nlt, CUeau ne ol KaoAira, ao.) l.l tni V'lnliti. lor luriiiar Inlormatloa eai or a l.treit BENIAMIN ULRICH. Agent June l:t,'TS tf. Silincgiove, l'a IEXUY A. WOLl'LKY. Saddler and Harness . iu.aKer Centrevllo, Snyder County, Pcnna. Krert on has.), and maket to oMer all kindt ' ofllaioeia sa l lief, Hfollea. klpt, -lara fce.ae. all or cuarauiea.1 jr on ei , air. UolSey tiaa Put a (rial lo pr thai k ; asdertuadt it liuilatM. Hot la.'it. P1UVATE SALE!"" n:N.w sa.:,. f n.x.v;' t.1 a i.f II f C.'n.'t. VALUABLE FARM,!; tilt.., law a- at k kt 1 1 . fT.aaSi aw At, law ... . I.a . . . ft. Hwlt 9vk4itiflia i dUMttk-ir, oa i I'uMie livkJ rv4 l l4M tot r4it , Ivj.u . vi ty Ivn.t.oi Jjb V ftlttr, fatwa Mtiitr 04 tfltaVr tKJlJlol04t ioojciii:s, riklr-elkl, A.r.t lr-l. aa lar tm4 liao aadli a 4a tt.teol Coliltauwa, ike k.laarw wall ilwuiwd a.'l llii, llioa.r, aad I ka-lual, alaiwiairt rw t4 gapd XwtO ktiiiEf.Lr.a house, Nff'v HkNK HtHS al all aaaatif !. tmiiSiki, a aoo-l well e4 wr tail ae , -r It Sr an4 attar talllwg .irwaai l walar i waaiwa Ikiwaak ika Urea, rawfaa eat iut watetlwo M iASt la Ik ei4 aad .1 la Vwrw. A laeaewu ik Itwwi SHwiwra naaa.twM -Vwatfw ea). TWO ORCHARDS f tikole rtwiv Im a ikfltiwe tvaj.tioa k pfwilAia na..1 M kloawla. Ca.niiM, Mill, V.a,ll,iM4 Malta e4 IU IM Waalki mU lata wwuiawk pewawH. 14 Uttkat wajusavar wstl aSlrw TUKHtlBa u - lim ai iy it G ' A lis miter ki.'i. "CT to $iw 't muriili Hook InvA.i.d In wm Strut HlnrM idu'h f,-oiniAr. ff month- llnnh pwwf p-. ft..lni,ii rrf. 'din. S.l.lr.... H X I K4 a tin.. Unkr, if Wsll St., hmw VnrS. SPBIAJi OFF Kit fir Tllfe CIOI,H llrAPillrot nw R'pfA n-l T I -S Ooiiit Im, riim l NnwaeslD, Atr,i,A unn, only p',10 Mint on IrHI itl our ...n.i. I ,i1,ii0 with thon.Api.i, of r. p-rAnr". IrM lniXTI'ir IMsn.t on'll yo r-ml i nr I tt I un. It Kill liilril tori. A 1 iIivm f.M. I UNO (, M.uaUo1urrt, 11 lllfcok-r M , Htm Vork, BENSON'S CAPCINE1 foil W0ME.1 AND CHILDREN. remsl. lulT.rln, Ifom, .In sml w.skn.. hp iifnr iiPnitQ'i t'iMin rrn- ritMti Whsra Phil treti ar with vthoouinif 'iti, nfilh nr rotitflia nr mM or mU Hi-n. It U td on mil nnly ! tttn Lt I lie imiiiii rwaita, I III rtirl nitli-a h 'i-rtirnil plvmnt pii(h nf It fniiiil In rt iher rj i -l lu ih am form It li f-r iipfi(ir in rttinition i ru t,ttr. lint ntiM, tt-rf r1it pri'ilnriret nnl nth nrtiul rtnri1.a, It iHtv i-thi mt nnr -lr,nrfi'Mi uml en rot wir mdr itlmiiiir not vrn Inv . Knf l,.nifi n n tnkB 'nrh, Htietitnnlmm- K Lloey iler nail mi i--ril NctiPw miJ it tint i t ainft th- b Kh-.wn rpn ly Auk Ur llnf ni Caprine i n P I Pr Ullll fi H'i4-r. Ml II If ft gl-Ttufif t-m I'flrw SM'i IHP. WATt'l. A niil tnsn frr irr Htnts n1 Tdrliorr In Hi I m. n : lair urr t I l' I or n.lill r F l, lltl.v M.m(t'. CO., V 1 lurk Kircrt, l'i li-na". Tin lilitt S Wtur l"ic as I' nit r-iili ciilicr 1 1. St SILVER (ir A. H. T. Co." IS li A C K T I V ii'ox tiii;m. Agents, Read This. WemllpiV ..'''"I" lr nt !"j0 P'f m. nth iiiioiiok . ' itln , wmnill mnii lufollmir n. ."i'l ""tiilornn Invrnllnni. ,c inc i'i 1 111 v i " r if. ll. '-nt .imf. MII.H.Ma VN k ' Mstdittll, Mt b. Ai),.rl II. Ill .HI - l.'ll "Ull I wo. IU l.L a I D., lluJi n. N. V .rlin.in'ii An.'ilvno I Inline nt will p i.ii-ity l.tpi ri,l I'll, inrf 1 I- I'-l i". lii-t if III ihpaIiITpV tjr nun nli l ri-r. In l'n. Inl.Tir.ntlvn tli1 v I I in 11 n v live, .pitl ly 11. All. p.p-j't 'tin) it 111 i-iit. rriuAiitl-.n ! I.iv.'-r ih'ui .urn I .aiiii-ii&i'iI Mnnipiir. Mino, W.VM'SIi) (II II III h-ir.N r tr 11, 1 t 1.1 11 -nf g;. mtt'iAMlt Iniim I ti" I r ti e ! -eliinij li.-u -A.I...1 tnri el., lit n.e ff.i'l l. tip t ,i ,r Ml'. rlir a' ..ii e in X V Minu(.i.t'JfUp l'i , ' ( I'niun I It', Ne . lk. A CRE.T CfFLR F(R HOLIDAYS ! ! f Wo w'11 I'lirlrir ti li ll. I II 1VS .1 1 ". il l'KJ I'l IS lll.i I A NS. ' Kt It.Mlill IN' MIV l.l iW 1 r,if. I r i-.-l.. r-l 1,1 Mill lik'UXS . .i-t. ,'i ti ri. V '., -elf w lih -ut. I'd- -n.l 1 mm: ,.r t- . i t. '. I et I rl 4.1.1 ? I i ii.,. . ..i,i.-.i ir m ir ahimi WANIt'.I'. Il'll-lr;iti- I I h'ii..:"c, M il.r.l. ' M ,. ni I. ill I- ! i-. II I. . i t W A 1 1. U S mi-.s. .MtiUlAc:uririi it ln.a:tra. 4 K. litu . hi. N. V. ! rr ti:it,v s j UJ( J , K I lleff ilu l.nrtii'l f'-r V'punilf oi info or ! nr ii '."fv li" t in ,i ii t I ll ii .iiihv : ii i .i'i ro a-i, I -. -1 in- t : i r ijunh iin .1 n I Ml, ,i; I April I, 1" . I.ailna irv i.tljf .erre I n n- in oi'M ' r m -f. fe enn ie i to i'-l 1 1 ot ! or im-!. n or ' I u rrnulni ui pal I t'r.-ii wt.'i fri!iii"i Ii'Im, .In v l- I. I r ll.rf . j.,r, mi I w re li.n.lf rt'l I ul 'fe Auu. ., ii r- i i ll ii-I l i '."' I" i ni v . re -nr il .- of no e M'f . c I i :.!! fiili-'int'iilA t'-r t'l-ee ye.ir I l ,ru .1 'ill' I". I ' 4 !.'" I u'. I "o I' Hint , 1. 1 1.-.-I (-ti I i".l!l.p"' lo l'',llli"tl l 'U'll) il'.ilor i !:,.r A"! p. Inly V". !. II tiol air. a-'r I . I. Ii ,.l:er. .lleJ In ftfflre. lien are iuillk-1 ! llii l.xm'l N"' I'f until rl.ilm 14 I p.,1. I uf I 41i lUlorm ill-nl ao iri... Willi ail- i-u-aail i.itup. Sl.i I l.l. k I kn II. U u r 1, 1 i At ' a. i c A NK-V I .M'I I INil I'i'IDH llrl.-tlitu wltii the Wll.H AlV KM '.'ttK'S of ! STANLEY in AFRICA. nijr auit.ent.i. an I "-..i .rinlite l Poep II- IK'H. II , I lie l.l ll 1 1. ill '. i,. Tli' O l i o . ,r. ,1 mi. 'l.l. li ll. y. ill, ni a I'l" 1.1. n.ry ol Im w in .t. riol ill-.' vo l In .Mi . l an I loir. el me j uri.cy d' tn ll . l . na ". It I" Ijf uallna at ' l ii'n.p -I, I r iii-rv niii'irate I, art I Ii aulT . l.'i . I ' T tl,i: ,-i. r. y ,,I )i f', ililJIlllAll il H I I j, '1'iv N.sr v l-.o o-.i.l .More i i il-, -i till V'Ti I'.ii pirn. nUra-.nl it'uL'tlu Anir.'lJ. t rr.aiMf. lit li i I. t . li i.l.ci-., I w li nr.. 1 ml oleli U.t. l a. HUB! i-Ai.'i.A' I'o'aA.iie till, ii.i'- Near Kloh llli, i't, an I will i,i', pit-rely c!:ati:e ti.a tloo-l Inn rt tiro .vA-ftu In 1'iroe in.init. Any lerf.ii: w'i.i will like 1 plllea-M n u.t from I t" II f.l ni iy t-m f, .fife I lif'.ui.l het.ltl, Ii .-j.-'i a-iitprf i,...iiio -.ant hi ir.i'1 t..f s teller .Uu. a. 1. S. JmlN&O.N a l'., lUua or. BMi'issgiiAVa s i- ; . f f- l i. - i. ., V t,i i- h fag .,,. .i.J s.i trf a ...-r - ,-. i f T .., 10.0 ii f -. t. . i r . . ; ;ii.ji, . v .f iiMp.'. t -i n f . r I- v . r ', '.,, Vi JU i Mr." . -... .t.i!.i , , Itf . . A . J. .. , ' Jt I Vl.ll , I fliisi Ui., U.K. WAli:LE.nr-ntrl ttl. Hu.U lilplt PAPMllAMNG. J. 7, IJ. Chamberlain, t'llp-M hi. f.ri ,, ih, rn iai M Kb' der a ..'I ulna . ounlle.. tie If a l'r.. tl al fatPtr. kabaer at,'1 t au Oil k't w.nk aa w- II .ad a r;;;1;?:; n ! .lone amat.tr, ll can k d a. ll at SELINSGOVE. SNYPEB CO-, PA. if-lel proie..!j atten ltd .'- Ptr.i ni banre k.'iipa. lo paper kt.i let'ei in a ta aa tani tall. Mi r, ll. l"i. L 11 YUUN.J MKNa A Lie-ore a Ik Namr. Tresfwral, and Had eal e ire of Sftl al Suk kh, wr 8prra.lor k e.iolac 1 by felf-.ibute. utwluniary tai-loal, Impoi.a -y, e. tout Drbllil and Itt'peiiiai6i t Mt, riage grt.rally ,- Cow.aaipuew. Ep l-p;, id fi't ,- M ltl and I kttie. 1 I -a) amy, i-.lly huHt, wf J. d'wYtlK KLL, Mi li., auikrr tdT lb tirtea IWk,' a. Tk wwld-rea indsaikr. in thi sd'a irwble Ltiari dearly pn Te frwaa k mi tp ritit that Ik awf.il Aaa. iueavte . f 8'l abut may b fffeiiuilty remttad i kal aedii. aa iilbat dawaertaa ww g eal optial., bvagioa, t i lraa .!, t kgs, ot 4i4Ib1 4 (psiaucg i a l wr al ear c ia aal ITtoiaal, by wk. try Kri. a mat. BPHTHEBai! t iT-ft" S!t 7 ler wkal kit . ttioa maj may tr kimteir ekeap y. prtvtvwly r4ially. CuT Tw i-A-fwre ,v3 mv twoa n tKsmnd mp4 4iktAi.au W. mi sadtr J. ta a Uia tat toy. U aay adrewa, ftfii, mi rttatifJwf u& ! a l paiag wiampa, Awdre Ika. -k I lathee. TUttCLLVKRWaiAk MBMCaLCO. 4 Aaa IK. -w Tt l IWCUCt CD k? T, lii i. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers