The Post. KMflcbnrg, Dec. 24, IS 78 i. CHOUSE, Edlor & Proprc'.or. ww1 ; .... Mr Mougnr has dutot cnintKt not to contest the election of Mr. Fisher to Congress. The fall aroont of ton thousand tl illur ling been nixed by tbe poo. tire of Huntingdon to pnrclnso the ile fur tbe new penitentiary. ConrioK8 has pnssed n bill author izing tlio reissue in duplicate of tbe iiAtioiittl bond recently stolon from tbe Alatitiattrui hauk, New York. H .l . at psria Njw York one day litnt wock tbo first time it hit to'iolmJ tbat flire since tbe wupiujion of Fpticio psymont ia At Hires o'c lock oit Mondny morn iijamib broke into the juil at iH.ti. !.;, (leorgia. and liturnlly ridJ!l with bullet a negro prisoner, cou&cd un the charge of murder. 1 . wnww Tbo inauguration of Ooveroor c1ejt II' 1 U promises to be the great est and grandest affair of tbo kind that bis occurred ia l'eDnsylvauia for nutuy years. Congrun is making preparation for taking tlio eotistis of 188). Texan in the ci: y Southern Stste, with the prubublo exception of Missouri, that Hill slmv any giiin of population siuco 1870. Tbo Poller Committee want tnore monr v, tlio twenty thousand dollars Appropriated to it by Con- irress having oil been snout. Tbo beat lliiojr it csn d3, after owning up thut it in a fuiluro, ia to adjourn tint li. Tbo cipher despatches bow sliero tbo volurno of fraud was in connection with tbo lato V'reei deutial election. Ksss Cits, Mo., IWouibor 13. The snow Morn) which began last night h.ts proved tlio heaviest ever known in this section. The snow lies on tlio ground to the depth' of twculr-two inches. I he etorm was aceuiupaiiied by a biijli wind, cans ing drifts winch have completely blocked the lailroads. (July two tiains arrived to-day. Gen. W. T. Hieriuau, in bis an tiual report, ii of opinion that in 20 yeats biiico tbo populutiou of the United stales will icneu bO,UO,000 Ile further soys that the total num ber of lndnum at present is 222.UUU, Coder military mumigement, which lie lecoiumeiids. be thinks all future trouble cuii Id be stopped and tbe ilaiigtir of outbreuks entirely prevented. At it intou, JSurtu Carolina, on jsltirdfty, two ni-ros wore seutcne td tu tix yt ais in tbo penitentiary for nntt'iltint,' aoolher iic,ro been use be voted for a di tuocrat for congress No coiivietion iti yet reported of any cf the Lnu.litJt of white men in the fouth who bavo assaulted and mur derod negroes and whites because they proposed to and did vote for It publicans. A daughter nf J icen Victoria, of England, tbe l'riueubs Alice, died on tStluidity Lnt, aged years, She die 1 ou the lOtU anniversary of bcr father's death, which occurred ou Saturday, December 11th, 1 SGI a leinarkable coincidence. She was the second daughter, aud third child of Victor!, and as Grand Duchess of llente JJaruikUdt, was tbe first of her children Ij iibUvU J a throne. She tliud of dipLthtrin. After the 4t!i, cf next March, Sonth Carolina will be represented iu tbo Uuited Stales . Senate by two mur derers, 51. C. H itler, of Hamburg massacre fume, and Wade Humpton, who hot Col. James Cameron throngh the huurl after be was a piiaui-er Cel. ('iimeruu was a broth er of Una. Simon Cameron. Fit tepreneiilativea tlwy ari, of the rod shirt, shot jnu policy of the South. - iluntinij'dm Globe. KeiHitors I'liunnau tin I Hill are on tbe truck of Uhtiee. and if tbe latter gives them a chunco, I hey will niuke the fur uy.Afte jork t.tprts. They had better keep "on tbe tisck,' and not cviue too close. They i I be like tbo mail's nolf-dog. It was 'oip and tack,' fid a neighbor slin m tbe pin Hint, -but when I w tbe iloLu a ubout to juinpa bead.' If Mtsscr. Tliurman and 1 1 ill want to see how I'uCir p ilitieal sLii a lot k Lung on a fi, they can juxt Ucllu Jiui. Ulainu. Chicago JhUr-Oi inn. . TIm of rpt-oie pay mtnts will nut b u e ntraction. It will add to tbe iivjilubhi monoy of the Itopsibl es.iro- l.u-).),0 W. Ex puniiiou will full'iw, I i v btiing on a seam! bai. there will be no risk iu iW Tue dilTereuco between currency and g' l I at the present limo is not uuiciuui 10 atiniii oi a contraction of values I'ot, in fiiot, the green back will rise in value wiien redoem able and tbe iufl ieneu wiilbe iiu rnediaUdr fult in buMiieas. Tbe gold pi am i.o am Las always been a die cl fan tog to trsRia ( :M . . . A horriblo aic . lout occurred at the American Iron Works, t'itts Lurgb, reently, by wLlub 1'atitck Hhaulion, tUe antiaUut mill wrigbt. ws isstsntly lulled aiJ hM body , torn tokkuedj. buauooa bad gone on lm era tJ rx-nie alio of aiafl when Li rMLiajr wsa e,rltty pnlW ad bis bor'vj CENERAL KEfo ITEMS. , ...Urn 1 ford belles perambulate tbe stn tie iu inbbi r boota. ....Tbe I'onnnrlYuiU Itiilro.l Company lion IC.liilO stockholders. .... ! 1,000 worth of Improvements have beeii mudo on the State Li ! brnry. . . . .The Millers' State Association will meet in Lmcastor on January VI, 1S73. "Kiss, bnt oo-er toll." I won't oho said i I in as ashamed of it as yoc are. . . . .It is thought that President Hayes favors General Urant as his successor. . . . . Louisiana is afflicted with the leprosy. Tbore are fifty cases in Lufourche. . . . .The Tol'-or Committee wishes it bad never been bora, sud yet it is afraid to die. . . . .After a chase of 100 miles a Tesnn eliorifT captured a nine-yettr old murderer. ' Pes Moines has four brass bands, and in sorao pnrts of tbo city all the cuts bavo left, .... Boys, 12 to 16 years, nro the most accomplished cattle thieves in Clenrtiuld couuty. "When you cut, rivo mo a good dcnl sitid tbo hungry euchre player. Keie York Mail. ....The to ndvanco 1'ritish forces continue in Afghanistan without much resistance thus far Wby don't they givo old Vesnvi ousarnb down with sulphur soap It is said to Lu good for eruptions. . . . Failures aggregating $153,003 were reported on Monday among NewJYork cattlo dealers. . . . .Trains from tlio wosteru part of tbo stuto havo been delajed by huow block a-1 1) buyonl AUojlu. ....Mis May Forney conducts the society department of the l'hila delphia Sunday ProH. ....Very rich gold discoveries have recently been in ado in the vi cinity of Leadville, Dakota Territory . . . .(800,030 has beon disbursed in current divideude to the stock holders of tbe Pennsylvania Kail road. ... .America has ono minister to! every 800 of tho population. India, on the contrary, has but one to ev ery 300,d00. .....Gen. Robert Putorson, of Philadelphia, l;an entertained at hitt table every President since Madi sou's time. Wndo Hampton bad his leg am putated on Tuesday of last week, in consequence of bis recent full from u mule while bunting . . , .Carlisle has, tbo past Reason, built one of tlio liuost niui ket-boiiHcs to bo found in tho Slato outside of Phih delphia. . . . .The Reading Soup Society is in operation for the wiuter, and about fciity families are duily suppli ed with soup aud bread. ....A thief at Alamosa, M. T., has distinguished himself by steul ing a saw mill and all the apparatus connected therewith. ....A firo in tho Fowler building at Ann and Nassau Streets, Now York, last week, dnHtroyed property to tbo amount of 75,000. Tbe lute .'iid.'e Jordon be queathed 1,000 to the elders of tho t'reuvtcriuu ctiurcu at snuburr. the interest to go to tbe support of tbe pastor. .... A novelty at tbe recent fair at St. Paul. Minn., was a team of elk, well broken to harness aud vory gentle. They travel sixteen miles an hour. ... .A man named Jacob Iiurrol was buried two hours and a half in a land slide near Topton, lierks couu ty, on Saturday, aud escaped with out injury. . . . .The Washington county poor house was destroyed by tire ou Sun day evening of last week. Five of the twenty six inmates porishod in the flames. .... A Welsh spenkor, at a recent meeting of the British and foreigu Uible society, declared thut there is not a single ioGJul book in the Welsh lunguuge. . . . .Rev. G. D. McKay, one of the misttionaiies of the Pietibyterlan ehareb, statinued at Formoaa, China. has just married a Chinese gill, Miss ! Chung Mui Toou'f. ....An Idaho man killed and i ousted bis d.ig and then invited his fiit-ndstoau entelope feast. After the feast they invited him to occupy a new cemetery. Thousands of tramps bavo arrived in the South fr the winter, and around Atlanta. Ga.. no household er responds to a ring of the door bell at mgut wiiuoul carrying a snot gun. ....O'Leary finished his exhibi tion walk of 40) mile in 121 Inure at orticultural ball, Philadelphia, -starday a week, with thirty-one minutes and fifty seconds to spare. He walked bis last mile in eight inin- . ...lriniate Welsh is down tb the bronchitis ia London, and tbe dropsy baa about mastered iiayaid Taylor, at Berlin. Judging by out renreeontaiivea, foialgdera will con elude tbat we axe aji unhealthy peo- I ....Two nen, earned Ketebam and UitebeU, ondef arrest, charged witb alork Uft!bk uarder. r t:r frocr the httstoAy of the King Kstiat Hting at Last J nek ICehoe. the chief of tbe Mol-' lie Muguiies, wns hanged at I'otls vill, at 10:30 ol(H:k a in. Several hnudred persins wore present ' Miiny paitionlar lequests of prom1 inent inn to so tho execution bad been made Kehoe's lust night was peaceful, bo sleeping five hours. He deulared to Lis counsel and others . that he was iunocent Masses were said In his cell at 7 and 7.-30. His wife and fatbor were present at nine o'clock, he and bis wife partaking of a hearty break fast. Twenty minutes after ten o' clock he entored the jail yard with a priest ou each side, holding a lighted candle iu bis hand. His fingers were blue, and his face pallid, and a boquet waa iu the lapel of bis coat, and a rosary around -bis ncekf the priests all the whilo Drov ing. They both kissed him. Kolioe stepped on to the platform and said in calm Bti'l distinct tones : "I am innocent of tbe inndor of Lang lou. I did not seo the crime committed. Oood bye." Ilo displayed no nor vonsncss. The exocutionor was hidden, from view, no one being a'lowod to. Itnow wuo no wan. At W:'ii Jveiioa was dangling between heaven aud earth. Ile plied by strangulation, and in nino minutes bo was dead, and in eleven was taken down, placed in a coffin, and sent on a special traiu to Nieunniloub. 1 be leave takiug, be tweed Ins wife and cuildrun, was heartrending 1 he crime for which ho was hnng was for the niurdnr of F. W. Ling- don, at Andenriod, September 14, ISti'i. Lnngdon was a ticket boss iu tbo Honey brook colliery, lie snenr., od the enmity of the Mollies for docking wages. Laugdon was fol lowed homo from a political meeting and beaten with clubs and stones. His accomplices, Neul Dougherty and John Campbell, woro sent to I penitentiary for fivo and nine ycuts respectively. . Kt buo was born in 183.3. in Wick low, near Dublin, Ireland, Ho was uneducated, but shrewd and cun ning. He kept tho Hiburnia House, which was the headquarters of the Mollies. One brother inlaw is a fugitive, Friday O'Donnell, and the other, Charles, met his death in an attack at Wiggins Patch, receiving fourteen bullets in bis bod v. The sentence was rightoous, and the exe cution just MHavsVMBMBMeMaOTBMawVSJaaW Slate Normal School- . The Slate Normal School of this din- trick, at lilooiiiilinri;, C'ulumliia count v. will Ijeaiii lit term . Mom av Jan'y, Otli. 79. The Senior clana in one of the liirt;eit ever in ullendaurt. There ia no heller Normal School in ilieSlutc. Semi for catalogue. Dec, lCth. 78 .3 w. Among the lnylicfl iribulaa paid to Dr. Ha' Kxpectorsnt, none are nl inli importance aa those received from tlrnn;ita. Tlio men wlnu-e en I linK have n-iidoied them Kkillfnl iuil- ee of medicine, are loud in their iirun-r of the wonileifnl reincily, and t!ny al Ifnt their fnilh in ila etlh ury I y iiNiny il fur the ems of their own and then fain ilya' colds niul t-oiiha. In epllrof tlannrU, eoiigli and c I will nmk a IoiIkiuvoI in lbafiin. tlui ilii-y r not tauaiii at will. Von can linpoar Ihont wilb INI' llonay l HoirbouiiJ and Tar, in lr tint (ban I' iak a fbfrilf lo a writ. Sold bf all lrug;ii. I'lke'a TuoljtJli Uropi cur in I minute. GOLD; en flr.rvftfor Avouti. W mi ires, oar new 40 pne '"i'rloi jvjwsjiry n HtNKWU Ii :o.t .uli., !., or MllRM' e, Wife GOLD.; flreat ebanee to nal money. II y -o ean'l a'l aolilyuueau ai terpen IjaeLl. W nonj & ltr. on ln.ry tuun lo Ink .ulxerlpttnn .r I lie lar.caa. ebeape.t autl L lllunrat. (41111I) puiiticilton In tl wot I I. Any nn n Iwouin a loco i.iul ic'il. Th tno.t uKnl work, 01 art alvan ira to tnlit.irllr. Th erlo I, s low llil atmoit e,ryhol, eulwoilbet. Oo vol reporu iiiaklng over tl&oln 1 ink. A l ly aannt report tkina over 4uo ub.trllr In tan )'. All who eniiiK make money Un. Vuu ran devote all your lime lo the bu.ln.i,, or only your 'pare time. Yee t,ed nut be e y from bonie or nucht. You ean ilo It a well a otliar. Full partleuUtt, illredlon unit term. Ire F.h uunt and , ,n,lv (mint freo. If you want nrurilubl worK iii. u, your dilr at ono. It sunt nothing to try th huln. No on rbo niK lail lo wok araittpay. Ad lr 'Th 1'eopla'i Journal," lortiaod, llaln, Auk.r ' For a ' nf CtTMIIIFI Tlint Sanlunt' f 'Ur, lori Htarrli will not Inetanlly re. Ilv nnil apeilll eur. Italar. etie,, K.ari Wnil,, ti , Wn. Fargo A 10., Aurora, h. Y 1 Win. Ilowoa. Kt., Mollntton. Grant A liowa. at. I,ouli, leitiiaooiala and iraitl.-a by mall, f rlo... n.tu linprovaa Inhaler, el. hold ar. rywbor. WtfcK A FuritM Proprietor, llualon, Mail. $50 $50 The ANTIDOTE TO ALCOHOL FOUND At LAST. THE FATHER MA THEW REMEDY. I a rtatn nl ap'ly eur for tntmprn. It dr.y all apptlt fir aloohu.le liquor a. I bull. la up Hi narroua i.nt.n. After a d bueb,or kny lntompt.rt' In'lnltfene. a alna'e tpaiMiiful will reiaore all me itai aa-l pnyil e,l ilpr.aloa. It alio euraa rry kind of Fktbh. livararaiA aa l To.nmn of the Lit ta. "il. by all ilruaa t Ptri SI p-r l ot llw. I'aoiplilvt on .lobt. III Kffeta, ana In. UtnpraBi- aa a dlaaaa.'' inl fr on wrltlna loth Fatuaa M am aw Tuarunici tun Uaa'r'o. Co., aa liood au. K. Y. THE Pbilaffa & Reading RAILROAD COMPANY Wilt, ISSt'at . EXCURSION TICKETS. ' . rUItlNG THE CIIS1AS HOLIDAYS From all Toinla at which Agents are Located, AT OmitT JfflKED BATES. Salea of Ticket from Deoember 23, s1878,lo Jaonarj 1,1878, good to return aftlll Janaarj . . 4. 1879. 'f c:o. iiANrocx, STRAY SHEEP. IJOURafrnv soepp. 2 old ones and -I I Umli. m tn h n-fml'M ollaa. ntUn ii. 1 1 MH'llee l t . Mm lima luriiiK th minis of Anuil. l'n ownat It r'-n''tl t't eniti for .l, PMV. prj.ittf iT -Hr, an I lK fitm ,r ur Xuat silt 1X0, IM, UTS. J. P. VODKR. A DMINISTRATOH'S NOTICE Let XI t' nl . rlnl'rtlon na th etlt of I.l Hii. i1o-l, lata or htdla.vrnra, dnvilar Conntv. P,nn' . havlna b.n aranl a to tii an.lrlnt, all iionii knotting lhmlTH ImlthUil to nlil r rntit- ttl ta maka Immcillaia pymnt, whIU tkna naviita maim, win prtiaai iatiu uuir aviavnii. atad lonatllaaaat In UCUDOC IV. Hll.l.n. IlM.aS, ni pd, Aduilalaua. Auditor's Notlco. TtIF, oo'lrlriiiI. ss Aaililor, annatnt I br tha C'anrt nf Common Flti of Sndr oonniy to iiitrlkuia Hit fundi sr. rinlna from III SharitT'S 81 it Kil tat of Jrrrmlah Bofar, on VanJ Ki. Na. a 7 Dae Term. IS.X. t en. K.i. Na fil Uf. Trai. IR7R, Vn. Fx. No. 09 Pa. Trm, 1HTH. anfl At Kl. t"a No. 49 Da. Tarm, IPiR, will alilfnj to lha t1mle of bia ap pointment, al til oli-i In liJ tl'hur. on KUIHAV, JAN. Ulib, IS7U, alBoolook A. M. at whlob lima and place all par I if, nlert J art ouitAtJ to at' and anj make known thrir elalma, er la h de barred from Conine la npan aald f'l'nt. A. M. rFAIILEIl, Vto. 20, 147A. AuJilo?. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In (he mutter nf the.) lit the Orptuin$' IMate nf Mich id (hurt of Smjder Knle (i'-e'd. ) 0nj. Tlif'nndarnijne.l, A'l titor apo iln'e I to eenln wliaiher the ,vrnl amount herelofur awardad to Aam Kni(t an I Solomon Engl, out nf tbe dowor pijable I widow and birofvd Michael r nirle, ilrc'd. hy Aiiioa;Kn(le, abonld now be ptld to aid Nolomon. Eagle and Ami E.tjl. aa per former Auditor's report, or whether said amounts ahnutd be paid in the other heirs of deceased. Will meet to discharge the duiie nf hi appointment al hianfllteln M' lllaWft an Siiittrdav January IHih, IM79, at 10 o'clock A. Si. Tni la Iheref.ire to notify the eniJ Solomon Eiiitle and Amoa Eunle, a welt aa all o'her prnMi lulareeted in aaid E-lute lo be aud appear before aid Auditor on aaid day, when and wbrr ibey will tin beard rclaiit lo ibeir r- tieuiire etainis au tn'eretia In lha preia ue. T1IUMA8 J, f.Miril. Deo 2lib. '19. Auditor. Ant-litor'n Notice In the witter of the At- I In . the Court nf tinned Kitntf. of I'e- I (hmnian I 'Ira trr S.mamwu of Siii lr ( t. Th undi-rigned A'l liior appointed bj eaid Court lo ilia'ribdi Hie fuuJ iu Hie hail l of A. J. ll iwor iX. Ei .. a.ainae nf I'eier 8aatuau, witl in.el al hie oHice iu Ibe borough of Midllcbitrf on Kridy ike 17th. dajr of January A. D MiJ, at II) o'clock A. M. of aaid day lo diecbaege the dutiea ofbi appointment. ben end where all peraon hinn elaiiut aaiuat aid Eaiale an t euiillrd 10 a eliare of raid-fund ar hereby noliBjl lo preni 1 heir iliiut duly autbanticai I. orb for ever debarred from coming iu for a abare of iiJ luud. THOMAS J. SMITH. Dec. 21th, '78 Audiur AUfcvi'H W.TKIi For ih brat aot lt l .enlnii Fl'il.rial tiokt iM lllblo. 1'uo. reiMoa't a par 00UU .N.Tiobal I to LIKHlhS CO 1 I'llll , l . nOUSEK2EiEIl3 A Ftite-Uftfa t u wild tu ir 11i ffltl Inrur trtju in rnufti, uur llluunoM MrMlar I ! ti' t )iUHilUtlll:.h.tC 'IwlUlvJ f Al pkh ............ M..,,! Ui l'ea.v-1 lalrMH r- 1 1 . I V' r Neuaini'4ii w a t York. teas.; AHRU) Al lit Tim. 1 rf hi-t fcoon ill' ted fmui lUi liniiyrttut t hull Itt Uiltal CftNt. Ht (ti u(lrl in f.'la'i Annti mmX lry buyer. . II frfii i;i,f ;.t p .J. X tr-q irte. THY 'Uil.AT AMI Kli'AN irA't. I'.O.b .i, 4.at6. i k Si Veivy Hi. New Yurk. Assignee's Sa'e fPITB uii'li-rxiirue'l. Asi?De of V, A. (I. I. o'l nf J,. k i tn wn.'ilp, Hnf dee r pa , will i.o. to Hul.llo Sat., on lb prauit la IU lono l Krauarvil.. an lim it , l:cmbr 30A. 1S78, TbfllowtngdjrtbJ:Hal Eitat. to wit A ejrlalo Lot of Ground Ituale In U. lowu afor.a.l 1. 1 "u.i.1 d he Pab. na no,n in'i umi 01 ii.orr n'ou-o. fimon ll.arer, Fbllln llariata, and 11,'iry IUar, eoDiainima i Porcbei, wurja are ereoled a gvtfl leo 'Slory IIou33, Bank Earns nt other uirirr nulbull llof. await of Koo.l wair eonrnl"t l lb houie oboloe liuti tro.ioo me pr.uilie. Hala to earoioanoe al 1 o'ftlni-k P. M. nf aald) day wbeadue atuu lauoa will be aires aaU lerua 01 aaie man anon by fLKUlVAI, HERMANN, TJe. IS. !;. nlgnee Oranob O:tto. Cor. If. fc Tih Nt. Waabiuat!!, II. O. Ayer's Sarsaparilla For St rofula, ami oil scrofulous tlihcaarg.Kry. sipcla, Uoho or bt. An thoiiy's Tiro, Ertititiotis and 'Kruptivo disomies of the hkin, Ulcerations of the Liver, Stomach, Kidnovs. l-uriL's. l'im. Viiles, l'usiulcs, JJoils, "jj Jilotclios, l umors, Tct X tur. Suit lihcuni. (StnlJ llcul, Uingwomi, Ulcers, Sorts, Iiliviiiuatixm, Npnral;iii, Pain In the liones.Kiile ami Head, l-Ymiilc AVcnk ncss, Sterility, Leucorrluca. uriaiiijr from internal uk'L-ralion, and uturino disease, Syphilitic aud ilun't.riul dis eases, l)ropny, Dyspeithia, Eiimcla tiou, Gencrnl Debility, ouu for l'url fyincr tho 31otsl. Tina Surhaparillalsacomblnntlon of vcirutnl)loulterntives-tilliugla,Man druke,Yellow Dock with tho Iodides of rotaHslum and Iron, and is the nioht clllcaclous medicine vet knowp for the diseases it is iutendud to cure.' Its incredicnts are so skilfully combined thut the full alterative effect of each is ossurud, and while it is so mild as to o harmless even to children, it Is still so effectual as to purge out from the system those Impurities and corruptions which develop into loathsome diacaae. The reputation It enjoys is derived from its cures, and the confidence' which prominent physicians all over tho country rutiose in It proves tUeii cxjicrience of its usefuluces. Certificates attesting its virtues liave accumulated, and are con sUntly being received, and as many of thuaq rases are publicly known,' , they fumlah convincing evidence oi tits superiority of this fcarssparilla over cvvry other altctntlve medicine. So treiier.illy is its superiority to any other niutlicine Itnow n that we neea do no more than to assure the publio tluu the keat ciimliiiea it ha ever poasesac'd afe'atrietly malntalaed. EX-SOLDIERS ! ATTENTION. Pnlnm priara1 for alillr oflh.Ul war, ai,ild In nraf bf wnuni. ruptara. dliaaa ul anv kin. I, or bf a t.lantal Injuria. PENSIONS INCREASED. A lr natnbar nl thn,a sow ra-nlvlna p"n Ion are now antlll 1 to an INKKaK na rter !. Ml .ilillp. ill.i.irif4 for WOl'NIta, HCPttJIlK. ir M KUII AN til I. 1NJI R Y.nlllla In Kl'l.l.lrountr. All baa- InaM don by eurrnnnnilna. 4malfon ware pr.inif proinu Wbiti lha l.l.(l th w.low ivl hlr ar nMHl ll(iildlr n ltb,lr lln,of the Wf of 1811 ar now ntitio'l ta a panil in ' I nlo nmniira Patanu I. if levantar. Kvart nl'tlor who thl nnlica iihonl't ni J m lilii iM' on l'o.t,lnrrt t raealre ia reiara a Sarta('i)pr t'aaa,oflli National Citizen Soldier.'' a paper nabllahM a( th National tUpttnl, In all Ik tal"t I'.f.irinallna almat l'nlon nl ll.iantj n.PI,nl. ti allmMlnr ant ti.rir nir. iinrr,poejanHiiiiMj irA a.i. Addrei with ta.ap, n. w. rirz ir.RALn, V. H. (Malta At'-f y. . Dee II, Bx4, Wai'ilaalin. P. U. AtSJIOO't N3'.i3J. A 11 pemona intorpsrerl are liorpliv XV notified that Bern K llaoherman of Jaek. .on twp.. Nnvdnr t'n.. Pa., hasmtde en a. Unnient nf all hi rfaon, both n 1 nr. aonal tn the un-tralcnl for the Hnflt nt erMlltnr. Allpr.nn baring etalma .ra ra. auaated lo prt.nt th.e ti tbe ,1 I.mUm I. and Ihoa ndb,td Will pli Ditkalmnto llalo p.Tm.iir, j.i.amin. Nof.,3, tITI. Anianoe. lIjtlOO IVretleo. 4 LL peraona inlereale.l are hereby nnll rfle.l thai llaurv llnuaer of Weal ILarar twp , Bnylr Co., made ae awiltrntnen nr mi ni rnwo, ra.l and paraoiial in in nn dnraltfn-d for th. hnntlt nfbla eif tora. All Hfann havtn rl,lni r. to prrnt Ih.'n tn the nnd.raUnprl, and par.nna lud.lilad wmpi.a a make luoidld n,.'menr. MOSHS srKTIT, Not. H, '71. Axlana. inro. iwrn. A SPLEMD3 F II M M I TJ M to avuSY new ecneraiaaa to th PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY TIMES. THE AIALS OF TIIE WAR Written lif th frlnrlotvl fmrt lrpnt d In tnt iaiw !! Tv ar turin mum niiunie A Royal Octavo Volume of 800 fa yea, Jttanli fully Jluntnited And Poo id tn Vtnre.l and f.t.l rtnth Willi lllamlnatad C'uer Llolnaa (Piloe, l) Will b nitron tn evary .obvrlljar tn TH I. 'i: FKI.Y TIM ta ir id.o. aimn th I low in. terra, In nil oap.a the poatage pal t by ; i or m wm wi.i ud. i it r. w r.rn. LY on. .r an t one ropy nl Ibe "ANN A I. S For Sio w will koiiS Inrea i.plM of TH K Wt.l'lil.V mi year and three couie of lb AJ..ALS." Club Terms of The Weekly Times : I Copy nn year tl 10 f'nple on yaar an tciopi, on ar U. i Oopioa, oue er THE " ANNALS" AS A FEEMIUM. A MnnW .r.k. . ....I. t III k-. l - . . Pranilinom tnany nnaa.ii.IU aaf fcioraelab ol tan. nr .'& u.r e..l ! jui. ia nianu opportunity, wnnnut eon an bwi lltll triHil.l.. lo n.t a .nuf of n Hul.udid tbat abuu'd b read by aaerynn. THE WEEKLY TISIES ii irt,rj Will be kept lolly np In' ibe Mvh HandaM ri 1 Pi'l.HO I lm r.iTa n nl t tun ti. 'loir a, iher may In ,ii4id by txpilae and II.. want, of uur r.n.Mre. l b ir.nd af.l itutlnvtlt faatur of THe W r.KUI.Y 'I I l I S. tlil,,aa pn.aeil n p.i u at In llii.t II b e.mtl.m. I throughout lb ynr iTj, tit i a ailaa ol rtapfcra of .be Jr-.wriUen History of tlio Lata Civil War Freot I.avll i Aetora la the Cabinet. In the I It. J, Iu tbe For o, .ioria an I -toutli, Th'a future nf Tllf, 1M1 1 1. A ItF T.PF'l A WKK.KI.Y rir,S La. be.' iio tery.p..i.u.r and la lute-e.t llb eiery ntrV. la. .na I Hie p. par. U'blle lu -.o timllona .ll lefi'alr ia all arilian ton., tb-y olli I nrl'lea Inun lb. t.rluoa i. -.lrit J ..I lu. ra. iv, antuora an I .r tbelr pr. par lli i.a. Hi array nl illailua'tl.'!.) eonr.l.utor tn tbi tie. ar.t;:nt eic4 In briinn, y .r rent. by aa Aui.ilo.i. perlMlicl. a pnatal card fr HfSMHtl tl'ii V of th Fitll.aHKLi'tllA Kr:KI.V lltlr.M. ti will Ii cm to you wltbuul coll F.iainla we;i, and we beiiov yua wl l pro. nuan a It the l.araaat, tue Ubapit aui lb hnl ol Ibe WaeUltai. THY THETIMS3. Ily nnlttni with a few frlao end aiekng nni.ia ta a'., yoa will each .i 111 W..C.KLV TIUKS lorone year, poauae raid ny ua. forth. LnV I'lll.'Kof l it. It at am time durlba ll leer yoa are iltaaitUSaS with lb. papar, a.ul lo ui aud wo will ruluro four uuue). AJJrai IKE TIMES, Tie line urnniaa, rniladelphia NOTICE. A petition- will bo presenterl at tlie ro.etlna ol tha (lon.ral Aaaembly pray. In tb.tbody In enact n paoll law fur the i ounly of Si.ydar lu lnerua tbe premium or boualy oa Fox aud V ild-v.i eahw to ta Jul lart. 3on F'TTKnLr. Ja. . J on a l'TTKiar, sa. AM'HIW K..UKU, JeaaKL I omkv, Dee. IS, '71. eMia s. Hrairi. TAKE NOTICE ! I Til. parties inrlplited to na are A baraby riu.ed to tnake luiruedlate paymeet, ,ad tbn.a wbn have any el unit a eainat the Or in w Hi pla i.uni th aama at on, .iwlna t tb I ol thut lb Srin I aa la prool of tllatolutlnn. WtlsA OI'FtNHKIMEIt. Di ;t.1l. beliuaree, Pa. $1,000 1 PREMIUMS ! AdiI Commissions to. All. AGENTS WANTED lasrery foil Town In the United Stat lo md4 lalMorlplloa for th BURLffiGTOH HAWKEYB. peps Are eeai for eopy and term la agent. .7'EawtcjB Mlsiilni Co., , Deo 5,0w. Burlington, Iowa PIAIi03,fi;aofJo ORGANS, $285 - " $5; Annr oboas run suit . r ijjO All Waiiaatrelau Veara. " V Sppes'l fall In 4 for luilrl4 1r? lar. MINN' l a, " lv'al ejasuiarlare.... aa, S. ep. ,') He. rr 5-s I IIU ft Ul wflllli) 5 FAImIm SEASOBJ, 1070. Hurrah for another Large Business! There is nothing dingy of forbidding about OAK HALL this Tall. The personal attention of Mr. Wanamskcr hat briKhlenetl up everything about the pluce, and the Fall buyers GRAND SEND-OFF I . $700,000 in Clothing and Cloths Is under the broad roof, and T&8 Stlt' shout lh9 Plzco shows that th"e people hav discovered that and that, after all, It Is best to The fact Is, we have outstripped every former effort, and put forward, this season, BETTER STOCK, BETTER CUT, BETTER MADE, We rely on our TRUE and TRIED OOOD8 at TRUSTWORTHY PB'CES. and, on the basis of low prices, good fcoodi, and thorough satisfaction to our tuslouiers, propobe to do a larger business than ever. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, S. E. Cor. Sixth and Market Sts., PHILADELPHIA. P. l.Mi fmtr afaT tulimn will b fm4 en fclm. WEST JK11SEY M ARL AND TRANSPORTATION . COMPANY. JMIOIlTrlNrr TO IAIlIKTtN. W ar eew (.r.rara.l to ilellrar Ihla loally retabrtd Marl al Milnta l; r.. A I,. It. R. at fi p. (oe. a e eaalral or le nnnmla ot thl Marl lkan rrom e uniform allow rut Iruol lb faf la b.aS, !. by llcura II. Look . Mute tleulrnlet ol haw Jar. ay , fbow lollewt I I'wo'rnnair Arm, Su icir Arm, t CTAall, I. ' . Mauarall, 1 1 1 Hi. 'U lla. e i p. ib 1 HO I l.l. t :-10 iue. Tl. Wat leraey ITr1 t'ompaay by lhlr Mrl n treat tb top lo th kott.ra ef lite k4, nt l bur. mi ah J lin, end lliaj lailia tKn . to tupply Marl aiual lo lb aapl al. ttit. 1 1 ta ll.rl 1, nl a pied I all elnaeea of anil and trope, acU aun.aiaul eatluionlleaa be ekewa Iroui fa u.ert and liueaa. el Itt resiarlibble worla eaa PEHMAKENT ' FERTILIZER. It ennu'lue"' l I kurberle A elit ard rta,k alnne mala It al onre tbe eli'aptnl ta Wait ol aa ti-.. an.. . f .e 0,1 t iu e in the lani.are uf e?er 1 )..r I'Uluel er ba i tue. . . I uiib.r lal.ntli.a, ae , wl.l oa glrau J Pipt. 12. '78 Ladies Coats. Lia3 Xx&tJe LA I) IKS (XTATK ladies Coats arc in great demand at present. Every lady in Snyder county can be supplied S. WEIS' Selinsgrove, . thore are stacks of them there, which in qual ity and cheapness cannot bo equaled. 'fti'VI MS UNDER WEAH LOOR OIL VUtlK.. Everybody is invited to call and eee the full lino of HOTIOHS and FAKCY G00D3. Tho prices aro unquestionably lower thau ever. Oct 10, 73. r T eriim ni a I IliLILIRl 99 A t.eti. IvnTi.xiu r laos Waiita, Total S-ink. 17 Iu. 1-10 'ta. 1M TbT. J. CltOljt;. Apt., niiilillebnrf. MOSKS SI'KCII r, AKt., Uraverlown. r,iaBaeMeaaaaaawaaaaaawBaaa Ladies Coats. CiAMEa underwmti Kespsctfully, h wnir. isssst igw-ti m ww m 7j cu, ' 'V y I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers