V . . "---r , ,. '"aaa-ty,.. , 1l)t..jMtte)wrawtTl t"X rwf iiaai nrmv r tawr-a aara f f owiiiwjujaa mm p VT-r-j'ayaya1asa-A gga, aywi.a?pt "'l' sift t-i-i " wv.;j"" '.v. v w m m m m' ... 4 i f: I:' ' : pjtjwr irf-fciy m"m Sr m 1 w. a. The Post. - - Mirci. 23, im J. CHOOSE, f-.iior 4 Pi ff re or. TuunK me live linn -1 - I ' ri.K in tiiy little's of ri'pi'i'iioitn' iv.-". Mini-. bur,, not yt.t t i I mi, n i l t lit pr.i pects t r 'it'iii; ilirim 'li liii' Ii hi Ii, of t;n m-H-i :i wrli ml n ' I r': of ial.iLi"i), are Uul nt a'.l !l it'tv Br0. There is tri eei'taiuty vet of t)io M't'rubU,' if a'l Eiropir.i i. i rt", 1H tfinii trO') iwh fito,tl:;ii If aJritvinif, uji'jn 0 instautm iplj i Kn jl au I In M:il in mo it i I'll It t tfio nvi -uf Marmora; mi I m!iit bus niitli'ii.'il t'ji oti ri li'ji.-i) if 60.iv').o "J ll irine f.r military p-i--p.aes ut Mu, nitiin 'if t'rf Sjvtrj. orient. T! fieas b u u ein:tr ap. ppiirutics. Tho 1 tiihiluli.iiit llrfivri, wilh strong democratic proclivities, sty tliere was ovtiroo in tho histjry of (he doinocratic party when its loaj art "woul.l na sunn liavo on tor o I in to a coalition with tho i1ot;I m with lJivors in raft won o jr." Dors the Bcord mean to say that tho loaders am or have boon in coalitiou with tho first-naiuctl gentleman f Tt tli.l look tbut way a little iliiriii tho re bellion. A iinirular ffiir reooatly oocarml At Mulmon. Inl A lnt of littl cel. 1 "n 'H "Ppl"''".''" fr a ro orod buys worn nlminrj court, nu l ' ' i A'i lur mc iii. eutencJ ono of tbr'ir n-.inli..i- to lu I-""" "' l.4.'riu,n....l U Invo LoopeJ. .Ho wan aec.tnlinp-lv fti-mi I lf -cl up by hin booln to a d jor kiiob nt. l j ,u" wf K'tt'"S t left there, wbllo ono of tho et i'M Tiii iio v ilor Iull.ir i quito tijoora wout tlown stun nti 1 t M ! popul ir, but j wt wlmt tlm bir 1 tli it Lis mother of tho nffiir. S io wont i b.w boon ciiimvoI oh it 1 .okn like. tip stairri nJ foun.l t'.io boy in n tri rible Condition, with blood inhin from hiu nose and mou'.ii. Ha b 1 1 lost bis oyuiiiUt, and ou tho nuxt Jay be died At tho t ickh'il dor , " ' i tbe Pa. Riilroud l.tot wok O il. Sotl proposed t fund tho tol l! li il'i'itii' of tho oomptuy, uuiO'iutin lo ilSi. 000.000, wiiicb caiiHu I quitpii lirni'Z buteoJoJ iu tUu tippiiiiitiivint of a committee to ripji't itt i:i a li in riio.l taootin', U4ti. loll tnuil it m i!;o eut tho total lubilitio nt $11 i.OO J, COO, and othtiri fivoro I U'm idivm. Tbe largust Rtoukholdora Kmna t have fuitli ouoii 'li in C il. .Saoit to belioTO that if bo cannot iuidi."j tho road to their iatorosta no one elno is!', likely to do so. Two ucgroea were tiiinff at Ntw Castlo DoUwaro on tho '2lnd ina tot committing a rapo niioti a wom an named Kato Smith. It aiumat t na that evoa for so lionijm an of. fence ivs rapo, tho ilw.itli pon.ilt.v should bo sparingly a-sccntod. and only wbore thoguiit of tho purtiot is indabitablo. 15 it thou down ia Dolaware, th -ir ln.v.1 ure riorom and it was only "nij,rer8'' that were hung. If tho crimiuili had liocu white mon, we do uot donbt tho ro salt would have beim dilTiiroiit. Jndjro Wttllrjr, rrcxident Jnd.,'0 of the judicial ('intricl, compoHed of tlin counties of Wayno uu l I'iki', ia at loggerheads witU tha ii'joplu of his district and the ltiiolntiu o aro a bont to iuvenlitat. tiio charts n gainut him. It is duo to tin ivoplo at largo that this first irixuo ith a judge under tho new constitution should bo . mado a safe prrendont W hope to see tho inquiry a strict ly judicial ono, and w uw.iit with in teiest tho result For a in !' aUouid be snsuino.1 an.J anpportj.i m u just and impartial a liuiniutnitio'i of (be law on tho ouo ban 1 and tlio people protected from t'i ov U that a tyranioil, partial nud uj'tijul Judge may iullict upou thi.-m. ou Lh other band. Whs the Confodointe arc'iievos srero purchased by tho United States for what appeared to bo a large sum of money, it wis siipp)-. J d by many that they would prove to be a UaiM bargaia Jl.it they Lave already saved to tho govern ment many timet uuro t'i in thoir original oost, besides pluoin it in psssession of important inform itiou T'hey proved a sq'i'ik'hor to the pro ject iu t'ongross last week of appro priating BOvor.il hnridrel tuomand dollar to Confederate mail contract-, rs which thoy had nlready been f i .i.i . i ii 'i i .j . ; pnui, aiiiiuiigii tlio v.ouimieriuo l om mastor Goueril Iteagon, of Texas. i ; a meinour oi iuo ii'Ui&e, an i nuisi Lave known that tho proposition was a swindle on tho Treasury. The credit of defeating this South sin claim so effectually is duo en tirely to the Secretary of the T:e v.rr. aud tho Kepublicaua in Cm- grass. None of these Southern claims should be paid, and CongreKs will be safe in rejecting ovary ono of thera. A correspondent at Covington, J , furnishes the following heart lending intelligence: LastSuur' day a IsuiiJy uumod Jours, of .Mor ris' ltun, walked to lil as'ourg nnd from thero weio ma'.irjg their way to Arnot via railro 1 1 trsok, whon tbey were met by a train coming from Arnot, sn 1 tho wife and two children were fatally injured. Tbey were upon ties tin work and did not JM the approach of tbe train iu time to got out of the way. . Ths road from Aruot to lilossburg is down grade principally and trains are ssut down regularly without aa engine Tbe brskemen whose position is nt tha bead end of the train was inside the oar, and uo ono was aware of anything wrong until the accident Jiapppned. sir. Jones and one child stepped outside of the track upon ths ends of tho ties uud thin escap ed barru. ilrs. Jones sud the other two children, one of whioli was a mall bsby, were npon tho opposite id and wors struck by he train. 'Urs. J. died Sunday flight , and no bfa r sntortainsd of tiaa recoT- Tijs Kmiior ir Willi oii'.ity. Otl't Vi'TI a ol I ' rvr. S-ii oi l'uUU. DivilA Nijlouf T:'r !!.-:!iU !i in a''t a 'nut .l.'-il hli t!i. hi l.'i'.il a I'uir.i-ttr itiuu It j lint ft!U. Tiili: i 4 i liil in 111 ) li n'l-l il iro , t jitwciil Ihu b:ii!ii r of Iri- ' ll I ll l lliM. T..l ' I' I." v t f, 1 1 1 1 li l.M I. I I il ia I '.il l ll 111 i a i) ml li it -v i IIU I t ' 10 liilSM III i !. ' 111 I 1 I t f.r :in in!.. i "ll J .1 ( l: l' : M-.-io ir of He kit Tri3 "iintnri illn I ' 't j il .' JV li il I tlifir Hlitnt.'oiwo'i'i.iu at 1'itu biir on tin 'iJ i 1 of Miy. T.u in U.viti vH p lint t nil surly rrptcil f tli-i lunk 'ilfi'- li t. VtIi'm thervori liny bi u.xi)'Vtj I WiXl wj -k Ao ill? tpnly fivi tho'H in l wur i-lrtiuiM, iii v t viittr (ii.lliorH of l illiii. miit n lj I lii'.itiwti iu tUu J'iJjruat odious in V'aHliiu,'tou. Ir will roi'iiro h.ituti nMpi to trangport the kj1 from this coun try li I'ari. fji1 fan Kxpjsitiou to bo boKl tbeia next luuimer. Tut Domocratio .Stnto Cctitrul CummUtoi) mut nt II irrinburif, on tho 10th inst., ml .ljciJ)l t iiol.l the tK'xt vSt Uo Osiuvontioti at Pitti bnrtf. Jl iy 22.1. . Attintpy .onrai w' ion or Lioun. la l ..Mi. f I. in fl.it lin i,l liir.,i ,.i, i, r -'l".". I'-T- tuuir ol;liilou Jtsr an Noon ns the IVi-ai.lont in li ?.tttis that bo isn't poiii ti fiiflit any morn Sun:itor lluivu riau np tliro.it- . i ... ...i;i ., ii ...... ... .. . roowm tu.iu waei'O tuoro u u.) ou eujy. Sr.onrTtnr FiiritMAK before tbe r,. ., , .;tiAQ , I ' w . . , . vj iiij.iubu huiuiumico i.igt nvun i-jpivusii I his bulinf in the prncti'-n- l.iiit vof to rcj nupti jn ajl. ;t'i l tll:it l'1'..ll iiption 0 I'll 1 In fU'lcLo l with nit Uih sli -jlitot injury tj oar coiuiiiurfi.d iirobOoritv. Tho merchants of I'hilidjlphia in tond trivin ' I'resi loat Hivoi u eor linl rocoption whon ho uriitM in April. Stophon N. Winslow, isi o'.i'tirman of tho c l n uittoo of Ar runomouti, on I .loiiu Pnco Woth cull, of U.jcoption. Tho Stipromo C mrt of L minima docidoa th.it tho N'oruon parish ro turns wcrs iiutsuscfptibloof forgery, and (ji'iienil Anduirion iailincliaicd This t-uita tho iholo c:iso us to tho other ruoiubor of tho Hotuinin ISourd. Advices from Cuba utato that Vie csuto O ircia has proolaimod hiniHt lf dictator, bus QUHiimod tho ovt:rn munt of the revolution, and bus m irchol to tho rnlmf of Mucceo, in tho EiHtont ilp u ttiiont, in tho com pany of Uulosirio l'urlnlta. Iu riiilidjlplii last wjok thoro wore tUiui) or four heavy failures of huusori en.i'rjd in tho proviaion tri !, iu cju'ioq-i'iuco of tho grout docliuo in tho price of hams and olhcr curod pork. Ham sold last wo'.'K as low si i to 8 conts por pound Tub Westorn papers are beginning to tako vnry kindly to ooit-tary Shorm'in nines hit rmMiit stitumunts !ti) tho fJin(l,0 fltmmu cuunit((J0 u is with apparent ditUimlty tuat same of tlio Ur.'etiba 'i; oi'uus aro ro Htraiuod from nominating him for tho I'lrnidtiiicy. Joseph Walker, w!i livad ab.iut a mile from MaiiKileM, l'a , hunted Liuiiielf to a bedpost, oohi.Ii.hi s!i tot, in,; himself in tlio Im.i 1 with a ro voNer, a f.iw divs ho. 'I'liroii'i tho trau.ittclions of ono. S. II V dill, tho doeo.-uu-l h i I lost il7,00J, and this, it is supposed, preyin,' up on his min i, induced him to end his existence. Tin! total cscoss of exports ovor imports siiinn Sopteiuhor Ut, 1H77, is ostinvited at ,0d ,03 I. This is a good showing, nn I givos afiir margin for tho return of a p n tion of our bonds and loaves a rMpcct-ihlo Ivtlaneo for gold receipts (If eoarso f,,v, .,,!, Hi..l ..f ti-o l,. .1,... I B.jit t1(J Untish freetraders iu foti- i gt'tss. Hanging of Hester, Tully. and M'Hugli at Bioonisuurg. rntrick llcfter, I'ntrick 'fully nnd IV'ttr M'iliigh, tho Molly .Mauuiivei expiated their ciiuiit tipou tho gibbet at Klotiiusburg on Moudny last 'i ho linuging was prcceede.l by the usual catholic ceremonies, prayers, masacss &o. At a little luforo 11 o'clock they took their places on tho scaffold without flinching, und after a short speech by caeh at 11,08 o' clock A. M the drop fell and the comlomed men were launched into eternity. More limn ten yo tie ao Alexender Kea, a mino Superiutou dent was murdered by thiao men, and although thoy rested iu com parative security for a number of years yet retributivo justice bound od their steps and after ho long a lapse of time tha dual.ll of Ru was avnn'.rii mi, tho law vin l!o iiod. OATJTION. VTOTICE ia hereby given that the ll f.llo.rln artlulei have been puroha. eJ by lUe uoutnlKi'! al Slurllt'. Sale, ani left In the i..Mlon of Henry 1). I'lob ilur luv my pleature. AU pe tou are cautlo..el nut K Interiera ar uaMia wlihta ue tk: I Ho. tot, i .Uulet, t t old, eowa, V bead youn eill e. 1 siiaeu I lauita, Jlox, Bow. I put f nnoatt sett n irte setrt, Hu, gy liar' Dili Mul lie. 'i Hone Ulan k. a. I. lit ..I Hock wueat, Uya. O.it, Doru a. Wheat, lutaflllaak- .una mon, i ,i oi ' or pouter tvui,, ariuo none, 14 huibel Maaeure, I l lowt, a luriotrt k t ul- llralore, lot of Unalat, 1 Woaout, S r-prlna- vraaeattaag rruce.eni eight, lureaklug ait. rklua poeerk ebaier, 11 ila.a, Uraln Drill. Kt.nl 11 taper a Mower, t inalua- mill. Vnk. Si.erelt, Ha-et, utiuule rllugla treat, eat at- eoilt-l I.Miar, lot H. fl. 11. i, lot ul cat I'.ai bl, I4 kuller, Wagoa rraiu- i. Wv.oa lo.r.it. w k .. .... Ui9- 4- WA-ltHUIi. , fasraS, Wtfe, IITI, i J la-pni-lrllin Mi.i la h, I l-nt to (nil .in uf Hi. tnr ro ! o.l'O firth. lnn,;. T'i u.j.l -i f oah Kenmlly 1I. Io w.iVni-nt of tli Iiiiih., whlcli, bol la, ! fr.-qip h'l -, ft lilt III IVi ll.tmii. "ritstii K'n rt.iinaiir oner wll' nl oml rf. ; II an 1 it.'l IfM ril.:h Aii'1 It unrh fttl ! .f'i V'r r.'m,..v thtl rhll'l". u will I 'll. II with jut lcfni( r i-t "I. f'H nn Hi-lirijf , If (r.ii.t.i ..ti'i-i.i Is n .1 Ir.'A.I-itftvfi'.u,i'il, m.y It .ii;im ntr"l t I'm n'i of tua l-il n 'iilr i -jT'ifi, t ! t!i-r witti it i. V'i M ti'lr'. Hilt j lo -I ir l'i. ..'tlHio of tlitf . iia iIa'i.'I m i : it, I I rl-Ji.. f i.ti4 r t, W'" hl .i-..tt h ' ji..i..i!i. V ti'H . 1, nu I ll. ittl.'iit luCerii, I t'.'lll I if 4'I lit . . ; I. it .-l lll )'l ; f l.rr.cli t sn T ml thiuM I nlln t mi n.'l Inn with t-i-i iloti nitntinn I r n r1 in : tott 'uul i'- I'm up .o'lt ant hrinf Hit 1. J t-ru iw.rt Into httltuv nitloo, tli.rfty ant I ttinln lli.irnOi or IS. fia'Un oil lillntt til-it lo fll fin iMtroior tit .llttttn antlt Hi Putiitnli Nyrnp niif ptrluna Hi hilling n I lnln work. I h u of tlie.t uttnittrd romtll.t tinonl ln to Ih illrK"tl int wliloh ..i iinntiT ttum, o irn.it fall ti nfml im ini'l itlrlif ' ro- nil.. A loiter a I liit- I 1 1 Tlr. so'i.is'lt "f. Sttli kiul Atoll Ml, f ill l In plil . ntkl flu alvlct, w II pri'dnt'ir ri"lii 'lit Injur nr tontl ftlton'ton. frfof rhtrxo. v-h'nik' Xt'lloloti art jr i.ta hj all lfyf ll. waMatMaMaatmKtimitKivm Notlco. rpiIE uJlti)r of r'rinklin Uwnaliip, ASnjJrr C)imty l'. will moot oi Moo. Jay llm H'li d.r of April A. D. IS74 nt lao'rlorkA. M. In lit olfioa of A, M. Pflil'p In lln e-iurl l.nin lo mi til. I -Jiit (tri'l solt In (he nroouni "f lb irtrrul Innnthlp olnotri of mill l'rnlin town hip. I'lirilo inlireita l "ill plant tiui a- aorjiugly. Caution- "VTdTirE la lior..hv aitfn Mint lha f.il. ) ll lowing artifice lii'e hr.ii piiri'bu.p l i by lha uiiilortiKtiO'l, l Coiitlahle'ealn nnj Irfl in lha pu.traainn of WiPinn Lite 'lur ing hie tili'a-urp. All portiine nra ctuliin- l nut lo ma I'lle or inu-rloio Willi llir anma, tin : 'J Mirct. Cow, il ('alar, fi St.i.ttt, S.irl"? WtU'in, l-Sor.. W;(.i, ... t 11 .n.ptt. I.. i I'ailini:, I'h.-t'iot Dill', W h.'.l. 1 a-row. r'H' n. M i'. Hit Ii I l"f. i" K. H. Th ., ! lif Plt Viilliv it..r, I! imiw, 1'l.iw, tl .ru 1'l.w. 19 'm-h.la of Holt'.N.. rink M utiur.--. I.iri... l-',lri. T .1 I". Hiuk. I lit I. au.l R.'Mnnf, lliiri'tn, l .itl M m .. 3 I 'li.l., .l""lt, Slur, tr.MT.lnr, lr:i.tlnit llm, Kll r. it, 0 Mil ri'f, '.11 Iiii.l.el. uf Crll, l.it U.ti, I A.'rc. oi lir..iu lu tfriiu'i't. M.r2f,iiJ. S. C. Hit Al'CUEn. Auditor's r.olicc. rn'lE ii n lartiiinf.l, nn amliinr, appainl 1. r I o (liitrthute t!it fun It In tho hin.U of Milelii'l!. Sot. r as-iiiea of .1 oro n ill il, miMtlt llme rnliilaJ In tlio tuno. will inoi-l tho ririi"t in iniprott f.ip Ilia f urj.ote of iiitkintf fcni I Jitrihntion nt hit uilii'v in lha II .tniiit'i uf MiJ lloliiirff. 'on Siitur.liy, Iho JTth l".y of April A. ll I ' o'cluoW A. M. All .inon im. in cMm ",t,.'f '' '. "'!! f)vn" prri.'nl III .'in ilu'y ruiuriiiiualo 1 or lie forerrr debarred from briny ilia: llioir claim. T. J. SMI I II. M ir. '.'S, '78. Audiior. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF VALIACLIJ REAL ESTATE. rp TT T' nn.lci Hiu'iifd, Atslrrnoo of -L Henry Mnyor, will eip'e to I ul.lie sa t. nn the .remt'e. to ut una mile end a hli Weti of rnilotitlllo. "n Fill ft A Y, MA Y 1th, 1S7, the fiil'owMK ile.erlue.l Tletl Ktnte .lin .tain I natlo fmo.lern F..ir..pe. lha mlill'a acta, Franklin t'.wi.f n;.lor r.iinty, I'a v r : I the crn.t.loe. the feo.lal "Vtla a. the reform rlfAV.1 : '-""""''r1 N."rli' J'' ,ML'1' l"". tha.iiravra aad lellleiDeatol tha Sew creek, IJatl l.y lan.lt "i .1 tepl, It itlry't hair, w.irhl oto ait A K.oift .inJ .l..-..b Keata.So-u t. Unit of , ,o',,ial'r. a: fine hl.torlonl eniirivlniie an.l Peter llei... ii I'u i 1 1 K It .-U.y land ulU9,u,,. rlt.ui.ia column patet. ami le the 111, t ailiarlne sn(i..r. coniilnlnn mn ,,, ,, ,orv ol lha .VorM ever nun. rifTITV flariT17CJ l ilie-l. ll trila at tlht enl1 for epenimen XiAOXlA I etz.vlvOy i utaet an l eal-aierii.t to Antnit. anil " why mnr or lata In a irood it it of aulllvallon and po.ler k.i.i.I tenea. THAcrN.i 'J A aartaln traat of l.mltlu ate a ati.rr. iPI. ho m.lo I N.ir.h l.y the Mm loiry fc l.ewimown II K . K.i-i hy li. 1 ol li ne dill, ho .iu In Ian I ol John I urn ..at and l en ty Ijii.I ol Jacob iirlinui, i.'uuIiiIi.Idk Twenty five Acres nitr or lens. rim'1 No. S-Sit tin (0 n AforfHatl'l. bonn.UJ br l;m. of Olmrlei II. HftiL'in. Kr,ir l:iita 1 huwr, (enrj Vttnlralu, H, (, Uekr ftoj Twenty.five Acres, more or leu. Til ACT St.. 4-The umltvled one. half Inter, ett nl it trart nl mounttln I tn I titu ite at I ati rrralil anil l uumleil hy Henry Vailer.ohllce I irncl, l n il. ..1 1.'. f. riaeuiile, liarbara Artllla t Iraol, ouninlnlnx TKAUT No. 1 I.lm itiona b't. allntta at aloreeai I, l.juul. .1 .North hy MHi'tmi It, l,.t, south nml Wet l hy ItQ'll nl Mrt. Clk. arlca Soyiler, coniilDlnn One-lialf Acre. Raleloeoiuinon e at lo n'-l .ek A. M of eald day, alien torini ol tale will h mtile kn wn by J. OAL.V1N SOIKiKIl, MarobSt, ArtUntt. APPEALS. Commii.ioners of Snvdor I Ccmrj oimlviilre nolle that thev will he In thflr n.fico In MlU.lleburg, for theiurpoie uf Lol.lln ha Annual Appeals Ar the Year 1S7S, ai Ml"', lo wit : t'n-fie towntlilp of Arlimt, nearer. Hearer Weal, t'eiiire. i'h ip:o.in and t rtnklln, on Tuet'lity, April -J'M I'or Jarkton. MIMIeli'irj, Mhldlao-aak. Moa rue and Henn, Welno. l .y, April loth, l or I'crry. Perry Wrtt, SeMnwrnve, ITulo n and Wualilnitton, lliur-ilty April iith. App lt will he open rroi.i u o'nloelt A. M, tn S o'clock I'. M. e.i. u , iy. All pert in lotar. a-ieil ii tv iilten l ll lliev Ihlnk pr.iper. .. mrt wli' he ir..oipt wloi their Ateeiiineuti at '.he 1 1 km mid pl.n'e utova .tat. I comtniMionertomee ' win, ji i r. i. irt iff. JOIl.V llllllt'l. l-TJ, ( JUOSKS KKi;m, Couitulitloiieri. CAUTION. V"()TI' E is hereby dven by tho 1 ' nn.leratuue l that a hound hoy In hit em ploy named .lonaa Kelt er. aue.t about it eri, hua ten bit Dome withoni uny r.uiie or re. t.ni ha'nver. Tlila It to itlve notice that i ure or win i.ot l.c ra-iontiiiia lor toy uniawliil acit rntnunlted, or debit eontr.ieted hy tnld hov. ml 'hill mid buy li Irre Irom all uhltiratloni to in. JS K.M.I. Ml AMOUV, Iranklln Towathlp, .lurch 31, i;t. Auditors Notice The underilkbe.l, an auditor, appointed by the orphan' C oirt o( ony.ier County to illt tr.tul Hi lund In the haudi nf Jacob H. Hart. inu admlitlaimtor ol Ilia eatute of .I0I111 T. Ilullnakh hi e it Centra towottiip iteceated, will I lood iu I e duilotof hi appolnlmaiit at th 1'ubiic Uuu'e ol Peter liarlmao, in .'entra vil a xnyiler 1 uunly Pa , on Monday April eth It., alio o'.-lck a. 111. al wlil.-h tluio and pine all partita lute.atiei In laid lun l are aot nail to alien I and make known their cU.uji er aa aebarrad (rum couilnir In upon -Id luod A. II. I'r'AlllatRi VOI R A AUI2 A.M AIIMI-.SS. and la return wa will no I yo i, Free of Eta penaa, Poitaaa Paid, a copy ul our BEAU I IFL'L UOOK OP POEM j, tntiilad, "M3SE3, THE GREAT UW-G17ER," eollaatloa of Paemi llluitratlng tha LUa af Mo.et belug leleetluni from Mrr. llement, Vf. tlullea llryant, an 1 ether oeleorated auihori. Beaullfally lllunrated. OS HSSCKIfr Olf TWEWTY-riVIS yr..a vm pay will land on aei iyeip.ua. or aia.lm, Aa , we ouoiut pair of tniravliki. niter the old Mtiri M AXXO.VAI, MIIKBAU W .PJH AVINO, m i.. 'P Cumliduto C'ardrf. Legislature. M. F.DIT"! I'I.m. pnVIMi lha nama of Carta In T. W. H 'fl i n of I'nl Toanahlp. at a on ill.l.laf.ir lal.l "nr.. '! It an o.lnnl trltl nl.ll r, eaiatla, aril oot -aBlIt kuti-iatt nan lio If laoicl, tlll ,o t'jit to r pra.ant.tha I ..i ol ttBT.Jor V n'r, wlih honor anJ CltUl'. KKPt'BLICAN Sheriff. Tn tho Hai'iiSlloan t.'l.ft of nfilar rodnlr, a. ratpiirt nity recumiatn'l Vllllttn 11 Hea rer, of Mlii it. inl ht. at a tit'ttliia oanill.ltte f..r Ilia nun. In .tl "ti -i the poking Priui irt f-:;ej il .n, for the iifflcooffi'iattiKe1. Mr. flotver I. a, i apiibikaii ol llll;llfrtM.na'''a n-iallir to the r l fill hai nontrlii itfl U'nelr tl'u' on.. Ho It n vr.i.1 init.ri.tii m.n, I. illy oooi a. tentfirt'ie p'tttloni an-l hit evan teinnof, nir.f ani t II ...I m ton. ft are a. tn, ft ltnt nutr. tntfo that llole'lt-l ti . one nron'.i .n'ftr nn-tie-'.'a.Hrt npp trn,nf poun'l Intintfllf , a'oi,l iniril rharaolor, o-rnpolonif fttorali'y k-inr o ami Uivalf annaantnl hit nomination woalil Klv ttrenatli to the tloxat nl tht ()en-nl klectloa. OiTiznaanr Iwu, EuiToa Tot i Ann nna f. Ilo'emlae aa a ran 11- 'lale fur noiiii..fltin fir tia in'iorttn ff o sl.erl",. Mf ll..in'f I. w. n n. f.t..rti. kmn Ihri.iiKri'.ilt Ilia oonnlv 't an eil..rleiio. eit ooiper ai.il t'ittin t rti.ii' tt on for ti m.. no.f..f liottl an.l efB nal loniaon wh'oh ttrf few i.tno.rt txtte't. lilt Tlvop.iit eff'f e In ti.hnll uf tie iany htfe al a iti hen alien la I aim tueee.t. lilt lieranrgtl an-1 p-lltltl IriSn. ai.re It aireneth to th. p.rtr an.l. If. nomln na-f he will Ittre n. tion. uoturue-l whloh woald tecura aiatory la the fall campaign. T Pias. Editor roar i Pl.aa. tunmne throath lha Foar" lha tiamaof Wffl 11. Mrtlirtv ar aiiTiaifrivo te a i-tli.li.Uli. I.ir lh.o ll.'e of M.erlff. M -. M'fJir'T litt alwtft I.e. a lr-e t. ilia principle ol tlie farty, e.roe.l to H e ti:.t. rl of i't l.et m-n, aii.l ht li-e rei ei of all who koot lido. II. hta li.en a '! ..f.il liiieio.e man, anil we fr.l aro hie nio.io..tion ati'l r'eooi.n w.ulil l.i ureal rre.lil to the parly. K.'pubiieaiit I aui port hint. r4T. For County Treasurer. Th uni1arelitn.il wonM reei'tctfnlit ennonno hfiii-lr ai a ctmllitate fur Iho noiii'iiatl 'n of I' .iirtv 'I r.natlrer al tlia -Attn. ft. Itepul.llctli Prliuary Eleollau of Bujr.ler (i..imir. KolltUT SMITH, Trottlrille, Pa, The un.lertlitne'l wnuM reipalfnllf an nntinf a hiinrelf to the Kepn'iltcaii vutera ul Knr. ilrr cotintr, at a oan'ltl' te for oomlnatl in fur the oif.ee of I 'ounty ir.axirer at in an'ulna 1'rlmary l:ieotlin. HKNUY liRJWN. I re bun, I a. Assosiate Judge. We iletlre to raoomead to lh TlopaMleani of Si yhen ounty i:.m H. I.. Kau 'eoioith at n rtiuai.lr pnr..n for t lio.menf e ttoelate Jo.liie. lie li it ll I it. I the iitfl.e I. r uoe term with eia lit to nltnrell an.) the pii' llr. lie It well aoqua'n. te.l with the .liittet of the i.rfloe aLd la la every nay qualiiueil lur the potlllua. Penn We 1 tt lear tn pret.nl 40 t'.e flepnl 'lean voter-of t.t.vt-r rojnty Ibe name of tlery Mnlth ol fleive town-ni., at tultable aaa dUiaie fur the udce ol atiucUta Ju l , Altar VoTtna County Commissioner. 1 flerehy annouure otytelf al a rani Mat. for the Kepuhlle .n n'.m InallnD fi-r the nl", of county euinmltil ner 1m. SnoLtaf EniTon Poar : 1 PMjue.t the nam of John H-lta nf Fianklln lotti.tllj nt a ctliiti.lftla for .;..wuy t'.iinnii.tiinrr I he . in e It an Inlp'ir'a'tl noo mni .-vert tax pe er ahool-l -e to it. Ihat no 10 lull liO'ie.t captliie Im.liie-a ineo are elect. il to the po.1lt.1n. Mr. Kelt! la w.-ll qoallft.'it for In pliM-e ; al'taya au earti. it repnl.liutii, trnlliful, hoii.-t, frintAl. an.l a firmer, ii knowt llm wtult of iht peopl.. an.l if..iaatl torn I rE'iautt the trual cuuiitlod lo hie cure with U'ltllty, Paaji P AGENTS WANTED TOR THE a HISTORY"' we WORLD Kmlirneina full and anthentln aoennnta of every r.atlon of ancient an.l ino.lern tlnia. and In lii'llnir a hU'ory of the rl-e a i t fall of the ll iii.i.r .iiiii, ,ni iiir iwa nonra... SaTioatL ppai.iaHinv Co., I kllaila.iihla. in Assignee's Notice 11 persons interested are hereby notified that Henry ll.trl.-b of Middle, creek twp, Nny.ler ti , Pa., ha marie an ai- Ikuuient of all hit effoelt. Intl real an t ner. onal to th nn leralano'i for the bane At of oreillton. All ir.oat havlna elaliot are ra. qne-te I tn prarent tne-a to the en ltr.lnnt.1. ann tnoee inueuian win iin. maael.nmeillata payment. avAjtUbla MAnkl.r., Mat. 31, IITI. Atrlanee. A PMIMSTHATORS' XOTICE- XV l.etlert of adinlnl'tr ithm nn tha ettate of Jar b .Inrieit Se-'d, lule of Pou ton hln, Nnv.ler county, i'a. h ivinit been ( ran ted to thetiniler.lKtie.1, all pertoo knowing them. arlvet Indebted to laid ettata are rei'tatted to maae luimeni.ie payment, wntia tnoe havlna; claim will praent latin duly authenticated lor lettlemeut lo NATHAN .1 AKKKTT, DAMi.Ltirr Mtr.Jl, IITI, AUialalitraten. p.VAC HEAVER, JUSTICE oFniE PEACE and General Collector. Middlrburg, Rnydcr County, Pa. Pprcial aiirnhoo paid to oolleailona of nil kind. Keminanees will ba made promptly for all eolleoiiona mule. Mur. 11-1 lrH7 If. NOTICR U. S. Internal-Re venue. Special Tuxes. U under tho Rovisod Htatutos of ih I'nlled state, aeotlnnt Mil, jvjt, S.'Sl, and :i:.T.'; every pertnu emit.l In any i.utlne-a av" ill n, nr eiiiidnyment, whloh randera lilui lliiblo lu a e 1 a 1 I tax, la reimred to leucitre ami Itet and krrp rot)iiawitsly in Am elnblUhmtH or plare of butinnt a Stamp denoting the payment oftald itieclal l.x lor the iiiaultl-tax year '.iieulnnlng May 1, Ih;h. Saotiiin 841, Itevlaed Mtatutet, de-U ni'iea who are lUhle loipe-UI ta. a return, at pretorlhcd on Irom 11, i alto required by law ol . very peraon liable 10 oial l it at above. Severe penaltl are preacrlbed for non-com- Ioiaiiuw win. iu, ,1. rf.av.ua re'luireiLvotl, or or oontluulng In bu.ineii aflar April eu, ll.l, without iytuent ol tai. Application ahould be made lo Uharloa J, Nruoer. Do I let lor of Internal Kevenue, at suubury, l a. alar. 7,w, Ant-jig-iieo ISOtice. A Lb persona Interfiled sra harebv 1 notified '.lint John Cplingar of Parry Dnrii.r onuniy, man an aiiainnuieui of ail hia eflecit, re.1 auil peraotial to tha tin- ler.uni'd for Hie buont of ill. cr.i.lllort. All per.oni havitui claluie are requeltd to preieol Hirui lu lb uuilnrtiaiitil, ud p.rtout Indebted m in yiea.o auaae imiueni ite payment, WILLIAM HAKUINO, Ftb. Ulh, '71. - amuum. Caution. NOTICB Is hereby given that ths fol lowing article bav bean purohated bv iha undenlgnad, it Conalabla's sal and Itu In lbs poteenlon or Corneliu Bower' aox, uiiring nia piaaaura. All paraona ara hereby caulooed sot lo Interfere or meddle wilb lha aama, a is Cooking Slave and pipe, Tabla, Wood cha.l, link, cluck, Bureau, ritti, Sewlug macbing. II obaira, eorofodder, 2 bads and beddiog. lot of bay, a aerea rya Is lk ground, t lull, meat aland, dougbirs, 8 baga, look, ing glaas, Iros Katila, li sbeila, oiawa, I 1 a ..1. -.. 1 . 1 I 1 'r , "' ajia. o juari, grlndaiona, 0 augura, boring Bra, 1140 vsasia. J rb. !8, 187S. aw eiitLatwawawta tn.waaa i AiulilOiS r.oli'.e. I i lha atilftif '1 ft-) In lha ( Vtirt or i lha aaalgne it at. In'at af Irnoou n. 'Jotiinma I Hat or 8i.it! k. J 6ii.lor Ooiiiiiy. 1 h e lindertignfl liatlnf hran nppalnl. ti at lltor lo ditiriliiile Iba fund In iht ban. U i of Sam Leilirl a.r.iee nf Kranolt W. HI lick, among ihote enliilfl In the aama, will tneot lha ririict In Inivratt for ha p'lii pota nf in tkiiiif tnld ilitiributi.in ni lha oflit i of T. .1. !mllh Kq , In the llir ongh 'ifj Mi.Mlohnrjii.il Siiliii'lie the tiib il .nf ,. prll. A I). 1M7H. nl l o'clock A. M. All I pepannt balo(r nmi nt nciin-l tnU atia! to will ilce preKini ihe-n ilul. aiilhenili -iiail or ho f.-rayar 'lahaired from In IN Slna ihrlrottLnt J..i'(iI10It.llHT, Mnr. 1 A 4. 78 Auditor Hr?ikrnr "Notice. eraon lorot.,! aro herehy nn A T.I. f ! Jl. tifla.j 1 thai 'V'llioni KeoSa of Wotf Tlot. ter ton a; aati(inmi tonnl io' of M I elnlmt a ' tha ntij ptanao a tlilp, Snvder ontinly, mad nn nl of nil hit rffi, al and per Iha nndrt i(fned fur lha hatieA' criditorn. All paraona hnaiiiir rt r.qiin.tr I In prrtnnl Ihom lo rreiifned. nn I ptrtona In loMe l nke itinnedi.il" rirmml VKrK.it rirviRf,. !. 3. MATTKHN. 14 '?". Attijrnort, Mar. TI J13LIC SALE. BTf lrlue ef nn order of Iht Orpbana' Oof rlnf Snyder county, Iba under- '(nr. I ndmlnlttralnra nf tha atf al of Ir. tin lih. Into of FrvVii io.tnh!i. l.cr. ti d. will offer al Puiili Sile, nt Midd.a ijiity, on Saturday, April 6'h, HTS, Tbafo 'lawitit: deoiihd atlnah'a Kent Etiaia. lo wit t A amain LOT OF GTiOl'XD tlinaia bnnn'la lot of D an!. Hi Alt". Fran It afnratf Co., In tba itoromh of M 1 1 llehurf. i North hy Pina Hirrrt. Karl by llnli'nder, Hoittli hv l.atig Allay it by U.I of Fannie 8milh. a certain Iraol of land altnala In i lowa.lilp. County nrd Slnle Id. hounded by Ian le of Kalbaoh 8aoiuel llowen and oiheie, aon- talnn t TEX AC11KS mora or Ira, data loonrnmanca at 10 o'cl.'i k A. M. of aal l dr when tlua alien dno a will ha given and lerrai of aula ma. la known by. PAN?lNK M. SMITH, DAVID OUDiW, Ml rah, II, 1878 Adaaiaielraltir. Si i; ydtr Count is : ll i tba t oon of i-emmon rieat nfi.M toon- ty It o. 14 1'ecemi.rr Term U l.sae M..al vi Mat y tba. lei. The allaa Milp. ei atn ihea- Imvi e.rth.vlr been relarne.1 "nihil" v. i i, th" "ill Maiy h,ilel are bt tky renulrelte era .ar at ttl.l rnert, on the lonnh Vomiay vl Ma , I f te eniwer the enniplamt la tht a- bovi ra.e H. 1 1HI SUA H V itliorl, on .mm a Dux Attorney. Artsivrnoo Notico. AIi, tj persons intcrcali'd ro hriro hy notified that Wn. Mear of Monroe Iwp , So) 'lert:o, ma.te an r-tlenment of all hi. ell. " l . real on. I pertonal tn the umlertlna. ell r tha nenent -.1 hit rr .11 or. All iwrmni havlnit r a lint are te.me-le.l I i f.rttrnt them to tbe uti'lm rlnne.1 nn.l ei ton I iDilebl-d will iileata uiub ImuiaJlata linyoieat. tl. W. HOW, Teh, tt, It. Aminio. A DMVNiaTrt VTOIfS NOTICE. l.atta r f admlnlttrntlnann thai. tat 01 M. Mi I laleof We.t p,.p. townahlp. nt ter County. , '1 e il have been nran'ed to the un.lertraaa All .er. n knowtn-r theil-rlve ino.lite.l in tain eilate will p.ro. Itn mnll.le pit mnt while Iho- havlna cl.lint airalntt laid itate will r..M them lor t.lli nieol to Kn, llAnniau. I'ob. i,':t. Adtnlaittrator. Administrator's Sale fllllE underalc nrd, AilminNlrnlnr ofihe I atlat of Prior Mli itfer. lata of Chap mika Inwnahip, tlra'aarrd, will o.fer at Publld 9'tla. on tba r.mitei, on SA TL KDA Y, MA RCH :kM, 17, Tha following deaorlhed vtlii ibla Rc il F.atnia. In wii : A errtain Ir'ict of land, bounded an ) deta'ibi d aa follow : A U joining I'liela of Wnlua- Hroktaia. Menen llileand l.enj unin 8 warm, oo'iinitiinjr 16 ACRE', and thirty two prrrhet, atrial maaeure, uliiaie in tki lowndna of Chapia.n afora aald. in iba aoiinly nf Snjrilrf and Miata of Penntylvania, I mile ftnnk-wrn nl McKfel Half Fall, whereen are erected a TWO STORY PWtELLINO IIOL'SU. nnil ntbar oulhnlld n (t. Thit la a ileeira hla prnpiriy, olote lo - Fchoult, ( hurvhr Milla and ttiorri. 8ala 10 0 iiumencr af 19 o'clock A. M of an id day when dua ailiuli.nce will b given and lermi of nale m i l known by IIKM1V V. b.'IAKFKIt. March 14 1 878. Ailuiini.iraior 1UJJL1C SALE. T un lertlgne I. adininiatrnlor of the aalaia of lieuec 4 W, Huff, Inl of Wash ington lownibip. deceased, will cXpoae lo Fohlic Sair, sn I lie prriniara. on Snui'day April 0, l78, lha following drcrihe, Heal E-eu'e. rim alt in Waliin2ton lowni-b'p, Snyder Co., I'a.. bnuuded Eiai hy Mi Idlecrrak, Weal by publin road trading from relingrov lo Frreburg. I'ouiB weal hy rj P. II off, Noulhhy Unda of fleorgo Fiahcr, wbarooo ara creeled a Iwo-ttoiy HWKI.IIMI IKIFE. and oihrr ou! huilduige anl coulalniog O.NE-KOUKTII Jr AN A0IIK Tha nhevr property la a detirahla one. and localed in a good e nnmumly. Hala to coiiniience at I o'olook I. M. wbau iciuia will ba mad known by B. 1'. HUFF, Mar. 14, 1P78. Adiuiniatralor NOTICE TO COx SUMHllS TOBAOCO Tha artat oallbrlt of our TIN T Afl TO. BAtKKI ha cauaed manf Imitation thereof lo ba planed on the market, wa therefore aau lioo all Uhewera agtlait uuronaimg luoh tin. Itatlont. All daalri buvlna or telllne ether nluar to. banco bearing a nard or metallic l.belj render IhemtnlvM liable to tba Law, aad all pertana vlolatlag our trade niark ara punlthabla by . ara punitnauia u: Sea Act af Uou no ana imprisonment. p . . . . . ..,.n,.. Themnulo Lorrlllar.l Tin Taer Tobac rwean hdlttlaiilba.l by eTIS TAG on aoh lump wits ta wora aaUHllaLAltu 1 tamped Over T.eas mat tobaecs ion la ISTT aad Daeriy il,uuu peraon eminoyod in raetorle. 1 ail uald OoveromanL in ibtt about aa.. soo.uoo, aad Suilng paal 14 yean, over Sao,, tjoo.outt. That, goadi lold by all Jobbari al manafaa- turera rataa. moriM itn taa omotuta lhbaeeo u "tecond to none" in anuta, ntildnesi, pur ity und quality, Mar.7.78.3ra. Assignee Notice. A LL paraona toleretted ar hereby no. XV lined that llearr Uenfar. Jr.. of Mid. Oleoraek Iwp., Moyder Co.. P.. baa oa Ibis day mad ss aaalgoniant of all bis Stole, sots real ass eraonsl I . lb os deraiguad for u uu8l of oradllori, AU peraoni hivlagolalma ar raquaaiail lo proaaot isai 10 in undarelgoad, aad I boa Indabtad will klaasa malt Isji jlat payaaaat j8AAC f .'.U- ttp.. VAM.r.1AtR & B'.OV.'.'I jcp.-tr.;!l snnoii'iro that their iit Jirn an'l Winl -r Fash J nl in (Mitl.inr l..r Men m l ii ;-j srsiilidy. Ibegr.nt hntluirr? snSivia and oMurltot arj rrofl 9 frum tip t toil il a with such Clnt'u.nj( a L-ari.a I'u eonft'Unnc of ti-.efscrle. p .' a r tft. tt. 1' atii.rrrt?.iTani auia WAJ A MAiUi; U Di:OVN'a(.I .'.1.1 ami C'a-J; jjro.i are, in ui.-.ny i.mU-.ncrt tr..vlr tjf .my for ffi'in. Ku hint in i',a trn li cci lints i'flf It txclntivfly to tnc trt!'. c'.l -1 oaanfactrircra. Iniic-rl, a l.... a t M ilure ctperii.ocs It pe-o-!.arir 1.1 know J at nhr.l rtcxlu to t nai raaXcvp. af JafTttrS9t aTxwaTr"lTVraaaTraC TMBT waVtwJkTel 1 VANArdAKER A OHOWN'3 Oid,t iV 'artment will t fcun I frill of fn'uhi-s 'f avry Rood kiud, lil'aar Krvcl s.et Fachionabla I'ylc nr lha plainer anl woreeiofullhing. Tjlentft rntlart), who Lavs bton fnccmwful ftr yenre in o-ur orvi.-, ara in wailirg lo traka RiTmarU sc.-or i.na to thaiilrrt if t'ia im..U wUo sra to n r.! Ui Kooda, Ooud knnds ar employed to biAk up, and only good rimiuinfl nrcd. WANAMAKER & BROWN'S Ready. Had Department offers vry sccortnn. rta'ion to tho who do net c-ir to p tl.ror;v tli1 jiroctta r,f inoa.'i'C.i....'. T). ala Ja in all iJepnrtm I ,t M. n a-. I Piys I im.ncne an l com; !ei, ai l !.. t ( lack iu t'ylo, wnr'.;iu;in. L'? tir f::i:h, lul tli ) rices f in L j r'.vei to ha ivarlr. if r-f nii'.r, "Jctu'J t utUo tivilar lower tLaa tiao tumiiot. 1 iwtwj e at aa 1 aw . ii. I-. ' ijm WAN AMAKCn & Cts3VM'S l.ittic Ley' and Youthi' Clatlij: bin nlvrayi lota ft wo'.l c.ucd f 'f and prommci faatura tf tli buiinet. A'.l an,? tan l.a filUJ, a- 1 tl. I'.y'.eo ar nut inrpui rd-tli " t " Laveaiwayi bean thaiu! jeetof amiralrnn " W1F WAfJAMAKtHtV CROWN'S -lort,!.' a til, and lloaitry eourtcrs mnLlo tluir c iitumari t j t t ccuij 1 .to outCts at mora alvjuiiitouiriUjO-ia they eitxt. w iw mmtrimmmmmmzmBmm ati ia np IhsItrcstClstiijEcajjUAsisrlca, bin d. marxci s:... rciaa a. ,sf A 4 A W & If ip m R-'',i V- WW A VALUABLE INVENTION i h THE WORLD BEHQWNFft 'wn$m sewsio umim I.t ivorkmans!:!p Is crjual to a Chronometer Watch, and as elegantly finished as a first-class Piano. It received tha highest awards at the Vienna ont Centennial Kxpo Sit!, ms. IT SEWS CMC-FOURTH FASTER than other mac hlnose Its capacity Is unlimited. There ere more WlLi "?OM MACHinES sold In the United States than tha 4 omblned ealen of all the bthors. Tho WILSON Pw1E..l .WG ATTACHMSPiTferdolnflfall kinds of repairing. ViITr.i "JUT PATCHING, given rnCe with eaeh machine. wS?Ll. !WiLG8j SWS?JG MACHINE GO. C27 Si 029 Broadway, New York New Orleans, La.) Car. Stale & I adiion S:., ChloBfjo. Iiis. on;! San Francisco, . Fc Nate Off aft tl IdrlaeV 4MVa IpWS -IUa adust '. ..latT A wwMHMHaTaaSkAtV S TlanalHaTaaWa '"-----'--r-iraask lav JMtMk.i 17av ForNIM ETY DAYS FROM DATE KU'K'.u it Tahlo f t tat W trr. ht ) S raiiii ( uk, ani . ! Hi.i.da.-l H.lia, Pisl, ' I..yi. kstt.-r':!', , it W'ltti.TI " Slltli aVfttftUI fllrrtl, -re. ull .rut in 1 ftjtv. na, mt-ii It" Cut I'll ( ItiS In. "Ht liaew ' Hil l 4 t'o't "I 11 tt 'Sit . mrmx b r ialllsU. mt sir rrujo r L Suhrl ltjU 4U .Mill t V '! iwriaj. It I f-S Ills HlMM-U l,l h ail ilsliv(-4 tu ii.ur l mi f lb liest Miiiul, kl leUis ir.as ths I .,.snf I ()ri V4t1.1-.s1. . tv Vq iigm tt maty C ii V f iisisitibri nra r L. ti j i il Lit aiwt,i Hit. mut. 4t4 ft ,aM U f tli 11 skl, taws rsi. i. rl L. t. tA wiit ptvutar sn er Still IM U Kiif U Wattiuwal .'fi lBU.wwJ KiLr' Oi rivslpinr ttiia t'ttn tirskr-a riuki.i si tn 4s sal f sat iua C-.ti. 611 e.i4 ffsj ak Kfaaa ti? r' 1 (l.a IS .'iits asut Ul, i.hl i4 an ths'i. He 1 Iwr hlri st its. fiH ftsdtti4. la.iiext I ft hou H it r1lri-4, a. II. i. iks H,ta..t,. mi 1 ,r ka.ua, bnaVs Hft lisn41t- '.4t-4, in links. ti bl Snts SI. 4'ir'l. eirCl( it f fair IkUwl, itbl UJ " t - I l tWK 4 CO-l lU I'"' APlt 4iclr, CItM'pt kit dalaUmd WlliiOUl VJHrataaf IMPOm "ANT Tkls l1twV effrr bf'rli f It Is la ihr iti'rrsat ul ail . hi ta u-i .(arrr 1 by laeitou nt Ut onlii4 tlarwara ill XATIOXAXa -L - ai . Lawawaawaapw-awa, aBaaaaaBBBBBBHatataaa .4.Rfai' EXAMINER Ei CHR ONIGLE IRKTAOLiaiikD ia I8:s AND BY MANY I'lIOUol THE MOST WIDELY C1R CUUTED incrica, vi'auauaii cvanr rut aaiii . t at 39 Park Wow. Ni -York v .1 EDWARD BRIGHT & CO, is sow skli vanrp ar mail, roar is rsaraio At 52.50 a Year. . OLra of tbm, 4, wits a as a raraa. ' TWS KXAWIMKB AND UHBONIt'I,' I, dlltlntt aiully New.paner. In a. taking it tha Killlor hat the co-iip.rallon of tn . beet new. paper wrIUri ul hie owa iLnomlo ttlon, etjaide th ocoaelooal con trlbut tuna, tn 1 laatallal IUP mntl, of wrli.nof aelsowiea d abllliy In other coamuolooe, IT COMinil.'lES ' A Currant livnl Expiayilor, A Living I'lilpit and rialfui1 tn, ' A Miaaiouary and UapiUl livcnt Rioord, A Sunday bohool lueutulo , Aa Kduoaiional Adeooaity A Literary, Tbuloglcal , SaUotlfle and Art Keview, A PopuUr ramlly MU ellaoy sad Pus alar Caalut, . . Th Huibaudniun's Ilrdpir, . A Market )lrporleri t , Al) eondoetM - aa aaw.;j..k. . 'V.. if... mm rs First -Class Dealers. vHw.4 iSilvctrwni'o llSairi. rann.l. nana Tha If ,,l.l bit e-tsll .4.- (.b ! .fj.'lutirs Of .llw Cltll tj am i.n- !, t' i-s tbia aUr. H-l vf ! taffrMV oa etwh -ino jo mar aeirt4 '" - 41 .11 l tt i-eXi nil T 1 t It t I list. SO.t ftly biikllvtl W.Ue it 7t) Hull ii.sj tti4is, pi'iiui, lr 1 1.1, anl trtss iHr Mistl If t u lu Uf ii"'M i-fo- iiLnut rtifinrr fist, IIik Ktxt. ui ais itaraiit'-(4 lo J IS) Ilia lWt4 e,.tlsi fUt. M ai SHaVJtj, 111. l-.K.If t. iftiif 1 as Pi-ATise On., TAI rrtfttsju. 9.. Fkilsilf'tMa. T. Jsiril. Th' Mtwtrtn,! tif U mm ' (nta lui at, ,. al i'.at bssil.y 1 .tut-i tlti bui a biskfi (lbs h .1 ltl uia-asira j ists ur 1. ia Com itatt-lsrcj H. 1. a4l -.-1 urn ifik-mth' Wf t tmi f.t4 H ji Haatiufaea hHl 4 s Nwl tiltia VLt, tit Wi Ljjjf.jlp, bkt a) r tiii , v . .1 f iiiti 1 1 J f IL I a l- . WA'liUh'Ai-filLVlQ fl.AI 1MCI CO., iUi Luowtiuut biM I'liiUtUlvhlrt. i;itV AK1. 1 lit I'ON, i.i.'fi lb. 1 with 7o'Httsi tsr rll oksriat lnlul iiu iK hliig. 11 hjia'-y 4rM w aw.a w tta. -J tUi.Jii dotlt.ls.i'i.tis t-llXi .VER SPOONS, nf 4iairJ ikiUsI A A statrfs T o ft pt hy 'Kw-'iia vill It ailttf4 W iiawunaiui 6 wf y . atats tt IM (isr-f atr r.rk iW'a rr-i..n t BH A. lOji AI. bILVi.lt PLAVINO CO., 7i C healnul , k'nlla'li-li bU. jr unacr tli f..liHwln: t'Hlt til'l ly aai,t lit if nt wf I lis tO'lrtw 111 1 clisi a 1 J I-1 fll 'lrr, I fl al . I J.iut.ls h-htl au 1 a.'atf Mil 1. an J ailtrr 1 laia'.l. kt. eu. ll ad I lLt tuts I ihaia -a, shl'ni!lrll eta. fur a,' Hi a, r funs ttitsl, J iti-Hin vouiImt f r I .70 m.'ie h. ' r i ib.v wa. 4ni' Bilr thnt . will baj cujratvtrU viibH swy iuuiU IfT'l 1 NOTICE. -a4 WwiiU nirn -Uva tei 4sia. Ir.?rafcr WA us t-emi'tV.a lo St. 1 la ll tlisl lury Hi- ! f Ulttl i.f Ills tin fel-MllUa. aill ! au ba tUrttkj liiuat M lLVKIt Pr.ATlXO CO.. IVOaTtM Caesiriut sstrMka VUlLAUZLVUlAt Vm - ' - ikij Hi 1 11 111 A VliLUABLB I'ltOl'tUlY AT PEJ VATE SALE. TUT, n nJorsipr Did offers tba fol lowlnr t'aecrlbed property at private Bale. I KM AOII L'I , cleared laud, elluata In Adams lllWtialtllL liLt lur to , i'., two tnlUi V,t of a-..i..,..i..r". a ro.viviiip. . idiolnlna landi nf Win. Wald.r. l'aul.l Mauri r and oilier, whereon ara erected aood IIWt.1 .lalNtlltOl'SK, Hl'ABL.K.SUUI' andntheruull ulldlnit. Th land I lu a good e'.ule o eula Ivallon, convenient to uiarkat th.re a alio al 1 -tcelleot OUCHAKD of .hole fruit, and uav f f-.llliitt water oa tha premlaee. aVur T.ruui cl '11 al lb. protaliLeor addrata ftTLK bJHUI'r-H.tU. Mar. 1.71. TiosolvlUa, nayUar Uo., fs AOMINISTKATOrl'S NOTICE Let tare or a.lm lin 'uratlon oa tha aetata of Hatv ry llroet, deoetaeV lata af '.Vet Heaver Twp, nnyiier uouaty, r " . aavisg mi grain. ad lu lha Ubderak 'ed, all pel torn knowing Ihetuialre. Iiidtbtel to aald ulela ara raueal ad ia make ImuiediiS ' p.ytaent, while tkM bavlug elalmt alllp ten I theiadaly aulkeaU liatudlot.ulUeiu.lit I . ,.. A, A. Itilatlir. li.tlUO. OROSS, Jan. SI, T. .AdalBUKwtar. EXKtX'l'UH'B No t I t'K Lallara teeta menlary oa lb ex tat of Jobs U. ' Hnvkauburg lat of Adut '"P-i feuyder county, fa., doo'dbavlui ' (raot4 tolh uad.raigued, all ih raoss kuowing tbcrnielvrl Indebted 10 e lat sra ' rvquoiled lo nak lnwdlA ' Pln't wlills Iboa bavlag clalaii IU praaastt i.M.ua .any i.aeaiieia ror . intin suiy auibenilgated for a. in i ; us i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers