r j'ddlVburg, Dec. 24, J1878, WIOIITT COwTa. TM HOOIte Of W.J.T." HtpWMf, eadSStOBd rykoereber. communication. luln- 2a for t'i "mct to :r.'itantlon liouM be ailtlrei I.t ecu re uitrced 0K " To. ijlWS " " "'"""" l ... . T ir.MU.nM ,ar Chanty, Pa. AUverti.cnienui .iniclio" Ac. mini l handed TV.. UoniUr ioonr to a-cura nuer- 1" I.ana linn m " - Tiocfti New, fteo. IEWI8T0WH DIVI8I0M. '. ..lltf. WBSrWABB. ,Ti. j.T ! '' llle.ti It 4M 4 It 4 44 444 4 II 411 4 14 IM M I II 41 I IT II I tl I II I M ii' : a it III l I u tm II IT IT I 01 I It n t it IM 4 M' 4 41 10 IN nr u t in t ii it 4 ii i I 4 T ' T t r 14 i i u iu .Is ' '-. ".7. r-'r':'' .'.2 ri'rrr. ill. f..Hr.w E r. J'.!if Y. W- i I ikwtna a.. ..... nl A Happy New Year to 'All. tfti.hiug. Jlewtre of boa-ui trade dollari. Friction! currency ii distressingly bnrco. (biinurfeit dlmei are laid to be in tirculiition. Bonn are playing havoc with sheep L Elk county. The Chime of the sleigh belli ii keard In the land. tt'illianinpnrt ha an eighteen month ,M baby that daucee. Are you going ti turn oer anew Lfon January 1st? Qfircoat lelling at cost at Wei A Oppmhoimer', Selimgrove, Keep a strict outlook for ancak thieve and conrtdenno man, On an nre three horse are stolen ,ry week in Chester county. fork sell for three cent a pound in kiumntng, Armstrong county. Sjtlpct to put tip hand-hoard sub- ItiU township upervisor to a fine. flats lolling at and below cost at Wii 4 Oppenheimer'. .Slinsgrove. Some girl aro liko old mnkeU ; I I I ... Iliry itie a grent ooi oi powuor, um La'tgooff. A (mm we captured in Noi'thuni- WrIJ comity recently that weighed kbirty pound. Frmeri of oreat county havn uf- Urri tiie low or Urge number ot bicp from bar. I.idie eoU in great vnriot- at P. Vii'. leliuigrove. I'rice lower than Urhie. "Mnintain your rank, fnliiarity d. Hr" ; to iwtr i neiwinr iirTr, io- lits nor wise." A bi( stock of food uitable for hnl- Msy present Just recoived al S. Wuis', Ciliimgrove. tnaiing how pleasanllr the girl mil upon the young fullow who poi iffi a hone and itelgh. Cksiiou D. Kut, of Ilerk county, liu gathered three ton of black nnke root, and (hipped it to Philadelphia. El iu Aurandof Penn township, had parilrlio itroke on the morning of the 23 1 Inst., and lie lit a precariou condition at thi writing. A (mail portion of alcohol rubbed on window occasionally at thi season of the year will prevent ice from collec ting and freezing on the in. A large barn, on it farm of Mr. Oeo. Rchnure', ner Freohurg, one day last week waa burned to tho ground, togeth er with all it content. The farm wo tenanted by Mr. Jacob llackenhurg. Aaron Walter and a aon and daugh ter of Joseph Zeiber of Bnllevtte, Ohio, we notice are visiting tholr friends In thi vicinity. Lem. Il'cbiter of the (aaie place i alio back on a visit. Thirty-ieven per cent, of the con vint in the ponilentlarie in thi coun try are person who never learned a trade. In thi Butte tho percentage i double the general average. The rhila. 4 Reading It. R. Co., will Urn excursion ticket during the Curiitma ioliday', from all point at which agent aro located, at greatly re duoed rate, good to return Jan., 4th. Our young and geniel friend, Dr. I. 0. fl.rbor Urted on Tuesday morning for a khort visit to Philadelphia o tetuihly on busine but if hi bui neu i not connected, to oma exten, with on of riiiludelphia's fair daugh Ur,wo doti't know-tht' all. TwnlyAv Urga iIm Terfumed Chrotuo Motto Card, no two alike, withname In gold, post paid ten cent. iddrea Q. I). Litchfield, Lilchlleld, 111. rieas state what paper you aar thi avrtijient in. A Trtot ! Un Containing S20 Aert. litualed on the North Branch of th BuMiuehannft river, about 4 ntllea bov Northumberland Pa., will be efiarad it Publio fol at H -' Hotel In T " -- Price for new tobacco in Lanonstnr coiinty have keon highor Ihii wlntor than fof yr. . An eight hundred pound candy el ephant U on exhibition in Reading. How our boyi would like to tee the elephant. TI!nrs, liverymen, leighownrt, sleigh belli and skate dealer end fur mere are nil praying for mow mid a temperature down to tero or lliar about. The peculiarity about the A. 8. T. Co., Blank Tip ii that childreni' fine ihoeito which lhey are apliod, not on ly wear twice ai long, but they re.ly add to the beauty and fitilsl. of the ft a est ihoe. Contrary to announcement made lt week, we are com poled to Issue a paper llii week, owing to iiniinrtnnt advertising matter coming in, tvliieli required nmeJiata insertion. Our usual holidiiy rtit will therefore bo taken ncit week, when no paper will ha is. tied from lliii ollloe. The data nfimi on outside of thi papr i explained by the fact that our uutsidt print, ed before the foregoiug change bad been made. Our new "dovil" John, h a weak nvM limiliir to that which hi atfuuted all our devil -vix: He I inordinate ly fond of of the 'gal.' A a proof of Hie above assortion, it is but necessary lusuue, mm a row mornings ago, a- bout tUy-bru.k, tlio mercury way down among the "woe una" figure, lie was discovered iwiuglng on the gate, hold tug iweel communion with one of Mid- dlcburg' fair dauiiel- If such cold weather caul' no chill on hi ardor warm it must bo. Adamsburg Temperanct Meeting. Major K. 1'. Scott a temperauffl re former ha been holding a erie of temperance meeting at vtdauisliurg -extending through all last weuk. 11:1 are reported a having ii;ned the pledge and a Christian Teumerance Un ion wosorgsni'kj with Hjulien Kloseas 'resident ; 8. 'urnd, lst.Vice Pre- idenl ; Genre .,Hcr 2nd, Vice Prei iluut ; . I. K'iig, Secretary and 1). B. H'ctxel, Trcjurer. Lack of upce Jrecludc u giving the report receiver ,ii full.- The Ponnsyllunia Central inusii'al Association wil'. bold it Oth, annual Convention in .lie Jf.iaiual college, I'reehurg Snydeti county, Pa., during the week comn ai-iiig Jan., (iih, 187'J. Concerts will bet eli on Wednesday, Thursday and Ki tnr evening, Jan., 8lh.mii. A 10th, 1 i .' Uudrr the skiliJI iMAiiaement of ihe inusicul lirei-tvrj Sic. K. C. M iyer, these annual contr&tioiui have come to be among the ('St popular enter tainments our eou luive the oppor tunity of atteuiling. Musical talent of high order i i!vjy brought into requisition and PrWjii'k' wiuter con ceit are always eni'iUblo. An age oHSrprlie- We are constant llv earing of some new and wouderfiil .Hivcution or dis covery, such a the .jrVphone, Phonn graph, v eel lie ilnW., which tendt to revolutionixe all tile old-faahtoned ideas ot what it what.f The principal drawback to the use if thene new ap pliances ha bceij the considerable outlay necessary forVeir Introiluctioii; i ..Lr- I:. I- I . . , dih inn uiiiwiiiij M. jogarna me jimo phone haa been sfactorily over come. A Botoa firrk) ha succeeded in producing snincDmsut that work one mile, which tru are able to soil fort3.(X) complct:- lA description of Ihe invention willMfound in our ad vertising columns ) West BraWr Itcmt. Mr. Tobias Bik.V of McClure has just completed a ftie new house and a good stable. i Mr. 3. M. TroxeK with a good force of help hasdresseriind (hipped a large quantity of poultry to the eastern mar- ket. We aawoljn i when he look t if out of a feathyeoeJ. a few day' ago, he had crawled Wm. M. Rrelnn, foreman, Thoma Youngman any l0 K. Treaiter, have been employe!, repair hand on Sub diviiion No. th 84 L It It ever ince the roa a tieea built- Amor" B. fr'Klhoe the champion hui4erorMci.e ha killed this e on 13 Kraycjetiiiirel. 8 Rabbit, 0 Pheasant, i.lild Turkey. 1 .Skunk and a IUtthv ;iihke. Bweet aoeuted some of the i lime, A. K it viwrth I hv ing hi houi. tn'L,h V Mr.Harry Wagner, painted, J B When tn the jour of human event a superintend, of the Jwietown Pi vision oiiiim S Ilk buy a houaa and l down In a toi ortabla home, lo t here oomes an t(i t thoulder hi tripod net comm. lorhasbeMH lira anew. sir. Tey omotasl to Bnoerlnten dent 'of th k Ifaal P.nH Ttrannl. from plain v Itheny truy.a is Intersection to All hh) place bare will be Ailed by J. Ilutchlneou, Iq., Asst., Huixrinda; Columbia and Port D pOSII IWif i II ia almott needless to ay eve-r la to ! y U sorry that Mr. Taylor . tlHMich l la teinnerad wltb i'r that Mr, tlulchiuon uall popular. Xe7tfo7ft A great reduction in Oormaiitowii wool at 8. Wei' ficliwgrove. Owing io the fnet that we will dis solve partnership In a very hort time we are telling our entire etock at and bolow cost in order to reduce our large stock. The stock I yet complete, and everybody who will favor u with a call will be convinced that he will got a better bargain than ever. Call early, Wei A Oppenheimer, Hclinsgrove, V Chnrubrra' Cyclopedia of dig ital l.tiui-ulur). Brief blogrnphie of all noted British or American authors, from earhosl lime to the present, with fpecinien from their writing, making a work not only thoroughly entertaining and useful to all intelligent reader, but nearly indispenibto to peoplo of cul lure. aTho newly revised and beautiful edition contain over 2,0) page, and the entire work, in eight hiindy vol ume, in furnishad, freu of expreM or mail charges, for f .Mr) in paper, $.'J.iM in rlolh, or in h-ilf morocco. The puhlislier isll only to ulscrilr di reel, instead of giving dealer and a- genii the usual "Kl or 0 ) -t end. dis count to sell thooi, which rtconnt fir the remaiknblo low price. Special in ducemenl are od'erud to tiinsosendinu early order. .Vjieciinon page with full particular, sent on rcipicit by postal curd, by tho pulilitliers, the AmkI(Ica; Book Kxciuxoe, S3 Book man street, Now York. A Complete Newspaper. nlsrpris Ihst his mils Th Til R WF.KKLY TIMES not only ihs host )jr. ssl sf lis elsss In Phil lilihia, but, h gsniral seknawli lgincnl, th hist J nir ail for III family oircls Imuol from any press, is sorupiil.iii.lr m ilnU'n I. lis contributor frmi work to wssk are among 'bs farsmint men of lh nul'in. au I no dtpsrtnisnt of n or 1 it oral ore is slighted la any ntimbsron any prsiXt. It I (dapted well to wimen at la mm j htno. alihough us poliiloal Intslligvue it full and accurals and its poliilcil , ed itorials frss and fssrloss, libsrsl povisinn i mads for rllgious, littniry. dramtiie and mnslol maiisrt, wit and bumnr trav sis and adrsnture. fiction, ponry. f,ih ions and ibe cbrnnlals of current snuial vsnli. la all tbts drpsrtmcots lbs prnsofthi bst writers srs tngsgnl while seleotl ons from ether jailrnl ar mad wltb ears, last and fulluvss that are ensiirpanrd. Th ipeoial eorrespan dints of TUB WEEKLY TIMES are found at every news ctoire, emliraoin; all Ainerieaa and European esiials, aud ihry an eharid lo spar no labor or X penae la give hs riadei-s the best an I earliol soeoiint of manors of ourreui inlrrist In every dspait'neni ol Hie wo ill of news. In addition lo lb regul.tr enr nspondenos ibui irivl led. Ibis journal is chosen by many of . lb most eminent men uf II I day s a medium of eonnnu oioaiion willt ih public The "Anna's of hi War," unbracing ehapien of tin written his'oiy O'lOirilmted hv prominent sotni in ibi war uf lbs rebellion, are tahmble fetture of the Taper, and have beotni a ren(nisel depositor of such matters,' wheibsr from Noriheru or Bomb em source.. This department, a wl: si ill olhsil, will be well sustained during Ibe coming resr. Pi-Uction. of somi of lb uou alnble war aniala Ibai have appeared alrealy bail beau amis, ta answer Ilia general demm I for ibelr publioaiiun In book from. The vul u:m thus compiled, eovsting about POO Pfes(pric (4), bana'eomely Illustrated and alegantl tiolmd, 1 cff.rrd a pre to for suhacrlbers. A cipy of ibe "An- nala"' will be given aj a premium to any on sending (IS for a eluh of ten, or SJ& for a el uh of t win . I luh leruia of THE WEEKLY TIMER ; Ono oopv, one esr, ii Ate espies, onm year, S ten enp- tis, one yesr. (Id ; lasnly e-pies. one yesr, Address fllB IIME3, I'blla- dclphia, Pa. K. F. Kunkel'e bitter Wine of Iron, lies never been known to fail in lb oure of wiaknesi, aiien lej with ayinp loma, indispnsitino lo ejerilon, mi nf memory, riilbouliy of hrembinit. feuersl weakness, horror of disease, weak, ner vous trembling, dreadful horror of deaib, night iweais, oold feel, weskneta, dim ness of vision, languor, uuivirtsl latsi. tude of ibe uiueoulsr system, inoriuous appstlle, with dyspepiio systiin, hot hand, flutlilng of I by body, dryness of lb (kin, psllid cmiv tenenc and trup- lion on the fade, pnrtfyia iu hl,j I. pain in lb hfck, liiavinest of the eyelids, fri quant black fpua flying before I lie eye. with temporary suffusion and lot of light, waut of ai lent ion, ate. Tlieee sym ptom all arts from a weakness, and lo remedy Ibal, use K. F. Kuukel's UlUer IVIo of Iron. It nver fails. Thousands an now enjoying health who hat uted it. uei Ihe geuuiot. ecu ontv to si bot- llei. Tsksonl K. V. KuokePs, Ask for Kuuel'a Uitter Wlm of Iron. Tbie truly valuable luulo ha bee so Ibornugblv tested by all clss.es ol the otnmunity that It ie now deemed ludu- prneabla a Tonlo uedioine. II eost but Hull, purine lb blool od give Ion lo lb nouiaoh, reuotam lb lyitein aud prolongs lil. I now only at a trial or inn vsiusdib lonio. I'riueel per boitle. B. t. KUNKLL, Boll 1'rourieior Ha. 1 Norm Mntb Street, below Vim, Philadelphia' Pa. Ask for Kuukel i tiiiier Wiue of Iron, and lake ni oibiT, A pboiograpli of th proprietor on eitoh wrapper, all fiber r oounlerleit. Bewer of oaunterfeita. Do not lit your druggist atll you any but Kuukel'a whiob I nut p oolv as buv rtpressaied. ion 4 fit ill bull lei for Sv dolltrs. All I ask I en umpli irist. Tapi Worm Rtmoved Alive. bead anil all aninplei ia two beur. Mu foe till bead paesei. Bei. PI and eioeioeb Worms removed by Dr. Ruokel, Hi North Ml4b O'reei- Advio Ire. t Fee uatll head sud all paxes Iu oui. ad illti. lr, Kunkel Is the only sus- ressful phf siuiaa la ihii eouotry tor th reuiosal ot Wurm. and hi Worm Syrup Ii pleeieul and f fur ebildrea or grow a beraoa. rnu lor iiroutar, ar aa ior a boll I of Kuukal Wersj Htrup, Prlo an oSiVUr pet butile. Ui it of your eg tel. It aeeer fall. . Uackso "fir Nrwand KmtnMityt Perfwnf" I the bnl and rhppel fierfumo ever of fered to ttie f ii i til Hi for perfuming wear ing aiinnrel. loiter paoer. e'o.. etc. It is everlasting, and give to linen, loiter naner. ami whatever el vou may wish, a moat refine'! and pleasant odor. it placed in a drawer, no matter what be the content, It will beoome redol ent in le than 20 minute. Mailed, postage free, to any addreM on receipt f the price, 2-1) cent. A-VI"" O. ft. Litchfield, Litchfield, ' llao , a n d please state what fauer yam iaw tins notice in. tfChew JackaoBN Beat Sweet Navy Tobacco. Deo. 6, '78 lj. W. II. Orov, of I'liioib lewnshlp. Ps ay 1 b a ry bid cough for shoui nine wiski ! a goo'l disl r mul leins with a fffet. I got a battle of K. K. Tkompioa' Ulyisral Tough lyrep, and In Us than lia dsyswss inilrrly urtd, nd wilt l b wlihnul tint thr hno after ibis. Whrn t lolil i would ur oi la a wstk 1 did not bt liftc It. I'rsnand by R. K. Thomptc, wholrr al drusRlsl. Tiitillls. I' Fur ! by JvbD A. Moal't,Midtlltburg. HVi'i' i'dni. .SVii iu Ihtndwjj Cxiipound" forces heavy Mustache oi llfio I au llis sinnnlhfKl ikr In from iU la 80 dsys. It D'vrr fail o ponsil.lc In Joury to tin skin. I:'iIt npplia't anil esrlain in fffeoi. It will also rsmovr Dandruff ami pneot lltldnsts. I sm lb fnl sgml for Hi is compound. Pr psoksK. pant -i'l. lb cenn. TJ p4rk SfrS 40 renls. AMrisi (1. II. l.iicbAfld, Lnohfield Illinois, I'ltrv.t sisii in whsi pspsr ynu i this adfrlisiuisiil la. HcpU 20. '78. ly. Consumition Cured. An old phyHii-iriii, retired frnui prnc lice.linviiiK li.nl pluced in hi lunula liyauKiinl Indiit uiissinnury the f.ir inula of a simple vegetable rcniHily, for the sjieetly and perut.tnent euro fur consiiinpiiiin, Itrottchitis, catarrh, nMthniii, aud all throat, and lung (!- linns, also a pnsitivo mid riitlicul cure for iiervnu deliilily and all nervous complaints, after having tesled its anuileifiil ciirnlive power in thou sands of ease, hits felt it his du'v to iiniku it known tu his suller'ng rellons, Arttinled liv thi inoiive, and a ih'nirc lo relievo human aiillering, I will send, free of Inri'.toull w ho desire it, I his re. cipe, with full direction for preparing and lining, in (lerniun, French, or I jiuli-h. Sent I'V inuil hy addresKiug with slump, iiiiniing this paper. V. V. hhenn. IP.) l'otver's ltlock. Kochcs ter, New 1'ork. 4 w. r i m Livo Agents Wanted. To sell Dr. Chase's Recipe ; or In formation for everybody, in every county in the United State and Cana da. Enlarged Ly tho pulil'mher to CIS pages, l contains over I.H00 house hold recipes it ml is suited lo n't cIhski s ami fomlilioiis of society. A wonder ful hook niitl a household necessity. It sells at siirlil. iretet Inducemeiils ever oll'ered to houU ngonts. Siinijilt! copies sent Ly mail, pos'p.iid, fr f J tm, Kxclusive tenitiny fiven. Anenls mora than douhie tl.i ir munev. A I -ilicss Ilr. Chase's Sn-sm riintiug "iitC Ann Aihor, Micht;:iii. Oct. 17lh, 7-S.;i:t, w. S t'-LINSOKUVK PKOUCCK MaKKEI' heat per basket live do t'orn do Dais do I'liiterseed per bushel Timoihyeeed do 0.i Hn ft i 6.1 I7A Itiiokwheal d Flaiseed do Oninr.s do I'otntoet da liutier fee pound If It per doiea 0j;r i Tallow per pound Lard Cherries Periled Cherries Blackberries Itsrberriei Dried Applet Soop Ham Hbnulder Sidea Dseun, Sides Chestnuts per btishil Slietlbsrks do Dried Piaobei pared I'ea (,'osl 6 ia7 08 Of, 06 ) Koto 2 on 2 HO io .1 Oo Chealntil coal GOVERNMENT STOCKS. &C Clos inu l'rliof lis It avss fc To essssn, 40 guntti Tu.nl street Puil4.l!.liU. KiiM-ks bouirlil ami ! I either (ur cssu ot ou uistalu Oct. lib, let. IT.S.I't. lSSl " " l-4J. J.. lsn JU.S 10 4(l' tlurrencv, 'e " 's Ull, new I'etinyiv4ina II. K I'hlla.lslntils suit K 'r.hi.g H.,K. t,h it'll VlVy It. H I.ntilrfh C.isl a Nr. C, , UullrU tlomumilrs of V. J.s .Ill fUl.a-lrlphis k Krle K. If. Miirllieru (lenlrsl K. It. Do. Oold MVlMtli:i. Ill deliurirov. livo. l7lb, by llee. II. B. Bslmer, r'rauk J. Wagineeller, M. I)., ml Miee Molli L. Keeley, both of Be liotgroe. Die. lit, by Psmuel Pohnll. Esq.. Jacob O. Kin of Clisr.msa iwp., and Louna llerrold of I'nlo Iwp. la Chsiiuaa lwp Deo. 1'ith. Auiu4n, wife of Lewie Carwell, a(ed 27 yean. PlilVATE SALE VALUABLE FARM, altaau la frastlla Tawathln, IsyJer waaaiy fa. una mile rouis-t.i in wiu.iieosra, Hublls Hosd rusil leailln to e raeou , ueun.l. ad by laailee Jaeok WalUr, Aama IjteUer aau oinare, soma. bibs. 100 ACRES, vi.kte. eitit its) Aur.'S slear-d. aa.ler anod Itoo. enl l'i a aish tula of DullltalluB, Ihe iMlence well Honored w.iaiUk. II tot try aad Dlie-taut, wkereouere rolad a Bod TWO tiurn DWELLWQ HOUSE, MVIIANK MAUN aad all B-esry oat. k.iui., aau wall of aevar Isiliaa watae aaietua duar and Beter lalliag tiraaat ul watae rwei.ni thrwoa leeat, ewafoe.etil A.e watarlaa Stoa-I IB Ita Raid Bad ta UaTB. A Ian eau th ! aiiordta aataetewi tae VMlfHea. afo'-- -r,.a I? IPsiirftinieirGlhiBp t WBI8 & OP PEN II KI 33 FI5, ol Scliiisjrrovc, Pn,. will Dissolve IVirtncrsliip, Jan. 1. 180. Their Large Stock MUST and WILL BE RE DUCED, if tho gocds must bo sold at a GREAT SACRIFICE. Tho Large and Complete Stock now on hand tiillUHOIil) Vrl' VOUIt OW.N PJtlCKH. and cousists of a IT'LL LINK of READY-MADE CLOTHING, orriCX, JIOVNnnJ YOUTI1N, PANTS, VESTS, uud C'O.VT-S in endless variety iu all kIjIoh, colurnnd 1'rico. O VERCOJt TS A T COST and tmrJ A full and complete, line UM)lilMVi:A1t , I lot ?t, Tnui1H, A'ttlii'i'H, Wo liavo every tiling ktjit iu n liitit-clui-B t'lothin Store, and will mi 1! every ailiclo, without rcservo V'l1 I iHAST XHt '! ci.'itt . (JlitupiM tlmn can he bought in this Hoctiuti of the Statu. Ilomeiubcr wo are m;lliii nil our iooila at 1 1iimmI in order to close out tho old firm. Cotno nt oucu for I3AHGA!NS. Remember that wo menu juat what no Hay. Heepeetfu'.ly, Weis & Oppenheimer, Oct. 2!, 1S73. Selint-trrove. I'.t. H A RNE S S. fpiIK unili'rii,'iit.-il, 1mn on hand and 1 mk". t'i .ir'l"r sll km l. of it iri' I irni-S-ln fniils l PANiiM'H'i KS f..r i !. Ins ciitMr.t iilii-e t.ttnif to ilis ' nunly. i''itneu l ne inf .I'M-b m. .re jmr h4.n el.whf'- sol l ei-uelRi-e I th it I it nu I'll lis nmler.-il I In Die line ni II ir e... s,.l.llo. i!..IU-. VVIilp., i- , a -. M ...s w4rrsnln'l iu elve etl .1 ictiou. All work prnn.lv st m I -J M. COACH AND SLtIGH TRIMMING In sll Us Ursnckee itwse ne.ilU snj cheap at ibli e i .u. M. Z. STFINIVilsll. V,l Mieii-ir- I i. kbni on Market St., a lew doeri w.i ,,f l.rn kWre. Not . ., tl il.n. Assiirncci's Sale ! he nnderi-iiied. Af-siiTtieo of Win .ue.l ul ol Hie l'iurt n Cmn m.ii Pim ! snj.li-r i-"inlv. I r ii.e I'tiietlt i'l er"ti'r, l.p,eti'Hii ti ruhlU s-iie, on tiie r..uiUet, In WiM lleseer tn nlili, un 'I'liiitmlii'f, ,l,nititri ftth. 1S"!I, Tli I' l uwltiit '.lencriUct lie-it l.llale, to s it All tbat i-'tuln Tract of Land Ituale In Went lie ver Mrnthii Sue Isr l.'i , I s , '- iii'ls I i.lin l "I 'liri iiii ilro.. An. ilri'W LKlisuJDii.nl llt.iiujer, cjul.lums 112 Acres, more O' lets, la a hleti taie of rultl'atmn, sml I" a ile.lral.le .ru.eriy K.irl ti-.r mt rm. II n rsn lie taa.t Uy '! Irs.los ins uulunUi..!. Sale lo eonimeo' e at l' .-(.. -l M .l lal l ilsv wlien .Ins siten lim-e will be alien slid termi ot eale uitile kuowu i.y I r. 1 i n rt ti'i r.i. J.J. .MA 11 It.N Cee. IS, !:. A.IIKII" I Lower Than Ever C. W. KATHERIiIAN'S FufiiUurt) Mori1, MAIN PT.. invposile the Mil ti bTUHE,) MiJdleburg. X'a. KEEP 8 oonslanily on band a run siiiy of I'llesi styled Viirnilnr. ir.rlu.lirn t'll M HKK Si: IIS. uimwik sml ni" SKATED I'HAIHS. UOUSliK. rtt'r AM. Ao . ami makes lo order anything detired in Ihs furniture line IJ IN 1 i: IITAK I TV C S- ereeislliy. nn aesorirarm ui ouiuo ways in sim, also (, plain and very tDiSbroudi. . C. n- KATIIEnMA.i. May tO,'78. Attegirtt Rotle. I t sftf mm wm a i i 1 1 ii i t.- . - w j rj ar. i !?r-rr?ffssi. ill AT AtaTirTsnlnilw'l ara kri w sste4. twal W. , U-tTX. .1 - lee i, Jt a aaliiael .1 e nil ie tttet. . e i - . AU U J J. t.f HATS : CJ7VIS. mo .V Hoiimo Ltlank- 1 ImliiM'IhiM nu.l w, ii, i:aiziA, PRA.CTIGAL MILL-WRIGUT, Ase-it for tlie I sts'l 1-t.i.roTel Tt-.n.ss ff. ll.K Will HI 1. Mil t M A. II I1i, I1KLTI1..I, At Iih I'i.i.t.nu 1..1T1I. fc.-.. ac. -tl A (.so, (nt f r Hie KAilM KHS' sn-l t AN. VI 1.1,1 , Mulul lire lii.uriu.e, sn I oii.nr t.r.t-i 1 1--1 '..iu si.l-. et'IT.i-o tnd ie.lk-Bi.-e at Miler Stmlnn, 1 h-i. 3,';i.ll . want: vim tiik IS I Nd'.V IN I'll KMS, TIIK 1NIUSTI?IL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STA1ES. Heir. a eiinplete It r "'all t l-m.r-turn Iri iu.t'lf" "I Ainr'l 1. In -I'l I'li Asri'iil iur.1. M-.'I. aiiIi tl. lsn.iH"iiirlK. il.n.ntf. I ..ni'oer. Il s ..l '.llier nt' rpil-n '. iut KuJ Itrne i tj (ii n I a w H'.e ensrivln . NU VV11KK. 1.1 KK U KVKIl I'l T.i. S :l K l. Vor termt end territory plj at one 1 1 Hie II in) Hill I'ulillslitng l it . iortel Ii- ( on 11- tm ilia rouau-fi it it tfc rir ,h ,h wtt' iVrm .i 1 tifil fid (-:-tJn muf oi tkrt. t il b - n I j t .if e-f il utmini' ti it (rfth( IWtif ugUt, ! e. .! i.f llt riprwrthrf t:h -r if ih- 1 "klri : ?! hra It I.Aitt. i(U? J a'elri r-n p-f h.i Mt- f Ir .-! 1 1'. . a! r..- ltri.! laaLilllf -,l-vf IliM. It.aU4kt )v( tiarailattl W I l !(' .- . if f.fa U ff Tmvii I- l ! (ti Ui:. . t h iVium r.1 1 -I'Mii, oth la iiM Ift IvvJ f If f rr" rt luJfMUt 01 Kli'rr It pt rff ; oi il dta. V(tW TkaBltMlt Vi.'IA'lt 4;il1T, 4 1T m Hi Hilrf! r4 S J rfi n--r.j f . U ta ia urn- vrrt irtlc)tiMt r rn Ir.vlrd -u .U bt or i-'tt.t ..a, tu-1 ran ( I avJ t .il H : tttA rle-at u4 H trH h.m T-i if hi ., v 1 tn n 1-4H in- i . I . Itaal.M -r tuc (tinltinff ; II IrjMs mmvw-tUni rtrl tu Miwhrl Tviir rr;iWi -i iu a.iAiitUfitW tVit laUv b, it I I ,' I ajAa) ai aUWl ) iri . ium, ieMi " la i.ialKl irtJ'irmri f itxl. a riiur4UhRKWri , IPIbBft, fWtUaaet I.i e..uJ wh0 wi th lU.Rtf . . J t wi i if vHlMr na ( Imt tmm IMiPCV. It Clt tU . ) m t . fcfc4 s.wtiat I Vki A tflll lf 1M. , t.o'-s-e'f, H ift4 syrsyr ! mKhtf mmrm .ut , .i iw u4 t-vrn. i.WtftUv. v wAi r- iKe IUt f ptmlwm l-t- t MH'iW la fliltl." W k a ul i-Bt a('keiwtwlwl. esfra.' VwtlBI ft taf CtawaTgdl. i i4 yp ft -mI flub ) iHv ht. I muiiii eofiii f(t ti Av-fHtATitt. THE BTAa "EMPIRE" T DKESllliK AN1 SEPARATOR. ASU LATEST IMPKOTED rV v 1 1 1 (ronro l "Doth" t "Ecaitsl" Esrsc-Pflvsrs. Poitable Seam Ecgines, tteaas Twef Tbreeher ad ?ej.ariar rnnr. RMriRKTTtU moat prrt I Urara tbiwtweS. aaeee i:aer la tk TweVMrtHft w aataw rse Mt aitteUeltv. tel lit,iartel rewi Xir- tM. t eeaBtnti urt wtBiie.iwBs.a-t.tsiB- ratewtw Isttieee aeia Ht Feia liaaataL Ua.IMB BT lieteu IJMtwa. jaiaaaSsalw .Ikewaas i iiwaji a i 1 1 t-w ' 6 f7o' A'!T!t" - $'0 TO SiOIJ tVl"iJ,i'" 7iaaV art aionlh. tim. esn'- 'I''"' ' thine. iIImm. Mrlf ""''" Wall Ml., New ur. SPKIJIAIhTM'l-tHlff THKIIOMntt Hssattrsl " nn.l tl.1 imiiitl lnnM.M New "! (ttMti tlsnos. nniv ai" Seilut I'Uilt,. nfif .ens. I.s'sl vae with ttxms l of i ferenee". free feilTlisv s Pisn smll "V ton. I r l tut .jss. It III Inlsre-t j A't k fliest. V.n. MAIS' ), Mssslseisrert. lit lileMker st , nw for, lAiieiii cvito vniuii'i. rtUttltAlkD H1B wOKLt) OVRR T' e ii sna'sris'tre were sr1e4 t IVit.l Sfii inlf ntlel s'en rsi-ier flu. ti t". si iHih li e t tultimlil tail Paris ki T'UtltlKDt. Far Huperlar to i mrpin rrtus t'r et, llnlnentt, ttiesr-fl esl eil lrttli si l'Uanre. Itl.lli' ei knovin rnine-ir i.ir I swte s't vva t-ix li, I l.e 'ne.tlfip. trwsle Waaltneef elsri. a. I.i ini , i 'i' .! n I'irets. !s rs t ..ii U I ni. t. stl in Inf wiiieti rrnv Ulrr...n iccil A'l ) oor I'tnrsl.t I" Itrn.nn's C'4nrlr.e P st'iri n0 see tbst T i iel l.fillilne el-a M'til If sll I'lSrlll.l l'-iee ?l i-te. M Ite-I on r. rlpt ! frl- e Knit HI JdllNMl.s.ll I'litl .Itlttl t 1 its Wv tll- A end rnn fee eterf Hints an i le.rlic.rt in U s t nt, s : r.ir esisrf lalil. I's I nr sil'trt.s La lltl.s Maars. Ce.,v l lsrb Mrert, i-e i. CfllLDEEH'S SHOES ! IVesr in ico as h't.g with titbtr tk SILVER Or A. 8 T. Co." H Ii A C li T S 1 t l'OM TIIKM. Agents, Read This Ve . .t Aenti a Nlsrv "I IIOO ft m- ti t It six! e r.ri, i'r nltm n l ime c.aitnlt. .Inn Im .ell mir new sriil anrelerlui Inrentl'ine. tte in . oi i.t .jj A.'.lr. . wuhiint ilelsf, MlKltMANN I'll. .Msril.sU, ill' b. Cin I'ANt'Y tMHIti ilthmmt. I"i., rHIa ,J"! H'li. i'ii -i)l .vm'i ouirtt wo. Hi I.I. a I'll., II ii. I". n N. Y . DIPHTHERIA!! H , i.i. -.j..- -ii i 'ir iitevxnl tlil turn In ll'in-e. ''i'l will 'lll' l ruie nt' e f.i'H In tm. Inl rm.tlun llisl m I I .live ni.int He-.mil trs hv mill. iDt cti lnjr s iu i". ent. rrereml .n l t't-ler in tire. . .mmi i & i i. . iiin'r. .ii tin. , ill Mill It IKMV lo cn.s- .1 1 1 lie "irf , si..) Ii.e k.Ii Inlns l"n. I i I'.e i.e.t eclii-i( liiiu.ei ..I I irirlr In die i'l I. ii.i tip M, rlm t on e t N V M.nulalurluii Co, i t hntMii I lave, Nt- York. A CHEAT OFFER FOR HOLIDAYS ! ! ! We will ilorlnlhe lini.lli YM i!lnie if loo I'l A V IN A I Hill A MS. si Kv Ml l lit IU N A KIT l.uw iriie.rc.ti. fl'LINIUU tiHiN- I ,1 1. .11 rre.lii S.V wllU Mill !' sn.l I 'uupler . . 'i el. '. I et I net t:M 7 lo in t a 14 1 1 Iill-.K1VIHIII I I kM-i T I 1 to tim. wnrrmiti") lor MX tir AUKNTr AM I II. lliu.ir.ilivl t.ulia.ie. U itie-l. Mi-I.'ui 1111 .l- II 'H M I. V A till -in Miss. ALiiiuliiciurert luaeri, tit. III11 i-t.N. V. a nkw i;.t insti lino:; flrl.ilinic "UUtlie WILH AHV lAT'.TtM of STANLEY in AFRICA. I l.e . tily siit!ienti sn.l e..rlnu.l eiieip e.ll lli.n. Hy tiie i.r II I lit ill lo- -rli.'le sullior. il ia. I I. II- -.11- y- .i i a lull 11M -rr ol " l.-riul ill re-l' In Ain.- sn I iurelmis ) -urney u ii tt.e 1 ..!.'.. Ill" fi" rMDS e f..iiii..-e, fr..ni-ely lllu-trstel, -i I ti slily . n-li. e.t t.y ll.eeler.'f .tl'l .te.. Atetcre .ell i's 1 ' to -' i 'I v Xmr.i I '..) 0 ..1; I M ire mm wanted. t.rnivrri'.i'Hrv. IIA.li iilii'-., I'ui lin.er., full .'!!:. h. It. ram sin MraiiKt t'lirKMve I'lllt mkm Nt)T HtcU ltlc l. r,ril will f i rtif ri,nit tii bll In tt. ri'Ilrv ay-'fiu la t.irtm wn'ht Any I rra.ifi a t.ti IM (k) I (ill cti fi btni frn u I t i 1. tnny ! r--l I tot iun l hitb, ii.u 'ii ititn4 p-"lM. srnl If wail (ir leiier .tu.j j l a, Jiiii.NsuN k C'.'-, Ut- I 1 4 ' , t ift r '9 ' Mr ! "Vl iur I r ' a ' I. I T 1 ' ' rf " . ft . 3k- a,By A t t.. -. arwsi v-f it I lr ,f., A . O.K. WAM'LF. n-n'. i . PV.Ultl. PAPER HAHGING. AVii T ITT TT fl-iV.svleir til IV AUi ViiCllUIUVA AU1AAI t.lfers Mi servl.-ts In It.- elt'irai el i ader a .. l .'i ii: r .nr.itr.. lie m s f'nr.. tl. .1 paver. hai.eer sri ess on 1. t wn.1i ts wU aad se ri.,...i f,n m l"i.( ssywtiere. tie ea we iron vt s.ldie.te I tl SEIIKSGGVC. SKYDCR CO , PA. y (ir.Iori r-rmrplly ettea ted te-a Ft'tost hs ti e linoiee la f'rT bt eef sue s o. sb etiif call. bi-i a.,-;. Manhowl : Ho Lost. How Restored. J .in r.uMi.heil. new eluloa ef Da. Ci ii isarii.L e t liissarr ttav ibe ri liosl cure iwiik- in uie.lieme) i f .aperrsai,.rri.(a or Mta.1- nil U'eabners. Int ilum tr M. wBt l.eto. e a. If f ti n-j. M, bkI sb I I I t.lraj In. rspectit. e.liineeia in Msrr. ife. ele ! alo, Craaiin Hob. I tiilrtn-y a i I II, la iuce.l by ee!l-in Ju seBee or tfXo.il Hira-vtisni-e, Ae. tr I'r ite, i a etaleJ invelep, ttly ei rents The celebrated anther. In ibit Fisae, cVar'y deruonairt'et, r.. a I riy yeara eueceeatul rtclice. thai ire a.araveg ennrequenrrt ef selfiabo' teay I radi cally e lire J without ibe darf ernui ate ef Internal mrd i-lne or ibe i.ieaiiea of the kaife feimini H atoi l cure al one (impls, rerista, and effeCBal by ateaaa ef which eeeee eurTerer. Be Btalier wkal bia condition waj fit . tf ema hitseelf ekesaly. piieaiely, I arTkia lecture eternal r i kta.tt of itery yeuib aad eery aiaa la ib U1. 8 -lst eeal. ia a rial at,, a aJraae, f'l e4, ea rcai( aiA . ewai wr iws afe sissf. Aiadreee ike rwMitkerav TlUCftVIRWeLI. UKMCAtrO. I At. 91., Sea fork I Teal ffio ta 4M 8ePU 7. IHJ. ly. ESm A. WOLFLEY, t Saddler nnd named C(rtr.s, S)iyr Ct'j, i i ?; r n 1 04 , e. aw ei-trewt eiwwwu t,elw -ah. I n i4etw . ( f t'l --t , ' . laattt w'wA. 4 r - Xa.-wth, I S i ta o a"! t-et) i I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers