V- r 0 'The Post. Middle-tare, Jan. 15, 1379. i J. CROUSE, Edtor & Proprctor. THE INAUGU8ATI0N- J'rogrrtmmi of the InviiHrnl Ctre' mon'tei at llarrijurg, January 21. TUa indication are tint U10 inun Rviration of lion. Hoyt, which will take plaoa oa lbs '21st of tnis m latu at U.tnisburtf, will ozceel an? ioi Itr evtmt In tiio pjint of brilliaoajr An ths nanbori ia attendance. Ths pr.ijrinaa for tlie intu'irnl e-rdro inios bus boon aanm-iood as allows t Oa MmlitT niUt, Janmrjr 21, a full drtws rocoptioii and lu, tender eJ to Uon. Ilijt by tin ionnsf Men's RopnblicAn Club of Hitrris b'irjf, will t-tka plaoit i:i tho Oten. llouso. G. Hattrauft an 1 stuu i!l k prusunt witU O jturuor-oloct Hoyl On Tiieslvy morning at tiino o'clock tbe military aud eivio org tn iz.ttiou will form on M-ukot street read f r puiila, nndef direction of tba Chief Mtrslisl, wlioso bead jn tr ters will be at tlia Locbiid llotol. At ton o'clock precisely tlio purade will iu 0 to, ptssiuji over a sh rt ronto to West State street, where the lino wilt be reviewed by thooul;T'ing and incoming Governor on thoir way to tbe grand slnnJ at the main cu trance to tbe Capitol building lLie tbe ioaugnral sor vices will be con lti,ld ith tho infitiL'iiral address an ! tbe administration of tho oath of otuoe to the Uvornor-eluct by the Chief Justice of tho Supreme O jurt. At threo o'clock in tbe uftcrnoou the Sannto and Htftise of Kcpreson titivts will vote for United Stttos Knrvktnr in llin-p radnuil i v.i li.ill '7 " t In tho cvemoij a irrand 1lnpl.1v or fire works will take place in tlio l-ap- itol pirk, aftor which (. Hoyt j nil tool I a puuiio recoouon at tuo Executive Mausion. Pa. .I'he couatry is to be ou gratulatod that the period when our paper niouey is etiial to g old lias arrived. No one but 11 1 .malic would desiro to soo an irroducuu bio and uureli tblo currency main tained as our circulating uudiiim, unless it be ono of thos9 money. ' pe'.tors who fatten through sp-jcnla- i tion on tho missos. Tue I. mentor Era truly says that this cipj tlity be tween our circulation and iol.l will most likely put an cn J to tie era of speculation and inllttion that has prevailed so many years, to tiie great Uotriuiont of tno po.pIo. t'rotits ..-ill in r,in ..... ., .'I .r they will also be more certain. Busi ness men. especially impjrteri of foreign mercand so, can uo-v opcr-l ate with cocfilenco. Witiia staple' currency, tbcre is no danger of tue old ti.uo flactaatiocs. 'Ihe public have been iu earnest to aid the plan' of resumption, and by their action I have anticipated tlie t.uia by several weeks Let there be canorous suo- port of the schemo, aud wo s!iall not only see iu wiaJrai trimuphautly indicated, but auo em of pros". penty such as our country Las uot known within the last ten years. . """'"J" Daring tho rear 1)7 d tli at "insa tiaU archer Diatu ' rapjl a nca '-"""I I'omcl and habie' LirTMt a:n 3g ta pruuiaeat m-n . K:'l3r- bot!l e-'bty-sven years of oferth Among taadl for the . ere recent! ir muried at Mt. year -ere Victor Eminael, Kmg of , J-101' county. Italy j Tope Has IX ; Eirl KuMeil.! Hon. Geirge Shareswiod of the cbampioa of KaglUb parliamen- PbiU 1-lphia su"coe Is Julg Agne Urj reform ; Sccchi, tbe astrono- as Chief Juatiee of the Sjpremo xner ; FeUrrminn. tue geographer ; Court of this state, Itesjrsia F. Wal and OiJconi ... , , , tbe statesmen; Joseph!. : . "frrJ" ,r HJeeeW. Snnlay llecry. the ienti.t ; CLarka IloJge h' 8rtnon '''' I tiled , faetWi-in; Bnaat, ta pei Knnil or its outrages Bayard T.:.r aal BoeIs, ,8iD8t lto In. j jinmluUi Lwc. the aatbor;; ....Mapr Atwool, r.f the regu-' CrmckaUoi. the cancitanst. aal r. put 8M.000 head of cattle for a . JJms rxl. tie chjwnp.00 rua'atr wdtin prewnt He married the! ' ad - jdioghUr of CaUlo King. iJick King SItxrlad and Frcc- are srsJer-1 'To V. S. Snpreme Conrt Las j icgfmca tee te.Titst f l of snow1 decided that Congreas csn prohibit ! tUt co t raeabr.J br lU cli- P '-lyanjois marriages in I'tah Now eat ittitiUaU. Tte w'olv Late 1 ' il d vne fur te sale cf motility pttr.J as fr aj tie pt of 'c i dtctney. il'.U. la Gttsvs a large for of Mtiseii are ecset in c.-.-id ti 'JtU of ILs sow. as 1 rx.!.- I Uivtl ti ta s6d.J. Tte sa.tLirw sti ttfosVt Gret Jbi-.U.B AH tt tt.,'ii;i in tL t xu b! -mUuu1 -) VLjr.iti cp. ?s4Lt!GtJ tfA-ts ar r.ot l ? twti itsta r. i fcvsoi v.r tr.3 a; ia tf.r m ti 10 oliM sjk.1. i tl.l tt tallaivUs of iau I. tor f.v the UxSx ut S4t4ciwl. 11 siviw iu tc'.r.ff jtr irrtaUr tun tho tstt vm fi a var t.' l itp. aaud re'Xi.a, TUr M 1 k i(JuT3 it ti tf&via bj C'mi .3 ti Tcl.:a CiefrtHAtis ! iirrt It if. '; UtuK'. u s4ii a d At izsvA 6 iu. saI Cm41I f a4- t m tww,U avkT.r -..tt.J. mkl iU iu u Ttbftrt)A. It m i)asi wMt tlt v4i VUs a.t.i.s as avtoj i ymm 4rj4t. If ws4 UxtA k'um A. Isaittav tuit4oitg f trtv aal a -Husnag 'aA lAta dj wittubbl fjwt f lUstwwvui, A kaM.dJ U lA i i'A, vmvD M-i rvwaiiiv4 U at tiUi $M MW'Jb aii UtaV tsvaavl frttiL (Ml tfikivf kuaV . Km. A.. It- m tWnl aa np a w GINlRAL NF.W3 ITEMS. Geo. Ortnt is in TrMnnJ. , . . . Viiili Julnlii h.K 4) nilit lovolj at sellouts. . . . .Errrytliiti; wits Hariibljiir lakt week. ....Mayor Cinpir of Ne'.v lork tins boon imiiiarittud. . . A 1 jii! r'H'inn of tbo lecislii- tnre is already biulnd at. ....A rmtioii.il bink is to be os tablishud at Itonver Full. . . . . A Vienna firm ii sow niiDU' fact m in j glusi slippers, ... .It takna 12.000,09!) clonks t ) tick off tho hours of this oouutry. . . . .lion. 8-:hii.vk'r Colfax U ou a lecturing tour tlnoii'i tho 8tato. . . . .Tbo Missisdippi t ivcr is clos ed by ice from tst. I'.iul to Cario. . . . .The nv.-rnjje price for pood milk cows in Mout'o;iiory cjunty is UK ....Tho Ift;il,itnre cinrtot meet nextyuur uuluss called by tho Oov oruur. . . . .Tho pnblio schools of Wash ingtoo, L. 0. wore closed by the told weather. . . . .The finest t flonr in Qcinany is now said to bo mado of glass mill stones. ....One bnndrnd horses tiavo been stolen iu Luucaitor couuty in tbreo years. The Ameer 1ms withdrawn from Cabiil aud has sought Kussian rrt'clwu . . . . A citi on of Somerset has an applo treo that Las borne ils third crop this year. .Judge Hunt of tho U. S Sti premo 1'o.rt bad a stroke of para!,- :1 ....... I. "" .... A man of uinoty-twi years has just married u woman of twenty fonr at Urecuviile, U 1. ....Morton McMiehael the veter an editor of ho Xorth American died ou the Cth iust. . ....Vlarje number of Miners in tho Schuylkill nod Northumber land regions aro out ou a strike. , . All tho men who left Milton for Hrazil have returned bo ne, din gnstcd with their experiouce in that 1 touctry. ,A colored Judgo in Virginia , "8 eninc,i a wetitny winte man to be publicly whipped for petty ;li'ceuy. , , , . , , . . . . John Wal.lron. n Ncv 101k b'ggtr, die 1 lut w:e' frjm opt- . 'V" of ood He Lad ll uu ,u ADk. .... A feet thick diamond 6nlid III! vein bet-n ct coal thirfy . drill near Oiiurdville, Schuylkill coubty. . . . Beaver has Tiring lady who has been curiously ntt u-!;e 1. Sim sleeps t wenty-two hours aud remains 'awako five hours, . . . . Rcanmption does not create Mcn a rippie ju monetary circles, i jt aran-e n basiuesi, injures I note, and beceSts all. i . . ... . . . .Tie l-retlr m 1 rai'.lcio;r hur twtty-tr;o cows in an hour and f rty isloat wis anight recently' to l o at IIit Zorrs, Ojt She earrif J tL c.i uj.ou th4 stands as ! Wt'J. i ....5ilU Trtmrr Nit pr ftts a syrry ath.b.t of iu Mats I iitr TL trirT nspty and ....Chi-a-"! bL!c? (fir! is pnt :.n it !. al-r by t'. ti'.-iaSy i,l iia f'p, 'Vi.. wLurh to 1 V a rat in .. tk C,SS ifta4A.J ol nii!s, a 'L'.vit 1 i t'jt bf a tnt, ao i aa au a.i'kti'r,ta w. , j, .v,,,, uxh in r'rao , u wtot :,u itWhul tU atUaUnts. If ....S 4s!a c,M , irtta t'f. atMlva uttkii ntAi tr I .Ti MaJ thg at It tTfi- H.aji.t.it ir;.r.:.2r;M, tn i(a.jS awwittAlt UU rat farf-tn saw Am. XZit It &&r t. Hunter llntigc:!. rtcnjimin unter win 1 tit sura mer was Uiad nt Ct'xx len, N. J. for h murder of John M. Anmtro'jj ft mnsio printer of I'h'.la tol'ji 1 eji sled his rilme on tho gallows on .Situdiy Uxt. During bis trial and I'onfinem'iiit np to within a f.iw days of his efoiitioii ho 111 untamed the utmost fortitude and bravado. Hat the cniHcioutnoM of ouilt l;.d him one day last week to attempt ni i .1 0 ii.y cuttmif an urtcry in Ins letf with a pifoo of (iu procoruJ by tearing ipnita ;np ho had secreted a few diiys boloro. , J he night before his execution he sloptnono and groin ml aloil pontinnallv. lie took nothing to eat for breakfast and. ben tho hour for tho execution bad arrived, he waa noablo to walk to the place of execution but was carried there lv four of tho Sheriffs assistants VYIinh nnder tho uooso ho was plao od un. his feet, but saute to tho floor a limp miss. 11 4 was then support d whilo the uooso was placoj around bis nock aud tho cap dravu over his two. There was no Rallows but nn arrangement of rope with n pulley, and a heavy weight ( 30- pounJ) attiiehud to ono cud thoreof. When ull was in readinoss the sheriff with a sharp hatchet cut tho rope that hold tho woight, aud the body of tho condemned man was lift ed about a foot from tho floor where I ho stood. Tho rono hid clogged in tho holo through which it passed and tho slielilT and assistants with their bauds nulled tho bodv to tho required height Aftor a suspension c.f oi) minutes, the body wus cut down. FARREL HANGED. Qrrrr.cK, Jan. 10. -Michael Farrell was hanged iu tho Jail yard nt 8:10 " tor the murder of Iran cis Conway lubt August His execution wus conducted iu a shockingly awkward maunor, as the rope caught uuder bis pinioned arms und he t-lowly choked to death, Jie was fifteen minutes dying. Trims lire ono hundred nod twen ty. two attorneys iu actual practice iu what is now l.uzeina county, NATIONAL HOTEL rol UTI.WDST., Nrar ltrol)', New York. !!OTCIIKIS A PlIMI, I ro rlctor. otiii: 1:1 itoii:i rn. Tb rtor mt, t- ti,l I'larh room at'ifh. ara un-ufpiM I fir iheH,ne.4 anlcs. lne-of .arvl,-a. Koo'll l .1. 1 M'.'it'iT 4:11010 imv Iv.rl, itinvnlont i nil rr rn-l el'y 'allroi'i.. Nr.W NKW MANAUtMCNT. M UM I't KK. Jar. Id, ",. Afsti-jneo Notice. I.li pi iHiotis inteiThted nro tier? IT not'tlnl tut Willi, id Kelly of frlo I"i ti . ini-lor I'.i.. n:!a an a..t:i nmr'l ol ul Mf rrt."!-, rril no I p.monHt to tuo ,iO'lr-lri- M ( T !' li,,.. I r ''I "U. All rti-..., Mi tiiic eUlni r ia.iifl-tr1 1 irrt-to i;.ia to Struck bv tho'"' u,"t "lanM " I tinn ItilcUt' d will I 1 kki.ly. jaiiu 0. nnt'j.i.i, Jan, K,,7J, ANtrfu. dmiti of '1r dmitiistralcr's t'.o'lzc letters 'lmlnl.tr iilnn on ft r.tnia ot .t.'hn f Kllar. ilcCI. In' ol Wa t llrtrrr ly . S y- ttr to nty. 1'rau.i., LariTK ritiirit 1 to tli- un!er.tn'1. all n rn,r kioal,.: trta :cl e Iti'lrMr.i to iaiI r.'atv ara ri-iur..ir'l to Ir4k lmir,v,l ata pairovn', wlii:vlli"irhivl v , , I ilia. wii. praranl ibtio lu. aulliea;!''a(l lut teltlawaul to I FKtir.HK'K I.I "IlLY, JAlItS KLI.vi:. Jan. t.'TJ. A Jmlnli'.rttori. THcaiE:s;.L&c::iYEEiuiHE Xlbrtvrn Thrcaberm, wrr r- rta WC.0:iTC3 i&R3I POWERS,' Aa4 auae TtrraaJiar fti ia if LICHQLS, SHEPAKD & CO., ux tn.a tntta, azicn. sett-Si,, yvM--r Bj. Itar-.ttt. y Tl'C fjrfcf-a Urul-.tirt, Tina. J - V , r ... . . . ' w f.iA'MM,,,irMiM,ta fil!S;''2?Z!?'''', ? TH1'." .m .. . .mt.. v ... y a i..w.a. 711 rs-l'II! T-'mhHt FM a .......... . ...,.,. .. M 9 - . . .-f ' . ) 1 1 ifn 1 a Kt V-wMf fi T14 k SI. y. . ..-..: ... f ; . .- 1 -,-. 1 . , ,.f I'te tr 1. i,i0l t, )mikm AmwA f -.V rr mU vcwr t.r Vknf, , v.. .'.. .... , , . V ..... I v.. a - V- WkMM1, I'IIW Wil Am'aov4wia'a,.aiaa r"T 't Wa Sf4, Saa. a..-v low. A 1 w wTf f ravaw Sr SWrait nni i.it,mat;,n V f;SAr Wa S-aa.ua.,.. v Assignee Katies in Bankruptcy. . "VTOTICH Is hereby given Mint tho 1" niorinl h fci-n rtu'r "l-.llf m.folntol sl Ii niolj 1 ai .il r. J. H. Il rnllht U ir.iOi'i of .S HI tilr, lulu MUkljr, f. J.B. 1. H', . Atln. Assignee's Notice 1.1 Bankrjptcy. NOTIOi? l hereby givn fhst the nnnmlirnrd hn b-nn .In' an I !! It nnnlnltl 'I'm In Hoik ,i iti at Jjlia Mi.ir ut Mintinh'Kir, I'n'inii iiiii., . V4LE.Sn.1K WAI.TKH. Jin.llh. W. AMlgutt. Audltov'n Notice. In tit mnllfr of thf nn. tiyxe't rttnte of Wil li un Il'iinrt, In fill! Chift of Otntmoii rir.u of Say let Vb. rTVIK nndersigned Anditorappoint. I l hTlhroorlt rtlflrM.ott Ilia fan.l l tli hoJ"f l.l Kplf AH4ii of Wm linlnw, will hwl ii. pifil. la lntr.t for Hi uriKi of hit piHlnlrn nt, t th nin of T. J. Hmlih, F.ij. In lb M i.-o.iKb of Mlldln. liiirnon ATfftnY. tr.M lit, A. ). Ifi, at toVI'ltA. M. whi n, wtinr all p-.r.oa hSvlP4 rWIm attlnit . tita ar rMH9t l to ti rnt them ilulr u'luntloat I r h lurvrir ltbirrJ from rmh r in f ir a hir of filtirt. JACOU UlLiUKKr. Jan. 0, 17 A, Au lUur. Auditor' Notice. Th umlf rlgn.l, ha!nf befit appoint l Aii'litor 10 di.irlhmo ih fumN in lh hand of II. II. Grimm q , atgntt ot V. 3. K. Zellcr, will rit tot Hi pnrpoa f hi nppolnlmenl nn TIIUUSDAV, Jan. '2i. IS7!. at lb olHca of T. J. Smiib, t'q , al M i.ldlelnirjf. al 10 o'clock, a. id. at wbich lim all partic iolresi'J may allauj if Ihry I L ink proper. CltAS. P. CLRIOIt. Jan 2, 1873. Audilor. Aidltor's Notice. Kslate of W. F. Wagenseller, Wd. Tb Amlilor appotntrl by d Orphana' Court of Snykr Cuunly, Is rrport upon rXecptioni filrt to Ih acjoiiol of M. L. WB(tnf. Icr. J. 0. I.. ShlnJls ami J. W, Mirvla, Kireiitnri of ftiil tVm. F. WagrD retlrr, lilo of lb bnrniiih of Brlinngrovr. in faM eoutily of Pnydcr, dro'd., will meet the partita InirrraioJ for Ih pur. po of liUitppoiiitmtnl. 00 WF.DN'tl) AV th :"-'n'l di of Januarr. A. P.. IHT'.i. at Ih Jiryrtun Holi-I. in Ih U.iro' of Pe linrgrotc, si 0 o'clock, a. m. of mi I ilajr. 8AMl;KL II. OHWI 1, Jan. 2. 1879. Auditor. Auditoi'rf Notlco. Tn r Al(tn'J A'.ial of M, L.- Wagrn rellrr, uriiug ptrlner, 4o. Th Auditor appninlf l by lb Court of Common l'loaa of Pn vl r County to au 1it. nil and adjust Ih arcoiin of 'U i, I". t'lrirh. Ki- i . ib Atiirnre. and to make dirlribulion of ih lnlinia In Ih hand of aid acooitnianl, will mt Ih pari in lnlrrflnl fir Ih pnrpo.n of hi appoint inirnlal Ilia K-yione Hold In I he bor lounh of r"i'lingror. nn WKtSKl)AV Ih 211 dy of Jau'tarr, A. 1). i9. at 10 o'clock, a. ra. ot raid day. (SAMUEL II. oiurm. Jan. 2. 19T1. Auditor. Auditor's Notice. it:1 Ill' tin l,-rtfrnd. an An lii ir, annolnl- I hv tbe Court of Lommon I'lraa nf ' Snvdcr county to diilrlHijia ih fandt nr. riinjt from I lit Slirril Mil of It'll n laie of .1rrin;ali II inar. ou Vci! I's.No. .'7 Ihc Irri ,. jx;. -cn. Et, Nt (ill Deo. Term, ISM, Vn. I x. No. i!H l.c. TVrm, iJ-Tx. mi. 1 .VI H V N . 4!) t . Term . I-7-, v.l.l .ifl-li I It Ilia J it in. oflliip P 'iof ni.Mil. al hi. iiifio, in M l h ir, oa KlilDtV, I AN', llili. 1J'7,J. al tl o'o'ook A. M. at hif'.i lima nn 1 j.l.n-c all pir lira ii.uri jid a.r umiflfl lo alien I nn I m i know n llinr cl:aia, or ! be l buircj lio;u i-'jmiiijr Iu n,nn n-ii I fund. A M. Pr'AllLUR, Pre. 2'i, 117. Auditor. Autlitor'rf Notice- lit the Willi r nl'tltf .la- I In the. Cturt o ..' 7."r-tf. of l't Ciiumo.t Vf,w'l;:,lr',u,,;",1',jr l'""u'' ly an Auirnoon t-r .S"-ii.i tn. of SnuUiY ( it. I .. u-i a p-wnl er. for asMMv.. T.kr iit.drri.-n.l u.lii .r n.,i.oli..l l. I " "' Ut.l'Kt.PII(A vvK-KLY i . .AUililor n '" nlej l.j ,nM1 It will na a.nt I y.,u wilh..ui c ailt ouil ID l aintiui Ilia fuud HI Ilia I K lamiii . aa'l. a ul wa i.ailara icii win m. h'lii li ol A. J. llowrrroX. rn., si-,r nf IVt. r !a.fanun. will n.ri-l al hia utli.-a in tb bor.iin of Middlrbm-g on 1'ri lay Mi l"ih. day nf January A. I IS7! a lit o'clock A. M. of raid dajr Iu di.i b'i(t' 1I1 duiira of l'i uppuiuimrtil. b, u and . lirra 1 p.r.oal liain( claifii aaitiai iid i'miia ond ciiiillid 10 tb.irs of tai l 1 1. t"l arc lirrct.jr nniifir.l to f rrrrni ilirir cluimt duty au'brniicaird. or b for crrr iti batttd from cmiing iu for s sbar jf aiJ land. TIJ0MA3 J. 8MITII. Drc.. 21ib, 78 Amlilor AUDlTOll S NOTICK. In th' ni'tltsmf tUt In thr Of Aunt' I-Ulnlr of ' M'Lhpl Court of Snyder Eixjtr d'i'd. J Cumtty. Tb ubdcrslgnr,, Auditor appointed lo arccrtaia ib'hr tbs i.tinl amount lirreiofur awarded lo Araoo tnjla aud floloroin Er.jlr. out of ih doaor payable la wi.i.w and htinof at, Micbarl R;la. dee J. I'X A mo Kngl, ibould now br paid to id tialooton tng and A mo Eujlr. 4 prr f.jrniirr Auditor's rrporl, or hribrr ami amounts (bould b paid lo Ik oibrr beir of drraarcd. Will 'l lo ditebarfa Ilia duliaa of bis appoihlmrnl al ' bi offic in Middleburf on natur.lar January ISih, It7t, al lo o'clock A. M. Tbl it Ibtrafur to notify tbs taid bolomon tiiil and Aniot KngU, a wtl a all oibrr peroo iuiral4 in aid K.iai la b tod Appar brfor tai l Auditor on taid day, La and br iliry viilM. brtrd rvlaiii lo Ibrir rtf (.iivs elitint sod iniri in h prni Ue 2lib. '78. Auditor. PUBLIC SALE. OF REAL ESTATE. t fptlK atUrttf al, Auign of frad J rick KtiiLej, by airiu of no tlia or i.r itiLad out f tbs toon of Com toon I'laa of r!nydreoaniy, lor lb bnAi of ett,i.,r, .. nill Xpa lo publis Sal, ik irii, in HniTory tonbip, i a Thorsdajr, January 23J. 1879, rk foll,ls( U.rib4 Valuabl Utal fcatai., lo till I WO - TEACTS OP LAND lt..f la kif.Mp aaj snusiy sfnrs kdl. boi. 1. 1 M'l d.tr.bl as fllt I it ao i no, i noundail Ktnh tad f.al ky laad l Jacob Hilloir, Writ by ia.d of Jbba Mw.linriaad Huib by land af lb llrlra af Jxfco , rilraap, ssvttlsikf 137 ACHES, stsrs m U btrtos art raat4 a lr J) H J'JLLfJy G JfO USK, H45K UAIiH tad oibrr ult.ul.lai. riM Orsbar4 f sbolt s frolt lr-oa l 'r for (bo Soar, tad ! AsrS r,1a tk baits liwUraJ. , TKA:r -!!. 1.4 by lands of ska mhi, ritttt Hkod tkd wbsrs. tiLKYBX AC11E8. TAKE , jt I.fi parties indeblf to tis ore it herxbr ro,iint-v to (jink Ixniallai patriri,t, .nd tuj rna aara anr rUmii a an(nt tli firm llt f-l-t.a pra.rt ti tin at una. " lit to tn. tot taai tlia firm H oaw la iirooaaaof dlrtointl'in. WfcU A OlTKIIKiatEU. l)a . S, H. . talltirgroi, Pa. FB>IGAL MHL-WEI8HT, ihintr St'iiion, Unifier Co., 1'a. At -a' ror th I atat I-nprotl Tormaa W. ran Wn aai.a. Smut M.i Hiaan, UaLTias, An Uiiutisii i;i.uth. Ao., a. AT.'t. otfirThl KtTtM KltS' and Tatt- VII.I.K, Mutnal rir Inar.inoa, ami othar or.---lir. tloni lanl-.. -omj and rliln st M'lr sutloa, ioi. '.s.ir. Aid. prona lnirrald ar htrrby noil nd that llnirr Houarr of Wt H-arar twp Hnjd ir Co., mi l. aa iMliniunii1. 01 ni it-n-w. ra.i aim parnonii i. iu nil-aoraun-'l f-r tlm bit.flt of hU floor. All pr.nf havlnff ila,n ar r-aia.lnd to prnt lli'ii to tb nniirMne'1, anil por.noa luJabtail will ulaa. maka liuuiaaute nirmi.n'. MU.SUS Bl'KOttT. NoT.il, T. Algua. A SPLENDD to (Tinr saw ivnacmnan to tbs i PHL1DELPHIA I WEEKLY 1TIMES.' THE) ! MLS. OF TI ff AR . Wrltt-n bf th prlnrtral partl.-lpant la tb lata Clal War, North ami Soul h. fA Royal Octavo Volume of 800 fn lr, JleantifaU; Illustrated And Roaul In l'nort and tloM Cloth, with llluinlnata l C'otcr I.lolu (f tin, l). Will l Ivan to rr ul-rrlir to T1IK W HKK I.V I I l Kt lor r-1. uikid th fa lowiug ivrm., in ail r,r. in- po.iaao p ,i i vj ii. : I or 41 t wl I ml nn, 0"p of rtl f. WBt. LY one rr.r an I on o o.J ul lh'ANNAI.S For 4io will ill tiira, aiplea of TIIK Wt.l KI.Vnnt yaar aa l thru cool ottbt' 'AS.NAI.S.'V Club Terms of The Weekly Times : 1 (Ypr ono yrarM. 10 C'oplt nn yaarSIt t t'oicr, on joar i So. so Oopi, en j car THE ANNALS" AS A PREMIUM. A pt "f ilia 'AonalV wit In alraa aa a frnnliniim toany i,noan'llna a . f r n aluu ol fn. or rt fit clib 'I taeniy. Till- l oraail oppulunlty, anliont rnrtan l tut ll'.lla tiouiil, to aat a ropy of a HplomllJ Work that tiiouwl ba raad by ryou. TIIE WEEKLY TIKES Wir ti kapt follr an to th Mah rtanitaM cf h p-t. 4iii la .roir.n nt a il lul from tim to iloio a thay mar l I by cxptrlenoo ar1 tlia want, of our r-a'lr. The iir.nl an I .li.ili. Mv rralnr or Tllf. V, Kf.Ui.Y III I'.S. t'i.1 I,-, prorol m p.'pu'nr In tur i"it 'M i a hi id i ii.- I tliro t jiiout tlia ar iV-i, rli : a t-r'.ct ulobip'.r. of ih Unwritlcn History cf the Lato Civil War Eronj T x 1 1 1 ir A-'lor. . tb nahlnat. In the l loll, In IU l"ir jn, N jrtti aa I sl.iut Ii, Th'a f.ntura of THF. Pit II. A rJKI.P'U A WKKKt.Y TlMi;- bialwoin ury popular, art to'.M e In lotrrvit wild or -y wo k'- I, u."fttiMp Mr. Wall II.--.., iintr-l'iuiloo ll ! fita Ir m nil rri-tlMiml partisan tui,, tb v wilt h rt tan tniin lb turl i,i f i in I. p.,IM, of tlio omiIvo aiillior aii'l irr tuair it ir naoi.. I'n nrr iy ,, iiHtliiuni.ua I crn r.i-ut.irf to thli iloi ar'tntiit x... In rit'intii-a It Ilia l.ir-.t, tli Ou.pon aul tbl Unit ol lb v a.im. TRY THE TIJIE3. r.y unKltfr with m ! frio m, mt o isttii (1TJ Ji'lH lf'tt. Vlt Will tstob H Bt II f u f..r tlm I. r.V PKI IB uf 4 7. It m tinr litua tiurirn ir. oar yu nr it tsnt .(ivJ wlib tli p-ttt vsitiii ij u aVUbi wsj win ri Jru tour u.oue) . Atiarw THE TIYES. Ta liuat BriLniao, Pnilati'e'pliia. INOT1CE. A Pliion ftill bo presented ftt the I . tmttlna ol Ih- itonaral Annni'ilr nrar- lua tb.t bo.y to anaot a -i.-UI u for tit fount y of rt'iyovr to tnr. tba pramlum or uonoiy ou u ana iiu-cal (Cuipt wio dul Ur. Joint FiTKK.t.r. Jn. , Juita I-v.t i xiuiLr, u. AM.auw I i.uan, lanaat Pom XV, Vtt. 12, TI. Juua a. HaaDKiraa. AssQnce's Notice. All poraona intiresfed ar hereby notinri that Ham t: Diuiomnn of Ja.:k. un twp.. pny.lrr Co., 1'a., bn ui, aa aa. Unmaul ol all klr alfarta, i.ota rati an l par. tonal to tba unoor.! nad for lb hanoi ol cra.llti.ra. AII-ar.on brln claim ro ta qua.ta.l to prant than to Ilia no laralaoail. an. in .. indut4 Mill plaM niki luimcliat paynani. J T.h.Ul I'll. No., W, UJI. Alsn. $l,G0fl IN PREMIUMS ! And Commissions to All. AGENTS WAITED la srtry pot Town In tb t'nltai klatr to ta4 ftlMcrlBtlot for tUt BURLINGTON HiWKEYE. ttl Ir cants for opy asd UroM to tgsti. tonw hMm Co., Dec. 6,0 w. Burlington, 'Iowa YOU WILL BH SORRY f yaa rii; that ol l fa o with t s ono tl tt tt trl trafuliy ailiMi Ilia Buckeye Force Pump, Tm float aya ta ll ry laala-t Impmvanianl la H.nK-, It I aoH.lr.iala I ariia air tiainiMra kimatuNMiMf in ap-rat. I !. a.u ia a"ak-4 ta IIm llifihara Pa.ap, aa l w.lr ra k- tariwa mivmi any hall liaa In raaa of Si, tm ,'.( rrno Hint. a4 Vtf4, Waak Wlnauat, Wa.k S'luai-a, sd k a FIRE ENGINE at ra4r aa lf aa fr-ailao st bi kaorf toal wHMttaiMryiiai, it Cannot Freeze Mv.l4lk. Ilir.l.l ' It Stakt, Tk nrvifi'OH r, Ta wirains Mrl aavl-raa fmt fA '' aiiihl a p-.r-'r laui IMMd ukaiakw, SJ utMu a Saatf SbaMt II 1..- v FAIaLi SHASOiy, 1878. Hurrahforanother Large Buslnessl There is nothing dingy or forbiddirg nbotit OAK IIAI.L this Fall. The pcrsontl attention f Jfr. Wanamakcr has brightened tip everything about the place, and the. Fall buycra with a GRAND SENBGFF! $700,000 in Clothing and Cloths is under the broad roof, and . T&9 Stir stoat tho Fhso shows that the people have discovered that and that, after all, it Is best to "Sliekio Qtd 'mnis." The fact is, we have outstripped every former effort, and pn forward, this teuton, BETTER STOCK, BETTER CUT, BETTER MADE. TRUSTWORTHY. PRICES, and, on the basis of low prices, good fcoods, and thorongh satisfaction to our customers, propoo to do z larger business than ever. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, S. E. Cor. Sixth and Market Sts., PH I LAD ELPH I A. P. S.Xait efur old Sofr.mrn tr.'H t found on otn- flttn. t (Jam .-rj -- v -v -v ry A. MARL AND TRANSPORTATION : COMPANY. I IIOIS TAVIST TO FAnrKT.M...Va are raw prrpurrit to i-allrcr ibla lunlr ralnlirala.l Marl at polnn alonx t'.a s. A t.. U.K. at SI0 a. lim. An analy.ln.t .v lu ui.ili .f Hil, uarl taKan Ir, in a iinifonn alica rut Iroin iu f.c of tb bat,k, mail l j tlroric Ii. Ceo k. hut UtulogUt ol Niw .Ur.aj, ibuwr a lullwwi t VPOtpiinnrr Ariu, Sit ifir Ai iO, I urAMit. 1.1 M . iuaimaatt, S 1 in II g. !i.io l r. T I ll-a. I ft lli.. a J-lu ib. Tit 'Wm 'rr.rr ttarl Cotrpany hir tlirlr tarl t Ir ra tlia top (o th bot'nni of Ih- l.., JJ'hnrouKliijr inikeu, tud il.aj (UiljoiLau.Mj, ft ibpp.y Mail q..l to tb inmpl aoal. I i;l Mnrl l ntapiri In all rlar.aa nf ill nn.t rrun-. ami Dumrtoui ItMlmonlallaao b ihowa luia laiuiariabil Itucaniau ul In rrinarkbliln nurtli A PE1THANENT FERTILISER. Itar. oitltiiarK i.l I h-.rrh.'ile Arid rril l-om-h alor mak It at onr Ih rkrapail as kt ol niHtiur . an... .c-ual valua lo il.a u,mar uvt lp. rlumal or Sj .ir tun. turtbtr lulonualiuu, c , wl.l bv l..u uy 1 , Sppt. 1?. '78. ra lit fA Ladies Coats. l adies Ccats aro in Every lady in Sn dcr S. WEIS' Selinsgrove, thoro are ctacks of them there, which in qual ity and cheapness cannot bo equaled.' La1UES .JNjlttKWJBAH.' mtKss goods; Everybody is invited tb call and see the full line of NOTIONS and FANCY GOODS The prices are un questional lower than ever. , , - Onff 1(1. IX T5TEJ5 P-OP. ir w v,-a,',a iujaiiinaiiiuBit mi , . . 1 t.rwit I'i'.'ii.xina or Iiio.v VilU, Total sain la J7 -.10 I. a, S l-l'i U. loo iHT. J rrifiirsi.' a Mi.i.n,.hnrn. ?")s:.S fjl KIfV.'AKt., Ih-nvertown. i : rwt:jr(:tj?irya.tlvag p.-rynMrVTi;V,i -v .a ii rS Ladies Coats. great demand at present, county can bo supplied fcKWEAK. I)kkst4 MIL lUipaotfull, H. WEIB. ! AH J; TO Mtf attrk4.l wtllsos r- aCW. sswIUr fWsv f . -y tX2.XXt t iwttf pi, f , i-'- f-K tATSX, t f tin '--tr H rtt r' T ?.',')( $t ( i Jl Uli a. ttni4'f mkr .''- - a''! ar , mtU aj kv as 7& tt$,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers