f'ar;n, llo.iu, tVe, ewe.. , 1 Claa-ihess of Stables. Wey rr qient'T coma across rcmon- irrnJc nftlnit keeping Itiaroos in ",M. the reasons atoo that the intTi'ini frer.-tlant there ruts tbs lea ther and soon dtstroys the harness. Now, this i bf0"'''! Bt the wrong en I to remedy an evil. We may talk ti l lri "yeario ai I year out" about tli it roattor, bat heroes will be lepi in the suble In Kpitd of till. WIicm uls en 11 b nnjo'liy of pcr p's wbi kn.p Wees bang tlwir irap pi'iu T A rich man may hive a cloent !; evliieli t'ie It u rues m ty hunt ly Irn. Icar ol aoimnin an I setter .l inden but lie avcig b mhj , ,ir will Invo bis png bo bin I tlie be im, heevisi he cai harp mi ofbr wt of iliipotvn of the barm. Hiit the tron'lo woutl eml if tie- riMliirtino of atnnmnia ia the HfiMes. a jrreveii.rtj. Kntr an or linury mi,I l,it uny period, b it e-"pe eiilly in ilie winter, when every ernnriY tin-ouch wblehthe wind can em. 1u i cnrefully stopped, ami what a pntici,t odor ottVnJi tbe Orttr!l nmt Irritntc theeycr! Is (Lis ol r.f ammonia, strongly alkaline ln-l iriitint, only injurious to the barnesa What of Ibe liors and tie lemh-r n embrane of tlie eye. the throat ! i Im- nasal esa.e ? Do you think tin- they are Ima sensitive than ..tik-t.ii.nel harness leather, well fi eased tirca. ,,,.jf ,s it ia t By so u.!tnn r If the prevalent ooVs ir-iun..,,.iv (T. ft the leather, you may to Jr!S tho i)'9 eufTer ; the tbronl anJ lint iro im'tated an J tbe banal rn2' huoiue ioflameil. Tbon occur ll.o TriM ii i,t moon blioJoes, vi'MiDiuruia, weep nn oi Ibe oyes, I"lloeI by l'p(la:umalion, while e'k, i l u U,l enroot, anl finnl'y lOHUnr ai.ll;lhen follow coughs, br.M cli tl, pinutuonia, beaves, ca. tnirlt, a.( Krct ; and by ami by. when tbe Mow! hns becoiuo poisoned by the absorption of diseased mutter fro.n inllaioi-.l on. I suppurating tneui-brsn-B, furoy and gladera dreadful and fatnl to lfit au.l man, too, result. Aud whilo a think of saving lbs barntos and removing that to a purer pine.-, ;ho b- o-l, which is worth dox.'U sole i f it, i leli to rut fnro those p logout sr-mcs without help. C'leeu the Mu'.K-s and tbo Laroo m.iy b;iog iu ibom aaluly ; and U ure, II the stablo U act n fit place for the baruei,ii U Du fit place for tbe bore. A barrel of p'.iat- r rao be poourtd Mvr ai o it oho dollar. It is wotth tbnt n a lettilizt-r. It i8 worth ten dollars ir an ab otbeotof amniouia and a hundred an a beultli pro-errer to the hois'i; riot counting the Mriiijr to tho harness, fprioklo it O'ery whore and bo liberal with it. Economy on ilia Farm" On lbs farm, an. I In nl tbo ya rlous details of rur. ! nod domostic Me, prudenco anl jiwt economy of lime sod oiestis urn incumbent ia au minent decree. The omh itself is fomposeJ of atom, and the tnoat Higantio fortunes eonsie of aggregated liens, ini(jmOjarjt in tbomsolros, Iti-iiTiditnlly oonnid.-nd, but oitjostio when eontemplatid iu unity and as awb le. Io the tiitto.'goneot of a farm, all ns-db sa o e t lituro ebould be syateinstios ly aeui l.d, au 1 tbe iu corns mads to ixce-d the ontlny as far aspesaills. I'senu ary etaarrniement should alway le rs,- r.ljl as a ecu tiugency ol evil boding, au j if eou tended ngainat wifi onoriy and poiBBreriinfJ.il titudo, it must soon bo overcome. Debt, i h but littlo h pa cf its nmoval. is a millstone dragging us down, a id oruahing tbo lifo-blool out of u. Bo careful tberefuro 'n inourrin any peouniotr reBpouiibilify which r'o-a not preceut a oloar d livoranoo wjili the adran ttnes which an iuitliioot ough. alwnjato inrure. ovtion A farmrr who pu'cl.fivga good furm anl tun pay down one-third of the price, jjives a niortiSije Tor tho oi Ik r two-third, anl ponscsscs the heart and ros dnii a to work it faithfully oo I well, rotors opoq the me path to sua e-s. Ho id labor with the eto'inrnginx koowledge that each day's "otei tioue willies sea bie indebtedness on I bring him nenrer to tbe t(ol when he shall be diaetithraib'd anl bi-roiu's a free bolder io its luoat rborrinj; scose. Bt without duo eofiuuiuy in sr. try department, In the dvelioi as well as in tho barn aud In lbs flolJn, this uraiifying aolitevoiuoiit may out be tem hod iititjl lute ia life, or may bs io'isflo'toly postponed, A prudont oversight, therefore, over all tbe op erations ef a farm, ia order thai sv trytbing may bo dime tht ought to Ve dona sod nothing be wsatod, will exert bowerfol Inllu, noe iu plaelsg a family on the high road to aa early intepeodenoe. Qermaotowo Tele graph. Cluap Afolauet t'a. Two enpfula molaasoa, one eupfuf Lot boilintr water, two large tables poocrals batter, better like griddle V-- witli om looaful aoda. 3 i i i HOSET CF HOREMD & TAK FOR THE OURS OF toujhi, Cold, tnlluenra. HoaraaneM, Dlltltult BrtJlhlng, and all AfTctllons ef lha Threat, BroaehUil Tutiet, aad Lungs, laading to Cenanmption. Thui Infilill.te remedy It eomroaed of the IfOMrr of the plant Hnrehotiail, in cktmiral union with Tar-Bai M, extrirtt l from the I.trs Pbinciii a of tbe freit tree Ahif l'.At xii a, t Talra nf Qlel. The Itoneyof llorchound hootiim and erTrras all irritaiinni and infl.imma tlnui, and the Tar-tlalm chassis and MrAt.s the thrM and air-paoaea lenJing to the lungf. Fivk additional inpredienn keep the vegans fool, miif, and In health f j action. Let no prejudice keep you from trying thii pre at medicine of a famous Doctor, who hat saved thousands of li'cs by it in hit large private practice. N. V. The Tar Balm Lai ao DAD TATTS or imcll. MltEl JO CINTJ AND it ML BOTTtE. Gnat wing to buy large ittta "Tike's Tootharhe Drops" Cnro In 1 Minute. Sold hy all DrueRhti. C. y. CRITTLNTON. 1'rop., X.Y. WmtiL oilT 'VINTKBORKKN, 1'GI'PKKMINT PEN NYftOY.lL, fil'KAKMINT, Ao. of prima a illie, bnuulitln trie iiitnntr f"r wb uu uviitirv, iree iroin nronertijt! commiii Ion, aturaita, Uf OODGE & OLCOTT, Imrirttra ami Knporiarn, at IVIMInni i , Nt Vora. .luut ,;. iu. JM KEl'LKB, Notary PaWis Siiryeyor, Conrcyauccr Rpal Estate ajjiisnraiicc Apt. )ae1. Hont tn l torUaue prepare. I anil al kln)i uf eoDveyaioliiit att-Milml tu promptlit with no.iaoM al trnnraer. Sperlkl tttaiit:n iilren to buylnij nn 'I elllna Ileal K.ute (imvt In Kreeumnt. Snyilerlin. P. i. AiMrtoe, Ml. fla.nanl atllli, Miy.lnr l'o.. Pooo'a. auk. .;. BEST.-i lU10.rl Villi PiUl OlUfiljo III. t JU par iliT maita lie ana jikar nf either e. rluhl In ihaie ni l.joall l Partlfiil in an I a.inpl. a wirih .'' Irot. luiprnvt yotir aptra time al ihla l.uol nai. A,IJre.' arisaun av Cu., 1'i.rilanJ Mwlot. Mar 0, 'f .1 A VALUAULli 1' KOl'KKI'V AT Pill VATE SALE. rPHE ntiiliaMnod offors I bo fl- L Inwlnir ikiprllie.l i.Mpariy at prlralt Kile. I KN A:H f.-i, . l. uro.l Ian. I. (Ituatt In ltiit Inwrnhlp. Hnj.ler l'o , p.., l, nill.a Vt,i l Troieitilla, aljoliil:ia laoilanf Wm. Wal ler, llaulel Maurer un.l . there, whara.m nr. .nii..l a oJ li w M.I.I Nil mit'xe:, m r a hi.k, niii ip an l other iilMill.llnua. Tin lin.l li in m,.i :ale n ruitlvall.ia, rnnvanlnnt to inamai : mare u-o an eieniiant linen A II II r oh.ilcc Irull, al l narer lulling water on Hit prmnlaiia. fur larmi eau at ma pMnileeaur ail.lreaa I'fcrKII MlllU.tH,l;ll. M r 1. 'Tf. TruifMii., Mij.l.r Co., Pa 1853. 71. 1873. CENTENNIAL ! Itavtnica.topttd tht motta of tbe "rfixoi.t SiapKM-a," iht eubaerllitr woul.l rill tht at. tend. m ol tbt bubllo to Iht lael that bt bra ailopttd lbs CASH SYSTEM, anil hereafter, will tell ooiti entirely InrCAsIt or t'Ulllil'UK.IielnK satlintil that It Ibtbttiut ytem or .Intuit buslneae. lie . ..nllnuea lo keep uo band a vtry full and wtll-teleattd stuck of DP. 0001)3, GROCERIES, CROCKERV, D00T8 4 8II0ES, HARDWARE, CARPETS, OILCLOTH?, WALL PAPER, 8H0B FIXDIXaa, LEATHER, HSH. OILS, PAINTS, M., C..C. whloh bt nftera to tht pablls at vtry greatly ra- With tbanki to my old eo.tomere for their liberal patronant rur intny ytare of the ptal, I woubl eollotl tholr euatnin f.,r th. r jlnaT. Ihty will bt bantnutJ by tht obaa'ne, ai Yonrbumbla .errant. S.l.n.,ror....p,.23.-7.. ''.""T. Q.UOSS & BROTHERS, Manufacturers of and dealers la all kinds ol iBILL TIMBER, LUMBER, PALING, SniNQLES, LATH, FLOORING, eto., Shatnoklo Dam, Snyder vu.iV, . a. Ail oruers promptly oiled. V.fsof, Chtrry, PopUr.tni Linn T.umlt unify ta natj, 7''0y, PBIVATE SALE OP VALUA1ILE PROPERTY. milB undesigned will sell hie late retU Ldeooe tliuateoa Main Street, tbo Dor ough of Middloburg, BuyJer Coimly, p. tbft is a desirable properly aad was for. merly kaowa as lbs CAULK IIOTUL. The Improvtoienls oomnris a LA HUB DOU ULB PRAMB HOLrlB, SUMMER HOUSE LARGE SHED, ICK HOUSE, and other outbuildings. Aa esetllent well of water at tbe door. It Is suitabla foranrleai. q. welling or noiai, ao looaltd Otar the eentre of business. Terms stay and reasonable. For furtb. sr particulars eau ea or address J. W. OHWIO, , WatsoBtowa, Nortb'd Co., Pa. Aug. 11, 1870. ' TyjfTeW on hand alt Limit of Bltvtkt BaieA at Note. Su,m Attorneys-At- Txi w. A ttomtt'Al- Lmf, Mifldltlinra;, fenn'a. All prirlintl iwmni titrmttt It till ert r"ilr prnmpt attention. Oi nitiUlloot In eolltk acd Utrmtn. ifc-t. le.'TS. JACOB OILBEKT, Attonicy-At-Tjaw, MlDl l.K.nt:i;0, TA. AIknltM enimiul to hit etrt will ncelre prompt Uful!n. Ju'y U.'rs. "e. iFowEn, AIICRNEY-AT-LAW, Mlihllrhurtf, Va. (timre la fll;t f 3, P. t'roainliltr, L.) ) folnieni aitila. l'oniulltlr.n lit F,nM.h Jui t 13, i;t.ir. tail iierijin j" L. KCIPJCH, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW, Xtw Jin Hit, t'nion Co, Pn. ProfcMlnrtl l.nnltir,. etitriitift to M er Till riccit" pnmpi tilititlon. Jttir v,':. QUA 6. 1. I'LlUcTi Attorney & Connsellor-At-Liw, OBlct In A p'l nIMIe rniHwr Nuriti l tilt iverHtoOi tiotni, $rliii4rfise, lonn'. t'olleotlnn ai .l til i.thor nml iikr.l nem I. ilirlia.l tu.l Kill rei '.; nrtM n4 irouijt fitmloa. Ai.t.ll.'Jctl. CUONMlLLCIt, ATTUltNBi AT LAW. e Middkliiirjr, Pit , OfTert his rrofeaslnnal arrvleea In Hie ruti lie. Collection and all oilier profp-rinnn! biainaa enlrnated to hia care will receiea prompt ailcntioD. .1aa 8, 't7tf T"j.8Mim . Trn1fKV AT 1.4 W. MlIitit.KlirittI, HNY hl)H UU..IM li:er hit Hrnreaatpnal Mervli'ta to the irtWI L'uuiulUlk.ui la tDKllrli D l '.leruiao. I? J. K. ZELLEIt, ATTORXKl'.AT'l.Ur M'tfflhitntry, I'nion Count;, Pn. All b'l.ln. n iintrii-ted tn lila -r wilt hII an.) felilifiillv tin lt It. Win nr. tta l n.t everl o.'uria f Sny ler an.l a.lininine . lunt'ta. I'au l.o eonaulit'l lu Ilia Kriulleh or ..(man lanvMnua Oei.sj, ';;;u CIlAliLES HOH'Ei:, ArillRSKV AT Ml Srlius-'roTS, I'll. 'flora tilt prnfcaalonaNerTices to ilie ptih. lie. Collections and nil oilier profe-tioii'il oniiiivv euirii!"ica io um erire win re eeio prompt attention. OftVe tnodnnre oorili ol llio KeVHione Hotel, fjiinft, "07 T M. LINN, M a (sueeea.ori ti A. II. DIM, (Slleeeaaort to J. P. a, T. XI. I. Inn I A ITl'llNiaS AT LAV. Lewiaburir.. I'a Olfer ihi-ir profvaaional ecrtiees Io the public Oollpvtions nn. I nil other pro ieaalonnl huaiiipss inlruslc 1 to their care rwiU reueiveprompt siieni ion. f Jan. .1, '6711 W. at N. I I'OTTER, ATionxnrs a r la w. Scliiisgroro. Ta , Olfer their profeaaiuiial serieea In lha puldio. All I'e.il hneinraeiiitriiHtt'1 lo lli.-ir oirt will reoeiie f roiupl attention, lll'ie. one door ihnee Ibe Ntw Lutheran Cbun b July, till AM OKt AILKVAW. HOR ( AM.RVtk. 3. ATiLSMAiT & SON. AT TO It XB IS A I LA V. KllHMfI'V?, VII profeaaional hiiiiiieor auj eollecilm enlrualed lo i b ir lure will l e pti.mplU kllcnedto. t'un h eousuiled in UuglisL ir tlei'iiiuii. Otfioo, .Murke' S.ure. II. H. (liiinni. Win. If. Di GltlMMfc DILiL. Attom8V3 & Couucclors .1 T-LA H'. Oflloo Xour tho l'oat Onioo. I'rri'hiiiij, 1'enn'a. Cotiauliniiou io both Eoglieh and Oerman LnngUHges. Dee. I '72lf. QIIARLES O. CORNELIUS, Attorney-A. t-It i w, STew JJerlin, Union County, Pa Can ba ennaulien lu um.!Io or Utrmaa. May 111, IS.'f.ll JOHN H. ARNOLD, Attorney nt liatv, Sr DISTJUC'f ATTUJiJVEl, M1DDLEUUU0, VA Professional business entriiated to hit care w."..' be promptly ailended lo. Fab J TlIOMl'.SON BAKER, Attoriie.v-iit-Ttiw, ewlaburg, Union Co., Pa geSrOnn be consulted la the English an Oermnn laoguai;et.tiatl OFFICE .Market Street, opposite WalU Smith it (Jo's Store 8 e'.iy M. PFAHLMR, ATTORNEV.AT.LAff, MidilUburg, Pa. Offleo in tho Court House All legal btiilntat aad tbt t'nlleetttn ol aiaiisa auouuau lo. I Hay, 3 7,', tf. WM. VAN GKZER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lowisburg Pa., utTers ble professional service to Ss pub lie. Collections and all other Piofcaaion al business entrusted lo kit ears will re oeive prompt attention. T. PARKS, ATTORNEY" AT LAW SBLINSOROVE, SNYDER COUNTY, Pa Sept.. 5, IJ7tf A C SIMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Northumberland, Pa. 'Jffere hia professional soreleea to lb. le. All busiotat entrusted to hie oare win oe promptly ailended to. Jan. 17, '07U GjAUUEL H. ORWIO, ATTQRNEYAT LA W, Mialaburg, Unloo Co., Pa: Omeo atxt door to Ttltgrapk Prlatlaa offlee, av, lan.ir. Physicians, c. DR. J. Y. 8UINDEL, SURtiEO.N AMD PHYSICIAN. StiddUburg. Pa. Offers bit erofsMleaal aarrlvaa ta lb. .ti. Piisictans, $v. jyn. I. OCIEU BAKBER, PHYSICIM AND SUR3E0i1, bavlor loralrrl at MUiDf.KDL'ftfl. r A , ottlce few doors Wt of the Crnrthonee. in Itesrer't flrick bnililia, otters bis pro- feteioniil etrriees to the pablie. lie peaks English anJ Oerman ' Oet.l7.'8. pEKCIVAL I1EB1IANN, PHYSICIAN 4 SURGEON, KmUcrvill', $njl,-r Co., Tn. OtTera bit prrfewlnnal aarvlggt to lha edit oi Kraiiert nit aua erainiiy. Au. n,'r A. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN AXD SUfiOEOX, Ofert his prnftastonal Servloea to the citl- ictia or AAnmaburg and vioinlly. 8epl, 78 f Alt J' V KAN AW EL, . MlVStCIAH AXt) UI10C0!, tnlretille, Sit iter Co., ln Otters hie professional esrvlces It iht puone. 6d8lf J F. VAN UL'oKIUK, SORUICAt A MECHANICAL DPST157 Pelinp;rove, Prnn'a. ,fit tic s of th e J 'cure. "yyiLLIAM H. SXYDIaU. JiiNttce f tlie toitc. Salem, Snyder Caj.i!y Ponn'a. All Collcclious and rcniitancrs pruniptly ijiudo. or, m.'ri. tr. JSAAO HEAVER, JUSTICE OF THE TEAGh and Ooriornl Collector . Mi l.llchury. Hnydrr County, Ta. Ppeclfil ailenlisn paid to colleclltos of ail LiiKla. KpiDitlanees mil be made promptly for all c il'.euiijui mJj, .Mnr. .lil H,f tr. Y H. WAONKIt, lj., JUS JUSTICK OF THU PBAOf?, Jaokana Township. SoyderCo. Pa Willalleod to alt huaineaa enlrualed to hia care and on the nio-l rsaaonthle lerm. Marob 12. 't;Htt J II. IIAUT.MAN, 'jith.'k or run pr4 e. Sc CiMivvniifut', CENrtlliVILLB. Snyder County. Pa nlleeilnna and all hnalneaa partnlnln to the etnre of .fti'tlet ol tbt Peace w.ll bt ul..n.ta.l i at ehorl oolli't Ap raT'7o ETII fill TC II ELL, Justice of Lha I'oanct t Cnnvcynncfr. .fat k'Oti T'.wo.iilp, Hnyuar tl.iitntr, p.. C I;., it .1... I v..,v. ,, iiik, an l all oluer Im. llM-e i.artaiiitnr t ie uift . mtiiI t tve i'.oir.i t ai'nitioo. I'5li,fn eeU lte: S Itill:i, ouiil), P. A 'lit 111. 77. OHN k."llL'OH E3,"i:ai.', ;JLSTICK OF Tim PEACE, Penu Twp.', Pnyder Co. l'i JAMES MIDDLESWAT;7ili Jusiice of tlia Peace . Convc,anccr. Troxlevillp. Snyder Co., Pa. Wl'l attemt nrnmntl. to all manner nf boat ne.apaitalrilnstn theorrira, Oollei tloni my it ll.e.l.. Arlloleake , wrlllen. (July iJ.'l-il yM. II. HARD1N0, JI STK K OI' TIIK TE It E fc CJOII VVIIlf!(Iw FREE MONT. Snyder county, Pa. IVilltrlloea an t all bnalnaaa pertalnlns tt the offleenf Jnatina uf ibe Peace will be Html 1 1.. at abort nollce. Apr. 2'7S. A. WETZEL, Ju3tico of the Peace, JieaetrtoiPii, Suydrr Co., i'a. All kinds of eolteotions made on lihtral terms. Promptly ailsnds lo all busines iolrualed to bis eare. (June 'Hi, 'TAK A. It. KICCK, Justice of tliii Peace anil CoaTeyancsr Siullb Grue, Miyder Co. I'm. Uollaetliina tnd til bnalnaaa pertaining to tba nV-e of Ju.ticeof ibe Peace will bt ettauleit to tuori ounce. Nar.tt.'TS JElt 11. M I D D LEtJ W A RTH, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AKO CONVEYANCER, MoOlure City, Snyder Co., Pa. Oolltellnna and all bu.lneat partalnlna to tht office of J urt lee of tbt Peace will baallen le.l to a. ..nil uutioa. July n.rtlt, J Q. HORNBERQEIv, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Ptrry Towa.hlp, Snyder deuelr. Pa. Collection., UoBTeyanelBK, ami all other bual Baf.epar-.a.ioint to lua omet Will ht proiDptle an l.il n ,l.-j mtmm 'I1 ill. ' ' J I. M ON BECK, .J list ice of t he Peace Ailamaburrr, 8n;ihr Co., Pa. Will ht ia hit uliiot at ibe above mention ad plaoe, on MONDAY and SATURDAY of each week, wbea all kinds of businei. reiallug lo bis olUoe, will be attended in suiif ,(dlfuir Uotcls. IB. I. tVuliuer. U. It. speck CENTRAL HOTEL. f. E. Cor. Klaklh wnet Onrabarluia BU. jppueiitiat uunri ujuw, jLiObaiton. Pcnn'o, Se-TUlt Hotel I. centrally and oonrenl.ntlr loo.ud. lioiuiuoaiuut and pleasaol. Houoia uiay im Bn.geu iu eunaade by eorreaponitenea, UVJ"iV i t"n 19 """ tumlurlable. CENTRE VI LLE nOTEL, (Lett Mn. Weaver's.) ' Ctaurvllt Haider Oe., Pa. PETES MABTMAW, propelate . Thll lODCtllabllaharf a. 4 .lt k w... r. "7" P'M,, " se UBdtralaaed.ao Uells a share of tho pablls pat ronaaa. ' 1mii m tee. a,aaia saaisis SaaVSI jAiiE3j.i:rrOaiE LL, Prorristor (IllVllt....) ill..- fa. ""v lluirlit. fjyiE NATIONAL HOTEIj. HARRISON WITMER,. Trop'r. Sellnngrove, I'a. Thta Hotel It rtetaant'r loeete.1 in lha Saitr,' ami lat Terr ile.lri.1.1 pl.oa fT ln-lr li...ip the ajtaTof aeeorniotattona al Low ratea. er aoiiiatnpplnioAr will be an 'a tocall agalD. Tb beat nf liquor lu tba liar rA O.alclsea KvaMurant iaeontKWlInn (, tbt Hotel. Avt.H.'ii. MercluwiiV IlouVe, SOUTH TIIIIIU 8TREUT. rillL'A VA. Tormfl l 0 per day. HENRY brAHN, I'mpV White ISoi-se SSotci, N. W. Corner Third St Wood Sts. PHILADELPHIA. J.irTRAUCK, Gooo StaSmso. Proprietor. 'Vines, M.juors an l Segare ef the rhoioeai Brands. Binr3o9 IjUlllMOUNT HOUSE, - WEAK TUB DFPOT, lMltlillcbiirur, lu. JOHN LI.MBEIIT, rnorntEToa. This honatls In eleao proslmliyto the depot and has lately heea rebuilt tnd re. ftlle l. Rooms eomniodiom Ilia labia wall tuppliud with tht hast the market afforde iiil terius nioilerale. Ite also keepa a first oli lieery. whtrs boracs. biifr.ie 4a., can 1s bad at all lleies aad at rearounbls rates. apr li I '78. Pit ilarrtfhitt, CVwvf J.S. FAENS WORTH. .WITH s JONES, HOAR & Co. Importers ot , Wnitc Gscis, Eiiisrci- flcrics Gci'ts hmMn Gsofls k. No. 5U M.tikt t Strei-t, riiiLADELrnrv. T. tt. fnnes, A H. Itaae. i si nr. lavs. w. ii. sriaii.i.r. T. U. Uticbtel. 13. c. SHAFER. WITS JOEL J. 33AILY & CO. JIUSIKKY, SMALL WAItES, White (foot!., Embro'itlrk fv vim f. :ji Ht.. ihf inii. Mii:r, j. iiaii.y El.Tny np i.y.tvnnv IIKNUVJ. DIVI1, S. J-l., W. VaI t't.ll. Q.WID WILLIAMS, Matiuraolttretef & Wholesalt Dealer In llt. Unliofrnny, Valunl and KssrrroBi. LOOKING GLASS rieturo & rbotogrnpblo FrnraoB Sos. 2:50 and 2:ri Arch Street, riiilt.lcli lila I'a. Frnmea Ttepalrrd In the heat mannei Mao. RoEil line: In all Its branches. ? aw - JACOB R. RIEdia Si CO., WIlfll.K.lALK 1IKAI.ERS IN FORKIUN k HOMESTIC DRY C30J8. l:iilti(l;l,Ui,i n. WE MAIN. Slauli iiooli: iilaker Sta tioner, and Steam- Power P SIN TEE , lM)Nil V ICutuil No 529 Market Street. PI1JLADELI'HIA. Vrom;ln.i. Ont Pj-ici SrUini, Pri! Marked On All O'ooh In . ijures. Apr. 18-7-'. f1 RAYU1LL Co., Wuuf.aSALB DaALiaa ia WOOD AND WILLOW WARE Oil Clolhs, Window fihaetes, Hroomt, Mais nriMiiee uouoa Lapa, (Irnin llasa. P! Nets, liiiokets. Twines, Wioke, 4e. No. J0 Jarket Street. Pblladelrihia. C C U t f e I Mtfiii M Fur "AD. DANIKF. 0. nURUHTtlKISKR de.lr..tn .n onuneto ell InternetMl. Tt.l .1..... .i.. ... B.s e ttaw ' m a.ililtlou of the Pinuof Herseti. eaer Ulrleh on ... ui npru, na naa open.. i la HI. tew Build Leather Storo and Fin iobinffShop, VUy. to"'" llmtaaw aa.nrtmanl o all klti.la of Plniehed blix-k, e.m.latli.. of liar, neat. tSolB, Upuar, Kip and Half Skin., Mnrrac oo'., I.lniHiie, lippliiKaae.,ofdinercntqualllla. ann nrlr.a Tli. u. ..... i. ...... . .. . ... .. . ... ,., ,wu w, nnnrna.ere, rami. are, aud ail oluara la lueii.d, befort purehaaiiis elaewbere. r "a Thin ft e yaare aa tpraellral Tanner qmllfle. . ...i . . ' a"xm uiuealtkee , ..... D.D. UEROSTIIK8SEH, Jnnt y.'IJJ bullnagrnet, Hnjidar Co., Pa Iwllt mall (Free) tbt rtelpt for a tiro pit VeoHTaaLN iIalh. that will remora Tan. .. . ';'""" ,lw iiuotowko, leaelna tbeiklu . .ft, elear and beautllul alao In i , . Hi iuuritai arowta ofhalroaa bald bead or smooth laea. Ad" SEUN3GB0VE MARBLE WORKS. Tba underatwnad hawinT .k. lowroea Marble Worka. I.ri f..ii. Vvr iiared to manuUetura. y Koimaciits A n i mmms. this sumuiar at prleee mveh tower than harem. jort, and lower Ibaa bat over beta aloae la tbt Harlnalu.t raralve.l a i.. ef all Ibe lattel ttylta of Monana.ia a. stoiits, I aia able f alvt Mllafaelloa la ttelat aud prleee, to all iTiat wi.b to deeorale lb! t;-' wu.uarvao iritaa wilt a ueal, vkaaw Uouaaual,V.Mbrr llea..l.i.a.. ' ' ab1!..!:?.!'"?'""". . tO kt war .-a awoarsawse strra BjU.IVSJ, JleirbM. Be.Ud Sllle, at urlett tu suit lha Barukaaae jrtreoas la a aad tf aay a? Ut abtee artlalaa '''., by fib., at iu tllJIi aaaiwa works atforo eur.ka.laa al.aa..7 1 .1.. a,L i..L. - .r nlZ. - i ? eeu-toaif.-... t . -ava - a irt a,... s . . a. ERRORS OF YOUTH. AnBjfTLF.MAwnn.eJared fir Tears Trota. .Xeermie llxoilit.T Pre natnra Derav, end all the 0.-la ..f ynnlufnl In.ll.rretlno, wili e.r the aake of anSerlns bninanlte, aan. free to ell who nerd r, ine roclp. and Slrtollnn fo n.a sine ilia almple rtneiiy i,y which ha waa enred. Suiieev. era Wlehlns to or.iSI hy lha ailrerll.eVa at parle eneaeaa ilneobr aiMre-Ini In e-rfert e-inrt. deuoe. J.IBM B. tX0EM, 41 Cedar Btrw.1 New York.. $66: a week In rotir Inen. t.'intit 11 frea. Pfariek. Header. If n a Want btleliir.aal whlrh priaobe nf either a i u.n make ajeeiu pay all lb. lime tbey wort. Write for particaltia lo H. UaaLKT kl'a, fort It' 4. Man.. $989! I'an'i t.t made by teerv tetat st- rv month In tht bnelntte wt litr nl.h, h! time wllllnc la wo-k nan ..lilt .... a .AI... . day rlirhl In their own Inealltlee. Hart no room to espials bert. tl'l.lneai plenennt and boner able. W oioeii tnd boj. and (trie do ae wall el men. V a wilt fnrnt'b yon a eompb.it tmiBt OM'" fv lattar lhaa aeytl It, ar el.t. We will tear tbaeine of etartlnx ton, I'.rlloiilnr. free. Wrtl. and .a-. Far mere and tneehanloa. ihelr enne tad daoih'er. and all eiaeaee la aeed or payln work al home, .honld write lo . and learn all al.ooi the work aloeee. Nuw la he time. Iion't deter. Ad. drees raoaaco., Aagu.ta Mains. y N 1 ON piAN I NO M I Lb SELIttSClBlirr.STiKH CO.,PA lTCccly& Wnrrncr Lumber De.ilers sen WAnrrArTraea or Ooors, Boor Bom, Windows, fihuttrrs Window Boxra, Blltttls, flash, 81nlr livings, Hand lllllnss. Brack . Mldlnra, Klnnrlnr, SCnct.l. MA WIM a cA BIN LT 1 URH1N0 Shinslos,l,ath, eVo., Vo. Orders solicited and flllod with prnoipl ss an I dtsptt ,h. Pittto till and etnoa ne.i irat ix before purchasing elsewhtr mum CTRAL HAILWAT. Unaa t after Voe. totla. 117B, trains ta tht t vast wiiis run as ii nitre) I LKAVK MIKTHWARD. Leave I Wiwahera Klasars Pwl . rP. t:tp. I.lne. V.wYork tliom I .'6 a al I. '5 a m J'"?". . lt.se pm f.SOtia KlStni Wellington 7.47 pm lo 17 s a. .Ilimure lpm II Maui li.rrlehurt- 4 .V a iu 10. SO a in latpni (leometowu t to a m S ol n ui H.lii.eror en a to S.itpm Siti.l urjr t.lOtm 15.10 pm l.iOpiu Nurlliuuili.il.ua Sfisia ia.W p m S'Spn. Arrive at l WiUiaiuapurt . SHarn S.Mpin tlOnoi hlnilra vi.l P In S IA p in lJ.M. n H.ntalt a 'Opm m.o5. ia ........ K'le J.w p in a.tAVE btlL'TUWAKU. l.eart P.eldo Duy lt.il Southern fflaeara Pal t 4 00. n. I.4jpn, ' '" !' S.li s as .". m "kina too a in li a in a:i&,n t'1" ll.aoam ........ I. o, k tlareu a.40a iu O.JApni ... , Wm.pt. T 4fi.ni lll.'.piBlo.H'pui liija'iii Notib' t P.Uaiu ii.oSp it, u.n . iu oiihnr 40am J jo p m U.Mt m s.on a ai Soltii.ruv O KI a iu ii :.0 p m f!.o.i a iu Herinl.Mi lo us a iu I'M. p in I. latin U.otuoi.i'n 10 .u a m J Mpu. lUaui Arrive al t II. rri.buia II (Sam t.topra It am Htliti Mpia 7.:lptn i.Min tUtm v.w York a.i . p n io.o p m e as a iu lo. M a m H.lniaira 0 1 1 p in 7.3.1 p in T4aiu 7 41 a ui Waaliiuatou o; p tu .u; p in P.O.' a m H.Mam Thoee marked "f .ton only when (leaned. A. J. C AS-4AT T, Oft. .Uana.ar. JOII N LAUD E N S LA C E R, UUGGY MAKE!! MKLlNSOIttlVK, SKYIIEK CO., PA. ll'iTint piirchnsiij tbt well known alnn.. in jSellnaTrote, formerly otvhrd h Phiiif llleeker. I tm prepnrej lo aeeouiinoilait al who may destro anything in my lioe. aui' warrant eniisraetlnn In all oaaes. 1 he.. eoii'hintly on hnnd. and am nrai.aiml 1. nisnufneiiirt al the ehorteal nolioe, -a.x UlMjfJIKH, i-ejasr SULKIES, awwlM4-J SLEIOHS.Ao r.eliie esperienced in Iht htiainrer. I flat. 'in luy-fll lbt I am fully prepared to mct tlie wnia of my eueiotnert. Tho handi auii lov.'.l art nmoiiv the heal tneebanieaia ihu county, and llieir woi k will nol fail to ijivo iiniversnl salletnctlon. (iir-Speciul iillenll.iB paid le rapnlrini in all its brauchea."ll Hliop on Market tireel. a few doors south of lb Ceruian Itefnrined Church. JtillN LACDKN'SLAGER. Stllnsirrore, April 7, '70-tf J li. SliLlililMER DEALtB IJt I14RDWA11E Iron, Naib, Steel, Leather, ' Paint3, Oils, Coach & Saddlery Ware AHU MAKUFACTURtlt OP Cloves & Tlinvarc. MARKET STREET. I.ieviMiwii, l'euiru, Nevember 2, 1871-lf TTHE' WHITE SEWING MACHINE tub near of au.; wa-awaaw a - Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in tho Broad Claim traiiatTHt TKRV DEBT OPHRATINQ QVICKesr BEIXINO, UAMOBOHEBT, AMD Uoit Porfeot Gowlag liaoMni IN THI WORLD. ' f t aaanaajSW af kw avuta la ax. 4 a. lfUW.4 ia a...i-..r. Ji .Z7Z.ZZ;Z rI'kMl?'MAM ea.i,(ta4J (Tit 14) Irate aa aat It aaaalta aaee la. a l.Tl 1... T meeaafkwIkttaKawu a,, a4 l WQ art kaaS S -a, SO bars tal laa fweav.a. rvVVat 0 a a a k - . . V w a ... a . , -I - ' ck j .mares ap.aata.t.. -Mi ArranBement ef Paienf,hf . Train ears lintons. .' ...... tu.i-li.Uill ft.TCeT). ,-- for Shsmokl., lu,2o u.ff4).. I.Jrl p m- 4 i toirt ( Sunttavti A', . ' ror sis rarmel, Ashland, t. I Poltavllle, Mmtt. .ni h (Stm,Uiyi Etvpirjx J 'S treavs ebaiaektn. C 0(1 . ' . . .4 p m. " m' Lesve Philadelphia 9.44 a at ft I It.AJ a in. " "Mb.' Potlsvllle. tl.TO p ta. Tani. I r. A. t.1... i 'j sal 1 Tqa tit J felt a. I 4 "l ib. vRrmei j,tu p n. rinbrefVcre Harrhliif ntk'l For Kew Ynrk. 5.2o. 8 10 1 ' I 00 end 7 ft5 p. at. "el For Philadelphia ..So, S.io, nd4.0pns. ' Sunday For New Tori 5.2t a m For Philadelphia I. 49 s. sa. Train for Harrubmn tear nyofl, ann -4 s.- p w. wi Lesv.lhil.J.lPhl.,.43.ra.MJ f . aa. Sundayt Leave New Tors 5. So p ra. Lene l'hiladelpbia " n D Via Merris Ee y R. ' J. T. WOO "TRV n is .. ' an.irAvrnrtr fl"W . (Kmllklttt Act Feb V4. lla 4' . Jkvi rkllek, ' - Manafaeturtrof and dealer la FTJKNITUm Would reroeetflillY Inform i. .in..... Solinagrovt and vicinity, that hi m.tuif.J .our jot ami seept conalanl It nn hV.rl t'HAIH 11 ai l. i.lIull ... . . .,. 1 inii A 1. ) Furniture of every Descnptlos at Iho very lowest prioe. He rerpsctivr, iuvilea an .iimln.i.,.. Ae ' ' .EUaTKADS.BUREAUS.TABLES.SOfi hOVSaZi, SrAKDS, OUAIR3. a, firA special Iniltntlon It al.n.l..t ,. wlv tunrrie I fo.k to onll and aa. . ..... nr. ...k.,I,..1..- .f. w ' LEYI RCLLEI Relintgrove, April6,87tl-t K.. 1J1SNTX WAT0H& CIOCI MAKER ! MARKET ST. MlDDLKUUltO ll'EXVl HAVING loenltd In Ibit place I a-.il reaped rully inforo. the riiiinH Mulillehitr and vlotnliy thal't em ter. "I to topiiir CLOCKS AND" WaTCIIM :keap and expediiiuuely. The pair.i.p ... i'uuiioi- rt'peciiuiiy enlicned. ..... K- tKH Miilrjlehnif. k.sy laj, 7a. HABiJlE 61 LEWIMIUKO, PA. T ALtAlM AN0 AMERICAN MARU MONUiSENTa. romlintimes, HlutueH, Urns, Ytnf LA.MIW. for ChiMi-eir. (troves 1 f'twrt, .LuiWs, Tn!Utop, Mttdlt Stuti SluniiU. Ae. 411 thotawboda.lretonnrei,... J anything tl.aniat.tiluvtnitd al Ibe aU.a.J t 't't't uirbi. w.m...hu,d eo., 'ut ,33 -...-. purrnaains; alrtwk.is, I dutyntr..!,,";!'.... THE SUN FOR 1879. o- .?!!,!,:" e pili. ted te.ry s.y 4.-.' mTik. . . ., " Prioee an.) in. i lied h !liV2" ".'".I "!' To preeetil alila! .bo"uVh " -; ...Tl",t! ' been, la aad will cotiMinte tew !riT":L",,?'"r,,w,, and ...rylhlnf tvr Ibe Iruih asd iu own .auirlclln. of dmr. lie l'. i9' ' V!"" .mt,u u n u,," aew.Hf.i 7.??. !". . hI l'a.ar lha couadeuc. nl Ji.i' ' e-Baltioaey Ibaa u e anaiyed be .,, nii.. . THS8CB ia lha .... " ' al fue'il?.?' ,h tk' "lr "be p.w ie.i3 ...l.i'v "eiiaina, iu. rum uiae, s,t H. i !. "V? J11'"''"" all lute.Mi. lata omiMiuiilie. lila nut ikt orsaa ofaarpareM oI.m imtI or party. Tbera aeed 1 e no Etiiai bout lie ki.t .04 bale..- Ji i.vr" lb. I l"hl,,l.,,V,,..," "'f ' l"" lha huneel IJeuin.irai . . ..if . . ..... tLI , . i ; .7 w-.i .. an. hip, "7 Si, i? 1 Be''llrao, aud for Ibe bon.elM I'Uiill.an aa agalnei ibe dl.bouael Peniearai. a doea not lake Ha eue from the utterance of ae, polliical omamsallun. ll (le., it. .gppei unrearreedie abeu men oe aaeaairraa era U'i sreen.enl wltb Ike tJoiiatlitifiuB aad with iw) lU'tmilph a upoa ahlrh Ilil. R.puujio wa. feuw4 adlorlbepeoi le. Wbaoeeer Ui. (loii.tiluilal and rouatliuib aal prli.elplas art rlol.trdj lu Ibe 'Blrageout ovu.plraey of H70, b eli'S a man eol elrcud waa place.! la lha Pre.ldi4 ottlce, where be aim renielne-li .p.aka.mM the ruiht. That la T.hSii.i. ..A I oner. In Ihlt reaped there will be no eb.ua lie proiirenime f.,r una, I Tua Sua baa f,irl, earned the halted of iwl 'a e, frande, andhumbn of all eon, eod.ue.1 It bopee to drear, thai hatred not leae Uoa eeer IhTJ.Ib.n l l.TU ire ... .."""." , Thb Hun will miuiibu. lo'ahlne ta Ibe a KM "' w'Siiineaa. I n bile lha liaaooa nf th. .vu k. ..J atanlleklBt beforalh. ni.l. . w.. alei not purpoea lo uiake lie. If In lk7U a Bl..aiaj aacltnl bletory. II le printed for the ra-o.nl wuu.au oftcular, l.o.t fmoern le eblellr ain) .t.".?"""f "-a")'. bo.e eoecern I. chi-il with tbe ettAlra of lula. im.. ..n. n.. juui elllon and the abllirto alt.Jld He readera IW prouipieal, fulleel, and moai arornle lalellUel wi4,.,,0.,. "" rl "Tib ! ( lion, lo thl. and ud Ibe i.auurra. keloailui en,pk!yld'W'"",, a""'1" will e UbtnWl 'the pr.aanl dl.Jolned enadHloa ofp.rlleik' thla eountrv. aud tba bmnh.!..!. .1.. fi..i laud aa eatraordiutrr i.liioltlcauya la lheeaai of ibe oomloK year. The itlwiiaaioB of the pnw, Iba debatee and aole tf ibwtreae, and tba aimel nianttnf lha laadere In everf eecllua oflhe Bri cub io will bare a iilreel barln an Ibe Pre I denllal alaollna of lSO . ..u which BlIUl m ranarded with Iht Dial .ml.,.. 1..1....1 1.. ael ary p.lrlotlo Auitneao, whatever hie polhwl; 1,1... nw .11..,,. ........ ., . r . n -. ..v., 11 i.M. aioniauia 01 law aal may bt added lha ueubalnlli. .1... iw. lurl ueratewlll toulnd both houeaaor Uouarea., usi 1 1, r.. , . . ...l.l . ..... . . . . . : ' w.wurw , .aw irauuiaai aniui.. 1 iraiiua, atJ Ibe apre.d and atrauvlbl'is evrrr' when of a bealtby abh.irenre of fraud la fl ftirai. Topr.eeulwllb ao.iurac tnd tleaiaeii the eaacl eiiuailoa lo ea. Ii uf Hi varylna pbaMt a4 to tapoaud, axeonllus to IIS well-tiieea rf" . . prinoipiea ilial abuuld aul.l. a. Ibrnuaib I be labjrinih. will Una InipoiLiil aul, uf TUB Stll'aaa.k .... .aipaaa.aa- ,. BWlBede, Ibe nrluolblm Ibal akuulil uul.l. M uf Tun Hun's work fur le;a Wa bate lha lue.ua u4i.abl.. mm aaaf political, t literary anil a geuerel Bewepaperi oiora atiUrtaliiint and more ueeful Inau eitf tr 1 lore t and at uiean lo apply Ibtni fewiy. . I Our .at., of aubwrlptlua remain uebtae Per Iba Uailv an..i.... .1 . i..u. eiblcolumua,lbeplictby mall, Boat paid. 4tciite a uioutk.or tasu a year I Si7 InoluJUf tbt taoaday paper, au el(ht-pa,e ahl tf SI If -a" toluinuav Iba prloa la aan.nu. I ..,i ar lei Sear, pialagt paid, ' Ibe rtuidajr e.iitloa of Tea But it alst fS atehad .tiwralely al tl to a leer poet. at paid' 'inanely Af ia. .. J .. . 7 ....... Bliy-ela etlaaius, It l s year, pu-' ..J. nuii.i,iw,a,.di.fi,,,, . k, M a. .y btt, A.1. j, , , r tju;iceipr.ia and Rail Road. ne tit U, I " "TV aj low as 75 etc," .titirtuic'y,'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers