r .tC W0.- dae "A iV: ':.V , . . .'. - . - 1 II gin ; -rs-r- Sor require constant nichriilnrss. To kwp them . com frlitble ii a important m to feed Hem will. nWnil will thrive ml rit'tvif ii uarlaeo Hal ojIJ, hence nCvftnrtMe and fretful. Cove bnve (treat likiog for eel rr, nr in Antri the leaves arr fnl to them, cut end mhel with bi te mftli. en I are sail to produce e Ifite- jul.tjr of nvlk thaa en other tcol. ?t Make (Ae ZfVtir Srty in Crimps . Take a little gtim arabic, ml ui) to it just coouiih bullion water t' !iBole it. Wh.-o di ilve I 'M tnouifb alcohol to make it nil er thin. I .ft Ihis s'stvl all night, sail 'hen Imtlle it to put on the heir ei ul.bt a'ler it U dune up io piiper or p n will tu.U it stay in crimp the ho'tcBi J.iT, and is perfect! harm he. Keeping tlogt 0"er Winter. la nwer to the qtienioa whether it hpettt pit oerlf pitta into the nt-uknt t nine ruvitln oM or keip tieiuuvrr winter, ea old furinor ", Mr flfiy yreri experieace In hog raising . I lnve yvt lo le'iro there is j jrotii In keeping pica over wio tr. Spiing pit wiih proper care ran b m.nl to weinb 150 to 3D0 xiiii')s ut loo months olj, eoj by pu tltu tb-iu int'i the market t ibis go the furm-r geti the U'e of the money end ruos no rik of loss from demb hjr mcij. nl or ilhtrcus. jfo A'.rci; Froatml rianti. riants 11 ro oltm lasted through ou uoi a tj ii'lo v 1 1 t die tbrouli inorunce. I'll se thut bavo tceti q nte nuvroly nijipe 1 my be stvod 11 iriaiBJ i!ttty iue ptop r way is when 1 ho fret hot been partially Uimwu out of thrm, naturally, t drvnoh then with cull water from a fine n 8od watoiintt po', and in)' flieliut' ly co or ajMiin end lot them ao remainuutil they regain their oa tuiul c. lor. When ihey are removed cli I ofTellanch pirts aa are black cnovl. i )'i m Ii i discovered tbal a p'ant bus bie'i touched by frtut, reiuuve 11 1 1 tool, dark room, and on 00 co milt Miilor t bo sua to shino 011 ii. If thi-y cm lit overei s) as to ex luii 1 air a well m light it in b'tter anil. Dii.l a cnna ool the like oucd not hn r mived until tbe Iroeis ate rev re rn ugh to blacken the leave, ThoSc.ap Book. Every farnior h iuld keep a scrap bo k. Jlny valu ible receipts oo ful Uiju.tiin anj beautiful thoughts are fl ni'ing urnuad in the various newspa rs tha raty be preserved in thit w ly fur o.mv ment ruforcoca Majfajinoi ahould not. be mutilate but biun i and pljce I upon the li brary ahif yeir aft- r yesr. News paper, ho'vover, are usually de travel thrown ai le aul forgotton but if what is eiihur interesting or uuful I ) y a in fi st cut out and pneUd in thtt scrap book, available v mIuu, ooutaiiiiiikt a v,t amount ol mi c Han 'on, infjrm:itioo, is rapidly coniplotod, end si ways ncoesnible. Articles miy bo iiirangeil under diQuroiii dopartmotit. '.he scientific, the floral, the boi ticilt iral, the live lock, the tirii iiuHiit.il, the household, the veiurinary ami the mUcellaoeoui. If every airti -lo 'n pl i.ie i uodsr its ppip-r ha lin,'. no index will be D"cM-ary, ami y,m 0 in readly turn to tb srtioi to whiuli jmu with to refer. Too value of s'i:h s ho..k must be ppirent toeyory iotollient farmer, and its ci'uipil iii.pu a iumt pleaseot in loemont. Tlie Ii e of valuable ani'nuU m y bo a o I by a reference lo it psift-s; Lrain uu 1 vegetables lauy be euitiveied moi'o successfully or other and hettor vnriotiet obtained. Uelul iuxtrno'i.'u inay he found in vineyard ad orohud, meadow and lawn, the baMyarJ and poultry ItllDf. Many 11 pi as tot eri'm'ng mty be pas ei by the wiotor firc-nle reading it psjjes. for if t ho lectloos are tT'Od, it will bu an iotercsting and valuable enyi luf cs la. It ia a book in w'ii0i;.ll sntlitiKi si interest fie (insIiiqiI, tiie wife, and it 'oul l cotitiio eliciiou suited to lh WiitlU of all. Let (he children h ivn a depart nicol of Ihnir on, dovute to rabbit), preun. canaries vut other pets. )o'i will thus infill into their mini lo of naiurf, a d ire for study and rneth Hlieul h.ihiit 'fhs cost ol ich a book is trifling, and those who o m nence tha eo upilatlon ol cae will soon h snrpi at lbs ainouot of pluaacre and profit (Horded hem. L'nlie aoy other book in your library, thi is oe ( yoor own ' ta-ikiua; an i yon alone are repoa tble f.iv i s eoutnoif, like en aotkor Who writes o-ev If would bave a velaeak) i' own sal beenseea trsas. IIALE'H EOHET OF EOREHOUND & TAk FOR THE OURK OP sue; he, Celdt, InPhieriia, Hoareenes. Difficult reathliNj, nd Ml Ar7etleJW f the Timet, ranekUl Tubal, and Lunge, Mediae, to Ceniumptlen. Thie Infallible remedy it competed of the Honev of the plant Horehound, in chemical anion with Tak-Ralm, eitracted from the Lire Pkincipli o( the forest tree AniM Daliamia, or Balm of Gilead. The Uonejr of Horehound Ioothiiand tCATTlkS all irritationi and Inflanimt tiona, and the Tar-Halm CI.KANSK and HfALs the throat and eir-pasea leading to the lungt, Fivk additional inprdifnt keep the orcMii cool, moist, and in health ful action. Let no prejudice keep you from trying thlt great medicine of fnmnui Doctor, Tho nat taved thouiands of Uvea by it in hit large private nraotice. N.B. The Tar Calm hat no BAD TA1TI er tmell. MICH 50 CINTi AND Jl Mt BOTTLE Gnat uvinf to buy Urge til a. "l'lkei Teotharhe Drops" Core la 1 Minute. Sold by all Drugrftta, C N. CKITTmON, Trop K.Y. ESSENTIAL OILS. WISTEBOREEN, I'EITE.tMINT TEN NVUOVAL, 8Pi: AHMINT, Ao. of prime imlltT, bnaehtln nr quantity for gb vuuviivry. irea irom omteraKa, comoila- Ion, t'iraaa, 0., ty DODGE & 0LC0TT. 1pnrtri and Etp irieri, l Wl lUm ftt , Sw tori. June,';lni JEVI KEPLER, Notary Pale Surveyor, Conrcysncer Rpal Estate aaUnsiirancc Agent. lived I1in.li and Morteee prparal .nil 1 1 in. is vi cnnTcynnt-intr aiiHfi.i.i (o iirointitll) with bid and ari-urracy. NmiUiiI attantlnh irtvan tn huiln. an.l attlll... RealKitate imce In Kreamnnt, Snf.lfr(!n. Ha.. P. o. Addrau, Mt. PUaaaot llllln, Sny.lar Do., Paan'a. Adk. t BEST- hitaini-w von rait pnoit!n In. V to t'.ii rr day made l.r ana worker of altheraei. rlKht In thara looalltiaf. Partleultra anl a imnl.i w.rfh aoirae. Imiirnae your antra lime at 1I1U 1.0. 1 I naaa. A'ldratt III. .... MVIWdAM 1 1 .... I J HTiaaoa a Co.. Portland Malue. .ay e, 'It ,ly A VALCAULE PRUPERTV AT PR1V ATESA LR. THE nndersigund offrs the fol loolnr di-ierlhad iimparty at prlraie Hal. TEN At)K r.t. rli-ared land, situate In Adama tnnnahlii. Moyder Vo ft., tau rall iVa-t ol Troini.illa, ailjntnln landaof Wm. U'aider, lianlal klaurarand ntbara, rrbarann are erafted aaoo.l IIWLLINDIIUI'lK. HTAIILK.HIItlp andntbar utbulldlna;!. The land la In a enoil atate ol lultlvatlon, conranlant t'n innrkat t tdrra il-oan oxoallant IIKCII AKI) of oli ilca fruit, 4 id narar l.lllne water nn tha preiutsaa. t'ur 1'orroi eall al Iba tiromlaa.nr a.l .1 reaa fCTCK kHIIKIKl.tlt. X r t. 'IT. TroxaUille, bnydarUo., Pa 1853. 71. 1873. CENTENNIAL ! Havlnv adonted the motto ef the "Nmnia Sunn . ," tb aulcpilbar wduld call tiia at. tentlon ol be puulle tu tbe laet tbal be ba adopted the GASH SYSTEM, and hereafter, will (all eoode entirety tort; A sh or PKUDl'tJK.balne aatlibed that II Is tbe true tern of dolne business. oa continual to aaap oa Sana a very lull and well-ieletled nock of DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, BOOTS .SHOES, HARDWARE, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WALL PATER, SHOE FINDINGS, FISH. PAINTS, LEATHER, OILS, &C, 4C. SC. wbleh be oflara la the public at very greatly re duced CASH P1I1CE3. ' With thanka ta m iM i.ii.mm. ... .v.i. Ilharal paironaya for many years of tbe pait, I would Killelt their eu.lnm fop tha r.,i,... h. Ina.tl.ay will be heaanlted by tbe ohaoca, at Your bumble .errant, 8....r.v...pt.1,..,s. w--tT. Q.ROSS & BROTHERS, Manufacturers of sad dealeralaall Llodiol BILL TIMBER, LUMBER, PALING, SHINGLES, LATH, fLOORINO, eto., Bhamokia Dam, Snyder wmi., ii, ah oraer promptly Oiled VeiW, CAerry, P,rUr,at Linn lumhn "" 7 20. PRIVATE SALE OP VALUAHLK PROPERTY. mne oadertlgsed will tall hit lata reel- a-denee eiiuataon Main Ml reel, lb Bor ough or Mld'iiehurg, Hoyder County, Pa tbie t a deeirable property aad was for I l. - k U I I I U IIAU. K. wan ..... .h antviLia. iiuir.ij. Tbe improvement eompriee a LA KG It D0U ULE PKAME IIOU8E, 8UMMKII HOUSE LARGK SHED, ICB HoI'dE. aad .i... ooibuildinfe. As eioellenl well of wsler aiissooor. it l suitable for a nrleaia dwelling er a Hotel, and looated sear Ibt centre of Dotioeae. Term eaay sad rteoati1e. for funk, er parlisulata eall ea er eddreoe J. W. O1WI0. Wateoatewa, Nertb'e C., Pa. 4ug.ll, l7d. ' rf tm on hand mil kind, of Jftornfi?fs-J(- Law. L N. Ml'ERci, A ttorney A t- Lair, Iieiranrc, Petata'a, O All prof-n I iiu.ina.f eitraitxt leklt e.ra will re.'alre prmit attentin i. . V na.Uiloa la (.BalUh aid derma. IKU 10, TS. JACOB GILIJEIIT, Attorney-At-Law, MIDDLERUKa, PA. Allntitlriaat eatratted te kll eare will reealre prompt Itaatloa. Jaiy u.'Ts. P E. rowEiii AriORNEY-AT-LAW, M'utdlehttrp. Pa. (IKBae Is oSlee ef J. P. Oroaetlilar, Eaq ) Cotteriioaa mad, and Uariuaa. Uoatallattnna In Rnellna Jane IS, Ta.if. M. I. SCUOCH, ATTOBSEY-AT-LAW, Few Iirriin, I'nion Co. Pa. Pmreatonal bnalnaa animated to hla er III rralTa pronipi atlrntloo. Jana X,':. qupTTlricij, Attorney h Ooantellor-At-Lsw, Ua.ee la Arp't M.ii.n eaa door Horth ol th Kiytlnn Hnll. SelliiMKt'wve. I'essa. Cnlleatlnnt and alt other prniaaalnnal hal n. I. anllattad aad will tacela.-rfiil anl pruiapt aiuatlo. Api.U.'n.tl. T P. CltONMILT.rit,' t'e ATTOBNEf AT LAW, Middleburjr, Pa., Oltere hla prolettlonal aervlcea lo Ibe pub lie. Colleii lone and all other prnfetainniil biiaincae entrusted lo bis care will receive prompt attention. f Jft 3, 'OTif T , SMITH. ATTnRWnV TI.AW. MinDLKIIUKU, SNYtUR CO., PA Ofter" Mi PMftMlonal Karvli'ea to Ike pa bit ;unaaltatlnnt la baallih aad 9araiaa. J. R. ZELLER, ATTORNEY.AT-LAYT JKfJtiiibiirri, Union County, Pa All bu'lni-aa antru.ted to ble rare will wall and f .Ulilnll. atlan l.d to. Will prattle al the etr..l eourta of Sny.lar and adjolnlne rioiita.. t.'an ua ebnauliC'l lu Iba rll"h or Uorniau lananaita Uet. SO. I3if CHARLES IIOWKR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sclinaiyrnve, Tn. OITert hiaprnfeaalonalaervlcet lo the pun lie. Collecliona and all other prnfeaaioiml buainet entrutied te hi eare will re -aire prompt alleniion. Office twodnnre north of the Keyiione Hotel, f Jan 5, '117 T M LINN, Al7nTLL V a (Sui-raaaors to J. T. h J. M. I.lnn,) ATTOIINEYS AT LAW, Lewlahtir. V OtTer iheir profeaaional eerniree lo 1'ie puhllo. Collection and all other pro- ieaaintini hueinoaa entruaied lo their eare will receive prompt at tern ion. f Jan. 8,'tSiif V. & N. I TOTTER, ATI 0 R XE YS A T LAW. Solinigrove. Fa , OITer their profeaaional aerelrea lo the put He. All leirnl ruialnraaiilrule'' tn their rare will reoeive frnmpt a'teniion. ftninc one door shov ibe New Luiberan Church. July. 4th '7'J. (AMDIL at-LBMAN. HnaAC'B ALtlV S. ALLEMAN & SON. A T TORN E i'S AT LA W. HeliiiNfrpovp, All profeseinnitl huainea ainl cotlrciing eniruated u tlieir ire will he prompil) atlenedto. Cnn bl cnnanlied in Kngliab or German. (Mice, Mitrke' 8iuare. II. II. Grimm. Win. II. Dill. OUIMM&DILL. Attorneys & Gouncclors AT-LA IV, Offiire Near the Post Office. Freeburv, 'enti'n. Conaiilimlon in bolb English and German Languages. Dee, I '7iif. QHARLES O. CORNELIUS, -Vttorney-Vt-)Lirtvt A'ete JJerlin, Union County, Pa Can be consulted la fcniillih cr Uerman. May 34, le.'T.tl JOHN II. ARNOLD, Attorney nt lrvw, DISTRICT ATTORMEl, MIDDLEUUltO, PA Professional busloet entrusted to bis care w.1:.' bs promptly attended lo. Feb THOMPSON BAKER, Vttonie.v-n.t-TttAV. ewlsburg, Union Co., fa gey-Can be consulted la tbe English an German langitnget.'al 0KF1CK Market 8trt, opposll Walls Smith A Co' Store 8 4Uy M. PFAIILER, ATTORNEY. AT. LAW, MiUUeburg, Pa. Oflloe lrx the Court House All laxal bualnest and tbe l.'nlleatloa ol claims attsuded to. (May,I i:,tf. WM. VAN GEZER, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lowisbtirg Pa., )ITers hi professional service to te pub II. Colleciion and all other Ptateeaioa l business entrusted to bis ears will re neiv prompt alteatioa. g T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW iBLINSOROVE, SNYDER CODXTT, P Sepl.16, o7lf A C. SIMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Northumberland, Pa. i1te hi profetsioaal eertlcee t Ih pub ic. All butineee ealrueied te his eare eill bs promptly stlended lo. f Jaa. 17. '0711 C AMUEL II. ORWIO, " ATTQHNEYATLA W, Miainburty, Vmimm Co.. P. oma nest door to Telegraph THailaa . 99. V. 1177.1. PhfHiciana, $c. DR. S. Y. SlUiVDEL,, URGBoa AKOr If IA3T, .l: J)R. I. GRIER BARBER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, having located al MIDDLEBORO. PA, office few Hnnre Weal of Ilia lli.nrlhoufe. in Beaver's llilck bulldlne, eflere his pro. freaionnl serceee I th public II apeak Eiigliib and Oar ma Oet.17.'78. pEUCIVAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, KraltcrvUte, Snyiter Co., Pa. Offer kit prnreailonal tardeae t the eltltmt ef Kratatreillaaad vlelalty. Aa. Si,7 )B. A. M. SMITH. PI1T81C1AN AXD SVJIOEON, Of era hi profeaetoeal services f the clll- ten of Adamaburg aad vicinity. Sep I, 78 n J- K KANAWKL, PlIVSlCIAN AND 8UR0E0!', rnlrtt inyder Co., Pa Olfer hi profettlonsl services t the public. earnr JJ F. VAN BU3KIRK, L'RfitCAL a MECHANICAL DENTIST Solinsirrove, Penn'a. Ju stic s of th e Peace. yiLLIAM H. SNYDER. Justice of lite Pence. Salem, Snyder County Penn'a- All Collections and remitanccs promptly made. Ko.ii,; if. pAAC HEWER. JUSTICE oFmE PEACE and Q-onoral Collector . Middleburg, Rayder County. P Ppcclil aller.linn paid lo enlleellone of all kind. Kamiiiancee will b uiade promptly for all eolleuiiont mad. Mar. 'Jlal 1878 if. V H. W A ON Kit, En., - JUSTICE OP THE VK AC 15. .Isckaoa Townht'p, Snyder Co. Pa., Will attend lo all buainete entrusted lo ble ear and on tha moat reaaonahle lerme. Murcb i. 'liHlf J 11. II ART MAN, Jl'NTICI. OF THE PC4C E. Jw: Conveyaticor, ' CENTREV1LLB. Snyder County. P rollectlons and all tmalnets partalnlnr lo tbe omra ol .Tustireol the Peace Will be att.-nda. lc at short nolle Ap rxT'Ta gEI'II MITCHELL, Jnslico of tlio Pence & Conveyancer, Jv k-on Tnwnahlp, Sovdar O innty, Pa. tl-dla -iimu, n iiii-iotf, aod all othar bo -h'ra parlatliltiu tn tm mtti'i will r-'rniva r.niil I aiinntion. PuatniO -aaddra..: Na 11'rlin, tlm.ui riniiil, Pa. Aug. lrt, It71. JOHN K II UG II ES, E.nq., - 'JUSTICE- OF THE PEACE, Penn Twp., Snyder Co. Pi. TAMES MIDDLESWARTII. J Justice of the Peace & Conveyancer, Troxleville. Snyder Co., Pa. Will attand nroiiimlr to all mannarol bust naaa pirtulnlns: lo thaolfl.. Oollanllona mi te. Iiccla. Artli-leake . written. (July J.'7-tl y.M. H. HARD I NO, JHI It E OFTIIH PEiC F Jk ConveyunciM', FREEMONT. aoydercoumy, Ta. olle-tlona and all Imalnaaa partalnlne to t.e nm.-aur .lllnooflhe Peace will ba attii.i-1 to at abort notleo. Apr. S.'Te. U A. WETZEL, WeJ Justice of the Peace, Jleavertoien, Sttyiler Co., Pa. All kind of collections mad on liberal lerint. Promptly attend lo all businest intruate 1 lo bla car. (June 20, J.tr V. Ii. JtiSUIm., Justice of tie Peace and Coureraucer Sinllb Grose. Miyder C o. I it. Colleftlona and all tiualaeae prrtalnlnf lo Iba nit-a oi iiRiicaoi ina reace win atlaii.lad In abort nnttca. May.U.TI' JkJElt B. MIDDLESWARTH, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AMD CONVEYANCER, MoC'ure City, Snyder Co., Fu. Collaellnns and all bnslnaaa nartalnln i i. ofllceof Juatlraof the Peace will heattanded to ai aaiiri nones, July OT.V&tl, G. UORNBERGER, JUSTICE OF IttE PEACE Perry Towasblp.SnydsrOoanty, Pa. Collections, Ooaveyaaetnai, and all other best aea. par .amine; te tne omoe will be promulli J I. MONBECK, Justice of the Peace Adamtburir, Snyder Co.. Pa. Will be in bia oHio at tb above mention dplao. oa MONDAY and SATURDAY ol ob week, when all kiuds of bueine. relating to bl offie, will b attended te eaiip .781 Tgr. Hotels. U. r. tvuimer. u. II. ftpttck. CENTRAL HOTEL, . B. Uwr. Blahih awel UaathtfUaa" ana jppmlle .be Oonrt H maa,) Iebatiori. Penn'a. , srTbi HoUl laoauir.iiy an eonvenlanlly locaU-4. Lomiaodlous aad plaeaaat Hooiua uay ua awaaeaej la auraaoe hy aumapuudaaca. l'" ' a-as Ouaale comfortable. ,!. ,l. CENTREVTLLE HOTEL, (Lau Mrs. Weaver'.) Caatarvll Haider te., Pa. riTKB HARTHAN, Prept'et . Tkla toaw aatahll.ka .u k. - k... baya kn parekaeed by Ik uado-slaae4, to llelM a skare ef aa pnblie pal rene.e " ' r"i sews. ' - I Hotels. rjlHE NATIONAL HOTEL. HARRISON WITMER, Prop'r. BeUnHgrovo, Pa. This Rnlat la nlaaaanliy InaalaS In lh "qn.ri,' aad laa ry dalr.." place f..r travalara lo.i i the aeavof aaeommodattntia al tow ralaa. Trr eoneainpplnitonra will bwaaretocalj aaln'. Tb baatof liquor In tha bar. enrA Bratelaea Raataaraal laeoanarllna w'tr tke Uolal. Aiir.ltl.1;. Alcrchnnts9 House, NORTH THIRD STREET. PHIL'A PA. Terms 81 CO per day. HENRY SPAHN. Pro , I'rop'r apr.l.'f. v. n, "rAiii, t iarat White Horse Hotel, ' N. W. Corner Third &. Wood Sta. PHILADELPHIA. 7."kTtrauck, Oooo Srasttse. Proprietor Wine, Liquor sad Segar of Iba Chaleesi Brandt. mar8o78 FAIRMOUNT MOURE. NEAR THB DEPOT, IMIcltlloburg', X., JOHN LI MB El IT, PttopniKToa. Tblt house It In cloa pvoilmityla the depot and baa lately been rebuilt and re filled. Roome commodious lb table well supplied with tb heel lb market afford a a id term mderat. He also keeps a Kiel elatt livery, where horse, bungles Ac, can he had st alt limes sod st reasonable rate. apH-f'78. Phihutelphia. Cards. J.S. FARNS WORTH. WITH JONES, HOAR & Co. Importers ot Hoiscry, Notions, W&ite Goods, Emuroi denes Gents Fara is!i inn Goods k So. 514 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. T. n. fonas, A H. Hotr. (Mat. I '.'4. W.H. fl'ialhtay T. H. ilalchlal. g C. SHAEER, JOEL J. BAILY CO. HOSIERY, SJIA LL WA RES. IFttVe QootU, e Fmhrnidrrics rf'-V2-i IV. :tl St.. IM.Mml. tIK. J. B.II.T Kl.TOV rtFi,MFn HE.NKVJ. UtVt-J. 8 ax W.VaaCUI.It. QAVID WILLIAMS, M inufacturesof A Wholesale Dealer la Gltt. Valiosntiy. Waliinl nnrl Koae wooi LOOKING GLASS Pioture ft Fhotographla Frames Xos. 230 and 3.11 Arch Street, Philadelphia Pa. Fritmea Repaired In Ibe beat mannei Mao. Itecililinc In ail ita brnncbra. 7 I.VL'OUR. R I EG El. A t'O., O WHOLtSALK IIKAI.ERS IN FOREIGN .t DOM EST It! DRV iV. t!33 Market Ht. Ililln, lelphla ln. WM. MANN. Blank Book maker Sta. tioner, and S team Power PRINTER, a -va- a . . ' noewnie v Jeletnil No 529 irlarket Street, PHILADELPHIA. Promitne$. One Price SJli Price Marked On All (Joodt In jf'i ynree. Apr. 18-72. GRAYDILL A Co.. WaoLSiALa DaaLaaa in WOOD AND WILLOW WARE Oil Clolha, Window fihailes, llrooms. Mala liritaliee Cotton Lap, Grain Bag, f'.j Net, lluukeia. Twine, Wick, Ac. Nu. 4-.( .Varkal 8lrt. Pblladelnhla. n s. s saisw ro. e o ill N6ff Fur AIL DnNIFX O. flRROITIIKtaiRtt daalrrs loan onun-aloall Inlaraatrrt. Thai alorr tha die iinition or the rinu of Il.iruatKaarr a Vluh ou me in or April, lie haa opened lo bla naV Build. main aenne irrovo. oa walarairael.eli.iae tli opposite J.S. Uaunlua's slurs, a Leather Store and Fin ishing Shop, S found SI ell tliiieae. ee... all kluda of Piuiahed fclnrb, cnnaietini of II a r naaa. Hole, 1'piu.r, Kip and tlalf Htlna, Morror eo'e, I.lnlite, Toppltute kr., nfdlllereiilqiiellllet ... I....-W-. . i. .ueiiiioD oi nn-a-iuasara. raru, are, and all olbera la Invited, before parcueema alarwliare. r Thlrty.lvayaaraaa a pracllral Tanner aneliaer hlui loiiilna theqnalltlreofaioik. Uldaalakva I. eevweaee lor lMeii. r. , . .... U.ll. IIEROSTIIKHRER. J ane t-'Tl Kellnearuva, Harder Co., Pa imhij:s, 1 will mail ferae) the reMt-e r a simple obtablm II, Lu, that will rataore Tab. a num'naa, laaylap - ... .i..r Hia weaatiiu i alee IW- .iiniunmiT! weing a luxuriant areata ofBalroaa bald bead or emoota lane.. Ad- SELlNSGrBOVE LIAMEWORKS. Tke nadersla-aeil kavlntr narehaeed tka Ma. taaareve ataride Works, k Isaew lulls pie 'HoDDmeuts A 1 1 Headstones. . this eamtaae at arleee ., i.e.. .l.. l.... . fore, aad lower fbaa kas ever baea dune la Ibe Harlee lust raeelved a le.ea ui .r et an the la teat styles ef Moaawsal kead euaee, IamablefHlva satltiaalloe la si y las aadprleee. la all that wlak la riaeorale the rev, el a deparied frlead with a , ,h,mr MwMneswHl.VtHMlst v HetMtatwHa. i w fL"J V",w,"",,,,a eeistebe abbs La fuvnlali aknra M...t-m . -.1.1. '. ayatberk lad ef --af andlVlaiiow flifsle-attaiaiitt e. - c la a oie-a af , s.-'-- ERRORS OF YOUTH. - AOr.NTI.ru AW whe art for yaarefrom Narroaa Lh-lnlHT. Pi.ian iMeav, and all tha efrarla of yoiithfnl Indi.rratlna, will for the eahaofanffrlua htmamtv, and fraa to all who arrdli, ika mlpa and direction for maklae tha almpla tamed? Iy whii b ha waa enrad. Ralttr era alahlna l.i pn.nl h tha a.l.a.tl.ar'a etparta mea eaa do an by addrln In frrnrt eonS-d.-iH,a JoH.1 B. tJOOB.f, it Oadar 8 1 real Kaw lore. S65.1 ek fn vnnr town, a cut. rraa. Ifnrlah. H.ad.r ir.., bualuresat etlnh a.rMn.ar .m... at van mek- eraat nay all h lima I Kaw write for partltalara U, H. UaLLBT fcOc, Port' lane. Mai . ' ft f Can't be raida by Oyer Nail Ii II rr month in tke ha.lna JUUil bat those allllni , , ... " easily earn a dots aeery aeant ee uneea we ter line: to wok J ' ""7 aaairwwn inranilaa. Have no reea to espial kare. NaalMae pleaaant aad konwr a hla. Wasi.4 .and hoaa -l it a . mmn. We wU farnlah ?na. eempkMe tlatnt ' VL' ! Pr kotier than aaytblna else. We will near thapaete ef Martini vow. Partlealer free. Wrll aad aea. Far" mere and meebaalee. their eons and daatVere. and all eiaasas la need ef paylae work at keoe. - w,"w i.i. an noon, ine were at one. New la tke time. tMn't delay. Ad draee rasa a Uo..Aasasta Malue. . JJNION PLANING MILL BCUN90ROTB.81VTDIR CO., PA Kccly & Wagner idiimner iienlcrs ao MavurACTi'saa or tloors. Door Boxes. Windows, Shutters Tfinoow Boxes, minus, Saab, htalr rixliijts Ustiri Kalllnm, Brack. .Mean' lugs, Flooring. 1-UKUI...BA n in,i avCAHINKT TURrtlNO aingies, juatn, Ate, Vo. Order eolirlted and llld wtih prompt (sand Ueapanh. Pie gull and tun n our Hack be Tore purchasing elsewber KOiiTflERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. "i "el Ife.f No. o h, lVt. tr-klui thlt wm. .! r.v'i aa tiuwn 2 LBAVK NORTHWARD. l t Northern Klieara Paat v.. V. k f "' .' t.l'ta. W ...Inti.on l.tlsst Milan. '.Hi",. S tupm II a am ll.i inure extatn leteaw m, tleurxaiu.n stn.m t.otjm ft. Itnaa.arai Sltata 0pm Noetbiiuibeilaud UiiB U to p ui 0. C p ui ArriTaatl wiiijainapwrl t.t am toinm T.ttpm Mie S tJ-ISP". lP.a lAp" S-opm ji.ntam ........ K" t.eopra -. a.EAVE KOL'TIIWAIIO. Leave P-ido ll.y M.u Sombern Ni eara V.,e.. .p. lip. :,, i. twin Ms u """l. ..... eatata fioam W.''alua IW I ll S la S.J4PM. J,. Ji.esaiu ....... I.".h Hitrif.'ai iu ....rf V.aApm WiM.pt. T 41a in i!t lale.topm ulsie iu ".nrlh'.l I.Una v.uiareit, IS It a lu x.vaavn. 11 19 a lu !"" I.totn. te..., 'S. V' n j) - a in Mja Ml a m -niiiiry v toe lil n-lhianrova V.aa a to Harndnn lo R a to I U-oi H-in'n le At n ui I n m 1 2b a m Arrive alt Hirrl.bing II Mam .ld m 1 It i in IH, lu H.ilia, a 40 pm 1 .t ut t,mtm I tu a :u w York .lpm 100. h n '. II am lu.it. , Rililinon. Illpni IJI,.,,, Tllatii t4i,, vV ..blnnon ; p .n .u; ,l,u 4 , ..oj Those ma. tr I r' atnn o Mr irhai n. fed . j. VA.tr . Tr, Oa... AUnaa-ar. JOHN LAUDE4l.AGERt BfJGGYJIAKEH HtI.lN.S(lHOVE, INYDKH CO.. PA. IUvln piiroliaao Jl It well known aland 11 SetiiiH.'rora, fiit-n'ly nwnetl lis I'liMfr lllecker. I am prcpal t to aromnmndnie oil ho may d.-elr aiiii'oiiig In my line, nnd warrant aaiiarneliiifii alt case. I ketp niirtiiiiily on hurt? hnd am prepared lc innuuinoiiire ai ibes iorieat notice, ISaT'VitHr.it, nsni.KiEs, - SLEIGHS.,. RnineT experienci,n Ihe liiisineas, I flat- r niyaeu mat 1 i I tiny prepared to meet want of mvi l.atuiiiere. Tha burnt. mployed are anioir,jihe heal nieubanlaain tie county, and ihiul work will nm r.11 .- sive universal ati'"icilon. C-jaT-8peoial ailf.'ion paid to repairing in 1 II lie hrancbt' fan Mlmp on Murkei llreet. a few dooreeouih f Ibe Cerm.tn Rev arned Cbitreb. JOHN lAUUENDLAGER. Helinegrnva. April v. '70-lf : J B- SKLfl h,),MEU vPa.At.EB IN . Iron, Nails m Steel, Leither, ?4ints, Oils, Coach & Saddlery Ware AND MAM KM TUIthR OF Stoves V Tinware, MARKET STREET, Ieviiowi.q', Penn'a, November it, 1871 f THE Wtjl; G SEWIliGlACHINE TUB BEST jp AUU Unrivaled In Appearand Unparalleled in $iipfly. Unsurpassed in Cmtructhn, Unprecedented Popularity, And Undisputed in thJ iroad Claim eatanst ) . VKRY DBflT OaTatVa TINO QVICKBST tIJSO, IUNMOtST, AMD lion rrfct Uifif VuUu rw ths wen' i , TketBe,ia.Bjveu- a-lere a It lib f!aa 4 . ? T I 'a -are wb l.' e , sv J) aw, rv ai . ' en Iv. I ..""' At. . j ' v . Arranacmenl PMinBer ivoyaoth, lfSr Train, text Jr7W(n I lowt Sunday !scZt f or Rh.mskla, lol20 ) I. 1a p n , For Mt rrm1, Ashltid Pon.ellU, Readlag, M4 II. 10 am. ' M Trmineor ffemdon, lean n, irav Ms. ' il&ci-s .00 (( . J Ounanye Leave Skamekla, s.40 p at. Uav Phlladelphl ll.Uia. PoiitrvllU, 30 f '. Til ia Ashland 2 AS m. Ms t,' mi. varmoi fi.w p rs. I Train tear ItarrUtmrn s)l I For H- Tnrk, 6.S. 8 It T t 00 sad 7 63 p. m. ! Fr Philadelpkia 6.1a, l.to. , . andi.OWpat. . " Sunday t For Wew Tors b.2 a m For Philadelphia l.4 p. m. Train for Harrubura lennm . ..a Lv. Pbllad.lphla, 0.45 a st. 1 rn J 7 3u p. at. w eaaaaaeassaej . j Sutidai . Lv New York 5.P.11 p n. Leavo I'biladalpbla 7.20 p mi Via Morris A Essex R. R. J. E. WOOTTRN, uetl iiui Ks. U. IlA.ttJUtJK, Gen'l 1 icket Agt. rk a "4. viia f. 6 GOLDi Hnrvasl for A .. . end tree, oar neaJ llo.tr 1 ted T n a..- . ..''."."it kT f Orest ebsare t, , U U lai u.i: .a a.if 1 aoa In eery town to lake rahaerlptlnalvta lar.a... eheaiwat and lieat lllanratad 1.., puMieitbin In the wo Id. Any enoaaaW a suee s-liil aaa.it The snat ala..iZ!? ol art alven Iree to enbanrliiera. The irlij low that alni.iat everyimiy sulweflan. i2 "'"i rr'ri" niBKtne; over eiaa In a awl ii la.lv aiant renorta taktaa at., aiai -7. IntsnUBia. All who enKaare make ranenba devote all your ttraa 10 the kuieJ or only ynwr ira time. Yob need way trnm home over nlbt. Voa eaa . win.im rnit panirBla.s. itl.wtaa and term, free llan,i.aj a...i..,JT iree. It tou want O oOlnhla worn a.l.lrar, et onoa. It euata nothlna: tainu, I'Ualnsr. No on a aho .naa.ai 1. ... Krei.tpay. AiHreaa "ibe People's JarnnTl fortlaad. Melee, Au.v,nV WATCH & CLOCi MAKER! MARKET ST. MIDDLEilUCO .Pl'XJ'i H VI NO lnr iiiiin ll.le plooe I vhH rrapvet fully in form the eitiirNt' .tiiuillrhiiig and vicitiliy llmt 1 am piri.t. d lo repair IJI.U IKS ASO W ATI'IIH cheap and rxpeill l.in.lv. The iaiiasip of ib putilloi" le.poclfully toticli..! K. DIMZ, Jlliltlletiiirg, hay Itf, It78. MARBLE WOM1 LEWISBURG. PA. TAI IAN ln ssjeoirssj asuonr' - . r.i.w f.iiikiiflviais niHnou MONUIIENTS. Toraltstonea. Statue, Uine. Vaiei LAM I)S. fur f'liililrun'a lir.i.u I Potit, Li atria, Tabtrloi, Mwllt ' mi I Slutr MantrU, -c. I 111 IhOS t0 deiire to im relax . .nkelMuaal any tbina: Blue mai.uia..tnrsl at the aianel tinno.1 marbls works, ebouitl eon.alt tbessike-l eiKHvi a,nit oaiore iHirrnaaiBH alaawkara. . . starr.L iuwe.ni. July It 7t-tf.i Mlddlehura, endar Ce rt I THE SUK FOB 1879. Tn8r will be ptUtad every day dories tbe I'lr til MB. . tie aurin.. ...1 . r.u ba tbe mum aa In the Had I I'o preaaal all IM Z ,T." "'auauia au.pa, aud tu lell Ut Iratt IbfHiub heaven fall, Tmb8iib haa bean. Is and will eonllaneleht ir11!,? ' ?' ""'fy and ever, thing a.t - - i ..ii eoovivuoBS oi amy. na 'if poiloy whtcb aa koiiaet arwauasrr BSodbava. TMllatii. uuly polecy wbleh kt. ?T J".'. ,hu aaw.pAper Ilia oudeuce aad ..-i.-.inpu,. wiur Biiuaiaieucr tbas wae a.ar nnsiyeil b any mii-r Auierloaa Jimrail. . 7 laineBaw.paperlartbe peOplS. II la lii.t fr lite il, b uian e duel iba poor BJ.aaf tur Iba poor Miaaeealnal the rlr.li niao. built araka to do eqlial ju.ll. etn all lulerrsis la IBS "" f! or Periy. There need te uo uysiarr about Its lov. and bat... It la for Iba bouaat uau egalne! Ihe ronuas avry time. Ilia fat . noi.eei ,.iuocrat a w. II ta aaaluat lbs ...'"""' Rpublbaii, and for the iionaal publleau aa avainal iba dl.lioueal rstuiwrst. II dee ant lak" lit on, from the utierauua of asr ptilllual orfan.iatlou. Jl givvs lU support uiirraurvedly wben Nieu or ruraaurvs sre le araetiivni wlib iba Coiislltullva aud wlib ika i tluolpl... n,H,a ahli li Una RrpuMIe was fonisV eu forlhe Kople. Wbrnever tlaav Coiisliuilea and oou.tilmi.inal prluelplae are vlnlaf d-a. lu Ibe aulra. oiia cnu.pir.uy of 1 17, by which a man tioteltcted arae nle.-d i. .!. . 1....1. m.-., wi.tr ba allll reii.alua-.ll apeak, out M be riyhi. That la TuaaipB'a Idea t-f ludeoraa- BBOt.. lU Ibla raal.M-l Ibaru will h i...... Ik tie irOt.'r.Hiiiie air ikitL Tn 8dm baa rainy earned Ibe belted ef taa. rsie, fr.uu., aud buiubuua uf all aorta sud sltss. It l.opre 10 dreurv. tbal batrrd not I eaa lu Ihe year lT i.ilian In lars. Is: 7, or aay year (ona by. in ava will continue tu shine en the wroted ' Willi imuiliUau-d braliloraa. , While ibe PamHie i.f the paat should be ena alantlyk'pi lieforalha pevplr, Tea Slon does not iiiirip.ee to make lit iriularae w....i.a.t ancient blalnry. jt la ptlnleJ .r Ihe mm and 1 women oftol.y, whauoora le ehlrSy wlib ba aiBia of to-day, tkiaw eonrent I. shlrSy ' with lb affaire of tilev. II hae kLh Ik. Ji.. alllnn sad the ability bs aSord II raadera the prompte.t, fBlleel, aud laoel eoerule letelllnuee of wbatce la Ibe wldeaoilt la worth alias tlou. Totblaeadaad Iba inatrii baioaelua lo we'ei.bllabad proa erigr wUI be liberally axn'oyeil. . The pr-eeoldl.Hoad eoBdltlnn afpartee la Ibla eouutrr. aud Ilia wuoeH.liitv at 11 an.. lend aa ealraordlnerr eignlSran-e le the eseel of he eoniiuK year. The dteeaaoloa ef the prase, Ika debalea aad aols uf Uouareae, end Ibe movs. Biniilsnf Ihe Leader I., every e-ulloa of the Ka Snbliewlll base a dlrsat baarlaal oa the Preel eatlBl eleclk.a of IrW aa event which BBS I be raesnli-d wlib the B.iat Bnlkina lalarW tie av. ery petrlolie Aoieriean, whatever ble wolUtcal luwaeBeallefiaMi.. Volb.ee elemeule if Intee. eat may be added Ihe prohaMillr that lbs Dew aoisls will eoulnd both beuaae of (Jot-araaa, Ike iBrreaalB far,aueea nt Ibe traudlanl Adaila!e iraiHM where reiHm, aan taa auraad aad atrauethlng .vary- ' w.er. vi a aeanur aonaraai B or fraud la a form. apraeeaiwlib eeeur-rv aud ah...... Hie .ml en.ii,iB la wh of lie strata, nlweaa Ha well.kaowa akwtd mtar Be laipoTetat p" We beve Ibe twaaue af laahlB. Vsa taa. ea a eauiliual, a literary end a aauaal aea- ar, aiere sbterl.lnlne aud tanre nee nil Hun ar( a! fere aad wa meaa lo ai iy tbwat free-.. ieir raw .1 auueorilHliwi reeaata Foe Ike U4ILV Sri., tvu.a.- .. elsktoaiiiu.oe.ih. p. ire by I, , ( . '4eenlsew.o.. -r- aaack.v y -r. aa a anak... I.e. . "'aval 1 I -I. t 1" '. a 1 V 1 'SWj"U M low m 73 cU, "Spx j " e I is : - - V t -iu'er
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers